Vienna Opera - a visit to the most famous theater of Austria. Vienna Opera Vienna State Opera on the map

Vienna Opera - a visit to the most famous theater of Austria. Vienna Opera Vienna State Opera on the map
Vienna Opera - a visit to the most famous theater of Austria. Vienna Opera Vienna State Opera on the map

In the world, whose history begins in the middle of the nineteenth century. Located in the center of Vienna, it was originally called the Vienna Court Opera and was renamed in 1920 with the emergence of the First Austrian Republic.

The building built in 1861-1869 in the neoclassical style on the project of architects Edward Nyulla and August Sicarda von Sikardhouseburg was the first major structure on Riganestrasse. Famous artists worked on the interior decor, among them - Moritz von Schwind, who sawd frescoes in the bed in the Opera "Magic Flute" Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart, and the foyer - based on the works of other composers. Vienna opera solemnly opened on May 25, 1869 by the creation of Don Juan Mozart. Imperctor I and Empress Amalia Evgenia Elizabeth were present at the presentation.

The opera building was not initially highly appreciated by the public. First, it was opposite the magnificent mansion of Heinrichshof (destroyed during World War II) and did not produce a proper effect of monumentality. Secondly, the level of the annular road in front of the building was raised for one meter after the start of its construction, and it looked like a "axial box."

A special heyday of the Vienna Opera reached under the leadership of the outstanding composer and conductor of Gustav Maler. With it, a new generation of world-famous vocalists, such as Anna von Mildenburg and Selm Kerz, has grown. Becoming in 1897 by the director of theater, he changed outdated decorations, attracted the talent and experience of wonderful artists (among them - Alfred Roller) to form a new aesthetics of the scene corresponding to the modernist taste. Malener introduced the practice of dimming the light on the stage during the performances of the performers. All his reforms were saved by successors.

In the course of American bombing at the end of World War II, the building suffered greatly. After long discussions, it was decided to restore it in the original style, and the renovated Viennese opera was reopened in 1955 by the creation of Fidelio Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Today, modern productions are carried out in the theater, but they are never experimental. It is closely connected with which is officially listed by the philharmonic orchestra of the Vienna Opera. This is one of the most busy opera theaters in the world. 50-60 operas are raised annually, no less than 200 performances are displayed. In the main repertoire of the Vienna Opera included some works, few known to the general public, such as "Kavaler Rosa" and "Salome" Richard Strauss.

Tickets for performances are expensive. This is explained by the numerous lies. It should be borne in mind that there is practically no tilt in the parter, so you can pay from 160 euros for a place somewhere in the eighth row, but little to see what is happening on the scene. Acoustics excellent, especially at the upper levels of the building. There are still standing places (more than 500), located directly behind the parter, but they are only available on the day of showing the performance, while tickets to the lodges and parquet go on sale in thirty days before each performance, and order them are the easiest way through the site that Owns Vienna Opera.

The dress code is not respected, since more than half of the places are engaged in tourists, a varied audience, although it can be noted that people are more elegant in the lips.

Vienna National Opera, I think one of the most beautiful architectural structures in the capital of Austria, from which many guides begin their walks around the city. For the first time, seeing her in humilia, confess, I was amazed - her greatness can not transfer any photo.

Moreover, this is one of the largest operas around the world, and to enjoy the next cultural masterpiece here, people from different countries pass and fly thousands of kilometers.

How to get to Vienna Opera

The opera is located in the heart of Vienna, you can find it at Opernring, 2. But however, about everything in order. About what methods can be reached by the Austrian capital, you can read.

To get to the Opera, you must arrive at the metro station Karlsplatz. It is at the intersection of three subway branches: U1, U2, U4. By the way, this is the only one station in Vienna, everyone else is at a maximum of two at the same time. Arriving at Karlsplatz, look carefully on the sides: from above there must be pointers explaining where to go to get to one or another street. Among them there must be a separate sign with the Opera inscription and with the arrows, on them and focus. If you suddenly get confused or see the pointers, feel free to ask people around. As a rule, veins inhabitants are very understandably refer to a bit of scattered tourists. Once you are climbing, practically right in front of you will be the building of the Opera in all its glory.

If you come to the opera by car, you can leave it on the underground parking of Kärntnerringgarage, which is located at Mahlerstrasse 8 (it is under the shopping center Ringstrassengalerien). Opera visitors can put the car for as many as 8 hours in just 7 EUR. To do this, you need to pull out a ticket, entering the parking, and then stabilize it in one of the special machines in the wardrobe inside the opera.

The history of the creation of a Vienna opera

We were told on the excursions that in the 13th century, in order to protect against various attacks, the Viennese authorities surrounded the city by the city. A few centuries, she lost its defensive importance and began to create difficulties for movement in the city, since the capital began to grow rapidly. Thus, in the middle of the 19th century, by order of the head of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph on the site of the wall was broken by a wide boulevard, which was subsequently turned into a ringstrass - the street on which the main attractions of the country are located in our time. It is difficult to imagine how many people from all over Europe have dreamed of getting to her. Today, individual excursions are arranged in Ring, special cycle rings are organized.

Viennese opera became the first major building that appeared in Ringstrasse. Its construction began in 1861 - just a few years after the demolition of urban walls - and ended in 1869. Austrian architects Eduard van der Nüll and August Sikard von Sikardhouse and Many famous artists of that time have attached to the creation. The festive ceremony, dedicated to the opening of the opera, attended by all the first persons of the state, including the imperial couple, Franz Joseph I and Amalia Evgenia Elizabeth, took place on May 25, and immediately after her, the audience enjoyed the Opera of Mozart "Don Juan". Neoclassicism built in a luxurious style, it was called courtly up to the collapse of Austria-Hungary. After that, in 1920, the opera became state.

It's amazing, but then the new architectural masterpieces had not liked the new architectural masterpiece - causing the public said that the opera is not luxurious enough, no matter how strange it sounds. I must say that the emperor was not pleased to the end satisfied with the construction - he noted that the facade was unacceptable. Perhaps this position was formed also for the reason that after the construction of the opera, the authorities of the city decided to raise the level of Ringstrasse for one meter, and it seemed visually that the building goes to the ground and as if sink. Some particularly cynical and even a little cruel residents called the Opera architectural Königgriegen, comparing her with a major defeat with the same city of the same name during the Austro-Prussian war.

Fortunately, Vienna managed to avoid serious destruction during the First World War and the only change in these years was the fall in the Austria-Hungarian Empire and the birth of the Austrian Republic in 1920, which caused the disappearance of such a concept as a court opera.

During World War II, the Austrian capital was lucky much less - large bombings were destroyed or damaged many architectural structures in the historical center. After the end of hostilities, the authorities argued for a long time, whether it is worth reviving the opera in its original form or it is worth trying to create something new. As a result, it was decided to restore the former magnificence of the opera, and in 1955 she solemnly opened its doors to visitors to Fidelio, written by famous Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Exterior Opera Type Today

Today, the opera is striking tourists with its greatness. Its height is 65 meters, and a huge hall, being the largest in Austria, is able to accommodate almost two thousand spectators. On the official website I read that of them 1709 seats sitting, 567 places - standing and even there are 4 places for people in wheelchairs. On the magnificent facade of the opera, you can see unusual arches, beautiful columns, as well as the beautiful creation of the sculptor Ernst Henel - five magnificent figures depicting music, which patronize the opera art: love, heroism, comedy, fantasy and drama. Especially beautiful, as it seems to me, the opera building looks in the evening with backlight.

The inner decoration is also exquisite and tasteful: high ceilings, an unserved number of sculptures, busts of famous composers, whose immortal works for several centuries sound here. Inside you can admire the famous staircase, whose splendor is striking everyone. According to both parties, sculptures created by Josef Gasserian are established. Be sure to look at the tea room, which was created on the special order of the emperor himself - here it preferred to spend time in inter dams and share impressions from just seen and heard ideas.

Today's inhabitants of Vienna, in contrast to their predecessors of the 19th century, the opera belongs quite precisely. Many of them say that if you have not visited it at least on a familiarization walk, then you did not feel the atmosphere of the city of truly. Such excursions are arranged daily and last about 40 minutes. During this time, you will learn a lot of interesting facts about the history of the opera, its architecture and can even look behind the scenes and find out what remains "for the scenes" during the presentations and that the usual viewers do not see. In my opinion, this is a great way for those who do not endure Opera as art (and there are very many such people) to join the beautiful and fulfill the tourist program maximum in Vienna. Tour prices vary from 3.50 EUR (for students and children) to 7.50 EUR (for adults).

Opera and Tickets Program

The repertoire of the theater is extremely diverse: Of course, its main part is classic operas, because the traditions of the Vienna music school are honored and respect. The visiting card is the Opera Mozart, which is quite symbolic, because the whole history of the theater began with it. Many mistakenly believe that it all ends with it - but in fact, you can see the famous ballet productions (like, for example, the Swan Lake, which has become a loud premiere in the past century, which has been spoken over a few more years), and Modern, fairly new ideas, and few well-known to the public, but from this no less wonderful speeches.

The season lasts about 10 months, and during this time the theater has time to deliver more than 50 different unique performances, and in general, the number of reciprocated performances over the figure 200. Due to the so wide repertoire, the opera suits the views every day. A detailed program for the entire season forward, as well as the names of the conductors and performers you can find out.

There is an opinion that it is cheap to go to the Vienna Opera - an easy task, so I will say right away: the minimum ticket price starts only from 2.5 EUR. For such a price, you can get into the area of \u200b\u200bstanding places, sales in which you start an hour before the beginning of the presentation right at the Operngasse Street Cases. It must be said that if on this day on the stage there is a popular performance, battles for cheap tickets are unfolding serious, so I strongly advise you to take a queue in a few hours.

On average, however, tickets to the sedentary zone are about 150-200 EUR and go on sale a month before each performance, but there are also places for which several thousand EUR will have to lay out. Be sure to take into account the fact that there is practically no tilt in the parter, and even if you take tickets only 6-7 row, risk skipping most of what is happening on the scene and enjoy only music and singing. However, if you fall on the opera, it's not as scary, since it is the main role that hearing perception plays. It should be noted that acoustics in the hall just excellent.

In the event that you do not have a specific goal to visit one or another performance, and you just want to put a tick in your tourist plan opposite the graph "to visit the Vienna Opera", you can go to the presentation that goes in the daytime. Tickets are rapidly cheaper, but unfortunately, these are not the productions that critics argue and write in newspapers. These ideas are modest and less popular.

If you do not want to stand throughout the presentation or skip the main representations of the season, in the warm season you can admire the performance outdoors. Every evening from April to June, as well as in September and in New Year's dates (from December 27 to January 1), opera workers put on the Herbert Square von Karaian 180 chairs in front of a huge screen on which it is displayed at this time on the theater scene. A 30 minutes before the start of the names of the performers and the performance of the performance that is happening on this day. In my opinion, this is the best option, as you can spend a warm evening, while absolutely free.

For those who want to attach their children to high art from the smallest years, there are various excursions for schoolchildren and specialized ideas for the audience of younger age. From ordinary, they differ only to adaptation and time: last about an hour so that the kids are not tired.

Many are experienced due to dress code, but in fact most of the places are clogged with tourists in jeans and T-shirts, and only in the most expensive lodges you can see elegantly dressed women with highly cleaned hair and men in jackets and ties. In my opinion, it is very cool - immediately feels the atmosphere of those times of luxury and celebrations, when it was really required to comply with certain rules for clothing to get to such an event.

Viennese Balls

Anyone who heard at least something about Vienna is probably aware of such a wonderful Austrian tradition as balls. Contrary to common rumors, everyone can become a guest, just you just need to lay out a rather large amount. Every year almost 500 such events arrange in the city, most of which are held in January and February. The main ball for schoolchildren and students takes place in the town hall, Hofburg organizes holidays for representatives of certain professions: doctors, lawyers, even coffee shop workers have a special day per year, when they can spin under the sounds of Vienna Waltz with their colleagues and friends. All these celebrations are held since 1877 and are reference to the Golden period of the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the era of luxury and magnificent balls, the fame of which was distributed throughout the world.

Particular attention is paid to the annual ball, which takes place in the opera building, because this is the only day of the year, when anyone can feel like a star of musical idea, not to mention the possibility of looking behind the scenes and just look at the interior of one of the main attractions of Austria. Many people call the Opera Ball in the most spectacular and beautiful, and this is not surprising: the hall where the celebration occurs, decorate with large-scale compositions of tens of thousands of roses of a special variety. It is broadcast on the federal channel of Austria live, and the next day they are shown in the records in dozens of countries of the world. According to historical traditions, at the beginning of the ball, the President of the country pronounces speech, after which more than a hundred debutant pairs are simultaneously circling in a dance for special music, compounded from the famous works of Mozart.

Interestingly, dozens of specially trained people are serviced on the opera ball: from the dozens and waiters to shoe masters and tailors who are in a hurry to help, if suddenly something happened to anything with a dress or shoes. Some say that this is the only remaining theater in the world, where in this day the real traditions of the balls of that time, in many respects due to a very strict dress code: the ladies are obliged to come in evening dresses, wear dear decorations from diamonds (many hire them) and Dance all evening at high heels. Fur capes and gloves on hand are also very welcome. Men must wear black fries, silk white ties and cufflinks from precious metals.

Tickets for such an event are very expensive - for simply the entrance will ask 390 EUR, for the opportunity to sit at the table or in the box will have to pay extra. For example, a table on four people costs 1200 EUR, and the prices for lodges can only be found on request. In the event that I really want to admire the girls in dazzling dresses in the floor and young people in strict fractions and their dances, and the financial situation does not allow, you can visit the general rehearsal of the Opera Ball, where you at least partially plunge into the atmosphere of this magical and grand holiday. There is such a pleasure at times cheaper: just 20 to 60 EUR.

What to see nearby

Since, as I said, the opera is located in the heart of Vienna, most of the attractions are within walking distance from it. In this small list, I will talk about how you can do in the Opera area in the afternoon, before going to enlighten yourself in the late afternoon:


Just five minutes walk there is a small park, which is called ResselPark, and in it, from my point of view, the most beautiful church of Vienna is the Church of St. Charles. Of course, it does not compare the scale with the Cathedral of St. Stephen, but her refined outlines will be delighted with any amateur architecture. It has elements of both Italian baroque and features inherent in the ancient Greek and Byzantine architecture, for example, at the entrance are the sculptures of Archangels. In the summer, many come to the park and sit near the fountain in front of the church and read, talk to each other, just look around and enjoy a beautiful view.


The famous flea market offers its visitors besides tents with vintage little things with more than 100 points with a kitchen of almost all countries of the world, from Italian to Indian. Today, this place is popular, rather, it is like a gastronomic point than a trading. Despite the fact that Nashmarkak stubbornly put in the top 10 sights of Vienna almost all popular guidebooks, I did not quite understand his charms: a lot of people, noisy and quite expensive things. However, perhaps I did not care well, so I will not discharge you from his visit, spending 20 minutes there is still worth it, only if you did not come to the city for one day.


Perhaps the most popular art gallery of Vienna, without visiting which no one arrival in the city. It has the world's largest collection of printing graphics, as well as in it there are hundreds of works of almost all directions of world art over the past 100 years: from French impressionism to Russian avant-garde.

Albertina always presents several exposures at the same time, so lay for 2-3 hours to visit to enjoy everything in the gallery. Simple people who are not related to art, it is difficult to understand all its subtleties, so I very much advise you to take an audio guide. This service costs only 4 EUR, and for this money, a pocket guide will tell you in Russian about the history of each painting. Entrance to youth to 19 years old is free, and for adults there are 12.9 EUR.


This place is the main cultural center of Vienna of the 21st century, where several museums are located on a relatively small territory. The most famous of them - Mumok - Museum of Contemporary Art, a real find for "Contemporary" style lovers. Exposions are changing quite often and often discussed with not the most positive point of view, as, however, most of the world exhibitions are dedicated to this topic. Many people do not understand this direction of art (confess, I am among them), but in order to form my own opinion, you need to see it with my own eyes, so I still recommend going here. Tickets are 11 EUR for adults and are free for people who have not reached 19 years old.


As I have already written above, without a opera - not. It is in it that the real atmosphere of the amazing capital of Austria and her rich history. I must admit: I'm not a fan of this type of art, so I decided not to go to the presentation, instead I went on a tour - I also mentioned about it and I recommend it very much. At the same time, should noted, I did not hear a single negative recall from those people who went to the theater by, so to speak, appointment, on the contrary, everyone was delighted. If it turned out so that you never listened to Opera, I am sure, is suitable, or rather, the best place to fix it!

Top 10 Step-by-step instructions
by adventure

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10 ideas what to do in Vienna

The Vienna Opera House is recognized by the European Music Center. There were such outstanding musicians such as Beethoven, Mozart, Gaidn, Schubert and many others in this city.

"Don Juan" Mozart was the first product set in the Vienna Opera.
Emperor Austria Franz Joseph responded so unfriendly about the internal and external decoration of the building, which brought the designer to a heart attack, and the architect to suicide. Meanwhile, the theater has unsurpassed acoustic properties.
Modern inhabitants of the veins belong to the opera building much more precisely. Many consider the theater one of the most majestic buildings of Austria. Interior decoration is striking by spacious and luxury.

The facade of the opera decorate five music, patronizing Vienna Opera: love, heroism, comedy, fantasies and dramas.
Capacity of the theater - 1709 places, plus standing places and places for disabled. On the back of each chair there are small screens with a translated libretto in the current time mode.

Every year more than 120 performances are held in front of the theater. All of them are completely free to the public.
In the theater undergo familiarization excursions for less than an hour, allowing to look behind the scenes.
Each winter in the theater is traditionally held balls.

How to get

The theater building is located at Openerring (Opernring), 2. The nearest metro station - Carrlsplatz (Karlsplatz).

The Vienna opera go trams number 1 and №2. Buses number 25, 26, 36, 38, as well as l, 59a and 360.

Convenient to get here by car. A ticket to Opera gives the right to leave a car on the underground parking of the Ringstrassengalerien's shopping center for 8 hours in just 7 euros. For this, the passboard will need to be purchased in a special machine in the lobby of the theater.

Tickets to Vienna Opera

The ticket can be bought online or at the box office on KERTNERStrasse, 40.

Tickets start selling 30 days before the performance, and the average price ranges around 140-200 euros. The cost of the lodge can exceed 2000 euros.

Poster of the Vienna Opera

The repertoire of the theater has more fifty performances. The season lasts 10 months, and presentations are given daily. These are mainly the classic works of Austrian and foreign composers, but modern productions are found.

Opera Mozart is considered a business card of the Vienna Opera House, because it is from the work of this composer the creative history of the building begins.

The schedule of performances can be found on the official website of the Vienna Opera.

What to do here 1

№7 Anna Tet.

Waltz stansuy on one ball with President Austria and celebrities from around the world.

It must be said that the air veins is impregnated with the music of the most famous composers who lived and worked in this city. Mozart and Beethoven, Schubert and Gaidn, Brahms and Gluck, and the Magnificent Johann Strauss, and the Three Sons, Johann, Joseph and Eduard, wrote their music. Of course, such a city could not do without his opera. And the Opera House was built in 1869 on the project of the architect Augustus Siccard von Sikcardsburg. Interior decoration and interiors developed Eduard van der Nüll. The opening of the Vienna Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) occurred on May 25 by the production of "Don Juan" Mozart. And although the theater building was recognized as one of the best in the world in acoustics and decoration, it really did not like the Emperor Frank Joseph. His unfinished review brought Edward Van der Nyully to suicide, and the architect Augustus Siccarde Background Sikcardsburg before the heart attack.

But the building of the Vienna Opera is truly beautiful. His facade was decorated with sculptures of surprisingly talented Ernst Henel. These are pictures from the "magic flute" of Mozart, and five music: Grace, love, heroic, comedy and fantasy, which since the times of ancient Greece personify five directions in art. Unfortunately, the Wiener Staatsoper building was completely destroyed as a result of bombardment during World War II. But the inhabitants of Vienna restored their opera on the preserved drawings.

Already in May 1955, Pathersoper opened a new season with the magnificent Opera Beethoven "Fidelio".

An innumerable amount of works of various composers was supplied in the Vienna Opera over the decades of its existence. Many prime minister of the new operas, who became masterpieces, was presented to the public in this building. Modern Wiener Staatsoper Most of its repertoire performs the staff of the orchestra and singers. But touring the tour here and the opera "stars of the first magnitude".

Herbert Von Karalyan, being the director of the Vienna Opera, embodied the idea to spend from the open-air concerts from May to October. Since then, about 120 performances are arranged in front of the opera in front of the opera.

How to get to Vienna Opera

To the Vienna opera go trams d № 1,2

Vienna Opera is located at Opernring 2.
Vienna opera comes trams of routes D, №1 and №2. Buses 25, 26, 36, 38 routes, as well as L, 59a and 360.
Nearest Opernring Metro Station.

Tickets to Vienna Opera

If you decide to visit the Vienna Opera, pay attention to the category of performance. Their three.

  • Category C is a slight view for an inexperienced public with the cheapest tickets.
  • Category B is the works of the main repertoire, executed by the standard orchestra.
  • Category A - These are performances with the stars of the opera scene.
Ticket price depends on the category of performance

The cost of tickets increases by an order. But if you decide to go to the premiere or special events, the prices will be completely translated.

In the auditorium of the Vienna Opera, only 1313 seating places. All of them are equipped with small screens on the back of a needle-free chairs with a broadcast of libretto in three languages \u200b\u200b(German, English and French).

The administration of the opera promises add and Russian in the 2014-2015 season. Prices for tickets for standard troupe range from 11 € to 192 €.

Sitting places in the lodges can cost from 1500 to several thousand euros. Sell \u200b\u200bthem begin 30 days before the performance.

A visit to the Vienna Opera

Casation Vienna Opera

On ul. Kerntherstraße, 40 is a cashier selling tickets to the Vienna Opera in advance.

On weekdays she starts work at 10.00 am, and closes an hour before the start of the performance.

In the 1st Saturday of each month, the ticket office operates all day from 10:00 to 17:00, and in the rest of the Saturdays - only 2 hours, from 10:00 to 12:00 in the morning. It should be borne in mind that on Sundays and Festive Days, the preliminary cash desk does not work.

From May to October concerts pass and outdoors

Modern technologies allow you to buy tickets and via the Internet. It is very convenient to tourists going to visit Vienna during a certain period.

In Vienna opera, excursions are held in different languages

But in the auditorium "Pollocking" there are 102 standing places. The sale of tickets on them is carried out at the office of the Vienna Opera an hour before the start of the performance. The average cost of the standing place will be 3-6 €.

But if the program is the performance of arrival opera diva or the most famous tenor of the world, then there will be a queue for the checkout at 5 o'clock.

For tourists who are strictly loving opera or not possessing time to visit it, but wishing to inspect the amazing interiors of the Wiener Staatsoper building, excursions are held in English and German.

If you want to get to a Russian-speaking tour, check in advance its holding. The cost of such a visit to the opera will be from 2 euros for a child up to 5 euros for an adult. Motherland Waltz and Operette is known for its own balas. They begin on November 11 and last before the festivities of Fashnigov, coinciding on time with the Orthodox Carnival.

Vienna Opera Ball

But the main event becomes the Vienna Opera Ball. This is the most status ball on which world celebrities and the President of Austria are always present.

Viennese Ball

Most often, the Vienna Opera Ball is held at the end of February. A ticket for such a ball can be purchased in advance, and it costs from 210 euros (if you just want to dance) to 15 thousand euros (with places in the bed). Open the ball 180 pairs of debutants. Their first dance is polona.

Get into the number of debutants is not difficult. You must send a pre-application. At the same time, you should be from 16 to 23 years old if you are a girl and from 18 to 26 years old if you are a guy and you should not marry. Then participation in the ball will be free for you, but you have to pay for dance training.

Dress code in Vienna Opera

Separately, I must say about the dress code of this BALA. For men, a fraction is required (the tuxedo is not allowed) and a white butterfly (black for waiters and attendants). Women are obliged to be in the evening toilets "to the floor". For debutants, only white evening dresses are allowed.


For those tourists who are not large fans of the Opera and Ballet, but would like to inspect the "Pathersoper" building from the inside, excursions are held daily at 14 o'clock in the afternoon. The cost of such an excursion for adults is 4 euros, for students - 2.5 euros, for children - 1.5 euros. Tickets for them can be bought 15 minutes before the start.

The Vienna Opera opened the doors in 1869, becoming a source of spiritual food for the aristocracy and higher light. The Opera Dom "Don Juan" was timed to the discovery, since then, to get to the Vienna Opera dreamed of visiting all the admirers of art, and romantic girls prepared in advance for the balls, chose the most beautiful dresses. From the first day of work, the landmark did not change the addresses, but to know what was originally conceived by the building initially, it is already impossible, because in the war years the Austrian capital was very destroyed, and the opera is destroyed at all.

Interesting to know! At the end of the 20th century, when the building of the Vienna Opera was restored, romantic balls resumed, for some time artists with Russian roots were soling in the troupe.

Theater in Vienna - landmark with a rich history

Theatrical art at the Austrian court in Vienna appeared in the 17th century, theatrical submissions were carried out on various scenes. The settings were allocated by pompous, it was mainly the work of Italian authors. Only in the 19th century began construction of the premises, where in the future there is a troupe. The authors of the project were architects from Austria - Augustus Zikard von Zikardsburg and Eduard bathdow der Nüll.

Good to know! In the spring of 1869, the theater's doors solemnly opened, the Emperor Franz Joseph, as well as his spouse, took part in the event.

Until the 20th century, the Metzenate of theatrical art in Vienna was the Dynasty of the Habsburgs, therefore the theater was called court.

During the 19th century, the best works of the authors of the ballets and the opera, operetta, were delivered on the stage. In the middle of the 19th century, the troupe settled in the building, which many years had the status of a better theatrical building in the world. From 1875 to 1897 The chief conductor was Hans Richter, under the guidance of which such works as Othello, Nibelung Ring, Tristan and Isolde were delivered. By the end of the 19th century, the interest of the public to theatrical art would have increased markedly, the number of performances increased.

Interesting to know! Under the guidance of the Major's chief conductor (1897-1907), Opera in Vienna is recognized as the best European theater.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the landmark in Vienna received the status of state, however, the official name "Vienna State Opera" was entrenched in 1938.


During the war, the famous Austria and Germany conductors were engaged in production: Kraus, Bohl, Furtvengler. Under their leadership on the stage, the most famous creations of Mozart, Verdi and Beethoven sounded, and by 1944 the entire repertoire of the Strauss was delivered.

1945 became tragic in the history of the sights in Vienna - as a result of the air shelling, the building was completely destroyed. But even in such a difficult period, troupe continued to give performances. Recovery work has been actively conducted for ten years. At the end of the reconstruction, the theater was opened in the fall of 1955, the formulation of Fidelio was timed to the solemn event. In the same year, a good tradition was restored annually. Since then, the interest of the audience to the state opera does not weaken, the hall with a capacity of 2209 people is always overflowing, places are booked in advance.

Architecture and decoration

The building in Vienna is included in the main attractions of the capital of Austria. Already according to the drawings, it becomes clear how large-scale and beautiful the project is conceived. Magic and magic charts managed to realize in reality. Nevertheless, after the end of construction work, the public expressed the stormy protests to which the emperor joined. The facade was called overloaded, heavy, external and internal design - overly eclectic.

The facade is decorated with elements from the work of "Magic Flute", openwork arches, impressive columns. In the evening the building is beautifully highlighted. Opera indoors are richly decorated. Guests climb the front staircase. The theater ceilings are decorated with painting, but the attention of guests attracts not only skilled decor, but also a luxurious chandelier, which is compared with the sun. For the design of the lodges used fabric, so the sensation of the camera is created.

It is necessary to note the beautiful acoustics in the hall, comfortable chairs, the virtuoso skill and the talent of the artists and the Orchestra of the Vienna Opera.

Interesting to know! The creation of the project influenced the architecture of the Big Paris Opera Garnier. Opera Square in Vienna is 8560 sq.m. or 78% of the Paris Theater Square. Road capacity - 3000 places, as in La Rock.

In addition to the annual luxurious Bala of the State Opera Trupper in Austria, there are no less than 60 performances, concerts are held, as well as solo performances. Annually the premieres appear in the repertoire, in the 2017/2018 season, they became a player, Lulu, Samson and Dalila, Danton's death, free shooter.

The ballroom season in Austria begins in January and lasts until February, it is not surprising that all residents of the country have Thraks, evening outfits. The most prestigious is the ball in the Austrian Opera. In importance, it is comparable to an important diplomatic admission, therefore he is visited annually by the President of the country.

Facts about the Vienna Ball:

  • The first event was held at the beginning of the 19th century;
  • in the building after reconstruction, the first ball was held at the beginning of winter in 1877;
  • the event traditionally reveals 180 professional pairs of dancers;
  • debutants are trusted to fulfill polonais;
  • the last tradition is dancing Waltz;
  • mandatory dress code for men - Frak, for women - evening outfit.

How to get to the Vienna Ball

First of all, you need to buy the appropriate outfit, learn the classic dance, best waltz, buy tickets, find a partner, experienced enough in dancing. It should be noted that the places for the event are bought long before the event, for several months they are not at any office or on the site. Of course, you can try to refer to the dealers, but the cost will turn out to be much higher than the stated.

Practical information:

  • the ticket costs 315 €;
  • for guests in the bed - 23.6 €;
  • table for 6 guests - 1260 €;
  • table for 4 persons - 840 €;
  • the date of the event in 2019 is February 28;
  • detailed information on the official resource:

How to get

To the state opera in Vienna, any public transport follows:

  • metro - branches U1, U2, U4, Point of following - Karlsplatz station;
  • bus number 59a, stop OperNring;
  • tram number 1, 2, 62, 65 and D, stop Opernring.

Dress code

For a visit to Vienna Opera, there is a special theater form of clothing. If we are talking about visiting the usual submission, special requirements for guests are not presented. Of course, it is necessary to show a sense of measure and not wear too open sundress or shorts. It is enough to choose comfortable casual clothes. Women often buy for a visit to the Vienna Opera Evening outfits. It's not obligatory.

Upper clothes must be supplied to the wardrobe. Spectators who have a ticket to theatrical lodge may not go to the wardrobe, and leave the upper clothes in a small hallway. In the wardrobe also leave outdoor shoes.

Good to know! After the third call, the late viewers are not allowed into the hall. The intermission is a buffet, where they sell snacks, champagne.

Find out prices or book any accommodation with this form.

Types of tickets and their cost

A visit to the State Opera in Vienna is available not only to residents of the Austrian capital, but also everyone. The main thing is to book places in advance, it can be done on the official resource two months before the event. Those who wish to visit the specific production contribute to the "waiting list".

The cost of the visit to the Vienna Opera ranges from 10 € to 240 €. Cheap tickets allow the viewer only to hear artists, but consider what happens on the stage will not work. There is a way to visit the Vienna Opera inexpensive. To do this, you need to purchase "standing" tickets, their cost is 2-4 €. Sell \u200b\u200bthem at the ticket office located on Operngasse Street. Remember that the number of viewers who can see the performance standing is limited - about a hundred pieces. Sale begins 1.5 hours before the beginning of the presentation, but the queue is desirable to take an hour for 4, this will allow you to guarantee the hall of the Vienna Opera.

Booking and buying online

The essence of the early booking lies in the following - on the official resource of the Vienna Opera, a waiting list is formed when the sale of tickets on the selected performance begins, the right to pay the reservation receive the audience, which were the first to be on the expectation sheet.

Algorithm Shopping Online:

  • go to the sightseeing site in Vienna;
  • register;
  • when registering, you should specify an email where information will receive, as well as the card number with which payment is carried out.

For those who first plan to visit the State Opera in Vienna, it is difficult to choose a ticket. First you need to select a date, time, view the names of the performances. Now you can go to the selection and purchase of tickets if you press the "Purchase Tickets" button, the hall scheme will appear, where free spaces are indicated, it is enough to navigate the price category.

It's important to know! Rates depend on several criteria: the level of performance involved in the actors, the location of the place relative to the scene.

Be sure to specify the age category - adult or children. After selecting all the parameters, you just need to click on the selected place. For payment you need to introduce payment details. If the payment is successful, the system will report this. The email specified during registration is sent to the reservation, it contains all important information - the date and time of the performance, the audience. The document must be printed and have with you.

On the day of visiting the opera in Vienna, you need to go to the checkout, where they change the electronic documents on valid tickets. If there is a barcode on the electronic version, it is not necessary to change the document.

Important nuances:

  • if you have not taken with you the reservation, the ticket will be issued at the checkout, for this you need to be called surname;
  • the document can be taken in advance, for this, you should contact the cashier located in the foyer of the theater, it opens an hour before each performance;
  • the reservation on the child does not require the receipt of a document, a temporary ticket in the same ticket office, the child must be with his parents at the same checkout.

Prices for visiting the opera in Vienna

A visit to the opera in Vienna (Austria) can not be called cheap pleasure, but despite this on every speech in the hall is always anchlag, so tickets need to be booked in advance. The cost of seating seats depends on the category of the performance.

  • Category A - Performances for real connoisseurs and gourmet, this group includes premieres and performances with the participation of world stars. As you know, art requires victims, so for visiting the formulations of the category and it will be very expensive.
  • Group B - such performances can be called "golden mean", since it is the optimal ratio of musical pleasure and cost.
  • Group C is inexpensive productions, designed for a wide range of viewers. The price is low, but this does not mean that the quality of the performance is low.

Good to know! The repertoire of the opera in Vienna is more fifty performances. You can visit the speech for nine months from September. The main place in the poster is allocated by the works of Mozart.

Practical information

1. Opera address in Vienna: Wiener Staatsoper GmbH, Opernring 2, 1010, Wien.

2. Schedule of the theater cash desk: weekdays - from 8-00 to 18-00, weekends - from 9-00 to 12-00.

3. Excursions in the Vienna Opera are held every day. The duration of sightseeing visits is 40 minutes, at this time, tourists are invited for the scenes, inspect the building. Believe me, on the strength of emotions, the excursion is not inferior to visiting the theatrical presentation, because the theater is an architectural monument of Austria. The exact schedule is presented on the official website, excursions are held daily in Russian.

Ticket price:

  • for adults - 4 €,
  • for students - 2,5 €,
  • for children - 1.5 €.

They can be purchased for a quarter of an hour before the excursion program.

Prices on the page are shown in January 2019.

Vienna Opera for children

In the theater in Vienna, programs are implemented to attach children to art. For school children, excursions are carried out, master classes for dancing, performances prepared by small actors. Gifted children are invited to school ballet or choral team. The speeches of the children's opera are carried out on the main stage, as well as on the roof.

The Vienna Opera is rightfully considered the keeper of the centuries-old traditions of classical theatrical art, and the building of the theater has been a symbol of Austria for many decades.

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