Mathematical fairy tales to read short. Mathematical fairy tales

Mathematical fairy tales to read short. Mathematical fairy tales
Mathematical fairy tales to read short. Mathematical fairy tales

For the child-preschooler, the fairy tale is especially the road. A mathematical fairy tale can become an excellent learning tool. In such fairy tales, the characters meet magical numbers and incredible geometric shapes. Thanks to the good actions and sorcerer, the child makes an idea of \u200b\u200bthe time, quantity, form and other mathematical concepts. Mathematical fairy tales are not a means of memorizing information, but a way to successfully comprehend the azov of science.

What is a mathematical fairy tale

Mathematical fairy tale - artistic text based on adventure genre. In the plot, the main characters are associated with certain mathematical concepts that have an unusual, living look that attracts readers. The fictional characters during the features carry out logical operations, and the child turns the process in his head, which is the primary task of gaming training. It is amazing that in fairy tales there is often no logic, but in mathematical fairy tales, it imperceptibly settles in the memory of listeners with valuable knowledge.

In kindergarten, the comprehension of mathematical foundations begins with the younger group. The educator must prepare the guys to the gradual development of the initial laws of logic and other important learning processes. If we are talking about fairy tales, then in the younger group, children cost more often to read them before a quiet hour, since the majority of parents prefer television and games on the tablet and smartphone. This fact confirms the statistics compiled in Russia online Market Intelligence (OMI) in 2012.

The percentage of parents who are ready to convey their gadgets to children (indicating the age of a child). About 4,000 people took part in the survey

If the parents are ready to do with the child on their own, the books for the smallest fairy tales will come to the aid. For example, the "Adventures of Kubarika and Tomatika, or Merry Mathematics" G.V. Sapgira and Yu.P. Meadow. This book offers children to meet the adventures along with friends - Tomatikom and Kubarik - and find out what is one, much, above, below, is longer, shorter, etc.

Objectives and objectives of texts for preschoolers of the younger, middle and older groups

In the younger group, the educator with the help of mathematical fairy tales introduces children with the simplest quantitative concepts, such as "a lot", "one", "none". In the usual fairy tales, it indicates the forms of items associated with geometric shapes. In the middle group, mathematical fairy tales are synthesized with folk fairy tales that children know well. Take, for example, a kolobka. The educator, read, will highlight the sequence number of each "step" of the kolobka, thereby demonstrating how the main character is moving in stages. And the tale of "Teremok" will help to count the number of heroes in the house. Between the fairy tales, the teacher applies a finger gymnastics with which the numbers are being studied.

Learn using fairy tales of geometric shapes and their names

In the middle group, the following tasks are delivered:

  1. Learn to count to five.
  2. Master knowledge of quantitative and sequence numbers, fractions and a whole part.
  3. Secure the ability to navigate time.
  4. Secure the skill recognition of geometric shapes.
  5. Training spatial orientation (awareness of the child of trends: between, under, for, in front, etc.).

In the senior group (children 5-6 years), mathematical concepts become the characters, whether it is zero or square. When familiarizing preschoolers with a fairy tale, the teacher should not forget to ensure that the children understand the plot and the meaning of the narrative. Auxiliary instruments will serve fascinating games associated with logic, such as:

  • selection of identical pairs;
  • production of a rectangle equal to the provided pattern;
  • the definition of which items are more.

Games will help the child to approve the idea of \u200b\u200bthe equality and integrity of numbers and things. The operations carried out by children contribute to mental development, the development of skills to synthesize, analyze and compare the data.

In the senior group, mathematical fairy tales are used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Learn to count to twenty, find out the missed number and account in the reverse order.
  2. Recall the number of things with a number.
  3. Understand the value of quantities: width, length, height, volume (capacity) and weight (weight).
  4. To be able to distinguish and understand complex geometric shapes: cut, angle, polygon, bulk figures.
  5. Develop the ability to focus on the clock, quickly define an hour and pronounce it out loud.
  6. Be able to perform the simplest arithmetic action.
  7. Develop the ability to replace the hero of the fairy tale in a certain subject ("Cube Rubik" - we take into the hands of the cube).
  8. Remember the name of the days of the week and months and their oddness.

In kindergarten is approved by the curriculum for the year. It must comply with the documents:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43, 72;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);
  • Concept of pre-school education;
  • SanPine;
  • The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (as amended by the Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12 - FZ);
  • Typical Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008. № 666.

A clear indication of the skills that the child must have, no, but in the GEF, it is indicated:

Child ... ... ... has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; The child is capable of making his own decisions, based on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Rosiy Federation

Order 1155.

At the request of the parents, they can provide a kindergarten curriculum, where all the skills are prescribed, which are taught by children. Educators will tell how and in what form will be trained, provide additional information.

In the preparatory group, fairy tales include tasks for simple mathematical actions (in two actions), logical operations and solutions. It is important to introduce children with the standards of length measures: a meter and a centimeter, tell in a fabulous form about money, their proper use. The school will begin classes in which the foundations of mathematics and the fairy tale will help to understand and master more complex information.

Correctly use texts depending on the age of the child

Fairy tales are classified by genres: fairy tales of animals, socio-household and magical. Each variety has its own rules for building the plot and the creation of characters.

Senior preschool children attract magic fairy tales. The key specific features of the magical fairy tales of the mathematical warehouse are substantially developed by the plot action. This is expressed not only in special techniques and methods of composition, narration and style, but also the need to overcome the hero of a number of obstacles, making mathematical actions for the achievement of the goal.

N.I. Kravtsov; S.G. Lazutin

Russian folk creativity

Types of mathematical fairy tales:

  • digital;
  • oriented temporary;
  • geometric;
  • comprehensive;
  • concepts.

Each fairy tale has a structure consisting of three main parts: an imaginary country, conflict between heroes, conflict resolution, happy end. The mathematical fairy tale certainly has a slope into some one region of mathematics: arithmetic or simple geometry. If the figures are presented in the plot, the child will remember the names of the forms and their appearance, and if the numbers are rather learned to count.

The fairy tale for preschoolers should be with the drawings: it is difficult for them to reproduce unusual characters in their head, especially if the understanding of mathematics is reduced to zero. Only images accompanied by the text (exactly in this order!) Are able to fully reveal the content of the fairy tale. Theatrical fairy tales are also good, but often in carefree fun passes past the share of the meaning that just should stay. The child will need time to work out logical turns in the actions of heroes, because mathematical fairy tales carry a certain intelligent load. If you do an idea, then children's perfection will evaporate.

When reading the fairy tale, it is important not to forget to indicate the appearance of the heroes and their actions. In the senior group, in addition to images, it would be nice to take real objects, similar to characters - so the child will compare figures or numbers with rational actions occurring in adventures. Taking a book in the hands, you are not in a hurry to read. If the fairy tale without images, then print and provide them separately, or draw. Strive to the child, in case of difficulties with understanding, asked questions, and not just listened. The increasing complexity of the presented material was previously stated.

Popular mathematical fairy tales

Consider several examples of popular fairy tales that will help us teach the child's child.

0 and 1.

Lived - there were numbers and numbers in the city of mathematics. They always argued, who is more important and older, even invented unusual signs for themselves "<», «>», «+», «=», «-».
Among them lived a single and zolik.
They really wanted to study at school, but they were not taken, since they were small.
Friends thought, thought and invented that they need to stay together.
And it turned out of them figure 10.
They became more than more, and they were taken to school.
In the city they began to respect. So they began to live together numbers 1 and 0, or the number 10. And other numbers looked at their friendship and began to live more friendly.
So the numbers appeared more than 10.

Tales vaccinate love for mathematics

G. N. Neousan


In one fabulous kingdom, there was a girl named Cinderella. She was an orphan, brought up her stepmother, who had two her daughters. The daughters were very lazy, and all the work on the house had to do Cinderella. That's one day the king invited everyone to the ball. But the crawling stepmother was not allowed to go to the ball. She ordered Cinderella to decide to solve all the challenges who did not solve her daughter:
In the room 4 corners. In every corner sat cat. Opposite each cat - 3 cats. How many cats in the room?
How to bring in the water?
What kind of dishes do not eat anything?
And also Cinderella was supposed to wash the dishes: 5 spoons, 5 cups and 5 plates. How much did the washware work out? Cinderella quickly coped with the task of stepmother and sat behind her needlework.

G. N. Neousan

Blog Galina Nikolaevna

Three princesses

In the distant kingdom there was a king with three daughters. They loved to solve the challenges and solve riddles in the evenings. For each correct answer, the princesses received a gift. The older Tsarevna loved receiving gifts from gold, the middle priniment from diamonds, and the youngest loved flowers and animals.
One evening, the king said: "I brought many different gifts from distant countries. Which of my daughters will correctly solve the tasks - he will receive gifts.
Task # 1 - for the senior princes: Sorrow with one apple tree 5 yellow apples, and on the other hand 5 red apples. How many apples have you threw?
Task number 2 - for the middle princess: 6 rings with diamonds lie in your box. I brought you another 2 rings. How much will you have a rings?
Task number 3 - for younger princess: you had 9 kittens, and 2 ran away. How much can kittens left? "
All the princes have decided their tasks correctly, and the king presented the high princess Golden chest, the middle princess 2 rings with diamonds, and the younger princess of a cheerful puppy.
Here is a fairy tale, and I cry oil.

G. N. Neousan

Blog Galina Nikolaevna

Video: Plasticine mathematical fairy tale about zero

Video: Multi-story based on the animated series "38 Parrots"

Card file of useful literature

  1. "Journey to numbers: Mathematical fairy tale" Shoryina Tatyana Andreevna (3 books).
  2. "Mathematical fairy tales. Handbook for children 6-7 years old "Yerofeyev Tamara Ivanovna.
  3. "Mathematical fairy tales. Handbook for children 5 - 6 years. In 2 issues, "Yerofeyev Tamara Ivanovna, Stozharov Marina Yuryevna.
  4. "The Adventures of Thugs: a mathematical fairy tale for children from 2 to 4 years old" Shevelev Konstantin Valerevich.
  5. "On the king of rabbit and a cunning fox: a mathematical fairy tale for preschoolers 5-7 years old" Lukyanov Antonina Vladimirovna (Hood. Dushin M.V.).
  6. "The Adventures of Kubarika and Tomatika, or Merry Mathematics" Sapgir Henry Veniaminovich, Lugovskaya Yulia Pavlovna.
  7. "Adventures in the country of geometry" Yerofeyev Tamara Ivanovna.
  8. "Mathematics for kids in fairy tales, verses and riddles. For children of 3-6 years old, "Lyudmila Borisovna deryagina.
  9. "We learn to count. Merry journey, or how to find new friends and learn to count to ten "Gorbushin Oleg Yuryevich.
  10. "Figures, account and pencil Kolya" Rick Tatyana Gennadievna.

The fairy tale about how the signs "more" and "less" appeared

A long time ago two birds and ticks lived. They were big disputes and lulls. Once they found a handful of grains, peck and argue - who ate more. Their spores of the fairy from the country of mathematics and thought that they were needed to her. I waved the Fairy with all the magic wand and said: "Whoever eats more - the cat beak closes, who eats less - that beak opens!"

And left from the bird-check box only two keys - ticks.

Since then, they became signs of "more" and "less" in the magical country of mathematics. Well live - live! Girls and boys Examples with tasks to solve help!

Anastasia Genka, Grade 3 (2014)

Four lines

There were 4 lines: straight, curve, broken and closed. They were very sad because they did not know each other. The straight line was some ... straight, it always left. The curve was constantly said that she was ugly and curve. The broken was sharp and nervous. And the closed was always closed, and no one knew what a kind heart she had.

Somehow came to the city of lines figures. They found all the lines and introduced them to each other.

The lines decided to arrange a performance. The straight line became a bench for numbers. The closed turned into different forms, and the curve and the broken line fun danced: the curve danced wavy, the broken danced as a robot. I liked the speech, and the lines began to perform every day. The numbers gladly looked and loudly applauded.

Ekaterina Bykov, Grade 3 (2014)

Tale about the task

Once Petya solved a difficult task, but he did not work. He was confident that the mathematics to know is optional.

But at night, when the boy fell asleep, he dreamed of sleep. Petya was in the country of mathematics. In the magical country there were their rules and laws. To eat ice cream, the boy should have solved the equation. And to ride on the carousel, it was necessary to tell the multiplication table. Of course, Petya did not cope with the tasks, and he failed to have fun. And the circle was having fun! Pet became ashamed!

In the morning the boy realized that math should know, love and respect. Thinking carefully, Petya was able to solve his task. So he became friends with mathematics.

DIMIR NEZHENTS, Grade 3 (2014)

Apple Tale

There were two brothers plus and minus. Once they went to walk and took two apples with them. They walked, went and met uncle division. Division and says:

They sat down and thought. What to do? How to share apples on three? But here it came to her aunt multiplication and says:

And let me twice your apples 2 times, and then the division will divide them on all of us.

I wonder if it was possible to share apples?

Alexey Konkov, Grade 3 (2014)

Mathematical friendship

There were numbers, geometric shapes and arithmetic signs. They had one trouble - everyone swear among themselves and argued, who is more important. So they could not be friends with each other, go to visit and did not know how to buildyourself at home. They lived on the islands, between which the river flowed. They did not understand that it would be difficult for each other.

Once past the islands, the eagle flew and asked from a bird's eye view:

Why are you sad?

We want to build yourself at home and bridge, but do not know how! - answered everything.

You need to make up and unite! Said Orel. - After all, you can not do each other. Then you will go all on the way and build your degrees!

The numbers, figures and signs thought about the words of the eagle and decided:

Why don't we make friends? Why do we fight?

And suddenly went all on the way!

A new hail was built.

We went to visit via the bridge,

Fore all, forgetting the disorder!

We need to remember, guys! Sciences are needed and for us they are important!

Egor Bilibin, Grade 3 (2014)

Straight and segment.

In some kingdom, in the mathematical state, there were lived and segment of the speakers. The straight line always flew to her friends, and

Cut could not go anywhere. Because the two points tiered him the road. But now one of the points wanted to see what was going on in the mathematical world. She rolled out and rolled. And the segment at that time thought how to move to him. And now he pulled out and ran. So he became a happy ray.

Country of decimal fractions and discharge units.

Once I had a dream. As if there is such a country in the world, which is called the "country of decimal fractions and discharge units". This country is the Queen rule, which was the name of 1000. She loved everyone, because she was very kind and generous. All she awarded, she multiplied with himself, and all the numbers became more meaning.

But one day the Queen of 1000 fell ill and it became not 1000, and 0.001. A lot of doctors arrived to her, but no one could help her, and for some reason all the doctors who came to her, became smaller, and not more. This queen, in his habit, began to reward them, but there was one doctor who was able to cure her. His called 0.632. It was such a small number, and came out - a number 632.

And then then realized that the Queen of 1000 is now healthy!

About dividing decimal fractions. "Mysterious Sleep"

Once I dreamed of such a dream: I would like to go to the country called Delandia. I dreamed that I was near the palace. I saw that a sad pair was sat down on a bench, located in the square, I went to them and asked:

Why are you sad? The day is so beautiful! They answered me:

We sad, because the queen of this country issued a decree.

And they showed me on the wall of the palace, there was a decree on the wall, which reads:

"I, Queen, command: To ban marriages between unequal meaning, violating this decree threatens expulsion from the country."

Well, I still do not understand what the cause of your tears, I said.

The fact is that we wanted to get married, "they said, but the royal decree crossed all our plans.

And what caused such a decree? I asked.

According to the laws of our kingdom, it is considered a grave crime if, when dividing one number to another, a number of smaller unit is obtained.

At this time, the battle watches rang out. I opened my eyes and realized that it was a dream.

Guys, what do you think, what ended the fairy tale?

The answer will be found in this picture.

Tale "Travel to the city" decimal fractions ".

In some kingdom, in some state, in a distant country, the cyfrieh lived yes was zero. He was sad and boring, because everyone said that he didn't mean anything and always got up of him, never residents of this country, he was not allowed. They said:

You still have no sense.

It is sitting on a bench and crying, suddenly someone suits him, zero frightened:

Who's here? - he asked.

Is it a comma, what are you crying?

Nilly answered:

No one loves me, they say that I don't know anything.

Let me go to the city of decimal fractions - said comma, - there you are construed.

Nick agreed, and they went.

The comma led a zero to the street number 1. Those who are less than 1 and there are a lot of them live on this street.

How, do you start zero forward? - asked Nilly.

Yes, if I stand next to me, "said the comma, - and they also belong to you, as well as all.

Nulich really liked this city, and he stayed there to live.

There were two digits about and 1.

Once they argued: Which of them is more important. 1 says: "I am more important because I start with me. And you, oh, do not mean anything. " But Zero said: "If I get ahead of you, then you will decrease 10 times - 0.1. And if I get up behind you - you will increase 10 times - 10. And the numeric ray begins with me.

Mathematics lessons.

There were also zero and experienced comma, lived. Somehow they went to another journey. Go, go, if no one knows many people. And so

they came to the forest. They entered the forest and see: two numbers 9.3 and 100 sit on hemp and cry. They approached them zero and comma and asked:

Why do you cry? Responsible number 9.3!

How not to cry. I went through the woods and met the number 100. And we decided to change the way. Somewhere I heard that for this you need to move the comma, but how to do it - I do not know. Yes, and my comma does not want to move anywhere, rolled up!

The comma is justified:

First, I was punished today, and secondly, I am an inexperienced comma, I am in practice. And the number 9.3 does not give me rest, he is somewhat jumping somewhere.

Well, well, - said the experienced comma, - I will teach you. So, comma, see. How many zeros have a number 100?

Therefore, you will download two signs to the right. Clear?

Seems to be yes! It turned out 930.

Well done!

Dear zero, if the number 100 is not against, come to him on the right, multiply by the resulting 1000 by 9.3, - asked the experienced comma.

Jump again! - the comma frightened.

Yes, you must learn.

Okay. Jump for three signs to the right. That's what happened - 9300. Thanks for the studies, the old comma.

Well, what are you shouting?

Oh, I believe that I am too great, "the number 13,768 said," I wanted to be smaller, for example, 100 times, and asked about this number 100. But we did not work out, since my comma in the 5th grade I chatted a lot on mathematics and I listened to everything. Now we argue.

The experienced comma began to clarify.

How many zeros are among 100?

  • What action will we perform?
  • Division.
  • Now listen now. Jump for two signs left.

And merged the comma for two sign to the left, and it turned out the number 0.13768, which is 100 times less than the number of 13.768.

And zero with an experienced comma returned home cheerful and happy. Began to live is still.

And the commas, whom they taught, came to visit them, told about their affairs. They learned from their stories that they were completed on "5" and became experienced commas, who know how to behave with multiplication and division with bit units.

Unusual story.

In the same sea, two family of reposnochkov lived on the seabed. In each

the family had four repayments and squinting in each of each of the proportions - the faithful equality of two relationships.

Once their dad went to walk with them and forgot to put on the kids card with the inscriptions of numbers. Reputors all confused and it turned out that:

Ompog's dads thought and remembered that their maritime school was told about the main property of the proportion. It lies in the fact that if the product of extreme members is equal to the product of medium members, then the proportion will be.

Pope tried, tried and finally, they had:

Children and parents went home, and were happy that everything was so successful. On another day, the reposnochka went to the maritime school. There, the teacher told that such a proportion, the main property of the proportion. Also, octopies learned what kind of values \u200b\u200bare called directly proportional.


There were already very close relatives, three quantities: speed, time and distance.

Once the native aunt proportionality came to visit them. From his father - equations, these three magnitude knew that she was an extraordinary focus and a fideller, able to reincarnate in direct and reverse.

The next day, aunt woke up late, only for dinner and immediately offered children to play the game "Relationship". But the sister of speed has already spoiled the mood from a long wait of aunt. She sat down on the bench and announced that he would not jump, change and reincarnate. What aunt answered her:

So far and not! Sit and rest with a number 15, for example, and at this time will turn into direct proportionality.

She touched her magic wand to the palm of speed, and the number 15 appeared on it.

Meanwhile, the distance and time jumped, they smell. If the distance increased 3 times, then the time increased 3 times; And if the distance decreased by 2 times, then the time decreased by 2 times. But their attitude remains constant all the time, and it was equal to 15.

He was showing the speed sitting on the bench. Then the brother's distance decided to become a magnitude constant and also sit on the bench and relax. But he doubted, it will turn out or not.

Aunt proportionality explained that for this she needs to become inverse proportionality. She turned his hat back in advance, and began to run back forward. And that the brother's way remains constant, it offered speeds and time to multiply. Therefore, as soon as the time began to decrease several times, the speed and vice versa increased at the same number.

They jumped, frolicked, changed, however, their work was always a number of permanent, and was equal to 60. He was shown the distance sitting on the bench.

Aunt noted that this game can also be played with other values, constituting the proportion.

In the evening, apho proportionality was leaving in his county attitude. Children-values \u200b\u200bsaid goodbye to her and invited to visit the next weekend.

Negative and positive numbers.

There were negative numbers and positive, built two houses. In the right house there were positive numbers, and in the left - negative. Every day, the chairman of the two houses, the nickname, whose name was the beginning of the numbers, went home and watched whether negative in a positive home was not settled, and positive in negative. So every year, every month it continued.


In a small geometric village, which stood on the banks of the river, there was an equally chaired triangle. But he himself did not know this and thought that he was not needed. In the village he was the only equiced triangle. All the figures, old people and children laughed at him. But it's time, and the triangle decided to go into the forest . He is tired of these bullying. Early in the morning, when everyone slept, he got up, quickly dressed and went out for the gate.

The road was hard and heavy. The triangle dear stopped and remembered his village. From his insult, he became sad and offensive, he cried. Soon is hehe wandered into a thicket thick and dark. He is there i came across the hut. An old and wise square lived in it. The triangle told him about his grief and burst out. Square quickly calmed him down and began to tell him about what he really he was. The square spoke to the triangle that he is important and necessary that he has side sides, which are always equal, the base and two angle at the base, which are also always equal.

You must be proud that your median is a bisector and height!

About an equilibried triangle.

In some kingdom, in some state there was a family: the mother-side, father-side and son is the basis. They lived did not exist, Nook did not have to marry the foundation. Father and says:

Well, enough son. It's time for the wife and his wife acquire.

And their son was so helpless that she was frightened so that his knees were shaking from morning to evening. I thought he thought, and decided to go to the next kingdom - trying happiness. It was equipped as if he was going for a thirty lands. BUT in that kingdom there were: father -d, mother-p and daughter-beautiful median. She had a nyanka geometry. Further in the fairy tale everything goes to your man, but no! That nurse was harmful, for that, she loved her in this kingdom. She is arranged the ground three tests:

Before you take a median to my wife, answer, please:

  1. What triangle is called an equally chagrin?
  2. What triangle is called equilateral?
  3. What is a median triangle?

For our foundation, these questions were too complicated.

Maybe you guys answer?

Mathematical fairy tales Collection of students 3 "A" class 2013 g 5 2

Journey kolobka in the kingdom of geometry. There was a bun. Once he fell into the kingdom of geometry. He found out that he had a brother, similar to him, but he did not know him name. Rolling-rolled the bun and rolled into the valley of the squares. All the figures were not at all looked like a kolobkin. He asked the squares as he finds his brothers. They told him to roll on a square path. Skolobok rolled and rolled to the grief of triangles. And here it was not his brothers, he rolled down further and rolled into the lake of the circles. Here all the inhabitants were equally round. -What can I distinguish your brother? Said Kolobok. "We are all your brothers and sisters," the figures said. Svorchavskaya Polina

The new friendship lived was 9-ka, she lived in the kingdom called arithmetic. Once she walked and wandered into the kingdom of geometry. 9-ka saw unusual residents of this country and decided to meet them. The very first approached the 9th round, then his brother oval. They told the whole evening, and then the circle and oval introduced 9-ku with a square, a trapezium, a triangle and other residents of the kingdom of geometry. Since then, the numbers and figures are tightly friendly and even every evening communicate on Skype. Sorokin Ilya

Magic story had two cities - arithmetic and geometry. One day, 5-ka could not find the perimeter of the square, only one side was known. I went to the country of geometry to visit the square. Square said the 5th that all of his parties are equal and to find its perimeter you need to simply fold them. 5-ka and invited the square to visit itself. Sotrikhina Anastasia

As arithmetic actions made friends in the thirty kingdom, in the mathematical state, there were arithmetic actions. But minus and plus always quarreled with multiplication and division due to the fact that they first perform * and:, but only then + and -. Somehow a good fairy flew to the house in the house and said: "Actions, why do you quarrel, let me give you brackets. When they are put, then you are + and - to perform the first. " Actions thought and decided that it would be very good. They said the fairy greatly thanks. Since then, the arithmetic actions began to be friends and in their house there were always joy and fun. Row Sergey

The dispute between 6 and 9 lived was 6 and 9 next door. Somehow 6 went for a walk and saw 9. 6 asked 9, why is her tail at the bottom? 9 replied that if 6 stands up, then they will become similar. 6 and 9 were very friendly and never quarreled, were almost like sisters. Sarandine Valery

The spore of the zero and the units were zero and the unit. Once they argued, Zero said that he was more united, and the unit was smart, she knew that more zero. But Zero did not believe her, the next day he asked his mother arithmetic, which of them more. The arithmetic said that more unit, but if they are friends, they will be even more and stronger - it will turn out to be 10. Then the unit took zero and taught him to count! Myrzayev Odin

The stubborn task lived was the task. She was very, very stubborn. Its condition was like this: "Petit had 4 balls, and Ani 5 times more." And the question is: "How many balls were Ani?" The stubborn task said that it was addressed by addiction, and the teacher told her that she was solved by multiplication. Now it's time to raise estimates, and the stubborn task received a two. She was sitting and bitterly cried. Nastya girl approached her and offered her to help, together they decided to stubborn task. And now the task receives some five and gratitude recalls the girl Nastya. Verchinina Polina.

Poor 2 lived - there were 2 in the city of Excellent. Everyone did not love her, they said that she was bad. Once she met 5. 5 advised 2 to get up with but on the head, 2 turned over and became 5, she was all loved immediately. Ivanov Dmitry

Masha's arithmetic and girl once went to the girl Masha walk and met the wizard. The wizard said Masha that she can pose three of any desire. Masha was guessing 10 ice cream, 5 chocolates and 1 big-pre-established cake. The wizard said that he would fulfill the desire, if Masha responds to such a question: "How many sweets she guess?" Masha guess, and got his sweets, and you can count, how many sweets Masha guess? Ivanov Evgeny

Figure 2 lived - there was a digit 2. It was always sad and sad. She did not have friends. All the numbers laughed at her, because nobody loved her at school. Once she went along the lake and saw a beautiful bird. Figure 2 sat on the shore and began to admire the bird. What it was beautiful! And suddenly 2 realized that they are very similar. And then the swan swam to the shore and nodded his head. 2 I understood everything, she was glad, Thu found himself a faithful friend. Shmakalov Andrey

Fairy tales love everything, but especially children. They can be included in front of self-preparation in mathematics in the extended day group in the form of physical attacks or use in extracurricular activities. For convenience, the tale is divided into parts.

1. Tale of zero.

Far is far behind the seas and mountains, there was a country of digit. There were very honest numbers in it. Only zero differed laziness and dishonesty.

2. Once, everyone learned that the queen of arithmetic appeared far beyond the desert, which calls the inhabitants to themselves, to serve as a queen wanted everything. A desert was running between the digital and the kingdom of arithmetic, which was crossed by four rivers: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. How to get to arithmetic? The numbers decided to unite (after all, it is easier to overcome difficulties with comrades) and try to switch the desert.

3. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun touched the earth with their rays, they moved into the path. They walked for a long time under the scorching sun and, finally, reached the addition of the river. The numbers rushed to the river to get drunk, but the river said: "Become on the pairs and arrange, then let you get drunk." All performed the orders of the river, executed the desire and lazy zero. But the number with which he has developed, it remains displeased: because the water of the river gave so much how many units were in total, and the amount did not differ from the number.

4. The sun is even more baked. Received the subtraction to the river. She also demanded a fee for water: to become couples and subtract a smaller number of more, who will have the answer less, he will get more water. And again the number standing in a pair with zero turned out to be losing and was upset.

6. And the division river, none of the numbers wanted to become a couple with a zero. Since then, no number is divided into zero.

7. True, the Queen of the Arithmetic reconciled all the numbers with this lazyness: she began to simply attribute zero next to the number that increased tenfold from this. And there were numbers to live - wait, yes to find good.

You can work with a fairy tale in different ways: after reading, set a number of questions, ask for children at certain stages to continue the fairy tale, consider the fairy tale as a task with the pass.

For example:

1) Why is the country called a digital? What does the number of zero mean?

2) What does the queen of arithmetic do in mathematics? (Studies numbers and actions on them.) What rivers share the country and the kingdom of arithmetic? What kind of common name can be given these rivers? (Actions.) Who was going to go through the desert? (Numbers.) What numbers differ from numbers?

3) Why did the number with which the zero lay out displeasure?

4) Give two examples illustrating the words of the fairy tale - "... to become couples and subtract a smaller number of more: who has the answer to get less, he will receive a prize - water." Why did the number that stands in a pair with Nolah turned out to be losing? Can the numbers become pairs so that each pair gets the water equally? Give examples.

5) Why is the number that stands in a pair with a zero, did not get water from the Multiplication River?

6) Why, when moving the river, the division of the number did not want to become a couple with a zero?

7) How many times the first number is greater than or less than the second: 7 and 70, 3 and 30, 50 and 5?

Suggest the guys to compose the continuation of the fairy tale, apparently after the fourth point. Here the author's design is already felt, mathematical pattern. However, this work can be organized after the third point, if you give some tips: a) each river puts the task that it is impossible to successfully decide in a pair with a zero; b) The fairy tale should end happily, as usual and happens.

Under the task with the pass, we understand the allocation of intonation (separate proposals can be written on the board) the absence of some words. But which can be inserted within the meaning of a fairy tale based on the strict relationship of mathematical concepts. For example, in the 5th paragraph: "The number standing in a pair with a zero, in general ... water"; "With those under no number ... on zero." In the 6th, in the 7th: "She began to simply attribute zero near the number that from this ... in ... Once."

Of course, the above-described work techniques can be combined. We also note that the use of fairy tales in sessions of self-preparation during repetition and securing makes them more diverse, interesting. Fairy tales and questions to them give a large educational effect and contribute to the development of thinking.

2. The fairy tale "Victory of Knowledge".

It was a long time ago. In some kingdom, in some state, the illiterate king ascended for the throne: in childhood he did not love mathematics and native language, drawing and singing, reading and work. Grew up this king inherent. It was ashamed of him before the people, and threamed the king: let everything in this state be illiterate. He closed schools and allowed to study only a military affair to win more lands, to be rich. Soon the army of this state has become big and strong. She bothered all the nearby countries, especially got small. The king is no longer called the pood. He became the leader of his robber army.

Next to the state, the country length was inexpensive. Her king was a smart and educated person: knew arithmetic, various languages; In addition, superbly owned military science. The army in the country was small, but well trained, she was famous for his long distances with his intelligence and runners.

The king of Pood approached his troops to the state length and broke the camp near the border.

How to save the state length? His king, knowing that Poud and his subordinates do not know how to consider and do not know what the words of Kila (Thousand), Santi (hundred), Dezi (Ten) mean, decided to conduct military operation.

Two days later, the troops of the troops appeared on the wagon of a large plywood doll. The hourly did not want to miss her, but the doll said that she was a gift from the state the length of the king pud. The clocks were forced to skip the doll. A wagon with a doll drove into the camp. Pooked with approximately considered a doll and surprised her sizes and the ability to speak a human voice. The doll said her name is Kilo and that she has a junior meter brothers and a decimeter.

The sun was fine and lower. Night fell on the ground. When the whole camp fell asleep, the doll was revealed, and 1000 dolls were released from it, and of them, from each of 10 dolls, whom the decimeter was called, and from each decimeter - 10 warriors - centimeters. They surrounded the sleeping enemy army and destroyed it. Only the king of PUD escaped the flight (later they will find him in another kingdom).

So the smart king, loving science, won the incurred - the king of Pond. And all neighboring states began to live in peace and friendship.

3. Tale "Hero of the Planet" Violet ".

Today there was a holiday on the whole earth. For the first time in history, a person went to the planet "violet", on which reasonable creatures lived.

It was half an hour of flight, and suddenly the noise was heard from the engine room, not provided for by instructions. Fortunately there was no accident. On the ship was a boy Kolya. What to do? Cosmonauts decided to report on the flying center that happened and continue the expedition.

Finally the crew reached an unknown planet. A surprising city is located a few kilometers from the landing place: all houses in it were a spherical shape. The inhabitants of the violet did not know how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle. Earthlings decided to help them, and at the same time check what their unfinished passenger is capable of.

Kolya was frightened: he did not love mathematics, his homework has always written off his comrades. But there was no exit. With difficulty, he remembered that the square with a side of 1 cm has an area of \u200b\u200b1 square. cm, 1 m - 1 square. m, etc. How to find a rectangle area? Kohl drew a rectangle, which placed 12 small squares. Along the main side - 4 squares, and along the smaller - 3. Then Kolya depicted another 1 rectangle. 30 squares placed in it, the length of the rectangle was equal to 10 squares, and width - 3.

What to do? - thought Kolya. The sides of the rectangle are equal to 4 and squares, and the area is 12. The sides of the rectangle are equal to 10 and 3 squares, and the area is 30. I know, the boy shouted, - to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle, you need to multiply the length to the width. Kolya reported to the ship commander about the task.

This fairy tale can be used not only to secure the material, but also when studying the new - rectangle area. The student can act as if, make a small, but discovery.

Elements of problem learning in the form of a game-fairy tale cause children a great interest.