Death Bazar Accident or its own fatal decision. Evgeny Bazarov in the face of death - analysis of the work and characteristics

Death Bazar Accident or its own fatal decision. Evgeny Bazarov in the face of death - analysis of the work and characteristics


How did you perceive the last pages of the novel? What feelings did you have caused the death of Bazarov?


The main feeling that the last pages of the novel have readers - a sense of deep human pity that such a person dies. The emotional impact of these scenes is great. A.P. Chekhov wrote: "Oh my God! What a luxury "fathers and children"! Just though Karoull shouti. Bazarov's disease is made so hard that I weakened and there was such a feeling as if I became infected from him. And the end of the Bazarov? .. This feature knows how to do. Just ingenious. "


How died bazaars? (Ch. XXVII)

"Basareas became worse every hour; The disease accepted a quick move that it usually happens with surgical refivers. He has not lost memory and understood what he was told; He still fought.

"I don't want to wander," he whispered, squeezing his fists, - what kind of nonsense! " And immediately said: "Well, of the eight to subtract ten, how much will it come out?" Vasily Ivanovich walked as an obsessed, offered that one tool, then another and only did that be covered with his son's son. "Wrap in cold sheets ... a lot ... Mustarders to the stomach ... bloodletting," he said with tension. The doctor whom he illuminated to stay, he was given to him, he sick with a lemonade, and for himself asked that the tubes, then the "strengthening-heating", that is, vodka. Arina V. Vasevna sat on a low-beam near the door and only at times it was gone to pray; A few days ago, the toilet mirror slipped out of her hands and crashed, and this she always believed to be a sludge foreman; Samfisushka itself did not know anything to say anything to her. Timofeich went to Odintova. "

"The night was not good for Bazarov ... The cruel fever tormented him. By morning he was elegted. He asked that Arina Vse. His happarers, kissed her hand with her and drank two tea chips. "

"The change for the better continued not long. The attacks of the disease resumed. "

"Cecido with me. Hit under the wheel. And it turns out that there has nothing to think about the future. The old thing is death, and each inner. Still not a dross ... and there will come in impurity, and fuck! (He waved his hand.) "

"Bazarov no longer destined to wake up. In the evening he fell into perfect infamousness, and the next day died. "


Why D.I. Pisarev said: "To die as the bazaars died, - I don't care what to do a great feat ..."?


The deadly disease of the Bazarov is the last test. In the face of the inevitable force of nature, courage, power, will, nobility, humanity are fully manifested. This is the death of the hero, and the death of heroic.

Not wanting to die, the bazarov struggles with the disease, with infamousness, with pain. Until the last minute, he does not lose clarity of the mind. He shows the power of will and courage. He himself put an exact diagnosis and calculated almost by an hour of the course of the disease. Feeling the inevitability of the end, did not stringly, did not try to deceive himself and, most importantly, it remained faithful to his beliefs.

"... now, truly, and the hellish stone is not needed. If I got infected, so now it's too late. "

"- old man, - began the bazaars with a sipl and slow voice, - my dear thing. I am infected, and a few days later you will bury me. "

"I did not expect that so soon die; This is an accident, very, in truth, unpleasant. "

"Strength, strength," he said, "everything else is here, and you need to die! .. The old man, he, at least, managed to drop away from life, and I ... yes, then try to deny death. She denies you, and Basta! "


According to the ideas of believers, all their sins were forgiven, and not attendant fell into perpetual flour into hell. Does it agree or there are no bazaars to accept the communion before death?


In order not to offend the father, the bazaars "said, finally": "I do not refuse if it can console you." And immediately adds: "... but it seems to me to hurry yet for nothing. You yourself say that I am better. " This phrase is nothing more than polite refusal of confession, since, if a person is better, it is not necessary for the priest.


Does the bazar himself believe that he is better?


We know that Bazarov himself accurately calculated the course of the disease. On the eve, he says to his father that "tomorrow or the day after tomorrow his brain will give a resign." "Tomorrow" has already come, it remains a maximum of another day, and if you still wait, the priest will not have time (bazaars are accurate: on that day, "in the evening he fell into perfect infamousness, and the next day died"). Otherwise, as smart and delicate failure, it cannot be understood. And when the father insists on the "execution of the Debt of Christian," becomes cut:
"" No, I'll wait, "interrupted the bazaars. - I agree with you that the crisis has come. And if you and you are mistaken, well! After all, both fearless fit.
- Homes, Evgeny ...
- I'll wait. And now I want to sleep. Do not disturb me".

And in the face of the death of bazarov rejects religious beliefs. For a weak person, it would be convenient to accept them, believe that after death, it washes "to paradise", the bazaars do not share it. And if it is still segained, then loveless, as he foresaw. There is no Will here: this is the act of parents who are in this consolation.

Answering the question why the death of Bazarov should be considered heroic, D.I. Pisarev wrote: "But to look into the death of death, to anticipate her approach, not trying to deceive yourself, to remain faithful to my last minute, not to weaken and not tool - this is a matter of a strong character ... Such a person who knows how to die calmly and firmly, will not retreat before the obstacle and not Struction before danger ".


Did the bazaars changed before death? Why did he become closer to us before dying?


The dying bazaars is simple and humane: there was a need to hide its "romanticism". He thinks not about himself, but about his parents, preparing them to a terrible end. Almost in Pushkinsky says goodbye to the hero with the beloved and speaks the language of the poet: "Dunge on the dying lamp, and let it go out."

He finally said, "Other Words", which was afraid before: "... I loved you! .. Goodbye ... Listen ... After all, I did not kiss you then ..." "And Mother stick. After all, such people as they, in your big light in the afternoon, do not find fire ... ". Love for a woman, the love of his father to his father and mother merge into the consciousness of the dying Bazarov with love for his homeland, to the mysterious Russia, who remained not to the end of the infused mystery for Bazarov: "There is a forest."

Bazarov became better before death, humane, softer.


In the life of the bazaars dies from the random cut of the finger, but is the death of the hero in the composition of the novel?

Why is Turgenev finishing his romance to the death of the death of the main character, despite his superiority over other characters?


The bazaarov says: "I need Russia ... no, it is not necessary. And who needs? "

Any plot-composite technique reveals the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer. The death of Bazarov, from the author's point of view, is natural in the novel. Turgenev identified Bazarov as a tragic figure, "dedicated to death."

There are two causes of the death of the hero - his loneliness and internal conflict. Both of these interrelated reasons were included in the author's design.


How does Turgenev show loneliness of the hero?


In consistently, in all meetings of the Bazarov with people, Turgenev shows the impossibility of relying on them. Kirsanov's first disappear, then Odenty, then - parents, then Fuenuschka, the true disciples he does not have, leaves him and Arkady, and, finally, the last and most important clash occurs at Bazarov before death - a collision with the people.

"Sometimes Bazarov went to the village and, tuning as usual, took the conversation with some man.
- What was interpreted?
- known, Barin; Does he understand?
- Where to understand! - answered another man, and raging his caps and having laughed the Kushaki, both of them began to argue about their affairs and needs. Alas! A contemptuously shared shoulder, who sought to talk to the guys of the bazaars (as he boasts in a dispute with Pavel Petrovich), this self-confident bazaars did not suspect that he was still something like a fool's jester ...

New people look lonely compared to the huge mass of the rest of society. Their, of course, is not enough, especially since it is the first new people. Turgenev rights, showing their loneliness in the lowest and urban noble environment, rights, showing that they will not find their assistants here.

The main cause of the death of the Turgenev Hero may be called socio-historical. The circumstances of the Russian life of the 60s did not give any other opportunities for indigenous democratic transformations, to implement the designs of Bazarov and the like.

"Fathers and children" caused a fierce controversy in the entire history of Russian literature of the XIX century. Yes, and the author himself stops in front of chaos of contradictory judgments: greetings of enemies and slapped friends.

Turgenev believed that his novel would serve as a cohesion of the public forces of Russia, that Russian society listens to his warnings. But his dreams did not come true.

"I dreamed of a gloomy figure, wild, big, grown out of the soil, strong, evil, except, but still doomed to death, because it still stands on the eve of the future." I.S. Turgenev.

The task

1. Share your feelings from the novel.
2. Sympathy or antipathy caused a hero?
3. Does such estimates, definitions, dysfit, cynic, revolutionary, nihilist, victim of circumstances, "Brilliant Nature" are getting around in your presentation about it?
4. Why does Turgenev bring the Bazar to death?
5. Read your thumbnails.

We chose the Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children", and in it the scene of the death of Bazarov.

In order to accomplish this job, it is necessary to determine what an episode is. According to the sensible dictionary of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegova and N. Yu. Swedovaya, episode - "part of the literary work, which has relative independence and completion." The scene of the death of Bazarov fully meets this criterion. I also fell on the appropriate article of the literary encyclopedic dictionary, which interprets the term "episode" as "with a relatively independent unit of action" Work, "the fixative in easily dissected boundaries of space and time."
Since the specified article divides action in the artistic work on "external" and "internal", then the proposed episode can be viewed as an independent unit of internal action, when the hero is subject to change, "than its behavior. In the selected episode, the development and completion of the last stage of the storyline associated with the main character - the disease and the death of Bazarov are obtained. The temporary framework of the chosen episode is three days (the last stage of the disease of Bazarov), the place of action is the Bazar Room in his father's house. Thus, the excerpt for the death of Bazarov we selected is quite suitable for the analysis of the episode.

This episode begins with the words "Doctor, the same county ledist who has no hellish stone, came and inspected the patient, advised to hold the methods of waiting and immediately said a few words about the possibility of recovery," and ends with the words: "and pretty! "He said and dropped to the pillow." Now ... Darkness ... ". We defined the borders of the episode exactly, because the text limited by these phrases is fully dedicated to the ignition of Bazarov: from the moment when they began to take possession of infection until the last word said in consciousness.

We chose several phrases reflecting, in our opinion, deep experiences of the hero, his mental state.

Bazarov "Suddenly grabbed a heavy table behind the leg, standing near the sofa, shook him and moved off his place." The bazaarov aware of their impotence before his death, it is indispensable that in the flourishing of life and full of physical strength, he is forced to accept the inevitability and recognize more powerful strength, "denying" himself, "death.

"I do not want to wander," he whispered, squeezing his fists, - what nonsense! " Bazarov still struggles, trying to resist the disease.

"He asked that Arina Vse. His happiness, kissed her hand with her ....." the bazaars do not accidentally show the tenderness of his mother: internally, he has already realized the inevitability of death and in the face of perpetual partition does not want to hide his true feelings to the mother - Love, respect.

When the father invites him to come, "... in the face of his son, although he continued to lie with his eyes closed, slept something strange." This is "strange", as can be seen from the following phrases, consent to the sacrament. He, who denied religion, has changed so much inside that it is ready to adopt a religious rite.

"Forgive," he said with a sudden force, and his eyes shone the last brilliance. "

The last outbreak of consciousness exposed its love strength.

Thus, we see what deep mental experiences and changes occur with the hero in the last moments of his life.

In the episode, the central figure is the main character, Eugene Bazarov, and, although there are other actors of the novel (Bazarov's parents, Odenty), they are only the background for the full disclosure of the nature of the Bazar. In the chosen episode, the main character is revealed from a new, unexpected side. In it, he appears the tragic figure, which Turgenev himself wrote: "The death of Bazarov (...) was to, in my opinion, impose a last line on his tragic figure."

In order to understand the meaning of this scene, it is important to remember what is the image of the Bazarov in the novel. This is a strong, active, purposeful nature, and at first view of the Natura One. He sees the meaning of his life in the destruction of old men of society, in serving a new society. He denies all the main foundations of the previous society, both social and moral philosophical, believing precisely denial of its main task, considering that it is enough for its implementation. But in the episode of death, the hero is aware of what it turns out to be powerless, denial - impossible and meaningless: "Yes, then try to deny death. She denies you, and Basta!" He believed that he was the owner of his own life and fate, that he could build ambitious plans and strive for their implementation. But it turns out to be in a situation that once crossed all his confidence with a simple and indisputable fact: he fell ill and will inevitably die. "And after all, I also thought: a lot of things, I don't die, where! There is a task, because I am a giant! And now the whole task of the giant - how to die decently, although there is no business to this ...." Notes that his plans It is not destined to implement, the main principle of life - nonsense, so he still understands how lonely he is and, perhaps, does not need a new society for whom he wanted to work. "I need Russia ... No, you can see, I don't need. Yes, and who needs a shoemaker needed, the tailor is needed, butcher ... Meat sells ... Butcher ... Wait, I'm confused ...". The inner split is exposed: somewhere in the depths of the soul, the Bazarov doubts the usefulness and feasibility of their activities for the benefit of society. And immediately, the revelations of the Bazarov come to the memory, which he shared with Arkady: "I hated this last man. Well, it will live in a white hollow, and from me burdock will grow (...)." It was to this inner tragedy of his hero, disclosed in his death-seeming insights, and led the reader of Turgenev throughout the novel. The suffering of the nihilist and the destroyer is naked in the scene of his death. Not by chance this line of the nature of the Bazarov noted F.M. Dostoevsky, calling the hero of Turgenev "Toscating Bazarov".

According to the literary encyclopedia, the culmination is "the moment of the highest voltage of action in the work, when the story conflict, the goals of the heroes, their internal qualities are particularly revealed. In the work of a large form, where several plot lines are intertwined two and more culmination." Of course, in the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" can be distinguished by several climax. One of them is a duel scene (the plot line of the Bazarov relationship with Pavel Petrovich). Another - scene of explanation of the Bazarov with one (storyline of Love Bazarov to Odse).

However, in our opinion, in the novel, all these events, one after another, serve another goal - all the most bright and versatile to reveal the character of the main character of Bazarar. And we believe that it is the episode of the death of the main character completely reveals his contradictory nature, thus, by the culmination of the development of the chief hero.

The work was performed by students of 10-1 class by Mikhail Ignatiev and Igor Khmelev.

Evgeny Bazarov preferred to defend the ideas of nihilism. The main hero of Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" is a young nihist Evgeny Bazarov. During reading, we learn the ideas of this flow.

Our hero went in the footsteps of the father - a county doctor. But living in the mid-nineteenth century, he was a supporter, like all the youth, Nihilism ideas. He adheres to the belief that a person needs to know only the sciences bringing. For example, accurate sciences: mathematics, chemistry. He defends his point of view that a decent mathematician or chemist brings more benefits than some poet! And poems - entertainment and fantasy of rich idlers. In it clearly manifests the denial of love for live objects of nature. And he is increasingly distinguished from the family and good friends.

He believes that there are physiological processes moving by the behavior of all people. In his thoughts, the ideas are thriving that

In work, he persistently works, everything is given to the patient. Fulfilling their working responsibilities, he is feeling joy. Among people who come across Him in the hospital, he enjoyed authority and respect. He liked others, sick children.

And now the tragic moment comes - the death of Bazarov. There is a huge meaning of what is happening. The cause of death is the infection of blood. And so, staying in complete loneliness, he begins to experience anxiety. He is tormented by internal contradictory feelings in relation to denying ideas. And he began to understand the significance of parental support and participation. That they are old and they need help and the love of the Son.

He boldly watched death in the face. He has manifested with persistent self-confidence. He felt and fear and a shortage of human attention. Scientific discoveries, his knowledge of medicine did not help him. Natural viruses and incurable progression took over his life.

A good person who helps people accepted the disease. It torments doubts that he did not fulfill everything on Earth. In this work, he is heroically fighting for life. Excellent doctor and kind man.

I like this character. Before death, he revises his attitude towards nature, family, a loved one. He understands that he is still not married. Odintsova comes to him, and he confesses to her love. Asks for forgiveness from his parents, begins to think about God. Does not want to die, believes that Russia could still serve. But, alas of his ideal - medicine powerless.

Essay Death Bazar Analysis of the episode

The main hero of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" is a young and educated Evgeny Bazarov. The guy considers himself a nihilist, he denies the existence of God and any human feelings. Bazarov studied natural sciences, he believed that people should pay more time to such sciences as physics, chemistry and mathematics, and in poets he saw only lazy and not interesting people.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov was born in the family, where his father worked all his life by county lane. Bazarov believes that a person has limitless power, so he believed that he was subject to reflect the entire previous experience of mankind and live in his understanding. Bazarov considered the main purpose of nihilists, destroy all the deliberations of the ancestors. Without any doubt, it is clear that the bazaars are smart enough, and has a huge potential, according to the author himself, the conviction of the hero is incorrect and even dangerous, they contradict the vital laws.

Over time, the bazaarov begins to make sure that the long time was mistaken in his beliefs. The first blow for him was suddenly broken down feelings for the young and beautiful Anne Sergeyevna, at first the guy just admired the beauty of the girl, and then caught himself thinking that he had some feelings for her. The hero was afraid of the inexplicable, he did not understand what was going on with him, because a convinced nihist rejected the existence of love. Love made him rethink her faith, he disappointed in himself, realized that he was a simple person who could control feelings. This discovery handled Bazarov, he did not know how to continue to live, the guy leaves home to try to forget the girl.

In the parent house, a fateful event happens to him. The bazaars did an autopsy of the patient, who died from a terrible disease called the title, subsequently he infected himself. Lying in bed, Bazarov understood that he was left for several days. Before his death, the guy fully convinces himself in the fact that he was mistaken in everything that it was love that makes a lot of meaning. He understands that he did not make anything useful for Russia for Russia, but an ordinary workman, butcher, a shoemaker or a baker brought more benefits to the country. Evgeny asks to come Anna to say goodbye. Despite the dangerous disease, the girl immediately goes to his beloved.

Bazarov is a smart, strong and gifted person who sought to live and work for the country's benefit. However, with his incorrect beliefs, faith in Nihilism, he renounced all the main values \u200b\u200bof mankind, thereby destroying himself.

Option 3.

"Fathers and children" is a novel who was published in 1861. It was a rather easy time for Russia. There were changes in the country, and the people were divided into two halves. On one side were democrats, and on the other liberals. But, regardless of the idea of \u200b\u200beach side, they understood that Russia requires change in any case.

This product of Turgenev has a sad ending, dies the main character. In this work, the author felt new features in people, but he could not understand one as these characters would act. The main hero of the bazaarov meets the death at all at the young age. Bazarov is a direct man and always able to put a certain proportion of sarcasm. But when the hero felt that he was dying, he had changed. He gained kindness, became polite, he completely began to contradict his beliefs.

It is noticeable that the bazaars are very sympathetic to the author of the work. It becomes especially clear when the Bazarov comes time to die. During the death of the hero, his essence becomes visible, his true character. Bazarov in love with Odintsov, but it does not affect him before his death. He still dare, selfless, hero is not afraid of death. Bazarov knows that it will soon go to the world other and does not have anxiety about people who will remain. He is not worried about unfinished matters or questions. Why does the author show the reader the death of the hero? The main thing for Turgenev was to show that the bazaars man is non-standard.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author in love and fearlessness before the moment of death. Also did not miss Turgenev and the topic of respect for sons to parents. The main thing is that the bazaars is on the verge of the chalken, but he is not defeated. Interestingly, even after his death, the main character is not changed to some of its principles. He is dead and still can not perceive religion, she is not acceptable to him.

Very clear and on the contrast built a moment of farewell to the baza carriage with one. The author emphasizes a living woman and a man who dies. Turgenev emphasizes the sharpness of the scene. Anna is young, beautiful, light, and bazaars as a worm of the floor crushed.

The ending of the work is really tragic. After all, it is different not to call, a very young man dies, besides, he is in love. It is sad, of course, that death cannot be deceived or to get away from her, nothing depends on the person himself. Pretty hard on the shower when you read the final scene of the work of Turgenev.

Essay of bazaars in the face of death grade 10

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is the classic of domestic literature and the real master of the pen. On the beauty and painting of descriptions with it can be compared except that Naboki and Tolstoy. The romance of the whole life of Turgenev is the novel "Fathers and Children", the main character of which Eugene Bazarov is a reflection of the new, only the emerging type of people in the Russian Empire. The main hero of the novel in the end of the work dies. Why? I will answer this question in my essay.

So, the bazaars are a nichist (a person who does not recognize the authorities and denying all the old, traditional). He is studying at the University of Natural Science Faculty, to study the surrounding world. Bazarov denies all: art, love, god, the aristocracy of the Kirsanov family and the foundations that have developed in society.

The storyline of the work is facing the Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - a man of truly liberal views, this is not done by chance: so Turgenev shows the political struggle of revolutionary-democracy (in the face of Bazarov) and the liberal camp (represented by Kirsanov's family).

The bazaars meet Anna Sergeyevna Odintsova, the girl is very well-read and knowledgeable in matters not only fashion, but also science, as well as with a solid character. It is striking Bazarov, he falls in love. And after she refuses him, he leaves for his parents in the estate and dies there from blood infection. It would seem that an ordinary story, but it is still the classical Russian literature, and the death of Bazarov is quite explained. Bazarov, a man who denyed everything, including love, turns out to be in this position that he himself loves another person: he is tormented by contradiction, he begins to see the reality of what it really is.

It is the destruction of the main principle of Bazarov - the denial of love killed Bazarov. The person who literally breathe nihilism could no longer live in his illusion, met so much feeling. The destruction of the principles of Bazarov and his sustainable death need Turgenev in order to show the unnecessary to the Bazarov in this society.

In conclusion I would like to say that the destruction of the principles of the Bazar on the part of Turgenev can be perceived by two: on the one hand, this reflection of reality as Turgenev saw it, on the other hand, is the political nature of Turgenev, because Turgenev himself was a liberal and spending such a feature that Liberal Arkady Lives happily, and Revolutionary-Democrat Bazarov died, this suggests that Turgenev by opposition expressed his political position by calling himself right. For what purpose was to kill Bazarov, only the story is known to this question ...

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Literature lesson

The topic of the lesson "Death Test". The disease and death of Bazarov. Analysis of the episode of death.

The purpose of the lesson: to reveal the strength of the spirit of the main character of the novel "Fathers and Children", his inner world, analyzing the episode of "bazaars in the face of death."

Tasks: Literature Roman Turgenev

  • 1. Training:
  • 1. Systematization of the studied material.
  • 2. Developing:
  • 1. Development of the skills analysis of the episode of the artistic work.
  • 2. Systematization of knowledge on the theory of literature.
  • 3. Educational:
  • 1. Education of love for native Word.
  • 2. Education of a competent, thoughtful, careful reader.

Equipment: The text of the novel, the video from the film "Fathers and Children" (the film by Roman I.S. Turgenev. Director of V.Nikorov. Film Studio "Belarus Film", 1984).

During the classes

  • 1. Orgmant. Greeting. Backing up the dates and working (preliminary) lesson themes.
  • 2. Teacher's words:

How did you remember the main character of the Turgenev novel? (Students call the characteristics of the main character and write them down in notebooks). Educated, holy believes in nihilism, solid beliefs, inner rod, flint, in bobbin in dispute, undeniable, irrefutable arguments, brutal, negligence in clothes, the material side does not bother him, She strives to be closer to the people, it raised himself, "wonderful small, so simple", mysterious, etc.

Teacher: What is he, bazaars? On the one hand, a solid and irreconcilable, denying everything and the whole nihist. On the other hand, the "scattered" romantic, struggling with a strong feeling with a strong feeling for him - love. What qualities of the Bazar character are manifested in scenes with one?

Bazarov in love - is capable of compromise, suffering, mentally beautiful, recognizes his defeat. Individualism of the Bazarov - exclusivity - romanticism

Teacher: How has the reader's opinion about Bazarov changed?

Pupils: He has changed. Recognized romance. He is tormented by doubts. Bazarov tries to resist, maintain loyalty to its nihilism. The reader becomes sorry Bazarov, because love brings him suffering and mental pain. His feelings and behavior cause respect.

3. Analysis of the episode "Death of Bazarov".

Teacher: What is the bazaars before death?

Introducing the reading of the episode, we should say students about the attitude of Turgenev itself to death (briefly), as well as pay attention to the statements of famous people about this scene in the novel "Fathers and Children".

A.P. Chekhov: "My God! What kind of luxury "fathers and children"! Just though Karoull shout. Bazarov's disease is done so much that I weakened, and it was a feeling as if I became infected from him. And the end of the Bazarov? This feature knows how to do. "

DI. Pisarev: "To die as the bazaars died - it's like to make a great feat."

Teacher: What unites these statements?

Pupils: Roman "Fathers and Children" was written very talented and strongly. In the death of Bazarov is not weakness, but its greatness.

Re-read the scene of the meeting of the dying bazairov and Odentova (thanks, - he spoke hard ... Ch.27)

Teacher: What are the means of expressiveness used Turgenev to describe the Bazarov in the death scene?

Making a table.

Means of expressiveness

Their role in the text

Opened powerless body

The physical weakness of the Bazarov, who is not used to see him weak. Fate made his sentence. Basaars are weak in the face of death.


He loves Anna Sergeevna sincerely, truly.

Epitts, gradation.

Young, fresh, clean ...

She is life. It is ransom that he instructs concern for his parents.


Broke a lot of things ... After all, I am a giant!

The force is not only physical, but first of all the power of the Spirit.


Old joke death ...

My my own form decomposes

Trying to keep not showing weakness


Dunge on the dying lamp, and let it go out


Confession is finished. Now he is ready to die.


Worm crushed

He feels awkwardness before the beloved woman.

Exclamation signs

At the beginning of the conversation.

Emotionality and moment tension. He is still brave, tries to keep at ease.

At the same time, regret that I did not have time to perform the scheduled.


Especially at the end of the monologue.

Not only because the bazaars dies and it is difficult for him to speak. This is his last words, so he carefully chooses and thinks over them. The voice of the patient gradually weaken. The moment of the present physical tension.

Phraseologisms and spacious

Few! Hit under the wheel. Will not have a tail.

This is the former bazaars we have seen at the beginning of the novel.

Teacher: Do you agree with the words Pisarev and Chekhov? What's new in the form of Bazarov you have opened for yourself?

Pupils: He sincere, as in confession. Open and honest. Present. There is no need to maintain a person to defend its position. Deaths anyway. And he is afraid of death, which all denies, even his own. Feelings are mixed: both pity, and respect, and pride. Bazarov in this scene is an ordinary person, not a giant at all is notleable, but a soft, sensitive, loving son (how surprisingly he says about his parents!), Loving man.

Teacher: Surprisingly, many writers will foresee their care from life. So in the novel "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov very accurately described her death in the Pechorin Dueley Scene with Grushnitsky. Turgenev also foresaw his death. Such insignifications in art are not as rare. Consider some quotes.

Prince Meshchersky: "Then the speech of him became incoherent, he often repeated the same word with an increasing effort, as if waiting for him to take a thought and falling into some irritation, when these efforts turned out to be fruitless, but we, unfortunately , could not help him at all. "

V. Carbed: "Ivan Sergeyevich lay on his back, his hands stretched along the body, the eyes look a little, the mouth is scary, and the head, a little thrown back, a little on the left, with each sigh, it throws up; It can be seen that the patient stifles that he lacks the air, "I confess, I did not suffer, I cried."

Ivan Turgenev, describing the death of his hero, according to his recognition, also cried. Between the novel and the life of striking coincidences. "Bazarov was not destined to wake up. In the evening he fell into perfect infamousness, and the next day died. "

In the mouth of his hero, Turgenev invested the very words that could not have prone and could say: "And now the whole task of the giant is to die decently." The giant has coped with this task.

4. Conclusions. Summarizing. Homework.

What is the novel? About life. And the final of his life-affirming. The scene of the death of Bazarov is not an interchange, but the climax of the novel. It is in this scene that we see the true greatness and sincere simplicity and humanity of Bazarov. In the death scene, it is real, without inquiry negligence, rudeness and brutality. Another quote for reflection.

Michelle Montae: "If I were a book writer, I would make a collection with a description of various deaths by providing it with comments. Who teaches people to die, then teaches them to live. "

At the end of the lesson, watching an episode from the screening of Roman I.S. Turgenev (4 series).

Homework: Make a message on biography and creativity F.I. Tyutchev.

Death test. This latter Test Bazarov also has to go parallel to its antagonist. Despite the prosperous outcome of the duel, Pavel Petrovich has long been spiritually dead. Parting with Fuenus broke the last thread that brought him to life: "Lighted with a bright daylight, his beautiful washable head lay on a white pillow, like a dead man's head ... Yes, he was the dead." It comes from life and his opponent.

Surprisingly persistent in the novel of mention of the epidemic that does not spare anyone and from which there is no salvation. We learn that the mother of Fennica, Arina, "died from cholera." Immediately at the arrival of Arkady and Bazarov, the Best Days of the Year "," the weather was beautiful. " "True, a cholelery threatened to be threatened again," the author is meaningfully stipulated, "but the residents of *** ... The province managed to get used to her visits." This time, the cholera "pulled out" two peasants from Maryina. The presenter itself was the danger - "a rather strong fit happened to Pavlom Petrovich". And again the news does not amazeless, does not scare, does not disturb the Bazarov. The only thing that hurts him as a doctor is to refuse to help: "Why didn't he send him?" Even when his own father wants to tell the "curious episode of the plague in Bessarabia," the bazaars decisively interrupts the old man. The hero behaves as if for him one cholera does not represent any danger. Meanwhile, the epidemic has always been considered not only the largest of the earthly adversity, but also the expression of God's Will. The favorite fables of the beloved Turgenev Basinowski Krylov begins with the words: "Litty Beach Heavens, the nature of horror - the sea is rampant in the forests." But the bazaars are convinced that himself builds his fate.

"Every person has its own fate! - I thought a writer. - As the clouds first are compiled from the vapor of the earth, they will rise from the depths of it, then they are separated, alienated from it and bear it, finally, grace or death, so near each of our ourselves<…> the nature of the element, which is then destroying or saving on us<…>. Speaking simply: everyone makes his fate and everyone does it ... "Bazarov understood that it was created for the" bitter, tart, the bare "of the life of a public figure, perhaps the revolutionary agitator. He took it as his calling: "I want to mess around with people, at least scold them, but messing with them", "We give others! We need to break others! " But how to be now, when the previous ideas were failed, and science did not give an answer to all the questions? What to teach where to call?

In Rudina, the insightful Lenznev noticed what idol is just true "acts on the youth": "To her conclusions, the results, even incorrect, and the results!<…> Try to tell young people that you can not give her full truth, because you yourself do not own it<…>, youth will not listen to you ...\u003e. It is necessary that you yourself<…> They believed that you have the truth ... "And the bazaars are already - does not believe. He tried to find the truth in a conversation with a man, but nothing happened. Too condescendingly, Barskie-arrogantly drawn a nihist to the people with a request to "present their views on life." And the man burns out Barina, introducing a stupid, submissive idiot. It turns out, it is not for the sake of sacrificing such a life. Only in a conversation with a friend, the peasant of the soul will take, discussing the "pea jester": "It is known, Barin; Does he understand? "

It remains - work. Help Father in a tiny immibra of several souls of peasants. You can imagine how all this should seem small and insignificant. Bazarov makes a mistake, too small and insignificant - forgets to root cut on the finger. Rank, resulting from analizing a decompanying man's corpse. "Democrat to the brain of bones," the bazaarov invaded the life of the people boldly and self-confident<…>What turned against the "healer" himself. So is it possible to say that the death of Bazarov is random?

"To die as the bazarov died, it is like to make a great feat," said D.I. Pisarev. With this observation can not disagree. The death of Evgeny Bazarov, in his bed, surrounded by relatives, no less majestic and symbolic than the death of the Rudine on the barricade. With a full human self-relocation, in a medical brief, the hero states: "... my crappy thing. I am infected, and a few days later you will bury me ... "I had to make sure of my human vulnerability:" Yes, then try to deny death. She denies you, and Basta! " "I don't care: I won't see the tail," says bazaars. Although no "no one is doing to this", the hero can not afford to go down - while "he has not lost memory yet<…>; He still fought. "

The proximity of death for him does not mean the refusal of cherished ideas. Such as an atheistic rejection of God's existence. When Religious Vasily Ivanovich, "Having dropped to his knees," begged the sons to commit confession and cleanse from sins, he externally carelessly replies: "Hurry up yet for what ..." He fears to offend the father directly refusing and only asks to postpone the rite: "After all, they are silent … I'll wait". "When it was bored," Turgenev says, "when the Holy Miro touched his chest, one eye revealed him and seemed to be a priest<…>, Kadyl, candle<…> Something similar to horror shudders instantly reflected on a donated face. "

It seems a paradox, but death frees a lot of Bazarov, encourages not to hide more of their real feelings. Just and calmly he can now express his love for parents: "Who is crying there? …Mother? Someone she will feed now with his amazing borscht? .. "Laskoy-tuning, he asks Vasily Ivanovich affected by Grief to be in these circumstances by philosopher. Now you can not hide your love for Anna Sergeyevna, ask her to come to accept his last sigh. It turns out that you can let in your life with ordinary human feelings, but at the same time not "clarified", but to become spiritually stronger.

Dying bazaarov utters romantic words with which true feelings express: "Duny on the dying lamp, and let it go out ..." For the hero, this is an expression of only love experiences. But the author in these words sees more. It is worth recalling that a similar comparison comes to the mouth of Rudin on the threshold of death: "There is already all over, and there are no oils in the lamp, and the lamp itself is broken, and now the wick is now smoking ..." Turgenev has a tragically torn life like a lampada, As in an old poem:

Filed a midnight lamp before the shrine of good.

The thought of his uselessness from the life of Bazarov, unnecessary: \u200b\u200b"Thought: I don't die where! The task is there, because I am a giant! "," I need Russia ... No, it is not necessary! .. You need a shoemaker, the tailor is needed, the butcher ... "Mostuting him Rudin, Turgenev recalls the general literary" ancestor ", the same selfless skeleton of the Don Kiheot. In his speech "Hamlet and Don Quixote" (1860), the author lists the "birth features" of Don Kihotov: "Don Quixote Enthusiast, a minister of the idea, and therefore wielding her radiance," "He lives out of himself, for his brothers, For the extermination of evil, to counter hostile humanity forces. " It is easy to see that these qualities make up the basis of a bazaar character. According to the largest, "Donkoyotovsky" account, his life is not forgiven. Let the Don Quixhots seem funny. It is this warehouse that people, on the thought of the writer, move humanity forward: "If they are not, let them close the book of history: there will be nothing to read in it."