Characteristics of a scientist from a fairy tale Shadow Schwartz. Ready essay characteristic of the hero on the work of the "Shadow" of Schwartz

Characteristics of a scientist from a fairy tale Shadow Schwartz. Ready essay characteristic of the hero on the work of the "Shadow" of Schwartz

In the drama heroes much more than in a fairy tale: In the fairy tale, Andersen - 4 Hero (scientist, shadow, queen and poetry), in Schwartz's play - 14, not counting secondary characters, Mass scenes participants.

On the one hand, this is due genre features. After all, "Shadow" E.L. Schwartz - a dramatic work. But, on the other hand, the choice and number of characters are due to the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. To understand why Schwartz needed to enter additional characters, It is necessary to analyze their characters.

Almost all the characters of the play are dual. So Pietro, the owner of the hotel, and Caesar Bordjia, a journalist, serve as appraisers in the city pawnshop. And all appraisers are cannibals. Therefore, the phrase said by Caesar Borgia "a person is easiest to eat, when he is sick or left to relax" acquires a much more terrible meaning than the one that could be assumed, not knowing this (it is easier to make a man in his absence, because in Russian The language of the word "eat" can be used in the meaning of "destroy", "destroy", "eliminate"). Finding into a fairy tale of Schwarz, the word loses his figurative sense. Caesar-Borgia and Petro - typical cannibals and eat anyone who will interfere with them to achieve the goal - power and money. But there are differences in their characters: Petro is terribly quick-tempered, just enough for the gun, it is silent by curses, while Borgia is trying to produce a good impression on all, expressing mannerly, exquisitely. But it is not less terrible from this: he kills the word in the newspaper, and not a gun.

I had the greatest interest in Julia Julia. "Beautiful and shortcut, does not see the other nose," we can say about it. She "knows how to read on the persons of Sanovnikov" - in other people a bad one is understood. It is firmly knowing that from her surroundings should not trust anyone, so a smile never goes with her face. In addition, it is always convenient to smile so comfortable, because "you can also turn and the Edak." She acquired such a habit in secular life. And, continuing to smile, she betrays a scientist, only she threatened the loss of popularity. And it is not by chance. After all, she is exactly the girl from a fairy tale that came to the bread creating images of ministers, the author finds interesting reception: They do not speak in complete words, their discourse. Podnatorsis in intrigues and betrayals, they understand each other with a half-clow. These are people masks who are not able to experience sincere feelings: two lacques of the Minister of Finance for the first requirement give him a posture of extreme surprise or extreme indignation depending on what the situation requires. An honest person seems to them much more dangerous to the thief or blackmail: with such a person it is impossible to agree with the help of the method known to them - to buy. So, only one way out remains - kill. It becomes scary for the country, which is managed by such immoral ministers.

It does not cause sympathy and princesses: "She poisoned by palace air" and live with a good person just can not. As her father, her father, she did not make anything worthy in his life, once he accepted a man for the shadow, and the shadow per person. In this she repeats the queen from the fairy tale. And although Louise understands the mistake, it is already impossible to correct anything.

An image of the doctor is ambiguous in the play. "He waved on her hand," lives insignificant, empty events, but he has good soul, he disinterestedly helps the theodor's Christian. The doctor is well versed in humans and in life. He advises a scientist to look at all through the fingers, wait on everything with his hand and master the art shake his shoulders. He himself was not a wrestler for a long time, he got tortured, but it did not make it happy. In remarks, the author writes about him: "... a young man, extremely sullen and focused."

All these heroes created with the fair-made share of satire, paradising modern Evgeny Lvovich society, are designed to draw off the characters of the scientist and annciates that are positive heroes. Portrait, given in remarks, already causes sympathy for this heroine: "A black-haired girl, with big, alive black eyes." Eyes - the soul mirror, the live eyes annciate already give the feeling that it cannot be evil. The first impressions are confirmed: the girl in everything helps a scientist, warns him, only she did not recoat from Christian -Teodor when he was slandered. I think that Schwartz shows through his heroine, which means sincere and selflessly love. No lie can defam the scientist in the eyes of Annutsiates, while Louise immediately, not understanding, believed the shadows.

The characters of scientists are most significantly different in drama and fairy tale. In the drama Christians - Theodore is fighting with the shadow with all their might. He is sure that he will win. Even on the execution, he is not as a victim, but as a fighter, and not having resigned with the blindness of people. Therefore, Schwartz and resurrect him - he needs to continue confrontation with the kingdom of shadows and defeat. Such perseverance cannot be not crowned with success also because the goal of the Christian-theodore is to save the whole world, make all the people happy. This is a disinterested I. fair man, it's not by chance that only his speech is not accompanied by remarks "quiet", "whisper". He does not need any money or power. In the name of justice, he is not afraid to "be one against the whole world," is not afraid to go to death: "I thought to die with honor, but to win is much better." Faith in victory, the triumph of justice gives him strength: "After all, to win, you have to go to death." The scientist is not afraid to go to death, he does not cease to fight, and therefore wins.

Christian theodore personifies the bright side human soul - Dreams about the happiness of all people, love, trust. He is a person. Maybe so Schwartz gave his hero the name.

The remaining characters, except for Annutsia, embody the shadow sides of our life, are peculiar illustrations of human vices.

It is quite different there is the fate of a scientist from the fairy tale of Andersen. He dies. Why? He did not perceive the shadow as evil too long, did not fought her. When the shadow came to a scientist for the first time to pay off, he himself let her go and even promised to no one to tell her secrets. The scientist writes books about truth, good and beauty, but words are not supported by the case. When there is a meeting with a specific, and not distracted evil, the scientist is lost, can not resist him. The shadow calls his former owner with her shadow, he thinks: "Well, it's just outrageous!", But does not accept any action, it cannot refute the lie. He is not a fighter, but only a passive sacrifice.

G.N. Tubelskaya, speaking about ideological banner Plays, concludes that " famous fairy tale Andersen was ideologically and philosophically rethought ... Already in the prologue, Schwartz makes it clear that his scientist will discern with his illusions, will not consider evil with something unrealistic, abstract. It will fight with real evil, in the real world.

Everything that is important for Andersen is the history of the emergence of the shadow and its deposit from a scientist - all this is not so important for Schwartz. He is not interested in the emergence of a conflict, but its development. The conflict has been brought by the playwright to the highest sharpness, to this sociality. The collision of the eccentric who stopped being a passive victim with the kingdom of shadows, where the shadow is natural and appropriate, and people serving it behave like shadows, "this clash will remain modern for a long time, since humanity is always fighting with the kingdom of shadows." With the opinion of Galina Naumovna, I agree unquestioning.

Strange adventures occurred with young scientists named Christian-Theodore, who came to a small southern country to explore the story. He settled in the hotel, in the room where the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen lived before him. (Maybe this is the whole thing?) The Master's Daughter of Annunciata tells him about the extraordinary will of the last local king. In him, he punished his daughter Louise not to marry a prince, and find a good honest husband among more thank people. The testament is considered a great secret, but the whole city knows about him. The princess, to fulfill his father's will, disappears from the palace. Many try to discover her asylum in the hope of finding the royal throne.

Listening to the story, Christian-theodor is distracted all the time, because it looks at the balcony of a nearby house, somewhere else and the case appears a lovely girl. In the end he decides to speak with her, and then it is even confessed in love and, it seems, finds a response feeling.

When the girl leaves the balcony, Christian theodore guess that his interlocutor was a princess. He wants to continue the conversation, and he herself appeals to his shadow lying at the foot, offering her to go instead to a stranger and say about his love. Suddenly, the shadow is separated and dives into a loosely pretended door of the neighboring balcony. Scientist becomes bad. Having confused Annunciata notes that the guest has no longer shadow, and this is a bad sign. She runs for the doctor. Her father Pietro advises anyone to talk about what happened.

But in the city everyone can elude. Here, the journalist Caesar Borgia, who entered the room, reveals a full awareness of the conversation of Christian-theodore with a girl. And he, and Pietro sure that this is a princess, and do not want her to marry the arrival in the opinion of Pietro, you need to find a runaway shadow that, being full opposite His owner will help prevent the wedding. Annunziata is full of anxiety for the future young manSo in secret already loves him.

A meeting of two ministers takes place in the city park. They gossip about the princess and scientist. They decide that he is not a blackmail, not the thief and not a sly, but a simple naive person. But the actions of such people are unpredictable, so it is necessary to or buy it, or kill. Next to them unexpectedly arises a stranger (this is a shadow) ...


Everyone see that the shadow stands up with difficulty, staggers and falls. Friendly, the first minister orders the Lakes to carry the king and causes the executioner to execute the scientist. Christian lead to.

Annunziata begs Julia to do something for his salvation. She manage to awaken in the singer good feelings. Julia asks the doctor to give her miraculous water, but the doctor says that the water under the seven castles at the Minister of Finance and it is impossible to get it. Barely the shadow and Louise return to the throne room, the battle of the drums comes from afar: the execution was made. And suddenly the head of the shadow flies from the shoulders. The first minister understands that an error occurred: they did not take into account that by banging the head of the scientist, deprive his head and his shadow. To save the shadow, you will have to resurrect scientist. Sweese is sent for live water. The head of the shade is again in place, but now the shadow is trying to please His former owner, because he wants to live. Louise in indignation drowshes the former groom. Shadow slowly descends from the throne and, having wrapped in a mantle, pressed against the wall. Princess orders the Chief of Guard: "Take it!" The guard is enough shadow, but they have an empty mantle in their hands - the shadow disappears. "He disappeared to even once again be on the road. But I recognize him, I'll find out it everywhere, "said Christian-Theodore. The princess begs for forgiveness, but Christians no longer loves her. He takes the hand of Annunciata, and they leave the palace.

І. Plots G.K.andersen

The famous Danish writer and the poet G.K.andersen has a fairy tale "Shadow", written in 1847.
From the young scientist, the hero of the fairy tales, the shadow was gone. And not just left, but "won a solid position in the world" (c), cunning and persuasion subjugated the former owner, convincing him to be called the shadow. When the scientist, seeing what went too far, was going to tell you who is who, shadow simply achieved that he was executed.
Here is the finale fairy tales:
"In the evening, the whole city was illuminated, the gun shots thundered, the soldiers gave the honor of the guns. That was a wedding! And the princess with a shadow came to the balcony to seem to the people who once again shouted to them "Hurray." The scientist did not hear this gibbing - it was already committed with him. "(C) 1

Sad story, like many fairy tales Andersen.

The story of an excellent girl named Annunziata in the novel of Andersen "Improvisator", written in 1835, is no less sad. Opera singer, "It was extremely feminine, gentle, charming the spiritual beauty of Rafaelevsky types. Black as smt hair faced fine, high forehead, dark eyes were full of expressions "(c) 2.Annunciatu was in love with a hero of Roman, a poet improviser, but due to circumstances, by misunderstanding - they broke up. Annunziata suffered heavy illness And died in poverty.
This is how the story ended:

"The cemetery with its high walls was like a floating ark; It was the island of the dead, surrounded by water. In front of me, the green lawn was spread, destroyed"Black crosses. I found the grave. The inscription on the cross is one word: "Annunziata"" (from).

And century later, in 1939 soviet writer, Dramaturgorg Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz wrote the play "Shadow", "Pereozhodov" Andersen's storyline . 3

The hero of the play became a scientist from which the shadow was gone, the heroine - "Black-haired girl with big black Eyes» named Annunciata.
Schwartz, as you know, did not like works with a sad end. Is it surprising that in performed drama prose Andersen Evgeny Lvovich made certain adjustments?

ІІ. Theodore Mommesen

In 1914, Evgeny Schwartz enrolled at the Faculty of Law, where he studied for 2 years, studying the Roman law among other sciences 4,5 .
One of the most famous authors Books in Roman history and Roman law was (and remains to this day) German historian, laureate nobel Prize In literature Christians Mattias Theodore Mommesen (1817-1903) 6,7 , Personality is very contrary, like most geniuses.

Mommesen Christian Mat.t.ias Teodor

Photography taken on the site

You can trace a certain relationship between the hero of the play "Shadow" E. Shvarz and Theodore Mommesen.
First of all, the name.
"My name is Christians-Theodore," says young scholar from Schwartz's play, getting acquainted with the princess. So, we hear two of the three names, the data of Mommesen his father, a provincial priest.
However, not only names are reminded us of an anti-anti-school scientist, historian and lawyer Theodore Mommene. Like him, Schwartz hero - a historian. Youth and 26 years old, he arrived in a small southern country to study her story.
Mommesen, as is known, it was at the age of 26 who defended his doctoral dissertation (1843), after which in 1844 she went to travel along the Razba countries (Italy and France), collecting materials.

Some interesting facts About Theodore Mommese 8

The list of works by T. Mommesen includes 1513 titles.
Mommesen was married to Mary Reimer, the daughter of the bookseller, from marriage with which he had sixteen children.
T. Mommesen owns aphorism: "No passion is not a genius" 9.

ІІІ . Hero A.P.hehhova

Evgeny Schwartz was a fan of Czech's creativity.

"I love Chekhov. I love to say a little - I do not believe that people who do not like him, real people. When I admire Chekhov, I feel so pleasure that we are talking About close, personally me close person" eleven(from).

Can be found common features In the Christian of Theodore from Schwartz's play and Andrei Kovpina - Hero of the story of Chekhov "Black Monk" 12 .

Both have an enthusiastic, romantic warehouse of character. Both consider their destination to make humanity happier.

Story "Black Monk", Andrey Kovrin:

"Be the chosen one, to serve the eternal truth, to stand in a number of those who have several thousand years earlier will make humanity worthy of the kingdom of God, that is, you will get rid of people from several extra thousands of years of struggle, sin and suffering, to give the idea everything is youth, strength, health, Being ready to die for a common good - what a high, what a happy walk! "

Piece "Shadow", scientist:

Doctor. And I heard you dreaming as you can more people Make happy.

Scientist. And this is true.
(action II)

"Of course, the world is arranged intelligent than it seems. Still a little - day

two or three works - and I will understand how to make all people happy.
(action І)

Story "Black Monk":

"... it seems, the whole world looks at me, plucked and waits for me to understand him ..."

Piece "Shadow":

« ... two-three days - and I will understand how to make all the people happy. "

« It seemed to me that another moment - and I will understand everything "
(action І)

Of course, the main character The plays "Shadow" could not not adopt some features of the nature of a literary father, Yevgeny Schwartz.

Piece "Shadow", scientist:

If it were not for eternal concern, if it didn't seem to me that the whole world is unhappy due to the fact that I did not come up with how to save it, then it would be quite good.
(action І)

E.L. Shvars, Diaries 11

And, going through his life, I could not calm down and rejoice.

Did I give someone happiness? Go trying on that boundary human lifeWhere no words, some waves go.
(August 29-30, 1984, for 4 from the floor. Months to death)

Piece "Shadow", scientist:

I am sure I'm sure everything will end fine.
(action І)

And only I know one - everything will be fine.
(action II)

E.L. Shvars, Diaries

[I] there was a nickname, hungry, hood, love comrades and cheerful, cheerful to madness and full of strange faith that everything will be fine, even magically.

(Memories of 1921 d)

... I was full of two eternal feelings: discontent with himself and confidence that everything will be fine. No, not good, but great, magically. Not in the literary, but in the present sense of the word, I was sure that the wonders will begin, great happiness.

(Memories of the beginning of the 20s of the twentieth century)

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Evgeny Schwartz

... and the scientist became angry not so much because the shadow left him, how much because he remembered famous history About man without a shade, which everyone also knew in his homeland. I come back home and tell your story, everyone would say that he was set up to imitate another ...

G.-H. Andersen. "Shadow"

... someone else's plot, as it were, entered my flesh and blood, I re-create it and then only released.

G.-H. Andersen. "Tale of my life", chapter VIII.



His shadow.

Pietro - The owner of the hotel.

Annunciata - his daughter.

Julia Julie - Singer.


First Minister.

Minister of Finance.

Caesar Bordjia. - journalist.

Secret Counselor.





Court ladies.



Sister of entertainment.

Sister of Mercy.

Royal Gerold.

Lakes Minister Financial.



First action

Small room in the hotel, in southern country. Two doors: one in the corridor, the other on the balcony. Dusk. On the sofa half scientist , young man twenty-six years old. He shake his hand on the table - looking for glasses.

Scientist. When you lose glasses, it is certainly unpleasant. But at the same time and beautifully - at dusk, my entire room is not as usual as usual. This plaid, abandoned in a chair, seems to me now very mute and good princesse. I am in love with her, and she came to visit me. She is not alone, of course. Princess is not supposed to walk without a suite. These narrow, long hours in a wooden case - not the clock at all. This is an eternal companion Princess, a secret adviser. His heart knocks exactly how the pendulum, his tips change in accordance with the requirements of time, and he gives them whisper. After all, it is no wonder he is secret. And if the advice of the secret adviser turns out to be disastrous, he is completely repeated from them later. He claims that he simply did not hear him, and it is very practical on his part. Who's that? Who is this stranger, lean and slim, all in black, with a white face? Why did it suddenly occur to me that this is the bridegroom princesses? After all, I am in love with the princess I! I am so in love with her that it will be just monstrous if it comes out for another. (Laughs.) The charm of all these fictions is that I barely put on my glasses, how everything will return to his place. Plaid will become a blanket, the clock is a clock, and this sinister stranger will disappear. (Shake hands on the table.) Well, here's glasses. (Puts on glasses and screams.) What is it?

In the chair sits very beautiful, luxuriously dressed girl in mask . For her back - bald old man in a surpetuka with star . And the wall pressed a long, skinny, pale man in black frak and dazzling linen. On the hand of its diamond ring.

(Mumbles, lighting the candle.) What kind of miracles? I am a modest scientist - where do I have such important guests? .. Hello, gentlemen! I am very glad to you, gentlemen, but ... Do you explain to me, what do I owe such honor? You are silent? Oh, everything is clear. I hurt. I see a dream.

Girl in mask. No, it's not a dream.

Scientist. That's how! But what is it then?

Girl in mask. This is such a fairy tale. Goodbye, Mr. Scientist! We will still see you with you.

Man in Frak.. Goodbye, scientist! We'll meet Again.

Old man with star (whisper). Goodbye, dear scientist! We will meet, and everything may have ended quite well if you are prudent.

A knock at the door, all three disappear.

Scientist. That's the story!

The knock is repeated.

In the room it includes Annunciata , black-haired girl with big black eyes. Her face is extremely vigorously, and the manners and voice are soft and indecisive. She is very beautiful. She is seven years old.

Annunciata. Sorry, sir, you have guests ... ah!

Scientist. What is with you, Annunziat?

Annunciata. But I heard clearly voices in your room!

Scientist. I fell asleep and talked in a dream.

Annunciata. But ... Forgive me ... I heard a female voice.

Scientist. I saw a princess in a dream.

Annunciata. And some old man muttered something in a low voice.

Scientist. I saw in a dream secret advisor.

Annunciata. And some man, as it seemed to me, shouted at you.

Scientist. It was the bridegroom princesses. Well? Now you see that this is a dream? Would such unpleasant guests appear to me?

Annunciata. You are joking?

Scientist. Yes.

Annunciata. Thank you for that. You are always so affectionate with me. I guess I heard the voices in the room near and all confused. But ... You will not get into me? You can tell you something?

Scientist. Of course, Annunziata.

Annunciata. I have long wanted to warn you. Do not be angry ... you are a scientist, and I ordinary girl. But only ... I can tell you something known to me, but unknown to you. (Makes Kniksen.) Forgive me my audacity.

Scientist. You are welcome! Speak! Learn me! I'm a scientist, and scientists learn all my life.

Annunciata. You are joking?

Scientist. No, I speak completely serious.

Annunciata. Thank you for that. (Look at the door.) In the books about our country they write a lot about a healthy climate, clean air, beautiful views, hot sun, well ... In short, you yourself know what they write in the books about our country ...

Scientist. Of course I know. After all, so I came here.

Annunciata. Yes. You know what is written about us in the books, but what is not written about us there is unknown.

Scientist. This sometimes happens to scientists.

Annunciata. You do not know what you live in a very special country. All that is told in fairy tales, everything that seems from other peoples of fiction is in fact every day. For example, Sleeping Beauty lived in five hours walk from the tobacco shop - the one that right from the fountain. Only now Sleeping Beauty died. The cannibal is still alive and works in the city pawnshop appraiser. Boy-with-finger married very high woman, on nicknamed Grenader, and their children - people of ordinary growth, as you yes. And you know what is amazing? This woman, on nicknamed Grenader, completely under the shoe at the boy-s-finchik. She even takes it to the market. A boy-finger sits in his pocket of her apron and traded like a devil. But, however, they live very friendly. The wife is so careful to her husband. Every time they dance menuet on holidays, she puts on double glasses, so as not to step on their spouse.

Scientist. But this is very interesting - why do not write about it in the books about your country?

Annunciata (looking at the door). Not everyone likes fairy tales.

Scientist. Is it really?

Annunciata. Yes, you can imagine! (Look at the door.) We are terribly afraid that if everyone knows everything, then we will stop riding. It will be so unprofitable! Do not give us, please!

Scientist. No, I will not say anyone.

Annunciata. Thank you for that. My poor father loves money very much, and I will be in despair if it earns less than it expects. When he is upset, he swears scary.

Scientist. But still it seems to me that the number of visits will only grow up when they find out that in your country a fairy tale is true.

Annunciata. Not. If children went to us, it would be so. And adults are cautious people. They know perfectly well that many fairy tales ends sadly. That's what I am with you and wanted to talk. Be careful.

Scientist. But as? To not be cold, it is necessary to dress warmly. In order not to fall, you have to look under your feet. And how to get rid of a fairy tale with a sad end?

Annunciata. Well ... I do not know ... Do not talk to people who do not know enough.

Scientist. Then I will have to be silent all the time. After all, I am visiting.

Annunciata. No, really, please, be careful. you are very good man, namely, it most often is bad.

Scientist. How do you know that I am a good person?

Annunciata. After all, I often go in the kitchen. And our cook has eleven girlfriends. And they all know everything that is, it was and will be. They will not take anything from them. They know what is being done in every family, as if houses have glass walls. We laugh in the kitchen, and cry, and terrify. On days especially interesting events, everything dies on the stove. They say chorus that you are a wonderful person.

Scientist. This is what they told you that in your country a fairy tales?

Annunciata. Yes.

Scientist. You know, in the evening, yes even removing the glasses, I am ready to believe it. But in the morning, coming out of the house, I see something completely different. Your country is alas! - Looks like all countries in the world. Wealth and poverty, knowledge and slavery, death and misfortune, mind and stupidity, holiness, crime, conscience, shamelessness - all this is stirred so closely that they are just awake. It will be very difficult for all this to unravel, disassemble and put in order so as not to damage anything to anything. In fairy tales, all this is much easier.

Annunciata (making Kniksen). Thank you.

Scientist. For what?

Annunciata. For the fact that you with me, a simple girl, say so beautiful.

Scientist. Nothing, with scientists it happens. And tell me, my friend Hans-Christian Andersen, who lived here in this room, before me, knew about fairy tales?

Annunciata. Yes, he somehow spent about it.

Scientist. And what did he say to that?

Annunciata. He said: "I suspected all my life that I am writing clear truth" He loved our house very much. He liked that we were so quiet.

Deafling shot.

Scientist. What is it?

Annunciata. Oh, do not pay attention. This my father quarreled with someone. He is very quick-tempered and slightly - shoots a gun. But so far he did not kill anyone. It is nervous - and always therefore gives slip.

Scientist. Understand. This phenomenon is familiar to me. If he fell into the goal, it would not do so often.

For the scene, the roar: "Annunziata!"

Annunciata (Crotko). I go, daddy, nice. Bye! Oh, I completely forgot, why came. What do you order you to file - coffee or milk?

The door with a rumble swallowed. The room runs slim, wide in the shoulders a youthful man. He looks like an absenteeism. Horum, does not look into the eyes. This is the owner of furnished rooms, Father Annunciata, Pietro .

Pietro. Why are you not going when you call?! Come immediately reload the gun. I heard because the father shoots. Everything needs to be explained, in everything you need to poke your nose. Kill!

Annunciata calmly and boldly comes to his father, kisses him in the forehead.

Annunciata. I go, daddy. Goodbye, sir! (Goes out.)

Scientist. As you can see, your daughter is not afraid of you, Signor Pietro.

Pietro. No, if I'm slaughtered. She treats me as if I am the most gentle father in the city.

Scientist. Maybe it is so?

Pietro. Not her work is to know. I can not stand when you guess about my feelings and thoughts. Girl! Around some trouble. The residents of the room number fifteen now refused to pay again. From rage, I shot the room of the room fourteen in the tenant.

Scientist. And this does not pay?

Pietro. Pays But he, a fourteenth, insignificant man. He cannot tolerate our first minister. And he, the damned defaulter, fifteenth, works in our three times a vile newspaper. Oh, let the whole world fail! Fit both corkscrew, pulling money from the tenants of my unfortunate hotel and do not bring ends with the ends. You still have to serve not to go with hunger.

Scientist. Do you really serve?

Pietro. Yes.

Scientist. Where?

Pietro. The appraiser in the city pawnshop.

Suddenly, music begins to play - sometimes barely audible, sometimes it is like playing here in the room.

Scientist. Tell me ... Tell me ... Tell me, please, where is it playing?

Pietro. On the contrary.

Scientist. And who lives there?

Pietro. I do not know. They say some kind of damn princess.

Scientist. Princess?!

Pietro. They say I am in business. This damned fifteenth room asks you to accept it. This newspaper. This thief, who strives for a gift to live in a beautiful room. Can?

Scientist. You are welcome. I'll be very happy.

Pietro. Do not rejoice ahead of time. Bye! (Goes out.)

Scientist. The owner of the hotel is an appraiser in downtown Lombard. Cannibal? Just think about it!

Opens the door leading to the balcony. A wall of the opposite house is visible. The balcony of the opposite house almost relates the balcony of the room of the scientist. He barely opens the door like street noise bursts into the room. Separate voices are distinguished from the common rush.

- Water, water, ice water!

- But - knives for murderers! Who knives for killers?!

- Flowers, flowers! Roses! Lily! Tulips!

- Oslo Road, Oslo Road! Will bend, people: goes donkey!

- Feed the poor dumb!

- Poys, poisons, fresh poisons!

Scientist. Our street boils like a real boiler. As I like here! .. If it were not for eternal concern if it didn't seem to me that the whole world is unhappy because I did not come up with how to save him, it would be quite good. And when the girl living on the contrary, goes to the balcony, then it seems to me that you need to do one, only one small effort - and everything will become clear.

The room includes a very beautiful young female , perfectly dressed. She pushed, looks around. The scientist does not notice it.

If there is harmony to the sea, in the mountains, in the forest and in you, then, it means that the world is arranged intelligent than ...

Female. It will not have success.

Scientist (turns around). Sorry?

Female. No, it will not. In that you mumbled, there is no shadow wit. Is this your new article? Where are you? What is it with you today? You do not recognize me, or what?

Scientist. Sorry no.

Female. Pretty making up over my myopia. It is uneleless. Where are you there?

Scientist. I'm here.

Female. Come closer.

Scientist. Here I am. (Suitable for a stranger.)

Female (She is sincerely surprised). Who you are?

Scientist. I am visiting a person, I live here in the hotel. That's who I am.

Female. Sorry ... My eyes again let me down. Is this not a fifteenth number?

Scientist. No Unfortunately.

Female. What is your good and glorious face! Why are you still not in our circle, not in the circle of real people?

Scientist. And what is the circle?

Female. Oh, these are artists, writers, courtiers. It can even have one minister. We are elegant, devoid of prejudice and understand everything. Are you famous?

Scientist. Not.

Female. What a pity! We have not accepted this. But ... But I seem to be ready to forgive you - before you suddenly liked me. Are you angry with me?

Scientist. No, what are you!

Female. I'll sit in you a little. Can?

Scientist. Sure.

Female. I suddenly seemed that you are just that person I am looking for a whole life. It happened, it will seem - in a voice and in speeches, - here he is, such a person, and he will come closer, and you see - it's not at all. And it's too late to retreat, he approached too close. The terrible thing is to be beautiful and shortcut. I'm tired of you?

Scientist. No, what are you!

Female. How easy and calmly you answer me! And he annoys me.

Scientist. Who!

Female. The one to whom I came. He is terribly a restless person. He wants to like everyone in the world. He is a slave of fashion. For example, when it was sunbathe in fashion, he tanned before it became black as a black. And then the tan suddenly came out of fashion. And he decided to surpass. The skin from under the panties was the only white place on his body - the doctors transplanted him on his face.

Scientist. Hope it did not damage him?

Female. Not. He only became extremely shameless, and he now calls simply "slap".

Scientist. Why do you go to visit him?

Female. Well, after all, this is a person from our circle, from the circle of real people. And besides, he works in the newspaper. Do you know who I am?

Scientist. Not.

Female. I'm a singer. My name is Julia Julie.

Scientist. You are very famous in this country!

Yulia. Yes. Everyone knows my songs "Mom, what love is", "Virgin, hurry to find the happiness", "But I remain cool to the long-term love" and "Ah, why I am not a lawn." Are you a doctor?

Scientist. No, I am a historian.

Yulia. Are you relaxing here?

Scientist. I study the history of your country.

Yulia. Our country is small.

Scientist. Yes, but her story is similar to all others. And it pleases me.

Yulia. Why?

Scientist. So, there are laws in the world common to all. When you live in one place for a long time, in the same room, and you see the same people who chose himself as a friend, then the world seems very simple. But barely leave home - everything is done too diverse. And this…

Over the door, someone cries off. Close of broken glass.

Enters, shaking, elegant young man . Behind him confused Annunciata .

Young man. Hello! I stood here, your door, and the Annunciata was scared me. Is I so terrible?

Annunciata (Scientist). Sorry, I broke a glass with milk who carried you.

Young man. And you do not ask for forgiveness? ..

Annunciata. But you yourself are guilty, sir! Why did you attach someone else's doors and stood not moving?

Young man. I overheard. (Scientist.) Do you like my frankness? All scientists are direct people. You should like it. Yes? Well, tell me, do you like my frankness? Do you like me?

Yulia. Do not answer. If you say "yes" - he will despise you, and if you say "no" - he will wave.

Young man. Julia, Julia, Evil Julia! (Scientist.) Allow me to introduce yourself: Caesar Borgia. Have you heard?

Scientist. Yes.

Caesar Bordjia.. Well? Truth? And what exactly did you hear?

Scientist. Much.

Caesar Bordjia.. Did you praise me? Or scold? And who exactly?

Scientist. I just read your critical and political articles in the local newspaper.

Caesar Bordjia.. They are successful. But always someone is dissatisfied. Serve a person, and he is dissatisfied. I would like to find a secret of complete success. For this, I am ready for all. Do you like my frankness?

Yulia. Come. We came to a scientist, and scientists are forever busy.

Caesar Bordjia.. I warned Mr. Scientist. Our owner told him that I would come. And you, brilliant Julia, was mistaken room?

Yulia. No, it seems to me that I came just where it follows.

Caesar Bordjia.. But you walked to me! I just end the article about you. You will like it, but - alas! - Will not like your friends. (Scientist.) Will you allow you to go again to you today?

Scientist. You are welcome.

Caesar Bordjia.. I want to write an article about you.

Scientist. Thank you. It will be useful for it to work in your archives. I will respect me anymore.

Caesar Bordjia.. Hits! I know why you came to us. It's not about the archive here.

Scientist. And what?

Caesar Bordjia.. Hits! You all look at the next balcony.

Scientist. Do I look there?

Caesar Bordjia.. Yes. You think it lives there.

Scientist. Who!

Caesar Bordjia.. Do not be so secretive. After all, you are a historian, study our country, it became, you know our will last king, Louis of the ninth dreamy.

Scientist. Sorry, but I only reached the end of the sixteenth century.

Caesar Bordjia.. That's how? And you did not hear anything about the testament?

Scientist. I assure you, no.

Caesar Bordjia.. Strange. Why did you ask the owner to take you just this room?

Scientist. Because my friend Hans-Christian Andersen lived here.

Caesar Bordjia.. Just because?

Scientist. I give you the Word that it is. And what does my room have to do with the will of the late king?

Caesar Bordjia.. Oh, very large. Bye! Let me carry out you, brilliant Julia.

Scientist. Allow me to ask what it was written in this mysterious testament?

Caesar Bordjia.. Oh no, I will not say. I myself am interested in it. I want power, honor, and I am terribly lacking money. After all, I, Caesar Borgia, whose name is known to the whole country, should still serve as a simple appraiser in the city pawnshop. Do you like my frankness?

Yulia. Come! I go! You liked everyone here. He never leaves immediately. (Scientist.) We will still see you with you.

Scientist. I'll be very happy.

Caesar Bordjia.. Do not rejoice first.

Caesar Borgia and Julia Julie leave.

Scientist. Annunciat, how many appraisers in your city pawnshop?

Annunciata. Lot.

Scientist. And all of them former cannibals?

Annunciata. Almost all.

Scientist. What's wrong with you? Why are you so sad?

Annunciata. Oh, I asked you to be careful! It is said that this singer Julia Julie is the same girl who came to the bread to save his new shoes.

Scientist. But the girl, as far as I remember, was punished for it.

Annunciata. Yes, she fell away through the earth, but then it was fixed back and since then again comes and comes on good people, on the the best girlfriendsEven on the very whole - and all this in order to save your new shoes, stockings and a dress. Now I will bring you another glass of milk.

Scientist. Wait! I do not want to drink, I want to talk to you.

Annunciata. Thank you for that.

Scientist. Tell me, please, what will leave your deceased King Louis Ninth Dreamy King?

Annunciata. Oh, it is a mystery, a terrible mystery! The testament was sealed in seven envelopes by seven marine seals and fastened with signatures of seven secret advisors. Revealed and read the will of the princess in full of loneliness. The windows and doors stood the guard, shutting down the ears just in case, although the princess read the will of the testament. What is said in this mysterious document, only the princess and the whole city knows.

Scientist. The whole city?

Annunciata. Yes.

Scientist. What is it like that?

Annunciata. No one can explain it. It seems that all precautions were observed. This is just a miracle. The testament knows everything. Even street boys.

Scientist. What is said in it?

Annunciata. Oh, do not ask me.

Scientist. Why?

Annunciata. I am very afraid that the testament is - the beginning new fairy talewhich will end sadly.

Scientist. Annunciata, because I come. The testament of your king does not apply to me. Tell us. And it turns out not good: I am a scientist, historian - and suddenly I do not know what to know every street boy! Tell me, please!

Annunciata (sighing). Okay, I'll tell you. When a good person asks me, I can't refuse him. Our cook says that it will bring me to a big trouble. But let his trouble falls on my head, and not to your. So ... You do not listen to me?

Scientist. What do you!

Annunciata. Why do you look at the balcony of the opposite house?

Scientist. No, no ... You see, I sat down comfortably, lit the tube and the eye I do not bother with your face.

Annunciata. Thank you. So, five years ago, our king Louis Ninth dreamy died. Street boys called him not a dreamy, but a fool, but it is wrong. The deceased, though, often showed them the language, leaning in the window, but the guys themselves were to blame. Why did they tease him? The deceased was smart manBut such a position is royal that the character will deteriorate from it. At the very beginning of his reign, the first minister who believed more than his father, poisoned native sister king. The king executed the first minister. The second first minister was not a poisoner, but he lied so much that he stopped believing to everyone, even his own. The third first minister was not a liar, but he was terribly hither. He knew, and film, and film the finest cobwebs around the most simple cases. The king, during his last report, wanted to say "I say" - and suddenly hesitated thin, like a fly that fell into the cobweb. And the minister flew at the request of the Royal Liebe Medica. The fourth first minister was not a hither. He was straight and simple. He stole a gold tobackerka from the king and ran away. And the sovereign waved his hand to the Office of Management. The first ministers have become replaced by each other themselves. And the sovereign took up the theater. But they say it is even worse than to manage the state. After a year of work in the theater, the king began to chain.

Scientist. How to chain?

Annunciata. And very simple. It goes - and suddenly it will freeze, lifting one leg. And his face expresses despair. Life Medic explained this by the fact that the king is incurably confused, trying to understand the relations of the theater workers to each other. After all, there are so many of them!

Scientist. Life Medic was right.

Annunciata. He offered a simple medicine that would undoubtedly cure a poor king. He offered to execute half the troupe, but the king did not agree.

Scientist. Why?

Annunciata. He could not solve exactly what half the troupe deserves executions. And finally, the king waved his hand to everything and began to get involved in bad women, and only they did not deceive him.

Scientist. Is it really?

Annunciata. Yes Yes! They really were truly bad women. That is exactly how they talked about them. And this very comforted the king, but completely upset his health. And his legs took away. And since then, he began to carry him in a chair in the palace, and he was silent and thought, thought, thought. What he thought he did not tell anyone. Occasionally, the sovereign ordered to bring himself to the window and, opened the window, showed the language of street boys who jumped and shouted: "Fool, fool, fool!" And then the king made a testament. And then died.

Scientist. Finally, we came to the very essence of the case.

Annunciata. When the king died, his only daughter, princess, was thirteen years old. "Dear," he wrote to her in the will, "I lived my life badly, did nothing. You will not do anything either - you poisoned by palace air. I do not want you to marry a prince. I know will inject all the princes of the world. All of them are too large fools for such a small country as our. When you are eighteen years old, settled somewhere in the city and look, look for, look for you. Find yourself a good, honest, educated and intelligent husband. Let it be a non-innant man. What if he will be able to do what was not able to any of the most notal? Suddenly he will be able to manage and manage well? BUT? That will be great! So try, please. Dad".

Scientist. So he wrote?

Annunciata. Precisely. In the kitchen repeated the testament so many times that I remembered his word for word.

Scientist. And the princess lives alone in the city?

Annunciata. Yes. But it is not so easy to find.

Scientist. Why?

Annunciata. The lot of bad women removed entire floors of the houses and pretend to princesses.

Scientist. Do you not know your princess in the face?

Annunciata. Not. After reading the testament, the princess began to wear a mask so that she did not know when she would go to look for her husband.

Scientist. Tell me, she ... (Silent.)

The balcony of the opposite house comes out girl with blond hair, in a dark and modest outfit.

And tell me, she ... what I wanted to ask you? .. However ... no, nothing.

Annunciata. Don't you look at me again?

Scientist. How not to watch? .. But where do I watch?

Annunciata. Won there ... ah! Allow me, I'll close the door to the balcony.

Scientist. Why? Do not! After all, it was just now it was truly cool.

Annunciata. After sunset, the windows and doors should be closed. Otherwise, you can get the malaria. No, not in malaria is the case! Do not watch there. Please ... Are you angry with me? Do not be angry ... Do not look at this girl. Let me close the door to the balcony. You are still small child. You do not like soup, and without soup what dinner! You give underwear to washing without recording. And with the same straightforward, you will go a cheerful face right to death. I say so boldly that I still cease to understand what I say: this is audacity, but it is impossible not to warn you. It is said about this girl that she is a bad woman ... Stand, stand ... This, in my opinion, is not so scary ... I'm afraid that there is a matter of worse.

Scientist. You think?

Annunciata. Yes. What if this princess girl? What then? What will you do then?

Scientist. Of course of course.

Annunciata. You did not hear what I told you?

Scientist. That's how!

Annunciata. After all, if she is really a princess, everyone will want to marry her and they will damn you in a crush.

Scientist. Yes, yes, of course.

Annunciata. No, I see that I can do nothing here. What is my unhappy girl, sir.

Scientist. Is not it?

Annunziata goes to the output door. Scientist - to the door leading to the balcony. Annunziata looks around. Stops.

Annunciata. Goodbye, sir. (Quiet, with unexpected energy.) No one would allow you to offend you. Never. Never. (Goes out.)

The scientist looks at the girl standing on the opposite balcony, she looks down, outside. The scientist begins to speak quietly, then louder. By the end of his monologue, the girl looks at him without taking off.

Scientist. Of course, the world is arranged intelligent than it seems. A little more - a day of two or three works - and I will understand how to make all the people happy. Everyone will be happy, but not as me. I am only here, evenings, when you stand on the balcony, I began to understand what I can be happy, oddly. I know you, - you can not know. I understand you, as you understand good weather, the moon, a walkway in the mountains. After all, it is so simple. I can't say for sure what you think, but I know for sure that your thoughts would please me like your face, your braids and eyelashes. Thank you for everything: for the fact that you have chosen this house for being born and live at the same time when I live. What would I do if I suddenly did not meet you! Scary to think!

Girl. Do you say it by heart?

Scientist. I ... I ...

Girl. Continue.

Scientist. You spoke to me!

Girl. Have you composed all this or ordered someone?

Girl. You are quite deftly seen from a direct response. Perhaps you yourself composed what they told me. Or maybe not. Well, let's leave it. I'm bored today. How do you have enough patience all day to sit in the same room? Is it an office?

Scientist. Sorry?

Girl. Is it an office, or a dressing room, or a living room, or one of the hall?

Scientist. It's just my room. My only room.

Girl. Are you a beggar?

Scientist. No, I am a scientist.

Girl. Well, let. You have a very strange face.

Scientist. With what?

Girl. When you say, it seems as if you are not lying.

Scientist. I really don't really lie.

Girl. All people are liars.

Scientist. Not true.

Girl. No, really. Maybe you are not lying - you have only one room - and I always lie. I feel sorry for myself.

Scientist. What are you talking about? Are you offended? Who!

Girl. You are so deftly pretending to be attentive and kind that I want to complain to you.

Scientist. Are you so unhappy?

Girl. I do not know. Yes.

Scientist. Why?

Girl. So. All people are scoundrels.

Scientist. Do not say that. So they say those who chose themselves the most terrible way in life. They ruthlessly stagger, press, rob, slander: who are sorry - all the people of the villains!

Girl. So, it means that not all?

Scientist. Not.

Girl. Well, if it were so. I'm terribly afraid to turn into a frog.

Scientist. How is the frog?

Girl. Have you heard a fairy tale about the princess-frog? She is wrongly told. In fact, everything was different. I know it for sure. Tsarevna-frog is my aunt.

Scientist. Aunt?

Girl. Yes. Cousin. They say that the princess-frog kissed a man who loved her, despite the ugly appearance. And the frog from this turned into a beautiful woman. So?

Scientist. Yes, as far as I remember.

Girl. And in fact, my aunt was a wonderful girl, and she married a scoundrel, who only pretended to love her. And the kisses were cold and so disgusting that the beautiful girl turned into a cold and disgusting frog. We, relatives, it was very unpleasant. It is said that such things happen much more often than we can assume. Only aunt my failed to hide his transformation. She was extremely unrestrained. It's horrible. Is not it?

Attention! This is an introductory fragment of the book.

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The main hero of the work of E. Schwartz "Shadow" is a young scientist who fell into the center of events. The hero is the name of Christian theodor. He studies history. In the hotel he settles in former room Andersen. In a conversation with the daughter of the owner, the hero learns about the will of the king.

In the will, the king pointed his daughter to marry simple man, honest and kind. Performing the will of the father of the princess leaves the palace. All this tells Christian theodore of Annunseat. During the story, the hero sees a charming girl on the next balcony. Deciding to speak with her, and even confessing in feelings, he seems mutually loved. The girl leaves the balcony, and Christian-Theodore, guessing that his companion was a princess, suggests his shadow to tell her about his feelings. The joke turns into an unexpected way. Shadow, pulling away from the owner disappears.

Local journalist and Pietro against the princess married a strangers. They decide to build a shadow to the throne. At the meeting in the park, which was held by the ministers, decided to execute the scientist. But the owner executed, the shadow will die. It is necessary to resurrect Christian theodore of live water. Now the shadow does not want to fall into disfavor and tries to please the owner. Princess orders the shadow to arrest, but that disappears. Louise is trying to achieve the location of Christian-theodore, but his feelings for the princess have already been faded. Hero and Annunseate, the daughter of the host hotel, leave the palace together.

The main idea is that nobility and honesty at all times will be winners.

Picture or shadow drawing

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