The name of the creative meeting with the writer. Anivan Municipal Centralized Library System

The name of the creative meeting with the writer. Anivan Municipal Centralized Library System
The name of the creative meeting with the writer. Anivan Municipal Centralized Library System

On April 24, 2017, a landing land in Nazarovo, and more precisely, the so-called "literary landing". Famous writers arrived in our city and spoke to readers in the Central City Library. Such meetings are not held for the first time. Participants of the creative landing ground:

Orlov Daniel (St. Petersburg) - writer, publisher, winner of the premiums. N.V. Gogol, president of the Foundation for the Assistance of the Authors and Publishers of Literary Works "Russian Text", Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Great Festival of Small Prose. The author of the story "Northern Fortress" (2006), collection of stories "Office-Zen" (2010), the novel "Long notch" (2012), "Sasha hears airplanes" (2013).

Sencin Roman (Moscow) - Writer, Laureate of the Government of Russia, Literary Prize "Clear Polyana". Published in the publishing house "Eksmo". One of the most published writers in Russia. He worked as Deputy Chief Editor of the newspaper "Literary Russia".

Belokhvostova Julia (Moscow) - poet, specialist in the ancient Russian literature. The organizer of the poetic evenings "At the Red Royal" in the Tretyakov Gallery (2009-2012). The author of the poetic collection "I am not coming spring." Participant of All-Russian and international literary festivals.

In the library, a meeting with writers is always a holiday. A meeting with writers whose books are popular with readers - this holiday is doubly, because such impressions are usually remembered for life. For residents of the city who are not spoiled by such meetings, it was a real event!

The meeting was held in a surprisingly warm atmosphere. With genuine interest and attention listened to "living" writers, their stories about their work, asked them questions. Our readers were interested in everything: where were born and studied, the favorite book in childhood, what are the talents, when they began to publish their books, what features of the character are appreciated in people who are a favorite poet, what a prize is the most unexpected and most expensive, the youngest part of the audience interested Become a writer where you can contact for the publication of your works ...

The introduction to modern literature is always fine, and contact with beautiful, always great. Meeting with writers brought them all those present at the meeting a lot of positive emotions and became for many amazing and interesting discovery! As a result of this wonderful meeting, everyone was satisfied: and guests, and the audience, which was lucky to meet with a real writer! Ended the event autograph for memory.

For residents of our city, this meeting will be remembered for a long time and will serve as a good stimulus to read the books of modern writers who have not yet been read. And all those who have not visited this meeting, the Department of Subscription of the Central City Library invites new books donated by our guests!

Meeting with children's writers"The Magic World of Poetry"

An important problem of modernity is the reluctance of children and adolescents to read. Modern schoolchildren spend a lot of time at the computer, forgetting about reading books. But communicating with books, readers communicate with the soul of their author, while enriched and developing their inner world. That is why very important for children are events dedicated to books.

As you know, any book begins with a writer. His fantasy makes us be sad, rejoice, reasoning, thinking. Very good, when there is an opportunity to meet a writer, to meet a person who knows how to revive his thoughts and dreams. Creative meetings for children are especially interesting.

It was this meeting of children's writers with elementary school students took place on February 15 in the reading room of the library with. Quick. The famous children's poetess Afilatunova L.A. From p. Nikolaevka, Nikitina V.E. From the city of Sterlitamak and the beginning of the Children's writer Salikova O.S. from p. Quick.

The purpose of this event was the impulse of love for reading, the possibility in a friendly atmosphere to ask a question to the beloved writer, hear the story of creating already well-known works.

At the beginning of the meeting, the leading holiday - the librarian Stepanova E.N. And Zhigalina N. A. showed a presentation and told about our guests, presented the exhibition of books, drawings, stand with articles.

Schoolchildren prepared for a meeting with writers: recharged their poems, put the scenes, sang songs (on the words of Afliatunova L.A), prepared an exhibition of illustrations. The authors were tarnished by an excellent performance of children.

The decoration of the holiday was the performance of Halchchepova E. P. - Soloyski Chora Nikolskaya Church. She performed the songs of "Tangle" and "My Village" to the words and music of Afliatunova L.A.

With the interest of the disciples listened to the story of Afilatunova L.A. About your work. Lyubov Alexandrovna knows the secret of goodchildren's book - See the world through the eyes of a child. Not in vain, it was called "Bashkir Agnia Barto". And how many questions of the guys were to the writer ... The guys were interested in everything, ranging from questions about childhood and ending with creative plans for the future.

Nikitina V.E. introduced their new poems to the listeners. They have all the charm of childhood. Great interest and sincere children's laughter was a reward for our guest.

There was no limit to the surprise when they found out that in our village there is a "real, lively" writer - Salikova O.S. Although her book is only preparing for publication, the children have already managed to love the works of the young talented writer.

Writers sincerely thanked children, the library workers for organizing this meeting and left their books as a gift.

In conclusion, guests were awarded memorable prizes. The sponsor was the administration of the rural council. And from children in memory, drawings and letters of letters were presented. Thanks to these letters between children and writers, the correspondence has already started.

The queue of those who want to receive an autograph and take a picture with the writers turned out to be very long, our guests were kept with regret and hope for new meetings. We will look forward to the release of new books and new meetings.

We express great gratitude to our guests, a rural library, DC, thanks to which a real holiday took place. The best and bright impression remained, it is very good that such meetings are held, thanks to which our children get acquainted with writers and "live" come into contact with the magical world of poetry.

Head of SMO primary classes Valeeva F.R.

Extracurricular event

Scenario of a creative meeting with the writer E.S.Naumova

Participants : Students 7-8 classes, teachers, librarians.

annotation . The event is held in the form of a creative meeting in the library named after A.S. Pushkin. Pupils get acquainted with an interesting person: Vyatka writer E.S.Naumova. In advance student, research is conducted (studying the biography and creativity of the writer, the preparation of the literary composition). During the meeting, the author answers questions, reads his poems.

Subject : "Who wants to understand the poet, should go to the country of the poet" (Goethe).

purpose : Education of spirituality, patriotism, citizenship; the acquisition of schoolchildren to the beautiful; Development of links between generations.

Tasks : introduce students to the artistic world of the writer E.S.Naumova, involve them in creative research work; develop the communicative literacy of students, their creative abilities; form aesthetic taste and educate on this basis aesthetically moral personality;

The event was built on the basis of meta-delta technology. The teacher creates the conditions for the implementation of natural deposits laid down in a child, organizes students' activity, becomes an assistant and participant in the educational process. The guys in the process of training and participation in the event learn to creatively present their thoughts, cooperation, the ability to relate their activities with the activities of others, to independently obtain knowledge, if necessary, resorting to the help of the teacher and other students.

Planned results:

1) Subjects:

understanding the literature as a special way of knowledge of life,

the formation of the need for dialogue with text, the ability to create a writer in the process of reader perception,

preparation of students for creative work;

the ability to plan ways to achieve goals,

mastering various types of speech activities and the basics of culture of oral and written speech,

formation of the informational culture of the child's personality,

the formation of creative skills,

the ability to work in the group, the ability to effectively cooperate and join the dialogue, participate in a collective discussion; possession of self-testing skills; Development of skills to give an argued assessment;

3) Personal:

promotion to moral and moral values \u200b\u200bthrough communication with interesting and famous people,

formation of the emotional sphere through the "accommodation" of the text.


- exhibition of books E.Naumova,

- presentation to the literary composition;

- multimedia projector.

Event structure:

1. Reception in the library named after AS Pushkin (Kirov).

2. Exhibition of books E.Naumova.

4. Creative conversation with a writer.

5. The presentation of memorable copies of books with autograph E.Naumova.

Contents of the event.

The created work is the biography of the soul.


1. Reception in the Library named after A.S. Pushkin.

2. Exhibition of books E.Naumova.

3. Literary composition about life and creativity E.Naumova.

(In preparation for the event, students worked in groups, tasks were proposed: to get acquainted with the creative biography of the writer, pick up poems for the literary composition and learn them by heart, draw up a scenario with a teacher and create a presentation)

Students read poems by heart.

Lead 1. Good afternoon, dear our guests, dear guys! Today we have a wonderful day. And he is wonderful because an extraordinary meeting awaits us! Meeting with an amazing, creative person who can see a miracle in the most simple and outstanding phenomena, subjects - Elena Naumova!

Lead 2. Elena Stanislavovna Naumova was born in the Kirov region, in the village of Vakhrushi Slobodsky district, in the Musician family and employees. A big role, in addition to parents, grandmother and the godp played in the upbringing of the future poet.

Father, due to his profession, was forced to be most of the time on trips. But, despite employment, he, who, after reading the first poems of his daughter, immediately saw herethical gifting, musicnost.b, Tierince, the sincerity of her poems.

Lead 1. Pog! literary club "Youth" dbutl. The possibility of talentedd.eugene believe in their strength and present his poems readers. And take R.messing to enter the literary institute was then helped by a young writer, and nowfamous leading telecast "Magniki and Mistnie ", Professor MGIMO Yuri Vyazemsky, who saw Lirithe gift of Elena Naumova.

Elena comes - first to correspondence, and then translated into the day separation of the literary institute. A. M. Gorky. But does the literary institute do their students with poets and writers? Rather, it helps to hone skill, because the gift of words and clear awareness of its path came to Elena much earlier.

In 1989, the fourth year student of the Litin Institute Elena Naumov at the IX All-Union Meeting of Young Writers adopt WritersTHE USSR.

Lead 2. 1990 became a milestone: the Institute is over, and you need to look for a point of support. Elena returns to his small homeland, Vyatka. Works in regional periodicals, is organized bytherature Journalist Studio "Children's patterns "at the Kirov regional palace of creativity of children and young people and,of course, continues to write.

Lead 1. Elena Naumova has its own wide range of readers. The name of the poetess from Vyatka has long been open by lovers of poetry, teachers-verders, students and schoolchildren. Her poems, stories and stories are published not only in Vyatka, but also in a hundredpersonal publications: in the Almanachas "origins", "Poetry", "Evening Album", "Russian Soul", in "October", "Moscow", "Our contemporary "," North ", on the pages of the" literary newspaper ", and also come out by individual collections.

Lead 2. Elena Naumova becomes the winner of the Kirov literary premiums named after Leonid Dyakonov, Ovid Loversa, All-Russian Prize NameNikolai Zabolotsky. In 2005 and 2008, she is the winner of the annual Moscow Internationala contest of modern poetry "Golden Feather. "

Leading 1. With 20.08 The story of Elena Naumova "Gray Cat on a white cloud "was butmined by famous critic and literary critic Pavl Basinsky onpthe replay "Clear Polyana" named after Lion Tolstoy. And Elena Naumova becomes the finalist of the Ivan Bunin Prize.

Elena Stanislavovna Naumova enjoys prestige among the fellowpabout Peru. But also respect for colleagues, and love readers, and literary attentioncriticsshe is not soothered, but only encourage doubts, searching, self-analysis and high demands for their works.

Lead 2. 2011. Verse E. Naumova put on the music by a talented musician Evgeny Shchekalev, who recorded the song "Girl and Rain" together with Valentina Tolkunova.

Spring 2013. The collection of poems "Felt" is published.

Lead 1. T.phealing Marina Tsvetaeva especially often« it comes to life "In the imagination of Elena Naumova. Poems Tsvetaeva helps not despairn.e give up creative suffering and joys. Elena finds a feeling of kinship withvoice, Tsvetaeva. There are direct initiations.

When sinya is sining

In the Footwear of Colds

And time comes

Rowan fruit

Away with the last wedge

Farewell melts cry ...

Boyfriend Ryabina

Rubins burning.

What will be shrine evil

Whip and cut, and

The sweeter and alee

Rowan bunch.

Lead 2. A special digestive role in the creative biography of E. Naumovag.rale Yunna Moritz - an amazing poet whose letters Elena Stanislevaguea keeps as a relic and a sign of a big friendship "Singing Heart". Yunna Moritz managed to professionally appreciate the poems of Elena Naumova and OdarilpErepein, friendly communication. In the preface to the collection of poetry"Through the foliage "she writes:" ... Elena Naumova - a poet of those who liveaweigh -like foliage, trembling in the wind of life - as foliage, birds of joyand sadness sing her soul - as in foliage, her poems are frank and tremble - likefoliage and in the besther lines have an excitement of foliage staying indunning motion Aweigh"

Of course, autumn,

Of course, autumn

I all mile.

Miley April,

Through drops

And February.

Leaf trample.

Tremble and melts.

Last page.

And quiet angel

Vitates over everything.

Saved and clean.

Lead 1. Poetess "Opens" by readers sources of their creativity:« God, love, work. " Only about the verythe main thingyou can speak verses, and the poet is spiritually evolving the alloy of "suffering and labor" and gives his lyrics with the ability« burn, live, breathe. "

My poems are not so bad.

They are without silver and gilding.

Without bright tinsel and husk ...

From God, from love and work

Born. And breathe, and live.

And for a long time they will live in this light.

My poems are suffering and work.

My poems, open as children.

Leading 2 . Very touching poem"For Zhuravl". It is about tragic communication, a man living on earth, with heaven, with the breath of the Earth.

Maybe I am that crane

Never I never catch.

God, as defenseless land,

How beautiful

Especially in May.

I hear breathing.

Every exhalation and inhale felt.

And the high sky is calling

Tirelessly, especially in May.

But than the rage shout of the crane,

The largers cut the wings,

That desperate the land holds

All juices, herbs, dust ...

Create b wedge cranes

And wings waving a muddy.

But again I stay on earth,

And I look in the pinema, and crying.

Lead 1. In lyrics Naumova, its natural world, which describes different phenomena. It seems that the poetess looks at him through the eyes of the artist, seeks to create a picture that the reader will see and feel.


The wind is terrible will come

Il snot the gardens,

They do not eat each other

Because of the land, due to water.

All of us care is surrounding,

They carry warmly over the age of age.

For which they are only offended

Large and strong person?!


How many sad branches in October!

They are silent, Spring is remembering.

Only shudder quietly at the dawn.

And under my window one such.

Ishlen rain, naked

In front of people, before the world indifferent.

She is already barrel as winter

Frosty. Nevertheless, beautiful.


In winter, trees are stricted and wise,

Without unnecessary jewelry, without shine.

Without Martov glass. Without clauses.

With no bird senseless cod.

Everything is purity and severity in December.

All - graphics, mysterious signs ...

And the slightness of light lines at the dawn.

And at dusk silent, and in the darkness.


Solo ended concerts.

Flashing fiery,


Contrary to cold incl

Crumbling bread

And yellow millet.

In the snow, like a small dawn,

This bird is allay -

Not in vain.

Somewhere in mid-January

I will define the birthday of bullfinch.


How she rapidly flew


from the winter having broken shackles!

How is her silver body

Split a ringing and easy!

Blue melting floes

Brooks blond tende

Helping small Travinkam

Get into light from under the ground.

Lead 2. Elena Naumova Poems help readers to "listen" to life, love her "the best thing happening on this day," admire the miracle of snow in July, the art of the Dymkovsky toys, to see in life poetry, believing in a dream.

Where are in a hurry, friend?

Going on the street in Snowball.

You see how he goes

You are a selection of his flight.

First flew like midge, he.

Then, like Snow Mahaon.

What are the case,

When Winter White-Bela!

Ah, snow-shaggy wondrous beast,

Sails over the city as a shadow.

And this is the best, believe me

What happens on this day.

Lead 1. Elena Naumova deeply feels life. With the help of an artistic word, she conveys their reflections on its flow, about the difficulties that each person comes in every day.

Only in this way: the good books are born by suffering and joy. And good books change the person, make a different look at the world.

Perhaps a meeting with the books of Elena Naumova will change to the best of you and your life!

Conversation with the son of the star (the poem is given in reducing)

Once my son told me a secret:

I got a star from the sky with this one.

Sachka Lee, whether the crochet is whether

You will see, I'll get the stars of this.

Lead 2. Believe in the dream, ignite the stars in the sky and read the wonderful books of Elena Naumova!

4Tast conversation with a writer.

Special place in lyrics Elena Naumova occupy poems about the war. The fact is that Mom Helena went to the front of the fifteen-year-old girl, after he lost two native brothers. This topic dedicated to one of the most heartfelt poems "on families beat the funeral."

The poetess inspired her favorite poems. Students have listened carefully, asked their questions about life and creativity, he received capacious, meaningful answers.

5. Presentation of memorable copies of books.

In the conclusion of the event, there was a presentation of memorable copies of books with an autograph writer, photos were taken.

List of information sources.

    Through the foliage: verses / E. S. Naumova; Cost. M. V. Karpova; Art. M. V. Naumov. - Kirov: [b. and.], 2004.

    Gray cat on a white cloud: Tale / E. S. Naumova; [Prepared. E. O. Galitsky; Art. M. V. Naumov]. - Kirov: Orma, 2008.

    Fernal flower: poems, fairy tales, stories, stories / E. S. Naumova. - Prepared. E. O. Galitsky. - Kirov: O-Brief, 2009.

In order to attract the attention of society to literature and reading, solving the problems of the book sphere and stimulating the interest of Russians to the books of 2015 in Russia, declared the Year of Literature. Literature is of great importance in the life of every person. After all, a person, in the high sense of the word, becomes a person thanks to the literature. All values \u200b\u200bhe draws from books. The book is a source of all knowledge. Books make a person think, raise their own opinion, develop imagination.

When the French writer Antoine de Saint - Exupery wisely noted: "The biggest luxury is the luxury of human communication." And really, wise words! We can only find confirmation of them in life! Communication with man talented - double luxury.

The main thing is to see, see him and tell him "Thank you" to him for the generosity of the soul, for the ability to give his talent disinterestedly, for what he lives in the world and does good. As a rule, an amazing always next ...

Last Friday, the Bremenurt Central Library visited famous Siberian Poet and Proseter Nikolai Viktorovich Gaiduk, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia. The meeting of the district librarians, poetry lovers and the youth of the village gathered. No one remained indifferent to the work of this amazing person. The atmosphere of living communication with the writer - Krasnoyarsz brought a huge joy.

Poet - Proser is so simple and open! And very talented! Nikolay Gaiduk not only writes well, but also skillfully communicates with the audience. He performs songs to his poems, accompanying the guitar.

Nikolay Viktorovich Gaiduk was born in Altai in 1953. Childhood passed in the village of Wolchish. He graduated from the Medical School, the Altai State Institute of Culture in Barnaul, Higher Literary Courses in Moscow. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1988. I traveled a lot in the country and in different periods of life worked in different places: I was the head of the Feldshera point, director of the House of Culture, an employee of the bureau of fiction, a sailor, a plotogon, a delivered telegram ... Many work specialties have mastered. Once I realized that the literature was its main calling. I started writing from 15 years.

Nikolai Gaiduk is known for a wide circle of readers as a poet and prose, author of poems and prose. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the work of N. Gaiduk is included in the school curriculum. His verses are forced to think about much.
The author's work is distinguished by a vivid distinctive language, highly marked not only among the Russian reader, but also abroad - in Argentina, France, Poland. By a member of the expression of one of the leading Russian critics V.Ya. Kurbatova for Nikolai Gaiduk, "Drinking Music of Prostor and Words ..." Landscape He is spiritualized by the most lively hope. The landscape is spacious, clean, the ancient, on which is about "the soul of the sacred fire is pledging, the image of Christ will appear." His lyrical hero, exactly the commandment of Zabolotsky: "Do not let the soul be lazy!" - constantly creates himself. Hayduk Nikolai Viktorovich approves the best traditions of Russian classical literature.

The meeting was held in a surprisingly warm atmosphere. An hour flew unnoticed. And then there were autographs for memory.

The meeting was held, the best feelings remained. This was told in their reviews the participants of this meeting with the writer.

Promotion to poetry is always fine, and contact with beautiful is always great. Meeting with Nicholas Gaiduk brought the whole lot of positive emotions and became for many amazing and interesting discovery! We met with the new Talent of the Earth Krasnoyarsk. Nikolay Gaiduk did not disappoint us. We had a very pleasant time next to the talented, diversified person, a bright poet, a subtle prose capable guitarist. We are admired by his talent, love for their work. Good feelings from this meeting will still live in the hearts of those who visited this event in the library.

N. Yu.Medveveva, head of the service department of the Bolshurnian inter-segment Central Library

MBOU "OOSH P. Osanovo-Oak" Shatursky municipal district of the Moscow region

Meeting with a modern writer - graduate school

O. D. Doodle (within the framework of the festival "Literary Wreath of Russia")

This event is organized withpurpose Attachment of children to Russian literature, propaganda of the country's literary heritage and creating conditions for education in children, teenagers, young people and their parents of respect for the national culture of our country.

It is aimed at implementing the followingtasks:

Attracting the attention of schoolchildren, the public and parents to significant events of the literary life of Russia;

Increase the motivation of students to read and study the creative heritage of writers and poets, as well as literary and artistic creativity;

The formation of moral and ideological, including civil-patriotic positions of students through appeal to the best texts of modern Russian literature;

Creating conditions for the development of the creative potential of students, the development of artistic, artistic tissues and literary tastes of the participants of the festival

the date of the - 15.09 2015. The start time of the event - 13-00


Students 2 - 9 classes interested in the work of the writer;

OD Truushin is a modern writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, a member of the international community of writer unions, a diploma of All-Russian competitions and the winner of literary premiums 2004-2014;

Zharikova Lyudmila Viktorovna - In the nearby past, the teacher and the class teacher of the future writer;

Yashin Vera Nikolaevna - Member of the Parent Committee


Western Nadezhda Alekseevna - teacher-organizer;

Andreeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna - Teacher of Russian Language and Literature


Stand materials - a corner dedicated to the creativity and achievements of the writer:

Exhibition of books O.D. Trushin;

Exhibition of students of students for writer's works,

Plates with the statements of famous literature figures about the work of OD Dushina;


Video camera

Plan of behavior of the event

    Preparation for the meeting: the beginning of the report from the school building; interview with school librarian; greeting to the writer; Promotion of the participants of the meeting on the corridor, where the stand is drawn up, in a pre-prepared audience (the study of history).

    Conversation with a round table writer (expressive reading and reading by heart fragments of works of a writer, excerpts from copyright prefaces and biographies and answers to the author of readers in the main directions of creativity: works about nature, stories for historical topics; literary essays about a small homeland, about Karelia , On places related to the life and creativity of great Russian writers), as well as on well-deserved awards.

    Reflection: the expression of students' impressions from meeting with the author, from his works in the form of small genres of prose and poetry.

    CONCLUSION: reading a student of the 5th grade of Yashina Katte poem of his own essay dedicated to the author; modest gifts and good wishes by the guest: the writer's response word; By tradition - the collective photo of the meeting participants.

Lyudmila Anatolyevna:

Hello, dear viewers! You are welcomed by the teacher of the Russian language and literature MBOU "OO School P Oosanovo - Oak" Andreeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

Now we are at the MBOU Building "OO School P Oosanovo - Oak", where today, in the framework of the festival "Literary Wreath of Russia", organized in connection with the year of literature in Russia, a meeting with a famous modern writer will be held - a graduate of school OD Duffen. As long as we have a little time, go to the school library, which is systematically replenished with the books donated by the author. Here we are encountered by the teacher-organizer of the school, and part-time and a librarian, who, by the way, taught the chemistry for the word not so long ago.

Nadezhda Alekseevna:

In our library, we took place for books who gave Oleg Dmitrievich school.

This kind tradition originated for a long time, more than five years ago. Hunting collections appeared first, then books with stories about the nature of the native land, historical. Stories such as the "Moscow Kremlin", "Heroes of the 1812 war", "Snegirina Blizzard" are used in literature lessons, history in secondary and high grades, on extracurricular events in primary classes. Children discharge them and for individual reading.

Oleg Dmitrievich's stories entered the three-particle "32 Writer" (in 1 and 3 volume). This collection came out after the international competition of children's and youthful fiction. In it, the stories of the winners of the competition.

But in this book "Hunting Russia" printed in alphabetical manner, brief biographical references about writers, scholars, poets, artists, whose activities in the field of hunting. In the book there is also the name of Oleg Trushina (a certificate is read p. 274).

Oleg Dmitrievich gave her books to the director of the school, his class teachers who were taught. Over the past five, six years, every first-grader and graduate school received a book by Oleg Dmitrievich with autograph and good wishes.

We have a good tradition to hold conferences on Books O. Trushin during meetings with him. Pupils prepare retelling excerpts from books, draw illustrations for stories.

In April, at a meeting with the writer, there was a presentation of his story "under a happy star."

And now it's time to meet Oleg Dmitrievich for further conversation about his work.

We will come together with the guys to meet him.

Lyudmila Anatolyevna:

Let's go with the participants of the meeting to the prepared audience.

Rising to the second floor, widely N.A. Stops on the corner of the writer:

While schoolchildren take the class and are preparing for a conversation with the writer, we will be delayed at this place.

We called this corner "our pride of school." It contains information about Oleg Dmitrievich, which reflects the material about his school years, traveling, achievements of creative activity.

At the stand you see diplomas, diplomas, honorary signs obtained for participating in literary contests. In the competition names of Russian writers: A.N. Tolstoy, M.P. Svtain, A.P. Chekhov (literary premium and medal).

We conceived to create this corner in order to tell children about the work of the graduate of our school, visually show its achievements. Tours are tours for students. All this material was provided to us by Oleg Dmitrievich himself.

Lyudmila Anatolyevna:

Dear guests! Dear Guys! Today we have another meeting with our countryman, a graduate of Osanovskaya (then more than a secondary) school of 1986 - one of the prominent modern Russian writers OD Trushin. This event takes place as part of the municipal tour of the All-Russian Festival "Literary Wreath of Russia", because, as we all remember, 2015 - a year of literature in the Russian Federation.

I think, everyone here gathered agree with me in the fact that we were incredibly fortunate enough that it was with our school that the fate of a wonderful writer was connected, who with all unimaginable employment finds time for meetings with us.

We invited L.V. Jarikov at the meeting today - in the nearby past of the teacher and the class teacher, then another future writer. Also on this holiday there is a representative of the parent school committee, mother of a novice poet - V.N.Yashina, who today removes everything that happens on the camera.

The guys of different age gathered to meet with his favorite writer. Everyone is close and expensive in the work of O.D. Trushin something. To make it easier for young readers to navigate with questions, we will conditionally identify the main directions of the conversation:

    Writer-naturalist (the beginning of creativity, publications in children's and youth journals, publishing books about Nature: "Snegirina Misel", "Horoshka", "When the Bag's blooms", "Call of the Forest", "under the lucky star").

    Historian and local history (stories about the Moscow Kremlin, about the heroes and events of the Patriotic War of 1812; essays about a small homeland, about Karelia; notes on history, cartography).

    Literary essays about places related to the life and creativity of Russian writersXIX. and twentieth centuries.

    Honored awards and titles.

So, writer-naturalist.

Kadyrov R., Grade 9:

Today, Oleg Trushin is one of the few authors who writes about nature and animals of Russia, in particular about Meshöre. In the author's preface to the book "Snegirina Blizzard", the writer recognizes:"I never existed out of nature, who became a part of my Being, my house, my soul ... I remember well my" happy childhood trail ", when the world of nature manifes as if the huge open book of the rustle is in front of me by pages, calling to penetrate her reading. With each living day, I discovered for myself a new and new ... " In his stories and essays, the author is generously sharing his observations and discoveries with readers.

Barberry A .. Grade 5:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

In the author's preface to the book "Under the Happy Star", you talk about one of the first trips to the forest:"It was the middle of summer. I was just over five years old ... A bird spoiled from raspberry fortresses .. I looked there ... I saw a little nnoveschko, in which there were hatched chicks on the eve ... I was waiterfully looked at my discovery ... I remember that I was happy because I didn't break the peace of this house Little Ptakhi, but only barely looked into her world, in the world of incomprehensible secrets ... " It means that interest in the secrets of nature and tact of communicating with it has been opened already at a five-year-old age. And the craving for writing creativity also came early? At what age did you realize that Writer will become?

Mithrinyk A., Grade 5:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

You have been passionate about and carefully reading the "Book of Nature", you know how to notice the hardest signs of the presence of birds, animals, see the richest paint palette (p. 119, p. 99 ("under a happy star"), hear "quiet speakers of the emerging foliage" ( pp ..119 - 121 kN. "Bullfiginal blizzard"), penetrate the "light sadness of the farewell of the forest with heat" (p. 153 kN. "Under the lucky star"). Is it possible to learn this?

Krylova A., Grade 8:

I would like to ask a question to the teacher Oleg Troin Shirokova N.A.:

Nadezhda Alekseevna, did Oleg Trushshin differ from his peers? If so, what?

Tarasova E., Grade 8:

And L.V. Jarikova would like to ask, is it easy to be a cool leader from the future writer? What moments of communicating with young giving you especially remembered?

Khanteeva E., 3 class:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

From your works you will find out so much new. After reading the story "Soroka suggested," I learned that the forties are not only very curious and shrinking birds, but also real helpers: they see everything and warn everything. They didn't give the goat's bird as unnoticed, and the hare was hidden under the dog "issued", and from the snake bite of the storyterter ... "(p.155-156 kN." Bullfiginal blizzard ") Now I, too, having heard the bolts, I keep the ear in Egor: Suddenly Belobokaya and I will open some forest mystery.

Cheremisina V., 3 class:

And I really liked the story "Night Lacquers". I, too, could not guess that the bats apple trees. (p. 152) At what time of day, did you find "Lavocked" by surprise?

Ryabchevskaya M., 4th grade:

And I remember the story of the "fox hole". Now I know that Lisa can catch fish. (P. 175, "Under the lucky star") and where did you find this hole?

Nadezhda Alekseevna:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

A special place in your work is occupied by the story "and sadness light ...", permeated "pain of loss" and bright memories of Bim. You are very touchingly telling about the practitioners and the difficult character of your four-legged friend, about the Christmas tree planted in memory of it ... (p.84, "Bullfiginal Misel"). I want to hope that you managed to overcome the longing and buy a new friend, which you will definitely write a very interesting, but another story. Do you have a favorite pet now?

Lopenko A .. Grade 8:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

When you read your works about animals, especially the story "Horoshka" and "under a lucky star", it seems that you personally attended with every minute of their life: they saw how they were looking for refuge, hunted, rested or lick wounds ... (p. 22 , KN. "Bullfigne blizzard", p. 38 kN. "Under the lucky star") It is clear that it is simply impossible. How do you manage so believable "speculation" what is hidden from human eye?

Komarov D., Grade 5:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

Your story "Distributions" is autobiographical, or his plot inspired by the memories of your loved ones?

Rakhmatov R., Grade 9:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

Reading your stories, I noticed that you are writing about Los, Wolf, Bear and Glukhar. What attracts you exactly in these creatures?

Ryabchevskaya m..4 class:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

Your books, leads, stories, essays are very beautiful (poetic) names. How are they born?

Usova V., Grade 6:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

"Three lives" and "Horoshka" are two names of one story, there were Khoria from life. Why is it called in different editions in its own way? What typen and why do you prefer?

Lopatenko A., Grade 8:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

Giving the name of the book "Under the lucky star," you were guided by the title of the same name, which took the central place, or in this name there is still a deeper meaning?

Gultyeva V., Grade 6:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

Your works are printed in Journals "Young Naturalist". "Anthill", children's "Roman-Gazeta", numerous editions for hunters readers and even "Port Folio" in Canada ... Of course, you get a lot of responses. What are the letters of readers turned out to be the most unexpected and interesting?

Lyudmila Anatolyevna:

Works of Oleg Dmitrievich Trushina found a response not only in young readers, but also in the circle of writers, biologists, publishers ... Here are just some of them. Look at the board (on the screen).

Nadezhda Alekseevna reads:

"... reading the stories of Oleg Troin, you begin to understand well how much the author loves live, wild nature, hidden from the human gaze. The works of the author are exquisied by style, which is only one story about the life of the forest chorus "Horoshka." Oleg Dmitrievich told me before this wonderful story appeared on the world, as he had watched the life of Horing in the wild at any time of the year ... ".

"... You can still write a lot about the stories of Oleg Trushina, because in any person who is not indifferent to nature, they invariably cause personal memories, experiences and associations. But it's time to stop and enable the reader to discover this amazing author for myself, and I know for sure, after reading the works of Oleg Trushin, I want to reread them as much as yet. They give good people ... ".

Vladimir Georgievich Strbstsky,

corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor

biological Faculty of Moscow State University

member of the Russian Writers Union.

"... Oleg Dmitrievich, ... With true pleasure, we always read your stories. It pleases everything: and a light captivating syllable, and plots, and that special observation, which marked large writers. "

Lyudmila Samsonova,

editor in Chief

"Young naturalist".

And now a new page of creativity -

Historian and stationery .

Tarasova E., Grade 8:

OD Truushin is the author of wonderful books about the history of Russia. One of them is "stories about the Moscow Kremlin." From her, we learned not only about the history of the monument and his meaning for our state, but also that the walls of the Kremlin there is a sign - zero kilometer (p.8).

Krylova A., Grade 8:

Thanks to this book, we know about the appointment and secrets of the names of the Kremlin towers, the gate. Here, for example, what is said about the Nabataya Tower (p.14). But how are the Kremlin walls (p.15). In the book, it affects the museums, cathedrals and bell tower, the king of the bell and the king cannon ... How did you manage to collect such material and so easy and in detail about everything?

Kadyrov R., Grade 9:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

By the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, you released a wonderful book "Stories about the heroes of the war of the war of 1812." In this edition, brief interesting stories about events and amazing biographical essay on the heroes: entire dynasties of the defenders of the Fatherland, among whom our peers were. (P. 20). The book is framed by beautiful illustrations depicting battle scenes and portraits. The pages are placed poems of Russian poets xI.X and twentieth centuries dedicated to this heroic time. The creation of such a book is colossal labor. Do you have helpers in the selection and layout of the material?

Tarasova E., Grade 8:

Oleg Dmitrievich! You manage to "shed light" on the little-known moments of Russian history. Over the works about what historical events do you work now? When, if not a secret, will you please us with a new book of this topic?

Lopatenko A., Grade 8:

Oleg Dmitrievich! You are one of the creators of the Cultural and Natural Heritage Map of our Area, presenting the rarest materials "in many categories of heritage facilities" (p.6). Please tell us more about what material you provide and, most importantly, how you collected it.

Kadyrov R., Grade 9:

Oleg Dmitrievich! Among your works there are essays about the history of your small homeland: "At the crossroads of roads and fate" (about history with. Sharapovo), "Dashkovskaya estate" (about your native village of Satima), which you with love and gratitude tell readers about people whose These places were equipped with efforts (p.52-53, "there is a Russian lamb ..."), about historical milestones laid through the fate of people.

Alexandrov R., Grade 9:

In these essays it is repeatedly mentioned about the merchant of Efim Yolkin. Does the related attitude towards him of our director E.V. Okina?

On the pages of the essay "At the crossroads of roads and fate" mentions the merchant village of Kuznez Peter Trushin. Are you a descendant?

Tarasova E., Grade 8:

And in the final lines you write about the essence of love (p. 94-95). Of course, you yourself possess this gift and try your books to awaken it in us. And who of close people attracted you this gift?

Krylova A., Grade 8:

Oleg Dmitrievich, for us, of course, no longer a secret that you travel a lot, but it is very interesting to know how and why your acquaintance with Karelia, about which you write with such warmth, calling the edge of blue lakes, passing the readers About northern nature, historical places?

Lyudmila Anatolyevna:

Now let's say a few words about the most unreasonable direction in the work of the writer, with whom most participants are familiar only to fragmentary and to which we still have to treat, -

Literary essays

Tarasova E., Grade 8:

Oleg Dmitrievich! Literary essays published in the books "There are a Russian spirit ...", "Russia around Russia - the native land ...", transmit your personal impressions from places related to the life and creativity of great Russian writers: A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P.hehhova, S.A. Jeshenina, M.A.Sholokhova, N.M.rubtsova ... Amazes how peculiarly you combine a description of places with biographical pages, helping us, readers, comprehend the inner world of great people, dive into The world of their works, penetrate the depths of history through modernity. It is felt that writers about which you write, you are infinitely expensive. And who of them do you consider your "teachers"?

Rakhmatov R., Grade 9:

Oleg Dmitrievich, your literary essays are equipped with inserts with copyright photos. How do you manage to do such flawless pictures? Do you have a professional camera?

Lopatenko A., Grade 8:

Oleg Dmitrievich!

After reading a lot of your works, I became interested in your biography. I know that you are the author of more than one and a half thousand literary works, engage in lawyer, teaching and social activities, travel a lot, write ... Tell me, how do you find all this time?

Lyudmila Anatolyevna:

Finally, and the fact that also causes the interest of the gathered -

Honored Awards

Mouseleev to .. Grade 5:

Oleg Dmitrievich! Your writer talent has no doubt. You have so many ranks, awards, diplomas ... Which of them are especially expensive? Please tell us about the sign "Silver Strege". What works are you awarded for this award?


Lyudmila Anatolyevna:

At today's meeting there were many different questions. I think the answers on them you received exhaustive. And now let's try to express our impressions in the form of small genres of poetry or prose. Before you, clean leaves - create! I suggest try to make a syncuine.

I remind you: Sinwen is a poem of five lines. Look at the screen:

The first line is the name of the object of our conversation (meeting, writer, concrete work, hero, natural phenomenon ...)

The second line is two definitions of this object (adjectives or communion: interesting, known, exciting, mysterious, instructive, funny, sad ...)

The third line is three verbs or verbalia (tells, worries (Sia), watches, teaches, warns, manit, fascinates ...)

The fourth line is a personal attitude to the object (phrase out of four - five words: "I like it ...", "I am worried about (admires, outraged, pleases, grieves ...)", etc.)

The fifth line is one generalizing word about the essence of the object.

Write your miniatures in your chosen form.

We complete our creative experiments with the poem of our novice poet - the student of the 5th grade of Yashina Ani in her own performance:

On Earth, the suburban boy was born.

His childhood and youth in the village passed.

In School Osanovsky he studied ....

Countrymen and imagine could not

That simple rustic guinea,

Getting native nature

Will become all of us known by books

"Horoshka", "Under the lucky star ..."

He wandered over endless swamps,

On birch groves, on coniferous forests,

On the lakes he sailed by boats,

In the reeds of the dawn met

Watching Nature's Life

Unknown opened.

Noticed a special diary

He wrote everything ...

About animals, birds, fish,

He inspired him to us

Recognizing love for the debris,

To expensive and native places ...

And now he is a writer childrens,

Opens the wonderful world.

Oleg Trushin, I will say honestly, -

Our pride and our idol.

Yashin Anya Grade 5

The final word is given to the teacher-organizer of our school of Nadezhda Alekseevna Shirokova and our guest - writer Oleg Dmitrievich Truchina.

The meeting is completed by tradition - a collective photograph of the author and readers.


1. V.G. Squirt. "List of Nature Book." Preface to the book O.D. Trushin "Khoshushka". M.:AKVILIA, 2011.

2. Map of the cultural and natural heritage of the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. Explanatory text to the map. - Moscow - Shatura, 2003

3. Oh, D.Terushin. "Under the lucky star" - M.: Icar, 2013

4. Oh, D.Terushin. Stories about the heroes of the war of 1812 - M.: Mahar, 2012

5. Oh, D.Terushin. Stories about the Moscow Kremlin. - M.: Drop, 2008

6. Oh, D.Terushin. "Snegirina Misel" - M.: Icar, 2009

7. Oh, D.Terushin. "There is a Russian spirit ...". Essays. - M.: Publishing House "Russian Writer", 2008