Scenario of literary evenings in Dow. Literary evenings of leisure and their meaning

Scenario of literary evenings in Dow. Literary evenings of leisure and their meaning
Scenario of literary evenings in Dow. Literary evenings of leisure and their meaning

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Literary evenings of leisure and their meaning

educator Literature Garden Children

The goal is to introduce students with the peculiarities of the organization and holding of Lithuanov leisure as one of the forms of working with a book

1) give information on the meaning of literature and the peculiarities of holding literary holidays in different age groups

2) introduce a methodology for holding in different age groups

3) place in the work of kindergarten

1. Literary Leisure Evening and Literary Holidays.

2. Conduct literary holidays in different age groups.

3. Forms of holding literary evenings.

4. Preparation of an educator to spend the post of holidays, the development of abstracts.

A special place in the creative education and development of children is occupied by literary holidays.

Literary holidays as they enshrine and summarize the diverse artistic impressions, knowledge and skill of children, they include different types Children's activity (reading and taking, singing and dancing, hearing, watching and staging). They are the result of the educator, her result, "crown of the case."

How best to prepare literary holiday - Matinee or evening entertainment?

First of all, it is necessary to very accurately determine the topic of the evening, its specific goal. Quite often, educators organize "Name Day's books", "Holidays of the book" in children's garden. Despite the most expensive efforts of educators, children, parents for the preparation and design of the holiday, it sometimes does not bring the expected pleasure, it turns out too tedious, long, messy. What is the reason for failure? First of all, in the inconsistency of the topic of children preschool age. The topic formulated as the "holiday of the book" was too wide. On this holiday it was said, it was also played, he sang about everything: about folk tales and fairy tales of Pushkin, about Tolstoy and Gorky, Marshak and Chukovsky. This kaleidoscope of big names and beautiful works He stunned children, did not give the opportunity to focus on the content of works, enjoy their perception and execution.

The best holiday in kindergarten will be a holiday with one plot (for example, "Tales A.S. Pushkin", "Books about animals", "Tales of K.I. Chukovsky" or other). Such a topic will give the opportunity to accurately determine the purpose of the matinee (deliver the joy of joy from meeting with your favorite works, to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the writer, to cause interest in the topic, etc.), focus the attention of children on the content side of the festive action.

For a literary evening, it is necessary to develop a scenario - the basis of the holiday, its plan. The scenario is most often written in the form of direct speech, it determines the sequence of replacing actions (reading, games, views, etc.).

Another of the most important conditions for the success of the evening - right choice lead or leading. Leading children's evening Not an entertainer, announcing certain numbers, but a kind owner who creates a festive atmosphere. From his artistry, culture, charm, the ability to communicate easily, to see and involve the success of the meeting of children with the art of the word depends on all those present.

Often leading and other characters In the evening they act in some kind of way. At the evening, dedicated to the oral folk creativity, it may be a storyteller and fairy tale characters, at night, dedicated to creativity S.Ya. Marshaka, - Postman, Fireman, Scattered Man, Creativity K.I. Chukovsky - Dr. Aibolit, Middodir, and others. Meeting with the hero of the book, his recognition, direct contact With him, necessarily provided by the scenario, deliver aesthetic pleasure to children, encourage to actively "communicate with a literary work.

When developing a scenario of a literary evening, it is necessary to remember that it should be built on the maximum creative activity of all children - participants in the morning. The lead is definitely the owner of the holiday, but he should not blame the children. They are the main actors of any holiday.

It is important that in the scenario, various types of children's activity are reasonably combined: physical activity (actions, dances, games, attractions, reading of verses, etc.) and internal mental activity (hearing, viewing, solving literary tasks, guessing the riddles, etc.). This requires a sense of measure: a large number of Elements of registration, a variety of external activities can lead attention from the most important thing in the literary evening - meetings with a book. Artistic word, the work of the writer must necessarily be in the center of the scene of the holiday.

The literary evening may provide for various surprise moments, for example, the fulfillment of children's desires (according to the program) with the help of semi-degree flowers; in advance, secretly from children prepared by the performance of parents with reading Pushkin's favorite poems (on Pushkin celebration), watching puppet or shadow Theater. etc. The main thing is that the literary evening can not be reminded speech occupation. Bright festivity in combination with simplicity, naturalness, ease in the behavior of each of the participants - here the necessary conditions To create the desired atmosphere on children's holiday. Deliver joy to children, give an opportunity to actively participate in a festival dedicated to a fairy tale, a favorite poet or writer, means to put them a long memory meeting with the book.

Literary development Children promote matinee, leisure evening, dedicated to creativity writer or poet, evening fairy tales, riddles, literary quiz (for folk tales, on the works of one author, on well-known books different writers). Association of various types of art - music, fiction, visual arts Creates a festive atmosphere.

All forms of work on the acquaintance of children with artistic literature Out of occupation raise interest and love for the book, form future readers.

Leisure evenings, which are also called the evenings of entertainment, are held in kindergarten once a week. The subjects may be the most different. It can be a performance, a music evening, sport competitionswatching cartoons and much more. It all depends on the age of children, the directions of work of kindergarten, technical conditions.

You will need

Toy theater;

Theater of pictures;

Shadow Theater;

Finger theater;

Theater of glove dolls;

A computer;

Multimedia equipment;

- "backing tracks" of children's songs and musical performances;

Sound equipment;



Scenarios of amusements and performances on fairy tales.


1. For children of early and younger preschool age, prepare a performance. Children of this age are mostly the audience, they themselves still can. They have a clear-shaped and clear-effective types of thinking over the rest, so everything must be shown. The theater of toys is a tale showing on the table. No screen, characters move on the surface. Children see it. As a scenery can be used construction material. For pictures theater, find the appropriate illustrations, print them on the color printer and get on the flannel or velvet paper. Such pictures during the story appear on the flannelhemph, and the kids like it very much. If you have a computer, you can pick up cartoons and arrange a film preview. He should not be too long, the quarter of an hour is enough.

2. The possibilities of children of middle and older preschool age are already large enough. Different types of the theater can still be used, but kids from the older and preparatory Group Already can show fairy tales and themselves. It usually causes very great interest. In addition, modern technical means allow you to make a lot. For example, you can put the most real musical, if there is a suitable sound equipment in the kindergarten. In many kindergartens, this is done. Recompolates such "professional" performances are very like.

3. Do not limit the theater. Prepare, for example, evening dedicated to the work of your favorite writer. In this case, there must be a great preliminary work. Read the books of books, tell us about the life of the writer, show his portrait. You can give a task to draw an illustration or make crafts on the topic. Available preschoolers and computer presentation. With modern information technology Many reoxoys are already familiar. Pick the desired photos, drawings and musical works You can charge someone from the parents. Do not forget that children should not sit all the time, so you need to combine different activities. For example, at the beginning, show the presentation, then after dance or fizminutka, ask someone from children to read verses. Finish the evening of entertainment can be dramatized or moving game.

4. Sometimes spending leisure me together with your parents. You can offer, for example, to prepare a story about your family. Ask parents to pick up interesting photos and video. Let each family prepare short story. Such a "presentation" can be divided into several evenings or coincide, say, to the day of the birthday room.

5. Spend virtual excursion. Children can offer in advance to ask grandparents about the most interesting places In your city, about famous peoplewho lived here. Pick up the video or make flash animation. In the same way, you can arrange an excursion to the museum.

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Scenario of literary entertainment in the senior group "What the beauty of these fairy tales!"

Purpose: Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children through the generalization of children's knowledge about fairy tales, the year of literature.


Continue to develop interest in the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture - fairy tales; improve the ability of children to recognize individual fairy tales characteristic features.
Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify their judgments.

Shape the skills of mental operations.

Promote the development of thinking, visual and auditory attentioncommon small Motoriki, the abilities carefully listen to the speaker, do not interrupt, listen to the end.
Improve motor skills and kids skills.
Educate positive traits Personality: self-confidence, the ability to help each other, work in a team.
Rail a friendly attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and each other, a sense of humor.

Preliminary work:

Reading and discussing fairy tales, costume preparation, selection necessary equipment and attributes

Didactic games: "Guess what fairy tale", "miracle tree", "fabulous salad";
Image of the heroes of fairy tales in the modeling, appliqués, origami, drawing;
Exhibition of drawings on the topic: My favorite fairy tale ";
Competition of crafts in Russian folk fairy tales "Visiting a fairy tale";
Dramatic tales "Rack", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Kolobok";
Under the phonogram of the song N. Queen "Confetti" in the hall includes fairy fairy tales.

Equipment: Multimedia installation, snowflakes, book, fairy tale fairy costume, broom, 2 fish on chopsticks, 2 horses on a stick, mask of Baba Yaga.

Fairy song fairy tales:
Fairy fairy tales to visit you came, and you learned me
Fairy Fairy Tales Loves Devora, I always waited for me.
I wave a magic wand, and the doors dissolve,
You get to the fairy tale again and immediately believe in a miracle.
Fairy Tales - Magician and magician.
Fairy fairy tales always surrounds children.
In different fairy tales, we visited, and the good of evil was distinguished.
Only in fairy tale miracles happen!

Fairy Tales. Hello guys! I am fairy fairy tales. How well, we met again with you. Do you know what reason did we get? The year of literature is completed. The year of literature was announced in our country in early 2015. Let's see the emblem of the year of literature.

On the official emblem of the Year of Literature depicted profiles of great Russian writers and poets:
Alexandra Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. They are painted in colors russian flag: White, blue, red.
I know that during the whole of this year you taught poems, read different fairy tales, got acquainted with interesting fabulous heroes. And today I invite you to make a trip on the roads of your famous fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? Now check if you know them well.

1 task. "Guess the fairy tale"

Fairy Tales
. Guess from which fairy tales the following lines:
The home has come to the home - the mess found there. (Three Bears)
The mouse came to the rescue, together pulled a vegetable. (Repka)
He treats different kids, treats birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)
Helped us apple trees, helped us the stove. (Swan geese)
We are not afraid of a gray wolf. (Three pigs)
Do not sit on the pennies - do not eat a piddle. (Masha and the Bear)
Come, cockroaches, I tea with you. (Fly Tsokotukha)
Do not drink from Kojtsz - you will become a goat. (Sister-Alenushka and Bratz Ivanushka)
The blanket was convinced, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog rode from me. (Moydodyr)
I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. (Kolobok)
What was the name of the sister of seven gnom brothers? (Snow White)
And answered dishes:
"It was for us to witely,
She didn't love us
Bila, she beat us,
Drank, squeezed,
She ruined us! "(Fedorino Mountain)

Game "Broom"

Players get up in a circle. In the middle of the fairy tales with a broom. She begins to circling, led by a broom in a circle above the floor, trying to hurt the legs of the players, and says:
And the broom, and the broom of the fun,
I dug, played, was offended.
Nor dust from Fedor did not leave.
The task of players is to jump over the broom. Whom broom will come, he comes out of the game.

2. "Find out the hero of the fairy tales"

He lies on the stove
And stubbornly so stiffs:
"By schuye village,
In my opinion ... "
Grandma girl loved her little
Red hat gave her a hat.
Girl name forgot your
And, well, tell me the name.
Father had a boy strange
Unusual - wooden.
But loved dad son.
What strange
Man wooden?
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere the nose is long.
Who is it?

In a fairy tale, the hero lives:
He is not a hedgehog and not a cat,
He from grandma with window
Jumped right on the track,
Rolled, ran
The fox hit! Who is it? Kolobok

Krasno-Maiden is sad,
She does not like spring.
She is hard in the sun,
Tears pour a poor thing.
Snow Maiden

They took the brother of the bird.
Highly they fly
Far they look
Swan geese

I flew Arrow and got into the swamp,
And in this swamp caught her someone.
Who, having sneaked with green skin.
Made cute, beautiful, fitting?
Princess Frog
Put her grandfather in the field
Summer grew grew.
The whole family was drawn
Was very large.
Creaks teeth, drives his nose
And the Russian spirit does not tolerate.
Old woman S. bone foot
Call .... Babo-Yaga.

Play with Baba Yaga.
Children become a circle. In the middle of the driving-babe Yaga with tied eyes, children utter words:
Grandma - the bone leg,
From the stove fell, the leg broke.
Went to the garden, frightened people,
Ran into the bathhouse, scared the Vanka.
Baba Yaga catches children.

3 Task "Who sent a message?"

1) "Save, a gray wolf ate us" (Cats)
2) "Very upset. Inadvertently broke the egg "(mouse)
3) "It all ended well, only my tail remained in the hole" (Wolf)
4) "Help, our house is broken, but their own" (beasts)
5) "Dear grandparents, do not worry. I invented how to fool the bear. I'll be at home soon "(Masha)
6) "Help, my brother turned into a goat" (Alyonushka)
7) "Disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair" (bear bed)
8) "Dad, my arrow in a swamp. I marvel on the frog "(Ivan-Tsarevich)
9) Let you go, Starmer, I'm in the sea!
Dear ladies Fucking:
I will bother than just wish. "

Game "Catch Golden Fish"
2 participants are invited. Everyone has a ribbon wand in their hands. At the end of the ribbon gold fish. At the signal, the participant wounds the ribbon on the wand, thereby bringing the silhouette of the fish to himself. Wins who will quickly take a fish in hand.

4 Task "Learn a fairy tale in the picture."
On the slides of the illustration for fairy tales: "" Fairy Tale of the Outlume Mouse "," Three Bear "," Teremok "," Squa-Burk "," Petushok-Gold Grab "," Fox with a Rock ".
movable game "Who is faster on Sivka-Bourke"

5 task "Fort the error"
1) Tsarevna - turkey
2) on dog vein
3) Ivan Tsarevich and green wolf
4) Sister Alenushka and Brother Nikitushka
5) Cockerel - Golden Shepherd
6) boy - with cam
7) The fear of the ears are great
8) topor noodles

6 Task "4th extra"

Fairy fairy tales.
Look, children, on the screen. Guess what a fairy tale is superfluous.
On the slide 3 pictures from one fairy tale, and 4th from another.

Fairy fairy tales. Well done guys coped with all the tasks. And now I will tell you a fairy tale.
'Fairy Fairy Fairy
Many, many years ago once a year, in winter, the fairy of the good was attached to the ground. She was always with a bag of shoulders, in which magic snowflakes carried. The fairy of good was such a tiny and invisible that many did not pay any attention to her. But she did not take offense and everyone, even the most evil people, gave magic snowflakes.
When not a single snowflake remained in her bag, the spring came, and the fairy of good imperceptibly disappeared to fly in winter in winter.
Everyone received a magic snowflake became sawe are Ma happy man on earth, because he became cheerful, caring, responsive. People became kind, they had good thoughts, they learned to speak good words And do good.

Fairy fairy tales.Today I will give you magic snowflakes so that you become the most happy and kind.
Fairy fairy tale gives children and guests of snowflakes.

Fairy Tales
. There are many fairy tales in the world sad and funny.
And we can not live in the world without them.
Lamp of Alladina, in the fairy tale of us.
Crystal shoe helps on the way.
Boy Chipollino, Teddy Bear Vini Pooh ... ..
Everyone on our way is a true friend.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,
Let good forever wins evil!

Name:Scenario literary entertainment In the older group "What the beauty of these fairy tales!"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, Entertainment, Scenarios, Thematic Holidays

Position: Educator of the First Qualification Category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten №2 "Firefly"
Location: Zherdevka Tambov region

1 Presenter: Poetry is not just one of the types of art. For dedicated to this light that leads life path And, reflecting the shiny of the human soul, shines to others, helping to find the truth, remove sadness and gain harmony in the shower.

2 Host: But it is so necessary modern man, living in the rumbling world of rabid velocities, fuss and envy, lies and mercantility. In this world, we sometimes forget about the most important thing about what helps a person to remain in all conditions a person - about the soul that has each of us.

1 Presenter: Someone is free, bright and open, and someone has a tiny, hidden from the light, drove in subsoil human essenceBut it is still there, and it will certainly come.

Marina Tsvetaeva Naeda said:

If the soul was born in a winged,

What is her choirs and that her huts ...

2 Host: About the few of us, perhaps, about very rare people can be said that the soul of their coverage. And today, fate gave us a happy moment of meeting with a person, whose soul, undoubtedly, is capable not only to seal, but also to learn to the heights of the spiritual bliss of everyone who comes with it.

1 Presenter: Our guest is Larisa Mezhenina, the poetess, the author of two stunning collections of poems, the last, to the word to say, it is illustrated, and just a wonderful person.

2 Host: It is surprised by the ability of this fragile girl to see in people just good. This is evidence of the epigraph to one of her poems: "Each of us an angel, but only with one wing. And we can fly, just hugging each other. " Do many of us can remember the situations when they were called angels? Yes, and was it in our lives?

1 Presenter: There is something very sad, even tragic in these words. The tragedies, as if sent by someone unkind, accompany the person in this world, destroying the plans and putting barriers on the roads to the dream.

2 Host: Sunny was the beginning of a laberic life. Everyone who knew Larisa internally in school years, remember her as amazing man With an unusually warm view of big clear eyes, always ready to help, listen.

1 Presenter: Sociable, active, she is always in the center of events both at school and, later, at the Institute. It seemed that everything was given to her too easy, without effort. For whatever it fell, everything was done somehow fun, playing. And, most importantly, next to her was easy and calm.

2 Host: The person is unusually bright, versatile talent, she was fond of drawing, music, verses.

When in the class read her creative work, silence fell. Overactions of the messenger were similar to poetic miniatures. They felt special handwriting, quiet, amazing light, responsibility for everything that happens on Earth.

Reader: "Listen to the morning silence. Do you hear how the flower petals rustle from the easy touch of the harsh breeze, how is it murmur in the green grass, the small raw rods like amber juice flows over the snow-white cortex of a slender young birch?


Why suddenly the heart scored so desperate? Just for a minute suddenly it seemed that there was nothing of it, only a dark emptiness, smoke and ashes!

These thoughts do not give me peace especially at night, when the sky becomes gray-haired from stars, from these little shining lights.

But our land is also such, only probably even less, even more tender, she is fragile and defenseless. Our land is part of a huge universe, it is her tiny blue part.

And how terrible to imagine that one day she can go out, go out forever ...

And, maybe someone on another planet, looking once in the sky, think: "The star fell. This is fortunate. "

But there will be no happiness then, because life will disappear on earth! "

1 Presenter: Libeas could know whether Larisa could know when she just turned sixteen that fate does not at all think about her dreams, on the contrary, will pass for a few years, and she will subjected to a girl with heavy trials.

2 Host: The subsequent life of Larisa is full of dramatic events. A suddenly embroidered disease chained a girl to bed, separated with peers, friends, fellow students. Larisa Mezhenina did not imagine life isolated from others. But fate ordered otherwise.

1 Presenter: For more than two years, Larisa was not destined to communicate with friends, walk, play guitar, write and even talk. Doctors have lost hope. But the hope of parents did not die. They did everything to put the daughter on their feet.

2 Host: The disease did not pass without a trace, I had to leave Larisa, I could not go about work and speeches. But there was time to stop, think about the past, and about the future. The most important thing was - do not get into the world, nor on people, not to lose faith in yourself and all this is to convey in your verses that help to live and feel necessary in this life ...

1 Presenter: The poems of Larisa are amazing, maybe they are surprised, they are forced to think about many things to think about them again and again. They help us find answers to the difficult questions of being, we will teach us loyalty and nobility, tenderness and love ...

1 Chets.


Do not detain me in the hour of sadness,

Do not reject my soul

And on it, as if on the srices,

Revelation Write.

Do not leave in the dark pitch,

What can I alone, say?

From the heart of my multi-faceted,

Lick your bright do not turn out.

2 Chets.

I'm not a call you

Do not void even

Because I live,

As a soul will tell

And the soul tells me:

"Rezing the past burden,

From love and offended

He treats only time. "

I will not call you.

Threads all rush.

And my way with your way

Do not cross.

1 Chets.

Great wisdom - wait

Huge happiness - believe

And feel that again

Hope will open the door.

Attached when there is no strength

And, tears are swallowing, laugh.

And, falling, do not ask.

And believe, and not be afraid.

And firmly and accurately know

Hope will open the door,

When you learn to wait

And holy to love to believe.

2 Chets.

Strange thoughts lived

Alien painted

Alien nicely waiting

And in the house of someone else was included.

Alien shadow for me went

And I admitted myself

What this life ... was somehow

Though it seemed.

1 Chets.

I will be the sun, I will wind,

I will rain,

Blossomed branch

White cherry under the window ...

I will be pure water

At noon thickening thicken

And grass meadow

Waiting for your arrival.

Want to be bright bright

And happy day in fate

And hope for mi-

Just be like you.

2 Chets.

Thermacade of herbs pegs air ...

Buzzing bees takes sadness

And silence familiar szvuk

Gives from pain relaxing.

And the sun Yellow Cilia

Opened the first flowers,

To give everything a bit

His love and warmth.

And happiness every moment

Able to catch the heart

And this world revival

Carries in itself the desire to live.

1 Chets.

Two candles burn again again,

But one halo on them.

Lonely heart is silent

The words flow irretrievably left ...

And do not guilty sophisticated

In this, maybe the main law

If you want to rebel from the ashes,

That will not be unnecessary obstacles.

And, leaving the stream of ukrizn,

On fate is unworthy of rapid

So that everything that brings us life

Try to accept benefit.

2 Chets.


When it is not laid in fate,

Sums cloud wake up

And, pain overcoming in itself

Dottery become and smile.

And again from the feeling of wrong

Your bright world will come back to you.

No need to regret any kind:

Good good and will respond.

The word is provided by the poetess Larisa Larisa.

2 Host: So our meeting came to the end, and we hope that the lard of Larisa will not pass for you for you: your souls will become lighter, hearts will be filled with love for life, and you yourself will become kinder and at least a little wiser.

1 Presenter: Let the verses of Larisa of Larisa become a reliable companion of your life, and Larisa has been happy with his new creativity for a long time.

2 Host: Let our wonderful guest always accompany the luck, inspiration, and forces and health let it be added with every minute. You really need us, Larisa, and we look forward to new meetings with you.

The use of ICT made it possible to create an atmosphere of success for each participant in the literary living room. Conducted using multimedia presentation An extracurricular event was the lesson of spirituality, contributed to the upbringing of such spiritual and moral qualities in schoolchildren, as the love of all living, debt, responsibility for everything that happens around, respect for the personality of another person, the ability to see beauty in simple and ordinary, to give warmth and kindness.

Literary holiday in kindergarten. Senior group

Literary evening dedicated to Agnya Barto

Tolstopatova Iraida Anatolyevna, teacher Madou "Magician" Labytnangi, Yanao.
Purpose: This evening introduces children with the work of children's writer Agnes Barto.
Purpose: This literary evening is intended for senior groupas well as for educators, teachers additional education, parents.
Purpose: Introduce interesting person, creative personality With the children's poet of Agnia Barto, continue the development of skills expressive reading, monologic and dialogic speech, improve the ability to find expressive means Language.
1. Support in children interest in literature, educate love for the book, contribute to the deepening and differentiation of reader interests.
2. Enrich the "reader" experience due to works of more complex genres of folklore.
3. Relieve literary and artistic taste, the ability to understand the mood of the work, feel musicality, the soundness and rhythm of poetic texts.

Evening Agnya Barto
Leading:Good afternoon, dear respected poets, fans of poetry and everyone today is present in this room. On March 21, we will celebrate the World Holiday "Day of Poetry". I want to tell you a little about Agnes Barto. This amazing woman He devoted his whole life to children. Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in Moscow in the family veterinary doctor. Poems began to write in primary grades Gymnasium. I dreamed of becoming a ballerina, graduated from the choreographic school.
During the Great Patriotic Barto, a lot acted on the radio, went to the front correspondent from the newspaper. In the post-war years, Agniya Lvovna became the organizer of the movement in the search for families separated during the war. She suggested looking for lost parents in childhood memories. Through the program "Find a person" on Radio "Mayak" managed to connect 927 separated families. The first book of the prose writer is called and called - "find a person."
For your writer and public activities Agnia Barto was repeatedly awarded orders and medals. She drove a lot abroad, helped children's international friendship. The writer died on April 1, 1981, having lived a long and such needed people a life. The style of her poems is very easy, they are easily remembered. The author is talking to a child with a simple household language - but in rhyme. And the conversation leads with small readers as if the author is their peer.

Listen to the poem in audio records "Bear - Neverya" (fairy tale for small and large)

Leading: What do you think who wrote is this poem? Obedient was a bear?
Children: Agniya Barto. The bear was not listened to the parents.
Leading: And our guys, also know the poems of Agnia Barto.

I'm not bored without fire -
There is a flashlight.
You look at it
Nothing can be seen in it,
And you look at the evening -
He is with a green light.
It's in a jar with grass
Firefly sitting alive.

Rope in hand
I pull the ship
By fast river,
And the jumps of frogs
For me on the heels
And ask me:
- Rental, captain!
Leading: Vova read the poem "Caraclik" - this poem of Agnia Barto wrote about toys and many other poems. You need to solve the crossword and write the names of these poems in it.

Leading: We continue to read poems.

Don't you need forty?
You do not need forty,
Forty without wing?
We have two deadlines -
Two months lived.
She was found in June,
She was called the Dunya.
Jumping like a rigger
Forty grass
Loved by girls
Sit on the head.

She once a spoon
Pulled off the table
But, playing a little,
Andryushka gave.
He was her favorite
Andryushka shuttles,
She is His hotels
Washed - worms.
We are accustomed to her very
And Dunya in a quiet hour,
Soridia told:
"I miss you without you"
But autumn, autumn soon,
In the garden turns the sheet,
Already went to the city
Volodya - a biantist.
And we'll leave ... autumn
But how do we throw the Dunya?
We have two deadlines,
Two months lived
You do not need forty,
Forty without wing?

Leading:And now we will play in the game "Geese - Swans"
(The wolf-child is chosen, and mom, goose. After words:
Gusi - Gus
Eat want
Yes Yes Yes,
Well, fly home.
We can not
Grey Wolf Under Goro.
Does not allow us home.
Well, fly, as you wish,
Only wings take care. (Children run to the goose - mom, and ox at that time catches children) (play 2 times)

Leading: Magnia Barto has such a poem, let's listen to him.
Swan geese
Kids among the courtyard
Horror drove.
In Gusi Swans game,
Gray Wolf - Vasily.
- Gus-Swans, home!
Gray wolf under the mountain!
The wolf does not look at them
Wolf on a bench sits.
Gathered around him
Swans and geese.
- Why don't you eat us? -
Says Marusya.
- Once you are a wolf, so you do not rub! -
Shouted on a wolf goose. -
From such a wolf
No sense!
The wolf replied; - I'm not a dross
Attack you now
I will come first a pear,
And then I will see for you!

Leading: And now our children continue to read the poems of Agnya Barto.
Not small, not great.
They were put on Andryushka,
But it's still -
He accepted them for a toy,
The eye does not drive from the shoe.
Boy with a sense
With placement
Engaged in a new clothes:
It will not like shoes
It pulls behind the laces,
Sat down Andrei and raised his leg,
Little licked shoe ...
Well, now it's time to the road,
You can take the first step!

Rubber Zina
Bought in the store
Rubber Zin.
In the basket brought.
She was a difference,
Rubber zina
Fell out of the basket,
Izmazed in the mud.
We will wash in gasoline
Rubber Zina,
We will wash in gasoline
And thumbs up:
Do not be such a difference,
Rubber zina
And then send Zin
Back to the store.

In Tanya, it's not enough
Tanya has a lot of cases:
In the morning my brother helped
He in the morning candy ate.
Here is Tanya how much is:
Tanya ate, drinking tea,
Sat down, I sat with my mother,
I got up, my grandmother went.
Before bed, I said my mother:
-You understand me yourself
I'm tired, I can not
I'll help you tomorrow.

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The literary development of children contributes to the Morning, the evening of leisure, dedicated to the creativity of the writer or poet, the evening of fairy tales, mysteries, literary quiz (on folk tales, on the works of one author, on well-known books of different writers). Combining a different type of art - music, fiction, visual art creates a festive atmosphere.

This is a group of methods and means of using literature out of occupations, where artworks are presented in both non-adaptable form and in the form of treatments, stages.

Literary evenings of leisure contribute to the deepening of the acquired skills, increase interest and love for works folk creativity And writers, give novelty an impression, create a joyful mood.

Literary holidays secure and summarize the diverse artistic impressions, knowledge and skills of children, they include different types of children's activities:

  • reading and taking;
  • singing and dancing;
  • hearing;
  • views and staging.

On domestic holidays (birthday, evening entertainment) children can act with retelling prosaic works , Including with the retelling in parts. It should be noted that in the practice of kindergartens on holidays, the prose sounds clearly not enough. For some holidays in senior groups (Fairy Tales Day, Spring Day, Summer Day, birds, etc.) It is recommended to select the works of various genres: poems, riddles, stories, excerpts from fairy tales, as well as proverbs, sayings, which in the appropriate situation will use the host.

In preparatory school groups A peculiar forms of work E fourth literature are used: literary matinees and amateur literary concerts Not only for children of six-seven years, but for more younger.

The matinee can be dedicated to the anniversary or creativity of the beloved children of the writer. The theme of the matinee may be like this: "Russian folk tales"," Poems poets - children "," Foreign fairy tales" etc.

The structure of the matinee has a lot in common with the structure of any holiday: grand opening, introduction leading (in this case it can be more deployed), inspection festive design, Exhibitions, concert numbersComing with the explanations and stories of the lead that should be interesting and accessible to children.

You can invite to the second half of the matinee (after the "intermission") of the children of the senior group, in conclusion to prevent all the memorable gifts present, see more detail the exhibition (give children the opportunity to approach the stand, take a book, etc.).

Children of six-seven years can arrange on their own concerts for kids. Elder is desirable to entrust the role of organizers and leading. They themselves make up the program, distribute roles, carry out rehearsals, prepare the room. Such a concert lasts 10-15 minutes. Its program can be the most diverse: reading known to younger children of fun, poems (preferably using visual material - toys, items, pictures), retelling the familiar "guests" fairy tales, reading new for kids poems or flies, desktop Theater. fairy tales, game-dramatization or puppet show. Children, leading concert, can offer the audience-kids to speak (optional) with reading poems, choir to give sound resistance, etc.

TO entertainment species Entertainment relate performances, theatrical performances, concertswhich are carried out forces of adults, schoolchildren (or senior pupils of kindergarten).

Senior preschoolers are advisable to introduce both professional performing art: The educator should recommend parents to visit children in children's performances in dramatic and puppet theaters.

In kindergarten, you can organize viewing of works of works, methodically correctly prepared children for him. Lot artistic works Discovered for preschoolers by means of cinema (cartoons, movies). For example, a "Tale of Military Secret ..." A. Gaidar was repeatedly shielded, A. Gaidar was created on the works of Moydodyr, K. Chukovsky, "Usatoy-striped" S. Marshak and others.

In the method of displaying cartoons (it is most often found in kindergartens), preliminary preparation of children is important to view: reading a fitted fairy tale or another work close to it on the topic, viewing pictures close to the content of the film, conversation with children. This work is carried out a few days before the show. Before demonstrating the cartoon, it is preferably an entrance word of the educator.

The effectiveness of the spectacle will be higher if the educator will attack the impressions of the drawing, modeling, in the game, conversation, etc.

Each teacher must own the technique and technique of showing cinema children and theater performances, firmly to know the hygienic standards of their holding (duration, landing of children), comply with safety rules.

Show theatrical representations And movies can be carried out in the hall, in group rooms, in the summer on the site, sometimes combining attendant groups. Depending on the latter, the display time is also installed. In different groups it is better to spend it within one or two days in order to save time for the installation of the screen, the screen, the preparation of the details.

With the drags, children also get acquainted, also listening to gramzapsy. The perception of staging is harder. It requires preparatory work (introductory word, reminder, etc.).

Currently, preschoolers are widely acquainted with literary art Thanks to television.