Thematic musical activity about the winter. Abstract musical classes "White Book of Winter

Thematic musical activity about the winter. Abstract musical classes
Thematic musical activity about the winter. Abstract musical classes "White Book of Winter
In the senior group.

Music director Semenova S.Kh.


    summarize and clarify the knowledge of children about winter andwinter fun ;

    expand and activate vocabulary on the topic"Winter, winter fun » .

    Learning to make proposals for the story.

    Develop speech, memory, attention, thinking.

    consolidate the presentation of children about geometric figures, consolidate the ability to consider direct and reverse account;

    exercise in the name of the "neighbors" of the number, develop attention, logical thinking, imagination; Relieve cognitive interest.

Travel course:

Children enter the music hall to the music.

Muz.ruk Reads a poem.

Krasvitsa came - Winter.

We brought a lot of snow.

And with her, frost came.

He has a bumping ears, pinch nose.

Not angry frost. He brought many joys!

He brought winter fun.

All the fact that the joy of children gives!

Children, what time of year did we start our lesson?(children's responses) .

Muz.ruk.: Right, about winter. And now I will speak winter words, one of the three words will be superfluous, can you guess?

the game"Third wheel" .

2. Sledge, snowballs, bike.

3. Flower, snowman, snowball.

4. Frost, Mandarin, blizzard.

5. Mittens, apples, boots.

Muz.ruk: Guys, what kind of winter games and fun you know? Name them.

D: Answers children.

Muz.ruk: Well done! Guys, now I will make you the riddles of winter fun, you listen carefully to them and give the correct answer.

After autumn came.
And the drifts went.

Snow on the fields
Ice on waters
The blizzard walks.
When does it happen?

Revealed snowy arms,
Trees all dressed in dresses.
It is cold weather.
What is this time of year?

South of birds flew away
Frost came and blizzards.
Stand trees in silver,
We sculpt the fortress in the yard.

White down lay on the road,
On steps and thresholds.
Knows every person -
This fluff is called ...

Who is whiten whites whites
And on the walls writes chalk,
Sews down pouche
Did everyone showcases?

I will not get warm:
Spinning blizzards
All glades wishes
Spray ate
Notice snow at home
Because I ...

Snake in the ground,
Wait a pity in the pipe,
Floating fir snow.
It is winter ...

I have a lot of affairs -
I am a white blanket
All the land shelting
In the ice river I remove
White fields, houses,
My name is...

He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
Disappeared into the windows and disappeared
And the windows rose on the windows.


Dance "Snow and Treets".

Muz.ruk : Winter entertainment is a lot. Let me now call different winter entertainment if I say correctly, then clap your hands. If not correctly, thenlegs :

In winter, mushrooms collect.

In winter they collect berries.

Winter ride on sledding

Winter skiing.

In winter swimming in the river.

Winter skating on ice.

Winter ride a bike.

In winter they make snowmen.

In winter, go barefoot.

Winter playing in snowballs.

Muz.ruk: Well done, and now guess the riddle:

What a ridiculous man

Purked in the twenty-first century?

Carrot nose in the hand broom,

Afraid of sun and heat.


Muz.ruk.: Well done.


Children, all in the circle, get up,

Start the game more.

(Children get up in a circle, mimic movement) .

We play in the snow in the snowball, we play, we play.

In the snowdrifts we step, we step, we walk.

And on skis we run, we run, we run.

Skates on ice Slolzim, we slip, we will slip.

And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt, we scratch.

We love the guest in winter, we love, we love.

Muz.ruk.: And now we will play the game "Nazis Laskovo".

Winter - winter.

Snow - snowball.

Christmas tree-tree

Wind - breeze.

Com - lump.

Sanki - Sanoki.

Fun "Playing Snowballs"

Muz.ruk.: I will throw the snowball in turn and ask the question. You catch it, answer and throw the snowball back.

What is the time of year now? What month is it? What winter months do you know? Name the days of the week. Consider a sequence account to 10. Count the countdown from 10 to 1. Name the neighbors of the number.

MUZ. Hands: Children, what time of year did we talk more today?

Do you like winter? The final song "Winter window again."

For children of the preparatory group

Software content.

  • To form aesthetic feelings in children, cause positive emotions.
  • To seek expressiveness of movements, friendly joint performance of songs.
  • Fasten the ability to use familiar dance movements in an improvised dance;
  • Develop imagination, attention, thinking;
  • Introduce a new musical work "Winter" A.Vivaldi;
  • Educate interest and love for art through the poetic word and classical music;


Portrait of a composer A. Vivaldi;

Musical instruments: triangles, bells, magic wands

Audio cassette with a record of the musical work "Winter" A. Vivaldi;

Structure occupation

Music leader . Guys, today our musical occupation, I want to start with the belching of the poem A. Pushkin

Under the blue skies, magnificent carpets,

Bright in the sun, the snow lies.

Transparent forest one black

And spruce through the frost green.

And the river under the ice shines.

What do you think about what time of year is said in this passage. (children's responses). That's right, of course about winter. And today we go to a walk in the winter forest and let's see what it is now beautiful: all the trees are in the snow, they dressed in the magic outfit, the birds are not heard, all nature fell asleep, silence.

Children under the music go along the imaginary forest and admire it.

Music leader . Look, what high drifts are on the way! So that they do not drown into them, let's go, high raising legs. Exercise is carried out - walking with a high lifting of the knees (through imaginary drifts) under the Russian folk melody "Lee in the garden, in the garden."

M.R. Suddenly, from behind the tree, the little bunny jumped out and ran.

Children depict a hare

And the bunny runs the tricky chanterelle

Children are depicting chanterelle

M.R. Guys are me and in the forest, what are we going to do if you suddenly lose?

Children. It is necessary to shout, call each other: "AU!".

M.R. Right. Let's practice just in case.

Rowing: "Who lives in the AU-au forest."

Guys, a beautiful glade awaits us ahead. Let's rather go there - knees raise high, keep the back smoothly, look forward, hands on the belt. Children perform Jacks under "Polka", music. M. Krasov.

Here we are with you and the meadow. How beautiful here! Snow flashes in the sun.

And now guess the riddle:

In winter and in summer in one color.

Children. Christmas tree.

Music leader. Right. Here she is. (Pulls out a small Christmas tree and puts her in the middle of the hall.) Look, what a tree is green, what kind of needles they have. All trees in the forest fell asleep, only the Christmas tree is not sleeping

And let's drink to our Christmas tree about the winter. Stand rovingly, the shoulders were placed, breathed out the nose!

The song "Winter-Winter", music E. Tilseva

Music leader. I suggest you plunge into the magical world of music. Please take your places. Today we will get acquainted with the composer Antonio Vivaldi (showing the portrait of the composer).

Vivaldi is an Italian composer who lived a long time ago - 400 years ago. He was a famous composer, a musician, conductor. As a child, he studied to play the violin at his father. When he became an adult, he traveled with concerts a lot of countries and cities. He composed a large number of musical works, and we will listen to one of them today. It is called "Winter"

(Listening to a fragment from the music work "Winter").

What music is in character? (kind, magic, elegant, air, fabulous ).

Tell me, what is the main tool you heard in this musical fragment? (violin).

You told me that this music is magical, elegant, fabulous ... And you did not have a desire to play on a musical instrument to this music? (Children's responses).

And I offer girls to dance. And so that the dance turns out to be really winter, I distribute magic wands. Try to pass through all the magic and the elegance of the melody in motion.

(execution of children on musical triangles, dance improvisation).

Music leader: See how to work.

Built here a house for winter ants,

Won how many windows and how many doors.

Heat him and calmly, I am very, my friends are pleased!

Ant looks out of the house.

"Moura's song"

Ant . (sees dragonfly)

Won goes dragonfly along the track,

Very frozen, weaken and legs.

(Dragonfly goes, stumbles, freezes, falls on the floor.)

Dragonfly .

Oh! There is no longer heat from the sun,

Where is the summer? How I danced then

How fun I sang!

"Dragonfly song"

Now without girlfriends I miss my

Without sun, fall and freeze.

(Runs near the Mouvea house.)

Cute, cute ant! (Stretches to his hands).

Dragonfly you praise.

Music leader: Coldly, very cold dragonfly! But what to do, because about the warm house it was necessary to take care in advance.

Dragonfly (Rimmed).

It seemed that there would always be fun

And summer will never end.


Hey, dragonfly, come to the house soon!

Here you have tea and dressed warm.

I invite you, live with me

Won as a lot of us - a big family.

Dragonfly How good to have friends, thank you, cute ant!

Music leader: This is what a wonderful ant, did not make frozen our dragonfly. And let's sing a song

"The troubles of this we will survive"

Music leader: Today we worked very well today, fell, played out. But it is time for us to come back home. To new meetings.

List of references:

1. Audio Cassette with a record of the music work "Winter" A. Vivaldi;

2. Frolova N.V. Theory and Methods of Music Education of Preschoolers: Tutorial

Size: px.

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1 Integrated musical occupation in the preparatory group on the topic: "Winter in music, poetry and painting" of the year Music leader: Hope Andreyevna. Objective: Education of aesthetic attitude towards nature by integrating poetry, painting and music. Tasks: - develop the ability to perceive the works of great artists, poets, composers. - Watch the ability to transmit the nature of music through expressive singing and musical and rhythmic movement. - develop erudition, culture, creative abilities. Struggle: Children enter the hall to the music of Sviridova "Mistel" Music leader: Children! You today entered the hall to the music of George Sviridova "Misel". - And at what time of year there is a blizzard? (Answer children: in winter) - Do you like winter? - What do you like in winter? - What happens winter? (Children: Fluffy, quiet, frosty, blurred ..) Today we will talk about winter, about how artists, poets, composers portrayed it. But first, let's sing our favorite song "Winter Music" Z. Rota. Before singing, you will configure, perform breathing exercises and wept. Today we will conduct a breathing exercise with the "snowflakes", as the topic of our classes "Winter". Look, I have in my hands "Snowflake".

2 "The big snowflake is lying on his palm on this snowflake a little bit. Let's get quietly snowflake lying, let's get stronger than the snowflake flies. " (Children take the "snowflakes" prepared in advance and repeat the exercise) (further grunging. Various units are performed). The song is executed by the Z.ROoth "Music Winter" (executed together and one) Music leader: Winter loved many poets, artists, composers. Look at the picture of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin "Winter". (Painting I. I. Shishkin appears on the screen. Against the background of the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "January" from the "Seasons" cycle, the music director reads an excerpt from the poem of F.I. Tyutchev) "Wizard in the winter is warm, the forest stands under the snowy Bacchomo, still, unwind, wonderful life he glitters. And it is worth it, the dead is not the dead, and not a living bed of magic is fascinated, the whole is unclanted, the whole one is counted, the flock chain "

3 Children! This is an excerpt from the poem of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Tell me: What do we see in this picture? (Winter forest, trees, snow) -What snow? (Fluffy, deep) -diga, as if watchy in the post What winter in the picture? (Silent, soft) -What color prevails? (White and Brown) Let's compare this picture with the picture of Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar "Tale of the Inea and the Rising Sun." -What do we see in this picture? What is winter? (Frosty, sunny) is different pictures? (on this variety of paints, snow sparkles with different colors) Probably, it was about such a winter A.S. Pushkin in his poem "Winter Morning". Let's read this poem together. I'll start, and you will continue. "Frost and sun; Wonderful day! You'd rattle, a friend of adorable time, beautiful, wake up: Open the northern Aurora comes closerly. Star of the North, come! Evening, you remember, the blizzard was angry, on the muddy sky of the world, worn; The moon, like a pale spot, through the clouds of a gloomy gueel, and you sat sadly and now look out the window:

4 (children) under the blue skies of magnificent carpets, shiny in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest is one drawn, and a fir-tree is green, and the river under the ice shines "and now we turn to music. How did the composers challenged this beautiful time of the year? Compare works of two composers: the Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi and the Russian composer of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Both composers have a cycle of works "Seasons". Wrong: How did Antonio Vivaldi displayed the winter? In the first chords, his work is heard by the creaking of the snow under the legs and then what is the music in nature? (harsh, excited) What poem comes to this music? "Winter evening" A.S. Pushkin. (Children read) "Bulk the sky of the sky Crookes, whirlwinds of snow twist; How the Beast, she will win, then pay as a child, then on the roof the dilapidative suddenly straw covers, the way, as a trader, it will stand in the window "Now let's remember the plays" December "and" January "P.I. Tchaikovsky, who we have already listened earlier. (Children remember the beautiful waltovoy music of "December" - ("shints") and gentle "January" - ("at Camelka").

5 And today we first heard the play "February" P.I. Tchaikovsky. The composer called this play according to one of the most noisy folk holidays when the winter escorts and meet the spring ... What is this holiday? (Maslenitsa) (Children are offered before listening to think about what music should be in character? Replies: funny, joyful, fast, loud, bright, festive). We listen to "February" ("Maslenitsa") P.I. Tchaikovsky. (Suggest to children to the next lesson to make drawings under the impression of the music heard at today) Last task - Creative: Improvisation of dance to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "December" with multicolored ribbons (like those multicolored snowflakes that we saw in the picture I. E. Grabar). (Children improvise the dance to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky) will summarize our classes. (Children answer questions about what they saw and heard. They remember the authors of paintings, poems and music on the topic "Winter"). Surprise moment: Music leader: Children! Our lesson approached the end. But what I hear? (Magic music is heard from the box, which was prepared in advance unnoticed for children). Maybe this winter - the wizard came up with something? Oh! Look, our snowflakes turned into chocolate medals! (Chocolates are heard and they go to the music group).

Software tasks: educational: to activate the dictionary of children, enrich it with words denoting emotional states. Fasten the ability of children to transmit pads in singing, joyful character.

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Purpose: - development of children's musical abilities in various types of musical activity,

Show continuity in the work of the music leader and the educator in the development of the children's children.


1. Educational:

Continue to learn to perceive the surrounding reality with the help of musical images;

Exercise children in expressive transmission of sound images.

2. Developing:

Promote the formation of the cognitive interest of children by means of music and visual art;

Stimulate the desire of children to speak out about music;

Develop sound hearing.

3. Educational:

Enrich the emotional scope of children by means of music, painting, literature;

Rise the skills of culture of behavior, communicating with each other, goodwill.

Children enter the hall.

MUZ. Head. Hello guys, ( sings, children meet singing) I'm glad to see you. Our musical meeting will begin with greetings.

Wellenic Song-jacket "Hello!".

In this wonderful day, (one hand on the belt, then another)

Good day. (clap your hands and knees)

Together to speak (one hand on the belt, then another)

We are not too lazy. (Fucking feet)

Hands stretch (one hand forward, then another)

Do not snooze. (hands outstretched, head shake right

Song funny (hands in front of them are folded in the castle, swing)

Sat. (clap)

And now we continue to sing with acceleration. ( Sing again).

Today is such a wonderful weather! Sun shines! Today we have an unusual lesson. Do you know why? Yes, because winter is an unusual season. ( Sweet - Winter). What are sued yourself. Winter froze everything around, sowed ice, snow fell asleep. ... and all nature around mysterious, fabulous. In winter, we have very fresh on the street, frosty. And not to freeze, let's dance, you have a good mood, right? (Yes!)I invite you to the cheerful workout.

The speech and motor warm-up "At Giraffe", Muses are held. Zheleznova (children on the teaching show perform movements in accordance with the text).

1 slide. Giraffe.

2 slide.Elephant.

3 slide. Kittens.

4 slide.Zebra.

5 slide. Giraffe.

MUZ. Head. Very good. All warmed up? (Yes). Do you like fairy tales? (Yes). So do I. Want to get to the winter fairy tale? (Yes). To get to the winter fairy tale, we need to draw winter, look at the magic screen, he will tell us the movement ("Snowflakes", "Trees in the caps and coats", "Bowls of Snegiri", "clouds", "breeze" - reminds M.R.V.), And the music will tell us the way to a fairy tale ... I will send quietly in a fairy tale to keep it.

Music dance improvisation for music. "Pizzikato", music. A. Odib.

MUZ. Head. What wonderful children, you know how to listen to music and respond about her character. So in the winter fairy tale, you drew it yourself. And now quietly sit down, because the fairy tale continues:

Winter comes with news

And with the fairytale.

Magic stick

Warm -

Fairy winter will come.

Music "Dance Fairies Dragee" P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds. (Multimedia projector).

Did you like music?

Tell me what music in character? (Children in turn say - quiet, gentle, calm, affectionate, fabulous, magical, snow)

Is it possible to compare music with winter than they can be similar? (Children's responses: beautiful, fabulous, magical, winter, snowy).

How many wonderful words! (Portrait of a composer on a slide). No wonder the Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky called his music "Dance of Fairy Dragee" - this is the winter fairy tale of snow flakes. They are circling, fly and fascinate our dance everything around.

Music leader: Your burning eyes and smiles tell me that you have a good mood. Look, having heard beautiful music, in the fairy tale of our winter sunshine (Slide of the Sun Sun), Only it is very sad. Why? (Children answer). Of course, he needs to add races. So that it shines brighter and more fun, I suggest singing the Sunny Sun, add to him the rays. (Shows the magic box). Note, rays are different in length (Long and short). Therefore, the songs will be different - short and long. (Shows M.R. voice). Children take a paper ray, sing turns on the syllable "La".

Musically - didactic game "Give the Luche Sunny".

Music leader.Well done, our sun has become shining more brighter and warmer ( slide cheerful sun).And now we will sing everything about the winter fairy tale.

"Winter Tale", words: Andrei Usachev, Music: Alexander Pinegin.

Slide "Winter Tale".

Music leader. We will sing gently, affectionately, quiet, listen to each other and music. Wonderful turned out to have a song.

Music leader. In our winter fairy tale there are sounds of magical musical instruments, here they see and everyone take yourself any musical instrument. ( Children choose and take a musical instrument). I suggest everyone together to fulfill winter fabulous music with a fun orchestra. We need the main man of the orchestra, as his name (conductor). I will be me. We listen and look at the conductor. We play music by B.Smetan "Orchestra".

Orchestra B.Smetan "Orchestra".

Music leader. Well done, we have a wonderful winter orchestra. So we told Swami our winter fairy tale.

And now I offer you goodbye with me to fulfill the funny dance "Winter-Beauty".

Dance "Winter - Beauty", music. A.Evoodieva.

Music leader. Did you like how you danced? (Yes). Well done. What is your mood? ( Cheerful, joyful, kind, good, fabulous). Let's remember that we have helped to get into a fairy tale today? (Children's responses). Cheerful warm-up, song, dance, musical instruments, in one word wonderful music.

I wish you all a good winter mood, believe in a fairy tale and love music, she helps to make a fairy tale. And as a gift you have winter snowflakes.

Good luck to you! Bye! (Sings, children sing in response).

Integrated occupation for children of the preparatory group.
"Journey to the Winter Forest"

Plan-abstract musical classes.

purpose : Deepening the perception of music, through the integration of various types of arts, the organization of musical and recreation work in Dow.
Subject: "Hello, Zimushka-Winter!"
Type of classes : integrated.
1. Educational - fasten the gallop step in pairs, improve the skills of flying movement, teach imitate game actions.
2. Developing - develop musical and creative abilities of preschoolers in various types of musical activity, using the health of saving technologies.
3. Educational - to educate in children a sense of excellent through the impact of music, poetry and visual art.
Preliminary work :
1. Reading and memorizing poems for winter topics, memorizing songs and dances;
2. Individual work with children:
3. Observation of winter phenomena in nature: viewing frosty patterns on the windows.
Equipment and materials:
Music material:
- "December" from the "Seasons" cycle (Music P.I. Tchaikovsky);
- "Winter" (Music A. Vivaldi);
- Phys. a minute "but on the street frost";
- "March" C. Puni
- "Side Gallop" music. A. Zilina
- "Snowflakes" Muses. A. Potenov
Distribution material, TSO:
- paper carved snowflakes, candles, gouache, cardboard sheets, tassels for each child;
- Music center, computer, multimedia projector, product phonograms;

Structure occupation :
Children enter the hall and become in a circle.
MUZ. Leader: (sings)Hello guys!
Children: (sing)Hello!
MUZ.RUKUTER : I have a magic wand. We will pass it in a circle, wanting to each other health (The teacher gently sits the name of the child standing to the right and gives him a wand, and so in a circle).
M.R. .: Children, Guess the riddle:
Called the tracks,
Rooted the windows
Joy to children gave
And on sledding rode.
(Answer: Winter)
That's right guys. (Talk about winter) Do you want today to go for a walk in the Winter Forest? And let's admitting beauty. Let's go through the winter path and look around.
Children go in a circle, raising her knees high, pulling socks. (Step out
"Sugro") to the music "March" C. Puni

Mr.: And now on the cleared path.
Children move the side gallop to the music of the "side gallop" music. A. Zilina
M.R. .: Look, we hit the fabulous winter forest. How beautiful here! What do you see around?
Children: Snow, drifts, trees.
M.R. .: What do you think who lives here?
Children : Bears, hares, foxes, etc.
M.R. .: Guys, look, you also have magic wands. Let me play with them the game "Funny sticks". Maybe winter hears us and comes to visit us.
Children play B. rhythmic game "Merry sticks" .
Something does not hear Winter. Guys, do you want to listen to beautiful, winter music? And winter will hear her.
Children, at the request of the teacher, are sitting on the Palace.
.: Today I want to introduce you to the musical work of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons of the Year". Composer devoted a musical work every month of the year . (Question to children) Call me the winter months. December is the first month of winter. Let's listen, and then you tell me that he heard, presented while the music sounded. Music will take us far away. We fly over the snow-covered forest, you will hear snowflakes conversation with wind. Want to listen? Listen! - reasoning, proposal to children.
Listening to the music "December" P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons"
Guys, what did this music tell you about? (children's responses). What did you hear or saw? (children's responses). And now we will try to express my mood

music words. Here is a snowflake, we will transfer it to each other, and share our impressions.
The game "Magic Forest". Children, passing snowflake, invent words about the winter forest, leaning on the mood of listened music. (Fabulous forest, crystal, ringing, magic ...)
Purpose of this game
: activation of the dictionary, the formation of active use skills by children of all parts of speech.
.: Many composers, poets, painters loved this time of year for his magic beauty, clean, bright, sparkling paints.
Slow music sounds, a teacher in a winter costume is included. Hello with children.
The child reads the poem "Hello, Winter-Winter!" G. Ladonchikova:

Hello, winter winter!
White snow covered us:
And trees and houses.
Sweets the wind lightly flip -
Hello, winter winter!
The trail is conceived
From the gland to the hill.
This hare printed -
Hello, winter winter!
We set feeders for birds,
I smell in them feed,
And sing pichugs in flocks -
Hello, winter winter!
MUZ. Hand: Winter, children know such a good song about you! Listen to her and sing our children.
Children with movements performed the song "Winter Song", words and music M. Krasov
Then the child reads a poem:
Light cloud over the forest
Slepended fairy tale
And snowflakes concerned
Branches of christmas tree gentle
Washed a circle of Sugro
White, fluffy,
Hiding all the moves and holes
And walking tracks
Got white fur coat
Everyone will mean purses ...
Dissolved the secret fragile
Clean winter holiday.

Winter : On the forests and fields
I hurried to visit you.
In the mountains and paths.
I put snowflakes,
Woven carpet from them,
From the sea to the mountains!
Around the snow lies
Yes Frost cracks.
- frozen? And let's, kids, girls and boys, get a little bit! Repeat after me!
Children perform self-massage with singing "And on the street Frost ..."
And on the street frost!
And well, everyone took up the nose,
On the knees knocked
Head shook
On the shoulders pat
And slightly hugged!
(Making self-massage a certain part of the body, the child affects the entire body as a whole. The use of a game massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism, normalizes the vegetaryvous tone, the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands).
: Wailed, my guys? Well done! Who in the cold does not sit, he will never freeze!
M.R. .: Wow, winter! Went with the guys! Let's all sit down, rest.
Relaxation "Snowflakes" mUZ. And standing
It turns on the light in the hall, an image with moving snowflakes is projected into the ceiling.
The light turns on.
What beautiful music is true? (Children's responses)
Guys, and you will not mind if I invite you to visit myself in the hut?
Children perform the "Dance around Yolka" Czech folk music
Guys are suitable for a wooden house.
.: Look, guys, in the winter in the hut flooring patterns.
Winter : Who did it paint patterns on the window?
I did not paint neither, nor you, from where in the window of flowers?
While I slept while he slept
Their Santa Claus painted.
On the Old Man Frost Window
Linked painting inflicted.
Winter : Now, guys, we'll see what patterns can draw frost.
M.R.. shows illustrations through multimedia.

M.R. .: Let's all together decorate their windows with the patterns. And the music will help us draw beautiful patterns.
Sounds "Winter" A.Vivaldi.
Winter distributes small candles ("ice cream"), children on cardboard sheets draw patterns with a candle, then cover the whole picture with a blue gouache. Offers to tell what they drew. His "windows" children give winter.
Music leader: conclusion
What music helped us paint patterns?
- With what movements did we travel through the Winter Forest?
- What song we performed for winter?
Children answer questions.
The music director says goodbye to children using a musical jig. Children with the educator go to their group.

Music director Rusakova A.G.