Scene impromptuous repka for a cheerful company. Pedagogical experience Theater-imprompt

Scene impromptuous repka for a cheerful company. Pedagogical experience Theater-imprompt
Scene impromptuous repka for a cheerful company. Pedagogical experience Theater-imprompt

Interactive games, performances, theater-imprompt

Tale at night.

Do not live like that, as you want.



2. Princess.

3. Lion.

4. Cat.

5. Robber 1-2 people.

6. Servant.

In one kingdom there lived - the king was. Dressed in Purpur and Ermine, he renounced on the throne, and he repeated all the time: "Ah, it's not easy to be king! This is a very important mission. "

The king had a daughter - a wonderful princess. She sat in the castle and missed all the time. The only entertainment was singing and a game on Clavesis (4 songs from the "Bremen Musicians").

And you are not a prince on a white horse? She asked for passing riders. - When will he appear? - And she sighed heavily - oh! How I'm tired of waiting ...

Oh! It is not easy to be king! - answered her the king, immersed in his thoughts.

Once, when, according to his usual princess, I looked out the window, traveled by a robber. He long dreamed of seizing the crown of the stupid king:

I'm not me, the crown will be mine!

And you are not a prince on a white horse? - asked the princess.

I! - The robber was conceded, that, kidding the princess, he will be able to demand a redemption from the king. - I! - he repeated.

Will you take me?

The robber, without thinking for a long time, grabbed the princess, threw her the bag on his head and crushed into the forest, where there was a robbery lair.

BUT! - screamed the princess.

Oh! - exclaimed the stupid king. - It is not easy to be king. Servants!

King's crude came running to the most promotional from servants John.

Calm only calm! Everything is elementary and simple, he calmed the king.

My daughter is kidnapped! In the forest it is confused by terrible lions! Oh! It is not easy to be king! Pollum and the hand of the princess to the one who will free her - His Majesty cleared.

John gathered a small knot, took his faithful cat, who always helped him cope with trouble and crushed.

In the castle, I will not let anyone and not release anyone, "John gave the last orders and went on the road.

The robber lair guarded a terrible lion. He was very lonely, because the forest animals were afraid of him and did not want to have a matter with him.

John whispered to the cat so that he became friends with Lv.

Easy, owner.

While the cat and lion have established contacts, John snewed into the hut to the robber. He thought he had to save the princess, but what did he see when he opened the door? ..

The princess was sitting on a chair and ordered the robber:

That's still invented! It is better to sweep the floor. I took the house in the house, and not the speaking radio.

Ah well! - Princess grabbed the broom and began to bother them on the back of the robber.

Guard! Save! - shouted the robber. And ran out of the hut.

John wanted, it was also escape by flight, while he did not fall, but only late. Princess saw him.

And here is my Savior! Perfectly! How long I waited for you ..., - and she fainted right on John's hands.

It can be seen destined to him to serve his whole life. First the stupid king, and then his daughter. John did not know how to cry or laugh. Yes, there is nothing to do, not throwing a person in a seventhous state of one in the forest. And the word of the king of the law, once promised the piano and the hand of the princess in addition, should hold the word. And John must execute orders and not object.

That's the fairy tale, and who listened to a well done.

Theater - imprompt.










Dark night. Forest. Howl wind. Trees.swim in the wind. Between the trees go away path.Along the path on your faithful horse jumps prince. He jumps, jumps and jumps, tired, rushing. Tears from the horse. He makes his ways between swinging trees, and the path everything goes and goes away, while it is not hidden at all out of sight ("Chao" - the voice of the path).

Looked around the prince, sees it stands hut on one lege. He knocked into the hut:

Tuk, who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a short one?

I also found teremok, - offended the hut, - I, by the way, the hut on one leg, ordinary, and the dimensions of me are standard. I do not invite you inside: I now have a robber guests, soon with hunting. Come another time.

The prince was posted, he did not meet more such talkative huts. He hid behind the trees and became the robber to wait. Like all the princes, the thrust for the feats and adventure was in his blood.

He drove the wind, the trees swatched, the path left the path and could not leave. And the prince sat near the hut, tied the horse nearby, and waited.

Suddenly sees, from different sides to the hut sneeze robber and princess.

Whether they are secretly found, whether the battle is planned, -

Running hands whispered prince.

Without looking at each other, the robber and the princess entered the hut, they flew away from surprise to each other, hit his foreheads and fell to the floor.

A-ah! - screamed the princess.

A - A - A! - frightenedly shouted the prince.

And the robber was from all this in such a shock, which fell into fainting.

The prince, having matched, looked into the hut and not completely thinking that what had a falling robber picked up.

I thought the princesses were not so heavy, he signed in surprise.

I'm here! - Princess Mahal in front of him and jumped up so that he finally noticed her.

Oh, "the prince embarrassed.

He threw a robber to the floor, took the princess by his hand, and justice was restored.

The princess was agreed on everything, just to restore his reputation and quickly get out of the forest.

They tied the robber, drove him to the faithful horse and slowly went along the path: "Here's another! Will everyone go for me! - the path was outraged and the whole leaving went further, hiding behind the trees. Well, well, just out of the forest.

Ratched trees. Dried out wind. Wasy dark night. In the midst of the forest, on one, then the hut was standing on another leg, waiting for the lost trails to themselves onto the light.

That's the fairy tale, and who listened, well done.

The fairy tale is a game for the smallest.

Start as usual, telling a fairy tale. Having reached the place where the bun meets the hare, spread his hands and tell me: "But what about the hare? Hare no ... "

The first task is to find a hidden hare.

"And to meet him a bear ..." The bear is preparing with the help of Wat, Watman, scissors and glue. You can dress someone if there is a fur coat or brown things. Then you can make a mask from paper.

At the end of the Russian fairy tale, Kolobok dies. And in our fairy tale, he can escape. Guests help him escape from the fox, pushing the head of the ball (Kolobka).

Tale of a kitten.






The sun




Today, the kitten first went outside of the house. It was a warm summer morning. The sun scattered his rays in all directions. The kitten sat on the porch and began to pursuer in the sun. Suddenly, 2 Soroki, who arrived and sat on the fence were attracted. The kitten slowly tears from the porch and began to sneak into the birds. The kitten jumped high. But Soroki flew away. Nothing came out. The kitten began to look around on the parties in search of new adventures. Dul a light breeze. He drove on the ground a piece of paper. A piece of paper rustled. The kitten grabbed her. Scratched a little. Calm and, not finding anything interesting in it, let go. The paper flew, customized by the wind. And then the kitten saw the rooster. High lifting legs, it's important in the yard. Then stopped. Slammed wings. And lost his ringtone. From all sides, chickens rushed to the cock. Without how long thinking, the kitten rushed to them, grabbed one chicken for the tail. But she so painfully kept the kitten in the nose, that he shouted with an extreme cry and ran back to the porch. Here he was waiting for a new danger. A neighbor puppy climbed loudly on the kitten. And then he tried to bite him. The kitten in response loudly stuck, released claws and hit the puppy with a paw on his face. The puppy bounced off and ran away.

The kitten felt like a winner, he began to lick the wound blackened by chicken. Then he scratched the rear paw behind the ear, stretched out on the porch in his whole height and fell asleep.

So ended the first acquaintance of the kitten with the street.

Fairy tale.













The sun




The curtain opens. In a wide field stood an abdomen of oak. Light breeze blown off his foliage. Little birds and cuckoo flour around the tree., Twist, then and then sit on oak branches to clean their feathers. A bear passed by a rotary point, he dragged the barrel with honey and shouted from bees. The sun slowly climbed over the crown of the tree, spreading his rays in different directions. Curtain closes.

The curtain opens. And at this time in his kingdom, on the throne, the king was seated. Pulling, he approached the window, looked around. Wiped the tracks from the window. Left to the sparrow and cuckoo. In thought, he sits on the throne. The princess appeared. She rushed his father on her neck, kissed him and sat down with him on the throne. Under the window, inspecting, the robber was made through. When the princess sat by the window, the robber quickly grabbed her and wilts to his lair, which was an abandoned old oak.

Crying the queen mother, crying the king - father. The beloved princess appears - the prince. The queen rushes him to his feet. The prince is bowed and sent in search of princess.


Oak all swayed in the wind, the sparrows and cuckoo alarmed, loudly twitter. The bear ate a barrel of honey, collapsed under the tree and fell asleep, sucking the back paw. The robber tied the princess to the oak. But here the prince appeared on his dens, he fell, without keeping himself in the saddle, and right on the robber. A fight has faced. One hit. And the robber under the oak gave oak. Putting the princess to the horse, the prince sat himself, and they picked up in the castle.

The window was waiting for them to the king and queen.

Where did you hang, a busty daughter? We worry! The father-king shouted on her, pressed the Prince and Princess to himself, kissed them both.

The robber is dead, you have only you, a young man. Marry! - The queen joined the hands of the young and the final was predetermined.

Christmas story.


A hut on chicken legs


Ivan Tsarevich

Baba Yaga



Japanese silencer


Tsarevna Vasilisa

Christmas tree

In a dark-pretended, terrible - a prediable forest went cooking for the holiday. In the midst of the Polyana stood a hut on the couch legs. The lonely hare was doing something under the porch, moved by shaggy paws and rubbed about the bone foot.

On the evergreen century-old pine, covered with fluffy white snow, hung someone forgotten huge clocks. They embroidered in the wind.

But the brave-praniy Ivan-Tsarevich appeared. He was clearly angry and creaked his teeth, then the matter, demonstrating the swollen muscles surrounding.

The hare was terribly strained and, shriveling, shridly, said away.

"The hut, the hut, turn to me before, towards the forest, and then it will be worse," Ivan shouted.

The hut was touched off, but did not turn.

From the hut ran out an angry Baba Yaga. She was put on his feet and threatened Ivan to a cruise fist.

Ivan Smiril Pride and smiled at a wide Russian smile. From somewhere jumped out the local photographer and took a few pictures for the new forest independent edition "in a smile - power!".

The touched Yaga hugged, Ivan gave him a new jet stue with a Japanese silencer.

The clock was shown midnight. Suspended and yawning cuckoo, waking off from sleep, shouted with a hoarse voice 3 times and, not having time to close his mouth, fell asleep again.

Ivan-Tsarevich sat down in the pitch, grabbed Baba Yagu with him and rushed to the New Year's meeting with the princess Vasilisa.

And at this time, Tsarevna Vasilisa, generously giving the surrounding friendly glances, I was looking forward to the narrowed.

The joy of young there was no limit when they met.

Baba Yaga drove the Christmas tree. Ivan and Vasilisa decorated her. The cuckoo woke up and screamed "Hurray!"

All got into dance. Only the photographer did not resist this night, he photographed and photographed.

The end.

In the village of Cantimization.










Night. In the village of Cantimization quiet. Wholes wind. Standing with old whale. Crocked rooster. Immediately flashed dogs. They bought chickens in response. Someone's steps were heard. Dr. Aibolit sits in his room. Fracking gentle, goes into a pig room and falls at Aibolita's feet. He scratches her belly, and she rages away from pleasure. A hissing whisper in a dream something mumbles a parrot. The silence breaks away the woodpeckers, which the matter is knocking on a tree growing under the window. The rooster looked into the doctor's window, saw a flickering pig, who considered that his feathers also deserve attention, he, dull, flew through the open window into the room and was attached from the other side.

The disappearance of the rooster crushed the whole chicken coop. Kura, alarmed buzzment, rushed to his searches.

He drove the wind, the woodpeckers were knocked on the swinging IWA, the parrot grumbled in a dream, and the doctor fell asleep in the chair, surrounded by a pig, a rooster and chicken. In Cantimizing the night.

Tatyana Efimova

Tatyana Efimova offers its services for the organization of festive events: children's and corporate holidays, parties, birthdays, weddings, etc. In Moscow and in the country

Many different programs, as well as ... Individual approach, original solutions And improvisation is guaranteed.

Children's holiday

Corporate holiday, departure, party




High school graduation

New Year

Laughter's day, housewarming ...

And other…

The program is always developed under each customer individually.

In the program: games, contests, aquagrim, focuses, draws, performances, staging, improvisation, clown and much more.

You need to urgently organize a cheerful holiday with games and contests, entertain children or adults ... This is possible! Call 8-926-126-77-33. Implementation of urgent orders for the holiday - from 2 hours before the start of the event.

As I work, you can see October 8, 2006, at 9-00 on the TVC channel, in the program "At the cottage"

Necessary for cooking Celebration Information:

1. The number of people (if it is a birthday, it is important to know the name of the congratulated and his age to take into account the features)

2. Mixing, an approximate area of \u200b\u200bspace for games and contests.

3. Time (how much event begins, how much does it ends).

4. Are there any restrictions on health, special wishes, favorite games.

5. In what form will be a celebration.

6. As far as the participants are active and cheerful.

Communication with Tatyana Efimova,

Actor - animator, organizer of the holidays,

Theater expression

"T E R E M O K"

Props: Tales text, sheets with roles.

Everything pulls papers with roles.

As soon as any character is called, he must say his words:

Teremok (scrip-creak!)

Mouse-Norushka (Wow, you!)

Cuckoo Frog (Quantcered!)

Bunny-shooter (here is yes!)

Fox-sister (tra la-la!)

Wolf-gray barrel (tych-tych!)

Bear Kosolapiy (wow!)

It is in the field of teremok. It runs past Mouse-Norushka. I saw the teremok, stopped, looked inside, and thought the mouse, that since the teremok is empty, she will live there. Specked to Terem a frog-cuckoo, stated in the windows. I saw her mouse-norushka and offered her to live together. I agreed a frog-cuckoo, and they began to live together. Run past a bunny-shooter. He stopped, looks, and here the Mouse-Norushka and a frog jumbled out of the terchemka and the bunny of the wagon was dragged in teremok.

It goes past a fox-sister. Looks - stands teremok. Looking into the window and there is a mouse-norushka, a frog-cuckoo and a bunny-a wigwork live. The fox-sister was as asked as asked, accepted it in the company. The wolf-gray barrel came running, looked at the door and asked who lives in the terme. And from the Teremka, the mouse-norushka, a frog-cuckoo, bunny-shooter, a fox-sister and invited him to himself. I wanted to beat the grip-gray barrel in teremok. They began to live in fist. Here they live in Teremka, sing songs. Mouse-norushka, a frog-cuckoo, a bunny-shoot, chanterelle-sister and a wolf-gray barrel. Suddenly there is a turbo bear. He saw the teremok, he heard the songs, stopped and nave in full.

Mouse-norushka, frog-cuckoo, bunny-shooter, chanterelle-sister and top-gray barbell and called the Bear of Kosolapoy to live.

Bear climbed into teremok. Les-Les, Lez-Les - could not get to fit and decided that it would be better to live on the roof. Wlown to the roof of the Bear and only sat down - the teremok shook the teremok, fell a nation and all collapsed. We barely managed to jump out of it mouse-norushka, frog-cuckoo, bunny-shoot, chanterelle-sister, top-gray barrel - all the intake and unharmed, but they began to grieve - where to live next? There is nothing to do, they started to wear a log, saw boards - build new terems.

Better former built!

And they began to live a mouse-nomushka, a frog-cuckoo, a bunny, a wagon, chanterelle-selection, a wolf-gray barrel and a Bear Kosolapiy in a new teremke.

In summer. Theater - impromptu.

Summer has come.

Butterfly flies fun on the clearing.

Suggested a girl with a porch in his hands and tries to catch butterflies.

But the butterflies are flared in different directions.

Boy go past.

He thought about something and did not notice how she crashed into a tree.

The boy rubs the bruised forehead and crying.

The girl stretches the coin, the boy thanks and applies a coin to his forehead.

Children are taken by arms and scrapping leave the forest ...

Kitty . Theater - impromptu.

Active persons: kitten, sun, two forty, wind, paper, cock, chickens, puppy.

Today, the kitten first came out of the house.

It was a warm summer morning, the sun spread her rays in all directions. The kitten sat on the porch and began to pursuer in the sun. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by two forties that flew and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly slipped off the porch and began to sneak into the birds. Soroki shimmer not shit. The kitten jumped high, but the forties flew away. Nothing came out. The kitten began to look around on the parties in search of new adventures. Dul a light breeze and chased on the ground a piece of paper. A piece of paper rustled. The kitten grabbed her, scratched a little bit, bit and, not finding anything interesting in it, let go. The paper flew, customized by the wind. And then the kitten saw the rooster. High raising her legs, it's important in the yard. Then he stopped, shook the wings and lost his ringing song. From all sides, chickens rushed to the cock. Nothing thinking, the kitten rushed into the flock and grabbed one chicken for the tail.

But she hurts the kitten so painfully, that he shouted with a bunk and ran back to the porch. Here he was waiting for a new danger. A neighbor puppy, falling on the front paws, loudly lay on the kitten, and then tried to bite him. The kitten in response loudly stuck, released claws and hit the dog on the nose. The puppy ran away, bombarded. The kitten felt like a winner. He began to lick the wound applied by chicken. Then he scratched the rear paw behind the ear, stretched out on the porch in his whole height and fell asleep. What he dreamed, we do not know, but for some reason he drove the paw and moved the mustache in a dream. So ended the first acquaintance of the kitten with the street.

SNOWMAN. Theater - impromptu.

…It is snowing. And B. understand the forest Among mightyThe trees settled a snowman.

He was friends with the raven, played with a breeze and echo. But snowman never sawSun. Crow he told him whatThe sun good and affectionate.Snowman really wanted to say hello toSun. And here is a snowman decided to go to the openPolyana to see The sun. Snowman made his way to the meadow between trees. Trees. prevented him with his branches, andSnow creaked under my feet.Snowman went to the glade and saw the sun.

The sun stretching his rays to him,Snowman climbed away from pleasure. BUTSun more and more huggingSnowman his rays and affectionately his root.Birds sang in the forest. Echo broadcast their wind beautiful singing, butThe breeze was broken between the trees and taped everyone. Snowman was so happy. SuddenlyCrow Loudly painted I.Echo spacing a carcass throughout the forest.

Here Snowman I felt that with hisThe nose drips water and the nose slowly melts. Snowman upset and cried.

Here on the clearing jumpedBunny. He also came to warm up under the raysSun. Bunny saw a snowman without nose And I decided to help him.

He gave him carrots instead of a nose. And snowman became so beautiful. Zasia and drank from happiness. So they danced withBunny.

Snow creaked, breeze all tickled, trees fun swayed in tact with their branches.Birds sang. Crowrock. Echo divided all the sounds through the forest.

And Sunny Everyone hugged her tender rays. And everyone was happy ...

AT NIGHT Theater - expression

Night. Wholes wind. Root trees.

Between them are piercedthief . He wants to stealhorse.

Horse sleeps and in a dream quietly rzhet.

At the branch attached sparrow . He dorms, only sometimes

opening that one, then another eye.

Wholes wind. Root trees.

On the street is sleeping dog He quietly smashes and heels from the wind.

Trees are noisy, and the thief makes his way to horse. So he grabs a horse. Fog loudly barks.

The owner ran out . She shouts, calling her husband.

Jumped the owner And selected a horse. The thief runs away.

The owner leads a horse to the stable and gently pats him on the back.

Wholes wind. Root trees.

The dog jumps and barks from joy.

Sparrow flies around trees.

Wholes wind. Root trees.

The owner strokes the horse, gives him to eat. Everything calms down.

Sleeping the dog, slightly adjusting the back paw.

Dimmer sparrow on one foot.

Standing is sleeping horse and sometimes in a dream quietly rzhet ...

Theater - impromptu. Red berry.

Characters: Red berry. Mighty oak. Wind. Komariki (2 people), bumblebee. Bear. Hare.

On the green edge of the forest next to the mighty oak grew a red berry. She merged with her red head to the left, then to the right, then raised her leaves up and cheerfully shake them. Mighty oak waving a berry in response to his branches. Suddenly, a ledger flew on the cleaner. He skidded near the red berry, began to blow on her. Red berry dressed on his fine leg. The wind spinned around a mighty oak, oak branches were injected. Then the wind flew, loudly whistling for goodbye. The red berry sighed lightly, but two Komarik flew up to her. They snapped thinly and circled around, while the red berry has no head twisted. Then the mosquito sat down at the branches of mighty oak. The wind returned here, I began to blow on the mosquitoes, those with a pisk flew away, and the wind rushed after them. Suddenly, the hare joined the clearing. He had long ears And oblique eyes. He fun rushing near mighty oak, then ran away. Here on the clearing, a cheerful striped bumblebee appeared, he burned loudly, spinning around the red berry, buzzed again. Then the bumblebee also shook at the branches of mighty oak. Charter, the bumblebee went to rest under the leaves of a red berry and fell asleep. Red berry having fun on a thin leg, nodding with a red head. But a shaggy bear was caught in the clearing. He roared loudly and walked slowly, pulling off his legs on his leg. Here the bear approached the mighty oak and began to rub his back about him. Mighty oak stunned. This bear saw a red berry. He approached, leaned over her, and the red berry fluttered. But the bear did not hurry to tear it. He poured noisy to the ground, where she slept a striped bumblebee, and almost crushed him. Bumblebee swayed and with all Mahu dug a bear in his nose. Bear roared and rushed on the nurse. Bumblebee did not lag behind until the bear ran away from the clearing. And again the wind was spinning on the clearing, a red berry was swinging on a thin leg, a mighty oak rushed branches, a funny mosquito was flying with a peak, the squint hare ripped. And only the bear was roared away.

IN Trident kingdom. Theater-expression.

In the trident kingdom, the consignment of the state was the king and the queen, who we have the king and the queen? (We call two people)

The king and the queen loved her daughter to Vasilis beautiful, (who is Vasilisa beautiful?

How they loved their daughter Show!)

Vasilisa had a Ramon's maid. (Who is the Ramon maid?)

And Ramon loved Vasilis, (show how she loved her!)

On one day Vasilisa wonderful with his servant Ramona went to take a walk. Go, and the sun shines (who is the sun, how does it shine?)

The grass is green, (who is herbal and how green it is?)

Trees rustle (....)

Birds are singing (....)

And Vasilisa with his servant Ramona walk (how?),

Here in the meadow they saw Prenok / bench (who Prenok?)

Vasilisa is tired and sat down on Pozook, and the sun shines, the grass is green, the trees will rustle, the birds sing, the rod (who is a rod and how he rummates

Where does not hurricane, (who ...)

Hurricane flies and abducts Vasilis beautiful, carrying her with him.

The servant of Ramon in tears, resorts to the king and the queen, falls on his knees and says: "Sorry Tsar Batyushka, not watched!"

The king and the queen were buried, so they loved their daughter,

The king thought, thought and says: "Who will free to Vasilisa wonderful, will get the half of the kingdom, the tractor floor and the floor of the lemon!" (Well, the actors should say again)

Juba Tsarevich was passing by (who ...), on his horse, (who ...) heard and caused a hurricane / hurricane fight

Hurricane flew, and Ivan Tsarevich his saber (who ...)

Won Ivan Tsarevich Hurricane,

The king and the queen wound up, hugged their daughter to Vasilis beautiful, they drank with Ivan Tsarevich the seagull with a cake, gave the floor of the kingdom and began to ride the tractor floor.

That's the fairy tale, and who listened to the well done!

Used Internet resources.

Hi to all residents and guests of the country! Rights end school yearAnd I want to note this event with something bright and unforgettable. I suggest to arrange the theater-impromptu! Sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions and sea laughter are guaranteed !!!
The idea is not new and easy to genius. The participants of the performance are described in advance prepared paper with a role written on them (for example, an oak or a mosquito). No one knows what will happen next, because it is an expression, and therefore, we play without rehearsals!

The host reads the text, and each of the "heroes" in his time comes out and without words depicts what the leading, for example, Oak says branches, the Komarik flies and buzzes

Texts for the performances of the theater-expression in the network are very much, but nevertheless lay out two here. Texts are not mine, found a long time ago on the Internet, I do not know the authors. The first performance "Red Berry" is what is represented in the photo.

Active persons: Red Berry. Mighty oak. Wind. Komariki (2-3 people), bumblebee. Bear. Hare.

On the green edge of the forest next to the mighty oak grew a red berry. Suddenly, a ledger flew on the cleaner. He skidded near the berry, began to blow on it. The berry was loaded on his fine leg. The wind spinned around a mighty oak, oak branches were injected. Then the wind flew, loudly whistling for goodbye. The red berry sighed lightly, but the mosquito flew to her. They were silent thinly and circled around, while the berry did not spin the head. Then Mosariki sat down to hang on oak branches. The wind returned here, I began to blow on the mosquitoes, those with a pisk flew away, and the wind rushed after them. Suddenly, the hare joined the clearing. He had fun at the mighty oak, sniffed the berry, touched her with his paw, and then ran away. Here on the clearing a cheerful striped bumblebee appeared, he burned loudly, spinning around the berry, buzz again. Then the bumblebee also shook on oak branches. Charter, the bumblebee went to rest under the leaves of a red berry and fell asleep. The berry is having fun on a thin leg, nodding head. But a shaggy bear was caught in the clearing. The bear roared loudly and walked slowly, turning off his legs on the leg. Here the bear approached the mighty oak and began to rub his back about him. Oak stunned. This bear saw a red berry. He approached, leaned over her, and the berry trembled from fright. But the bear did not hurry to tear it. He poured noisy to the ground, where she slept a striped bumblebee, and almost crushed him. Bumblebee swayed and with all Mahu dug a bear in his nose. Bear roared and rushed on the nurse. The bumblebee sat on the oak branch, offended by the buzz. And again the wind was spinning on the clearing, a red berry was swinging on a thin leg, mighty oak branches were blocked, a funny mosquito flew with a peak, the squint hare was jumping, buzzed. And the bear was roared away.

And the play "Kitten" played parents for children. It was something! Sorry, there is no photo ...

Acting faces: kitten, forty, paper, wind, porch, sun, puppy, rooster, chicken.

Today, the kitten first went outside of the house. It was a warm summer morning. The sun scattered his rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began to pursuer in the sun. Suddenly, his attention attracted forty, which flew and sat down on the fence. The kitten slowly tears from the porch and began to sneak up to forty, hung highly ... But forty flew away. Nothing came out. The kitten began to look around on the parties in search of new adventures. Dulley light wind. He drove on the ground a piece of paper. A piece of paper rustled. The kitten grabbed her. Scratched a little. Calm and, not finding anything interesting in it, let go. The paper flew, customized by the wind. And then the kitten saw the rooster. High lifting legs, it's important in the yard. Then stopped. Slammed wings. And lost his ringtone. Chicken rushed to the rooster. Without thinking, the kitten rushed to them, grabbed the chicken behind the tail. But that so hurt the kitten in the nose that he shouted and ran back to the porch. Here he was waiting for a new danger. A neighbor puppy climbed loudly on the kitten. And then he tried to bite him. The kitten in response loudly stuck, released claws and hit the puppy with a paw. The puppy bounced off and ran away. The kitten felt like a winner, he began to lick the wound blackened by chicken. Then he scratched the rear paw behind the ear, stretched out on the porch in his whole height and fell asleep. So ended the first acquaintance of the kitten with the street.

Thanks for attention!

Theater Expromst

For a summer wellness platform

Active persons, when mentioning their role, pronounce phrases.

1 team


Acting faces and phrases:

Graduate - "And what am I? I'm nothing ..."
Laziness - Mother - "Ba-a-Ledyzh!"
Head teacher - "What's going on here?"
Classroom teacher - "I have good!"
Maman - "Where is the school only watching?!"
Papan - "The belt will get!"
Odnoklassniki. - "Good fool to fool!"

There was yes was
Graduate... So he would be calmly lived, but she snatchedGraduate ...

... Lazhen Mother ...
First worried
Head teacher...
BUT Graduate his...
All because I did not care
Laziness Mother ...
Head teacher ... caused
Class teacher ...
Classroom teacher.. .
went to K. Graduate ...
Yes, only so still whispers
Laziness Mother ...
Then Classroom teacher ...
caused MANAYA ...
Send Maman ..
and Classroom teacher...

to Director. ...
And said Director. ..
BUT Classroom teacher ...answered.
BUT Maman. .. Sliced.
For what
Graduate ...answered.
Because he whispered to him
Laziness -Fusher ...
Went Maman ...
per Padney ...
Came Dad ...,
Mother ...,
Classroom teacher...
and Director ...
to Graduate ...
BUT Graduate them...
BUT Lazhen Mother his...
And rushed Padan ...
per Classmates ...,
because any business in the team is better solved.
Came running
Odnoklassniki ...
And I would like to say them
Lazhen Mother ...
yes, only first said
Director ... then added
Classroom teacher ...
performed Maman ...
Loudly shouted
Padan ...
After which the dispute joined
Odnoklassniki ...
For what Graduate answered...

2 team

"T E R E M O K"

Teremok (scrip-creak!)

Mouse-Norushka (Wow, you!)

Cuckoo Frog (Quantcered!)

Bunny-shooter (here is yes!)

Fox-sister (tra la-la!)

Wolf-gray barrel (tych-tych!)

Bear Kosolapiy (wow!)


Stands in the fieldteremok. . Runs pastmouse-norushka . Sawteremok. , stopped, looked inside, and thoughtmouse that kidteremok. empty, she will live there. Started to Teremafrog-kvikushka , I became in the windows look. I saw itmouse-norushka And he invited her to live together. Agreedfrog-kvikushka And they began to live together. Runs pastbunny-shooter . Stopped, looks, and here fromteremka jumped outmouse-norushka andfrog-kvikushka and draggedbunny-eshipcher interemok. .

Goes byfox-sister . Looks - worth itteremok. . Looked into the window and theremouse-norushka , frog-kvikushka andbunny-shooter live. Claim itself as askedfox-sister , accepted it in the company. Survivedbolt , looked at the door and asked who in the terme lives. And fromteremka respondedmouse-norushka , frog-kvikushka , bunny-shooter , fox-sister And invited him to themselves. Happily ran interemok. bolt . They began to live in fist. Here they are interemke Live, sing songs.Mouse-norushka , frog-kvikushka , bunny-shooter , fox-sister andbolt . Suddenly goesbear Kosolapoy . He sawteremok. , heard the songs, stopped and roared in full.

Mouse-norushka, frog-cuckoo, bunny-shooter, chanterelle-sister and top-gray barbell and called the Bear of Kosolapoy to live.

Bear PLA B.teremok. . Les-Les, Lez-Les - could not get to fit and decided that it would be better to live on the roof. Wlown on the roofbear And only sat down - shookteremok. , fell the side and all collapsed. Barely managed to jump out of itmouse-norushka , frog-kvikushka , bunny-shooter , fox-sister , bolt - All intake and unharmed, but began to grieve - where are they to live next? There is nothing to do, they began to wear a log, saw boards - build a newteremok. .

Better former built!

And began to livemouse-norushka , frog-kvikushka , bunny-shooter , chanterelle-site , bolt andbear Kosolapoy In Novomteremke .

3 team


Repka- "And I have not matured yet!"Grandfather - "That's what I was lucky!"Grandma- "Holy Hedgehog!"Granddaughter- "There are all such nyashechki!"Bug- "To go nuts, so wonderful!"Cat- "Eh, there would be smoked chicken ..."Mouse- "I am Batman"

TEXT In one, well, very countryside,Very far from fameWhat is often found in RussiaGrandfather planted once repCame out in the morning grandfatherPotted, pectochitelYes on the river turned aroundThat's so miraclesGrandfather Proter his eyesBecause surprised.That's how the vegetable was gone!Dedka Rack grabbedPulled that it was forces!It pulls - it does not quit.Did not go from the garden of repkaKnow firmly in the groundWhat to do, grandmother callTo rip back again! (Music)Grandmother in a short fur coat newGrandfather Save is ready.

She approached BestkaGrandfather grandmother to hug in an oakha

DADKA AGAIN RECE WHE!And let's pull, yes to tearGrandmother his granddaughter calledSo that they helped them. (Music)Granddaughter, just to be honestIt's all uninterestingAnd to admit to her at allNot to vegetablesBut so that no ancestorsI decided to sendGranddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for repkaPull -poty - do not pull outGrandma with grandfather very sorryDisappears the harvest.The case allowed granddaughterI called for the help of a bug (music)Bug quickly came runningEven the bone did not abundanceBug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for repkaPull -poty - do not pull outAfter hanging a little taleBug to call solved the cat (music)An hour later she appearedPererabeda, washedCat sweetly disgracedBug legs stretched out

Cat for a bug, bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for repka

Pull - pulled - stretch can'tYou can see all tired too

It is necessary to call for the aid of the mouse (music)The mouse went to the gardenPushed the peopleFirmly grabbedAnd got rooted rootAnd see all the signsNot simple mouse thisOur fairy tale is the endand who listened to -molodets.

All teams together

First action

The curtain opens ... on stage stands an abdomen of oak ... A light breeze blows his foliage ... Little birds - Grooves and cuckoo - flutter around the tree ..., birds are twitched ..., occasionally they sit on the twigs to bright the feathers ... The bear passed by the Bear ... He trampled the Barrel with Honey and disgusted from the bees ... Gray Mouse-Waterflower Slow Mink Under Oak ... The sun slowly climbed over the oak crown, scattering his rays in different directions ... the curtain closes ...

Second action

The curtain opens ... There is a throne on the stage ... the king is included ... the king is pulling ... goes to the window. I widespread opening the window, it looks around ... wipes the tracks left with the windows left by birds ... In thought sits on the throne ... The princess appears in the face of a light lavie ... She rushes a king on the neck ..., kisses him ... and they get along with the throne ... And at this time Under the window, the robber chops ... He thinks about the capture plan of the princess ... The princess sits down at the window ... The robber is enough of it and takes ... Curtain closes ...

Action third

The curtain opens ... On the scene, the confusion ... Queen shines on the shoulder at the king ... The king wipes a stiff tear ... and rushes like a tiger in a cage ... A prince appears ... The king and queen in the colors describe the kidnapping of the princess ... to eat legs ... Queen falls in the legs to the prince and begs to save the daughter ... the prince swear to find a loved one ... He whistles his faithful horse ..., jumps up on him ... and worn away ... Curtain closes ...

Fourth action

The curtain opens ... on the stage there is an abdomen of oak ... A light breeze blows his foliage ... Little birds - grooves and

Cuckoo - Sleep on the branch ... Under the oak, lounging, the bear is lying ... The bear sucks the paw ... Occasionally dips it in a barrel with honey ... Lap rear ... But here the terrible noise breaks silence and peace. This robber pulls the princess ... The beasts are horrified ... The robber binds the princess to the oak ... She cries and begs about mercy ... But here the prince appears on his liking horse ... The fight is tied between the prince and the robber ... one short hit of the prince wins the robber ... the robber under the oak gives the robber ... Oak ... Prince reckon beloved from oak ... putting the princess on the horse ... He jumps his own ... and they rush to the palace ... the curtain closes ...

Fifty action

The curtain opens ... on stage King and Queen wait for the return of young at the open window ... The sun was already in the horizon ... And here the parents see the familiar silhouettes of the Prince and Princess on the horse in the window ... Parents pop up into the yard ... The children fall into their feet to their parents ... and ask for a blessing ... Those bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding ... the curtain closes ...

We invite all artists to bow.

In the ideas of the theater of improvisations for children, the child becomes not just a viewer, but the most direct member of the playful events.

He can, together with the main actor, run into the attack on evil robbers, put forward the versions of the abduction of delicious candy, help feed the huge treasure, which buried pirates, and much more.

The main actor becomes a kind of conductor in magic world Games: When you need - he will stop the child or pushes to action.

The most valuable for children in the theater of improvisations is the ability to show their talents in a practically actual situation. Moreover, disclosure and search for such talents and should contribute to the game.

Children who are interested in the search for caves on a glued map are really believe in their strength and success of the event. These little men appear "Giant" determination and perseverance, the interest in the eyes is light, and adults need only carefully accompany their heroes to the goal.

Age restrictions:setting is intended for children of 7-10 years;
number of participants: From 3 to 15 people.

Active persons (actors)
Two adult Indians whose role is performed by dads or employees of educational institutions;
Robbers S. big expensivenegative image two adults;
Expedition members are all those present guys;
The keeper of the Maja treasure (if the holiday is timed to the day of birth, his role can play a birthday party) - one of the children participating in the game;
The presenter is a person who behaves narrative and sets the tone to all the action.

Scenery, costumes, props
Feathers, paints, bright dressings, onions and spears - the outfit of the Indians;
Turning clothes, ugly makeup, sticks in hands - the costume of the robbers;
Tree-torn treasure map;
Soft lightweight pillows (by the number of children) and dark (for robbing) colors;
Sweet coins, candy in the form of small medallions, caramel, small metal coins - treasures;
Large outdoor calendar - Maja's main relic.

Stroke Game
The game must be carried out in the park or forest parking strip.

Sounds harsh music.
On her background the presenter begins to tell ancient history about maja tribe:
"A long time in the territory of the current America lived an Indian tribe, which was called Maya. Their culture, science and life were so developed that so far scientists still use the data obtained by these unique people. However, even more riddles keep this oldest human civilization, including its mysterious disappearance. Nobody did not solve the secret, where Maya's Indians were missing and where their intellectual and material treasures were taken. Today we have a unique opportunity to touch ancient tribal And help them in search of lost treasures. "

The story of the lead is interrupted by the appearance of the two Indians. Their task is not to scare the participants, but to create a spontaneity effect.

Children bribe the costume and the talk that came.

1st Indian:
"Hello, residents of this beautiful country! We arrived to you from afar. Our people abandoned the benefits of civilization for many centuries ago, now we live inherries. But one misfortune does not give us peace. Hidden, stolen Maja treasures, our tribe.

2nd Indian:
"We came to you with one request: to help us find lost treasures and choose among you the keeper of the Major main treasure."

If the party is timed to the birthday, the Keeper is appointed a birthday boy. Indians finish their narration and perform a small ritual dance.

"This is understandable, but how do we find the most treasures? After all, not a card, we do not have a guide. "

1st Indian:
"We know that treasures are buried somewhere in this area, and the card was pirates who stole treasure."

2nd Indian:
"After some time, the treasure card was painted the land robbers, apparently, she had remained. Let's start our searches here in the direction, so we told the spirits of the ancestors. "

Expedition members are sent in the direction of the direction, but unexpectedly, the robbers jump to them. Truble and beaten, they perform a song from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians": "We say the bikes-beech, how the earth will take us ..."

1st Robber:
"Ha ha ha, did you not wait for us?!
And we ourselves have come.
Here are stupid people,
Think read books
And everyone knows about everything.
Clay Search - this is not a joke
This is not a minute at all. "

2nd Robber:
"Now we will show you how to try our treasure,
To choose from here with screaming and screaming! "

At this point, the robbers take the cooked pillows of dark shades and begin to drive children around the court.

1st Indian:
"Guys, real warriors just do not give up, here our weapons - disassemble, and forward, in the attack!"

The 2nd Indian pulls light colors from a secluded place and distributes them to the guys.

Participants begin to attack robbers. After a short fight, the robbers run away, damaged defeat.
On the site there is one piece from the lost card.

"Look, is it really that the most card about which we talked about?"

1st Indian:
"Yes, it is she. Now our searches are simplified, because the map is much easier to go. "

2nd Indian:
"Well, let's see, in what direction do we move? On the map just specified the initial cut of the path. "

Participants are leaning over the cliffment of the card. Adult players explain young travelers how to navigate on the map on the map. After a small instructive conversation, the participants go on the road.

After a few meters, the path to them all the same robbers.

2nd Robber:
"Thought you were driving us? No, we ourselves ran away. "

1st Robber:
"Your card is not full,
Lack of two pieces!
And they have, between those
I'll show it to everyone. "

The robber pulls out of his pocket two more parts of the lost card. The presenter, Indians and children begin to convince the bandit to bring them scraps of the card, but the robbers are not amenable to persuasion.

1st Robber:
"Well, okay, kids,
What can I say now.
I will give the second part
Only when at least someone
You can scare us with a friend. "

2nd Robber:
"I will tell you, not laughing:
Fear of unknown though
Nobody from our brothers.
That's why small,
Act while alive! "

The robbers brazenly giggle, and the participants of the expedition are collected together and decide how to scare gangsters.

The presenter invites children to start making scary sounds: lying, gavkut, throw, squeak like mice.

Children begin to fantasize, imitating animals. However, the robbers are just laughing.

Then the presenter collects all the participants in the circle and offers to play the following plan.

All children at the expense of "three" will have to jump out of the circle and sharply, suddenly scream in the face of robbers: "Boom!"

When the participants are ready, silence comes and the leading whisper considers to three: "One, two, three."

Children jump into different directions and scream loudly: "Boom!" Rogues from surprise scream and run away, hiding behind the bushes.

"Hooray! Guys, you are great. See, the robber dropped another piece of the card from the fright. "
2nd Indian:
"Now our searches are simplified. Let's define the further direction of our journey. "

Children and adults are going to a circle and consider the card. Recalling the place of stay with a mug, and the direction of movement by the arrow, the participants go on the road.

1st Indian:
"But what is it? I hear the knock of the ax, feel the smell of a fire. My graveyard does not fail me, somewhere near the camp. Yes, quite right. Here guys! "

Participants on tiptoe surround the camp and discover that the robbers are located there.
2nd Indian:
"Quiet! Do not bend them. We need to get the last, third part of the card. Persuasions will not bring fruits, here you need a cunning plan. "

The Indians are calling for children and in a whisper of the following: as soon as the robbers relax, the guys will have to jump into the clearing and start screaming. At this time, adults will grab bandits and will contact them hands.

After a preliminary agreement, the participants quietly surround the camp. Course around bushes. As soon as the first Indian gives a sign (with a hand of hand over his head), children with a cry and noise pop up at the glade.

Rogues do not have time to do anything from fear. At this time, the Indians grab the gangsters and associate them with ropes. Children searched robbers, find the third, the last piece of the card, and give it to Indian.

1st Indian:
"Finally, the mystery is solved! Let's connect all three parts of the card and get a full picture. "

Participants are collected together and understand the card readings. Now it should have several designations: the beginning of the campaign (circle), the direction of movement (arrows) and the cross (the place where the treasures are hidden).

It turns out that the robbers smashed the camp almost at the very place where the desired treasure is hidden. The guys are happy to take the shovels and begin to dig.

"It remains very little, and the Maja treasure will be raised upstairs."

The treasure buried shallow, so the guys easily find the old chest. The one who found him first is announced by the main keeper of the treasure if it honorary title No one belongs to anyone.
From the chest get coins, sweet medallions and, of course, the main relic of the tribe is an outdoor calendar. It should be bright and impressive sizes.

1st Indian:
"We are grateful to you for your help, our pale brothers. Now we can calmly hide away and retire in our beautiful country. Do not forget to keep our relic and secret of the Maya people. Stay friendly and responsive and do not punish strongly these unfortunate villains, who have suffered so much. "

After a part goodbye, the Indians are removed in the blue distance, and the presenter sets the Children's question:
"Guys, what do we do with these people?"
Indicates robbers.

The discussion is tied between the participants, which punishment deserve evil, arrogant and aggressive people.

As a result, the presenter proposes to pass them into the police and judge according to the laws of the country. Children agree, the lead is gaining a number (reminding children the police phone) and causes an outfit.

"That ended our unexpected journey.
I hope that each of you realized that it is good, friendly and kind to be much better than getting into the whole world and think only about your good.
Thank you, kids, for your brave and responsive hearts.
See you soon!"

Age restrictions: Children younger school age - from 7 to 12 years;
number of participants: From 3-4 people to 10-13.

Two detectives - adult men, possibly, from among the parents of the participating children (the first image like Sherlock Holmes, the second - the sheltered detective, constantly sneezing, rubbing his nose; he will be a criminal);
Participants in the search group - children;
The presenter is an adult who leads a festive show and sums up all the action to the playful situation.

Scenery, costumes, props

For the suits of the detectives, prepare two long raincoats, one Wear a hat without fields, and give the second (criminal) sunglasses. Be sure to distribute the detectives gloves, magnifiers, glasses and pistols. For truth, turn one English mustache one of them. You will also need a festive cake, beautifully decorated and impressive sizes.


Children are having fun at the holiday (birthday, New Year etc.). The presenter invites everyone to go through the table and taste a festive cake. At that moment, when it is time to share it, it turns out that the cake disappeared.

Leading in confusion informs children about the disappearance.

Then both detective appear. Adventures are spinning around the search for a festive cake. In the end, it turns out that he had a healing detective and there is the very thief, and his cold is just a cover, so as not to issue his true "I".

Stroke Game

Party in full swing, children are having fun and conduct various contests. The presenter offers a little rest, but at the same time and eat. Invited departs to the table.

Once it comes to the dessert, the presenter goes to another room and returns in amazement:
"Guys, and the cake disappeared! (Calls several children's names), go after me, maybe you can find a loss. "

The guys together with the lead go to the kitchen and are convinced that the cake really disappeared. After that return to the room and talk about it all the rest.

"So what's now? The holiday will remain unfinished without a solemn tasting of the cake. How to be? Where to look for a missing cake? And most importantly: who will help us in this? "

After these words, both detective appear in the room. One holds at the face of the magnifier, the second one gnaws and both kill a song from the cartoon "Return bremen Musicians»:
"And Nuh, like a dog, and an eye, like an eagle ..."
Detectives are presented to children.

Wizard surveillance:
"I am a famous detective, wizard surveillance, investigative most confusing and muddy affairs. What happened to you? Your surprised and disappointed exclamations are audible even on the street. And this is my colleague, a secret detective, he got such a nickname for an excellent ability to hide the truth, he now had a little punished, which in itself is strange, because a couple of hours ago he was completely healthy. Well, okay, proceed to work. Did anyone see anything suspicious or stranger in the house? "

Children start to remember events today's day. As a result, everyone comes to the conclusion that they did not notice anything suspiciously.

Wizard surveillance:
"Excellent. Then let's start working from scratch. Are you ready to become my assistants guys?
Then I declare you by the operational group on the search for a festive cake. "

Secret Detective:
"But, the master maybe we will handle themselves without any assistance, especially since children are already tired."

In response to these words, children begin to indignant and show that full of strength and energy. Wizard surveillance agrees with them, because children become the only witnesses of the crime.

Wizard surveillance:
"Now I instruct you, my young assistants, find some evidence. Look for everywhere: under the bed, sofa, behind the chair, wall, TV.

The guys go to search. And about the miracle! Find evidence: the cap from the handle, a crumpled napkin.

Detective appeals to the lead:
"Tell me, were these subjects before the festive cake miss?"

"We declare with confidence that there is no."

The children confirm the words of the lead, because their games were held in this room. Detective is written all that has been said in Notepad.

Wizard surveillance:
"Yeah! Now I am sure it is evidence, we attacked the trace of the criminal. Look, my young friends, look for his tracks around the house! "

Going out into the corridor, the children discover the most real trail left the sole of an attacker. Some of the guys again finds a crumpled napkin.

Wizard surveillance:
"I propose this option: each of you will bring shoes now, a shoe, in general, the shoes in which came to the holiday, for the reconciliation of the sizes."

Children go behind their shoes, and the detective records all the information in the notebook. Profitful work begins: each child puts his shoe to the print.

"Dear wizard surveillance, none of the guys are of the shoes of this size. The imprint does not belong to our guests. "

All in confusion look at the ponderous detective, the secret of the same detective stands a little away, shook and sneezing.

Wizard surveillance:
"I do not see other options, how to arrange a mini-interrogation of each of those present. You all take turns will be needed to tell me where they were in the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a time. In general, you must secure Alibi. Forward!"

A quick individual interview of the witnesses of the abduction begins. Unfortunately, he also does not lead to anything. Neither the children nor the lead could not kidnap the cake, as they were engaged in games and contests.

Wizard surveillance:
"Then I am in complete confusion. Who could do it? At the same time I stood in a traffic jam on the next street. "

Complete silence comes, everyone is silent, and the surveillance wizard is thoughtfully scratching his head. Silence interrupts loud chih. All present turns around and see a secret detective, diligently blowing into a white napkin.

If the kids did not guess that the secret detective is a criminal, the wizard of the surveillance brings the wanted to the end:
"Multivated secret detective, you could not give me ball handle, otherwise I lost myself. "

The second detective without rear thought passes the handle to the master. He solemnly raises her up so that the guys saw the subject. Then pulls out the found cap-evidence from the pocket and demonstratively puts him on the handle. Ideal similarity! Silence comes, everyone is in shock, and a secret detective is trying to evaporate from the room.

"Keep it!"

Children throw to the exit and detain a criminal who is trying to fight back from tickling and cigarette. After a short "torment," under pressure from children's perseverance, a secret detective traitor reveals a secret and tells where he hid the stolen cake.

All participants in the search headed by the Wizard are sent to the specified place and find a loss. After that, they arrange a feast.

Secret Detective:
"You forgive me, children. The thing is that I love sweets since childhood. Only in my childhood there were no such confectionery sizes, and if they appeared, I got the smallest piece. I dreamed of a huge birthday cake, which was not resistant. Excuse me please!"

"Well, children, maybe forgive the guilty? After all, not everyone stands before such yummy. Moreover, he sincerely repent! "

Children forgive the kidnapper and sit down at the table, slicing a solid piece of cake. Coming universal idyll.

Age restrictions:for junior and middle school age from 6 to 13-14 years.


Two ship robots. They can play adults from among those invited or even with her husband.
One of the robots will be an on-board computer. His task includes an announcement by the "electronic" voice of any gaming information. At the same time, it will ride behind the sterelet, that is, at a computer or laptop, and periodically turn on or off the noise effects and musical accompaniment games.
The second robot is an assistant. He speaks the same "electronic" voice as the on-board computer, but can move and transfer objects. One curious detail: This robot is obliged to fulfill any orders of captain team. However, it should not be shown immediately. During the game, this robot is engaged in changing scenery, brings the necessary props and gives way to the on-board computer.
For robots you can come up with some funny names. So, the on-board computer it is quite possible to give a name by the name of the ship, for example, "Apollo-89", or "Geyserbummarine", or simply and in our place - "pepelats". Assistant's robot also somehow name: the names of the "Werker", "Wallets", "Ural-1" are perfect for him;

The star landing team is all those present children.

Scenery, costumes, props

To create robotic costumes, you need to cook large paper boxes, plated foil. They cut holes for hands, legs and heads. The boxes are smaller, also wrapped with foil, wear on the head, so they have holes for eyes, nose and mouth. Another version of the costume: the tight leggings of a brilliant color and a hooded jacket.

An excellent addition to the image will be attached antennas. Make can be selected for the color of the costume. Ice cubes to imitate meteorites, small sheets of foam plastic with carved patterns, color plasticine, loskutka, special cellophane slippers (shoe covers) to maintain children on the floor.

Inverted chairs and stools, ropes will help when creating a strip of obstacles. Dark blankets and fur will be needed in order to make a monster. More - a lot of balloons with painted evil faces, gifts for expedition participants.

Stroke Game

In one room collect all children and include a cartoon about spacecraft, aliens and starships. Children stay on view. Once titers appear on the screen, robots arise in the door doors. TV turns off and light flashes.

Side Robot (BR):
"Good afternoon, earthlings! We are glad to welcome you aboard our starship ... (ship name). The interplanetary council chose you and defined the team to fulfill an overwear mission. Save humanity! Our flight will be a real test for all of us. Therefore, we are simply obliged to hold together and be one team. I am a side robot (BR) - a computer version, my name ... (the name of the robot), and this is my assistant and friend ... (The name of the second robot), he is a robot assistant (RA). "

Children get acquainted with guests. The robot repeats several times the main lines of the message about the salvation of mankind. At this time, the sound of the motor is heard.

"Attention! Take up! Sit on the sofa and chairs, close your eyes, put your hands on your knees and knock on them as quickly as possible. Then we will succeed safely take off. "

Children perform the order of the BR. When the takeoff reaches its apogee, Ra is unnoticed by the sofa on which children are sitting, and begins to shake it, raise. The increasing sound of the roaring motor is heard. After a few minutes of the BR, turns on a calm melody, and Ra lights a lack of light.

"Pleasant flight! Since we went out into open space, we wonder the weightlessness. Always keep special boot shoes with you, which will attract you to the floor. We are moving along the developed route at the speed of light. "

Children seems to be cosmic distance and twisted planets.

"Oh no, we have a problem! My on-board computer map was damaged overloads. Now we can easily come down from the way. What to do? It is necessary for anything to replace the damaged card. "

RA indicates participants to pieces of isepated paper on the floor, armchair, beds. This is the cherished card that you want to find, connect and glue. Children along with RA perform the task.

"Of course, it is excellent that you found a lost map, only here is the problem: the paper option is not suitable for reading by my computer. Come up with how to digitize data and transfer them to the computer. "

Children are going together and try to come up with a plan of action. All the same Ra comes to the aid. He silently indicates to the participants on the lying digital camera. The guys under the clear leadership of Ra photograph the resulting card and retain a snapshot in the memory of the camera. You can make several frames for reliability.

After that, all participants are watching the BR competently transfers the pictures to the computer, while maintaining them in memory. It is not necessary to suggest children at once, you can watch how smart they are.

Sounds a calm melody.

"Now everything is normal. Flying goes well. The map is restored, the route is defined. Pressure overboard normally. Attention!"

Melody becomes threatening, increasing with each sound.

"Anxiety, anxiety! Danger. Pressure and temperature overboard drops to a minimum.
What's the matter? We fell into the cloud of ice meteorites, we got into the cloud of ice meteorites! Everyone takes their places! "

Children are hastily seized in places, the music is interrupted, turning into the sound of a spoiled motor. It goes out light (at this time Ra spreads the pieces of ice on the floor). As soon as the light is lit, the children understand: something is wrong.

"Oh no, mistake, error! Meteorites struck the ship's trim. Immediately assemble icefall in the lead bucket. Immediately. Be careful, be careful! Do not hold the ice in your hands more than one or two seconds, otherwise they will freeze you. "

Participants under the clear leadership of RA are beginning to collect ice. Some give them away from their hands in her hand or throw each other, the rest, aiming, throwing ice skins right in the bucket. Work done very quickly.

"Great work, well done guys! But that's not all. It is necessary to close holes in the trim, I repeat, take a hole. All you need will give out. Rather, rather. "

At this time of the RA, it takes out space plasticine, pieces of trim (foam sheets with carved holes in advance). Children begin to fold the trim. The holes form any drawing (emoticon, rocket, sun, star), and the children pick up the necessary color, density and texture. As a result, the drawing (samples from meteorites) come to life, acquiring color.

"What are you great! Even I am a calculating and soulless car - admire your creation. Beauty, beauty! RA, take the fallen trim, please! And now - attention! We make landing. Sell \u200b\u200bin our places, hold on at each other. Our ship commits landing. "

It goes out the light, starts shaking, like when taken (RA moves the sofa). Children try to stay for each other. Landing completed, the light turns on and plays melodic music.

"Landing has passed successfully. Follow the output of RA, move to the exit. "

RA leads children along the wall to the exit from the room, carefully translating them to another room. On the way they have to overcome obstacles: hanging the giant web (woven ropes), acute frequent rocks (inverted chairs and stools). RA shows children how to circumvent dangerous obstacles. As soon as everyone behind, the guys turn out to be in the twilight.

"Finally we got to the designated place. Now - ATTENTION! "

The light and participants light up with horror, they watch the room in the corner of the room hides an alien mandeship, and its guards are located around it ( air balloons With terrible drawn fabrics).

"So he is the worst enemy of the Earth. For several centuries, he dreams of seizing your planet and rebuild the minds of people, making them primitive, turn into slaves. Your task is to destroy the monster, but to start best with his guardians-urbuchins. "

Ra gives children laser weapons (culinary skewers), which they begin to pour inflated rivals.

"Great, excellent. All the guards are destroyed, the path to the monster is free. How do we get rid of the freak itself? What do you think guys? "

Each child offers its plan to destroy the monsters.

"All this is good, only that is the problem. It is impossible to touch the monsters, otherwise you will turn into the space animals yourself. Output one. Control movements. You must choose the most sensible commander and make a pre-plan plan of RA movements. Record it on a piece. Each your team will immediately run a robot. Be careful when drawing up a plan. "

Children gather in a circle and write down the team alternately. BR can help them. For example, take a step right leg, Make a step with left foot. Raise right hand And to hit the monster. Raise left foot And pushing the monster, etc. Carefully make a plan of action. As a result, the monster will be crushed, and its lair is mined.

"You coped with the task, congratulations! Now urgently on the ship. This rotten planet will not last and minutes without his leader. Hurrah Hurrah! We won, now we have to fly away. "

Participants with a loud cry "Hurray" run away to the ship, carefully overcoming the bar of obstacles. RA follows them.

"If everything is assembled - attention, I take off, take off. Help me start the engine, put your hands on your knees, knees and slap what is urine. "

Children are searched in their place and put hands on their knees. The light flashes, and the ship begins to shake, as with the previous takeoff. The flight ends with a soft landing on the ground.

"Congratulations, congratulations, we have successfully landed. You have completed the mission entrusted to you. You are intergalactic heroes! Hurray, cheers, urass

RA and BR are deleted in the room, where familiar children come back to children.

"Strange, someone left on the verge of gifts in the box. It is written that they are cooked for intergalactic heroes. Are you guys? "

Children will gladly disassemble the proposed gifts and emotionally talk about what happened.

Age restrictions:for children of junior and middle school age from 7 years.

Staff - participants who are in one place and control the actions of active players;
Field - players leading active actions that perform the instructions of the staff;
Two presenters - one supervises the work of the staff, and the second - field players.

Scenery, costumes, props
cell phones or children's warfares for communication between staff and field players;
Notepads, handles, pencils for marks during the game;
children's encyclopedias and textbooks for finding the necessary information;
A schematic map of the area (in this case - your favorite courtyard) with houses, swing-carousels, garages, roads, safe entrances in cellars and other necessary details;
lantern in case of work in the dark;
Shovel for digging in the sand.


Each of the adults probably heard about the game "Fight". In short, this is such a genre of urban games with logical and logistics elements. In other words, the participants of the game need to perform a number of tasks and solve riddles, while in the most mobile possible - that is, in the car.

Tasks and riddles These are dispersed at different interesting points of the city in which the game passes. The player team is usually divided into headquarters and the "field". The part that sits in the headquarters, he solves the riddles, monitors the movements of rivals, supports the "field" content.

The part that is in the field is engaged in a direct ride in the city and the active search for tasks and markers, which after finding are transmitted to the headquarters. Under different names, the fights are held in many cities.

Children's option game can be done with children of different ages, Adapting tasks for the features of perception, thinking and promotion of participants. It is best to play with well-known guys, knowing about their preferences and hobbies, as well as counting on the possibilities of each kid.

Your yard will perform as a bridgehead for the game. He is well acquainted with you and children, which is important in a rapid response. In advance, take care of the issuance of mysteries the headquarters and applying markers in various places. Under the word "marker" implies some symbol. For example, flower or star.

Stroke Game

Leading share participants on staff and field players. The most mobiles are sent on the field, and the perfected and calm leave in the headquarters.

Markers (symbols on the map) It is better to apply a black felt-tip pen and make them so that they are not immediately noticeable. Thus, children will need a fair share of attention to detect markers.

All the riddles suggest the question "Where is the cipher element?" Here are their list with digital marks.

First slice of cipher Zarrow at a small depth on the eastern corner of the children's sandbox. On the side of the sandbox, place the marker.

Determine the eastern angle is very easy. For this morning, it is necessary to see that from the corners closest to the rougher sun.

The riddle for the headquarters should look like this:
"In the desert sandy, under the eastern pillar."

The task of field players is to reach the desired "desert" (after all, sandboxes in the yard can be several) and dig the first piece of cipher. For a small tip of children, after the cipher lift, stuck in this place some flower, a wand or put a few pebbles.

Second piece of cipherplace in one of the hollow metal pipes of reinforcement, from which different swings, carousels, slides and other simple rides in your yard are made. The desired design mark the marker.

The riddle for the headquarters should be like this:
"In the metal cold and long, as the iron is wrapped in a cocoon."
Field players need to examine all the designs and find the one that is marker. After that, find a piece of cipher in one of the cavities. For tip, children can leave in the desired tube hanging orange thread.

Third piece of cipherhide in the branches of the shrub. Next to the desired bush, draw a marker on the ground.

The riddle for the headquarters should be stated:
"In foliage that no higher than the child grows."

Field players need to find the necessary bush and detect a piece of cipher tied to the branch. For the hint, you can use red or yellow paper.

Fourth piece of cipher Hide not far from the entrance to some safe basement. Not far is the steps of fifteen deep into. Here the guys will need a flashlight and observation. On the door itself, draw a marker so that the guys are not mistaken in the entrance.

The mystery should be like this:
"In the patterns of empty dungeons."

The guys will need to wander a little on the basement accompanied by an adult to find a cipher. For the prompt, you can apply a little reflective paint on paper. The lantern beam illuminates the paper sheet in the dark, and the children will detect it.

Fifth slice of ciphercheck under the roof of a squat garage in the yard. Somewhere not very high so that someone from the guys can reach the paper. Do not forget to mark the garage.

Tip should be like this:
"Under the roof of a cozy apartment without windows."
Let the guys find the desired building and explore the protruding parts of the roof. To facilitate the task, you can bind a green ribbon to a piece.

Six part of the cipher Imperceptivate someone from the participants of the fight in the pocket. So they will be surprised when they will be asked to check their pockets for the presence of a piece of cipher.

The mystery should be like this:
"In the pants of the wonderful black (or any other, depending on the color of the pants) of the colors."

Let all the guys with the specified color of the trousers check their pockets.

Seventh slice cipher hide under the step of the accessing staircase. The desired step mark the marker.

The mystery must be such a content:
"Look for a stone firm of the parade."

Let the children in the field examine all the porches in the entrance and find the desired one. To facilitate the task, you can draw a bright marker orange color on a prominent place.

Eighth and last, slice cipher Place in one of the balloons, which are in abundance of scattering at your home. The marker does not need here - children and so they will burst all the balls without disaster.

The mystery should be like this:
"In the floor of the spheres filled with air."

This mystery must combine field and staff agents. Together, they will sweat the ball balls and will find the last cipher element.

The cipher must be simple and unusual. For our purpose, mirror encryption is well suited. Take the phrase-phrase "on the table" and rewrite it to another sheet of paper, breaking the letters. Thus, to read the encrypted message to each letter, you will need to put the mirror under certain angle. The leaflet on which you encrypt the phrase, cut into 8 parts. For each letter and one space - your piece.

Parts Name in the correct order and hide in the trended places.

After the headquarters and field teams will connect to the apartment and the children will load in the decryption of the message, you imperceptibly put some tasty treat to the kitchen or dining table.

Ripping a message, the guys will rush to explore all the available tables in the house and will certainly come together for a delicious cake or a set of cakes.

We've ever played out with our children small settings for famous fairy tales: "Teremok", "Repka", "Kolobok".
Typically, parents take on the role of the author, and children play for other actors.
Probably, you did not suspect that this was the theater-imprompt, or rather, a pre-reheated performance.

It is good for similar statements by the fact that the number of participants may vary from 3 to 30 people, and the plot is to change along the perspective, faster than new details and jokes.

Below we give several options for such productions. They are well suited for holding at school, at home, in the group kindergarten And like both children and adults.

It will be a highlight of any evening, a holiday and will remember everyone for a long time.
Plots can be instructive or simple, for example, you can take a fragment from any book and revive everything inanimate objects (Description of the leaf fall, the arrival of spring, the first appearance of migratory birds). But you will not be difficult and compose cheerful story From the life of your family. Allow yourself a little to fantasize. Successes!

Dark night. Forest. Wholes wind. Trees swing in the wind. There is a path between the trees, along which the prince jumps on his faithful horse. He rushed long and tired. Tears from the horse. Purses between swinging trees, and the path everything goes away, while not at all hiding in sight.

Looking around the prince, sees - stands the hut on one leg.

He knocked in the hut:
- Tuk-Tuk, who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a short one?

"I also found teremok," the hut was offended. - Meanwhile, the hut on one leg, ordinary, and sizes are standard. I do not invite you inside: I now have a guest robbing, coming soon with hunting. Come another time.

The prince was posted, he did not meet more such talkative huts. He hid behind the trees and became the robbers wait. Like all the princes, the thrust for the feats and adventure was in his blood.

Thighted the wind, the trees swatched, and the prince sat near the hut, tied the horse nearby, and waited.

Suddenly sees - from different sides, a robber and a princess suffers to the hut.

"Whether they are secretly found, whether the battle is planned," the prince whispered, whispered.

Without looking at each other, the robber and the princess entered the hut, but they flew into each other in the dark, hit his foreheads and fell to the floor.

- Aaaa! - screamed the princess.

- Aaaa! - frightenedly shouted the prince.

And the robber from surprise fell into fainting.

The prince, having matched, looked into the hut and, not entirely thinking, what a falling robber picked up.

"I thought the princesses were not so heavy," he concluded in surprise.

- I'm here! "Princess Mahal's hands in front of him and jumped so that he finally noticed her."

"Oh," the prince embarrassed.

He threw a robber to the floor, took the princess by his hand, and justice was restored.

Princess wanted to get out of the forest as soon as possible. They tied the robber, drove him to the horse and slowly went along the path.

Ratched trees. Dried out wind. There was a dark night. In the midst of the forest, on one, then the hut was standing on another leg, waiting for the lost trails to themselves onto the light.

That's the fairy tale, and who listened - well done.

Ordinary morning. The sun rose in the sky and dealt its rays, gently swaying and as if saying: "Good morning!".

In someone's kingdom, the king woke up. He was very independent, always forced his courteous to do what would make him mind.

Every morning he sat on his throne, looked at his reflection in the mirror and smirked:
- And I'm good!

The king had three sons. The eldest, as usual, the powerful was a kids, biceps-triceps showedly loved and eternally the walls of his hands, from which dents were formed in them.

The second son was smart, read a lot and adored philosophy. He had a tender soul. He was often seen thoughtfully sitting and looked at the sky.

Younger son He was fond of new trends, youth movements, that is, hanging out and "lied", sang rap and danced.

It's time for sons to marry. Yes, it's not enough: the huge three-headed dragon kidnapped all the little cute princesses. What to do?

Gathered the king of his sons in the throne hall, he himself in the mirror, as always, admire, and on the door with his finger pointing:
- Go!

Senior muscles strained, the average even his head from the book did not raise, and the youngest one went, listening to the player and dancing.

They went the brothers every way with their own way, and in the meantime everyone was waiting for the dragon. The first older brother met him. I flew a three-chapted towards him, turns his head, the fire is expressing. No biceps will help. Kolotil-pounded the air is the eldest son of the king, and the dragon could not even hurt, fell without strength on the stone and fell asleep with a henichrsky bed.

Here younger brother I jumped out at the glade and let's sing, and the hearing itself is not, shouting, it dies. But the dragon, it turns out, was the perfect rumor, he loved the classics and live music, I heard these uplings, the ears were closed. But there is nothing to go from the annoying singing of Rapper. So I had to detect the dragon with anything.

Senior brothers woke up, all went to the cave, where the dragon was inhabited, and there three princesses are tied to stone columns. They freed them and think how to share. But here one book got another player, and the third dumbbell.

The brothers with their choice were determined. They took girls under the hands: the eldest - with the book, it is necessary that at least someone in the house was smart, the middle, read, - with the player, decided to master the new art, and the youngest - strong: you never know, the forces are impenetrable will be protected?

And the brothers went to their kingdom to live long and happily, but it will be so life will show.

For family seas, for family hills, far, far, where there was never ordinary person, there was a princess.

Every day she got up with the first rays of the sun, substituted his face and played with sunny rayswho tied her cheeks and golden hair. When the princess became completely hot, Freilin resorted and fooled her with herpad.

A curse was imposed on the princess: every day she had to go around the throne seven times, to jump seven times and eat seven times. Only a fabulous prince could argue. But since the spells imposed on the princess did not release it from the palace, the meeting with him was practically impossible. But…

Once, in one ordinary morning, the princess performed her daily rite. Freilin fooled her, trying to sleep for energetic Mrs.. Suddenly, two robber broke into the castle, grabbed the princess and dragged into the forest. Freilin fainted in horror, and then began to foole himself to come to feel.

- Oh God! What will happen now? - She repeated without end and rolled her eyes.

In the meantime, the robbers led the broken princess to the old oak, which grew up in the most common forest. Here was their lair. They tied a prisoner to the tree, which was swinging in the wind and creaked.

Villains happily rubbed their hands.

- Good catch! - They said, clapping each other on the shoulders and back.

Only here is not enough: how to decide who will have a beautiful princess? There are two of them. And she is only alone. Robbers sat down at oak and began to argue.

- No, mine! - They came to each other.

And at this time in the forest, the prince of the neighboring kingdom went to hunt. He proudly recresented on his horse, there was a sword in his hands. Everything testified that he was noble blood. Next to the rider ran a hunting dog, wagging his tail and showing the owner, as he is glad to a new adventure and what is ready to serve at any moment.

Under the feet, the ps rushed shortly white bunny and immediately frightened back, prayed the ears, his tail trembled.

Hunting dog, without waiting for the team of the prince, rushed for prey. Bunny, quickly turning around the legs, ran toward the old oak, next to which he had a nora.

And Oak was still the robbers, the dispute was already to grow into a duel. They began to measure forces as they do in arm wrestling.

Seeing the prince, the princess began to shout and call for help. Bunny hid behind a tree and trembled. Prince tears from his horse, allowing finally the animal to eat her grass.

He snatched the sword and prepared for battle, and the robbers put his fists forward and made evil faces. The outcome of the battle decided the faithful dog Prince: he bit down one robber behind his leg, and the second hand. Non-expected attacks, robbers rushed to run.

Prince gratefully stroked the dog on his head, untied the princess, took her hand, sank to one knee and asked to become his wife. The princess said "yes," and the spell was removed. Young sat on the horse and went to the castle to play the wedding.

In the meadow, there was still a huge oak, under which the robbers were sitting and argued about whose fault they were left without mining.