Human fears: psychology. Khuklaeva O.

Human fears: psychology. Khuklaeva O.
Human fears: psychology. Khuklaeva O.

The psychology of fear is very relevant today. Fears and phobias interfere with a person to live fully. Such emotion, as a fear of all living beings inherent. The nature of fear can have a different origin. If the animals are afraid only when their lives threaten danger, the condition of fear of a person can be contrived, irrational, unjustified. Human fears appear often, get rid of them quite difficult. What is fear, it's hard to say, at least a person and faces her almost every day.

Essence of the psychology of fear

Such a definition is known: this is an affective state in anticipation of danger, while the excitement in front of a particular object is called fear, and irrational fear is already a phobia.

Human fears are an internal state, which causes a real or alleged danger. Fears and doubts sometimes overcome all, but not all of all he develops into a phobic disorder, when there is no way to control their emotions and behavior. From the point of view of psychology, it may have positive and negative sides. The lack of fear of a person a priori is impossible: if a person has no feeling of fearfulness, he would not have survived. Negative is the fear of any object. It is impossible to say that this emotion brings irreparable harm to health, but a person tries to displace it in every way out of his consciousness, and the depressed fear can manifest itself in the form of a phobia.

The harm and benefit of fear are incommensurable. The absence of fear can lead to death. At the time of danger, all the forces of the body are activated that allow us to survive the individual in the circumstances. Doubts may not be prevented by an individual's impending danger. Scientists have proven the relationship between genetics and concerns. Some individuals, the connection of gene mutations, which can leave it defenseless before danger. Such mutations are observed in those who have suicidal inclinations. For example, torture with hanging before execution, which led the lack of fear of people.

Groups of fears

Features in people are divided into two groups:

  1. Normal.
  2. Irrational.

For example, for a person is normally afraid to pass around with a tree, which is about to collapse, abnormally - to bypass all the trees in a row. In the first case, the feeling of fearlessness is justified, because a person can perish, and in the second - the feeling is contrived and unjustified. The influence of fear on the human body is pretty much. Due to the constant stay in the stress state, the body and the nervous system are quickly depleted.

Concerns of children's, conscious and elderly

"The normality of fear" is determined separately for each age. So, fear and horror caused by children when the light is turned off, is considered the norm. If in order to avoid children's hysterics, do not turn off the light, you can see that over time the child disappeared the fear of the dark. The psychological picture should not cause too much concern and interfere with the normal life of the child, then this is the norm. Over time, your child will be able to see his eyes to his eyes and learn how to cope with them.

Middle age needs position as a social phenomenon. In a conscious age, people can feel:

  • fear to be poorer of their peers;
  • fear not to justify other people's expectations;
  • fear of mortgage;
  • experiences before performances;
  • fear of unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • concerns to be rejected, incomprehensible;
  • fear of offending another person.

The elderly, most often, there is a fear of death. They are afraid to remain alone, they can cause ambulance without reason. The difference is seen immediately, the difference between normal anxiety from irrational can be easily noticed.

Fears for women

Anxiety in a person's life sometimes plays a decisive role. In some cases, the fear of being worse than the rest, makes a person work not to twist hands. As a result, he reaches its goals. Women's fears Psychologists are considered separately. Because the female organism is subject to hormonal restructures that affect the mental state:

  • in adolescence;
  • after the first sexual contact;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • when climax.

In addition, today there is too many things on the shoulders of the woman: home care, family care, raising children, work. A large load impair the concentration of attention, reduces performance, causes stress. All the urgent problems that a woman constantly thinks, prevent her in life to self-realize in life. Women's fears for the most part are associated with the perception of the surrounding world, themselves in society. The main reason from which the fear of reality begins is a complex of inferiority. Description Emotion Fear in women fully displays their inner world. Women are all perceived through the prism of emotions, sensations.

Research and analysis of the alarms in adult women have shown that most of the experiences are concentrated not near a specific object, but are a system of fantasies, thoughts that are combined into obsessive, uncontrolled experiences. Among the most common female phobias are the following:

  • fear of the girl stay alone after the divorce;
  • women are so afraid to be lonely that they can tolerate the insults, humiliation only should not be alone;
  • fear treason;
  • experiences due to change of appearance (recover, get sick, perceive, become ugly);
  • unrest in front of motherhood (fear of being fruitless, not to carry a baby, get pregnant, childbirth, experiences about baby);
  • phobias associated with insects, rodents and reptiles;
  • emotions from driving a car;
  • fear of the future change.

Causes of phobia

Consider how fear affects a person. We have a stock of sensations that consciousness sometimes does not want to see, admit. Psychotherapists call it displacement. Consciousness is trying to displace everything that brings him discomfort:

  • bad memories;
  • experiences;
  • negative emotions;
  • fear and horror.

A person is not aware of why it comes in this way in a certain situation, because it does not remember when the body has been negative. And in the body, the experience of negative impact has been preserved. Such a manifestation was called fixed fears. All displaced feelings are trying to return through diseases. Most physical agers provoked by a nervous disorder. Where fear lives, the symptomatic picture of the disease begins to manifest. Thus, the body gives a signal to a person to pay attention to his fear. Psychological treatments are not based on the harness of fear, but on acceptance and awareness of it.

Map of pathology

Human phobias cause a variety of sensations and changes in behavior. To determine the essence of your alarm, you need to draw a map. On the sheet of paper, draw the outlines of the human body - it will be your "self-portrait." Close your eyes and go back all the body, determine, it is relaxed or is in tension. Then try to remember the situation that caused you a feeling of anxiety. In the figure, mark the parts of the body in which they felt some changes (shiver, spasm, etc.).

Deciphering fear card

The psychosomatic map of fears will allow you to determine what anxieties and fears are bothering you. Depending on the body part, in which there were changes in sensations, problems are determined:

  • eyes - unwillingness to see and perceive the world as it is;
  • spin - fear of mistake, not to justify other people's expectations, critics in your address;
  • shoulders - fear of showing its weakness, not cope with the entrusted duties;
  • the diaphragm, stomach, solar plexus - embarrassment, horror to be rejected society;
  • brush - Communication Problems: Left Brush - Fear of Women, Right - Men;
  • face - fear of losing yourself: usually such people try to adapt to society, so replacing masks, sometimes forget who are actually;
  • neck - fear of self-expression;
  • chest - fear of staying alone;
  • abdominal cavity - fears for their or someone else's life;
  • pelvis - fear of sexual sphere;
  • hands - fear of contact with the outside world, which is perceived by consciousness as something hostile;
  • feet - uncertainty in tomorrow, their partner, in itself.

Neurolinguistic programming

Neyrolynguistic programming (NLP) is a set of tools that allow you to effectively get rid of phobia. In the terminology of NLP, such a concept is found as anchor. This is a binding to a certain object, smell, taste, feeling. Every day, a person faces this anchor, without even noticing it. For example, the smell of toilet water or musical composition can cause a fleece feeling or, on the contrary, raise the mood. Aroma or music is associated with a certain event, a person is pleasant or unpleasant for you, so the body shows such a reaction. Conditionally, the anchors are divided into positive and negative. According to the intended feelings, the anchors divide:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile;
  • olfactory.

From the point of view of psychology, this state is a training process. With a powerful emotional or physical shock, any previous signal will be anchor, to which the brain will give a feeling of potential danger. With the help of NLP, you can recreate a positive anchor and get rid of the feeling of helplessness. Such techniques in psychology are called "resource". For example, if the student is experiencing a fear of physics, because the teacher is afraid, is unsure of itself. At the right moment it would be nice to open confidence, fearless. With NLP, such actions are possible.

Search anchor and its fixation

To find anchor, sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes, imagine an unpleasant situation. Then think what qualities you lack not to feel the negative in this situation. When you decide on the necessary resources, remember the moment in which you have already had to use this resource. If you are not inherent in such behavior, then imagine a superhero or a real person who has this resource.

When the anchor is found, you can begin to fix it. The strongest is body anchor. For example, you can press the point on the palm. The movement should not be familiar to you. The auditory option is fixed on a specific word or phrase repeated mentally. The visual version is attached to any object to which you can always pay your attention (thread on hand, bracelet, ring, handbag) or visualization of a situation when you have to show a conceived resource.

Then you need to fix the resulting skill. Return to the stressor in the subconscious. When the fear will reach its limit, use anchor. Thus, check out which anchors it is best for you.

Groups of phobic disorders

The biggest fear of each person has its own. Pathological fear is divided into groups.

  1. Spatial.
  2. Fear as a social phenomenon.
  3. Fear before the end of the world (death).
  4. Unwillingness to stand out.
  5. Experience in the intimate sphere.
  6. Fear to be dangerous to others.

More accurate is the distribution of phobic disorders into 4 main groups.

  1. Biological (natural cataclysms, fear of gravity).
  2. Social.
  3. Existential.
  4. Childhood fears.

Effect of fear per person

Fear can manifest itself in several forms.

  1. The asthenic form of fear is manifested by means of a passive-defensive reaction, the body mobilizes all its strength for escape or fight.
  2. SHUNICAL FILM. It is manifested by a full stupor or aggression, which delivers pleasure. This explains the actions of extremals. Positive emotions appear due to the elimination of negative experiences, which, in turn, activate the production of opiates causeing the state of the euphoria.

But, not always fear helps a person to escape. Fobies of special situations causing stupor, chills, tremor in the limbs, convulsions, inadequate behavior, provoke the emergence of other systemic diseases.

Programming fear

Many scientists wrote about fear and came to the conclusion that fear is the main psychological engine and the enemy of the human body at the same time. Normal fear differs from the phobia of the presence of a rational source. With the normal work of the psyche of the function of fear, a large role is given, because it can disrupt the work of the whole organism.

With phobic disorders, patients often appeal with complaints that when they fall asleep their head is spinning or they wake up at night from the fear of fear. All this is the consequence of constant stress. Fear programming is aimed at adapting an individual to the stressor.

The purpose of treatment is not to eliminate the feeling of fear, but to redirect the energy spent by the body for fear, in the right direction. Increased level of anxiety reduced with medicines. Very often to get rid of indecision hinder fears and thoughts, converting an individual will be able to engage in habitual affairs without experiencing an awkward feeling.

When programming, it is important to understand how fears work and what causes a feeling of fear. It is important to determine if a person has phobias or it is nervous overvoltage. Fear syndromes in light shape are treated with soft sedatives on a vegetable basis. Affirmations are used - short installations, programming subconscious.

Heavy cases are treated with hypnosis. Patients adjust the behavior line and provide installation for the perception of the world and themselves in it.


Fear in human life plays a big role. Our fears run life, help moving forward or pull back. Scientists have as many as many years asked: why do you need a fear person and what does he do with a person? Fear is the primary instinct inherent in all living beings. Phobias are manifested only in humans, because their fantasy is able to build an illusion that the body will believe.

Fear is interpreted as emotion detected by the body in response to an external or internal stimulus. The phobia means obsessive fear, which is exacerbated under certain conditions, is accompanied by various physiological and psychological symptoms. Complete with psychological disorders is taken comprehensively. In each case, an individual approach is needed.

Human fears: psychology. Fear is a negative emotion, which, unfortunately, has all people. The direction of fear can be different, but the essence of the matter does not change. Fear prevents person, stops him on the way to achieving goals.

Consider the most common fears and methods to eliminate them.

Fear is an internal state due to a threatening real or alleged disaster. From the point of view of psychology is considered a negatively painted emotional process.

Fear is an emotional process expressed in uncertainty and strong nervous tension. Fear, a genetically congenital sense of self-preservation with pronounced emotional and faithful manifestations, is designed to mobilize the internal forces of the body for an adequate response of avoiding behavior.

Fear of love loss. Such a type of fear develops most often due to uncertainty in stable relationships, suspicion and growing distrust. Naturally, to eliminate this phobia, you need to create, or revive trusting relations to each other. To do this, it will be necessary to exclude deception and lies, throw out the withdrawal accusations from the head against the spouse (spouse). It is desirable that the thoughts about the beloved person were only bright and positive.

Claustrophobia - One of the most common fears. The essence of this phobia is a strong fear of closed spaces. Usually such fear as claustrophobia is formed after a serious stress, in childhood. A person unexpectedly turns out to be in a closed space, without the possibility of going out. As a result of strong stress, fear of repetition of the event is developing, fear of closed room. To combat signs of claustrophobia, various psychological techniques are used (hypnosis and nonlineuistic techniques). Most often, psychologists in claustrophobia recommend as often as possible to meet with their fear face to face. So, suffering from claustrophobic people should at least stay on a closed area for a few minutes, gradually increase the time interval.

Fear in front of the crowd, called the science of demofobia. It is characterized by increased sweating, anxiety and scattering of thinking, strong breath. People suffering from demofobia cannot effectively work in groups, in large groups, are afraid of a big crowd. You can eliminate the problem of demofobia in different ways - to conduct independent trainings or take advantage of the new psychological method - energy therapy.

Dark fear - caused by the activation of the unconscious protective reactions of the organism. Darkness fear strongly prevents person to live and work. The fear of darkness is cured using hypnosis sessions, and it is possible to temporarily eliminate such a phobia using special drugs.

Fear of death - Common phobia. The cause of fear before death is usually unknown. Guess on the continuation of the life of the soul after the death of the body are described in many scientific creations. But what awaits us after death in fact, it is not known. Therefore, people have a similar phobia. To eliminate the fear of death, you need to change your thinking and attitude towards this inevitable event. In extreme cases, the fear of death is treated with hypnotic sessions or neurolynguistic programming.

Fear of criticism. Some people are afraid to hear criticism or statements in their address. This phobia leads to the fact that a person is afraid to express his opinion, his position towards something. The result of this becomes a complete infusion in the crowd, a person simply does not realize himself as a person. Critics need to be perceived objectively, and not consider it offensive. Only so you can overcome this phobia. Learn to direct criticism for improving and improving your internal qualities.

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What is phobia? This is the same irrational fear that makes discomfort, and in some cases, preventing normal life. Usually under such fears there are phenomena that are not hazardous to a person. Fear of closed space, insects, snakes, doctors, flights - the psychology of a person is arranged in such a way that we can provoke fear without a reason, from nothing.

The impressive part of phobias occurs in a small age, and becoming adults, we carry them. This is happening under the influence of our consciousness - seeing, for example, an unpleasant spider or rat, hearing terrible stories from other children or survived the fright from the seen, we are afraid of insect or rodent. These sensations are postponed in memory, and later when experiencing a similar situation, begin to subconsciously fear. Moreover, fear is accompanied by painful symptoms up to vomiting and loss of consciousness.

Horror overtakes automatically, he suppresses consciousness. Even understanding that the same pack is harmless, and the ride on the elevator will not entail death, we are still ready to give up profitable proposals, trips with friends, etc.


The symptoms of phobia are accompanied by emotional and physical manifestations. Symptoms may be lightweight or absorbing panic that gives up hysteria. The condition begins to deteriorate under certain circumstances - the approach to the object of fear takes out of normal equilibrium, and if you cannot get away from a frightening situation, a panic attack can happen.

Signs of phobia in adults include:

  • the emergence of a feeling of suffocation or shortness;
  • rhythmized rhythm;
  • there is pain and unpleasant feelings in the chest;
  • man begins to tremble;
  • sweating increases;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • easy or serious dizziness, a feeling of falling, fainting;
  • there is a feeling that you are in an unrealistic world;
  • fear go crazy or become an uncontrolled person;
  • fear die;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • heat and cold;
  • fear of losing consciousness.

The reasons

The following causes of phobiasis are distinguished:

  • Hereditary and educational - if there were people who suffer from phobias in the family, it is quite possible that the next generations will also be fears. Psychology of upbringing is also influence - parents pay too much attention to the stories about non-existent danger, and the boys and inspires at all that they must be more responsible. In an adult age of personalities with the vulnerable soul, complexes arise and, as a result, fears that they will not succeed.
  • Socio-psychological - all people have to deal with a certain decision, to make important actions, on which further life depends. Many mentally unbalanced or weak people cannot make such decisions, so they begin to eat alcohol or drugs, hoping to reduce the feeling of anxiety. Gradually, addiction and phobia, which is not treated in this way, fully covers a person, turning it into neurasthenics with a whole set of diseases.
  • Psychological - the causes of phobias lie in complexes acquired and arising in childhood, the lack of support, low self-assessment, negative thinking, personal qualities (anxiety, caution, conciseness).

Stressful situations, conflicts in the family and at work, once seen or experienced event spend on the reasons of fears.


The meaning of the word phobia implies several types of it:

  • Fear of animals - the occurrence of panic at the sight of any insect, mammal and other fauna representatives.
  • Fear of natural phenomena - fear of winds and hurricanes, water, darkness, heat are examples of nature phobias.
  • The fear of specific situations is an alarm when experiencing a certain number of events. It is enough to get stuck in the elevator several times to start it to be afraid, survive the unpleasant visits to the dentist, get into an accident. Once or several times moved negative emotions against the background of some events, or if close people survived them, a person acquires a phobia.
  • Fear of injuries - the phobia of the type of blood, shots, medical procedures, injuries, fear of breaking bones and others is included in this category.

There are several types of phobias that cannot be attributed to the listed types - this is the fear of suffocation, the disease of the oncology and the type of clowns.

Children's phobias

How to distinguish a normal feeling of fear from irrational fear? When, for example, teenage problems can be equated to the peculiarities of the transition age, which are trained independently, and when fears need to be treated, referring to a psychologist?

These studies show that in 90% cases in children from 2 to 14 years old should be fears, and one of them is the strongest. For example, before 2 years, children are afraid of unfamiliar people, spending a long time in separation with their parents, and especially with mom. In the preschool age, the kids are afraid of darkness, strange sounds, sleep alone, ghosts and other beings, which could accidentally hear or see in the movies.

At school age, fears become more substantial and reasonable, especially worried adolescents - how to study, as the deuce will be reflected, whether it will not be ill disaster from the disease if a natural disaster or a child occurs. Such thoughts are often bothering a teenager, since his personality is the stage of becoming, he first takes serious decisions, and they should be correct.

Teenage age is characterized by a number of problems - the psychology of children is so arranged. In this period, parents must support, do not laugh with his thoughts and do not make fun of others. At the same time, it is important not to "suck" so as not to aggravate the situation even more. The phobia in adolescents is treated, the main thing is not to rush, gradually overcoming the consequences and eliminating the reason for the appearance of pathological concerns.

Who makes a diagnosis?

How to find out your phobia? Or similar conclusions put at the reception from psychologists? If a specialist is taken for the diagnosis, the psycho-emotional state of the patient most likely reached the extreme point. Those who do not notice serious deterioration should be remembered, did you have the above described symptoms? You can also answer a number of questions, thanks to which you will find out if you have phobia, fear or fear.

Among the questions are as follows:

  • are you experiencing discomfort, staying alone;
  • how do you feel in closed rooms, for example, in a wagon coupe, elevator or a small room;
  • are you experiencing fear from being in an unfamiliar place;
  • do you avoid places to accumulate people;
  • are you ready to stay in the apartment, just not to get into some catastrophe or not to become a victim.

Such questionnaires will help independently define a phobia. Learn about your fears, reflection over your own answers.

How to treat?

How to overcome phobias? Are there any medicines against them? In psychology, many years studying the peculiarities of a person, it is said that if fear managed to manage, he and his consequences do not interfere with life, it is not necessary to deal with a phobia. Hundreds of people adapted, they do not concentrate on fear, signs of panic avoid, and the word "phobia" does not withdraw them from themselves. Such personalities can manage their mind and consciousness, so they are dominated over fear.

If you have to overcome your fear, you need a specialist help. Panic covers consciousness, hysterical seizures occur, and the pressure increases or decreases or decreases, the heart rhythm is disturbed and chronic diseases are exacerbated - all this is a sign of a serious phobia. Psychology has studied this phenomenon for many years, so communication with a professional will help in getting rid of destroying obsessive thoughts.

Parallel to the preparations of sedative action, reduced sensitivity - it is easier to fight with them with personal fear. Also possible on the part of narrow specialists, which treat the effects of emotional loads.

As a support, you should get rid of the invented definitions - if the elevator breaks, you will not fall accent, since the resulting lifter will open the doors. Pay attention to the statistics - there is no cases when a person suffocated in anticipation of help. Similarly, it should be done with any kind of fear - to think about it in a positive key, finding the arguments in favor of what nothing happens to you.

People are afraid - such is their psychology, but there are no special meaning of fears to give. It is important to understand that you are controlling your own consciousness, you are responsible for the course of thoughts, and only you can stop the course of negative thinking, replacing them to more pleasant memories and thinking.

"Our whole life is impregnated with fear"

philosopher Lars Svendsen

To overcome fear, you need to know what he represents! It is for this purpose that the article "Our fears. Where to look for the causes of fear? "

Fear is striking us from head to toe. Each of us is afraid of something, whether it is a small child or a broadly muscled man. Each person is subject to fear.

Constantly, day, we are afraid of something. Someone is afraid to look in the eyes of other people an idiot, someone is afraid to lose his job, someone is experiencing that a nuisance will happen to him or he will receive injury. Fear pursues us everywhere. We can deny it, but, as practice shows, such an attitude will not help a person to achieve outstanding results in life.

S.Yu. Golovin in the book "Dictionary of the Psychologist" gives the following definition: "Fear - emotion arising in the threat situations to the biological or social existence of an individual and aimed at the source of real or imaginary hazard."

Need to admit that Fear is the natural protective reaction of a person on an approaching danger.

Nature or God created us in such a way that we can foresee and protect ourselves from destruction. The feeling of fear serves as a protective mechanism for us when the danger is coming. But at the same time, the evolutionary development of a person had a huge impact on the change in the soored mechanism. Now we tend to experience fear not only when something threatens our health, but also in cases where our self-esteem and self-confidence may be susceptible to negative impact.

Suppose you really liked a person (a girl or a man - it doesn't matter), you would gladly become familiar with him, but ... at this moment the protective mechanism is included, which inner voice tells you: "And if he (she) will refuse me? I will look full idiot! " And at this moment you decide to overcome your fear or go about him.

The main thing is that you need to remember always - fear exists only in our head. We ourselves decide to be afraid to us or act!

In order to be able to correctly appreciate the situation and make a right decision in life, let's see what fears can pursue a person:

  1. Fear of death - This fear is in life with every person and lies in the fact that we are afraid of the unknown, which is waiting for us by the feature.
  2. Fear of loneliness - With the development of society, we looked off to listen to our inner voice, so many are afraid to stay alone, alone with themselves. This fear can be renamed as fear of oneself.
  3. Fear of physical health - This is the fear of becoming disabled, a cripple, not a capable person who will not be able to take care of itself and loved ones.
  4. Fear of mental health - Fear becoming a mentally not normal person, so many are afraid to go crazy, lose their personality and individuality.
  5. Fear of human self-esteem- This fear includes fear of what other people will think about you, fear of failure, the fear look bad, etc. Everything that may worsen the representation of those around us is the cause of fear of self-esteem disorders. This kind of fear is the most common.
  6. Fear of violation of material well-being - Most of us depend on the funds that we get on the main work. And many of us are sincerely afraid to lose work and financial stability.

All other fears, in my opinion, can be distributed between these types of fear. For example, the fear of flying in the plane is, first of all, the fear of death, as well as the fear of violations of physical health. The fear of losing a loved one is a fear of loneliness.

At such a moment, a person is afraid of changes that can happen to him. Perhaps the material side of his life, social or spiritual will change. At the same time, the changes seem to be terrifying him. The pain of loss of relatives I know from my personal experience. But even after the death of loved ones - life continues, but we will talk about it in another article.

Now let's figure it out that in the modern world gives rise to fear in the minds of billion people all over the planet?

When I began to analyze where fears come from, then it came to the conclusion that most fears we acquire throughout social development. And even the fear of death, which seems to be laid in our nature, is the fruit of the influence of the world around the world.

If you do not agree, then answer the question: "Why is the child not afraid of death?"

When receiving negative experience (fall, blows, burns), the child understands that the world is not so safe as it seemed to him. But at the same time, until he understands that he has fallen from a high height, he can crash and die, and this awareness comes after 3 years, it can easily be cut into an open window, which confirm numerous cases of falling young children.

But at this age, the babies do not scare death at all. Awareness that you can die and never come back to your usual life comes in adolescence. Before that, children most often do not think about the problem of death.

However, it is worth noting that without natural protection mechanisms, which are laid in us from the very birth, we would not be afraid of anything and ended every day of mortal danger. I think that the development of the human type would stand on the verge of extinction.

And so, I can confidently tell you that our fears have a social nature.

One of the main factors for the development of fear of man is education.

Parents and close relatives of the child have tremendous influence on him. In addition to the social skills needed by the baby, adults are almost every day develop fears in it. Even the slightest threat towards the child, for example: "I will leave you at home if you won't dress," can develop a fear of loneliness.

Therefore, I want to turn to adults, not only for parents, but also to those who have no children: "Be careful in your statements and show respect and love for the child!"

The main mechanism that is able to destroy the negative impact is love and support. If the parent love his children and always try to help them in overcoming difficulties, support them and show compassion, the development of fear of a child is to minimize.

Another, but no less important, the source of infection with a sense of fear is media. And I will not be afraid to say that television and the Internet are now giving us with fear.

People who spend a lot of time before TV or viewing news sites are more susceptible to fear for their lives and the lives of loved ones than those who do not. But this situation has developed only because a person, by virtue of its natural characteristics, is inclined to perceive and worry fear. Only the person himself is responsible for his life, and only he can decide to be afraid of him or act!

If you are worried about the fear that prevents you from living, then you must read the article "How to defeat fear?" which appears on our site in the near future. In it, I will tell you what are the effective methods of fighting fear. And you will definitely achieve the goal! Subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss a lot of interesting things.

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What is fear for an adult, why he arises and what can be dangerous. Causes and varieties of phobias, their influence on life. How to overcome your fear.

The impact of fears and phobias on life

In itself, fear of adults is the normal reaction of the human psyche on the danger factor, it often plays a protective role. Sometimes the reflexes laid in the psyche can save the lives both by the person and people who are around.

At the same time, fear is one of the symptoms of anxious-depressive and panic disorders, different phobias. These nosologies are pathological reactions to causal factors and are able to significantly affect the quality of human life. When fears are stable, a person limits their life because of them, refuses many opportunities.

The neurotic fear that finds binding in time, to the situation or subject, finds the form of phobia. It can constantly force a person to feel the symptoms of fear, or it can be expressed in the form of attacks. Regardless of this, phobia significantly worsens the normal mode of human life, affects working relationships, understanding in the family.

The world of a person with fear is significantly narrowed and limited. The monophula itself puts the framework, forbidding yourself. For example, fear of entering the street (agoraphobia), ride in the elevator (claustrophobia), to be at the height (acrofobia) and other phobias significantly limit people's capabilities.

Fear not tied to a specific situation is a permanent sense of anxiety. The person is waiting for an inevitable danger all the time. Naturally, with such a situation, it is not worth talking about the quality of life, as life is completely in the power of anxious sensation.

The main causes of fears in adults

The modern world considers the multifactor theory of the origin of fears. This means that several reasons can tell the formation of one or another phobia. The emergence of such disorders is not excluded only because of one reason, but it happens much less frequently.

The causes of fears in adults may be such:

  • Organic pathology. Of all the sorts of injury, infection and brain damage, which led to a change in its structure and visible on tomographic pictures, can cause the formation of phobia in humans.
  • Genetic factor. Fears are undoubtedly transferred by inheritance. It was repeatedly proven by researchers in this area. If the nature of the characteristic neurosis of fear was observed, it means that the younger generation has a tendency to the development of phobias, both in childhood and adult age.
  • Powerful stress factor. A single situation that had a significant impact on a person can provoke the formation of fear. Long stresses that were accompanied by fear can also lead to the formation of a resistant disorder.
Models of formation of fear or phobia differ depending on the course of the mental illness, which explains this process. If we consider the neurophysiological model, it should be indicated that the cause of the development of fear is the initiation of certain neural centers in the brain. Then the reticular formation is activated, which transmits the fibers information of the cerebral core.

Any motivation of the body in order of queue is satisfied with the cortex of the brain. Fair is capable of blocking this sequence. He becomes the only experience of man, fully covered by consciousness. In such cases, a stupor is described or on the contrary, a panic reaction.

The stressful reaction itself can cause vibrations of hormones in the blood. Catecholamine release provokes a somatic reaction to stress in the form of fear. Directly when memories or the presence of a stress factor, the hypothalamus throws the hormone corticotropin into the blood. It contributes to the activation of adrenal glands, emission of norepinephrine and adrenaline. These hormones can escalate the vessels, increase blood pressure, cause trembling limbs.

Signs of the development of fears and phobias

The psychic and physical component of fear syndrome in adults together give a rather detailed picture. Whatever the person was afraid, these signs are like each other. The most similarities consider physical manifestations, they cannot be monitored, and they arise regardless of the desire of a person.

Physical or somatic signs of fear:

  1. heart palpitations;
  2. lump in throat or dryness;
  3. constant motor anxiety;
  4. the skin is covered with cold later;
  5. shiver;
  6. frequent urges for urination;
  7. diarrhea.
These signs can manifest themselves partially or completely depending on the human body and the peculiarities of its response to stress factors.

Mental manifestations of fear are diverse and can take various forms. Depending on the actual fear or neurotic (there is no visible reason), the symptoms are observed either in a specific situation or constantly.

In the first case, a person is experiencing unpleasant somatic manifestations and psychological stress, the feeling of approaching something bad almost immediately after a collision with the factor of impact or even when the memories of it. For example, the fear of speeches in public is manifested both when memominized that it is to go on stage and immediately before going out.

In the second case, neurotic fear is not tied to any place or situation, but it is not easier. Such people are experiencing a permanent sense of danger, live in alarm and expect an imminent. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud called this condition "the neurosis of fear."

Also to express yourself fear can in a variety of short-term reactions. Most often it is a panic syndrome that develops in seconds. For a while, a person takes irreversibility of what is happening and inevitable fatal outcome. The loss of self-control and the feeling of helplessness for a shift comes mobilization of internal resources and an accelerated motor reaction. The man tries to protect himself as soon as possible from the situation that has arisen if it is.

The second variant of the short-term fear reaction is an affective stupor. This is an emotional dullness of all the possibilities of a person to move or take any action due to emotional shake. It is manifested by the feeling of "cotton feet" and the inability to move.

Varieties of fears and phobias in adults

Depending on the occurrence and nature of the threat of the threat, three types of fears are distinguished:
  • Existential fear. The fear of man lies in his inner experiences reflecting the world. Depending on how he perceives reality, certain fears will be formed. Existential attribute fear of death, inevitability of time and other similar phobias.
  • Social fear. It is associated with the reflection and reaction of society on the person himself. If he is afraid to be incomprehensible, spoil his reputation, it means that it is located to the formation of social fear. The most striking examples of social phobias include fear of the scene, ereitophobia, scopotophobia.
  • Biological fear. This species is based on the fear of physical damage or threat to a person's life. This includes all categories of fear of diseases (hypochondria phobias), those phobias that provide pain, suffering or somatic damage. Examples of this group serve cardiophobia and carcercofobia.
In each case, fear is considered individually taking into account the characteristic features of the personality, genetic factors and conditions of the external environment. That is why one phobia can manifest itself differently from different people.

It should be considered in more detail the somewhat most common phobias that develop in adulthood:

  1. Fear of open space (agoraphobia). This is a fairly common phobia, the principle of which lies in the pathological fear of open spaces and places where there is a large cluster of the people. This is a kind of protective mechanism that allows the patient to exist from possible negative consequences of contact with the public. The manifestations in the case of staying in the open space are most often limited to the panic attack.
  2. Fear in front of the closed space (claustrophobia). This is the opposite of the previous phobia. A person feels discomfort and even the impossibility of breathing in a closed room, other somatic manifestations of fear are discussed. Most often, symptoms are found in small rooms, cabins, fitting room, elevators. A person is experiencing significant relief, if just open the door. Fear includes the prospect of being locked one.
  3. Fear of death (Tanatophobia). It may concern both the person and his friends and loved ones. Often develops from mothers whose children are seriously sick or sick. It manifests itself in an obsessive and uncontrolled fear suddenly die, even if there is no reason for it. It may be associated with religious beliefs or simply fear of the unknown, which is not amenable to control.
  4. Fear to speak in public (Glossophobia). This disorder is quite common among adults. In most cases, low self-esteem is explained, fear of being incomprehensible audience and strict upbringing. So decreases self-confidence, and the person is panicked by the public.
  5. Fear to redden in front of people (erythrofobia). This is a fear of the emergence of red spots on the face due to the stressful situation. In essence, this is a vicious circle for a person who is shy and confused in humans. He is afraid to redden because it is afraid to be before the public, because it is afraid to redden.
  6. Fear to stay alone (autofobia). It manifests itself in the pathological fear of a person to stay alone with him. Fear is associated with the fear of the likelihood of a suicide. It should be said that statistics show the negative dynamics of suicide among autophobes. It is manifested by anxiety, sweating and attacks of panic, if a person left one indoors.
  7. Fearless Heart Diseases (Cardophobia). This is a pathological condition that provides somatic manifestations without the presence of the disease itself. Man complains about unpleasant sensations in the field of heart, strong heartbeat, nausea. Often these symptoms are able to interfere with what it is engaged in, and perceived by doctors as a heart disease, but after the necessary surveys it is not detected.
  8. Fear of fear with cancer (carchatalophobia). This panic fear is sick of malignant oncological nosologies. By nature, it is closely connected with the fear of death and develops due to the stressful situation. This may be a disease of someone from close, acquaintances or simply saw cancer on unfamiliar people. A huge role can play the presence of a hypochondriatic personality and the presence of a pair of indirect symptoms.
  9. Fear to experience pain (algophobia). The fundamental phobias for many other species, including visits to the doctor and even medical manipulations. A person under any pretext is trying to avoid the slightest manifestations of physical pain, sometimes abuses painful. It is manifested by anxiety and concerns about the upcoming test of pain.

Important! The feeling of fear is fighting a person and can lead to fatal consequences, both for themselves and for others.

How to overcome fears in an adult

Fears can be a component of much larger syndrome or nosology, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist. That is why if there are fear symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The disease, the manifestation of which he acts, can be both from a psychiatric register and from somatic.

Fears are often included in the structure of schizophrenia, disturbing and neurotic disorders, panic attacks, hypochondria, depression. It is often observed in bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases accompanied by angina. The diagnosis of treatment will be dictated correctly. That is why only the doctor is competent in the question, how to treat fears in adults.

Every person who is afraid of anything needs to be realized that fear is far from forever. There are many techniques and methods of psychotherapy that can help with this problem. An obstacle to recovery is a human reaction - shame for their phobias. Usually, in society, it is not customary to talk about their fears, recognition in the dementibility and vulnerability hurts a person for living. But boldly looking at his phobiam in the face and taking the necessary measures, you can get rid of them once and for all.

One of the most common methods how to cure fears in adults is humility. No one forces a person to fight his phobias or deny them, to convince them in their nonsense - it is useless. Therefore, psychologists recommend not to be ashamed of their feelings and in parallel to do what is needed, even if scary. A person who realizes that he is afraid (after all, is his essence), but still has to do something, it will easily overcome this barrier over time.

For example, fear of performances in the public often leads to the horror of those who should now go to the scene. A person who confidently decided to get rid of his phobia must come out with his fear. Fear and act at the same time - this is the present decision for this case.

Also a good effect of treating fears in adults can give visualization of the result achieved. If the phobia interferes to achieve high career growth or family well-being, it is necessary to imagine life without it, which would be no fear. Then overcome their fears will be much easier, because knowing what you are fighting, it is easier to fight.

How to overcome fear of an adult - watch the video:

Human fears - His protection until they cease to act for good. Fixing on negative experiences, they are able to launch families, careers and even life, so it is so important to realize the pathology of their phobias in time.