Chief director BDT now. Big Drama Theater.

Chief director BDT now. Big Drama Theater.

Have you ever been to BDT? Not? Unfortunately, I also did not have a chance to visit the living performances of the Grand Drama Theater. Tovstonogov. No matter how "Halva" say, it will not be sweeter in the mouth, but it is worth saying "Hanuma!" This performance was rightfully became a business card of the theater, which today marks its 93rd anniversary.

Surprisingly, what big actors at different times on their scene gathered this theater: Georgy Tovstonogov, Kirill Lavrov, Efim Copelian, Oleg Borisov,Pavel Luppecayev, Oleg Basilashvili, Tatyana Doronina, Svetlana Kryuchkova,Nina Usatova, Olga Volkova

Fortunately, we can remember them according to roles in movies and TV links.

I will not tell about the actors in detail, I just want you to remember them today, at least some ....

Boris Babochkin -not perceived as an actor, but as a living legend, the Hero of the Civil War and the Favorite Character of the Soviet Cinema of the 1930s Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev. For us, he remained the hero of one role.

Lyudmila Makarova- Most recently noted his 90th anniversary on the stage of the theater, she still plays on the Scene of the BDT and, although she had a huge number of roles, but for us she is forever Home Hanuma our country. How many times did this performance go on TV screens? I do not know, but all the cases are postponed when I hear "GRUE-EX to be .... GRU-EX HOW TO BE ...!"

Lyudmila Makarova yesterday, today and always

Efim Copelian - Even if you have not watched the "elusive avengers", the "eternal call" or "straw hat", then the voice of "seventeen moments of spring" knows the whole country. After entering the screen of this film, the artist jokingly began to call himself "Efim Zabodrovich". In the BDT, the actor came back to Tovstonogov and worked in the theater until the end of his days namste with his wife - Lyudmila Makarova.

Evgeny Lebedev- His first role on the BDT scene - Mademoiselle Cube in the play "Unnamed Star". What is there "Mamzel"! This actor played a brilliantly "enemies" (as I hated His Romashov as a child in the "two captains"!) And heroes (movies "Mercy" and "Blockada"), a dynamic drunk ("energetic people") and even ... Horse ! Hastomer is one of its best roles in the play "Horses History" on L. Tolstoy.

Scene "with a glass" from the play "Energetic People"

Recently, the day of the actor's memory was held in the BDT in honor of his 95th anniversary, and 2000, Evgeny Lebedev award was established - the bronze figure of the actor in the role of a houster ...

Nina Usatova - Real Russian woman: confident, strong, decisive and so kind, homely, cozy. In any role good: from a village aunt (film "Island") to the in love of the landowners (the play of A. Ostrovsky "Fall!") And from the aunt from Next, and to the mother in the film "Pop". Really popularly beloved actress: On the day of his 60th anniversary, she received an amazing gift - to make a shot from the gun of the Naryshkaya bastion of the Petropavlovsk fortress.

"Supper or boiling passion"

As in a conversation about this theater, do not remember it, the actress, without which it is simply incredible for the audience! On the stage of the BDT played her father Bruno Freundlich, and listed the role of Alice Brunovna meaninglessly, all of them are known and loved by us immensely!

Alisa Freindlich- Queen scene, Queen of the movie, the queen is always in everything.

Tours of the Great Drama Theater. Tovstonogov in any city always ends with anchlage, playing and playing big masters on his scene and play. I want to congratulate the troupe of the theater on the theater happy birthday and wish not only creative success, but also new actors worthy of this scene.

What performances of this theater you would like to see again? What are the roles of actors BDT loved you?

BDT Tovstonogova opened in February 1919. Its repertoire today includes mainly classic works. Most of them are a unique reading.


The first performance of the theater was the tragedy F. Schiller "Don Carlos".

Initially, BDT was located in the conservatory building. In 1920, he received a new building in which it is still located. Photo BDT Tovstonogov is represented in this article.

The first name of the theater is "Special dramatic troupe." Famous actor N.F. was engaged in the formation of the troupe. Monks. The first artistic director BDT became A.A. Block. Idean inspirer was M. Gorky. The repertoire of that time included works by V. Hugo, F. Schiller, W. Shakespeare, etc.

The twentieth years of the 20th century were complex for theater. Changed the epoch. Lit from M. Gorky. A.A. died Block. Theater left the main director A.N. Lavrentiev and the artist in their place came new people, but did not stay for a long time.

Great contribution to the development of BDT, the director KK came in 1929 Tver - Pupil VE. Meyerhold. He served the theater until 1934. Thanks to him, the BDT repertoire appeared the performances set on the plays of modern at that time of the playgrounds.

Georgy Aleksandrovich Tovstonogov came to the theater in 1956. He was already the eleventh leader in the account. With his arrival began a new era. It was he who created the theater, which for many decades is among the leaders. Georgy Alexandrovich gathered a unique troupe, which became the best in the country. It included such actors as T.V. Doronina, O.V. Basilashvili, S.Yu. Yursky, L.I. Malevanna, A.B. Freundlich, I.M. Smoktunovsky, V.I. Stroelchik, L.I. Makarova, O.I. Borisov, E.Z. Copelian, PB Luspekayev, N.N. Usatov and others. Many of these artists still serve in BDT Tovstonogov.

In 1964, the theater received the title of academic.

In 1989, Georgy Alexandrovich Tovstonogov died. This tragic event has become a shock. Almost immediately after the death of the genius, his place was taken by People's Artist of the USSR Cyril Lavrov. He was chosen by the collective voting. Kirill Yuryevich invests all the will, soul, authority and energy in the preservation of what was laid in G.A. Tovstonogov. He invited talented directors to cooperate. The first formulation, created after the death of George Alexandrovich, was the play "Deceit and Love" F. Schiller.

In 1992, BDT was assigned the name G.A. Tovstonogov.

In 2007, T.N. Cheidze.

Since 2013, the artistic director is A.A. Mighty.


BDT Tovstonogova The repertoire of his audience offers the following:

  • "Man" (notes of a psychologist who survived the concentration camp);
  • "War and the World of Tolstoy";
  • "Groncholma method";
  • "Unlichkin Son";
  • "Captured crosses";
  • "Theater from the inside" (interactive formulation);
  • "Measure for measure";
  • "Mary Stuart";
  • "Soldier and Chett" (music drama);
  • "What to do?";
  • "Three text about war";
  • "Kale from Island Island";
  • "Quartet";
  • "From the life of puppets";
  • "Languor";
  • "When I will become small again";
  • "Summer one year";
  • "Tavercarriers";
  • "Player";
  • "Women's time";
  • "Zholdak Dreams: Feeling Thiefs";
  • "House Bernard Alba";
  • Vassa Zagronnova;
  • "Lady with a dog";
  • "Alice";
  • "Visible side of life";
  • "Erender";
  • "Drunk."

Premieres of the season 2015-2016.

BDT Tovstonogov in the current theater season prepared several prime ministers. It is "war and the world of Tolstoy", "baptized crosses" and "player". All three productions are unique and original in their reading.

"War and the World of Tolstoy" is not an ordinary stage version of the work. The performance is a novel guide. This is a kind of excursion for some chapters. The performance gives the audience the opportunity to look at the novel and escape from that perception, which was in school years. The director and actors will try to break stereotypes. The role of the guide is performed by Alice Freundlich.

The play "Player" is a free interpretation of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky. This is a fantasy director. Immediately several roles in this performance plays the production is saturated with choreographic and musical numbers. The artistic temperament of Svetlana Crochet is very close to the spirit of the novel, which is why it was decided to entrust several roles at once.

"The baptized crosses" the prisoners crosses called themselves so called themselves. These were completely different people. Thieves in law, political prisoners and their children who were sitting in children's prisons or in receivers. The performance was put on the book Edward Kochergin - artist BDT. This is an autobiographical work. Eduard Stepanovich talks about his childhood. He was the son of "enemies of the people" and spent several years in the Children's Receiver of the NKVD.


His originality, originality, talent and professionalism are famous for actors BDT them. Tovstonogov. List of artists:

  • N. Usatova;
  • G. Bogachev;
  • D. Vorobyov;
  • A. Freindlich;
  • E. Yarm;
  • O. Basilashvili;
  • G. Shtil;
  • S. Kryuckova;
  • N. Alexandrova;
  • Tobov;
  • V. Reutov;
  • I. Botvin;
  • M. Ignatova;
  • Z. Sharko;
  • M. Sandler;
  • A. Petrovskaya;
  • E. Schwarva;
  • V. Degtyar;
  • M. Adashevskaya;
  • R. Barabanov;
  • M. Old;
  • I. Patrakov;
  • S. stukalov;
  • A. Schwartz;
  • L. Sapozhnikova;
  • S. Mendelson;
  • K. Razumovskaya;
  • I. Vengalite and many others.

Nina Usatova

Many actors BDT them. Tovstonogov is known to the wide audience in their numerous roles in the cinema. One of these actresses is the magnificent Nina Nikolaevna Usatov. She graduated from the legendary Schukinsky Theater School. BDT came to work in 1989. Nina Nikolaevna is a winner of various theatrical awards, she was awarded medals, including "For merits to the Fatherland", and awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

N. Usatova starred in the following films and TV shows:

  • "Feet of Odessa";
  • "Window to Paris";
  • "Fiery shooter";
  • "Muslim";
  • NEXT;
  • "Ballada about Bomber";
  • "Cold summer fifty-third ...";
  • "To see Paris and die";
  • "The case of" dead souls ";
  • "Kadril (dance with partner exchange)";
  • NEXT 2;
  • "Poor Nastya";
  • "Master and Margarita";
  • NEXT 3;
  • "Features of the National Policy";
  • "Mother's daughters";
  • "Widow Steamer";
  • "Legend number 17";
  • "Furtseva. Legend of Catherine. "

And many other films came out with her participation.

Artistic director

In 2013, BDT Tovstonogov was born in Leningrad on November 23, 1961. In 1984, he graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering of the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Engineering. After another 5 years, the Faculty of Acting Mastery and Directors at the Institute of Culture was. In 1990, Andrei founded his own independent troupe, called the "Formal Theater", which won the Grand Prix at Festivals in Edinburgh and Belgrade. From 2003 to 2014 A. Mighty was the director

Where is and how to get

The main building of the BDT Tovstonogov is located in the center of the historical part of St. Petersburg. The address of it is the embankment of the Fontanka River, No. 65. The most convenient to get to the theater on the subway. The nearest station to it is "Sadovaya" and "Spasskaya".

Famous film critic, artistic director of Russian programs of the Moscow International Film Festival Irina Pavlova on the formation of theater. It happened that it had the opportunity to observe the life of the famous theater from the inside. Irina Pavlova shared with "" with his memories of Georgy Tovstonogov, actors and performance BDT.

Photo: Sergey Vdovin / Interpress / Global Look

: I got into the BDT of the years 14 and lived with this theater a huge piece of life. Tovstonogov there was definitely. And it was not even in the authority he had in the theater, but how much did any of his word for everyone mean, who worked in BDT. In the theater all the time talked about Gogh. Even the fleeting conversations were clear that he is the king and God. Arbiter. That the distribution of roles in the new performance is either execution, or the construction of the General Chin.

"": Have you ever heard that they complain about him? Many actors later admitted that they were offended by him - she did not give roles for a long time.

It happened, did not give. But I do not think that this was some evil intent. He simply proceeded for reasons of production necessity. Well, for example, he was looking for Prince Myshkin, although the options were - the actor rehearsed and, probably, would play the premiere. But Tovstonogov saw the film "Soldiers" with a nobody who was not famous by Innochentius Smoktunovsky and shouted: "Here he!". Surrounding Smoktunovsky became a star. And what happened to the actor who rehearsed the prince of Myshkin? He cut. Disappeared.

With Oleg Basilashvili, it turned out differently. He came to BDT from the theater. Leninsky Komsomol, together with his then wife Tatiana Doronina. She has already come to the BDT in the rank of an upward theater star - after the "factory girl" in the same St. Petersburg Lenkom, was invited immediately to the main female role in the play "Barbara", and he until 1965, to the role of Andrei Prozorov in " Three sisters, "on the stage of the BDT there were only modest episodes. But after the Chekhov premiere, Basilashvili "woke up famous."

Tovstonogov called Oleg Borisov from Kiev. He had such a sign: if the troupe lacks some kind of paint, looking for in the Kiev Russian theater, and you will find your actor there - Cyril Lavrov came from the Kiev Theater, from there, Tovstonogov "wrung out" Pavel Luspekayeva, then Valery came from there Ivchenko.

Remember Oleg Borisov in the movie to BDT? "Baltic Sky", "For two hares." The role "Characteristic Actor" brought him success, and perhaps, he would remain in Kiev, and would be an outstanding comer ... And in BDT it was taken as a tragic actor! And here Tovstonogov his "marinated". Although Borisov brilliantly played Ganu Ivigin in "Idiot"! But after her - nothing, only inputs. The actor gathered to leave the theater, and wrote the application.

Georgy Tovstonogov shifts his hand Oleg Borisov at the premiere of the play "King Heinrich IV" (1969). In the photo from left to right: Vladislav Stroelchik, Oleg Borisov, Efim Copelian, Georgy Tovstonogov

At this time, Tovstonogov was preparing the play "Heinrich IV", the main role rehearsed a good, intelligent, intelligent actor who did not work at all. Tovstonogov was removed from the role of Prince Harry, and appointed the role of young Oleg Borisov. And everything immediately fell to the place. When this ulcerative guy appeared in the performance, with an unpleasant fractional lash, the arrogant guy, and all partners of him in the performance healed differently. The actors are like matches in the box: one caught fire - and everything broke out.

However, despite the "tyranny", the membership in Tovstonogov troupe was treated. The director also called his "voluntary dictatory" regime.

When Georgy Alexandrovich came to work in the BDT, he was given a blank-blanche: he could dismiss anyone, despite the ranks and regalia. Many and fired. But two "confused" theater remained in the theater, both folk artists. They wrote a cart on him in the Obma. He was immediately reported by him at once. What would be done in this situation ninety-nine directories from a hundred? Would shove both. What did Tovstonoga do? An elderly actress gave two luxurious roles, and at the actor, an almost beneficial performance put the actor. This director values \u200b\u200ba good actor, even if this actor makes unseen deeds. And if the actor is mistaken if he is used to, with all his orders and medals, feel the owner in the theater, then he just needs to be explained who is in the house of the owner. Why leave him? Where are you then finding like that? And actor-klausenik played from Tovstonogov Ezopa. And then, on the memoirs of the Morning Schwartz Morissen's memories, Gogi's crawled in the office and asked for forgiveness. How did Georgy Alexandrovich behave? "What are you speaking about?! I don't know anything ... why do you ask for forgiveness? " He knew everything. But it did not consider it possible to even discuss, and apologize to take - and suppressed. That was how it was "tyranny".

From him left. Several very good artists left. Of course, they did not disappear, nothing bad happened to them. But neither one of them in the theater has more such accomplishments as with a tonvoken, there was no. And they went to good theaters to good directors. Doronina, Jurassic, Teniakov ... It is enough to compare what was from these actors, and what it became to understand what the Tovstonogan "dictatorship" was held on. The actor sees his private and does not see the whole. Except from this rule, perhaps, was only Oleg Borisov. But his theater fate, despite the brilliant work in Efremov, Dodina, Haifez, was far from the way.

They say he did not "shy" with actors, "communicated as if through the wall glass. And with the guard and Luspekayev friend. What is the friendship expressed?

It was not a wall. Distance. With the guard, he communicated, considered him one of the smartest people in Leningrad (which was pure truth). Evgeny Lebedev was a relative. Luspekayeva he just loved, saw his fantastic talent. The house of Tovstonogovaya was quite closed, permeable. Even if we went to Natela Alexandrovna, it was another half. So there were not many in his house. And the lies in his head there was no one.

Does your attitude to Tovstoneal changed over time?

A man from the outside is always visible not all. And often not everything can be seen from the inside. Sometimes it seemed to me that something indecent happened, even a nasty! Well, for example, on a small scene BDT director Mark Rosovsky rehearsed the play "Holtomer". The play on the Tolstaya Novella was written by him, very bright, original. Evgeny Alekseevich Lebedev, who rehearsed the main role, tambourily, like a maniac: "It will be new" gentians "!"

And "Messenger" Tovstonogov - it was a performance not just a great, but software. Performance from the category that they make a reputation not only by the director, but the theater as a whole. Georgy Aleksandrovich came, looked. And said: "Well, carry to a big scene." They began to rehearse on a large stage, and showed out: on a large scene, the performance falls apart. Georgy Alexandrovich makes several key amendments, changes accents, and instead of the avant-garde performance, the tragedy was suddenly born in front of his eyes.

Scene from the play "Messenger" (1968) From left to right: Vladimir Receptor - Peter, Kirill Lavrov - Neil, Lyudmila Sapozhnikova - Fields, Nikolay Trofimov - Perchikhin

Photo: Maxim Blokhin / Photoxronics TASS

In general, on the billboard by the director-director there was already Tovstonogov. The Horse Story has become the hit of the season. Rosovsky, naturally, was not delighted with the resulting ... and many young critics (and I also considered this story of non-resident. But Rosovsky then put this performance in another theater. And then everything became clear to everyone. Me too. And I stopped exclaimed: "How not to be ashamed - steal a performance!"

In general, Tovstonogov was at that time the main director of the country, like this someone or not. With that, at the same time, Efros, and Lyubimov, and Efremov worked with him.

Tovstonogov on the stage of BDT created not just a unique artistic world, full of incredible directorial insights, paradoxical solutions. He created the fantastic world of feelings, he raised the pleiad of great actors. After all, even those who left him, all their lives experienced his influence, the influence of this terrific person, endowed with some inhuman intuition.

Is it only in the actors?

And how are the actors are created? Great actors are created by great performances. Not fashionable, not spectacular - great. He from any play pulled out something incredibly important, and the actors were conductors of this important. Handsome Vladislav Stroelchik (to Tovstonogov, a "actor-founder") played he played his ancient old old old Starry Solomon in the "price" Arthur Miller so that the hall was sobbed on every play with the hero ... And Svetlana Kryuchkova - literally suffocating from the love of Axinha in "Quiet Don" ...

I have not seen the play "Five evenings" with Charcot, Cophel, Lavrov and Makarova. I just heard an incomplete audio record. But how was it all should have been on stage, live, if from old sound recording literally stopped?

Tovstonogov came to the BDT, and the first thing that did (unlike most other directors) - put a commercial performance. "Sixth Floor" on the play in the play. He fell on him a simple audience. The play is a multifigure, he took two thirds of the troupe. No one knows the led artists suddenly known. After that, he makes the performance "Senor Mario writes comedy" Aldo Nicholas. Nobody did not know this name. But the very fact that the Italian play has been set, led to the fact that everyone was flooded with the theater, as announced. The theater, on the performances of which even recently, before the arrival of Tovstonogov, did not drive anyone. He worked with the city. He did not only do the performances, he still seduced. He was a seducer! And suddenly - one by one performances: about Prince Myshkin, about the family of Chewless. About the frivolous woman living on the second floor, to which the whole family of Chewless seeks, and to which the loving and incomprehensible father is insanely jealous. Everyone wants there, to her where they dance and sing, not where it is stuffy and dad teaches all the time. And they do not feel sorry for this dad, and the dad is beautiful ... The same was with the "barbar". The performance turned out about the fact that everyone wants to love them, and they don't know how to love them ... And his "Fox and Grapes" with a policeman in the lead role - it was some kind of stunning hymn freedom! The final phrase of Ezopa "Where is your abyss for free people?!" Always accompanied by ovation, just the roar of the hall!

I do not know whether Tovstonogov squeezed out of myself a drop of slave, according to Chekhov's expression. But the fact that he squeezed the slave, livestock, Zhoba from his audience, from society is quite for me obvious. I felt it on myself. You came to his theater by anyone, but left the man with a longing ideal. I understood exactly there as anywhere that culture is a system of taboos. What are things that can not be done, and that's it. And if you want so that the inadvertent - do, as a Tolstovsky Father Sergius - Ruby's finger. Very, you know, distract from unworthy desires!

The generation that grew up on the performances of Tovstonogov, these taboo stressed. For many years she was squandered, trepali, got rid of these taboos for their own convenience - but fortunately, and did not get rid of the end. Because it was put in people with nails, forged director George Alexandrovich Tovstonogov in the Leningrad Academic Bolshoi Drama Theater.

Count House A. S. Apraksina -

Small theater -neurokko

nab R. Fontanka, 65.

PAM. Arch. (federal)

1878 - Arch. Fontana Ludwig Frantsevich

Theater A. S. Suvorin

1901-1902 - Arch. (Ah) Gammershtedt Alexander Karlovich - Reconstruction

Academic Big Drama Theater. Tovstonogov

2011-2014 - Reconstruction and Restoration

KB VIPS (CB of high-altitude and underground structures) - Project

Customer - FSU North-West Directorate for Construction, Reconstruction and Restoration

The theater building connecting the style elements of Baroque and Renaissance was built by Count A. S. Apraksin (1878, Arch. L. F. Fontana) and leased the Directorate of Imperial Theaters as an auxiliary scene for the speeches of the Alexandrinsky Theater. In the 1880-90s. The theater rented various entrepreneurs for dramatic and ledging performances. Here they performed: E. N. Gorheva, M. T. Ivanov-Kozelsky, E. Rossi, E. Duza, S. Bernard, J. Muna-Sully, and others. In 1901, the building was destroyed by fire, but soon restored.

In 1895-1917, the building of a literary and artistic society worked in the building, known as Small or Suvorinsky, by the name of the chairman of the Oba, the actual owner of the theater A. S. Suvorin. Created in 1895 as a private theater of the literary and artistic mug (from 1899 ... Society). After the death of Suvorin since 1912 was called - Theater A. S. Suvorin. The leaders of the theater did a bet on the invitation of famous actors, setting fashionable and new plays. The theater opened the M. Meterlinka name to the Russian public, E. Rostan's plays. Stimulating the development of modern domestic drama, the theater conducted annual competitions of new plays.

In 1918-1920, a Jewish chamber of theater Studio worked.

In 1919-1920 - Small dram. theatre.

On September 28, the main scene of the Big Dramatic Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov. The BDT restoration began in January 2011, and the last three and a half years of the play of the theater went on the second stage of the BDT in the Kamennaostrovsky Theater and at the site of the Gorky Culture. At the end of September, the theater finally returns home to the building on the Embankment of the Fontanka River, 65. The city + traced the history of BDT from the moment of its foundation in 1919 before his return to the historical place in the center of St. Petersburg.

Legendary Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov, better known on the abbreviation BDT, was created on the initiative of Maxim Gorky. In 1918, the Commissioner for theaters, actress MHT Maria Andreyeva, a decree was signed on the creation of the Tragedy, Romantic Drama Theater and High Comedy in Petrograd. Becoming one of the first theaters open after the October Revolution, BDT began his speeches at the Conservatory Opera Studio on February 15, 1919 by the five-hour production of the F. Schiller "Don Carlos" tragedy.

In April 1919, the Chairman of the Directory of the Big Drama Theater, and in essence the artistic director, became Alexander Blok. Representatives of the Association of Art, Alexander Benoit, Vladimir Schuko, Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Boris Kustodiev and Evgeny Lancere were engaged in decoration of the theater. While the TRUGEDI William Shakespeare and Friedrich Schiller, Victor Hugo's Dmitry Merezhkovsky, were included in the Repertoire BDT.

In 1929, the Theater of the Great Tears and the Great Laugh, as BDT called Alexander Blok, headed the student of Vsevolod Meyerhold Konstantin Tver. Under his leadership, an emphasis was focused on modern dramaturgy. In the repertoire of the theater, the plays of Yuri Oleshi, Nikolai Pogodin and Lion Slavina appeared.

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With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, BDT was evacuated in Kirov. During the evacuation of the theater troupe, not only before the inhabitants of the rear, but it was repeatedly leaving to the forefront. On February 11, 1943, shortly after the removal of the blockade, the theater troupe returned to Leningrad to serve hospitals and the troops of the Leningrad Front.

In the 37th birthday, the theater received a new artistic director in the face of Georgy Tovstonogov. After receiving a cart-blanche from the party leadership, the new manager fired more than 30 actors, which was about a third of the troupe. The first stage of the new, Tovstonogovsky Theater, became "ESOP" on the play by Guillerme Figueuro.

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On December 31, 1957, the premiere of "Idiot" with Innocent Smoktunovsky took place. The actor spoke about working on the performance: "There was no such torment, such difficulties could not be assumed." Proceedings of actors and director were rightfully rewarded - to watch "Idiot" came from all over the country, and many theatrical critics, directors and actors of the time called the performance of Georgy Tovstonogov the strongest theatrical shock in his life.

According to Georgy Tovstonogov, "Barbara", "five evenings", "Mount from Wit", "Three sisters", "Optimistic tragedy", "Uncle Vanya", "Death of Tarelkin" and many others. For more than three decades, under the leadership of Georgy Tovstonogov, BDT was the country's leading theater. The larger success of his production was used abroad - tour was held in almost all European countries, Argentina, Israel, Japan and Taiwan.

Returning after the rehearsal of the play "Visit of the Old Lady" on May 23, 1989, George Tovstonogov died behind the wheel of his car. He headed the BDT 33 years. Three years later, the theater was assigned his name. The theater team during the secret voting by the artistic director was chosen by People's Artist of the USSR Cyril Lavrov, who worked under the leadership of Georgy Tovstonogov from 1956 to 1989. He invited talented directors to the theater, among whom was Temur Cheyidze, who was in 1990 in 1990, Friedrich Schiller, who was in 1990 in BDT "Covaria and Love". The performance was still thinking by George Tovstonogov and became the first official setting after his perceptual death.

People's Artist of Russia and Georgia Temur Cheidze rose at the helm of BDT after Kirill Lavrov, who led the theater until the end of his life. Temur Cheidze remained an artistic director of BDT until March 2013. Today the theater is headed by Andrei Mighty. The BDT repertoire presents the production of works of world and Russian classics, as well as modern drama.

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In 2011, the historic building of the theater was closed on the restoration. As part of the reconstruction of the building, it was planned to establish modern equipment and at the same time preserve its historical appearance. BDT equipped with a transformer scene corresponding to all requests of modern artists. In addition to the scene, which is not inferior in its equipping the largest world-class theaters, the newest installations for dynamic light and new modern sound consoles have appeared in the auditorium and new modern sound consoles, powerful video projectors.

Also restored the office of the legendary director Theater Georgy Tovstonogov and the Make-uproinant Kirill Lavrov. As well as the "Makeup No. 9", which Oleg Basilashvili artists, Sergey Yursky and Anatoly Garichev occupied at one time. On the ceiling of the dressing rooms - autographs more than 300 well-known people, including Andrei Mironov, Eldar Ryazanov, Arkady Raykin, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Marshal Georgy Zhukov.

During the restoration, the current fireplace of the XIX century and a rare historical tile of the 1900s were opened. All this viewers will be able to see with the beginning of the new BDT season.

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The opening of the main scene will consist of two parts. The first part to be held on September 26 will be held in the form of a festive ceremony. The theater facade is dragged with a cloth on which large-sized newspaper articles and reviews on the famous performance of BDT of different years will be presented. For one day, a large dramatic street will appear in the city.

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"BDT. Return. Part 2 will be held on September 28, on the day of the 99th anniversary of the birth of Georgy Tovstonogov. It is on this day that the BDT will reiterate its doors for the audience. For the first time since 2011, it will be possible to enter the updated hall of the BDT, see a gold painting, baroque angels found by restorers over the scene portal, as well as a new curtain with the famous coat of arms created by the artist Vladimir Shchuko. Specially for the opening the theater has prepared a production that will be shown only.

The legendary leader of the Theater of George Tovstonogov in the "Scene Mirror" wrote that "Contemporary Art, a modern theater is the theater forever moving, this is a search for theater, trying." Return to the historic building will take the new page in motion and theatrical search for the legendary BDT, since from the new season the performance of BDT will be held on three stage sites - the main and small scenes, as well as in the Kamennoostrovsky Theater.