Scarlet Sails. "scarlet sails" characteristic of gray and asol

Scarlet Sails. "scarlet sails" characteristic of gray and asol

Tell about yourself famous work A. Green will be difficult without a description of Gray from "Scarlet Sails". He, like Assol the main character of this work. With a girl they are very similar: both are strangers in their environment, and both live in anticipation of a fairy tale, a dream. But if Assol is just waiting, then Arthur is the blacksmith of his future happiness.

Gray's childhood

The image of Gray from "Scarlet Sails" is ambiguous and unusual. The boy was born and raised in a noble wealthy family. But among family values ​​and the shackles of etiquette, he is terribly uncomfortable and bored. He strives for nature, and there, like Assol, creates his fairy world full of adventures and mysteries. He does not find a place in the world of adults until one day he sees a picture with a ship and a captain. From that moment on, the boy with all his soul strives for the sea, studying it in the old dusty books of the old library.

Young rebel

Since early childhood Arthur is a rebel. He rebelles against cruelty (paints the wounds of Christ in the picture, and when the cook Betsy burns his hand with boiling water, the boy does the same with his hand), against the boring walls of the castle (at the age of 15, he swims away to the sea as a cabin boy on a ship), against excessive guardianship and mother and captain Gopa. But his most striking rebellion is against the commonplace. In Fox, having learned about Assol's prediction, Arthur Gray decides to bring her fairy tale to life. Scarlet Sails and his desire to surprise and charm the girl will become a real rebellion against the gray everyday life of the town, in which they do not know how to tell stories or dream.

Gray and sea

The characterization of Gray from the work "Scarlet Sails" lies in the basic qualities: he is noble and bold, romantic and purposeful, sincere and loyal to his ideals. But there is one more distinctive feature his character: the rule to stand your ground. Arthur is unshakable in his pursuits. This is shown when, in the castle, he publicly declares that he will drink wine with a strange inscription, which has been cherished for several decades. The strength of mind, completely unusual for a fifteen-year-old pampered boy, shows Gray on Captain Gop's ship that he took him for fun and was stunned by his stamina and inner strength... And finally, seeing Assol and learning a strange prediction, he, by all means, decides to make it come true.

Gray and Assol

In the story "Scarlet Sails" the hero Gray appears kind wizard in the life of Assol, the first - Egle - gave her a dream. And the second one brought it to life.

“I understood a simple truth. It is about doing the so-called miracles with your own hands ... Do this miracle if you are able to new soul he will have a new one for you. " says Gray to his surprised sailor Paten. In this phrase, the whole Arthur is a real prince, with a wide heart and a fiery soul.

When fate brings Arthur to Kaperna, he sees Assol sleeping. The girl charms him with her pure, sincere beauty. But even more magic comes from the warped, but still such a fabulous legend that surrounds the girl. Giving a dream to Assol, Gray himself becomes even brighter and more sincere.

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Arthur Gray is one of the main characters in the story, romantic hero, a noble knight, the image of a real man and the dreams of women. It contains such masculine qualities that are valued at all times and by all civilized people.

Arthur was born into a wealthy and well-born family and grew up in a real castle. Parents were very proud of their position in society, they were arrogant and arrogant people. Father was important statesman and he devoted a lot of time to his business, sometimes for a long time without seeing his son, and sometimes he forgot how old he was. And my mother loved her son very much and pampered him, allowing him to do whatever she pleased.

Gray grew up as an inquisitive and naughty boy. He enjoyed exploring the castle and it was huge. Arthur also visited the attic, where he found many interesting subjects, and in the cellar, where he got acquainted with the contents of the bottles, and in the kitchen, which was unacceptable for the boy in his position. He often skipped lessons, disgusted with them, but loved to read books.

He especially enjoyed adventures, tales of the sea, pirates, and heroic sagas. He always did what he wanted, his every whim was satisfied: he did not want the trees to be cut and they were left untouched; could take any dog ​​to the castle; ride any horse you like; run barefoot; climb everywhere; rummage in the library as much as you like.

It is interesting that luxury and permissiveness did not spoil his character, did not make him soulless and arrogant. The boy had alive soul, he grew up as a brave, kind and generous child. He often stood up for the servants. Upon learning that the servant Betsy could not get married, since she had no money, he gave her all the savings from his piggy bank.

Arthur didn't want to continue family traditions... He was a romantic by nature, raved about the sea and adventure. Therefore, at the age of fourteen, he ran away from home and joined the cabin boy on the schooner "Anselm" ", on which he sailed for six years. Over the years, Arthur has turned from a boy with small hands and the appearance of a girl in disguise sea ​​wolf: he got stronger, matured, tanned, movements became clear and well-aimed, speech became short and precise. By the time he met Assol, he was about twenty four years, and he was the captain of his own ship, the Secret Galion.

Like the servants in the castle, the team loved and respected him for his fairness and efficiency. Becoming a captain, Gray does not betray himself: on the ship he transports goods not for profit, but for pleasure.

Gray commits an extraordinary act for the sake of his girlfriend. He makes Assol's dream of scarlet sails a reality.

"... I understood one simple truth. It is to do the so-called miracles with your own hands ... when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, do it a miracle for him, if you are able to ..."

Determination, courage, determination allowed Gray to change his life and fulfill his dream of the sea. The decision she made in my youth turned out to be the right one, opening the way to adventure and personal happiness.

One of the main characters in Alexander Green's story is Arthur Gray. He is a romantic, a man who managed to fulfill the dream of a kind girl. The image and characteristics of Gray in the story "Scarlet Sails" become clear after getting acquainted with his childhood, character and origin.

The appearance of the hero

Arthur changes outwardly as he grows up. At first it is a small cabin boy with the appearance and figure of a girl. Then he becomes a broad-bodied man with strong muscles. The little count's feminine pallor was replaced by a beautiful tan. Teenage carelessness has passed, there are well-aimed and precise movements of hard-working hands. The self-confident young man retained the count's posture and appearance. Gray has an interesting speech. Arthur is laconic. The author writes that Gray speaks like a sea stream, where fish shimmer and tremble with silver. Thoughts are precise and short, like seagulls striking the waves in search of prey.

Family and upbringing

The boy grows up in a real castle. The son of a wealthy noble family inquiringly studies everything around him. Striking discoveries for him are where others would not see anything unusual. Father is an important official in public service, mother, housewife, name was Lillian. She loved her son, did not forbid him anything, on the contrary, encouraged his quirks.

What the child could require:

  • ride any horse;
  • take different dogs into the house;
  • reward the person he likes;
  • rummaging through the books in the library;
  • run barefoot wherever you want.
Gray adopted the features of his mother and father. He pitied the servants, defended the poor, did not distinguish himself and did not protect from society. The boy loves to read and tell stories, fictional and bookish. The child grows up generous, he is not sorry to part with the accumulated coins for the happiness of those close to him.


A young man with a lively and quivering soul has not lost his innate individuality. Luxury, wealth did not leave their imprint on his soul. He looked for miracles and opportunities for feats. A thinking look studied people and things inquisitively. Arthur is not like his peers.

What is its difference:

Originality. Gray surprised the team with his mood swings. He chose unexpected directions for flights, then made long stops.

Flight of the soul. A constant bird lives in his heart, which does not allow the owner to ossify and stop. A strange flying soul, inspired by dreams.

Romance. The young captain does not think about profit, he walks on the sea for pleasure.

Outward calmness. Gray hides all feelings and inner feelings behind external composure. He is self-possessed and calm. But the author compares his calmness to a sail moving in the wind quickly and smoothly.

The captain mentally lines up the entire upcoming course of events, as if ahead of him. Then he moves towards the set goal, as if playing checkers.

Captain Hero Traits

Gray fell in love with the sea as a child, when he saw a ship and a captain in the picture. He set a goal for himself and fulfilled it. Continents, oceans and ships became toys for the boy. At the age of 14, a boy from a wealthy family runs away from home and becomes a sailor. The captain of his first ship hoped that the boyish hobby would dissolve like a mirage in the first months, but Gray did not abandon his goal. He, gritting his teeth, comprehended the work of the harsh life of the sailors. It was not a boy who returned home, but an accomplished sailor. He was 20 years old. Gray called his own ship "The Secret." Galiot has united a team of people who are passionate about the sea.

What features are characteristic of Gray - the captain:

Honesty."Secret" is not involved in smuggling, all team members are against the transportation of prohibited goods.

Friendliness. The relationship between the members is large, but friendly family where everyone respects and understands each other.

Efficiency. Gray does everything deliberately, slowly, clearly according to the plan.

Discipline. The captain demands order, accuracy and discipline from himself and the crew members.

the main idea story - you need to do miracles with your own hands. Gray embodies the children's fairy tale that became Assol's dream into reality. He reveals the spirituality and kindness of his heart. The fairy tale inspires hope for the love of many girls for more than one century.

Arthur Gray is the protagonist of Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails", a native of a noble family, the only son of Lionel and Lillian Gray. Since childhood, Arthur grew up in a majestic castle, staying in his own little world. His parents were slaves of their high position, but this was alien to the boy. He was distinguished by a lively and dreamy soul. When he was eight years old, it became clear that he was akin to a knight or an adventurer. So, for example, having seen a picture of the crucifixion of Christ, he decided to paint over the nails and blood on the hands of the unfortunate man, since he considered it wrong.

His life changed when, at the age of twelve, he saw a picture of a large ship sailing on the waves. He decided to grow up and become the captain of his own ship. And so it all happened. For about five years he sailed with Captain Gop, who taught him all the intricacies of naval affairs, and then acquired his three-masted galiot called "The Secret". One day, fate threw Gray to the shores of the city of Liss, next to which the village of Kaperna was located. There, on an evening fishing trip, he accidentally saw a sleeping girl

and fell in love with her. It was Assol.

Having learned from the villagers that the girl was reputed to be almost crazy, since she had dreamed of a brave knight on a ship made of scarlet sails since childhood, he decided to surprise her. For this, Gray thoroughly prepared, bought enough scarlet silk, invited musicians and prepared his sailors for the upcoming meeting. He said that he intends to marry a girl, since this is their fate. The ability to move from words to deeds betrayed a brave and reliable man in Arthur. Assol was happy when her dream came true. She had no doubt that everything would be that way. So, Gray, having made the girl happy, found happiness himself.

(1 estimates, average: 4.00 out of 5)

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One of the main characters in Alexander Green's story is Arthur Gray. He is a romantic, a man who managed to fulfill the dream of a kind girl. The image and characteristics of Gray in the story "Scarlet Sails" become clear after getting acquainted with his childhood, character and origin.

The appearance of the hero

Arthur changes outwardly as he grows up. At first it is a small cabin boy with the appearance and figure of a girl. Then he becomes a broad-bodied man with strong muscles. The little count's feminine pallor was replaced by a beautiful tan. Teenage carelessness has passed, there are well-aimed and precise movements of hard-working hands. The self-confident young man retained the count's posture and appearance. Gray has an interesting speech. Arthur is laconic. The author writes that Gray speaks like a sea stream, where fish shimmer and tremble with silver. Thoughts are precise and short, like seagulls striking the waves in search of prey.

Family and upbringing

The boy grows up in a real castle. The son of a wealthy noble family inquiringly studies everything around him. Striking discoveries for him are where others would not see anything unusual. Father is an important civil servant, mother, housewife, name was Lillian. She loved her son, did not forbid him anything, on the contrary, encouraged his quirks.

What the child could require:

  • ride any horse;
  • take different dogs into the house;
  • reward the person he likes;
  • rummaging through the books in the library;
  • run barefoot wherever you want.
Gray adopted the features of his mother and father. He pitied the servants, defended the poor, did not distinguish himself and did not protect from society. The boy loves to read and tell stories, fictional and bookish. The child grows up generous, he is not sorry to part with the accumulated coins for the happiness of those close to him.


A young man with a lively and quivering soul has not lost his innate individuality. Luxury, wealth did not leave their imprint on his soul. He looked for miracles and opportunities for feats. A thinking look studied people and things inquisitively. Arthur is not like his peers.

What is its difference:

Originality. Gray surprised the team with his mood swings. He chose unexpected directions for flights, then made long stops.

Flight of the soul. A constant bird lives in his heart, which does not allow the owner to ossify and stop. A strange flying soul, inspired by dreams.

Romance. The young captain does not think about profit, he walks on the sea for pleasure.

Outward calmness. Gray hides all feelings and inner feelings behind external composure. He is self-possessed and calm. But the author compares his calmness to a sail moving in the wind quickly and smoothly.

The captain mentally lines up the entire upcoming course of events, as if ahead of him. Then he moves towards the set goal, as if playing checkers.

Captain Hero Traits

Gray fell in love with the sea as a child, when he saw a ship and a captain in the picture. He set a goal for himself and fulfilled it. Continents, oceans and ships became toys for the boy. At the age of 14, a boy from a wealthy family runs away from home and becomes a sailor. The captain of his first ship hoped that the boyish hobby would dissolve like a mirage in the first months, but Gray did not abandon his goal. He, gritting his teeth, comprehended the work of the harsh life of the sailors. It was not a boy who returned home, but an accomplished sailor. He was 20 years old. Gray called his own ship "The Secret." Galiot has united a team of people who are passionate about the sea.

What features are characteristic of Gray - the captain:

Honesty."Secret" is not involved in smuggling, all team members are against the transportation of prohibited goods.

Friendliness. The relationship between members is like in a large but friendly family, where everyone respects and understands each other.

Efficiency. Gray does everything deliberately, slowly, clearly according to the plan.

Discipline. The captain demands order, accuracy and discipline from himself and the crew members.

The main idea of ​​the story is that you need to do miracles with your own hands. Gray embodies the children's fairy tale that became Assol's dream into reality. He reveals the spirituality and kindness of his heart. The fairy tale inspires hope for the love of many girls for more than one century.