The basis of the BITLS group. BITLS Group: Biography briefly, the composition of The Beatles group, history

The basis of the BITLS group. BITLS Group: Biography briefly, the composition of The Beatles group, history

The popular group of Beatles, its far from a brief biography, the composition of The Beatles and the history of the group for decades from its decay do not lose relevance. New reports of the BITLS group appear briefly or deployed with frequent frequency. There is a brief message about the BITLS group on the network and, on the contrary, we tried to combine all the available information about the Beatles in one, short and informative.

About Bitlach heard absolutely everything, even if only brief content. This team of 4 guys so firmly joined the history of mankind, which still gives food for research everyone who is not indifferent to the music, be it Meloman or critic.

The magnitude of the popularity that today makes itself felt, deep love for creativity, it is really difficult to explain, but the fact remains a fact - in the sixties fourth turned over the whole world.

How it all began

Almost twenty years of Beatles were considered the reference of the musicians. The Beatles gave rise to a huge wave of imitation - both among ordinary fans and among other teams. The music team inspired entire generations. It is she who is responsible for the fact that in Europe the movement of the world, to love and freedom, actively bloomed.

It is impossible to evaluate that the Beatles in the culture of mankind played the meaning of the importance, and it is unlikely that at least someone from the team fully understood the joint creativity.

Liverpool, the city, the former native for the founders of the team, in fact, for the musicians, England was an interesting place. It was here that fresh ideas were cooked, which were inspired by Paul and John on music.

In 1957, Paul McCartney met Lennon for the first time. John was already considered the leader of QUARRYMEN team, even though he was only seventeen. The style of creativity belonged to the British version of rock and roll - Skiffl. McCartney fascinated a new acquaintance, because it turned out to be a multi-instrumentalist - a pipe, piano and guitar, and in addition, focused on chords and texts of all the best hits of that time. But besides that, the floor showed John the first developments of the compositions, and John also wanted to create his songs. The spirit of rivalry forced them to work hard. They came close to the same as a result of tragic events - the death of mothers.

Several months did not pass, as they have not only played together, but also came to the scene. Harrison helped them in this, George was a close friend of the floor. Few later to only the team that appeared and Stewart Satcliffe joined, who studied with Harrison in one college.

It should be noted that parents practically did not know what the sons are engaged. They were really convinced that those want to get a working specialty. However, all four members were too passionate about the musical theme. Heat to their classes belonged to only the mother of Harrison.

How do you call the boat

A number of successful speeches brought musicians to the idea that it would be time to choose the right name. All team members were great for all team members, and let all their exits on the scene were difficult to call concerts, and no one would suggest to write their music, they still were full of enthusiasm.

To do this, I had to join the Liverpool club life. Speaking called Quarrymen, after a time they tried forces in creative competitions, but nothing like success did not work. As a result, I had to think what kind of name the name would be better described by their approach to creativity.

Reflections led to the Beatles, and there are arguments today, as it appeared. Members of the team more than once mentioned that the name was invented by Stuart and John. It occurred to them to create a name with a double meaning. Stopping from Beeetles, they changed the letter to be refused to Beat, because this particular style of music was especially popular.

The name was responsible for the fact that the BITLS group was noticed among others, no one would be able to assert exactly, but to young people really began to apply for performances.

He barely began 1960, as a group called in a brief tour of Scotland's cities, and it became a starting point that helped rise above the numerous teams that have been playing similar music in Liverpool. The team had to work on the same stage with Johnny Gentle, a singer at that time.

Unfortunately, the Scottish tour brought not only positive impressions. During the concerts, the team quarreled with the manager, did not receive payment on time. In their hometown, they returned earlier than the contract was assumed. The drummer who received a concussion in the tour, left the team.

Big start

Since the summer of 1960 The Beatles received an invitation to a concert in Hamburg. For all participants, Bitles it was a great chance to demonstrate ourselves outside the native country, to enter Europe, as they would say today. The most curious thing is that in fact such a choice was rather strange. The group did not have a permanent striker, which complicated the work, and she was not particularly known to anyone. However, it so happened that at that time more popular teams could not go to a long tour, and Allan Williams managed to push the beginners forward. Before touring, long searches of the drummer led to the Perts team - almost by chance.

Of course, it did not cost without difficulties - the tour to Germany became a great test. Almost seven months abroad "Bitles" performed in the clubs Indra and Kaiserkeller. The schedule of concerts turned out to be very tense, because concerts then walked without stopping, and in no case could not be hit by face. Leaving its own compositions to a more convenient case, the team hit the versions, improvisations and treatments.

It was impossible to relax. The Beatles played blues, treated folk songs, performed blues, rock and roll, selected and sang the pop compositions. It turned out to be a good experience: for seven months, the skill has grown noticeably.

The return team was rated in familiar clubs. The BITLS group sounded differently.

However, not only this trail left the first in the history of the tour. Stewart Satcliffe met and had a relationship with Astrid Kirger. It belongs to her the photo list in the Hamburg Park. And it was she who suggested a team to choose a new image.

New stylish hairstyles and neat jackets without collars and lapels from the carden became an updated manner. We can assume that the German girl made an image of an image.

Epstein Era.

Returning to Liverpool, the team began to perform regularly in Cavern. More experienced musicians quickly advanced, and in the city became well known quite wide. However, they had competitors, such as Rory Storm and The Huricanes. In this very popular group at that time, the band was sitting by Ringo Starr.

To get acquainted with the team "Beatles" everything was managed on the same German tour. With these guys, they jointly recorded the record - ranking as session. However, in the end it was a fateful event.

By the way, remembering in Hamburg, Bitles went there and the second time in 1961. This time the tour occupied for three months. Germany gave the group the opportunity for the first time to sign up for the studio, as they performed with Tony Sheridan. On the plate, the group was designated the Beat Brothers.

In Cavern, Brian Epstein, who worked in one of the stores engaged in plates. He was so inspired that he began negotiations with recording companies, but received a lot of failures, until Parlophone was finally decided on a contract with a group that few people heard.

George Martin, who spent the producer of this studio, said that he was attracted by the quality of music or skill. "Beatles" took wit, openness and even light arrogance. They so fascinated Martin that he opened them the road to Abbey Road, on the famous London Studio.

By the middle of autumn 1962, Love Me Do. appeared. No one can say that the single would be sold worse if Epstein did not personally bought 10,000 records, which is why the noise around the rising stars rose.

This led the team to telework, and, of course, the number of fans began to grow with unprecedented speed. Now singles appeared, concerts were organized, and still saw the first album light. It was also a wonderful event: Please Please Me climbed to the tops of the National Hit Parade and did not leave the top lines for six months.

It can be said that so in 1963 a new phenomenon appeared - bitleania.

The next plate called with the Beatles appeared a little later and brought a new record. Only pre-orders for this album gathered 300 thousand. During the year, over a million plates were separated!

The greatest composers

The United Kingdom adored four, but no one heard about it in America. The reissue of hits, which Epstein tried to negotiate, did not happen. However, when I was recorded I Want to Hold Your Hand, Richard Baccuck spoke on her on the pages of the very popular edition of The Sunday Times. Speaking about the work of the musicians, he expressed the opinion that the names McCartney, Lennon will stand in the history of music immediately behind the name Beethoven. Such a praise aroused interest, and so the songs of the Beatles sounded in the USA.

There was a lot of time, as the five first compositions of the National Hit-parade of America belonged to them.

The albums continued to record, and the team even shot films. When Help appeared! The whole world unanimously recognized yesterday with a magnificent composition. Caverits sounded from all over, and today there are at least two thousand variations.

Work in the studio

In 1965, Rock and Roll survived rebirth and turned from entertainment music into something new. Wave the BEATLES band, who released Rubber Soul. A year later, they released Revolver, in which there were so many effects that there would be impossible to perform the arrangement of the composition.

So the tour went to the background, and the team began to seriously work in Studios. In 1966, the SGT record started. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band lasting almost 130 days.

This album is now considered to evolve the genre, musical triumph. However, after that, the case was worse.

In 1967, Epstein died from overdose of sleeping pills.

White Album today is called the first signal of the collapse of the team.

Unfortunately, at that time tensions increased in the group, the music was created not together, but became a reason to compete with each other. In addition, John appeared Yoko, and she did not like other members at all.


Lennon had a new project, although he was still listed as part of The Beatles, McCartney hit solo creativity. By the mid-1969 there was no joint creativity, but fans seemed to not know about such an unpleasant situation.

When, in 1970 McCartney reported that he leaves the project, it was all shocked. However, the team collapsed safely - each musician found his own path.

The fans dreamed of reunion, but Lennon was killed in 1980, and it became clear that The Beatles era went unconditionally, which did not affect the scale of popularity. And today the albums of the team are listening and knowing everywhere.

Some facts

The United Kingdom in 1965 awarded all members of the team orders of the British Empire.

The popular magazine among Melomanians Rolling Stone called the Bitles team the greatest performers of all time. The first place among the five hundred of the best albums was taken by the Bitlov album.

The Beatles speech, which took place in 1967, looked at 400,000,000 spectators. He was shown in the "Our World". It was there All You Need Is Love received a video version.

1969: an unusual format appeared on the format at that time - Yellow Submarine, a cartoon full-length. It sounded in it many songs, especially everyone remembered Hey Jude, which Lennon dedicated to the son of Julian.

Ringo and Paul and today can please fans with new music.

The most popular musical team of all times and peoples - The Beatles. Today it seems that The Beatles were always. Their unusual style can not be confused with any other group. They can not be loved and not to listen, but not to know.

The Guinness Book of Records claims that the world-famous song Yesterday was made by the largest number of cover-versions in the entire history of recording. And how many times it was fulfilled from the time of its writing, and it is difficult to calculate at all. None of the compiled lists of "songs of all times and peoples" do not cost without the compositions of The Beatles. In addition, every second musician admits that his work influenced Liverpool Four and her songs. It is impossible to imagine the musical world without Bitles.

And if you remember all the awards and ranks received by the group for almost 10 years of existence, the list will be long and impressive. However, The Beatles are not the first and not the best. They are unique. In this article we will tell the BEATLES group creation history And about how Liverpool Four went to success.

Simple music of the yards

The history of Beatles began at the time when England was literally covered by the epidemic of creating musical groups. In the late 50s most popular and publicly available direction was Skeffle - a bizarre combination of jazz, English folk and the American country. In order to get into the group, it was necessary to play a banjo, guitar or a lump harmonica. Well, or in extreme cases, on the washing board, which often replaced the drum musicians. All this was able. However, the Great Elvis had a real idol, and it was the King of Rock and Roll inspired a "difficult teenager" in music. So in 1956, John with his school buddies created his first brainchild - The Quarrymen. Of course, they also played Skiffle. And at one of the parties, friends introduced them with Paul McCartney. This left-handed guy not only played a rock and roll guitar, but also knew how to configure her! And he, like Lennon, tried to compose.

After two weeks, a new acquaintance was invited to the group, and he agreed. So the unsurpassed author's duet Lennon was born - McCartney, who was destined to shake the world. However, it happened a little later. Despite the fact that one was a hooligan, and the other is a "exemplary boy," they were perfectly well and spent a lot of time together. And soon they were joined by a friend Paul - George Harrison, who did not just play the guitar. He played her very well. Meanwhile, the "school ensemble" remained in the past, and the time to choose a further life path. All three without a doubt chose music. And they began to look for a new name and drummer, without which the real group could not be.

In search of gold

The name was looking for a long time. It also happened that it had already changed the next evening. It was difficult to send to producers: it turned out too long (for example, Johnny and Lunar Dogs), then too short - "rainbow". And here in the 1960s, finally, they find the final option: The Beatles. At the same time, a fourth participant appeared in the group. They became Stewart Satcliffe. By the way, he was not at all going to be a musician, but he not only had to buy a bass guitar, but also to learn how to play it.

The group quite successfully performed in Liverpool, a little toured through the United Kingdom, but until nothing foreshadowed world fame. The first "foreign departure" was the invitation to go to Hamburg, where the English Rock and Roll was very in demand. To do this, urgently had to find the drummers. So the "Bitles" joined Pete Best. The first tour was held in truly extreme conditions: many hours of work, household unpleasurities and in the end - deportation from the country.

But despite this, after a year, The Beatles went to Hamburg again. This time everything was much better, but they returned to their homeland for a quartet - Satcliffe for personal reasons preferred to remain in Germany. The next "forge of mastery" for the musicians was the Liverpool Cavern club, on the stage of which in two years (1961 -1963) they made 262 times.

Meanwhile, The Beatles grew. However, the group during this period performs mostly foreign hits, from rock and roll to folk songs, and John and Paul's joint creativity still will be reproached "on the table". The situation has changed only when the group finally appeared its own producer - Brian Epstein.

Bitomania as an epidemic

Before acquaintance with The Beatles, Epsteen traded with plates. But one day, interested in a new group, he suddenly decided to engage in its promotion. It was love at first sight. However, the owners of recording companies did not share the hopes of producer on the success of his Liverpool Protege. And yet in 1962, EMI agreed to sign a contract with the Beatles with the condition to release at least four singles. A serious level of studio work forced the group to change the drummer. So in the history of the Bitles ensemble entered the forever Ringo Starr.

And after a year, the group released her debut album "Please Please Me" (1963). The material was recorded at the studio hardly in one day, and in the list of tracks on a par with "other people's" hits stood songs signed by "Lennon - McCartney". By the way, an agreement on a double signature under the created songs was adopted at the very beginning of cooperation and existed to the very collapse of the group, despite the fact that the last songs of Lennon and McCartney were no longer written in collaboration.

In 1963, "Bitles" released the second album "With the beatles" and were in the epicenter of glory. Again the performance on the radio and TV, tour and work in the studio. The British Islands embraced Bitleania, which evil tongues began to be called no other than the "National Hysteria". Crowds of fans scored concert halls, stadiums and even the streets adjacent to the place of performance. Those who have not had the opportunity to get to the performance of the group were ready to stand for hours only in order to see idols at least one eye.

At concerts, sometimes there was such noise that the musicians did not hear themselves. But it was impossible to curb this squall. It remained to wait when the wave itself goes to the decline. In 1964, the epidemic spread over the ocean - The Beatles conquered America.

The next two years have passed in a very tense rhythm - a dense touring schedule, the release of albums (from 1964 to 1966 they were recorded as many as 5!), Shooting in the cinema and search for new forms and sounds. At a certain point it became clear that it could not be continued so further and something should be changed.

Family album

The group's image was thought of immaculately: suits, hairstyles, temperament and habits - embodied ideal. And of course, thousands of women around the world went crazy about these guys! On the stage, in photographs, in the cinema - always together. Meanwhile, their personal life, if possible, was hidden from the eye of fans. However, here there were no reasons for scandals and speculation, rather, everything was like a quiet feat. To imagine that with a crazy work, the "bit" had enough time on the family, quite difficult.

The first of the quartet married John Lennon. It happened in 1962, and in April 1963 he had a son of Julian. However, this marriage, alas, ended in divorce in 1968. By this time, Lennon was in love with an extravagant Japanese Japanese, which was destined to become the most famous of the Bitlove wives (in some way she influenced the history of the BITLS group of development).

They were combined with a marriage in 1969, and after another 6 years they had the son of Sean. For the sake of his upbringing, John left the scene for half of the years, but, however, this is another story - after the Beatles.

The second "married idol" was the Ringo Starr. His marriage with Morin Cox was happy. She gave him three children, but here, unfortunately, a divorce happened 10 years later. The second attempt of the drummer to find love was also unsuccessful.

George Harrison and Patty Boyd became husband and wife in January 1966. Here, first, too, everything was fine, but also this pair was destined to part. In 1974, Patty left her husband to his friend - an equally famous musician Eric Clapton. George married the second time in 1979, on his secretary Olivia Ariece, and this marriage turned out to be happy.

When in 1967 Paul McCartney and Jane Escher finally declared the world about his engagement, no one assumed that six months later the engagement would be terminated on the initiative of the groom. However, after a year, Paul married American Linda Eastman, with which he lived for a long time and happily, until death separated them in 1999.

By the way, biographers write that Linda, like Yoko, the rest of the "Beatles" did not love. And all because these women were considered possible to interfere in the group's affairs, which, according to musicians, did not follow at all.

A walk to the movies

The first "game" film involving The Beatles was removed in just 8 weeks and was called the "evening of a hard day" (1964). In essence, the legendary four did not have to invent anything and play - the plot of the film looks like a "peeped episode from life." Touring road, access to the scene, annoying fans, a little humor and a little bit of philosophy - everything is as in life. However, the film was successful and even was nominated for Oscar twice.

The following year, experience was decided to repeat, and the light saw the second film with the participation of the superstar - "to the rescue!" (1965). As in the case of the first film, in the same year the same album was almost immediately released - Soundtrack. The third experiment "Bitles" in the cinema was hand drawn - the legendary Four became the heroes of the good, although several psychedelic cartoon Yellow Submarine (1968). And already by tradition, the soundtrack came out with a separate album, though, a year later.

And in the history of the Beatles, it was that they tried to shoot a movie on their own, and so the film "Magic Mysterious Journey" (1967) appeared. But he did not get much success in the viewer, however, as criticism.

Hard day's Night

Album "SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band "(" Orchestra Club Lonely Hearts Sergeant Pepper "), who came out in 1967, Critics consider the top of creativity in the history of The Beatles. By this time, the group, tired of concerts and tour, completely switched to the studio work - the last "alive" concert in England was played in April 1966. The group was crisis in the group. Bitlam wanted individual projects, finding a new and, most likely, resting from the burden of fame. The first blow was the sudden death of Brian Epstine in August 1967. It was impossible to find an equal replacement for him, and the groups of the band became worse. However, the combined efforts still managed to record three more albums: "White Album" (1968), "Abbey Road" (1968) and "Let IT Be" (1970).

In April 1970, McCartney released the first solo album and immediately after that gave an interview that was actually a manifesto about the end in history of the BEATLES group. And after almost 10 years, the musicians again began to think about to revive their glorified group. However, this was not destined to happen - on December 8, 1980, American psycho shot John Lennon. Together with him died and the hope that the story of the Beatles will continue, and the team will again fit on the same stage. The greatest group of all times and peoples became a legend. No one from those who tried to repeat their success, this could not be done.

Secret Dossier: History of the Bitles Russian Spill

Entry in the USSR "Beatlam" was closed. But their incendiary songs leaked even for the "iron curtain". " The Beatles listened at night, wrote on X-ray film and bobble tape recorders. In their texts were taught English. And at the very beginning of the 80s in one St. Petersburg university (Ligitmik) suddenly arose a "group of comrades", which wanted to be like The Beatles. By the autumn of the 1982, they are determined by the title - "Secret", and begin to seek the drummers (small, but curious coincidence). The Birthday of the group is considered to be April 20, 1983. Then the "main composition" was determined - Maxim Leonidov, Nikolai Fomenko, Andrei Zabludovsky and Alexey Murashov. As well as Beatles, in the group they sing everything except the drummer.

The development of bit quartet occurred in the Soviet flavor - at that time most of the musicians-informal, except for music, would certainly have to learn or work. So, Leonidov and Fomenko were tightly busy in training performances, Murashov studied in Geofak, and Zabludovsky worked at the factory. Immediately there was a place for a feat - novice rockers rehearsed in the morning from 7 to 9 and at lunchtime. In the summer of 1993, the "secret" enters the Leningrad Rock Club, and ... everything is postponed, because half of the group is taken into the army. Success to the group came by himself - in the form of an invitation of Leonidov on Liretva as the lead program "turns". At this time, a whole "bundle" of hits was written: "Sarah Barabu", "Your Dad was right." "My love is on the fifth floor." Of course, the team is immediately trying to infant "Soviet battles", but in this label - only part of the truth. The group is not "tracing" famous The Beatles. This is not blind imitation and not plagiarism. What makes on the scene "Secret" is rather thin stylization under the Liverpool Four, an elegant acting game. Yes, there is something in common, and just as simple and melodic songs written on all the same "eternal themes". But still, the Bit Quartet "Secret" is successful not due to this "common with great." They, like Bitles, are independent and very recognizable.

1985 was fruitful for a group. In the summer, as part of the Festival of Youth and Students, the "Secret" concert was held, and suddenly it turned out that the group was terribly popular. Almost immediately after that, the Bit Quartet participates in the shooting of the first Soviet video "How to Become Star", and by autumn - an unprecedented surge of concert activities. In 1986, the Bit Quartet fans alone in the country create official fanclub. The following five years, the group is at the peak of popularity - albums are recorded: "Secret" (1987) - Disk has become twice platinum!; "Leningrad time" (1989), "Orchestra on the way" (1991). In 1990, the composition of the quartet is experiencing changes - Maxim Leonides leaves to Israel. But some time the group does not give positions. However, gradually it changes under the influence of time and circumstances. And at the same time goes to no "game in Beatles". However, even if the group has changed or ceased to exist, always written and sung songs always remain. They are unchanged, and the romantic atmosphere of the 60s is perfectly preserved in them.

  • It is said that John Lennon saw the future name in a dream. As if he was a man who was embraced by a flame, and commanded to change the letters in the title - The Beetles ("Beetles") to work out the Beatles.
  • There is a fairly large group of fans, which is confident that Paul McCartney died in a car accident in November 1966. And the man who gives himself for Bitla is his double. The proof of their rightful takes not one page of the text - the masters of lovers analyze the words, songs and covers of albums and point out countless "secret signs", indicating that at the time of the release of the floor albums was no longer alive, and the beatles it was Thoroughly hid. Sir McCartney himself this grand mismatch refuses to comment.
  • In 2008, the Israeli authorities admitted that in the 60s did not let the Beatles in the country, fearing their "decomposing influence on young people."
  • In June 1965, The Beatles awarded the Order of the British Empire "For its contribution to the development of British culture and its popularization around the world." Before no musician received such a high award, and it caused a scandal. Many of the cavaliers wished to return their award to "not stand in the same row with pop idols." After 4 years, Lennon returned his order in protest against British politics during the Vietnam War.
  • It took place on August 22, 1969 in the Tittenhrst Park, where the estate of John Lennon was located.

Short biography:

The group was founded by a 15-year-old John Lenon in the spring in 1956 (first called "The Quarrymen").

Group "The Quarrymen" consisted exclusively from lovers. None of the participants did not have any musical instrument. John Lenon himself sang in the church choir and knew how to play a few course melodies on the lip harmonica. This was enough to create a musical team and become his soloist.
In 1957, the famous Paul McCartney accidentally meets Lenon in the garden of the Parish Church of St. Peter (Liverpool), during the performance "The Quarrymen". And after a week, McCartney was in their composition, although he played a guitar noticeably better than Lenon and other members of the group.
In 1958, a 15-year-old guitarist George Harrison is taken to the Paul's Council in the group. Soon the ensemble steel is called "Jonny and The Moondogs". They played mostly rock and roll. The repertoire included well-known American hashes and songs of their own essay of Lennon and McCartney.

The composition of the group was constantly changing, except for the main bone - Paul, John and George.
After a temporary recession of activity in the group, Stewart Satcliffe appears (bass guitar).
In November 1959, after successful speeches in the Liverpool Youth Club "Casbah",
The group is renamed in "The Silver Beatles" and then just ""

In the summer of 1960, after a long search for the drummer, the team comes to Peit Best before the start of tour in Hamburg. And the team first gained a stable composition.
Seven months in Hamburg became for them the first real test for strength. Played for 8 hours in a row.

In 1961 - write down the first studio entry.
In May 1962 - George Martin's contract signs with them and becomes their producer. In the same year, the group leaves Pete Best for unknown reasons, but soon he replaces the Ringo Starr.

BEATLES's first real plate has become "Love Me Do". They are recognized as the best Liverpool group. Next plate "Please, Please Me"
And in October 1963 The Bitomania wave was hung on the British Islands.

The conquest of the rest of the world they began with Sweden.
In January 1964, the composition "I Want To Hold Your Hand" in America comes out from 83 to first place. The group itself was on tour in Paris.
After that, Furior came. The world was conquered! In some places, proceeded to the folk hysteria.

For all the time of its existence, the group sold more than 1 billion discs and cassettes around the world and became the authors of 18 albums!
Bitles last performed August 29, 1966. Further work was only studio.
In 1967, they released a plate "Sergeant Pepper", and the latter work was the record "Let IT Be".
In 1970 - "" broke up. Each of the four participants borrowed its own project on the side and each began the solo career.
The murder of John Lenon in 1980, finally collapses hopes for reuniting the legendary four. But, despite this, they love them, they admire over long years. They are idle!

Surely there is not a single person in a civilized world, which would ever heard about the group.

The phenomenon of this four is still trying to solve music historians, critics and music lovers.

Is it possible to explain so large-scale popularity and truly folk love for British musicians, who in the 1960s turned the world from the legs on the head.

At the origins of The Beatles

It is impossible to even imagine the culture of the past century without the legendary four. At least 20 years, they were a model for imitating not just musical groups and individual performers, but entire generations of young people. It was them that they managed to inform Europeans love and peace into the exhausted war. It is difficult to overestimate importance in world culture. Could at least one of the members of the group suggest that they take off when they met each other and decided to work together.

And it all started in the previous 1957. Then the young one was completely familiar with a little older. That in his 17 years was the leader of the QUARRYMEN group and the fan of rock and roll. The group adhered to Skiffl's work in his work - it was the British Rock and Roll model. The floor made an impression on a new acquaintance - he knew chords and the words of all rock and roll hits, knew how to play on the pipe and was trained to play the piano. After a few months, they began joint speeches to which one of the friends of Paul McCartney - George Harrison joined. So there was a permanent basis for the future group, and later the bassist Stewart Satcliffe was joined to them - John's homework on an artistic college.

In search of titles

After several performances at urban events, young people decided that they became a cohesive team of like-minded people and began to develop musical skills and skills. Of course, there were no real concerts, there was only a dream about the recording of the record, but it was not embarrassed by ambitious comrades.

The musicians began to actively establish connections to join Liverpool's club life and start concert speeches. They did not miss any more or less significant creative contest, but it did not bring the expected results. And then the guys wondered over the change of the name of the group. First Quarrymen turned into Johnny and The Moondogs, then in Silver Betles, and in the end it became simple. The emergence of this name is still arguing. Beatles themselves said that it was a joint idea of \u200b\u200bJohn and Stewart. They wanted to come up with such a word that would have a double meaning. The basis took beeetles ("Beetles"), and then replaced one letter in it and got beatles. It sounded the same, but Beat root meant bit-music.

It is impossible to unequivocally assert that the name change influenced the activity of the group, but soon after that, the musicians began to receive proposals for performances. In early 1960, the group even went to a small tour of Scotland. They simply needed to break out from a number of numerous nobody famous teams of Liverpool, who performed similar music.

With a new way in a new life

In the summer of 1960, a new stage begins in creativity - the group was invited to speak in Hamburg, which meant that it introduced a magnificent chance to show itself to Europe. Just on the eve of the German tour, long searches of the drummer were crowned with success and Petya adopted pita to the group. A trip to Germany and the first performances of abroad have become a real strength test for the collective. Seven months Bitles spent in Hamburg, where visitors to the Indra Club were first met, and then Kaiserkeller regulars.

Astrid Kirger and The Beatles

The busy schedule did not give musicians to relaxation, concerts in clubs continued non-stop, some groups replaced others, and the Liverpools needed to be constantly improving to disambigate the German public. On the scene, they performed jazz compositions, blues, pop and even folk songs in rock and roll processing. It was the German tour who helped to push the skill of the performers, which immediately noticed music lovers in their hometown.

It happened in a glorious port city Another event in the history of the group. There the musicians got acquainted with a couple of students of the local art college - Claus Formany and Astrid Kirger. The girl soon had romantic relations with Stewart Satcliffe, she also made the first professional photo session of the group in the Hamburg Park, and during their next touring in 1961 he invited musicians to change the image. The transformation was to create new hairstyles with shut-off on the forehead and ears with hair and replacing concert costumes on jackets without lacquers and collars who promoted the famous Pierre Cardin. Thus, Astrid actually became their first real imager.

Era Brian Epstein

In Liverpool, the group began regular speeches at the Cavern club and already claimed the leader in the city. The main competitors of the fourth was the team Rory Storm and the Huricanes. Its participants also came to tour in Hamburg, there were Bitles there and saw their drummer Ringo Starr, who later replaced the Satcliffe-leaning group.

Brian Epstene and The Beatles

During the second prolonged tour in Germany, first made the first professional entry. Then they accompanied Tony Sheridan and got permission to write down several of their songs.

In the Cavern club, Bitlov's speech was noticed by an employee of one of Brian Epstein's stores and took up the promotion of the career of musicians. He led negotiations with several sound recording companies, but they refused to work with a little-known team, but the Parlophone firm risked and concluded a contract with the group.

Later, the producer of the company George Martin confessed that he agreed to work with the team not because of their high professionalism, but solely because of human qualities. The wit, good nature, openness and a little incomingness attracted the masted producer, who led them to the Abbey Road Studio in London.

And then the life of the musicians is spinning as in a kaleidoscope. In October 1962, their first single called "Love Me Do" came out. Brian Epstein went to cunning and bought 10 thousand plates than he created an unprecedented excitement around the group.

Then there were performances on television, which were collected from the screens of multi-million public, concerts, new singles and finally a full-fledged album "Please Please Me" took place. The British National Hit Parade he headed for half a year. So 1963 the real bitleania began.

It did not make long wait and the second album of the Liverpool Four "With the Beatles". And again there was a record - there were 300 thousand preliminary applications to the shops! For the year more than a million copies were sold.

Almost like Beethoven

However, the popularity of quartet in Britain did not affect their positions in America. Sound recording companies were not in a hurry to republish singles of the group, despite all the efforts of aging epstein. The turning point was the output of the plate with the sign of the song "I Want to Hold Your Hand." Forest feedback She was published in the authoritative newspaper The Sunday Times critic Richard Baccuck. Among other things, he put Lennon and McCartney in the list of the greatest composers immediately after. The article did its job, and began a victorious procession of Bitles in America. In early 1964, in the National Chart of the United States from 14 songs five first belonged.

In Motherland, the quartet members continued to record albums, filmed films ("A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!") And wheel with touring worldwide. After the release of the album "Help!" The song "Yesterday" was recognized as one of the greatest musical compositions. It began to perform many ensembles and singers, such interpretations are now numbered about two thousand!

The Beatles - Studio Group

The turning point for rock music was 1965. New performers began to appear, who turned the rock and roll from entertainment in art. And again turned out to be ahead of the planet with their new album "Rubber Soul". Another year later, one of the sign albums of the fourth, "Revolver", which was filled with creativity Sophisticated studio effects and did not intend to concert execution. From this point on, the exhausting tour activities of the team ended and only studio work began.

1966 began a 129-day record of the album "SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which has become a real triumph of pop music, evolution of the whole genre. But success lasted for a long time, and the groups of the Group were shaken. In 1967, Brian Epstein from the overdose of sleeping pills played a latter role.

The record of the next album "White Album" has become the first signal of the collapse of the group. There were differences between the musicians, they no longer wrote music together, everyone sought to prove their superiority. The new John's wife added to the creative atmosphere, which did not cause sympathies among members of the group.

Sunset at the peak of popularity

It became obvious that the history of the group is nearing the sunset. John Lennon began to perform with a new group (official statements about the care of him persuaded Not to give), Paul McCartney produced his plates. From mid-19969, the group did not compare anything together, but the fans have not yet been suspected. Therefore, McCartney's 1970 statement was argued as thunder that he leaves the group.

It is worth recognizing that the collapse of the team went to his participants. Everyone began an independent creative path and achieved some recognition. Almost no relationships with each other they did not support, the communication was even in a burden.

The murder of Fanatik Lennon in 1980 destroyed the latest hopes of fans about the reunification of the legendary group. Musicians continued to work apart, and began to live in the hearts of music lovers autonomously, without losing popularity and passing the half-century test of time.


In 1965, participants received the Order of the British Empire. In the history of Great Britain, this happened for the first time In order for the highest state award to give pop musicians with the wording "for the contribution of the development of British culture and its popularization around the world."

In 1967, 400 million television viewers were able to see the performance in the program "Our World", during which the video version of the single "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" was recorded.

The group released in 1969 a full-length cartoon "Yellow Submarine". In the same year, one of the best songs "Hey Jude" appeared, dedicated to the eldest son John Lennon - Juliana.

Beatles Updated: April 9, 2019 by the author: Elena

At the end of 1961, Brian Epsteen became the manager of the group, which changed the image of the musicians: instead of black leather jackets in the style of Teddy Boys, the musicians died in jackets without collars from Pierre Carden (called "Bitlovka"), and whipped "Coca" A la Elvis Presley Replaced with long bangs. When almost all European gram jacks rejected the music of The Beatles, Epsteen has made a contract with Parlophone. The studio found out that Pete Best is not suitable for studio work. An urgently needed another drummer. Then Lennon and McCartney remembered the Ring Starre, with whom they made friends even during the Hamburg concerts. In September 1962 The Beatles released their first single, on which Love Me Do and P.S songs were recorded. I Love You, in October who fell into the National Tor20. In early 1963, the Please Please Me Composition took the second place in the Hit-parade of the UK, at the same time in a record short time (at 13 o'clock), the Debut Album Please Please Me was recorded. On the wave of success, the third single from me then You took first place in the charts.

In the summer of 1963 The Beatles, who had to open the British concerts of the American singer Roy Orbison, turned out to be at the rating an order of magnitude higher than the Americans - it was then that the first signs of the phenomenon called "Bitleania" appeared. Officially, this term was used in the press on October 14, 1963, the day after the group's triumph speech in the TV show Sunday Night At The London Palladium. In October 1963, at the end of the first European tour, The Beatles moved to London. Pursued by crowds of fans, The Beatles appeared in public only under the protection of the police. At the end of October of the same year, the Single She Loves You becomes the most replicated record in the history of the Great Britain's gramophone industry, and in November 1963 the group appears to the queen-mother and higher light in the London Prince Wales Theater. Then it turns out the second LP - with the beatles.

Despite the deafening success in Europe, Capitol Records, the American branch of the company EMI, reacted to the group wary and did not release a single plate dated 1963, risking to reprint only the fourth single I Want to Hold Your Hand, and also release in January 1964 Disk MEET THE Beatles (strongly converted version with the beatles). Contrary to all sorts of expectations of critics, success came out staggering. Hundreds of thousands of American teenagers demanded to "bring the magnificent four" in the USA. Triumphal tour of The Beatles on the other side of the Atlantic began.

In August 1964, the premiere of the first film with the participation of The Beatles (A Hard Day "s Night -" Evening of a Hard Day ", director Richard Leicester). The Beatles were at the head of the so-called" British invasion "in the United States, putting the road for such English groups like Dave Dark Five, Rolling Stones and Kinks. Songs used in the film were formed the same album. In the same year, The Beatles recorded another LP - Beatles for Sale, half-compiled from the popular rock and role lines of other performers. To 1965 Lennon and McCartney no longer wrote songs together, although, according to the terms of the contract (and by mutual agreement), the song of each of them was considered joint creativity. In 1965 The Beatles visited concerts in Europe, North America, Australia and Southeast Asia. Second film With their participation Help! ("To the rescue!", Also Richard Leterter) was filmed in the spring of 1965; the premiere of the picture took place in the USA in August of the same year. The album of the same name came out the same year. August 15, 1965 Sost The BEATLES's grandiose appeared before 55 thousand spectators in the New York Stadium "Shi". Written at that time, the composition of Paul McCartney Yesterday is still the most popular song in the repertoire of more than 500 performers.

In June 1965, "for an outstanding contribution to the UK prosperity", the British Queen awarded the musicians to the Order of the British Empire. The award ceremony took place on October 26 at the Buckingham Palace (in 1969, John Lennon returned his order in protest against the approval of the UK War in Vietnam). The output of the album Rubber Soul (1965) marked a new stage in the group's work and the pop formula. The Beatles and Bob Dylan attracted to the rock music adult audience; They became a kind of chip of the post-war generation, the texts of the group became more and more poetically mature and sometimes even socially directed.