What is a gallery of small people. The image of a "little man" in Russian literature

What is a gallery of small people. The image of a "little man" in Russian literature

A small person is a man of low social status and origin, not gifted by outstanding abilities, which is not characterized by the power of character, but at the same time, who does not make evil, harmless to anyone. And Pushkin and Gogol, creating an image little man, I wanted to remind readers who were accustomed to admire romantic heroesthat is very ordinary person Also a person worthy of sympathy, attention, support.

Writers also addressed the topic of a small man end XIX. and the beginning of the 20th century: A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, L. Andreev, F. Sologub, A. Averchenko, K. Treten, I. Shmelev, S. Yushkevich. The strength of the tragedy of small people - "heroes of mall and dark corners" (A. Grigoriev) - True defined P. Wail:

A small person from the Great Russian literature is so small that the further decrease is not subject to. Changes could only go upwards. This also engaged in Western followers of our classical tradition. From our little man came out to the global sizes [...] Heroes of Kafki, Beckett, Cami [...]. Soviet culture I dropped the Bashmushkhan coin - on the shoulders of a living little man who, of course, not going anywhere, was simply removed from the ideological surface, died in the literature.

A small person who does not fit into the canons of socialism, migrated to the literary underground and began to exist in the household satir M. Zoshchenko, M. Bulgakov, V. Wortenovich.

From multifaceted literary gallery the little people stand out of heroes, seeking to decide the universal reverence through the change in their material status or appearance ("Luka Prokhorovich" - 1838, E. Grebelki; "Shinel" - 1842, N. Gogol); covered by fear of life ("man in a case" - 1898, A. Chekhov; "Our person in the case" - 1989, V. Piezuha); which in the conditions of an overwhelming bureaucratic reality are ill mental disorders ("Double" - 1846, F. Dostoevsky; "Dlavoliada" - 1924, M. Bulgakov); In which the inner protest against public contradictions gets along with a painful desire to elevate themselves, acquire wealth, which ultimately leads them to loss of reason ("Notes of Crazy" - 1834, N. Gogol; "Double" F.Dostoevsky); which fear of the bosses leads to madness or death ("weak heart" - 1848, F.Dostoevsky, "Death of the official" - 1883, A. Chekhov); who, fearing to criticize themselves, change their behavior and thoughts ("chameleon" - 1884, A. Chekhov; "Merry Oysters" - 1910, A. Averchenko); Which can find happiness only in love for a woman ("senile sin" - 1861, A. Pisemsky; "Mountains" - 1989, E. Popov) who want to change their lives by applying magical means ("faithful medicine" - 1840, E. Grebenki; "Little Man" - 1905, F. Sologuba); which due to life failures are decided to commit suicide ("senile sin" - A. Pisemsky; "Story about Sergei Petrovic" - 1900, L. Andreeva)



  • Mazurkiewicz E., Mały Człowiek, , t. V, Pod Red. Andrzeja de lazari, łódź 2003, s. 152-154.
  • Gonczarowa O., Sentymentalizm, IDEE W ROSJI. LEKSYKON ROSYJSKO-POLSKO-ANGIELSKI, t. V, Pod Red. Andrzeja de lazari, łódź 2003, s. 256-260.
  • Sakharov E. M., Semibratova I.V., Encyclopedia of Russian Life, Moscow 1981.


  • Erofeev, V. Alarm lessons Small demon
  • Dmitrievskaya, L.N. New look at the image of a "little man" in the story of N.V. Gogol "Shinel" // Russian, literature, culture in school and university. - Kiev, №4, 2009. C.2-5.
  • Epstein, M. Little man in a case: Syndrome Bashmachkina-Belikova

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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The theme of the image of a "little man" is not new in Russian literature. The problem of man was given at one time much attention N. V. Gogol, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov and others. The first writer who opened us the world of "little people" was N.M. Karamzin. The most influence on the subsequent literature was provided by his story " Poor Lisa". The author marked the beginning of a huge cycle of works about "small people", took the first step in this unknown to this topic. It was he who opened the road to such writers of the future as Gogol, Dostoevsky and others.

A.S. Pushkin was the following writer, whose creative attention began to include all huge Russia, its expanses, life villages, St. Petersburg and Moscow were already opening out not only from a luxurious entrance, but also through narrow doors of poor houses. For the first time, Russian literature is so shrill and clearly showed the identity distortion to her hostility. Samson Vyrin (" Stationery") And Eugene (" Bronze Horseman") Just represent the petty officials of that time. But A. S. Pushkin points to us on a "little man", which we must notice.

Even deeper than Pushkin, Lermontov revealed this topic. Naive delegation folk character Restalled the poet in the form of Maxim Maxim. Heroes of Lermontov His "Little People" differ from all previous ones. These are no longer passive people like Pushkin, and not illusory, like Karamzin, these are people in the soul of which are already ready for the cry of protest the world in which they live.

N. V. Gogol purposefully defended the right image of a "little man" as an object of literary research. N. V. Gogol has a whole person limited social status. Akaki Akakievich gives the impression of a person not only scored and miserable, but also not unhappy. He certainly has feelings, but they are small and are reduced to the joy of possessing overcoat. And only one feeling in it is huge - this is fear. In this, according to Gogol, the system social deviceAnd his "little man" dies not from humiliation and insult, but more from fear.

F. M. Dostoevsky "Little Man" is, first of all, the person is definitely deeper than Samson Vinin or Akaki Akakievich. F. M. Dostoevsky so and calls his novel "Poor people." The author offers us to feel, survive everything with the hero and brings us to the thought that "little people" - not only the person in the full sense of the word, but their personal feeling, their ambitiousness is much more even than people with the situation in society. "Little people" are the wounded, and they are scared for them that everyone else will not see their spiritually rich nature. Makar Girl considers his help Varenka with some charity, showing that he is not limited to the poor, thinking only about recovery and holding money. Of course, he does not suspect that this help is moving not the desire to stand out, but love. But this once again proves to us main thought Dostoevsky - "Little Man" is capable of high deep feelings. Continuation of the topic "Little Man" We find at F. M. Dostoevsky in the first big problematic novel "Crime and Punishment". The most important and new, compared with other writers who have revealed this topic, is the ability to look into yourself, the ability of self-analysis and appropriate actions from the Dostoevsky person. The writer subordinates the heroes to detailed self-analysis, none of the other writer in essays, the ones, sympathetic depicting life and the morals of the urban poor, there was no such leisurely and concentrated psychological penetration and the depth of the character of the characteristics of the actors.

The topic of a "little man" in the work of A. P. Chekhov is especially clearly revealed. Exploring the psychology of his heroes, Czechs opens a new psychological type - Hall in nature, creatures for the soul and spiritual needs of reptile. Such, for example, worms, which finds true pleasure in humiliation. The reasons for the humiliation of a "little man", according to Chekhov, is he himself.

The topic of a "little man" takes on a special relevance in Russian literature in the second half of the XIX century, when the authors and readers are already annoying reading about extremely smart and talented "superholders", they want to see in works ordinary people.

The emergence of the topic of a small man at Pushkin

The first in this tradition was A.S. Pushkin in his "His" Honor of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin "(1830), which contain five small stakes:" Baryshnya-peasant "," Stationander "," Mistel "," Ublovers "and" Shot ".

Heroes of all of them are conventional people who are not distinguished by any outstanding features. They are not unnecessary in their society, they occupy an insignificant place in it - these are typical representatives. russian society After the Decembrist uprising. And they are told by the same narrator - a small man who reliably conveys a simple life.

Particularly expressed in this regard, the story "Stationander", in which we understand the example of the main character that there are no "small" people; Each of them has its own, important problems for someone who does not want to respond to society.

The reader becomes sorry " little hero"Samson Wyrina and his daughter of the Dunny, the reader understands that any person deserves happiness.

Development of the topic of a small man at Gogol

It was this story that was a kind of basis for N.V. Gogol, when he comes up with the plot for his story "Shinel" (1842). Here we, as well as in the "stanny caretaker", see a conventional small person whose problems do not want to perceive society.

Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin is sad every day in his department, its only joy in life is a shaped overcoat. When it is abducted, no one wants to help a "little man" in his grief, and in the end, Bashmachkin dies from the disorder.

After death, he flies in the form of a ghost along the streets of St. Petersburg, tearing off the chinel with passersby - so he seeks to achieve higher justice.

The role of the story "Shinel" in Russian literature was huge - the authors were considered a "starting point", who later called the "genuine school".

The focus of literature of this period is ordinary people and their usual life, without understanding and without embellishment. Consequently, a typical character for this direction was the "little man", as well as his rather big problems.

The topic of a small man from Dostoevsky

For the same direction belonged to F.M. Dostoevsky, the favorite topic of which was the description of the life of "humiliated and offended".

He develops the same topic in part in the story of poor people, but mainly in their novel "Crime and Punishment." It is especially interesting here the image of the main character of Rodion Skolnikov - although he misses himself above all other people, in fact, is the same "little man."

However, the "little person" dostoevsky goes on the previous ones: he himself talks about his hard life, he does not obey the circumstances silent. The same characters are other heroes of Roman - Unhappy Sonia Marmaladov, Sister Skolnikova Dunya, marmalade itself ...

Bogachek A., Shiryaeva E.

Project "The image of a" little man "in the literature 19-20 V.V."



MBOU "Orangeneinskaya SOSH"

Project on the topic: "The image of a" little man "in xIX literature - early XX centuries "

Completed student 10 "b" class

Bogachek Alexander

Shiryaeva Ekaterina


Mikhailova O.E.

2011-2012 academic year.


"Little Man" is a literary hero of the Epoch of Realism.

"Little Man" - a member of the people ... became ... the hero of Russian literature.

From Pushkin Samson scary to Gogol Akakiya Akakievich.

Despite to the "Little Man" in the works of A.P. Chekhov.

Talented and selfless "little man" in the work of N.S. Leskova.


Used Books.

purpose : Show a variety of ideas about a "little man" writers XIX. - The beginning of the XX centuries.

Tasks : 1) study the works of writers of the XIX - early XX centuries;

3) Make conclusions.

Definition "Little Man" applies to the category literary heroes The era of realism, usually occupying a rather low place in the social hierarchy: a small official, a tradesman or even a poor nobleman. The image of a "little man" turned out to be the more relevant, the more democratic literature became. The very concept of "small person" is most likely introduced by Belinsky (article 1840 "Mount from the mind"). The topic of a "little man" raise many writers. She was always relevant because her task is to reflect life simple man With all its experiences, problems, troubles and small joys. The writer takes on a grave work to show and explain the life of ordinary people. "A small person is a representative of the entire people. And every writer presents it in his own way.

The image of a small person is known for a long time - thanks to, for example, such as Mastodontam, like A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol or A.P. Chekhov and N.S. Kezhkov, - and inexhaustible.

N.V. Gogol was one of the first, who was openly and loudly spoke about the tragedy of the "little man", crushed, humiliated and because of a miserable.

True, the palm of the championship belongs to this is still Pushkin; His Samson is sculpt from the "Stationander" opens the Gallery of "Little People". But the tragedy is written to personal tragedyHer reasons are in the relationship between the family of the station caretaker - father and daughter - and the character of morality is more precisely immorality from the Duni, the daughter of the caretaker. She was for the father's sense of life, "Sun", with which a lonely, the elderly man was warm and cozy.

Gogol, remaining faithful traditions critical realismBy bringing his own, Gogol's motives, much wider showed the tragedy of a "little man" in Russia; The writer "realized and showed the danger of the degradation of society, in which the cruelty, indifference to each other, increases more and more.

And the top of this villain became Gogol Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin from the story "Shinel", his name became a symbol of a "little man", which is bad in this strange world Refinery, lies and "blatant" indifference.

In life, it often happens that cruel and heartless people who degrade and insulting the dignity of other people often look more pitiful and insignificant than their victims. The same impression of the spiritual screaming and duck from the offenders of a small official Akakiya Akakievich Bashmachkina remains after reading the story of Gogol "Shinel". Akaki Akakievich is a real "little man." Why? First, it stands on one of the lowest steps of the hierarchical staircase. His place in society is unnoticed at all. Secondly, the world of his spiritual life and human interests to extremes are sick, depleted, limited. Gogol himself characterized his hero as a poor, ordinary, minor and invisible. In life, he is assigned an insignificant role of correspondence of documents of one of the departments. Acquisition of Bashmushkin, acaucus, educated in the atmosphere of unquestionless subordination and execution of orders, is not used to reflecting on the content and meaning of his work. Therefore, when it is offered to the tasks that require the manifestation of elementary intelligence, it begins to worry, worry and eventually comes to the conclusion: "No, better let me rewind something." The spiritual life of Bashmachkina is also limited. Money picking up new chinel It becomes the meaning of his life for him, filling her happiness expectation of the fulfillment of cherished desire. Theft of a new sheel, acquired by such dedication and suffering, becomes truly a catastrophe for him. The surroundings laughed at his misfortune, and no one helped him. "Significant face" so scribbled on him that the poor Akaki Akakievich lost consciousness. Almost no one noticed his death. Despite the uniqueness of the image created by the writer, he, Bashmushkin, does not look in the minds of readers lonely, and we present that there was a great many of the same humiliated, dividing Akakia Akakiyevich's utility. Gogol was the first one who spoke about the tragedy of a "little man", respect for which did not depend on his spiritual qualities, not from education and mind, but from his position in society. The writer with compassion showed the injustice and despotic society towards a "little man" and first called for this society to pay attention to invisible, miserable and funny, as presented at first glance. Not their fault that they are not very smart, and sometimes they are not smart at all, but they do not evil anyone, and this is very important. So why laugh at them? Maybe it is impossible to treat them with great respect, but you can not offend them. They, like everyone else, have the right to a decent life, to feel like full people.

"Little Man" is constantly found on the pages of the works of A.A. Chekhov. This is the main hero of his creativity. Especially brightly, Chekhov's attitude towards such people is manifested in his satyric Stories. And the attitude is unequivocal. In the story of the "death of the official" "Little Man" Ivan Dmitrievich worms constantly and obsessively apologizes to the general of the brisk for the fact that she accidentally sprayed him when he sneezed. "I spied it!" I thought worms. "Not my head, someone else's, but still awkwardly." I need to apologize. " Keyword In this thought - "boss." Probably, worms would not endlessly apologize to the ordinary man. Ivan Dmitrievich fear of bosses, and this fear passes into flattery and deprives self-esteem. A person already reaches the fact that it allows you to pull yourself into dirt, moreover, he helps to do it. We must pay tribute to the general, he is very politely drawn with our hero. But a simple person is not used to such an appeal. Therefore, Ivan Dmitrievich thinks he was ignored and comes to ask for forgiveness for several days in a row. This breeze is bored, and he finally screams to worm. "Wank-won !! - Suddenly, suddenly the famous and twisted general."

"What-s?" Asked Worms with a whisper, MLEXA from horror.

Go away!! - Repeated the general, flooding his legs.

In the abdomen of worm, something broke something. Not seeing anything, he did not hear anything, he backed up to the door, went out into the street and shoved himself ... Calling mechanically home, without removing the Vitzmundra, he lay down on a sofa and ... died. "That's what the fear of the highest ranks, the eternal worship and humiliation before They. For a more complete disclosure of the image of his hero, Chekhov used the "talking" surname. Yes, Ivan Dmitrievich Mal, pity, like a worm, it can be crushed without an effort, and most importantly - he is the same unpleasant.

In the story of the "Celebration of the winner" of Chekhov presents us a story in which the Father and Son humiliates to the boss, in order to receive the Son.

"The boss told and, apparently, wanted to seem witty. I don't know if he said something funny, but I just remember that dad pushed me every minute and said:

Laugh! ...

... - So, so! - Papasha's whispered. - Well done! He looks at you and laughs ... it's good; Maybe in fact will give you a place of assistant writing! "

And again we are confronted with the worship before the higher. And again this is self and flattery. People are ready to please the boss to achieve his insignificant goal. They don't even mind remember that there is a simple human dignitywhich can not be lost in any case. A.P.chekhov wanted all people to be beautiful and free. "In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts." So thought Anton Pavlovich, so, having ridiculed in his stories primitive manHe called for self-improvement. Chekhov hated self-esteem, eternal serving and worship in front of officials. Gorky spoke about Chekhov: "His enemy was vulgarity, and he fought her whole life with her." Yes, he fought her works with her, he bequeathed to us "drop out a slave from himself." Perhaps such a nasty lifestyle of his "little people", their low thoughts and unworthy behavior - the result is not only personal traits, but also their social status and the orders of existing political system. After all, there would be no worms so diligently apologize and live in eternal fear of officials, if it were not afraid of the consequences. The same unpleasant qualities of character possess the characters of the chameleon stories, "fat and thin", "man in a case" and many others.

Anton Pavlovich believed that a person should have a goal, to the execution of which he will strive, and if it is not or she is completely small and insignificant, then the person becomes the same little and insignificant. Man must work and love - these are two things that play main role In the life of any person: Little and not small.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov "Little Man" is a completely different person than his predecessors .. In order to deal with this, compare the heroes of the three works of this writer: Levshu, Ivan Northwin Flyagin and Katerina Izmailov. All these three characters - strong personalities, and each in his own way talented. But all the energy of Katerina Izmailov is aimed at the device of personal happiness by any paths. In achieving its goals, it goes to a crime. And therefore, this type of character is rejected by Leskov. He sympathizes her only when she turns out to be brutally devoted to his beloved.

Left -sha talented man From the people who care about their homeland is more than the king and the courtiers. But he is ruined by a vice, so well familiar to Russian people, - drunkenness and unwillingness of the state to help their subjects. Without this help, he could do if it was strong man. But a strong person can not be drinking man. Therefore, for Leskova and this is not the hero who needs to be preferred.

Among the heroes belonging to the category of "small people", the fishing racks allocate Ivan Northwan Flyagin. Hero Leskova - Bogatyr appearance and spirit. "It was a man huge height, with a dark outdoor and thick wavy hair of lead color: so strangely cast him to recover ... this newly, our satellite, which was subsequently very interesting person, it was possible to give from a small years for fifty years; But he was in the full sense of the word Bogatyr, and with the Typical, simple, good Russian hero, resembling grandfather Ilya Muromets ... But with all this good simpleness, there was not much observation to see a lot of people whistled in him and what is called, " Being ". He kept boldly, self-confidently, albeit without unpleasant unleasium, and spoke to a pleasant bass with a hood. "He is strong not only physically, but also spiritually. The life of the flange is an infinite test. He is strong in spirit, and this allows him to overcome so complex life peripetics. . He was on the verge of death, saved people, he flee himself. But in all these trials I was improved. Flight is vaguely, and then more consciously seeks to the birthplace of the homeland, it becomes the spiritual need of the hero. In this he sees the meaning of life. Inherent in this Flaskin is initially a kindness, the desire to help the suffering becomes the conscious need to love his neighbor, like himself. This is a simple person with its advantages and disadvantages, gradually these disadvantages eradicating and coming to understanding God. Leskov depicts his hero with a strong and brave man with a huge heart and a big soul. Flasking does not complain about fate, it does not cry. Leskov, describing Ivan with Evershanovich, causes the reader pride for his people, for their country. Flaskin does not humiliate before strong Mira of this, like the heroes of Chekhov, does not drink because of his insolvency, as Dostoevsky's marmalands, does not descend "on the bottom" of life, like the characters of Gorky, does not want anyone evil, does not want to humiliate anyone, does not wait for help from others, does not sit hands. This is a person who is aware of himself a man, a real man, ready to defend his rights and the rights of other people who do not lose self-esteem and confident that a person can all.


The idea of \u200b\u200ba "little man" changed throughout the XIX - early XX centuries. Each writer also had his personal glances on this hero.

You can find general in our eyes different writers. For example, writers first halves XIX. Century (Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol) belong to the "little man" with sympathy. The mansion is the Griboedov, who looks at this hero in a different way, which brings his views with the views of Chekhov and partly Ostrovsky. Here the concept of vulgarity and self-esteem comes to the fore. In the representation of L. Tolstoy, N.Leskova, A. Kupina "Little Man" is a talented, selfless person. Such a variety of writers' views depends on the peculiarities of their worldview and on the diversity human typeswhich surrounds us in real life.

Used Books:

1. Gogol N.V. Collected Works in 4 volumes. Publishing House "Enlightenment", M. 1979

2. Pushkin A.S. "Tale I.P. Belkin. Dubrovsky, Peak lady" Publishing House "Astrel, AST" 2004

3. Chekhov A.P. Stories. Publishing house "AST". 2010

4. Leskov N.S. All works by Nikolai Leskov. 2011

5. Gukovsky G.A. Realism Gogol - M., 1959

The writing

"Pain of man" - here is perhaps main topic Russian literature of the 19th century. Compassion tragic fate "Little man" was the basis of creativity of all Russian writers. And the first in this row was, of course, A. S. Pushkin.

In 1830, Pushkin wrote five stakeholders, united common title And the general storytellor, - "Tale of Belkin". Of these, the most touching and at the same time the saddest is, as it seems to me, the story "Stationander". In it, the poet first brought to the pages of Russian literature "Little Man" - Samson Wyrina. Pushkin very accurately described his social status - "the daytime martyr of the fourteenth grade."

Much suffered a Little Maid Press Station in his Gorry Life, Much suffered. Almost every of the passing voluntarial or unwittingly offended him, Introducing it, unrequited official, annoyance for bad roads and horses delay. He had one inquiry - the daughter of the Danny, which he loved more than life. But he lost it: a traffic police officer Minsk with him to St. Petersburg. Vyrin tried to achieve truth, but he drove him away everywhere. And the poor official did not move the resentment - heat and soon died. Pushkin clearly, with sympathy, showed Samson Vyrney, deeply unfortunate man, with his little, but from this no less sacrificing drama.

The "Little Man" is devoted to the story of N. V. Gogol "Shinel", which V. G. Belinsky called " deepest creation»Writer. The main character Tale - Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin, "Eternal Title Advisor". All his life he is "jealously and with love" rewritten papers in the Department. This correspondence was not only his work, but also by his vocation, even, can be said, life destination. Bashmushkin is not flexing the backs worked all day in service and took the paper to the house, and some, the most interesting, rewritten for himself - for memory. His life was in his own way rich and interesting. But one was upset by Akakia Akakiyevich: the old chinel, who served him faithfully, not one ten years, after all, came to such a "decline" that she could no longer fix the most skillful tailor. The existence of Bashmachkina has acquired a new content: he began to save money to sewing a new sheel, and the dreams of her warmed him with a long soul winter evenings. This chinel, which has become the subject of constant doom and conversations of Bashmachkina, acquired for him almost mystical significance. And when she finally was ready, Bashmushkin, loose, inspired, appeared in her service. It was the day of his celebration, his triumph, but he unexpectedly and tragically ended: at night, the robbers took away from him a new chinel. For a poor official, it was a catastrophe, the wreck of his life. He appealed to some considerable person"For help, begging to find and turn the robbers, but his request seemed to be an important general too insignificant to pay attention to it. And the loss has become for Bashmachkina fatal: Soon he fell ill and died. Gogol called the reader to love a "little man," because he is "our brother," because he is also a person.

The topic of a "little man" continued by F. M. Dostoevsky, very precisely who had said about himself and about his contemporaries: "We all left the" Gogol "sinels. Indeed, the main characters of almost all of his works were "little people", "humiliated and offended". But, unlike the Hero of Gogol, the heroes of Dostoevsky are able to protest openly. They do not humble with terrible reality; They are able to say the bitter truth about themselves and the surrounding society.

Them spiritual world Not so limited and poor, like Bashmachkina. They are sharper than he feel the injustice and cruelty of the world of profit and money. So, a poor official of the marmalands, who ends on the very bottom of life, retained his soul, did not become a scoundrel and a scoundrel. He is much more humane than the "owners of life" - Lugin and Svidrigailov. The monologue of Marmaladov in the cutting is not only regretful of his ruined life, but also the bitter reproach to the whole society.

Sonya Marmaladov was forced to sell herself to not give to die with the hunger to small children of his stepmother - Katerina Ivanovna. She suffers for the pain of all people, all siery and poor. Sonya helps not only his family, she strives to help completely someone else's people. It was Sonya who became a moral and spiritual support for Raskolnikova: Sonya suffered his "cross" with him - went after him to the catguard. This is its strength and its greatness - the greatness of self-sacrifice in the name of people, which was capable of only an extraordinary person.

Works of Russian writers make us painfully reflect on the meaning human lifeabout the purpose of man. Together with their heroes, we learn to respect the human person, to compare her pain and empathize with her spiritual quest.