The problem is a harmonious relationship with nature arguments. Arguments to the exam in Russian

The problem is a harmonious relationship with nature arguments.  Arguments to the exam in Russian
The problem is a harmonious relationship with nature arguments. Arguments to the exam in Russian

Text from the exam

(1) In recognition of the utmost importance global problems we were terribly late. (2) 0they took us by surprise. (H) Making up for lost time, we began to multiply the number of these problems too quickly and chaotically. (4) I will list some. (5) This is the rejection of wars, overcoming the backwardness of the "third world" countries, demography, natural resources, the world's oceans, the environment, space exploration ... (6) But let's take a closer look. (7) Isn't there really only one single (and now eternal) problem - the ecological one? (8) And aren't all the others, directly or indirectly, just a manifestation of it?

(9) Humanity became the force that threatened the very existence of life. (10) And now there is no such human action that would affect all life without a trace, that would not hurt, kill it or heal, increase, improve.

(11) “I am a life that wants to live in the midst of a life that also wants to live,” says A. Schweitzer. (12) This means that the environment, “the house in which we live” is nothing more than a living dwelling of living life. (13) And the law of this living dwelling is the multiplying variety of life forms. (14) And in relation to a person, the same law requires the identification and enhancement of his personal and national spiritual uniqueness. (15) The more varied life is, the more lively it is, the more immortal it is.

(16) We have come to the edge of the abyss primarily because we have lost the love of life. (17) And it is not so much the repulsion from death that will save us, but the attraction to life, the revival of love for it.

(18) It is no coincidence that one can hear from all sides: “ecology of culture”, “ecology of a person”, “ecology of a book” ... (19) There are a lot of ecologies. (20) This means the revitalization of everything that surrounds us, more precisely, the recognition of our "home" as living life, the recognition of the interdependence of all forms of life, the recognition of the endless living connections of life.

(21) In the global environmental problem, the main inseparable human, social aspects... (22) Firstly, it is the preservation, lengthening and improvement of the physical life of each person with the full realization of his unique personality, his spiritual potential. (23) Secondly, the preservation and spiritual development of every people, every nation. (24) And most importantly - the concentration of the efforts of all mankind on the physical and spiritual development children. (25) Without solving these eternal problems, we will not survive. (26) These tasks inspire and infect not only with their intelligibility, realism and beauty (the combination of the physical and the spiritual), but also with their lack of alternatives in the face of the threat of nonexistence.

(27) The absolute priority of ecology provides a truly objective basis for the new ethics: "Good is to preserve life, evil is to destroy life, harm life." (28) Living life gave birth to man. (29) The man put her under the threat of death. (30) Man is called to save life. (31) Or is it released into the world only "in the form of an impudent trial"?

(32) We and all future generations are threatened by non-existence. (33) This is the main thing that should unite people all over the world. (34) Let's try to comprehend a simple and deep thought L. Tolstoy. “(35) Unity is the key that frees people from evil. (36) But in order for this key to fulfill its purpose, it is necessary that it be advanced to the end, to the point where it opens, and does not break itself or does not break the lock. (37) So is the unity - in order for it to produce its characteristic beneficial consequences, it must have the goal of the unity of all people in the name of a common principle for all people, equally recognized by all. "

(According to Yuri Karjakin)


Several last decades mankind is thinking more and more seriously about the problem of preserving natural resources, environmental pollution and the disappearance of the last representatives of animals included in the Red Book.

In Russia, 2017 was declared the year of ecology, in order to remind all of us once again that we are responsible for what will happen to our planet in the future, whether descendants will be able to enjoy the beauties of nature, as we do now.

But the concept of ecology is associated primarily with the concept of preserving life - life on the planet in general.


Yu. Karjakin raises the problem of ecology living space a person, which is intended to be preserved by a person for future generations.

A comment

The author argues that humanity is late in solving global problems such as wars, the backwardness of the "third world" countries, demography, and natural resources. Awareness of the need to solve these problems came to us quite late.

Karjakin identifies only one really important problem - the environmental one, and everything that happens around is a consequence of this problem. Humanity began to threaten own life with the process of multiplying your greatness.

The ecology of life is designed, first of all, to increase personal and spiritual growth person. home ecological problem includes, according to the author, three aspects: improving the psychological and physical state of a person, preserving the culture and development of individual nations, special attention should be paid to the moral, spiritual and physical development of children.

Good is the preservation of life, evil is its destruction. The impending doom of humanity must unite people all over the world. As an example, Karjakin cites the words of L.N. Tolstoy, who believes that only unity will save people from evil. But it will be effective only when all people can unite in order to achieve a common goal.

Author's position

The author calls on everyone to unite, he is greatly worried about the situation in the world, worried about the future of generations. He is confident that the main goal should be moral and physical development children, each person individually and entire nations.

Your position

I also believe that we must protect our planet, we must restore what we destroyed with my own hands... To bring back life where it has practically died out, so that our descendants can admire the beauty of nature and enjoy the delights of life.

Selfish destruction of natural resources can very soon lead to the death of all living things.

Argument # 1

In the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. Rasputin, on the example of the small Siberian island of Matera, the intention of the authorities to sacrifice anything for the sake of achieving their own, often mercantile, goals is shown.

Matera is an island on which there was a small village inhabited small amount of people. In order to build a new hydroelectric power station, the superiors needed to flood the island, destroy all living things that are there - plants, animals, human dwellings. Of course, people were given the opportunity to relocate, but their hearts sank from the need to leave native land, family homes that they have cherished for decades.

Argument # 2

B. Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot White Swans" presents an ambivalent attitude towards nature: some treat it as a consumer, not disdaining violence; others - guard her anxiously, fearing to cause harm.

Fyodor Buryanov, a forester, taking advantage of his position, illegally cut down the forest. His son Vovka, without a shadow of pity, almost tortures the little puppy to death.

Buryanov's brother, Yegor Polushkin, was so fond of nature that, digging a trench, when he collided with an anthill, he went around it. At that moment he did not think that there are no crooked pipes.

For such a reverent attitude to nature, Polushkin was later appointed a forester instead of the dishonorable Buryanov.


Our life directly depends on how we relate to ourselves and the nature that surrounds us. For the sake of the future, for the sake of our children, we must all strive together to achieve a common goal - solving environmental problems.

Arguments for an essay on the Russian language.
Nature. Part 1.
The problem of nature, attitude to nature, animals, struggle with the natural world, interference in the natural world, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on human character.

How does nature affect a person's character?
M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
The locality in which a person lives influences the formation of his character. Lermontov describes the Caucasus as a place surrounded by high dangerous mountains, seething, fast rivers, and therefore the people who live there have a bold, fierce character. Mountains are associated with adventure and risk, and human life is about overcoming dangers. The harsh conditions of nature make a person's character harsh, he becomes prone to impulsiveness, he has a spirit of adventurism. For people living in such an area, nature is not just a backdrop. They feel nature better than any person describing the beauty of a landscape, they love nature and feel it in their hearts: "... in the hearts of the simple, the feeling of the beauty and grandeur of nature is stronger, a hundred times more alive than in us, enthusiastic storytellers in words and on paper." ...


Where nature is alive, the human soul is alive. In the novel in the ninth chapter "Oblomov's Dream" the author depicts a corner of Russia blessed by God. Oblomovka is a patriarchal paradise on earth.

The sky there, it seems, on the contrary, is pressed closer to the ground, but not in order to throw arrows stronger than arrows, but only in order to hug her tighter, with love: it stretched so low above your head, like a parent's reliable roof, in order to protect, it seems , a chosen corner from all adversity. The sun shines brightly and hot there for about six months and then leaves there not suddenly, as if reluctantly, as if turning back to look again or two at a favorite place and give it in the fall, in the midst of bad weather, a clear, warm day.

All nature protects the inhabitants of Oblomovka from hardships, living life in such a blessed place, people are in harmony with the world and themselves. Their souls are pure, there are no dirty gossips, collisions, profit seeking. Everything is peaceful, friendly. Oblomov is a product of this world. He has kindness, soul, generosity, attention to his neighbor, something for which Stolz values ​​him so much and Olga fell in love with him.

2. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The main character, the commoner Bazarov, by virtue of his convictions, considers nature not a temple, but a workshop. His point is that all trees are the same. However, arriving at his native estate, he tells Arkady that the aspen over the cliff was his talisman in childhood. Now he, they say, understands that he was small and was looking for signs of goodness in everything. Why, then, during the development of his passionate feelings for Madame Odintsova, the freshness of the night bursting in through the window makes such an impression on him? He is ready to fall at the feet of Madame Odintsov, he hates himself for this feeling. Isn't this the influence of that very workshop for research and experimentation. It is a pity that the experience of Yevgeny Bazarov will end so badly.

3. I.A. Bunin "Mister from San Francisco"

The trip to Europe is not at all according to the plan that was drawn up by a person who considers himself a master. Instead of bright sun and on bright days, nature greets the heroes gloomy, unsmiling: “ Morning sun every day it deceived: from noon it was invariably gray and began to sow rain, but it was getting thicker and colder; then the palms at the entrance of the hotel glittered with tin, ”- this was the nature, as if she didn’t want to give her warmth and light to these overused gentlemen. However, after the death of the lord, the sky cleared, the sun shone, and over the whole world: “... a whole country, joyful, beautiful, sunny, stretched beneath them: the stony humps of the island, which was almost entirely at their feet, and that fabulous blue, in which he swam, and shining morning vapors over the sea to the east, under the dazzling sun, which was already warming up hot, rising higher and higher, and the misty azure, still in the morning unsteady massifs of Italy, its near and distant mountains, the beauty of which is powerless to express the human word. " Only real people like the famous fisherman Lorenzo can live next to such nature.

4. V.G. Rasputin "In the same land"

The main character, Pashuta, is a woman with an ambiguous fate who has devoted her entire life to the great Soviet construction project. Years have passed when the plant went into operation and began to produce products, the city lost its charm of a clean taiga settlement.

The city gradually acquired a different glory. Cheap electricity was used to melt aluminum at the world's largest plant, and cellulose was cooked at the world's largest timber complex. From fluorine, for tens and hundreds of miles around the withering forest, from methyl mercaptan, they clogged the windows in the apartments, sealed them, cracks and still went into a suffocating cough. Twenty years after the hydroelectric station gave current, the city turned into one of the most dangerous to health. They built the city of the future, and built a slow-acting gas chamber in the open air.

People have lost touch with each other, every man for himself - this is the motto of this world. Destroying nature, we destroy ourselves, our future.

Good day, dear reader! In this article we offer an essay on the topic ““. The following arguments will be used:

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, " The little Prince
- V. V. Mayakovsky, " Good relationship to the horses "

The world around us: trees, seas, rivers, mountains and valleys - everything belongs to nature, and we are part of it. Without nature, we would not exist, we would not even be able to breathe. From childhood, every child is taught to respect nature: to water the plants and feed the animals. Each of us must remember this and adult life: do not throw garbage on the street, take good care of natural resources, avoid cruelty towards animals. It is this problem that the author raises.

I completely agree with his position. Unfortunately, air pollution, fur coats and the very existence of the Red Book testify to the irresponsible attitude of man towards nature.

In the work "The Little Prince" of the famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery both a child and an adult will see an example of an amazingly careful and careful attitude to nature. The little prince lives alone on a small planet and every morning he puts things in order in his domain. For him there is an unconditional rule: "I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately put my planet in order." The main character cleans volcanoes and gets rid of harmful plants in his monastery so that nothing will harm her. When a rose appears on the planet the main character surrounds her with attention and care. Despite the capricious nature of the rose, the Little Prince treats her with all patience. The hero's attitude to the nature of his home is respectful.

The poem by V. Mayakovsky "A good attitude to horses" describes the history of the horse. On the slippery pavement, a horse falls from fatigue, not meeting any support from people. Nobody is trying to help her ... People are watching and laughing. The author did not join the crowd, but walked over and looked into the horse's eyes. The animal's helplessness and pain poured into tears that rolled down, hiding in the fur. The author was struck by the melancholy in the gaze of the animal. He tried to mentally comfort and support the horse. As if sensing this, the mare "darted, got to her feet, whinnied and went." The support of one person helped the animal to cope with the difficulty.

To summarize, we are all connected to nature by bonds of centuries-old strength. Our life depends on its condition. By protecting nature, we help ourselves as well. The task of man is to protect what nature gives us with such generosity. The relationship between man and nature must be strong and harmonious, maintain peace and tranquility.

Today we talked about “ The problem of man's relationship to nature: arguments from literature“. This option you can use to prepare for the uniform state exam.

Essay writing is one of the most difficult stages for a future student. As a rule, testing part "A" does not present any problems, but many people have difficulties in writing an essay. So, one of the most common problems that are covered in the Unified State Exam is the problem respectful attitude to nature. Arguments, their clear selection and explanation - the main task a student taking an exam in the Russian language.

Turgenev I.S.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is still highly popular both among the young generation and among their parents. It is here that the problem of respect for nature is touched upon. The arguments in favor of the subject matter are as follows.

The main idea of ​​the work in the field of environmental protection is as follows: “People forget about where they were born. They forget that nature is their original home. It was nature that allowed the birth of man. Despite such profound arguments, each person does not pay due attention to environment... But all efforts should be directed to its preservation in the first place! "

Bazarov's attitude to nature

The main figure here is Yevgeny Bazarov, who does not care about respect for nature. The arguments of this man are as follows: "Nature is a workshop, and man is a worker here." It is difficult to argue with such a categorical statement. Here the author shows a renewed mind modern man, and, as you can see, he did it very well! Nowadays, respect for nature, arguments in favor of environmental protection are relevant in society as never before!

Turgenev, represented by Bazarov, presents a new person and his mind for the reader's consideration. He feels complete indifference to generations and all those values ​​that nature is capable of giving to humanity. He lives in the present moment, does not think about the consequences, he does not care about the respectful attitude of man to nature. Bazarov's arguments boil down only to the need to embody his own ambitious desires.

Turgenev. The relationship between nature and man

The above-mentioned work also touches upon the problem of the relationship between man and respect for nature. The arguments given by the author convince the reader of the need to show concern for mother nature.

Bazarov completely rejects all judgments about the aesthetic beauty of nature, about its indescribable landscapes and gifts. The hero of the work perceives the environment as a tool for work. The complete opposite Bazarov's friend Arkady appears in the novel. He treats with dedication and admiration what nature gives to man.

This work clearly highlights the problem of respect for nature, arguments in favor of a positive or negative attitude to the environment are determined by the behavior of the hero. Arkady, with the help of unity with her, heals mental wounds. Eugene, on the other hand, seeks to avoid any contact with the world. Nature does not give positive emotions to a person who does not feel peace of mind, does not consider itself a part of nature. Here the author emphasizes a fruitful spiritual dialogue both with oneself and in relation to nature.

Lermontov M. Yu.

The work "A Hero of Our Time" touches upon the problem of respect for nature. The arguments the author makes are about life young man by the name of Pechorin. Lermontov shows a close relationship between the mood of the protagonist and natural phenomena, the weather. One of the pictures is described as follows. Before the start of the duel, the sky seemed blue, transparent and clear. When Pechorin looked at the dead body of Grushnitsky, then "the rays did not heat", and "the sky became dim." The connection between the internal psychological states with natural phenomena.

The problem of respect for nature is touched upon in a completely different way. The arguments in the product show that natural phenomena depend not only on the emotional state, but also become involuntary participants in events. So, a thunderstorm is the reason for a meeting and a long meeting between Pechorin and Vera. Further, Grigory notes that “the local air promotes love,” meaning Kislovodsk. Such techniques show respect for nature. Arguments from the literature once again prove that this area is vital not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual and emotional level.

Evgeny Zamyatin

Evgeny Zamyatin's flamboyant anti-utopia novel also shows a respect for nature. The composition (arguments, quotations from the work, and so on) must be supported by reliable facts. So, describing literary work under the name "We", it is important to pay attention to the absence of a natural and natural beginning. All people give up a varied and isolated life. The beauties of nature are being replaced by artificial, decorative elements.

Numerous allegories of the work, as well as the suffering of the number "O" speak about the importance of nature in human life. After all, it is precisely such a beginning that can make a person happy, give feelings, emotions, help to experience love. It shows the impossibility of the existence of verified happiness and love according to the "pink cards". One of the problems of the work is the inextricable relationship between nature and man, without which the latter will be unhappy for the rest of his life.

Sergey Yesenin

In the work "Goy you, my dear Rus!" Sergei Yesenin touches upon the problem of the nature of his native places. In this poem, the poet refuses the opportunity to visit paradise, just to stay and devote his life native land... Eternal bliss, as Yesenin puts it in the work, can only be found in his native Russian land.

The feeling of patriotism and love for nature is clearly expressed here. Homeland and nature are inextricably linked and existing only in interconnection concepts. The very realization that the power of nature can weaken, leads to the collapse of the natural world and human nature.

Using arguments in an essay

If you use arguments from works of art, it is necessary to comply with several criteria for the presentation of information and presentation of the material:

  • Providing reliable data. If you do not know the author or do not remember the exact title of the work, it is better not to include such information in the essay at all.
  • Submit information correctly, without errors.
  • The most important requirement is the conciseness of the material presented. This means that offers should be as succinct and short as possible, providing complete picture described situation.

Only if all of the above conditions are met, as well as sufficient and reliable data, you will be able to write such an essay that will give you the maximum number of exam points.