Satirical work. What are the satirical image (grotesque, hyperbole) are used in the story? Calculate examples of using these examples in the text.

Satirical work. What are the satirical image (grotesque, hyperbole) are used in the story? Calculate examples of using these examples in the text.
Satirical work. What are the satirical image (grotesque, hyperbole) are used in the story? Calculate examples of using these examples in the text.

The word "grotesque" comes from french term, meaning "comic", "funny", "intricate", "quaint". This is an oldest reception in the literature, which, like the hyperbole, is based on the exaggeration, the pointing of the qualities of people, as well as the properties of nature phenomena, objects, facts of society. But in Grotesque, the exaggeration is of particular nature: it is a fantastic, in which fully displayed not only beyond the so-called life-like, but also permissible, probable from the position of truth. In which grotesque arises (the examples we will also imagine), is a fantastic deformation of the existing reality.

The emergence of the term

The term itself appeared in the 15th century to designate the type of artistic imagery, very unusual. In one of the grottoes Ancient Rome During the excavation, an interesting and original ornament was discovered in which fantastically interspersed with various human, animals and vegetable forms.

Where is grotesque?

Along with the hyperbole, it is used widely in fairy tales, legends and myths grotesque. Examples of it in these genres are very numerous. One of the brightest in the fairy tale is an image

Writers, creating characters based on grotesque, use as an artistic convention. Exaggeration. At the same time, it can be realistic and justified (for example, in the description of the Khlestakov Petersburg life, which is the result of the passion of this hero to lie). In the works of Lermontov, this technique is used for a romantic image of events and heroes. It is based on although it is possible, but exceptional. Blurred are the boundaries between real and fantastic, but they do not disappear.

Basis Grotesque

The impossible, unthinkable, but the necessary author to achieve some artistic effect is the basis of Grotesque. This is thus a fantastic hyperbole, since the usual exaggeration is closer to reality, while the grotesque is to a nightmare sleep, where fantastic imagination of fantastic visions are not amenable to logical explanations, can be a terrifying "reality" for people. The occurrence of the imagery of Grotesque with the most complex mechanisms that the human psyche has is connected. It interacts the unconscious and conscious. Based on exaggeration images that are so impressive of us in works created by domestic writers, no wonder there is often precisely in the dreams of characters. It is very often used grotesque. Examples from literature can be given as follows: these are the dreams of Tatiana Larina and Skolnikov.

Fantastic elements of Larina and Skolnikov dreams

The dream of Tatiana Larina (the work of "Eugene Onegin", the fifth chapter) is filled with images of monsters, which are grotesque. With horror, this heroine is noticed in the fantastic dance slash, in the image of which grotesque is used. Examples: "Skull on a goose neck", "Cancer riding on a spider", "Mill danced".

In also a fantastic, created an image of a laughing old woman, which can also be attributed to the grotesque. The psychological equivalent of truth is the delusional vision of the hero: the fighting of him with evil, which was embodied in the image of "malicious old women", as a result was just a ridiculous struggle, like the one that was carried out with Don Quixote. Only wildly laughing evil over the Raskolnikov. What he eager to kill him, thus growing up and more to him himself.

Connection with realistic images, situations, events

Created by various authors based on grotesque seem to us absolutely absurd, implausible from the position of common sense. Emotional and expressive, the striking effect effect is often intensified by the fact that such a form interacts with realistic, quite ordinary, plausible events, situations.

Realistic elements in Larina and Skolnikov's dreams

The elements of reality in both of these works have grotesque, and not only in them: examples from the literature represented by the work of other authors also prove the presence of two elements in it (fantastic and realistic). For example, in a nightmare, donated by Tatiana, the characters are found, along with terrible mandes, easily recognizable Lensky and Onegin.

In the dream of the Hero, Raskolnikova Motivation of the grotesque image and the situation from the episode, in which the laxing old woman is depicted is quite real. This is just a dream-remembrance of the main character about the murder perfect. There is nothing fantastic in the Topore and the criminal itself.

Using grotesque Satyrian writers

The combination of ordinary public and everyday situations with grotesque patterns with various Satyricis writers is widely used. So, the images of the city holders of the city of silly, one of which is the "Organic" instead of brains, and the other on the other on the shoulders stuffed the head were created in the "stories of one city" M. E. Saltykov-generous.

This story is also filled with some grotesque, incredible situations (wars against those who refused to use mustard; "War for Education", etc.). All of them were brought by the author to the absurd, however, they depict to Russia quite ordinary conflicts and contradictions between the people and the Samogne authorities.

We told briefly about the examples from fiction You can also give other. They are quite numerous. Thus, a very popular phenomenon - grotesque. Examples in Russian can be supplemented with works of foreign authors, as this work is used very actively.

The story rises bribery, korestolubia judges; Lack of an ordered legislative system in the state.

The sympathy causes the heroes of the story "Shemyakin Court" Pop and "A resident of Grad", who had a father. They lost their close relatives, went to court to seek fair punishment for the offender, and found bullying a sales judge.

The expression "Shemyakin Court" means an unfair, coherent court.

The main reception satyric image In the story is grotesque. He aggravates life relations in story; Shows at the same time the comic situation, and tragedy human fate. Court's decisions were erected into the degree of absurdity: Shemyaka suggests the ass to give a wretched sweep until it cares for the new son; The rich agriculture suggests to give a wretched horse until the tail does not grow.

Hyperbole - artistic receptionbased on exaggeration; Used in stories in order to show how unjust the judicial system. Example: "I decided to betray my death and rushed with the bridge in ditch ... Rushing, fell on the old man and removed the Father to death ...". If a child of his ass, he could still crush to death (for example, the child was breastless), then the old man kill, falling from the bridge, and still to stay in health himself - it is impossible. This is a strong exaggeration. Hyperboles can be called the tailing of the horse at the horse, indifferent to the poor murder, the likelihood of which, even one, is almost equal to zero.

Grotesque - reception characterized by application fantastic images, as well as a summary and sharpening life relationship through a bizarre and contrast combination of real and fantastic, plausibility and caricatures, hyperboles and an aloghism. Example: "He took his fire around, tied them for the tail of a horse." Even without a clamp, it was possible to admit woods to the horse. However, the poor entered too alogically.

Shamics solutions are incompatible with the decision of the judge. Therefore, they can be called grotesque: the offer to wait until the horse will grow a new tail; The offer to repeat the situation with the death of the father of the city resident, who was taken to the bath, and also jump into the poor to try to kill him; The decision to make the poor to fix the death of the Son of the Ts, to live with Pettoh as with his wife until they born their child in return for the murdered.

2. How to reveal the problem of raising a true citizen in Comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Lady"?

The question of false and true upbringing is enclosed in the title. Not in vain in modern Russian, the word inexpensive means the ability. After all, Mitrofan did not have learned anything at his sixteen years, although the mother hired him teachers, but she did it not from love for a diploma, but only because Peter was so commanded 1. Prostakova did not hide it "... you're at least So that it reached the ears of him, how you work! .. "
Positive smart heroes, such as Pravdin, the Straighs, said: "... I have a heart, have a soul and you will be a person at all times ..." They despise people of cowardly, unfair, dishonest. Stokers believed that it was not necessarily a child to leave a lot of money, the main thing is to raise dignity in it. "... Golden Bolon - all the boyfriend ..."
The character of a person is formed in the family, and what person could Mitrofanushka become? He took over all the vices from the mother: extreme ignorance, rudeness, greed, cruelty, contempt of others. Not surprising, because parents are always the main example to imitate children. And what an example could file my son Mrs. Prostakakova, if if she allowed himself to rudely, to humble, humiliate others? Of course, she loved Mitrofan, but in connection with this heavily spoiled him:
- Let's give a breakfast to the child.
- He's so five buns talked.
- So you sorry the sixth, theft?
This is how diligence! Please watch.
"... Mitrofanushka, if the study is so dangerous for your head, so for me to stop ..."
The influence of mother and serfdom seduced Mitrofan - he grows by ignorant.
The teachers also could not give a worthy formation to Mitrofan, because they were the same feasible. Kuteykin and Tsifirkin did not reread and were not forced to learn to learn, and he was not interested in this process. If something did not work, the boy threw the case and searched to another. He has already studied for three years, and he did not know anything new. "... I don't want to learn, I want to marry ..."
These teachers Mrs. Prostakova prefers the former German Kucher of the Morlianman, who does not tire her son, and if he is tired, of course, let go of the child's grieving child.
As a result, the beloved son brings the mother to a fainted state with her indifference to her feelings, betrayal.
"... That's getting worthy of the fruits!" This replica of the senior is giving that such education leads to a heartlessness, to an irreparable result. In the final, Mitrofan is a sample of heartlessness.
I think the problem of upbringing was, there will be probably always. That is why the modern reader will be interested and useful to comedy "inexpensive." She will reveal the consequences of unworthy upbringing given to the main hero. Will make thinking as young readersAnd their parents.

Tale O. Shemyakin court - This is an example of witty and deep satire. She denses greed and borestip, bribery and stupidity.

Questions and tasks

1. Who is the heroes of the story "Shemyakin Court"? Which of them is right? Which side the author?

The characters of the story are:

    two brothers peasant - poor (poor) and rich;


    by chance of a celebrated citizen;


It can be said that each of them is right. Poor brother is not to blame that they are scum. Rich is also right, because the horse was unfairly spoiled. Past had a great grief - his son died right in the house. And the citizen of rights - his father died randomly.

What are the crimes of the hero of the story? Which heroes are punished?

The crime of the hero is that he does not know how to get out of his poverty. The horse's tail was cut off because he tied a wagon to him - he even x omut did not turn out, and brother did not want to give. Popova Son he crushed randomly, because there was wanted and fell from the shelf. He killed the father of the town dwellery also by the will of the case - jumped from the bridge to reduce scores with life.

Almost every hero, besides the wretched, punished: Rich gave money for the horse, Pop - not to give a wretched back, and the town dweller is to avoid ridiculous death as a result of revenge. Partly punished and the judge for his greed - he did not get a penny. However, everyone who had tested about Shemyakin Court understands that all these punishments are unfair. Each of the heroes of rights, but they all got anything.

2. Who rizuats the story? Which of the heroes causes sympathy and why?

The story of the Shemyakin Court rises the greed and sales of the judge. Sympathy arises to all other heroes, in addition to the wretched, perhaps. He would be silent and go home, and he asks from the rest of the money.

3. What kind of court say: "Shemyakin Court"?

About the most unfair, which not only does not allow the situation, but also aggravates the situation.

4. What are the techniques of satirical image (grotesque, hyperbole) used in the story? Give examples of using these techniques in the text of the story?

Hyperbola (Exaggeration) is used in stories in order to show how unjust the judicial system. Even a strong exaggeration is not able to call surprise from the reader.

Example: "I decided to betray my death and rushed with the bridge in ditch ... Rushing, fell on the old man and removed the Father to death ...". If a child of his ass, he could still crush to death (for example, the child was breastless), then the old man kill, falling from the bridge, and still to stay in health himself - it is impossible. This is a strong exaggeration.

Grotesque - Reception characterized by the use of fantastic images, alogides to illustrate real events. They are used to pool attention on certain accents.

Example: "He took his fire around, tied them for the tail of a horse." Even without a clamp, it was possible to admit woods to the horse. However, the poor entered too alogically.

Develop the gift of words

2. What impression makes the story on you? Prepare a detailed answer by including expression Shemyakin courtas a saying.

The story of the Shemyakin Court produces a sad impression, creates a feeling of total injustice and nonsense. Despite the fact that it is written with a fair fraction of irony, the heroes involuntarily becomes sorry. The hopelessness of their position reflects the lives of many contemporaries of the writer.

In modern social structures, such a state of affairs has been preserved. And from time to time we have to experience this very Shemyakin court.

3. Consider illustrations to the story "Shemyakin Court". Choose at your discretion several episodes depicted on them. Retell them close to the text of the story.

The story of Shemyakin Court can be found from the pictures.

2nd: He took (the poor man) Horse, and gaining a complete stupor, tied it to a horse tail. Then he hit her whip, so that she pulls the cargo, and she jerked, and her tail broke away.

3rd: He came to his rich brother to return a horse. He saw that she was without a tail, and not thinking for a short time, went to the city of Broga beat to the poor man.

4th: I saw the poor man from the climb that his brother documented with Pop, and his name was not called, and fell down. Fell and attached little Son Top to death.

5th engraving: I understood the poor man that he will bring him from the light of a white brother and pop, and decided to reduce the scores with life. Rounded from the bridge down. And under it was one of the townspeople - I was going to wash my father. The poor man, falling, pressed the old man to death.

/ / / Receptions of satirical image in the novel Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city"

Novel famous Masters Satyry Saltykov-Shchedrin "" became visual picture society's life with autocratic strict tsarist Russia. Despite the techniques of satirical image - grotesque, metaphor, allegory, fantastic elements, hyperbola - readers brightly saw the reality of that time.

The actions of the novel occur in the city of Sillious. This place you will not find on the map, as it is the fiction of the author. The silomen and their city holders live here. Chiefs display different defects of real managers. The novel tells about them in individual chapters, and there are their overall inventory. This term is not introduced by chance, but in order to emphasize the inanimity and limited images of urban bosses. They, in essence, are simple puppets of their greedy motives - profit and glory.

Saltykov-Shchedrin at the beginning of his novel assures readers that this work is the manuscript found by them. That is, it reliably displays the way of life of the city with the name of silly. Such a reception by the author once again clarifies its idea - under the mask of the fictional city to display the lives of modern Russia. Namely - point to the vice public building With autocracy. The innovative was that the writer rises not only the power, but also a gray mass of residents, tolerant violence.

Image Images The author formed using satirical techniques - hyperbola, allegory, fiction elements. In general, bright grotesque portraits came out. In each hero, there was a strange feature that was surprised, terrified or simply called laughter. However, it was necessarily laid important symbolic meaning. So, for example, a hareel with an organcifer instead of the head personified the limited and silentness of the autocratic system.

Brighter of all depicts the last garde -. It feels a real historical personality - the Arakcheev reformer. Therefore, in this image there are more mystical techniques than comic. Thus, we understand that the author summarizes all the vices of autocracy. And here there is no place for the Commission. Creation of a portrait of a sullen-burver, the author did not regret the most sharp receptions of satire. He is straightforward to so much that he wanted, so that all the inhabitants were constantly marching along straight lines. In general, all stupid was supposed to become like a "ideal" barrack. Gulm-burver took into account only his desires, not believing with the people. Therefore, his rule ends tragic - it disappears under the action of an unknown element. For this element, the power of the people is guessed.

Used in some parts of the novel, the shape of the chronicles allows the author to strengthen the comicness. The stationery spent, intertwined with the spacious, sayings and proverbs, causes bewilderment and laughter.

Saltykov-Shchedrin perfectly owned the "Esopov language". He called his novel, he called the chronicles, and he would make himself a simple publisher. Using such a way, the author was able to protect himself from censorship and revenge the superior persons of that time. So he boldly described the events of reality and hinted on historical personalities, After all, all this happened in the fictional city of silly. And what can you make a fiction of the writer? Although the dirty readers easily guessed the subtext of the ironic novel.

The inventory of events in silly ceased with the disappearance of the last Gradorchik of the Ugryum-Burchhev. It seems to have ceased the course. But did it stopped at all or simply flowed in their natural bed? Saltykov-Shchedrin believed in the wreck of "silly building" in reality.