The collective image of the main character of the story of Mary Trocery. The image of the car Trocery in the story "Dubrovsky image of Masha in the work of Dubrovsky

The collective image of the main character of the story of Mary Trocery. The image of the car Trocery in the story
The collective image of the main character of the story of Mary Trocery. The image of the car Trocery in the story "Dubrovsky image of Masha in the work of Dubrovsky

Masha Troceryov wrecked her mother early. She lived in the estate of his father - a rich and noble Russian Barin. As a child, Masha struck everyone with his beauty, and in seventeen years, her beauty was in full bloom. Father loved her to madness, but she was accustomed to hide his feelings and thoughts from him. Masha read a lot - at her disposal was a huge library, compiled mainly from the writings of French writers of the XVIII century (her father did not read anything other than the "perfect cooks"). Masha had no girlfriends, she grew up in solitude. True, in childhood she loved to play with the son of a friend of Father Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, Vladimir, but it was a long time ago and was almost forgotten. Wife and daughters of neighbors were rarely in trucker. Kirila Petrovich preferences a male company. Masha went to the garden with her beloved novel, retired in the gazebo and plunged into his virgin dreams.

Her privacy broke the French Deformer who arrived in the estate - a teacher whom Kirila Petrovich issued from Moscow for his son Sasha. In fact, it was Vladimir Dubrovsky. In the estate he led to a desire to take revenge on Cyril Petrovich for his father. However, seeing Masha and having loved her, he refused to revenge. Masha also loved the definition. Young people walked together, talked, played the piano. Attention, kindness, the human understanding, which was happressed by her father, Masha found a definer. Love caused the definer to open in all Masha. Young people would probably get married if they met under other circumstances. Troyekov once spoke to his friend: "Listen, Brother, Andrei Gavrilovich: If there will be a way in your Volodya, so I will give Masha for him ..."

But fate ordered differently. Masha against her will marked with old prince Veresky. Masha tried to touch the prince with his sincere letter, told about his feelings for another person. But I was wrong. Prince Veresky showed a letter to Masher Kirile Petrovich. The wedding decided to speed up. Until the last minute, Masha was waiting for Vladimir, hoped that he would relieve her from her hateful man. But everything turned out otherwise. And here, probably, Masha itself is to blame. With the last meeting with Vladimir, she tells him that if she was forcibly behaved under the crown, "then there was nothing to do, appear after me - I will be your wife." And why not becoming his wife Dubrovsky, without waiting for it? In my opinion, the fact is that Vladimir, in essence, there is nothing to give her. He is poor, ruin, besides the leader of the robbers. And then Marya Kirilovna got used to a certain way of life, she lived in prosperity, did not know the care of the bread. Her father has not enough to oppose the will of his father. And I feel sorry for her.

The image of the car Trocery in the story "Dubrovsky"

The features of the beloved female image of Pushkin in all works are the same: Yuna, intelligent, noble, dreaming, beautiful ... That was exactly such a Masha Troekharov in Dubrovsky, such was Masha Mironov in the "Captain her daughter", such, but revealed most fully and comprehensively was Tatiana in Evgenia Onegin. It can be said, this is the same image, the same woman, only made in different ways: Masha Troecarov is about the portrait to the portrait, and Tatiana is a bright portrait, expressive, made by juicy paints.

Masha Troekharova, like other heroines of Pushkin, grew in the village of Nature, rustic. She replaced her nanny, kind, modest peasant woman who knew the countless folk fairy tales and songs and gladly passing them with his pupil. The girl grew an impressionable and responsive to someone else's grief. Later, she, "the break of the compositions of all kinds, stopped on the novels," who made her with meek, sensitive and dreamy. As for Kiril Petrovich, then he loved her daughter "before. Madness, but he did with her with his characteristic to him, trying to please her the slightest pleasures, then scaring her harsh, and sometimes a cruel appeal. " Such an inconstancy of the Father led to the fact that Marya Kirilovna though he read him, but did not find a friend in his father.

Sentimental novels that Masha read, her seventeen-year-old age was the reason that the heart of the girl lived in anticipation of the beautiful and fervent love. Among the guests of the Father, Joint and Slutric, as he himself, there was no talk to whom the car could rushed: only the hunt was held, the pirushki and conversations about the profit. And therefore, a young teacher-French man came to the house to Troekurov, a young Frenchman, and it was after he boldly and bravely defended his bear, Masha realized that he was he, the hero of "her novel." The case with a bear made a strong impression on the girl, "her imagination was amazed: she saw a dead bear and a definity, calmly standing on him and calmly with her talking. She saw that bravery and proud pride do not exclusively belong to one class. "

When on a date appointed by her de-Forem, Masha will find out the truth that he is not anyone else, like, she is scared, but the timidity and tenderness in the voice of Vladimir makes the girl to believe him and not give up his love. On the second secret date with Dubrovsky killed by grief from the fact that his father is going to marry her old, unloved man, Masha, despite public opinion, agrees to escape with his beloved. And yet fate ordered otherwise - the escape did not take place.

Before the wedding of Mary Kirilovna was pale and stationary, "her head Tomno clone under the weight of the diamonds, she slightly shuddered when a careless hand pointed her, but he was silent, meaninglessly looking into the mirror." At the altar, she "did not see anything, did not hear anything." And still waiting for Dubrovsky. But it was waiting for her in vain.

The nobility of the soul, an extraordinary sense of responsibility and debt in front of her husband, though unloved, and before God forced Masha to abandon the deletion of Dubrovsky. She, as later and Tatiana Larina, was not able to break the oath of loyalty, because for her it is not just empty words, and the sacrament, perfect in heaven. Morality, which a girl learned from childhood and whom his whole soul penetrated, taught her to answer her words and actions. This is the dignity and vital drama of Masha Trocery

The features of the beloved female image of Pushkin in all works are the same: Yuna, intelligent, noble, dreaming, beautiful ... That was exactly such a Masha Troekharov in Dubrovsky, such was Masha Mironov in the "Captain her daughter", such, but revealed most fully and comprehensively was Tatiana in Evgenia Onegin. It can be said, this is the same image, a portrait of the same woman, only made in different ways: Masha Troekharov - only sketches to the portrait, and Tatiana - a portrait of a bright, expressive, performed by juicy paints.
Masha Troekharova, like other heroines of Pushkin, grew in the village of Nature, rustic. She replaced her nanny, kind, modest peasant woman who knew the countless folk fairy tales and songs and gladly passing them with his pupil. The girl grew an impressionable and responsive to someone else's grief. Later, she, "the break of the compositions of all kinds, stopped on the novels," who made her with meek, sensitive and dreamy. As Cyril Petrovich, then his daughter loved her "to madness, but he did with her with her characteristic of him his sense, he tried to please her the slightest pleasures, then scaring her harsh, and sometimes a cruel appeal." Such an inconstancy of the Father led to the fact that Marya Kirilovna though he read him, but did not find a friend in his father.
Sentimental novels that Masha read, her seventeen-year-old age was the reason that the heart of the girl lived in anticipation of the beautiful and fervent love. Among the guests of the Father, Joint and Slutric, as he himself, there was no talk to whom the car could rushed: only the hunt was held, the pirushki and conversations about the profit. And therefore, a young teacher-French man came to the house to Troekurov, a young Frenchman, and it was after he boldly and bravely defended his bear, Masha realized that he was he, the hero of "her novel." The case with a bear made a strong impression on the girl, "her imagination was amazed: she saw a dead bear and a definity, calmly standing on him and calmly with her talking. She saw that bravery and proud pride do not exclusively belong to one class. "
When on a date appointed by her, Masha will find out the truth that he is not anyone else, like Dubrovsky, she is scared, but the timidity and tenderness in the voice of Vladimir makes the girl to believe him and not give up his love. On the second secret date with Dubrovsky killed by grief from the fact that his father is going to marry her old, unloved man, Masha, despite public opinion, agrees to escape with his beloved. And yet fate ordered otherwise - the escape did not take place.
Before the wedding of Mary Kirilovna was pale and stationary, "her head Tomno clone under the weight of the diamonds, she slightly shuddered when a careless hand pointed her, but he was silent, meaninglessly looking into the mirror." At the altar, she "did not see anything, did not hear anything." And still waiting for Dubrovsky. But it was waiting for her in vain.
The nobility of the soul, an extraordinary sense of responsibility and debt in front of her husband, though unloved, and before God instructed Masha to abandon the deletion of Dubrovsky. She, as later and Tatiana Larina, was not able to break the oath of loyalty, because for her it is not just empty words, and the sacrament, perfect in heaven. Morality, which a girl learned from childhood and whom his whole soul penetrated, taught her to answer her words and actions. This is the dignity and life drama of Masha Trocery.

    In the novel "Dubrovsky" A. S. Pushkin speaks of honor and meanness, love and hatred, nobility and lowness. One of the important plot lines of the Roman is the history of the relationship between Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekherova. In the fate of these heroes a lot ...

    An adventure adventure Roman A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" is one of its best works. In it, Pushkin reflects over the most acute problems of his time, draws bright characters, interesting fate. The image of Kyril Petrovich Trocerys ...

    Plan to the topic: 1. Who is Shabashkin. 2. His appearance. 3. How did Shabushkin rendered to the desire of Trocery to take possession of a stranger. Why he did not refuse to participate in this wrong. 5. What methods of Shabashkin achieved the execution of the desire of Trocery. 6 ....

  1. New!

    Roman A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" - the work of the dramatic fate of the poor nobleman, who was illegally taken away. Penetrating compassion to the fate of some Ostrovsky, Pushkin in his novel reproduced the truthful life history, ...

Masha Troceryov wrecked her mother early. She lived in the estate of his father - a rich and noble Russian Barin. As a child, Masha struck everyone with his beauty, and in seventeen years, her beauty was in full bloom. Father loved her to madness, but she was accustomed to hide his feelings and thoughts from him. Masha read a lot - at her disposal there was a huge library, compiled mainly from the writings of French writers of the XVIII century (her father did not read anything other than the "perfect cooks"). Masha had no girlfriends, she grew up in solitude. True, in childhood she loved to play with the son of a friend of Father Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, Vladimir, but it was a long time ago and was almost forgotten. Wife and daughters of neighbors were rarely in trucker. Kirila Petrovich preferences a male company. Masha went to the garden with her beloved novel, retired in the gazebo and plunged into his virgin dreams. Her privacy broke the French Deformer who arrived in the estate - a teacher whom Kirila Petrovich issued from Moscow for his son Sasha. In fact, it was Vladimir Dubrovsky. In the estate he led to a desire to take revenge on Cyril Petrovich for his father. However, seeing Masha and having loved her, he refused to revenge. Masha also loved the definition. Young people walked together, talked, played the piano. Attention, kindness, the human understanding, which was happressed by her father, Masha found a definer. Love caused the definer to open in all Masha. Young people would probably get married if they met under other circumstances. Troyekov spoke once to his friend: "Listen, Brother, Andrei Gavrilovich: if you will be the way in your Volodya, so I will give Masha for him ..." But fate ordered something differently. Masha against her will marked with old prince Veresky. Masha tried to touch the prince with his sincere letter, told about his feelings for another person. But I was wrong. Prince Veresky showed a letter to Masher Kiril Petrovich. The wedding decided to speed up. Until the last minute, Masha was waiting for Vladimir, hoped that he would relieve her from her hateful man. But everything turned out otherwise. And here, probably, Masha itself is to blame. With the last meeting with Vladimir, she tells him that if she was forcibly behaved under the crown, "then there is nothing to do, come for me - I will be your wife." And why not becoming his wife Dubrovsky, without waiting for it? In my opinion, the fact is that Vladimir, in essence, there is nothing to give her. He is poor, ruin, besides the leader of the robbers. And then Marya Kirilovna got used to a certain way of life, she lived in prosperity, did not know the care of the bread. Her father has not enough to oppose the will of his father. And I feel sorry for her.

The characteristic of the car Trocery is very important for understanding one of the most famous Romanov A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". This heroine, being the main active female character, occupies a central place in this work, since it is with her a love line, the main intrigue of the novel, as well as his junction. In addition, the girl played an important role in the development and evolution of Dubrovsky himself, since the love for her forced him to abandon the Plan of Revenge.


The characteristic of the car Trocery should begin with the description of its social place in society. She was a daughter of the Kirill Petrovich landowner, who was known in the whole district with his steep and inaccessible character. His fellow with the father of the main character led to the death of Old Dubrovsky, which provoked the conflict between these two families. However, the girl went clearly not in his father. The characteristic of the car Troekherova shows the multi-faceted personality.

She was good, soft and responsive, although it was not devoid of some length prejudices, characteristic of his circle. So, for example, when Vladimir appeared in her father's house as an educator, the girl originally looked at him as an ordinary servant. But at the same time, she was able to appreciate his mind and nobility: when the imaginary Frenchman was not afraid of a bear who attacked him at the next draw, and together to run, not confused and shot a predator, the girl changed her mind about him and with those pores began to respect it (as, however, all the other inhabitants of the estate).

Education and education

The characteristic of the car Trocery will help students understand those conditions in which Russian ladies lived in the provinces in the first half of the 19th century. At that time, knowledge of French was considered a good tone rule for the nobles. The heroine, unlike his father, was very well owned, so she served as a translator to communicate with an imaginary teacher. In Vladimir, who called the deforem, she took the lessons of playing the piano.

In the time consideration, it was believed that each young lady should be able to sing and play on a musical instrument. At these classes, Dubrovsky and Masha Troekharov quickly found a common language and be friends at the end.

Relationship with family

The heroine loved his father, however, the reader understands from the text of the work that at the same time she was very afraid of him and almost never dared to disobey his instructions. And only when Kirill Petrovich decided to marry her against the will for the old, but rich and influential prince Veresky, she first showed disobedience. By that time, Dubrovsky and Masha Troekharov had already fallen in love with each other, so the girl struggled to resolved the decision of the father. However, she could not fight him independently and, without waiting for help from Vladimir, who was late, went out for the prince married. The girl loved her younger brother, although the author shows it in just one scene. Nevertheless, the episode in which the boy offers her help, is very important - he shows their attachment to each other.

Love line

The image of Mer Trocery is fully revealed in its relations with Dubrovsky. As mentioned above, a young girl sincerely attached to his music teacher, not suspecting that under the larger of the modest Frenchman hiding a formidable leader of robbers.

She also noticed that herself made a rather strong impression on him, and waiting for his love recognition, which did not slow down to follow together with the disclosure of an imaginary teacher. The girl had enough spirit without any interest in Dubrovsky, moreover, she decided to preserve him loyalty, despite the ambiguous position in which the lovers hit.


The image of Mer Trocery is central to the work on a par with the main intrigue of the novel. At a critical moment, when Troecors decided to arrange her marriage, the girl showed hardness and determination that it was difficult to expect from her. She even once forgotten and threatened the Father by calling Vladimir to help. However, without the effective help of the last girl, of course, could not do anything.

Therefore, when Dubrovsky for unknown reasons was late with help, she married Prince. In the finals, the heroine refuses to flee along with him from her husband, explaining this act by the fact that he cannot break the oath and break the moral law. In this scene, all the nobility and hardness of a girl who waited for help to last minute. However, becoming the princess of Vereskaya, she did not break the oaths (the Tatiana in the novel "Eugene Onegin") will do.


One of the most significant works in the work of Pushkin - Roman "Dubrovsky". The story of Masha Trocery is no less interesting than the intrigue associated with the adventures of the main character. You can even say that it turned out more plausible and vital.

A dramatic history with a noble robber The author clearly borrowed from the French Romanovs popular at the time. However, the main character had a real prototype, and the history of the nobleman, who had forced to become a robber, served as the basis of the work. However, the life of Masher Troekherova is described very realistic, as its fate is a collective story of many provincial twentiets of the 19th century than her image is particularly interesting for the reader who is interested in the lifestyle of Russian nobles.