Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Will Pescar". "Woven Pescar", a fairy tale analysis

Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes:
Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Will Pescar". "Woven Pescar", a fairy tale analysis

He lived, "enlightened, moderately liberal" Pescar. Smart parents, dying, visited him to live, looking at both. Pescar realized that his misfortune would face: from big fish, from his neighbors-sand, from man (his own father once almost was not welded in the ear). Pescar built himself a hole where no one except him was placed, at night I was floating me for a meal, and the day "trembled" in Nore, it was not enough, it was not devastated, but Berg's life was bare. Pescrew dreams of a winning ticket in 200 thousand. He will lie crayfish, pike, but he avoids death.

Pescar has no family: "live". " "And he lived the wisdom of sand with such a family. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. The card does not play, no wine does not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it does not chase behind the red girls - only trembles and one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive! " Even pussy praise Pescar for calm behavior, hoping that he will relax and they will eat it. Pescar is not amenable to any provocations.

Pescar lived a hundred years. Reflecting on topful words, he understands that if everyone had lived as he, Pescari would be translated (it is impossible to live in Nore, and not in the native element; you need to eat normally, have a family, communicate with neighbors). The life, which he leads, contributes to degeneration. It belongs to "useless sanding". "No one from them is either warm, nor cold, none of honor, nor dishonor, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, there is a place for me, eat yes feed." Pescar decides to get out of the hole once in the life and go to the river normally, but frightens. Even dying, Pescar trembles. No one is before him, no one asks his advice, how to live a hundred years, no one calls him to be wisely, but rather "Ostolat" and "Caught." In the end, Peskar disappears unknown to: After all, he is not needed even to pike, a pussy, dying, and even wise.

Saltykov - Shchedrin, Russian satiri, wrote his own moral stories in the form of fairy tales. Heavy years Reactions and strict censorship, carefully monitored by the activities of writers, blocked all the ways to writers expressing their opinion on political events. Fairy tales gave the author the opportunity to express their opinion, not fear of censorship. Offer brief analysis Fairy tales, this material can be used both to work in literature lessons in the 7th grade and preparation for the exam.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1883

The history of creation - the years of the reaction could not allow openly to express their political Views, and the writer knocked socially - political meaning His statements in the form of fairy tales.

Subject - Socially - political poverty implies political topic, expressed in the ridiculation of the Russian liberal intelligentsia.

CompositionComposite construction Fairy tales Simple: Stained fairy tales, description of life, and the death of Pescar.

Genre - Genre "Promotud Pescar" - an epic allegory tale.

Direction - Satire.

History of creation

The great Russian satirist fell away the time to live and create during the reaction years. The authorities and censorship carefully watched that he falls into the minds of citizens, in every way silent political problems.

The harsh reality of the events occurring should have been hidden from the people. People openly express their progressive views, strictly punished. People involved literary activities, all the ways tried to convey revolutionary ideas to the people. Poets and prosaiki used various artistic meansto tell the whole truth about fate ordinary people and their oppressors.

The history of the creation of satirical fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin was a direct necessity against state policy. For ridicule human deformations, civilian cowardice and a fabulous writer used satirical techniques, giving human characteristics Various beasts and animals.


The theme "Promotud Pescar" includes the socio-political issue of the Society of the Epoch. In the work mercilessly ridicule the behavior of the reactionary era, their cowardly inaction and indifference.

In the moral work of Saltykov - generous the main character - Fish-Liberal, who fully reflects the policy of liberally configured intelligentsia. In this image, the main idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale is concluded, which denounces the intellectuals - liberals hiding from the truth of life for their own unimacity, trying to spend their life imperceptibly. It pops up again eternal chap of the time when everyone behaves like this, thinking only about whether "no matter how it happened, no matter how it happens."

The impassation of such a society clearly proves that such behavior will not lead to anything, the essence is that everything is not able to escape, hiding in its Nore.

In the "Promudrome of Pescara", the analysis of the work is impossible without determining the meaning of the name, which the author gave his fairy tale. Allegorical and satirical tale implies a satirical name.

Sanding is living, who considers himself "wisdom." In his understanding, this is true. Pescar's parents managed to live long, they died from old age. They were visiting native son "Pescary," Live quietly and calmly, do not go anywhere, you will live happily ever after. " The author puts sarcasm in the name of Pescar "Will". It is impossible to be wise, living in gray meaningless life, fear of everyone and all.


Features of the composition of the writer's fairy tale is that this fairy tale allegory. Exposition of a fairy tale at the beginning of the development of action. It begins in it: it is told about Pescara and his parents, about the hard life and ways of survival. Father makes Pescary Testament, how to live to save your life.

Tie Actions: Pescar understood his father well, took his wishes to action. Next is the development of action, the story about how he lived with Pescar, did not live, but labored. He trembled all his life, from any sound, noise, knock. He was afraid of all his life, and all the time hid.

The climax of a fairy tale is that when, finally, Pescar thought about it, if everyone had lived as he lives. Pescar was horrified by presenting such a picture. After all, all the sandbar would have gone.

Okoming comes: Pescar disappears. Where and how, left unknown, but everything says that he died by his death. The author with sarcasm emphasizes that no one will have an old, skinny sand, and even "wisdom".

The whole fairy tale saticar is built on allegory. Heroes fairy tales, events, environment - All this in an allegorizing sense reflects human life that time.

Everything satyrian fairy tales writer written in response to any event, or public phenomenon. Story " Wheat Pescar"This is a writer's reaction to the attempt of the People's Forces on the monarch of Alexander Second.

What the work of Satirik teaches, shows the death of Pescar. We must live brightly, with the benefit for society, and not to hide from problems.


The reaction era led to birth in different ways Expressions of their thoughts, the author of "Promotud Pescar" used a genre of an allegorical fairy tale for this, of course, satirical directions. The fairy tale "Woven Pescar" is an epic essay for adults. Satyric orientation indicates the impact of public defects, their rigid ridiculation. In the short in terms of the fairy tale, the author revealed interrelated vices - cowardice and inaction. For Saltykov-Shchedrin, it is typical of the impartial sides of life through hyperbolic images and grotesque.

A satirical fairy tale Warm Saltykov-Shchedrin's wonderful writer will lead to children about how one cowardly sandy sand lived in the world. He was very afraid to be eaten by the fish or get into the fishing rod. To avoid death, Pescar pulled himself a hole and did not leave her.

Read online fairy tale Wheel Pescar

He lived - was sand. And his father and his mother had smart; Largebly, and Maleleg Aridova, the River lived both in the ear, did not fall into the pike in Higho. And the Son was ordered. "Look, son, - said old sand, dying, - if you want to bust life, so look at both!"

And the young teacher's mind was the chamber. He began to spread this mind with this mind and sees: wherever it turns away - the mat is everywhere. Circle, in water, all large fish float, and he is less than everyone; Every fish can swallow it, and he cannot swallow anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why to swallow? Cancer can cut it in half in half, water flea - to the ridge to write and to death to death. Even his brother, Pescar - and the one, he will see that he caught a mosquito, the whole herd would be rushed to take away. End and start a friend with a friend to fight, only a mosquito task is rapidly.

And man? - What is this evident creature such! What Caverz he invented him, so that his, piscory, in vain death to destroy! And the non-name, and the network, and the tops, and the Nord, and, finally ... Udu! It seems that it may be more stupid Uda? Thread, on a thread hook, on a hook - a worm or fly that is put on ... and what are you like? In the very, one can say, an unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is precisely on the ridge of everything more sand and caught!

The father-old man more than once about the Uda warned. "It's the rest of the TDA Total!" He said, "because even though it's a stupid shell, but with us, piscory, which is more stupid, or rather. Throw us to fly, as if we would like to hurt us; you are clinging to her. Well, death! "

An old man was told, as one day he did not please in ear in his ear. They caught them at that time the whole artel, the entire width of the River River was stretched, and so the tops with two on the bottom of the wolf and fiber. Passion how much fish then caught! And pikes, and perch, and heads, and roach, and goltsy, even breamheads of Tina from the bottom raised! And the piscory and the score lost. And what fears, he, old sand, suffered, as long as his fiber river, is neither in a fairy tale, or a pen describe. It feels that he is lucky, and where - does not know. He sees that he has a pike from one side, from the other - perch; Thinks: That's it, now, or that, or another will eat it, and they do not touch ... "At that time, not before the food, brother, was!" All one on the mind: death came! And how and why she came - no one understands.

Finally, there were wings from the Node to reduce, dragged him ashore and started fish from Moch in the grass. He then learned what had ear. Trembles on the sand something red; Gray clouds from it up running; And it is hot that he immediately smallest. Already without water sissing, and then there is still amenable ... hears - "Bonfire", they say. And on the "fire" on this black something is supposed, and in it water, exactly in the lake, during a storm, walks. This is the "boiler", they say. And at the end began to say: Vali in the "boiler" Fish - will be "ear"! And they began to throw our brother there. The fisherman fisherman fisherman is fisherman - the one will turn first, then, as a polulmy, popping up, then again the break - and sends it. "Esi", which means that you have given. Talilli-valillats first without parsing, and then one old man looked at him and says: "Which of him, from the baby, the GOB for the ear! Praise in the river will be pretty!" He took it under the gills, and let him go to free water. And he, do not be stupid, in all the blades - home! I came running, and his piscarica from the hole either alive neither is dead ...

And what! How much the old man was interpreted at that time what the ear is and what she lies, however, and bring the river rarely who has sound concepts about the ear.

But he, Pescar-Son, perfectly remembered the teachings of Pisachar-Father, and wound on his arm. He was a sand enlightened, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that life would live - not what a mutoy was licking. "You need to live so much, so that no one noticed," he said to himself, "and not the way you will disappear!" - And began to get settled. The first thing for the hole for himself was invented, so that he could climb into it, and not to get to anyone else! Dobil him to her nose whole yearAnd how much fear at that time took, spending the night in Ile, then under water burdock, then in Oskay. Finally, however, hollowed on fame. Pure, carefully - it is just one to fit the fit. The second case, about living in his, I decided so: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a pattern of doing, and in the afternoon - it will be in Nore to sit and tremble. But since it is still necessary to drink, it is still necessary, but he doesn't get a salary and does not hold servants, then he will run out of the hole about halfdden, when the whole fish is full, and God will give, maybe a goat-other and fishery. And if it is not fishery, so hungry in the hole freezes, and will tremble again. For it is better not to eat, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose.

So he arrived. At night, the motion did, in moonlight Bought, and in the afternoon climbed into Nora and trembled. Only half a day will run out something to praise - yes that it is half a day! At this time, the mosquito is hiding under the heat sheet, and the bug under the bark is buried. Using the water - and Shabash!

He lies the day-day in Nore, the nights do not sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be?"

Raise, sinful, and in a dream he dreams that he has winney ticket And he won two hundred thousand on him. I do not remember myself from delight, turn over on the other side - the look, and he has been polished from the hole, it was leaning out ... that, if it was near the purse at this time! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

Once he woke up and sees: right against his hole stands cancer. It costs motionless, as if the truncated, staring at him bone eyes. Only the mustache for the flow of water moves. That's when he got the fear! And as half a day, as long as it was not dark at all, this cancer was waiting for him, and in the meantime he trembled, everything was trembling.

Another time, he had just managed before a dawn in Noury, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep, he looked, from where he would undertake, at the very hole of the pike standing and the teeth clap. And also the whole day of his erased, as if his appearance was one of the full. And he and pike pissed: did not come out of the bark, and the Shabash.

And more than once, and not two this happened to him, but honoring that every day. And every day he, trembling, victory and borrowing, exclaimed, every day I exclaimed: "Thank you, Lord! Alive!"

But this is not enough: he did not marry and did not have children, although his father had it big family. He reasoned like this: "The father was jokingfully could live! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perch on us, Melinka, did not drive. And although one day he fell in the ear, so there was an old man who rescued it! A Today, how the fish was in the rivers rose, and Piskary in honor got. So here is not to the family, but as it would be only to live! "

And she lived wisden sanding with such a batch of a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. Does not play cards, no wines do not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it does not chase in red girls - only trembles yes, one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive!"

Even pikes, at the end, and those began to praise him: "Here, whatever everyone lived - there would be quietly in the river!" Yes, only they were deliberately spoken; Thought that he is at the praise, it is recommended - here, they say, I! Here it and clas! But he did not succumb to this thing, and once again he won the wisdom of the goats.

How many years have passed after a hundred years - it is unknown, only became the wisdom of sand. Lies in Nore and thinks: "Thank God, I remember my death, just like the mother and father died." And he was remembered here Shchuchi words: "Here, I have all lived like that, how does this wise sand live ..." And well, in fact, what would happen then?

He began to spread the mind, whom he had the chamber, and suddenly he was like who whispered: "After all, it would probably be married the whole piscal of the genus!"

Because, to continue the sandy kind, first of all, a family needs, and he does not have it. But this is not enough: in order to have a pecaria family to strengthen and flourish, so that her members were healthy and vigilant, so that they brought up in their native elements, and not in Nore, where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that the piscaries have a sufficient nutrition to receive, so as not to the public, the bread-salt would have drove each other and borrowed from each other and other excellent qualities borrowed. For only such life can improve the breed and will not allow her to grind it and degenerate into the snack.

Incorrectly believe those who think that only those piscaries can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distracted from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless piscaries. No one from them is either warm, nor cold, nobody, nor dishonorance, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, give a place the place is occupied yes feed eating.

All this introduced himself before it clearly and clearly, that suddenly he had a passionate hunting: "I got out of the hole yes Gogol on the whole river sailing!" But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled.

All life instantly flashed in front of him. What were his joy? Who he comforted? To whom good advice filed? KOM good word Said? Who shelted, warmed, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: "No one, no one.

He lived and trembled - only and everything. Even now: Death is on his nose, and he will all tremble, he does not know why. In the hole, he is dark, closely, turning to turn around, neither the sun beam will not look there, no heat smells. And he lies in this raw Mol, the blind, exhausted, no one needs, lies and is waiting: when's finally hungry death finally liberates him from useless existence?

Hears him, as past his holes, other fish - maybe, like he, Piskary - and none will not ask them. None for the thought will come: "Dai, I will ask the wise Pischar who he managed to live a manner with a terror, and neither a pike swallowed him, not a cancer of a culley, did not catch a fisherman in Udule?" Flowed by myself, and maybe they do not know that here in this hole wisp sand has completed his own process!

And that is just a shame: not to hear, so that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the isola, who does not eat, does not drink, no one does not see anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everything only cuts out his life protects?" And many even just a fool and sideline called him and surprise, as such idols, water suffers.

He spread out in this way his mind and dreamed. That is, not what he dreamed, and I really became forgotten. The death whispers ranked in his ears, he spread over the whole body of the East. And he gave him the former seductive sleep. He won as if he had two hundred thousand, grew up on the whole Paul-Arsshin and chuck himself swallows.

And as long as he dreamed of him, shed him, little on himself, half a hole, and out of the hole and narrowed.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - whether it was swallowed by him, whether his cullene was crushed, or he himself died his death and came to the surface, - there was no witnesses to this case. Most likely - he himself died, because what salai pike to swallow a pussy, dying piscory, and besides, also "wisdom"?

Designed for adult fairy tale "Woven Pescar" with a thorough analysis demonstrates typical traits Creativity M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The writer was a master of fine irony. As part of the selected style, the author draws very characteristic imagesBy helping the use of grotesque techniques and hyperbolyuing the figures of the main characters.

Literary critics soviet school It sought to look for a feature of class confrontation and social struggle in the Russian classics of the imperial period. The same fate has suffered a fairy tale about Pescara's wisdom - in the main hero diligently found the features of a despicable small official, trembling from fear, instead of devoting the life of class struggle.

However, most Russian writers worry still not so much revolutionary ideas as moral problems societies.

Genre and meaning of the name of the fairy tale

The fabulous genre has long been attractive for fiction. It is interesting because within allegations you can afford to spend any parallels with objective reality and real Figures Contemporaries, not taking off for epithets, but not annoying anyone.

The typical genre of fairy tale implies participation in the plot of animals, endowed with the mind, distortion, human manner of communication and behavior. In this case, the work of its phantasmagoricity fully fits into the plot of fairy tales.

It begins the work characteristic - lived-was. But at the same time, it is called a fairy tale for adults, because the author of an allegorical language suggests the reader to think about not a childhood problem - how to live his life so that he does not regret her sense before death.

The name fully corresponds to the genre in which the work is written. Pescar is not called smart, not wise, not intellectual, namely "wisdom", in the best traditions Fabulous genre (enough to remember at least Vasilis wisely).

But in the very name of the author, the sad irony of the author is guessed. It immediately configures the reader to think about whether the main character is true to call wisdom.

main characters

In a fairy tale, the bright portrait created the image of the very wisdom of sand. The author not only characterizes his overall level of development - the "mind of the Chamber" tells the background of the formation of its characteristics of its character.

It describes in detail the motives of the acts of the main character, his thoughts, mental throwing and doubts shortly before death.

Pescar-Son is not stupid, thinking, even prone to liberal ideas. At the same time, he is so cowardly a person that is ready to fight even with its instincts to save life. He agrees to live always hungry, not creating his family, without communicating with the relatives, practically without seeing sunlight.

Therefore, the Son was injured by the Main Party of Father and, having lost his parents, decided to take all the available measures to never risk his life. Everything he subsequently did was aimed at the realization of the conceived.

As a result, life itself in all its completeness, namely the preservation of life acquired the greatest value, turned into an end in itself. And for the sake of this idea, Pescar donated absolutely everyone, for what, in fact, he was born.

Pescar-Father is the second hero of the fairy tales. He deserving the positive characteristics of the author, lived ordinary lifeHe had a family and children, risked in moderation, but had a negligence for a rest of his life scare from his son about how he didn't get into his ear.

The main picture of his personality is formed by the reader mainly due to the story about this dramatic incident set out from the first person.

Summary of the fairy tale Saltykov-Shchedrin "Woven Pescar"

Pescar, the son of good and caring parents, remaining one after their death, rethought his life. The future is frightened.

He saw that he was weak and defenseless, and water world Around him is full of dangers. To keep your life, Pescar began to dig a hole to hide from major threats.

In the afternoon, he did not choose from her, walked only at night, because of the time almost blind. If there was a danger from outside, then he preferred to stay hungry so as not to risk. Because of his fear, Pescar abandoned the full life, communication and continuation of the kind.

So he lived in his hole for more than a hundred years, trembling from fear and considering himself to be wished, because it turned out to be so prudent. At the same time, other inhabitants of the reservoir did not share his opinions about themselves, considering it with a fool and stupid, who lives a hermit for the sake of preserving his worthless life.

Sometimes he dreamed of a dream in which he wins two hundred thousand rubles, ceases to tremble and becomes so big and respected that he himself begins to swallow puck. At the same time, in fact, he does not seek to become rich and influential, these are just secret dreams embodied in dreams.

However, before death, Pescrew came to the mind of the thoughts about the honest life. Analyzing the past years, thinking that I never comforted anyone, did not please, did not hear, he realizes that if other Pescarii led the same useless life, like he, then Pescaria Rod would quickly be prevented.

He dies in the same way as he lived - unnoticed for others. According to the author, he disappeared, but died as a result of natural death or was eaten - no one is interested, even the author.

What does the fairy tale "Wheel Pescar"

The author is attempting by an allegorical language to force the reader to rethink the most important philosophical topic - On the meaning of life.

It is what a person will waste his life, and will end up with the main criterion of his wisdom.

With the help of the grotesque image, Pescar Saltykov-Shchedrin is trying to convey this thought to the reader, warning the young generation from the wrong choice of his path, and the older - proposes to think about the worthy trial of the life path.

History is not Nova. The gospel parable about a man who buried his talent to the ground, just about it. It gives the very first and main moral lesson about this theme. In the future, the problem has repeatedly raised in the literature little man - "Tarry trembling", and his place in society.

But with all this, the fair part of the generation of contemporaries Saltykov-Shchedrin is familiar with literary Heritage The ancestors formed, and in the measure of liberal, did not make the necessary conclusions, therefore, in many of its, it was precisely such Pescases that do not have civilian positionNor social responsibility, no striving for the positive transformation of society, smeared in their Mirka and tremble from fear of the power of the people.

It is curious that the society itself also considers such individuals ballast - not interesting, stupid and meaningless. On Pescara, the inhabitants of the reservoir spoke extremely impartially, despite the fact that he lived, she would not interfere with anyone, no one offended and not hunting enemies.

The end of the life of the main character is very indicative - he did not die, was not eaten. He disappeared. The author chose such a final to once again emphasize the ephemeralness of the existence of sand.

The main moral of the fairy tale in the following: if a person did not want to do good and necessary, no one would notice his death, because his existence did not make sense.

In any case, before death, the main character regrets that, asking for himself, who did he make a good deed, who can remember him with warmth? And does not find a comforting answer.

Best quotes from the fairy tale "Woven Pescar"

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin - writer, journalist, critic. Literary work Combined S. civil service: in different time The vice-governor of Ryazan and Tver, led the official chambers in the cities of Penza, Tula and Ryazan.

Mikhail Evgrafovich perfectly owned formidable weapons in a word. Life observations were the basis of his creations, from under the pen of the genius of journalism, a lot of texts appeared on the angry of the day. Today we will get acquainted with the work that Saltykov created, "Wheel Pescar". Summary will be set out in this article.


Composition " Promotud Piskary" (in modern interpretation - "Wrapped Pescar"), which is included in the cycle "Tales for children easy age", first published in 1883. The cowardice is ridiculed in it, the eternal philosophical question affects what the meaning of life is.

Here is given summary "Will Pescar". It is worth noting that the reading of the original does not take a lot of time and will deliver a lot of aesthetic pleasure, as it is written in a real master of the word, so do not limit the acquaintance with the "recycled" work.

He lived, was Pescar, lucky to him with his parents, they were smart and gave the right life attitudes. Long years ("Aridoves of the eyelids") they lived, avoiding numerous dangers that could sleep small representatives underwater world. Son Father, dying, instructed - in order to live a long time, look at both necessary, do not yawning.

Pescar and himself was not stupid, or rather, the "mind of the Chamber" was with him. I decided that the most faithful recipe for longevity is not provoking trouble, live so that no one notice. During the year he fell into Nora's nose, such that he himself could only fit, at night I was performed at noon, when all the festes and from the heat are hiding, ran out in search of food. Nights Non-shook, a piece of wise sanded Pescar was underwent, I was afraid ... I was shaking my fear every day, which hears and could not save his precious lifelike father punished. What did I want to say to this work generin?

"Woven Pescar": Summary - Home Idea

Having lived "With a terror of one hundred years", Pescar at the mortal evidence wondered what would be, if everything, like he, was a smart life? And made a disappointing conclusion - Pescarium would be interrupted. Neither families nor friends ... Only unlucky epithets: Ostolop, Fool and Sobrelov - That's all that he deserved for his herchers. He lived and trembled - only and everything, not a citizen, a useless unit, which only for nothing the place occupies ... So the author responded in the text about his hero.

The wise sand died, disappeared, and how it happened - naturally or who helped, no one noticed, but it was not interested in anyone.

This is the summary of the "Promotud Pescar" - the fairy tales, which the author wrote, ridicizing the morals of the Society for a long time. But she did not lose their relevance and in our time.


The representative of the fishing community, the protagonist, refusing the benefits, left the glory of the creature of the trembling. Pescar, whom Satirically called the author to wisely, chose a senseless, filled with only fear and deprivation, and as a result of criminal inaccessible life followed the punishment - death in the insight into his worthlessness and unnecessaryness.

We hope that the brief content of the "Wombar Pescar" in such a presentation will be useful for you.