Do I need zno absentee learning

Do I need zno absentee learning

Ningі Ukrainian Abіturієnthat, Yaki, joining to the visiting inaccurate mortgage without knowingly unfortunately. Vidteper Sign - єdinny Cryteria Insupport Doping Incremental Zavladіv. Alya Student in the fined PNZ without Zdachi is really real. Yak? Northe Mi Roskriєmo Sun Secret.

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ZNO - TSA є Dinja Method of Inspoup without a habannitztva, ZV "Yazkіv that of the first hand. Yakscho Way wants to remove the knowledge of і і і Светиваться, в девой обовий. And the rіzni system in bulk to day for you Lishe Bіlshyu Chi Meti.

The introductory campaign in Ukrainian universities has already traditionally began with problems - the ISEBO system has suspended work for technical reasons throughout the day.

Applicants complain that the documents can only be downloaded from the third or fourth time, and the adoptive commissions of universities are preparing to work at night and weekends. In the meantime, the network is already involved in the network to enter any university even with the failed results of VOO.

"First arrival, then money"

An ads for help in admission to universities have already appeared on the network. "Any help in the educational sector is a diploma, admission. Write, ask, make miracles," - it is said in the announcement.

"News" called the author of the announcement under the guise of an applicant, who did not have enough points, and tried to ask to help enter the Physomat Knu. T. Shevchenko. As the announcement author explained to us, the price includes not only the receipt, but also immediately a diploma for 4 courses (bachelor) with confirmation of training and even the presence of marks about classes. "This is possible. How much do you expect? I think it will cost 5 thousand dollars," Vladimir told us. And it assured that as a guarantee, we first give all the documents, and only after that we will have to pay: "You only need a certificate certificate, did you give up tests? Do not worry if there are not enough points, then this is not a problem. We can arrange Even entering the budget, so you even get cheaper. "

By the way, in the same amount, the cost of the training contract in the university will cost.

True, in the university itself, they say that they are placed by fraudsters. "We officially addressed the site administrators with a request to remove all these ads. This is an outrageous and frank provocation. Who could be placed, we did not say, the author was very well offended by the traces," Vestor Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work KNU. T. Shevchenko Vyacheslav Shamray.

The system does not work

The EEHBO system itself, in which applicants are recorded, despite all the promises of the Ministry of Education, again gives failures. "Register turned out only from the fourth time. First, I barely entered the system, and then, when I already introduced my data, the system refused to save them, was shielded that the applicant was not found with such data. Having found a bunch of nerves, still registered, but familiar I would say that although a couple of days were still waiting, "said the graduate of one of Mariupol Schools by Sergey Romanov.

Staff receiving commissions Regarding the breakdowns of the system are already joking. "The speed of work is a day before yesterday - you can press and relax," says the teacher of Kiev University. Boris Greenschenko Larisa Artyukh.

At the same time, the universities do not deny that such problems are unlikely to be able to solve and slowly prepare for the worst. "Already a lunch break, and statements - not alone. So on Sunday I will spend the day with the EEHBOO, and not family," the NPU employee complains. Dragomanova Yaroslav Skripkin. "We still have everything worked before 10 in the morning, and then problems began - there are applications, but it does not work out to be handled: first the system is loaded for a long time, and then it can" Bluff ", and you have to run everything. I think we will work on last year's The schedule is all applications to download at night or early in the morning when the load is less, "said Olesya Vaschuk," West, "director of the Center for the Organization of Educational Training of the Odessa Yurakademy.

The state order does not give money

The universities complain that the issue with the State Seascape is still not fully resolved. "Usually, we receive the number of places of state order until July 18. As we were explained in the ministry, it is not yet subscribing to the Cabinet of Cabinet and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Everyone passed, but they do not give money," says Vaschuk.

As explained in the Ministry of Education, the amount of state order for state employees this year will decrease by almost 17% due to demographic situationSince in 2017 the number of graduates of 11 classes decreased by 4.3% compared with last year. "In 2017, the volume of state order in the specialties: physics and astronomy; applied physics and nanomaterials; mathematics; micro- and nanosystems; biotechnology and bioengineering; nuclear power. and the hotel and restaurant business, "they spoke in the department.