Abstract Node according to drawing in a multi-year group (2nd Junior and Medium Group) Subject: "List Falls. Occupation in the middle-aged group "Snow fruit over the forest

Abstract Node according to drawing in a multi-year group (2nd Junior and Medium Group) Subject:
Abstract Node according to drawing in a multi-year group (2nd Junior and Medium Group) Subject: "List Falls. Occupation in the middle-aged group "Snow fruit over the forest

Abstract drawing classes for the preparatory group
Topic: "Spring motifs"
Objective: Use in class on the emotional experience of children. Trees non-traditional techniques in drawing.
Tasks: To form in children warm, reverent attitude towards non-living nature, the ability to feel her beauty and perfection. Transmit a joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring. Teach the drain of paints.
Material: landscape sheets, cotton swabs, watercolor, brushes №3, №1.
Preliminary work: Children's observation of phenomena spring Nature For walks. Reading poems about spring, viewing illustrations, paintings, postcards.
Structure occupation
1. - Children did you notice what has changed in our office?
- by morning shines bright sun. It is a warm tender. What is your mood? (joyful, merry)
- And why? (Spring came). This is suitable for the window and watch what color the sky, which there was a horizon, the snow far away.
- Because prostinalines appeared.
- What are it protalian?
- Snow melts in some places and black spots appear.
- Let's remember how you went in the morning in kindergartenthat specially seen, and may heard.
- The sun shines, it warms, the puddle appears on the sunny side.
- The kidneys appear on the trees.
- poultry poultry (what) .- And noticed what air became? He is special, spring, fresh.
- Nature comes to life after winter jersey.
Reading the poem "Spring" I. Tokmakova.
Spring steps to us with rapid steps,
And drifts melt under her legs.
Black protanes on the fields are visible.
True, very warm feet in spring.
2. Suggest children to draw a picture about the spring.
- How can I get interesting to portray the spring?
Match the sheet with a cotton swab, then enter the blue paint in the upper part (the color should be broken by stains). Low part Draw red paint (the sun gets up). Immediately on raw background, we draw the branches of the shrub. It turns out a blurry image in the picture.
- Early early, foggy, the air, as it were, pecked warmed by the sunny rays.
Kidney draw (white paint) adjust index finger (smear) .3. Children perform work on their sheets. Follow the children to draw a smooth transition of paints.
4. Analysis: Children watch their drawings, talk about their impressions. Choose the most good workWhat they liked.

Applied files

Our kindergarten is visited by children from 3 to 7 years, entering one multi-time group.

Tasks for the younger average subgroup: Give children the concept of birds living in their native land. Exercise children in a neat paint drawing, without leaving the contours. Fasten the ability to use the tassel, dilute paints with water. Develop the abdiability of children, aesthetic perception of wildlife. Bring up attentiveness native edge.

Tasks for older preparatory subgroup: To give children a concept about birds living in their native land, as well as about signs of a swan, like birds listed in the Red Book of Belarus. Teach children to portray the swan with the help of big and small oval. Secure the knowledge of children about the geometric figure. Develop childhood, attentiveness, the ability to allocate the main, aesthetic perception of wildlife. Bring up love for the native edge careful attitude To nature, as well as animals and birds living in it.

Methodological techniques:

Tag story artistic word, questions, search questions, applying visual material, showing an image tutor.

Preliminary work:

Observation during an excursion to the lake behind the swans. Reading the fairy tale in G.аnestsen " Ugly duck" View illustrations of wintering and frame birds. Didactic games "Wild and poultry", "fourth extra", "flies - does not fly."

Materials:paper A4. blue color, watercolor paints, brushes, jar with water, pencils. Simple, illustration of birds, napkins, stands for brushes.

Travel course.

1. Conversation about his native land.

. - Guys, tell me please answer such a question: what is the name of the village in which we live?

Children. - Kandrykul.

. - And next to our village what is? Big, beautiful, blue?

Children - Lake!

2. Talk about swans.

. - That's right, children. And what birds did you see on our lake?

Children. - Ducks, geese, swans, seagulls.

. - Right. And you can also see birds such as: lake seagull, coastal swallow. There is a rare duck on the lake - Peganka, and the swans are flying hips, which are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus (showing illustrations). The Red Book is such a book where birds, animals, insects, plants that need to be preserved, cannot be killed.

3. Practical work.

Cress together with children Picture of the Swan.

. - Today and we will draw a swan in the class. Look, it's a beautiful, proud and majestic bird. The swan body is covered with feathers, under the feathers. Long beautiful neck, red bright beak. Swan can fly and swim. Swans larger than geese and ducks.

Put the sheet of paper in front of you. Younger and medium, look at you already have a beautiful swan drawn, you need to carefully paint it. What color swans are in our lake?

Children. - White.

. - right, now take tassels, dry in water and take white paint. Show me a white paint. And now begin to decoke the swan. Be very neat. (Children with the help of an assistant tutor paint swan)

And older you need to work more bigger. You have figures on your table. What are these figures?

Children. - ovals. Small and big.

. - Right. From the big oval we will make the torso, and from the little one, the swan's head. (Show on the board) Now take a big oval, put on the middle of the paper, you can lower, and circle oval simple pencil. Then take a small oval, leave a place for the neck, and the swan she is long, and also circle a simple pencil. You have left to draw neck, similar to a question mark, tail and wings with a wavy movement. Then draw the waves below.

Next, children work independently, paint swans. At this time I check the posture of children, whether they hold the tassels correctly, especially the younger medium groupwhether they are sitting correctly, helping those who find it difficult.

4. Fizkultminthka.

Swans fly.

Swans fly, mahut wings, (Climb on socks, smooth hands)

Flashed over water (Finger back, Hand sock leg on belt)

Swing heads. (Hooking head)

Straight and proudly know how to stay (semiprition, hands on the belt)

Very silently on the water are sitting. (squatting, hands in sides)

White swans flew, flew, (Climb, hands up, waving hands)

And the water sat down. (squatting, hands on the sides)

Sat down (sit down)

Fly flew again. (hands up, through the parties down)

. - Junior, show me your work. What beautiful swans got you? Well done! Now go play.

After fizminutka, younger and average at the end of their work get up, wash your hands, wipe and go play.

Senior continue to draw.

5. Reflection:

. - See what our beautiful swans turned out.

Conversation with children.

What birds arrive in our lake?

What a bird kandrykul is listed in the Red Book?

What is a red book?

Well done boys! We worked very well with you. Now let's go wash our pens so that they are clean.

Used materials:




Svetlana Tretyakova

Abstract drawing classes

miscellaneous group

« Large and little fir» Teacher Tretyakova S. N.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", « Artistic creativity» , "Reading fiction» , « Physical education» , "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety".

Tasks: Develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding, motility of hands. Teach children 4 years draw a Christmas tree, for children 5-6 years old to learn draw christmasachieving expressive conifers different receptions. Learn to transmit the difference in the height of old and young trees, their coloring and structure, drawing with the end of the brush. Relieve accuracy in work, careful attitude towards nature.

Material: gouache, toned paper, illustration, didactic game "Build a Christmas tree" - Cubes "Mouch pattern".

Preliminary work. Consider a fir during walks on the site, as well as viewing illustrations on which the needle is depicted different ways.

Travel course.

Children overlook the middle of the carpet.

Guys, guests came to us, let's say hello unusual: with each other, with guests, with fingers.

Fingering game "Good morning".

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, listen to the riddle.


She looks like hedgehogs

Like a tree, she is in needles too,

There are reinforcement fruits on it.

Girls are waiting for her, boys,

When she is under the New Year

For a holiday to them to stand.

What is the riddle? Tree.

Listen to the poem.

I. Tokmakova "Ate ..."

Ate on the edge

To the skies of the Makushkin

Listen, silent,

Watching the grandchildren.

And the grandchildren-Christmas trees,

Thin needles

Forest gate

Watch dance.

Educator: Children, what to say in the poem? - About Christmas tree.

And what Christmas tree talk about? - About Christmas trees large and small.

Showing the illustrations on which you are depicted large and little fir.

Questions for children:

What is shown here?

What christmas trees do you see? - High and low.

And what color of the Christmas tree? - Green.

Children, and what covered sprigs on Christmas trees? - Cheese.

And which chips are more fluffy? - big Christmas trees Fluffy, there are many branches and needles on them (needles).

Children, how do you need to treat them, and to nature that surrounds us? - Do not break the branches, do not cut the Christmas tree, do not disperse fires in the forest.

Stop, rest: Fizkultminutka - our Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is great, make circular movements with hands.

Our tree is high, stand on socks, raising her hands up.

Above moms, above the dad, quiet, hands forward, and get up on socks.

Gets to the ceiling. Stretch up.

We will dance fun, put the legs alternately on the heel,

We will peel songs, spreading hands on the parties and putting them on the belt.

To the tree wanted

Again to visit us again!

Want to build a Christmas tree from cubes, go to beds. Didactic game "Build a Christmas tree" Ask you the high, who have low ate. Children, today we will be draw Christmas trees - big and small, go beyond the tables.

Show how successively erase. I will take a sheet to put it vertically, how will we be draw a trunk - brown. We begin on top, draw the brush tip, gradually pressing the brush to all the pile. To show what a thick trunk at the old ate pain on the other sideAlso draw another trunk, on the other hand, such gates turned out. And now dark - green paint We draw branches, starting down, finish the end of the brush small grinds. It turns out such spruce "Paws".

BUT little Christmas trees near big, Forest gates on the clearing water dance. I will depict them light green paint thin trunks little Yelochk, Draw the twigs, color how skirts, triangles.


In the end classes We consider all the pictures and choose those that children liked.

Guys, find the highest fir tree.

What picture is the most fluffy Christmas tree?

Which, beautiful Christmas trees, fluffy twigs?

Well done guys, everyone tried, we had a real spruce forest, and you want to play the game, you will be bunned.

Movable game "Sand-bunny jump".

Children arbitrarily jumping on the carpet, perform movements according to the text.

A bunny sulfur scakled, a bunny stern sorry, suddenly a hare on the top, rose like an arrow of the ears, the rustle of a quiet way, someone sneaks in the forest, the bunny confuses the traces, runs away from the fox.

Publications on the topic:

Hello! Dear colleagues, today I want to present to your attention the photo report on the modeling "Large and small carrots" with the middle of the children.

Hello dear colleagues! From September 1, I gained new children aged 3 years. We now have a new group where the set of children is being done. mine.

An abstract integrated node in cognitive development for children of a group of early age "Big and Small" video Abstract integrated node for cognitive development for children groups early age On the topic "Large and small" date :.

Abstract Node on appliqués in the second youngest group "Large and small balls" Target landmark: knows how to choose large and small round-shaped items; Stick image on landscape sheet. Priority educational.

Implementation in educational areas: " Cognitive development"(Formation of a holistic picture of peace and elementary mathematical ideas,.


1. Desperate the older children drawing skills in unconventional technology-Gentage, junior- fasten the skills of swab in the stencil

2. Ride creative imagination, fantasy.

3. Recompret the feeling of compassion, mutual assistance, respect for each other, the desire to make people good.



MKDOU d / s №18 s. Demarino.

Open view

NOD on unconventional drawing techniques in miscellaneous group "Spring goes - spring road"

Prepared: Educator

Alichmina Marina Aleksandrovna


Purpose: Formation of the artistic taste of children, the development of creative potential.


1. Desktach the older children drawing skills in unconventional equipment, in the younger- fasten the skills of swab in stencil

2. Wear creative imagination, fantasy.

3. Recompret the feeling of compassion, mutual assistance, respect for each other, the desire to make people good.

Material: white paper, base base, pen with used rod, white, green, snowdrop stencil, pencil with sponge at the end

Preliminary work:observation in nature for beauty spring landscape, conversations about seasonal changes in alive and inanimate nature, memorizing poems about nature, viewing paintings on the topic "Spring", "Priorizes", "March", the selection of musical accompaniment.

Activities:productive, cognitive, communicative, motor

Children's age: miscellaneous Group (3 - 7 years)

Priority area:Artistic - aesthetic development

Integration: cognitive development, speech development

Travel course:

Speech game "Hello! "

Hello, the sun is golden! Putting your palms on each other, fingers to the sides - "Sun"

Hello, blue sky! Raise Palm Up, Straight Hands - "Sky"

Hello, free breeze! Watch with raised hands

Hello, Little Dubcom! Lower hands down

Hello, morning! Perform soft hand gesture to the right

Hello, day! Perform a soft hand gesture to the left

We greet pressed hands to the chest

Not too lazy! Break hands to the sides.

Educator: How nice, how happy to greet everyone:

And now looked at each other and smiled.

Sit on chairs.

Knock on the door. Spring comes.
- Hello guys, did you know me?


I will tell you, let's see a fairy tale about me.

View clip Spring

Well, what guys, you already guessed who came to us?

Yes it is spring

That's right, the conversation today will go about the spring. Spring has long been loved by the people. People called her "Spring-Red". About the spring poets greeted poems. All nature wakes up in the spring, after winter cold. What words can you tell about her? Spring what? (tender, warm, fabulous, extraordinary, early, Magic) Which of you can remember and read us the poems about the spring?

I got up all the blizzards,

And frosts do not crack.

Ruts droplets,

And the icicles are hanging in a row.

Merry and warmer

Steel March Days.

In our kindergarten in the alleys

They are clearly visible.

Tinkie tinkie sitsy

Near our window ...

Real spring! Sasha Novikov

What smells of spring? Name the guys signs of spring (children in turn call)

- The most notable sign of the offensive of spring in an inanimate nature is melting of snow.

And what do we want to tell Sasha to

Proverbs: Water from the mountains flowed, spring brought.

Begins to melt the ice. On the rivers begins ice freight.

Ice goes. The ice is coming

The people went to the shore

Looks like the river playing
Ice in pieces breaks up Misha

Kidney swell on the trees

Here is a tiny leaf,
In the circumference of Tolstoykidney .
The very first, he is in intelligence,
He sits on the bottom branch:
- Everything is in order, brothers!
You can bloom! Varya N.

- Birds are returned from warm countries, they wish the nests.

Proverb: Grache on Mount - Spring in the yard

I saw a squorter, knew, spring at the porch. Andrew

The first spring flowers appear.

Snowfall came running
In Martov Lesok,
Snowdrop looked out
In pure stream.
And see himself,
Shouted: "Here are those on!
I did not notice
That Spring came. "Alena

- Listen to the riddle:

I reveal the kidneys
In green leaves.
Trees wear

Sevings watering.
Movement is full

My name is …


The first to get out of the Earth
On Protalyanka
He is not afraid of frost
Although small.

And now I will check if we have found a guess right. And for this we need to collect a picture.

There is a game on an interactive board

Spring, but why are you so sad and sad?

I finished for you so long, through the forests, through the fields, through the snowy drifts. The evil winter does not want to leave and leave my possessions.

- And let's help spring to drive cold Winter With the help of our drawings, only they will not be simple, but magic ... But for the beginning, let's get out of our handles and legs with you.

Performing fizminutka

And now let's go to the Magic Workshop,

Here, this table will sit the younger guys they will work with stencils. And the older guys will work for easels, you will scratch the drawing with a handle with a used rod. This method is called a routine. There will have to make some effort to scratch the drawing. We will draw flowers with you - primroses. These are snowdrops. (Guys, and who knows why they are called that). We need to draw beautiful and carefully

to the drawing turned out to be beautiful and liked Winter

Music from the Album Tchaikovsky "Spring"

Final part:

The younger guys finish drawing, we take their work with them and refer to the stand, where the glade is depicted. Printe your snowdrops and discuss their work. Who liked what work.

I like this snowdrop, because it is beautiful and snow-white. Then the younger guys go to wash your hands

At this time, the older guys finish work and we go to play with them

And let's guys play with you (older children)

There is a game "Nazis Laskovo" (with the use of the middle ball - the hedgehog).

Purpose: improvement of grammatical system (education of nouns with diminishing suffixes)

Flower - Flower

Sun - Sun.

Sheet - leaves

Puddle - Puzhitsa

Soselka - Sosselchka

Tree tree

Drop - droplet.

Cloud - Tuchka

Creek - Rouh

Grass - grass

Protalina - Protalinka

Bird - Bird

And now let's take our work on the clearing, I think the winter will like our work.

Guys, let's love your work. Who will tell me how the eldest guys painted? (Taiting) and younger? (stencil). Sasha and tell me please whose work did you like more? Why it is this?

(Figure likes how gentle flower Looks out from under the white snow)

What did you like Veronica?. For example?

- (the sun illuminated the fragile beauty of the flower, warmed the earth and opened the road in spring)

Spring comes

Thank you guys for helping me to drive the evil winter from my possessions. I have for you also gifts Magic snowdrops. You need to decorate their homes at home.

Guys, I want to ask you. Today we committed a good deed? (helped spring to drive winter)

Abstract Node for pupils senior group by educational region "Artistic Creativity" (using non-traditional drawing techniques) using ICT.

Tasks. To form ideas about changes in nature, occurring in the spring, consolidate knowledge of spring signs. To form drawing skills using non-traditional techniques. Teach children to the new non-traditional drawing technique - drawing by foam rubber. Develop small motor Hands, imagination, fantasy. Expand vocabulary Children on the topic "Spring".

Integration of educational areas."Art Creativity", "Music", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication".

Materials, tools, equipment.The multimedia presentation "Spring has come", audio recording "Voice of Birds". Prepared teacher prepared sheets of paper with painted white oil pastel Snowdrops. Watercolor paints, foam sponges, flowers from a photocopy paper, pelvis with water.

Preliminary work.Reading works about the spring, learning of poems, proverbs, sayings on the topic. Viewing paintings from the "Seasons" series.

Educator: Hello guys! Tell me, what signs of spring? How do we recognize that Spring came? (children's responses). Right! Bird arrive, snow melts, the sun warms up stronger, the first flowers appear. And what primroses do you know? (Lilnies, snowdrops, crocuses). Yes! You all called right! Today we will talk about snowdrops! After all, these are the same flowers that are one of the symbols of spring! Now we will see with you a presentation and learn the details about it. spring flower. (Viewing a presentation attached in a paper clip)

Types of children's activities: Game, communicative, musical and artistic, cognitive, productive.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading poems about the spring: " Spring forest"V. Stepanov," Admo, Spring is coming "I. Nikitin," Spring "E. Karganova," Snowdrops "T. Belozörov; Stories "Spring - Krasnaya" I. Sokolov - Mikitov, "Four Time of the Year" K. Ushinsky.

2. Worker of poems "Snowdrop" I. Emelyanov, "Snowdrops" T. Belozørov.

3. View the cartoon on the fairy tale S. Marshak "Twelve months", slides about the spring.

4. Conversations, viewing illustrations of spring, observation of nature.

5. Listening musical works P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

6. Drawing on the themes: "Priorizes", "Spring-Krasnaya".

7. Blanks of material to work.

The teacher makes him a mystery to children:

Melting snow

The meadow came to life.

Day arrives

When does it happen?




That's right, as you already guessed, the conversation today will go about the spring. Spring has long been loved by the people. People called her "Spring-Red". About the spring poets greeted poems. Which of you can remember and read us the poems about the spring?

I got up all the blizzards,

And frosts do not crack.

Ruts droplets,

And the icicles are hanging in a row.

Merry and warmer

Steel March Days.

In our kindergarten in the alleys

They are clearly visible.

Tinkie tinkie sitsy

Near our window ...

Soon on the door to us

Real spring!

Vos. :

And now let's remember and let's call spring signs.

(The sun is high, shines brighter, the day becomes longer, rings droplets, the snow is black, melts.)

Vos. : Well done. Many spring will accept you know.

If all the snow melts - what will we see under the snow?

Children: Earth.

Vos. : What will be the Earth, freed from under the snow?

Children: Black, wet.

Oh, trouble! Oh trouble!

Melting snow, circle water

Do not shod felt

On snow…. (Protalinki)

Glad spring brother Sasha

And dog is glad

On the sewer, from our roof

In the morning dripping ... (icicle)

Snow in the forest, snow bugs

But hear titted Trell

From the roof right on the road

Wall dripping ... (drops)

Poems Signs Spring

Playful icicles sat on the cornice.

Playful icicles look down.

We sat. Things to do?

Steel throw drops.

The whole day is the sober:

Cap Cap, Din-Don! (Cosks)

What smells of spring? Signs of spring (children in turn call)

1) The main sign of spring in an inanimate nature is that the sun rises much higher above the horizon than in winter.

2) Brighter shines and warms it all stronger every day. Days are getting longer.

3) The most notable sign of the offensive of spring in an inanimate nature is the melting of snow.

4) begins to melt the ice. On the rivers begins ice freight.

5) When rivers and lakes are overwhelmed with water from melting snow, water fills meadows, forests, fields along the river. This is called a flood.

6) From the spring heat pulls the soil. It accumulates a lot of moisture. This moisture is very necessary plants

7) Rain goes in the spring, not snow. Not far to the first thunderstorm.

We have written proverbs on our board and sayings about the spring, but they are all confused, we must make them right.

Spring is red, and the summer is suffering.

Spring colors of red, autumn snaps.

Spring bucket of water - a spoon of dirt; Autumn spoon of water - mud bucket.

Spring day wets, and the hour is dried.

Dry Mart, and May wet make a kind bread.

April with water, and May with grass.

Movable game "Sun and birds".

The tutor raises the sun, children - birds frolic, run, tweet. Sunshine hides, children - birds squat and calm down.

Educator: In the spring to become warm, heats the sun, green grass.

The first spring flowers appear. What are their names? (Snowdrops).


Let me play with you, I will throw you a ball and call the seasons, you answer me to call for months from this time of the year or his signs.

Winter sweat- (child) January goes.

Spring drops- (child) brought April

Summer, the root is time.

Autumn rain goes to visit us covenant.

Winter first starts - January is called everything.

Methods and techniques:

conversation, artistic word, riddles, transformation of children in artists.

Analysis. - Let's put our snowdrops on the clearing, stand around them in a circle and together with the bird you will admire them. (Music sounds)

That's right, in the spring. Let's tell me what else happens in the spring. Start your answer with the words "spring" ...

In the spring ... the sun shines brightly.

Snow melts snow.

Spring appears protaly.

Spring appear puddles.

Spring swelling kidneys

In the spring, birds arrive.

Spring appears grass.

In the spring, the first colors appear: snowdrops.

The educator invites children to consider a selection of photographs, pictures, illustrations with the image of snowdrops.

Q: What are these flowers? Describe them.

D: delicate, beautiful, first, fragile, extraordinary, early, spring

Guys, we need to help spring defeat the winter, but also the winter we need to offend.

you need to go to the forest and find a solution there. In the forest, we still have cold and not to freeze we need to dress. What are we dealing? (imitation dressing)

I wish us to draw snowy Christmas trees, can the winter like our work and will she give way to spring? Let's try? And what can be drawn in the forest?

Guys, did you like to draw? I think that winter will also like it, and she will give way to spring. Do you guys like winter? What do you like? (ride on sledding, skating, skis, sculpt a snowman, play snowballs ....)

And let's wake up the spring and help to drive a cold winter with the help of our drawings, only they will not be simple, but magic ... Let's go to the magic workshop, sit for the magic tables, which lies that something unusual ...

Game "Nazis Laskovo"


Grass -

Protalina -

Streams -

Wind -

Birds -

Flowers -

Spring: Hello children, I traveled to you for so long, through the forests, through the fields, through snow drifts. The evil winter enchanted me and my possessions. I forgot the names of all colors that bloom in the spring.

Educator: Now it is clear why snow does not melt on the street, and the flowers do not bloom.

Spring: You will help me remember how the flowers are called?

Children: I will definitely help.

Signs of spring

Whatever winter is long, and spring will still come. For what signs you can determine that the kingdom of winter ends, and spring is becoming a full mistress in nature?

In the valleys, according to Kosoyram, the first protalynes appeared on the seam. It is the appearance of Protalin means in nature the beginning of spring. On the settlement, roar snow playing sun rays. There is still a lot of snow, but he has already been swimming and loose. On sunny places, a snowy mass is intensively melting.

Murbs of streams. Sky in the first spring month amazing, and the first cumulus clouds are attracted. Spring sun - joyful, it warms his face and hands. The days became longer, and the night in short.

Wakes up the forest. Externally, the trees look like in the winter, but it is not. The roots are already slowly starting to absorb moisture, the living juices rise upstairs, the kidneys begin to fall, and the tree as a whole looks not naked, but slightly shaggy.

What other signs are characteristic of spring? Wrought drops, the appearance of icicles, warm parks, rising from the drying ground, melodic birds of birds. The first is the spring of the wagtail. It is this bird on his tail "brings" the spring. And after her - Belon-axes, Skvortsa. Oatmeans, Tits, Sparrows, Woodles - every spring makes his job. Sings, beat off the drum fraction (this, of course, woodpecker), builds the nest, disguises, like, for example, oatmeal, in a yellowish outfit.

Happy life - childhood, happy season - Spring. Her signs have a lot, you just need to look carefully.

Educator: Well done, all the riddles guess. Children, and who knows the proverbs about the spring?

Children call proverbs:

Ruch on the mountain - spring in the yard.

Winter spring scares, and melts itself.

Spring red flowers, and autumn pies

Bottling in the spring - you will be filled in winter.

February Silen Misel, and Mart - Drops.

More land fertilize, it will be higher than the harvest.

Ice goes, ice goes!
Lena Row
Third days long
Sleep floes.

The ice floes move Gorn
In fear and alarm,
As if a herd on slaughter
Chain on the road.

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Start of form

Read us in:

End of form


Spring again came to the country.
Sun bumps. The day has grown.
And only alone icicles cry
Sorry winter and frost.



Dzin-Dzin-Dzin, "drops sing.
"La la-la," - sings the star.
Dzin-la-la! Actually:
Winter has come an end!

V. Stepanov


Near pine snowdrop
Looks into the sky - light, gentle
What is snowflakes petals!
Do not pull hands -
Suddenly melting petals! ..

Ivan Emelyanov


Sparrow hidden
Alive, health
And unharmed.
Catching Martovskoye
Each pedogo

V. Orlov

Scattered winter

More cost more
Trees naked
And from the roof of the drop
Fuck fun.

Winter somewhere
Ran into panic
And very bad
Spinned crane.

On the clearing, in the path
Traverts make their way.
With a tuberca stream runs.
And under the Christmas tree, the snow lies.

Skalker B.

In the spring, swollen kidneys

In the spring, swolley kidney,
And leafy leafs.
Look at the maple branches:
How many nose of green!

T. Dmitriev

If the snow is melting

If the snow is molding everywhere,
Day becomes longer
If all overgrown
And in the fields rings a stream,
If the wind became warmer,
If birds are not sleepy,
If the sun shines brighter,
So, spring came to us.

E. Karganova


Awakened from sleep,
Brush soft spring
On the branches draws kidneys
In the fields - routine chains,
Above the busiest foliage -
The first stroke of the thunderstorm,
And in the shadow of a transparent garden -
Lilac bush with fence.

Victor Lunin

Whispering sunshine

Whispering sun leaficle:
And runs it out of the kidneys
For green chibe

Vladimir Orlov.

Spring months

Spring has fun start -
On the threshold is March.
Fun rings drops -
We are already in a hurry for April.
May them quickly catchies
He meets all colors.
Light, joy full
All three months of spring.

Elena Erato


Then frost
Then the puddles are blue
Then blizzard,
Then sunny days.
On the hillock
Snow stains
Hide from the sun
In the shadow.
Above the ground-
Goose chain
On the ground -
Woke up a river,
And winter shows
Naughty, green

V. Orlov

Spring singers

Spring has fun start -
On the threshold already March,
Sky blue river,
Boats in it - clouds
Skvorts are so singing together
They are spring singers,
And around everything flourishes -
On the ground spring steps.

Elena Erato


In the pot I will put a sprout,
Put on the window.
Extremely sprout,
Cutting flower -
He is very, really need me.

Wake up winds outside the window
With snowy winter
But it will be higher
Every day:
To grow my flower!

When on the calendar
Spring will come dead
Eighth of March
I will give my mom my flower!

Vera Shugruev

Gift mom

Mom I love my mother.
I will give a gift.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
Mom I will give it,
Hugging gentle.

Olga Chusovitin


All winter
White snow
And in March took
And blackened.
Blackened with annoyance
What people
Sun is happy!

Mikhail Sadovsky

In April

The first sunny day,

Blowing overweight breeze.

Sparrow sleek

In these warm hours,

And icicles were silent

And hanged noses.

V. Orlov

In April Forest

Good in the forest in April:
Smells a favoridity of the premium,
Birds are different singing
On the trees of nests are waters;
In the glades, Mednica
Go to the sun seeks
Between the herbs of Smorchchka
Raise caps;
Swelling kidney branches
Picked up leaflets,
Start Muravye
To correct your palaces.



Lastochka flew away
For thirty lands ...
Come back, swallow!
In the yard april.
Come back, swallow!
Just not alone:
Let with you, swallow,
Spring will arrive!

Boris Nodoka

In the meadow

Forests in the vite more
Blue Heaven,
Noticeable and black
On arable land,
And baby calls
Above the meadow of voice.
Spring goes aside,
But where is she herself?
Chu, the voice is heard a ringing,
Isn't that spring?
No, it is ringing, thin
In the stream, the wave is gum ...

A. Blok.

Admose spring is coming

Adjust, spring is coming,
Cravda caravan fly.
In bright gold, the day is drowning,
And streams on ravines are noisy ...
Soon the guests will gather to you,
How many nests will watch, look!
What sounds are poured for songs
Day-day from dawn to dawn!

I. S, Nikitin

Victory Day

What is victory day?
This is a morning parade:
Rut tanks and rockets,
Mars the system of soldiers.

What is victory day?
This is a festive salute:
Fireworks takes off into the sky,
Scattering there and here.

What is victory day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is grandfather album.

These are fruits and candy,
These are smells of spring ...
What is victory day?
This means there is no war.

A. A. Usachev

Spring color

The yard is spring!
After the winter litua
Wakes up from sleep
All nature. Even puddles
Won't cover the ice per night
Drive the sun winter away!
Swell the kidney juice
And green leaves
Soon in the breeze jets
Sun colors near the river
There are lights!
Everything! Frosts ended!
Mimosa bloom!

The abstract of integrated classes in the multi-year group "Meeting with a merry wizard"

Kravchenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Educator MKDOU Boturlinovsky Kindergarten # 7, Burlinovka Voronezh region
Description: This classes will be useful and interesting to teachers of preschool institutions.

Purpose:Development creative abilities Children
- consolidate children's knowledge about human body parts
- Learn to understand the mood of a person, intensify in the speech of children's words: joy, sadness, anger.
- develop the ability of children to decorate the sheet plane (square) geometric shapes, make a pattern, highlighting the middle, side, angles. Develop the speech of children, the ability to reason.
- educate a benevolent attitude towards others, the desire to make them pleasant, to educate polite communication.

Preliminary work:
Consider a person's mood schemes - joy, sadness, anger.
Game with a mirror "Show your reflection of the face" (joy, sadness, anger)
Gaming situations

Travel course:

Greeting: Children get up in a circle. (Circle is an opportunity to look at each other to everyone, take up the hands and feel yours among the peers)
We are glad to see all each other,
All as one we are for each other
And we will always be friends
And our friendship is to go!

Children sit down in their place. A knock at the door and postman presents the parcel to children.
Educator: Guys, look at us again a gift from our mysterious friend. Do you like to get gifts? (Yes) What do you feel when you get a gift? (joy)
Let's see what's there!
The teacher opens the parcel, pulls out the letter and reads:

"My little friends! I give you magic marksters.
If you sweat them with a cloth,
See my focus! "

The teacher distributes to children felt-tipers and invites them to the table on which everything you need is located for the experiment.

Children rub rag stomers and they attract small papers (geometric shapes cut out of colored paper)

Educator: Guys, what geometric figures your magic felt-tipper pulled to him?
Children: Circle, Square, Triangle, oval
Educator: And let's of these geometric figures We will make a pattern on a large square of white paper, we glue it and then give it to our mysterious friend.

Children constitute a pattern of geometric shapes, stick it, decorating the corners, middle and side.
Educator: Guys, our gifts are ready,. The works turned out interesting and most diverse,. But something our mysterious friend did not appear. Who will we give them to? He probably continues to play with us. Maybe he hides somewhere in our group?

Hire game is held.

Children are looking for and find another letter in the Great Envelope group. Together with the educator, open the envelope and read:

"If you want to know who I am,
So think a little.
I will appear only then
If you fold me,
From these forms of paper,
The most diverse! "

Children get out of a large envelope part of the human body and make up a person on the carpet.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, who did it happen to us?
Children: Wizard, magician, storyteller.
Educator: And what is missing in his image?
Children: Persons.
Educator: Guys, look at how many cards I have pictures with the image. Let's select the face of our wizard.
Shows children pictograms with emotional face

Educator: What does this expression tell us? (anger) What do you think can be our wizard evil? Why do you think so? What would happen if he was evil?
Responses of children.
Educator: What does this expression mean? (sad) Can our wizard be sad? Why do you think so? What would happen if he were sad?
Responses of children.
Educator: What does this expression tell us? (joy). Can our wizard joyful, cheerful? Why do you think so?
Responses of children.
Children leave this facial expression on carpet.
Educator: Here is our cheerful friend-wizard and appeared.

Let's say hello to him.
Children greets.
Educator: And now let's thank him for the magic gifts that he gave us.
Children say words of gratitude.
Educator: And now let's give him our patterns and invite you to play with us in the group.