Demographic situation in the area. National composition of the population, the problems of the peoples of the North

Demographic situation in the area. National composition of the population, the problems of the peoples of the North
Demographic situation in the area. National composition of the population, the problems of the peoples of the North

Theme of the lesson: "Population of the Urals" Geography Grade 9

Teacher: Fedoseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna,

GOU 524 Moscow District St. Petersburg


  1. Give a characteristic of the population as a factor of the development of the economy of the region; Multinationality as a condition for the diversity of the farm and cultures of the region, to interface itself in a multinational society.
  2. Display the uniqueness of the Urals, the region, the whole century working for Russia's progress. Knowledge of the economy of the region through professions.
  3. Thanks to the group form of work to work out clearly, it is logical to express thought.
  4. Continue the formation of the ability to work with the text: allocation of the main thought, text transformation into a table; Use geographic maps as a source of information.
  5. Learn to see the beauty created by man, admire her, beware.

Equipment lesson:

  1. Physical and economic cards of the Urals (wall and atlas)
  2. E.A. Customs, S.G. Tolkunova textbook geography grade 9,

"Ventana - Count", 2011

  1. Presentation to the lesson.
  2. Collection of rocks of the Ural (exhibition of friends of rocks, jewelry from jasper, malachite)
  3. Cards - tasks for groups.
  4. Technological card for each student.

Advanced task for lesson:

1. Where in St. Petersburg you can see the beauty of the Urals, touch the story of his development?

2. What are the works of which Russian writers introduce us to nature, the population of the Urals?

(Students perform a task optional

What can be proud of the area? (Beauty landscape, natural resources, people).

Today at the lesson we will consider the pride of the Urals - the population.

In the course of the lesson, a technological map is filled.

1. Checking homework.

Teacher: Not everyone falls in life joy to visit the Urals. But even without leaving our city, you can imagine the beauty and greatness of this edge.

Task class: (Projection of questions on the screen)

  1. What feelings cause these objects of cultural heritage?
  2. What is the name of the profession of a person who created this miracle?
  3. Is this profession in demand today?

1 Answer: In Russia, the Urals called a stone, the beauty of rocks can be seen in the Hermitage, in the Malachite hall (demonstration of slides)

On the ground floor there is a famous malachite vase.

2 answer. During the construction of the church of the rescue on the blood, the rocks of the Urals were used. Masters of the border factories of Yekaterinburg and Kolyvani worked on the inner decoration of the temple

3 student response. Since childhood, everyone is familiar with Jaji Bazhov: "Malachite box",

"Stone flower", "Silver Kopytz"

As you know, the hostess of the copper mountain lived in the Urals: "... Rooms are large underground ... And the walls are all different. That all green, then yellow with golden specks. In which the blue blue flowers again are also there, Lazorous. One word, omentged that it is impossible to say. And the dress ... on the hostess changes. It shines, as if glass, ... And then the diamond fission spoils ... Then again silk casts green ... "

Discussion of issues.

1 What did you delight? (Beauty of natural stones, man's skill)

2. How is the profession of a person creating such beauty? Is this profession in demand now? (Kamenotees, Konnezeris, Restorers; Today, however, the beauty of natural material is expected, the work of restorers is in demand not only in our city)

3. What character traits should they possess? (endurance, physical strength)

4. Who traditionally worked with a stone? (Men)

5. What is the problem associated with the employment of the population, has long existed in the Urals? (The problem of employment of the female population)

2. Determine the most common profession in the Urals, using the choice:

A) Economic map of the Urals in the Atlas

B) Poetic lines, (designed on the screen)

"Ural! Support edge of power.

Her getter and blacksmith,

The peer of the ancient of our glory

And the glory of the current Creator "

Answer: Metallurgists, oreware.

What the impact on the life of the indigenous peoples of the Urals was developed in the region of mining and metallurgy

Teacher: The uniqueness of the area is that for 300 years the area is essential in the fate of Russia.

What does this fact indicate?

3.Rol district in the country's economy.

In 18, 19th centuries Ural Iron purchased Sweden, a well-known metal producer.

The Ural Iron stood 100 years on the roof, even without painting.

(In the Urals paid high-quality metal, he successfully competed in the world market)

This is possible only when the secrets of production from the Father to the Son.

In the Urals, the profession of metallurgist has always been a family, there are metallurgists dynasty!

20th century. The Great Patriotic Warbrought trouble to all the people of the country.

Urals had a special role.

What qualities of the nature should have people of any nationality of the Urals?

It was to the Urals that plants from the European part of the country were evacuated. Of all the evacuated 1523 factories, Ural accepted 667, 10 million people worked on them. This was due to the strategic position of the district. Our Kirov plant was evacuated to the Urals, after three weeks he already gave weapons for the front. Each second projectile was produced precisely in the Urals.

... "Then, happened,

The whole front repeated the huge

With a sigh of tenderness of sons

Two words:

Batyushka Ural ... "

Volga - Mother - Rubage during the Great Patriotic War, for which the enemy was not missing. In the Urals there was a victory over the enemy.

Which profession is the victory? (Machine builders working in the military-industrial complex)

(Traits of the nature of the Ural population:patriotism resistance, goodwill,organizations)

The role of the Urals in the 21st century

Russia exports metal, including Ural.

Give an assessment to this fact.

(Ural and now did not lose its economic power)

4. Possesses of the population of the Urals.

Group form work.The group works on the task of 6 minutes.

(Cards with a task - on the tables. 1 and 6 groups have duplicate tasks)

1 group. As a geographical position affected the history of the development of the territory, the national composition of the population.

Students of choice work:

A) textbook text p.250

B) the map of the Atlas of the Peoples of Russia.

1. How did the geographical position affect the history of the territory of the territory, the national composition of the population?

2. Name the most ancient peoples of the Urals (Vogulu, Ostyaki, Bashkirs)

2 group. What is the modern national composition of the population of the Urals?

Sources of information on the choice of students:

A) textbook text p.250

B) the map of the Atlas "Peoples of Russia

Fill out a table.

The national composition of the Urals.

Conclusion of students : The region has a multinational population composition, a motley composition.

How to explain the multinational composition of the population of the Urals? (Status history.) Replies: Main feature geographer. Provisions - border guard, transit, as a result, the Ural is a multinational area.

How is multinationality a) in culture, b) in the economy?

(80% of the Russian population: in the resettlement there was the spread of Russian culture. Currently, the enrichment of the cultures of peoples is underway. The Urals is a sample of the tolerant attitude of peoples).

In which part of the Urals of Nats. The composition of the population is the most motley and with what factors is it connected?

3 group. In the Leningrad region, many industrial cities, why only in the Urals there was a unique type "City - Plant"? What is the investigation of this type of cities?

Working with textbook text p.248, fig.139, physical atlas card.

Group report.

Causes of creating cities - factories:

1. Concentration of industrial production.

2. Natural factor: Construction of cities inmountain basins (He eliminates the emergence of this situation inflat flasher. area)

3. Corollary: Environmental tension (concentration of dirty industries).

How can I reduce the ecological tension of the region?

(It is possible to give suggestions on the trail lesson)

4 group. How do the peculiarities of the population affect the development of the economy?

Working with the text page 248. Characteristics of the population.

A) population population

B) Natural population growth.

C) population density

D) to evaluate the labor resources of the district.

Group report.

5 group. Why in the Urals a lot of cities?

Working with text p. 248. Answers to questions

A) What explains the high level of urbanization of the Urals?

B) Name and show cities - millionaires.

IN). What groups of cities are represented in the Urals?

Group report.

5. Approach the results.


Features of the population of Urals

1. Ural is one of the most multinational districts.

2. The largest number of cities in the Urals.

3. The Urals formed a special type of cities: the city is the plant.

4. High percentage of urban population.

5. The population is higher than in the country.

6. Homework for choosing:

Prepare information for a tourist about one of the cities - Millionaires of the Urals

(Presentation possible)

Literature to the lesson:

  1. E.A. Customs. S.G. Tolkunova "Geography of Russia. Economy. Regions, a textbook for students of general educational institutions. M, "Ventan - Count" 2011
  3. Teen Urala.
  4. Bazhov P.P. "Ural Skazy" Lenzdat 1984
  5. Korenev I.N. "The geographical image of the Urals in the works of D.N. Mine - Siberian »Geography №7, 10, 2003

Technological map "Population of Urals"

1. Employment of the geographical position of the Urals for the development of the territory,

national composition.

The ancient peoples of the Urals

2. Modern national composition of the population of the Urals.


3. But only in the Urals the type of cities "City is Plant"? What is the investigation of this type of cities?

4. How do the peculiarities of the population affect the development of the farm?

1. The population

The share of the population of the Urals from the population of Russia

2. Incidental population growth speaker

3. Population density

4. Supplement to labor resources. Prospects.

5. Labor skills.

5. In the Urals, many cities?

2. Cities - Millionaires of the Urals:

6. Conclusion. Features of the population of the Urals.

7. D.Z. Prepare information for a tourist about one city - Millionaire of the Urals.

The most picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Unique nature of nature. The largest industrial region, "the margin of the state ridge." There was a greatest victory in a terrible war. Power and pride of Russia. Professionally prepared population. The Ural values \u200b\u200bit.

Residents of the region

The number of the Ural industrial area is over twenty million people, less than in the central zone of the country. The overwhelming majority lives in one hundred forty cities. The settlements resemble two lines stretched to the south. The formation of settlements in these places happened peculiar. Not as in other parts of the country. Objects are built in the XVIII century. So in the Urals there are cities-plants. Migration of the inhabitants proceeds for the following reasons: climate, ecology, underdeveloped economy, employment problems. There is a gradual outflow of young people. Leave this land due to the harsh climate, the wretched public infrastructure, the impossibility to work.

In this region, the heterogeneous population. Urals - mixing nationalities living in harmony. Peoples included in the ethnic composition are few. Prevailing - Russians - 82%, the second Tatars - 5.14%. People will be smaller and further. Causes: Negative growth and outflows to other regions. There is a process of steady aging.

Composition of the industrial area

The Ural Industrial District includes Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Perm region and four areas: Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk. The formation of the people of the Urals affected the geographical position and the impact of cultures and civilizations.

The first people appeared in the glacial period from the East and South. The abundance of rivers and forests, the variety of natural resources was stopped by immigrants, and people were settled here. There were a lot of such waves. Due to the numerous nationalities in the Urals, many religions are getting around. The overwhelming part of Christianity, in the south - to Muslim. North professes pagan cult. The density of the population of the Urals, as can be seen, does not affect religious affiliation.

The Republic of Bashkortostan will spread at the intersection of Europe and Asia. Here is the developed industry and the agricultural sector. High-tech enterprises produce products. The main industry is mechanical engineering. Only in the instrumental branch, hundreds of factories are involved, the sixth of Russian metalworking machines is created here. The republic is known for oil refining and chemistry.


If we talk about the density of the Ural population, the Chelyabinsk region leads to this indicator and, on the contrary, Kurgansky is inferior. Residents of stone jungle prevail - 74.8%. These are the consequences of the rapid industrialization of the territory. Trained workframes are the main value.

Far city planners did not realize that the planning of cities-factories in the future would turn the ecological misfortune. It became clear at the end of the XX century. In the central part of the settlements there are harmful enterprises of metallurgy and chemistry. Iniquitably built residential neighborhoods. Most items are located in intermountainable basins, which makes it difficult to bring harmful emissions using air flows. The concentration of polluting components was exceeded in tens of times - this is also the Urals. The population and the city carry a sorrowful burden for the violated ecology.


The basis of the region is the heavy industry, mechanical engineering and petrochemistry. The abundance of forests gave impetus to the development of wood preparation and processing. Southern outskirts - Zerina suppliers.

The Ural Industrial Area is located next to the eastern bins of the country, where there are inexhaustible stocks of raw materials and energy of Siberia, which stimulate further prosperity. Cities are equipped with a developed transport network, capable of passing cargo flows.

Udmurtia, with a population of one and a half million people, is part of the industrial region. Russians - 62%, then aborigines - 28%, and the rest of the population. Ural - severe territory.

Komi-Permyaki - 150 thousand representatives. Indigenous inhabitants make up 60%.
Bashkira - belong to the Turkic group, the prevailing religion - Islam. The number of Aboriginal - 2 million, the majority in their republic. In Bashkiria, 4 million inhabitants, of them: Russians - 39%, indigenous - 22%, Tatars - 28%, other nations - Chuvashi and Mariyza are small. Therefore, the republic is considered multinational. Urals is a good and tolerant.

Cities in Region

Izhevsk, the birthplace of the famous gunsmith Kalashnikov. The settlement was created at the site of iron mines in the XVIII century. Later, a weapon factory was built, which became the basis of the defense industry. - the fourth center of strong Russia with a half-winged population. Industrial giant, railway node. City transport is diverse, including the subway. There is an international airport.

Chelyabinsk is an industrial and cultural center of the same area with a population of over a million people. During the war years, there was a "tank capital", produced products for the front, was a concentration of evacuated factories, the population worked. Ural Pakhl for wear.

Ufa - the heart of Bashkortostan, originates from the time of Ivan the Terrible. The economic potential in the chemical, metallurgical and oil refinery is not exhausted.

The riches of the Urals are inexhaustible, given that the storage houses of underground fossils are developed for five centuries, and reserves will be terminated soon.

The formation of any ethnos occurs against the background of a natural-geographical medium, which has a decisive effect on the economic, cultural, political life of peoples, on their life and beliefs.

The Urals Area is, above all, the mountains. The worldview of the population was formed under the influence of the mountain landscape. People here are living, do not see themselves outside the harsh nature of the native land, identifying themselves with him, being his part. Each Mountain, Sopka, Cave for them are a small world with which they try to live in harmony. Nature gives them amazing abilities to hear and see what is unattainable for other people.

Ural district inhabited by a large number of nations and nationalities, large and small. Among them are indigenous peoples:, Nenets, Bashkirs ,. To them, in the process of mastering the region, Russians, Ukrainians, Mordva and many others joked.

Komi (Zyryan) occupy a taiga zone, which in the past times gave the opportunity to live at the expense of fur and fishing in rich rivers rich in fish. For the first time, written sources mention Zyryan in the XI century. It is known that from the XIII century, they regularly paid the Novgorod Ferry-Yasak tax. The Russian state included in the second half of the XIV century. The capital of the modern Republic of Komi city Syktyvkar originates from Ust-Sysolsky's graveyard founded in 1586.

Komi Permics people

Komi-Permyaky live in the area from the first millennium AD. Novgorod, actively traveling for the "stone" (Ural) for the purpose of trade, came here in the XII century. In the XV century, statehood is formed, subsequently the principality recognizes the power of Moscow. As part of the modern RF, Permics represent the Perm region. The city of Perm appeared as a center of the copper industry during the time of Peter I on the site of the village of Yagashiha.

Udmurt people

Originally entered into the Volga Bulgaria, after the conquest of Mongol Tatars included in the Golden Horde. After her decay, part of the Kazan Khanate. As part of Russia since Ivan the Terrible, who captured Kazan. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, Udmurt actively participated in Stepan Razin's uprisings and Emelyan Pugacheva. The city of Izhevsk The capital of modern Udmurtia is founded in the second half of the XVIII century. Count Svuvalov with a ferrous plant.

Most of the peoples of the Urals live here only a few centuries, being the emergence of the population. And what about them? Ural land was chosen by people for a long time. Truly indigenous people are considered to be the name of Vogul. In local toponymic and now there are names related to this name, for example, the river Vogulovka and the eponymous settlement.

Mansi belong to the Finno-Ugric Language Family. They are relatives with Khanty and Hungary. In deep antiquity, the land was settled, the north of the Yaika (Urals), but were bent with the founded territories that came nomads. The chronicler Nestor calls them "Ugra" in the ancient chronicle of the "Tale of Bygone Years".

Mansi small people consisting of 5 independent and isolated groups from each other. They are distinguished at the place of residence: Verkhotur, Cherdynskaya, Kungurskaya, Krasnoufimskaya, Irbita.

With the beginning of Russian colonization, many traditions and cultural and domestic features borrowed. Watchly joined family-marriage relations with Russians. But they were able to preserve identity.

Currently, people relate to small. Ordinary customs are forgotten, fading language. In an effort to get an education and find a well-paid job, the younger generation leaves for the Khanty-Mansiysk District. Therefore, representatives of ancient traditions are about two dozen people.

Nationality Bashkira

Bashkirs, like many other nations, first appear in the sources only from the X century. Lifestyle and classes are traditional for this region: hunting, fisheries, nomadic cattle breeding. At the same time, the Volga Bulgaria was conquered. Together with the conquest were forced to accept Islam. In the XIX century In their territories, the Russian government decided to lay railway tracks connecting the Russian Center and the Urals Area. Thanks to this road, the Earth was included in the active economic life, the development of peoples accelerated. Especially quickly began to develop the area with the opening of oil in the depths of the oil. In the XX century The Republic of Bashkiria has become the largest center of the oil industry. An important role was played by the district during the Great Patriotic War. Industrial enterprises were evacuated to the territory of the region, which threatened the fascist occupation. About 100 industrial facilities were transported. Many of them have become the basis for further use. The capital of Bashkiria is the city of Ufa.

They live in many areas of the modern Urals. There are many versions of the translation of the name of Cheremis. One of them speaks about Tatar origin. According to it, the word means "obstacle". Before the October Revolution, it was used that this name of the people was used, but later it was recognized as humagious and replaced. Currently, especially in scientific circles, it begins to be used again.


Many disputes are kept around representatives of this people. According to one of the versions, their ancestors were turks, but adopted Christianity. In the history of Russia, Nagaybak Cossacks, who took the most active participation in the combat actions of the 18th century, are especially famous. Live in the territory of the Chelyabinsk region.

They are a population relative to which there are many disputes, since very few reliable information about them. Most conclusions are made at the level of assumptions, hypotheses. A number of historians consider this population by the emergence, especially a lot of them came with the beginning of conquering campaigns of the Golden Changs. Although, patriotic historians see in this settlement only the second wave. It is assumed that the Tatars were mentioned as the Urals in the XI century. This is evidenced by Persian sources. Occupy the second place in numbers, lifting only Russian. Their largest number live in the territory of Bashkiria (about a million people). In many areas of the Urals there are fully Tatar settlements. Most of the Tatars adhere to Islamic religion and traditions.

Over 19 million people live in the Urals - more than 8% of the total population of Russia. Since the time of settlement by his Russians, i.e. For four centuries, several million inhabitants moved to the Urals. The largest migrant waves were in the XVIII century, when tens of thousands of families of serfs and craftsmen moved to the Urals to work at the metallurgical plants, and in the second half of the XIX century. After the cancellation of serfdom. In 1913, more than 10 million people lived in the Urals. The residents of the central provinces that fled from the serfdom or forcefully transported to the Urals, and the so-called free immigrants were crushed by the need and definition, the so-called free settlers were the main contingents in the pre-revolutionary past.

In the Soviet years, the relocation to the Ural has not diminished. During the years of socialist industrialization, the Urals presented a huge demand for labor. In the period between the population census 1926 and 1939. The population of the Urals increased annually on average by almost 2.5% of the large influx of residents in the years of the Great Patriotic War in connection with the evacuation from the Western regions of hundreds of factories and factories. The total population of the Urals during the years of Soviet power almost doubled, while on average in the country during this time it increased by 46%. The average age of the Ural population is lower than the country average.

The resettlement in the post-revolutionary time led not only to the increase in population, but also its redistribution in the territory of the Urals. The main part of the inhabitants who arrived in the Urals during socialist construction were absorbed by the cities of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, where large industrial construction was conducted at this time. The population in them compared to the pre-revolutionary time has grown more than 3 times. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bthe most dense settlement was expanded, covering the southern and part of the Northern Urals, where there were powerful industrial foci (Serovsko-Karpinsky, Magnitogorsky, Orsko-Mednogorsk).

Population and labor resources of the Urals

The development of virgin and landlord lands, the involvement of new mineral deposits and forest wealth in the industrial operation of new mineral resources led to some population shift in the outskirts. In the postwar period, the Southeast and North-Eastern areas of the Urals had above the mid-Eastern and North-Eastern regions of the Urals. In recent years, the flow of Novoselov has significantly decreased. The increase in the population of the Urals occurs now almost exclusively due to the natural growth. In some years, even some outflow of the population was observed in other areas of the country.

Features of the settlement of the Urals, its position on the ways of movement of the ancient peoples to the West, and at a later time - on the paths of relocation to the east, extremely diverse natural conditions and resources were determined partially a multiplicity of the national composition of the local population. Here, the residents of the taiga and steppe districts, the people of their harsh north and the sultry south, the farmers of the central districts and the nomads of the Central Asian deserts were found here. The most mixed population is in the principal.

Representatives of several dozens of nationalities live in the Urals. The aroles of their settlement are intertwined between themselves and form a fierce mosaic. Very mixed in ethnically, the population of the Ural cities and many rural settlements. Russians are most numerous in the Urals, Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurt, Comisco - livestock rural settlements. Dimensions of the village when moving to the south increase. The number of residents in some of them reaches several thousand people. At the same time decreases the density of villages. Many settlements have developed along the ancient paths, especially along the Siberian tract. In the past, their population was employed. Now it is predominantly agricultural villages and villages, different from neighboring settlements only by the fact that they stretched out.

The main features of the population of the Urals are determined by the geography of industry. The highest population density has the Gornozavod Ural - the most developed part of the Urals in industrial relations. The priestly, and especially the flat range, is inhabited much less frequently. It vary greatly population density and between the northern and southern regions. The Udmurtia and the Chelyabinsk region are especially tightly populated, and significantly less is the Orenburg and Kurgan regions. In the mining part of the Urals, almost the entire population focuses along the eastern and Western previations, and the group location of cities led to an extremely high population density in industrial nodes. Here he reaches several hundred people per square kilometer. At the same time, the main part, with the exception of territories near the railway bands, has a very rare population - up to 3-4 people per 1 km2, and in the northern regions and is less.

In the equible regions of the Urals, the population density is approaching the Central Ural. She is higher in the priestly and lower in the Urals. Significant differences in population density are also between forest, forest-steppe and steppe areas of the Pre-Urals and Zauralye. It ranges from 5 people in the south of the steppe stripes to 50 people in the forest-steppe and in the south of the forest zone. In connection with the predominance of the rural population, the share of which in these areas reaches 60 - 70%, there are no such jumps in the population density, as in the mining part. The population density increases only along rivers and old paths and reaches places 50 - 60 people per 1 km2.

Ural is one of the most highly-banomed regions of the country. The share of urban population is approaching 75%. Ufa, Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and Perm - Millionaire City.

The glory of the most important industrial area of \u200b\u200bRussia, the Urals won back in the XVII century, when it was published in the world in the world for metal smelting and providing them in Europe. Back in England in the 80s. XVIII century 2/3 of the metal consumed was Ural. After the October Revolution of 1917, one after another was commissioned firstborn domestic industry: Berezniki Potash Plant, Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant (Fig. 2), Uralmash Plant, Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, Ural Carriage Plant, Nizhny Pali Metallurgical Plant.

Fig. 2. Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine ()

Urals is a diversified industrial regionwhich is engaged in the production of black and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, mineral raw materials, preparation and processing of wood (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Economic map of the Urals ()

Centers of ferrous metallurgy: Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Novotroitsk.

Centers of non-ferrous metallurgy: Krasnouralsk - Copper smelter, Upper Pyshma, Revda, Karabash, Mednogorsk, Orsk - Nickel Float Combine, Upper Udalea, Krasnoturinsk - Titanium and Magnesium Gaveling, Chelyabinsk - Zinc Flap.

Engineering centers: Nizhny Tagil, Ust-Katav - Car Building, Miass, Izhevsk - Automotive, Ekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk - Stakbank Baking, Kurgan - Agricultural Engineering.

Centers of oil refining: Ufa, Perm, Salavat.

Centers of chemical industry: Berezniki - Production of soda, potash and nitrogen fertilizers, Solikamsk - production of potash fertilizers, Perm, Krasnouralsk - production of phosphate fertilizers, Orenburg - Azotoochemistry is developed.

Forest industry centers, namely, pulp and paper plants: Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk, Perm.

Centers of the production of a military-industrial complex: Snezhinsk, Forest, Trigger - Nuclear-Weapon Complex, Perm, Ufa - Aviation Industry, Izhevsk - Artillery-Rifle Armament, Kurgan, Nizhny Tagil - Armored Industry, Votkinsk, Zlatoust - Rocket and Space Industry.

Stroganov Anika Fedorovich, intelligent, enterprising person, established in 1515 on the River Vycheghed salt varnita. The first began to trade on the banks of the Ob River and soon, by the robbery and deception of local tribes, as well as the cruel exploitation of slave people acquired a huge state. Had sons: Yakov, Gregory and Seeds, who continued the case of the Father. They began to build fortified settlements on the Chusovoy and Syllov rivers, put the towns and Ostrodi, they took the many industrial and free people to them (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Stroganov house ()

Sons Yakova and Grigory wars the war with Cheremis, Bashkirs and the sternum, and with the help of the Cossacks Ermak - and with Tatars Kuchum. Thus, they expanded their ownership to Western Siberia. King Ivan groznyj In a reward for the conquest of Siberia heard They have a large salt and a small salt on the Volga, and on both sides of the Ural Range - all the empty lands they can take and keep behind them; freed them from duties; Gave the right to judge and dispose of people who lived on their lands, without the knowledge of Tiunov and even the royal governors; Released from the obligation to carry and feed ambassadors; allowed to have its own army on their content, erect your own fortresses.

On the plains in the Kamye grown Overall Rye, Oats, Len, in the forest-steppe and steppe zones in the south - wheat and sunflower, in Bashkiria - sugar beet, in the Orenburg region - watermelons and melons. Livestock breeding Presented by the breeding of cattle, sheep, Orenburg goats, and beekeeping is developed in Bashkiria.

In the XVIII century In connection with the study and development of the riches of the Urals, the rapid pace developed gornozavodsky entrepreneurship. The leaving of the Tula merchants L. Luginin, bought in the 70s Zlatoustovsky and Trinity Reliable Plants in the 70s, built a copper smelter on the Miass River from Chashkov Mountains, where the richests were discovered deposit of copper ore(Fig. 5).

Miass's economic development contributed development of gold deposits. In the first half of the XIX century. The entire valley of the Miass River turned into a huge golden fishery. In 1836, 54 mines were developed here and 23 gold planes. In 1842, one of the largest nuggets in the world was found by the Masters Nikifor Southkin: " Large triangle", Weighing more than 36 kg (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Nugget "Big Triangle" ()

July 8, 1944 from the conveyor of the Ural Automotive Plant Miass first car.

Currently, Miass is one of the five cities in the Urals Federal District, applying for the status of "Naukograd".

Fig. 7. Lake Turgoyak ()

The neighborhood of Miass, including " ural Pearl"- Turgoyak lake (Fig. 71), have become the place of implementation of large business projects in the field of skiing, tourism and the rest industry.


  1. Tell us about the population of the Urals.
  2. Tell us about the agriculture of the Urals.
  3. Prepare a report on the industry of the Urals.


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  1. Internet portal ().
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  3. Internet portal ().