Great Masters: Amati, Stradivari, Guardari. Viypical Masters of Italy Message about famous Italian violin masters

Great Masters: Amati, Stradivari, Guardari. Viypical Masters of Italy Message about famous Italian violin masters
Great Masters: Amati, Stradivari, Guardari. Viypical Masters of Italy Message about famous Italian violin masters

The violin Masters of Italy created so beautiful musical instruments that they still are considered the best, despite the fact that many new technologies of their manufacture have appeared in our age. Many of them have been preserved so far in excellent condition, and today they play the most famous and best performers in the world.

A. Stradivari.

The most famous and deeds master is Antonio Stradivari, who was born and lived in Cream. To date, approximately seven hundred tools made by his hands have been preserved in the world. The teacher Antonio was no less famous Master Nikolo Amati.

The exact date of birth of A. Stradivari is unknown. Having learned from N. Amati, he opened his workshop and surpassed his teacher. Antonio improved violin created by Nikolo. He sought more sought and flexible tool voice, made a more curved shape, decorated them. A. Stradivari, except for violins, created an alta, guitar, cello and harp (at least one). Pupils of the Great Master were his sons, but they failed to repeat the success of their father. It is believed that the secret of the magnificent sound of his violins did not give even his sons, so he was not solid until now.

Family Amati

Amati Family is a violin masters from an ancient Italian genus. They lived in the ancient city of Cremon. Founded Andrea Dynasty. He was the first treble master in the family. The exact date of birth is unknown. In 1530, he and his brother Antonio opened the workshop for the manufacture of violins, alto and cello. They developed their own technologies and created the tools of modern type. Andrea achieved that his tools sounded silver, gently, clearly and clean. At the age of 26, A. Amati became famous. The master has been taught by his sons.

The most famous in the family by the manufacturer of String became grandson Andrea Amati - Nikolo. He enhanced the sound and shape of the tools that created his grandfather. Nikolo increased the size, reduced the bulges on the decks, made larger sides and a thinner waist. He also changed the composition of the varnish, which made it transparent and gave him the shades of bronze and gold.

There was a school founder for violin masters. Many famous manufacturers were his disciples.

Family Guardarry

The violin masters from this dynasty also lived in Cremona. The very first in the genus the manufacturer of the violin was Andrea Gvarnery. Like A. Stradivari, he was a student Nikolo Amati. From 1641, Andrea lived in his house, worked as an apprentice and for it I received the necessary knowledge for it. From the house of Nikolo, he went in 1654, after he married. Soon A. Gwarnery opened his workshop. The masters had four children - daughter and three sons - Pietro, Giuseppe and Eusebio Amati. Two first went in the footsteps of the Father. Eusebio Amati was named after the great teacher of the Father and was his kard. But, despite this name, he was the only one of the children A. Gwarnery did not become a violin master. The most famous in the family is Giuseppe. He surpassed his father. The Violins of the Gwarnerty Dynasty were not so popular as the tools A. Stradivari and Family of Athi. The demand for them was at the expense of not very expensive value and creamous origin - which was prestigious.

Now there are approximately 250 instruments made in the workshop of Guardari.

Less well-known Masters of Treaks of Italy

Were in Italy and other violin masters. But they are less known. And their tools are valued less than those created by great masters.

Gasparo da Salo (Bertolotti) is the main rival of Andrea Amati, who challenged from the founder of the famous dynasty the right to consider the inventor of the violin of the modern species. He also created double bass, alta, cello, and so on. To this day, very few tools created by him came, no more than a dozen.

Giovanni Majini - a student G. Ya Salo. At first he copied the instruments of the mentor, then improved his work, relying on the achievement of creamous masters. Its violins are distinguished by very soft sound.

Francesco Rujerri - Pupil N. Amati. His violins are valued at least than the instruments of his mentor. Francesko invented the violin of a small size.

Ya. Steiner

Outstanding violin deeds Master of Germany - Jacob Steiner. He was ahead of his time. During his lifetime, he was considered the best. The violins created by him were greater value than those that A. Stradivarius did. The Jacob teacher, presumably, was the Italian violin master A. Amati, as the style in his works was traced in which representatives of this great dynasty worked. Personality Ya. Steiner remains mysterious until now. In his biography, many secrets. Nothing is known about when and where he was born, who was his mother and father, from which family he took place. But he had a wonderful education, he owned several languages \u200b\u200b- Latin and Italian.

It is assumed that N. Amati Jacob studied for seven years. After that, he returned to his homeland and opened his workshop. Soon, Herzgertzov appointed him to the court master and gave a good salary.

Violin Jacob Steiner differed from others. The declaration station was sharper, which made it possible to increase the volume inside the tool. The neck, instead of the usual curls, was crowned with lion heads. The sound of his products was distinguished from Italian samples, it was unique, cleaner and high. The resonator hole had a star shape. Luck and soil he used Italian.

These three masters are considered the creators of the first violins of modern type. However, it would be an exaggeration to see in them the first masters, which made a nine-quality bone tools. They inherited the tradition of manufacturing VIOL (and Lyuten), represented by a few preserved tools. There are documentary evidence of the existence of the violins, which were used for 30 years (and maybe earlier) before the first well-known tools of Andrea Amati, dating from 1546.

On the other hand, the visual materials indicate that during the lifetime of Andrea in the go there was a tool model, distinguished from the one that was approved as the AMA standard in Cremona and his colleagues in Brescia. This last type of tool has not significantly changed the century later the Great Antonio Stradivari. AMATA for the first time set the type of violin as a tool approaching its expressiveness to the timbre of a human voice (soprano).

Andrea Amati made violins predominantly small, with low sides and a rather high set of Dec. The head is large, the masterfully carved. For the first time, the selection of wood, characteristic of the creamian school: Maple (lower decks, sides, head), spruce or fir (top decks). On cello and double bass, the lower decks are sometimes of pear and plane. I achieved clear, silver, gentle (but not strong) sound. Andrea Amati highly raised the value of the profession of a violin wizard. Created by him Classic type of violin (model outlines, processing of decoctions Dec) remained mainly unchanged. All subsequent improvements made by other masters mainly concerned sound strength. Currently, Andrea Amati tools are rare. Its works are characterized by a large grace and perfection of geometric lines.

Amati brought the type of violin, produced by its predecessors, to perfection. In some violins of a larger format (364-365 mm) of the so-called Grand Amati, it has strengthened the sound while keeping the softness and tenderness of the voice. With the grace of shape, his tools produce a more monumental impression than the work of its predecessors. Golden varnish lacquer with a light brown tint, sometimes meets red. Forest and cello Nikolo Amati. Violins and cello, created by the most famous of the masters of the Amati family - Nikolo, has been preserved very little - a little more than 20.

Amia violins have a pleasant, clean, gentle, although not strong, tone; Violins these small size, beautifully separated, from above and below are significantly deployed, as a result of which they do not have a wide and sonic tone.

It can be noted that people who have reached perfection in any activity practically have students. After all, knowledge exists in order to distribute it. Someone transfers his native, from generation to generation. Someone transfers as talented craftsmen, and someone just all those who show interest. But there are those who are trying to hide the secrets of their skill to the last breath. Anna Babagal about the riddles Antonio Stradivari.

Before understanding its true purpose, the great master went through a lot of professions. He tried to draw, make wooden decorations for furniture, to vale statues. Antonio Stradivari diligently studied the ornament of doors and wall painting of cathedrals, until he realized that his music would lead.

Stradivari did not become famous due to insufficient hand mobility

Despite the prospective classes in the violin, a famous musician, he failed to become. Stradivari's hands were not moving enough to extract special purity melody. However, he possessed an excellent hearing and hot desire to improve the sound. Seeing this, Nikolo Amati (Stradivari teacher) decided to devote his ward to the process of creating a violin. After all, the sound of the musical instrument directly depends on the quality of the assembly.

Soon, Antonio Stradivari found out what thickness should be decks. I learned to choose the right tree. I understood how role the violin playing the covering of her lacquer plays, and what is the purpose of the spring inside the tool. At the twenty-two years, he made his first violin.

In his violin, Stradivari wanted to hear children's and female voices

After he managed to create a violin, no worse than his teacher, he began to work independently. Stradivari caught fire with a dream to build the most perfect tool. He was just obsessed with this idea. In the future violin, the master wanted to hear the sounds of children's and female votes.

Before achieving the desired result, Antonio Stradivari went through thousands of options. The most important thing was to find a suitable tree variety. Each tree resonates in different ways, and he was looking for, distinguishing them through the acoustic properties. Of great importance was the same in which month was the spinel trunk. For example, if in spring or summer, it was the likelihood that the tree will spoil everything, as it will have a lot of juices. A truly good tree was rare. Often, the master gently used one barrel for several years.

The sound of the future violin directly depended on the composition of the varnish, which covered the tool. And not only from varnish, but also from the soil, which we need to cover the tree so that the lacquer is not absorbed into it. The master weighed the details of the violin trying to find the best proportion between the bottom and the top deck. It was a long and painstaking work. Many of the tried options and many years of calculations went to make, unsurpassed by sound qualities, violin. And only at the age of fifty-six years he managed to construct it. It was elongated in shape and had inside the housing of foes and irregularities, so that the sound is enriched by the appearance of a large number of high overtones.

Stradivari created the perfect tool aged 56 years

However, in addition to excellent sound, his tools were famous for an unusual view. He masterfully decorated them with all sorts of drawings. All violins were different: short, long, narrow, wide. Later, he began to do other string tools - cello, harp and guitar. Thanks to her work, he achieved fame and honor. Kings and noble Venels ordered him the tools that were considered the best in Europe. For their lives, Antonio Stradivari produced about 2500 tools. Of these, 732 original are preserved.

For example, the famous cello called "Bass Spain" or the most magnificent creation of the master - the violin "Messiah" and the violin "MYUN", on the inscription on which (1736. D'Inni 92) calculated that the master was born in 1644.

However, despite the beauty he created as a person, he remembered silent and sullen. Contemporaries he seemed alienated and stingy. Perhaps he was so due to the constant hard work, and maybe he was just jealous.

Antonio Stradivari died in ninety-three years. But until the end of his long life, he continued to make tools. His creations admire and appreciate so far. Unfortunately, the master did not see decent successors of the knowledge he acquired. In the literal sense of the word, he took him into the grave.

Stradivari manufactured about 2500 tools, 732 original preserved

The most interesting thing is that the violins made by them are practically not aging and do not change their sound. It is known that the master washed the wood in seawater and exposed its effects of complex chemical compounds of plant origin. However, it is not possible to determine the chemical composition of the soil and varnish affixed to its tools. On the example of Stradivari works, scientists have conducted many studies and attempts to make a violin. Until now, no one gets to achieve that perfect sound, like the original creations of the master.

Many Stradivari tools are in rich private collections. About two dozen violins of the master is in Russia: several violins are in the state collection of musical instruments, one - in the Museum of Glinka and a few more - in private ownership.

Perhaps no other tool glorified its creator as a violin. The phrase "Violin Stradivari" has become already nominal. It is not worth it, however, forget that in addition to Stradivari there were other great masters who took place in the history of this wonderful tool.

One of the first violin masters were Gasparo Bertolotti (or "Yes Salo") (approx. 1542-1609) and Giovanni Paolo Madzhini (approx. 1580-1632) from Brescia in the north of Italy. But still the glory of the global treble capital by law belongs to Cremon. It was in this city that Masters Amati, Stradivari and Guarnery worked.


The first were members of the Amati family. Andrea Amati (approx. 1520 - approx. 1580) was the founder of the dynasty. The teachers are unknown. Andrea, alongside Bertolotti and Majini, made the first violins, which were different from the late samples adopted for the standard. There is also a documentary evidence of the existence of violins, which were used for 30 years (and maybe earlier) before the first tools known to us, Andrea Amati, dated 1564. The most famous representative of the family Amati was Nikolo Amati (1596-1684). He brought the type of violin, developed by its predecessors, to perfection. In some violins of a larger format (364-365 mm) of the so-called Grand Amati, it has strengthened the sound while keeping the softness and tenderness of the voice. With the grace of shape, his tools produce a more monumental impression than the work of its predecessors. Golden-yellow varnish with a slight brown tint, sometimes meets red. Also, he entered the story as a teacher Antonio Stradivari. But after his death, the workshop was closed, and the violin school of Amati disappeared.

violin Amati


Antonio Stradivari (approx. 1644-1737) is the most famous violin wizard, more than 1,100 tools of which (over 600 of them are known today) are considered a vertex in the field of typical skill of all time. Almost all the life of the master was devoted to the improvement of his art and the manufacture of magnificent tools that covered his name unfastened glory. As a student at Amati, he has long sought the creation of a violin, sounding the same as the violin of his teacher. Having reached this sound, he went further and created his violin design. He paid a lot of attention to a lacquer covering the violin. The voices of his violins look like a ringing gentle female voice, the voice of a girl singing on the square of Cremona. Unfortunately, his sons could not stand the gift and knowledge of the Father.

pradivari violin


The third place in the Great Triumviratus of Cremonians is occupied by the Gwarnerty family. The oldest of the masters of this family, Andrea Gvarnery, studied Nikolo Amati, but did not achieve special success. Giuseppe Gwarnery (or Giuseppe del Jesu) (1698-1744), who made the tools with bright individuality and strong sound, became the most famous representative. Its violin did not give anything, and perhaps even surpassed Stradivari violins. The voice of his violins is much warmer and rich. It was on Violin Gwarnetri that played the famous violinist Niccolo Paganini.

violin Guardarry

By 1750, a glorious period of violin masters ended, although Germany, France, England and other countries, as well as Italy and continued to make violins.

Used materials