A rough outline of the Dhow Theater Week. Week "The Magic World of Theater" in the preparatory group Thematic week of theater in the preparatory group

A rough outline of the Dhow Theater Week.  Week
A rough outline of the Dhow Theater Week. Week "The Magic World of Theater" in the preparatory group Thematic week of theater in the preparatory group

Lydia Shkareda

From 18 to 22 January in our kindergarten in preparatory groups the thematic a week" The magical world of theater". Children love not only holidays, but also fairy tales that they can stage on their own, and it brings them untold pleasure.

I have developed a work plan on this topic for the entire week. Theater week began with very entertaining conversations: "A conversation about the emergence theater and its development"," How to behave in theater"," What professions do people work with in theater". The guys also learned what types are theaters:puppet theatre, finger theatre, desktop and shadow theaters... Played role-playing games with them and theatrical staging fairy tales with the aim of developing creative independence, fostering love for theater.

Productive activity was manufacturing theatrical masks... This activity contained certain tasks: fostering feelings of beauty, familiarity with the types of masks, instilling love for theater, as well as develop fine motor skills of hands, arouse interest in creative activity, develop the ability to fantasize and highlight the characteristics of the character when making masks. We made a mask of the popular fairytale hero of the hare from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare", and the mask of the frog from the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler"

To do this, we used pre-prepared templates of all the parts that we needed to make our masks.

And of course, a simple pencil, glue, colored paper, white paper, and scissors. The guys really liked this lesson, they diligently circled everything, cut out and glued

These are such funny frogs we got

And now meet our funny bunnies)

The masks of our fairy-tale characters are ready. Can I schedule some theatrical a competition between two teams, which will be called the "Frog" team and the "Hare" team)

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The theater is a fabulous place where characters come to life and all dreams come true. willingly participate in dramatization and director's games. International Theater Day is celebrated on March 27. Joint events of the teacher with children are timed to this date. This week there is an expansion of children's ideas about the types of theater, theatrical professions. Children learn new things about theaters in their hometown, audience culture and educational value of performances. The result of the week is the performance for the children of the younger group "Zayushkina izbushka". A detailed description of sketches, exercises, selection of poems about the theater, round dance games can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week“ Theaters of our city ”.

Social and communicative development

For social and communicative development, the teacher gives children work assignments, talks about fire safety, recalls for a country or region, introduces the premises of the theater.

Cognitive development

The teacher introduces the children to the theme of the week through the presentation “Theaters of our city”, offers games for the development of creative thinking, interesting experiments with water and air. The teacher introduces the game "Colorful Journey", talks about the signs of March, conducts a game - a fairy tale "Vegetables and Fruits", aimed at the cognitive development of children.

Speech development

The teacher introduces the game for speech development "Living Words", continues to teach children to determine the place of sound in a word, to develop phonemic hearing. Children get acquainted with the work of A. Barto "In the theater", compose fairy tales and show creativity in games with different types of theater.

Artistic and aesthetic development

By creating conditions for artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher attracts older preschoolers to make a cone theater, introduces new theatrical attributes, prepares to stage the fairy tale "Zayushkina izbushka". Preschoolers find out the structural features of musical instruments and practice plane modeling.

Physical development

Continuing work on physical development, the teacher introduces children to the folk game "Paints", continues to work with the touch panel. Children consolidate the rules of the games "Oncoming Runs", "Sick Cat", etc.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting "Morning in kindergarten". Purpose: to bring joy from meeting friends.Viewing the presentation "Theaters of our city". Purpose: to enrich the knowledge of children about the theaters of the city.Didactic game "Living Words". Purpose: to acquaint with the rules of the game.Drawing on representation with a subgroup "My favorite character". Purpose: to form the ability to convey images while maintaining proportions.Psycho-gymnastics "Different faces". Purpose: to form the ability to switch from one image to another.
Game "Why (for what, why) do you need to do this?" Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor, to expand knowledge about labor processes.Cognitive activity "How to get out of the water dry." Purpose: to create joy from new discoveries.Exercise "Whom do I see, what do I see." Purpose: to activate speech and attention.Di. Draw the figure. Purpose: to develop creative imagination, the ability to complete an incomplete drawing.P. and. "The Bear and the Bees". Purpose: to form the ability to jump onto a hill. P. and. "Crucian carp and pike". Purpose: to remember the rules of the game.
2 p.p.Conversation "How to behave in the theater." Purpose: to consolidate the rules of etiquette.Introduction of the album "Types of Theater". Purpose: to tell children about the theater of puppets, animals and others.Reading A. Barto "In the theater". Purpose: to expand the understanding of theater through literature.Making the characters of the cone theater based on fairy tales. Purpose: choose fairy tales, develop paper design skills.Working with the touch panel "How we get to know the world." Purpose: develop imagination, remember the purpose of the senses.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Find a friend game. Purpose: to promote team building.The game "Reading" TRIZ. Purpose: to form the ability to graphic modeling.Ball game "Theatrical professions". Purpose: to enrich the children's vocabulary with words - actor, costume designer, make-up artist, decorator, etc.Round dance "At Granny Malanya". Purpose: develop imagination.Working with cards for visual gymnastics. Purpose: to consolidate the technique of performing the exercises.
Labor assignments. Purpose: to form the ability to bring the work started to the end, responsibility.The teacher's story about the folk signs of March. Purpose: to develop an interest in understanding the relationships in nature.Exercise "Composing fairy tales." Purpose: to encourage children to compose stories about the heroes of fairy tales, to develop imagination.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of the director's game.P. and. "Counter dashes". Purpose: to teach children to run from one side of the site to the other at a fast pace. P. and. at the "School of the Ball". Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to perform different actions with the ball, to develop coordination of movements, an eye, dexterity.

Problem: External interest of children and parents in theater and theatrical activities.

Justification of the problem: 1. Insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater, due to its absence in the city.

  1. Children’s skills in "acting" are not formed.
  2. Superficial knowledge of parents about different types of theatrical activities in kindergarten and their application.

Target: Formation of interest in the theater and joint theatrical activities in children and parents.

Tasks: 1. Awaken the interest of children and parents in the theater.

  1. To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (the use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry techniques).
  2. To interest parents in the acquisition, production of different types of theater and provide information on how to play around at home with children.

Project participants:

  1. Educators
  2. Children of the senior and preparatory group
  3. Parents.

Location: BDOU VMR "Kindergarten" Harmony "

Project type:

- by the composition of the participants: group (children, parents, teachers);

- by target setting: informational, practice-oriented, research, creative (project participants collect information, implement it, the results are presented in the form of a photo report, a cycle of performances).

Implementation period: 5 days

Organization of the activities of the project participants:

Interaction and cooperation of all project participants.

Stages of work on the project:

Stage I - preparatory:

- questioning of parents;

- monitoring the activities of children;

- highlighting goals and objectives;

- creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

Stage II - main:

- work with children;

- interaction with parents.

Stage III - final:

- summing up the results of the project;

- correlation of expected and actual results.

With kids:

- watching the performance and talking about what they saw;

- presentation or virtual excursion for children on different types of theater;

- active use in joint activities with children of different types of theater;

- playing out sketches, nursery rhymes, mini-sketches, etc. in individual work;

Drawing with children options for the curtain, stage design.

- creation of a play environment for independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten (production of theaters, tickets, decoration of rooms on chairs in the auditorium; selection of music, props);

- rehearsals with children for further demonstration of performances to real spectators - children of the younger group.

With parents:

- visual information for parents, consultations in parenting corners;

- posters of theatrical performances of visiting theaters for children in the city: with an invitation to visit and take photos of memorable meetings with the theater;

Making dolls together with children for the DOE puppet theater, the exhibition "We seriously play with dolls"

Expected results:

- to arouse the interest of children and parents in the theater;

- to involve parents in kindergarten life;

- to acquaint children and parents with the history of the theater, its types, methods of making and playing around;

- to instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art: the use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry;

- to interest parents in the acquisition, production of different types of theater and provide information on ways to play around at home with children.

Evaluation criteria: Evaluation of performance based on the results of work is manifested in two directions: children and parents.


- knowledge of the main types of theaters and theatrical art;

- possession of the primary skills of "acting";

- interest shown in performances, preparation for performances.


- percentage of parents' participation in joint activities;

- the percentage of parents' participation in preparing conditions for children's activities.


  1. Informational:

- photo and video materials;

- library fund.

  1. Scientific and methodological:

- counseling work with parents.

  1. Didactic support:

- selection of works for dramatization;

- collection of postcards, photographs about the theater;

- selection of games for the development of acting skills;

- design of theatrical, musical and dressing-up corner in the group.

  1. Personnel:

- educators.

  1. TSO: - projector;

- notebook;

- camera;

- music Center.

Project planning contributes to:

- effective and systematic assimilation by children of knowledge about theater and theatrical art

- effective work of the educator with parents within the framework of the project.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Questioning of parents - identification of the problem, selection of information on the identified problems;
  2. Observing children's theatrical activities - identifying the problem, selecting information on the identified problems;
  3. Consultation for parents: "Theatrical activities in kindergarten", "Do-it-yourself theater", "The use of theatrical activities in working with insecure children."

Increase the information level, awareness of parents in this matter, joint creation of conditions for the implementation of the project.

  1. Action "Give a fairy tale to children". Creation of conditions for acquaintance with various types of puppet theaters by making puppets, with the subsequent organization of the exhibition "We seriously play with puppets."
  2. Selection of visual material, preparation of presentations, etc. Create conditions for the implementation of the project: Registration of corners of dress, theatricalization and filling them with attributes; presentations, etc.

The main stage:

  1. Electronic presentation "Acquaintance with the theater". Teach children about the different types of theater. Increasing children's interest in theater.

2. Production of various types of theaters (flat, on a cone, finger, shadow) with children and with the help of parents.

  1. Acting classes, exercises for expressiveness of speech, preparation for performances, dramatization of RNS.
  2. Fairy tale show: "Different Wheels" (glove theater);
  3. Involvement of parents in making costumes, dolls.
  4. Presentation of the project "Theater Week" in the form of a photo report on the work done. Involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution, generalization and summing up together with the children. Photo album about the project.

The final stage: Processing and presentation of project materials. Performance analysis.

Tatiana Vorobyova
Plan of the Theater Day in the preparatory group



MORNING: 1) Conversation with children: "What theatre

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about theater professions(actor, costume designer,

decorator, make-up artist, director, rules of conduct in theater.

2) Board game: "My Favorite Tales".

Target: to consolidate the name of Russian folk tales, to develop

thinking, imagination.

3) Didactic game: "A journey into the world of emotions"

Target: teach to guess by the expressive movements of the characters (hunter,

Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother, Pierrot, Malvina, Wolf, Karabas,

Signor Tomato, Chippollino) their emotional states

(anger, surprise, sadness, joy, care, kindness).

4) Didactic game: "Guess by the Music".

Target: to teach children to jointly compose verbal descriptions on

perception of musical compositions.

5) Game of low mobility (with a ball): "Name your favorite fairy tale".

Target: consolidate the names of fairy tales, develop thinking, memory, imagination

feeling, speed of reaction.



Software content:

Consolidate knowledge about theater, theater professions... Develop skills

Teach children to make up, develop creative imagination, skill

transform into the chosen hero, convey the character of the hero and his

emotional condition. Develop the ability to expressively and rhythmically

move to the music.





Software content:

Exercise in orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage. Fix the account and

knowledge of numbers from 1 to 9. Continue learning to solve examples for increasing

and decreasing the number by 1 and 2, solve and compose problems. Learn to compare

group items by quantity, use signs "more", "smaller",

"equals"... Exercise in composing images of objects from geomes. figures

(the game "Tangram"). Develop logical thinking, creative imagination.

Encourage children to invent fairy tales on their own, to stage them.

STROLL:1). Observing the sun with Pinocchio.

Target: to clarify knowledge about spring changes in living and inanimate nature.

What time of year is it? What are the spring months? Prove to me

that spring has come? What is the sky? How did the sun change in the spring?

“In the morning the sun rises high, in the evening it goes deep.

During the day it walks across the sky, warms everyone, spreading its rays wide.

He caresses the leaves and flowers, gilded people both cheeks and noses.

The day has passed, and from the sky to the rest of the sun, the ball sits behind the mountain. "

2) Outdoor play: "The sun and the rain", "Cloud and sunbeams".

Target: develop physical activity, exercise in running, develop

agility, quickness of reaction.

Target: exercise in jumping on two legs.

(with Roma, Any, Dasha, Denis, Vanya).

4) Labor activity: Clean the trash off the veranda. (with Sasha, Marina).

Target: to teach to work, to help adults, to enjoy the work done.

5) Playing with elements hockey: "Hammer the puck".

Target: develop an eye, throw accuracy, learn to play together.

(with Inga, Nastya A., Yura, Kirill M.)

EVENING: 1) Round dance the game: "Grandma-Yozhka".

Target: involve children in play, combine movement and speech, teach to reflect

character of the hero.

2) Role-playing game: « Theatre» .

Target: Develop the creativity of children in a role-playing game « Theatre» .

To captivate children with a play situation. Expand children's knowledge about theatrical

professions: make-up artist, director, costume designer. Shape ability

create images with the help of facial expressions and gestures, use intonations,

expressing various states. Learn to speak in front of peers

kami, develop the emotional side of children's speech, create emotional

but-positive attitude on the game, develop partnerships.

Activate dictionary children: scenery, costume, role, actor, spectator, cashier.

Calendar plan

Morning gymnastics complex (card index number 14)

A set of hardening measures after sleep (card index No. 14)

Interaction with family and society :

consultation for parents "What do we know about the theater"

Making decorations for the fairy tale "Teremok"

Joint participation of parents and children in the production of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Topic of the week : "Theater Day"

Target : create conditions for expanding children's ideas about theater and theatrical professions. Develop curiosity, sense of humor, artistic ability of children. To foster a love for theatrical art.

Sections: Theater Day

Final event : show of the fairy tale "Teremok" (joint creativity of adults and children)

Responsible educator: Sokovets T.A.

MONDAY Date: 28.03. 2016


Morning of joyful meetings : ensure the gradual entry of children into the rhythm of the group's life

1. Observations of indoor plants, experiments, labor.

water indoor plants, pick dry leaves, if necessary, loosen the soil in pots.

Purpose: to teach children to determine the moisture content of the earth by touch, to water the pots with flowers in doses. Strengthen work skills.

    Individual work

education of cultural and hygienic skills with Vika Sh., Alyosha K.

Purpose: to continue to teach how to set the table for breakfast, do not forget to put napkins.

    Communication activity

(conversation on the topic of the week)

"Acquaintance with the theater"

Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of ideas about the theater, to acquaint with the theatrical professions, with the rules of behavior in public places. Foster a culture of behavior when visiting the theater.

    Work on life safety

Conversation: "Spark of mascara before the fire"

Purpose: to create conditions for consolidating knowledge about the causes of fires and rules of conduct during a fire.

4. Perception of fiction

Perception of A. Barto's poem "In the theater"

Purpose: to show, using the example of the heroines of the poem, how one cannot behave in the theater. To develop interest, curiosity. To cultivate a culture of behavior


1 Topic: FEMP

Objectives: 1. to continue to learn to compose and solve arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction.

Improve the ability to navigate a sheet of paper in a cage.

2. To develop memory, attention, observation.

3. To cultivate a love of mathematics.

(individual work) with Alyosha K, Leroy S, Nikita K.

2 Motor activity

Work according to the plan of the instructor in physical education

Exercise children in column walking one at a time, with a turn to the other side at a signal; learn to walk on a tightrope with a bag on your head, exercise in jumping and throwing the ball, develop an eye, dexterity.

3Modeling. The theme "Chicken Ryaba"

Purpose: to create conditions for the skill of a chicken from a whole piece of plasticine, using the earlier mastered techniques: pinching, smoothing, pulling.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

To cultivate perseverance, accuracy in work, to teach to see the results of your work.

development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity.

    Observation of the plant world.

Examining buds in trees

Purpose: to teach children to identify cause-and-effect relationships in nature, develop ecological thinking, acquaint them with the peculiarities of the awakening of trees in spring.

    Labor activity

Collection of small garbage at the kindergarten site.

Purpose: to form the desire for collective work, to develop hard work, the desire to keep the site clean and tidy.

    Outdoor games

1. "A bear in the forest." Purpose: to work out a scatter run.

2 "The Hunter and the Hares". Purpose: to consolidate throwing at a moving target.

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (jumping)

With Nastya K, Vanya B, Misha B.

Purpose: to practice jumping forward.


    Role-playing game


Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with catering professions, to form an idea of ​​the work of a barmaid, to expand the vocabulary of children

    Individual work on the development of speech

with Dasha, Diana, Daniel.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form words with the "check" suffix (lock, hook, tray, etc.)

    Conversations about artists and paintings, didactic games on art

Examination of the painting by I. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Purpose: to teach children to see the beauty of the spring landscape, to celebrate the color of the picture. To educate the aesthetic feelings of children.


1 .Moving play

« Two frosts "

Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the game, to pronounce words clearly, to practice running. Cultivate endurance.

2. Playful exercise


Purpose: to run in a circle with acceleration and deceleration, without opening your hands.

3. Independent play activity

Organize a role-playing game based on cartoons at the choice of children, help with the distribution of roles, follow the development of the plot.

Purpose: to teach to enter the role of cartoon characters.

    During a meal, reinforce the ability to carefully use cutlery, make a request, thank, fix the names of dishes.

    Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of staying in kindergarten through reminders, solving problem situations, situational conversations.

    To consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean your workplace.

Create conditions for the development of children in various centers

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject-developing environment on the site

Center of the book: to bring in for viewing a book - a collection of A. Barto, to acquaint with the poem "In the theater"

Purpose: to consolidate the rules of conduct in public places, to recall other poems by A. Barto

Arts Center: invite children to draw decorations for the fairy tale "Teremok".

Purpose: to develop creativity.

Science Center: "Invisible - Air"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the concept of "air" with its properties and role in human life.

Design center: building a teremok

Purpose: to develop children's creativity, to consolidate the ability to build original constructive constructions.

The center of the game library: the game "Count-ka"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compose and solve problems by the named numbers

TUESDAY Date: 29. 03

Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY : include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Games for the development of the emotional sphere, creative imagination.

"Game of riddles"

Purpose: to develop creative imagination, the ability to compose short descriptive riddle stories.

    Individual work

ByFEMP with Nikita K, Dasha, Leroy.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to divide the whole into parts, compare part and whole, reflect the results of comparison in speech.

    Experimental games, research activities

Game - experiment "Traveling on the map"

Purpose: to show and explain to children that the card is an irreplaceable assistant in any journey (card index number 13)

    Guessing riddles

on the theme "Theater" - to continue acquaintance with theatrical professions, develop memory, attention

    Perception of fiction and folklore.

Folklore. Reading fables "Listen, guys"

Purpose: to replenish the literary baggage of children with fables.


1 Topic: Perception of fiction. Poems about spring "Spring is coming - the road for spring"

Objectives: 1. To create conditions for the acquaintance of children with new verses about spring, to teach them to be poetic, to teach them to understand the genre features of verses. Anchor the names of the seasons and months.

2. To develop children's speech, attention, memory.

3. To cultivate a love for children's fiction, the desire to listen to and perceive it.


According to the music director's plan.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to perform movements in accordance with the music, rhythmically clap your hands, purely intonate the melody of songs, take your breath correctly at the end of phrases, and clearly strike with quarter notes in the orchestra.

3Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing on the theme "My favorite animal"

1 To create conditions for the ability to convey in a drawing an image, the characteristic features of a beloved animal. Strengthen the ability to sketch with a simple pencil, paint with watercolors.

2 Develop imagery, imagination, fine motor skills of hands.

3 To cultivate accuracy in work, perseverance, a desire to see the results of your work.


1. Observation of the animal world.

For the magpie

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, to teach children to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Raise love for birds

2. Labor activity

Collect twigs, sticks, pieces of paper on the site.

Purpose: to notice the disorder on the site, to eliminate it in a timely manner.

3. Outdoor games

1 "Make a figure", "A bear in the forest"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, to practice running in a forward direction.

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (running)

with Vanya K, Maxim.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to run with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of running.

5 games with natural materials

With snow.

Purpose: to consolidate the properties and qualities of spring snow


    Individual work

on music education in the framework of interaction with the music director

2. Self-activity in the corner of sensory development; board games

Board games "Mosaic", "Who lives where"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to draw pictures and places of residence of wild animals, amphibians, reptiles.

3. Didactic games (for the development of hearing, for the classification of objects, etc.)

Did. game "What first, what then"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the seasons, the characteristic features of each period.


1.Folk games

« Ball up "

Purpose: to learn to catch and hold the ball after throwing it up.


Over the melting of snow and ice.

Purpose: to teach how to compare the state of the weather on a morning and evening walk, draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships

3. Playful physical exercises, outdoor games

"Geese-swans", "Don't get caught"

Purpose: to consolidate sprinting, agility, endurance.

Joint activity of an adult and children in (regime moments)

    When carrying out hardening procedures, expand the understanding of the rules and types of hardening, talk about the benefits of hardening procedures, the role of sunlight, air and water in human life and their impact on health.

    Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands in a variety of activities

    Continue to foster friendly relations between children, the habit of playing together, working, and doing an independently chosen business. To form the ability to calmly defend one's opinion, the ability to negotiate, help each other, the desire to please elders with good deeds.

Organization of an environment for independent activities

(it is indicated how the environment is supplemented for the implementation of the planned)

Center of the book: review the children's encyclopedia, chapter "Theater"

Purpose: to expand knowledge about the theater, theatrical professions, to consolidate the rules of conduct in public places.

Arts Center: invite children to draw a picture of spring

Purpose: to develop creative imagination, to consolidate the ability to draw with wax crayons.

Design Center: "Theater"

Purpose: to create conditions for children to design according to the scheme.

Center for role-playing games: the game "Let's go to the theater"

Purpose: to expand the topic of role-playing games, to develop creativity, knowledge of children about the theater. Enrich the vocabulary of children. (dresser, make-up artist, administrator)

Game Library Center: Gyenesh Logic Blocks

Purpose: to teach children to think, to compose puzzles on their own.

WEDNESDAY Date 30.03

Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY : include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Work on

1 n.-regional studies

2n-patriotic themes.

3n - moral recollection

Examining illustrations about Lake Baikal

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the sights of our region

    Individual work

(sound culture of speech, preparation for teaching literacy) with Dasha, Liza, Daniel

Purpose: to teach children to make sentences of 2-3 words

Perception of the fairy tale "Old man-year-old"

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about the seasons.

    Didactic games of mathematical content

Counting stick games

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to lay out geometric shapes of different sizes from counting sticks.


Topic: FEMP

Tasks: 1.Exercise in solving arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction within 10.

2. To develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage, attention, logical thinking. Improve counting skills with a change in the counting base within 20

3. To cultivate a love for the exact sciences.

2Physical development

According to the plan of the physical training instructor

Repeat walking and running in a circle with a change in direction of movement and scattering. To learn a high jump from a run, to exercise in throwing bags at a target, in crawling between objects.

3Construction. Theme "Theater"

1To teach children to design buildings for various purposes, fix the names of building materials, the ability to collect original crafts according to a constructive solution.

2 Develop creative imagination, the ability to manage their activities.

3 To cultivate the ability to reason, prove your point of view, be critical of your work and the activities of peers

(individual work) with Vanya, Leroy.

STROLL I : health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity

Observations of social life

Observing the janitor's work

Purpose: to help the janitor maintain cleanliness and order on the territory of the preschool educational institution

3. Outdoor games

1 "Mousetrap", 2 "Hunter and Hares"

Purpose: to practice running, throwing at a moving target, to consolidate the ability to fairly evaluate the results of the game

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing)

With Nastya Ch, Maxim, Lisa

Target: Throwing snowballs at a horizontal target with the left and right hand


    Individual work

on activity with Vika, Vlad

goal: to consolidate the ability to perform adhesion with paints.

    Role-playing game

"In the theater" (continuation of the game)

Purpose: to enrich the plot of the game with new roles - make-up artist, costume designer. Foster a culture of behavior in public places

    Musical and didactic games, conversations about muses. works, composers

Musical game "Shadow - sweat"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to come up with movements that reflect the content of the game. To develop independence in search of a way to convey musical images in movements, to promote the manifestation of activity and independence.


1. Playful physical exercises, outdoor games

"Carousel", "Shooter"

Purpose: to work out the ability to run in a circle, without opening hands, with acceleration and deceleration; throw snowballs at the target.

2. Independent play activity

In the doll's corner

Purpose: to shape the gender identity of children

3. Didactic game for acquaintance with the outside world

"Birds, beasts, fish"

Purpose: to fix the places of residence of birds, animals and amphibians

Joint activity of an adult and children in (regime moments)

    When organizing regime moments through situational conversations, reminders, individual work, cultivate the habit of washing quickly and correctly, wiping dry using an individual towel, rinsing your mouth after eating, using a handkerchief and comb correctly, taking care of your appearance, quickly undressing and dressing, hanging clothes in a certain order, keep your shoes clean.

    Through explanations, reminders, individual work, teach children to make assumptions and draw the simplest conclusions, express their thoughts clearly for others, continue to form the ability to defend their point of view.

    Through explanations, consideration, observation, situational conversations, to form an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, to artistic and creative activity.

Organization of an environment for independent activities

(it is indicated how the environment is supplemented for the implementation of the planned

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject-developing environment on the site

Center of the book: add the "Theaters" album for viewing

Purpose: to show children a variety of theaters: drama, opera, puppet. Introduce the Bolshoi Theater.

Arts Center: Suggest Coloring Books

Purpose: to paint neatly, without pressing the pencil, without going beyond the contour.

Science Center: Experiments with Water.

Purpose: to consolidate the properties and quality of water (fluidity, transparency, thermal conductivity, coloration, etc.)

Design Center: Furniture Paper Design

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to make furniture from cubic boxes

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, skill from geometric shapes

THURSDAY Date: 31.03

Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY : include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Games for the development of memory, attention, thinking, word games

Word game "Knock, yes knock, find the word dear friend"

Purpose: to teach children to name words consisting of 2-3 parts

    Individual work

(construction and manual labor) with Alyosha K, Vika Sh, Nikita K. to practice the ability to cut and glue a square box according to the scheme.

Purpose: to consolidate the techniques of bending and ironing a sheet of paper along the dotted lines, the ability to work with scissors. Develop motor skills.

To bring up accuracy in work, perseverance.

    Perception thin. literature and folklore

Perception of the poem p. Marshak "In the theater for children"

Purpose: to show the magical world of theater

    Didactic games for the development of speech

"Find what I will describe"

Purpose: to teach children, by description, to find objects in the immediate environment. (Then the children describe any object, the teacher finds it)


1 Topic: "Sounds (g) and the letter G" (preparation for literacy (communicative)

Tasks: 1. To acquaint children with the mechanism of sound formation D. To learn to determine the place of sound in a word. Strengthen the ability to come up with words with a given sound.

2 To develop phonemic hearing, general motor skills.

3. To cultivate love for the native language.


Work according to the plan of the music director

3 Fine. Application on the theme "Clown"

1Create conditions for the ability to stick an image from parts of different size and shape. Reinforce the techniques of paired cutting from paper folded in half.

2 To develop fine motor skills of hands.

3 To educate accuracy in work, the ability to use glue.

(individual work) with Vika, Nikita.

STROLL I : health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity

1. Observation of inanimate nature.

Watching the wind.

Purpose: to teach children with the help of turntables and by signs to determine the strength and direction of the wind.

2.Labor activity

Sweep the floor in the gazebo.

Purpose: to notice the disorder on your site and to eliminate it in a timely manner.

3. Outdoor games

Purpose: to consolidate throwing into the distance, running with acceleration and deceleration, without disengaging hands.

4.Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing, catching)

With Nastya, Alyosha.

Purpose: to catch the ball after the clap.


    Individual work

on the development of coherent speech with Maxim, Leroy, Vanya.

Purpose: to teach how to make up stories with a continuation

    Role-playing game

" Theatre"

Purpose: to create conditions for the formation in children of the ability to apply the previously acquired knowledge about the life around them in the game.

Strengthen ideas about the theater, creatively develop the plot, act out a play based on the familiar fairy tale "Teremok"

    Self-guided activity in a secluded corner. independent play activity

Children's games of interest.

Purpose: to teach children to find something to do with their interests, play together, avoid conflict situations


1.Elements of sports games

"Ball on the ground"

Purpose: to introduce the rules of dribbling for the game of basketball

    Didactic, word games

Did. game "What's extra?"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to highlight generalizing words.


Watching each other

Purpose: to teach to observe the mood and behavior of other children.


    Remind children to maintain correct posture in various activities

    Continue to cultivate respect for others. Explain to children that they should not interfere with the conversation of adults. It is important to listen to the interlocutor and not interrupt unnecessarily. Continue to foster a caring attitude towards kids, the elderly, a desire to help them.

    Through situational conversations, game exercises, continue to develop an interest in art and musical culture, to foster artistic and aesthetic taste. Enrich children's musical impressions, evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature.

Organization of an environment for independent activities

1. To create conditions for the development of children in various centers

(it is indicated how the environment is supplemented for the implementation of the planned)

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject-developing environment on the site

Book Center: Consider books about theater

Purpose: consider illustrations and plunge into the world of theater

Arts Center: we mold the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok" -

Purpose: to create conditions for creative and independent work, to consolidate the techniques of pulling, pinching, smoothing

Design Center: By Design

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to assemble buildings that are original in terms of a constructive solution

Science Center: experiments with water for transparency, taste, thermal conductivity, fluidity.

Game Library Center: "Mathematical Lotto"

Purpose: to fix the names of geometric shapes, to be able to lay out various objects from them.

FRIDAY Date: 01.04

Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAYS: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Viewing albums, illustrations

View the album "pets"

Purpose: to teach to classify animals into domestic and wild, to know the names of wild and domestic animals and their babies. Raise a love for animals, a desire to take care of them.

    Individual work

on the development of speech (vocabulary, grammar) with Maxim, Janis.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to divide words into 2-3 syllables (ma-li-na, ma-shi-na; more, zarya, etc.)

    Didactic games for acquaintance with the surrounding, natural world

Game "Who lives where"

Purpose: to fix the places of residence of wild animals, reptiles, fish.

    Perception thin. literature

Reading N. Nosov "Living Hat"

Purpose: to remember the story, to teach to understand the humor of the current situation. To cultivate a love for children's fiction, a desire to perceive it.

    Work on traffic rules (games, conversations, viewing illustrations)

Conversation: "The culprits of the road accident"

Purpose: to teach children to anticipate the dangers that arise on the streets and roads and try to avoid them. Raise a literate, attentive pedestrian


1. Topic "Planets of the solar system"

Objectives: 1. To create conditions for the formation of ideas about the planets, their diversity and sizes. Introduce the names of the planets.

2. Develop curiosity, cognitive interest, desire to learn something new.

3. To educate the ability to listen to the answers of peers, to correctly evaluate them.

2 Development of speech.

"Writing a fairy tale about Cinderella"

Purpose: to create conditions for the ability to compose fairy tales on the proposed topic, improve phonemic perception, activate the speech of children

To develop active conversational speech, the intonation side of speech.

To cultivate love for the native language

3Hand labor. Theme "Lessons from Princess Needles"

Purpose: to create conditions for familiarization with safety precautions when working with cutting and piercing objects. Form the ability to thread a needle, tie a knot.

Develop an interest in work, a desire to help comrades.

To educate accuracy, caution when working with a needle and scissors.

(individual work) with Vanya, Nikita, Alyosha.

STROLL I : health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity

    Observation of seasonal changes, targeted walks and excursions

Observing the snow at the fence.

Purpose: to show the dependence of snow melting on solar lighting, to teach children to draw conclusions

    Individual work on the development of basic movements (climbing)

With Anya, Nastya, Maxim.

Purpose: to secure climbing on a gymnastic bench on all fours


    Constructive activity

"Mosaic", "Puzzles" - to learn how to make beautiful flowers from small objects, pictures by model.

    Household labor

Group room cleaning.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to maintain order in the group.

    Theater Friday (cultural and leisure activities, holidays, entertainment, theater and other types of theaters)

Topic: showing the fairy tale "Teremok" for younger preschoolers.

Purpose: to develop the creativity of children, to bring joy to their younger friends.


1.Plot role-playing game

"We are sailors"

Purpose: to expand the horizons of children, to consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries. Foster a desire to travel, friendships

2. Independent motor activity of children

Outdoor games: "By the bear in the forest", "Throw-catch"

Purpose: to practice running in random order, the ability to catch the ball after throwing it up.

3. Didactic games

Game "Who Calls Us"

Purpose: to develop auditory attention, to activate the vocabulary on the topic "Pets", to consolidate the ability to form diminutive forms of the name of young animals (kitten, puppy, etc.)

Joint activity of an adult and children in (regime moments )

    Strengthen the ability to independently organize outdoor games, invent your own games.

    To teach to conscientiously fulfill the duties of those on duty in the canteen

    Replenish literary baggage with riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs and sayings

Organization of an environment for independent activities

1. To create conditions for the development of children in various centers

(it is indicated how the environment is supplemented for the implementation of the planned)

All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject-developing environment on the site

Conversation "April 1 - April Fool's Day"

Purpose: to acquaint with the holiday on April 1, to tell about the history of its occurrence, that on this day everyone is joking, playing each other and no one is offended, to acquaint with traditional rallies from different countries.

Center of the book: consider the book by Grigory Oster "Harmful advice"

Purpose: to show the humorous orientation of the advice, to consolidate the knowledge of how to behave correctly.

Center for the Arts. Application. Topic: "My favorite animal"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to cut animals on a stencil.

Science Center: "The balls quarreled" experience

Purpose: to show children that objects (balls), which have received the same electrical charges, repel each other. (File number 67)

Game Library Center: Magnetic Theater

Purpose: to teach children to come up with a fairy tale, lay it out on a magnetic board and tell.

Center for role-playing games. Game "Toys at the doctor's"

Purpose: to teach children to care for the sick, to use medical instruments, to expand vocabulary. To cultivate sensitivity, attentiveness.