Presentation on the topic "Grigory Benzovich Oster." The abstract lesson in literary reading "Soster will be familiar" Questions to the fairy tale of Ostri will be familiar

Presentation on the topic "Grigory Benzovich Oster." The abstract lesson in literary reading "Soster will be familiar" Questions to the fairy tale of Ostri will be familiar

Slide 2.

Gregory Benzovich Oster-writer 21st century

65 years 27.11.1947

Slide 3.

Objective of the project:

The main subject of research is the work of Oster, a modern children's writer. Determine the role of Oster's books in modern children's literature. Show kids as you can talk about serious problems. Attract the attention of students to the topicality of creativity G. B. Oster Nowadays, to express interest in the personality of the writer himself, to prove that Oster G. B. He is a writer, a public figure of the 21st century.

Slide 4.

Project tasks:

Explore the biography of the writer. Identify personal qualities shown in the work of the writer. Examine the rating of children's and adult users of the Writer's website. Make conclusions about the significance of the writer's creativity today.

Slide 5.

The relevance of the project

One of the most acute and hard problems is the loss of children interest in reading. The child is surrounded by a variety of attractive things. These are alive and interesting objects in his ideas. Screen, diagrams, computer displacing a book from children's age. Secondly, the market is filled with "cheap" literature: comics, crosswords. The unwillingness of the new generation read good books is the way to nowhere. Acquaintance with the work of Oster, with its modern books, gives a positive result. Reading Ostter's books, a child comes to highly artistic children's literature.

Slide 6.

Gregory Oster.

Slide 7.


Childhood and youth spent in Yalta. In 1966, he served in the Northern Fleet. In 1970 he entered the department of drama of the literary institute. M. Gorky in Moscow, who graduated in 1982. The author of many works for children, such as a "fairy tale with details", "Papamamalogia", "Education of adults", "Grandmother of Breave", "Harmful Tips", "Divination by hand, legs, ears, back and neck." Posted by the scenarios of cartoons "38 Parrots", "caught, which bite!", "Kitten named Gav", "Monkey" and others, a feature film "To the first blood." Married by the third marriage, Father of five children.

Slide 8.


Children's writer. Born on November 27 in Odessa in the family of a port mechanic. After graduating from high school in 1966, I served in the Northern Fleet for three years. In 1969 it returns to Odessa. In 1970, he comes to Moscow, enters the literary institute. M. Gorky on the department of drama. Studies in absentia. In 1982 he graduated from the Institute.

Slide 9.

Puppet show

Over the years, wrote plays for puppet theaters

Slide 10.

Grigoryibeniaovich island (lit. pseudonym "Isy";

rod. November 27, 1947, Odessa, Ussr) - Russian writer, screenwriter, playwright, honored artist of the Russian Federation (2007). The creator of the genre of "harmful councils" and the author of the first Russian hypertextual novel "Fairy Tale with details"

Slide 11.

Slide 12.

In 2004, at the suggestion of Putin's administration, the President of Russia was developed by School Citizens. From September 7, 2008, together with the singer, Glukoza leads the program "Children's poles" on the STS. In published in Canada, the Anthology of Children's Literature Grigory Isy, with its "harmful councils" was the most multi-time - 12 million aspects, while other authors were honored with a maximum of 300-400 thousand.

Slide 13.

"Good Deale" (1975) "Man with a tail" (1976) "All wolves are afraid" (1979) "Thirty-eight Parrots" "Kitten named Gav" (1979) "Hello Martyshka" (1983) "Secret Fund" (1986 ) "Grandmother of Breave" "Divination by hand, legs, ears, back and neck" "Children's superstition" "Harmful Tips" (1996)

Slide 14.

Slide 15.

Slide 16.

One of the developers of the site of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin

  • Slide 17.

    Oster films

    "To the first blood" (1990) is a film about the military-patriotic game of pioneers "Zarnitsa".

    Slide 18.

    Theatrical performances

    The performance "Harmful Tips" at the Moscow Theater "School of the Modern Play". The performance "Harmful Tips" in the Theater Studio "Image" P / R Vladimir Shokhina. The musical performance of the "Shoes of the Zakulochkam" in the new dramatic theater, in the Kamensk-Ural theater "Drama number three" in the formulation of Lyudmila Mathis. Performance "Hello Martyushka!" In the Kamensk-Ural theater "Drama number three" in the formulation of Irina Simanova.

    Slide 19.


    G. B. Osteromoma invented new sciences, for example, "Nothing", "Conscience", "Virtetura", "Apartment" and others. Tutorials on these useful subjects have already been published. He opened the School of Horror, the Handbook "Victims or Family Rocking", the tasks for the parents "Nasty Tasks", the Books on the fortune telling on hand, legs, ears, back and neck ", books about signs and superstitions, questionnaires, encyclopedic articles and Stories without ending (readers can come up with themselves).

    Slide 20.

    schedule of lessons

    1. Papamamalogy 2. Dorramatika 3. Ensure 4. Conscience

    Slide 21.


    Laureate State. Prize of the Russian Federation (2002). Awarded by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1327 of October 3, 2007

    Slide 22.

    The essence of his creativity:

    "I have always been engaged in children [...] gave harmful advice when they fused the head of the Soviet power. I tried to explain that if at one point the planet is going to a large number of obedient children, they grow into a large number of obedient adults "

    Slide 23.

    His exception:

    Ostreter's phenomenon in modern Russian culture and children's literature is not equal. With the exception of Assumption, its status is difficult to compare with the status of any other modern children's writer. His "Harmful Tips" are sold out fantastic circulations, his cartoons became a classic during the author's life, his authority in television and radio programs to raise children and children's reading unshakable.

    Slide 24.


    Numerous "harmful councils" have become a noticeable phenomenon of modern Russian culture. Just like Osterian jokes, they can be bought almost everywhere: at the airport, at the station, in the kiosk. If you ask the Council about what entertainment book to buy for a child, you will most likely advise anything from Oster jokes.

    Slide 25.

    Slide 26.


    1. Gregory Benezovich Oster (r. 1947) // I will know the world: children. Encyclopedia: Literature. - M.: AST, 1997. - C.298-301. 2. ELIN G. Gregory Oster: "Where does love" / G. Yalin comes from? Moscow news. - 1994. - № 65. - p.5. 3. Kachuk dad soft. He will forgive ... / G. Kachuk // WORKER. - 1995. - № 10. - C.10-12. 4. Corf O. "Ackless manual" in mathematics, or "can I and children love manna porridge" / O. Korf // Primary School. - 1995. - № 3. - P. 92-93. 5. Mishukova A. A. Oster Grigoriy Benzovich / A. A. Mishukova // Essays on children's writers: Handbook for primary school teachers. - M.: Balam, 1999. - P. 151-153. 6. Internet sites:\u003d3-4&v\u003dfi01 /osterwred.txt

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    Annotation to the presentation

    Presentation on the topic "Gregory Benzovich Oster" talks about the Russian writer, screenwriter, playwright, TV host. Oster - Called Worker of Arts of the Russian Federation. The creator of the genre of "harmful advice" and the author of the first Russian hypertextual novel "Tale with details".

    1. "Charging for the tail"
    2. "Harmful Tips"
    3. Then the writer invented
    4. "Tale with details"
    5. Anniversaries of children's writers


      pPTX (PowerPoint)

      Number of slides

      Novikova D. I.

      The audience

      The words




      • For the lesson by the teacher

    Slide 1.

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    One of the most readable and educated children's writers, was born in Odessa in the family of a sailor. Poems began to write at the age of 16. The first compilation was released in Murmansk in 1975, when the writer served as a sailor on the Northern Fleet. Calcular studies in the literary institute took 12 years. During this time, he worked in Yalta a guard on the glance of fairy tales, wrote many scenarios for cartoons, children's plays and poems.

    Slide 3.

    In 1990, published the first book of "harmful councils". Or "Violation of politeness rules, decency, etiquette and other." Teachers fell from her faint, and children and parents read with delight.

    Slide 4.

    "If you are on the corridor
    Rather on the bike,
    And towards you from the bathroom
    Pope went out,
    Do not turn into the kitchen,
    In the kitchen solid refrigerator,
    Better better in dad,
    Dad soft. He will forgive. "

    Slide 5.

    After the "harmful councils", Grigory Oster began to compose non-piece tasks, and the "task book" came out. Tackle: 150 boys pulled 285 Girls for pigtails. 80 fused roots, and the rest gave delivery. How many girls gave delivery?

    Slide 6.

    Then the writer came up with "nonhihism", "confetation", "enterprise", "apartment" "Papamamalogia", "Vggculture", "Escado Island", "Book about tasty and healthy food food", "Petka-microb".

    *** Textbooks on these important subjects have already begun to appear in stores.

    Slide 7.

    "Nothing of childhood
    Man is not given.
    Light it is rushing
    In the younger soul.
    Know that in every adult heart
    There is a cherished corner
    There Kalachik curled
    Papin old belt. "

    Slide 8.

    "When parents are running
    And ask will begin,
    What did you think when
    Spoiled from the window
    Fed a salad vacuum cleaner
    Newspapers was adjustable
    And knocked down from the balcony down
    Porcelain service
    Ask your parents:
    And they themselves they
    What hoped when
    Once again suddenly
    We decided to give birth
    And started you? "

    Slide 9.

    In addition to harmful councils and tasks, Gregory Oster writes wonderful fairy tales. One of them is a "fairy tale with details." In it, 2 chapters: Chapter First and Chapter Last. And the rest is "details".

    Slide 10.

    Have you ever solved such tasks:

    • "The bridge plus ears Delim on the pike, we take a motorcycle with a carriage and the result is multiplied by sheep.
    • What happens, we divide what. Now already on Domino. As a result, we have: decent speed and horns in the mind. That's right, the answer is converged. "
    • So calculated the speed of his motorcycle one of the heroes of the book-man.
  • Slide 11.

    "Prepare your portfolio from the evening
    First detain
    There are textbooks, then
    Pencil mound,
    Add notebooks, chickens
    Filled diary
    And, boiling water bay, put
    On slow fire ... "

    Slide 12.

    There was a time when even scientists believed that the smallest creatures in the world were a flea. No one thought that next to us, inside us and around us there is a huge world of invisible - microbes. Everything about these beings -newimets Gregory Oster wrote a fairy tale "Petka-Microb"

    Slide 13.

    • This fairy tale is not easy, but scientifically apparent.
    • From her you can learn about the microscope, about harmful and useful microbes, how the kefir and prokobyvash are obtained and how scientists work.
    • And who of you wants to become a scientist or doctor?
    • So this fairy tale is for you.
  • Slide 14.

    "Coat and a jacket are noto
    Socks do not wear
    In the frost and slush run
    From the house of Lights.
    Go without a hat, but panties
    Always take with you
    So that if you suddenly not sleep, I could
    You are visiting them. "

    Slide 15.

    "If your neighbor is part of
    Became the source of contagion
    Hug it - and to school
    Two weeks will not come. "

    Slide 16.

    "If with dirty nails
    Two weeks to like
    Then under each dirty nail
    Creepy poison
    And when while fighting
    Scratch the enemy
    Silently he in the torment of terrible
    In your eyes will die. "

    Slide 17.

    "When, opening a first-aid kit, you
    Find pills there
    Do not arrive, take
    And eat everything in a row.
    Let your mother praise
    Beautiful appetite,
    When under the locker with a cross
    Then find you. "

    Slide 18.

    "Do not be offended by
    Who hits you
    And do not be lazy every time
    Thank it
    For the fact that sorry forces
    He beats you with hands,
    And could take into these hands
    And stick and brick. "

    Slide 19.

    "Lost baby
    Must remember that his
    We will take home as soon as he calls his address.
    Need to act smarter
    Speak: "I live
    Near the palm tree with a monkey
    On the distant islands. "
    Lost child
    If he is not a fool,
    Does not miss the correct case
    In different countries to visit "

    Slide 20.

    "Running from the tram,
    Do not rush under the dump truck.
    Wait for traffic,
    It will not seem yet
    Ambulance machine
    It is full of full doctors.
    Let them ask you.
    Themselves will cure later. "

    Slide 21.

    "Make your actions
    Go to another area
    Because if at home
    You will do them,
    Shocked neighbors
    Can take an example from you
    And then in your quarter
    It will not be possible to live. "

    Slide 22.

    "Approaching unfamiliar boys,
    The girl must already in advance
    To meet the sorrows of the faces evil,
    Stones, sticks, fists show.
    Let them still feel from afar
    That the girl will not help themselves. "

    Slide 23.

    "Hands of anywhere else
    Do not touch anything.
    Don't let down anything
    And I do not go anywhere.
    In the silence silently go away
    Become modestly in the corner
    And quietly standing without moving,
    Up to old age. "

    Slide 24.

    • Some reading these books, having fun laugh, others write out of indignant letters and criticize. But many thousands of books of writers are in demand by readers.
    • He became the winner of the competition of readership sympathies "Golden Key" (1996). According to his scenarios, more than 60 cartoons are removed.
    • Kitten named Gav, the heroes of the "38 Parrots" series and the characters invented by Gregory, the characters occupied a durable place among the favorites of the children.
  • Slide 25.


  • Slide 26.

    Slide 27.

    See all slides




    • Personal:
    • Regulatory:
    • Cognitive:
    • Communicative:

    Material and equipment:

    During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    Check your homework.

    Call stage.

    1. Problem situation.

    Reception "Keywords".

    Phase of reflection.


    Reception "Question Table".

    Work in pairs.

    Phase reflection.

    Reception "Sinwen".



    2 adjectives

    3 verb

    proposition of 4 words

    The outcome of the lesson.


    "Harmful Tips"

    If you came to your acquaintance,
    Do not greet anyone.
    Words: "Please", "Thank you"
    Do not tell anybody.
    Throw back to questions
    Do not answer anyone.
    And then no one will say
    About you that you are talking.
    If the whole family swim
    You went to the river,
    Do not interfere with dad with mom
    Sunlight on the shore
    Do not arrange a scream,
    Give adults to relax.
    Not to anyone
    Try to drown.
    Bake sticking frogs.
    It is very interesting.
    Take off the wings of flies,
    Let them run on foot.
    Train daily,
    And the day is happy -
    You in some kingdom
    Let's take the main bill.
    Never wash your hands
    Neck, ears and face.
    This is stupid to take
    Does not lead to anything.
    Hands will be dirty again
    Neck, ears and face,
    So why spend power,
    Time to lose attention.
    Stream is also useless,
    No sense.
    To old age herself
    He bald heads.

    How legends are obtained

    The abstract lesson of the literary reading conducted on May 17, 2013 in the "3" class teacher of the primary classes Maou Sosh with. Pere, Novikova Game Igorovna.

    Topic: Sostrome "Harmful Tips", "How the legends are obtained."

    Purpose: The study of creativity of Oster on the example of its works: "Harmful tips" and "how legends are obtained."


    • Personal:evaluation of life situations and actions of the heroes of artwork from the point of view of universal norms, moral and ethical values.
    • Regulatory:use additional material in operation.
    • Cognitive:submit information in the form of a table; Analyze, compare the situations presented in the work.
    • Communicative:participate in the dialogue, listen and understand others, express your point of view on actions; Performing various roles in a pair, to cooperate in a joint solving problem.

    Material and equipment: Tutorial, presentation, distributing material (the biography of the writer, excerpts from the book "Harmful Tips").

    During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    Check your homework.

    Reading on the roles of the story of Yu.I. Yermolaeva "Educators".

    What do you think the writer gave this name to the story? (The author laughs, itchs over these boys.)

    Why did good undertakings of the boys have not been successful? (Because they were too frustrated for the work and in each child saw the abuster of the other; they tried to raise, teach children, without silent due to.)

    Call stage.

    1. Problem situation.

    Reception "Keywords".

    "Kitten named GAV", "38 Parrots", "Grandmother of Break", "Charging for the tail", "a beloved manual in mathematics", "harmful councils". (Slide 1)

    At the very beginning, only the first 4 phrases open.

    What is written on the board? Tell me, what do you know from this? What do you think they are related to each other?

    If children could not answer, another expression opens. The question is asked:

    How are these phrases are connected now?

    The last expression opens through which children can guess that all this works of the writer Georgy Oster. (Slide 2)

    2. Forming a learning task.

    Today, at the lesson, we must get acquainted with the work of Oster.

    Phase of reflection.

    1. Working with a writer's biography.

    - What books of this writer have you already read?

    Grigory Oster has many different interesting books. Now you will learn a little about the life of the writer.

    Reception "Question Table".

    The watches lie with a brief biography of a writer. Children should, using this additional material, fill the columns of the table.

    Guys, you have a sheet of paper on the desks, where you can see a brief biography of a writer. (One student reads a biography). (Slide 3)

    Take a pencil and tick the moments that seemed to you the most interesting (there should be no less than three).

    2 - 3 student read what they have noted.

    Below you see a table that consists of 5 columns. Questions are written at the very top. Your task is to fill the table columns using the material that you noted ..

    Children begin to fill in the table with the teacher, then continue independently.

    • Gregory Benzovich Oster (r. 1947).
    • Gregory Oster - Children's writer. He was born on November 27, 1947 in Odessa.
    • In 1970, he comes to Moscow and enters the institute.
    • During study, wrote plays for puppet theaters.
    • In 1975, the first children's book was published.
    • In 1990, it publishes the famous children's books: "Grandma of Break", "Harmful Tips." Writes scripts for cartiors "Charging for Tail", "38 Parrots" and others.
    • In recent years, new series books have appeared: "Task. A beloved manual in mathematics "," Physics. Ackless manual. Problem ".
    • Since 2008, together with the singer Natalia Ionova, leads the program "Children's pranks" on the CTC TV channel.

    Check the completed table. 2-3 student read what happened.

    I got acquainted with interesting facts from the life of the writer, now let's get acquainted with his works.

    2. Work with "harmful advice."

    Opened p.183. We read the first advice on your own and get ready to read out loud.
    - Explain the meaning of this advice.
    - What useful advice is hidden in this harmful? (Public transport is inferior to the elderly).

    Work in pairs.

    Each couple receives one harmful advice. Children are preparing to read them expressively, explain the meaning of the Council, choose a useful advice.

    Checking work in pairs. (Slides 4 - 9). Drawing up a collection of useful tips.

    Why are the advice called good?

    3. Working with the story "How the legends are obtained."

    Read the name of the story. How do you understand the word "legend"? (Slide 10).

    Legend - 1) Poetic legend of any historical event. 2) On the heroic events of the past. 3) Fictional information about yourself who fulfills the secret task.

    Reception "Reading with Stopping".

    What do you think this story?

    In order to find out or not, it will begin reading the story.

    We read the first paragraph. Stop.

    We started reading, tell me, have our assumptions justified about what a story?

    We read the legend about the boy. Compare text with our assumptions.

    Similar work is made with a legend of a girl who eaten very poorly and did not drink milk at all.

    Now try to make your legends.

    2 - 3 student tell legends.

    Phase reflection.

    Reception "Sinwen".

    - Today we met with the work of the writer of Oster. At the end of the lesson, let's try to make Sinquen about this writers.


    2 adjectives

    3 verb

    proposition of 4 words

    The outcome of the lesson.

    What have you learned today? Did you have difficulties when performing tasks? What did you manage most?


    Prepare an expressive reading of the poem R. Effinity "Cheerful poems".

    "Harmful Tips"

    If you came to your acquaintance,
    Do not greet anyone.
    Words: "Please", "Thank you"
    Do not tell anybody.
    Throw back to questions
    Do not answer anyone.
    And then no one will say
    About you that you are talking.
    If the whole family swim
    You went to the river,
    Do not interfere with dad with mom
    Sunlight on the shore
    Do not arrange a scream,
    Give adults to relax.
    Not to anyone
    Try to drown.
    Bake sticking frogs.
    It is very interesting.
    Take off the wings of flies,
    Let them run on foot.
    Train daily,
    And the day is happy -
    You in some kingdom
    Let's take the main bill.
    Never wash your hands
    Neck, ears and face.
    This is stupid to take
    Does not lead to anything.
    Hands will be dirty again
    Neck, ears and face,
    So why spend power,
    Time to lose attention.
    Stream is also useless,
    No sense.
    To old age herself
    He bald heads.

    How legends are obtained

    In early childhood, people believe in everything. And in the invisibility cap, and in Babu Yagu, and that there are boys and girls who never indulge in the world, always listen to the elders and in the morning to wipe their legs before entering ... in Each country, in every city, even in every yard tells their myths and legends. And before you, the dear reader, lie legends that tell each other in the laurel alley. There are old legends in the laurel alley, which are still a great-grandfather and great-grandmothers told grandparents, grandfathers and grandparents and mothers, and Pope and Moms and now tell them their children. Here, for example, the legend about the boy who has never been washed. (stop)

    He was told: "Look at yourself! Who do you look like?" And he answered: "On the grandfather and a little bit of aunt of paradise that lives in Odessa." In the end, he became so dirty that one day his mother did not recognize him and did not let home. The unfortunate child had to go into the forest, and he lived all further life there, sitting on a tree. (stop)

    There is another story about a girl who ate very poorly and did not drink milk at all. (Stop) This girl has become so thin and lonely, that one day it was covered by the wind. And never brought back. They say she still flies out of her legs ... (stop)

    These amazing myths and legends tell their parents in the laurel alley. But those legends who are boys and girls of the Lavra Lane tell each other, even amazing.

    Download Abstract

    To date, there is a problem in the literary reading - the inability to listen. In this regard, both teachers and parents need to develop it in children.

    Also faces the question of the need to develop productive reading. This lesson will help you in this!



    Active learning methods for education


    primary school teacher,

    Chigorevskaya Julia Igorevna

    MOU "SOSH" Rakhjan Center for Education ",

    Leningrad region,

    Vsevolozhsky district

    Literary reading lesson

    Grade 2.

    (extracurricular reading)


    To date, there is a problem in the literary reading - the inability to listen. In this regard, both teachers and parents need to develop it in children.

    Also faces the question of the need to develop productive reading. This lesson will help you in this!

    Objectives lesson:

    1. Introduce students with the work of Oster "will be familiar";
    2. Improve the ability to anticipate the content of the text by name, the ability to answer questions about the content of the text, the ability to independently set questions;
    3. Develop the ability to emotionally respond to the artwork, the ability to express independent judgments about the read;
    4. Railing tolerance, feeling of friendship, good manners.
    • Tag note:

    During the acquaintance with the work, we perceive three types of information:

    1. Factual information - lies on the surface (who? Where? When?)

    3. Conceptual information (main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work)

    There are four types of reading:

    1. Learning reading (analysis)

    2. Search reading (tasks: prove, find confirmation)

    3. Handling reading (reading itself)

    The GEF of the new generation highlights the results of the material development. Subject results will be reading. MetaPered results will be the use of viewing reading (a quick acquaintance with the text we need in the future in life).

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment

    Guys, today we will meet with the work of Oster (you should not specify the genre of the work, you must bring the child to what it is for the genre, why they think so!)

    Stages of working with text:

    First stage. Before reading.

    The teacher does not pronounce the name of the work, but writes it on the board (let the children read)

    It is necessary that the textbooks in children are closed, the imagination will develop.

    And what do you think to what genre will be this work? (children only suggest, but the teacher does not call the correct answer.)

    What do you think it will be? (it is necessary to interest children)

    On the blackboard, the teacher writes the key words of this work, children themselves read them (very relevant for 1-2 class; no more than 7 words)


    • Africa
    • baby elephant
    • martushka
    • acquaintance
    • boa
    • parrot

    If there is an illustration for the work, pictures - consider them if there is no teacher invites children to think, and which one could draw? (bring to the children again to fantasize)

    Second phase. Reading a work teacher, children listen(the teacher reads only the first part, then the children will read themselves)


    We will be familiar

    Hello, dear baby!

    Writes a children's writer. This writer is me. My name is Gregory Oster. What is your name, I don't know, but I guess.

    And I also guess what you want to hear any work(Replaced to work, because we also suggested that it could be for the genre!). If I guess I guess, then listen. And if I guess the wrong and you do not want to listen to the work, then do not listen. It is not going anywhere, it will wait for you.

    And how can a work wait for us?(assumptions of children)

    Come, when you want, and you will hear it all from beginning to end.

    But you, dear child, still do not delay much, but you will become an adult and it will not be so interesting to you to listen to the work about the elephant, the Marty, the Beat and Parrot.

    Why will it not be interesting for us to listen to him?(assumptions of children)

    These elephant, parrot, boa and monkey lived in Africa.

    Every day they were going together and came up with something interesting.

    And what could they invent?(assumptions of children)

    Or just talked. Or the mardy sang funny songs, and the boa, elephant and parrot listened and laughed. Or the elephant asked smart questions, and Marty, parrot and Break answered. Or worship and Martyka took the best and twisted, as a rope, and the parrot jumped through it.

    What do you think, what genre is this work? Why?

    And everything was fun, especially the best. Elephant, parrot, Break and Marty, always rejoiced that they are familiar with each other and play together. Therefore, everyone was surprised when Martyshka once said:

    • Oh, how sorry we are familiar with each other!

    What do you think why Martyshka said so? (assumptions of children)

    • Isn't you interested with us? - offended parrot.
    • No, you did not understand me! - Washed the hands of Martyushka.

    And how did the Martyshka zamaha? Show(To specifically not do physical. Minutes, you can use live paintings)

    - I did not want to say at all. I wanted to say: what a pity that we are already familiar.

    Why is Martyshka pity that they are already familiar?(assumptions of children)

    - It would be interesting for us to meet everyone again. I would love to get acquainted with you, elephant, you are so polite, with you, parrot, you are so smart, with you, the boa, you are so long.

    • And I, - said the boa, - I would be happy to meet you, Marty, with you, worship, and with you, parrot.
    • And I said the elephant. - With pleasure.
    • But we are already familiar! - shrugged parrot.

    How did the parrot shrugged? Show

    • So I'm saying, "Martyshka sighed. - What a pity!

    How did the monkey sighed? Show(use of live paintings)

    • Friends! - Suddenly, said the boa and waved his tail. - Why don't we meet again!
    • It is impossible to meet two times in a row! Said Parrot.

    Why not get acquainted two times in a row?(assumptions of children)

    - If you are familiar with someone, then this is forever. You can not do anything here.

    • And we, - offered elephant, - let's take and get acquainted first!
    • Right! - said the boa. - Let's disperse, and then we will randomly meet and meet.
    • Oh! - wanted elephant.

    Why was the miscarriage?(assumptions of children)

    - What if we will not accidentally meet?

    • Well, this is just not a trouble! Said Parrot. - If we do not meet by chance, we will then meet on purpose.

    And how is it "on purpose"?(assumptions of children)

    Martha closed his eyes and screamed:

    One, two, three, four, five!

    I start not to know you!

    Break, run out,

    To meet again!

    When the monkey opened his eyes, there was no one. Then the elephant came out of the tree. From the grass crash. And from under the bush climb parrot. Everyone looked friendly on each other and began to get acquainted.

    What does "see friendly" mean? Like this?(assumptions of children)

    Martyka shook the parrot wing.

    Shake each other "Wing"(Using live paintings, children pumped hands)

    Parrot shook the walker.

    Shave each other "Trunks"(Using living paintings, kids pumped outdoor nose)

    Elephant shook the tail. And they all said to each other: "We will be familiar!" And then they said: "It was very nice to meet!"

    And it was really so pleased that since then they got acquainted every day twice a day.

    Why was it nice, what do you think?(assumptions of children)

    In the morning, when they met, and in the evening for goodbye, before going to sleep.

    (From the book "Charging for Tail")

    Third stage. Working with text after reading.

    The teacher invites children to draw up a scheme for the work, highlighting the main characters.

    Why do we need this story?(assumptions of children)

    And what can we extract from it?(assumptions of children)

    Did you like how he began to get acquainted with you a writer, how did he add to you?(assumptions of children)Find in the text.

    • Tag note:

    If the child did not find it, it is not worth saying that it's not that is not that, but to dwell on it, bring children to the dialogue: - And he found interesting. Why do you think so?

    It is necessary to maintain an emotional and positive attitude in children during the lesson.

    How did the heroes appeal to each other?

    What did you do when they were going together?

    Why did they once surprised the words of monkey? What did she suggest?

    Why are the animals repeated the game several times?

    • Tag note:

    It is necessary to teach children themselves to set questions to the text.

    What word does the question begins? (assumptions of children) And what is the most difficult question?

    You can offer children every two weeks to write questions on leaves. The main thing is not a reading fluency, but an understanding, the meaningfulness of the read!

    Fourth stage. Reflection. The results of the lesson.

    And what would you like to do with this fairy tale?(assumptions of children)

    • Tag note:

    The teacher finds out, but does not offer, does not impose his opinion!

    For example, read on the roles: - What do we need to do for this? And what heroes will we then have? And how will we read all the fairy tale or passages? (It is necessary to mark the roles in the text of the pencil of the capital letter)

    For example, to get acquainted with the biography of the author: - What can I say about the author? What is he? (Teacher tells the author in more detail)


    To find out how children perceived the text, ask to draw a cover to the book. It is necessary to draw a drawing, write the author, genre, name.

    Slide 1.

    Clade 2.

    Gregory Benzovich Oster Pseudonym "Isy"; Rod. November 27, 1947, Odessa, Ussr- Soviet and Russian writer, Writer, Dramaturgome, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2007) Creator of the genre of "harmful councils" and the author of the first Russian hypertextual novel "Fairy Tale with details

    Slide 3.

    Biography Gregory Benzovich Oster Russia, 11/27/1947, Children's writer, who is read mainly adults. The author of humorous "textbooks" for children, the creator of several popular animated series - including the Martushka, parrot, elephant and boating - and many other incredibly talented things! In recent years, books of the new Series of Oster appeared: "The problem book. A beloved manual in mathematics "," Physics. Ackless manual. Problem ". In 1997, a new book saw the light - "Vggincture".

    Slide 4.

    The future writer was born in Odessa in the family of a port mechanic. After graduating from high school in 1966, it served on the Northern Fleet for three years. In 1969 it returns to Odessa. In 1970, he comes to Moscow, enters the literary institute. M. Gorky on the department of drama. Studies in absentia. In 1982 he graduated from the Institute. Over the years he wrote a play for puppet theaters: "A man with a tail" (1976), "All wolves are afraid" (1979) and others. In 1975, the first children's book was published. In the 1980s. continues to write plays: "Hello Martyshka" (1983), Comedy "Secret Fund" (1986) and others; Creates films fairy tales: "Boy and Girl" (1981), "Lost Gusenok" (1988), "I got, which bite!" (1989) and others.

    Slide 5.

    In 1990, he publishes remarkable children's books: "Grandmother of Breave", "Great Closing", "Harmful Tips" (a book for naughty children and their parents), "Divination by hand, legs, ears, back and neck", "Children's Superstition "Also writes scripts for the cartridges" Charging for the tail "," 38 parrots "and many others. Obviously, five children of Oster inspire him to create all new games and new heroes, not giving the opportunity to forget childhood. Preaching the style of "Pile Mala", composes a "fairy tale with details" (1989), where there are such chapters: "About a fine, a forgotten wallet, flashed goat, eternal separation and justice", "About pants, full jams", etc. Oster lives and works in Moscow.

    Slide 6.

    Interesting facts in the late 1990s Mikhail Epstein and Alexander Genis included Gregory Oster to the list "Who is who in Russian postmodernism." In this list, consisting of 170 names, Oster is the only children's writer, which "made a contribution to the development of post-hundreds of Russian literature." At the same time, the writer never belonged to neither the socialist or dissident, nor to the avant-garde literary camp. According to critics, its aesthetics is characterized by "stylistic eclectic, subtext, quoting, meaning agents, irony, parody and stylization. In 2004, at the suggestion of Putin's administration, the President of Russia was developed by School Citizens. From September 7, 2008, together with the singer, Glukoza leads the program "Children's poles" on the STS. In the Environment of Children's Literature, Gregory Oster, published in Canada, with its "harmful councils" was the most multi-time - 12 million copies, while other authors were honored with a maximum of 300-400 thousand.

    Slide 7.

    Books "Harmful Tips" "Harmful Tips 2" "Harmful Tips 3" "The Task on Mathematics (ackless manual in mathematics)" "Task on Physics" "Legends and Myths of the Lavrovy Lane" "Luggage manual in mathematics" "Petka-Microbe" " Nasty tasks »" Tale with details "" Book about tasty and healthy eats "" Cool questionnaire for enemies "" Kitten named Gav "" Charging for the tail "" Home and Wild Adults "" Wild and tamed adults "" 38 Parrots " "Papamamalogia" "Education of adults" "Escado Island" "Grandmother of God" "Divination by hand, legs, ears, back and neck"

    Slide 8.

    ZA D A H N I TO MOSCOW "SPARK-M" 1992 Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a manual for students

    Slide 9.

    No glavory allowance for mathematics "No, no, tasks here are real. For the second, third and fourth grades. All of them have a solution and help to fix the material passed in the appropriate class. However, the main task of the" task "is not a material to fix and no relation to Do not have these tasks to what is called an entertaining mathematics. I think that no professional interest will cause these tasks from the winners of mathematical Olympiads. These tasks are just for those who do not like mathematics, habitually considers the solution to tasks to the tasks and tedious work. Here they are Let break down

    Clade 10.

    Harmful tips. Recently, scientists discovered that there are naughty children in the world, who are all doing the opposite. They give a useful advice: "Wash in the morning", - they take and do not wash. They say: "He greet each other," they immediately begin not to greet. Scientists have come up with that such children need not beneficial, but harmful tips. They will do everything on the contrary, and it turns out just right. This book for naughty children. Children! Brothers and sisters! Let me read this book to your parents - and they will immediately stop imagining you, they will simply forget about your existence until they read this book out loud to each other, and then all the neighbors and friends! These "harmful tips" are useful to every normal naughty child!

    Class: 2


    1. Introduce me to students with the work of Oster "will be familiar," to improve the skill of reading, the ability to anticipate the content of the text by name, the ability to answer questions on the content of the text;
    2. Developthe ability to emotionally respond to the artistic work, the ability to express independent judgments about the read;
    3. Educatetolerance, feeling of friendship, good manners.

    Equipment:computer, Multimedia Projector, Television Model, Creativity Tree, Oster Sound Letter, Video Dating, Portrait M.V. Lomonosov.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment. Cold for positive and successful work

    Check availability to the lesson. Dedication to the lesson M.V. Lomonosov.

    - Guys, a lesson of literature today, we devote a person known in the whole world, with whose activities we recently met. Try to guess, about whom there is a speech. Popova Sonya invented a riddle about this man for you.

    (The student makes a riddle)
    (Children's responses.)

    - That's right, it's M.V. Lomonosov ( portrait of Lomonosov is projected on the screen) You already know that in 2011 it will be 300 years from the day of birth. M.V. Lomonosov reached great success in the field of such sciences as ... ( children complement Teacher's phrase) . 1 Slide

    - We meet every lesson of literature with a part of the success of M.V. Lomonosov in the form of stars in the diary. Stand, Guys, raise your hands up, try to get the stars of success. Did you get? Give it to someone, make a good deed, and you still earn during the lesson. ( Children blow up the stars from the palm). I managed to get the whole 26 stars, for each of you, catch! I will be very glad if, after the lesson of the literature, each of you will have at least 5 stars. Sit down.

    II. Speech workout

    - Let's start our lesson with speech workout.

    (Is projected onto the wall.) 2 slide,Attachment 1

    One, two, three, four, five!
    I start not to know you!
    Break, run out,
    To meet again!

    - This poem we need to learn by heart, because Knowing quatrains will come in handy for us during the lesson.

    (Poem learns by heart)

    III. Checking homework

    (Conducted in the form of television poetic transmission using the TV model.)

    1. Reading verses students 3 Slide

    - Hello, our young spectators. We are glad to welcome you on our poetic television. Today, in the performance of students of the second grade School No. 2 of Tashtagol, you will hear the expressive reading of the verses of the wonderful poetess Irina Tokmakova.

    (Children read the verses of Tokmakova).

    2. game "Complement"4 Slide

    - Guys, the game "Complement" holds M.V. Lomonosov. Tell me, who from the readers would especially like M.V. Lomonosov? Who could he make a complement? Why?

    IV. Actualization of knowledge. Message Topics lesson

    - Guys, a letter came to us. Listen to him ...

    (Sound audio recording of the letter of Oster.)

    - Guys, you agree with the writer that when you become an adult, it is not so interesting to read fairy tales?

    - This letter wrote Grigory Oster. We have already met with this writer. Remember what works he wrote.

    (Children's responses.)
    (Portrait of a writer, his books are projected on the screen) 5-6 slides.

    - I know that the most favorite work for you are "Harmful Tips" of Oster. And today on our Wood creativity There are harmful tips you wrote. Let's read.

    (The teacher removes the fruit from the improvised tree of creativity and reads the harmful advice. Tips are discussed.)

    - Today we will read the fairy tale of Oster, "We will be familiar," where our friends will meet: Parrot, Marty, elephant, boa. And on a change after 3 lesson in the class, a cartoon with these heroes will be shown.

    And now, I suggest you to hold a fizminutka with a mardy, an elephant and a parrot.


    7 Slide
    (Fizkultminutka is performed under the music.)

    - Guys, tell me when they say "will be familiar"?
    - Which of you loves to get acquainted?
    - I think you will easily predict the content of fairy tales "will be familiar."
    - What do you think about she?

    (Assumptions of children)

    V. Work on the subject of the lesson

    1. Wordwork8 Slide

    accidentally -
    Dear -
    with pleasure -
    suggested -

    Charging eye 9 Slide

    2. Reading a fairy tale with strong students

    (Before reading the teacher gives a task: if an incomprehensible word meets, then remember it to then ask).

    3. Conversation for read

    - Did your forecast justified?
    - Name the heroes of the fairy tale.
    - What did friends love?
    "Why did everyone surprised when Martyshka once said:" Oh, what's a pity, what are we familiar with each other? "
    - What do you think Martyka loved his friends? Prove your answer with words from the text.
    - What game came up with friends?
    - Is it possible to call the heroes of the fairy tale in real friends?

    4. Reading fairy tales on roles

    5. Repetition of the rules of etiquette

    - Remember the dating rules. I suggest you to see a fragment of dating Fadeeva Oley. When you look, say whether Olesya got acquainted right?

    (Shows a fragment of dating.)

    - What is your opinion? Olesya, try a fragment of dating to analyze myself.

    (Student analyzes the scene of dating)

    6. Game "We will be familiar"

    - Do you want to play this game? Words we already learned.

    (A scene is played out where 4 people participate)

    Vi. Reflection. The results of the lesson

    1. Frontal survey

    - What fairy tale today today met at the lesson?
    - Who is her author?
    - Try to answer in one word to the question: "What is this fairy tale?"

    (Children's responses)

    2. Work with proverbs.

    - Complete proverbs about friendship:

    • An old friend is better than two new ones)
    • Friend is known in trouble)
    • No arc - look, ... (and you can find, take care)

    (Children at the board make up proverbs that are broken into two parts.)

    3. Game "Finish phrase ..."10 Slide

    (Phrases are projected on the screen)

    Today I learned ...
    It was interesting…
    It was difficult…
    I performed tasks ...
    I realized that ...
    Now I can…
    I felt that ...
    I purchased ...
    I learned…
    I managed …
    I could ...
    I'll try…
    I was surprised ...
    The lesson gave me for life ...
    I wanted…

    5. Estimates for the lesson (on the stars - particles of success M.V. Lomonosov).

    Now read the word in the dedicated cells. Right is Oster, the name of the writer, whose books we talked today. Read them, they are very interesting!