When is the day of music in Russia. International Music Day When the Music Worker Day is celebrated

When is the day of music in Russia. International Music Day When the Music Worker Day is celebrated

Throughout its history, humanity has been closely associated with music. Whatever happened: wars, disasters, hunger and disease, people did not stop making music.

In 1975, at the request of UNESCO, the official World Music Day was established. The famous Soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich became one of the main inspirers of the new holiday. Every year, for almost 40 years, festive concerts are held on the International Day of Music, and the most famous musicians of our time will consider it an honor to take part in them.

All music lovers have a great opportunity to enjoy the best classical pieces ever made by man. In our view, music is a relatively new phenomenon. Legendary composers immediately come to mind: Beethoven, Bach, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky and many other creators who lived not so long ago. However, the phenomenon itself - music, is known to mankind from ancient times. The proof of this is the oldest drawings in African caves, which depict people together with musical instruments unknown to us. Alas, we will never be able to hear the music of the ancients. All that remains is to turn on your imagination and sound these rock paintings as you wish.

Another unique find was discovered in China at the very beginning of our century. Not just a find, but a real treasure, in the form of an ancient cache of musical instruments, dating back more than two thousand years. It is absolutely certain that music will never lose its relevance and will accompany humanity as long as it lives.

When is World (International) Music Day (what date)?

The official date for celebrating the International Day of Music was first announced by UNESCO. To this day, this wonderful creative holiday, Music Day, is celebrated on October 1.

By decision of UNESCO, World Music Day is celebrated around the world annually on 01/10. Its goal is to spread musical art in all strata of society and promote the ideals of friendship and peace between different peoples, exchange of experience, development of cultural communication and aesthetic values, mutual respect for each other. An approximate plan for the celebration is provided. On the Day of Music, creative evenings are held with performers, composers, musicologists; concerts with special solemnity, exhibitions and musical instruments, photographs dedicated to musical themes. The best artists, creative and artistic groups are usually invited to the celebration.

The world famous composer D. Shostakovich was one of the initiators who advocated the establishment of this international day. On October 1, when we are used to celebrating the Day of Music, works that are included in the world treasury and cultural heritage are played. This celebration will forever be associated with the name of this genius man and musician. It was from the day of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Shostakovich that the World Music Day began to be celebrated in our country.

It was very clearly noticed by some of the great personalities that the birth of music took place together with a person. I.S. Turgenev considered music to be reason embodied in beautiful sounds. Since ancient times, music is familiar and known to all mankind. In the caves of Africa, drawings have been preserved that belong to long-disappeared tribes. Even then, people were depicted with various musical instruments. The music that sounded for those generations and, possibly, made them rejoice and grieve, brightening up their difficult life, will forever remain an undisclosed secret for us.

Chinese music is one of the oldest in the world. There is more than one confirmation of this. The most ancient instruments were found by archaeologists, and in 2000 a whole museum of this direction was created. All exhibits date back to the 5th, 4th and 2nd millennium BC.

Music has incredible power, therefore, when Music Day is held, composers try to convey to you and express with its help the strongest emotions and impulses. Descendants will always remember and pronounce their greatest names with gratitude. There are too few people in the world who are completely indifferent to music.

This one finds expression through sounds. A person is immersed in it since childhood. What can he express with the help of it! A child may cry to a sad melody. Under the fun - to laugh, and few people will be able to resist the groovy music and not start dancing. It is impossible to treat the works of the classics without trepidation, so they will always sound and not only on Music Day. Music will never grow old and will exist as long as the human race will exist.

Helping to live a modern person, music has magical powers. She is able to touch the subtlest strings of the human soul. Do not forget to congratulate your talented friends and relatives who are directly related to music on Music Day.

Every day we hear different melodies from radios and tape recorders, and car trips seem much more pleasant, the road runs imperceptibly if sweet melodies and tunes are heard from the speakers. Not a single festive event is complete without the participation of musicians.

Music is a good tool for instilling artistic taste in a child.

Music Day is an excuse to experience a wonderful art form. Do not forget about it, instill love and introduce the harmony of sounds of your children and grandchildren to the wonderful world.

"Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds."
Turgenev I.S.
The word "music" in translation from Greek means "art of the muses." Music is an art form. Each art has its own language: painting speaks to people using colors, colors and lines, literature - using words, and music - using sounds. A person plunges into the world of music since childhood. Music has a great impact on a person. A very small child may suddenly cry to a sad melody and laugh to a funny one, or jump merrily, although he does not yet know what a dance is. What feelings a person does not express with the help of music!
She was loved, loved and will always be loved, because music is a part of our life.

Music is a very good means of instilling artistic taste in a child, it can influence mood, there is even special music therapy in psychiatry. With the help of music, you can even influence human health: when a person hears fast music, his pulse quickens, his blood pressure rises, he begins to move and think faster

International Music Day(International Music Day) was established on October 1, 1975 by the decision of UNESCO.
One of the initiators of the establishment of the International Day of Music is the composer Dmitry Shostakovich. The holiday is celebrated annually all over the world with large concert programs with the participation of the best artists and art groups. On this day, compositions that are included in the treasury of world culture are played.

Just one short sweep
And sounds will flow right away -
Mozart, Schubert or Bach ...
Hands play masterfully!
And today is your holiday
We wish you inspiration
So that there is always excitement
Was at your presentations! ©

Music Day is a holiday for all the gifted,
For those who create and play it!
Do not count all the melodies you composed
The guitar sings loudly in your hands!

Let this day, looking for a moment
To your kind, cozy and joyful home,
Inspiration will enter as a beautiful muse,
And Happiness will live in it forever! ©

You loved music since childhood
You breathed her every day
And to the music room for lessons
You weren't too lazy to run.
It's cool on an October day
Today I want to say
That I congratulate you for finding
That you can look for a long time.
And may the Music Day be so eternal
What everyone in the world celebrates
Your hopes will be fulfilled
And all the dreams in all their glory.
Find a calling without error
After all, not everyone is given
And you did it -
And without crisis problems. ©

Congratulations on the day of music

We cannot imagine life without melodies,
We wake up singing songs
We have been falling asleep with a lullaby since childhood,
We recognize the melody with three notes.
Today is a special day of course -
Music day, international day!
After all, music will definitely live forever,
As long as there are musicians on Earth! ©

Poems Happy Music Day

Symphonies of unattainable sounds
You can easily let go of a bird!
And masterly and selflessly
You can play any melody for us!
You are a musician from God - that's for sure!
And we are proud of our musician!
Happy music day, which has become a part of our life!
We wish you not to lose your talent! ©

Music gives us inspiration
Divide sorrow or amuse,
Will give unearthly pleasure
It will enrich us spiritually again.
We want to get drunk with music
Like from a well of icy water
May these sounds flow forever,
After all, we are alive with beautiful music! ©

Congratulations on the day of music today,
I want to ask you to play an encore!
You work wonders by playing music,
You have devoted your whole life to music!
And lifeless notes on paper
They fly deftly in the air, ringing
Giving us peace and inspiration,
And invariably beckoning us again.
Play more often, give us joy,
So that music blooms in our souls,
We are glad to hear the maestro's play,
And your song doesn't need words! ©

Everyone who does not represent life
Without do-re-mi and f-sharp,
Who is used to being friends with music!
Both musicians and soloists,
Both conductors and actresses -
Who is familiar with music,
And who is used to playing encore!
Everyone who gets up to the sound of a song
Who "get on the charge!"
You, music, play louder
Give meaning to our lives! ©

International Music Day is celebrated on October 1st. International Music Day is a date that is celebrated annually. The celebration is intended to once again highlight the significance and value of this unique and fundamental art form, which has become a link for millions of people around the world. You may not know many foreign languages, but music sounds the same for everyone, touching the most secret corners of the soul and being understandable for everyone.

history of the holiday

The art of music has the greatest power, and the festival, celebrated annually on the first day of October, is intended to highlight this. The celebration was officially established in 1975. For your information, the idea of ​​creating such a wonderful holiday belonged to IMC. The initiative of the Council of Music, existing at the international level, was supported by other organizations that operate under UNESCO. It is worth noting that the issue of establishing such a date was also raised in 1973 at the fifteenth General Assembly of this company. Then this meeting was held in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

The key figure that this holiday owes its birth to is Dmitry Shostakovich. The name of the composer, widely known in the world community, is associated with the first celebrations timed to this date, which emphasized the real importance and necessity of such a holiday.

Another important person for this day is Yehudi Menuhin, the former chairman of the International Music Council. For your information, on November 30, 1974, together with his deputy Boris Yarustovsky, he addressed the IMC members with a special letter, in which he told about the official establishment and purposes of this holiday.

According to the new direction of prenatal education, the perception of the world by a small creature begins with sounds. The human embryo receives its very first impressions through the thickness of the amniotic fluid, capturing the slightest vibrations and sound vibrations.

If you dig deep into the centuries, when a person did not yet know how to speak, music already existed in the form of sounds: lulling mooing, frightening roars, and so on. She is part of life on earth. We are surrounded by a huge number of sounds and melodies, most of which are not caught by our ears or are perceived in certain periods of development (children's sensitivity to ultrasound).

An international professional holiday is dedicated to this type of art.

When is it

International Music Day is celebrated annually on October 1st around the world. The event was approved by the 15th General Assembly of the IMC (International Music Council at UNESCO) in 1973, and the official celebration began in 1975.

Who is celebrating

International Day of Music 2019 brings together everyone who wants to join the great and eternal art: professional musicians, artists, teachers, student vocalists and ordinary people with their direct participation.

history of the holiday

One of those to whom modernity owes the existence of this international date is a citizen of the USSR, Russian composer, pianist and well-known public figure D.D. Shostakovich. The most famous musician of the last century and doctor of art history at the end of the 40s. became a political exile, was stripped of the title of professor at the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories and fired from there. His "vacation" lasted more than 10 years, but in 1955 Shostakovich's career was restored, and a new creative upsurge began. The musical legacy he left is performed in various countries. Like many of the world's classical masterpieces, it has received a new direction in modern popular rock processing.

Probably, any medieval festival or carnival, like palace balls, can be confidently attributed to the prerequisites for the emergence of the holiday, if not to the event itself.

Music therapy has long been used by people to prevent and treat many diseases, relieve stress and as a medicine for overwork. And many modern expectant mothers attend musical preparation courses for childbirth and upcoming motherhood. According to scientists, this significantly reduces the risk of possible complications during childbirth and contributes to the early development of babies.

It is gratifying that with all the variety of genres, trends and trends, there is no displacement or substitution of concepts. The frightening prediction of skeptics that electronic music will "push" and kill real art refutes the popularity of festivals and concerts with "live sound".