Analysis of individual works μ. Zoshchenko

Analysis of individual works μ. Zoshchenko
Analysis of individual works μ. Zoshchenko

The main character of the work belonging to the comic genre is a narrator, on behalf of which the story presented by the writer in the image of the Plumber Gregory Ivanovich.

The key theme of the story lies in contradiction and complete lack of understanding of each other representatives of the opposite sex (men and women) originating from different estates.

Grigory Ivanovich is described by the writer as an uneducated and uncompatible commoner, which distinguishes a simple and rude speech that does not have any idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of the exquisite manner.

The plot line of the work lines around the acquaintance of a plumber with a lady from the aristocratic society, which is, according to the main character, a gallant woman. At the same time, the position of Grigory Ivanovich is based solely on the external data of the aristocrats, which is actually far from the representatives of the highest light.

The relationship between men and women ends practically without starting as a result of an unsuccessful campaign of a pair on the theater representation, which manifests the true qualities of the aristocratic lady shocking Grigory Ivanovich.

Writer masterfully applies to the disclosure of the plot satirical and humorous techniques, characterizing the heroes of the story and emphasizing their unequal union, initially foreshadowed decay.

The culmination of the work occurs in the scene occurring in the theater buffet, in which the lady, forgetting about the rules of decency, with greed and without false modesty absorbs the cakes, without thinking about their payment, as a cavalier invited it next to the theater. However, Gregory Ivanovich realizes the awkwardness of the situation due to the lack of the required amount of funds and is trying to prevent the brewing scandal with the employees of the buffet.

The story of the story ends with a complete rupture of the relationship between the aristocrat and the plumber, who, with participation in the scandalous dispute, are not shy in offensive expressions about the behavior of each other, without thinking about the presence of people around them.

The language style of the work is presented with a writer in the form of a simple form in combination with the stationery vocabulary, which, in mixture, give the story a subtle and heartfelt irony with shades of sadness, revealing the arrogance and absurdity of the Meshchansky worldview.

Analysis 2.

The story hero is a nearby plumber begins to care for a woman, which he counted belonging to the aristocracy. The reason for the rank of her to the highest light served as a golden tooth. This zoshchenko brings the situation to Grotesque, showing the stupidity and ignorance of his hero, who did not bother to ask the origin and the family ladies.

The speech of the main character of Grigory Ivanovich, on whose behalf it is in question, characterizes it in the best possible way. The constant questions about the water supply, which was the only theme in which he was understood, and which, at least interested, asked when acquaintance and in the theater, show well the limitations of those whom the author rises.

Another feature of speech by the fact that the plumber refers to a woman behind which he cares officially, using the word "comrade", the author not only shows for its limitations, but also thinly mocking on new realities of life after the revolution.

The culmination becomes the scene in the theater buffet, where the hero invited his "aristocrat", not taking care even to purchase places nearby. In the intermission, the plumber suggested a lady to eat a cake. However, when she took the fourth, then the meshness and misfortune took the top of the decencies of Grigory Ivanovich in a rather rough form demanded from a woman to put it in place. After that, I did not want to pay for the remembated last cupcake.

During this episode, Zoshchenko gently shows that the hero of this work is not an exception in a new communist society. Surrounding, despite the fact that they are positioning themselves as cultural people who are interested in the theater, they come into disputes on the abducted pastry, which shows their true nature.

The story is completed by the explanations of the plumber with the lady, where in response to the reproach in the campaign for the cultural event without money, Grigory Ivanovich says the pursuing phrase that happiness is not in the money.

The story makes fun of the timeless meshness and a new Soviet person who, as it turned out, completely did not change.

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True, Zoshchenko's attempts to write in a new way was not immediately understood. One of the first stories Zoshchenko brought to the "Contemporary" magazine, whose editor was the poet M. Kuzmin. The story was not accepted. "Your stories are very talented," says Kuzmin ...

* - But you agree yourself - this is a little cartoon.
* "This is not a cartoon," I say.
* - Well, take at least a language.
* - language is not quoted. This is the syntax of the street ... People ... Maybe I exitted a little, so that it was satirically, so that it criticized it ...
* - We will not argue, "he says soft." You give us an ordinary story or a story ... And believe me - we really appreciate your creativity. "
* - God with them, I think. Boil without fat magazines. They need something "ordinary". They need something that looks like a classic. It impresses them. It is very easy to make it. But I'm not going to write for readers who are not. People have a different idea of \u200b\u200bliterature.
* I'm not upset. I know that I am right. "

So the prose of Zoshchenko was born - the prose, which, capturing her pathos, poets-parodists were called literature "for the poor." But more serious criticism could not determine the originality of Zoshchenko prose. "Talent Zoshchenko," recalled later by K. Fedin, "caused the most versatile and tragic misunderstanding." Over the years, much sat down. Zoshchenko's desire to be a "mediator in good deeds" is in mind the desire of Gogol openly and directly influence the morals of people, and for the naive simplicity of Zoshchenko stories, everything is more clearly awesome the tense absorption of the writer in reflections on the fate and properties of its fellow citizens.

Zoshchenko - humorist, satirist, moralist ... What saw evil? What struggled? And where was looking for a way out?

* "At the beginning of my literary activities, in 1921," Zoshchenko recalled, "I wrote a few big stories, this is:" Love "," War "," Fish female ". It seemed to me that the form of a big story, built on the old tradition, so to speak, the Chekhov form, less suitable, less flexible for the modern reader, to whom it seemed to me it is better to give a brief form, accurate and clear to 100 or 150 lines There was the entire plot and no chatter. Then I switched to a brief form, on small stories. "

The spiritual revival of Russia, whom the writer was eager, seemed imminently related to the renewal of a person and a decisive gap with a slave psyche. The consciousness of the fact that a person is created for big cases, for great work, once forced Chekhov to intervene in the ordinary petty side of life, grown in the work of Zoshchenko, who survived the revolution and melting with the revolution with the human life, which does not know the moral maximalism. Later Zoshchenko will say that he created a "gallery of outgoing types." In fact, the reader who survived the revolution, the writer talked about the inertness of public existence, about the conservatism of moral life and about the high spiritual responsibility that is required from a person designed to overcome the sides and inertia. This was attached to "sentimental stories" of the philosophical color, which was barely underwritten, but which indicated that in the new, the innervation conditions for the search for the appointment of a person and the spiritual revival of the individual, the moral issues of Russian literature continued to enter into it new, the revolution born accents.

In this attention to the moral self-improvement of the man Zoshchenko, much overtook his contemporaries. This was the power of the writer.

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  1. New!

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In his stories, M. Zoshchenko does not just play the comic situations that he masterfully notices in life, but exagges them to the limit. The story "Aristocrat" Zoshchenko turned into a small tragicomedy. But we are talking about the natural campaign for any person.

Narrator comments

The story is conducted on the face of the plumber name named Grigory Ivanovich, which aristocracy sees in the presence of a hat, pug sitting on his hands, in the mouth and fashionable stocking. As in the song about Marius, who walked around the sea sand. For a full set, the lady's waterproof lack the waist in the corset. Such, with the permission to say, the ladies liked Gregory Ivanovich, but after a closer acquaintance with them, he changed his mind.

Attempt to get together

At first glance, Grigory Ivanovich the lady was carried away, who in the mouth of glistened a golden tooth. He did not know how to care and acted directly - went to her in the apartment and asked whether the water supply was working - he was not enough for more fantasy. But the main comic of the narrative is the presence of a primitive vocabulary that the narrator enjoys. Aloud, he calls a lady not by the name, patronymic, and a citizen, and about himself thinks that she "Fry". That is, from his part there is some disregard. This plumber wants to show that, they say, he does not care about the aristocracy of the citizen, since they are now all equal.


Next, the events developed as follows: After about a month, the "lovers" began to walk along the streets together. At the same time, Grigory Ivanovich felt very awkward. He did not know what to talk to the fellow traveler. In addition, to be caught, leading the lady at hand, he was inconvenient before the familiar.

The plumber felt a caught pike. Thus, the comic effect of Zoshchenko continues. "Aristocrat" (a summary of the story is presented in the article) Soon in all its glory will show itself and the reader, and the storytellor.

Hike in the theater.

Further, the so-called aristocrat itself asked for the theater. It must be assumed that it was not too interested in the performance, but rather, an intermission, in which the described tragicomical event will occur. But we will not get ahead. So, the heroes went to the theater, since two tickets were randomly Gregory, but only in different places. One thing - in the parter where the gallant cavalier put the "aristocrat", and the second place was on the gallery. Our plumber went there and, of course, quickly bored, went in the lobby. There in the intermission he met his companion heading straight into the buffet. A wide gesture of Grigory Ivanovich suggested a lady to eat one cupcake. So witty and comic ridicule of the tradesman in the theater Zoshchenko. "Aristocrat" (the brief content of the same story we continue to state) will not behave as expected from her our hero.

In the buffet

The heart was measured by Grigoria Ivanovich, when he saw a depraved, in his opinion, the lady's gait and her incredible voraciousness. She grabbed and ate the cake, then the other, then, without stopping, began for the third. But Grigori Ivanovich was, gently expressing, not with money. And when the "aristocrat" grabbed the fourth, then the cavalier could not stand and shouted that the "cracked baba" put a confectionery product back.

With a sad irony, which is almost not noticeable for the community of the situation, continues the story of Zoshchenko. "Aristocrat" (a summary of the story comes to an end) was confused and frightened. And the slim buffetter demanded money for four cakes, since the latter, unseasoned, was clearly indisputable. Then the audience was gathered, which began to discuss what happened and arguing about whether the cake was peaked or not. As a result, people in the intermission have entertained better than at the presentation in the theater. When Grigory Zakreb Ivanovich all the trifle, he barely had enough money to pay four cupcakes. Then he proudly suggested the "aristocratry" to achieve the last delicacy, but she was confused and refused. And here, unexpectedly, he displays a new, frustrated and chaser, the character Zoshchenko. The "aristocrat" (the short content of the story we continue to state in this article) - the story in which the author finally brought the situation to the degree of anecdotal, by introducing into the narration of the flying brisk uncle, who expressed the desire to flushing the cake. At the same time, the "aristocrat" silently looked at how a person instantly ate delicacy. This is for the money, Gregory Ivanovich!

The final

And again, our heroes went to inspect the opera, because they did not know how to listen. And every every time I thought about something to say to each other. They returned in the silence of silence, and at the house the lady, the Bourgeois tone spoke that there was nothing to walk without money. But Grigory Ivanovich did not grieve, but explained that there is no happiness in the money. Since then, the "aristocrats" do not like. This note ends the story of the "Aristocrat" Zoshchenko. Retelling, unfortunately, does not convey vocabulary, which the characters enjoy, namely, it is most of all characterizes the heroes.

Zoshchenko, "Aristocrat": Analysis

It is funny and sad to read this story telling about the 20-30s of the last century, when a social layer surfaced to the surface, which imagined the cultural and thought. The main hero of pity and ridiculous in his ridiculous attempts to care for a woman. A man is able to talk extremely monosyllary and only about the water supply system in which it is well versed. Even in the theater, he asks from the companion not about whether she liked the performance (he simply does not occur this question), but whether the water supply operates. But the "aristocrat" is not better than Gregory Ivanovich. In the theater, which in the story symbolizes the culture, the lady is also not doing to what is happening on the scene. All of her interest was focused on the buffet, in which she did not find it necessary to temper the appetites and foresee what the cavalier may not have enough money. Lack of culture, dense ignorance and the uncompatory of both heroes are shown as on the palm.

Sad irony stems in rows of story. Little Russia dreamed of seeing the "aristocrat" - a bright mockery over the disgusting, brazen, ridiculous mesh, which is distinguished by the mass of unreasonable complaints and tremendous self-conceit.

Children's stories Zoshchenko can be divided into two categories: (a) Early, well-known things, converted and pubed for children, and (b) written works written by specially for children. The stories of the first category are much less, and they represent a smaller interest.

Among the writings written specifically for children, there are also the stories standing by a mansion, and somewhat clearly distinguished cycles: stories about animals, zhiyny (agiography - Česki) stories about Lenin and Lelja and Minky cycle. All these writings for children appeared between 1937 and 1940. (Only two of them later). For the author, these were years of tense study and revaluation of themselves; It is possible to consider them as a reflection of its growing interest in their role on-styling, its deeper understanding. Zoshchenko gradually, but expanded its genre repertoire during the 30s, trying to gain new readers. He tried to expand their circle even more and communicate directly with the susceptible, an impressionable children's audience. To do this, he in front of him "formal task to achieve<...> Pre-delivered clarity in the language, in the composition and in the subject. "

Among the numerous essays written by Zoshchenko for children, the cycle of stories entitled "Lelia and Minka" is distinguished. All of them, except for one, appeared in 1938-1940 and published not in the order in which were later located later. When Zoshchenko finally published them together (in 1946), under the general heading chosen by them, the order associated stories so skillfully, deeply and followed, but that these eight things were formed quite a single whole, impeccable structure. It is clear that for this collection of stories Zoshchenko attracted their own childhood memories. All indicates: the unifying title "Lelia and Minka" (his eldest se-country and he himself), the time and characteristic features of his childhood and the family life, resurrected by the narrative of the first person, frequent mention of his own activities and the written written works.

In the cycle "Lelya and Minka", the narrator is an adult, saying about his childhood in the past time and turning into a children's audience. And here the author also hopes that his experience will teach little readers, how to become (when they are-growing) good, truthful and morally healthy. The same method is used: the author recalls the incident of his childhood, not trying to solve some problem (he claims that he has no problems that he is healthy and loss), but wanting to teach young readers some basic rules of life.

This cycle tells about the most ordinary shades and childhood experiences, like the best books for children capable and adults to delight. Through the artistic plexus of such fundamental motives as seven death sins and the Ten Commandments, the author represents the epic-buildings from his childhood, held at the turn of the century. The author carefully avoids all sorts of language excesses not only in his narration, but also in the speech of the characters, with a hundred-painting to preserve the flavor and spirit of time. It is clear that stories refer to another era; If you keep in mind the time when they were published, then you see: they are wonderful in that they do not criticize this era. They are based on the life of the "Lords", but the truths explained in them are independent of time and general device.

Stories "Lelia and Minka" deserve to be based on a cycle, it is not just a group of stories. They are connected as links of one chain, and this gives a feeling of the whole.

In these stories, Zoshchenko interprets the main moral issues so that they are filled with meaning for adults and for young readers. The cycle is a "guidebook" for seven mortal sins. The envy speaks in several stories, but in the most detailed - in the "Grandma Gift". This story is also about korestolubia, which is in the center of attention in "Golosh and Morzain". At the end of the "grandmother's gift", Lelia undoubtedly demonstrates gluttony. The idleness of the mind is manifested in the "Great Travelers", which went into a circular journey, without having sufficient knowledge. The narrator condemns the pride, opposing her Christian cute heart and humility in the "grandmother's gift": all this - in a reprimand that Minka receives, when he praises that he gave the sister's money given to him. Desperation illustrates in the "Nakhodka" when the narrator turns out to be without a penny in a foreign city, and only the memory of children's trick leads him to feeling. Of course, lust in Zo-puppy is illustrated symbolically, as in the Holy Scripture: innocent creatures are tamping the forbidden fruit.

Since the main characters and the environment in these stories do not change, they interact with each other, forming links along the moral line and style. Each story for itself is a complete work, well built and masterfully fulfilled. However, they express the author's credo, both moral and behavioral. Their coupling is strengthened by the fact that the construction and language is the same everywhere. For example, at the beginning of most stories, we read: "When I'm small" (in four stories), "when I was ... years" (in two). The expression "very loved" is also repeated at the beginning of several stories, belonging to a person or food: "I loved ice cream very much" ("Galosh and ice cream"), "I had a grandmother, and she loved me very hotly" ("Ba-bushushkin Gift ")," My parents love me very hotly "(" Thirty years later ")," I loved to dinner with adults. And my sister Lelia also loved such dinners no less than me "(" Golden Words ").

Stories are also united the theme of love. Gifts are playing an important role as a sign of love: the promised camera for which the hero fakes his diary; Patty and gifts, usually brought by grandmother; Gifts and attention, for whom Lelia pretends the patient and who her brother generously distributes her and her family in thirty years; Finally, christmas gifts in the "Christmas tree". Almost this theme of donation along with the rules of behavior and etiquette and constitutes the plot of two walking stories: "Babushkin Pod-Rock" and "thirty years later." The themes of love, food and donation are closely intertwined in these two things.

The search for unifying elements returns us to the starting point - to the title of the cycle. In fact, these are narrowed - about Lele to Minka. The narrator is always Minka, but the sister of Lelia is displayed in each story on a tough scheme: "I did or loved something and that; My sister Lelia also (or not). " It is intended to be the second role, but its presence is essentially for the development of action in each story. Many of these stories would be completely different, do not Lelja - this leader, tempter, incitement and subrights. Although her role may vary from the story to the story, it remains an integral part of the plot development and uniting the cycle into a single whole.

The cycle of the story "Lelia and Minka" is one of the best works of Zoshchenko. The high level of its skill is pro-is in the structure, language and the subject of the cycle, in how stories alternate, independent and at the same time interrelated. The technique that gives such excellent results here, was born from relentless attempts to Zoshchenko write a novel. He did not know how to build a complex long plot that would cause the reader's relaxing interest, and preferred to group small essays on the topic, as he was already with early things, for example, with stories about Sinebryukhov. In the cycle, stories are connected through details related to the family and the time, which in the novel would be given during the extension narration. As a result, the spoken of the writer, the stories are perceived as a living and coherent work of art.

Laughter Mikhail Zoshchenko and cheerful, and sad. For "household" ridiculous and funny situations of his stories are hiding sad, and sometimes tragic thinking of a writer about life, about people, about time.
In the story of 1924, the "nervous people" the writer addresses one of the main problems of his era - the so-called "apartment question". The narrator tells the readers about the insignificant, seemingly incident - a fight in a communal apartment: "The fight has happened in our apartment. And not that fight, but a whole fight. "
Zoshchenko gives a specific designation of the site of his story and its participants - Moscow, 20s, tenants of the apartment at the corner of the eye and boro. Thus, the writer seeks to strengthen the effect of the reader's presence, make it a witness to the events described.
Already at the beginning of the story, there is a common picture of what happened: a fight occurred, the most of all in which the disabled of Gavrilov suffered. Naive narrator sees the cause of fights in the increased nervousness of the people: "... the people are very nervous. Frustrated in small trifles. It is hot "and this is, according to the Hero-narrator, it is not surprising:" It, of course. After the civil war, the nerves, they say, the people are incredibly loosened. "
What did the fight occurred? The reason is the most insignificant and ridicule. One albeil, Marya Vasilyevna Shchitzova, without permission took from another albid, Darya Petrovna Mobyl, hedgehog to clean the primus. Daria Petrovna was indignant. So, the word for the word, two women quarreled. The narrator delicately writes: "They began to talk among themselves." And then continues: "The noise of them rose, crash, cracks." With the help of graduation, the author reveals us the true state of affairs: we understand that two neighbors began to scandal, swear and, probably, fight. In addition, due to such graduation, the effect of funny, comic.
Her husband Darya Petrovna, Ivan Stepanych Kobylin, appeared on the noise and swearing. This image is a typical image of the NEPMAN, "bourgeois is unreasonable". The narrator describes it so much: "Healthy such a man, even, but, in turn, nervous." Kobylin, "like an elephant", works in a cooperative, sells sausage. For his, money or things, he, what is called, will help. This hero interferes with a quarrel with his weighty word: "... it is not possible to use these hedgehogs to use this hedgehogs." For koblin, other people, even if the neighbors are "someone else's personnel," who should not touch him in any way.
All residents of the communal departments came to the scandal - all twelve people. Having gathered in close kitchenette, they began to solve a controversial question. The appearance of the disabled Gavrilych and his words "What is this noise, but there are no fights?" They became a push to the climax of a story - a fight.
In close and narrow kitchen, all residents began to wave their hands, watching their dissatisfaction and neighbors, and terrible living conditions. As a result, the most innocent and defenseless - a legless disabilities of Gavrilych suffered. Someone in the heat of fights "strikes the disabled in Kumpolu." Only the arrived police was able to reassure the swirling tenants. Friendly, they can not understand what led them to such a serious fight. It's scary, because the victim of their madness, the disabled Gavrilych, "Lies, know, on the floor, boring. And from the ball blood kapelet. "
In the story of the story, we learn that the court took place, whose verdict was to "register an Izhitsa", that is, to make the tenants of the apartment reprimand. The story ends with such words: "And the nursing, too, a nervous such man caught - Izitsa prescribed."
And here we hear the author's voice is already rather than the storyrchor's hero. In these words, Zoshchenko himself expresses its attitude to everything described. For killing a person - reprimand?!
It seems to me that this sentence confirms the typical of such situations for Moscow of the 20th century. According to Zoshchenko, communal apartments - unconditional evil. Of course, it all depends on specific people. After all, there were communal apartments in which the neighbors lived as one family and did not want to drive around. Of course, the author satirically reveals the image of koblin, uneducated and arrogant hapuga. But at the same time, and in the words of this hero there is some truth. Why, like the remaining twelve tenants of a small commune, has no right to their personal space, on their apartment? Blasty-breeded, the fact that they are constantly forced to face their own, not always pleasant, neighbors, "nervous people" constantly conflict. Each little thing causes them a storm of emotions, as a result of which the most terrible things can occur.
The fact that the "apartment question" is not a pione, whose decision can wait, indicates the tragic final of the story "nervous people". As a result of the fight, he dies in anything not a borrowed person - disabled Gavrilych.
This story Zoshchenko introduces us to the world of Moscow on the 20s of the last century. The image of a story-story character is helped to create a color of that time - an ordinary Muscovite, natively narrow about his life, what he knows, and witness he was. The language of the storyteller and the heroes of the work is a mixture of spacious, vulgarism and offseeorism, borrowed words. Such a combination draws a truthful portrait of the contemporary Zoshchenko and, at the same time, creates a comic effect, causing a sad smile from the reader.
I believe that, exposing the shortcomings of his time, Zoshchenko sought to improve the lives of his contemporaries. Talking about, it would seem, the writer showed that the life of individual people consists of small things. Improve this life writer Mikhail Zoshchenko considered his highest goal.

Writing on literature on the topic: Analysis of the story M. Zoshchenko "Nervous people"

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Analysis of the story M. Zoshchenko "Nervous People"