Oblomeness phenomenon is social or moral. Roman "Oblomov"

Oblomeness phenomenon is social or moral. Roman
Oblomeness phenomenon is social or moral. Roman "Oblomov"

1. The main character of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov".
2. The question of the meaning of life.
3. Dreamy and Oblomov's activities.
4. Degradation of Ilya Ilyich.

Roman A. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" remains relevant for us. Modern readers despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since its creation. The main hero of Roman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov cannot but cause interest. Involuntarily begin to think about the meaning of life and trying to answer the question of who is such bugs? Was he first of all lazy. Or the problem of the main hero of the novel is much deeper? Did you see any meaning in life? Or was he not intended to think about it? As soon as the work, we get acquainted with the broom, as we understand all the absurdity of the situation. Because of the day, Ilya Ilyich is deprived of new impressions, the next looks like the previous one. The days go, not decorated with absolutely nothing. Oblomov leads almost vegetable existence, he is not interested in anything, it is not fond of anything. The main in life becomes a cozy sofa, on which the bugs lie all day. The world around seems to Ilya Ilyich hostile and dangerous. In the life of Oblomov there was no shocks that could affect his worldview. No, everything was very safe. Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich was surrounded by the care and attention of relatives. And I never had to take care of the bread. Oblomov is comfortable to live, without thinking about nothing, without worrying about. He has absolutely no aspirations and desires. Days and nights are underwinding on the sofa in the same bathrobe from Persian matter. "... Lenja in Ilya Ilyich was neither necessity, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep nor chance. As with the one who is tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state ... "

A person always intended to think about the meaning of life. But even if you consider the question of the meaning of life of the abstract philosophical category, it is impossible not to pronounce that the inaction never did anyone happy. The feeling of completeness of life is possible only in case of constant movement, active search for new impressions. Let a person are not able to change the world or make something significant. But it can make your own life with a brightest and interesting. And not the last role in this is playing everyday life with her affairs and care. Everyday life is not always silent and uninteresting. If desired, everyday affairs can be bright, impressive. But all this does not apply to Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He lies in an unlocked, dusty room. Here is dirty and uncomfortable. But the hero of the novel has no desire to change at least this room, make your life a little more comfortable. Here's how the writer talks about Oblomov's room: "The room where Ilya Ilyich lay, at first glance, it seemed perfectly removed ... But an experienced eye of a person with a clean taste is one round look at everything that was here, I would read the desire only to observe DEKORUM inevitable propriety, just to get rid of them ... on the walls, near the paintings, it washed in the form of festoons of the web, driving dust; Mirrors instead of reflecting items, could serve whether to record on them, on dust, some notes for memory ... The carpets were in spots. On the sofa lay a forgotten towel; On the table, a rare morning was not stood not cramped from yesterday's dinner with a straw and with a grinding bone and bread crumbs were not lying. "

The situation that surrounds the main character is sufficiently unpleasant. Oblomov is trying to reproach his servant of Zakhar for a slope. But the servant turns out to be their owner. He talks about dust and dirt: "... what to clean it, if she is cheer again." Zakhar also believes that "bugs and cockroaches did not invenue, they have everyone."

Oblomov has no strength and desire to make her servant bring order in the room. It's impossible to do anything in my native village. But Ilya Ilyich gladly builds plans, continuing to lie on the sofa. Oblomov dreams of reorganization in the village. Of course, his dreams have nothing to do with reality. It is not possible to implement them in principle. And of course, it will never be able to carry them out. Dreamability at Oblomov acquires some kind of monstrous scope. He lives by these dreams, refusing to the real life. The writer gives us the opportunity to watch Ilya Ilyich, when he dreams: "The thought walked with a free bird in the face, she flopped in his eyes, sat down at the half-eyed lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole face there was a smooth light carelessness. . ".

Oblomov is not thinking about his own life. On the one hand, he may seem happy. He does not bother with tomorrow, he does not think about any problems and troubles. But on the other hand, his life is devoid of very important components - movements, new impressions, active actions. Oblomov practically does not communicate with people, he has enough full privacy from people and worries.

It must be said that the inner world of Oblomov is very rich. After all, Ilya Ilyich is able to feel and understand art. In addition, he finds pleasure in communicating with some people, for example, with a different gallery, Olga Ilinskaya. However, this is clearly not enough to feel the completeness of life. And in the depths of the soul, the bugs understand it. He is trying to create imaginary harmony between his inner world and the world external. But it's not so easy to do this. After all, real life comes in contradiction with the world of dreams and dreams. Let the bugs are completely satisfied with its existence. But at the same time he is unhappy, because he replaced the real life with a half face. It is not by chance that nothing pleases Ilya Ilyich, bright experiences, feelings and emotions are not familiar to him. The inertness of Oblomov and indifference to life become his tragedy.

Oblomov believes that everything suits him. In fact, he does not know a different life, he is alien to activities, aspirations and activity. Everything passes by the main character. And he still lives his illusions. And the only thing that sees in front of me is an unlocked room. The world narrowed for Oblomov to the sizes of his own sofa. Ilya Ilyich refuses love, career, family happiness in order to calmly lie on the sofa. In fact, the narrowness of thinking Oblomov becomes the cause of his tragedy. Ilya Ilyich could not see all the benefits of real life. Oblomov's degradation has become quite justified. He does not pay attention to even his own appearance. What for? He is so good. No matter what happened and what will happen. The main and only reality is the very sofa on which he slept so much time and on which the protagonist prefers to remain.

In the life of Oblomov, there is no point. After all, it is impossible to call meaning inaction, emptiness, laziness, apathy. Life becomes painful, because a person does not tend to lead a plant existence. The novel "Oblomov" makes readers think about the fact that a person is able to become his enemy himself if decides to replace real life on

Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" is a novel socio-psychological, depicting the disadvantaged influence of the nobility-landing medium on a human person. "Oblomov" appeared when the serf system more and more found his inconsistency. Goncharov worked on this product for many years. Roman was printed in 1859 in the journal "Patriotic Notes" and immediately attracted the attention of readers.

Goncharov, as a few who else else, managed to touch the artist's pen to the most intimate strings of the Russian Soul. The writer created a hero that embodies, oddly enough, the main features of the Russian national character, although in the form of not the most visible, but the love and sympathy. The merit of Goncharova is that he revealed the socio-historical causes of such a character like bugs. That is why in the novel an important place is the image of the conditions and the environment in which his hero's formation took place.

The writer with an amazing depth reproduced the life of the casual noble estate, the life of the middle hand landowners, their psychology, morals, customs, view. In the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" the author paints immobility, sleeping peace and silence "peaceful corner". "Right and calmly performed there an annual circle"; "Neither terrible storms, no destruction to hear in that edge"; "Life as the late river flowed past them" - such phrases characterize the life of the hero and his environment.

By 32 years old, Ilya Ilyich, Oblomov turned into a "Baybak", the creature is apathetic and inert, the life of which is limited to the apartment on a pearly street, a bathrobe from Persian matter and lying on the sofa. Such a state kills positive human qualities in the broom, which there is a lot in it. He is honest, humane, smart. The writer repeatedly emphasizes "pigeon meekness" in it. Stolz recalls that once, ten years ago, he had spiritual ideals. He read Rousseau, Schiller, Goethe, Bairon, was engaged in mathematics, studied English, wondered about the fate of Russia, wanted to serve his homeland. Stolz reproaches Oblomov: "In the same corner, your" serve, "the ideas are also forces, because Russia needs hands and heads for developing inexhaustible sources."

The ideological confrontation of Andrei Ivanovich and Ilya Ilyich are one of the main semantic elements of "Oblomov". The last meeting of two friends mirrors reflects their first meeting in the novel. Their dialogue is developing in the following generalized form: Distribution Questions about Health, Oblomov Complaints, Gallets Ukoles about the wrong lifestyle, calls for change. But the outcome of the conversation differs significantly: at the beginning of the novel, Ilya Ilyich gives himself a friend's persuasion and goes into light, in the final he remains on a large place.

The German Stalz is "indifferent in motion." His credo is an active life position, distrust of the "dream, mysterious, mysterious." The character of the gallery is associated with a new, bourgeois-entrepreneurial reality and embodies the traits of Deltsa. Andrei Ivanovich hardworking, smart, honest, noble, but it works not for the sake of a high goal, but for the sake of personal success. To the question of Oblomov: "In the name of what are you working?" "He doesn't find anything to say, except:" for the very difficulty, more for anything. " Stolz does not pull on a positive hero, because he is "weak, pale - the idea looks too much from him."

It is very important that we actually look at the eyes of the gallery. But this character does not represent the copyright position at all and does not convince us in all. Essentially, bugs are a mystery and for the author himself.

The tragedy of Oblomov is not in the lack of universal education and not in the launch of his generic estate. The gap with Olga Ilinskaya led to the loss of their contents of his life. The best moments of the life of Ilya Ilyich were associated with Olga. This loss and leads it to the house of Agafi Wentycian. At the end of the novel of obcomments "... was a complete and natural reflection of peace, contentment and serene silence."

Energetic gallery tried to bring Oblomov from the state of a dead rest, turn it on. Unfortunately, nothing happened from this, because Ilya Ilyaich is too tight to peace: "Patient a sick place: Try to tear - there will be death."

Oblomov understands his spiritual fall, the stronger his spiritual drama. "He painfully felt that he was buried in him, as in the grave, some good, bright start, maybe now the dead, or it lies like gold in the depths of the mountain ... But the treasure was deeply littered, apparent Sorrow. " Oblomov understands the causes of their spiritual death. When Olga asked him: "Why did everything died? .. Who cursed you, Ilya? .. What thugs you? No name to this evil ...", "there is," he said a little heard ... - Oblastovshchyna! "

Perhaps the features of positive Goncharov managed to embody in Olga Ilinskaya. Olga - nature independent, strong, decisive. She is typical of the desire for life to be active and meaningful. Therefore, having loved Oblomov, she penetrates the desire to revive him, save from spiritual and moral death. Realizing that the bugs would not be able to lose apathy and laziness from themselves, she suffers irrevocably with him. The farewell words with which Olga draws to Oblomov, they talk about her high demands to whom she loves: "You are meek, honest, Ilya; you are gentle ... dove, you hide your head under the wing - and you don't want anything more; you I am ready to proclaim all my life under the roof ... Yes, I'm not like this: I have little of this ... "I wonder what Olga becomes his gallery. But, of course, this marriage does not bring her happiness.

Unconscious motives and aspirations that determine the behavior of Oblomov is a kind of "abyss." In many ways, the Personality of Oblomov also remains unsolved.

N. A. Dobrolyubov in the article "What is a breakdown?" Gave a brilliant and so far unsurpassed analysis of the novel. He notes that the social importance of the novel "Oblomov" lies in the fact that it shows Russian life, "modern Russian type" was created and a characteristic phenomenon of noble-serfdom was determined: "The word is a breakdown; it serves as a key to the raysterity of many phenomena of Russian life. "

Dobrolyzov showed that the image of Oblomov is a socio-psychological type that embodies the features of the landlord of the pre-reform period. The state of the Barcel creates moral slavery in it: "... The vile habit of getting the satisfaction of their desires is not from his own effort, and from others developed in it apathetic immobility and revealed it into a pitiful state of moral slavery. Slavery is intertwined with Bar Beard, since they mutually penetrate In each other and one another is determined. " Oblomov are all those who have the word to disperse with the case who in words only wishes the best and is not able to move their desire.

And the genius of Goncharov is that he in his wonderful work raised one of the most important issues of Russian life. Reply to this question - it means to change the life of a radically for the better.

We are familiar with high school. There we are inspired that "the breakdown is a moral decomposition, nonesthela, parasitic pathological lazy." However, is it so? And as far as this phenomenon is characteristic of modernity, for

As a rule, it says that the breakdown is the echoes of the Barskaya, noble Russia in the worst version. But remember with what love writer will recreate the unhurried rhythm of the life of the manor. As truly gently he describes the dream of his hero, his dreams, his only tied relationship with Olga Ilinskaya. Maybe the breakdown is, in Goncharov, the characteristic feature of the Russian painting of the world? It's not by chance that the enterprising gallery in the novel is German, that is, as if a foreign body in the worldview of Slavophiles and traditionalists. The word "broomstone" in the modern language has long been almost abusive, in any case containing a negative assessment of the phenomenon. But the novel is not Paskvil, not a pamphlet. He recreates the struggle of two principles, the Western and Slavophilic, progressive and traditional, active and passive. Modern critics interpret it in a wider philosophical context. According to some, the breakdown is not so much social as an ideological phenomenon.

This is a lot of nature and beauty, the rejection of technical progress and the accelerating pace of life. loyalty to polls. This is a kind of Asian, almost Buddhist spirit. Lenin Is Ilya Ilyich? Of course. Only here Lained him - organic continuation of his upbringing and lifestyle. He doesn't have anything to fight for the existence, he does not need to work, because he is a landowner. In criticism, it was customary to condemn his attitude towards Olga Ilinskaya, his apathy and bravery, his unwillingness to take responsibility. But a modern family psychologist, most likely, would praise his decision and the refusal of romantic feelings. Oblomov himself realized how different they were with the bride, realized that any compromise would be a real breakdown of personality.

But with Agafei wheat, he gained happiness - a quiet, homemade, family. Yes, and Olga got what she wanted.

Consequently, is there a negative concept of "broom"? It is associated with eternal, up to the holes adjacent robe, a web, entropy, decline. But, on the other hand, the author painted his hero not one-sided. The image of Oblomov is ambiguous, like the worldview, the embodiment of which he is. Do not rush anywhere, do not build plans, do not rush in all directions, do not fuss. Live, enjoying today's day, the beauty of the surrounding world, art is not a dream of a modern person? Those who are driven by continuous progress that are constantly increasing demands, we forget how little in fact we need to feel harmony. But Ilya Ilyich found her intuitive. The breakdown is a kind of escapism, care to the world of fantasies. Such people do not rise against a living person, do not rewind validity, but reconcile with it. Is it unambiguous to say that this is an affected position? Herbonov himself does not give a direct response, but provides the opportunity to the reader to appreciate the hero and his world.

Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was published in 1859, at the moment when the question of the abolition of serfdom was extremely acute in the country, when Russian society had fully realized the decent conquest. Deep knowledge of life and the accuracy of social analysis of characters allowed the writer to find an amazingly correct definition of the text of the Russian life of the time - the breakdown.

The action "Oblomov" covers, with intervals, the period of time since 1819 (when Ilya was 7 years old), until 1856. Directly the action of the novel takes eight years, considering his "prehistory" and "after historical" - thirty-seven years. Such a wide distance of time did not cover until any Russian novel. Before us was the whole life of a person. And together with her, the processes of a large historical period revealed in "Oblomov", a whole era of Russian life. (3)

Goncharov explored and revealed in artistic images the origin of the grunce, its development and a degrading effect on the human person. It was this sociological "monographicity" that allocated "Oblomov" from a number of families close to him on the subject of the works of "childhood" and "adolescence" of Tolstoy, "Family Chronicles" - and to some extent brought "Oblomov" with such works of Shchedrin, as "Poshekhonna Starina" And especially the "Lord Golovy". (27)

In this novel, an extensive, universal psychological task is permitted, which could only arise in phenomena of pure Russians, national, possible only with our lifestyle, with those historical circumstances that have formed a folk nature, with the conditions under the influence of which developed and partly develops to Now our young generation. The author affected the vital questions and shortcomings of the Company with the aim of showing the full picture of the picture of life as it is, and a person with his feelings, thoughts and passions. Full objectivity, calm, impassive creativity, lack of narrow temporal purposes and lyrical impulses that violate clarity and distinctness of the epic narration are the distinctive signs of Goncharov's talent. The thought of him spent in the novel belongs to all centuries and nations, but is of particular importance for Russian society. The author has conceived to trace the dead, destructive influence that mental apathy on a person is on a person, the showdown, mastering little with all the power of the soul, embracing and thoroughly, all the best, human, reasonable movements and feelings. This apathy is an universal phenomenon, it is expressed in a wide variety of forms and is generated by heterogeneous reasons; But everywhere there is a terrible question in it: "Why live? What to work? " - The question for which a person often cannot find a satisfactory answer. This unresolved question, this dissatisfied doubt depletes the forces, ruins activities. Human hands are lowered and he throws work without finding him goals. One with indignation and with biliary will discard his work, the other will postpone her in the direction quiet and lazily. One will rush out of his inactivity, to resent on yourself and on people, to look for something, which could be filled with an internal emptiness, apathy will take it with a shade of gloomy despair and will intervene with feverish gusts to erratic activities, but will remain apatin because What takes away from him to act, feel and live. In another, the indifference to life will be expressed in a softer, colorless form, animal instincts quietly float to the surface of the soul, frown without pain, the highest aspirations, the person falls into a soft chair and will fall asleep, enjoying his meaningless peace. Instead of life, stagnant water will begin in the soul of a person, which will not affect the external world, which does not disturb any inner coup. In the first case, this is forced apathy. At the same time, we are watching the fight against it, an excess of forces, asked to work in the case and slowly extinguishing in fruitless attempts. This is a bayronism, illness of strong people. In the second case, we deal with submissive apathy, peaceful, smiling, without a desire to get out of inaction. This is a breakdown, as Her Goncharov himself called, the development of which also contributes to the Slavic nature and the entire life of our society. It is such an apathy, its development described in the novel of Goncharov, showed with incredible accuracy by tracing from sources to complete. (one)

For this idea, the entire plan of the novel is built so thought. There is not a single chance, not a single introductory person, not one extra detail. Everything is strictly natural and, while it is quite meaningful, the idea, events, and there are almost no action. The content of the novel can be described in two, three lines, as can be told in a few words the life of every person who has not experienced strong shocks. The interest of such a novel, the interest of such a lifetime is not in the intricate adhesion of events, but in observing the inner world of man. This world is always interesting, always attracts attention, especially accessible to study in calm minutes, when a person who makes up the subject of our observation, is granted itself, does not depend on external events, not put in an artificial position due to a random coincidence. In such calm moments of life, a person focuses on, collects his thoughts and looks into his inner world. It was then that it happens to anyone not noticeable, the deaf inner struggle, it matches and develops a thought or a turn on the past, evaluation of own actions, self-person. Such mysterious minutes, especially the roads for the artist, are especially interesting for the enlightened observer. In Goncharov's novel, the inner life of the actors is open before the reader's eyes. (3)

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the hero of the novel, personifies the mental apathy in himself, whom Goncharov gave the name of the barbecue. The word Oblomovshchina will not die in our literature: it is compiled so well and so fabricates one of the substantial vices of our Russian life, which is likely to be in the literature, it will penetrate into the tongue and will enter into universal use (1).

To understand the essence of the Oblomeness, the descriptions of the life of Ilya Ilyich Goncharov skillfully describes everything that surrounded the main character, the place of his life, his parents, who symbolicly act as conductors in the novel. (9.24)

The crushing was depicted was a gonchard with amazing completeness and versatility. He showed an isolated, closedness of this social environment: "They were focused on them themselves did not crossed themselves and did not come into contact with anyone." Oblomovka before us appeared in his silence and "in a calmness of calm", so characteristic of this patriarchal silence. The inhabitants of the crushing characterized the undivided power of the tradition: "The norm of life was ready and taught to them by their parents, and they took her, too, ready from grandfather, and grandfather from the great-grandfather, with the covenant of the obstacles of its value and inviolability." Patriarchal crushing - the kingdom of laziness. People live here, the soul of which "peacefully, without interference drowned in a soft body" (10)

When analyzing the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" clearly clarifies the position of Goncharov in relation to the "ideal of peace of mind and inaction", which the existence of the inhabitants of the crushing in the chief hero of the novel thinks. No wonder in the description of the crushing, the images of sleep and death is not only infinitely repeated, but also equates to each other, for peace and silence serve as the characteristics of both "twins", as these states of the human soul Tyutchev FF:

"Everything promises there the late long-term life before the yellowness of the hair and the invisible, sleep like death"

"Quiet and sleepily everything in the village .... In vain you will click loudly: the dead silence will be the answer "

"Dead silence reigned in the house. Coming an hour of universal afternoon sleep "

"In the Oblomovka, everyone is so hard and deceased"

Moreover, symbolic designations of life and death are often faced in the context:

"Everything is promulit there the late long-term life"

"Life as the late river"

"Three main acts of life - homeland, weddings and funerals"

"Sleep, eternal silence of sluggish life"

The concepts of life, death, sleep, peace, peace, silence - in fact, do not have independent characteristics, are no different for the ruble and these states themselves. "Sleepy crushing is the afterlife kingdom, this is an absolute peace of man ...".

Oblomovshchyna, according to Goncharov himself, corrupted not only the estate class, but also the famous part of Russian peasants, which was separated from productively labor. The dividious servants inevitably became a type of Baybakov - it was that the life path of Zakhar was. Zakhar is the same oblique person, as well as bugs, but if the first one is dramatic, then it only became comic here: Zakhar's consciousness did not suffer from cosiness. Everything that Oblomov is clothed in the poetic robe "Dreams", spoke at Zakhar in all his prosaic height

However, a comprehensive decompression show was not the goal, but to the means. In the center of his attention was the fate of a boy brought up by this full and oblique environment. Goncharovsky Roman is striking us the depth of penetration into the spiritual world of Ilyushi Oblomov. With the art of a genuine psychologist, Potters put the problem of the destructive impact of the reaction medium on a living and an inquisitive child in which she, however, brought up anemia, inability to live and act.

Oblomovka donated the will of the Will in the man trembled. Bakes acknowledge this, saying gallery: "I know everything, I understand everything, but there is no strength and will. Give me your will and mind and lead me (10).

The main task of the author in the novel - to show how a person is gradually dying in a person, as far as the landowner is not adapted, not accustomed to anything. The main qualities of the good, cute Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is his inertness, apathy, aversion to any activity. The faithful traditions of realism, I. A. Goncharov, shows that these qualities were the result of the education of Oblomov, they were born with confidence that any desire would be fulfilled and for this should not be made any effort. Oblomov - nobleman, he does not need to work for the sake of a piece of bread - hundreds of fortress zakhars in the estate work on it and fully ensure its existence.

So, he can lie all day on the sofa all day, not because it is tired, and therefore "what it was its normal state." He almost merged with his soft comfortable bathrobe and long wide shoes, in which virtuoso fell from the first time, barely swallowed his legs from the sofa. (27)

In the youth of the bug "" was full of all sorts of aspirations, hopes, I waited a lot from the fate and myself, everything was preparing for some beginning to some role. " (10) But time went, and Ilya Ilyich was going through everything, it was preparing to start a new life, but did not move on any purpose. In Moscow, he received a good education, but his head "was as if a library consisting of some parts of knowledge." Entering the service, which was previously presented to him in the form of some family lesson, he did not assume that life was immediately divided into two halves, one of which will be difficult and boredom that it was synonyms for him, and the other - From peace and peaceful fun. He realized that "it is necessary to be at least an earthquake, so as not to come to a healthy person to the service," and therefore he resigned soon, then stopped leaving back and completely got into the room. If the brooms and recognize some kind of work, then only the work of the soul, because dozens of generations of his ancestors "demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love, and where there was a case, always got rid of it, finding it possible and due ".

In the life of Oblomov was a minute when he thought about the reasons that prompted him to lead such a life when he asked himself a question: "Why am I?" In the climax chapter of the novel "Sleep Oblomov", the writer answers this question. (1, 17)

He creates a picture of the provincial landlord life and shows how lazy hibernation gradually becomes the normal state of the person.

Chapter "Sleep Oblomov", has an independent value. In the preface to the novel literary critic V.I. Kuleshov writes: "Goncharov decided entirely to insert a previously published" Sleep Oblomov ", giving him a kind of symbolic meaning in the overall composition. In the composition of the novel "Oblomov", this early essay began to play the role of preliminary history, an important message about the childhood of the hero ... The reader receives important information, thanks to which raising the Hero of the novel was made by Lessel. Since the lazy hibernation became the "style of life of the hero and more than once, he was dreams, dreams who endured him into the world of dreams, imaginary kingdoms, then naturally turned out for him and" Sleep Oblomov ". His unique presence with a special title in the composition of the novel acquired some kind of symbolic importance, gave the reader the opportunity to realize where and what exactly was this life "crumbled." But this is not all that includes a wonderful episode.

Such long and clear dreams, from a medical point of view, does not happen, and there was no chance of the task to describe a real sleep. Here the dream is a dream, he is conditional, also logically built.

In the IX chapter of the novel called "Sleep Oblomov" is shown idilation of childhood. Childhood is a special page of Russian classical literature, heartfelt, poetic; The joy and sorrows of a child who knows the world, nature, were described by S. T. Aksakov, L. N. Tolstoy, A. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Nabokov. It can be said that the theme of childhood is nostalgic, especially in the Nabokov, for whom childhood is also the lost homeland, which he carries in himself.

In a dream, the bugs are transferred to the estate of their parents, "in the blessed corner of the Earth," where there is no "sea, there are no high mountains, rocks, the abuses, nor dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and sullen." The idyllic picture, a number of beautiful landscapes appear in front of us. "Right and calmly performed there an annual circle. Deep silence lies in the fields. Silence and life calm reign in the nras of people in the very edge, "says Goncharov. Oblomov sees himself a small boy seeking to look into the unknown, set more questions and get answers on them. But only the concern for food becomes the first and main life concern in the crushing. And all the rest of the time it takes the "some kind of all-consuming, nothing invincible sleep, which goncharov makes a symbol characterizing people like Oblomov, and which calls the" true selection of death. " Since childhood, Ilya was accustomed to the fact that there should not be anything to do that for any work there is "Vaska, Vanka, Zakharka", and he himself at some point realized that so "much much". And therefore, all the "seeking manifestations of strength" in Ilyos "appealed inside and nicli, fading." Such life deprived the hero of the novel by any initiative and gradually turned him into a servant of his position, his habits and even the slave of his servant Zakhar.

Ilyusha Oblom has everything that is characteristic of a normal child: a liveliness, curiosity. "His passion wants to take a hanging gallery on the enveloped all the house ..." "He with joyful amazement, as if for the first time, looked around and hurt the parent home ..." "Children's mind observes all the phenomena in front of him; They are in deep in his soul, then grow and grow together with him. " And nanny? Be sure to eat a nanny that tells fairy tales. But the significant words: "... The fairy tale blended up with his life, and he sometimes saddenly sad, why not a fairy tale, and life is not a fairy tale." Here, in childhood, all that will remain with him to death is already laid.

Idyll of the Life Life, Peace, Sweet Sleep, Frozen Life, Sleep all the crushing ... How did you understand life in the crushing? "Good people understood her not otherwise, as the ideal of peace and inaction, violated at the time of different troubles, somehow: diseases, losses, quarrels, and, by the way, labor. They demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love ... "and death here was as if an imperceptible transition from the state of sleep into the dream is eternal. But there is in this idyll and endless charm.

"That's right and calmly committed there an annual circle." Nature itself, soft, calm, where there are no mountains, but there are hills that smoothly turn into the plain, embodies the "deep silence and the world." "Silence and imperturbative calm reign in the nras of people." In all this and the fade, and ... death. No matter how much charm and poetry are tali, they are about the frozen time.

I would like to live in this thorough time to adult Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He sighs hard when his "life pulls out."

Sleep Oblomov plays an important compositional role in the novel. Starting with the II head of Goncharov leads to the apartment of Oblomov Visiters. Wolves, narcissist shyol, who needs to get "ten places." "Ten places in one day - unhappy! - Thought Oblomov. - And this is life! .. Where is the person here? What is it crushing and scattered? " And the bugs are happy, "turning over his back, that he does not have such empty desires and thoughts that he does not happen, but lies here, while maintaining his human dignity and his peace." The next visiter is the Sudybinsky, the former colleague Oblomov who made a career. "Alcoholic, a kind friend, on the ears altered ... And it will be in people, it will turn into business and ranks over time ... And how little it is necessary for a person here: his mind, will, feelings ..." The writer comes Penkin. Oblomov's conclusion after Pencois's leave: "Yes, everything is careful, to spend the thought, soul on the little things ... to trade with the mind and imagination ... Do not know the rest ... when to stay and relax? Unhappy!" A person comes without properties, even nobody knows his last name: whether Ivanov, or Vasilyev, or Alekseyev, who also fuss, is somewhere calling Oblomov. Finally, the fellow countryman Ilya Ilyich - Tarantyev, the personality is no less skateny than others. He says a master, noise produces a lot, but it's not enough to work.

Is a visit to the doctor who gives a delight to the bug: more move, walk "eight hours a day." After all, Ilya Ilyich has already begun early obesity.

Without taking all this empty activities (pursuit of career, money, secular entertainment), obcomments exposes themselves to "secret confession" and comes to the idea that "some secret enemy imposed heavy hand at him at the beginning of the road ...". It ended his reflection by the fact that "the dream stopped the slow and lazy flow of his thoughts."

"Sleep Oblomova" explains why the path of his visitors is unacceptable for Ilya Ilyich. The dream separates these visits from the arrival of the gallery, which played a huge role in the life of Oblomov.

With difficulty at the beginning of the fifth, it comes out of sleeping, and here, like a fresh wind with will, galley breaks. He has nothing to do with the former visitors. Stolz honest, smart, active. He sincerely wants to withdraw the brood from the hibernation. But it turned out that the domestic friend gallets also does not know the true goal of life, and its operation is largely mechanical. Oblons, in essence, realizing that gallery sincerely wants to help him, it turns out to be unable to join the life, go to his own way, and the operation of the gallery is not for him. However, the arrival of the gallery brought Oblomov from immobility, as if he gave him a chance. Oblomov seemed to have come to life when Olga loved. But here he saved.

Oblomov's days ended on Vasilyevsky Island in Wheat. This is also a kind of crushing, but without the feeling of childhood poetry, nature, waiting for a miracle. Almost unnoticed our hero goes into his eternal sleep.

What is the reason for the possibilities of Oblomov not carried out, the internal forces remained without use? Of course, it is rooted in a crushing. "Sleep Oblomov" explains why he did not want and could not go through early visitor, nor by galley: Ilya Ilyich was not a certain goal, nor energy for its implementation. Thus, Sleeping Sleeping is like a focus of the novel.

In his article "What is a breakdown?" N. A. Dobrolyubov wrote "Oblomov - not a stupid apathetic figure without aspirations and feelings, but a person who is also looking for something in life, about something thinking." (17) It is endowed with many positive qualities, and not stupid. In his judgments there is a sad truth - also the investigation of Russian life. What are all these faters, finks, foams seek? Indeed, is it worth getting up from the sofa for the petty bustle of which his former comrades are busy?

In an extremely simple and non-smashed by any external effects of the plub "Oblomov" Dobrolyubov saw a deep public content. He wrote: "Apparently, not an extensive sphere elected potters for his own. The story of how the Dobryak lies and sleeps the Dobryak-sludge of obcomments and how neither friendship nor love can awaken and raise it, not God know what an important story. But it reflected Russian life, it appears in front of us alive, modern Russian type, minted with merciless rigor and truthfulness; It affected the new word of our social development, uttered clearly and firmly, without despair and without childish hopes, but with the full consciousness of the truth. The word is "Oblomovshchina", serves as a key to solving many phenomena of Russian life and it gives Roman Goncharov much more social significance than how many of our accusatory stories have it. In the type of Oblomov and in the whole "Oblomeness" we see something more than just a successful creature of strong talent; We find in it the work of Russian life, a sign of time. " (17)

Turning to the form of Oblomov, Dobrolyubov seemed insightfully the source of his life drama partly in the external situation of Oblomov, in part "in the image of his mental and moral development." Dobrolyubov saw the image of those "Mnimo-talented natures" in Oblomov, who previously admired "before they were covered with different mantles, decorated themselves with different hairstyles, attracted to themselves with different talents. But now, the bugs are in front of us exposed, as he is, silent, minted with a beautiful pedestal on a soft sofa, covered instead of mantle only with a spacious bathrobe. Question what does he do? What is the meaning and purpose of his life? "It is raised directly and clearly, not clogged with any part-time." (27)

Oblomov destroyed serfdom, Barsk education and all the same stroke of the Russian landowner life, which is slow, but correctly turned off this person from life, turned it into an "warehouse, littered with any rubbish." (eighteen)

Antipode obolome is Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. It was introduced into the novel to emphasize the character of Oblomov, show the difference between them from each other, without him the painting of the ruble would not be full, so we won't go around the gallery.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is such a person who was still very little in that society. He is not spoiled by home education, he began to use a reasonable freedom from young years, early learned his life and knew how to make strong theoretical knowledge into practical activities.

The earliness of the belief, the hardness of the will, a critical view of people and for life, as well as faith in the truth and in good, respect for everything beautiful and elevated - these are the main features of the character of the gallery.

It was after the analysis of two heroes of the novel we saw a bright difference.

In the conclusion of this part of the diploma, I would like to summarize what is still such a breakdown, which is its place in the work of the potarov and the life of a Russian person.

Let us turn to the words of Gorky, who wrote that the generalizing force created by the potted image is enormous "... in the face of Oblomov in front of us the trifles of the nobility" (16). Oblomovtsy is not only a small provincial nobility, it's all the then Russian Baroge, who worried about the process of a deep, social and moral crisis. Oblons - the widest way in its range the image covering the entire noble-presented class, the synthesis of the most essential features of his psyche and primarily deep cosmia, convinced baybstoma. In the fate of Oblomov with an exhaustive fullness, the degradation process was shown, the degeneracy of a serfish structure with the features of wildness and stagnation peculiar to it. Oblomov - the personification of the entire landlord of life on the eve of the 60s.


Ivan Goncharov For the first time in his novel, "Oblomov" introduces a new for Russian literature, the concept of "Oblomovshchina", which marked a special social tendency, characteristic, first of all, for the Russian people, concluded in complete flavors, apathy, constant laziness and excessive dreamy, when illusions are replaced Real life, and man degrades. The word "Oblomovshchina" itself occurred on behalf of the main character of the work - Oblomov and the names of his native village - crushing, which was the fill in all of the fact that he led to the gradual extinction of Ilya Ilyich as a person, his complete convergence from the world and the final escapherism. The image of Oblomov and "Oblomovshchina" in Goncharov's novel is the reflection of the process of gradual change, the "sod" of a person who is vaccinated by unnatural values \u200b\u200band desires, which ultimately leads to tragic consequences - to gain a false meaning of life, fear of the real world and the early death of the hero.

Oblomovka and "Oblomovshchina"

The roots of the appearance of "Oblomovshchina" in Oblomov are in childhood Hero - Ilya Ilyich grew up in distant, literally torn off from the real world and the center of Russia village - Oblomovka. The estate of Oblomovaya is located in a picturesque, quiet, peaceful area, where the climate was pleased with his moderate and tranquility, where there were no heavy rains, hurricanes or winds, the races of the sea or the majestic mountains, instead of which spreadshed the hills, even the sky "closer to the ground" "To hug her stronger, with love: it was spread so low above the head, like a parental reliable roof, to protect, it seems, the elected corner from any adversity."

Everything here was "deceased, long-term life to yellowness and imperceptible, sleep like death." Even the pors of the year replaced each other by the calendar, without destroying sowing Spring snow, - all in the crushing went on the usual way, without changing decades. In such a similarity of Paradise on Earth and developed obgals and crushers, even nature fenced from any adversity, experiences and loss.

People in the crushing lived from the rite to the rite - from birth to the wedding and from the wedding to the funeral. The peaceful nature was packed by the temper, making quiet, harmless and indifferent to everything: the most terrible atrocities in the village were associated with the thefts of pea or carrots, and finding one day a dead man from the neighboring village, they decided to forget about it, since the life of their other communities is not Related, and therefore the dead man is not their problem. A similar situation was with a letter from the neighboring estate, where the beer recipe was described, but the ruffle was afraid to open it immediately, fearing the unkind Westa, capable of disturbing the usual calm of the village. The work in the crushing did not like, considering his aunt and trying to make a case as quickly as possible or put it on the shoulders of the other at all. In the estate, the courtyards were performed all the work, which, as can be seen on the example of Zahar, were also not the most responsible and hardworking people, but at the same time remained loyal servants of their bar.

The days of Oblomovtsev proceeded in peace and idleness, and the most important event was the choice of dishes to dinner, when everyone offered its own options, and then everyone consulted, coming to the menu with a special seriousness: "The concern for food was the first and home life concern in the crushing. After the meal, everyone fell into a sleepy state, sometimes lazy meaningless conversations were lazy, but they were most often silent, gradually falling asleep: "It was some kind of all-consuming, nothing invincible sleep, the true selection of death," which from year to the year he watched little Ilya, gradually adopting The model of behavior and value of parents.

Childhood Oblomov in the Oblomovka

As a child, Ilya was inquisitive, an active child who tried in every way to know the world around. He wanted, like other guys, run around the fields, climb on trees, walk, where it is forbidden, or, having risen on the Senov, admire the height of a river and magnificent scenery. Oblomov liked to watch animals, inspect the surrounding area. However, over-guarding parents, who from infancy surrounded Ilya with continuous care and control, prohibited the boy to actively interact with the world and study it, putting it completely different, "Oblomovskaya" values \u200b\u200band a model of behavior: constant laziness, unwillingness to work and learn, drylessness and fear of real World.

Delivered the need to fight for their desires, getting, all that he wants, on the first request, the bugles got used to idleness. He did not need to solve or do anything on his own - there were always parents nearby, which "knew better" that they needed their son, or servants, ready to bring him any eats, help get dressed either to get into the chairs. Ilya was raised as an exotic "room flower", by all the forces protecting it from the outside world and shelting in a pacifying chip nest. Parents did not even demand success from their son's success, as they did not consider science with something truly important and useful, they themselves often left him at home on holidays or in bad weather. That is why learning at school, and then at the institute, it became for Oblomov something like the instructions of the parents, and not the realization of his own will. In class Ilya Ilyich, it was boring, he did not understand how the knowledge gained can be applied in its continued life, in particular, in the crushing.

Destroying the influence of fairy tales for the life of Oblomov

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich appears very sensitive, dreamy, man who knows how to see beautiful and subtly worry any manifestations of the outside world. In many respects, the picturesque obgomovskaya nature and fairy tales, who told the boy of his nanny, were influenced into the formation of these qualities in the hero. Myths and legends were fascinated by Oblomov in a completely different world - the world is fantastic, beautiful and full wonders: "He unwittingly dreams of Militis Kirtubevna; His everything pulls in the one way, where only they know that they walk where there is no worries and peasants; He remains forever the location to lie down on the furnace, be in the ready, unkought dress and eat at the expense of a good wizard. " Even in a mature age, realizing that "Milk Rivers" does not exist, Ilya Ilyich "sometimes sadness sometimes, why not a fairy tale, and life is not a fairy tale." That is why there was a living with fairy tales, a feeling of man thrown in a terrifying and frightening world, where you need to blindly wade forward, not seeing the goal, no road, to save only a true miracle.

The fabulous, the magical world of legends and myths becomes for Oblomov alternative reality and already in adulthood, he himself fits a fairy tale about the future life in a paradise crushing, about the infinite calm family happiness, well-being and peace of mind. However, the tragedy of Ilya Ilyich consists not even in a total escapism, fear of society, reluctance to do something and fight for their happiness, and not an understanding that he has already replaced the real life of the illusory. Before his death for Oblomov, his dreams are more realistic and important than his son, a wife, friend and surrounding people, even more important than himself, because in his dreams he is all right with health, he is full of strength and energy. However, the goncharov himself in the novel gives the reader briefly one of the explanations of this substitution: "Or maybe a dream, the eternal silence of the sluggish life and the lack of movement and all sorts of valid fears, adventures and dangers forced the person to create a person among the natural world, uncomfortable, and in it to seek Razcala and fun idle imagination or rays of ordinary clutches of circumstances and causes the phenomenon outside the phenomenon, "emphasizing that life itself should be continuous aspiration forward, and not endless sleep in the" Comfort Zone ".


The concept of "Oblomovshchina" in the novel "Oblomov" is introduced by Goncharov not as a single characteristic of the vital motives and features of nature of the main character, but as a typical and especially attractive phenomenon for the Russian society - archetype of Emelia-fool, lying on the furnace and waiting for his starry hour. According to the author himself, this is "the evil and insidious satire on our great-grandfathers, and maybe also on us" - a fairy tale in which you want to believe everyone, but which has nothing to do with reality, where to achieve heights you need to get up with Furnaces and work, work on yourself. On the example of Oblomov Goncharov showed how adversely can affect sensitively, a dreamy man excessive care and guardianship, protection against stress and losses, leading to a complete disappointment in real life and replacing it with illusions.

Characteristics of the concept of "Oblomovshchina", the history of its appearance and the connection with the main hero of the novel will be generated by 10 classes during the preparation of the composition on the topic "Oblomov and" Oblomovshchyna "in the novel" Oblomov ".

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