Greeting the jury and rivals in sports competitions. Scenario of the sports festival "Small Olympic Games" for children of senior preschool age

Greeting the jury and rivals in sports competitions. Scenario of the sports festival
Greeting the jury and rivals in sports competitions. Scenario of the sports festival "Small Olympic Games" for children of senior preschool age

Greeting the KVN team "Cool Kolobki"

at the district game "KVN in Smolenski"

Scene 1 "On Change"

On the stage of Petya, Roma, Oksana, Julia

Julia in the mirror looks, sits on a chair, Roma sits on a chair,

behind them: Petya stands - looking at the phone, Oksana with a book

Oksana: Roma, what were we asked for a biology house?

Roma: I do not know. I gave the diary of Kusheleva, the parents bun!

Julia: Why learn to learn? Who needs this education!

Petya: how? Why did I eat two years in 1 and 2nd class?

Julia: Petya, do you like to go to school?
Petya: Yes, like walk, only this watch between walking is the most opposite.

Olya runs out

Olya: Guys! I came to you with the most kind of news.

Roma: What vacations canceled?

Olya: Worse! We need to go to KVN in Novodugino!
All: Can't Be!

Olya Sings a song on the motive "case - time" (IS.A. Pugacheva).

What it is, just horror, horror, horror.
Do not fall asleep to us, do not sleep anymore!
To KVNu need to compose, yes.
Measures must be immediately taken.

Hey, you are there upstairs!
From you again there is no rest!
Go to Novodugino:
Show card mappings.
How to win us?
Tell me the answer!
After all, we need a victory!
Well, what we worse, worse than all.

Roma: Maybe we will refuse?
Julia: Oh no! We waited for a long time!
Oksana: So you need to prepare! And we have spring! We just would take a walk.
Petya: Yes, for the sake of such a case, we will make such a greeting that all mouths are flawed (shown)
Olya: Yes, okay, guys, because the main part, maybe that and it will work out.
Roma: We do not agree!

Julia: For us, the main victory!

Oksana: And at the expense of opponents, well, we also do not flasher shit.

Petya: We will arrive, let's see and be sure to win!
Olya: In this case, we went to win!

Scene 2 "We are going to KVN in Smolenski!"

(Imitation of trip rides)

Olya, Julia, Roma sit on the chairs.

For them stand Oksana, Petya.

Olya sings on the motive "on Tikhoretsky" (Pugacheva A.)

For KVN, the composition will go.

The trailer is touching - the people will remain,

I am a team I am on KVN, friends,

The opponent is moving, the opponent is torn, the opponent is moving,

I like everything

Fans are already swearing.

And our car runs, swinging,

Jury angrily looks in our side

Drive, cute, ride, cute,

Drive, lovely

On the other side!

Conductor (Alena)

Alena (in the hall): Do not joke - you will not go!

Alena (to Ole): Your ticket?

Alena (to Julia): Your ticket?

Alena (to Roma): Your ticket?

Roma: My Picket!

Alain: Your ticket?

Roma: My Picket!

Alain: Are you a hare?

Roma: What is your wolf?

Alena becomes ahead Oksana

Petya: Girl, pass the conductor to the ticket!
Oksana: You sho, she drives free !!

Roma leaned toward Yule

Julia: What is your hand doing in my pocket?
Roma: looking for matches.
Julia: Could ask.
Roma: I was ashamed.

Oksana: You do not tell me when I need to get away to get to Novodugino?
Petya: Watch me and go out one stop before.

Julia: And what is this village?

Olya: This is a holy village.
Julia: why holy?
Olya: the district administration on it was delivered.

Petya: Eh, after all, we have some beauty!

Oksana: Someone in Smolensk live well!

Roma: who lives well on Smolenc region, that in Moscow works!

Olya: Laugh early! In a year we will live much better!

Julia: And what are you going somewhere?

Olya: What is this damn? Yes, each stone, and on it inscription. Well, Roma, read, but it is bad to see.
Roma (runs up to the stone): right - wealth, fight those times, left - honorable and glory, and directly - victory.
Olya: Well, the lady! Where we go!

All: Right !!!

Scene 3 "arrived!"

All run to the edge of the scene.

Left - right: Olya, Alain, Julia, Roma, Petya, Oksana

Olya: Stop. Arrived!

Together: Hello! (Bow head) arrived! (hands in oblique soot)

Alena: Today we are burning Cavean,
After all, our team went to the scene.

Julia: Hi, you guys

Visiting we have

And team name will reveal now.

Unable to hide your name,

After all, a thousand times you heard him!

Together: Cool buns!

Roma: Many of us, and you are alone.
We are kind, cheer, debris.
All baked in the stove.

Petya: Do not fly by side,

You will be designed like a bun!

Oksana: We really want to eat,
We will be stronger today!

Olya: friends, rivals,

Take hello.

We are glad to meet you

We wish you victories.

Alena: But not today

And not in this room!

Julia: Here is such an intrigue:
12 schools, and only three come out
What is not the highest league!

Everyone sing on the motive of the song "I wish" (IS. E. Vaenga)

The sun shines brightly,

And children laugh.

And we hand in hand

Stand on stage near.

And do not need to jun

Everything is clear

And we are pleased to tell you


We wish we had a victory

And for us

Laughing the viewer together with us - cobbles!

So that 100 points gave

So that grief did not know

To win our victory to our .

Petya: Everything, greeting the end,
Let the jury now appreciate
That's what I'm well done!

Roma: It's time for us.
And under the loud "Hurray!",
And under the thunder applause

We are removed from the carpet.

Examples of jury greetings.

We jury give soap,
So that we strictly did not crawl.
We jury give laughter,
To have all fun.

You jury, jury, jury
We are not judged on top of the top
And you judge us for five,
Will you help you!

Judge correctly and rightly
So as not to shout "" the judge on the soap ""!

About the jury, jury native
Really at this hour
Subscribe to us today
Your delicate order?

You and glory and honor!
We all love the exact account!

Smile, relax
Forget about the affairs,
We will show you a program.
Do not scatter in fluff and dust.

You jury, we do not cake us,
Fair judge!
To not lose the score,
Here are the scores to count.

Ah Jury, Jury, Jury
You are strictly not a jury!
And judged you rightly
We will play beautifully!

Greeting the jury.
If I were Sultan,
I would have power
And the team of mine
I would not give the abyss.
But I'm not a sultan
And I ask the jury:
You are my team
Pretty help.

Why are you so indifferent?
And why would you not add a score?
We are not beautiful, maybe externally,
But the tenth shaft was not terrible to us.
You wait, do not rush.
You wait, do not rush.
You wait, do not rush
Give an answer.
It is a pity that in the world
Only five points all
Only five points all
No more.
Examples of greetings of rivals.
We wish you, we wish you ...
So that the best prize went to us!

And, competing with you,
We will be friends.
Let the struggle boils stronger
And our friendship with her.

We wish you a place to take a prize
But not the first, and the second!

We only want to wish
You show yourself five.

We came to win you
Wish to be the best!

You, rival, do not feel
You, rival, smile!
It is known - someone will win
Well, the weaker will fly.

Although you are more rival,
But try, go around!
If only lose -
Better in the forest do not come.

we cheerful team,
We do not know how to miss
With us you are convicting
You risk losing!

It is not necessary to rivals
Neither chocolate tiles,
And they need a victory,
Everyone love to win.
Examples of greetings of fans.
Hello you are faithful friends
After all, we can not be without you!
We do not disgrace our class,
Will not be upset and you!

Spectator, support us!
Spectator, we love you!
Spectator, chlo together!
Spectator, it will be more fun!

You, fan, help,
Help us for God,
Hand friendship hand
Or we shy legs.
If we are in your destiny,
Well, at least something so significant
Pray for us a friend
Wanted us good luck.

We are funny guys
In KVN, played.
And you fans, get sick
For the team from the soul!

The fan you are mine, you are next to me,
I'm next to you in a decisive hour, you are my fan, you are next to me. So, victory in your pockets.

You, fans, sick,
But you do not drink pills.
You go hands
And keep your feet!

Welcome to the team of cooks
Give a little time
And cook your spoons!
Surprise today you
Receive - the highest class!

Greeting team at the nurses competition
This evening, be ready
Forget about doctors!
You for us pain only, viewer,
Otherwise, be healthy!

Titles and motto teams for contests, KVN, children's camps, relay.


Do not see others under the foot

Behind you watch the road.

"Stars of Continents"

The whole world is in our hands

We are stars of continents

Broke in fluff and dust

All our competitors!


No step back,
None in place
And only forward
And just all together.

If you want to be in freckles, through a sieve chairs.

"Scarlet Sails"
The wind blows in the sail, youth believes in miracles.
Flow always, swim everywhere, and you will find a way for your dream!

"Major League"
And our motto is such - more things, fewer words!

Although our light is weak and we are small,
But we are friendly and the same.

To be, then be the best!

We are like orange slices.
We are friendly and indivisible.

Boredom, laziness from the heart Vaughn - our squad "restless".

Life without a smile mistake
Long live laughter and smile!

Light fire in the hearts of people, as did Prometheus.

Our motto: friendship and success!
We will win today!
All for one one for all
Then the team will be success!

Laugh a day 100 times and more,
Meschak lives all longer!

Neither boredom nor tina
On board a brigantine.
Broken all hooks -
We are cool worms!

"The fifth Element"
We are the fifth element
The eighth wonder of the world!
We are the best of the best
Learn all about it!

"Children of Russia"
Ripped jeans, bandans, sneakers,
We are children of Russia, we are children of parties!

Sun, sunshine
We are your rays.
Be good people
You teach us.
In the morning we put the bots
And forget all the concerns!

Anthill is a class!
Collect us!
Hophe La La La!
Roof rides, we are behind her!
As we can, so much discouragement.

Where we want to stick there.
What we want to achieve.

"Russhunikov" (Space Topic)
Russhunchiki forward, forward
To success, friendship leads us,
Fuckers through star Rain and wind,
We are very difficult not to notice!

Sunny Circle, Cosmos Around -
Stars, comets, planets,
We will rush to the stars to rush,
To open it soon:
How comets fly,
Does the planet sleep at night
And our other secrets we will be able to open!

We go to luck and victories
Life to open as the archimes.

We are friendly droplets of the school river
Pour in the sea a huge country!

You can not - We will help, do not want - make me,
Meet the squad will not give!

We will together we are always like a rainbow color!

"Fairy Winx"
Friendship, Youth, Love, Beauty -
Here is the Fay Success Formula!
They will always come to the rescue,
Only call them - they are at the door!

"Ladushka" we love your
We will be stronger today!
Bold, healthy and strong guys
Rainted our kindergarten!"

We are a team of "baby",
Let's stand for your pot!
"Lord of the Highway"
Road sign - you are not an enemy!

"Traffic light"
Stop, car! Stop, motor! Tormemi speeds chauffeur!
Red eye looks in the focus -
This is a strict traffic light!

Alphabet Road know everyone is supposed!

"Cheerful filter"
"Cheerful traffic light" is called our squad,
After all, the rules of movement to find out here every happy!
And we came here with the proposals:
- Do not violate the rules of the road!.

We - Team "Bell"
We are sober for all the world.
To all rivals today music helmet Hi (and in something ringing)

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"Ecological KVN"

Host: Hello dear friends! We begin our meeting of the club fun and resourceful. Today we will witness the battles between the teams "Vobla" and "SOS". Assist to us in resolving disputes and evaluate contests will be a respected jury (presentation). So, the first round of our meeting! Gong sounds!

Competition "Greetings"

Moderator: I ask the captains of the team to approach the tantle of the jury for the draw. Captains choose tickets from №1 and №2.

Greetings of the team "SOS"

Compete with you

We are humor, and laughter and affairs.

We welcome you, friends!

It is impossible to live without humor and laughter!

The purpose of our meeting is a joke and a common

Exchange fun, look, obvious.

And win, and we are glad to lose.

Cross in the game like swords, glances!

Greetings of the team "Vobla"

How many erudite here are

Nowadays the apple fall.

It will be difficult to defeat us

We will not hit the face in the dirt.

Chorus: then a lesson, then change,

Tired of such peace

KVN - native, beloved,

We are forever with you now!

We want to get into battle,

So got to you Gorn

We speak a little nefple,

Only there is no way back.

Chorus. Then a lesson, then change

Tired of such peace

KVN - native, beloved,

We are forever with you now!

Greetings Jury Team "SOS"

The eyes are black, the eyes of burning,

About the jury, jury, oh mighty!

Take us to this difficult hour

We speak only for the first time!

We are just waiting for solutions,

Unity of views, thoughts, opinions,

Pick out our faces,

We are all miles, smart and more paints!

Greeting jury team "Vobla"

We know that KVN game,

And it's time to play it.

We will give her all the strength,

And the fives in the points get!

You judge - row, jury, jury,

But only in our favor,

You know, we believe in you,

As a chemist in Ash two oh.

You know, we have in a team to be,

In the team to be not easy

Only we want us a little lucky ...

Appeal to the fans of the team "Vobla"

For the fact that you came here, and did not go somewhere.

We are glad to welcome you, friend comrades,

Because we can not win without you!

Our team, - 2p.

Asks you to

You all get sick, very much for us.

Appeal "SOS" to fans

How many girls are good

Gathered here now around

But the thought of one disturb me:

Support "sos" they, my friend?

In the game there will be no peace

And it is necessary strong spirit be.

Love of fans of restless

Will help survive, defeat!

(The jury summarizes the first round of the competition "Greetings")

Moderator: We begin the second contest "Decipher the name of the team."

Team "Vobla"

We accepted "Wobble literally,

And not in some kind of thought,

And we dedicate this fish to ODU,

And we, and you, and all in favor.

Oda Vobl

Host: The word is provided with the command "SOS"

Team "SOS"

"SOS" - brief - save the soul,

Nature screams to everyone for a long time.

Close your eyes, shut down the ears,

And survive - so not destined ...

We will beat the alarm together

Because everything is responsible

How to live in the new century

(The jury assesses the second contest).

Host: We begin the third round of our competition "Workout".

Conditions of the Competition: Each team prepared three questions with their answers and asks them in turn to each other. Time of thinking 30 s.

The jury evaluates the speed, correctness and originality of the answers.

The "SOS" command sets his questions.

(The jury assesses the competition "Workout")

Host: The next round of our contest is called "Experimer". The team is invited to 2 people. Your task is to define several substances in color and with closed eyes By smell.

1Wariant Substances 2 Options Substances

Acetic acid ammonia alcohol

Gasoline ethyl alcohol

Formalin kerosene

Barium sulfate silver chloride

Iron hydroxide (III) Copper hydroxide (II)

Host: Go to the most interesting and fascinating tour of our compete, "homework".

1st Competition "What would this mean?"

Host: Each team in advance was given a task to draw a drawing on ecological topic. Now you will exchange your drawings and try to explain in 30 seconds that they are drawn.

Explanation of the "SOS" command

Whales generally plankton eat,

But this whale eats everything in a row.

Oh, inseparably, he - Grooming,

And he threw the sauard.

He traded his all dishes

What floats in the district.

Explanation of the team "Vobla"

If the air is contaminated,

There will be nothing to breathe.

Skafander will put on man

That costume for a new century.

Host: And now the team will play environmental scenes.

SOS Scene "SOS": "Two grandmothers"

Two grandmothers come to the scene: Nikitichna Avdota - Rustic, Marya Ivanovna - urban.

Marya Ivanovna: Avdaty, hello, how are you? How is your health?

Avdota Nikitichna: Oh! Oh! What can be health now? Sugar, they say, it is impossible to eat, salt too, already meat is harmful. So I decided to become a vegeterivans.

Marya Ivanovna: who decided to become?

Avdota Nikitichna: By whom the Vegetterivans!

Marya Ivanovna: Lord, the name of some kind of cosmic came up with. Probably, do you mean vegeterica?

Avdota Nikitichna: Well, yes. Enta itself, which eats all vegetables. So I decided to live a little longer.

Marya Ivanovna: And what happens?

Avdota Nikitichna: Instead, dare I almost died a little earlier.

Marya Ivanovna: how so?

Avdota Nikitichna: Yes, vegetables now have any confuses.

Marya Ivanovna: Ha, Ha, Ha! Again, you confused everything! They are called nitrates, they feed the plants.

Avdota Nikitichna: Yes now even ozone eating. It was already so much ate that even the holes some in the sky began to appear.

Marya Ivanovna: Oh, do not say, my granddaughter said that her bridegroom recently flew into some kind of pipe! Maybe in this hole, eh? That's the song about it sings felt like romances used to pee. Listen to her.

And in the end I will tell:

My dear flew in vain,

I want to fly, go crazy

In the hole ozone, into space.

Perhaps it will find it,

And maybe a meeting of the cosmonaut,

By Milky Path pass

Married tend to Argonauts.

And in the end I will tell:

In the ozone hole run

I am daily in the dreams.

Perhaps running into the hole

I'll get happy!

And in the end I will tell …

Host: Environmental Scene will show the "Vobla" team.

Scene of the team "Vobla": a fairy tale about "repka".

Used materials Hotevskaya secondary school

Coordinator: Zakhartsova MA

"Ecological KVN"

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Greetings for the Cooks Competition

Give a little time
And cook your spoons!
Surprise today you
Receive - the highest class!

Greeting team at the nurses competition

This evening, be ready
Forget about doctors!
You for us pain only, viewer,
Otherwise, be healthy!

Greeting rivals

We wish you, we wish you ...
So that the best prize went to us!

And, competing with you,
We will be friends.
Let the struggle boils stronger
And our friendship with her.

We wish you a place to take a prize
But not the first, and the second!

We only want to wish
You show yourself five.

We came to win you
Wish to be the best!

You, rival, do not feel
You, rival, smile!
It is known - someone will win
Well, the weaker will fly.

Although you are more rival,
But try, go around!
If only lose -
Better in the forest do not come.

We are a cheerful team
We do not know how to miss
With us you are convicting
You risk losing!

It is not necessary to rivals
Neither chocolate tiles,
And they need a victory,
Everyone love to win.

Greetings Jury

If I were Sultan,
I would have power
And the team of mine
I would not give the abyss.
But I'm not a sultan
And I ask the jury:
You are my team
Pretty help.

Why are you so indifferent?
And why would you not add a score?
We are not beautiful, maybe externally,
But the tenth shaft was not terrible to us.
You wait, do not rush.
You wait, do not rush.
You wait, do not rush
Give an answer.
It is a pity that in the world
Only five points all
Only five points all
No more.


We returned home offended. In the city of in some places gleamed dull lights. From the station, the beeps of steam locomotives did not come, there was especially dark and quiet. We have introduced themselves as quite not far from the station, ten to eleven versts from the city, behind Lake Smolino, in the villages of Smolina and Sineglause, laced the troops of General Dutov. Are they allowed to be allowed into the city? And if the Red Guard joins the battle, so we are still not adult enough to fight with everyone?
Of course, we did not know and could not know that these heavy DPI Chairman of the City Council of Evdokim Lukyanovich Vasamenko (he recently returned NZ Petrograd, from the second congress of the Soviets) collected in Chelyabinsk an illegal meeting of representatives of the city councils of neighboring cities - Ufa, Samara, Syzran and Yekaterinburg. At this meeting, it was decided to assist Chelyabinsk.
And at the end of November 1917, the building of the city council again brightly lit up ...
And again, we and Silin Siline and Po Gallery. Through the SIZY Clubs of Machorum Smoke Floating in the Air spectatorWe see next to the deputies of the city council of the arrivals for the help of the Krasnogvardeans from Samara and Syzran, with Nogtamkin in their hands.
On stage, all the same scenery - Ukrainian Mazanka, huge sunflowers. He drew into the chairman of the chair of Vaseno, which brushed the christmas bristle. In the hall is cold, it's a coat, on the laying bedside nearby big forehead Like a dream the auditorium. Finally, the hall subsides, and Vasenko utters a quiet voice:
- The word has a commander of a consolidated Samaro-Syzransky detachment Comrade Blucher! - Unusual solemnity hears in his words.
Forward comes out high growth man; His face seems pale, but the expression is that I will not forget all my life. He has a military gauge, an exemplary military gauge; He, if I do not change my memory, in leather outfit. Blucher welcomes the proletariat of Chelyabinsk on behalf of Samara and Syzranov. He says that he arrived at us in order to drive the counter-revolutionaries-Dutsev. Blucher says briefly II folded, it is applauded loudly, from the soul.
Vasamenko immediately spoke with a response word. He thanked for timely help and with a sarcastic lash, he said that the Dutch, who, if he was listening, came to restore democracy in Chelyabinsk, immediately violated the work of our city council.
- And our advice are the most democratic institutions in the world! White Ataman did not calculate that the Soviet power is already a fact that cannot be considered. And here the advice of neighboring cities came to help us! - graduated from Vasenko.
Yes, it is impossible not to reckon with the Soviet authorities. And the Blucher's detachment with the support of the Red Guards of Chelyabinsk and other cities, with the help of the Cossack poor, who united under the command of the Kashirini brothers, drives the Dutkov in the depths of the Narral steppes.
In Chelyabinsk again lights on the streets, the power of the Soviets is restored. It turns out, they really did without us with my mile ...
I'm sitting at the desk again. But the need to take live participation in the revolution is expressed in the fact that we, students, create their own Union. We go again in the city council. This time, Solomon Yelkin takes us, Angry Pooked, and Evdokim Lukyanovich Vassenko himself. He obviously has no time, but he listens to us carefully.
- Well, - says he is the basis soviet power - This is an organization. It's time and you can organize. The pass is people's Commissar Enlightenment. Your Mr. Director refused to obey him, so we establish a connection directly with you.
- How to find it?
Somewhere under the mustache Väepko is a smile.
- He did not start his office, probably now goes on primary schools. He will find you ...
II exactly, the People's Commissar Enlosurepshі finds us, and attended very soon. After lessons, we are called to the teacher. High height Man in crumpled trousers and in galoshs who leave wet waffle trails on the carpet in the teacher, gets to meet us.
"Pokrovsky," he recommended. It seems that the Pokrovsky student, he is not much older than us, but just like Vaspenko, listens to us very seriously.

Competitions, contests, games are great entertainment for children and adults. Team games are rapid people, make it possible to show their own top Qualities, show leadership! Sports competitions are excitement and will to victory! Assesses the results of the speech of the participants of the jury. Usually these are respected people who understand the subject of competition. Such a custom - give greeting the jury and rivals. It can be comic and serious, in verses or prose. There are no restrictions, full of fantasy flight.

We are the best!

How exciting is to participate in competitions, KVN, sports tournaments. But if I tried once, you can no longer be aside and not to take part. Permanent training, rehearsal tires, but the taste of victory interrupts all these little things and fatigue! Prepare the enchanting jury greeting to immediately declare yourself brightly and unusual! Let the rivals tremble from fear from the very first minute of the event!


Athletes are serious and restrained people. But if you need to present a welcome jury, they will be liberated and exhibit all their artistry.

Jury, we welcome you!

You all gathered - the highest class!

Judge strictly, rightly

And we will play beautifully!

After all, our team is the wind,

Fast, lightning, we,

Not children!

You enjoy our game,

Our commander is a hero!

Rivals, do not be afraid

We drink tea and calm down!

We will have to accept the fate,

Without a cup to go home!

We begin to warm up

To B to best of sight You seem!

Sports greeting jury can feed and support group. This group cute girlswho dance under rhythmic music, perform simple and shout river and team motto. They can escape the jury will like this turn of events.

Our team is power,

How is it cute

What exactly are you - jury members

Welcome to all my heart!

Our guys are very strong,

They will definitely win!

They wish the highest score,

And you applauds a squall!

We will be honest with the public -

Our guys are the best!

This greeting jury in verse will like everyone. Sounds trustly and easily, no complex speed And words!

Minute humor

KVN - This game has won the hearts of our country. People of all ages are watching this cheerful gear and draw from there the best. Tradition to carry out funny mind games In schools and universities originated many years ago. The guys are happy to take part in the games and are proud of it. For many school KVN. Opened road in adult lifeHumor has become a profession, and not in passing.

The jury sends in the first row, the guys are worried about the scenes, and the audience is exhausted in anticipation of a good humor. This atmosphere fills the entire building, the heart of each present, leaves pleasant memories. The first competition is a greeting. Teams should in all its glory, get acquainted with the jury, rivals and fans. Greeting the jury on KVN is the teams. During this performance, the first impression will be the first impression.


KVN passes according to the standard scheme, whether it is a school, institute or kindergarten. The presenter presents members of the jury and team. Then, in turn of the team are called on the stage and pronounce the jury.

Hello, beautiful jury,

Today we are talking before you!

You can judge us,

But only carefully

In the shower we are anxious

After all, it's so difficult!

Results to wait, suffer

We will get better!

You, dear, we laugh,

All Hall Lesshe!

Listen, look,

After all, we are like a rare big diamond!

You can assess us a little up to bend,

Then the diamond will be leaving a little bit!

The last phrase whisper and with a cunning emphasis says one team member, as if trying to bribe the judges! It turns out very funny, this greeting of the jury will be with a bang!

School years

In schools are often held all kinds of competitions, contests, games. Be sure to participate in such events. After all, it is fun, and show your talent at all is not ashamed! Occupy top places, win Cups and letters, in old age will be boasting before the grandchildren. It is produced from the itself early childhood. Let the children be sociable, sociable. Help your Chadam to liberate and show leadership qualities. In any contest required condition - Greeting the jury and rivals. Declare yourself with humor and dignity!


The name of the team should speak by itself. Therefore, think over all options in advance. Let it inspire the fear of rivals and the confidence of the team itself. Cleaning, sonorous word, memorized from the first time, is the pledge good name Teams! Prepare several mottos rhymes with the title. Let the fans make posters and learn slogans. After all, support is very important and needed! Players will strive to win the victory at all costs, just not to bring their support group. Touch the guys that they are the best! And thoughts, as long ago, have been checked, materialized!

We wish the rivals to you

The main prize, to get to us!

Do not be offended, do not hesitate

In the hall are located.

You can, how the audience sit quietly,

On our talents with a smile to see!

Jury we respect you

And the highest points just adore!

Strictly do not judge

You wink!

We are funny, not evil,

Be and you are today!

Only forward!

Looking at the greeting of teams, the jury immediately reveals pets. To take possession of this title, you need to post the maximum on the greeting. Offer the guys to touch it in the Rhythm Rap. Let apply the appropriate outfits and die simple moves! Hands, clear diction and artistry will lead them to victory.

Welcome jury,

And High participants!

Today, in vain rivals came,

No matter how you left!

Good luck we wish you

But win in the end you will hurt!

After all, we are smart and strong,

Cute and stylish.

From our talents you will be in the sill!

As if you swim in a mountain waterfall!

Our team is strong,

Our friendship is strong

Vera in victory is very important to us!

Your support is very necessary!

This is a universal greeting, it is suitable for any competition, games and contests.

We are a cheerful team

We do not know how to miss,

Are you not afraid to speak?

You can lose!

Hello, cute jury.

Very glad to see you!

You like us for sure

Put fives to us urgently!

Smile, relax,

With us you do not bounce,

Forget about all matters.

Threaten rivals in the fluff and dust!

If the school has a competition in school, be sure to help the team to prepare. After all, the organizer's hand is simply necessary. Reheat with children regularly, show rigidity, if you don't want to train as much as you need. After all, the road to victory is easy. Let them understand it with early yearsand it will be easier for them to go through life!