Forms of extracurricular activities at school. Speech on school MO: "Innovative forms of classroom clocks

Forms of extracurricular activities at school. Speech on school MO:
Forms of extracurricular activities at school. Speech on school MO: "Innovative forms of classroom clocks

Extracurricular work is an important element of pedagogical activity. The lesson is limited to a temporary framework, extracurricular activities continue and deepen the process that begins in classrooms, and also provide interesting and informative leisure.

What is an extracurricular event

Not all children can fully reveal their creative and intellectual potential during the lessons. Total purpose of all extracurricular activities - Harmonious education and comprehensive schoolchildren's development. They help to form in children a certain value system and attitudes towards peace, to their identity; Prompt to national and public culture and traditions.

Functions of extracurricular activities:

  • educational;
  • educational;
  • developing.

Compared to the main educational process, here education The function is rather auxiliary for two others and is aimed primarily for training social skills. Educational and developing functionsenclosed in the formation of moral and moral culture, spiritual ideals, identifying and developing individual (intellectual, creative, psychological and emotional) qualities of each individual child.

Forms of the extracurricular activities

In many ways, they depend on the themes, goals and objectives that are facing the teacher, as well as from the age of schoolchildren. Among the most common can be allocated as follows:

  • Discussions. Meaning a discussion of any topic or a problematic question. Form the ability to express and defend their point of view. These can be disputes, round tables, lectures with a subsequent discussion.
  • Competitions. Competitive activities allow children to manifest individual abilities, develop communicative skills and volitional qualities (show contests, quiz, KVN).
  • Creative events. Help to identify and develop creative inclinations, bring up aesthetic taste. The teacher can offer children to organize a holiday, festival, concert, exhibition.
  • Games. They recreate life situations, form interpersonal communication skills, contribute to socialization and help to overcome the barrier of the closetness. It can be a role-playing game, formulation of a historical episode or scene from the literary work.
  • Foreign events. Meet the theater, Philharmonic, a tour of the museum or a botanical garden.

Stages of extracurricular activities

Any event is a process and includes training, organizing, actually conducting and analyzing.


At this stage, the teacher determines which topics and educational focus will be most interesting for a particular class and each student in particular. For this, you can spend the survey of students and their parents. After determining the topic, the teacher together with the class (if desired - and their families) defines the goals and objectives of the event, chooses its form, is a plan, determined with the necessary materials and equipment. Attracting a class to planning and organization is also part of educational activities.


The distribution of roles and responsibilities between the participants occurs. It is desirable that as many students can be involved in any activity.: From the roles of leading to help in the execution of manual works. Search, selection and preparation of required materials, scenery, costumes; Setup equipment. Following, if necessary, the course of the event is adjusted, its structure and time frame.


Immediately before the start, it is important to check the readiness of all participants, their emotional and physical condition; Condition of equipment and premises. It is important to ensure that there are no deviations from the planned order, and adjust the emerging mistakes in the course of the event.


After the event, students under the leadership of the teacher summarize, analyze and evaluate it. Thus, the acquired experience is fixed; Noting positive moments and disadvantages of extracurricular work, schoolchildren learn to analyze, critically think. It should be noted whether the form and the purpose of the goal and tasks corresponded to whether the desired result was achieved if there was no reason.

After a joint discussion, a survey can be conducted, where students could express their opinions in more detail, record negative and positive moments; Make proposals to improve the organization and holding of subsequent events.

What is an extracurricular event? What does it differ from the usual training classes on the program? What are the topics of extracurricular activities and how are the developments and scenarios of them? All these questions will be answered in this article.

What is an extracurricular event?

The answer to this question is already contained in the definition itself. This is not a lesson, not a mandatory school occupation. It was originally meant that the event itself should be carried out outside the cool walls. That is, the concept of "extracurricular event" included excursions, campaigns, visits to theaters, museums, communal holidays and the Olympiads carried out at different levels.

Today is no longer so important is the fact that the event is going - in a native class or in a neighboring school. An extracurricular event is such an occupation that is not included in the school curriculum. This is not a lesson - here is its main feature.

What is the main difference of extracurricular activities from the lesson?

Attend lessons, perform tasks in the classroom and at home, give answers to the teacher's questions and receive estimates for this - all this is part of the duties of each student. Extracurricly classes are visited by only those who are interested. Take part or remain a simple observer during the "extource" - this is also every child and a teenager decides for yourself.

Often are held such extracurricular activities at school, which are designed for the whole team. They are called them - communal. However, it is impossible to enter them into obligations. The task of educators and teachers is to build a scenario of an extracurricular event so that students themselves are interested in themselves, and they would not need to collect forcibly in the assembly hall, to install duty at the door on the subject of catching wishing to go home.

What is common between class activities and extracurricular?

Although the development of an extracurricular event teacher is made on the basis of the same methods as the planning of basic training activities. For example, it is obligatory when drawing up its scenario, setting such goals as training and educational. Students should at every such lesson, as in the lesson, find out something new, acquire a useful practical skill that it will come in handy in life. Such classes stimulate the desire to know the school subjects deeper, help to reveal to the creative potential of the younger person, closer to know each other, contribute to the emergence and strengthening of friendship between the guys, learn to live and work in the team.

When should extracurricular events?

And again the answer to the question lies on the surface. Classes are because they call extracurricular that lessons that pass in classes should already end. The time of extracurricular activities should not coincide with school sessions. Unfortunately, the pedagogical composition of the current school very often violates this important rule. Often the Olympics or Competitions of the District Level Customers take place just at a time when children should sit at their own classes. Not only to tear off the student's studies, such events disappear from training a large number of teachers: the child needs accompanying, the jury requires judges.

Types of extracurricular activities

Options outside software lessons are quite a lot. These can be both educational items (optional, quizzes, circle classes, competitions, meetings of scientific societies, conferences, competitions, and so on) and educational events (excursions in museums and interesting places, visiting theaters, classes in creative circles Directions, preparation of concerts, performing performances, carrying out fairs of handicrafts and other collective creative deeds). Even a simple walk in the school yard can turn into a full-fledged extracurricular event if the teacher tends to teach children if they receive some new knowledge, will become at least a bit of kind, tolere, more interested.

How to emphasize the differences of lessons from extracurricular activities?

Unfortunately, many students do not see the difference between lessons and electives, olympiads and control, conferences and again by conventional lessons. And to blame for this teachers who do not know how to approach their work creatively.

But it is very important to make it so that the development of an extracurricular event is fundamentally different from the educational lesson. Let even an extracurricular event echoes the lesson, it should not be an ordinary additional occupation. It should be a different world, not a boring dull lesson, but a small holiday.

If it is not possible to carry out an extracurricular event outside the walls of its own class, then you can, for example, change appearance Rooms:

  • rearrange the tables with a mug or in pairs so that the children sat four people against each other,
  • decorate the walls with posters, large colors, wall newspapers;
  • develop the original attributes used only on these occupations - ties, bad emblems, pilots.

"Mom, Dad, I - Mathematical Family"

If you wish, even an ordinary extracurricular event in mathematics can be turned into a fascinating team competition. It is similar to how it takes place in the "cheerful starts", family teams that pass the stage behind the stage are organized and the points are gaining.

In the scenario of extracurricular activities "Mom, Dad, I - Mathematical Family" can include a creative element - the presentation of teams. This will be homework to participants. Let both the preparation of costumes, emblems or other attributes that would allow to distinguish members of one command from another, will also lie on the shoulders of the players themselves.

It can be included in the extracurricular event in mathematics elements from KVN:

  • warm-up, where team members in one minute pick up answers to the leading questions;
  • captain Competition;
  • "Feed-withdrawal" when the commands in turn set rivals prepared in advance questions and tasks.

However, the basis of this event is still the idea of \u200b\u200bshowing students the importance of mathematical skills in real life, to teach them to practice.

If teams are played with elementary school students, they should offer tasks for calculating the cost of goods, calculate the cost of payment for electricity, calculating the required amount of seeds for planting in a box or in a bed.

The most older guys can prepare tasks more difficult. For example, calculate the weight of the hippopotamus, if it is known that it is easier than half an elephant into two monkeys and two watermelons. A elephant is heavier heightened for 110 monkeys and 50 watermelons. Reply to present in martyrs and watermelons.

The non-traditional approach to the subject that half the class seems boring and uninteresting can radically change the attitude towards it. And after the first such event, not all students will love mathematics. But the fact that they will have a desire to learn more about it are an indisputable fact.

Extracurricular activities, these are events, classes, situations in the team organized by teachers or someone else for students in order to direct educational impact on them.

The success of learning largely depends not only on the choice of effective methods and forms of training in the classroom in class, but also from the organization of extracurricular activities on the subject. Experienced teachers know that very often interest in the subject, the choice of profession occurs under the influence of extracurricular activities.

The purpose of extracurricular activities is to ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of schoolchildren. This requirement meets the basic idea of \u200b\u200beducation - to raise a person harmoniously combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. One of the tasks of extracurricular activities is to enrich students with new, interesting facts, concepts reflecting various sides of human and society life.

The purpose and objectives of extracurricular activities determine its functions - training, educational and developing.

The learning function of an extracurricular event does not have such a priority as in educational activities. It is auxiliary for more efficient implementation of educational and developing functions and is not in the formation of a system of scientific knowledge, training skills and skills, but in teaching certain skills of behavior, collective life, communication skills, etc.

However, the correct combination of extracurricular and academic work provides greater flexibility of the entire system of educational activities. An extracurricular event can serve as an effective means of differentiation of training and education while maintaining a single and compulsory curriculum. Extracurricular work can compensate for its disadvantages, difficult to disappear in the framework of training activities due to its large saturation with compulsory classes.

Huge importance in extracurricular work has a developing function, which is to identify and develop individual abilities, the inclinations and interests of students through the inclusion of them in relevant activities.

The content of extracurricular activities is an adapted social experience, emotionally experienced and implemented in the personal experience of the child a variety of aspects of human life. The specificity of the detention of extracurricular activities is characterized by the following factors: the predominance of an emotional aspect on informative: for effective educational impact, an appeal to the feelings of a child, its experiences, i.e. to mind through emotions; In the content of extracurricular activities, the practical side of knowledge is of determining importance, i.e. The content of extracurricular work is directed primarily to the improvement of a variety of skills and skills. In extracurricular work, training skills are improved, the ability to independently work in the search for information, the organization of various extracurricular cases, communicative skills, the ability to cooperate, the ability to comply with ethical standards. Since the content of extracurricular activities, a practical aspect prevails over theoretical, it is more reasonable to consider the content from the position of the activities of students, through which they master the one or another area of \u200b\u200bsocial experience.

Features of extracurricular activities

1. An extracurricular event is a combination of various types of students' activity, the organization of which, together with the educational impact, carried out during the training, forms personal qualities of students.

2. Delay in time. An extracurricular event is primarily a totality of large and small cases, the results of which are distant in time, are not always observed by the teacher.

3. Lack of tough regulations. The teacher has much greater freedom to choose content, forms, funds, methods of extracurricular work than when conducting a lesson. On the one hand, it makes it possible to act in accordance with his own views and beliefs. On the other hand, the personal responsibility of the teacher for the choice is increasing.

In addition, the lack of hard regulations requires the manifestation of the initiative.

4. No results control. If the obligatory element of the lesson is to control the process of mastering students with educational materials, then there is no such control in extracurricular activities. It cannot exist due to the delay of the results. The results of educational work are determined empirically through the observation of students in various situations. More objectively assess the results of this work can a school psychologist with the help of special funds. As a rule, general results are evaluated, the level of development of individual qualities. The effectiveness of a specific form to determine is very difficult and sometimes impossible. This feature, conscious and students, gives teacher advantages: a more natural situation, informality of communication and the lack of voltage students associated with the evaluation of the results.

5. An extracurricular event is carried out on change, after lessons, in festive, weekends, on vacation, i.e. in extracurricular time.

6. An extracurricular event has ample opportunities to attract social experiences of parents and other adults.

One of the conditions for the success of extracurricular work is a special mental state, which arises in the unity of the motive of activities (the need for it) and the situation corresponding to it, called the installation.

Forms: subject circles and scientific societies. The content of classes of circles includes: a more in-depth study of individual issues of the curriculum, which cause students' interest; familiarization with the life and creative activities of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; Organization of technical modeling and experiment on biology, organization of meetings with researchers, etc. The accompanying training forms of creativity are a variety of reader, audience, listeners conferences, exhibitions, mass holidays, excursions.Conferences on the book, the creativity of the writer, the film, theatrical or television formulation, radio shift put into the center of attention of students the current work of art, activate their independence in assessment, judgment, opinions. In the process of training, schoolchildren carefully acquainted with the artwork and think over performances. In the introductory word, the teacher outlines the circle of the main problems that are discussed in reports and speeches. Summing up, the teacher focuses on essential conclusions and generalizations.

Exhibitionsdedicated to the results of children's creativity in the field of labor, visual activities, local lore and tourist campaigns. A large educational value is the preparatory work to which all schoolchildren are involved. Children themselves are as guided signs at such exhibitions: they give explanations, answer questions, organize the exchange of creative experience in place. Mass holidaysas a form of educational work, it is organized in the form of days, weeks, monthly attention to music, visual arts, cinema, theater, or creativity of an outstanding writer, poet. Among them weeks of children's books, theater, music, the days of Pushkin's poetry, Lermontov, Mayakovsky, Yesenin. During such holidays, children will learn about new works of art, meet with writers, artists, composers, get acquainted with their creative plans. Excursions -the training form of training that allows you to conduct observations, as well as the study of various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions. Olympics, contests, association of children in interest.To promote the educational and cognitive activities of students and the development of their creative competition in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language and literature, foreign language, as well as in technical modeling in schools, areas, regions and republics, the Olympiads, competitions are held, and exhibitions of children's technical creativity. These forms of extracurricular work are planned in advance, to participate in them the best schoolchildren are selected, which gives a large impulse to develop their abilities and deposits in various branches of knowledge. At the same time, they allow us to judge the creative character of the work of teachers, their ability to look for and develop talents. Large material for the educational process gives special cognitive expeditions.They are devoted to the collection of folklore, song material, historical information about revolutionary, military events in the area, region, as well as exploration of the environmental situation, the development of productive forces.

Performed:Asanova Emine Lutfievna,

primary school teacher

MKOU "Bakhchisarai School No. 1"

Bakhchisarai 2016.

Forms of organization and conduct extracurricular activities

The after-hour time of students, as well as a lesson, should be filled with content, interesting and fascinating.

Our student is not only a schoolboy, but, above all, a person with multifaceted interests, requests, aspirations.

What will he be when he grows?

This is not a celebrating question - this is a matter of life. Railing up a citizen of a purposeful, convinced, creatively thinking, good and responsive - this is the debt of every teacher teacher.

A well-thought-out system of working with guys in extracurricular time will solve this task.

This work has a variety of shapes: cool hours, holidays, poetic readings, intellectual battles, subject living rooms, KVN, quiz, discussions, talking to souls, contests, peak hours, scenic pictures, excursions, Breun Ringgi, etc.

Class hour - The main form of the work of the class teacher, where schoolchildren under the guidance of the class teacher are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the world around the world, to each other, to itself.

Classroom functions :

Enlightening - Class hour expands the circle of those knowledge of students who did not find reflections in curriculum.

Orientative - Class hour forms value orientations in students, a certain attitude towards the world around the world, to what happens in it.

Guide - Class hour helps theoretical knowledge to translate into the field of practice, send students to real practical affairs.

Forming - A class hour contributes to the formation of basic skills and skills (due to the diversity of activity), strengthens relations in the children's team.The main directions in the subject of classroom clocks. …… * Civilian-patriotic education. * Moral education. * Environmental education. * Physical education and healthy lifestyle. * Labor education. * Aesthetic upbringing.

KVN ( merry and resourceful club) - This is a competition of two or several teams out of 10-13 people. Commands can be formed from one or more classes, the rest of the participants are fans. To assess the results of competitions, the jury is elected (3-5 people). Each team is preparing a greeting for rivals and homework. Before each competition, leading in detail, clearly explains the conditions of the competition and the number of points for the right one, the original answer. Conditions are developed for the jury: the maximum number of points for each contest, the criteria for summing up the results, the time announcement of the results.

KVN structure:

- team greetings;

- warm-up;

- contests;

- captain Competition;

- competition for the best homework.

For fans, special contests are organized, and thus they can bring additional points to their teams. The subjects and content of contests can be the most diverse: literary, mathematical, historical, environmental courses, etc., or complex nature, from different areas of knowledge.

Competition - This is a personal or team competition, aimed at allocating the best participants, performers. The competition can be an independent form of work, for example: a musical, folk, dance, poetic or entertainment in the form of a chastushk competition and others. Competitions can be an integral part of the holidays (Brain Ring and other forms).

Quiz - Cognitive game, consisting of questions and answers on topics from various fields of science, technology, literature and art. It is of great importance for expanding the educational horizon of students. It is widely used in working with children of different age groups. The peculiarity of the quiz is the selection of issues taking into account the age of children and the level of their knowledge.

Discussion - Organization of exchange of views between students. Ensures class division into groups 4-5, 6-10 people whose members act as leading or participants. The main condition for the preparation of participants and discussions is: familiarizing each with information that has other participants; encouraging different approaches in the discussion; Various inconsistencies of opinions and proposals are allowed; Presentation of the possibility to criticize and reject any statement, opinion or decision; Interacting students to find a group agreement in the form of a general opinion or decision. The discussion can be held in the form of debate, the meeting of the group of experts, the "Round Table", forum.

Discussion structure :

    Select the topic, problems.

    Preparatory work (survey, interview).

    Selection of literature on the topic, statements of great people, the design of exhibitions, wallgazet.

    Selection of major issues for discussion.

    Greeting (reminder of the controversial situation).

    The adoption of the rules of discussion.

    The main part (consistent issues for discussion, summing up for each question, analysis of questionnaires or writings, an overview of various points of view on this problem).


Holidays - mass event dedicated to the dates and events of a nationwide, community-wide or classroom or conducted in accordance with the traditional institutions. If the holiday is dedicated to solemn dates, then it includes 2 parts:

- solemn part in the form of congratulations, greetings, summing up;

- entertainment concert; Showing performances, solo performances, games, parodies, attractions.

Excursions - Exit, trip, collective visitors to attractions. There may be a training or cultural and educational nature. Preliminary preparation is required both by the organizers and from the participants.

Brain Ring It is organized in three rounds, in every round the game goes up to three points. On reflections above questions, one minute is given. After the second round, a team drops out, who has gained fewer points. The winner is the team who won in the last round. The procedure for entering the game is determined by the draw. In the interruptions between tours, musical or game pauses are organized.

The game - Competition, competition between children in advance agreed and specific rules. The form of the organization of the Games is diverse, this is: didactic, role-playing, business, simulating. In practice, intellectual and entertainment features are widely used.

Role-playing game . 1. Topics.

2. Distribution of roles.

3. Determination of functions of each role.

4. Run and stimulating factors that create a competitive effect.

5. Distribution of problem situations in accordance with the role.

6. Summarizing.

Game journey.

    Preparation of participants to the perception of the game-Travel.

    Collection start (Rules of the game, a way to assess the results of the team's activities at the stages).

    Traffic commands on the route.

    Participation of teams in the activities organized at stages.

    Collection - finish (summing up, rewarding winners).


Increase interest in knowledge, expand the horizons of students will help intercessors. For example, literary living rooms, where the work of a conversation can be the work of any writer, not very well known to children; Geographical, where in the form of a travel (absentee) acquaintance with various countries.

What is characteristic of living rooms ?

Alignment of chairs so that the children see each other in the face; The presence of the emblems of the subject, bright statements on topics, interesting plas, crosswords. Leading (2-3 people) are selected. Guests (guys) enter the living room, uttering some winged expressions on this or that object. In the living room, some messages according to its subject and dialogues, small discussions on the problem affected by the problem, and, of course, should be something entertaining, for example, the game "Guess-ka".

Children's team - This is a small country in which it is necessary to build life so that each felt the need and the need of another.

Education - a great deal: they are solved by the fate of a person.

Forms and types of cultural and leisure events, methods for various kinds of events have one common skeleton in their structure - these are organizational stages, preparation stages, rehearsal period, the final stage - the implementation of the plan. Cultural events ensure the free expression and formation of opinions, attachment to culture, stimulating creative potential, the development of spirituality, self-development and self-education. They act as a means of attaching children and adults to joint action according to plan and subject.

In the modern world, where the availability of computer technologies is high, where censorship does not withstand any criticism, where the culture of society becomes every year and the need to carry out various kinds of activities aimed at self-development, for an introduction to culture and sports.

The level of education of children, compared to the past decades, becomes an order of magnitude lower. It is enough to read the correspondence of adolescents in chat rooms and make sure that. All his free time, children spend at a computer, which also negatively affects their physical form.

Children stopped reading

Forms of activities for school agencies, educational measures aimed at the introduction of children to reading are pumped. The book has always been a source of information. In the moral, intellectual and aesthetic development of children, her role is indisputable - reading improves literacy, increases the general cultural level, opens up new horizons, emotionally enriches, reveals the creative potential and, which is important, has a rather strong effect on the formation of the spiritual basis of the individual.

But the more information, computer technologies penetrate a person, the less the children take the book. First of all, this is due to their reluctance to read. After all, it is much easier to turn on the tablet and run the game. The book also makes you work.

The event for children in the library sets itself a goal - to introduce a child to the world of literature, show that from reading you can get aesthetic pleasure, teach a child to empathize the characters of the work, to prove that the book and only the book is the only true, inexhaustible source of information that it can Become another and advice. Through the literature, children learn to see kind, reasonable, eternal.

Organization of the Day of the open book

All organizational and preparatory stages are assigned to the librarian. The program of events is drawn up taking into account the age category of children, the circle of interest and modern trends. The primary task is to determine the theme and form of the event. The following event scenario is prescribed. To achieve the goal (admission of children for reading and book) there are many different complexity and complexity in the preparation of the options for its conduct. These are various quizzes, literary courts, KVN, mugs of literature lovers, book clubs and much more.

As for the form of events, it can be arbitrary, but in any case it is important to take into account the following factors:

  • The event should not be overloaded (its duration must be consistent with the age category: for children of younger school age - 20-30 minutes, taking into account their exhaustivity, for older children, teenagers and high school students - about an hour).
  • If this is a quiz or competition and all those present participants are involved in it, then questions should be the optimal level of complexity. In view of strongly complex and excessively easy questions or tasks, children will quickly lose interest in the event.
  • Event is not an end in itself, but a means of education.
  • The event should be interesting, exciting, to cause participants and visitors strong emotions and experiences, stimulate the creative abilities of children.

Library - Foundation of Culture

The library is an important social institution of society, the main task of which is the harmonious intellectual and creative development of the younger generation. For the school year, the library holds a lot of shares, events, exhibitions, during the year the disciples, lovers of the book, are actively visited by literary circles.

Summer camp

In the summer, when the period of games and entertainment comes, when it becomes possible to relax from studying, relieve tension, fill the energy resources, the city's authorities together with teachers organize a summer school camp.

He plays a very important role in rehabilitation and raising children. For children attending a summer camp, the most comfortable conditions for fascinating and useful pastimes have been created. The program is hiking and excursions in the sign of the city, holding various quizzes, competitions, literary games. Children of high schools often attract in the summer camp as counted in junior groups, developing leadership in them. Charging is carried out daily, dancing and all kinds of quests are often organized. Children in such camps are often provided with food to replenish energy spent in active games.

Truth is born in the dispute

The phrase "in the dispute is born by truth" is attributed to Socrat, but at the same time it is said that Socrates "opposed the dialogue controversy." Each high school student comes when he is not enough information about the rules and norms of the behavior provided by the teacher. A person at this time has such qualities as self-esteem, criticality, social activity. The desire for self-development appears, as well as the desire to independently understand complex situations. At this age, high school students have a need for disputes - this form of extracurricular work helps to express his point of view, to defend it.

The literary dispute is the collision of opinions, the discrepancy in the views, the verbal struggle of one participant (dispute-monologue), when one participant leads a dispute with himself in the presence of listeners (another dispute is called internal dispute), two or more participants (dispute dialogue) When all those present are involved in the dispute relative to a specific topic.

The task of the head - in determining the form of events, ensuring their quality, attracting participants to an organized dispute. The main goal is to train young men and girls to confront opponents, which will have a positive effect in their adult life, when, who have already released from the care of parents and teachers, they, falling into spontaneous disputes, will be able to deserve and express themselves. The ability to behave correctly on the dispute, to defend its point of view can help in the future also when admitting work. Such debates are carried out among schoolchildren in order to develop emotional resistance to the opponent, the ability to control their emotions during a hot dispute.

Properly chosen profession - half success

The way to assist the disciple, a teenager, suitable for the final stage of training in a secondary school, at least to determine the direction of further education and the profession is an event that is often called the day of open doors. Such events have become a good tradition and pass in all the highest (and not only) educational institutions at least once a year. On this day, parents together with students attend various universities.

The purpose of the event is to report an important student for the future, applicant, information about a specific educational institution, coverage of its advantages and benefits. Naturally, for an educational institution conducting this event, this is the key to attracting as much as possible students, there is a commercial benefit here. But for parents, unsuccessfully trying to persuade their child to devote themselves to a particular profession, it is a chance to clearly demonstrate all its positive parties and incline the child to the right decision.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such an event as an open door. It has a lot of positive moments, and for all - both for organizers and for visitors. In addition to the informative part of the event, guests are waiting for tours of the audience, the opportunity to communicate with future teachers and other students, learn from them about their successes and much more. This means that it provides a unique opportunity to change the sustainable decision or make sure of it once again. Therefore, the applicant should certainly visit the selected university on the day of the open door.

Extracurricular sessions as a means of education

Another important component of the educational process is such an educational event as an extracurricular occupation conducted directly by the teacher or a teacher in order to direct educational influence on children. The organization of extracurricular activities on the subject contributes to more successful learning, and also provides comprehensive and harmonious development of children. This is responsible for one of the main ideas of the educational process.

Conducting extracurricular activities contributes to the installation of the bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, forms professional qualities. A developing educational event contribute to the identification and development of individual abilities, the disclosure of creative potentials through the attraction of schoolchildren to the implementation of various projects.

A feature of an extracurricular event is the absence of any tough regulations in choosing funds and methods. In most cases, the control of the results is carried out empirically, based on the team observation.


As cultural and leisure events since ancient times, various kinds of intellectual games are held, chess, checkers, Mahjong are considered among the most ancient such entertainment. These are the forms of leisure children, where the main tool is erudition. In such games, as a rule, it is required to answer questions regarding the various areas of human life, and the winner is awarded to any prize. Such games are very common: "Own game", "Intellectual Olympics", "What? Where? When?" and many others.

As a form of an educational process, such an event is able to turn quite serious intellectual employment of students on a holiday, an exciting effect, in which not only children of junior classes are happy to take part, but also high school students.

Forms of intellectual events, unlike serious objective Olympiads, more interesting, fascinating. Intelligent games covers a wide range of human vital activity. The purpose of their holding in educational institutions of a wide variety of levels is the identification of abilities and stimulation to the development of the creative potential of students. They help to teach children to think without standard, take unexpectedly loyal solutions in conditions of limited time, allow children to express themselves, to apply knowledge and skills in specific situations. The participation of children in intellectual games allows to expand the horizons, take the erudition and logical thinking. After all, without proper feeding, even the brightest talent will take place over time.

Sport - is life

Sports events and physical cultural forms of holidays for the development of a strong body and a healthy spirit in the younger generation play an important role. The main goal of sporting events is the popularization of sports, as it is the pledge of the health of the nation. Physical classes distract young people from detrimental habits, instill worthy qualities, contribute to the formation of sustainable mental health (sport helps people with disabilities adapt to normal life, taking into account their individual characteristics). Sports events help direct the physical aggression of adolescents in a peaceful direction.

The history of sports takes place since ancient times, when the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Romans was born to conduct the Olympic Games. Such events help to generate the energy energy and send it to the implementation of a positive social action, excluding the risk of destruction of the established procedure. By spending sports, you can amazefully rally members of the same group and create a real team! Now, in addition to standard competitions, such as struggle, running, shooting, and so on, the most unimaginable and funny sports competitions appear, nevertheless interesting and useful.

As part of the school curriculum in the physical training of children, sports agitbrigadids are organized annually in the form of a sports festival, in which children who promote a healthy lifestyle are involved.

Holiday for all

In cultural and leisure events, a large number of people take part, sometimes the population of the entire city. The determination of the term "cultural and mass event" has a fairly wide range of options. It can be carried out in the form of noisy festivals, various celebrations, festivities and fairs. Usually, cultural events are carried out in the fresh air, in stadiums, urban areas. They can wear both political, leisure and advertising.

This is an opportunity for residents of the city to relax, relax, and for musicians and various amateur groups - show yourself. Policies through such events can attract as much as possible the electorate as possible. In such events, spirituality and physical culture, sports and art are organically combined.

Music and poetic evening as one of the forms of the cultural event represents a performance of one or several artists dedicated to a particular event of art or a figure, often such evenings are carried out in a pleasant romantic setting, with reading the poems of great poets, famous figures, with songs On the words of poete poems, who is devoted to a memorable day.

At the fairs, manufacturers have the opportunity to show their products, tell us about it, and visitors - try one or another product and make it a first impression. At this time, young donations of all art spheres show musical and theatrical ideas, thereby making them an advertisement. Guests of the Fairs are also happy holiday trading, an exhibition of technology, elite bird breeds, craft rows and attractions, sports.

The program of activities usually consists of a description of the events, the instructions of their holding, is published in advance on the site of the city. Booklets are also prepared and booklets are produced so that everyone can visit the celebration dedicated to any event. Activities implying a collection of a large number of people are regulated according to the law. During the period of the whole holiday, enhanced protection of all covered territories is ensured.

New Year holidays: events

New Year and Christmas are holidays that celebrate all over the world. They are waiting for everything - from kids to their grandparents. They are confined to the main squares in all cities, matinees in all houses of culture and creativity, schools and kindergartens, New Year's presentings in higher educational institutions. The organizers and participants tend to prepare for New Year holidays long before their offensive. The scenario of the event is approved by the highest competent authority of a particular institution that conducts one or another event. In schools and kindergartens, children are attracted to the celebration, contests and various entertainment scenes are preparing.

The main attribute of the holiday, of course, is an decorated Christmas tree, around which is taken to drive away dances. Cultural events related to New Year's celebrations were introduced in Russia at the end of the 17th century Peter Great. In truth, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of the New Year is not September 1, and on January 1, it quickly passed on.

By the decree of Peter the Great, an approximate holiday scenario was developed - to decorate the entrance to the dwelling with pine, juniper, firing branches, from January 1 to January 7, burn fires, have fun, give each other gifts. New Year's events came to Russia from Europe, and Peter I personally followed the fulfillment of all the rules of the celebration. In 1700, the people did not see the previously seen fireworks. The idea of \u200b\u200btransferring New Year's events for the winter period was that Peter the Great sought to Europe, in which at that time was 1699 from the Nativity of Christ, in Russia there was 7208 from the creation of the world. Such a large calendar difference brought great inconvenience for political relationships with Europe. The transition to the summer from the Nativity of Christ decided with one time a lot of problems.

Mass folk festivities

Mass festivities in the spirit of the original Russian traditions of a fun mass holiday, such as Maslenitsa, the shints, the bright and Radonitskaya week, a semi-troitsky cycle, were held in Russia for a long time. Usually they passed in an open-air with dancing, rude, games, dances, game in harmonica, rim, caps, with characteristic campfire ignition rites, symbolic burning stuffed.

Mass events, accompanied by multi-day folk festivities, originate from pre-Christian times. Their ancestor was Maslenitsa. This holiday can be considered the most bright and cheerful, because it is dedicated to the Day of Spring Solstice, that is, by the beginning of the New Year. The date of the celebration of Carnival is not fixed, it is observed exactly a week before the beginning of the Great Post, so the solemn folk festivals are celebrated every year at different times.