People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Special privileges in the USSR

 People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Special privileges in the USSR
People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Special privileges in the USSR

As in any other activity, the merits of cultural workers have always been noted by state awards. Why did they get them? For contribution to the development of culture and personal investment in the development of art. What is the above - Honored Artist or People's Folk? Let's figure it out.

Who can apply for state-level awards?

People are often asked: "What is higher - People's Or Honored Artist of Russia?". But to give a response to him, you must first understand who can qualify for this title. First of all, of course, these are those who can be seen on cinema screens. These are actors. They are more often received government promotion. But no film can be removed without those who remain behind the scenes. Directors, screenwriters, playwrights are those people who contribute a considerable contribution to the development of cinema. And they, too, are often honored by state awards. The work of artists who are not filmed in the cinema, but often perform on television. These are singers and leading television programs. Also, the state supports various other areas of culture. For example, Circus, theater and philharmonic. People who are working for many years to create spectacular programs, whether the circus presentation or concerts of opera music may be rightfully noted by state privileges.

What can you get a reward in the field of arts?

Before understanding that above is a well-deserved artist or folk, you need to decide why it encourages people.

  • First of all, of course, for creating religious programs and films. For the formulation of such creative projects goes not one year. But they become part of the life of the people. The cult films are broadcast on TV every year, and theatrical views are put on scenes through the farms throughout the country.
  • Public awards are encouraged by people who were able, thanks to their talent and personal charisma, enrich one or another role. And it will not always be those who act as the main actors. Sometimes state awards receive the actors of the second plan, which perfectly coped with their task and were able to overshadow the art of the game of everyone else.
  • Honorary title can be obtained for a breakthrough in any of the arts spheres. How to make this breakthrough? Come up with a program on which the actors will be trained, write an unexpected scenario turn, which has not been used anywhere before. In general, make an innovation, thanks to which the culture of the country will enrich.
  • Teacher is a noble profession. And sometimes creative personalities who brought up not one generation of magnificent actors, musicians, conductor, etc., become owners of state awards.

Honored Artist

Thanks to her talent and charisma, some people become pets of the public. To understand that above is a well-deserved artist or folk, you need to disassemble these titles separately, and then compare them. During the life, a culture worker receives many awards. First he is awarded urban, then regional and only then state marks of differences. A person who claims to be a deserved artist should work in culture at least 20 years. And during this time, he should go through all the level of development, from the Niza himself, to the vertices of the career, and, accordingly, to glory. After all, not everyone becomes deserved artists, but only those people who do not just work in culture, but also enrich it at the expense of their talent and hardworking. Sometimes they have to live work, which means at work. This hard work is evaluated by the government. The award is most often led by March 25 - the Day of the Employee of Culture.

National artist

After a person contributes to the development of art, the government awards him the first title. Honored Artist is a figure that his creative contributed to the promotion of the region chosen by him for 30 years. If this person does not lose its potential and will not stop on the achieved, he will be waiting for the next government award. The cultural worker becomes a people's artist. But only the one who gave his profession 20 years of life can get this title. The exception is only ballet artists. After all, as you know, the ballerina is already considered pensioners in their 30 years. Therefore, they are awarded for 20 years outstanding creative activities as an exclusion of the title of people's artistics. Like all other state awards, the order for the appointment of a new title is compiled by the government and is signed by the president. Therefore, answering the question that above is a well-deserved artist or popular, one can safely say that popular. After all, to achieve this honorable award, you need to give most of your life to the ministry of art.


We already understood what the title above is a people's artist or well-deserved. Now you need to sum up and systematize information.

  • Both titles are state, appointed by the government.
  • The status "People's Artist" is awarded to a person for 30 years of service to art. But to become a deserved artist, in culture you need to work for at least 20 years. The exception is only ballerina.
  • What is the difference between a people's artist from a deserved artist? In the sequence of getting titles. It is impossible to become a people's artist if there is no deserved artist award in the arsenal of achievements.

What the title of culture figures appreciate?

What is higher - a people's artist or honored - the reader has already understood. But how do these titles of culture themselves relate to these titles? Naturally, both government awards are important for people.

But in culture, as well as in the military industry, the very soldier who does not dream of becoming a general. Therefore, artists who have already reached the title of deserved artists, try not to fall into the dirt face and work in the person in favor to get a cherished award. Honored Artist is not just a title, it is something more. Recognition, folk love and the achievement of a peak in a career - that's what it means for the artist of art, a decree and the icon relying on it. Therefore, no doubt, every person who works in the field of culture and wants to achieve something in this life, hopes at the end of his brilliant career to possess the honorary title of the people's artist.

original name

People's Artist of the Russian Federation

Country A type Who is awarded

artists, ballersters, conductions, playwrights, composers, directed, choir, music performers



Statistics Date of institution First award Opelness Junior award

"People's Artist of the Russian Federation" - The highest honorary title of the Russian Federation, assigned to outstanding achievements in the field of theater, musical, circus, pop and cinema art. Enters the State Premium System of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for assignment

The title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is assigned to Russian artists, balletmacers, conductor, playwrights, composers, directors, choirusers, music performers who created highly artistic images, musical works, concert and circus programs, theatrical and cinematographic roles and performing them who made an outstanding contribution In the development and preservation of domestic artistic culture, the formation of a young generation of artists and received widespread recognition of the public and the professional community.

The honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is assigned, as a rule, not earlier than 10 years after the assignment of the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" or "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" (artists of ballet, performing the first parties, not earlier than through 5 years).

Application procedure

The President of the Russian Federation issues a decree on the assignment of the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" once a year on the eve of the celebration of the Day of the Employee of Culture (March 25).

History of the title

For the first time, the honorary title "People's Artist of the Republic" was established by the Soviet government in 1919. Among the first folk artists were: composer A. K. Glazunov, singers F. I. Shalyapin and L. V. Sobinov. In the USSR from 1936 to 1991, the highest honorary title, next to the Supreme Republican title, was "People's Artist of the USSR".

Chest sign

The breastplate is one for the honorary ranks of the Russian Federation shape of 40 mm height and 30 mm wide and is made of silver. It has the form of an oval wreath formed by laurel and oak branches. Crossed down the ends of the branches are bandaged by a bow. The state emblem of the Russian Federation is located on the top of the wreath. On the front side, in the central part, the wreath is imposed on the wreath with the inscription - the name of the honorary title.

On the back there is a pin to attach a breastplate to clothing. The breastplate is rushed on the right side of the chest.

The prudent signs of the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation", issued after September 7, 2010 - are gilded.

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Excerpt characterizing people's artist of the Russian Federation

On this day, the Countess Elena Vasilyevna had a Rauta, there was a French messenger, there was a prince who became a frequent visitor to the house of the Countess, and many brilliant ladies and men. Pierre was downstairs, walked around the halls, and struck all the guests to his concentrated scattered and dark view.
Pierre with the time of Bala felt the approach of the seizures of the hypochondria and the desperate effort was tried to fight against them. Since the rapprochement of the Prince with his wife, Pierre unexpectedly was granted to the chamber member, and from that time he began to feel the severity and shame in a large society, and more often he began to come for the same dark thoughts about the trust of all the human. At the same time, they seen the feeling between Natasha's patrontessing and Prince Andrey, with his own excipability between his position and the position of his friend, this gloomy mood strengthened. He equally tried to avoid thoughts about his wife and about Natasha and Prince Andrei. Again, he seemed insignificantly in comparison with Eternity, again the question was: "Why?". And he and nights forced himself to work on Masonic works, hoping to remove the approach of evil spirit. Pierre 12 meters, coming out of the chart's chassis, sat at the top in a surround, low room, in a slanting coat in front of the table and rewritten authentic Scottish acts when someone entered the room to him. It was Prince Andrei.
"And that's you," said Pierre with scattered and disgruntled views. - And I'm working, - he said, pointing to a notebook with the kind of salvation from the adversity of the life, with whom unfortunate people look at their work.
Prince Andrei with shining, enthusiastic and updated to life, the face stopped in front of Pierre and, without noticing his sad face, he smiled happily with egoism.
"Well, my soul," he said, "I wanted to tell you yesterday and today I came to you." Never experienced anything like that. I'm in love, my friend.
Pierre sigh suddenly sighed and fell his heavy body on the sofa, the prince of Andrei.
- In Natasha Rostov, yes? - he said.
- Yes, yes, in whom? I would never believe, but this feeling is stronger than me. Yesterday I suffered, suffered, but also the torment of this I will not give anything in the world. I did not live before. Now only I live, but I can't live without her. But can she love me? ... I'm old for her ... What are you not saying? ...
- I? I? What I told you - suddenly said Pierre, getting up and starting to walk around the room. "I always thought it ... This girl is such a treasure, that ... this is a rare girl ... a dear friend, I ask you, you do not mind, do not pass, marry, marry and marry ... and I am sure that you will not be happier.
- But she!
- She loves you.
"Don't talk to the peel ..." said Prince Andrei, smiling and looking into the eyes of Pierra.
"Loves, I know," Pierre shouted angrily.
"No, listen," said Prince Andrei, stopping him by the hand. - Do you know whether I am? I need to say anyone to someone.
"Well, well, say, I am very happy," said Pierre, and really his face changed, the wrist was smoothed, and he joyfully listened to Prince Andrew. Prince Andrei seemed to be a completely different, new man. Where was his longing, his contempt for life, his disappointment? Pierre was the only person in front of which he decided to speak; But he expressed him all that he had in the soul. Then he easily and boldly made plans for a prolonged future, said how he could not sacrifice his happiness for the whim of his father, as he would force her father to agree to this marriage and love her or would cost him without his consent, he was wondering how Something strange, alien, independent of him, on the feeling that owned them.
"I would not believe those who would tell me that I could love so," said Prince Andrei. - This is not at all the feeling that I had before. The whole world is divided into two halves for me: one - she and there all happiness of hope, light; Another half is all where it is not, there is all the despondency and darkness ...
- Darkness and darkness, - repeated Pierre, - Yes, yes, I understand it.
"I can't not love light, I'm not to blame for that." And I am very happy. You understand me? I know you are happy for me.
"Yes, yes," Pierre confirmed, silent and sad eyes looking at his friend. The little of the fate of Prince Andrei, the fate of Prince Andrei, the greately appeared his own.

For marriage, there was a father's consent to marry, and for this another day, Prince Andrei went to his father.
Father with outdoor calm, but the son of his son accepted the inner malice. He could not understand that somebody wanted to change the life to make something new to her when life had already ended. "I would give only to live as I want, and then they would do what I wanted," the old man said. With his son, however, he used that diplomacy he used in important cases. Taking a calm tone, he discussed the whole thing.
First, marriage was not brilliant with respect to kinship, wealth and knowledge. Secondly, Prince Andrei was not the first youth and weak health (the old man took it on it), and she was very young. Thirdly, there was a son who was sorry to give the girl. In the fourth, finally, "said the father, looking mockingly on his son," I ask you, postpone the case for a year, go abroad, eating, our own, how you want, German, for Prince Nicholas, and then, if love, Passion, stubbornness that you want, so great, then get married.
- And this is the last my word, know, last ... - Cumshot the prince of such a tone, which she showed that nothing would force him to change his decision.
Prince Andrei clearly saw that the old man hoped that his feeling of his or his future bride would not stand testing of the year, or that he himself, the old prince, would die by this time, and decided to fulfill the will of his father: to make an offer and postpone the wedding for a year.
Three weeks after his last evening, Rostov, Prince Andrei returned to St. Petersburg.

The next day after his explanation with the mother, Natasha waited for a whole day of Block, but he did not come. On the other, on the third day there was the same. Pierre also did not come, and Natasha, not knowing what Prince Andrei went to his father, could not explain his absence.
So three weeks passed. Natasha did not want to leave anywhere and as a shadow, idle and sad, walked around the rooms, in the evening secretly cried and was not in the evenings to the mother. She indifferently blushed and annoyed. It seemed to her that everyone knew about her disappointment, laugh and regret her. With the strength of the inner grief, this vain mountain strengthened its misfortune.
Once she came to the Countess, I wanted to tell her something, and suddenly I was crying. The tears of her were tears of an offended child who himself does not know what he was punished.
Countess began to calm Natasha. Natasha, who was listening first in the words of the mother, suddenly interrupted her:
- Stop, Mom, I do not think, and I do not want to think! So, traveled and stopped, and stopped ...

Is the highest honorary title Russian Federation For outstanding achievements in the field of theater, musical, circus, pop and cinema. Enters the state premium system Russian Federation.

Installed by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on August 10, 1931.

Since 1992, after changing the name of the state with the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic on the Russian Federation (see the Law of the RSFSR of December 25, 1991 No. 2094-I) in the title of title, as in all honorary titles, the word "RSFSR" It was replaced by the words "Russian Federation", with the corresponding change in the breastplate.

Grounds for assignment

Chest sign

The title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is assigned to Russian artists, balletmusers, conductor, playwrights, composers, directors, choirusers, music performers who created highly artistic images, musical works, concert and circus programs, theatrical and cinematographic roles and performing them who made an outstanding contribution In the development and preservation of domestic artistic culture, the formation of a young generation of artists and received widespread recognition of the public and the professional community.

The honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is assigned, as a rule, not earlier than 10 years after the assignment of the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" or "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" (artists of ballet, performing the first parties, not earlier than through 5 years).

Application procedure

The President of the Russian Federation issues a decree on the assignment of the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" once a year on the eve of the celebration of the Day of the Employee of Culture (March 25). History of the title


For the first time, the honorary title "People's Artist of the Republic" was established by the Soviet government in 1919. Among the first folk artists were: composer A. K. Glazunov, singers F. I. Shalyapin and L. V. Sobinov. In the USSR from 1936 to 1991, the highest honorary title, next to the Supreme Republican title, was "People's Artist of the USSR".

After the collapse of the USSR, the name of the state was changed from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on the Russian Federation. In the names of all honorary titles, the old name of the state "RSFSR" was replaced by the "Russian Federation". Until March 30, 1996, instead of the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR" was assigned the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" with appropriate inscriptions on breastplate signs.

In 1995, the honorary titles were aged with new breastplate signs by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1341 instead of the honored ranks established by the republic as part of the USSR.

The honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1995 No. 1341 "On the establishment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation, approval of the provisions on honorary titles and descriptions of the breastplate to the honorary titles of the Russian Federation." The same decree approved the initial position on the honorary title, which said:

The honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is assigned no earlier than five years after the assignment of the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" or "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" artists, directors, balletograms, conductor, khmeursters, music performers who created highly artistic images, Performances, movies, TVBeptacts, televisionils, concert, pop, circus programs, musical, television and radio production, which made an outstanding contribution to the domestic artistic culture and received extensive public recognition.

In this form, the provision on the honorary rank is approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099 "On measures to improve the State Award System of the Russian Federation".

Chest sign

The breastplate is one for the honorary ranks of the Russian Federation shape of 40 mm height and 30 mm wide and is made of silver. It has the form of an oval wreath formed by laurel and oak branches. Crossed down the ends of the branches are bandaged by a bow. The state emblem of the Russian Federation is located on the top of the wreath. On the front side, in the central part, the wreath is imposed on the wreath with the inscription - the name of the honorary title.

On the back there is a pin to attach a breastplate to clothing. The breastplate is rushed on the right side of the chest.