Elective course Culture. Elective course program Culture of Russia from ancient times before the beginning of the XXI century "

Elective course Culture. Elective course program Culture of Russia from ancient times before the beginning of the XXI century "

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Management of Education of the Ambinsky Ulus

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Ambinskaya Secondary School No. 1 named after V.G. Korolenko with in-depth study of individual items"


Director Asosh №1.

Nazarova S.K.

"___" ________________ 2015

"AGREED" considered at the meeting of MO

Deputy Director Protocol No. ___1__

Sudynov N.N.

Working programm

elective course "Culture of Russia" on the subject of "World Art Culture"

in 10th grade

2015 - 2016 academic year

Teacher Egorova L.N.


s. Amga

Explanatory note

Education area:art

Thing:World Art

Elective course "Culture of Russia"

Class:10- 11

Program:Art 5 - 11 classes. Working programs G.I. Danilova. 3rd ed., Pererab. - M.: Drop, 2014.

Year: 2015 - 2016

Number of hours: per year - 35, a week -1. Number of hours in 2 years: 70

The course's training material is the book "Russia" - a new book in the World Art Culture series. The proposed textbook includes materials on the named rate and covers the period from ancient times until the end of the 19th century. Particular attention is paid to Russian culture and the art of Doparyrovsky time. Ancient Russian temple architecture and an iconist, which previously paid little attention in the educational literature was previously discussed. Also, the topics are also included in the topics of 18 and 19 centuries (art, Russian folk creativity), because Literature for this period is more accessible.

The textbook is prepared in accordance with modern methodological requirements and comes off with a working notebook that complements the content of the book.

purpose course: Studyrussian culture and art of Doparyrovsky time; Cultures of Russia 18 and 1 half of the 19th century.

Tasks: show the spiritual wealth and beauty of Russian culture imprinted in works of various types of art.

The program provides for the study of the course on the basis of uniform approaches historically established and developed in the system of school education and upbringing.

Principlecontinuity and continuity It involves learning the course as a single and continuous process that allows you to establish the continuity of all objects of the humanitarian and artistic direction. The material close in the historical or thematic plan is revealed and summarized at a qualitatively new level, taking into account the previously studied.

Principle Integration due to the following: The course is integrative in its essence, because It is considered in the overall system of objects of the humanitarian and aesthetic cycle: history, literature, music, visual art, social studies. First, the program reveals the relationship of various types of art united by the key concept of an artistic image. Secondly, it is especially emphasized by the practical orientation of the subject, its relationship with real life is traced.

Principle Differentiation and individualization it is an integral part in solving pedagogical tasks in teaching MHC. The process of mating art is the process of deeply personal and individual. It allows for all academic times to direct and develop the creative abilities of the student in accordance with the general and artistic level of its development, personal interests, at the same time, contributing to the development of aesthetic taste.

The main key competencies for students are:

Research competencies mean the formationskill find and process information, use various data sources to submit and discuss various materials in a variety of audiences; Work with documents.

Socio-personal competences mean the formation of the abilities critically consider certain aspects of the development of our society: to find links between real and past events; Realize the importance of political and economic contexts of educational and professional situations; understand the works of art and literature; join the discussion and produce His own opinion.

Communicative competences suggest the formation of skills to listen and take into account the views of other people; to discuss and protect your point of view, speak publicly; literary to express their thoughts; Create and understand chart graphs and data table.

Organizational activities and cooperation means the formation of abilities to organize personal work; decisions; be responsible; establish and maintain contacts; take into account the variety of opinions and be able to resolve interpersonal conflicts; negotiate; cooperate and work in a team; join the project.

Personal, Meta-Conduct and Subsidations

Personal results Art study implies:

The formation of a worldview, a holistic understanding of the world and forms of art;

Development of skills and skills of knowledge and self-knowledge through art;

Accumulation of the experience of aesthetic experience;

Formation of creative attitude to problems;

Development of the figurative perception and the development of methods of artistic, creative self-expression of the individual;

Harmonization of intellectual and emotional personal development;

Preparation for the conscious choice of an individual educational or professional trajectory.

MetaPered results Studying art reflect:

The formation of key competencies in the process of dialogue with art;

Identification of causal relationships;

Search for analogs in art;

The development of critical thinking, the ability to argue its point of view;

Formation of research, communicative and information skills;

Application of methods of knowledge through an artistic image;

Use of analysis, synthesis, comparisons, generalizations, systematization;

Identifying the goals and objectives of training activities;

The choice of means of implementing goals and objectives and their application in practice;

Independent assessment of the results achieved.

Subject results Studying art include:

Observation (perception) of objects and art phenomena;

Perception of meaning (concept, specifics) artistic image, works of art;

Representation of the place and role of art in the development of world culture, in human and society's life;

Representation of the system of universal values;

Orientation in the system of moral norms and values \u200b\u200bpresented in artwork;

Assimilation of the characteristics of the language of different types of art and artistic means of expressiveness;

Understanding of the convention of the language of art;

The distinguishing of the studied species and genres of the arts, determining the dependence of the artistic form from the purpose of creative design;

Classification of studied objects and cultural phenomena;

Structuring the studied material, information obtained from various sources;

Awareness of the values \u200b\u200band places of domestic art;

Manifestation of sustainable interest in the artistic traditions of their people;

Respect and awareness of the value of the culture of another people, the development of its spiritual potential;

Formation of communicative, information competence;

Description of art phenomena using special terminology; statement of one's own opinion on the advantages of works of art;

Mastering the culture of oral and written speech;

Development of individual artistic taste;

Expansion of aesthetic horizon;

The ability to see associative connections and aware of their role in creative activity; Learning of dialog forms with works of art;

Implementation of creative potential; The use of various artistic materials;

- use of expressive arts in our own creativity

Requirements for learning and education:

Students will learn:

Navigate the cultural diversity of surrounding reality, observe various phenomena of life and art in educational and extracurricular activities;

Conduct comparisons and generalizations, allocate individual properties and qualities of a holistic phenomenon;

Perceiving aesthetic values, express the opinion on the advantages of the works of high and mass art, to see associative connections and aware of their role in creative and fulfilling activities.

Accumulate, create and broadcast the values \u200b\u200bof art and culture (enriching their personal experience with emotions and experiences associated with the perception, execution of works of art); feel and understand your concern to the world around;

Use communicative art quality; to act independently with the individual implementation of educational and creative tasks and work in project mode, interacting with other people in achieving common goals; exercise tolerance in joint activities;

Participate in class art life, schools; analyze and evaluate the process and results of your own activities and relate them to the task

Perceive the phenomena of the artistic culture of different peoples of the world, to realize the place of domestic art in it;

To understand and interpret artistic images, orient in the system of moral values \u200b\u200bpresented in artwork, draw conclusions and conclusions;

Describe the phenomena of musical, artistic culture, using appropriate terminology for this;

structuring the studied material and information obtained from other sources; apply skills and skills in any form of artistic activities; solve creative problems.

Personal results of the study of art are:

A developed aesthetic feeling that manifests itself in an emotionally valid attitude to art and life;

Implementation of creative potential in the process of collective (or individual) artistic and aesthetic activities in the embodiment (creating) of artistic images;

Evaluation and self-assessment of artistic and creative possibilities; The ability to keep a dialogue, argue its position.

Oblocked skills, skills and ways of activity.

The development of the main general education on the subject "Art" contributes to:

The formation of students from the ideas about the artistic picture of the world;

Mastering the methods of observation, comparison, comparison, artistic analysis;

Summarizing the impressions of the studied phenomena, the events of the russian life of the country;

Expanding and enriching the experience of performing educational and creative tasks and finding original solutions, adequate perception of oral speech, its intonational-shaped expressiveness, intuitive and conscious response to the figurative and emotional content of works of art;

Improving the ability to formulate its attitude to the studied artistic phenomenon in verbal and non-verbal forms, to join (in direct or in indirect form) into a dialogue with the work of art, his author, with students, with a teacher;

Formulating your own point of view in relation to studied works of art, to events in the russian life of the country and the world, confirming it with concrete examples;

Acquisition of skills and skills of working with various sources of information.

Course content for the 1st year of study, grade 10

The lifestyle of the ancient Slavs - Pagan beliefs and holidays of the ancient Slavs. East Slavic pagan sanctuary.Traditions to form an ancient Russian state. Spread of Christianity in Russia. Saints Boris and Gleb *.

Architecture of ancient Russia.

Dwellings of wood in Russia. Types of Russian huts. Stone construction in ancient Russia. Orthodox church. Design and internal device. Arch, arch and dome. Temples of Kiev Rus. Tenty church. Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. Squirt painting in the Cathedral of St. Sophia. Differences of the first stone churches of Kievan Rus from the temples of Byzantium.

TemplesVladimir - Suzdal Land. Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.Golden Gate of Vladimir. Church of the Intercession on Nerli. Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir.Novgorod temples. Ladoga temples of the 12th century.

Priest churches and chapels. Tent churches and bell tower. Lial, cubic and multi-part churches.Preobrazhenskaya church in the quiz.

urban planning in Russia.Settlements in Russia 16 - 17 centuries. Wooden fortresses. City fortifications. City center. Rostov Kremlin. Pryadov. Houses and yards.Russian monasteries. Holy - Troitskaya Sergiev Lava (Trinity Monastery)

Moscow Kremlin. Walls and towers of the Kremlin in 15-17 centuries. Spasskaya Tower. Cathedrals and palaces of the Moscow Kremlin.Assumption Cathedral. Blagoveshchensky cathedral. Cathedral of the Archangel. Bell tower Ivan Great. Faceted Chamber. Pokrovsky Cathedral on Red Square (Basil's Basil Church).Toleric architecture. Church of Ascension in Kolomensky.

Sovereign yard in 17v.Armor and weapons of warriors of ancient and medieval Russia. Jewelry art of ancient Russia.

Painting ancient Russia. Basic iconographic types. The image of Jesus Christ. Iconographic symbols. The image of the Mother of God. Icons angels.Iconostasis in the Orthodox Church. Schools. Masters. Icons. Virgin Vladimirskaya. Feofan Greek. Andrei Rublev. Dionysius.Painting in the 17thwek. Simon Ushakov.

Book business in Russia. The first books in Russia. Monuments of the ancient Russian literature. Distribution of literacy in Russia. Production of books in Russia.Yaroslav Wise. Russian truth. Maxim Greek. Top printing in Russia.Educational institutions in Russia in the 17th century.

Life structure in Russia. Home furniture and utensils. Dishes.Clothing 17 V.

Mythology. Slavic folklore. The gods of the ancient Slavs.

Holidays and rituals. Holidays and rites of the annual cycle. Folk games.Life cycle rituals.

Calendar - thematic planning.



Key competencies



Russia from the ancient Slavs to Peter 1

Culture and life of the ancient Slavs.

The lifestyle of the ancient Slavs.

Traditions to form an ancient Russian state.

The spread of Christianity in Russia.


Knowledge of terms and possession of them.

Detection of causal relationships.

Architecture of ancient Russia.


The ability to allocate the features of the Old Russian architecture

Practical work number 1

Temples Vladimir - Suzdal Land and Novgorod.

Knowledge of the differences in the architectural direction. Knowledge of architectural elements. Mastering terms.

Practical work number 2

Wooden temple architecture.

Knowledge of wooden architecture. Varieties of churches.

Practical work 3.

Russian cities and monasteries 9 - 17 centuries.

Traditions of Russian town planning culture

Architecture of Moscow 14 - 17 centuries.

Knowledge of the history of Moscow architecture. Characteristics of the features of the development of architecture.


Sores yard. Armouries. Military armor.


Practical work

Painting ancient Russia.

Knowledge of the specifics of the ancient Russian art

Practical work

Book business in Russia.

Development, Book Traditions

Life structure in Russia.

Description of the house, furniture, clothes in ancient Russia

Practical work


Selection of the topic, plot. Understanding myths as an unscientific way of knowledge of the world.

Holidays and rituals.

Origin of holidays. Knowledge of rites, their cycles.

Practical work

Course content for the 2nd year of study. Grade 11. From Peter 1 to Catherine II.

The main directions of Russian architecture in the 18th century. The foundation of St. Petersburg. Petrovskoe baroque.D. Tresini. Kunstkamera- First Museum of Russia . Elizabethan Baroque. Winter Palace. Hermitage.Classicism 2nd half 18V. Monasteries and churches of 18 century in St. Petersburg.Alexandro - Nevskaya Lavra. Smolny monastery and Smolny Cathedral.

Residence CatherineII. in Moscow. The building of the Senate in the Kremlin. Petrovsky travel palace.Moscow classicism. V.I.Bazhov. M.F. Kazakov. Manor architecture.Skusovo. Arkhangelsk.

Yard and nobles in the 18th century. Petrov Assembly. Court ceremonies.

Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Smolny Institute. Educational houses.People's School. University of Moscow.Ekaterina R.Dashkova. academy of Russian Literature. The introduction of a Russian civil font.

Fine art in the 18th century. Art engraving. Stank painting. Historical painting. Sculpture. The flourishing of Russian culture in the last third of the 18th century.

Culture of Russia in the 19th century

The main architectural directions in Russia in the 19th century.Moscow architecture. Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Kremlin and Red Square in the 19th century.

Kazan Cathedral.A.N. Voronichin. Vasilyevsky Island. Admiralty.A.D. Zakharov. Ansumples Rossi.Alexander Column. Monument to Catherine 2. Saint Isaac's Cathedral. Church of the Ascension Christ "Savior on Blood" in St. Petersburg.

Noble service. Women nobility in the 1st half of the 19th century. Noble ball. Duel. Noble dinners.

Tsarskostsky Lyceum. Changes in Russian enlightenment. Women's education.Russian universities in the 19th century.

O.A.Kiprensky. V.A.Tropinin. A.A.Ivanov. A.G.Vetsianov. Kpbrüllov. P.M.Tretyakov. P.A. Fedotov. IKAvazovsky.Painting 2nd half of the 19th century.V.G. Monov. V.M.vasnetsov. I.E.Pepin. V.V. Meresmangin. V.I. Surikov. Landscape in the 2nd half of the 19th century.

Russian folk art. Folk painting 17 - 19th centuries. Popular painting of the Great Ustyug. Kostroma painting. Khokhloma painting.Art carving on wood and bone. Russian rogue

The name of the sections, the lessons

Number of hours



Key competencies

From Peter. I. to Catherine II.

Russian cities in the 18th century. Architecture St. Petersburg.

Moscow architecture of the 18th century.

Description and analysis of architectural monuments in unity of form and content

Practical work

Yard and nobles in the 18th century.

Description of the life of Petrovsky time

Education and science in the 18th century.

Knowledge of the nature of education, types of educational institutions.

Practical work

Culture of Russia in the 19th century

Russian cities in the 19th century. Moscow.

Architecture of St. Petersburg in the 19th century.

Comparative analysis of architectural structures with works of preceding eras

Practical work

Imperial courtyard and nobles in the 19th century.

Imperial power. Understanding changes in the value of the word "chin". Tabel about ranks.

Education in the first half of the 19th century.

Characteristics of education. Thesis defense. Changes in education

Fine art of the first half of the 19th century.

Evaluation and analysis of works from the standpoint of classicism, romanticism, realism.

Practical work

Russian folk art.

Understanding folk art as the art of many generations of people. Knowledge of works of folk art.

Practical work

Final lesson

Systematization of knowledge

Educational - methodical support of the educational process

Danilova G.I. Art. 10 - 11 classes. Working programs. M, drof, 2014

E.V.Dmitriev. World Art. Russia. Textbook. Spb. Crown Print. 2013.

E.V.Dmitriev. World Art. Russia. Workbook. Spb. Crown Print. 2014.

Municipal General Education

secondary school №46

with in-depth study of individual items


elective Technology Course

for 9 classes

"Culture and traditions of the Russian people, through the manufacture of Russian doll"

Compiler: Zhuravleva Marina Igorevna

teacher technology

Number of academic hours - 17 hours

2010 academic year

"Who studied science, and did not apply them to the case,

as if the one who Aryk was breaking, and the field did not pick up,

or quenched, but the harvest did not use. "

Alisher Navoi

1. Justification of the need to develop and implement the proposed program

All folk culture was born by labor, labor activity, which is the basis, means, the condition of human existence, therefore this course has great opportunities for the realization of the tasks of spiritual and moral, patriotic, civil education of students.

The course is aimed at the revival and distribution of folk crafts, the national traditions of the Russian people. The study of the course contributes to the development of the foundations of graphical literacy, figurative and spatial imagination, work skills with drawing tools and adaptations are formed. The program is designed to expand and deepen knowledge in the field of materials science, improving the skills and skills of work in the manufacture of Russian folk doll.

2. Goals of the program

Promotion of students to folk culture, Education of a spiritually rich man who knows and supporting the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

3. Course tasks

- to form students of the holistic perception of folk art as part of the culture of the people;

- deepen and systematize the knowledge of students on national decorative and applied arts;

Studying traditions, customs of the Russian people, the history of Russian life, folk costume, folk doll;

Create conditions for moral education of students;

Educate love for Russia, the people and its traditions;

    promote the development of creative personality abilities;

    education among students in the creative approach in the performance of works on the manufacture of Russian dolls.

    teach students to skills and skills of traditional artistic processing of materials of different types.

4. Principles and approaches underlying the program

The program implements a personal approach in learning and educating students, the integration of scientific knowledge and educational technologies.

In addition, it is inherent in the practical orientation and creative approach.

The main form of training is practical work. It allows you to acquire and improve the basic skills necessary for the manufacture of folk doll. The course suggests that when studying the course, students are led to carry out various types of work of decorative - applied. Product performance is a creative process. Students should choose and carry out work on the manufacture of Russian folk dolls, a suit design. In the process of studying theoretical learning, students get acquainted with the advanced ways of labor, receipt and use of information through information systems, printed publications, decorative and applied creativity. Get acquainted with the history of Russian culture, species of decorative - applied creativity, the history of Russian folk doll. Learn to use advanced ways of labor and organization of the workplace, tools and adaptations, follow the safety regulations.

5. Requirements for the level of student training

Students must know and be able to:

    know the history of the development of Russian culture, Russian folk costume, folk doll;

    new terms encountered when studying the topic;

    know and own the techniques of making a folk toy;

    know and own the design and processing of suites for the Russian doll;

    be able to analyze the results of your work.

6. Performance

When studying this course, students acquire knowledge of Russian folk culture, the study of the history, folklore is manifested ... Students in accordance with their cognitive interests receive theoretical and practical training on the history of Russian doll, the manufacture of Russian dolls. They explore materials and tools to perform practical work. When performing practical work, students choose themselves and select materials to perform various types of dolls. Ultimately, students should have a practical and theoretical part of the work. This product and written (design work), as a result of work.

7. Criteria and indicators of mastering material

1) Information

    formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bRussian culture;

    knowledge of species of decorative - applied creativity, features of manufacturing products and technologies;

    knowledge of the possibility of using Russian folk dolls in the old days.

2) Research

    participation in project activities for the study of Russian folk culture, species of decorative - applied creativity;

    studying the paths of mastery of the manufacture of folk doll.

3) practical

    formation of practical skills;

    development of product manufacturing abilities, through an in-depth or expanded study of a Russian costume, Russian folk doll.

8. Forms of control

    diagnosis of knowledge, skills, student skills;

    presentations of students' projects.

The implementation of the Russian folk doll, writing and protection of project work, is one of the main methods for identifying results.

9. Thematic course planning

Theme lesson

Number of hours

Decorative and applied creativity of the Russian people.

Homemade life, family gestures of our ancestors. Traditions of Russian hospitality.

Technology of traditional types of needlework.

Creating products from textile and divecular materials

Types of textile materials. Properties of fabrics. Fabric processing technology.

Traditional folk costume. General and distinctive features in suit, accessories.

Execution of a sketch of a female and male costume.

Russian embroidery in national costumes.

Russian rag doll. The history of the appearance of the doll in Russia The meaning of the doll in Russia.

The role of a rag doll in the upbringing of girls, prepare them for future motherhood.

Traditional rag dolls: Baby. The technology of making a rag doll-spin.

Doll for happiness, feeder breep

Doll nyanyushka, comforter

Jacket, Parashev

Multiple, grain

Bohels, Pouch

Creative projects Performance and protection.

Total hours


    Encyclopedia of needlework: per. from English - M.: Niol Press, 1997.

    Rondel L.D. People's decorative and applied art: a book for a teacher. - M., 1984.

    Basics of artistic craft: embroidery, lace ... / Ed. V. A. Baradulina and O. V. Tankon. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978.

    A. CLIENTS, Folk Fishes, - M.: White City, 2002

    Korotkova M.V., traditions of the Russian people,

    http://www.artdolls.ru/ad/index.html History of dolls

    http://www.dollmaster.ru/masterclass.html. , Puppet master, master class

    http://stranamasterov.ru/node. , Country Masters

    http://www.shkolaremesel.varkhangelske.ru/kursy Parochki.html , School of folk crafts

Explanatory note

Our time is the time of business, active and enterprising people. The country has created conditions for the development of a creative initiative, a wide space is opened to express various opinions, beliefs, ratings. All this requires the development of the communicative opportunities of a modern person.

The most important means of communication is the word. "In a word, you can kill - and revive, hurt - and heal, sow confusion and hopelessness - and inspiring," wrote a talented teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

A bright and passionate word at all times, as is known from the history of human development, has a great influence on people, their views and beliefs, affairs and actions. A man pronounced by the attention of others. Expressing this or that judgment, the speaker affects the public. Dale Carnegie, author of the world and in our country books "How to acquire friends and influence people," wrote: "The ability to speak is the shortest way of fame. ... almost anyone can say that it will be pleasant and welcome in society, If he has faith in himself and the people who ignites it. "

A person who has rhetorical skills and skills feels confident in various situations of everyday, social, business and professional communication. Such a person is much easier to establish contact and find mutual understanding with familiar and unfamiliar people, with subordinates and bosses. Only a person who owns a word and logic can succeed in life. But in order to master logic and speech, it is necessary to systematically work, developing the necessary skills.

The purpose of this special course - promote the formation of skills and skills of rational speech behavior, learning to oratory art, the art of impact on a companion-like-minded person and opponent, as well as to teach prepare and pronounce convincing speeches on accessible to students of the topic, taking into account the interests of the audience, to participate in discussions, defending their point of view.

Each part sets out theoretical material, practical advice and recommendations, texts for analysis, tasks for independent work, trainings and role-playing and business games are given.

Having studied the course, you will be able to defend your opinion, to perform with the prepared reports, improvise to any more or less well-known topic, actively turn on in a business conversation, and also improve your speech, expand the horizons, will acquire self-confidence and will become greasy and more comprehensive.

Course program

The proposed electrical course "Culture and the art of speech, or how to learn to be beautiful and convincingly to speak" is intended for students of Xi-XI classes and is designed for 34 hours.

In a new period of development of our society, an oral word has become particularly significant, its role has expanded: it has become a weapon for the search for truth and means of expressing a person's position.

The speaker enjoys the optimal form of the prepared speech, which effectively affects the audience in accordance with the task of the task - to convince the listeners, turning to the mind and emotions, and achieve the necessary reaction.

It is planned to study speech speech on two levels: at the level conception and contentthose. definitions of the topic, the goals of speech, the selection of the actual material; at the level compositions,those. Location and order of the parts. All these levels are associated with psychology impact on the audience,with the process of communication with her.

The program includes the themes that need to be explored to master the art of public speaking.

After each topic, a list of skills that should be formed by mastering this topic are given. The development of these skills is based on skills that have been formed in previous years in the lessons of literature, Russian language and other items.

The knows present all sections of modern rhetoric: "Culture and ethics of communication", "Basics of speech art", "sounding speech and its features", "Fundamental skills", as well as the "ability to be witty" is included.

Each part sets out theoretical material, tasks for independent work, trainings and role-playing and business games.

The main objectives of the program:

1. Promote the formation of skills and skills of rational speech behavior, learning to oratory art, the art of impact on the source-like-minded person and opponent;

2. The formation and development of the linguistic person, which is capable of verbally to realize the thought.

3. To teach to prepare and pronounce convincing speeches on accessible to students of the topic, taking into account the interests of the audience, to participate in discussions, defending their point of view.


1) give students the most common idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of rhetoric; become acquainted with ethics and culture of business communication; Show students opportunities for words-action.

2) lay the foundations of knowledge of building a public utterance, utter speech.

3) to develop the skills and skills of speech skills (speech and its technique, influence on the audience, etc.)

4) Teach analyze and create your own public speech in terms of its feasibility and efficiency.

5) form the skills of the culture of the dispute, discussion, controversy.

6) to develop interest in the native language, literature and culture.

7) form the need for continuous improvement of its speech activities.

8) bring up the moral and volitional qualities of the individual (attention, memory, self-confidence, perseverance, sociability, tolerance).

9) expand the horizons of students.

THE BASIC PRINCIPLE:training through action and game, understanding through the cognition.

Theoretical material contains information about various forms of business communication, about the composition of public speech, its logical construction, speech technique, interpersonal relationships in the communication process.

The practical assimilation of theoretical information on this exchange rate implies the formation of students from the following skills and skills:

    The ability to deliberately strudust your own thought, based on general laws and rules of monologic speech;

    Understand the ways of expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe speaker in adequate linguistic form, taking into account the goals set;

    Mastering the technique of building speech;

    Development of the skill of structuring of the plan taking into account the various target plants and interpretation of information in various genres;

    Mastering the main resources of argumentation;

    The ability to predict and establish links received and expected results;

    The ability to find and select knowledge, material for the implementation of private topics; (testing of skills and ability to find the necessary information on a given topic in special literature, expanding and deepening educational material at the expense of vital observations and integration of training courses);

    Pronounce their writings based on the knowledge of the audience;

    Mastering the main ways of emotional impact on the audience;

    The ability to correctly debate, discussion, controversy;

    The ability to recognize and resist with dual and dishonest receptions in the dispute;

    The development of communicative skills and skills of cultural individual and collective communication, fulfillment of the rules of speech etiquette in the process of public speech;

    Developing its own style, a certain manner of communication with people, the realization of its individuality in speech.

Control forms may be different: speech testing; Compilation of speech (part of speech) on a specific topic (for a specific purpose) or the preparation of oral statements in various genres on the topics proposed (drawing up answers in various lessons); Pronouncement of "Alien" speech (contests of monologists, business and role-playing games, trainings, etc.); recording speech on the tape recorder, listening and analyzing the spoken speech (analysis of trained speeches); Improvisation and argumentation in the process of creating a speech (watching video and telephibes, assessment of the viewed, response to the lesson); analysis of speeches, taking into account the ethical norms, the emotional state of humans, receptions and methods for bringing speech, etc.; written analysis of the structure of the pronounced (heard) speech; Printing self-speech; Oral planning plan; imitation of the proposed sample (stylization), etc.

1. Culture and ethics of communication

Communication and its components. Subject, object, language, subject. Types of communication (contact, discount; business, unofficial, etc.)

Terms of effective communication . Have a mutual desire, a good choice of the topic interesting for interlocutors, the ability to find a common language, understandable to the interlocutor.

Business conversation: Regulation, business etiquette, speech etiquette; Types and conditions of an effective hearing.

Structure of business conversation. The beginning of the conversation, the presentation of the position and its rationale; Finding out the position of the interlocutor; joint analysis of the problem; making decisions.

Typical errors: authoritarianism; do not take into account the motives of the behavior of the interlocutor; do not show interest in the problem; Do not listen to the interlocutor; interrupt speakers; They say not being confident that they are listening; They say long; Do not use the entire bank of ideas.

Telephone call - One of the types of business communication.

Non-verbal means of communication. Mimic. Gestalkulation (types of gestures, national gestures). Pose.

. The formation of a tactful, business, friendly individual and collective style of communication, skills and skills of rational speech behavior, communicative competence of the personality, the development of moral and volitional qualities of the individual (attention, memory, self-confidence, perseverance, sociability, tolerance), the ability to keep a meaningful conversation.

Test "Communicative Culture of Personality." Conversation "Communication and its terms". Teacher's message on the topic. Message of a student on the book D. Karknegi "How to conquer friends and influence people." Role-playing games "Greeting", "Request", "Exit from contact", "Ethics of relationships", "Transfer of emotions" (playing situations where one of the components of communication, the ability to find a way out of such a situation). Training "Cavalier", "Compliment". The message of the student "Types of Interlocutors". Workshop. Drawing up the table "How it is necessary and not to listen." Business game "How do we listen to?". Test "Culture of telephone communication." Business game "Conversation by phone". Message of a student according to the book by A.Piz "Tongue of Telvitations." Workshop "What does this mean?" (Ability to determine the readiness for communication in gestures). Questions, tasks and exercises for independent work.

2. Fundamentals of oratorical art

Rhetoric as a science on beliefs, on the forms and methods of speech impact on the audience. Art of eloquence in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Russia.

Rhetorical skills and skills. Speech apparatus, breathing and its training, voice, diction and process of their upbringing, intonation, pause (tone, intensity of sound, tempo, timbre, 7 intonation structures, purpose of intonation and pauses).

Individual peculiar features.

The feeling of uncertainty and fear before the performance.

Development of practical skills and skills . Preparation of schoolchildren to psychological contact with the audience - overcoming fear, uncertainty, the development of the ability to freely, relative to the audience, unmistakably respond to its behavior; improvement of speech apparatus, breathing, voices, intonation; Mastering the technique of speech.

Sample activities of the teacher and students.

Reports, reports of students on famous speakers of ancient Greece, ancient Rome. Reports, reports of students from the history of the Russian rhetoric school and its masters. Exercises for breathing, dictations, voices, intonation. Training ("literary retelling", "come up with a story", "Add Proverbs", "Guess the Proverb"). Questions and tasks for independent work on the topic.

3. Composition of speech

Speech composition. Plan - base composition: pre-plan, work plan, basic plan, simple and complex plan.

Composite parts of the composition. Introduction. The main part and methods of presentation of the material. Conclusion. Types of composite construction of speech: deductive and inductive reasoning, movement from the problem to its solution, support for causal relationships, the presentation from a simple to complex, from a familiar to an unfamiliar.

Disadvantages of composition and ways to overcome them.

Analysis and evaluation of the performance.

Mastering learning skills to build oral speech; Speech uttering on the plan-abstract prepared in advance, the combination of naturalness and the liveliness of spontaneous speech; Development of ability to evaluate, analyze and create their own public speech in terms of its feasibility and efficiency; the ability to find and select knowledge, material for the implementation of private topics; (testing of skills and ability to find the necessary information on a given topic in special literature, expanding and deepening educational material at the expense of vital observations and integration of training courses); development of the skill of structuring of the plan taking into account the various target plants and interpretation of information in various genres; Mastering the technique of building speech;

. Conversation and student reports on the subject of classes. Conversation on the subject of classes. Training. ("Invent a story", "Literary retelling"). Role-playing games ("Information"). Questions and tasks for independent work.

4. Logic bases of eloquence. Art be convincing

The logical connection of the facts, thoughts, the provisions of the public speech, his subordination to the proof of the main idea and the realization of the goal to convince the listeners.

The requirements of the dialectical logic imposed on a public speech: comprehensively knowledge of the subject, consideration of it in the development, checking approval of practice, concrete truth.

Main formal logical laws : The law of identity, the law of contradiction / non-contradiction, the law of the exception of the third, the law of a sufficient basis.

Logic errors : The loss of the thesis, the substitution of the thesis, antinomy, sophism.

Evidence (demonstration): Their structure and types. The structure of evidence. Types of evidence. Methods of evidence (direct and reverse). Proving and belief.

Requirements for arguments: truth, evidence. Argument (Facts, Figures, Statistical Data, Links to Authorities).

The actual material and means of visibility: citation rules; Visuality (Visual, Audial, Audiovisual, Graphic)

Development of practical skills and skills. The ability to use logical techniques, laws, conclusions; The ability to apply various types and methods of evidence, complying with the requirements for actual material and the means of visibility; The ability to deliberately strudust your own thought, based on general laws and rules of monologic speech; understand the ways of expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe speaker in adequate linguistic form, taking into account the goals set; Mastering the main resources of argumentation .

Example activities of the teacher and students . Conversation and student reports on the subject of classes. Role-playing games. ("Breakthrough", "Metaphor", "point of view"). Training. ("Burim", "Hyde Park", "Psychotraining"). Workshop. Drawing up a "Citation" measurement. Questions, exercises and tasks for independent work.

5 . Owning an audience and ways of influence on it

Contact with an audience. Methods for establishing contact with listeners: the initial pause, "oratorical fever", gestures and facial expressions, speech technique.

Pedagogical techniques used when speaking : Reception of novelty, accounting of interests of listeners, creating a problem situation, admission to complicity and empathy.

Accounting for the features of the audience and psychology of listeners . (Age, occupation, interests, etc.)

Form of present material.

Behavior speaker (gestures, facial expressions). Types of speakers.

Development of practical skills and skills. Skills and skills of speakers (possession of ways to establish contact with an audience, influence on listeners, etc.); mastering the main ways of emotional impact on the audience; The ability to pronounce their writings, relying on the knowledge of the audience; The ability to predict and establish links received and expected results;

Example activities of the teacher and students . Conversation and speeches of students. Messages of students on the book by A.Piz "Tongue of Telvitations" on the books of D. Cark "How to conquer friends and influence people", "How to develop confidence and influence people, speaking public." Role-playing games ("conviction", "motivation", "hot chair", "general attention".) Training ("late", "Psychotraining", "Hyde Park"). Questions, exercises and tasks on the topic.

6. Forms of polemical skill

Dispute. Classification: purpose, social importance problem, number of participants and listeners, form of conduct, organized and inorganized disputes; The subject (the subject is absent, the ability to allocate and not losing the subject of the dispute; the culture of the dispute (certainty of the position, the use of concepts). From the history of the art of the dispute.

Controversy. The behavior of the poles (do not dispute the fool, the availability of witnesses, individual features of the participants). Respectful attitude to opponents. Exposure and composure.

Arguments in dispute and polemical techniques . Arguments and their features (strong and weak; addressee; impact on the senses of listeners). Polemical techniques (refutation of false thesis by the facts; Criticism of opponent's arguments; refutation of the demonstration; humor, irony, sarcasm; "Minding to absurd"; reception of boomeranga; attack by questions; "argument to person").

Questions and answers. Types of answers (brief and deployed).

Development of practical skills and skills. Form knowledge, skills and skills of the culture of dispute, discussion and controversy, the formation of a culture of disagreement in the process of conducting disputes, disputes, controversy, spontaneous and prepared discussions; the ability to use in speech elements of addressing, authorization and etiquette speech formulas; The ability to properly debate, discussion, controversy.

Sample activities of the teacher and students. Conversation and speeches of students. Reports and reports of students from the history of the art of dispute and controversy. Workshop. The preparation of the "Polemist's remnami", the "polemic dictionary", "memo" how to lead a discussion "." Role-playing games. ("Decision making", "Questions", "Polituba"). Training ("counting", "dispute", "improvisation", "critics", "dialogue"). Questions, tasks for independent work and exercise on the topic.

7. Dual receptions in dispute

Dual and incorrect techniques and tricks in the dispute.

Dual receptions ("Error of many questions", "answer as a question", "answer on credit", "delay the objection").

Psychological techniques ("The bet on a false shame"; "Playing argument"; reference to age, education, position; translation of the conversation on another topic ("to lead a conversation to the side"); "Contradiction between the word and case").

Incorrect receptions ("Translation of the issue to the point of view of the benefit or harm", "" displacement of the time "; self-confident tone;" Reading in the hearts ", discussion," obstruction ").

Dishonest techniques ("Sophism", "Substitution of the thesis", "Figure of defaults"; "The use of false or unproved arguments", "axiomatic evidence"; "sticking shortcuts"; "High-speed answer"; "Game on pride").

Ability to neutralize dual receptions: refutation of false thesis by the facts; "Beat the enemy with his weapon"; "Mixing to absurd"; "Argument to man"; "Return strike"; "Replica pickup"; "Appeal to the public or a sense of humor."

Development of practical skills and skills. Develop the skills and skills to recognize and neutralize incorrect and dual techniques in the dispute, discussion and controversy.

Example activities of the teacher and students . Training ("Hyde Park", "Psychotraining". "Magic dream", "answers to questions"). The role-playing game "Prosecutors and defenders". Questions, exercises and tasks on the topic.

8. The ability to enjoy witty

Wit, humor, irony, sarcasm.

Ways to create humorous situations: A deep pause; false opposition; false gain; bringing to the absurd; wise absurdity; mixing styles; pseudogluorce; hint; Blank style; irony; comparison by implicit sign; repetition as a reception of wit; transmission of heterogeneous objects; double interpretation; paradox and paradoxical situation; epigram, pun and dr.

Development of practical skills and skills. The formation of knowledge, skills and skills of communicative competence of the person, the formation and development of the language identity, which is capable of verbally to realize the thought, the ability to be witty; understand the ways of expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe speaker in adequate linguistic form, taking into account the goals set;

Sample activities of the teacher and students. Messages of students "What is humor, irony, satire, sarcasm?". The conversation "What causes a smile and laughter: a look into the past or present?". Training ("Kavaler". "Compliment", "Grevyness", "Tell anecdote", "I am witty"). Role play "Joke". Exercises and tasks on the topic.

Educational and thematic planning of the course

Number of hours

Main questions.

Types of training activities


and ethics of communication

1. Communication and its terms.

    Subject, object, language, subject.

    Types of communication (contact, discount; business, unofficial, etc.)

2. Conditions for effective communication

    Mutual desire

    A good choice of the theme interesting for interlocutors,

    The ability to find a common language, understandable to the interlocutor.

3. Business communication.

1) regulation, business etiquette, speech etiquette;

2) Types and conditions of an effective hearing

3) the structure of the business conversation.

    Start a conversation

    Presentation and its rationale,

    Finding out the position of the interlocutor

    Joint analysis of the problem

    Making decisions.

Do not take into account the motives of the behavior of the interlocutor,

Do not show interest in the problem

Do not listen to the interlocutor,

Interrupt speakers

They say, not being confident that they are listening

Say long

Do not use the entire bank of ideas.

4. Telephone conversation is one of the types of business communication.

5. Non-verbal means of communication.

  • Signs (types of gestures, national gestures)

1.1. Test "Communicative Culture of Personality"

1.2. Conversation "Communication and its terms".

1.3. Message of a student on the book D. Karknegi "How to conquer friends and influence people."

1.4. Role-playing games "Greeting", "Request", "Exit from contact", "Ethics of relationships", "Transfer of emotions" (playing situations where one of the components of communication, the ability to find a way out of such a situation)

1.5. Tension "Cavalier", "Compliment"

1.6. Teacher's message on the topic.

1.7. The message of the student "Types of Interlocutors".

1.8. Workshop. Drawing up the table "How it is necessary and not to listen."

1.9. Business game "How do we listen to?"

1.10. The role game "Follower".

1.11. Test "Culture of telephone communication."

1.12. Business game "Conversation by phone".

1.13. Summary of the student according to the book by A.Piz "Tongue of television."

1.14. Workshop "What does this mean?" (ability to determine the readiness for communication in gestures)

1. 15. Questions, tasks and exercises for independent work.

Basics of oratory art.

1. From the history of rhetoric.

2. Rhetorical skills and skills.

    Speech apparatus

    Intonation, pause (tone, intensity of sound, pace, timbre, 7 intonation structures, purpose of intonation and pauses).

3. Individual peculiar features.

4. The feeling of uncertainty and fear before the performance.

2.1. Reports, reports of students on famous speakers of ancient Greece, ancient Rome.

2.2. Reports, reports of students from the history of the Russian rhetoric school and its masters.

2.4. Tension ("Literary retelling", "come up with a story", "Add proverbs", "Guess the proverb").

Questions and tasks for independent work on the topic.

build your speech?

1. What is a speech composition?

2. Plan - the basis of the composition:

    Preliminary plan,

    Work plan,

    Basic plan

    A simple and complex plan.

3. Composite parts of the composition


    The main part and methods of presentation of the material,


4. Disadvantages of composition and ways to overcome them.

5. Analysis and evaluation of the performance.

3.1. Conversation and student reports on the subject of classes.

3.2. Training. ("Invent a story", "Literary retelling").

3.3.Role games ("Information").

3.4. Questions and tasks for independent work.

The art of being convinced

1. Requirements of dialectical logic that are submitted to a public performance:

    comprehensively knowledge of the subject

    consideration of it in development

    check approval practice,

    concrete truth.

2. Basic formal logical laws

    identity law

    contradiction law / consolidating

    the law of the exception of the third

    law of sufficient foundation.

3. Logic errors.

    Loss of thesis,

    Substitution of the thesis,


4. Evidence (demonstration): their structure and types.

    The structure of evidence,

    Types of evidence

    Proving and belief.

5. Actual material and means of visibility:

    Citation rules;

Visuality (Visual, Audial, Audiovisual, Graphic)

4.1. Conversation and student reports on the subject of classes.

4.2. Role-playing games. ("Breakthrough", "Metaphor", "point of view").

4.3. Training. ("Burim", "Hyde Park", "Psychotraining").

4.4. Workshop. Drawing up a "Citation" measurement.

4.5. Questions, exercises and tasks for independent work.

How to own the audience and influence it?

1. Contact with the audience. What it is?

2. Ways to establish contact with listeners.

    Initial pause,

    "Oratoric fever",

    Gestures and mimic

    Speech technique.

3. Accounting for the features of the audience and psychology of listeners. (Age, occupation, interests, etc.)

4. Form of the present material.

5. Behavior of the speaker (gestures, facial expressions)

5.1. Conversation and speeches of students.

5.2. Messages of students on books by A.Piz "Tongue of television", D. Cark "How to conquer friends and influence people", "How to develop confidence and influence people, speaking public."

5.3. Role-playing games ("conviction", "motivation", "hot chair", "general attention".)

5.4. Tension. "Failed", "Psychotraining", "Hyde Park").

5.5. Questions, exercises and tasks on the topic.

Basics of polemic

go skill.

    Classification (purpose, social significance of the problem, the number of participants and listeners, form of conduct, organized and unorganized disputes),

    The subject (the subject is absent, the ability to allocate and not lose the subject of the dispute)

    Culture of the dispute (certainty of positions, use of concepts)

    From the history of the art of the dispute.

2. Polemics:

    The behavior of the strands (do not dispute the fool, the availability of witnesses, individual characteristics of the participants),

    Respectful attitude to opponents

    Exposure and composure.

3. Arguments in dispute and polemical techniques.

    Arguments and their features (strong and weak; addressee; impact on the senses of listeners)

    Polemical techniques (refutation of false thesis facts; Criticism of the arguments of the opponent; refutation of the demonstration; humor, irony, sarcasm; "Bearing to absurd"; taking boomeranga; attack by questions; "argument to man")

4. Questions and Answers (Act answer questions, types of answers).

    Classification of issues (clarifying and replenishing, simple and complex, correct and incorrect, benevolent and uncountable, sharp).

Types of answers (brief and deployed).

6.1. Conversation and speeches of students.

6.2. Reports and reports of students from the history of the art of dispute and controversy.

6.3. Workshop. The preparation of the "Polemist's remnami", the "polemic dictionary", "memo" how to lead a discussion ".

6.4. Role-playing games. ("Decision making", "Questions", "Polituba").

6.5. Training ("counting", "dispute", "improvisation", "critics", "dialogue").

6.6. Questions, tasks for independent work and exercise on the topic.


receptions in dispute.

1. Dual and incorrect techniques and tricks in the dispute:

    Dual receptions ("mistake of many questions", "answer the question to the question", "answer on credit", "delay the objection")

    Psychological techniques ("Bet for a false shame"; "Playing argument"; reference to age, education, position; translation of the conversation on another topic ("to lead a conversation to the side"); "Contradiction between the Word and Delom");

    Incorrect techniques ("Translation of the question to the point of view of the benefit or harm", "" displacement of the time "; self-confident tone;" Reading in the hearts ", discussion," obstruction ");

    Dishonest techniques (("Sophism", "Submerement of the thesis", "Final defaults"; "The use of false or unproved arguments", "axiomatic evidence"; "sticking shortcuts"; "Outlined disagreement"; "High Reply"; "Game on pride ").

2. Ability to neutralize dual receptions:

    refutation of false thesis by the facts;

    "Beat the enemy with his weapon";

    "Mixing to absurd"; "Argument to man";

    "Return strike";

    "Replica pickup";

"Appeal to the public or a sense of humor").

7.1. Training. (Hyde Park, Psychotraining. "Magic Sleep", "Answers to Questions")

7.2. Questions, exercises and tasks on the topic.

7.3. The role-playing game "Prosecutors and defenders".

How to enjoy witty?

1. Building, humor, irony, sarcasm.

2. Addicts to create humorous situations:

    the deep pause,

    false opposition

    false strengthening

    bringing to the absurdity

    witness of absurdity,

    style mixing


  • blank style

  • comparison by implicit sign

    repetition as a reception of wit

    enumeration of heterogeneous objects,

    double interpretation

    paradox and paradoxical situation,


8.1. Messages of students "What is humor, irony, satire, sarcasm?"

8.2. The conversation "What causes a smile and laughter: a look in the past and the present?"

8.3. Training. ("Cavalier". "Compliment", "Trucking", "Tell anecdote", "I am witty".)

8.4. Role play "Joke".

8.5. Exercises and tasks on the topic.


Business game. ("Detective", "Reception for work", "Prosecutors and defenders".)


    Introducted by MA, Pavlova L.G. Culture and art of speech. Modern rhetoric. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996.

    Games - Training, Training, Leisure ... / Ed. Petrusinsky V.V.// in 4 books. - M.: New School, 1994.

    Mikhailichenko N.A. Rhetoric: Tutorial for students of gymnasiums, lyceums and schools of the humanitarian profile. - M.: New School, 1994.

    Mucker B.S. Culture of written speech: Formation of stylistic thinking: manual for students of grades 10-11 classes of secondary schools, gymnasiums. - 2nd ed., Fixed and supplemented. - M.: Aspect Press, 1996.

    Pavlova L. G. Psychology of the dispute. - Vladivostok, 1988.

    Pavlova L.G. Spore, discussion, controversy: Book for high school students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

    Sokolova V.V. Culture of speech and culture of communication. - M.: Enlightenment, 1995.

    Khanin M.I. Workshop on speech culture, or how to learn beautifully and convincingly talk: studies. benefit. - SPb.: Parity, 2002.


the main targetthe elective course "Culture of Speech and Communication" is to increase the level of communicative competence of students, which implies first of all the formation of the ability to optimally use the means of language at oral and written communication in various speech situations.

Tasks:introduce students with the basics of knowledge about speech, qualities of speech, with the basic formulas of speech etiquette, with the norms of the modern Russian literary language; teach analyze speech situations; Teach freely use various language means.

The course is designed for 34 hours. In accordance with the objectives and objectives of the program in the course structure, 3 sections are allocated.

In the first - "speech etiquette" - the general rules and laws of speech communication, the form of politeness, the role of gestures and facial expressions, helping (or interfering) understanding.

The second section - the "norms of the modern literary language" - helps the disciples to understand that the grammatical properties of words and proposals, the features of pronunciation, etc. represent a way to express the meaning of the statement.

The third section is devoted to the problem of the purity of the language and teaches the guys with a careful relation to the language.

This elective course was tested in the framework of the school for 7 years and showed high results: the overall level of culture of students' communication and their families has increased, as they say conducted surveys; increased literacy of students' speech; Graduates do not have difficulty when performing relevant tasks during the exam in the Russian language. The knowledge base obtained during the class of the elective course is a huge help for the former students on the 1st year of universities, in most of which the subject "Culture of Speech" is taught.

In April 2008, this elective course program by solving the scientific and methodological expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region was recognized by the author.

Elective course "Culture of speech and communication."

Explanatory note.

The main idea of \u200b\u200ba special course for students - "Place the" Child in a lively speech situation, to teach aware of the role of language in action. At first glance, this thought seems simple and natural. But is it so often purposefully showing in practice that communication is a serious type of human activity? What when we say or write, try to choose the optimal language tool that allows you to accurately and clearly convey the thought? What understanding speech is also an active work that requires numerous knowledge and information, thanks to which a certain set of sounds turns into a meaningful statement? Do we always teach the child to understand. What, communicating, he must observe many conventions and customs adopted by His people, and at the same time encouraging him to show his creativity in speech, his individuality?

Of course, one way or another, these questions are set and are solved at school. In every lesson of the Russian language, we make a chamber to this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. But here is a systematic course, the main task of which is to teach aware of the role of individual language funds that provide full-fledged communication - it is not carried out according to the program. Therefore, I tried to assemble the basic information on the culture of speech from numerous sources and, summarizing them, amounted to this elective course.

the main targetthis course is to increase the level of communicative competence of students, which implies first of all the formation of the ability to optimally use the language of the language with oral and written communication in various speech situations.

Tasks:introduce students with the basics of knowledge about speech, qualities of speech, with the basic formulas of speech etiquette, with the norms of the modern Russian literary language; teach analyze speech situations; Teach freely use various language means.

Based on his own experience, it came to the conclusion that the best time for his holding - the 6th or 7th grade: the guys at this age are no longer early and it is not too early to study the main norms of native speech and the demands of the culture of communication.

It was necessary to thoroughly consider the material supply system so as not to turn it into a dry outline of the material.

When working with theoretical information, rules (communication, pronunciation) I use different types of tasks: to entitle the text, write a plan, to highlight paragraphs, prove the validity of this thought, bring your examples, etc. Thus, several tasks are solved: the disciples will find out new, work on structure, style stylistics and text content.

Of all the types of generalization are made in the form of schemes, tables, some of whom the guys are complemented independently. Interesting students and comparisons, such as greetings from different nations. Independent tasks for six-sequids are often focused on living communication and model the situation in which a schoolboy can "play the role" of the researcher, teacher, parent, journalist, etc.

In the class of the elective course we play a lot. The guys decide crosswords and chainvords, make up them themselves. Playing, the student enshrines knowledge and makes discoveries. Role-playing games, problem situations and search assignments turn a lesson to an exciting occupation.

The course is designed for 34 hours. In accordance with the objectives and objectives of the program in the course structure, 3 sections are allocated.

In the first - "speech etiquette" - the general rules and laws of speech communication, the form of politeness, the role of gestures and facial expressions, helping (or interfering) understanding.

The second section - the "norms of the modern literary language" - helps the disciples to understand that the grammatical properties of words and proposals, the features of pronunciation, etc. represent a way to express the meaning of the statement.

The third section is devoted to the problem of the purity of the language and teaches the guys with a careful relation to the language.

The result of the lessons of the elective course is becoming a large extracurricular work of students on the development of speech and communicate culture. Thematic rules are held regularly, class clocks are regularly conducted, materials on speech culture in the school newspaper are published, students conduct sociological surveys at school and in the village, protect projects related to this problem.

This elective course was tested in the framework of the school for 7 years and showed high results: the overall level of culture of students' communication and their families has increased, as they say conducted surveys; increased literacy of students' speech; Graduates do not have difficulty when performing relevant tasks during the exam in the Russian language. The knowledge base obtained during the class of the elective course is a huge help for the former students on the 1st year of universities, in most of which the subject "Culture of Speech" is taught.

Expected results.During the study of the elective course "Culture of speech and communication", the following results must be achieved by schoolchildren:

    acquisition of skills of the culture of communication;

    enrichment of the vocabulary and grammatical system of speech;

    mastering the norms of the Russian literary language;

    formation of communicative literacy;

    development of logical thinking, independence and meaningfulness of conclusions and conclusions.

Approximate thematic planning

elective course "Culture of speech and communication."

Theme lesson


Introduction Language as an essential means of communication.

Conversation about the origin of the language; A person's dream of creating an artificial international language.

Correspondence on the topic: "Do I need to create an artificial language to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations"

Sneb communication

Conversation about methods of non-union communication (gestures, signs, symbols, etc.) and features of animal communication.

Drawing up rebus

Speech communication.

Acquaintance with a way of language analysis, work with a speech communication scheme.

Work with proverbs about language

The concept of speech etiquette, history of its development.

Speech etiquette - Rules of speech communication. The study of the dependence of the etiquette formula from the speech situation. Role of gestures and facial expressions in speech communication

Playing speech situations

Modern greeting and farewell formulas.

The historical origin of greetings and farewell; Drawing up a table of sustainable greeting formulas.

Playing the situations of greetings with different people (vintage and modern formulas)

Modern formulas appeal

Excursion in the past. Acquaintance with modern handling formulas.

Drawing up the start of the letter, with appeals to different people.

Formulas for requests, apologies, grateful expressions.

Drawing up the formulas, using them in speech situations.

The verbal formulas of etiquette in the artistic literature.

Work with art text: Finding examples of the use of studied formulas of speech etiquette.

Play some scenes.

Non-false forms of etiquette.

Finding in the artistic text of examples of non-expensive forms of etiquette.

Play chosen speech situation.

"I rang the phone"

Rules of speech etiquette in a conversation by phone.

To make a plan.

Speech etiquette: Secrets of politeness and charm.

Acquaintance with the secrets of courtesy. Training exercises for their use.

The norms of the modern literary language.

Modern literary language.

Features of the modern literary language.

The styles of the literary language, their use.

Identifying the features of each style; Exercises for the development of the ability to identify the style of text.

The role of orthoepia in speech communication.

The senseless role of stress in the proposal. Acquaintance with the orthoepic dictionary.

Pronunciation of patter (at the competition of the best govorun)

Emphasis in the word. Orphoepic standards.

Acquaintance with ORFOPICAL standards. Drafting of the dictionary.

Learn recorded in norms norm

Words with moving stress.

Writing words in dictionaries. Control over the studied standards.

Emphasis in the word.

Training exercises for correcting errors in the emphasis.

Proper speech and grammar of the literary language.

The concept of the morphological norms of the language. Working with examples - errors from writings.

Morphological norms when using nouns. Morphological norms of the word forms of the word.

The formation of forms of the nominative and parental case of a plural.

Learn recorded norms

Education degree of comparison and brief form of the adjective.

Learn recorded norms.

Norms of the use of word forms.


Russian verb. Verb and speech.

Determination of the role of the verb in the text. Emphasis in the verb when changing the genus.

Learn recorded norms

Syntactic norms of the consumption of verb.

Working with difficult cases of consuming verb (put on - to wear, pay - to pay, etc.)

Syntactic norms: phrases with a communication method - control.

Work with well-established phrases (play a role, to make a value, after completion, etc.)

Create proposals with recorded phrases.

Speech wealth of Russian vocabulary. Lexical standards.

Work with words similar to sound.

Create a crossword (groups) using recorded words.

Repetition and generalization of the studied

The game "Alphabet"

Take care of your language!

Literary language and native language.

Dialect words, their role in the literary language.

Find in the art text an example of using dialect words (or in speech of their loved ones, acquaintances)

Spacious, vulgarism, jargon. Obscene break.

Acquaintance with these concepts, finding them in speech around us. Conversation about the possibility of getting rid of these words.

Harmful words and habits.

Language of modern youth.

Features of the language of youth, discussion of its merits and shortcomings.

Accuracy and brevity speech.

Teaching the ability to get rid of excess in speech.

Intonation language resources.

Work on intonation.

Control session.

Check the knowledge and skills. Game "Understand me"

Holiday "Good people - Good Words"

Studying speech etiquette.

Speech behavior - a mirror, which reflects the level of pupils, internal human culture. "You are smart or stupid, you are great or small - we do not know, while you did not say the words," Mudro noticed the Great Saadi. And indeed, when meeting it is very important, how and what words a man says. The first impression about it is not only in appearance, but also according to the words, pronounced with dialogue. Among the many words, words play a special role, with the help of which people welcome each other, say goodbye, contact requests, apologies, etc. It is in them that is expressed sincere benevolent attitude to the interlocutor, the true concern for his well-being, friendliness, favorableness.

Therefore, we call such words as a child, "magic", and in the section Linguistics - speech culture - etiquette formulas.

Unfortunately, in the 1990s of the 20th century, the level of culture and communication in our country has decreased much. Many of our compatriots even believe that this Russian language is already not at all that he died under the onslaught of foreign words and Blunt Jarnight. But I think it is not. "If, in the opinion of P.A. Klubkova, we don't need the dictionary to read Tolstoy and Chekhov, it means that the Russian language is alive." Yes, among our contemporaries there are many illiterate people, but they always have enough. It is they doing their speech unpleasant, but the language as a social phenomenon will live, while there are people who know how to use it. So in the 90s, not Russian died, but the level of culture of people's communication has decreased. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the struggle against the former, Soviet, the norms touched upon and the rules of decency.

Many, murdered by the destruction of the era of "stagnation" forgot that etiquette, including speech, existed long before the events of 1917. As a result, the whole, in my opinion, the generation, lost the skills of cultural communication. This is a big loss, since in many respects of the ability to communicate a reputation not only one person, but also the country as a whole. And if at the level of state communication, an incorrect pronunciation or emphasis will notice not every high-ranking foreigner, then the inability to communicate politely, correctly, tactfully and accurately will immediately be marked by everyone. Therefore, I believe that the increase in the level of culture of communication and the speech of the younger generation is one of the main tasks that are now in front of the Russian society. The need for this has already been understood in the government, the Ministry of Education and attempts to restore speech culture (special television broadcasts have been created, the section "Culture of Speech" is included in the school program of studying the Russian language). I believe that this work will bring its results.

In its elective course, I highlight a speech etiquette for several hours, during which students secure skills and skills on the use of greeting formulas, appeals, apologies, thanks. Particular attention is paid to the speech etiquette of the call on the phone. The guys learn to use the necessary formulas in accordance with the speech situation, that is, depending on who they appear when, for what purpose. To secure the skill in the lessons, role situations are played, a variety of games are held.

In addition to the class class school, students' students spend more extracurricular work to develop a culture of communication: conduct thematic rules, class clock; Protect projects related to culture of speech and communication. Student survey is regularly conducted to study changes in the level of culture of communication among students and their families. Prepared materials for speeches to parents and high school students (in our school they are already used) about the dangers of obscene words.

Studying the norms of the modern literary language.

The importance and at the same time the difficulty of studying the norms of the literary language is obvious. Their meaning was especially increased in our time, when the Russian language, on the prediction of A.N. Tolstoy, began to study "for all Meridians of the globe." There is no doubt. With the increase in speech culture, the upbringing of true taste consists not in the blind consequence of learned dogmas, but in understanding the objective patterns of the literary language. Therefore, in the classroom of the elective course, we purposefully apply to issues of origin and gradual changes in words (their pronunciations, use,)

Now not enough to be the keeper of the cultural language tradition. It is necessary in one way or another to participate in the struggle for the improvement and purity of the language. Understanding that the leading role in it, of course, belongs to the school, teachers-verders, laying the foundation of the right literary speech, I tried in planning the elective course most of the hours to take this work. But everyone knows that it is impossible to build such work only on prohibitions and teachings. Better, calmly and thoroughly "push" schoolchildren to memorize the basic literary standards, gradually "teach" to them, and for this, explain the causes of the emergence of certain norms. As I do this in class classes, I will tell you on the following pages.

Study of orthoepic standards.

The complexity of Russian stress is widely known. Perhaps no other area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian language causes so many fierce disputes, bewilders and oscillations. Everyone wants to know how they are still talking correctly: ne "wave or loop", your "horn or creative" g, parents "lsya or born"? Moreover, many understand: the correct pronunciation of words becomes a necessary sign of cultural, competent speech. Often it is enough to hear from an unfamiliar person an improper emphasis in the word (like: MO "Lodge, Maga" Zin, Novoro "Zhenovo, to" Ment, Beet ", about" Cent, Oba "Gchit, Lyudia" M, ZVO "NIT, etc. p.) To compile not too flattering about his education, the degree of culture, the level of intellectuality. Few people want to be on the site of the first and only president of the USSR MS, Gorbacheva, who said "to" honor "and became the object of ridicule, hero Anecdotes. Therefore, there is no need to prove how important it is to help schoolchildren take advantage of the right stress.

Wonderful tips on methods and techniques for learning orthoepia I found in the book S.I. Lvvova "language in speech communication." In it, the author offers the following types of work: comparison of poetic texts of poets of 18-19 centuries. and the 20th century; observations of submographs in comic poems; observations of the origin of borrowed words; Finding out the role of logical stress; A variety of selective dictations and creative work.

I added a lot of your exercises to these exercises. My sequids are sure to have dictionaries, where frequently used words are written, denoting loyal stress, getting acquainted with their value and, if necessary, pronunciation. To remember these norms, most often I use the game: "Fourth unnecessary" (on the definition of a shock syllable); "Guess the word (by lexical meaning) and say it"; "Volleyball" (the student says the word chosen by them, calls the name of any classmate, who, too, should pronounce a word from the dictionary and pass the turn to the next one (you can use a small ball or air ball for passing the queue). I conduct control of the studied studies in the studies distributed them cards. Empathy over the words. Activates the work of the guys and understanding that the knowledge of the faithful stress will be needed later for the delivery of the USE, the fulfillment of the Olympiad tasks.

And, of course, I consider it important to work with dictionaries that will help schoolchildren in difficult cases. I believe that a small orthoepic dictionary should always be at hand to a truly intelligent, cultural person.

The study of morphological norms.

In modern speech practice, thousands of questions arise and relative to the correctness of the use of certain forms of words. In the school program, the study of morphology is paid to a lot of hours. However, the morphological system of the Russian language is considered as something immutable, although in fact there are many unstable and even contradictory facts. Sometimes even the teacher consciously bypasses difficult cases of variability. So it turns out that the declination and hiding of words often cause special difficulties from schoolchildren. And adults? I am afraid that before the end of my life I am doomed to hear from everywhere "Two thousand first (second, third, etc.) year." In school, we will also straighten the student, say how to talk correctly. And who will correct those from the TV screens to millions of Russians, as hypnosis, continues to urge this numeral. Does this mistake stretch for all millennium?! No, I hope that our students today, having matured, will not deal with correctly, will not be assisted to the "hypnosis of the screen".

Its work on the study of morphological standards is ruled by relying on those bases that are laid by the school program in 5 - 7 classes. But in the lessons of the Russian language, a little time is given to difficult cases. And in the classroom of the elective course, we are examining the origin and with the help of various techniques remember difficult, but frequent cases of setting nouns to the nourestable and genitive case of a plural, we study to consulate the unlock borrowed words, practicing in the declining of numerical, complex nouns (with defisid spell) and Abbreviation.

A lot of study time dedicate the history and competition for the forms of the genitive case on -Ya (-I) and on -Y (U): Sahara Sahara, tea - tea. It is believed that gradually outdated form on -Y (U) in modern language retain the following sections of names:

    real nouns with the designation of a part of a whole 9 kvass, a piece of cheese).

    Some collective and disturbed nouns (many people, little fat).

    Some nouns in the proposed combinations (from the forest, with fright) and in the composition of phraseological revolutions (with the world on the thread, our regiment arrived, knocking down with the pantyump).

In other cases, it is recommended to use the form on -y (s): the taste of tea, the production of sugar, among the people, etc. It should be noted that the forms on -Y (YU), in contrast to neutral forms on-and (s), are stylistically slightly reduced, wearing a conversational color, which limits the scope of their use.

The fluctuations in the forms of the genitive case of a multiple number in the forms of the genital case of a multiple number in individual names of the measurement units (grams - grams), in words denoting fruits, fruits, vegetables (orange oranges0, as well as in the names of paired objects (socks - sock). Exist Disordant opinions on this occasion. In many stylistic manuals, a shape with zero flexia (one hundred grams) is strictly prohibited. In the collected dictionaries, preference is given to the traditional form - grams. And in the dictionary "Difficulty Difficulties" (1973): grams and permissible grams. This is caused by the massive entry of the version of the gram not only in oral, but also a written speech. By the way, the famous expert of the Russian language, the writer K. Chukovsky recalls in the book "Live as life" (1962): "Now it is even scary to remember how I was even scary to remember me The first pores are the current phrase: one hundred grams. "Not a hundred grams, but one hundred grams! - I shouted with indignation. But I got used to little, she was happily, and now This new form seems to me completely normal. " So it is not surprising that our seventh graders are closer and clearer (so says most of the people around). And I force them to redeemly, but constant repetition in different forms, fix in their memory the traditional form.

A truly dramatic page in the science of Russian remains the fate of the forms of the nominative multiple (-y) and -a (s). True, in recent years, as a result of an increase in the general education level, a new language policy has been discovered some decline in the use of forms on-and (-I). And yet, in some cases, schoolchildren have literally "from scratch" to study the forms of the nominative case of a plural.

So, although the morphological norms of the Russian literary language were studied and described in grammar rather thoroughly, and in this area we are constantly faced with fluctuations and doubts. Not forgetting about the options of forms, in the classroom of the elective course, we still study the traditional norms recommended by dictionaries, whose knowledge will be useful later in the fulfillment of one - two tasks of the Russian language at the end of the 11th grade.

Studying syntactic standards.

The development and description of the syntactic structure of the Russian language is devoted to many scientific papers. However, they (almost lowered for high school teacher) do not save the difficulties that occur most often when choosing the forms of management and coordination.

The choice of the right form is hardly the most difficult in modern oral and written speech. As it should be said: Feedback on the dissertation or dissertation, control over production or on production, is able to victims or victims, a monument to Pushkin or Pushkin?

Hundreds of such issues arise and in teaching Russian in school. Each teacher knows how often, unfortunately, are found in combinations of mistakes: confidence in victory (together victory), the limit of patience (instead of patience), etc.

In colloquial speech, it is possible to hear: pay attention to extracurricular work (instead of extracurricular work), pay for travel (instead of passage).

Many errors in the form of use are explained by the relatives of close, but not the same in the meaning of words. In one school essay met, for example, such a phrase: it is important to distinguish friends from enemies. Improper use is caused by mixing verbs distinguish and distinguish with different forms of control.

To avoid errors in the form of control, it is necessary to distinguish not only the lexical meaning of words, but also the grammatical content of the phrase.

For example, the word monument in the meaning of the "sculptural structure in honor of any person" in combination, indicating the addressee, is used with a dutient case - a monument (to whom?) (Monument to Pushkin). When indicating the performer (surname of the sculptor), a genital case is put - a monument (whom?) (Monument to Alikushina). With this attention to grammatical content, the student will not allow mistakes, such as a monument to Pushkin.

The painful fluctuations in choosing the right grammatical form often occur when the words agree. The difficulty lies also in the fact that the recommendations of the gramman and benefits differ significantly with real speech practice. At the same time, the Russian teacher turns out to be in ambiguous position, because Forced to demand from students following the rules that are not observed not only in oral speech, but also in wide printing. Special difficulties arise when agreeing to the faraway with the subject. Pronounced so-called personal nouns of male genus: doctor, director, secretary, agronomist, etc. How to say if we are talking about a woman: the doctor wrote down or wrote out, the director issued an order or published? In many manuals, the Type of Type, the doctor wrote down the recipe is qualified as erroneous or spurated. In academic grammar (1970), there is only a quick mention that in these cases "strict rule of the choice of a generic form is absent." But time goes forward, and under the onslaught of mass distribution, the modern literary rule allows both methods of coordination (and grammatical, and semantic). But it is important to emphasize that the semantic harmonization is allowed as an option of the norm only with respect to the ledge - verb. And such speeds of live speech, as a famous doctor, a strict director, a young director, one laboratory assistant is sick, etc., are outside the norm of the literary language. The grammatical norms of the combination of words are especially vulnerable and unstable, it is here that errors are often allowed. At the same time, it is impossible to foresee all the errors and study all the rules in the 7th grade. But lay the foundations of understanding what control and harmonization in phrases is quite real. Moreover, the material for work in the class of the elective course is abuse. The fact is that in the lessons to study the syntactic standards, I rely on the creative works of students and this, and other classes. With great pleasure, the guys find them and correct grammatical errors. And later, in his presentation and writings more closely refer to chosen phrases.

With the same interest, the seventh graders "pick up a couple" for verbs (dress and wear, pay and pay, play and have) among nouns (dress and doll, travel and for travel, role and meaning), compound miniatures with these phrases.

Studying lexical standards.

Under the lexical standards (or the norms of the wording), it is usually understood that the correctness of the choice of the word and the relevance of its use in the well-known meaning is usually understood. The importance of compliance with these norms is determined primarily, the need to complete mutual understanding between the speaking (writing) and listening (reading). Menu. Needed the vocabulary to formalization. The fate of each word is unique, its use depends on the level of development of the speaker. Therefore, disputes do not fade about the right and wrong, exacerbating also because each writer, a linguist's scientist and there are words of loved ones and hated.

In our elective course to study the wording consumption, we approach multifaceted: we consider the meaning of the word, and its stylistic belonging, and the social distribution (for dialectisms, jargon).

The borrowed words receive their stake in the class of elective course. It is known that the borrowing process is the phenomenon is normal, sometimes even inevitable. But some foreign language words became useful for the Russian language, because Having enriched it with new concepts. Others turned out to be useless, because There are already existing Russian names, and therefore stratifying speech. The words of the first group were strengthened in Russian (for example: culture, republic, realism, university, pharmacy, theater, student, soldier, radio, etc.), but not all and not everyone.

In our days, there was a need to lead the real struggle against the invasion of foreign language words. This process has become avalanche-like and completely unjustified.

It is disturbing this phenomenon, firstly, because many people of science are shameful to talk simply. Secondly, often scientific terminology covers the banality of thoughts. And the worst thing is that sometimes talking and does not know the meaning of the "wise" words used by him.

Fighting against the scientist language and unnecessary borrowing. L.N. Tolstoy expressed very severely: "If I were the king, I would have issued the law that the writer who used the word whose value he could not explain, deprived of the right to write and receive a hundred blows" (letters N.N. Strahov, - 1878, - September 6).

An elective course classes help students follow the correct use of foreign language words, decide whether they are appropriate in these speech situations. Our children, imitating adults begin to say: the camp does not function yet. And in school essays, the words component, indifferent, collision, and the like are used.

The fight against the abuse of fashionable foreign language words is an important link to strengthen the Russian language, and it was gratifying to learn that now it is supported by the law on Russian, signed by Russian President in 2003.

Another important area of \u200b\u200blexical standards in the class classes is becoming working with paronims (so called words close to meaning, but do not coincide in meaning). The confusion usually arises due to the inaccurate use of such words as Tourist (camp) and Tourist (magazine), a diploman (student-diploman Polytechnic Institute) and a diploma (diploma of the All-Russian Contest of Pianists); Serpentine (long narrow colored paper tape and winding mountain road) and serpentine (greenish color mineral). In their writings, schoolchildren often mix paronims: an unbearable position (instead of intolerable); Rainy cloud (instead of rain); Predatory extermination of forests (instead of predation), etc.

How to work with this type of errors? At first glance it seems that everything is easy; It is enough to learn the true meaning of the word. In fact, everything is more complicated. We find out how the value occurs as it changes.

I begin such an analytical work with words clear for the guys, for example. Bath and bathroom. Then I turn to more complex, and the next step is to find errors in typing in school essays.

Anxiously worried about the fate of the native language, believing that many vintage words are premature to be forgotten, at one of the classes, together with the guys, I remember the meanings of the words of obsolete, but still encountered in our speech and in the artistic literature. This is, for example, the names of the degree of kinship: a girl (brother of her husband), Shurin (brother of his wife), Prelimenitsa (sister of his wife). These are the names of the measurement units (Arshin, a camp, soot, etc.). To secure these concepts, the seventh graders make up a family tree, measure different items. It is necessary that the knowledge of old words will only decorate the speech of many students, will make it brighter, individual. I hope that interest in the native language will force all Russians to turn to his past, combining the best new and old.

Remember how I composed by A.S. Pushkin. Turning to V. Valu: "Yes, here we write, we call the writers, and we do not know half of the Russian words!" - And start learning and learn this Russian language, truly cultural, in which simplicity and modesty reign. We will not forget that the higher the level of human total culture, the smaller in his speech of catchy effectively phrases.

Assessment of knowledge, skills, skills.

Achieving students planned results is revealed in the following forms: testing, protection of creative works, interview, project creation.

It is possible to evaluate the achievements of students as a cumulative assessment, given the participation in work in classes and through the rating system, given the complexity and level of work performed.

Appendix No. 1.

    Reminders. A word game that is very expensive.

Hello (greeting the lead).

In this good game, take part.

Glory to old magical words!

We will start her joyful: ... (Hello).

Reply friendly to us: ... (Hello).

So - be healthy and happy,

Let luck accompany you.

Be healthy.

If someone, let's say, sneezes,

You are ready

Immediately respond:

"Be healthy!"

And in response, it is necessary either to nourish

Or either.

Thank you to tell a person ... (Thank you)


We go with a date

From friends and from girlfriends,

Blur warm circle

We are in words ... (goodbye).

Large speeches are not needed

Good Bye! See you later).


There is a special word - know

They are native and loved ones not embarrassing.

Parting, speak ... (Forgive).

If one, then ... (goodbye).


People must be

Everything is freed from the guilt.

Even saving at least a little bit

You do not apologize for anything.

So you say more often:

Sorry, sorry, ... (Sorry)!

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

Very correct, very wise,

Yes, there will be no hindrance,

Speak in the morning ... (Good morning!),

Well, day to talk ... (Good day!).

And there is nothing to break the head here

We just need to be kind to be very.

Say "good evening" in the evening

And wish for the night ... (Good night).

Be kind. Please.

These words are useful,

Although the words are like peace, old.

If you ask for - ... (Be kind))

Or easier - ... (Be kind).


This word do not miss.

If you did something wrong

Although serious, even trifle,

Do not forget to say ... (sorry).

You are welcome.

If you are unfortunate, do not complain.

You try - and in this salt,

Make friends with the word ... (please) -

Here is a magic password to success.

Thank you.

Let me remind you the rule of eternal,

With great respect for him about him.

In response to care, attention, cordiality

Always answer: ... (Thank you)!

Only 10 words of politeness, pupils, but each of them is a deed. When the poetic prologue of the game is finished. Mini contests are held.

The presenter causes two people who wish and invites them to play the scene "Seller - Buyer". Judges - viewers. When the scene improvisation is completed, the audience find errors in it. You can play the scenes on the plots "in the hairdresser", "at the doctor", "visiting", etc.

Basic rules of greetings.

    The man is first welcomed by a woman, a young man - older in age, newly arrived - those who have already been indoors or in the company gathered in the fresh air.

    For any greeting beforeneed to answer! Refuse to say hello - it means that a public insult is to put a public insult.

    If you forget to answer a greeting, it can entail such consequences to which a decent person will not go for no reason.

    Only an extremely uncomfortable person, instead of a clearly spoken welcome, mutters something intense.

Some rules of conversation on the phone.

    When the phone is ringing, the phone must be removed at the most later on the fifth call. Just when you call someone, it makes no sense to give more than five calls.

    When talking on the phone, the first words you have pronounced are especially important. The word "Hello" is useless: if it is not accompanied by information about where the ringing call, it does not mean anything. If accompanied, it is superfluous. It is meaningless and the word "listen", because since you removed the phone, then, naturally, listen. Roughly and inappropriately the question sounds: "Who is it?" It is assumed after the words of the greeting to introduce yourself. It is advisable to make sure that you got there. For example: Hello. Is it a Petrov apartment? This is calling Misha Cossacks. Please call Lena to phone.

    Requests on the phone must be accompanied by polite words. And remember: even the call to a friend, the relative does not release from the need to welcome it.

    Ends the conversation on the phone the one who called, except in cases where you call any outstanding personality.

    If the conversation will be interrupted for some technical reasons, the one who called the first time, and not the one who called should be called again.

    Do not forget to apologize if the number was inattentively scored and did not get there where they wanted.

Appendix No. 2.

    Sharada - Omonimi. (like riddles).

I am a grassy plant

With a lilac flower,

But rearrange the emphasis,

And I will turn into candy.

(Iris - Iris)

I am a collection of cards. From hitting

Two of my meanings depend.

I want to be transforming in the name

Brilliant. Silky fabric.

(Atlas - Atlas)

we are for pins stand,

we are for Kucher's seat. But try, put it

We have another hit.

Be careful with us -

We feed the horns.

(Goats - goats)

    Read the poems, play the shock.

This is a game of shock in words - pairs having the same emphasis. We offer you the poem of Yakov Kozlovsky "Emphasis". The presenter raises those who wish and present them sheets with words - with one modes or writes them on the board, posts posters. Read and set the right stress.

    I am wonderful

Change It is not difficult:

Put the emphasis on O -

Wonderful disappeared

Born wonderful.

    Kositi kossel,

And the bunny mows.

And donkey panties.

    From surprised by Kok

And scratched the head.

Cabbage rushed to the forks

Drop from knives and forks.

    On the door of the castle

No castle.

Lives a silent here


And in the morning squirrel protein

He is knocking up Gogol-Mogol.

    Caught clay

Nina became angry.

Not flour, but flour,

Cooks science.

    Most, sister, on fish Looking:

Hooked on the hook they.

In a bucket hand perch

Do not be afraid, these are perch.

And here is his poem.

Fulfilling contracts

Engineers and chauffery,

Stainears and Malaries

Worked out everything for glory

For months in winter

Build houses of quarters.

    Stone at surprise.

This "fucking" word means "blow" on the letter, which determines the meaning of the word. For example, I will pay or cry, a mug or circles.

For the game, each participant must recall as many Omographs as possible - that is, words, the meaning of which varies depending on the thrush.

For example: flour - flour, cotton - cotton, sushi - land, the gulf - the gulf, the road - the road, stands - the shelves - the shelves, the arrows - the arrows, cut - Cry, then - then, Couples - Couples, etc ..

Wins the one who remembered the number of words of words.

4. How is it right?

Leading (or leading) ask questions playing, then choir repeat the correct answer.

Ba "Rrya or Barge"?

Tell me, the beauty of the language is expensive:

Are you still ba "rzhen or barge"? (barge")

High or high?

You will not be very easy to answer:

Highly elegant high? (high)

GE "RB or Herbo"?

Who made the first answer ready:

How exactly: GE "RB or Harbo" new? (GE "RB)

Rzheva "q or rye" log?

I ask the proof to provide me.

And how to say something: rust "q or rye" log? (rust)

Your "horn or creative" g?

Since you are not an opponent, not the brace,

Tell me, how is your "horn or creative"? (cottage cheese)

Dance "Copper or Dance" CA?

Let's try to negotiate:

So how is the dance "Creator or Dance" CA? (dancer)

Pi "Htta or Fir"?

It worries a long time for a long time:

How correctly - PI "HTA or FIKHT"? (fir)

Now place the stress in words: agent, gas pipeline, contract, rubber, ket, necrologist, premium, silo, meatballs, extravagancies, consolidation, cement.

Mini - a dictionary of stress in the most frequently used words

a "Vgustsky


apartments "Menta (Star. Apartment" NTU)

brad "out

balova "T.



gazi "Row

gre "Nki, Gre" Nok (and Grenki ", Grenko" in - conversation.)

gas Pollovo "D.

(k) money "m, (c) money" mi, (o) money "x

dispensary "R.

contract "p, contract" ry, contract "ditch


for "cheap (Razshchevo)

for "Perch

the Omen

call "t, call" si, call "m, calling" t

vechers "Ty.

and "sheep (add. Icon

industrial "Strij (add. Industry)

culina "Riya (R. Kulinary" I)

lazo "Roar

levoflangeo "out

iU "LRK (add. Melko" m)

mise "Ryny (and MI" grains)

medica "NTU.

napa "Rich




oh Tricness

ozlo "Beat

osti "Dety.

supplement "Provided"

facilitate "T.




introduction "Diet

come to "shake (but encourage)

in the morning "(breaking up" morning)

swabirova "T.

rye "wing, rye" blows

dispersed "

laman "straighten, lamament


soglya "Tai.


uwe "Domalny

groove "T, Gain

aggravate "t, aggravate" t

Appendix number 3.

Games for studying morphological norms.

    Designer Sharad.

Mind cancer pa con flow

Lee Us Bit hea

Select the desired word - "details" and the serial connection "Describe" new words. The number of "parts" can be any. Find a greater number of solutions. For example, bitumen, papyrus, etc.

    Revolving (palindrome).

Palindrome - words or phrases, which are read from left to right and vice versa. Remember the famous phrase "And the rose fell on the Lap of Azor"? It was composed by the Russian poet of Athanasius Fet. In the teaching about the language, such words and phrases are called Palindroms, which in the literal translation from Greek means "Run back".

Record as many names as possible, which are read equally left to right and right left. As the easiest option, take personal names: Alla, Anna, Hell, Aza, Bob, Tit, etc.

And now remember any words in the nominative case, the only number: order, flood, Cossack, Grandfather, Oko, Kok, Pop, PUP, etc. Write down these words on paper. And now any of the players will read their words out loud. The rest are followed by their records. If one or another word

there is someone from the players, it is shut down. The winner in the game is the one who has most of the original words left in the list.

Here is a small list of such words: Radar, Chalash, Kabak, Argument, Nagan, Madame, Rod, Shabash, Rod, Topot, Rotor, Income.


Approximately the attachment back the magazine "Change" announced a contest between readers to compile phrases-reversed. Thousands of answers came. Here are some of them:

    And dark city. Frost is not a blow of roads.

    Sunset attack.

    The sea flows, not rum flow.

The essence of the game is simple to read the phrase from the beginning to the end, from the end before the start, and then come up with a similar one. The phrase should not be meaningless. The guys literally get sick of this fun. But it is important that the results of searching become the property of peers. For this there is a school wall printing, various posters, showcases.

As examples, you bring Palindrome from the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper:

Tit Sima with pineapples sleeps.

From Ani carried Yesenin something

And "Mars" - our chance, Rama.

We rack flew into his pocket.

House Moden, but he is not a fashion house.

Gony! Kura deprived of hands and legs.

Arab flew away from the bar.

The slave flew into the bar.

Poam cat: "Meow! Current!".

Wow! Tooth is glad to the watermelon!

Debrist is the world of troubles.

And the disabled led to the research institute.

Good luck!

I'm not milk, it is about me.

I carry nonsense! Just kidding, hay!

Vegetable garden, caviar, brand - expensive!

I am Sol Malia.

And lying, bitch.

The body of the speakers flew into the plane.

Retail, Anya, to Itha.

Lesha found Palindrome - and neither the muzzle nor the paws. Lesha found!

The formation of nouns in the form of a multiple pelvic case.

brace "TOV.

gra "Blass (and Gra" Bel)

directo "B.

doctor "OV

contract "DRO

engineer "DRO

inspey "Klues

kittel "th (and ki" tele


(varieties) soap

sheet "J.

professorio "B.

Appendix No. 4.

Games for studying syntactic standards.


This is a long-standing fun schoolchildren and students. Participants take long the same sheets of paper and ... begin to compose "novels", "plays" by the author's team.

First, "Project" comes up with, in which "Fabul" says: who, where, when, who did, who at the same time he was attended what he said to the hero that he was answered, what the case ended, etc. Each participant gives an answer to each question, wraps his answer and transmits the next participant. As a result, it turns out nonsense, funny coincidences and incisions.

You can also spend "nonsense interview." Participants write different questions to each other. For example, "where did you get such eyes?". The question is wrapped, and only the word "where?" Is written on a clean line. Or: "Why are you so much bumming up?", "How do you feel about the appearance of white mice in the house?", "Why don't you want to fly into space with dogs?". Participants must be answered: "Why?", "How?", "Why?" etc. Here they begin with nonsense situations.

    Designers of proposals.

It turns out, from words that are completely unnecessted with each other, you can construct the phrase.

Two random words are taken at random, for example, "Lake", "Pencil", "Bear". It is necessary to make as many sentences as possible, which would necessarily include these three words (you can change their case and use other words).

Answers can be banal ("Bear missed a pencil lake"), complex, with retreats beyond the situation, the introduction of new objects ("The boy, thin as a pencil, stood near the lake, which was roaring like a bear")

Mini-dictionary of syntax norms.

Control forms:

alfas - adverb, is used with the verb without an excuse (to draw an Afas);

thirst - what? (thirst reading);

contract - what? for what?

conference - what?

help - for whom? what for?

justify - what? than?

payment - what? (salary);

pay for what? (Pay for travel);

pay for what? (pay for purchases);

pay - for what? (pay for travel);

pay - for what? (pay for travel);

review - What about? (book review);

review - what? (book review);

commitment - who? (What?) To whom? (for what?)

priority - what?

relics - what?

miss - about whom? About whom? But: miss you;

stimulus - Why? for what?

Appendix No. 5.

Games for studying lexical standards.

1. Metagrams outside the program.

Words other than one letter differ from each other are called megrammers. For example, lamp and lambad, cat and whale.

Try to find at least 10 metagrams to the words of the kidney and current. Well ... (kidney, noise, daughter, bump, point, stove ... Current, rock, side, kok, juice, shock ...)

    Not easy transformations.

Changing in words successively by one letter, turn ...

Rye into flour: rye - lie - Lodge - a puddle - flour.

Dough in a bun: dough - place - revenge - suit - fall - pasta - caste - helmet - pitching - pack - beam - Bulka.

Gracing: Mark - Marriage - Bras - Bar - Coward - Cable - Trene - Damage - Lesson - Term - Stroke - Ston - Staya - Pasta - Swat - Light.

Night a day: Night - Zero - Role - rye - Liesel - Lodge - Leather - Cara - Kara - Headlamp - Phase - Vaza - Viza - Vienna - Pena - Stump - Day.

Turn the company to the regiment, daughter in the mother, the ball in the goal, water in the sea, the muse in the poet, and physics in the lyrics.

3. Translators.

For the game there will be foreigners and Russian words, including special. This game is the world of "book hunting", "excavations at the table".

So, the presenter suggests in dictionaries and encyclopedias, and even then to engage in "translations" of the proposed texts, more precisely, to find out the origin of the words.

"My school is located next to the house. I took the wretcher, put books, pencils, notebooks in it. Swimmed tea with sugar and candy and went. On the way I looked into the kiosk, bought newspapers and after a few minutes I entered my class. "

Here is such an ordinary text. The words are familiar, like Russians - no. Dictionaries testify: School - Greek Word, Meaning Leisure; class - Latin, literally - discharge; The German launcher, literally - a hiking bag, a book - Russian word; Pencil - Turkic word, tea - Chinese, kiosk - Turkish. Conclusion: In everyday speech, we use many words from other languages.

And now as a sample one more text.

"I walked around the city and looked at shop windows. For this in a row stood sticks and hung lamps. For that - dresses from the battica color of the ocher, as well as failed and even poncho of all colors of the spectrum. For the third - suits from chevival and wedding veil. Having passed on the trench through the trench, I headed for the theater and further to the stadium where the match was held. "

Lay in this text "Foreign" words. Make their translation.

Our, you understand, Tanya, here, loudly, it means that crying.

Dropped, so to speak, it means that in the river, no matter how the ball ...

5. Explanatory etymological dictionary of stupid words.

Etymological - explains the origin of the words, and impressive, because it gives their interpretation. But not usually, not scientifically, but in a joking, even satirical form. Offer the guys to think and guess, on what basis the words are given new explanations.

Hashish - hectare, on which nothing has grown (that is, it turned out on the whole hectare just Shish)

Wave - mother of applicant.

Ylannik - dining room.

Aspen - axes of large breed.

Rack - Surgeon Assistant (i.e., he helps someone who cuts).

Review - loud, intact singing (from the word Ryv).

River (Kanz.) - a brief performance (decreasing from "Speech").

Socrates (Narice) - a person dismissed to reduce states.

Yarrow is a fat romance.

Exacerbation - swinging the mustache.

Negligence - an excess of bathrobes in the store.

Celofan is an amateur kissing.

Chepese is a slight incident.

Chelobyto - Boxing Competition.

Plug - catch lump.

The shelf is a neighbor on the floor.

Julia is to care for Julia.

Jurching - marry Yuri.

Gentiles (prof.) - Linguist.

Invite the guys to increase the dictionary, inventing yourself a new interpretation for old words.

6. What is the name thing and what is she for?

Ask the guys bring from the house, from the "bodies" of grandparents, a few of the use of items of Russian life: hats, belts, fans, napkins, sundresses, rags, boxes, wallets, primuses, cast iron iron, tobacco, inkwell, etc . The one who brings these things should know their exact name and purpose. The owners of things make an exhibition. Viewers, guests are invited. They must answer three questions: what is the object called what it was used when and what he was replaced. Wins the most erudite, and all won.

Mini-vary sensible.

Words close to sound, but different in meaning:

subscription (the right to use anything for a certain period);

subscriber (person using subscription);

atlas (Collection of geographical maps);

atlas (type of silk fabric);

bath (bathing tank);


traveled (alternating);

mixture (mixed);

indians (the indigenous population of America);

indians (general name of the population of India);

hindus (followers of the religion of Hinduism);

campaign (aggregate of events);

company (group of people);

logical (reasonable, consistent);

logical (correct, internally broken);

rotank (seller from tray);

lights (lotto player);

oil (impregnated with oiled);

to wear (on yourself, for someone);

dressed (anyone);

nevezhi (not knowing decency, rough);

ignorant (uneducated, non-destroyed);

paste [e] (soft, muted tones);

bed (place for sleep);

chaos (in the meaning of "disorder");

chaos (in the meaning of "Element");

characteristic (having pronounced peculiar features, typical);

characteristic (domineering, volitional);

export (export of goods abroad);

import (importation of goods and others. From abroad);

immigrant (one who enters someone else's country for permanent residence);

emigrant (one who leaves the native country in someone else's).

Appendix No. 6.

About sin foul language.

On the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Alexy II.

The Word is the gift of God, what the man likes himself to the creator. By the Savior himself, we call Divine Word. One creative word Lord created our beautiful world - universe, space. Cosmos - Greek beauty. The word Creator caused beauty to life. And the word we are trying to insult this beauty, desecrate it.

No rotten word comes from the mouth of yours, but only a good ... And fornication and any unclean ... should not even be called you ...

The reason for foul language no longer serve irritation, anger, but bad, rotten words became part of the everyday speech, sometimes even lovers are thrown. This is a sign of the special degradation of our culture, when all the concept of measure is destroyed, tact in communicating between people.

But it is especially sad that the foul language for their ordinary and prevalence is not considered for sin.

Mantic Rugan is an explicit manifestation of evil in man. Since ancient times, the Materbiad in the Russian people is referred to as foul language - from the word "firm".

In the dictionary of V. Dal, it is said: "Spruce - abomination, nastiness, dirty task, all vile, nasty, disgusting, indecent, that the carnation is fruit and spiritually; uncleanness, dirt and rot, decent, dead, eruption, feces; SMRAG, SNOG; Understanding, debauchery, moral plant; All Bohrony.

That's where we fell away, giving up to the power of the mind, rotten words.

Among the Orthodox believers there is a legend that the Most Herd Virgin of the Virgin Mary is especially asking for the Lord's salvation of Russia, because Russia is the House of the Virgin, one of her lots on Earth.

But, praying for the Orthodox Russia, the Major Virgin Mary refuses to remember in his prayers of those who squander. The Mother of God does not pray for those who swear by Mat. And in the Russian people, they have been called blasphemers from the Russian people.

It is in our country, our people, the Creator of the Universe gave a language of rare beauty, wealth and expressiveness. And from this language, mothers, instead of the God of this wealth, using a miserable set of vile, not the god of these words, but prompted by the enemy's enemy of the human - the devil.

Today, even the dictionaries of Maternaya Rugan are sold. The devilish forces that rushed to destroy Russia do everything so that our people learned to defile themselves. If we want our people to not rotten, did not crumble with fruitless plaque, we must resolutely abandon the foul language and take care of us so easily by us the Great God's gift - a wonderful Russian language.

The word is the greatest weapon of God. The word is an instrument and human creativity. The word must bear grace - good gifts, good, serve as an edification in faith, that is, to bring to God, and not to delete it. The foul language is sown.

This is how the Apostle Jacob speaks about the sins of the language: "Look, a small fire so many substances ignites; And the language is fire, the glutton is not true, it is irreparable evil; He is filled with a deadly poison. "

The habit of foul language forms the moral appearance of a person, prevents its attachment to culture, makes such a person unreliable in relationships with others. The habit of foul language is a sign of spiritual and moral decomposition of man.

One who easily allows himself an unclean, rotten speech, he will decide without difficulty on unclean affairs - this is proven in practice.

When a person says Material words, he not only desets, dirty his mouth, but also pouring dirt into the ears of others; Decorates them in the content of the mother, suggests evil thoughts - sow evil, even when it does not know. The eloquences of such a person, he does not spare no way of women, nor children's purity.

Especially scary when children are brought up in a motley medium, when parents themselves laid moral dirt in their souls. Such children grow by frail and indifferent primarily to their own parents. And in the house where parents keep the chastity of speech, children are produced persistent disgust to foul language. This squeaming is a reliable protection against communicating with bad companies.

In previous times, Russian people gave themselves the report in how vigorously foul language, he was strictly punished for him. With the kings, Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, a corporal punishment was supposed to be a bodily punishment: in the markets and the streets went through the streets, they had enough swearing officers and immediately, at the crime scene, with the people, for universal edging they punished them with rods.

For the persistence of Togo, how many permissions are sin in front of God, we give examples of the explicit punishment of God for the bold-minded chalk.

1. In the village of Vyatsky, the criminal cookers hungry. He was accustomed to twist, which did it with every word. Wife and neighbors told him that it was a big sin before God. To which the proof was usually answered: "What kind of sin swear? The proverb says: Language that I knew melie, only do the hands of the will. Here to kill a person, steal something - this is sins; And it is not sinful to swear at all. I never swear in this sin and I will not repent. " With such convictions, he lived his life.

During his grave illness, the anticipation of the approach of death, the proof was wished to confess. Son he drove him for the priest. But when the priest entered him into his house, the patient lost speech and consciousness. The priest waited for a while, but, being busy with other tres, decided to leave. When the priest was removed, the patient came into consciousness and asked her home to send again for the priest.

The priest again hurried to him; But only he entered the house - the procopies again fell into infamous. The terrible crusts were added to this, and the unfortunate in grave sufferings emptied the Spirit. In general, I noticed that those who constantly fouls are dying without repentance and communion.

2. At the third week of the great post, the peasant village Voskresensky S.I. I went to my scrawing. The wind at that time was unusually strong. Taking straw how much you need, he went back, but the wind prevented him, and he, in his vile habit, began to swear, indigrant on the weather. Unreasonable and did not think that God originates from the treasures of his own. Savva walked and swore. And for this insult to the Lord himself was strictly punished: without reaching her house, he suddenly became me ...

There was an unfortunate squams that this sudden little is a challenge of God for foul language, and with tears turned to the Lord with a sincere repentance in his sins, he gave a vow to so much to sin, and the merciful Lord after 21 days his mouth and he began to talk again.

The Holy Orthodox Church knows that an honest court is waiting for a universal terrible trial of each dying person. The soul passes Nataria, where she tested demons for sins committed in earthly life. Here are examples of the life of 100 years ago, when people who are brought up in faith were afraid to be discharged by sin and destroy their soul. Now, most people are frivolously refer to the afterlife, they are not afraid to angry God, they do not want to give up their sins. And among the most common sins - foul language.

It is even more surprised by the fact that many educated people began to allow themselves to be "subtle, intelligent" to outrage, perhaps wanting to show their breadwinning eyes. In Russia, to an educated person always treated with respect. Knowledge helps a person to recreate the image of God. This is what the concept is the recreation of the image of God - and reflects the word "education". Therefore, dirty swearing in the mouth of the intellectual is especially unacceptable.

Focusing is the beginning of the way to even greater evil.


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    Rosenthal D.E., Telenkov MA The dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language. M., 1998.

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