The lesson on the topic "depict a line can" (1 class according to the program B.M. Nemensky)

The lesson on the topic "depict a line can" (1 class according to the program B.M. Nemensky)
30.10.2013 19215 0

Objectives: develop the ability to see lines in nature; Learning to depict the line on the plane; Develop imagination.

Equipment: Pencils, markers, photos of landscapes, graphics samples.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Check readiness of students to the lesson.

II. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

- Today at the lesson, our familiar master wizard will introduce us to be represented by the line on the plane. You will learn what line is.

III. Introduction to the subject of the lesson.

1. Opening conversation.

- What kind of image of objects studied at the last lesson? (Depict objects in volume.)

- What is the volume?

- Give examples of the surround image.

- Look and name what I did now. (Spent a line on the chalk board.)

- Yes, I spent a line. The line can be held not only with chalk on the board, pencil, pen, felt-tipner also leave the trace on paper - this is the line.

- What are the lines? (Straight, curves, inclined, etc.)

- lines are different. What do the lines in nature remind?

2. Work on the textbook.

- Consider photos on s. 29 tutorial.

- What do the lines resemble? (Tree branches.)

- What do you see on the board? (Landscapes.)

- What do the lines resemble the lines? (Trunks of trees, herbs, branches, flowers, etc.)

- This is the graphic work of the artist.

Drawing of mascara, pencil or coal called graphics . In graphic drawings, we see the image of the line.

- From the lines you can make confusion.

IV. Show the teacher on a sheet of paper linear images.

- Look, what confusion I did.


Rada, Rada, Rada

Bright birchs,

And on them from joy

Roses grow up.

Rada, Rada, Rada

Dark Aspen,

And on them from joy

Grow oranges.

That would not rain went from the cloud

And not hail

That fell out of the cloud


And crows over the fields

Suddenly sat the nightingales.

K. Chukovsky

- What confusion occurred?

- What can be drawn to get some image?

- I taped the tail, paws - I got a cat.

Children imitate the blow of the wind, shaking a torso one way, then to another . The children are squatted for "quieter". On the words "above" - \u200b\u200bstraighten up and raise hands.


The wind blows to us in the face

The village was hardened.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The village is higher above.

V. Practical creative activity of students.

- Try and you draw confusion from lines.

- Consider try to detect any image in it.

- Dorisite so that it is an image of a subject. Use the black felt-tip or pencil for this.

Vi. The outcome of the lesson.

1. Exhibition of student work and discussion.

- What kind of objects did you get the image?

- Tell about your drawings.

2. Generalization.

- What's new learned about the lesson?

3. Cleaning workplace.

Grade 1, 1 quarter, 5 lesson

Lesson: "Image can be depicted"


    Brief interest in knowledge of new in art.

    Rise emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful in art and in life.

    Teach the line autumn leaves.



    Autumn leaves collected on a walk of the previous lesson.


Teacher: Hello guys! In the previous travel lesson, we watched, considered, studied the autumn nature. What beautiful we saw on a walk?

Students: - Sky with clouds.

In the puddles of the leaves swam.

On the trees of apples hang.

Beautiful when the leaves fall from the wind.

Carpet of leaves.

Teacher: What kind of trees did you see?

Students: - Oak, Berzes, Clane, Apple Topol.

Teacher: True, these trees grow around our school. All leaflets were the same?

Students: No, they are different.

Teacher: Does the leaflets differ only in color?

Students: Leafs differ in size, in form and color.

Teacher: Now we will see how the autumn nature decorate leaves. You will look at the presentation and celebrate for yourself: different colors of leaves, the structure of the leaf is its outline and shape, remember what you enjoy.

View presentation.

Teacher: What do you remember most?

Students: -How leaves shine; - Oak leaves have a beautiful shape, curved; - I liked the ripper - leaves and berries ...

Teacher: The fact that the leaves are different. We are convinced of this. But what does the sheets like the same, similar?

Students: They grow on trees.

Teacher: True, but not only what they grow in trees, they have the same structure: the leaf is the middle streak, similar to the tree trunk, tree branches on the leaves depict the streaks growing on the sides - sweep the convex streams, feel their fingers Elevate, finally, the form of the leaflet on the lumen is very similar to the crown of the tree. Let's try to imagine how the plant grows out of a wood seed and becomes a high tree.

Fizkultminutka. ("The wind blows to me in the face, the village grows up. The breeze is all quieter, the village is all higher.". "We sat on the autumn, on the tree, I drowned the wind - flew. We flew and flew and flew and got sang on the ground.")

Teacher: I will show how the line will help me to portray different sheets. You can find out from what tree they fly and fall to the ground.(Show drawing on the board.)

Teacher: Take a pencil and start performing an image, choose the leaves that you like most, let them take free space.

Students perform independent feature work with a pencil.

Teacher: In order for the leaflers to look elegant, bright, autumn we use the wovers and colored pencils. Start work.

Fombings are complemented by bright lines in the drawing and fill the image of autumn leaves with hatching colored pencils.

Teacher ready work fixes on the board for the express exhibition.

Teacher: What carpet did we get?

Students: Multicolored, elegant, bright, colorful, such as in the park.

Teacher: Today, the line helped us in the image. The line can portray, draws everything that the artist wants. Line is a big assistant, we often treat it to it. Say her "Thank you" for the help. You, my dear disciples, I thank for creativity and effort. The lesson is over.

you can depict a line.
drawing on the topic "Story about yourself"

Teacher: Beleshina S.N.

Educational resources:

    artistic materials: pencils, markers;

    spectal: graphic works of artists;

Lesson plan

1. Continuation of the conversation "Liniya can be told; narrative features of the line. "

2. Development of the ability to see lines in nature.

3. Creative practical activity of students.

Goal : Develop the ability to depict a line on a plane, creative fantasy, visual skills.

Tasks for artistic development of students:

    formation of performance skills by graphic materials;

    development of creative self-expression.

Forms and teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative; Frontal and individual.

Wood (learning to learn).

Regulatory: creates a drawing, independently putting the purpose of the upcoming work and considering the idea using the expressive properties of the selected graphic material; Invents the name of the drawing, assesses the result of his work.

Cognitive: understands the expressive features of the line in the visual art and in nature; Compare picturesque and graphic works of art.

Personal: learns to see the lines in nature, knows how to use the figurative language of the visual art - to apply the line to achieve its plan; increases the culture of speech communication; Develops the ability to creative self-expression.

Communicative: knows how to exchange opinions, listen to classmates and teachers; Discomes the individual results of artistic and creative activities.

Scenario lesson

I. Organizational moment.

1. Greeting. Personal Wood.

Runs and Small Call,

The lesson begins.

We sat down together

And looked at the board.

We are again again

We will draw to draw.

- What lesson is now? (behind the screen)

+ Now drawing lesson.

2. Check readiness students for lesson.

II. Message themes and objectives of the lesson. Staging and formulating a learning task.

Today at the lesson you will continue to depict the line.

III. "Line - storyteller." Introduction to the subject of the lesson.

Cognitive Wood.

1. Heuristic conversation.

Remember that we painted on the past lesson? Drew lines.

What lines do you know? (Straight, wavy, sharp, wide, thin)

What are the line depict?

What does the line remind?

Artists depict the line (exhibition of work on the board)

2. Work on the textbook. Communicative Wood.

- Guys open the tutorial on page 30(behind the screen for I. branches)

(For II.

On s. 30 textbooks are placed illustrations for the book Yu. Magic School friendship. What literary hero did you find out in the picture?(Children's responses.)

Drawn line can tell a lot. Let's dream about the line tells us(Fantasize.)

Look in the book on the drawings that children drew.

What did children drew?

Guys today will you go on a journey on the boat?

Guys open a drawing note on page 11( behind the screen for I. branches)

(For II. - Branches I write on the page number page)

Regulatory Wood: exercises step-by-step control of its actions, focusing on the show of the teacher's movements, and then independently assesses the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.

Children smoothly raise hands up, shake with brushes.

For charging the sun drew, painted,

Raises us. Our fingers are tired.

Raise your hands we shake our fingers,

By team "Once." Draw again.

IV. Pedagogical pattern. Cognitive Wood.

Come up with the plot of your work.

Put the sheet vertically (horizontally)

Guys How is the drawing vertically? Horizontally?

I draw myself on the boat. He swims into wonderland. I draw myself using a circle, oval, triangle, rectangle. I will draw a line. To draw a head, I used oval, and the body and the legs are drawing with rectangles. Then draw clothes. Drawing clouds and waves. From - for the clouds looks out the sun. Figure I will perform a pencil and markers.

V. Creative practical activity of students.

Regulatory Wood.

what is drawn drawing?(It is drawn with a pencil.)

Draw yourself on a boat. Dorisinate waves, sky, sunshine.

Vi. The outcome of the lesson. Reflection.

1. Exhibition of student work And their discussion.

Personal Wood.

Where is the boat sail? Did you do everything?