The lesson of the literary reading is the lid to all of you. The lesson of the literary reading E. Him "All of you the lid" during the war was evacuated, grew up in an orphanage

The lesson of the literary reading is the lid to all of you. Literary reading lesson E.
The lesson of the literary reading is the lid to all of you. The lesson of the literary reading E. Him "All of you the lid" during the war was evacuated, grew up in an orphanage

Eduard Yuryevich Shim Russian Writer, playwright. E. Y. Shim was born on August 23, 1930 in Leningrad. During the war, evacuated, grew up in an orphanage. From 16 years old worked, changeing a lot of classes. "... Master for all hands is a joiner and gardener, turner and chauffery." Upon returning to Leningrad, he studied at the artistic and architectural school, from 1950 he worked in the Design Bureau. In 1952-1955 served in the army., Soon moved to Moscow. Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Banner". Starting to be printed since 1949, Edward Shim wrote mainly for children, mainly about nature - but he could successfully and fascinating, for example, about the joinery craft ("Wooden Book"). Eduard Yuryevich set questions about human attitude towards nature ("Trail on the Wave" (1958), Picket 200 (1963), "Spring Charts" (1964), "Water on pebbles" (1969)). Among his stories and ages for adults: "Night at the end of the month", "Vanya Songs sings", "When will go out", etc. Eduard Shim - the author of the texts of a series of songs, in particular, very popular in 1974 "Wooden horses rode" Acting Valentina Tolkunova.

Slide 2. From the presentation "Portraits of writers and poets". Archive size with a presentation 1324 KB.

Literature 4 class

Summary of other presentations

"The story" Basket with spruce bumps "" - fir bumps. Basket with spruce bumps. Dagni. Locality. Life is amazing and beautiful. Edward Grieg. House Edward Griega. The skill of students to summarize and analyze the read text. What should a man live. Powesta Konstantin Georgievich. Read the passage.

"The staging of the Basinie Quartet" - artists. Basnya I.A. Krylova. Sostovy costume. Martish suit. Roles. Web quest. Directors. Reflection. Discussion of completed tasks. Writers writers. Basny I.A. Krylova. Working with the text of the Bassni. Distance Basni I.A. Krylova. Report directory. Report of artists. The report of decorator costumes. Report of writers writers. Dresses - decorators. Goat costume.

"Tasks on literary reading" is a good mother. MM Prishvin "Pokleka". A. I. Kuprin "Barbos and Zhulka". Find out the description. Literary reading. Ears. Nature and us. She was small. Cloke wool. Hard words. Human. Ask a Question. Find a couple. Name the work. Festoon. Cool shore. Strigeonk creak. Lost and found. E.I. Charushin "Caban". Saima. D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Pereyamam".

"Charushin about animals" - Charushin. Jaguar. Complete the phrase. Birds. Father Zhenya Charushina. Illustrator. Love for nature. Many drawings. Vorobyishko. The game. Boar. E.I. Scharushin "Kaban". Cow tail. Deer. Wordwork. The Bears. Artist. Elephants. Wolf. Action story. Large animal. Name of the story. Such was seen by the artist "Baby in Cells". Books. Charushin Evgeny Ivanovich.

"Plescheev" Children and Birds "" - reading on roles. Collection of poems. He studied at the school of guards ensigns. Children and birds. Alexey Nikolaevich Plescheev. Read proverbs. A.N. Plescheev "Children and Birds". Favorite poet of Russian youth. Books. As the author calls children. How early birds fly away.

"" Childhood "L. Tolstoy" - "Classes". V. Serov "Mika Morozov". "Naum will put on the mind." Reading good books is a conversation with marked people. The desire for good, truth, truth, love, beauty. "Teacher Karl Ivanovich". Alphabet - initial basis what kind of science is. "Alphabet of Life" L.N. Tolstoy. Predpekt. Valentin Serov "Children." As you wish, in order to come with people. "How did you teach noble children?". What mood causes a picture.

Eduard Yuryevich Shim Life and art

Zhdyrus Larisa Aleksandrovna

primary school teacher

GBOU OOS number 15

Novokuybyshevsk Samara region

Eduard Yuryevich Shim (real last name - Schmidt)

During the war, evacuated, grew up in an orphanage.

From 16 years old worked, changeing a lot of classes.

Began to be printed since 1949. Eduard Shim wrote

for children, mainly about nature - but he could successfully

and fascinatingly telling, for example,

and about the joinery craft ("Wooden Book").

Eduard Yuryevich ShiM in his stories set questions about human attitude towards nature .

"Who will translate our language of animals and birds on

human language? Here is a "translator" ...

and the writer E. Shim ... He writes books that ...

teach one of the main human joys

- inexhaustible joy of recognition "

template Source:

Ranochno Elena Alekseevna primary school teacher

Maou Lyceum №21 Ivanovo Website:

Internet resources

Birch Grove

Students remember the compiled Winter's proposals.

I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Winter in the Forest".
Retelling according to plan.
Students formulate 3 points of the Plan:
Belyak hares.
Hunter and traces.
Bear Leiebell.
Retell according to plan.

Children read book titles on the slide.
- E. ShiM writes about nature.

Someone will punish, to all of you.

Student responses.

Frost, Moroz Ivanovich, Santa Claus.
- In fabulous.
- Good, loves children, cheerful, gives everyone gifts, decorates trees, paints windows of houses:

Angry, angry.

Birds, fish, animal, people,
Spring, insect.
- Who threatens Morozko?
- All first read.
- Read, we will observe.
- Be sure to indulge.
- At the end we will conclusion.


Prepare for reading the work.
Read 1 and 2 paragraph to themselves, are looking for answers and read.

Read out loud 3 paragraph (3 sentences)
- I went to seal the water.

Alone read about yourself.
- Morozko froze all the inhabitants of the puddle.
Re-read this part of the chapter loud.
- Bad, ruthlessly, cruel.
- Angry, angry, cruel, ruthless.
- Some.
The second chapter read 2 student out loud. One about the swamp, the other - about the lake.
Student responses.
Express your opinion.
Read the text to the end.
- All remained alive and waiting for the arrival of spring.
- on the inhabitants of the reservoirs: insects, amphibians, fish.
- All residents of the reservoirs would be frozen.

Responses of children.

I wanted to tell that everything is prudent in nature. I wanted everyone to learn how the water inhabitants seek.
- E Shim "To all your lid."
- To fairy tales.
- on 3 parts.
Work in groups.
Students in the group create a picture plan. With the help of glue on a sheet A3, cut parts of 3 chapters are collected.
The obtained works are hung on the board.
- carefully read, easily managed to find answers to questions in the text.

Responses of children.

Applied files

I. Organizational moment.

Greeting and preparation of students for work in the lesson.

II. Motivation. (creation of an emotional lesson background).

1 Slide: On the Winter Picture and Pooh screen.

The teacher expressively reads the poem.

At night, the wind wolf
And on the roof of the stick beat
In the morning they glanced in the window,
There - Magic Cinema:
Rolled white canvas
Sketched white stars.
And dads at home
Fucking winter.
V. Fetisov.

Why is winter season called magic?

Preliminary work: In previous lessons, beautiful offers about winter were compiled.

This magic time of the year is devoted to the artworks with whom we met in the lessons of literary reading.

III. Actualization of knowledge.

What was set to the house?

What pictures did I. Sokolov-Mikitov painted?

On the blackboard, the picture plan.

IV. Acquaintance with a new product.

2 Slide: Portrait of a writer E. Shima and covers of his books.

We will get acquainted with another writer and his work about winter.

Read book titles.

What does E. Shim writes about?

E. ShiM tells children in entertaining forms, with the help of unusual images about the nature that surrounds us.

Then listen!

E. Shim "To all of you the lid!"

That's the name!

How do you understand such a statement: "All the lid all you!"?


In this work, these words will meet: The Lord, Namig, Flock-Flying, is unable.

The value of these words is not given first, it appears after students themselves explain it.

Explain the meaning of these words.

V. Setting the problem.

The teacher reads the very beginning:

"Fucked frost for the first time in the forest:"

Guys, who is that frost?

What works are there?

What is it usually in fairy tales?

The teacher reads 1 and 2 text paragraph to words: "angry".

Guys, Morozko is always so funny, kind, fair.

And what is he?

Yes, it also promises: "All the lid!"

And how do you guys think to whom could you threaten frost?

And what else can we assume?

What question do we need to find an answer?

5 Slide: Problem Question

Who frost threatens?

Vi. Check hypothesis.

How do we do to find an answer to this question?

Who frost threatens?



Plan of our actions planned?

Semantic (analytical) text reading.

Open textbooks on page 123.

You remember why frost got angry?

Find the answer in the text.

Since this all started.

Putting a card with the name of the part of the plot.

Why did Morozko start the mittens on a friend of his boyfriend?

For what?

On the 6 Slidefrozen puddles appear.

Read the 1st to the end and learn what an unusual incident happened.

What happened?

How did Morozko entered?

How will you see you frost?

Want to know what else did you make frost?

Did you like Morozko's actions?

The scheme is complemented.

So the action of the plot developed.

The teacher reads the very beginning of 3 chapters:

"Morozko boasts, goes through the forest, the glazer flies, sticks on the trees.

I am alone here!

Guys, how do you think, did you manage to deal with the residents of the reservoirs?

The teacher reads the following sentence: "And the unwitting frozen, that all the water inhabitants are alive and healthy remained."

The scheme is complemented.

Which of you was right?

How do you think I managed to escape to water inhabitants?

Let's check your versions.

How did it all end?

VII. Solution expression.

Did we find the answer to our main question?

Who got angry with Morozko?

And now, I want to ask you such a question: "What could happen if the swamps and lakes did not freeze?"

Is it wrong to go frost?

E. ShiM in an entertaining form told the children about such a phenomenon of nature as a freezing of water bodies. Everything in nature is thought out, no one will perish in winter. The reservoirs are not freezing to the bottom. Under the thickness of ice, residents of the reservoirs are calmly worried.

In the work of E. Shima Frost- humorous character, and not at all cruel and ruthless. And he was angry, because she was slightly and damp.

So what theme of the lesson was today?

What genre is this product?

How many parts are the fairy tale?

And now, I want to check how you remember the plot of fairy tales.

VIII. Product implementation.

What group coped with the task?

Why did they succeed?

Want to hear him again?

Repeated expressive reading teacher.

IX. Reflection.

Did we fulfill the plan of our actions?

Did you manage to trace the development of the plot?

Morozko prepared a surprise to you: snowflakes. If you like the fairy tale and our lesson, then you can take a snowflake on a change for a change.