The best modern world writers. What to read: Best Modern Writers

The best modern world writers. What to read: Best Modern Writers
The best modern world writers. What to read: Best Modern Writers

The best books are the concept of relative. A good print edition at the moment is a work that man brings consolation, advice, knowledge, wisdom, vivid impressions. Thus, the determining point is to satisfy the book demand of a specific reader.

For some people, extremely specialized literature is valuable: documentary, scientific, technical, medical, sectoral. But it is rather food for the mind. However, all the other readers are interested in artistic books. They contribute to the formation of spiritual appearance. About them and will be discussed in this article.

Artistic book - a unique invention. Pleiades of thinkers of different times and epochs trusted their hopes, observation, understanding of truth, life, humanity. Wonderful when bright images created by these authors together with deep and unique quotations (sometimes - decades ago, and sometimes - centuries) illuminate the life of our contemporaries!

The role of the Russian competition "Book of the Year"

The current in Russia is extremely fruitful and has characteristic features inherent in decadation:

To send a literary process into a constructive channel, avoid the blurring of national and stimulate in it really talented principles - the archiving task of modern Russian culture. Indicator of the success of the books that our contemporaries write are annual national competitions in the type "Book of the Year". They are organized with the purpose of stimulating both writers and publishers.

For example, in the Russian competition of 2014, 150 publishers who submitted to the competition for more than half-thousand books participated in the middle of September. Winners were announced in 8 nominations:

  • prose articles - Roman "Resident" (Zakhar Prilepin);
  • poetic work - Translation of the Shakespearean "King Lira" (gigoric circles);
  • artistic literature for children - the story "Where is the rooster horse jumping?" (Svetlana Lavova);
  • art book - "Kargopol journey" (prepared by the local architectural and artistic museum);
  • humanitas nomination - Lermontov art and documentary album (art and literature state and literature);
  • e-book - Media Project "Clear Polyana" and "Yaroslavl Temples" (Bureau of Satellite projects);
  • the nomination "Printed in Russia" is the album "Branch. Book Culture ";
  • the main bonus of the competition "Book of the Year 2014" is a three-volume member "Russia in the I World War" (team from 190 researchers of universities, museums, archives).

We summarize: the tasks of the aforementioned competition is to increase the status of a book in the current public life; Stimulating the best authors and publishers. For sixteen years of its existence, this event in practice has proven its motivating role in the development of Russian literature.

At least, they nominated Russian writers who can rightly be called classics:

  • 2004, the nomination "Prose" - "Your sincerely, Shurik" (Lyudmila Ulitskaya); Nomination "Bestseller" - "Night Watch" (Sergey Lukyanenko);
  • 2005, the nomination "Prose" - "Wateriants and Voltrayanka" (Vasily Aksenov);
  • 2011, the nomination "Prose" - "My Lieutenant" (Daniel Ganin).

International Book Ratings

As we have already mentioned, the best, most popular books, thanks to the thoughts are crystallized in them, become real friends, advisors, Otrada for their readers. And the authors who wrote their authors are called classics.

The best books created by the talent are studied in schools and higher educational institutions, they are widely quoted in everyday life.

At the very least, the navigation on the Internet detects dozens of options for "hundred of the best books".

Similar lists have a certain value. Thanks to them, the newcomer reader becomes much easier to find for reading really the best books among dozens and hundreds of thousands of works. If a person feels his gaps in the knowledge of world culture (the inalienable part of which is domestic and foreign literature), then a similar rating will be able to become a route card.

What direction to choose for such a reference? If you are really interested in world literature, we would recommend to use one of the ratings by versions:

  • english broadcasting company (BBC);
  • The Observer;
  • russian Writers' Union;
  • french newspaper Le Monde;
  • american publishing house Modern Library;
  • norwegian book club.

Of course, the informational agency of each country, lizing the best books, is trying to give up the leading places to the authors' leaders. And this is justified. After all, the talents of recognized classics, creating their masterpieces since the time of the ancient world and to the present day, in reality are incompatible. Each of them finds the trail to the heart of readers.

The phenomenon that has come down to us after the Millennium: the literature of the ancient world

List of books that have come down to us through the millennium and inherited from other epochs is quite limited. However, they appear in modern ratings. Therefore, we write about them. Unfortunately, the story did not save the ancient libraries: Inoverts fought with books as well as with enemies. For example, the richest Alexandria library was destroyed, consisting of 700,000 papyrus scrolls.

What books of our ancestors of classics should be mentioned first, speaking of the ancient world? Of course, Glory in Latin deserves public people Vergil Maron, author "Aneida", and in ancient Greek - Homer, author Odyssey and Iliad. Guided by Vergil's theory, Russian scientist and poet Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov developed a Syllabo-Tonic system of resentment, which served as the starting platform for the further development of domestic poetry.

However, not only Vergil and Homer are considered ancient classics. The Latin was also created by Horace, Cicero, Caesar, and on ancient Greek - Aristotle, Plato, Aristophane. However, it is two people mentioned earlier than the literature of the ancient world to the most pretended.

European books of the Epoch of the Formation of Capitalism

Foreign literature, of course, is represented by a much more saturated list of authors than Greece and ancient Rome. This was facilitated by the rapid development of European states.

France has awakened romantic human aspirations for freedom, equality, fraternity to his great revolution. In the literature of Germany, who has begun to create his statehood, in unison French also prevail romanticism.

In contrast to this industrial, urbanized and politically stable Britain - the Lady of the Seas - demonstrated the most powerful and ripe literary process leaving for realism.

It is generally recognized that the most famous writers who were working in French at the time - this is Viktor Hugo ("Miserable", "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God") and Georges Sand ("Consuelo").

However, speaking of the French contribution to world literature, the names of Alexander Duma-Father should be mentioned ("Iron Mask", "Three Musketeers", "Count Monte Cristo"), Voltaire (Poem "Agafokl"), Charles of Bodler (Pych collections " Paris Spleen "," Evil Flowers "), Moliere (Tartuf," Misening "," Surround "), Standal (" Perm Resident "," Red and Black "), Balzak (Gobsek," Evgenia Ganda "," Godis-Sar "), Prosper Merim (" Chronicles of the Times of Charles IX "," Tamango ").

The list of books of romantic, characteristic of earlyburious Europe, continue, mentioning the works of Spaniards and Germans. The brilliant representative of the Spanish classical literature is Cervantes ("Cherific Hidalgo Don Quixote Laman"). From German Classics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe ("Faust", "Wild Rose"), Heinrich Heine ("Journey to Harz"), Friedrich Schiller ("Conspiracy Fiese in Genoa", "Robbers"), Franz Kafka ("Missing "," Process ").

Romantic adventure books discarded real-life entourage, their plot was based on the actions of exceptional heroes in unusual conditions.

The flourishing of British literature

In the XIX century, British writers were considered to be the legislators of the "Book Fashion" on the European Continent. French authors, initiated by the Great Revolution, after the collapse of Napoleon Bonaparte pledged less.

The British had their own literary tradition. Back in the XIV century, the whole world recognized the genius of William Shakespeare and the innovative social ideas of Thomas Mora. Developing its literature in the conditions of a stable industrial society, the British authors have already begun an evolutionary transition from the classic knightly novel (romanticism) to works by social, psychological ones in the XVIII century.

They are more pragmatically than the French, they tried to answer the philosophical question: "What is a person, and what is society?" Such new thinkers were Daniel Defo ("Robinson Cruzo") and Jonathan Swift ("Gulliver"). However, at the same time Britain marked a new direction of romanticism, which was demonstrated by George Gordon Byron, author of the works of Don Juan and Pilgrimage to Child Harold.

The literary tradition of realism in the first half of the XIX century was powerfully developed the following well-known writers:

Brilliantly talented (whom F. M. Dostoevsky called his teacher);

Intellectual to uniqueness, steeply carrying hunger and poverty, Charlotte Bronte, known for the novel "Jane Eyre";

Creator of the world famous Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle;

The cranked and pursued by the sales press ("Tess from the kind of demerville").

Russian gold literature of the XIX century. The loudest names

The classic of Russian literature is associated in the world first of all with the names of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Although in general in the XIX century (which is generally accepted) Russian literature has become the most vivid cultural phenomenon of the global level.

I will illustrate the foregoing. An unspecified classic was the Tolstsky style of writing novels. So, the American writer Margaret Mitchell wrote his famous epic "worn by the wind", imitating the style of Leo Nikolayevich.

It was also generally accepted in the world the shrill psychologism of the highest sample, inherent in the work of Dostoevsky. In particular, the famous scientist Freud argued that no one in the world could tell him anything new about the inner world of a person, no one except Fedor Mikhailovich.

And the innovation of Chekhov inspired the authors to start writing works, based on the world of human feelings. In particular, the masted British playwright Bernard Show recognized himself his student. Thus, foreign literature in the XIX century received a powerful ideological feeding, and a new vector of development from Russian literature.

Note on literary ratings

The fact remains: among hundreds of the best works, the books written in the XIX century occupy a significant part. It is these writers that it is customary to study in schools, for which inertial and unreasonably stable training programs have been developed.

Is it fair? By no means. It is more expedient to change the curriculum, believing with the tastes of the real advanced reader audience. According to our conviction, no less than the works of the XIX century, the curriculum should occupy the works of the XX and XXI century.

The classic of Russian literature today is not only the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, but also the books of Mikhail Bulgakov, Viktor Pelevina. We intentionally express our idea figuratively, mentioning only the individual names of famous poets and writers.

Raising the topic: "What books are the best?", Reasonably more detailed about the works of classics of the current and past centuries.

Best Book by Air Force. Critical look

The first place in the BBC version is occupied by the Roman-Trilogy of John Ronald Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings". We will pay special attention in this article to this product-fantasy. Books with such a depth study of the plot based on ancient legends are greatly rare.

What was the rating experts with the motive for such a high marks? Indeed, Professor of Oxford University with his fascinating work served Britain the Great Service. He, deeply and comprehensively having studied folklore of Misty Albion (Dotola scattered and fragmented), figuratively speaking, broke it on a string and splash in a single concept of combating good with evil. I say a little that he did it talented. The uniqueness of the trilogy is evidenced by a curious fact. One day, an angry colleague scientist came to the author of the "Lord of the Rings" after his lecture and accused the writer in the plagiarism.

Modern artistic literature, perhaps, did not have any such associations. The opponent of the writer turned out to be evidence, he brought the last copy of the drawings from the ancient British chronicles to the confusion of the "Ring" author, which were illustrated by the work of Tolkien.

It happens! One person managed to be impossible - to combine, systematize and, that is important, it is immentable to present the ancient folklore of his homeland. Not in vain Queen Elizabeth II awarded the writer by the honorary title of Cavaller Britain.

Some other BBC Rating Books

  • Children's fantastic trilogy "Dark beginnings" (Philip Pulman).
  • "Kill the crossbar" (Harper Lee).
  • "1984" (George Orwell).
  • Rebecca (Daphne Dajorier).
  • "Above the abyss of rye" (Sallinger Jerome).
  • "Great Gatsby" (Francis Fitzgerald).

Opinion of Russian readers

What is the estimate of the fairness of the British rating on Russian book lovers? The answer is brief: ambiguous.

A rather high grade is given by the work of the writer George Orwell. For many readers, the beloved book became an exciting affair with an unpredictable plot - "Rebecca". To reading children, you can recommend the history of the travel history of Lira Belakva from Oxford on fantastic worlds from Philip Pulman.

However, there are enough motivated comments. For example, for a domestic sophisticated reader who has loved such books-novels, as a realistic-mystical Bulgakovsky novel "Master and Margarita", the work of "Dr. Zhivago" from Boris Pasternak, as well as the "Picnic of the Road" and "Grad doomed" from the Strugatsky brothers, To put it mildly, the priority criterion of the BBC rating is not completely understood.

Understand correctly: We are by no means trying to lower the artistic value of a number of talented novels by the type "Trick 22", "Great Gatsby", "Above the abyss of rye", when we state the fact: their genre is a ideological novel. Is it objectively talking, can they be competitors to the volume and multi-grade work "Master and Margarita"?

Such novels that consistently reveal only one thought of the author should be the ranking below! After all, their depth of meaning is initially limited to the intent, is deprived of volume, multidimensionality. Therefore, according to our readers, the dubious positioning of ideas novels in the list of books in positions exceeding the "War and Peace" or "Master and Margarita" is completely absurd.

Modern books Postmodern

Postmodern books today are, perhaps at the peak of popularity, since they are an ideological antithesis to the staging mass of mass consumption. Modern postmodernist writers will prepare the consumer lifestyle around them, filled with soulless advertising and primitive glossy glamor.

Such ideological authors are even fought in America. It is recognized in his homeland as a genuine connoisseur of the problems of the consumer society, the writer of Italian origin Don Delillo (the novels underworld, "white noise"). Another Italian scientist, Professor Semiotics of the University of Bologna University of Umberto Eco, immerses the reader in such an intellectual-saturated canvas of the work ("Fouco's pendulum", "Rose name") that his creations are in demand by an intellectual audience.

Soften postmodern demonstrates another author. One of the representatives of the Russian modern literature of this flow is Boris Akunin. The books of this modern classic ("Adventures of Erast Fandorin", "Azazel", "The Adventures of Sister Pelagiai") are in demand by a mass reader and even fused. Many celebrate the power of the author's talent, his master syllable, the ability to create fascinating plots. In his arguments, he demonstrates the special personal philosophy of oriental character.

The latter is especially noticeable in its "jade rosary" and "diamond chariot."

It is noteworthy that, fascinating the reader by detective plots, occurring in the common canvas of the historical events of Russia, does not bypass the problems of poverty, corruption and theft. Modern classic Akunin. His books, however, are not constructed in the strict framework of the historical plot. In the West, this genre of prose is called Folk-History.

The chronological point determining the launch of the concept of "modern Russian literature" is 1991. Starting from that time, the work of the readers were closed by Dotol, the works of the authors of the sixties:

  • Sandro from Chegema "Fazil Iskander.
  • "Island Crimea" Vasily Aksenova.
  • "Live and Remember" Valentina Rasputin.

Following them, modern writers, whose worldview was initiated by restructuring. In addition to the above-mentioned Boris Akunin, other Russian literary stars of the first magnitude were bright: Viktor Pelievin ("Numbers", "Insect Life", "Chapaev and Emptiness", "T", "Ampir B") and Lyudmila Ulitskaya ("Kazus Kukobsky ", Your sincerely, Shurik," Medea and her children ").

Modern fantasy books

Perhaps a sign of the Epoch of Decadence became a remake of a romantic genre, revived in the form of fantasy. What is only the phenomenon of popularity of the Romanov cycle about Harry Loss from Joan Rowling! This is true: everything comes back to the circles, romanticism dismands lost positions from realism!

No matter how much they say that realism once (in the 1930s of the 20th century) crushed romanticism to death, no matter how much his crisis hid it, and he again on horseback! It is difficult not to notice. Recall only one of the classical definitions of this literary style: "Exceptional heroes operate in unusual situations." Does the last statement do not correspond to the Spirit of Fantasy?! What else to add ...

  • "Night Watch", "Day Watch" (Sergey Lukyanenko).
  • "Forbidden reality", "Gospel of the Beast", "Qatarsis" (Vasily Golovachev).
  • The cycle of novels "The Secret City", the Cycle "Anklav" (Vadim Panov).

We also remind the popularity of the Fantasy-cycle "Witcher" of the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkovsky. In a word, the adventure books are again in favor of readers.

Looking through the forums of domestic readers, we found that non-European and non-American books mentioned among outstanding writers of the 20th century. However, among them there are very bright and talented works:

  • "One hundred years of loneliness" (Colombian Marquez).
  • "Woman in the sands" (Japanese Abe Cobo).
  • "Waiting for Varvarov" (John Kutsee South African).


Spendon artistic literature! The books of its authors (mean - the best) average person, unfortunately, a priori will not be able to read throughout his life. Therefore, navigation in the boundless book "Sea" is extremely important. "Why is it necessary - purposefully read?" - asks the uninimal man ...

We will reply: "Yeah to decorate your life to buy real friends! After all, books are both advisers, and inspirers, and comforters.

Finishing, we note that if you continue to find at least a dozen books, each of which, like Camerton, is ideal for you, your soul in a certain life situation, then we will assume that it was not for nothing worked on this article. Enjoy your reading!

Anna Karenina. Lev Tolstoy

The greatest love story of all times and peoples. The story that did not converge from the scenic frames, the screened countless number of times - and still not losing the infinite charm of passion - the passion of the destructive, destructive, blind - but the more fascinating its greatness.

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Master and Margarita. Michael Bulgakov

This is the most mysterious of the novels in the history of domestic literature XX century. This is a novel who is almost officially called the "Gospel from Satan." This is "Master and Margarita." The book, which can be read and reread dozens, hundreds of times, but the main thing is impossible to understand anyway. So, what are the Pages "Masters and Margarita" are put on the forces of light?

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Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte.

Roman-riddle, who has entered the top ten novels of all times and peoples! The story is violent, truly demonic passion, which excites the imagination of readers now for more than one and a half hundred years. Katie gave her heart to a cousin, but ambition and thirst for wealth pushed her into the arms of rich. Forbidden attraction turns into a curse for secret lovers, and one day.

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Eugene Onegin. Alexander Pushkin

Did you read "Onegin"? What do you say about "Onegin"? Here are the questions that are repeated indiscriminately in the circle of writers and Russian readers, "said the writer, an enterprising publisher and, by the way, the hero of Epigram Pushkin Faddey Bul-Garin, after the release of the second chapter of the novel. For a long time, Onegin is not appreciated. Speaking words of the same Bulgarin, he "written by verses of Pushkin. This is pretty. "

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Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Victor Hugo

The story, who survived the century, who became a canon and giving his heroes to the glory of nominal images. The story of love and tragedy. The love of those who love was not given and is not allowed - a religious sanity, physical impact or someone else's evil will. Gypsy Esmeralda and Deaf Gorbun-Rod Quasimodo, Priest Frollo and Captain Royal Rifle Fech De Shatoper, Beautiful Fleur de Lis and Poet Grenguar.

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Gone With the Wind. Margaret Mitchell

The Great Saga of the Civil War in the United States and the fate of the ongoing and ready to go on the heads Scarlett O'Hara was first published more than 70 years ago and does not say to this day. This is the only novel Margaret Mitchell, for which she received the Pulitzer Prize. The story of a woman who is not ashamed to be either unconditional feminist, nor a convinced supporter of the housework.

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Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare

This is the highest of the tragedies about love, which is capable of creating a human genius. Tragedy, which was shielded and shielded. A tragedy that does not come off from theatrical frames to this day - and to this day it sounds as if written yesterday. Go years and century. But one remains and will remain unchanged forever: "There is no story sadly in the world than a story about Romeo and Juliet ..."

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The Great Gatsby. Francis Fitzgerald

"The Great Gatsby" is a vertex not only in the work of Fitzgerald, but also one of the highest achievements in the world prose of the 20th century. Although the effect of the novel occurs in the "stormy" twentieth years of the last century, when the states were literally from nothing and yesterday's criminals overnight became millionaires, this book lives out of time, because, the story of the broken fate of the generation of the "Century Jazz".

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Three Musketeers. Alexandr Duma

Alexandra Duma, the most famous historical adventurous novel of Alexander Duma tells about the adventures of Gasconus D'Artagnan and his Musketeer Friends at the courtyard of King Louis XIII.

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Count Monte Cristo. Alexandr Duma

The book presents one of the most exciting adventure novels of the classic French literature of the XIX century Alexander Duma.

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Triumphal Arch. Erich Remark

One of the most beautiful and tragic novels about love in the history of European literature. The history of refugees from the Nazi Germany Dr. Ravik and confused in the "unbearable ease of being" the beautiful Joan Madu occurs in pre-war Paris. And the anxious time, which happened to meet and love each other with this two, becomes one of the main characters of the Triumphal Arch.

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A man who laughs. Victor Hugo

Guinplane - Lord by birth, as a child, was sold to bandits-compatriking, who made a fair jester from the child, cutting out the mask of the "eternal laughter" on his face (with the courtyards of the European for the time of the time there was a fashion for horses and freaks that have fun). Contrary to all tests, Guinplane retained the best human qualities and their love.

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Martin Eden. Jack London

A simple sailor, in which it is easy to find out the author himself, goes long, full of deprivation path to literary immortality ... The will of the case that turned out in a secular society, Martin Eden is doubly happy and surprised ... And the creative gift awakened in it, and the divine manner of Young Ruth Morz, so not Looking like all the people he knew before ... From now on, two goals stand in front of him.

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Sister Kerry. Theodore Dreiser

The edition of the first novel by theodore of the Drier was associated with such difficulties that it led his creator to severe depression. But the further fate of the novel "Sister Kerry" turned out to be happy: it was transferred to many foreign languages, reissued by millionic circulations. New and new generations of readers are pleased to be immersed in the peripetics of the fate of Carolina Mibes.

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American tragedy. Theodore Dreiser

The novel "American tragedy" is the top of the creativity of the outstanding American writer Theodore of the Drier. He said: "No one creates tragedies - they are creating life. Writers only depict them. " The driver managed so talentedly to portray the tragedy of Clive Gripits that his story leaves no indifferent and modern reader.

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Molded. Victor Hugo

Jean Valzhan, Kozetta, Gavrosh - the names of the heroes of the Roman have long become nominable, the number of his readers for one and a half century from the moment of the release of the book in the light does not become less, the novel does not lose popularity. Kaleidoscope of persons from all layers of the French Society of the first half of the XIX century, bright, memorable characters, sentimentality and realism, a stressful, exciting plot.

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Adventures of the brave soldier Schweik. Yaroslav Gashek

The Great, Original and Hooligan Roman. The book, which can be perceived as a "soldier bike", and as a classic work, directly related to the traditions of revival. This is a sparkling text over which you laugh to tears, and a powerful call to "fold weapons", and one of the most objective historical certificates in satirical literature.

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Iliad. Homer

The attractiveness of Homer's poems is not only that their author introduces us to the world, separated from modern times to dozens of centuries, is still unusually real thanks to the genius of the poet, who preserved the ones in their poems to the contemporary life in his poems. The immortality of Homer is that in his ingenious creations concluded inexhaustible reserves of universal imperrupt values \u200b\u200b- reason, good and beauty.

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St. John's wort James Cooper

Cooper managed to find and describe in his books the originality and unexpected brightness of the newly open continent, which managed to be fascinated by all modern Europe. Every new writer's novel was waiting with impatience. The exciting adventures of the fearless and noble hunter and trafficking Natty Bampo conquered both young and adult readers.

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Doctor Zhivago. Boris Pasternak

Roman "Dr. Zhivago" is one of the outstanding works of Russian literature, over the past years remaining closed for a wide range of readers in our country, who who knew about it only on a scandalous and unfair party criticism.

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Don Quixote. Miguel Servantes.

What do we tell us the names of Amadis Gallsky, Palle Merine English, Don Belyanis Greek, White Tyranta? But it is precisely as a parody of novels about these knights created "Cherific Hidalgo Don Quixote Laman" Miguel de Cervantes Saovnedra. And this parody of this century experienced a parody genre. Don Quixote was recognized as the best novel in the history of world literature.

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Ivango. Walter Scott

"Ivango" is a key product in the cycle of Romanov V.Skott, which transfer us to medieval England. The young Knight of Avengo, secretly returned from the crusade to his homeland and the will of his father who was deprived of a leaning inheritance, to defend his honor and love of the beautiful lady left ... The King Richard and the Legendary Robbin Robin Hood will come to the aid.

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Headless horseman. Reed Main

The plot of the novel is built as skillfully, which keeps in tension to the very last page. It is not by chance that the history of the noble Mustanger Maurice Gerald and his beloved, the beautiful Louise Pontackster, investigating the sinister mystery of the rider without a head, whose figure, with his appearance, hurts horror in the inhabitants of Savannah, extremely loved by readers in Europe and Russia.

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Dear friend. Gi de Maupassan

The novel "Cute Friend" became one of the symbols of the era. This is the strongest Roman Moopassana. Through the history of Georges Duroua, putting the "path to the top", reveal the true morals of the Supreme French Society, the Spirit of Salads, reigning in all its areas, contributes to the fact that the ordinary and immoral person, which is the hero of Maupassant, is easily achieved by success and wealth.

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Dead Souls. Nikolay Gogol

The output of the first volume of the "Dead Souls" N.Gogol in 1842 caused a stormy controversy of contemporaries, the splits society on fans and opponents of the poem. "... speaking about the" dead souls "- you can manage to speak about Russia ..." - this judgment of P. Kindsky explained the main cause of disputes. The author's question is still relevant: "Rus, where are you going, give a response?"

It is impossible to deny the fact that the nature of the approaching or urgent changes in the life of human civilization was the first to feel those who were ahead of their time - famous writers.

Writers are connected between future and present

Among the infinite multitude of the writers of each era are those authors that, in addition to all the recognized advantages of art prose, generously give humanity a new vision. They are much more convincing scientists formulated new concepts, ideas and, as a result, created intellectual and emotional argumentation of the future. They managed to see his challenge in everyday and ordinary, to put up unsightly problems on the show, point out unlucky conflicts, helping to realize the upcoming threats and give new hopes.

Great War Literature Writers

This list is imperfect. It contains individual famous writers who can be called the greatest literators of all times and peoples.

Pleiad Geniyev Poetry and Prose

The 19th century was so rich in talents that managed to give rise to an outstanding Pleiar geniine of prose and poetry. The most famous writers and N. M. Karamzin, A. S. Griboedov, A. S. Pushkin, K. F. Ryleev, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. A. Nekrasov, N. V. Gogol, A. A. Fet, I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chernyshevsky, A. P. Chekhov, F. M. Dostoevsky.

Writers who have a significant impact on English literature

The famous created a great many outstanding works, which laid a powerful promise, so they retained their relevance and nowadays.

  • Thomas Mor, and translator. The author of many conversion from the ancient Greek language and poems, as well as 280 Latin epigrams.
  • Jonathan Swift, bold publicist and brilliant satirik, poet, familiar to the public as the creator of Gullivier Travels.
  • Father-founder of romantic "sensual" literature of Great Britain. He undoubtedly formed a steady foundation for its three novels-whales.
  • The founder of the English realistic novel, is a prolific, deep playwright.
  • Walter Scott, comprehensively developed personality, warrior, writer, poet, specialist in matters of advocacy and history, founder of the 19th century historical novel.

Writers who changed the world

After the horrors of World War II, it seemed to everyone that, from now on, the world would be resting on all clear, simple and reasonable principles. Social relations, global policies rely on the modernization of progress and positive trends, faith in enlightenment, science. However, since the beginning of the 70s, the idealistic world began to inexorably collapse, and people knew another reality. Famous writers and poets that determine the mindset of a new generation took on the main blow of the coming dramatic changes.

Soul and mind of modernity

Below is a list of those writers that defined the soul and mind of our time.

  • Marquez (lawyer). Main works: "General in his labyrinth", "Colonel Nobody writes", "One hundred years of loneliness", "pale foliage" and many others.
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn (teacher of physics and mathematics, the famous Russian writer). Main works: "Crack Corps", "Red Wheel", "In the Circle of the First" and more than a provocative "Archipelago Gulag". Famous writers often fell into opal to the ruling system.
  • Tony Morrison (editor). Main works: "Favorite", "Smolyn Chuchcheko", "Jazz", "Love", "Paradise".
  • Salman Rushdi (philologist). Main works: "Shame", "rage", "Children of midnight", "Cloon Shalimar", "Satanic poems".
  • Milan Kunder (director). Main works: "ignorance", "immortality", "slowness", "funny love" and others.
  • Orhan Pamuk (architect). Main works: "Istanbul", "White Fortress", "Other Colors", "New Life", "Snow", "Black Book".
  • Michelle Welbek (engineer Ecologist). Main works: "Platform", "Elementary particles", "Opportunity of Island", "Lanzarote".
  • Joan Rowling (translator). 7 novels about Harry Potter.

  • Umberto Eco (philologist). Main works: "Baudolino", "Rose Name", "Island on the eve", "Fouco Pendulum".
  • Carlos Castaneda (anthropologist). Main works: "Dar Eagle", "Silence Power", "Special Reality", "Fairy Tale", "Inner Fire", "Wheel of Time", "Second Circle of Force" and others. The category "Famous Writers" would be deprived without mentioning this outstanding person.

Books are one of the greatest heritals of mankind. And if only the elected caste of people were available until the invention of the book printing of the book, then the books began to spread everywhere. In each new generation, talented writers were born, who created world masterpieces of literature.

Great works reached us, that's just we read the classics and less. Bite's literary portal presents to your attention 100 best books of all times and peoples that need to read. In this list you will find not only classic works, but also modern books that left their mark in history quite recently.

1 Mikhail Bulgakov

A novel that does not fit into the usual literary framework. In this story, philosophy and life, theology and fiction, mystic and realism, mystic and lyrics are mixed. And all these components are intertwined by skillful hands in a solid and bright story, which is able to turn your world. And yes, this is a favorite book book!

2 Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The book from the school program, which is difficult to understand in a tender adolescence. The writer showed the duality of the human soul when black is intertwined with white. The story of Raskolnikov, who is experiencing an internal struggle.

3 Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A small story in which enormous life sense is concluded. The story that makes something different look at the usual things.

4 Michael Bulgakov

Surprisingly thin and sarcastic story about people and their vices. The story of the experiment, which proved that a person can be made from the animal, but it is impossible to bring an "animal" from a person.

5 Erich Maria Remarque

To tell about what tells this novel is impossible. Roman needs to read, and then understanding that this is not just a story, but confession. Confession of love, friendship, pain. History of despair and struggle.

6 Jerome Salinger

The story of a teenager, who shows his perception of the world with its own eyes, the point of the worldview, renunciation from the usual principles and maintenance of morality of society, who do not fit into his individual framework.

7 Mikhail Lermontov

Lyric-psychological novel, which tells about a person with a complex character. The author shows it from different sides. And the violated chronology of events, makes it completely immersed in the story.

8 Arthur Conan Doyle

Legendary investigations of Sherlock's great detective, which reveal the meanness of the human soul. Stories that tell me and assistant detective Dr. Watson.

9 Oscar Wilde

The story of pride, egoism and durable soul. A story that clearly shows that it can happen to a human soul suffered by vices.

10 John Ronald Ruel Tolkin

Fantastic trilogy about people and nonhumans who fell under the power of the ring of all-in-law and his lord of Sauron. The story of those who are ready for the sake of friendship and salvation of the world, sacrifice the most expensive and even their lives.

11 Mario Puzo

Roman about one of the most powerful mafia families of America last century - the family of Corleon. Many is known for the film, so it's time to take reading.

12 Erich Maria Remarque

After World War I, many emigrants were in France. Among them and the talented German surgeon Ravik. This is the story of his life and love against the background of the war.

13 Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The history of the Russian soul and nonsense. And an amazing style and tongue author causes proposals to play with paints and shades that fully reveal the story of our people.

14 Colin Maccalo

A stunning novel, which tells not only the love of men and women and complex relations, but also about feelings for the family, to native places and nature.

15 Emily Bronte.

A family living in a secluded estate, who has a tense atmosphere in the house. Complex relationships have deep roots that are hidden in the past. Hitclyf's history and Catherine will not leave any reader indifferent.

16 Erich Maria Remarque

Book of war on behalf of a simple soldier. The book about how the war breaks and cripples the soul of innocent people.

17 Herman Hesse

The book simply turns all the ideas about life. After reading it is already impossible to get rid of the feeling that you have become one step closer to something incredible. This book has answers to many questions.

18 Stephen King

Paul Edgecomb Former prison officer, which served in a block for convicts for the death penalty. He tells the history of the life of suicide borneers who were destined to pass a green mile.

20 Victor Hugo

Paris 15th century. On the one hand, he is full of greatness, and the other is similar to the waste hole. Against the background of historical events, the story of love - Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Claude Frollo unfolds.

21 Daniel Defoe

Sailor's diary of the cracked ship and lived alone on the island of 28 years. He had to survive too much trials.

22 Lewis Carroll

A strange and mysterious story about a girl who in pursuit of a white rabbit turns out to be in another and wonderful world.

23 Ernest Hemingway

On the pages of the Book of War, but even in the world full of pain and fear, there is a beautiful place. An excellent feeling called love that makes us stronger.

24 Jack London

What can love make? Martin's love to the wonderful ruff forced him to fight. He overcame the many obstacles to become somehow big. The story of the spiritual development and formation of a person.

25 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic and fascinating fairy tale in which magic is intertwined with reality.

26 We Evgeny Zamyatin

Roman Anthutopia, in which the perfect society is described, where there is no personal opinion, and everything happens on the schedule. But even in such a society there will be a place for freezers.

27 Ernest Hemingway

Frederick voluntarily went to war, where he became a doctor. In the sanitary part, where even air is saturated with death, love is born.

28 Boris Pasternak

The beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian empire has already embarked on the path of revolutions. The story of the life of the intelligentsia of that time, as well as the book raises the issues of religion and affects the mystery of life and death.

29 Vladimir Nabokov

An instructive story about people who betrayed their ideals. The book about how light and beautiful feelings evolve into something dark and disgusting.

30 Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The greatest work, which delays in the story of Faust, who sold the soul to the devil. Reading this book can be passed on the path of knowledge of life.

31 Dante Aligiere

The product is three parts. First we fall into hell, so that the dates are all 9 circles. Then we are waiting for a purification, passing which you can redeem your sins. And only reaching the top you can get to heaven.

32 Anthony Burgess

Not the most pleasant story, but it shows the human essence. The story, as from any person you can make an obedient and silent doll.

33 Victor Pelevin

A difficult story, which is difficult to understand the first time. The story about the life of the decadene poet, who is looking for his way, and Chapaev leads to the enlightenment of Peter.

34 William Golding

What will happen to children if they are quite alone? In children, a subtle nature, which is pronounced quite strongly. And pretty good children turn into real monsters.

35 Albert Kama

36 James Clarell

The history of the English seaman, who will be the will of fate in Japan. Roman-epic, where there are historical realities, intrigue, adventures and secrets.

37 Ray Bradbury

A collection of fantastic stories telling about the life of people on Mars. They almost destroyed the land, and what awaits another planet?

38 Stanislav Lem

There is an ocean on this planet. He is alive and he has a mind. Researchers have a difficult task - to convey the knowledge of the ocean. And he will help embody their dreams ...

39 Herman Hesse

A book about the inner crisis that can happen to each. Internal emptying can destroy a person, if one day the person will not meet, who will give only one book to his hands ...

40 Milan Kundara

Immerse yourself in the world of sensations and feelings of a libertine Tomasha, who used to change women, just no one dared to pick up his freedom.

41 Boris Vian

Each friend has their own fate. Everything goes easily and easy. Friendship. Love. Conversations. But one event can change everything and destroy the usual life.

42 Ian Banks.

Frank tells the story of his childhood and describes the present. He has his own world who can collapse at any time. Unexpected turning points in the plot, give a special taste of the whole story.

43 John Irving

This book climbs the themes of family, childhood, friendship, love, treason and betrayal. This is the world in which we live with all the problems and disadvantages.

44 Michael Ondatja

There are many topics in this book - war, death, love, betrayal. But the main leitmotifs is loneliness, which can acquire a variety of forms.

46 Ray Bradbury

Books our future, and what will happen if they are replaced by TV and one opinion? The answer to this question gives a writer who was ahead of his time.

47 Patrick Zyuskind

The story of a crazy genius. All his life is smell. He will go to everything to create the perfect fragrance.

48 1984 George Orwell

Three totalitarian states, where even thoughts are controlled. The world of hatred, but there are people who else can resist the system.

49 Jack London

Alaska late 19th century. The era of the gold fever. And among the human larding lives a wolf named White Fang.

50 Jane Osten

In the family of Bennet there is only daughters, and the heir is a distant relative. And it is worth the head of the family, like young girls will remain with nothing.

51 Evgeny Petrov and Ilya Ilf

Who does not know the Ostap Bender and Kisu Vorobyaninov and their eternal failures that are associated with the search for ill-fated diagrants.

52 Fedor Dostoevsky

53 Charlot Bronte.

Jane has become an orphan early, and life in the house of aunt was far from happy. And love for a strict and sullen man is far from romantic history.

54 Ernest Hemingway

A small story of the life of the most ordinary person. But reading this work, penetrate the amazing world, which is full of emotions.

55 Francis Scott Fitzgerald

A magnificent novel that is filled with feelings. On the pages of the book waiting for the beginning of the 20th century, when people were full of illusions and hopes. This story about life values \u200b\u200band real love.

56 Alexandr Duma

We are all familiar with the adventures of D'Artagnan and his closest friends. Book of friendship, honor, devotion, loyalty and love. And of course, as other works of the author did not cost and without intrigue.

57 Ken Kizi.

This history will tell the patient of a psychiatric hospital. Patrick McMurphy enters the psychiatric department. That's just some think that he simply simulates his illness.

59 Victor Hugo

Roman describes the life of a runaway convict who is hidden from the authorities. After the flight, he had to survive a lot of tight, but he was able to change his life. That's just the Maver Police Inspector is ready to go to everything to catch the criminal.

60 Victor Hugo

The actor-philosopher met on his way of a worried boy and a blind girl. He takes them under his custody. Against the background of physical disadvantages, the perfection and purity of souls are clearly visible. And also this is an excellent oppression of the life of the aristocracy.

61 Vladimir Nabokov

Roman delays her unhealthy web of passion and unhealthy love. The main characters gradually go crazy, subject to their lowland desire, as well as their world around. In this book, I will definitely not be a happy end.

62 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic story that describes the life of Stalker Radric Shukhart, which extraterrestrial artifacts extract from the abnormal zones on Earth.

63 Richard Bach

Even a simple seagull can bother gray life, and the routine has come. And then the seagull dedicates his life to a dream. The seagull gives all his soul on the way to the cherished goal.

64 Bernard Verber

Michel got to the court of Archangels, where he would have to go through the weighing procedure of the soul. After the trial, he stands before the choice - to go to the ground in a new embodiment or steel angel. Angel's way is not simple as the life of ordinary mortals.

65 Ethel Lilian Wagoney

The story of freedom, duty and honor. And about different types of love. In the first case, this is the love of his father to his son, which survived many tests and passes through generations. In the second case, this is the love between a man and a woman who looks like a bonfire, he swears, then flashes again.

66 John Falez.

He is a simple town hall, lonely and lost. He has a passion - collecting butterflies. But one day he wanted to his collection of a girl who conquered his soul.

67 Walter Scott

The story of the novel will lead the readers in the distant past. At the time of Richard, the lion's heart and the first crusades. This is one of the first historical novels, which is obliged to read each.

68 Bernhard Slink

The book has a lot of questions that remain unanswered. The book makes thinking and analyze not only what is happening on the pages, but also your life. This is a story about love and betrayal that will not leave anyone indifferent.

69 Ayn Rand.

Socialists come to power and take a course on equal opportunities. The authorities believe that talented and rich should impose the well-being of others. But instead of a happy future, the familiar world is immersed in chaos.

71 Somerset Maugham

The story of the actress, which all his life works in the theater. And what is the reality for her play on stage or a game in life? How many roles do you have to play every day?

72 Oldhos Haxley

Roman Antiutopia. Roman Satire. The world where Henry Ford became God, and the beginning of time is the creation of the first Ford T car. People are simply grown, and nothing about feelings do not know anything.

75 Albert Kama

Merso lives a removed life. It seems that his life does not belong at all. He is all indifferent and even his actions are impregnated with loneliness and renunciation.

76 Somerset Maugham

The history of the life of Philip. He is an orphan and throughout his life he not only seeks the meaning of life, but also himself. And most importantly understand the world and people.

77 Irwin Welsh

History of friends who once discovered drugs and euphoria. Each character is unusual and quite a smart. They appreciated life and friendship, but exactly until the moment when Heroin rose to first.

78 Herman Melville

Ahav Captain Whaling Ship set the purpose of his life - to the revenge of Whale named Mobi Dick. Wit Pueby too many lives to leave him alive. But it is worth the captain to start the hunt, how mysterious, and sometimes terrible events begin to occur on his ship.

79 Joseph Heller

One of the best books about World War II. In it, the author was able to show the meaninglessness of war and the monstrous absurdity of the state car.

80 William Falkner

Four characters, each of whom tells its version of events. And to understand what we are talking about, you need to read to the end, where the puzzles will be in a single picture of life and secret desires.

82 Joanne Rowling

83 Roger Zelazny

Classic fantasy genre. The chronicles are divided into two volumes of 5 books. In this cycle, mono find travel in space and time, war, intrigue, betrayal, as well as loyalty and courage.

84 Angey Sapkovsky

One of the best fantastic series. The series includes 8 books, while the latter is the "season of thunderstorms" is better to read after the first or second book. This is a story about the Witcher and his adventures, his life and love, and more about the girl Cirins, which can change the world.

85 Honore de Balzac

An amazing story about the infinite and sacrificial love of the Father to the children. About love that has never been mutual. About love that destroyed Father Gorio.

86 Gunter Grass

The story of the boy named Oscar Macerat, who, with the arrival of the National Socialists in Germany, refuses to grow in protest. Thus, he expresses his protest changes in the German society.

87 Boris Vasilyev

Piercing story war. About real love for parents, friends, and homeland. This story must be read to feel the entire emotional component of this story.

88 Standal

The story of Julien Sea and the soul, in which the confrontation of two feelings is coming: passion and ambition. These two feelings are so intertwined that they are often impossible to distinguish.

89 Lev Tolstoy

Roman-epic, which describes a whole epoch, deepening in the historical realities and the artistic world of the time. War will replace the world, and the peaceful life of the characters depends on the war. Many heroes with unique characters.

90 Gustave Flaubert

This story is recognized as the greatest work of world literature. Emma Bovarie dreams of a beautiful secular life, but her spouse, a provincial doctor, cannot satisfy her requests. She finds lovers, but can they fulfill the dream Madame Bovarie?

91 Chuck Palanik

No matter how they scold the work of this author, it is impossible to deny that his book "Fight Club" is one of the characters of our generation. This is a story about people who decided to change this dirty world. The story of a person who was able to resist the system.

92 Marcus Zusak

Winter Germany is 1939, when death is too work, and after six months, work will be added somewhat. The story of Lizel, about fanatical Germans, about the Jewish Drachun, about the theft and the strength of words.

93 Alexander Pushkin

Roman in verse tells a story about the fate of the noble intelligentsia with their vices and egoism. And in the value of history, a love story without a happy end.

94 George Martin

A fantastic story about another world rule the kings and dragons live. Love, betrayal, intrigue, war and death, and all for power.

95 David Mitchell

The history of the past, present and future. Stories of people from different times. But these stories make up a single picture of the whole world.

96 Stephen King

Fantastic cycle of horror lords. In this series, weave the genres. In the books are closely neighboring horrors, western, science fiction and other genres. This is the story of the Roland Arrow, who is looking for a dark tower.

97 Haruki Murakov

The story of human destinies in Japan in the 60s of the twentieth century. History of human losses. Memories of the torus who will introduce a reader with different people and their stories.

98 Andy Weyr

By the will of the case of an astronaut remain one on the space base on Mars. He has a limited number of resources, but there is no connection with people. But he does not give up, he believes that he will return.

100 Samuel Bekket.

Amazing play, where everyone itself determines the mysterious personality year. The author makes it possible to find the answer itself to the question "Who is he?". Concrete person? Strong personality? Collective image? Or God?

In this top, I want to include many more books. Therefore, dear readers, write in the comments about those books that you consider the best. We will add books to the top and with your help to expand it to 1000 best books of all times and peoples.

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