Satyric image of reality in the fairy tales "Wild landowner" and "Wheel Pescar" M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin

Satyric image of reality in the fairy tales
Satyric image of reality in the fairy tales "Wild landowner" and "Wheel Pescar" M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin

Saltykov-Shchedrin is one of the greatest satirists of the world. All his life he beat autocracy, serfdom, and after the reform of 1861, the remnants of serfdom, which remained in everyday life, in the psychology of people. Satira Shchedrin is directed not only against landowners, but against the new oppressors of the people who agricultural reform Tsarism unleashed hands - capitalists. Great writer Exposes the liberals distracting the people from the struggle.

Satirik criticized not only despotism and egoism of oppressors labor people, but also the humility of the oppressive themselves, their long-suffering and slave psychology.

Creativity Shchedrin is associated with the traditions of his ingenious predecessors: Pushkin, Gogol. But Satire is generous more acute and merciless. In all the brilliance, the talent of the Shchedrian Experience was revealed in his fairy tales.

Sympathetic to the oppressed people, Shchedrin spoke out against the autocracy and his servants. The king, ministers and governors ridicule the fairy tale "Bear on Voivodship". It shows three sootheginic, consistently replaced each other in the voivodeship, where they were sent to the lion to "doubt the internal supports." The first two Toptygin engaged in various kinds of "villains": one - small, the other - large. Toptygin, the third did not eager "bloodshedrality". Shchedrin shows that the cause of disasters of people not only in the abuse of power, but also in the very character of the autocratic system. And this means that the salvation of the people is in the overthrow of tsarism. Such is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tales.

In the fairy tale "Eagle-Macenate" Shchedrin exposes the activities of autocracy in the field of enlightenment. Eagle - the king of birds - decided to "start" with the court of science and art. However, Eagle was sorely tired of playing the role of the patron of the patron: he destroyed the nightingale poet, put on the shackle on the scientist's student and sharpened him in the hollow, Raven ruined. The writer showed in this fairy tale incompatibility of tsarism with science, education and art, concluded that "Eagles for Education are harmful."

"Tales" Shchedrin is a magnificent artistic monument of the past era, an example of condemning all forms of social evil in the name of good, beauty, equality and justice.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin - the creator of a special literary genre is a satirical fairy tale. In small stories, the Russian writer was hyclocked bureaucracy, autocracy, liberalism. This article discusses such products of Saltykov-Shchedrin, as " Wild landmark"," Eagle-Macnate "," Wheat Pescar"," Karas idealist. "

Features of Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tales

In the fairy tales of this writer you can go and allegory, and grotesque, and hyperbola. There are features characteristic of Esopovsky narration. In communication between characters reflected relations prevailing in society XIX. century. What satirical techniques used a writer? In order to answer this question, you should briefly tell about the author's life, so ruthlessly implaced the oblique world of the landowners.

about the author

Saltykov-Shchedrin combined literary activities from civil service. Born future writer In the Tver Province, but after graduation, Lyceum went to St. Petersburg, where he received a position in the military ministry. Already in the first years of work in the capital, a young official began languishing by bureaucracy, a lie, boredom who reigned in institutions. With great pleasure, Saltykov-Shchedrin visited various literary eveningswhich prevailed anti-refresh moods. He noticed the Petersburgers about his views on the "confusing business" standards, "contradiction". For which I was exiled in Vyatka.

Life in the province allowed the writer to watch in all details official world, the life of landowners and the peasants oppressed by them. This experience has become a material for written works later, as well as the formation of special satirical techniques. One of the contemporaries of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin once said about him: "He knows Russia, like no other."

Satyric Takes Saltykov-Shchedrin

His creativity is quite diverse. But there are exactly the most popular among the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, they are fairy tales. Several singular satirical techniques can be isolated, with the help of which the writer tried to convey to the readers, the sideways and deceit of the landlord world. And above all in the veiled form the author reveals deep political and social problems, expresses its own point of view.

Another reception - use fantastic motifs. For example, in the "Tale of how one man's two generals Pin" they serve as a means of expressing discontent to the landowners. Finally, calling satirical techniques of generous, it is impossible not to mention symbolism. After all, the heroes of fairy tales often indicate one of public phenomena XIX century. So, in the main character of the work of "Konya" the whole pain of the Russian people oppressed by centuries is reflected. Below is the analysis individual works Saltykov-Shchedrin. What satirical techniques are used in them?

"Karas idealist"

In this fairy tale, representatives of the intelligentsia expresses Saltykov-Shchedrin. Satirical techniqueswhich can be found in the work of "Carace-idealist" - this is a symbolism, use folk sayings and proverbs. Each of the heroes - collective image Representatives of a particular social class.

In the center of the plot, fairy tales - the discussion of the crucian and hesh. The first, which is already understood from the name of the work, to the idealistic worldview, faith in the best. He is, on the contrary, a skeptic, ironizing the theories of his opponent. There is in the tales and the third character - Pike. This unsafe fish symbolizes in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin strong Mira of this Pikes, as you know, feed on a handy. The latter driven by the best feelings is sent to the predator. In the brutal law of nature (or centuries established hierarchy in society) Karas does not believe. He hopes to form pike with stories about possible equality, universal happiness, virtue. And therefore dies. Pike, as the author notes, the word "virtue" is not familiar.

Satirical techniques are used here not only to replace the rigidity of representatives of individual sectors of society. With the help of them, the author is trying to convey the inferctness of moralistic disputes, which were common among the intelligentsia XIX century.

"Wild landowner"

The topic of serfdom is given a lot of space in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. He was what to tell readers to this account. However, writing a journalistic article on the relations of landowners to peasants or the publication of the artistic work in the genre of realism on this topic was fraught with unpleasant consequences. And therefore had to resort to allegoryrs, easy humorous stories. In the "wild landowner" we are talking about a typical Russian usurper, not distinguished by education and everyday wisdom.

He hates the "men" and dreams of their lime. At the same time, the stupid landowner does not understand that without the peasant he will die. After all, it does not want anything, and I can not. You might think that the prototype of the Hero of the fairy tale is a landowner who, perhaps, the writer met in real life. But no. We are talking Not about some specific Barine. And about the social layer as a whole.

Fully, without allegory, this topic Saltykov-Shchedrin revealed into the "granny gentlemen." The heroes of the novel - representatives of the provincial landlord - dying one after another. The reason for their death is nonsense, ignorance, laziness. The character of the fairy tale "Wild landowner" expects the same fate. After all, he got rid of the peasants, and she was glad, but she was not ready for life without them.


The heroes of this fairy tales are eagles and crows. The first symbolize landowners. Second - peasants. The writer again resorts to the acceptance of allegory, with the help of which raises the vices of the strengths of this. A nightingale, forty, owl and woodpecker are also present in the fairy tale. Each of the birds is an allegory on the type of people or social class. The characters in the "Orle-Metsente" are more framed than, for example, the heroes of the fairy tale "Carace-idealist". So, the woodpecker, who has the wonders to argue, in conclusion bird Story Does not become a victim of a predator, but falls behind the bars.

"Wheel Pescar"

As in the works described above, in this fairy tale, the author raises questions relevant to that time. And here it becomes clear from the first lines. But Saltykov-Shchedrian Saltykova - use artistic means for critical image defects not only public, but also universal. The narration in the "Promudro Pescara" author leads in a typical fairy style: "lived-was ...". The hero of its author is characterized in this way: "Enlightened, moderately liberal."

Cowardice and passivity rises in this fairy tale great master Satira. After all, these vices were peculiar to most of the representatives of the intelligentsia in the eighties of the XIX century. Pescar does not leave his asylum. He lives long life, avoiding meetings with dangerous inhabitants water World. But only before death, he understands how much missed his long and worthless life.

Objects of satirical decoration in fairy tales. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is one of the most peculiar writers in Russian literature. His work is aimed at the impact of society's defects. His talent perfectly coped with the tasks that the era set him. He devoted his whole life to the struggle for the liberation of the Russian people, criticizing in his works by autocracy and serfdom, and after the reform of 1861 - the remnants of serfdom, which remained in the life and psychology of people. Satirik criticized not only despotism and egoism of oppressors, but also the humility of oppressed, their long-suffering, slave psychology.

Understanding that only the people can take a revolution, Saltykov-Shchedrin tries to wake the self-awareness of the people, calling him to the struggle. Saltykov-Shchedrin perfectly owned by the techniques of artistic exaggeration, pointed images, fiction tools, in particular satyrian grotesque. Objects of his satirical chill became the most sharp themes modern writer societies. In sudden forms, he exposed a bureaucracy ("Pompadura and Pompadurshi", "Lord Tashkent", "Lord silence"), with all the power of sarcasm inherent in him, he condemned the monarchy, predicted her inevitable death and calling for an implacable fight against her ("The history of one city "). The writer made a harsh sentence to serfs, already historically doomed, but still fiercely trying to preserve their privileges ("Lord Golovy"). He ridiculed the troubles of those representatives of the "free-sisted" intelligentsia, which in the years of political reaction was operating "in relation to meanness" ("Modern Idylli").

"The history of one city" (1869-1870) is the sharpest attack on the monarchy in the whole Russian literature. In this work satirik resorted to a complex artistic disguise. He issued his work for the chronicles found in the archive archive, as if living in the XVIII century, and he was only a modest role of the "publisher" of their notes. Kings and royal ministers presented in the images of the townsmen, and those set by them state regime - In the image of the city of silly. All these fantastic images and witty fictions needed to mock the royal government of their time.

Outstanding achievement of the last decade creative activity Saltykov-Shchedrin is the book of "Tales", which includes thirty-two works. This is one of the brightest and most popular creations of the Great Satirik. During the slight exception, fairy tales were created for four years (1883-1886), at the final stage creative path Writer. The fairy tale is organically close art method Satirik.

Characteristic of the Saltykov-Shchedrin receptions of fiction, allegory, rapprochement of implanable social phenomena with animal phenomena led to the genre of fairy tales. In the ideological content of fairy tales Saltykov-Shchedrin, three main topics can be distinguished: Satira on government tops autocracy and exploitative classes, the image of the life of the masses in tsarist Russia and the impairment of behavior and psychology of the soil of the configured intelligentsia.

Satyric dar of Saltykov-Shchedrin in all his brilliance revealed in fairy tales. This genre allows you to hide true meaning Works from censorship. Saltykov-Shchedrin perfectly owned an Esopov language, in an allegorical form of which he was enjoyed, so the writer's needed to convey the entire absurdity and inconsistency of the depicted situation. "Department of Crops and Distributions", "Rough Movement of History" - these expressions are not invented by the author, and they were born the epoch itself, its arbitrariness and reigning in Russia riots. Satyra Saltykov-Shchedrin is a formidable laughter punishing for those suffering and misfortunes that reign around. "Fairy tales for children easy age"This is an answer writer-Patriot on the surrounding injustice, this is his form of combating her.

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1 topic: Satirical image Reality in fairy tales M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin I. Lexical work Short sensible dictionary Task. Examine a brief sensible dictionary and supplement it with the words: hyperbole, grotesque, fantasy, irony, sarcasm, esopov language, paroding. Write the values \u200b\u200bof these words. 1. Authoritarian - based on unquestioned submission of power, dictatorship. 2. Association Communication between individual performances in which one of the views is different. 3. Bureaucracy 1. Management in which the activities of the authorities executive power Overly complicated and aims to ensure departmental interests to the detriment of the interests of society, in harm to him. 2. Stationery, neglecting to the merits of the sake of compliance with formalities. 4. Hyperbole - 5. Grotesque - 6. Dolgia (book.) Large, long patience. 7. Irony - 8. Naive simple, detecting inexperience, unrequisite. 9. ignorance lack of knowledge, non-culturality. 10. Neusalea is rough, non-public. 11. Ignorance is a poorly educated person, as well as a person who is disgraced in any area. 12. Nivilize equalizing, smooth, destroy the differences between Kemerism or anything. one

2 13. Calm 1. In Tsarist Russia: a city resident (merchant, tradesman, artisan), as well as a resident relating to cost estate. 2. A person deprived of a public outlook living only with small personal interests. 14. Paroding Sarcasm Ezopov Language - II. The task. Before performing the practical part, learn these materials. Artistic peculiarity of fairy tales Saltykov-Shchedrian Tales Shchedrin - political tales-satire. In them, the writer with the help of allegories and the hints was Bicheval the autocratic state, the dominant classes of Tsarist Russia, the bourgeois liberal intelligentsia, acting "in relation to meanness", cowardly intensives; with anger and longing spoke of the stuffiness and humility of the people; I gladly noted the sprouts of popular discontent and protest against unbearable conditions of existence. Tales Shchedrin, like all his work, served as the cause of the liberation of the Motherland and the people. Hyperbole and grotesque truthfully depicting life, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin resorted to the polarity of images. As a realistic artist, a writer by hyperbolization, with the help of fantastic images with a wonderful clarity revealed the ugly character of modern reality. Such an image of life, in which the real, weekly intertwines with a fantastic and negative, ugly drawn in a nude, exaggerated form, is called Grotesque. An example of Grotesque can be many images created by the powerful talent of the Great Satirik, including images of his fairy tales. Grotesque images Shchedrin were true life truth, they, with an extraordinary depth and force, expressed the characteristic features of the "famous order of things", which writer Bicheval throughout his life. The connection of the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin with oral folk creativity in his work writer, like Nekrasov, generously enjoyed the wealth of oral-poetic folk creativity. Great Satirik Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin raised a fairy tale to the top of political journalism. 2.

3 In tales of generous, we meet traditional fabulous images of animals, birds and fish. In the spirit of folk fairy tales, the writer resorted to the allegories: in the images of a lion and an eagle he painted the kings; In the images of bears, wolves, Korshunov, hawks, pucks of representatives of the highest royal administration; in the images of the Zaitsev and Pescares of cowardly inhabitants; In the image of the convoy of the disadvantaged people. Often the writer enjoyed folk fabulous pricing: "There were two generals," there were two generals "; "He lived, Pescar"; "In some kingdom, in some state there was a landowner"; "In the old years, in the king pea it was: the son of a fool was born with smart parents," etc. No less frequent satiri to such fabulous formulas as: "By schuye village, in my opinion "; "Neither in a fairy tale, notice to describe"; "He was there, Hod-beer drank, flowed across the mustache, did not fall into the mouth"; "Running, the earth is trembling"; "Soon the fairy tale affects, and the case of the breaker of the Zaitsev is still done"; "And he began to breed a man on the beans": "And he began to live yes,"; "Lie long, briefly"; Ocean-Sea twisted "; "The mind of the Chamber was" and so on. In fairy tales, many proverbs and sayings were scattered: "Grandma said in the evening"; "Already alive, from the courtyard is indicated: what is going to suffer, for everyone in people riding"; "Shame of the eye is not heating"; "For seven verts, there is"; "; "At that and the pike in the sea, so as a crucian," beads in front of metal pigs, etc., the features of the tale language Shchedrin in that era, when he worked Shchedrin, it was impossible to openly express revolutionary views. In order to bring his thoughts to the reader, the Great Satirik had to resort to "fraudulent means" to the hints, allegoryrs and praise, which became one of the most characteristic features Unique generous language. The origin and features of their writer's manner himself explained the critic himself as follows: "I am obliged to write allegorically to the habit ... the censorship. It tormented Russian literature to such an extent, as if he was swore to erase it from the face of the earth. But the literature persisted in the desire to live and therefore resorted to fraudulent means ... It was created special, the servant of the manner of writing, which can be called an ozopovskoye, a manner that detects wonderful treasures in the invention of reservations, shortcoming, allegory and other fraudulent means. " The Ezopovskaya style of the letter not only helped the generous to overcome censorship obstacles, but also allowed him to draw such parties to Russian life, which other way would not be illuminated. He could not directly say that the people in the Tsarist Russia are unpaired that the policy of the autocracy of the politician of oppression and arbitrariness, and wrote that the Bear Vodvor was sent to the slum so that he was "forest men" to "one denominator". Shchedrin did not say that a person falls into the link, but he said that he met "with Makar, calfs not chasing." These examples show how the masterfully enjoyed the Ezopovian manner of the letter. Unusual peculiarity and charm of Tales Shchedrin gives a skillful inclusion in the conversational household speech of books and foreign words: "Look, son, spoke old sand, dying: if you want to bust life, 3

5 Sample plan Tales Analysis 1. The main topic of the fairy tale (what?). What the thematic group refers to the fairy tale you? Give an argumental answer. 2. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale (why?). 3. Features of the plot. As in the system acting persons Reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale? 4. Features of the fairytale images: a) images symbols; b) originality of animals; c) proximity to folk tales. 5. Satyric techniques used by the author. 6. Features of the composition: inserted episodes, landscape, portrait, interior. 7. Compound of folk, fantastic and real (grotesque). 8. Artistic feature of Tales Shchedrin (conclusion for all points). 9. What is common and what is the distinguished by the fairy tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin from Russian folk fairy tales. Prompt! Satirical fairy tale Satyra Sarcasm Shchedrin No Positive Hero Climbing Human Animal Introduction: Mixing Categories of Good and Evil People's Tale Humor Hyperbol Positive hero Helping animal ending: the victory of goodness over evil materials for certificates of fairy tale Saltykov-Shchedrin have a subtitle: "Fairy tales for children of a fair age." In total, it is written 32 fairy tales, which reflected the essential sides of the tremendephous Russia. Three of them "the story about how one man's two generals was punished," "disappeared conscience" and the "wild landowner" were written in the late 60s, the rest in the 80s. The fairy tale and fabulous fantasy have always been inherent in the work of saticaries. He enjoyed them in the "Stories of one city", and in the "modern idyll", and in Satires in Prose. Folk fairy tales attracted a writer with always condemnation of evil, injustice, stupidity, laziness, glorification of good, nobility, mind, loyalty, hard work. In fantastic fabulous images The people reflected the phenomena of real reality, and it made fairy tales with a relative talent of Shchedrin. All the tales of the writer can be divided into three thematic groups: 1) Satira, aimed against the policy of Russian autocracy and the ruling classes; 2) Satire, depicting the life of the people in Russia; 3) Satira, implacing the psychology of the soot of a customized intelligentsia and its behavior. five

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Plans for Literature Class 10 2017-2018 Tutorial Tutorial. Yu.V. Lebedev. Literature 10 class. 1-2 h. M., Enlightenment, 2012 (2 half year) 15.01 22.01 12.02 19.02 12.03. 19.03 16.04 N.A.Nekrasov.

As humor, satire, sarcasm interact in the fairy tales M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin?

Tale - Original folklore genre, Based on the plot of fiction, which preserves communication with reality at the level of moral teaching, reflections in the conditional, fantastic form of social realities. Saltykov-generous primarily satirical potential of fairy tales was used. In his fairy tales organically combine various types of comic: humor, satire, sarcasm.

Comic - an image of a funny, ridiculous, uncomfortable, strange in life. Comic can arise with various copyright intonations. Humor is a positive manifestation of comic, kind, cheerful laughter, manifestation of cheerfulness, assistant in life creation. Satire - comic image public types and phenomena in the literature for the purpose of their debate, destruction. Satirik shows unworthy in life, internally insolvent. Sarcasm is a judgment containing caustic, stinging mock over the pictured. Sarcasm distinguishes the tone of indignation, indignation.

Fairy tales Saltykov-Shchedrin are thematically diverse. In fairy tales, "the story about how one man's two generals was punished", "Wild landowner", "Bear on Voivodeship" Satirically depicts government and public tops, exploitative classes. Two receptions most frequently used by folklore are laid in the base of the plot of these works. "The story of how one man's two generals attacked" places people in conditional, fictional world to more accurately indicate them characteristics, relations. In the "Bear on Voivodeship", the heroes become human animals.

Wild landowner tale of the same name Reimpted the release of his own lands from men who annoy him with his life, activities, external species. The dream came true, but with its implementation, people and all means disappear, with which the comfortable and externally "cultural" existence was supported. The landowner gradually seeks, turns into half offshore. Interestingly, in this state, he stubbornly adheres to his strange choice to live without men. This shows the depth of hatred and alienation from the life of the people a significant part of the landowners.

At the top of the public pyramid, readers of the plot of the plot of fairy tales "Bear on Voivodesternship" are transferred. Very often, the satirical charge of fairy tales Saltykov-Shchedrin is directed against public position and the behavior of various layers of the Russian intelligentsia. This is dedicated to the fairy tales "selfless", "Karas-idealist". Grotesque, thoroughly a cowardly, who fearless a man's life was the image of the main character of the fairy tale " Promotud Piskary" The mockery replaces the irony, Irony - the bitter sarcastic laughter over the being, deprived of his life, "trembling" all his long, but absolutely insane and meaningless age.