Wolf and Kozdyat - Cultural Center inspiration. Scenario of the musical performance "Wolf and Seven Cats" Methodical development on the topic of a wolf and seven goats spectacle

Wolf and Kozdyat - Cultural Center inspiration. Scenario of musical performance
Wolf and Kozdyat - Cultural Center inspiration. Scenario of the musical performance "Wolf and Seven Cats" Methodical development on the topic of a wolf and seven goats spectacle

The play fully corresponds to the original fairy tale except for the final. The text is stylized under the goat song. Main Music Topic - R.N.P. "I'm sitting on the pebble" with variations in the execution of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments. Additional musical themes "In the forge", "Oh, yes in the Listkey." The number of participants is from 13 people (the number of roles without words - blacksmiths, Christmas tree - at the discretion of the director).




Piece for the Children's Theater


Scoop-Plogari - 4



Kozdyat -7.

Christmas tree - 2-4

The scenery of the "Forest" and "bushes" are arranged to the right of the scene. Left - "Goat House".

The lodkari-scroopes come out, sit on the chairs. Play Russian folk melody"I'm sitting on pebble".

1 Build:

Around the corner, for high

Yes beyond the rivers deep

2 Build:

For non-brands

Yes behind the forests dark

3 Crumble:

Horned goat lived,

With guys-kids.

Goat with goats come out of the left skewers and drive away the dance. With the end of the music of a kids are hiding in the house.


Locked, climbing

Yes, from the forest, Mama Dzhiddayzheny.

The goat waves goatts to the handkerchief and goes into the forest. Lodkari play"I'm sitting on pebble".

4 Build:

Sulk grass goat,

Will get the goat of the water to the student

He will come home, comes home -

Goats Song sings.

Going goat, comes to the house, knocking, sings. A wolf comes out of the right kulis, hides behind the bushes, because of the bushes peeps and overhears.


Kids, children!

Saved, opened!

1 goat:

Our mother came,

Milk brought!

2 goats:

Goats, children,

Take the most likely to our Mother!

Cats spirate the door, goat enters the house.

Musical . The wolf goes to the middle.


Good goat, yes horned,

Better I will live in kids.

Here goes the goat on your meadows,

Cheating goat and remove.

The wolf is hiding in the bushes.

Goat with kids come out for the middle and water dance with singing"I'm sitting on the pebble."

Goat: Goats, are you located?

Cats: Yes!

Goat: Guys, did you drink?

Cats: Yes!


You go home, locked

And before the evening I have been lying!

Cats run away into the house and close the door. The goat waves the handkerchief and goes into the forest. Lodkari play"I'm sitting on the pebble."

The wolf sneaks to the house and sings a rude voice.


You are a deuber! You are kids!

Dropped, discouraged

Your mother came,

Milk brought.

Full wovers water!

3 goats:

You are not a mother, you are a deceiver wolf,

4 goats:

And sings not so our mother,

You will not challenge you!

Wolf leaves.

1 Build:

Did not let the wolf gray house.

He went to the for a smaller, the blacksmith found

2 Build:

And told himself the throat,

Spring-scomeriers play"In the forge".

Musical fragment of Overture M Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila". It turns out the wolf, hesitates, shifts in a goat.


And now I will go eat,

What are the words pay the goat.

Wolf, hiding behind the bush.

Going a goat, comes to the house, knocks and sings. And the wolf listens carefully.


Kids, children!

Saved, opened!

Your mother came -

Milk brought;

Milk is running

From the smoothing of a hoofer,

From the kid in cheese earth!

1 goat:

This mother came,

Milk brought!

2 goats:

Goats, children,

Open the door to our Mother!

3 goats:

Wolf came to us, sang a song to us.

4 goats:

5 goats:

We did not open the door in the house we,

They did not fall into the paw wolves gray.


Well done my guys!

Crushed goggles!

Wolf gray can not spit -

He wants to eat you, my deubs.

Climbing, locked,

Only me alone.

The goat waves the handkerchief, goes into the forest. Cats are locked out the door.

Musical fragment of Overture M Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

The wolf goes to the middle, telling a thin voice.


You are intelligent, pallowed -

Yes, and a gray wolf is not a scroll.

I remembered all your song

Sintering up to the house, sings a thin voice.


Kids, children!

Saved, opened!

Your mother came - milk brought;

Milk is running

From the smoothing of a hoofer,

From the kid in cheese earth!

6 goats:

Kids, children!

This is a song of our Mother!

7 goats:

Dispi rather, children!

Goat open the door, wolf catches them in a bag. Musicalfragment of Overture M Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila". 1 goat hides behind the stove. Wolf with bag leaves.

The goat comes from the forest to the house.


Kids, children!

Saved, opened!

3 Crumble:

Do not meet the goat children,

Do not run towards the goat

4 Build:

The door is tested,

It can be seen, the trouble has happened!


Where, where are you, my goats,

Spent your mother!

1 goals run out of the house, the goat hugs it.

1 goat:

Forgive us, our Mother -

Due to your goats:

All goats caught and left with a bag.


Oh, what are you, my deubs

Unscrewed-got up

Did you get an evil wolf?

Wolf comes out.


Will you, goat, sin on me?

I didn't cradle goat, I did not eat a goat.

Full, trick, tears shed,

Come out, goat, go to the forest with me!


Oh, I do not believe the wolf gray!

With a wolf in the forest I will go and goat I will find!

Spring-scomeriers play"Oh, yes in the line". The goat with a wolf go to the forest, the Christmas tree leads around them a dance, suitable to the bag.


We are closely here! Wolf want to eat us!

Unleash us! Save us!

The goat runs to the bag, go beats.


I have a horns of an acute blade,

Love Horn to you in Boca!

Clean the wolf, from my eyes!

And the goat goes home.

Goat leans his head and comes to the wolf. The wolf is five and runs away into the forest.

1 Build:

Wolf flew to run from all legs.

2 Build:

And to the goat since then did not go to the courtyard.

3 Crumble:

And the drive is horny with the guys-kids

  • Goat with a short song, 1, 2 goats, goat enters the house.
  • The wolf goes to the middle and hiding again. Wolf music.
  • Horror with singing "I am on Pamushka."
  • Goat and all goats, farewell, goats in the house,Goat to the forest. Orchestra.
    1. Wolf outlet.
    2. Wolf Song with a rough voice, 3, 4 goats
    3. Wolf care, 1, 2 buckle
    4. Orchestra "In Forge"
    1. The wolf with a thin voice goes into the bushes.
    2. Exit and full goat song.
    3. Goat and 1, 2,3,4,5 kids
    4. Farewell and goat care.
    1. Wolf output with a thin voicewolf music.
    2. Wolf Song with a thin voice, 6, 7 goats.
    3. 2,3,4,5,6,7 kids "in a bag" and in the forest, wolf music, wolf care.
    1. Goat output, short song, 3.4 scaffes
    2. Goat and 1 goat, giving goats.
    3. The output of the wolf to the music of the wolf.
    4. Wolf and goat.
    1. Double dance snake with Christmas trees. Orchestra "Oh, yes in the Listkey".
    2. Goat the gathering, the goat takes a goat on the middle.
    3. The goat drives the wolf, 1,2,3,4 crumbs.
    1. Orchestra "I am on Pamushka"
    2. Goat and goat bowl, orchestra
    3. Bow-care Wolf and Christmas tree, orchestra.
    4. Bow-departure of the scrooches.

    The wolf and seven goats are an interesting children's performance, which is perfect for family viewing. According to the plot of production, the life of heroes is going on. On the scene, the father-goat in the captain's cap will be strolled. Around the goat cotton slim mother-goat with a thin voice. But this idyll is destroyed when it is found that the goat is disappeared. The culprit of all this was the wolf. In this formulation, he is dressed as a rocker, and its external cunning is drowning in charming. In the formulation of many jokes, songs, music and dancing. Partially funny scenes are directed not so much on small spectators, but on their parents.

    "Wolf and Seven Cats" will become an excellent choice for a hike in the theater along with young children. The performance is decorated very colorfully - beautiful scenery, bright costumes, familiar characters ... All this involves children in the essence of everything that happens on the stage, will make it take to watch each hero of the performance, not having a view from the scene. Staging is interesting, easy to perceive, there are many witty jokes, joyful moments and hooliganism. You can buy tickets for this performance standing in advance, since the production is popular, and each next show passes with a woman.

    Children's performance "Wolf and Seven Cats" will be held in Moscow Mtise.

    "Wolf and Seven Cats" are the famous and favorite songs of Alexey Rybnikov on the poems of Yuri Entin.

    A short story that fit: carefree, a little hooligan and blowing childhood, tenderness, care and warmth, love and friendship, joy and beauty of creativity, and a very big cheerful company.

    Merry, touching and very witty performance.

    The colorful and festive world is waiting for their little spectators and their parents in Mtüse at the play "Wolf and Seven Cats".

    Ekaterina Antonova

    Scenario musical play

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

    (On stage room at home, in the house goats and goat, Mom and kids show the words of the lead. Sounds music 1.)

    Leading: Lived - there was a goat with kozdyatov. The goat went to the forest eating grass silk, drinking water student. As soon as it goes - kozswork Drive the hut and do not go anywhere. The goat is grown knock on the door and drown:

    Goat: KozswishGuys!

    Saved, opened!

    Kozswork(chorus): Mom, Mom came!

    Leading: Kozswork Heating the door and put the mother. She will feed them, move and again will go to the forest, and kozdyat Scatter firmly firmly.

    (Entering wolf hiding behind the corner of the house and overhears)

    Leading: Once wolf He heard and ran to the hut.

    (Wolf ran up to the doorknocked. Sounds music 2.)

    (Wolf got angry and hid again over the corner of the house ease)

    Leading:Here comes the goat and knocks:

    Goat: KozswishGuys!

    Saved, opened!

    Your mother came - milk brought;

    Carriages choir: Mom, Mom came!

    Leading: Kozdyat They let the mother and let's tell.

    Kozenok1.: Mom, to us the wolf came.

    (All interrupting each other confirm the words.)

    Kozlenok2.: We did not open the door to him!

    Goat: Well done my kids!

    Leading: The goat fed, drove away kozdyatand strictly-setting punished:

    Goat: Who will come to the hut, will ask for a thick voice, do not answer the door, do not let anyone.

    Leading: Just went goat, wolf again to the hut,knocked and began to cause a thin voice:

    Wolf: Kozyatuch! No not like this! (Thinnight)


    Saved, opened!

    Your mother came - milk brought;

    Kozdyat: Mom, Mom came!

    Other kozdyat: Momin, Mommy!

    (Goat assured the door- Sounds music 3 pursuer. wolf rushed to the hut and grabbed everyone kozdyat. Only one kozoznochok signed in the stove.)

    (Goat comes)

    Goat: KozswishGuys!

    Saved, opened!

    Your mother came - milk brought;

    (in response silence)

    Leading: Looks, and the door is open! She ran into the hut - no one.

    (Lights one kid)

    Goat 1.(complaints):

    Mother Mother, the wolf came. All captured with them! (crying)

    (The goat sits on the shop - bitterly crying. Goat Soothes:

    Goat: Oh you, my deubs kozswish!

    What unlocked, wept,

    Evil the wolf was delivered? (Grozno)

    No, I will not have a disadvantage of children.

    I'll go I will find him soon!

    Leading: Went goat with Kozlenkom In the forest in the search for their children. BUT wolf Meanwhile, I got to your house.

    Wolf: I will have a hearty dinner now! Beauty!

    (Cats are afraid, shake. Goes goat)

    Goat: Wolf Skura, come out! AND goat is freed!

    Wolf: What are you talking about! What I came up with! Will not give it back!

    Goat (Grozno): Wolf Skura, come out! AND goat is freed!

    I get the horns, and the hoof the cross!

    Wolf(fear): What are you, what are you! Do not shout!

    AND goat your tails!

    Skura me its more expensive.

    Without lunch, I look like.

    (babies run away, hug mom)

    (Sounds music 4.) - Total song + Song

    Leading: Here for children of all lesson! You guys do not open a stranger door, do not let other people in the house so that no one has dragged you. That's fairy tales, and who listened to the Moloz!


    Publications on the topic:

    Gaming sports entertainment on the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Kozdyat" in the younger group Purpose: Call an emotional response to the game occupation and the desire to participate in it. Children overlook the music "Visiting a fairy tale" tutor:.

    Abstract Node in mathematics in the senior group "Visiting a fairy tale" Wolf and Seven Kozdy " Abstract Node in mathematics in the senior group "Visiting a fairy tale" Wolf and Seven Kozdy "."

    Abstract Famp classes in the second youngest group "Wolf and Seven Cats" Abstract for FMP "Wolf and Seven Cats" Purpose: Exercise children in the use of mathematical knowledge in the gaming situation. Tasks: 1) Learn.

    A summary of the clagging therapy "Wolf and Seven Cats" (middle group) Tasks: 1. Continued acquaintance with anger, joy. 2.

    Music performance "Wolf and Seven Cats" Music play "Wolf and Seven Cats" Presenter: Hello, guests are expensive, we will show you today "Wolf and Seven Goat", but at all.

    Abstract Node for the development of speech in the second youngest group "Wolf and Seven Cats" Node stroke 1. In the introductory part of the educator, do you like to listen to fairy tales? Name them. I suggest you go on a trip to the heroes of one.

    Scenario of theatrical formulation

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

    (based on Russian folk tales)

    Purpose: the formation of acting skills in preschoolers in the process of dramatizing literary works.

    Integration of educational areas:

    artistic and aesthetic development, socio-communicative development, physical development, speech development, cognitive development.

    Software tasks:

    1. Develop imagination and fantasy, create conditions for independent creative activities of children, develop the ability of perception and ability to reincarnate in accordance with the specified way(O- artistic and aesthetic development);
    2. learn to interact and cooperate in the team, to form the ability to empathize the character of the literary work

    (OO - socially communicative development);

    1. develop an idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle form expressiveness and grace of movements(oo - physical development);
    2. develop a connected, dialogic and monological speech, speech creativity, sound and intonational speech culture(OO speech development);
    3. expand and clarify the view of the world around(oo - cognitive development).


    • Goat
    • 7 Kozdyat
    • Wolf
    • Squirrel
    • Balchata
    • Hare
    • Zaitan
    • Cock
    • Hen
    • Chickens
    • Forty-talennya
    • Messenger


    We will tell you a fairy tale

    To understand all of you

    What good, love and caress

    We need everywhere in everything.

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

    On a new musical way.

    But in a fairy tale in this, everyone will understand

    Who does the main place in it take?

    Music sounds.

    All acting persons get a swarming.

    Children sing the introductory song (MUZ.I. S. Aermolov)

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

    We all know a fairy tale.
    And her for all guys
    We will play now.
    Chorus (2 times):
    This fairytale with experience,
    All, as it should, entirely.
    We will tell you in our own,
    And in your own way.
    In the hall, viewers are sitting,
    And we give you the word:
    The wolf and the seven Young goats
    Perform ready.
    Chorus (2Pase):
    This fairytale with experience,
    All, as it should, entirely.
    We will tell you in our own,
    And in your own way.

    Curtain closes.

    Leaves forty-tale


    Like river on the edge

    There lived a goat in the hut.

    And beautiful, and sweet.

    Moma goat was.

    The curtain opens.

    The goat sweeps, goats play.


    She grew up the guys -

    Very cute goat.


    Battle, Toptushka, Nnieck, Bodayka, Diaception, Smeshka.

    And I'm a kid!


    Mom kiddy loved

    And he learned to host:

    House and courtyard to remove

    Paul sweat sweep.


    You, kids, my,

    You are my guys

    Going to Quicks

    I called in the guest house.

    Dance Kozdyat (to the music of "Rock-H -Rolla")


    And I'll go to the fair

    I will feed everyone,

    Forty-tale carries out.


    Oh, I know what I will say:

    Gray wolf ran here,

    Very scary he shouted

    That today everyone is in a row

    He shifts a goat.


    Oh, goats, you guys,

    You remain without a mother.

    I'm at the Fair for Cappuestion,

    It can be seen, the wolf will come, feel heart.

    Need to sit, hear you, 2 times

    Hush water, below grass.


    Do not worry, mommy,

    It will be all right.

    We know from the fairy tale:

    The wolf is terribly nasty.


    You are shown on 7 locks,

    Open doors if

    You will sing such a song.

    Song of the goat "Dean-Don, I am your mother," music. A.L. Rybnikova, cl. Yu.ntina

    Goat. Let's sing together.

    (Cats repeat)

    At the end of the song, the goat goes away.

    Kozdyat (pronounce in turn)

    1. It is a pity that mom is gone.

    2. She has their own business.

    3. All day again without mom

    4. Well, do not hump, do not be stubborn.

    5. In the house, goat, close the door,

    6. And this will arrange it!

    Goat game.


    Enough, brothers, indulge!

    It is necessary to get into the house!


    Matching rug, protruding,

    Let's clean everything yourself

    Will be clean whole house -

    Here is a gift mom!


    Purely watery floors

    Prepare dinner,

    We wash the dishes ...

    What else would you need?


    Dough to the cake knead

    We will also be

    To mom waiting for a surprise,

    We baked!


    Mom from the forest will come,

    And there will be no hassle,


    Well, all, it's time to take a job,

    For mom you need to try.

    Everyone leaves, the baby remains.


    I am for mommy-goat

    I will make a flower

    I'm gluing and paint

    Each petal.

    Running for the house.

    Sounds of ominous music.


    I am a wolf-wolf,

    Angry, evil-crep.

    I want to go trumps

    And in the forest dense to drag off.

    To open the door to be able to

    I have to sing a song.

    Performed by the song A-Capella "Din-Don, I'm your mom"



    Wolf. Well, wait.

    A rooster and wolf appear before the curtain.


    I would like to sing, like a goat,

    And very, very ringing.


    What did you conceive a gray swop.


    On television is called, where amazing animals

    Surprisingly sing.


    Well, I don't better tell me quickly truth.


    I don't want to live so much, I drought everyone in the forest.

    U-U-y, y, y,. Oh, how sad one.

    U-U-y, y, y,. Oh, how boring one.


    It's brother, trifles,

    You will sing you ring

    And very, very thin.

    I call I vocalist.

    She will teach singing very quickly.

    Calls chicken.

    Cock. Chicken-intest.

    Music sounds. Chicken appears.


    So that goats assimilate the singing

    You need to have patience.

    Repeat a note of lady!


    Oh! I'm tired of friends!

    And it's time to feed chickens!

    Now there will be the whole family!

    Oh! Not life, and bustle!

    Dance chickens, chicken and rooster.

    Go. Wolf remains.

    Wolf. La la-la!

    Wolf. I finally got sick,

    In this case, succeeded.

    Leaves for the curtain (left)

    Music sounds.

    Before the curtain appear hares and goat.

    Goat. Hello, Run!

    Hare. Hello, goat!


    How do you live goat? Where was it?


    I scored cabbage.

    And now here is rushing,

    For kids I'm afraid.


    Wait, aunt Masha,

    You will type carrots.

    Let me eat goats

    Cute guys.


    Sweet carrot, thank you

    I hurry, because the goats are waiting for me at home.

    Wolf in the forest chops a hungry scary wolf.

    Glazes sparkle and teeth click.


    Today, the wolf is not faith.

    Oh, the bushes move!

    Hares run away through the middle of the curtain.

    Bear and cubs come out on the left.

    Sing the song ("Song of Bears" Muses. A.L. Rybnikova, Sl.Yu.ntina)

    From all sorts of disease

    No, nothing is useful

    Than bee sweet honey

    He gives all the power.

    La La, La ...

    Drink tea with raspberry

    And not afraid of flu with angina

    Listen to what the Bear said

    And you won't be sick.

    La La, La ...

    Bear. Take, goat, honey barrel.

    Goat. Thank you for the fragrant honey.

    Music protein.

    Lachats are hiding behind the bushes. Protein goes into the center.


    Hello, lush, cute guys,

    I ask you, help me collect nuts.


    Children, squirrels, come out, help your mom.

    For a neighbor for the goat, we type nuts.

    Dance of protein.


    Well, here and nuts bought a nuts! It is time to go home!

    The goat goes to the screen.

    Sounds of ominous music (Muz.A. Rybnikova)

    Wolf comes. Inspecting.

    Wolf (rubs hands). Now I will donate.

    Sings the song "Ding-Don, I'm your mom",mUZ. A.L. Rybnikova, Sl.Yu.entina

    Cats are built in front of a house.


    Basta, carapus,

    Found dancing!


    Damage so with music

    Sat, brothers!


    Once let the wolf in the house,

    That's what I think:

    Friendly we are now


    The game "Wolf and Cats".

    Wolf without catching a goat, sits on a bench.


    Wait, we are not afraid,

    And do not bother to work for us.


    I want to help you!


    Do you know how to draw?

    Sculpt and glue? Embroider?


    For mom, did you collect a bouquet?


    Yes, I have no mom!


    How sorry wolf, well, do not cry,

    You stay with us


    We will be brothers to you.


    And my mother will be our mother.


    I will rather teach me

    Gift Mom Mastery.

    Sit, wolf teach.

    On the stage there remains a bolt, the rest begin to make the flower.


    That is valuable a gift that we will do,

    Coloring and make your own hands.

    Mastery craft.


    Simple and warm let's say words

    So that the world has gained more good!

    Going goat.


    Oh, horror, here you are, Gray Plut!

    Oh, poor goats!

    (Believes) yes no! My goats here

    All guys are healthy.

    The wolf is suitable for a goat.

    After all, I do not have mom.


    Mommy, sweet, let it remain,

    For a wolf, we have a place.


    Well, well, stay with us.

    Walk around the whole world around

    Just know in advance:

    Do not find warmer hands,

    And tender moms.

    Teaser. Do not find an eye

    Gentle and stricter

    Mom to each of us

    All, everyone, everyone is more expensive!

    All heroes come out and play a song.

    Song "Mom", mUZ. A.L. Rybnikova, Sl.Yu.entina

    Topkahka. One hundred ways, roads around

    Go through the light -

    Mom is the best friend

    Everything. Better mom is not!