What kind of life does the heroine of the picture the horsewoman lead. Composition based on the painting "Horsewoman" K

What kind of life does the heroine of the picture the horsewoman lead. Composition based on the painting "Horsewoman" K

For 20 years now I have been conducting in the 5th grade an essay-description based on the painting by K. Bryullov "The Horsewoman" after studying the topic "Literary Tale". This lesson teaches the techniques of painting an essay on a painting. Painstaking preliminary work leads to good results. It is important to prevent possible errors. Experience shows that guys, although they have materials for an essay, are not always able to make sentences based on phrases: they lack a predicate. Also, typical mistakes include changing the tense of verbs during work and merging descriptions of several subjects into one sentence. This lesson teaches you how to prevent such errors. Also an important element of the work is imagination on the theme of the picture, the ability to compose who is depicted on the canvas, what will happen to the heroines.

Accompanying the presentation

2 slide Demonstration of the artist's portrait. A few words about the painter.

Karl Bryullov is a wonderful painter

3 slide Teacher's word: The day when his painting "The Last Day of Pompeii" was first presented at the exhibition was a triumph for Bryullov. On the morning after the exhibition, he woke up famous.

4-5 slides - a story about the painter and his works

Today we will describe the painting by K. Bryullov "The Horsewoman". It depicts the two sisters Giovanina and Amatsilia Pacini. You can ask the children to write down the names of the sisters and the surname of the artist in a notebook, emphasizing the "dangerous" places, since they often make mistakes in these surnames.

7 slide Getting to know the goals

Describe the sisters' appearance, setting, landscape

Come up with a story, a plot that explains what you see in the picture

Convey the emotions that this painting evokes

8 slide It is important not to repeat ourselves in the essay, so we will replace some words with synonyms. (In strong classes, the teacher can ask the students to come up with synonyms themselves, then the answers should not appear immediately in the presentation)

In order not to repeat

Painting - canvas, masterpiece

Artist - he, master, painter, K. Bryullov, author of the picture

Girl - child, child, younger sister, Amatsilia

Girl - lady, beauty, older sister, amazon, rider, Jovanina

Dogs - they, hound, greyhound, dogs

Horse - black, trotter, beautiful animal, horse

Synonyms are written in a notebook

Why is the painting called The Horsewoman? (It depicts a horsewoman in the center of the canvas)

What is depicted on the canvas? Whom do we see? (On the canvas we see a beautiful rider on a hot horse, her little enthusiastic sister, dogs)

What moment in the life of the two sisters do you think is depicted on the canvas? (let me dream up)

What feelings does the picture evoke in the viewer? (delight, admiration for the beauty of a girl and a girl)

What do we admire? (everything is beautiful in this picture: the beauty of the Amazon, the brightness of the colors)

In what colors is the picture painted? (the picture is painted in bright colors, the colors are contrasting. There is white, blue, pink, and dark colors)

How does the artist highlight the girl's figure? (she is depicted against a dark background of an old park, her blouse is blue, and her white skirt flows down the dark satin back of the horse)

Planning A plan must be drawn up before each essay so that your work is logical, one sentence is connected with another, so as not to forget anything)

What should I write about in the introduction? (In the introduction, you can write about an artist or two girls)

Title introduction (first Roman) (K. Bryullov and his painting "Horsewoman")

What thought should permeate your essay? (Feeling awe at the beauty of the artwork)

Title the main part, reflecting the main idea of ​​the essay (Bryullov's painting "Horsewoman" is a wonderful work of art)

Where to begin to describe the picture?

From the face of the rider

Choose an epithet for it. This will be the 1st Arabic of the main part (Proud Amazon Face)

What is more logical to go from the face?

To hair and hat

Pick up epithets for them. Title 2nd Arabic (Flirty hat with an emerald veil)

What is the epithet for a horse? Title the 4th point of the plan (frisky black horse)

Headline item 5 (enthusiastic little sister)

What are the dogs doing? (one looks at the younger sister, and the second runs at the horse's feet)

What breed of dog is it? (hounds)

Headline item 6 (faithful dogs)

Materials for the essay (the guys cross out the table and, in the course of the subsequent conversation, fill it in)

Horsewoman's face

Why describe a face? (from the eyes)

What epithets can be chosen for the eyes? (brown, proud look)

How can they be called in high style? (eyes)

How does she look? (proudly, arrogantly)

Hair, hat and veil

On behalf of the more logical to go to the description of what? (hair)

What color is your hair? (chestnut)

What can be called high-style hair? (curls)

What predicate verb can match your hair? (fluttering, resting)

Is it more logical to move from hair to what? (to the hat)

What epithet can be chosen for a hat? (flirtatious)

What is it decorated with? (veil)

What color is the veil? (green, emerald)

What she does? (fluttering in the wind)

Make a proposal for a hat and a veil (A flirtatious hat adorns a lovely head. An emerald veil flutters in the wind.)

Riding clothes. Horse description

What is the rider wearing? (in a blouse and a skirt)

What color is the blouse and what material? (blue satin blouse)

What is it decorated with? (white lace collar)

What are the sleeves of the blouse? (curvy)

Write down the sentence: "The thin waist is intercepted by a wide belt." "A gentle hand in a kid glove grips the bridle tightly."

What color and material is the skirt on the rider? (white silk skirt)

Match the predicate verb to the skirt (spreads, falls)

Describe the horse's face (grinning pestilence, burning eyes)

What is he doing? (reared up and laughs)

Come up with one or two sentences describing the horse

Younger sister

What is the girl doing? Describe her posture, movements (The younger sister is standing on the porch and looks enthusiastically at the older sister. Small hands firmly grabbed the balustrade grate)

How does she look at her sister? (enthusiastically)

What are her eyes? (brown)

What mouth? (scarlet, small)

What hair? (black hair)

What is she wearing? Describe her clothes in a few sentences (She is wearing a pink satin dress, from under which lace panties are visible. Legs are shod in green shoes)

Who is near her? (dog)

What is the dog doing? (looks faithfully at his little mistress)

Background. A park

What do we see in the background? (old park)

Find epithets for the park

What is he doing? (dull noise)

What do we see at the feet of the horse? (little hound)

What is the dog doing? (barks)

Let's make a plan

  1. Introduction to the painting and its creator
  2. Description of the picture

A) beautiful and proud horsewoman

Hair and hat

B) zealous horse

C) an enthusiastic little sister and a dog

D) a century-old gloomy park and a hound at the feet of a horse

3. Fantasy on the theme "Horsewoman"

4. My attitude to the masterpiece

Sample composition (video shown)

  • #1

    Thanks for your hard work! I highly appreciate your high-quality, interesting work.

  • #2
  • #3

    Inessa Nikolaevna, here you mark the veil on the hat developing in the wind. Does it bother you that the tops of the trees are leaning in the wind in the opposite direction from the veil? How do you explain this? Best regards L.

  • #4

    Dear Lydia! I never noticed it. Very interesting. I don't know what to say here ...

For 20 years now I have been conducting in the 5th grade an essay-description based on the painting by K. Bryullov "The Horsewoman" after studying the topic "Literary Tale". This lesson teaches the techniques of painting an essay on a painting. Painstaking preliminary work leads to good results. It is important to prevent possible errors. Experience shows that guys, although they have materials for an essay, are not always able to make sentences based on phrases: they lack a predicate. Also, typical mistakes include changing the tense of verbs during work and merging descriptions of several subjects into one sentence. This lesson teaches you how to prevent such errors. Also an important element of the work is imagination on the theme of the picture, the ability to compose who is depicted on the canvas, what will happen to the heroines.

Accompanying the presentation

2 slide Demonstration of the artist's portrait. A few words about the painter.

Karl Bryullov is a wonderful painter

3 slide Teacher's word: The day when his painting "The Last Day of Pompeii" was first presented at the exhibition was a triumph for Bryullov. On the morning after the exhibition, he woke up famous.

4-5 slides - a story about the painter and his works

Today we will describe the painting by K. Bryullov "The Horsewoman". It depicts the two sisters Giovanina and Amatsilia Pacini. You can ask the children to write down the names of the sisters and the surname of the artist in a notebook, emphasizing the "dangerous" places, since they often make mistakes in these surnames.

7 slide Getting to know the goals

Describe the sisters' appearance, setting, landscape

Come up with a story, a plot that explains what you see in the picture

Convey the emotions that this painting evokes

8 slide It is important not to repeat ourselves in the essay, so we will replace some words with synonyms. (In strong classes, the teacher can ask the students to come up with synonyms themselves, then the answers should not appear immediately in the presentation)

In order not to repeat

Painting - canvas, masterpiece

Artist - he, master, painter, K. Bryullov, author of the picture

Girl - child, child, younger sister, Amatsilia

Girl - lady, beauty, older sister, amazon, rider, Jovanina

Dogs - they, hound, greyhound, dogs

Horse - black, trotter, beautiful animal, horse

Synonyms are written in a notebook

Why is the painting called The Horsewoman? (It depicts a horsewoman in the center of the canvas)

What is depicted on the canvas? Whom do we see? (On the canvas we see a beautiful rider on a hot horse, her little enthusiastic sister, dogs)

What moment in the life of the two sisters do you think is depicted on the canvas? (let me dream up)

What feelings does the picture evoke in the viewer? (delight, admiration for the beauty of a girl and a girl)

What do we admire? (everything is beautiful in this picture: the beauty of the Amazon, the brightness of the colors)

In what colors is the picture painted? (the picture is painted in bright colors, the colors are contrasting. There is white, blue, pink, and dark colors)

How does the artist highlight the girl's figure? (she is depicted against a dark background of an old park, her blouse is blue, and her white skirt flows down the dark satin back of the horse)

Planning A plan must be drawn up before each essay so that your work is logical, one sentence is connected with another, so as not to forget anything)

What should I write about in the introduction? (In the introduction, you can write about an artist or two girls)

Title introduction (first Roman) (K. Bryullov and his painting "Horsewoman")

What thought should permeate your essay? (Feeling awe at the beauty of the artwork)

Title the main part, reflecting the main idea of ​​the essay (Bryullov's painting "Horsewoman" is a wonderful work of art)

Where to begin to describe the picture?

From the face of the rider

Choose an epithet for it. This will be the 1st Arabic of the main part (Proud Amazon Face)

What is more logical to go from the face?

To hair and hat

Pick up epithets for them. Title 2nd Arabic (Flirty hat with an emerald veil)

What is the epithet for a horse? Title the 4th point of the plan (frisky black horse)

Headline item 5 (enthusiastic little sister)

What are the dogs doing? (one looks at the younger sister, and the second runs at the horse's feet)

What breed of dog is it? (hounds)

Headline item 6 (faithful dogs)

Materials for the essay (the guys cross out the table and, in the course of the subsequent conversation, fill it in)

Horsewoman's face

Why describe a face? (from the eyes)

What epithets can be chosen for the eyes? (brown, proud look)

How can they be called in high style? (eyes)

How does she look? (proudly, arrogantly)

Hair, hat and veil

On behalf of the more logical to go to the description of what? (hair)

What color is your hair? (chestnut)

What can be called high-style hair? (curls)

What predicate verb can match your hair? (fluttering, resting)

Is it more logical to move from hair to what? (to the hat)

What epithet can be chosen for a hat? (flirtatious)

What is it decorated with? (veil)

What color is the veil? (green, emerald)

What she does? (fluttering in the wind)

Make a proposal for a hat and a veil (A flirtatious hat adorns a lovely head. An emerald veil flutters in the wind.)

Riding clothes. Horse description

What is the rider wearing? (in a blouse and a skirt)

What color is the blouse and what material? (blue satin blouse)

What is it decorated with? (white lace collar)

What are the sleeves of the blouse? (curvy)

Write down the sentence: "The thin waist is intercepted by a wide belt." "A gentle hand in a kid glove grips the bridle tightly."

What color and material is the skirt on the rider? (white silk skirt)

Match the predicate verb to the skirt (spreads, falls)

Describe the horse's face (grinning pestilence, burning eyes)

What is he doing? (reared up and laughs)

Come up with one or two sentences describing the horse

Younger sister

What is the girl doing? Describe her posture, movements (The younger sister is standing on the porch and looks enthusiastically at the older sister. Small hands firmly grabbed the balustrade grate)

How does she look at her sister? (enthusiastically)

What are her eyes? (brown)

What mouth? (scarlet, small)

What hair? (black hair)

What is she wearing? Describe her clothes in a few sentences (She is wearing a pink satin dress, from under which lace panties are visible. Legs are shod in green shoes)

Who is near her? (dog)

What is the dog doing? (looks faithfully at his little mistress)

Background. A park

What do we see in the background? (old park)

Find epithets for the park

What is he doing? (dull noise)

What do we see at the feet of the horse? (little hound)

What is the dog doing? (barks)

Let's make a plan

  1. Introduction to the painting and its creator
  2. Description of the picture

A) beautiful and proud horsewoman

Hair and hat

B) zealous horse

C) an enthusiastic little sister and a dog

D) a century-old gloomy park and a hound at the feet of a horse

3. Fantasy on the theme "Horsewoman"

4. My attitude to the masterpiece

Sample composition (video shown)

  • #1

    Thanks for your hard work! I highly appreciate your high-quality, interesting work.

  • #2
  • #3

    Inessa Nikolaevna, here you mark the veil on the hat developing in the wind. Does it bother you that the tops of the trees are leaning in the wind in the opposite direction from the veil? How do you explain this? Best regards L.

  • #4

    Dear Lydia! I never noticed it. Very interesting. I don't know what to say here ...

The painting "Horsewoman" by Bryullov from the moment of its exhibition in 1832 to the present day has had a huge number of descriptions and critical reviews. Italian newspapers wrote that the painter's work exceeded all expectations, and his style and skill can be compared with the legendary Rubens.

Description of the painting "Horsewoman" Bryullov

Option 1

The paintings "" and "Horsewoman" are among the most famous in the history of Russian painting of the 19th century. They were created by Karl Pavlovich Bryullov.

Artist: Karl Pavlovich Bryullov (Bryulov)

Title of the painting: "Horsewoman"

Painting written: 1832

Canvas, oil.

Size: 291 × 206 cm

A lot has already been said about the Russian artist K. Bryullov. He was the author of outstanding paintings, and today they occupy a worthy place in the list of world masterpieces and museum expositions. One of them is "The Horsewoman".

The history of the painting is attractive and unusual. As you know, the painter lived in Italy for a long time, but just before leaving this romantic country, he painted, commissioned by Countess Y. Samoilova, a portrait of her adopted daughters - Giovanina and Amatsilia Paccini, daughters of the very composer who created the opera The Last Day of Pompeii. which inspired the artist to create a painting that would be monumental in the future. But before that, a portrait of two pupils of a Russian aristocrat appeared in a secluded villa near Milan. The work was titled "Jovanin on a Horse", but for everyone it became "The Horsewoman".

The image of Dzhovanina on horseback was revolutionary, because earlier only commanders, emperors and kings were portrayed in this way, and not ordinary citizens.

A horsewoman stands out on the canvas, who stops the horse at full gallop. She manages it confidently, causing genuine delight in the little girl near the balcony. Two dogs barking at a rearing horse are also interested in what is happening, which is also given over to nature by inertia - tree trunks tilted from the breeze that ran through them, and clouds rush across the sky. The rays of the evening sun make their way to the earth spontaneously and restlessly.

The value of this picture is not only in the innovative approach to depicting people, but also in the fact that Bryullov modernized the ceremonial portrait. If you look closely at the outline of the silhouette of the horse and Giovanina sitting on it, it resembles a triangle. It is noteworthy that earlier this technique was used by Titian, Rubens and Van Dyck. Bryullov, on the other hand, interprets this compositional technique in a completely unusual way - he introduces the image of a child into the picture.

Little Amalicia, hearing the stomp, ran out onto the balcony and stretched out her hand, trying to catch the movement of the horse. Her eyes are wide open and her mouth slightly open express surprise and delight. At the same time, she worries about how fast her sister gallops with a stately, arrogant, almost marble face filled with some kind of extraterrestrial renunciation. The girl successfully creates balance and gives the canvas realism, spontaneity and seems to breathe life into it.

Look at the shaggy dog ​​at the feet of Jovanina's horse. He makes the space in the picture three-dimensional, as if it exists not only behind, but also around the figures.

The canvas is dynamic, and everyone who has ever seen it at the Tretyakov Gallery will certainly have the feeling that this is not a painting, but a photo that stopped the frantic rhythm of life for only a second. The black horse shines after a walk, he still hits his hoof, because he cannot tune in to calmness after a run, and the dog, which conveys the atmosphere of a rich house of those times, gleams with a personal collar and joyfully meets the rider.

Amacilia in a touching dress, like all children of her age, lively and nimble. She could not sit still, hearing her older sister return. The huge eyes of the girl express not only physical dynamism, but also emotional dynamism - adoration, devotion and slight envy of her older sister, whom she wants so much to be like that even their hair is curled the same way.

The “horsewoman” simply breathes life, she becomes the messenger of all earthly joys - the picture is so direct. There is everything here: the animated images of the heroes, and the boldness of the compositional solution, and the grandeur of the pre-storm sky, and the variety of shades of the palette.

Moreover, the latter is filled with rather bold color schemes, which are not only incompatible at first glance, but also uncharacteristic for Bryullov. On the canvas, pink, almost powdery, the color of Amatsilia's dress, black, even the velvety color of a horse, and the airy white, with a slight blueness, of the rider's dress, are rather risky. At first glance, the combination of reds and pinks, blacks and blues, and crystal whites can be difficult to perceive. This is the peculiarity of the Brullov style of painting - the use of not close, but contrasting color solutions, the most difficult in the artist's skill.

Note that the tones of the painting are not overdriven, which enhances their sound. The tonal harmony of the canvas is so calm and laconic that there are no negligence or inaccuracies in the portrait. It is not for nothing that fashion historians of that time call Giovanina the “cover girl” of a fashion magazine. Fashion trends of the early 19th century can be traced in her clothes - an aristocrat sits in a lady's saddle, her Amazon is light blue, befitting unmarried young ladies, tightly buttoned up with all the buttons, with puff sleeves. The rider put on gloves on her hands - both for the reason that not to injure her gentle aristocratic hands, and because etiquette forbade showing them in society. In the 19th century, walking hats were popular. Jovanina was no exception: her headdress is dark green with developing ribbons.

Amacilia is not dressed so conservatively - she is wearing a powdery pink dress with open arms, lace knickers and green shoes. We see the fashion trends of the century before last in her hairstyle - in those days, children of aristocrats were supposed to do a perm.

The painting "Horsewoman" was first exhibited in Rome (1832). The life-size portrait of a girl caused, if not a stir, then the gossip of critics around him. Some noted the artist's skill, calling the girl on a horse "a flying angel" and admired Bryullov's ability to convey the play of light. Other art connoisseurs from Italy said that the rider's face was lifeless, and therefore she did not notice the movement of the horse. Bryullov himself refuted all these arguments, speaking about the main task of art - the depiction of life.

Nevertheless, his skill as an artist and the unprecedented scale of the portrait conquered the public so much that he was awarded the title of genius and stood on a par with Rubens and Van Dyck, and the picture itself is rightfully called one of the most famous examples of art of the 19th century.

Option 2

Karl Bryullov is one of the most famous graduates of the Academy of Arts of the Russian Empire. A prominent representative of late romanticism, Bryullov created many beautiful paintings, including a number of portraits of prominent people of his time. His artistic style was characterized by warm juicy tones, sharp contrasts, sometimes - touching female nudity; he was able to reflect in his canvases human moods, fears and feelings. At twenty-three, having graduated with honors from the Academy of Arts, he went to Europe to continue his studies. After short travels, he settled in Italy, where he spent fourteen of the most fruitful creative years of his life.

The canvas depicts the pupils of the Russian Countess Yulia Pavlovna Samoilova - Dzhovanina and Amalicia. Jovanina is portrayed as an imperturbable horsewoman sitting on a lathered, besieged horse. Little Amalicia watches her older friend admiringly from the porch, leaning against the railing. Nevertheless, Karl Bryullov's "Horsewoman" was expected not only by laudatory odes from critics. There were also those who paid attention to how sharply the equanimity of the rider contrasts with the agitated state of the horse. They found it unnatural.

The excitement of the sharply besieged horse, his anxiety, his readiness to rears up would force the girl to pull on the reins and bend over. Horsewoman Karla Bryullova on the canvas demonstrates impeccable posture and calmness, her face is almost impassive. Some critics found the girl's expression and posture unnatural and deliberate. However, the disheveled and funny dog, the pre-stormy state of nature in the background of the painting, the passionate admiration in the gaze of little Amalicia, the graceful Giovanina's veil fluttering in the wind - everything on the canvas suggests that the artist perfectly mastered the skill of conveying all states: both nature and people, and animals.

Emphasizing the calmness of the rider, Bryullov clearly pursued some goal of his own. Perhaps, to focus specifically on the portrait of Giovanina, conveying her features as accurately as possible. Bryullov painted the picture "Horsewoman" with very warm and lively colors, conveying on the canvas not only the mood of the heroes of the picture, its atmosphere and dynamics, but also the rich tonality of a summer evening in Italy.

The "Horsewoman" of the remarkable Russian painter Karl Pavlovich Bryullov is an undeniable example of portrait painting. You can appreciate the magnificence of the picture by visiting the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Bryullov "Horsewoman" essay on the painting

Option 1

In front of me is a wonderful painting by the artist K.P. Bryullov "Horsewoman". Bryullov is the creator of many famous paintings. His favorite genre, in which he loved to create, was the portrait. Here in this picture we have two young beautiful ladies.

In the foreground, we see a young rider on horseback posing for the artist. She looks directly at the viewer, she has a graceful light face, with regular facial features. The girl is the owner of lush curls, on which her hat sits perfectly. The beauty is dressed in a white and blue dress that suits her very well. They are sitting on a black strong and mighty horse, which cannot sit still and is eager to ride its rider.

A dog sits next to a beautiful girl, barking at a horse, not at all frightened by him. On the other hand, we see a little smart girl who is not inferior to her sister in beauty. She has wonderful black curls, big expressive eyes, she is dressed in a delicate dress that goes well with her black hair. She looks at her older sister in admiration with her mouth open. She probably wants to saddle the horse too. Her dog is looking at this little lady, unfortunately, the girl covers her body with herself, and we see only her white and black muzzle and a red collar.

In the background we see a piece of a rich house of girls, no doubt they are from a wealthy noble family. Their house is decorated with a wonderful arch, there are small columns next to the house, their huge garden is visible behind the house. The background of the picture is painted in dark tones, on which the girls stand out brightly. They are dressed in light-colored dresses and immediately focus on themselves. Their beautiful and bright faces remain in the memory of the viewer for a long time.

The master captured in the picture, a bright moment from the life of girls. The picture evokes positive emotions, it conveys the plot well, on it we see both movement and emotions. Such a picture would be a good decoration for any home. I remember the picture, I would like to see it in its true size.

Option 2

The Horsewoman is the famous work of the outstanding Russian painter Karl Bryullov. The painting was created in 1832. Today you can admire it in the Tretyakov Gallery.

"Horsewoman" Bryullov wrote by order of Yulia Samoilova. But it is not the countess herself who is depicted on it, but her lovely pupils - Amatsilia and Giovannina Pacini. The customer's surname can be seen on the dog's collar.

In the picture we see a scene of a walk. Giovannina rides a horse to the house of her adoptive mother, and Amatsilia meets her on the porch. Giovannina, a young beautiful girl, looks at us, sitting on a tall raven horse. The horse neighs and rears up. Giovannina calmly holds her by the bridle. The girl's oval face is framed by light brown curls. On her head is a dark green Amazon. Jovanina's dress accentuates her graceful waist. The top of the dress is blue and the hem is white.

A dog is hovering at the horse's feet. She looks closely at the rider. Amatsilia meets Giovannina on the porch. The little girl looks at her older friend with delight and awe. The girl is holding on to the metal railing with her handles. Amatsilia put one foot on the fence, as if trying to get up on it in order to get closer to Giovannina. The girl's mouth is open. She, as if spellbound, looks at the rider. Amacilia is dressed in a pale pink dress with lace sleeves. From under it one can see the same lace trousers. Together with the girl, Giovannina is met by a dog. Her narrow muzzle faces Amalicia.

Despite the fact that the scene depicted in the picture is very common for that time, Bryullov's "Horsewoman" is full of emotion and dynamism. Immediately after writing, this work was exhibited in Milan. There she caused a huge number of positive responses.

Option 3

When you look at the canvas of the great painter Bryulov, your gaze immediately stops at the figure of a beautiful horsewoman who stops the horse. And then you just notice the girl who is standing on the balcony and does not hide her admiration for the horsewoman. Dogs that turned their attention to the horse and bark at it also have great interest, it seems that all nature has paid attention to this brave girl. Large clouds go across the sky, and the trees seem to bend over to get a better look at the horsewoman. Even the rays of the almighty sun, and they descended to the earth to see the beauty and insolence of the girl.

The peculiarity of this picture lies mainly in the fact that the painter painted a portrait of an ordinary girl in the style of a portrait of great commanders. If you pay attention to the silhouette of the girl and the horse, you can easily see the triangle. Previously, Titian, Rubens and other great artists resorted to this technique. But so that the image of the girl does not seem warlike, Bryulov adds a child to the canvas.

The little girl heard the clatter of the horse's hooves and went out onto the balcony to look at him. Her face expresses delight at the beautiful rider. But you can also see the experience on the young face, the girl is surprised that the rider looks so arrogant when she rides a horse. A small child gives this picture liveliness, realism, the canvas ceases to be stately.

You should also pay attention to the large shaggy dog, which is located closer to the horse. This dog also plays a special role on the canvas. When you look at it, you get the impression that the picture was painted not on a plane, but in three-dimensional space.

Anyone who has seen this canvas at least once in his life in the Tretyakov gallery immediately gets the impression that this is not a picture at all, but a window into life.

Option 4

Bryulov Karl Pavlovich is one of the most famous artists of the 19th century, the author of many beautiful portraits. The main directions of his grandiose development were panoramic canvases on the theme of historical events, and he also had a great interest in small works that skillfully combined laid-back simplicity and skillful use of the brush. However, Bryulov was most revealed in writing portraits, mainly portraits of luxurious beauties of his age.

One of the most famous portraits, written by the painter, is the canvas "Horsewoman". It was created in 1832 in Italy. In the portrait, the author perfectly conveyed all the beauty of youth and grace of the young pupil of Countess Samoilova - Giovanina Paccini.

Contrast reigns in the whole picture - and only a simple cursory glance at it, and after some time, peering into all the little things depicted by a truly master of his craft.

At the first glance at the picture, the strength and power of a beautiful black horse - a handsome man, is striking. Against the background of his temperament, the innocence of the girl, whom he holds firmly and securely in his saddle, seems even more vulnerable. The girl gracefully stops the horse's impulse to jerk, slows down the fire and the pressure of his temperament.

She is met by a little girl on the balcony, just as cute, with curls on her head and in an elegant light scarf. The skill in managing a capricious animal surprises the baby and instills in her a sense of respect for her older friend.

The little dog at the stallion's feet barks fiercely at him. The strength and pressure of the picture is also given by the state of the weather - the approach of a thunderstorm, and even a storm, is felt.

The unusual combination of colors in the portrait created by Bryulov is striking. The author combines red shades with brown, almost black colors - with pale blue and almost white. Such combinations influenced my perception of this picture - its strength and tenderness.

One of the genius artists of the 19th century is Karl Pavlovich Bryullov. His works with a high degree of skill are admired due to the riot of colors, the combination of contrasts. Karl Bryullov, since 1822, has been living in Italy to raise money for the existence of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. Here he created many of his creations.

History of creation

The artist's painting "Horsewoman" deserves special attention. The canvas was created in 1832 by order of Countess Yulia Samoilova. It depicts a young girl on horseback, just returning from a walk. A little girl ran out onto the balcony, watching her sister with enthusiastic eyes. Today it is known that the artist depicted on canvas two of the countess's pupils: the eldest Giovanina and little Amalicia. The fact that the work was created for the countess is evidenced by the inscription on the collar of the dog "Samoilov".

Composition of the painting

The painting "Horsewoman" strikes with its vitality, naturalness. Everything in her breathes with spiritualized energy: a rider who has returned from a horse ride; a little girl, enthusiastically watching what is happening; a hot black horse; a shaggy dog ​​that is about to throw itself under the feet of a horse. The joy of the event is present in the picture due to a short separation. But the viewer is captivated by something else - this is the look of a little girl, her big eyes full of dreams. She admires her sister. A share of excitement slips in her gaze. But more in it you can read how the girl sees herself in the place of the horse after a while.

Technique of execution

The artist uses contrasting tones, each of which is worked out to the smallest detail. Light pink, blue-black, white shade are harmoniously combined in the picture, nowhere are there places overloaded with colors. Bryullov deliberately chose a combination of incongruous tones. Thanks to the skill of the artist, a magnificent picture turned out, and dark shades against a background of light colors enhance the overall emotional impact on the viewer.

After writing, the painting was presented at an exhibition in Milan in 1832 at the Brera Gallery. The rest of the time Countess Samoilova kept the canvas with her. When the Samoilovs were ruined, the painting had to be sold. Only in 1893 did she find herself in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Many admired the work, its dynamics and liveliness. Some critics spoke of the rider's lack of emotion. The unnatural posture and calmness of the girl with such excitement of the horse look incredible - critics thought so. Despite this, the painting was recognized as a masterpiece of genius.

Title of the painting: "Horsewoman"
Painting written: 1832
Canvas, oil.
Size: 291 × 206 cm

Description of the painting "Horsewoman" K. Bryullov

Artist: Karl Pavlovich Bryullov (Bryulov)
Title of the painting: "Horsewoman"
Painting written: 1832
Canvas, oil.
Size: 291 × 206 cm

A lot has already been said about the Russian artist K. Bryullov. He was the author of outstanding paintings, and today they occupy a worthy place in the list of world masterpieces and museum expositions. One of them is "The Horsewoman".

The history of the painting is attractive and unusual. As you know, the painter lived in Italy for a long time, but just before leaving this romantic country, he painted, commissioned by Countess Y. Samoilova, a portrait of her adopted daughters - Giovanina and Amatsilia Paccini, daughters of the very composer who created the opera The Last Day of Pompeii. which inspired the artist to create a painting that would be monumental in the future. But before that, a portrait of two pupils of a Russian aristocrat appeared in a secluded villa near Milan. The work was titled "Jovanin on a Horse", but for everyone it became "The Horsewoman".

The image of Dzhovanina on horseback was revolutionary, because earlier only commanders, emperors and kings were portrayed in this way, and not ordinary citizens.

A horsewoman stands out on the canvas, who stops the horse at full gallop. She manages it confidently, causing genuine delight in the little girl near the balcony. Two dogs barking at a rearing horse are also interested in what is happening, which is also given over to nature by inertia - tree trunks tilted from the breeze that ran through them, and clouds rush across the sky. The rays of the evening sun make their way to the earth spontaneously and restlessly.

The value of this picture is not only in the innovative approach to depicting people, but also in the fact that Bryullov modernized the ceremonial portrait. If you look closely at the outline of the silhouette of the horse and Giovanina sitting on it, it resembles a triangle. It is noteworthy that earlier this technique was used by Titian, Velazquez, Rubens and Van Dyck. Bryullov, on the other hand, interprets this compositional technique in a completely unusual way - he introduces the image of a child into the picture. Little Amalicia, hearing the stomp, ran out onto the balcony and stretched out her hand, trying to catch the movement of the horse. Her eyes are wide open and her mouth slightly open express surprise and delight. At the same time, she worries about how fast her sister gallops with a stately, arrogant, almost marble face filled with some kind of extraterrestrial renunciation. The girl successfully creates balance and gives the canvas realism, spontaneity and seems to breathe life into it.

Look at the shaggy dog ​​at the feet of Jovanina's horse. He makes the space in the picture three-dimensional, as if it exists not only behind, but also around the figures.

The canvas is dynamic, and everyone who has ever seen it at the Tretyakov Gallery will certainly have the feeling that this is not a painting, but a photo that stopped the frantic rhythm of life for only a second. The black horse shines after a walk, he still hits his hoof, because he cannot tune in to calmness after a run, and the dog, which conveys the atmosphere of a rich house of those times, gleams with a personal collar and joyfully meets the rider. Amacilia in a touching dress, like all children of her age, lively and nimble. She could not sit still, hearing her older sister return. The huge eyes of the girl express not only physical dynamism, but also emotional dynamism - adoration, devotion and slight envy of her older sister, whom she wants so much to be like that even their hair is curled the same way.

The “horsewoman” simply breathes life, she becomes the messenger of all earthly joys - the picture is so direct. There is everything here: the animated images of the heroes, and the boldness of the compositional solution, and the grandeur of the pre-storm sky, and the variety of shades of the palette.

Moreover, the latter is filled with rather bold color schemes, which are not only incompatible at first glance, but also uncharacteristic for Bryullov. On the canvas, pink, almost powdery, the color of Amatsilia's dress, black, even the velvety color of a horse, and the airy white, with a slight blueness, of the rider's dress, are rather risky. At first glance, the combination of reds and pinks, blacks and blues, and crystal whites can be difficult to perceive. This is the peculiarity of the Brullov style of painting - the use of not close, but contrasting color solutions, the most difficult in the artist's skill. Note that the tones of the painting are not overdriven, which enhances their sound. The tonal harmony of the canvas is so calm and laconic that there are no negligence or inaccuracies in the portrait. It is not for nothing that fashion historians of that time call Giovanina the “cover girl” of a fashion magazine. Fashion trends of the early 19th century can be traced in her clothes - an aristocrat sits in a lady's saddle, her Amazon is light blue, befitting unmarried young ladies, tightly buttoned up with all the buttons, with puff sleeves. The rider put on gloves on her hands - both for the reason that not to injure her gentle aristocratic hands, and because etiquette forbade showing them in society. In the 19th century, walking hats were popular. Jovanina was no exception: her headdress is dark green with developing ribbons.

Amacilia is not dressed so conservatively - she is wearing a powdery pink dress with open arms, lace knickers and green shoes. We see the fashion trends of the century before last in her hairstyle - in those days, children of aristocrats were supposed to do a perm.

The painting "Horsewoman" was first exhibited in Rome (1832). The life-size portrait of a girl caused, if not a stir, then the gossip of critics around him. Some noted the artist's skill, calling the girl on a horse "a flying angel" and admired Bryullov's ability to convey the play of light. Other art connoisseurs from Italy said that the rider's face was lifeless, and therefore she did not notice the movement of the horse. Bryullov himself refuted all these arguments, speaking about the main task of art - the depiction of life.

Nevertheless, his skill as an artist and the unprecedented scale of the portrait conquered the public so much that he was awarded the title of genius and stood on a par with Rubens and Van Dyck, and the picture itself is rightfully called one of the most famous examples of art of the 19th century.