Lessons on the "Hero of Our Time". First lesson

Lessons on
Lessons on the "Hero of Our Time". First lesson

We will talk about the great novel by Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Who is a hero in Russian literature? This is not a positive character, but associated with the complexity of life. Russian classical literature teaches not the correct answers to simple questions, but the difficulties of being.

Lermontov began to work with prosaic ideas associated with the "Hero of Our Time" in 1838. He sketches the unfinished novel "Princess Ligovskaya", where Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin already appears. By the end of his life, the writer completes the work. In 1839 two stories from this novel "Bela" and "Fatalist" appeared in the magazine.

There are works that addictive thanks to a well-structured plot. Many events and characters are united by one storyline. Everything is different in Lermontov's novel. There is no single storyline. The novel consists of disparate novellas and is connected by the image of the main character Grigory Pechorin (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. M.A. Vrubel. Portrait of a military man (Pechorin on the couch)

Let us recall two literary concepts: plot and plot.

Fable- the chronological sequence of events in a literary work.

But there are practically no stories with a straight, simple chronology. Authors jump from the events of the present time to events from the past, look into the future, because they build a plot.

Plot- a series of events arranged in accordance with the author's intention.

If the events were lined up in chronological order, the reader would first find out about Vera, because the hero met her a long time ago, long before he knew all the other characters.

The plot sequence of the novel's episodes

  • "Taman"
  • "Princess Mary"
  • "Fatalist"
  • Bela
  • "Maxim Maksimych"

If this was how Lermontov's novel was built, it might have been more fascinating. In the story "Princess Mary" there is a duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. M.A. Vrubel. "Duel of Pechorin with Grushnitsky"

The reader is not worried, it is known that Pechorin will survive. The plot tension is extinguished. The hero will die on his way back from Persia.

This means that Lermontov's fascination is not so important.

The plot sequence of episodes of the novel

  • Foreword. Meet the author and characters.
  • Bela.
  • "Maxim Maksimych".
  • Pechorin's Journal. Notes telling about the events that took place before "Bela": preface, "Taman", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist".

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" was published in two small books, which came to Nicholas I. The Emperor did not like Lermontov, but he read the work carefully. He liked the first book and approved it. When I read the second, which contains Pechorin's notes, Nicholas I was disappointed in the work. He misunderstood the name, deciding that the "Hero of Our Time" is Maksim Maksimych. A simple loyal subject, a good Russian officer, faithful to the oath, without spiritual contradictions, Pechorin explains his inner feelings by the fact that "his mama spoiled him." This is Lermontov's fraudulent move. He built the work with a different idea. The reader does not plunge into the depths of events, but penetrates into the soul of the hero himself. The composition of the novel is subject to this plot rule. The reader moves in circles, meets Maksim Maksimych and through his eyes looks at Pechorin in Bela's story. Then Pechorin himself appears, a cold, contemptuous person who does not resemble the romantic hero as Maxim Maksimych described him. Then the notes of Pechorin himself, the reader plunges into his inner world and looks at what is happening with his eyes. This is an important feature of the novel.

"Hero of our time"- the first psychological novel in Russian literature. It is not the events that are important, but the history of the soul. This is a controversial portrait of an entire generation. The author does not seek to help the reader. What should be Pechorin? Should we love him or hate him, be indifferent or accept his image? The author shows three love stories associated with the hero. In all, Pechorin looks like a monster. But women fall in love with him, because they feel the power that their contemporaries have lost. For the hero, love events end in disappointment, for the girls, in disaster. But all the same, the reader finds a special meaning in them. Lermontov teaches the complexities of life, not deciphering simple formulas.

The last of the novels of the novel "Fatalist", it talks about the main problem: is the main character responsible for his fate, or is everything fatal and predetermined, and nothing can be changed. There is no definitive answer. Serb Vulich, who had a presentiment of death, plays with fate, and fate leaves him alive: the pistol does not fire. Miraculously survived, Vulich dies "from an accidental checker of a drunken Cossack." Pechorin rushes to the Cossack, and the hero has more chances to die, but fate is present in our life and Pechorin remains alive.

The author constantly reflects on the extent to which fate determines the fate of a person. The reader enters the world of the soul not only of the hero, but also of the narrator. This is a double psychological romance. Two characters in the spotlight: the hero and the narrator. The relationship with each other is as complex as the plot of the novel. Pechorin is hopeless. The reader meets and says goodbye to him in the fortress. The hero cannot go beyond the circle outlined around his personality. The author also finds no way out of this contradiction.

The text of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time".

Viktor Zolotussky in the program “M.Yu. Lermontov. A Mysterious Tale ”tells about the influence of the nature of the Caucasus on the perception and creativity of the poet; discusses the similarities and differences between the images of Pechorin and the Demon.

Program participants discuss the tragic fate of Pechorin


A Hero of Our Time is the first psychological novel in Russian literature. The complexity of the composition. The century of M.Yu. Lermontov in the novel. Pechorin as a representative of the “portrait of a generation”.

Homework for the lesson.

  1. Reading the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".
  2. Analysis of the composition of the work.

a) Who tells the story of Pechorin?

  • The degree of familiarity of the narrator with the hero.
  • His social status.
  • Intellectual and cultural level.
  • Moral qualities.

b) Analyze the plot of the novel.

c) Restore the chronological sequence of events in the novel (plot).

3. Individual task for linguists.

a) Reflection is the lexical meaning of a word.

b) A.I. Herzen, V.G.Belinsky - historical and biographical commentary.

Individual task: story about the plot of the novel by V. Nabokov.

The Hero of Our Time ... is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation.

M.Yu. Lermontov.

Russian society got acquainted with the “long chain of stories” by M.Yu. Lermontov under the general title “Hero of Our Time” in 1839-1840. From March to February, the essay was published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. In 1840, A Hero of Our Time was published as a separate book.

The time has come for us to get acquainted with this work, to form our own idea of ​​it, to formulate (define) our own (personal) attitude towards its heroes.

Students' answers.

You are not alone in evaluating the work and its hero. The appearance of M. Yu. Lermontov's novel immediately caused a sharp controversy in society.

  • Nicholas I found the novel "disgusting", showing "the great depravity of the author."
  • Protective criticism fell upon Lermontov's novel, seeing in it a slander against Russian reality. Professor S.P. Shevyrev strove to prove that Pechorin was no more than an imitation of Western models, that he had no roots in Russian life.
  • Earlier than others, V.G. Belinsky, who noted in it "richness of content", "deep knowledge of the human heart and modern society."
  • And what about the author? For the second edition of "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov writes "Preface", in which he insisted that "The Hero of Our Time, my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not one person: this is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development." That is why these words are rendered as the epigraph of our lesson.

- What kind of generation is this, to which M. Yu. Lermontov himself and his hero belong?

Doctor of Philology, Professor Panchenko is speaking (Appendix 2).

Let's dwell on this topic in more detail. To talk about the century M.Yu. Lermontov, you need to own a certain vocabulary. Follow my thoughts using the words on the chalkboard to the right.

The world outlook of M. Yu. Lermontov took shape in the late 1920s and early 30s of the 19th century, in the era of the ideological crisis of the progressive noble intelligentsia, associated with the defeat of the December uprising and the Nikolaev reaction in all spheres of public life.

Nicholas I is a tamer of revolutions, a gendarme of Europe, a jailer of the Decembrists, etc., from the point of view of “communist” historiography. A.S. Pushkin, whose relationship with the emperor was complex and ambiguous, noted the undoubted merits and Peter's scale of his personality. "With the greatest respect" spoke about Nicholas I F.M. Dostoevsky, who, as is well known, ended up in hard labor by his will. Contradictory assessments of personality. The fact is that Nicholas I rejected any revolution as an idea, as a principle, as a method of transforming reality. The uprising of the Decembrists is not only a noble motivation to eliminate “various injustices and humiliations,” but a violation of the oath of office, an attempt to violently change the state system, and criminal bloodshed. And as a reaction - a tough political regime established by the emperor.

Ideological crisis is a crisis of ideas. The ideas, ideals, goals and meaning of the life of the Pushkin generation - everything was destroyed. These are hard times, later they will be called the era of timelessness. In such years, they talk about lack of spirituality, about the fall of morality. Maybe you and I have gone through or are going through such times associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union ... But let us return to the 30s of the nineteenth century.

The need to master the “mistakes of the fathers”, to rethink what seemed immutable to the previous generation, to develop their own moral and philosophical position is a characteristic feature of the epoch of the 1920s and 1930s.

Practical action turned out to be impossible due to both objective (tough policy of autocracy) and subjective reasons: before acting, it was necessary to overcome the ideological crisis, the era of doubt and skepticism; clearly define in the name of what and how act. That is why, in the 30s, the philosophical searches of its best representatives acquired exceptional importance for society. This was extremely difficult to do. Quite another triumphant. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, flowed slowly, as Herzen put it, “the deep and dirty river of civilized Russia, with its aristocrats, bureaucrats, officers, gendarmes, grand dukes and the emperor - a formless and voiceless mass of baseness, servility, cruelty and envy, enthralling and consuming everything ”.

Man and destiny, man and his purpose, the purpose and meaning of human life, its possibilities and reality, freedom of will and necessity - all these questions were figuratively embodied in the novel.

The problem of personality is central in the novel: "The history of the human soul ... is almost more curious and not more useful than the history of an entire people." And this statement by M.Yu. Lermontov's could become an epigraph to our lesson.

It was not by chance that Pechorin established himself in the eyes of the generation of the 1930s as a typical character of the post-Kabrist era. And by his fate, by his sufferings and doubts, and by the whole structure of his inner world, he really belongs to that time. Not to understand this means not to understand anything. Not in the hero, not in the novel itself.

To understand - this is, in fact, the purpose of our lesson.

Let's turn to the composition of the composition.

I. - Who tells the story of Pechorin?

Students' answers.

  • Maksim Maksimych is a staff captain, a man of the people, he has been serving in the Caucasus for a long time, he has seen a lot in his lifetime. A kind person, but limited. He spent a lot of time with Pechorin, but he didn’t understand the “weirdness” of his aristocratic colleague, a person who was too far from him in the social circle.
  • Wandering Officer (narration officer). Able to understand Pechorin deeper, closer to him in terms of his intellectual and cultural level than Maxim Maksimych. However, he can only be judged on the basis of what he heard from the kind, but limited Maksim Maksimych. Pechorin "... I saw ... only once ... in my life on the high road." Subsequently, having familiarized himself with Pechorin's diary that fell into his hands, the narrator will express his opinion about the hero, but it is neither exhaustive nor unambiguous.
  • And finally, the whole story passes into the hands of the hero himself - a sincere man, “who so mercilessly exposed his own weaknesses and vices”; a man of a mature mind and not conceited.

II. - How does Lermontov build the plot of the work?

Student responses(writing on the board of the plot and plot of the work is done before the lesson by two students).

Can this collection of stories be called a novel? Why Pushkin “ Stories Belkin ”? Why Gogol collection of stories"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"?

- Why Lermontov is in no hurry to call his brainchild a novel, denoting it in very different ways: as "notes", "compositions", "long chain of stories"? Let's remember this question.

III. - Restore the chronological order of events.

Students' answers. Correction of the recording of the plot of the novel, made before the lesson.

The chronology of events underlying the work, according to V. Nabokov.

“Taman”: about 1830 - Pechorin leaves St. Petersburg for an active detachment and stops in Taman;

"Princess Mary": May 10 - June 17, 1832; Pechorin comes from an active detachment to the waters in Pyatigorsk and then to Kislovodsk; after a duel with Grushnitsky, he was transferred to the fortress under the command of Maksim Maksimych;

"Fatalist": December 1832 - Pechorin for two weeks comes from the fortress of Maxim Maksimych to the Cossack village;

“Bela”: spring of 1833 - Pechorin kidnaps the daughter of “Prince Mirnov”, and four months later she dies at the hands of Kazbich;

“Maksim Maksimycha”: autumn of 1837 - Pechorin, setting off for Persia, again finds himself in the Caucasus and meets with Maksim Maksimych ”.

Let us restore the picture, made by M. Yu. Lermontov, of “chronological displacements”. It looks like this: the novel begins in the middle of the events and is brought consistently to the end of the hero's life. Then the events in the novel unfold from the beginning of the depicted chain of events to its middle.

- Why does Lermontov violate the chronology of events?

There are three issues that need immediate resolution.

Students' answers.

Conclusions of the teacher (depending on the completeness of students' answers).

All this is true, but not the whole truth. Lermontov created a completely new novel - new in form and content: a psychological novel.

Psychologism is a fairly complete, detailed and deep depiction of the feelings, thoughts and experiences of a literary character with the help of specific means of fiction.

The plot of the composition is “the history of the human soul”.

Lermontov lets us first hear about the hero, then look at him and, finally, opens his diary before us.

The change of narrators is aimed at making the analysis of the inner world deeper and more comprehensive.

  • Kind, but limited Maxim Maksimych.
  • Narrator Officer.
  • "Observations of a mature mind over itself."

V.G. Belinsky argued that the novel "in spite of its episodic fragmentary character," you cannot read the novel in the order in which the author himself arranged it: otherwise you will read two excellent stories and several excellent stories, but you will not know the novel. "

M. Yu. Lermontov felt the novelty of his work, which combined such genres as a travel sketch, a story, a secular story, a Caucasian short story, and had all sorts of reasons for this. This was the first psychological novel in Russian literature.

Gogina Olga Alekseevna,teacher of Russian language and literature

literature lesson, grade 9

Topic: "M.Yu. Lermontov" Hero of Our Time "- the first psychological novel in Russian literature. Complexity of composition".

Lesson objectives : review and discussion of the content of the novel; analysis of the features of the composition; prove that the work is the first psychological novel in Russian literature.

Tasks : create conditions for a more complete understanding of the text; develop the skills of analyzing a literary work through the peculiarities of the plot and composition; identifying the reading position of students; development of skills in monologue speech.

Equipment e: interactive whiteboard, presentation.

Board decoration:number, theme "M.Yu. Lermontov" Hero of Our Time "- the first psychological novel in Russian literature. Complexity of composition."

Lesson type:

Epigraph : “The Hero of Our Time, my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: this is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development” (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Homework for the lesson:

Reading the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

Analysis of the composition of the work.

a) Who tells the story of Pechorin?

  • The degree of familiarity of the narrator with the hero.
  • His social status.
  • Intellectual and cultural level.
  • Moral qualities.

b) Analyze the plot of the novel.

c) Restore the chronological sequence of events in the novel (plot).

Individual task:story about the plot of the novel by V. Nabokov.

Slide 1

I Organizational moment.

II Introductory speech of the teacher.

The only completed novel by Lermontov was not originally conceived as a whole work. Russian society got acquainted with the “long chain of stories” by M.Yu. Lermontov under the general title “Hero of Our Time” in 1839-1840: in 1839 in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski - “Bela. From the Officer's Notes on the Caucasus” and later “Fatalist ". 1840 - "Taman". In 1840, A Hero of Our Time was published as a separate book.

Slides 2-3

III Main part

The time has come for us to get acquainted with this work, to form our own idea of ​​it, to formulate (define) our own (personal) attitude towards its heroes.

Students' answers.

You are not alone in evaluating the work and its hero. The appearance of M. Yu. Lermontov's novel immediately caused a sharp controversy in society.

Slide 4

  • Nicholas I found the novel "disgusting", showing "the great depravity of the author."
  • Protective criticism fell upon Lermontov's novel, seeing in it a slander against Russian reality. Professor S.P. Shevyrev strove to prove that Pechorin was no more than an imitation of Western models, that he had no roots in Russian life.
  • Earlier than others, V.G. Belinsky, who noted in it "richness of content", "deep knowledge of the human heart and modern society."
  • And what about the author? For the second edition of "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov writes "Preface", in which he insisted that "The Hero of Our Time, my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not one person: this is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development." That is why these words are rendered as the epigraph of our lesson.

- What kind of generation is this, to which both M. Yu. Lermontov and his hero belong?

Let's dwell on this topic in more detail. To talk about the century of M.Yu. Lermontov, it is necessary to recall the history that was characteristic of the 30s-50s of the 18th century.

Slide 5

The world outlook of M. Yu. Lermontov took shape in the late 1920s and early 1930s of the 19th century, in the era of the ideological crisis of the progressive noble intelligentsia, associated with the defeat of the December uprising and the Nikolaev reaction in all spheres of public life.

Nicholas I is a tamer of revolutions, a gendarme of Europe, a jailer of the Decembrists, etc., from the point of view of “communist” historiography. A.S. Pushkin, whose relationship with the emperor was complex and ambiguous, noted the undoubted merits and Peter's scale of his personality. "With the greatest respect" spoke about Nicholas I F.M. Dostoevsky, who, as is well known, ended up in hard labor by his will. Contradictory assessments of personality. The fact is that Nicholas I rejected any revolution as an idea, as a principle, as a method of transforming reality. The uprising of the Decembrists is not only a noble motive to eliminate “various injustices and humiliations,” but a violation of the oath of office, an attempt to violently change the state system, and criminal bloodshed. And as a reaction - a tough political regime established by the emperor.

Ideological crisis is a crisis of ideas. The ideas, ideals, goals and meaning of the life of the Pushkin generation - everything was destroyed. These are hard times, later they will be called the era of timelessness. In such years, they talk about lack of spirituality, about the fall of morality. Maybe you and I have gone through or are going through such times associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union ... But let us return to the 30s of the nineteenth century.

The need to master the “mistakes of the fathers”, to rethink what seemed immutable to the previous generation, to develop their own moral and philosophical position is a characteristic feature of the epoch of the 1920s and 1930s.

Practical action turned out to be impossible due to both objective (tough policy of the autocracy) and subjective reasons: before acting, it was necessary to overcome the ideological crisis, the era of doubt and skepticism; clearly definein the name of what and howact. That is why, in the 30s, the philosophical searches of its best representatives acquired exceptional importance for society. This was extremely difficult to do. Quite another triumphant. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, flowed slowly, as Herzen put it, “the deep and dirty river of civilized Russia, with its aristocrats, bureaucrats, officers, gendarmes, grand dukes and the emperor - a formless and voiceless mass of baseness, servility, cruelty and envy, enthralling and consuming everything ”.

Man and destiny, man and his purpose, the purpose and meaning of human life, its possibilities and reality, freedom of will and necessity - all these questions were figuratively embodied in the novel.

The problem of personality is central to the novel: "The history of the human soul ... is almost more curious and not more useful than the history of an entire people." And this statement by M.Yu. Lermontov's could become an epigraph to our lesson.

It was not by chance that Pechorin established himself in the eyes of the generation of the 1930s as a typical character of the post-Kabrist era. And by his fate, by his sufferings and doubts, and by the whole structure of his inner world, he really belongs to that time.Not to understand this means not to understand anything. Not in the hero, not in the novel itself.

To understand - this is, in fact, the purpose of our lesson.

A. Let us turn to the composition of the composition.

I. - Who tells the story of Pechorin?

Students' answers.

Slide 6

Writing on the board (work in notebooks):

1. Maksim Maksimych ("Bela") is a staff captain, a man of the people, has been serving in the Caucasus for a long time, he has seen a lot in his lifetime. A kind person, but limited. He spent a lot of time with Pechorin, but he didn’t understand the “oddities” of his aristocratic colleague, a person who was too far from him in the social circle.

2. Wandering officer (officer-narrator) ("Maksim Maksimych") Able to understand Pechorin deeper, closer to him in terms of his intellectual and cultural level than Maksim Maksimych. However, he can only be judged on the basis of what he heard from the kind, but limited Maksim Maksimych. Pechorin "... I saw ... only once ... in my life on the high road." Subsequently, having familiarized himself with Pechorin's diary that fell into his hands, the narrator will express his opinion about the hero, but it is neither exhaustive nor unambiguous.

3. And finally, the narration entirely passes into the hands of the hero himself, a sincere man, “who so mercilessly exposed his own weaknesses and vices”; a man of a mature mind and not conceited.

B. - How does Lermontov build the plot of the work?

Let's open the content of the novel.

Don't you notice any oddities? (chapter numbering)

How many parts are there in the novel? (two)

How many chapters are there in each part? (1-3,2-2)

Why after the chapter "Maksim Maksimych" there is chapter # 1 "Taman"? (the narration begins by Pechorin himself)

Student responses

To begin with, let's remember what a plot and a plot are?

Slide 7 - 8

Plot - a set of events in a work of art (events arranged in the order in which the author reports them).

  1. "Bela" / 4 /
  2. "Maxim Maksimych" / 5 /
  3. "Foreword"
  4. "Pechorin's Journal" / 6 /
  5. "Taman" / 1 /
  6. "Princess Mary" / 2 /
  7. "Fatalist" / 3 /

Fable - events in a literary work in their sequential connection (a set of events in their natural chronological order)

  1. "Taman"
  2. "Princess Mary"
  3. "Fatalist"
  4. "Bela"
  5. "Maxim Maksimych"
  6. "Preface" to "Pechorin's Journal".

Can this collection of stories be called a novel? Why Pushkin “ Stories Belkin ”? Why Gogolcollection of stories"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"?

- Why Lermontov is in no hurry to call his brainchild a novel, denoting it in very different ways: as "notes", "compositions", "long chain of stories"? Let's remember this question.

C. - Restore the chronological order of events.

The chronology of events underlying the work, according to V. Nabokov (student message). Slide 9

“Taman”: about 1830 - Pechorin leaves St. Petersburg for an active detachment and stops in Taman;

"Princess Mary": May 10 - June 17, 1832; Pechorin comes from an active detachment to the waters in Pyatigorsk and then to Kislovodsk; after a duel with Grushnitsky, he was transferred to the fortress under the command of Maksim Maksimych;

"Fatalist": December 1832 - Pechorin for two weeks comes from the fortress of Maxim Maksimych to the Cossack village;

“Bela”: spring of 1833 - Pechorin kidnaps the daughter of “Prince Mirnov”, and four months later she dies at the hands of Kazbich;

“Maksim Maksimycha”: autumn of 1837 - Pechorin, setting off for Persia, again finds himself in the Caucasus and meets with Maksim Maksimych ”.

Let us restore the picture, made by M. Yu. Lermontov, of “chronological displacements”. It looks like this: the novel begins in the middle of the events and is brought consistently to the end of the hero's life. Then the events in the novel unfold from the beginning of the depicted chain of events to its middle.

Why do you think the author needed to arrange the parts of the novel in that order? (estimated student responses)

Teacher conclusions (depending on the completeness of students' answers).

Slide 10

Writing in notebooks:

Maximally interest the reader in the fate of Pechorin;

Trace the history of his inner life;

The image of Pechorin is revealed in two ways: from the point of view of an outside observer and in terms of internal self-disclosure (diary);

With such a structure, as if leaving the hero alive, it is easier for the author to show his position. Such a compositional technique expresses the author's latent optimism, his faith in man. Remember: "The people dispersed, the officers congratulated me - and, for sure, there was something." With these words, we say goodbye not only to the main character, who could have done wonderful things, had his fate been different. This is how he, according to Lermontov, should have been remembered by the reader.

All of this is true, but not all. Lermontov created a completely new novel - new in form and content: a psychological novel.

G. - Why is "A Hero of Our Time" the first psychological novel in Russian literature?

What is psychologism?

Slide 11

Psychologism - it is a fairly complete, detailed and deep depiction of the feelings, thoughts and experiences of a literary character with the help of specific means of fiction.

The plot of the composition is “the history of the human soul”.

Lermontov lets us first hear about the hero, then look at him and, finally, opens his diary before us.

The change of narrators is aimed at making the analysis of the inner world deeper and more comprehensive.

  • Kind, but limited Maxim Maksimych.
  • Narrator Officer.
  • "Observations of a mature mind over itself."

V.G. Belinsky argued that the novel "in spite of its episodic fragmentary character," you cannot read the novel in the order in which the author himself arranged it: otherwise you will read two excellent stories and several excellent stories, but you will not know the novel. "

So, M. Yu. Lermontov felt the novelty of his work, which combined such genres as a travel sketch, a story, a secular story, a Caucasian short story, and had all sorts of reasons for this. This was the first psychological novel in Russian literature.

IV Dispute (Slide 12) : why Lermontov singled out Pechorin against the background of other heroes, why, despite the unseemly actions, Pechorin is better than some other characters.

V Homework (Slide 13):

MBOU "Bezymenskaya Secondary School" Oleinik T.V.

Open literature lesson

Class 9

Teacher: Oleinik Tatiana Vasilievna.

MOU "Bezymenskaya secondary school"

Grayvoron region

Belgorod Region

Topic: "So what kind of person is this Pechorin?"

Epilogue lesson to Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"

Target: create conditions for the formation of skills and knowledge to identify the main problems in

the main character of Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time";

contribute to the formation of skills and abilities of artistic retelling and development

memory and thinking in students;

instilling love for the works of Lermontov.


Portrait of a poet;


Lesson type - literary court.

Lesson Notes:

Students received an assignment

The lesson is built like a lesson - judgment.

The teacher must skillfully introduce them into the lesson, and the students, turning to additional literature, recall the judgments of critics.

The lesson was held in the 9th grade, therefore, possible answers are given in the synopsis, conclusions are drawn.

During the classes.

Teacher's word. So the time has come, guys, to bring you to the final conclusion: "what kind of person is this Pechorin?" The question “who is he? logically causes another: "what time did he live?" Pechorinskoe time - 30s - 40s of the XIX century. Remember how the hero will say: "I had the misfortune to be born one disgusting evening."

It turns out that there were periods in Russia when to be born smart and talented meant to doom oneself to misfortune, when, in Herzen's words, “around no one and nothing knew a living person”. The Pechorins' generation was too young to enter Senate Square on December 14. It saw only executions and exile, learned to be silent, holding back tears, learned to hide its thoughts.

Russia has become a grand barracks. Freethinking was persecuted. What a tragic fate the leading people have become!

The year 1840 has come. Lermontov's novel was published. Accusations fell on him. And then the author decided to have his say.

In the preface, I explain how to accept the novel and the protagonist. The readers were offended at me that they were given an example of "such an immoral person", because some took literally the name of the novel. Others thought that in the image of Pechorin I portrayed myself. I object and say that “A Hero of Our Time” is “a portrait made up of the vices of our generation in their full development.” I believe that we have already fed people enough sweets ... other medicines, caustic truths are needed.

My task is to point out the disease of time, and how to cure it - God knows!

Teacher: So we come to the topic of our lesson. Today you will have to make sure that Pechorin really had "immense" moral forces, which gave rise to deep hopeless sadness in him, that the hero's tragedy lies in his giftedness, outstanding intellect, which did not find an echo in the era of reaction. So, from the testimony of Mr. Pechorin

Pechorin: “And maybe I'll die tomorrow! Some will say: he was a good fellow, others - a scoundrel! .. Both will be false. "

Teacher: And what is true? This is what we will find out today. What is Pechorin? What is his fault, and what is his trouble? Let's look at him through the eyes of those who shared the days of his life with him, through the eyes of the author, who spoke about him beautifully, the critic V.G. Belinsky, as well as with his own eyes.

Court clerk: The floor is given to the investigation: “Today, the literary court is hearing the case of Mr. G. Pechorin

In the course of the investigation, it was established that Pechorin, being by nature an intelligent, observant person, deeply versed in people, brings only misfortune to them. He aimlessly intervened in the life and affairs of peaceful smugglers in Taman. He disturbed the peace of the mountaineers: he took away from Kazbich the most precious thing - a horse, made Azamat a homeless abrek, became the culprit in the death of Bela and her father, offended a loved one Maksim Maksimych, ruined Mary's life, killed Grushnitsky in a duel. He remains a "weapon of execution" even in relations with Vera. We made sure that he did not warm anyone with his heart, but only brought suffering. All this is enough to bring the case to court ”.

Judge: Well, gentlemen, let's get started. Everyone who has anything to do with Pechorin is present in the hall. Do the prosecution and defense have any questions for the accused?

Prosecutor: Tell me, Pechorin, what brought you to the Caucasus? Wanderlust?

Pechorin: Of course not. I was expelled from St. Petersburg for a duel. On the way, to the place of his new service, he stayed in Taman, where he accidentally ran into smugglers. Being inquisitive by nature, I decided to comprehend the secrets of their life. But I was in for a bitter disappointment: it turns out there were no secrets in this romantic story. I understood: their activity is conditioned by vital necessity. Believe me, I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

Prosecutor: Yes, your act is pointless. Pay attention to what terrible conclusion the accused comes to: "What do I care about the joys and sorrows of men!" Isn't it cruel?

Advocate: I am protesting, Mr. Prosecutor! Pechorin is a romantic. A simple girl seems to him as an undine, a fabulous creature. In his adventure, he sees something mysterious, unknown. It was this that attracted his ardent, thirsty for new, nature. He is so young, inexperienced.

Everything is interesting to him, he must occupy himself with something, fill the bottomless emptiness of his spirit at least with activity without any purpose. He is brave, courageous, looking for love, he liked a mysterious girl.

What's wrong with that? By the way, he himself fell into a trap and almost died. And all because he is interested in the people themselves. He wants to know the secret for himself, not for the commandant. Think about his confession: “And why was fate to throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers? Like a stone thrown into a smooth spring, I disturbed their calmness and, like a stone, I almost went to the bottom! " This is undeniably sympathetic.

Prosecutor: I want to continue. After some military expedition, Pechorin was allowed to use the waters in Pyatigorsk. He is in the circle of people who are socially close to him. It would seem that you should rest and do not overshadow the life of those around you. But no, and here Pechorin showed complete indifference to human suffering.

Judge: I will ask you to call a witness - Princess Mary.

Mary: I fell in love with Pechorin and, of course, could not imagine that he would not reciprocate. I thought that he was afraid of obstacles from my parents, and therefore does not propose to me. But it turned out that he just doesn't love me.

Advocate: Gentlemen, is it possible to judge a person for the fact that he honestly admits that he does not love. I think that this only elevates Pechorin in our eyes.

Prosecutor: Tell me, Pechorin, why did you seek Mary's love? To reject it later? This is cruel.

Pechorin: If you think that I sought Mary's love out of petty selfish motives, wanted to laugh at her feelings, then you are deeply mistaken. I just wanted to break out of the hypocritical secular circle, to find meaning in something pure and light. But I have not achieved anything. I was already disappointed in everything. I don't even believe in friendship. I have no ideals. This is bad. And therefore it is not a pity to die, especially "a small loss for the world", "yes, I myself am pretty bored!"

Advocate: Gentlemen! How tragic these words sound. I understand the state of Pechorin. Remember the people of his circle, their customs. In their midst there is no place for serious thought, spiritual life, there is no place for nobility and honesty, and Pechorin is not looking for a connection with this society. He is too smart and taller than others, but he is lonely. And this is his tragedy. Longing throws him from one empty action to another. This is his misfortune, not his fault.

Prosecutor: Tell me, Pechorin, why did you go to a duel?

Pechorin: I watched Grushnitsky for a long time and realized that he had put on the mask of a disappointed sufferer in everything, and this buffoonery comedy began to annoy me. Grushnitsky insulted the person in me who was used to judging himself and others severely. I realized that the conflict is inevitable.

Advocate: Understand, gentlemen, this is not an empty intrigue, but a deep human drama. Falsehood or hypocrisy forced my client to a duel. He is deeply at odds with himself and others, and is doomed to a split life.

Judge: I will ask you to call the witness Werner.

Werner: Pechorin was the only person close to me in spirit and convictions. Only with him could I speak freely and frankly. I have always considered him to be an insanely brave man, capable of taking risks. Before the duel with Grushnitsky, where I was Pechorin's second, I warned him that his pistol would not be loaded. But this did not bother him. I was surprised by Pechorin's calmness, but even more his behavior during the duel: he offered one shot at a time, and one of the duelists had to stand on the edge of the mountain platform, so that even with a slight wound, death was inevitable for him. Grushnitsky fired first and missed. Pechorin ordered to load his pistol before firing. The way he killed the man in cold blood amazed me. I considered Pechorin my friend, but after the duel I could not shake hands with him.

Prosecutor: I thank Mr. Werner for the testimony. We were once again convinced what a cynical person Pechorin is. He is capable of murder, does not know how to appreciate real friendship, callous and cold.

Advocate: Gentlemen of the judge, I protest against this conclusion and call the witness Princess Vera.

faith: I have known Pechorin for many years. This is the noblest man. He loved me as a property, as a source of joy and anxiety. I will not blame him. I understood a lot by communicating with him. He is deeply unhappy, there is something special in him, peculiar to him alone. He's better than other men. No matter what he says, his power is invincible. Nobody knows how to want to be loved all the time; in no one is evil so attractive. No one’s gaze promises so much bliss and no one can be so truly unhappy as Pechorin, because no one tries to convince himself otherwise.

Advocate: Gentlemen! Can we, after all we have heard, blame Pechorin for all the misfortunes. Probably, you are convinced that we have before us an extraordinary person who possesses mysterious strength, a proud and invincible disposition. Such a person can instill deep love in any woman. But he was not understood by people. Hence Pechorin is lonely and unhappy. All his actions, adventures - the desire to disbelieve himself in the tragedy of his fate.

Prosecutor: I cannot agree with Mr. Lawyer. The attitude to Faith just convinces us of the opposite. He brings only suffering to Vera, breaks Mary's heart, kills Grushnitsky in cold blood. This person brings only misfortune to others. In support of my words, I will forgive you to call witness Maksim Maksimych.

Maxim Maksimych: I am a simple person, but I can say that Pechorin is a strange person, albeit a nice fellow.

He offended me greatly - our last meeting was so cold. A wonderful person, but with "great oddities." "Indeed, it is a pity that he will end badly ... and it cannot be otherwise! .. I always said that there is no use in someone who forgets old friends!"


The narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator (author of notes). One day he was riding on the checkpoints from Tiflis. On the way, he met with captain Maxim Maksimych. After getting to know each other and talking, they stay overnight in one of the villages because of a blizzard. Maxim Maksimych began to tell different stories from the service (he served even under Ermolov). The conversation turned to Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. He came to serve in the fortress under the command of Maksim Maksimych. The captain gave the following description to Pechorin: "He was a nice fellow, ... only a little strange." Sometimes he spends the whole day in the rain hunting - and he will not get tired, will not freeze. And sometimes he assures that from a draft he can catch a cold. Shudders from the knock of the shutters, although he walks alone on the boar.

Pechorin lived in the fortress for a year, and the captain told his interlocutor one incident.

A worldly prince lived not far from the fortress, he had a son of about fifteen, who often visited the fortress. The boy was very hot-tempered, he was often teased, and he was very “greedy for money”. Once the prince invited Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin to the wedding of his eldest daughter. They went as they were the kunaks of the prince.

At the wedding, Pechorin drew attention to the beauty, the youngest daughter of Prince Belu. But Kazbich also admired her, who was suspected of many robbery. He had a wonderful horse, Karagez, who helped his master more than once; many tried to steal this horse.

Azamat offers Kazbich to steal his sister Bela for a horse, knowing that Kazbich really likes Bela. Maxim Maksimych accidentally overheard this conversation and then passed it on to Pechorin.

As a result of the conversation between Azamat and Kazbich, a clash occurs, Kazbich leaves.

In the following days, when Azamat came to the fortress, Pechorin praised Kazbich's horse every time. Then he offers Azamat the horse Karagez in exchange for Bela. Azamat agrees. The next day, in the evening, Azamat brought Bela to the fortress, and the next morning he steals a horse while Kazbich is sitting at Pechorin's.

Kazbich was heartbroken when he learned about the theft. The sentry said that Azamat untied his horse and rode off on it. Kazbich wanted revenge, but Azamat disappeared.

Bela was shy about Pechorin. He gave her gifts, but she still did not let him near her. He insisted that he loved her. Finally, he told her that he was leaving to find his own death, that if she didn’t love him, he had no reason to live anymore. Bela breaks down and throws herself on Pechorin's neck. She said that she loved Pechorin from the first meeting.

Kazbich kills Bela's father, believing that with his consent Azamat stole the horse. Bela was told about her father's death some time later.

In the morning the narrator and Maksim Maksimych hit the road. Maxim Maksimych tells the end of this story. He got used to Bela, attached to her like a daughter.

Pechorin always loved hunting, he began to leave the fortress often, and Bela began to miss him. She thinks that Pechorin no longer loves her. Maxim Maksimych consoles her.

Once, when Bela and Maksim Maksimych were walking along the fortress wall, they saw Kazbich. When they told Pechorin about this, he advised Bela not to go to the rampart.

Maxim Maksimych began to notice that Pechorin no longer loved Bela. Calling him to a frank conversation, he heard that Pechorin had an unhappy character, bringing misfortune to others. In his youth, Pechorin enjoyed all the pleasures "that can be obtained for money," he says that he was disgusted with the upper world, the love of beauties, "which leaves the heart empty." Boredom seized him, he went to war in the Caucasus. But there, too, he became bored. Seeing Bela, he thought that she was an angel sent by fate, but the love of the savage became boring to him as quickly as the love of coquettes.

Once Maksim Maksimych and Pechorin went to hunt a wild boar. The hunt was unsuccessful, and Maxim Maksimych offered to return. But Pechorin did not want to return without prey. They still did not manage to kill the boar. As they approached the fortress, a shot rang out. It was Kazbich who kidnapped Bela. They rushed in pursuit of him. Pechorin wounded Kazbich's horse, and Kazbich wounded Bela with a dagger. Bela suffered for two days, she was delirious, she had a fever, then she died. Pechorin, when Maxim Maksimych decided to console him, suddenly laughed. Bela was buried behind the fortress. Pechorin was ill for a long time, and then transferred to another regiment in Georgia.

Prosecutor: Here's another victim. We must condemn him severely.

Advocate: I ask to call the main witness - the author, Mr. Lermontov.

Prosecutor: Gentlemen! So Lermontov emphasized that vices, not virtues, were collected in Pechorin.

Advocate: Yes, vices, but for some reason, the Prosecutor omitted the words “a whole generation”. Why should we blame only Pechorin? I ask you to call a witness for the defense of Mr. Belinsky.

V. G. Belinsky: Gentlemen! Pay attention to the title of the novel. Pechorin is really a hero of his time, that is, the 30s of the XIX century. By social conditions of life, I explain his egoism, his lack of faith, disappointment. But he has a critical mind, impulses of sincere feeling. The hero's intellect is rich and multifaceted, but the opportunities to give him a socially useful direction are negligible. Active by nature, Pechorin is forced to spend the best forces of soul and mind on trifles. Saving himself from boredom, he sometimes pays dearly. Pechorin is an outstanding personality, but society does not need him. He is always alone, therefore he is constantly sad. His sadness is stronger than that of Onegin. Pechorin's character is active, ebullient, and the life that surrounds him is dead and monotonous. If Onegin is "bored", then Pechorin "suffers".

Judge: We thank Mr. Belinsky. The court considers it necessary to hear the accused as well.

Pechorin: Running through all my past in my memory, I ask myself: why did I live? For what purpose was I born? Indeed, it existed, and, it is true, it was a high assignment for me, because I feel immense strength in my soul ... But I did not guess this assignment, but was carried away by the lures of empty and ungrateful passions. I have lost forever the fervor of noble aspirations. And since then, how many times have I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate!

My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those whom I loved. Yes, I loved only for myself, for my own pleasure. I have been living for a long time not with my heart, but with my head. There are two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him; the first, perhaps, will say goodbye to you forever, and the second ... the second ...

Teacher: Well, today in the literary court we heard the accusations, the defense, the Pechorin's witnesses. It's time for you guys to give your assessment to Pechorin

Lesson summary.(students speak out, drawing conclusions).

What kind of man is this Pechorin?

From all that has been said and read, we can conclude that Pechorin is full of energy, but directs it to ordinary circumstances, and from this it becomes destructive. He learned to be secretive, vindictive, bilious, became, in his own words, "a moral cripple."

Pechorin cannot find a use for himself. He wastes himself on petty matters, exposes himself to bullets, seeks oblivion in novels. Pechorin is characterized by a sharp confrontation of passions. He deeply suffers from the fact that he understands his contradiction between the depth and integrity of nature and the "pitiful actions" he performs. He feels in his soul "immense powers, but cannot find a use for them." This makes Pechorin one of the superfluous people, i.e. a typical representative of the 30s of the 19th century.

He is worried about many issues of life, he thinks about philosophical problems, reflects on good and evil, life and death. His critical remarks, deep understanding of human relationships and characters put him on a par with the smartest people of the era. Even the features of Pechorin's appearance allow us to notice signs of a bright personality that stands out sharply from those around him: he is physically strong, which naturally combines with secularism, and he feels some kind of inner concentration and self-confidence. The inconsistency of this image is evidenced by a very important detail noted by the author - Pechorin's eyes did not laugh when he laughed. He is haunted by boredom and the realization of the insufficiency of the life he leads. Pechorin becomes an "evil genius" for many people: he pushes Azamat and Kazbich on the path of crime, because of him Bela dies, Princess Mary suffers, the usual course of smugglers is disrupted. Vera, the only woman he loves, is unhappy, and Maxim Maksimovich, sincerely attached to Pechorin, deeply experiences his callousness.

Pechorin regards his generation as people wandering the earth without conviction and pride, without pleasure and fear, incapable of great sacrifices, neither for the good of humanity, nor for their own happiness.

Such is our hero - born for a lofty goal, but forced to live in agonizing inaction or simply rely on himself.

"This is Onegin of histime ". I think that you are convinced that it is noble,clever man. He is frantically chasing life, looking for it everywhere. Bitterlyblames himself for his delusions.

Pechorin- part of that worldwhich he himself denies, and this is his tragedy. Time of coursesubject to discussion, but each of us in thistime is also subject to discussion.

Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin is a hero of a transitional period, when the ideals of the past are destroyed, and new ones have not yet had time to form. Lermontov notes that Pechorin is "like a portrait, but not of one person, made up of the vices of our entire generation in their full development." With such a representation, Lermontov emphasized a realistic approach to the problem of the individual and society.

Homework: Creative nature. Give written reasoning on the issue:

"Did Pechorin really have a purpose on earth - to destroy other people's hopes?"

( Guys must see

duality of nature Pechorin,

his mental loneliness, gradual "exhaustion of the heat of the soul" )

Lesson topic:

M.Yu. Lermontov, acquaintance with the novel "Hero of Our Time"

Target: update knowledge from past years of study, as well as introduce children to the composition of the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

During the classes.

Updating the topic. (2-3min)

In the previous lesson, we finished the study of the work of A.S. Pushkin, but we will meet with his name and works more than once. A.S. Pushkin is a great classic poet, whose work will illuminate the path of each of us throughout our life. A.S. Pushkin died on January 28, 1837. And almost immediately, angry and tragic lines from the poem "Death of a Poet" spread throughout the city:

The poet is dead! - slave of honor -
Fallen, slandered by rumor,
With lead in my chest and a thirst for revenge
Dropping his proud head! ..
The poet's soul could not bear
Shame on petty grievances
He rebelled against the opinions of the world
Alone as before ... and killed!

This poem belonged to a young man, still little known, but instantly won the Russian reader. Russia has found a new genius poet.

What is his name?

2. Introduction to the topic (Crossword) (5-7 min)

Today's lesson is dedicated to the work of M.Yu. Lermontov


Lermontov's favorite place in the boarding house (library)

The area in which the poet spent his childhood years, and where he is buried. (Penza)

What was the name of the poet's father? (Yuri)

Favorite city of M.Yu. Lermontov. (Moscow)

The first poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, written on the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. ("Borodino")

The place where M.Yu. Lermontov lived and studied in Moscow. (boarding house)

Here is the estate of the maternal grandmother. (Tarkhany)

His grandmother took him for treatment to the place where M.Yu. Lermontov listened to mountain legends. This place is an inspiration for him. (Caucasus)


Surname of the famous poet who died in a duel in 1841. (Lermontov)


Lermontov's favorite place in the boarding house

The area in which the poet spent his childhood years, and where he is buried.

What was the name of the poet's father?

Favorite city of M.Yu. Lermontov.

The first poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, written on the events of the Patriotic War of 1812.

The place where M.Yu. Lermontov lived and studied in Moscow.

Here is the estate of the maternal grandmother.

The image of M.Yu. Lermontov, painted by many artists.

His grandmother took him for treatment to the place where M.Yu. Lermontov listened to mountain legends. This place is an inspiration for him.


Surname of the famous poet who died in a duel in 1841.

The most recent work in the poet's work was the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

3. Ideological concept of the novel (teacher's speech) (1 min)

- Lermontov conceived his novel as an artistic study of the inner world of a person, his soul.

- "A Hero of Our Time" is a "story of a human soul", this is the first

Russian psychological novel.

A psychological novel is an epic novel in which the main thing is the inner world of the hero, the feelings in his soul, the reasons for his actions.


What does "hero" mean

1.the person is strong, courageous, with great merits

2.the main character of the work

3. a person who is a representative of some era, time.

4. Features of the composition (2-3 min)

The novel consists of several stories. But they are located in a very peculiar way. The events of the work took place like this:

But Lermontov violates this sequence.

Lermontov's novel is divided into episodes, which are not given in order. Therefore, the impression of a disorder in life is created.

"Bela" - an oriental story

"Maxim Maksimych" - a travel story

"Taman" - a robber story

"Princess Mary" - a secular story

"Fatalist" - a philosophical tale

But these episodes do not exist by themselves. They are a novel, a novel about the hero of Lermontov's time.

5. Working with text

What is this mysterious person, the hero of the times of Lermontov?

Let's turn to the preface

“The Hero of Our Time, my dear sirs, is, for sure, a portrait, but not of one person: this is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development. You will tell me again that a person cannot be so bad, and I will tell you that if you believed in the possibility of the existence of all tragic and romantic villains, why do you not believe in the reality of Pechorin? If you admired fictions much more terrible and ugly, why does this character, even as fiction, find no mercy with you? Is it because there is more truth in him than you would like it to be? "

What is this portrait? (a portrait of not one person, but a whole generation, made up of vices)

Who is the main character in which the portrait of an entire generation is revealed? (Pechorin)

6. Summary

What new have you learned?

Know the heroes of this story

Draw up a plan of events described in the story.