Comparison of the images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova from the novel Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace". Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dunzhanov Comparative characteristics of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov appearance

Comparison of the images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova from the novel Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace". Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dunzhanov Comparative characteristics of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov appearance

* This work is not scientific work, is not a final qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material during self-training work.

Comparative characteristics of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre

Lev Nikolaevich Tough:

"To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing out again, and begin again, and throw again, and forever fight and lose. And calm - mental vulgarity. "

Different heroes views, characters, behavior manner. But, with many differences, the heroes of the work have a lot in common. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov are smart people who have received an excellent education. They are close to each other in spirit, because both are independent in their judgments and thoughts. Adreview with Pierre is very frank in their conversations, and they can only speak to some topics with each other, because they find each other understanding, even having absolutely different worldview.

Andrey Bolkonsky

Pierre Duchevov

In the salon A. Sheer Andrei behaves apatically, the secular society inspired him disgust. despises gathered here.

Pierre in naivety shows a lot of honor to salon guests

Andrey - rationalist, that is, he has a reason prevails over the feelings

Bezukhov - a direct nature that can be acute and worry. He is peculiar to deep meditation and doubts in search of the meaning of life.

Andrei is looking for Napoleonic fame in war

Duckers, not knowing where to give energy, to amuses in the company Dologov and Kuragin, spending time in the couments and entertainment.

Andrei was unfortunately married, was unhappy in family life, so he feels her inner emptiness.

Disappointed in Napoleon, shocked by the death of his wife, Prince Andrei flows into Melancholy. He decides for himself that he should only live for himself and the family, the world glory does not interest him anymore.

Having received wealth and title, Pierre acquires the location and respect of light. Inxicated by the triumph, he marries the most beautiful and stupid woman of light - Helen Kuragin.

Bolkonsky with great inspiration took part in the work of the Speransky Commission. Later, realizing that she was useless for the people, Prince Andrew will be disappointed in state activity as Pierre in Freemasonry.

Realizing all the viciousness and meaninglessness of the past life, Pierre goes into Masonry with a solid desire of spiritual rebirth. He seems to him that he found his meaning of life. And there is a fair share of truth.

At the front, the Blocks finally understands the purpose of man on earth. He realizes that it is necessary to live, helping and sympathizing with people, bringing the benefit of mankind.

War of 1812, and especially the captivity and meeting with Plato Karataev changed the life of the Bezukhov, showing him the true meaning of life.

Karataev taught Pierre to appreciate life in all its manifestations, love people like himself.

Pushkin and Herzen appearance of the Decembrist movement explained the influence of the political ideas of the French revolution on the best representatives of the nobility that could not accept the public retardation of Russia and serfdom. But the great realist of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy is not enough. He decided to trace under what circumstances in the era of 1805-1824. In a person from the aristocratic environment, the conscience awakened, then the understanding of the debt and honor, which led him to a rupture with their surroundings. The disclosure in this regard the appearance of the Decembrists and was one of the tasks of "War and Peace", as a historical novel. Tolstoy artistically solves it in the images of two heroes, two opposites-opposites - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Count Pierre Zuhovova.

Acquaintance of the reader with these central characters of the epic occurs at the evening at Anna Sherler. Obviously, both Pierre and Andrei are not among the vain vertical persons: the prince this society has long been bored, the count even did not have time to get bored - just did not like it.

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Let's see how Tolstoy describes both heroes. First, Pierre appears. He is awkward in words and gestures, scattered and nerviar. No wonder his address is the definition of a "bear". At the same time, it is clear that the author does not laugh at his "bearishness". On the contrary, he describes his hero with great warmth, even with love, why immediately penetrate sympathy to this thick, rustic and very cute count. Prince Andrei - Full Antipode Pierre. It is exquisied in manners, restrained and somewhat dry. But, despite such clear differences between the heroes from each other, the writer makes them friends. Only seeing Baughn in the Sherler salon among the bored persons, Prince Andrei is animated.

The fact is that the prince of Bolkonsky is deeply dissatisfied in the way that he has to lead. Much in his behavior and appearance is a tired view, grimacing, who spoiled his beautiful face, the manner pursuer when looking at people - expressed his disappointment in a secular society. He is sad to know that without this idle circle of people cannot do his wife Lisa. He said:

Living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, insignificantly - here is the enchanted circle from which I can't go out.

Only with her friend Pierre Andrei is natural, fulfilled friendly participation and cardiac attachment. Only Pierre he can, with all frankness and seriousness to admit:

This life I lead here is not for me

A young graph, which is just starting a secular life, can not yet refuse himself in the kits and other pleasures of noble life. However, after a series of lessons of such a lifetime (for example, hasty marriage on the beauty of Helen), he, like Prince Bolkonsky, begins to hate his surroundings.

We see that Bolkonsky and Bezukhov are people actions. Combines Andrei and Pierre, the principle, which lasted in his youth himself, Lion Tolstoy: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, beat, mistaken, start, and again throw, and again begin to start, and again throw, and forever fight and lose. And calm - spiritual meanness. " They are in constant search for the meaning of life. They want to get to the essence and meaning of their being. Having both money and the situation they do not want to be content with small. Meanwhile, there are many different in their fate. For example, while Andrey Bolkonsky is looking for fame in war, Pierre Duhov is kutit with Kuragin. Bolkonsky does not think about the fate of a simple Russian man due to his own vanity, damasses, carried away by the ideas of Masonry, trying to rebuild the life of the peasants. At the same time, both characters from these events remove bitter, but still experience.

Life is that and it is thrown into the heroes of epic new and new tests. But the war is the most significant for each of them. Initially, looking at the battlefields of glory, Andrei Bolkonsky after a collision with death face to face in a different way perceives the war. He understands that the front is not the place where you need to think about orders. It becomes easier and closer to the people, feeling on himself that in the war, in the face of death, everyone is equal. It is he who has to convey his experience to the Count Pierra, who decided to watch the Borodino battle.

Reached by new thinks about the war shocked on the bloody battle occurring on the field of bloody battle, the bellows from the idle observer becomes an active participant of the battle. In this battle, Bolkonsky's friend dies, and failed to realize the understanding that personal happiness came to him that personal happiness is in the happiness of other people. This idea should be performed by Pierre Bezuhov. He, like his senior comrade, Prince Bolkonsky, becomes closer to the simple people. An important role in the formation of a matured graph plays a soldier of the Absheron Regiment Plato Karataev, with whom Pierre gets to captivity.

From the war, Luzhov is returned to another person: Matched, laid wind of death, but in the same good and honest. He seemed to imagine all the best from her former and former Bolkonsky. The marriage of Natasha Rostova becomes a happy epic final, which could not be if there were no endless search for two such different and however, similar heroes - Prince Bolkonsky and Pierre Zuhova.

Pierre Lyuhov and Andrey Bolkonsky, Being completely different characters of the novel "War and Peace", are the favorite heroes of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The difference between the heroes is visible at the first of their appearance on the pages of the novel in the salon Anna Sherler. Andrei Bolkonsky, having at that time a rather rich life experience, with all his appearance shows how tired of all these secular gatherings. Andrei even reminds the reader Evgeny Onegin. Pierre Duhov appears before us by a person who will reveree in front of people who gathered in the salon Madame Schever. Different heroes views, characters, behavior manner. But, with many differences, the heroes of the work have a lot in common. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov are smart people who have received an excellent education. They are close to each other in spirit, because both are independent in their judgments and thoughts. Thus, Blocks with Bezuhov fully confirm the oldest axiom: "opposites complement each other."

No wonder Andrei with Pierre Very frank in their conversations, and they can only talk to some topics with each other, as they find each other an understanding even having absolutely different worldview. Andrei Bolkonsky is a more reasonable man, it is much more rational Pierre. Over the feelings of Andrei, the mind prevails, and Pierre Duhov is more direct, prone to sharp feelings and experiences. Pierre loves entertainment, leads a rampant lifestyle and easily mentally refers to many things. He marries the secular beauty of Hehlen Kuragin, but will soon break up with her, saying about his wife: "Where are you, there is debauchery and evil." His youth is full of mistakes and disappointments. As a result, Pierre, as well as Andrei Bolkonsky, begins to hate a secular society, which is permeated through the lies. Both heroes are people actions. And Andrei, and Pierre are constantly in search of the meaning of life and its place in this world. Many in the life of the main characters occurs differently, but some moments are very similar. Andrei is looking for fame in war, Pierre has fun at Kuragin. But both are unhappy in family life. Both have beautiful outwardly wives, but their chosen do not satisfy the heroes in their inner world. When Andrei Bolkonsky revises his views on life, disappointed in the war, he returns home, but his next shock is waiting for him - the wife of Andrei and the Hero of the Roman will expect depression, disappointment in life. Big changes occur in the life of Pierre Zuhovova - he gets a great inheritance and becomes a welcome guest in all houses without exception, even in those where he used to be neglectful to Pierre. But, quickly disappointed, as in his time Andrei Bolkonsky, in secular life, Pierre Ducheov finds its use in Freemasonry. During this period of life, Pierre Bezuhov seems to have found the meaning of life.

He is trying to make life easier Serf and help other people: "When I live, at least try to live for others, I begin to understand the happiness of life." But, Freemasonry disappointed Pierre, so many members of this society betrayed common interests and sent their strength to receive their own glory and personal gain. The war of 1812, and especially the captivity and meeting with Plato Karataev changed the life of Bezukhov, showing him the true meaning of life, helped the hero to revaluate values. Such Pierre Duhov helps Andrei Bolkonsky, reviving along with Natasha Rostova Andrei to life. Andrei takes an active part in public life, working in the Speransky Commission, but this type of activity does not bring him satisfaction. Similarly, as the participation of Pierre Duzhov in the movement of Masons. Andrei his love for Natasha Rostova, but a happy life with his beloved did not succeed, and Andrei Bolkonsky again goes to war, where an understanding comes to him that the meaning of life is to help other people who need to benefit others. Andrei Bolkonsky dies, and no one is able to realize his idea. Understanding the need to love those surrounding people, appreciate life, comes to Pierre Bezuhov. Unites Andrei and Pierre, the principle, which denoted during his youth itself Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start, and again throw, and again start, and again throw, and forever fight and lose. And calm - mental vulgarity. "

Each writer has his own glance at one time, to choose from heroes. This is determined by the personality of the author, his worldview, his understanding of the appointment of a person on Earth. Therefore, there are books that are not authorized. There are heroes that will always be interesting, whose thoughts and acts will worry about not one generation of descendants.

Such for me are the heroes of Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". What attracts me in the characters of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Zuhova? Why do they seem like alive and close to almost two centuries? Why Natasha Rostov is not perceived by some distant countess, completely from another life, other education, and my pemer? Why every time going back to the novel, do I open something new in it for myself? Probably because they are really lively for me, not static that they live not only today, they strive not only to privileges, award-winning, material willing, but not "sleeping" to the soul, reflect on their lives, they are stressful looking for the meaning of life. The Great and Unique L. Tolstoy, who himself did not stop looking for good and learn, analyze himself, his era and generally human life, teaches us, readers, watch life and analyze our actions. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov immediately attract attention to themselves, stand out by their sincerity, higher decency and mind. Despite the fact that they are so different - severe, arrogant prince Andrei, who very respects himself and is therefore coming from people, and so awkward, at first, naive Pierre, who does not perceive the light, - are real friends. They can talk about high matters, turn each other mystery of the souls, protect and maintain in a difficult moment.

It would seem that each of them has their own way, their victories and defeat, but how many times their fates are intertwined, how much like in different life ambitions, how much in common in the feelings! A talented officer, Prince Andrei goes to war to find the use of its forces and mind, find "his toulon", become famous. He took himself a rule not to interfere in other people's affairs, do not pay attention to the bustle and disputes, "not to descend." But in the headquarters of the corridor, the prince will obverse the gloomy adjutant, who dared offensively respond about the defeated ally: "We or officers who serve their king and the Fatherland and rejoice in common success and pepper about the overall failure, or we are a lacker, which are no case to the Lord!"

After conveying the order to evacuate, Prince Andrei can not throw the battery of Captain Tushina and remains to help them, without hiding behind the dust and powder smoke with his adjutant position. And when discussing in the headquarters of the Shenagraben battle, he will defend Tushina.

Maybe it is this meeting and participation in hostilities (under the bullets of the enemy) side by side with simple soldiers and younger officers helped and fulfill the father's feet, so that "there was no shame", and raise the banner, turning back back, not only because It was "Starry Hour", but because he, like Kutuzov, feels pain for the army's retreat. Maybe, therefore, Andrei Bolkonsky deliberately did not notice the offensive words about Nikolai Rostov's staff officers and powerfully, with dignity, suggested him to calm down, because another duel will be held - with a common enemy, where they can not feel their opponents. So exactly and Pierre, striving for self-improvement, trying to do so much for his peasants, must come to understand the difference between good deeds for himself and dissolve in the general affairs and aspirations of many people. Therefore, he comes to Masons, hoping that this is a real focus of good. What is bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live and what is "me"? What is life and what is death? What power manages to all? Of course, a person who set up these questions, worthy of respect, even if his searches lead first to denial, to his rejection ...

The spiritual crisis is experiencing prince Andrei after the revaluation of his idol - Napoleon and after the death of his wife. Changes in the estate (at the beginning of the XIX century, he translated his fortress-free blades), the education of the baby's baby, reading books and periodic publications could fill the life of an ordinary, doorgin to the edges. Bolkonsky However, presses the ceiling of limitations - it is necessary for a high blue sky. Like a spark, the words of Pierre will flash in a conversation on the ferry: "We must live, you have to love, you have to believe," and will burn a new interest in life! Now he knows the criterion for the usefulness of this work and, applying a highly appreciated by the Committee of the Speransky Project to specific people, "Remembering the men, Drone - Streth, and, putting the right of those who distributed in paragraphs, he became strange as he could do in such vain labor. " Hope for personal happiness raises Prince Andrew as on the wings and proves that "life is not over the thirty-one." How to change his credo, his yesterday's Napoleonic "I am above all", "My thoughts and efforts as a gift for everyone" - to another: "It is necessary that everyone knows me to not for one thing for me so that they do not live like this girl, regardless of my life, so that she reflected on all and so that they all live with me together! " This is "all through me", this path from arrogant-egoistic to the egoistic will give Blocks another perception of the world will teach to see and understand the feelings of other people: and dreamy Natasha on the lunar night, her bright person, which so lacked him, and girls with green Plums who needed to be quietly passing by him, and Timokhin, and all officers and soldiers of their regiment. Maybe, therefore, he will not lose interest in life, immersed in the personal grinding of a gap with his beloved, when it will face the common world of the Motherland, with enemy invasion.

So, the Pierre, whom everything was deceived - from the estate managers to his own wife, - it was necessary to feel the threat of not only his own "I", and at least a close person so that he would find in himself and the strength and hardness, and real tact, and, Finally, the ability to manage the situation, as in the case of Anatoly Kuragin - so that he does not ink the reputation of Natasha and did not meet with Prince Andrey, did not have the threat of a friend's life.

When the enemy attacked his homeland, Pierre, to the brain of bones, the civilian man acts as a real patriot. He not only goes to his funds a whole regiment - he himself wants to stay in Moscow to kill Napoleon. It is symbolic that, looking for an answer in the Apocalypse to the question: who will win the Bonaparte, Pierre finds the answer - "Russian Bezukhov", emphasizing not only his name and title, but it is the belonging to the nation, that is, feeling part of the country. On the Borodino field, on the battery, Pierre, with his desire to help bring the shells, something resembles Prince Andrei under Shengrab.

Andrei Bolkonsky also feels likely part of his people. In a conversation with a new man for him, he is amazed by frankness, simplicity of words, closeness to ordinary soldiers. Prince Andrei refuses to offer Kutuzov to serve him with an adjutant, wanting to stay in the shelf. He will learn to fight on the front line, appreciate the warm attitude towards himself a soldier, their gentle "our prince." Once giving great importance to the military strategy and the calculation, Andrei Bolkonsky indignantly discard it to the Borodino battle: Napoleonic comparison of regiments with chess pieces and words of staff officers about "War in space". Protect the small homeland (his home, estate, city) and the great depression will be able, according to Prince Andrew, only one feeling that "is in me, in it, in every soldier." This is a sense of love to the homeland and the feeling of unity with the fate of the people.

Bolkonsky stands under bullets, considering "his duty to initiate the courage of soldiers." He will forgive Anatoly Kuragin his personal insult when he meets him wounded, in the hospital chamber at the forefront. And love for Natasha, aggravated by common grief and shared losses, flashes in Prince Andrei with a new force. The great cleansing of physical and moral suffering was to go to the captive Pierre Duzhov, to meet with Plato Karataev, immersed in the life of a simple people and understand that "he looked at his whole life somewhere over his heads around him, and it was necessary to strain the eye, but only to look in front of you. " With new eyes, he will see a real way to goal, the scope of application of its own forces. He, like many of the heroes of the Patriotic War, hurts to look at the riots in the debris: "In the courts theft, in the army one stick: Pigacity, settlements, - the people are tormented, education is dear. What young, honestly lick! " Now Pierre becomes close to everything that happens in his country, and he arises to defend this "young and honest", leaning over the glorious past, fights for the purity of the present and the future.

Bezukhov is one of the organizers and managers of the circle of the Decembrists. He deliberately chooses a dangerous and restless way. It is symbolic that next to him "to glory", through the swords of the reactionaries, goes, in the representation of Nicholya Bolkonsky, and a teenager himself, and Prince Andrei.

I think if Pierre stayed alive, he, without hesitating, would take part in a speech at the Senate Square. It would be a logical result of ideological quest, spiritual self-improvement and the growing "I" in general "we". At the new stage of development, L.N. Tolstoy, the same way arises their continuation - Nicholya. And so close and understandable for each of us, his cherished words sound: "I just ask God for one thing to be with me what was with People Plutarch, and I will do the same. I will do better. Everyone will recognize, everyone will love me, everyone will admire me. " The meaning of the spiritual quest of a real person can not have the end.

Andrei's attitude to Pierre

Only with his other Pierre, he is simple, natural, fulfilled friendly participation and cardiac attachment. Only Pierre he can with all the frankness and seriousness to admit: "This life I lead here, this life is not for me." He is experiencing an insurmountable thirst for real life. It entails his sharp, analytical mind, wide requests pushed to great achievements. According to Andrei, the army and participation in military campaigns opens great opportunities. Although it can easily stay in St. Petersburg, serve here a flaghel-adjutant here, he leaves where hostilities go. The battles of 1805 were for the Blocks exit from a dead end.

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Family customs of the house of Romanov (retelling)

Painting Effolding Inheritance of Count Uzukhova

Count of Lyuhov bequeathed all his extra-wedroom Son Pierre, who studied abroad. The inheritance tried to win the 3 princessed - the daughter of the graph and Prince Vasily Kuragin. But by the efforts of Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskoy, they still did not succeed. Anna Mikhailovna snatched a briefcase with the will of Prince Vasily, stored at the count under the pillow

the most accurate reveals the two-partition of Vasily Kuragin.
Since the death of the graph was inevitable, first of all the relatives worried the testament

Life and morals in the estate of the old prince balcony

Letters Zhui Karagina and Marie Balcony

For the first time I learned Marya Bolkonskaya about the upcoming matchmaker to her Anatoly Kuragin from the letter of Juli to Mary

Andrei comes to "Bald Mountains" (why?)

Here the Prince Andrei comes to the bald mountains, where he is destined to NEP hold new shocks: the birth of the son, torment and death of his wife. It seemed to him that it was he who was to blame for what had happened that something was broken in his soul. That fracture in his views, which arose from him under Austerlitz, now connected with the mental crisis. The Tolstoy Hero decides never to serve no longer in the army, and a little later decides to completely refuse social activities. He is filled with life, engaged in Boguchars only the economy and son, inspiring himself that only it remains to him. Now he intends to live only for himself, "I do not interfere with anyone, live to death."


Kutuzov's ratio to the army

Kutuzov appears in the novel when the Russian army retreats. Smolensk was commissioned, the paintings of ruin are visible everywhere. We see the commander-in-chief of the eyes of Russian soldiers, partisans, the eyes of Andrei Bolkonsky and the eyes of the thicker. For the soldiers of Kutuzov, the People's Hero, who came to stop the retreating army and bring it to victory. "They say everything is available to everyone, thank God. And then with the sausages of the trouble ... Now, maybe, and it will be possible to speak Russian. And then the hell knows what they did. Everyone retreated, everyone retreated, "says Kutuzov Vaska Denisov-One of the partisans. The soldiers believed in Kutuzov and bowed to him. He does not part for a minute with his army. Before important battles, Kutuzov is among the troops, speaks with soldiers in their language. Cuttiz's patriotism is the patriotism of a person who believes in the power of the Motherland and the Martial Spirit of the Soldier. It is constantly felt by his fighters. But Kutuzov is not only the greatest commander and strategist of his time, it is primarily a person who is deeply experiencing the failures of the campaign of 1812. So he appears before us at the beginning of its activities as a commander. "To what ... what was brought! - Suddenly, Kutuzov said an agitated voice, clearly presenting the situation in which Russia was located. " And the prince Andrei, who was next to Kutuzov, when these words were told, sees tears in front of the old man. "They will eat horseback to me!" - He threatens the French, and we understand that this is not just said so, for the sake of the red sense.
Also, like soldiers, looking at Kutuzov Andrey Bolkonsky. With this man, he also binds the fact that he is a friend of his father. Kutuzov was well a sign of Andrei before. It was to Mikhail Illarionovich sent him to serve Prince Andrei his father, in the hope that Kutuzov would be able to save his son. But, according to the philosophy of Tolstoy, nor Kutuzov, nor anyone else is able to change what is intended for a person over.
At all in another angle looks at the commander himself. Kutuzov, according to his ideas, can not affect any individuals or on the course of history as a whole, at the same time this person personifies that good, which came to defeat evil. The evil is embodied in Napoleon, which Tolstoy considered the "execution of peoples". Posyness of Napoleon, his narcissism and self-evidence-evidence of false patriotism. It was Napoleon, according to the thoughts of Tolstoy, the story chose to defeat. Kutuzov only does not interfere with Napoleon fall, because, as a man who knows the life of a fate, knows that Napoleon is doomed. So he is waiting for the moment that this person himself rises in the deed and leave? To this end, he leaves Moscow, thereby giving Napoleon the opportunity to calmly think and realize the infertility of the further struggle.
Borodino for Kutuzov is the battle, where the Russian troops are fighting on the side of which Russian troops are fighting on the side. Follow the two great commander in Borodino battle. Napoleon is worried if they are waiting for victory, it is only due to personal, unfulfilled self-confidence. He hopes that the outcome will solve his actions like a strategist and commander. Cutuzov behaves quite differently. Externally completely calm, it does not produce any orders on the Borodino field. His participation is reduced only to agree or disagree with the proposals of others. Kutuzov knows that this event will be decisive for both Russians and the French. But if for Russians it will be the beginning of a distant victory, then for French defeats.
Only the only time of Kutuzov opposed himself to the will of all the rest, on the Council in filients, when he decided to leave Moscow and thereby won the war.
In this way. Tolstoy showed Kutuzov in all its greatness and as a commander, and as a person. Kutuzov is not only an experienced commander, patriot, clever and sensitive person, he is a person who can experience and understand the natural course of events. Connecting everyday wisdom and acting according to the inevitable course of history, he won the war

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on the topic: Comparison of images of AndreiBolkonsky and Pierrefrom the novelLion NikolayevichTolstoy"War and Peace"


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Demenko Irina

Lecturer: Lola Azizovna

bolkonsky Bezukhov Roman Tolstoy

Pierre Lyuhov and Andrey Bolkonsky, Being completely different characters of the novel "War and Peace", are the favorite heroes of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The difference between the heroes is visible at the first of their appearance on the pages of the novel in the salon Anna Sherler. Andrei Bolkonsky, having at that time a rather rich life experience, with all his appearance shows how tired of all these secular gatherings. Andrei even reminds the reader Evgeny Onegin. Pierre Duhov appears before us by a person who will reveree in front of people who gathered in the salon Madame Schever. Different heroes views, characters, behavior manner. But, with many differences, the heroes of the work have a lot in common. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov are smart people who have received an excellent education. They are close to each other in spirit, because both are independent in their judgments and thoughts. Thus, Blocks with Bezuhov fully confirm the oldest axiom: "opposites complement each other."

No wonder Andrei with Pierre Very frank in their conversations, and they can only talk to some topics with each other, as they find each other an understanding even having absolutely different worldview. Andrei Bolkonsky is a more reasonable man, it is much more rational Pierre. Over the feelings of Andrei, the mind prevails, and Pierre Duhov is more direct, prone to sharp feelings and experiences. Pierre loves entertainment, leads a rampant lifestyle and easily mentally refers to many things. He marries the secular beauty of Hehlen Kuragin, but will soon break up with her, saying about his wife: "Where are you, there is debauchery and evil." His youth is full of mistakes and disappointments. As a result, Pierre, as well as Andrei Bolkonsky, begins to hate a secular society, which is permeated through the lies. Both heroes are people actions. And Andrei, and Pierre are constantly in search of the meaning of life and its place in this world. Many in the life of the main characters occurs differently, but some moments are very similar. Andrei is looking for fame in war, Pierre has fun at Kuragin. But both are unhappy in family life. Both have beautiful outwardly wives, but their chosen do not satisfy the heroes in their inner world. When Andrei Bolkonsky revises his views on life, disappointed in the war, he returns home, but his next shock is waiting for him - the wife of Andrei and the Hero of the Roman will expect depression, disappointment in life. Big changes occur in the life of Pierre Zuhovova - he gets a great inheritance and becomes a welcome guest in all houses without exception, even in those where he used to be neglectful to Pierre. But, quickly disappointed, as in his time Andrei Bolkonsky, in secular life, Pierre Ducheov finds its use in Freemasonry. During this period of life, Pierre Bezuhov seems to have found the meaning of life.

He is trying to make life easier Serf and help other people: "When I live, at least try to live for others, I begin to understand the happiness of life." But, Freemasonry disappointed Pierre, so many members of this society betrayed common interests and sent their strength to receive their own glory and personal gain. The war of 1812, and especially the captivity and meeting with Plato Karataev changed the life of Bezukhov, showing him the true meaning of life, helped the hero to revaluate values. Such Pierre Duhov helps Andrei Bolkonsky, reviving along with Natasha Rostova Andrei to life. Andrei takes an active part in public life, working in the Speransky Commission, but this type of activity does not bring him satisfaction. Similarly, as the participation of Pierre Duzhov in the movement of Masons. Andrei his love for Natasha Rostova, but a happy life with his beloved did not succeed, and Andrei Bolkonsky again goes to war, where an understanding comes to him that the meaning of life is to help other people who need to benefit others. Andrei Bolkonsky dies, and no one is able to realize his idea. Understanding the need to love those surrounding people, appreciate life, comes to Pierre Bezuhov. Unites Andrei and Pierre, the principle, which denoted during his youth itself Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start, and again throw, and again start, and again throw, and forever fight and lose. And calm - mental vulgarity. "

Each writer has his own glance at one time, to choose from heroes. This is determined by the personality of the author, his worldview, his understanding of the appointment of a person on Earth. Therefore, there are books that are not authorized. There are heroes that will always be interesting, whose thoughts and acts will worry about not one generation of descendants.

Such for me are the heroes of Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". What attracts me in the characters of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Zuhova? Why do they seem like alive and close to almost two centuries? Why Natasha Rostov is not perceived by some distant countess, completely from another life, other education, and my pemer? Why every time going back to the novel, do I open something new in it for myself? Probably because they are really lively for me, not static that they live not only today, they strive not only to privileges, award-winning, material willing, but not "sleeping" to the soul, reflect on their lives, they are stressful looking for the meaning of life. The Great and Unique L. Tolstoy, who himself did not stop looking for good and learn, analyze himself, his era and generally human life, teaches us, readers, watch life and analyze our actions. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov immediately attract attention to themselves, stand out by their sincerity, higher decency and mind. Despite the fact that they are so different - severe, arrogant prince Andrei, who very respects himself and is therefore coming from people, and so awkward, at first, naive Pierre, who does not perceive the light, - are real friends. They can talk about high matters, turn each other mystery of the souls, protect and maintain in a difficult moment.

It would seem that each of them has their own way, their victories and defeat, but how many times their fates are intertwined, how much like in different life ambitions, how much in common in the feelings! A talented officer, Prince Andrei goes to war to find the use of its forces and mind, find "his toulon", become famous. He took himself a rule not to interfere in other people's affairs, do not pay attention to the bustle and disputes, "not to descend." But in the headquarters of the corridor, the prince will obverse the gloomy adjutant, who dared offensively respond about the defeated ally: "We or officers who serve their king and the Fatherland and rejoice in common success and pepper about the overall failure, or we are a lacker, which are no case to the Lord!"

After conveying the order to evacuate, Prince Andrei can not throw the battery of Captain Tushina and remains to help them, without hiding behind the dust and powder smoke with his adjutant position. And when discussing in the headquarters of the Shenagraben battle, he will defend Tushina.

Maybe it is this meeting and participation in hostilities (under the bullets of the enemy) side by side with simple soldiers and younger officers helped and fulfill the father's feet, so that "there was no shame", and raise the banner, turning back back, not only because It was "Starry Hour", but because he, like Kutuzov, feels pain for the army's retreat. Maybe, therefore, Andrei Bolkonsky deliberately did not notice the offensive words about Nikolai Rostov's staff officers and powerfully, with dignity, suggested him to calm down, because another duel will be held - with a common enemy, where they can not feel their opponents. So exactly and Pierre, striving for self-improvement, trying to do so much for his peasants, must come to understand the difference between good deeds for himself and dissolve in the general affairs and aspirations of many people. Therefore, he comes to Masons, hoping that this is a real focus of good. What is bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live and what is "me"? What is life and what is death? What power manages to all? Of course, a person who set up these questions, worthy of respect, even if his searches lead first to denial, to his rejection ...

The spiritual crisis is experiencing prince Andrei after the revaluation of his idol - Napoleon and after the death of his wife. Changes in the estate (at the beginning of the XIX century, he translated his fortress-free blades), the education of the baby's baby, reading books and periodic publications could fill the life of an ordinary, doorgin to the edges. Bolkonsky However, presses the ceiling of limitations - it is necessary for a high blue sky. Like a spark, the words of Pierre will flash in a conversation on the ferry: "We must live, you have to love, you have to believe," and will burn a new interest in life! Now he knows the criterion for the usefulness of this work and, applying a highly appreciated by the Committee of the Speransky Project to specific people, "Remembering the men, Drone - Streth, and, putting the right of those who distributed in paragraphs, he became strange as he could do in such vain labor. " Hope for personal happiness raises Prince Andrew as on the wings and proves that "life is not over the thirty-one." How to change his credo, his yesterday's Napoleonic "I am above all", "My thoughts and efforts as a gift for everyone" - to another: "It is necessary that everyone knows me to not for one thing for me so that they do not live like this girl, regardless of my life, so that she reflected on all and so that they all live with me together! " This is "all through me", this path from arrogant-egoistic to the egoistic will give Blocks another perception of the world will teach to see and understand the feelings of other people: and dreamy Natasha on the lunar night, her bright person, which so lacked him, and girls with green Plums who needed to be quietly passing by him, and Timokhin, and all officers and soldiers of their regiment. Maybe, therefore, he will not lose interest in life, immersed in the personal grinding of a gap with his beloved, when it will face the common world of the Motherland, with enemy invasion.

So, the Pierre, whom everything was deceived - from the estate managers to his own wife, - it was necessary to feel the threat of not only his own "I", and at least a close person so that he would find in himself and the strength and hardness, and real tact, and, Finally, the ability to manage the situation, as in the case of Anatoly Kuragin - so that he does not ink the reputation of Natasha and did not meet with Prince Andrey, did not have the threat of a friend's life.

When the enemy attacked his homeland, Pierre, to the brain of bones, the civilian man acts as a real patriot. He not only goes to his funds a whole regiment - he himself wants to stay in Moscow to kill Napoleon. It is symbolic that, looking for an answer in the Apocalypse to the question: who will win the Bonaparte, Pierre finds the answer - "Russian Bezukhov", emphasizing not only his name and title, but it is the belonging to the nation, that is, feeling part of the country. On the Borodino field, on the battery, Pierre, with his desire to help bring the shells, something resembles Prince Andrei under Shengrab.

Andrei Bolkonsky also feels likely part of his people. In a conversation with a new man for him, he is amazed by frankness, simplicity of words, closeness to ordinary soldiers. Prince Andrei refuses to offer Kutuzov to serve him with an adjutant, wanting to stay in the shelf. He will learn to fight on the front line, appreciate the warm attitude towards himself a soldier, their gentle "our prince." Once giving great importance to the military strategy and the calculation, Andrei Bolkonsky indignantly discard it to the Borodino battle: Napoleonic comparison of regiments with chess pieces and words of staff officers about "War in space". Protect the small homeland (his home, estate, city) and the great depression will be able, according to Prince Andrew, only one feeling that "is in me, in it, in every soldier." This is a sense of love to the homeland and the feeling of unity with the fate of the people.

Bolkonsky stands under bullets, considering "his duty to initiate the courage of soldiers." He will forgive Anatoly Kuragin his personal insult when he meets him wounded, in the hospital chamber at the forefront. And love for Natasha, aggravated by common grief and shared losses, flashes in Prince Andrei with a new force. The great cleansing of physical and moral suffering was to go to the captive Pierre Duzhov, to meet with Plato Karataev, immersed in the life of a simple people and understand that "he looked at his whole life somewhere over his heads around him, and it was necessary to strain the eye, but only to look in front of you. " With new eyes, he will see a real way to goal, the scope of application of its own forces. He, like many of the heroes of the Patriotic War, hurts to look at the riots in the debris: "In the courts theft, in the army one stick: Pigacity, settlements, - the people are tormented, education is dear. What young, honestly lick! " Now Pierre becomes close to everything that happens in his country, and he arises to defend this "young and honest", leaning over the glorious past, fights for the purity of the present and the future.

Bezukhov is one of the organizers and managers of the circle of the Decembrists. He deliberately chooses a dangerous and restless way. It is symbolic that next to him "to glory", through the swords of the reactionaries, goes, in the representation of Nicholya Bolkonsky, and a teenager himself, and Prince Andrei.

I think if Pierre stayed alive, he, without hesitating, would take part in a speech at the Senate Square. It would be a logical result of ideological quest, spiritual self-improvement and the growing "I" in general "we". At the new stage of development, L.N. Tolstoy, the same way arises their continuation - Nicholya. And so close and understandable for each of us, his cherished words sound: "I just ask God for one thing to be with me what was with People Plutarch, and I will do the same. I will do better. Everyone will recognize, everyone will love me, everyone will admire me. " The meaning of the spiritual quest of a real person can not have the end.

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