Literary living room "Winter in Music, Fine Arts, Poetry" for children of senior preschool age. "Winter theme in the works of Russian and foreign composers" Melody about the first snow Author and name

Literary living room
Literary living room "Winter in Music, Fine Arts, Poetry" for children of senior preschool age. "Winter theme in the works of Russian and foreign composers" Melody about the first snow Author and name

Purpose: Create conditions for educating a sense of love for nature, poetry, music.


Educational.Competently and emotionally disassemble the musical work, be able to listen to music and fulfill it. Continue mastering the musical language of its expressive agents. Enter children into the sound of the surrounding world, through music.

Educational.Rise the culture of the hearing, the ability to emotionally respond to the musical work. Strengthen interest in music. Continue to teach listen, peering, think about music. Develop a creative beginning in children.

Developing.Develop music mood definition skills. The skill and skills of the intonational clean and rhythmically accurate singing.

Age audience: Students 9-10 years old

Technical equipment: Music center, video projector, synthesizer, screen.

Musical instruments: Piano, synthesizer, violin, guitar



Lecture - Concert

"Winter Music"

Purpose: Create conditions for educating a sense of love for nature, poetry, music.


Educational.Competently and emotionally disassemble the musical work, be able to listen to music and fulfill it. Continue mastering the musical language of its expressive agents. Enter children into the sound of the surrounding world, through music.

Educational. Rise the culture of the hearing, the ability to emotionally respond to the musical work. Strengthen interest in music. Continue to teach listen, peering, think about music. Develop a creative beginning in children.

Developing. Develop music mood definition skills. The skill and skills of the intonational clean and rhythmically accurate singing.

Age audience: Students 9-10 years old

Technical equipment: Music center, video projector, synthesizer, screen.

Musical instruments: Piano, synthesizer, violin, guitar


I. 1. Verses about winter.

2. Conversation about winter (questions).

3. Listening to Music A. Vivaldi and P. Tchaikovsky, performing students of DMSH.

4. Loss.

II. Performance of the song.

III. Outcome.

Accompanying material:

Presentation with paintings of Levitan, Shishkin, Monet. Portraits of composers with surnames of composers A. Vivaldi, P. Tchaikovsky.

Lecture - Concert

Children enter the class to music("Mistel" Sviridova sounds.)

Greeting: "Hello, guys!"

Poems about winter.

Sings Winter, Auukets, Shaggy Forest Baubets Pine Sticks

Circle with longing deep float in the country distant gray clouds

And in the courtyard of Metelitsa carpet silk is harring, but it is hurt.


They guessed, what is our lesson today?(Slide 2)

Topic: "Winter Music"

What did you imagine the winter, listening to poems?

What sounds can be heard in winter?(Skyrplay of snow, Ice ringing, wind noise, howl blizzard)

What paints can be drawn winter?(Sparkling, Sunny, Gray, Soft)

Raise your hand those who love winter?

And now see how artists portrayed the winter.

(Showing slides with the image of winter. Slides 3,4,5,6)

Pictures are captured by their breadth, scope, joyful blooming of paints. Sky green, with gold and pink clouds. Trees are dressed in fur coats and caps.

Artists masterfully depicted a transitional state of nature. Loose, white-gray snow, dark brown puddles, lead gray sky, brown-gray tone is well transmitted warming wet air, the atmosphere thaw. Little houses, shaking fences - all this on the background of winter paints, winter.

The same time of the year artists were portrayed in different ways. What do you think, why?

Depicting this or that condition of nature, the artist thereby expresses its attitude. He does not just blindly copy seen. Through the picture, it transmits his inner state.

What expressive means did the artists use?

At first glance, the nature of the same name is all snow and cold. But no, then the frost is a cracker will hit, then the thaw. ...

And what kind of winter day different, then sparkling, sunny, ringing, then sulfur, soft, quiet.

Perhaps winter is the most magical time of year. She gives us the most favorite holidays, the most fun fun, the most interesting fairy tales with long mysterious evenings.

Before we start listening to music, I want to remind you that music is a special country, not everyone is given to enter her wonderful magic world. Only the most attentive listener, she will open its fabulous gate. We are visiting the guys from a music school.

1. I suggest listening to the play of Tchaikovsky "Ancient French Song" performedKondratovich Nastya.(Slide 7)

What is the mood of music?

What picture did the composer drew us?(Children's responses)

What paints used?

2. And now we will listen to another work, which is called "Lullaby Winter" will performRakovskaya Arina.(Slide 8)

3. Everyone hears the winter in different ways. This is how, through music, I painted this time of the year Antonio Vivaldi. The composer wrote an epigraph to his work:

Frosty smooth road
And man, hound legs.

Progressing the path, knocking teeth,
Runs to warm up at least a little.

I sounds the first part of the concert of A.Vivaldi from the cycle "Seasons" "Winter". (Slide 9)


What winter in the concert Vivaldi?(Children's responses)

What pace? (Fast)

Dynamics? (Loud, enhanced and subsides)

What picture can you compare the mood of this musical work?

(Slide 10)

Who performs music?(String tools and Clausing)

Name String-Book Tools.(Violin, Cello, Alt, Double bass)

(Slide 11)

Tell me, and with what holiday comes to us winter?(New Year)

How much time on the clock when he comes?

4. Listen to the play "Horsiki" performedCocurova Ilya.

(Slide 12)

Well, a new year, it is of course - the same songs, dancing and fun.

There was such an old dance, called "Mazurka".

5. Listen to the play for violin and piano "Mazurka" performed by Semirikova Tanya.

(Slide 13)

Burre is also an old dance, listen to him performed by the duet of guitarists.

6. Ensemble guitarists "Burre"

And, of course, the main character on the winter holiday is who?(Santa Claus)

What is the character of Santa Claus?

(Slide 14)

6. Listen, as Robert Schumani depicted.

(Slide 15)

Santa Claus sounds performed by Szubtseva E.S.

What is the character of music?(Answers)

And now compare this play with the song "Bubareniki"(Slide 16)

7. Speakers Vocal Duet Semirikova T., Izhenin A.

The beauty of nature, the change of seasons, and each of them is autumn, winter, spring and summer - unique, special. Always were a source of inspiration for poets, musicians, artists! This is how different people saw differently and depicted the same time of the year. Musicians also felt differently in different ways - the winter - and expressed their feelings through music.

The execution of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Let's remember the song about the winter with you and try to express your attitude towards her. The execution of the song "Christmas tree was born in the forest."

(Slides 17,18)


Outcome lesson, generalization.

Each man in the soul is an artist. The beauty of life, touched to the human soul, gives rise to a melody in it, or a picture. Using musical paints, composers create musical paintings, poets paint the rhyphous images of winter, artists - their own, so we find in the works of similarities and differences. All creativity, works of art are the creation of a man's hands.

What means of expressiveness used poets, artists, composers? Name common.

What works about winter sounded today at the lesson?

Name poets, artists, composers, whose creations we learned today.

Our lesson dedicated to the excellent time of the year ended. For a walk, look at the nature of Yesenin, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Shishkin, Levitan. Thank you for the lesson!

Tatyana Smelted

Project passport

1. Project theme:

"The wizard - winter in the work of artists, composers and poets"

2 . Relevance:

Preschool Age is the most important stage of development and education personalitymost favorable for the formation of artistic and aesthetic culture. It is at this age that a child prevailed positive emotions, there is a special sensitivity to linguistic and cultural manifestations, personal activity, there are qualitative changes in creative activity.

Emotional-creative The development of the child's personality is one of the leading components of the pedagogical process. Only emotionally painted, deeply spiritually survived The child's knowledge can be an effective regulator of its development. In this regard, it is clear and attention to the emotional-spiritual sphere of a person who is just entering into a great place. Modern parents pay attention to predominantly cognitive, intellectual development of their child, which cannot but go to damage Its emotional and personal development. Already at an early age, the baby can show interest in music, works of visual art, poetry, theatrical productions, is able to perceive the beauty of the surrounding world. Namely these early impressions enrich The emotional scope of the child with special experiences, the basis of its aesthetic worldview, contribute to the formation of moral benchmarks.

The most important a task adult - to help the child to enter the world of art, introduce it to beautiful. Of particular importance in the aesthetic education of children is familiarizing them with works of art. And the sooner the meeting of the child with this world will take place - the better. It is very important to pay attention to the child on beauty nature in all its manifestations (beautiful autumn leaves, sparkling frills in winter, multicolored rainbow, etc., teach a child to feel nature, see a variety of her shades.

Combination three Arts, music, painting and poetry, allows you to form an aesthetic attitude to the world in children and contribute to the artistic development of the child by means of art on the basis of works of winter. The interaction of paints and sounds, music and painting exists long as in nature and in art. An Aristotle wrote that the colors for beauty and harmony could relate to each other like musical consonents.

Poetry expands Representations of the surrounding, develops the ability to finely feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language. Poetic works are caused by children emotional response. Reading and memorizing poems allows children to capture consignment, the melodiousness of speech, and also solves the problem of formation sound culture of speech: Helps mastering sound expressiveness (tone, voice timbre, pace, voting force, intonation, contributes to the development of clear diction.).

In a similar combination world of ArtHis imagery can be most fully and accessible to preschoolers using modern techniques, technologies, ICTs in the implementation of GEF to: in poems, musical works, picturesque illustrations of poets, composers, artists. Especially valuable, a combination of thematic leisure and holidays associated with the children of thematic leisure and holidays.

In this regard, we counted it appropriate to carry out a joint project with the children of the Central Group, their parents, educators and the music director, and, as the result of the project, eveningmusic and poetry "Zimushka-Winter".

3. Project goal:call at preschoolers to cognitive interest in different types of art, to introduce children to the basics of poetic, picturesque and musical culture, wake up creative initiative.

4. Tasks:

Use interpenetration (integration) elements in different types of artistic and aesthetic activities;

Educate in children the desire to listen to musical works, learn to see the image in a picturesque picture, in music and poem;

Develop the artistic abilities of the child: musical, literary, visual, theatrical;

Interact with family to ensure the artistic and aesthetic creativity of the child.

Expected results:

1 . Children expands the horizon of art: painting, music, poetry and formed artistic and aesthetic taste;

2 . In children is enriched, the dictionary on the lexical theme is activated: "Winter"; improving the skill of memorizing poems by heart;

3 . Children will receive a public speech skill;

4. Parents will receive information about aesthetic education in preschool age and experience of joint practical activity.

6. Project type

* on dominant activity: artistic and creative;

* by the nature of the contacts: joint;

* By the nature of the content: complex, integrated;

* by number of participants: group;

* By duration: medium duration (3 weeks)

7. Terms of implementation: (01/11/2018 - 01/31/2018) (3 weeks)

8. Project participants:children of the middle group (age 4-5 years, parents, teacher, musical leader.

9. Form of holding: Cognitive classes, integrated and complex classes, conversations, viewing paintings for winter topics, leisure, entertainment, didactic thematic games, independent activities of children, work with parents.

10. Work with parents:

1) Conversation at the parent meeting about the artistic and aesthetic education in the life of the child "aesthetic development of a child in the family";

2) Consultation for parents "The influence of classical music on the development of a child";

3) Consultation "How to learn a holiday poem";

4) Exhibition of joint child-parent work on the topic "Walk to the Winter Park";

Preparatory work: conversations about the characteristic signs and signs of winter; Selection and learning of songs and poems about winter; Acquaintance with the work of composers and poets, writing works about winter; Hearing of fragments of musical works for winter topics, conducting integrated and complex classes, selection of reproductions of paintings by artists on the winter topic, learning the poems of Russian poets about the Winter children, photos with winter landscapes, drawing of the drawings and crafts about winter, registration of the musical hall; Writing a scenario and holding a joint evening of music and poetry t. d.

12. Technological map of the project:

Type of children's activity

Reading (perception) of fiction Reading (perception) of fiction

Consider the picture "Winter" I. Shishkin; Drawing up the story - descriptions in the picture "Winter" I. Shishkin; - reading the story of N. Nosov "on the hill";

Drawing up the story "Why do I like winter?";

The conversation "How forest animals spend winter in the forest";

Reading and free retelling of the story of the "Snow Kalobok" N. Kalinina.

Competition poems about winter.

Type of children's activity

Integration of educational regions

Productive, educational research activities, social and communicative development, educationally - speech development, artistic - aesthetic development

Handheld labor "Christmas tree" (from the loop);

Drawing "fir branch";

Application "Wood-Beauty";

Drawing "Who lives in the Winter Forest";

Manual work "Invitation Ticket for Christmas Tree";

Modeling, making paper toys for the plot-role-playing game "Christmas toy shop";

Drawings "Snowman" for gifts kids.

- "Creative workshop" drawing, modeling in the plan of children.

Scene-role-playing games: "Christmas toy shop", "We have guests."

Type of children's activity

Integration of educational regions

Musical and artistic. Speech Development Informative Development Socially - Communicative Development


1. To acquaint children with the work of the Great Composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

2. Promote the development of children's dance creativity;

3. Enrich the auditory and visual experience of children.

4. Bridge emotional responsiveness for musical works of different character;

5. Create a scenario of the joint evening of music and poetry "Winter-Winter"

Hearing works: "January. At Camelka, "P. I. Tchaikovsky," December. Sky "P. I. Tchaikovsky," Waltz "Blizzard" G. Sviridova, "Waltz of Snowflakes" from the ballet "Nutcracker" P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Conversations about the nature of the listened music,

Repetition of winter songs and games: (Song "Hello, Santa Claus", "Snow" game)

Development of dance creativity: "Waltz of snowflakes" P. I. Tchaikovsky - Dance etude;

Repetition of the previously intended musical material: "dance of stars and a month", "game with snow".

Consider painting about winter:

"Winter in the courtyard" A. Averin, "Snegiri" N. Rogulin, "Winter came. Childhood"

S. A. Tutunova,

"Fireplace" Lizz Martin

Type of children's activity

Integration of educational regions

Motor. Speech development, physical development, cognitive development

Dance of stars and month;

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

Game, Speech Development, Physical Development, Cognitive Development, Socio-Communicative Development.

Moving games: "in snowballs", "Snowflakes and wind"

Didactic game: "What happens in winter or does not happen",

13. The result of the project.

As a result of the project, children had a steady interest in the perception of the works of poetic, artistic and musical genres, the desire to expand its horizons on this topic, the desire to reveal and delve into existing communication and relationships. In the process of acquaintance with music, painting and literary works, children replenished vocabulary, they began to explicitly express themselves, with great pleasure to participate in a collective conversation; There was a desire to independently do creativity, express your feelings, a positive attitude towards peace. All this contributes to the development of the aesthetic consciousness of children, the formation of their worldview.

One of the important components of this project is artistic and aesthetic education: the influence of children of a good aesthetic taste, the desire to listen, contemplate, to recognize, emotionally react, to understand creatively develop. The children got acquainted with the artworks of this topic of various types of art - music, painting, poetry. They learned how to receive aesthetic pleasure from communicating with excellent, became more susceptible, sensitive, emotional. Children can more skillfully convey their feelings: facial expressions, gesture in their stories, drawings, in musical and rhythmic movements.

14. Project Final Product

Joint evening of music and poetry "Zimushka - Winter"

Master class "Winter Evening". See Attachment

Evening of music and poetry "Zimushka - Winter"

Joint leisure with parents and children of the middle group

Purpose: Disclosure in front of children by the synthesis of arts of the unique fairy-tale image of winter.


1. To summarize the knowledge of children about the winter, consolidate the names of winter months, expand the horizons, enrich the hearing and visual experience of preschoolers, improve the aesthetic perception of artistic works, help children feel the beauty of winter nature;

2. Continue to develop speech, thinking, perception, musical memory, the interest of children to fiction and classical music;

3. Form the skill of expressive readings and public speaking;

4. Crane interest in joint communication of children and parents, develop joint activities.


Projector, screen, music center,

Stars glowing for dance (6 pcs.)

Suits for dance performers "Dance of the month and stars",

Snowball (big inflatable ball, covered with cotton,

Presentation "Winter" (paintings: "Winter in the courtyard" A. Averin, "Snegiri" N. Rogulin, "Winter came. Childhood" S. A. Tutunova, "By the fireplace" Liz Martin)

Music fragments: Waltz "Misel" G. Sviridova, "January. At Camelka, "P. I. Tchaikovsky," December. The shints "P. I. Tchaikovsky," Waltz snowflakes "from the ballet" Nutcracker "P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Song "Hello, Santa Claus" V. Semenova,

Cartoon "Once by frosty winter"

- "Dance of the month and stars" (overture to the musical "because winter is great"


- Application material:

glue, PVA glue, brush, scissors, semolina, templates (Christmas trees, window, frame, for window, square, triangle, blue cardboard format A5, colored paper (green, brown, silver, black, shiny sprockets.

Preliminary work:heading the poems of winter, reading the "winter" fairy tales "Morozko", "Two Frost", "Mrs. Meltelitsa", listening to classical and modern music about winter, etc.

The course of the event.

1 part - input

Sounds of the "shints" of P. I. Tchaikovsky, children and parents enter the music hall, sit on the place prepared in advance. Slide 1.

LEADING Good evening guys! Good evening, dear adults! For the first time we gathered in the musical hall in such a composition in the new year. Holidays got upside down, we met the New Year, Christmas, baptism, but winter continues and a lot of winter days awaits us ahead. Guys, do you like winter? (Child response) to me too. This is my favorite season. After all, in winter, nature is unusually beautiful. All whites and sparkles. Trees dress up in fluffy snow-white clothing. Everything around as if she was covered with a white bedspread, and on the glasses winter draws bizarre patterns. Many poets chased the beauty and magic of winter.

2 part - the main

Our guys also did not stay aside and learned to today's meeting of the poem about winter. Let's greet the first reader.

POEMS:"Winter came" V. Fetisov, "Zimushka - Winter" T. Bokov, "Winter" I. Surikov, "Winter" I. Tokmakova, "Winter Nearby" T. Dmitriev, "S. Esenin" remarks ".

LEADING Please look at the screen. Slide 2. This is a picture of the artist S. A. Tutunova "Winter came" who we see? That's right, a little boy who thoughtfully stands at the window. And outside the window opens just the extraordinary picture, since yesterday evening the entire courtyard of the house was a small dark - black, and today the same courtyard looks like a snow-white floss, since everything around the snow-white snow. White snow spins big flakes and slow and very quiet dance.

Let's listen to the poems of snow and snowfall, who learned (the names of children-readers).

POEMS:"Snowfall" V., "Winter came cheerful" I. Chernitskaya.

Our guys told about snowfall, and the real blizzard began outside the window. Let's listen to how she removes everything around.

Sounds Sviridov, children and parents listen to the musical fragmen t.

LEADING I know that you want to turn into white light snowflakes in white and spin in a beautiful dance. Get out guys, and execute the "Walz of Snowflakes".

"Waltz snowflakes" P. I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Nutcracker" Dance - improvisation

Slide 3.

LEADING In such weather, I want to sit in a country house next to the fireplace and dream. Imagine a quiet winter evening. A little hear crackle firewood in the fireplace. Heat bottled throughout the room. Illustration "By the fireplace". Sounds a fragment "At Camelka" P. Tchaikovsky.

Lead speaks against the background of music. And snowflakes fall outside the window. So white! So beautiful! And you can watch how snowflakes fall. They are so beautiful! Let's imagine yourself in this room and listen to poems about snowflakes.

POEMS "We are snowflakes, we are mushki." M. Lesna Raunio; "Snowflakes" I. bursa.

Sly d 4.

LEADING Guys, look while we sat and warmed by the fire, these birds flew to us. Are you familiar with you? Right! These are bullfinches. In winter, when everything is covered with snow, it is difficult not to notice such a beautiful singing bird. Let's listen (the name of the child, he will tell about the winter, and about bullfinings.

POEMS: "Everywhere Snow" A. Bordovs kiy.

LEADING Guys, do you know how the months of winter are called?

Children December, January, February.

LEADING And what is the name of the first month of winter? December. This month will tell us (child name)

VERSE: "December" S. Ya. Marsh aK.

LEADING And about February, listen to the poem that will tell us (child name)

VERSE: "February" (from the "round year" cycle) S. Ya. Marsh aK.

LEADING February is the Snowy Month of Winter, with blizzards, with blizzards. But this month, you can play snowballs from the heart, ride on sledding, skiing, skating.

Slide 5.

Consider the picture "Winter in the courtyard" A. Averin.

LEADING Let us look at this picture. What do you think guys do? That's right, they make a snowman. We will not sculpt a snowman with you, but we will play with the snow. Get out everything in a circle.

Game with snow(A / record sch)

LEADING Guys and respected adults, listen, please, my riddle.

Our windows brush white

At night he painted.

Snow pole dressed him

Sad garden thickened.

Unless you get used to the snow

Is there a sleeper in a fur coat?

We will come out yes as crying:

Hello,. !

About the frost poem prepared us (the names of children)

POEMS: "Frost" V. Orlov, "Street walks" by S. Yeruszh, excerpt from the poem "Frost, Red N N. N. Nekrasov.

LEADING Let's guys remember how we met Santa Claus and we sing about him.

Song-dance "Hello, Santa Claus"

LEADING Would you like guys to be now in the Winter Forest? To admire the snow-covered edges and fluffy spruce legs? And not afraid to meet a bear? That's right, the bears are sleeping in Berlog. But what was in the same forest ... Please look at the screen.

Cartoon "Once by frosty winter"

LEADING These wonders sometimes happen. And I want to suggest to listen to you (the name of the child, because she prepared a poem about the Winter Forest.

Slide 6.

POEMS: Bereza S. Yesenin, "Circumpture in winter" F. Tyutchev.

LEADING:Yes, extremely beautiful in winter! Look, what beautiful stars caught fire in the sky! Go out, month, stars, show us your beautiful dance!

Dance of stars and month

3 part - final

LEADING Thank you, month, thank you, the stars! Thank you guys for such wonderful poems about winter. Thank you, dear parents, which helped children prepare for today's poetic evening. Today we could with the help of music, poetry and beautiful paintings were able to feel the beauty of winter nature. Did you like our music lounge. What is remembered most? (Answers of children and adults)

LEADINGBut our evening does not end, and we invite you to take part in creating collaboration called "Winter Evening". You can show fantasy and your impressions from what you saw in working together.

MASTER CLASS Together with parents for making work using unconventional materials "Winter Evening".

LEADING It provides detailed instructions for making collaboration, shows a possible version of execution, at the end of the event praises and invites everyone to enter the center of the music hall and demonstrate their work.

LEADING I hope you have enjoyed today's evening, from communicating with children, from seen wonderful paintings and classical music. Thanks for attention! Come to us again. Goodbye! See new creative meetings!

Extracurricular event "Hour of poetry M music about winter."

Goals and objectives: To introduce students with the work of Russian poets and composers, to teach to feel and understand the poetic and musical images, observe the beauty of nature, to bring up a feeling of patriotism and love for their homeland.

Today I suggest you touch the miracle of poetry and music!

Winter nature encourages people to create. Composers write music and dedicate her nature. Artists do this with the help of paints, and poets draw pictures of winter with words.


... Hello Russian fashion,

Collationsavitsa - Soul,

Snow-white winch,

Hello, Mother Winter!

    Wivaldi sounds "Winter" - in modern processing.

Show slides about winter).

First snow

I.A. Bunin

Winter cold smelled

On the fields and on the forest.

Bright Purpur lit up

Before sunset heaven.

At night, the storm was busheval,

And with the dawn on the village,

On ponds, deserted

The first snow suffered.

And today over the broad

White tablecloth fields

We said goodbye to late

Virenice geese.

A.S. Pushkin

"Here is the north, clouds catching ..."

Here is the north, clouds catching,

Drove overwhelmed - and here herself

There is a wizard winter.

Came, crumbled; Clokami

Hung on the bitch oaks;

Lay down wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills;

Return Break

Compare puffy pellery,

Blushed frost. And we are glad

Granasam Mother Winter.

And what is so unusual and magic happens in winter? Winter comes, snow falls, it becomes cold. Frost deactivates his house window patterns, decorates trees branches, the river is covered with crystal ice, the snow is overflowing at sun light. Everything becomes like a fairy tale, magical, mysterious.

    The Tchaikovsky "December" sounds.



S. Yesenin

... food. Quiet. Slans are heard

Under the hoof in the snow

Only gray crows

Shared in the meadow

Enchanted invisible

Looking a forest under sleep fairy tale,

Like white Kosynka

Covered pine.

Tapped like an old woman

Wrapped on the key

And over the sampling

Doltpel on a bitch.

Rides a horse, just a lot,

Snow and stellet shawl.

Infinite road

Ribbon ribbon in the distance.

Charger in winter ...

F. Tyutchev

Charger in winter

Warred wood stands,

And under the snowy fridge

Still, Nonya

Wonderful life he glitters.

And it is worth it, he is warm

Not a dead and not alive

Sleepy magic is fascinated

All OUTAN, all

Light chain fluff ...

Sun winter whether

On him his ray of oblique -

In it, nothing fastests,

He will flash and takes

Dazzling red.

Yes, guys, white and cold came to the ground Winter. Drowned in the snow forest. Snow is slow, leisurely. And everything that comes across on the way, the snow is painted in white.

    Sounds Tchaikovsky "January".



OF. Surikov

White snow fluffy

In the air spinning

And on the ground quietly

Falls, falls.

And in the morning snow

The field was glad,

Exactly pellenium

All his dressed.

Dark forest that cap

Drank wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Hard, incombusably ...

God's days are short

The sun shines little -

So came frost

And winter has come ...

Wonderful kind of winter nature! The rays of the sun squeeze the whole ground with cold glitter. In the transparent air sparkles with beautiful asterisks fluffy frosting. The defeated forest fell off the song. (Muses Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi)

Winter descends to Earth in all its glory. Snow sparkles, flashed and overtake spark sparkles. Clear birchings dissolved lace branches, shine in the sun in a gentle-pink thin bark.

    The Tchaikovsky "February" sounds.



S. Yesenin

White birch

Under my window

Snapped with snow

Precisely silver.

On fluffy branches

Snezhoy Kaima

Brushes bloom

White fringe.

And worth Bereza

In sleepy silence,

And burn snowflakes

In gold fire.

And dawn, lazily

Coming around

Sprinkle branches

New silver.

Silence, tranquility, purity blows from the sleeping beauty of nature.

Apparently, it rarely steps a man's leg.

Nights Purga

White path.

Wants in soft snow


The wind frisky fell asleep

Neither go to the forest

Neither go ...

S. Yesenin

Snow, snow - the kingdom of snow. Everything in the forest in fabulously white snowdrifts. Frost sowed trees trunks. The wizard - winter triumphs, it ruins.

    Wivaldi sounds. From the album "Seasons" - "Winter".


"Not the wind rages over Bor ..."

N. Nekrasov

Not the wind rages over Born,

Not from the mountains ran the streams,

Frost Voivode Wort

Own owners.

Like a blizzard well

Forest trails listed,

And there is no crack, cracks,

And is there any naked land?

Li pine fluffy peaks,

Is there a pattern on oaks?

And the ice floes are firmly

In great and small waters?

Goes - walks on the trees,

Cracks for frozen water

And bright sun playing

In the beard of his beard ...

"Sings Zama-Auket ..."

S. Yesenin

Sings the car-auchet,

Shaggy forest Bayukiet

Pine wroring.

Circle with longing deep

Flow to the country far

Gray clouds

And in the courtyard

Carpet silk stele

But it hurts cold.

Games playing

As children are lonely,

Pressed at the window.

Drinking mutter small,

Hungry, tired,

And squeeze meal.

And blizzard with roar

Knocking on shutters risen

And getting angry with all the strongest.

And dormant donkey tender

Under these whirlwinds

Have a frozen window.

And dream of them beautiful

In the smiles of the sun clear

Beauty spring.

"Talked fashionable parquet ..."

A.S. Pushkin

Tidy fashionable parquet

Shines the river, ice dressed;

Boys joyful people

Skates sounding the ice cut;

On the red legs goose heavy,

Thinking to sail along the waters,

Steps gently on ice.

Slips and falls; happy

Flashes, the first snow goes

Stars falling on the Breg.

Frost and sun! On the Trees of Inay! Torn the birch trees, dressed up ate in a warm fur coat ... how many pleasant impressions give us winter! And how much joy and fun give us winter entertainment.

« Well play in winter

Winter-Zimushka, Winter

You'dably be cold!

Snowflakes fall from the sky

That's what beauty,

White snow lies in the forest,

On the trees, on the nose.

I smell with a snowflake hand,

Split from the cone laying.

From the slides in the Santochokh

And skiing riding.

Good to play in winter

And I do not want to go home!

That's how much wonderful, joyful brings to us in winter! Winter is also beautiful, magical, mysterious, full magic New Year holidays.

We will listen to Pa de de from the ballet "Nutcracker" P.I. Tchaikovsky and try to hear magic and fabulous sounds.

    Pala de de from the ballet "Nutcracker" sounds.


Theme lesson: "Winter in the works of Russian poets, composers, artists"

The purpose of the lesson: ensure maximum perception of landscape lyrics; reveal incessity of landscape lyrics; moral and aesthetic education of students.

Type of lesson: Lesson-concert.

Parts of the lesson:

Literary and musical composition "Magician-Winter";



Design and equipment of the lesson: Grampain: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons of the year. January"; I. Nikitin "Meeting of the Winter", N. Nekrasov "Not the Wind rages over Bor"; Illustrations of paintings A.A. Plastov "First Snow", K.F. JUN "Russian Winter", cards with the names of poets; multimedia equipmentpresentation.

During the classes.

  1. Orgmoment.
  2. Literary and musical composition with interview elements.

Let's touch the lyrical wave - we will listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons of the year. January "(slide 3).

What mood causes this music?

What is she talking about? What did you pretend to listen to music?

From the north, a student wind blew, and snowflakes fell from the sky. Twisted in the air and fall on the ground one more beautiful than another! Here is a flower with six ends, here is a flower with six petals (slide 4).

Reader: (prepared student)

White snow fluffy

In the air spinning

And on the ground quietly

Falls, falls.

And in the morning snow

The field is glad.

Firmly pellenium

All his dressed.

So simple, beautifully managed to transfer the beginning of the Russian winter poet Ivan Surikov.

But what sees her Voronezh poet Ivan Nikitin. (Poem I.Nikitina "Winter Meeting") (Slide 5).

Why do winter meet as a guest? What are waiting for her? (Painting Arkady Plastov "First Snow") (Slide 6).

Look at this picture. You see the first winter day, the snow fell and covered the earth. The house, road, trees and everywhere of soft and fluffy snow are visible.

Reader: (prepared student)

Charger in winter

Went, the forest is worth -

And under the snowy fridge,

Fixed, dumb,

Wonderful life he glitters.

And it is, it is warm, -

Not a dead and not alive -

Sleep magic is fascinated.

All OUTAN, all

Light chain fluff ...

Sun Winter Li Power

On him his ray of oblique -

In it, nothing fastests,

He will flash and takes

Dazzling red.

As a beautiful winter forest: he speaks of the greatness and beauty of the Grozny Russian winter, native nature (slide 7).

(Pay attention to the picture of Konstantin Juna "Russian Winter")

And the poem, and the painter independently saw the Winter Forest, which struck each of them "blinding beauty." And in the poem, and on the side of the landscape player, the Forest "Okold" "Charger Winter", "Snow Magic is fascinated", "Eugenous", "Occasion / Light Chain Poohova ...".

And how beautiful in winter birch! Listen to Poems Athanasius Feta (Slide 8).

Reader: (prepared student)

Sad Bereza

My window has

And Pryah Moroza

It is discharged.

Like bunches of grapes,

The branches of the ends hang, -

And joyful to look

All mourning outfit.

I love Dennica games

I noticate on it

And sorry to me if birds

Stink the beauty of the branches.

Favorite hero of children in Russian folk fairy tales - Santa Claus. The great Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov depicts it a cheerful, mischievous and powerful magician, lord of snow and blizzards (slide 9).

(Let's listen to N. Nekrasov's poem "Not the wind rages over Bor").

Which of you does not like the Russian winter! She gives us a snowy paths for skiing. Silfer Forest, Fresh, Healthy Air (Slide 10).

In winter, we meet a joyful holiday - New Year. In winter, we have fun holidays, we are waiting for the Christmas trees, skiing, skates.

You are not afraid of frost, a snow blizzard. Boldly go to the ski roller, on the rink, on the ice slides.

  1. Games, contests.

And we will play now. For each correct answer you will get a token. Whoever picks up the tokens - there is a prize (slide 11).

1. Name the flooring and saying about the winter. (Frost is not great, yes not to stand).

2. Reliating the riddles.

1) in the summer dressed, in the winter undresses (forest) (slide 12).

2) lives - lies, dies - runs (snow) (slide 13).

3) Two tales run in the loaf, bending the sock (ski) (slide 14).

4) Our Polyanka is covered with a hunger skirt (snow) (slide 15).

5) in the courtyard of the mountain, and in the house is water (snow) (slide 16).

6) who is changing four times in a year?(Earth) (Slide 17).

7) the old joker on the street stands not to tell, behind the nose is drawn home(Frost) (slide 18).

8) the day arrives, and he decreases (calendar) (slide 19).

9) I do not want to know, I don't want to know anyone (blizzard) (slide 20).

10) white, yes not sugar, no legs, but goes (snow) (slide 21).

1) So winter! Fresh frost

Snow sparkles on the sun.

Send goods

According to Rus along and across.(I. Nikitin) (Slide 22)

2) Wizard in winter

Went, the forest is worth -

And under the snowy fridge,

Fixed, dumb,

Wonderful life he glitters.(F.I. Tyutchev) (Slide 23)

3) a storm of the heaven of the sky

Whirlwinds snowy

How the beast she will win

Then pay, like a child ...(A.S. Pushkin) (Slide 24)

4) not the wind rages over Bor

Not from the mountains ran the streams,

Frost, Voivode Wort

Bypassing your own ...(N. Nekrasov) (slide 25)

5) under the blue skies,

Gorgeous carpets

Shiny in the sun, the snow lies,

Transparent forest one black.

And spruce through frost green,

And the river under the ice shines.(A. S. Pushkin) (Slide 26)

6) Winter! Peasant triumph

On firewall updates the path

His horse, snowing sneaking,

Walks trot someday.(A.S. Pushkin) (Slide 27)

7) Sings Winter, Aukets

Shaggy forest Bayukiet

Pine wroring.(S. Yesenin) (Slide 28)

8) a wonderful picture

How do you like you:

White plain,

Full moon. (A. Fet) (Slide 29)

9) here is the north, clouds catching,

Got drunk, overwhelmed - and here herself

There is a wizard winter.(A.S. Pushkin) (Slide 30)

10) swallows disappeared

And yesterday Zarya

All the races flew

Yes, as a network, flashed

Won over that mountain.(A. Fet) (slide 31)

11) White Birch

Under my window

Snapped with snow

Precisely silver. (S. Yesenin) (Slide 32)

12) They say: under the New Year,

What does not want

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.(S. Mikhalkov) (Slide 33)

  1. The results of the lesson.

Winter holidays came. In February, winter is in full swing, but the day was noticeably added, and the sun began to harmon. At noon, the roof begins to drip, and in the evening the long icicles hang under the windows, it means that it goes to spring (slide 34).

Reader: (prepared student)

Winter is no wonder angry,

It's time to go

Spring is knocking in the window

And drives off the yard.

And everything has risen,

All chasing winter won

And the larks in the sky

We raised the sober.

Winter is still cotton

And he grieves the spring,

She laughs in her eyes

And the forest is only noise.