Folk proverbs and sayings for children. Folk proverbs and sayings for children The oldest saying

Folk proverbs and sayings for children. Folk proverbs and sayings for children The oldest saying
Folk proverbs and sayings for children. Folk proverbs and sayings for children The oldest saying

Life live - not the field go.

There is a saying on Echorka.

Talking-flower, proverb-berry.

Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.

Life is given to good deeds.

Red Speech Speak.

We hope for God, and not bad.

Without corners, the house is not built, without a proverb it is not a pall.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Small, yes delete.

On someone else's kat, pleased with his villain.

Who on the milk it is happening, he blows on the water.

Cowardly bunny and pencils - wolf.

There would be a lunch, and the spoon will be pleased.

Standing of the century Book Grow man.

His land and in the handstone of Mila.

Ahi yes ohh will not give sovereigns.

It does not work out.

Once lied, and in the age of the liar became.

Mother highly wakes up, but a little beats, the stepmother is laughing low, and it hurts.

On the native katch and pebbles are familiar.

Better than ten to blame forgive than one innocent execution.

Where pine adult, she is red.

Look at someone who does not make good anyone.

Without root and wormwood does not grow.

The sting of acutely, but the language of acute.

Without a friend on the heart of the blizzard.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

There is no friend, so look, and there are so bearing.

Liar - always incorrect friend, will envelop you around.

Roda side - mother, strangers - stepmother.

Where to live, there and hear.

Meet the clothes, and follow the mind.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Stupid one bird that is not nice.

To visit to go - you need to led to yourself.

Bed trouble, and food food.

On someone else's side and spring is not red.

Any man of his happiness blacksmith.

On someone else's side and Sokol is called Crown.

God will extinate, God and dries.

Child learns without people.

Thunderstorm hits a high tree.

Altyn Silver will not lie ribs.

Do not get rich in deception, but you will eat.

Going for a day, take bread for a week.

Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.

What is hurt, such is on her and shirt.

Himself ruins, who does not like others.

It is better to be silent than to lie.

We do not know how to sew gold, so Bay Hammer.

Giving hand does not look at.

Kaba knew where he fell, here the straws fired.

The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.

Summer works for the winter, and winter - for the summer.

Who cares for children, he sheds a tear then.

For the scholars of three are unaccustomed, and they do not take.

In crowded but not mad.

What goes around comes around.

Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.

Who knows a lot from that much and asks.

Get up early, digestively, it will be true.

Maybe somehow before the good will not bring.

Master's business is afraid.

Play, play, yes, you know the matter.

He graduated from the case - Goulai boldly.

Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.

Envious eye sees far away.

Health cannot be bought - his mind gives.

Case time, fun hour.

Little day before the evening, if there is nothing to do.

Who does not work shall not eat.

In the summer you come down - in the winter you will not be enough.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Patience and a little effort.

Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry.

It will be a day - there will be food.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

After trying together, it will not be cargo.

Beware from troubles until they are.

Craft drink is not asking, but feeds itself.

Bel snow, and the legs are trampled, the black poppy, and people eat.

Child, though crooked, and father's father cute.

Not an ax that has a carpenter.

Do not sit back, it will not be boredom.

The day is bought to the evening, if there is nothing to do.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Without a case to live only the sky to smoke.

Put the idleness, do not postpone the case.

Do not rush to the tongue, hurry the case.

For all things, I will try skillfully.

Would hunt - will be a job work.

On the dress, they meet, in the mind they escort.

Letting learn - always useful.

And the power of the mind is inferior.

Smart went - some word tell me, the fool went three say, and he himself like him.

The smart head has one hundred hands.

The mind is good, and two are better.

Without a sun, you can not stay, without a nice you can not live.

What is the mind, such and speech.

In a smart conversation of the mind, it is in a stupid to lose their loss.

Know more, but speak less.

Stupid kitchen, and smart all fishing.

Krasnaya Bird is stump, and man teach.

The person is unaccustomed - that the ax is inaccurate.

Dunno lies, and Zica runs away.

Want to eat Kalachi, so do not sit on the furnace.

From the window of all the light do not look back.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Alphabet Science, and the guys beech.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A friend argue, and the enemy gives up.

Do not recognize a friend at three days, find out three years.

Friend and brother - a great thing: do not take away soon.

I was a friend, I drank water - wealthy honey.

There is no friend, so look, but you will find, so take care.

New friends are on, and old do not lose.

For a friend, seven miles are not a gossip.

Without a friend of the orphan, with another family man.

Seven one is not waiting.

Horse is familiar with the grief, and for the trouble.

With the sun warm, with the mother is welcome.

There is no such friend like a native mother.

To which the treasure, if in the family of the way.

Bratsk love is better than stone walls.

Bird is glad spring, and mother's baby.

Izba children's cheerful.

The whole family together and the soul in place.

Maternal endless woman knows.

Maternal anger that spring snow: and much falls out, but soon melts.

At cute cataty a lot of names.

Grandma - one only grandfather is not grandson.

Good daughter Annushka, Ki praises mother da grandma

From one furnace, yes of the ease of Kalachi.

And from the good father, the sheep is beamed.

Bird in the nest until autumn, and children in the house until age.

From a bad seed, do not expect a good tribe.

Capricious as a child ugly in the years.

All are equal to kids - and guy, and girls.

Izba children's cheerful.

"Genius, spirit and nature of the people manifests itself in his proverbs" (F. Bacon)

Folk proverbs and sayings Part of the spiritual heritage that received us from our ancestors. This is truly the golden storehouse of folk wisdom accumulated throughout the centuries. They cover almost all sides of our life, so it is very useful from early childhood to acquaint your baby with proverbs and sayings, to memorize , Rass their meaning, where and in what cases are applied, learn to resort to them at each other case.

Russian folk proverbs and sayings.

Life live - not the field go.

There is a saying on Echorka.
Talking-flower, proverb-berry.

Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.

Life is given to good deeds.

Red Speech Speak.

We hope for God, and not bad.

Without corners, the house is not built, without a proverb it is not a pall.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Small, yes delete.

On someone else's kat, pleased with his villain.

Who on the milk it is happening, he blows on the water.

Cowardly bunny and pencils - wolf.

There would be a lunch, and the spoon will be pleased.

Standing of the century Book Grow man.

His land and in the handstone of Mila.

Ahi yes ohh will not give sovereigns.

It does not work out.

Once lied, and in the age of the liar became.

Mother highly wakes up, but a little beats, the stepmother is laughing low, and it hurts.

On the native katch and pebbles are familiar.

Better than ten to blame forgive than one innocent execution.

Where pine adult, she is red.

Look at someone who does not make good anyone.

Without root and wormwood does not grow.

The sting of acutely, but the language of acute.

Without a friend on the heart of the blizzard.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

There is no friend, so look, and there are so bearing.

Liar - always incorrect friend, will envelop you around.

Roda side - mother, strangers - stepmother.

Where to live, there and hear.

Meet the clothes, and follow the mind.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Stupid one bird that is not nice.

To visit to go - you need to led to yourself.

Bed trouble, and food food.

On someone else's side and spring is not red.

Any man of his happiness blacksmith.

On someone else's side and Sokol is called Crown.

God will extinate, God and dries.

Child learns without people.

Thunderstorm hits a high tree.

Altyn Silver will not lie ribs.

Do not get rich in deception, but you will eat.

Going for a day, take bread for a week.

Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.

What is hurt, such is on her and shirt.

Himself ruins, who does not like others.

It is better to be silent than to lie.

We do not know how to sew gold, so Bay Hammer.

Giving hand does not look at.

Kaba knew where he fell, here the straws fired.

The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.

Summer works for the winter, and winter - for the summer.

Who cares for children, he sheds a tear then.

For the scholars of three are unaccustomed, and they do not take.

In crowded but not mad.

What goes around comes around.

Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.

Who knows a lot from that much and asks.

Get up early, digestively, it will be true.

Maybe somehow before the good will not bring.

Master's business is afraid.

Play, play, yes, you know the matter.

He graduated from the case - Goulai boldly.

Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.

Envious eye sees far away.

Health cannot be bought - his mind gives.

Case time, fun hour.

Little day before the evening, if there is nothing to do.

Who does not work shall not eat.

In the summer you come down - in the winter you will not be enough.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Patience and a little effort.

Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry.

It will be a day - there will be food.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

After trying together, it will not be cargo.

Beware from troubles until they are.

Craft drink is not asking, but feeds itself.

Bel snow, and the legs are trampled, the black poppy, and people eat.

Child, though crooked, and father's father cute.

Not an ax that has a carpenter.

Do not sit back, it will not be boredom.

The day is bought to the evening, if there is nothing to do.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Without a case to live only the sky to smoke.

Put the idleness, do not postpone the case.

Do not rush to the tongue, hurry the case.

For all things, I will try skillfully.

Would hunt - will be a job work.

On the dress, they meet, in the mind they escort.

Letting learn - always useful.

And the power of the mind is inferior.

Smart went - some word tell me, the fool went three say, and he himself like him.

The smart head has one hundred hands.

The mind is good, and two are better.

Without a sun, you can not stay, without a nice you can not live.

What is the mind, such and speech.

In a smart conversation of the mind, it is in a stupid to lose their loss.

Know more, but speak less.

Stupid kitchen, and smart all fishing.

Krasnaya Bird is stump, and man teach.

The person is unaccustomed - that the ax is inaccurate.

Dunno lies, and Zica runs away.

Want to eat Kalachi, so do not sit on the furnace.

From the window of all the light do not look back.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Alphabet Science, and the guys beech.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A friend argue, and the enemy gives up.

Do not recognize a friend at three days, find out three years.

Friend and brother - a great thing: do not take away soon.

I was a friend, I drank water - wealthy honey.

There is no friend, so look, but you will find, so take care.

New friends are on, and old do not lose.

For a friend, seven miles are not a gossip.

Without a friend of the orphan, with another family man.

Seven one is not waiting.

Horse is familiar with the grief, and for the trouble.

With the sun warm, with the mother is welcome.

There is no such friend like a native mother.

To which the treasure, if in the family of the way.

Bratsk love is better than stone walls.

Bird is glad spring, and mother's baby.

Izba children's cheerful.

The whole family together and the soul in place.

Maternal endless woman knows.

Maternal anger that spring snow: and much falls out, but soon melts.

At cute cataty a lot of names.

Grandma - one only grandfather is not grandson.

Good daughter Annushka, Ki praises mother da grandma

From one furnace, yes of the ease of Kalachi.

And from the good father, the sheep is beamed.

Bird in the nest until autumn, and children in the house until age.

From a bad seed, do not expect a good tribe.

Capricious as a child ugly in the years.

All are equal to kids - and guy, and girls.

Izba children's cheerful.

Picture of the artist Peter Breygel called "sayings".

Pattern of the artist Peter Breygel (1525 / 30-1569) called "sayings". The name speaks for itself, in the picture shows more than two dozen diverse instructive sayings. Here are some of them: beat your head about the wall, led each other behind the nose, pour beads in front of the pigs, stick sticks in the wheels, sit between two chairs, watch through your fingers, and others. Where in the picture is depicted, what a saying is looking for yourself.

The proverb is not a gift pall

Own attack of the king Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676) to the collection of the rules of falconry, the favorite fun of the time. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about the case.

There are no two deaths, but one not to power.
The inevitable will still happen, risk or not. It is stated about determining to do something related to risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the dangers will still be avoided.

The first pancake com.
It often happens that the first damn does not manage the hostess (poorly removed from the frying pan, burns), but the hostess determines it, whether the dough is well kneaded, whether the frying pan does not need to add oil. It is said to justify the unsuccessful starting new, difficult business.
For two hares, you will not catch one.
It is said when someone takes immediately for several (usually beneficial for themselves) affairs and therefore no one can do well or bring to the end.

Grandmother for two said.
Superior (simple) - vaguely, with the possibility of understanding one way or another. It is not known whether what they suggest; It is still unknown, as will: anyway. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they intend.

For one bit of two unbounds give.
They say when they understand that the punishment for admitted mistakes is beneficial to a person, because it acquires experience.

It is said when they want to emphasize loyalty, dedication and indispensability of an old friend.

Says when when deciding some question about advice to someone when they decide to

Get lost in two pines.
Do not be able to deal with something simple, simple, not to be able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

From the pot three tops.
Very low, low growth, small.

With three boxes promised.
Very much (talk, promise, rewind, etc.).

The promised three years are waiting.
They say jokingly, when they do not believe in the soon fulfillment of some promises or when the execution of what is promised is delayed indefinitely.

Cry in three streams.
That is, very bitter cry.

Fifth wheel in the cart.
Excess, unnecessary person in any business.

Seven one is not waiting.
So they say when they start some reason without the one who is late, or with reproaches who forces many (not necessarily seven) waiting for themselves.

Seven troubles - one answer.
We must risk again, and if you have to answer - so for everything at once, at the same time. It is said about determination to do something else risky, dangerous to add to the already made.

Before you do something serious, we carefully think about everything, let's observe everything. It is said as a council to think about all possible options for action before starting any business.

Without an eye (the statute.) - Unattended, without supervision. The case is performed bad, unsatisfactory when several people are responsible for him. It is said when several people (or even organizations) responsible for the work hope each other and each individually refers to their duties unfair.

All Tryn - Grass.
The mysterious "Tryn-grass" is not at all a plant drug, which is drunk to not worry. At first she was called "Tyn-Grass", and Tyn is a fence. It turned out the "grass pavement", that is, no one needed, all the indifferent weed.

Pitch in the first number.
Do not believe it, but in the old school student pupils every week, no matter who is right to blame. And if the "mentor" overrects, then such a spanking was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Goal like falcon.
Scary poor, beggar. Usually think it's about a bird falcon. But she has nothing to do with it. In fact, the "Falcon" is an ancient military trumpet weapon. It was completely smooth ("naked") pig-iron dwarf fixed on chains. Nothing extra!

Sirota Kazanskaya.
So they talk about a person who is looking at the unfortunate, offended, helpless to split anyone. But why is the sirosta "Kazan"? It turns out that this phraseology arose after the conquest of Kazan Ivan Grozny. Mirza (Tatar princes), being submitted by the Russian king, tried to reclaim all sorts of cross-partings, complaining of her orphanhood and bitter fate.

Now it seems to be quite harmless expression. And once it contacted a shameful punishment. In the time of Ivan the Terrible Guardian Boyarin planted the horse in the horse in an inside out of the dress and in such a form, was disgraced, drove around the city under whistle and ridicule of a street crowd.

Cheat, promising and not fulfilling the promised. This expression was associated with fair entertainment. Gypsies drove bears for the ride's nose. And forced them, poor, making different tricks, deceiving the promise of the hand.

This is called a person who dump someone else's guilt. The history of this expression is: the ancient Jews existed the rite of scare from sins. The priest laid both hands on the head of a living goat, the most as if shifting the sins of the entire people on him. After that, the goat was expelled to the desert. There was many, many years, and the rite no longer exists, and the expression lives everything.

Short flashes.
Lyasi (bales) are accurate figured railing columns at the porch. Only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, first to "accurate bales" meant to conduct elegant, bizarre, Vitivatuyu (like bales) conversation. But the craftsmen lead such a conversation to our time became less and less. So it was this expression to denote empty chatter.

Curl Kalach.
In the old days there was such a grade bread - "grated Kalach". The dough for him for a very long moment, Mesali, "Terley", why Kalach was obtained unusually lush. And there was also a proverb - "not grated, not mint, there will be no Kalach." That is, a person teach tests and troubles. The expression and went from this proverb.

If you think about it, then the meaning of this expression seems to be cruel - you agree, it is not too pleasant to imagine an ax next to your own nose. In fact, everything is not so sad. In this expression, the word "nose" has nothing to do with the sense of smell. The "nose" was called a memorable plank, or a tag for records. In the distant past, illiterate people always wore with them such a plank and sticks, with the help of which all sorts of notes or scubons were made.

Rusichi is the ancient ancestors of the Russians - he was honored among their gods of the main god - the God of Thunder and Lightning Perun. He was dedicated to one day of the week - Thursday (it is interesting that the ancient Romans Thursday was also dedicated to Latin Perun - Jupiter). Perunus raised the prayer about the rain in the drought. It was believed that he should especially readily fulfill requests to "his day" - Thursday. And since these pleads often remained vain, then the saying "After the rain on Thursday" began to be applied to everything that is unknown when it turns out.

This expression appeared in the hunter's environment and was based on a superstitious idea that with direct wishes (and fluff, and pen), the hunt results can be jammed. The pen in the language of hunters means a bird, fluff - animals. In ancient times, the hunter, going to the fishery, received this parting with, the "translation" of which looks like this: "Let your arrows fly past the goals, let the sinks and cappos set up with you will remain empty, just like a doggy pit!" To which the minider is not to smooth out, answered: "To hell!" And both were sure that evil spirits, invisibly present during this dialogue, will satisfy and retain, will not build the goats during the hunt.

Beat egglush.
What is "Baklushi", who and when "beats" them? For a long time, the wraths made spoons, cups and other dishes from the tree. To cut a spoon, it was necessary to split a chock from the logo - buckle. Preparation of the Babyushi was instructed by apprentices: it was a light, trifling case, which does not require much skill. Prepare such chocks and was called "beat eggs." From here, out of the mockery of masters above the utility workers - "discovery", and our saying went.

Rub the glasses.
How can I "rub"? Where and why? Very ridiculous would look like this picture. And the absurdity occurs because the speech here is not at all about the glasses that serve to correct vision. There is another meaning of the word "glasses": red and black signs on playing cards. There is even a gambling playground game, and called "point". Since there are cards, there were both dishonest players, a cheeler. They, to deceive the partner, started on all sorts of focuses. They were able to, by the way, imperceptibly "rubpoints" - to turn the seven in the six or four to the top five, on the go, during the game, gluing "point" or making it a special white powder. And the expression "rubpoint" began to mean "cheating", and other words were born from here: "ACCEPTATE", "EXCHANGER" - Delkach, who knows how to embellish her work, is bad for very good.

On angry (offended) water is treated.
This saying can be said to a person who is angry and angry with water. The roots of sayings go from the old spoken speech. Then the word "angry" meant a diligent, robust, diligent. It was these diligent and diligent horses that were chosen for hard work - they drove water in barrels from the river. Thus, the most unknown hard work has got the most "angry" (that is a diligent).

The word is not a sparrow - you can't catch it.
The proverb teaches - before anything to say, it is necessary to think well. After all, it is easy to say the word, but no matter how I had to regret what I said ...

A person embraced by fear and frightened, very often exaggerates the danger and sees it where it really is not.

Mountain gave birth to a mouse.
The original source of this proverb is an ancient Greek legend about the pregnant Mount Olympus. God Zeus, frightened that the childbirth of this mountain will cause major shocks in the molds of the gods, did so that the mountain ... bore the mouse. The proverb "Mountain gave birth to a mouse" is applied in a situation where significant and gigantic efforts in the end bring an insignificant result.

Take care of honor with the violence.
Spring, Narach. - From young years old, from young age. The Council is young with youth to spend your honor, good name (just like the clothes to save dreams, i.e. it is new). It is said as a farewell to a young man in the beginning of his life path.

You can not easily endure (do not pull out) fish out of the pond.
Every business requires effort; Without effort, you won't do any effort. It is said when a lot of work is required to obtain some result, hard work.

By autumn (simple) - in the fall. Not all chickens, which appeared in the summer, live in peasant farms before autumn. Someone will take predatory birds, weak simply will not survive, so they say that it is necessary to count the chickens in the fall, when it is clear how much they have survived, survived. To judge something is needed by end results. It is said when someone prematurely expresses joy from possible success, although to the final results are still far and much can change.

The spool is the old Russian weight measure, equal to 4.26 grams. It was out of use after 1917, when a metric system was introduced in the country, which was based on a meter (measure of length) and a kilogram (weight measure). Prior to that, the main weights of the weight were PUD (16 kg) and a pound (400 g), in which there were 96 spools. The spool was the smallest weight measure and was used mainly when weighing gold and silver. Yes, transit. Union - a, but, however. Roads - kr. Form m. r. From expensive. A small largest, but valuable but its qualities. It is said about who is low in growth, but has many advantages, positive qualities, as well as something small in size, but very important essentially.

So you, grandmother, and yurev day.
The saying reflects one of the episodes of the history of the Russian people associated with the reaffection of peasants. The emergence of serfdom, i.e., the legally enshrined right of landowner (feudal) on the identity, forced labor and the property of the peasant, refers to the time of Kievan Rus (IX-XII century). The peasants, although they were considered free (free), did not have the right during the year to move from one owner to another: the custom demanded that they left only after the end of all field work, at the beginning of winter, when the bread was already all removed. In the middle of the 15th century, the peasants were allowed to move from the host one to another once a year - a week before the Yuryev day and a week after him (Yuriev Day, i.e., St. George's Day, in Russian Yuri, the patron of farmers, was noted November 26, old style, chossing). At the end of the XVI century, the transition of peasants and in Yuriev Day was forbidden. Thus, the peasants were attached to the Earth and should have remained life for their landowner. In the peasants who were waiting for Yurian Day as the only opportunity to change the owner and try to improve their lives, the last hope was taken to change their position. So the saying arose, expressing regretful of unfulfilled hopes.
They say when they want to express an extreme surprise or disappearing from an unexpectedly happening, what they just learned and what did the hope deceived, deceived expectations.

Where our disappeared or where ours did not disappear.
We will risk, let's try to do. It is said in desperate determination to do something, going to risk.

Eyes are afraid (fear), and the hands do.
Starting a great job, you are afraid that you will not cope, and starting it, calm down, you understand that it is able to overcome all the difficulties.
It is said to cheer up before the start of a large or unfamiliar job, or pronounced with joy when such work is made.

Where is fine, there and breaks.
Nolescence, the trouble happens usually where something insensitively, indefinitely. They say when trouble happens, trouble, although it was already bad.

Hunger is not aunt.
Initially: Hunger is not aunt, the pie will not appear. It is said when the feeling of hunger makes there even what you do not love, or do the way it would not do under other circumstances.

The rootless flaws or oddities of a person cannot be corrected. It is said when there is a belief that a person will not change.

Gol on fiction of the cunning.
Gol, Goli, g., Sobir. (Constand.) - Beggars, poor. Schitra - kr. Form R. From cunning, here (feasible.): Inventive, skillful in something. The disadvantage, the absence of anything makes being ingenious, use what is there is on hand. It is said with approval or satisfaction when, due to a lack of something, something original and, as a rule, cheaper are invented.

Buckwheat porridge praises herself.
Buckwheat - buckwheat cooked from grains. Buckwheat is a herbaceous plant, from whose seeds produce a croup and flour. Buckwheat porridge is one of the favorite evaches of the Russians. Buckwheat porridge is so good, so tasty, its advantages for everyone is so obvious that it does not need praise. It says with mocking condemnation of an indiscreet man, when he praises himself, speaks of his virtues.

Prepare Sani fly, but in the winter.
Sani, Sanya, Only MN. - Winter Walking on two shears for riding in the snow. The cart is the summer wagon on four wheels for the carriage of goods. In the sleigh and the cart hook a horse. Get ready for everything in advance. It is said as a council to prepare in advance everything that will be needed in the future.

Thunder is not born, man does not cross.
Crop (1 and 2 l. Not UPOTR.), Sov.- Suddenly stroke, boost. Man (statute.) - Peasant.
Crightening, - Maternity, - try, owls. - make a hand sign of the cross on yourself: attach folded together three fingers (big, index and medium) right hand to the forehead, to the chest, to one and another shoulder. People who believed in God confessed the Christian religion, baptized in many cases of everyday life. It was a mandatory ritual during the prayer (at home and in the church), before the adoption of food, at the entrance to the Izbu (baptized, looking at the icons in the corner), etc. Breasting her mouth during sowing, baptized loved ones who went out or left far And for a long time, baptized from fear with the sounds of thunder, etc. In the old days, believers were afraid of thunderstorms as an inexplicable phenomenon of nature. When thunder thundered, it was believed that thunder (and not zipper) can bring misfortune (kill, cause a fire). Therefore, to take trouble, avoid misfortunes from thunderstorms, people were baptized during the thunder, thunder, as it were, warned about a possible misfortune.
Until the trouble did not happen, trouble, the careless person does not reclaim about them and does not take measures to prevent them. It says when they do at the last moment what was needed in advance.

As the word, hold on.
Or be faithful to his word, or do not promise. It is said as a reminder of the promise expressed or as a reproach in the unfulfilled promise, as well as a warning, the Council to refrain from promises, if there is no confidence that you can fulfill them.

Darius (progress) - presented, received as a gift. The horse's teeth inspect when they want to determine her age. At the old horse, the teeth are erased, so when they buy a horse, be sure to look at her teeth so as not to buy old. A gift is not discussed, accept what is given. They say when they receive some thing that does not like and which they themselves would not choose.

Affairs go, the office writes.
It says the jokingly about some of the active activity, which no external circumstances affect.

Causes like Saya Bela.
Sozha - black particles from incomplete combustion of fuel, settlement on the inner surfaces of furnaces and chimneys. Sayage is a symbol of the black color, white soot does not happen, and the joking comparison "white, like soot" in essence characterizes a black object. The word "black" in the figurative sense means "gloomy, heavy." Bela - kr. Form R. From white. Usually refer to the answer to the question "How are you?" When things are going badly or when they do not want to answer specifically and are limited to this indefinite answer (the answer implies the unfortunate state of affairs).

The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.
Severe, nonsense. (Constand.) - To understand something, guess something. If you do not tell you about what you need, no one can guess about it and therefore will not be able to help. It is said when the lack of helping someone explains the ignorance of his needs.

Houses of the wall help.
At home or in the usual, familiar setting, a person feels more confident and calmer. It is stated with confidence or hope that in a familiar setting it will be easier to cope with any business.

Road spoon to dinner.
Road - kr. Form R. from expensive; Here: "Important, valuable for someone, such a value." Dear, valuable what appears at the right moment. It is said when something is done or received on time, it is at the moment that this is especially interested or need, or they say to one who did not make the necessary on time.

Friends are learned (find out) in trouble.
Only in a difficult moment you will find out who you have a true friend. Speaks in relation to the one who turned out to be very attentive and helped anyone in a difficult situation or, on the contrary, showed a severity to the bing.

Before the wedding hees.
Soon it will pass, will heal soon. He speaks jokingly into consolation of the victim.

For cute, a friend and serving (serving) from the ear.
Ushko - Reduction.-Lask. To the ear. For a beloved, dear person nothing sorry, give up the best. It is said when a generous man with a sense of sympathy in relation to the other is ready to do everything for him.

Payment, payment, M.- Making money in the account of something; pay. Red - kr. Form M.R. From red, here: (People's poet.) "Beautiful; joyful, pleasant." As you will take to someone, so will treat you. It is said when in response to any action or attitude come in the same way.

Where raks are winter.
I will show the saying "I will show you where the crayfish of the winter" was still in time of serfdom. Provining a man among winter Barin sent to get crayfish to the table. And in the winter crayfish is very difficult to find, besides you can freeze and catch a cold. Since then, this saying means a threat, a warning about punishment.

America was opened by the navigator Columbus more than five hundred years ago. Therefore, when someone announces that everyone has long been known, he is jokingly: "Well, you opened America!"

Through stump a deck.
The deck is a log. Move through the forest when there is a stump, then the deck has to be slow. The expression "through the stump deck" means to do something something without parsing.

Invent a bike.
We all know what a bike is and how it is arranged. "Do not invent a bike" so as not to spend time on the inventing of what has long exists.

Master's business is afraid.
Any business is feasible if the master takes place for her, that is, a skillful, knowledgeable person. Specifies with admiration and praise when a person shows ability, skill in his own business.

Not on Senka hat.
In the old days, the hat was a symbol of wealth and knowledge. According to her size, they judged about what place the person occupies in society. "Not in Senka Cap" - so they talk about a person who is not able to perform one or another job or take a certain position.

Search wind in the field.
Looking for it - led, tilt. from ch. Search (I am looking for, looking for), Neskov. Do not find anyway, there is no need to look for. It is said about who disappeared and whom it is impossible to find (how it is useless to look for the wind in the field), or that it is irrevocably lost.

From the song the words will not throw out.
What was, it was, you will have to tell everything. They say, as if apologizing for having to tell everything, I do not miss any (usually unpleasant) details (just as you can not throw away from the song by any word, so as not to spoil the whole song).

Yes, transit. Union - a, but, however. Hollow (statute. And region) - Flame, fire. In the folk speech-flame, i.e. the fire that rises above the burning subject is associated with greater misfortune, the flame is stronger fire. From one misfortune to another, greater, from a heavy position to the worst.
It is said when a person, being in a difficult situation, falls into an even more severe position.

Both the shvets, and the reaper, and in the Duda (on the Dood), the play.
Shvets (statute. And simple) - one who sews clothes, tailor. The reaper is the one who climbs (cuts off the harvest when harvesting) sacrifted sickle. In the Duda (on the Dood), the playment (the statute.) Is the one who plays a dudka, a musician. About who knows how to do or who simultaneously performs time-like duties.

And I want to ourselves.
Klives - Bearing, 3 l. units. h. from ch. Couple, nonsense. "To concern something sharp, causing pain." It is said when I want to do something, but scary, because it is due to some danger, with risk.

And laughter and sin.
It is said when something is both funny and sad.

And on the old woman there is a drup.
Drup (simple) - error, laughter, failure. And an experienced person may be mistaken, make a mistake, misses. It is said in an excuse for an error, a mistake committed by a person, from which it was impossible to expect this.

And wolves are full, and sheep are intact.
It is said when it is possible to conveniently and for some, and to other permiss a difficult situation or when such a solution is made, which satisfies everyone.

He knows the cat, whose meat ate.
Face - 3 l. units. h. from ch. Surride (choi, you feel), nonsense. (Prost.) Feel. They talk about who feels their guilt and his behavior gives it.

Make a fool to God to pray, he and his forehead breaks down (hurt).
According to the Orthodox custom, believers during prayer become kneels and lowered low (they make bows), almost touching the forehead of the floor. It is said with the condemnation of a person who damaged the case with excessive diligence and effort.

For what I bought, for what I sell.
What I heard, I repeat. They speak to their justification when rumors are retelling and therefore do not pass for the accuracy of the said.

The bad examples are infectious or a bad example are contagious.
Bad - bad. Infectious - kr. Form m. r. From the infectious, here: "Such which causes imitation to itself is easily transmitted to others. The following when someone imites the bad behavior or actions of another person.

Fools (fool) law is not written.
Laws are written for reasonable people; Fools of laws do not know and do not obey them. The man speaks when he comes, from the point of view of the speaker, strange or unreasonable, contrary to common sense and generally accepted norms of behavior.
* in a new way *
Fools the law is not written if he is written, then not chitan,
If chitan, then they do not understand if they are understood, then not so!

Friendship friendship and service service.
Friendly relationships should not influence service. It is said when a person, despite friendly relations with anyone who occupies another (usually a higher) official position, does not retreat from the fulfillment of official requirements, duties.

Behind the sea Tulka-Pour, yes ruble transport.
Telechka (talk) - a young cow, who has not yet had calves. Head - the smallest coin in pre-revolutionary Russia, equal to one fourth part of a penny (in one ruble one hundred kopecks). Yes, transit. Union - a, but, however. Pier - here: Fee for the transported goods. Even a cheap thing will be dear, if you have expensive to pay for its transportation. It is said when a cheap product is unprofitable.

Life live - not the field go.
Life is difficult, and it's not easy to live it. It is said about the diversity of events, about the difficulties that a person is found throughout his life.

Smoke without fire does not happen or not dyim without fire.
No reason nothing happens. It is usually said when they believe that there is some truth in the rumors spreading.