The moral values \u200b\u200bof Tatyana Evgeny Onegin. Moral problems in the novel Evgeny Onegin

The moral values \u200b\u200bof Tatyana Evgeny Onegin. Moral problems in the novel Evgeny Onegin

The moral values \u200b\u200bof Tatiana Larina (according to the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

Evgeny Onegin is the first realistic novel in the history of Russian literature. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky called him "Encyclopedia of Russian Life." Alexander Sergeevich always dreamed of writing a work, the main characters of which will be his contemporaries.

At the beginning of the XIX century, romanticism emerges in Europe. According to his canons, the female ideal is a poetic girl. And such a girl appears in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatyana Larina is a favorite poet heroine, the most famous female image of Russian literature. Obviously, in art, such a miracle is possible when the artist is seriously enjoys his own creation. Probably, Alexander Sergeevich, working on the novel of "Eugene Onegin", became interested in a wonderful girl, coming to his pen.

"Mile ideal." The character of Tatiana Larina reveals before us and as a unique personality, and as a type of Russian girl living in a provincial noble family. Education of daughters in the family of Larina was reduced to prepare them for marriage. But Tatiana was different from the sister because he loved to read insanely.

Her imagination has long been

Burning with black and longing,

Tatiana met with Evgeny Onegin. Pushkin is right, noting that the love of Onegin originated in Tatiana not because she recognized him, opened and understood his outstanding nature. Just "It's time came, she fell in love," and in her minded the perfect images of book characters came to life:

In a single image, enhanced,

In one Onegin merged.

And yet, in this choice, the uncommonness of Tatiana manifested. She did not love and could not love anyone from his surroundings. She was someone else's not only in his environment of provincial nobles. The purity of the soul of Tatiana faced the proximity to another world, to People's Russia, whose personification was nanny.

Tatyana loves nature: she prefers single walks with peers. Her favorite season - Winter:

Tatiana (Russian soul

Not knowing why)

With her cold Krasoy

natural legitimate desire. And throughout Tatiana, Tatiana retains this integrity and naturalness of nature, which are brought up only in communicating with nature.

Tatiana instinctively, heart, not a mind, felt in Onegin a close man. Nor of Neither Onegin rest during the first meeting, no matter how under the mask of secular courtesy is hidden his personality, Tatiana managed to guess his exclusivity. Naturalness, deep humanity, characteristic of Tatiana, suddenly, at the first clash with life, came into motion, made it bold and independent. Having loved Onegin, she does an important step: he writes a letter to him. It is here that the novel reaches the climax.

"Elevated feelings" was not capable of answering the girl. Onegin Represents him from Tatiana. She lives lonely and suffers hard:

Love insane suffering

Did not cease to worry

Judging ...

Then the girl begins heavy trials: Duel Onegin with Lensky, Lensky's death and departure of Onegin. Olga soon comforted and married - Tatiana was left alone. During the next walk, she falls into the house of Onegin. His books reading, she learns about the possibility of a person's conflict with society, confusion is born in his soul, her mind comprehends new truths. The world appeared other and not similar to the one that saw from the window of the parent home.

What was an unexpected and unexplained in Tatiana, which Onegin met in St. Petersburg? Tatiana became quiet, indifferent, "the careless beauty of Mila," she felt calmly and confidently and when she was with her husband, and when she took the admiration of the old women and men, "caught her eyes." The light made Tatyana live according to his laws, taught it to "own himself", humble sincere and immediate heart movements. But such a rich nature, like Tatiana, could not stop being himself.

Onegin writes Tatiana a letter in which is explained in love. But now the most important thing for her is a debt to her husband, she learned to own himself, to humble himself. Previously, before marriage, she was ready to sacrifice himself, but she cannot sacrifice his husband's honor. Tatiana is not capable of deception, on a deal with his conscience. This is the main character of the character of the heroine, which makes her mental look so attractive. "Eugene Onegin" is a philosophical novel, a novel about the meaning of life. In it, Pushkin raises the problems of being, reflects on what kind and evil is. And if the life of Onegin is meaningless, he sows evil. Death, indifference around him, Tatiana - the personality is solid, harmonious, and she sees the meaning of his life in love, in fulfilling his debt before her husband. He reconciled with the harsh laws of life that deprived a person of happiness, Tatiana is forced to fight for their dignity, showing in this struggle the uncompromising and inherent moral power. This is the high morality of Tatiana. The discovery of this nature of the Russian woman, like Tatiana, with her willingness to defend himself and their moral beliefs was a huge artistic victory of Pushkin.

The first realistic novel in the history of Russian literature is the novel in verses A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky considered his "encyclopedia of Russian life." Pushkin always dreamed of creating some kind of work, the main characters of which would be his contemporaries. According to the canons of romanticism, which originated in Europe by the end of the 18th century, a poetic girl became a female ideal. Such a girl appears in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

The most famous female image of Russian literature - Tatyana Larina is a favorite heroine of the poet. She is a heroine of conscience possessing high moral values. In the literature, as well as in art, such a miracle is possible when the artist is seriously enjoys his own creation. So Alexander Sergeevich, working on the novel "Eugene Onegin", became interested in a wonderful, coming to his feather, a girl. Tatiana was for him a "cute ideal", similar to the appearance, and soul on the poet's muse. The character of Tatiana Larina reveals before us and as a unique personality, and as a type of Russian girl living in a provincial noble family.

The proximity to the other world and to People's Russia, whose personification was nanny, defended the purity of the soul of Tatiana. Tatiana loved the nature: she preferred lonely walks with peers. Her favorite time of the year Bila Winter:

Tatiana (Russian soul

Not knowing why)

With her cold Krasoy

He loved the Russian winter ...

Nature life is close and familiar with her childhood. This is the world of her soul, the world is infinitely close. In this world, Tatiana is free from loneliness, from misunderstanding, here feelings find a response, thirst for happiness becomes a natural legitimate desire. Throughout the life, Tatiana retains this integrity and naturalness of nature, which is brought up only in close communication with nature. Tatyana instinctively, heart, not a mind, felt in Onegin a man to become himself. Nor of Neither Onegin rest during the first meeting, no matter how under the mask of secular courtesy is hidden his personality, Tatiana managed to guess his exclusivity. Naturalness, deep humanity, characteristic of Tatiana, suddenly, at the first clash with life, came into motion, made it bold and independent. Having loved Onegin, she does an important step: he writes a letter to him. It is here that the novel reaches the climax. The recognition of Tatiana, breathing with such love and so sincerity, was not heard and understood by the chilled heart of Onegin. Eugene was not able to answer the girl, because his feelings were ruthlessly distorted by society. Onegin Represents him from Tatiana.

"Eugene Onegin" is a philosophical novel, a novel about the meaning of life. In Him Pushkin raised the problems of being, reflected on what kind and evil is. And if the life of Onegin is meaningless, he sows evil, death, indifference around him, then Tatyana - the personality is solid, harmonious, and she sees the meaning of his life in love, fulfilling his debt before her husband. To reconcile with the harsh laws of life, Tatiana was forced to fight for their dignity, showing in this struggle the uncompromising and inherent moral strength, this was precisely the moral values \u200b\u200bof Tatiana.

The moral values \u200b\u200bof Tatiana Larina. Evgeny Onegin is the first realistic novel in the history of Russian literature. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky called him "Encyclopedia of Russian Life." Alexander Sergeevich always dreamed of writing a work, the main characters of which will be his contemporaries.

At the beginning of the XIX century, romanticism emerges in Europe. According to his canons, the female ideal is a poetic girl. And such a girl appears in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatyana Larina is a favorite poet heroine, the most famous female image of Russian literature. Obviously, in art, such a miracle is possible when the artist is seriously enjoys his own creation. Probably, Alexander Sergeevich, working on the novel "Eugene Onegin", became interested in a wonderful girl, coming to his feather.

Tatyana and the appearance, and the soul is close to the Museum of the poet, which is why she was "a cute ideal" for him. The character of Tatiana Larina reveals before us and as a unique personality, and as a type of Russian girl living in a provincial noble family. Education of daughters in the family of Larina was reduced to prepare them for marriage. But Tatiana was different from the sister because he loved to read

Her imagination has long been

Burning with black and longing,

Alcalo food fatal ...

Tatiana met with Evgeny Onegin. Pushkin is right, noting that the love of Onegin originated in Tatiana not because she recognized him, opened and understood his outstanding nature. Just "it's time to the print, she fell in love," and in her mind, the ideal images of book characters came to life:

In a single image, enhanced,

In one Onegin merged

And yet, in this choice, the uncommonness of Tatiana manifested. She did not love and could not love anyone from his surroundings. She was someone else's not only in his environment of provincial nobles. The purity of the soul of Tatiana faced the proximity to another world, to People's Russia, whose personification was nanny.

Tatyana loves nature: she prefers single walks with peers. Unloved season - Winter:

Tatiana (Russian soul

Not knowing why)

With Ce Cold Kras

He loved the Russian winter ...

Nature life is close and familiar with her childhood. This is the world of her soul, the world is infinitely close. In this world, Tatiana is free from loneliness, from misunderstanding, here feelings find a response, thirst for happiness becomes a natural legitimate desire. And throughout Tatiana, Tatiana retains this integrity and naturalness of nature, which are brought up only in communicating with nature.

Tatiana instinctively, heart, not a mind, felt in Onegin a close man. Nor of Neither Onegin rest during the first meeting, no matter how under the mask of secular courtesy is hidden his personality, Tatiana managed to guess his exclusivity. Naturalness, deep humanity, characteristic of Tatiana, suddenly, at the first clash with life, came into motion, made it bold and independent. Having loved Onegin, she does an important step: he writes a letter to him. It is here that the novel reaches the climax.

The recognition of Tatiana, breathing with such love and such sincerity, not heard Onegin. Eugene, alien "sublime feelings," was not able to answer the girl. Onegin Represents him from Tatiana. She lives lonely and suffers hard:

Love insane suffering

Did not cease to worry

Judging ...

Then the girl begins heavy trials: Duel Onegin with Lensky, Lensky's death and departure of Onegin. Olga soon comforted and married - Tatiana was left alone. During the next walk, she falls into the house of Onegin. His books reading, she learns about the possibility of a person's conflict with society, confusion is born in his soul, her mind comprehends new truths. The world appeared other and not similar to the one that saw from the window of the parent home.

What was an unexpected and unexplained in Tatiana, which Onegin met in St. Petersburg? Tatiana became quiet, indifferent, "the careless beauty of Mila," she felt calmly and confidently and when she was with her husband, and when she took the admiration of the old women and men, "I caught her eyes." The light made Tatyana live according to his laws, taught her to "own himself", to humble sincere and immediate heart movements. But such a rich nature, like Tatiana, could not stop BGGY himself.

Onegin saw in an externally cold princess and the former and at the same time a new, mature, soulfully rich Tatiana, saw a real man in it, and his soul, who languished alone, rushed to her. Onegin writes Tatiana a letter in which is explained in love. But now the most important thing for her is a debt to her husband, she learned to own himself, to humble himself. Previously, before marriage, she was ready to sacrifice himself, but she cannot sacrifice his husband's honor. Tatiana is not capable of deception, on a deal with his conscience. This is the main character of the character of the heroine, which makes her mental look so attractive. Evgeny Onegin is a philosophical novel, a novel about the meaning of life. In it, Pushkin raises the problems of being, reflects on what kind and evil is. And if the life of Onegin is meaningless, he sows evil. Death, indifference around him, Tatiana - the personality is solid, harmonious, and she sees the meaning of his life in love, in fulfilling his debt before her husband. He reconciled with the harsh laws of life that deprived a person of happiness, Tatiana is forced to fight for their dignity, showing in this struggle the uncompromising and inherent moral power. This is the high morality of Tatiana. The discovery of this nature of the Russian woman, like Tatiana, with her willingness to defend himself and their moral beliefs was a huge artistic victory of Pushkin.

Evgeny Onegin is the first realistic novel in the history of Russian literature. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky called him "Encyclopedia of Russian Life." Alexander Sergeevich always dreamed of writing a work, the main characters of which will be his contemporaries.
At the beginning of the XIX century, romanticism emerges in Europe. According to his canons, the female ideal is a poetic girl. And such a girl appears in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatyana Larina is a favorite poet heroine, the most famous female image of Russian literature. Obviously

In art, such a miracle is possible when the artist is seriously enjoys his own creation. Probably, Alexander Sergeevich, working on the novel of "Eugene Onegin", became interested in a wonderful girl, coming to his pen.
Tatyana and the appearance, and the soul is close to the poet's muse, that is why she was for him a "cute ideal." The character of Tatiana Larina reveals before us and as a unique personality, and as a type of Russian girl living in a provincial noble family. Education of daughters in the family of Larina was reduced to prepare them for marriage. But Tatiana was different from the sister because he loved to read insanely.
Her imagination has long been
Burning with black and longing,
Alcalo food fatal ...
Tatiana met with Evgeny Onegin. Pushkin is right, noting that the love of Onegin originated in Tatiana not because she recognized him, opened and understood his outstanding nature. Just "It's time came, she fell in love," and in her minded the perfect images of book characters came to life:
In a single image, enhanced,
In one Onegin merged.
And yet, in this choice, the uncommonness of Tatiana manifested. She did not love and could not love anyone from his surroundings. She was someone else's not only in his environment of provincial nobles. The purity of the soul of Tatiana faced the proximity to another world, to People's Russia, whose personification was nanny.
Tatyana loves nature: she prefers single walks with peers. Her favorite season - Winter:
Tatiana (Russian soul
Not knowing why)
With her cold Krasoy
He loved the Russian winter ...
Nature life is close and familiar with her childhood. This is the world of her soul, the world is infinitely close. In this world, Tatiana is free from loneliness, from misunderstanding, here feelings find a response, thirst for happiness becomes a natural legitimate desire. And throughout Tatiana, Tatiana retains this integrity and naturalness of nature, which are brought up only in communicating with nature.
Tatiana instinctively, heart, not a mind, felt in Onegin a close man. Nor of Neither Onegin rest during the first meeting, no matter how under the mask of secular courtesy is hidden his personality, Tatiana managed to guess his exclusivity. Naturalness, deep humanity, characteristic of Tatiana, suddenly, at the first clash with life, came into motion, made it bold and independent. Having loved Onegin, she does an important step: he writes a letter to him. It is here that the novel reaches the climax.
The recognition of Tatiana, breathing with such love and such sincerity, not heard Onegin. Eugene, alien "sublime feelings," was not able to answer the girl. Onegin Represents him from Tatiana. She lives lonely and suffers hard:
Love insane suffering
Did not cease to worry
Judging ...
Then the girl begins heavy trials: Duel Onegin with Lensky, Lensky's death and departure of Onegin. Olga soon comforted and married - Tatiana was left alone. During the next walk, she falls into the house of Onegin. His books reading, she learns about the possibility of a person's conflict with society, confusion is born in his soul, her mind comprehends new truths. The world appeared other and not similar to the one that saw from the window of the parent home.
What was an unexpected and unexplained in Tatiana, which Onegin met in St. Petersburg? Tatiana became quiet, indifferent, "the careless beauty of Mila," she felt calmly and confidently and when she was with her husband, and when she took the admiration of the old women and men, "caught her eyes." The light made Tatyana live according to his laws, taught it to "own himself", humble sincere and immediate heart movements. But such a rich nature, like Tatiana, could not stop being himself.
Onegin saw in an externally cold princess and the former and at the same time a new, mature, soulfully rich Tatiana, saw a real man in it, and his soul, who languished alone, rushed to her. Onegin writes Tatiana a letter in which is explained in love. But now the most important thing for her is a debt to her husband, she learned to own himself, to humble himself. Previously, before marriage, she was ready to sacrifice himself, but she cannot sacrifice his husband's honor. Tatiana is not capable of deception, on a deal with his conscience. This is the main character of the character of the heroine, which makes her mental look so attractive. "Eugene Onegin" is a philosophical novel, a novel about the meaning of life. In it, Pushkin raises the problems of being, reflects on what kind and evil is. And if the life of Onegin is meaningless, he sows evil. Death, indifference around him, Tatiana - the personality is solid, harmonious, and she sees the meaning of his life in love, in fulfilling his debt before her husband. He reconciled with the harsh laws of life that deprived a person of happiness, Tatiana is forced to fight for their dignity, showing in this struggle the uncompromising and inherent moral power. This is the high morality of Tatiana. The discovery of this nature of the Russian woman, like Tatiana, with her willingness to defend himself and their moral beliefs was a huge artistic victory of Pushkin.

We are checked: The moral values \u200b\u200bof Tatiana Larina (according to the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

The first realistic novel in the history of Russian literature is the novel in verses A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky considered his "encyclopedia of Russian life." Pushkin always dreamed of creating some kind of work, the main characters of which would be his contemporaries. According to the canons of romanticism, which originated in Europe by the end of the 18th century, a poetic girl became a female ideal. Such a girl appears in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

The most famous female image of Russian literature - Tatyana Larina is a favorite heroine of the poet. She is a heroine of conscience possessing high moral values. In the literature, as well as in art, such a miracle is possible when the artist is seriously enjoys his own creation. So Alexander Sergeevich, working on the novel "Eugene Onegin", became interested in a wonderful, coming to his feather, a girl. Tatiana was for him a "cute ideal", similar to the appearance, and soul on the poet's muse. The character of Tatiana Larina reveals before us and as a unique personality, and as a type of Russian girl living in a provincial noble family.

The proximity to the other world and to People's Russia, whose personification was nanny, defended the purity of the soul of Tatiana. Tatiana loved the nature: she preferred lonely walks with peers. Her favorite time of the year Bila Winter:

Tatiana (Russian soul

Not knowing why)

With her cold Krasoy

He loved the Russian winter ...

Nature life is close and familiar with her childhood. This is the world of her soul, the world is infinitely close. In this world, Tatiana is free from loneliness, from misunderstanding, here feelings find a response, thirst for happiness becomes a natural legitimate desire. Throughout the life, Tatiana retains this integrity and naturalness of nature, which is brought up only in close communication with nature. Tatyana instinctively, heart, not a mind, felt in Onegin a man to become himself. Nor of Neither Onegin rest during the first meeting, no matter how under the mask of secular courtesy is hidden his personality, Tatiana managed to guess his exclusivity. Naturalness, deep humanity, characteristic of Tatiana, suddenly, at the first clash with life, came into motion, made it bold and independent. Having loved Onegin, she does an important step: he writes a letter to him. It is here that the novel reaches the climax. The recognition of Tatiana, breathing with such love and so sincerity, was not heard and understood by the chilled heart of Onegin. Eugene was not able to answer the girl, because his feelings were ruthlessly distorted by society. Onegin Represents him from Tatiana.

"Eugene Onegin" is a philosophical novel, a novel about the meaning of life. In Him Pushkin raised the problems of being, reflected on what kind and evil is. And if the life of Onegin is meaningless, he sows evil, death, indifference around him, then Tatyana - the personality is solid, harmonious, and she sees the meaning of his life in love, fulfilling his debt before her husband. To reconcile with the harsh laws of life, Tatiana was forced to fight for their dignity, showing in this struggle the uncompromising and inherent moral strength, this was precisely the moral values \u200b\u200bof Tatiana.