Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "Wild landowner": Analysis who wrote a wild landowner

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich. Saltykov-Shchedrin,
Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "Wild landowner": Analysis who wrote a wild landowner

In a certain kingdom, in some state there was a landowner, lived and Light Glyadyuchi was happy. In all, he had pretty: both peasants, bread, and livestock, and land, and gardens. And he was a stupid landowner, read the newspaper "News" (body of the reactive-noble opposition of the 60s XIX century. - Ed.) And the body had a soft, white and crumbly.

Only the landowner would only prayed:

- Lord! Everyone I am satisfied with you, everyone awarded! My heart is unnecessary only: I really divorced a lot in our kingdom of a man!

But God knew that the landowner was stupid, and he did not inquire him.

She sees a landowner that the man does not decrease every day, and everything comes, he sees and fears: "Well, how can I get all the good?"

The landowner will look at the newspaper "News", as in sees it should do, and read: "Try!"

- The only word is written, - the stupid landowner palls - and the gold is the word!

And he began to try, and not so that somehow, but all by rule. Lee Peasant's chicken in the Lord oats will credit - now it, according to rule, in the soup; Whether the peasant is a secret in the Lord's forest gather - now these are the most firewood at the Lord, and from the rod, according to rule, fine.

- More I spent these fines on them! - Says the landowner to their neighbors, - because for them it is clearer.

They see men: although they have a stupid landowner, and the mind he is given great. He reduced them so that there is no way of the nose to be launched: where we look - everything can not, but not allowed, but not yours! The cattle on the waterway will be released - the landowner screams: "My water!", Chicken for the Occolic will decide - the landowner screams: "My Earth!". And the earth, and water, and the air - all it has become! Luchin was not a peasant in the lights to light, the rod did not become what the hut is suitable. So the peasants walked around the Peasants to the Lord to God:

- Lord! It is easier for us to disappear and with children with small, rather than life so soas!

Heard the gracious God, the tear prayer orphans, and did not become a man on the entire space of possessions of the stupid landlord. Where did the man, nobody noticed, but only saw people, how suddenly a punchy whirlwind rose and, as if a cloud of black, swept back in the air. The landowner came out to the balcony, pulled his nose and depletely: the air was pure-repurant in all his possessions. Naturally, he was satisfied. Thinks: "Now I will drain my body whites, the body is white, loose, crumbly!"

And he began to live yes, wait and began to think than to console his soul.

"Saved, thinks the theater! I will write to the actor Sadovsky: come, they say, kind friend! And the actor act with you! "

Actor Sadovsky listened to him: he himself arrived and the actor brought. Just sees that the landlord is empty in the house, and put the theater, and the curtain to raise some.

- Where are you the peasants of their deval? - asks the Sadovsky at the landlord.

- But God, on my prayer, all my possessions from the man cleared!

- However, brother, stupid you are a landowner! Who is stupid to you, wash it?

- Yes, I'm already and how many days do I go!

- Was there, champignons on the face of Rasta gathered? Said Sadovsky, and with this word and left himself, and the actor took away.

He remembered the landowner that he had four general of acquaintances nearby; Thinks: "What is this I am all the Grand Solitaire and the Grand Solitaire lay out! I will try, I am with the generals of the fillet of the bullet-other play! "

Said - Made: I wrote invitations, I appointed a day and sent letters to the address. The generals were even real, but hungry, and therefore they came very soon. We arrived - and can not put as it was why the landowner had clean air.

- And because it is, the landowner boasts, - that God, according to my prayer, all the possessions of my peasant cleaned!

- Oh, how good it is! - The generals of the landowner are praised, - it became, now you will not have this hoppy smell?

"Not at all," the landowner answers.

Played a bullet, played another; The generals feel that they came to drink their hour to drink, come into anxiety, look around.

- Should you, gentlemen generals, wanted to eat? - asks the landowner.

- Not bad, Mr. Dencher!

He got up because of the table, walked over to the closure and takes out from there on the lollipop, but on the printed gingerbread for each person.

- What is it? - Ask generals, having staring at him.

- But, climb what God sent!

- Yes, we would be beef! Beefs would us!

- Well, I have no beef about you, gentlemen generals, because since I got rid of me from a man, and the stove in the kitchen is not flex!

The generals were angry at him, so even their teeth were careful.

- Why do you eat something like that? - They pounced on him.

- Raw Mature I eat, yes, Gingerbread is still as long as ...

- However, brother, you are stupid landowner! - said generals and, not finishing the bulk, spread home.

She sees a landowner that he is already a fool as another time, and wanted to think about it, but since at this time the deck of cards came across the eyes, he waved at all his hand and began to lay the Grand Solitaire.

"Let's see," says, "Lord Liberals, who will overcome whom!" I will prove you to make the true hardness of the soul!

He emphasizes the "Lady Caprice" and thinks:

"If it stops three times, it began to be, we must not get a climb." And how it came out how many times it is spread - everything goes out, everything comes out! There is no doubt that there is no doubt.

"Well, if," says, the fortune itself indicates, it became necessary to remain hard to the end. And now, as long as the Grand Solitaire is to lay out, I will go, wound!

And he walks, walks around the rooms, then he sits and sit down. And everything thinks. Thinks what kind of cars from England will write down that everything is ferry, yes by steam, and the Khopovsky spirit so as not to anything. Thinks what kind of fruit garden he divorces: "Here there will be pears, plums; Here - Peaches, here - Walnut! " I will look into the window - en there everything, as he conceived, everything is exactly so there is! Break, at a prominent class, under the load of fruit trees, pears, peach, apricot, and he only knows fruit with cars collects yes in his mouth puts! Thinks what kind of cows he collects, that neither skin, no meat, but all one milk, all milk! Thinks what kind of strawberry he is to sleep, all double and triple, five berries per pound, and how much he sells this strawberries in Moscow. Finally I get tired of thinking, go to the mirror to look around - and there are dust on the top of the lounge ...

- Senka! "He suddenly shouts, but then she would say and say," well, let yourself stay so much before that time! " And I will prove with these liberals that can make the hardness of the soul!

Women up with such a manner, as long as he smumes, - and sleep!

And in a dream dreams even more cheerful than revealing, dreaming. He dreams that the governor himself learned about such a landowner adequacy and asked by Corp.: "What kind of solid Kuritsyn son got in the ureet?" Then he dreams that he was made for this very adamance of minister, and he walks in the ribbons, and the circulars write: "To be solid and not to lick!" Then it dreams that he walks along the shores of the Euphrate and Tiger ... (according to biblical legends, in paradise. - Ed.)

- Eva, my friend! - He says.

But here everyone revised everyone: you need to get up.

- Senka! - He screams again, forgetting, but suddenly remember ... and goes down his head.

- What would, however do? - He asks himself, - at least Leshego some hard driven!

And on this, he suddenly arrives the captain-fixer himself. He was delighted to him a stupid landowner in extremely; ran into the ward, took out two printed gingerbread and thinks: "Well, this one seems to be satisfied!"

- Tell me, please, master the landowner, what kind of miracle all your temporary obligated suddenly disappeared? - Asks the correctioner.

- And so, God, according to my prayer, all the possessions of my man completely cleaned.

- so-s; Do not you know, Mr. Lenser, who will pay for them for them?

- Podachi? .. that's them! This is them yourself! These are their sacred debt and duty!

- so-s; And what kind of manner this file can be recovered from them, if they, by your prayer, is scattered on the face of the earth?

- IT IT ... I do not know ... I, on my part, I do not agree to pay!

- And whether you are known to you, Mr. Dencher, that the Treasury without filters and duties, and even more so without wine and salt regalia (state monopoly for sale. - Ed.), Can not exist?

- I am ... I'm ready! Wallpaper vodka ... I'll pay!

- Yes, do you know that, by the grace of yours, we have a piece of meat in the bazaar, you can not buy a piece of bread? Do you know what it smells?

- Mile! I, on my part, ready to donate! Here are the whole two gingerbread!

- You are stupid, Mr. Lenser! - Milns, turned and left, without looking even on printed gingerbread.

Thought this time the landowner is not a joke. For the third person, his fool honors, the third person will look, look at him, plit and move away. Is it really a fool? Surely, the inflexibility that he had so cherished in his soul, translated into an ordinary language means only nonsense and madness? And Surely, as a result of one of his inflexibility, they stopped and stopped, and regalia, and it was not possible to get a pound flour on the bazaar or a piece of meat?

And as he was a stupid landowner, he even snorted from his pleasure at the thought, which one he played, but then I remembered the words of the charge: "Do you know what it smells like?" - And Strestil is not a joke:

He became, as usual, walk back andad the rooms and everything thinks: "What does it smell? Will it smell like watering what? For example, Cheboksara? Or perhaps varnavine? "

- at least in Cheboksary, or something! At least, the world would be convinced, which means the hardness of the soul! - says the landowner, and he himself thinks about himself:

"In Cheboksary, I, maybe a man would see my lovely!"

She is like a landowner, and sit down, and again is like. What is neither suitable, everything seems to say:

"And stupid you, Mr. Lenser!" He sees, runs through the room a mouse and stealing to the cards that he did the Grand Solitaire and had enough enough to arouse the mouse appetite.

- Csh ... - He rushed to a mouse. But the mouse was smart and understood that the landowner could not make any harm to him. He only walked his tail in response to the terrible exclamation of the landowner and had already peeking him from under the sofa, as if: "Wait, a stupid landowner! it's only the beginning! I am not only the cards, and the bathrobe of your removes, how do you swing it as you should! "

Little, who never really passed, just sees the landowner, that in the garden he has a ruck of friction, in the bushes of the snake da shy, all sorts of silence are sishet, and in the park beasts wild treasures. One day a bear approached the estate itself, squatted, glancing in the windows on the landlord and licks.

- Senka! - cried out the landowner, but suddenly she unwound ... and I cried.

However, the hardness of the soul still did not leave it. Several times he weakened, but it will only feel that his heart will begin to dissolve, it will be rushed to the newspaper "Memorious" and one minute it works again.

"No, it's better to get very good, better let him wander with wild beasts in the forests, but no one says that the Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev, retreated from the principles!

And so he was wild. At least at that time it came already autumn, and the frosts were decent, but he did not even feel cold. He, from his head to the legs, around his hair, like an ancient Isau, and his nails became like iron. It has long ceased to be mad for a long time, she walked more and more on all fours and even wondered how he had not noticed that such a walk was the most decent and most convenient. Even the ability to pronounce self-searched sounds and learned some kind of victorious click, the average between the whistle, hiss and the rivet. But the tail has not yet purchased.

He will be released in his park, in which he once did not have a loose body, white, crumbly, like a cat, in one moment, take up to the top of the tree and sees from there. He comes running, this, hare, will fall on the rear legs and listens, whether there is no danger from where it is here. As if the arrow jumps off the tree, clinging to his prey, tear it with her nails, so with all the insides, even with the skin, and eat.

And he became strong terribly, before that Silen, that even considered himself the right to get into friendly intercourse with the very bear, which once looked at him in the window.

- Want, Mikhailo Ivanych, campaigns together for hares? He said to the bear.

- Want - why not want! - Bear answered, - Only, brother, you are in vain, the man destroyed it.

- And why?

- And because the man is not the example of this, no more than your brother nobleman. And therefore I will tell you straight: the stupid you are a landowner, even though a friend!

Meanwhile, Captain-Corps, though he patronized landlords, but in view of such a fact as the disappearance from the face of the Men's Earth, did not dream. I was alarmed by his report and the provincial bosses, writes to him: "And what do you think, who will now contribute? Who will drink wine on the kabaks? Who will be innocent practicing? " Captitip-correction is responsible: the treasury is now to abolish, and innocent-de classes and themselves abolished themselves, instead of them spread in the county robbery, robbery and murder. For days, de and his, correction, some kind of bear is not a bear, a person not a man almost impraited, in what a man-beast and suspects he suspects the most stupid landowner who is the whole smoothie.

The chiefs were disturbed and collected advice. We decided: a peasant to catch and put it, and the stupid to the stupid landlord, who all the confusion, to inspire, so that he stopped his fanfaroneism and did not hesitate to enter the treasury.

As fornately, at this time, through the provincial city, he flew by the swarm of the peasants and showered all the marketplace. Now these grace fought, planted in the film and sent to the county.

And suddenly, again smelled in the county with mealkinas and sheepskins; But at the same time, flour and meat appeared in the bazaar, and all sorts of livestock, and the serves did so much that the treasurer, having seen such a pile of money, only threw his hands from surprise and cried out:

- And where are you, shelms, take !!

"What was happening, however, with the landlord?" - Readers will ask me. I can say that, although with great difficulty, but also caught it. Blowing, now Almorskali, washed and cripped up nails. Then Captitipa Corps made him a proper suggestion, took away the newspaper "Message" and, having commissioned him to supervision Senka, left.

He is alive and donny. Encloses the Grand Solitaire, longing in the oldest life in the forests, is wound only for coercion and at times mice.

In a certain kingdom, in some state there was a landowner, lived and Light Glyadyuchi was happy. In all, he had pretty: both peasants, bread, and livestock, and land, and gardens. And he was a stupid landowner, read the newspaper "News" [political and literary newspaper (1863-1870), the organ of the reactive-noble opposition of the 60s] and the body had soft, white and crumbly.

Only and prayed once God, this landowner: - Lord! Everyone I am satisfied with you, everyone awarded! My heart is unnecessary only: I really divorced a lot in our kingdom of a man! But God knew that the landowner was stupid, and he did not inquire him. She sees a landowner that the peasant does not decrease every day, and everything comes, he sees and fears: "And well, how can I get all the good?" The landowner will look in the newspaper "Memory", as in sees it should do, and read: "Try!" - The only word is written, - the stupid landowner palls - and the gold is the word! And he began to try, and not so that somehow, but all by rule. Lee Peasant's chicken in the Lord oats will credit - now it, according to rule, in the soup; Whether the peasant is a secret in the Lord's forest gather - now these are the most firewood at the Lord, and from the rod, according to rule, fine. - More I spent these fines on them! - Says the landowner to their neighbors, - because for them it is clearer. They see men: although they have a stupid landowner, and the mind he is given great. He reduced them so that there is no way of the nose to be launched: where we look - everything can not, but not allowed, but not yours! The cattle on the waterman will be released - the landowner shouts: "My water!", Chicken for the Occolic will decide - the landowner screams: "My Earth!" And the earth, and water, and the air - all it has become! Luchin was not a peasant in the lights to light, the rod did not become what the hut is suitable. So they prayed the peasants to the Lord to the Lord: - Lord! It is easier for us to disappear and with children with small, rather than life so soas! Heard the gracious God, the tear prayer orphans, and did not become a man on the entire space of possessions of the stupid landlord. Where did the man, nobody noticed, but only saw people, how suddenly a punchy whirlwind rose and, as if a cloud of black, swept back in the air. The landowner came out to the balcony, pulled his nose and depletely: the air was pure-repurant in all his possessions. Naturally, he was satisfied. Thinks: "Now I will sway my body whites, the body is white, loose, crumbly!" And he began to live yes, wait and began to think than to console his soul. "Head, thinks the theater! I will write to the actor Sadovsky: come, they say, kind of friend! And the actor will bring with me!" Actor Sadovsky listened to him: he himself arrived and the actor brought. Only sees that the house in the house is empty and put the theater and a curtain to raise some. - Where are you the peasants of their deval? - asks the Sadovsky at the landlord. - But God, on my prayer, all my possessions from the man cleared! - However, brother, stupid you are a landowner! Who is stupid to you, wash it? - Yes, I'm already and how many days do I go! - Because of the champignons on the face of rolling gathered? Said Sadovsky, and with this word and left himself, and the actor took away. He remembered the landowner that he had four general of acquaintances nearby; Thinks: "What is this I am all Granpasyanse da Granpasyan dislocation! I will try to play a different pool with generals in the generals!" Said - Made: I wrote invitations, I appointed a day and sent letters to the address. The generals were even real, but hungry, and therefore they came very soon. We arrived - and can not put as it was why the landowner had clean air. - And because it is, the landowner boasts, - that God, according to my prayer, all the possessions of my peasant cleaned! - Oh, how good it is! - The generals of the landowner are praised, - it became, now you will not have this hoppy smell? "Not at all," the landowner answers. Played a bullet, played another; The generals feel that they came to drink their hour to drink, come into anxiety, look around. - Should you, gentlemen generals, wanted to eat? - asks the landowner. - Not bad, Mr. Dencher! He got up because of the table, walked over to the closure and takes out from there on the lollipop, but on the printed gingerbread for each person. - What is it? - Ask generals, having staring at him. - But, climb what God sent! - Yes, we would be beef! Beefs would us! - Well, I have no beef about you, gentlemen generals, because since I got rid of me from a man, and the stove in the kitchen stands non-well! The generals were angry at him, so even their teeth were careful. - Why do you eat something like that? - They pounced on him. - The raw material in some way I eat, yes here the gingerbread is still still ... - However, brother, the stupid you are a landowner! - said generals and, not finishing the bulk, spread home. She sees a landowner that he was already a fool as another time, and he wanted to think, but since at this time the deck of cards came across his eyes, he waved at all his hand and began to lay Granpasyan. "Let's see," says, "Lord Liberals, who will overcome whom!" I will prove you to make the true hardness of the soul! He emphasizes the "Lady Caprice" and thinks: "If it will work, it will be three times, it has become necessary to disappear." And how it came out how many times it is spread - everything goes out, everything comes out! There is no doubt that there is no doubt. "Well, if," says, the fortune itself indicates, it became necessary to remain hard to the end. And now, as long as, pretty Granpazyans lay out, I will go, wound! And he walks, walks around the rooms, then he sits and sit down. And everything thinks. Thinks what kind of cars from England will write down, so that everything is ferry, and the Khopovsky Spirit is not at all. Thinks what kind of fruit garden is breeding: "Here there will be pears, plums; here - peaches, here - walnut!" I will look into the window - en there everything, as he conceived, everything is exactly so there is! Break, at a prominent class, under the load of fruit trees, pears, peach, apricot, and he only knows fruit with cars collects yes in his mouth puts! Thinks what kind of cows he collects, that neither skin, no meat, but all one milk, all milk! Thinks what kind of strawberry he is to sleep, all double and triple, five berries per pound, and how much he sells this strawberries in Moscow. Finally I get tired of thinking, it will take a mirror to look - and there are dust on the top of the village ... - Senka! "He suddenly shouts, but then she would say and say," well, let yourself stay so much before that time! " And I will prove with these liberals that can make the hardness of the soul! Women up with such a manner, as long as he smumes, - and sleep! And in a dream dreams even more cheerful than revealing, dreaming. He dreams that the governor himself learned about such a landlord of adequateness and asked by Corp. "What kind of solid Kuritsyn son did you have in the use?" Then it dreams that he was made for this very adamance of the minister, and he walks in the ribbons, and the circulars writes: "To be solid and not lit!" Then it dreams that he walks on the shores of Euphrates and Tiger ... [That is, according to biblical legends, in paradise] - Eve, my friend! - He says. But here everyone revised everyone: you need to get up. - Senka! - He screams again, forgetting, but suddenly remember ... and goes down his head. - What would, however do? - He asks himself, - at least Leshego some hard brought! And on this, he suddenly arrives the captain-fixer himself. He was delighted to him a stupid landowner in extremely; ran into the ward, took out two printed gingerbread and thinks: "Well, this one seems to be satisfied!" - Tell me, please, master the landowner, what is the miracle all your temporary [in accordance with the provisions of February 19, the peasants exempted from the serfdom were obliged to temporarily, before entering into an agreement with the landowner on the repurchase of land, to work on it] suddenly disappeared? - Asks the correctioner. - And so, God, according to my prayer, all the possessions of my man often cleaned! - so-s; Do not you know, Mr. Lenser, who will pay for them for them? - Podachi? .. that's them! This is them yourself! These are their sacred debt and duty! - so-s; And what kind of manner this file can be recovered from them, if they, by your prayer, is scattered on the face of the earth? - IT IT ... I do not know ... I, on my part, I do not agree to pay! - And whether you are known to you, Mr. Dencher, that the Treasury without filse and duties, and even more so without wine and salt regalia [State monopoly for sale, the royal right to receive income], can not exist? - I am ... I'm ready! Wallpaper vodka ... I'll pay! - Yes, do you know that, by the grace of yours, we have a piece of meat in the bazaar, you can not buy a piece of bread? Do you know what it smells? - Mile! I, on my part, ready to donate! Here are the whole two gingerbread! - You are stupid, Mr. Lenser! - Milns, turned and left, without looking even on printed gingerbread. Thought this time the landowner is not a joke. That's the third person honors his fool, the third person will look, look at him, plit and go away. Is it really a fool? Surely, the inflexibility that he had so cherished in his soul, translated into an ordinary language means only nonsense and madness? And Surely, as a result of one of his inflexibility, they stopped and stopped, and regalia, and it was not possible to get a pound flour on the bazaar or a piece of meat? And as he was a stupid landowner, he even snorted from pleasure at the thought, which he played, but then I remembered the words of the charge: "Do you know what it smells?" - And Strestil is not a joke. He began, as usual, walk back fell back on the rooms and everything thinks: "What does it smell? Doesn't it smell like watering what? For example, Cheboksars? Or, perhaps, varnavine?" - at least in Cheboksary, or something! At least, the world would be convinced, which means the hardness of the soul! - says the landowner, and he himself thinks of himself: "In Cheboksary, I, maybe a man would see my lovely!" She is like a landowner, and sit down, and again is like. What is going on, everything seems to be, and says: "And the stupid you, Mr. Lenser!" He sees, running through the room a mouse and steals to the maps that he did Granptasians and was enough enough to arouse the mouse appetite. - Csh ... - He rushed to a mouse. But the mouse was smart and understood that the landowner could not make any harm to him. He only walked the tail in response to the terrible exclamation of the landowner and had already peeking out on him from under the sofa, as if: "Wait, a stupid landowner! it's only the beginning! I am not only the cards, and the bathrobe of your removes, how do you possess it as you should! "Many of whether it has never happened, just sees the landowner, that in the garden he has a fringe fringe, in the bushes of the snake da shy In the park, animals are wild. One day the bear approached the estate itself, sat down in squatting, glances in the windows on the landowner and licks. - Senka! - cried down the landowner, but suddenly she unwound ... And I was crying. However, the hardness of the soul still did not leave His. Several times he weakened, but as soon as he would like to dissolve his heart, now it will be rushed to the newspaper "Element" and in one minute it feels again. - No, it's better to wander with wild beasts. , But no one says that the Russian nobleman, the prince of Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev, retreated from the principles! And now he is wild. At least at that time, the autumn and frost came to be decent, but he did not even feel cold. All he, with heads to legs, around the hair, as if an ancient Isau, and n He had a fire with iron. It has long ceased to be mad for a long time, she walked more and more on all fours and even wondered how he had not noticed that such a walk was the most decent and most convenient. Even the ability to pronounce self-searched sounds and learned some kind of victorious click, the average between the whistle, hiss and the rivet. But the tail has not yet purchased. He will be released in his park, in which he once did not have a loose body, white, crumbly, like a cat, in one moment, take up to the top of the tree and sees from there. He comes running, this, hare, will fall on the rear legs and listens, whether there is no danger from where it is here. As if the arrow jumps off the tree, clinging to his prey, tear it with her nails, so with all the insides, even with the skin, and eat. And he became strong terribly, before that Silen, that even considered himself the right to get into friendly intercourse with the very bear, which once looked at him in the window. - Want, Mikhail Ivanovich, campaigns together for hares? He said to the bear. - Want - why not want! - Bear answered, - Only, brother, you are in vain, the peasant destroyed it! -- And why? - And because the man is not the example of this, no more than your brother nobleman. And therefore I will tell you straight: the stupid you are a landowner, even though a friend! Meanwhile, Captain-Corps, though he patronized the landowners, but in view of such a fact like the disappearance from the face of the Men's Earth, did not dream. It was alarmed by his report and the provincial authorities, writes to him: "And what do you think, who is now Podachi will enter? Who will drink wine on the kabaks? Who will be innocent practicing?" Captitip-correction is responsible: the treasury is now to abolish, and innocent-de classes and themselves abolished themselves, instead of them spread in the county robbery, robbery and murder. For days, de and his, correction, some kind of bear is not a bear, a person not a man almost impraited, in what a man-beast and suspects he suspects the most stupid landowner who is the whole smoothie. The chiefs were disturbed and collected advice. We decided: a peasant to catch and put it, and the stupid to the stupid landlord, who all the confusion, to inspire, so that he stopped his fanfaroneism and did not hesitate to enter the treasury. As fornately, at this time, through the provincial city, he flew by the swarm of the peasants and showered all the marketplace. Now these grace fought, planted in the film and sent to the county. And suddenly, again smelled in the county with mealkinas and sheepskins; But at the same time, flour and meat, meat, and all sorts of livery appeared in the bazaar, and the filters did so much that the treasurer, seeing such a chest of money, only threw his hands from surprise and screamed: - And where are you, shelms, take it !! "What was happening, however, with landlord?" - Readers will ask me. I can say that, although with great difficulty, but also caught it. Blowing, now Almorskali, washed and cripped up nails. Then Captitipa-Forus made him a proper suggestion, took away the newspaper "Elementary" and, having commissioned him to supervise Senka, left. He is alive and donny. Encloses Granpazyanse, longing in the oldest life in the forests, washed only for coercion and at times it mock.

The fairy tale "Wild landowner" M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin roses the negligent and stupid bodies and elevates peasant labor. She teaches children to appreciate and respect someone else's work. It attracts a simple Russian narrative language to which the writer describes the hardworking peasants and rural life, as well as the nature of the evil landowner. The situation in the fairy tale is brought to the present absurdity: the landowner gets rid of the peasants hated by him. But suddenly realizes that without them there was no better than he expected. On the contrary, everything only worsened. He even stopped washing, cut his nails, around his hair, became completely helpless. In general, very wild.

Wild landmark

In a certain kingdom, in some state there was a landowner, lived and Light Glyadyuchi was happy. In all, he had pretty: both peasants, bread, and livestock, and land, and gardens. And he was a stupid landowner, read the newspaper "News" [political and literary newspaper (1863-1870), the organ of the reactive-noble opposition of the 60s] and the body had soft, white and crumbly.

Only the landowner would only prayed:

Lord! Everyone I am satisfied with you, everyone awarded! My heart is unnecessary only: I really divorced a lot in our kingdom of a man!

But God knew that the landowner was stupid, and he did not inquire him.

She sees a landowner that the peasant does not decrease every day, and everything comes, he sees and fears: "And well, how can I get all the good?"

The landowner will look in the newspaper "Memory", as in sees it should do, and read: "Try!"

The only word is written, - the stupid landowner is polly, - and the golden word is!

And he began to try, and not so that somehow, but all by rule. Lee Peasant's chicken in the Lord oats will credit - now it, according to rule, in the soup; Whether the peasant is a secret in the Lord's forest gather - now these are the most firewood at the Lord, and from the rod, according to rule, fine.

More I now act with these fines on them! - Says the landowner to their neighbors, - because for them it is clearer.

They see men: although they have a stupid landowner, and the mind he is given great. He reduced them so that there is no way of the nose to be launched: where we look - everything can not, but not allowed, but not yours! The cattle on the waterman will be released - the landowner shouts: "My water!", Chicken for the Occolic will decide - the landowner screams: "My Earth!" And the earth, and water, and the air - all it has become! Luchin was not a peasant in the lights to light, the rod did not become what the hut is suitable. So they prayed the peasants with the whole world to the Lord God:

Lord! It is easier for us to disappear and with children with small, rather than life so soas!

Heard the gracious God, the tear prayer orphans, and did not become a man on the entire space of possessions of the stupid landlord. Where did the man, nobody noticed, but only saw people, how suddenly a punchy whirlwind rose and, as if a cloud of black, swept back in the air. The landowner came out to the balcony, pulled his nose and depletely: the air was pure-repurant in all his possessions. Naturally, he was satisfied. Thinks: "Now I will sway my body whites, the body is white, loose, crumbly!"

And he began to live yes, wait and began to think than to console his soul.

"Head, thinks the theater! I will write to the actor Sadovsky: come, they say, kind of friend! And the actor will bring with me!"

Actor Sadovsky listened to him: he himself arrived and the actor brought. Only sees that the house in the house is empty and put the theater and a curtain to raise some.

Where are you the peasants of their deval? - asks the Sadovsky at the landlord.

But God, on my prayer, all my possessions from the man cleared!

However, brother, stupid you are a landowner! Who is stupid to you, wash it?

Yes, I'm already going how many days I go!

Because of the champignons on the face of Rostyat gathered? Said Sadovsky, and with this word and left himself, and the actor took away.

He remembered the landowner that he had four general of acquaintances nearby; Thinks: "What is this I am all Granpasyanse da Granpasyan dislocation! I will try to play a different pool with generals in the generals!"

Said - Made: I wrote invitations, I appointed a day and sent letters to the address. The generals were even real, but hungry, and therefore they came very soon. We arrived - and can not put as it was why the landowner had clean air.

And because it is, - the landowner boasts, - that God, on my prayer, all the possessions of my peasant cleaned!

Oh, how good is it! - The generals of the landowner are praised, - it became, now you will not have this hoppy smell?

Not at all, - answers the landowner.

Played a bullet, played another; The generals feel that they came to drink their hour to drink, come into anxiety, look around.

Should you, gentlemen generals, wanted to eat? - asks the landowner.

Not bad, Mr. Lenser!

He got up because of the table, walked over to the closure and takes out from there on the lollipop, but on the printed gingerbread for each person.

What is it? - Ask generals, having staring at him.

But, climb what God sent!

Yes, we would be beef! Beefs would us!

Well, I have no beef about you about you, gentlemen generals, because since I got rid of me from a man, and the stove in the kitchen stands non-well!

The generals were angry at him, so even their teeth were careful.

Why do you feel something yourself? - They pounced on him.

The raw material in some way I eat, yes here the gingerbread is still as long as ...

However, brother, stupid you are a landowner! - said generals and, not finishing the bulk, spread home.

She sees a landowner that he was already a fool as another time, and he wanted to think, but since at this time the deck of cards came across his eyes, he waved at all his hand and began to lay Granpasyan.

Let's see, - says - Lord Liberals, who will overcome whom! I will prove you to make the true hardness of the soul!

He emphasizes the "Lady Caprice" and thinks: "If it will work, it will be three times, it has become necessary to disappear." And how it came out how many times it is spread - everything goes out, everything comes out! There is no doubt that there is no doubt.

If, - says, - Fortuna itself indicates, it became necessary to remain hard to the end. And now, as long as, pretty Granpazyans lay out, I will go, wound!

And he walks, walks around the rooms, then he sits and sit down. And everything thinks. Thinks what kind of cars from England will write down, so that everything is ferry, and the Khopovsky Spirit is not at all. Thinks what kind of fruit garden is breeding: "Here there will be pears, plums; here - peaches, here - walnut!" I will look into the window - en there everything, as he conceived, everything is exactly so there is! Break, at a prominent class, under the load of fruit trees, pears, peach, apricot, and he only knows fruit with cars collects yes in his mouth puts! Thinks what kind of cows he collects, that neither skin, no meat, but all one milk, all milk! Thinks what kind of strawberry he is to sleep, all double and triple, five berries per pound, and how much he sells this strawberries in Moscow. Finally I get tired of thinking, go to the mirror to look around - and there are dust on the top of the lounge ...

Senka! "He suddenly shouts, but then she would say and say," well, let yourself stay so much before that time! " And I will prove with these liberals that can make the hardness of the soul!

Women up with such a manner, as long as he smumes, - and sleep!

And in a dream dreams even more cheerful than revealing, dreaming. He dreams that the governor himself learned about such a landlord of adequateness and asked by Corp. "What kind of solid Kuritsyn son did you have in the use?" Then it dreams that he was made for this very adamance of the minister, and he walks in the ribbons, and the circulars writes: "To be solid and not lit!" Then it dreams that he walks along the shores of Euphrates and Tiger ... [That is, according to biblical legends, in paradise]

Eve, my friend! - He says.

But here everyone revised everyone: you need to get up.

Senka! - He screams again, forgetting, but suddenly remember ... and goes down his head.

What would, however do? - He asks himself, - at least Leshego some hard brought!

And on this, he suddenly arrives the captain-fixer himself. He was delighted to him a stupid landowner in extremely; ran into the ward, took out two printed gingerbread and thinks: "Well, this one seems to be satisfied!"

Tell me, please, master the landowner, what is the miracle all of your temporary [in accordance with the provisions of February 19, the peasants were required to temporarily, before conclusion with the landowner on the redemption of the Earth, to work on it] suddenly disappeared? - Asks the correctioner.

And so, God, God, according to my prayer, all the possessions of my man from the man completely cleaned!

So-s; Do not you know, Mr. Lenser, who will pay for them for them?

Podachi? .. that's them! This is them yourself! These are their sacred debt and duty!

So-s; And what kind of manner this file can be recovered from them, if they, by your prayer, is scattered on the face of the earth?

IT IT ... I do not know ... I, on my part, I do not agree to pay!

Is it known whether you are known to you, the landowner, that the Treasury without filse and duties, and even more so without wine and salt regalia [State monopoly for sale, the royal right to receive income], can not exist?

I am ... I'm ready! Wallpaper vodka ... I'll pay!

Yes, do you know that, by the grace of yours, we can not buy a piece of meat on the bazaar or a pound of bread? Do you know what it smells?

Mill! I, on my part, ready to donate! Here are the whole two gingerbread!

You are stupid, Mr. Dencher! - Milns, turned and left, without looking even on printed gingerbread.

Thought this time the landowner is not a joke. That's the third person honors his fool, the third person will look, look at him, plit and go away. Is it really a fool? Surely, the inflexibility that he had so cherished in his soul, translated into an ordinary language means only nonsense and madness? And Surely, as a result of one of his inflexibility, they stopped and stopped, and regalia, and it was not possible to get a pound flour on the bazaar or a piece of meat?

And as he was a stupid landowner, he even snorted from pleasure at the thought, which he played, but then I remembered the words of the charge: "Do you know what it smells?" - And Strestil is not a joke.

He began, as usual, walk back fell back on the rooms and everything thinks: "What does it smell? Doesn't it smell like watering what? For example, Cheboksars? Or, perhaps, varnavine?"

At least in Cheboksary, or something! At least, the world would be convinced, which means the hardness of the soul! - says the landowner, and he himself thinks of himself: "In Cheboksary, I, maybe a man would see my lovely!"

She is like a landowner, and sit down, and again is like. What is going on, everything seems to be, and says: "And the stupid you, Mr. Lenser!" He sees, running through the room a mouse and steals to the maps that he did Granptasians and was enough enough to arouse the mouse appetite.

Cshch ... - He rushed to a mouse.

But the mouse was smart and understood that the landowner could not make any harm to him. He only walked the tail in response to the terrible exclamation of the landowner and had already peeking him from under the sofa, as if said: "Waiting, a stupid landowner! Whether it will be! I'm not only a card, but also a dressing of your removal like you It is possessed as it should! "

Little, who never really passed, just sees the landowner, that in the garden he has a ruck of friction, in the bushes of the snake da shy, all sorts of silence are sishet, and in the park beasts wild treasures. One day a bear approached the estate itself, squatted, glancing in the windows on the landlord and licks.

Senka! - cried out the landowner, but suddenly she unwound ... and I cried.

However, the hardness of the soul still did not leave it. Several times he weakened, but as soon as he would feel that his heart would be dissolved, it would be rushed to the newspaper "News" and one minute it feels again.

No, it is better to get very good, better to wander with wild beasts in the forests, but no one will say that the Russian nobleman, the prince of Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev, and retreated from the principles!

And so he was wild. At least at this time, the autumn and frost came already, but he did not feel even the cold. He, from his head to the legs, around his hair, like an ancient Isau, and his nails became like iron. It has long ceased to be mad for a long time, she walked more and more on all fours and even wondered how he had not noticed that such a walk was the most decent and most convenient. Even the ability to pronounce self-searched sounds and learned some kind of victorious click, the average between the whistle, hiss and the rivet. But the tail has not yet purchased.

He will be released in his park, in which he once did not have a loose body, white, crumbly, like a cat, in one moment, take up to the top of the tree and sees from there. He comes running, this, hare, will fall on the rear legs and listens, whether there is no danger from where it is here. As if the arrow jumps off the tree, clinging to his prey, tear it with her nails, so with all the insides, even with the skin, and eat.

And he became strong terribly, before that Silen, that even considered himself the right to get into friendly intercourse with the very bear, which once looked at him in the window.

Want, Mikhail Ivanovich, campaigns together for hares? He said to the bear.

Want - why not want! - Bear answered, - Only, brother, you are in vain, the peasant destroyed it!

And why?

And because the man is not an example of this, no more than your brother nobleman. And therefore I will tell you straight: the stupid you are a landowner, even though a friend!

Meanwhile, Captain-Corps, though he patronized the landowners, but in view of such a fact like the disappearance from the face of the Men's Earth, did not dream. It was alarmed by his report and the provincial authorities, writes to him: "And what do you think, who is now Podachi will enter? Who will drink wine on the kabaks? Who will be innocent practicing?" Captitip-correction is responsible: the treasury is now to abolish, and innocent-de classes and themselves abolished themselves, instead of them spread in the county robbery, robbery and murder. For days, de and his, correction, some kind of bear is not a bear, a person not a man almost impraited, in what a man-beast and suspects he suspects the most stupid landowner who is the whole smoothie.

The chiefs were disturbed and collected advice. We decided: a peasant to catch and put it, and the stupid to the stupid landlord, who all the confusion, to inspire, so that he stopped his fanfaroneism and did not hesitate to enter the treasury.

As fornately, at this time, through the provincial city, he flew by the swarm of the peasants and showered all the marketplace. Now these grace fought, planted in the film and sent to the county.

And suddenly, again smelled in the county with mealkinas and sheepskins; But at the same time, flour and meat appeared in the bazaar, and all sorts of livestock, and the serves did so much that the treasurer, having seen such a pile of money, only threw his hands from surprise and cried out:

And where are you, shelms, take !!

"What was happening, however, with landlord?" - Readers will ask me. I can say that, although with great difficulty, but also caught it. Blowing, now Almorskali, washed and cripped up nails. Then Captitipa-Forus made him a proper suggestion, took away the newspaper "Elementary" and, having commissioned him to supervise Senka, left.

He is alive and donny. Encloses Granpazyanse, longing in the oldest life in the forests, washed only for coercion and at times it mock.

At the lesson, you will get acquainted with the theme of the finishes of serfdom in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, on the example of the fairy tale "Wild landowner". You consider its genre features and highlight the main satirical methods for creating a landlord image.

That is why M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin appealed to this genre. His fairy tales is a separate, independent stage of his work, about the appearance of which S.-M. I reasoned like this: "I am obliged to write allegorically to the habit ... the censorship. It tormented Russian literature to such an extent, as if he swore to erase it from the face of the earth. But the literature persevened in the desire to live and therefore resorted to fraudulent means ... "

Their political fairy tales S.-S. Writes from 1883 to 1886. In them, the writer truthfully reflected the life of Russia, in which the despotic and omnipotes destroyers destroy the hardworking men. A bright example was the fairy tale "Wild landowner", which is written quite sarcastically and witty.

Analysis of the fairy tale S.-W. "Wild landowner"

In this fairy tale, the landower dreamed of getting rid of the "Kholop Spirit" in his possessions. Finally, all the men "miraculously" disappear. First, the landowner enjoys clean air, but then the farm comes in decline, and the landowner himself completely laid, sank, turned into an animal.

Reading the work of the "wild landowner", we immediately refer it to the genre of fairy tales:

  1. Fabulous zinch: "In some kingdom, in some state there was a landowner."
  2. Single "fabulous" formulas: "Many, if there is no time"; "No sooner said than done…".
  3. Fantastic elements: "Suddenly, a punchy whirlwind rose and, as if a cloud of black, swept back in the air the prerequisites of men"; A spectacling bear, "Roy Men."
  4. Hyperbole (exaggeration): "both Earth and water, and air - all his (landlord) has become!"; "Thinks what kind of cows he collects, that neither skin, no meat, but all one milk, all milk!".

The presence of fabulous elements does not interfere with understanding the depth of the conflict affected by the author in this work. This conflict is realistic and acutely socially. It is connected with the political situation in Russia after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the peasants still depended in many respects from the landowner. Here as describes the S.-st. Their life: "He reduced [the landowner] of them so that there is no place for the nose to be narrowed: where we look - everything can not, but not allowed, but not yours! The cattle on the waterman will be released - the landowner shouts: "My water!", Chicken for the Occolic will decide - the landowner screams: "My Earth!" And the earth, and water, and the air - all it has become! Luchin did not have a peasant in the lights to light, the rod did not become what the hut is reciprocated. "

The landowner can be called cruel, greedy, despotic. Such an attitude of the landowner to the peasants was inadequate. It is no coincidence that the newspaper "Element" is mentioned in the fairy tale, which the landowner reads. It is its materials that he takes as a basis as a guide to action: "The landowner will look in the newspaper" Element ", as in sees it should do, and read."

The newspaper "News" was the printed organ of the nobility, dissatisfied with the peasant reform. Many nobles have seen a mistake in the fact that the legislative power elected the system of peasant self-government, instead of leaving the administrative authority in the hands of landowners. They believed that the landowners were ruined as a result. By the way, this newspaper was published first weekly, and then daily by edition of 4,000 copies.

And he reads the landowner to the newspaper and is experiencing, "that the man does not decrease every day, and everything comes, he sees and fears:" And how do I have everything good and coming? "

So, from the very beginning, we begin to perceive the image of the landlord as collective, which is typical of the typical features of this class.

The name of the offacarious Russian nobleman is by no means Russian - Prince Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev. Before us, one of the methods of allegory: speaking surname. This Turkic surname arose not by chance. Only the Orda Igo can be compared with the IGO fortress, only the enemy will think the population will "cut" the population, destroy the Russian breadwinner.

When reading a fairy tale striking the most commonly used by the author epithet:stupid landfill. But if in Russian folk tales, Ivanushka-fool is not a fool at all, the landowner in the fairy tale S.-H. really stupid. After all, he does not understand the obvious: his whole life depends on the peasants. Let's see which the life of the landowner without men - workers:

  1. Can not be taken to take away.
  2. It can not serve myself (neither wash nor dressed or cook).

As a result, the house and the farm came to be launched. But, despite all this, the stupid landowner continues to stand on his own, so to speak "the hardness of the soul" in itself develops. And dreams of how he will heal without peasants: "Thinks what kind of cars from England will write out, so that everything is ferry, and the Khopovsky spirit so as not to anything."

Fig. 2. Illustration ()

If earlier he "the body had a soft, white and crumbly" and "lived and looked at the light of Glyadyuchi," now I can not find out: "He's all, from head to the legs, around the hair, like an ancient Isau, and his nails have become like iron. It has long ceased to be mad for a long time, I walked more and more on all fours ... I even lost the ability to pronounce the self-searched sounds and learned some special victorious click, the average between the whistle, hiss and rivekan. But the tail has not yet acquired. "

We see a complete physical and spiritual wedding of a person: "He will be released into his park, in which he once did not have a loose body, white, crumbly, like a cat, in one moment, take up to the top of the tree and wakes out from there. He comes running, this, hare, will fall on the rear legs and listens, whether there is no danger from where it is here. As if the arrow jumps from the tree, clinging to his prey, tear her with her nails, so with all the insides, even with the skin, and eat. "

In this way, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale was the fact that the landowner without a peasant could not live and can not.In addition, the author wanted to show the meaning of the peasantry in the economy of all Russia. After all, the disappearance of the peasants in the ownership of the landowner led to sad consequences in the whole of the province. Captain-Favorman comes to the landowner. He is very concerned that « in the bazaar, it is impossible to buy a piece of meat or pound. " "The bosses were disturbed and collected advice. We decided: a peasant to catch and harves up, and the stupid to the stupid landlord, who inspires the whole confuse, so that he stopped his fanfaroneism and he did not revenge on the treasury.

The fairy tale ends that the wild landowner was caught, the human appearance was returned to him and forced to lead the former lifestyle. And what about the peasants?

"As fornacarly, at that time, by the provincial city flew by the swarm of the peasants and silence the entire marketplace. Now these grace was fought, put in a shuttlecock and sent to the county. "It is shown by chain-handed metaphor "Roy Men." The reader immediately appears an association with ROOM bee. And as you know, the bee is a symbol of a worker. Of course, it is a grotesque image, but a bitter truth is expressed in fantastic form. The men are likened to wordless creatures living her arms. Shchedrin sincerely complains that the people are too patient, scored and dark.

Contemporaries S.-S. Highly appreciated satirical gift. So, for example, Sophia Kovalevskaya wrote: "His name will remain in history not only as the name of the Great Pamphletist, whom Russia ever knew, but also as the name of a great citizen who did not give a mercy, no rest to oppressor thoughts. Shchedrin really lived only with his time, but as Guete said well: "Who lived for his time, he lived for all times."

Theory of literature

In fairy tales, Shchedrin manifested himself a brilliant artist. He showed himself a master Esopovsky languageWith the help of which it was able to convey to the reader an acute political thought.

The expression is associated with the name of the legendary Greek basinist of Ezopa, who lived, by legend, in the VI century BC. Esop, being a slave, could not speak freely, openly. He was forced to resort to an allegorical (allegorical) fastened form of expression of his thoughts. Hence, any ability to speak or express your thoughts allegorically, parables, allegories, got the name of the Ezopov language.

Satira (lat. Satira) is a comic manifestation in art, which is a poetic impact of phenomena using various comic funds: sarcasm, irony, hyperbolas, grotesque, allegories, parodies, etc.

  1. Didactic materials on literature grade 7. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - 2008
  2. Homework on literature for grade 7 (cow). Author - Tishchenko O.A. - year 2012
  3. Literature lessons in grade 7. Author - Kuteyankova N.E. - year 2009
  4. Literature textbook Grade 7. Part 1. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2012
  5. Literature textbook Grade 7. Part 2. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2009
  6. Textbook-Reader in literature Grade 7. Authors: Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. - year 2012
  7. Textbook-Reader in literature Grade 7. Part 1. Author - Kurdyumova T.F. - 2011
  8. Fochrestomy in literature for grade 7 to the textbook Korovina.
  1. Fab: Dictionary of Literary Terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and concepts ().
  3. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language ().
  4. S.-S. Wild landowner ().
  5. S.-S. Biography ().
  1. Compare the fairy tales of the "wild landowner" and "the story about how one man's two generals punished." What unites them?
  2. Read the fairy tale S.-S. (to choose). Find in the text the features of the tales genre. Determine the topic, idea, conflict. Create examples of satire, irony.
  3. Think what is the relevance of the fairy tales of the S.-st.?

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Wild landmark

In a certain kingdom, in some state there was a landowner, lived and Light Glyadyuchi was happy. In all, he had pretty: both peasants, bread, and livestock, and land, and gardens. And he was the landowner stupid, read the newspaper "Meet" and the body had soft, white and crumbly.

Only the landowner would only prayed:

Lord! Everyone I am satisfied with you, everyone awarded! My heart is unnecessary only: I really divorced a lot in our kingdom of a man!

But God knew that the landowner was stupid, and he did not inquire him.

She sees a landowner that the man does not decrease every day, and everything comes, he sees and fears: "Well, how can I get all the good?"

The landowner will look at the newspaper "News", as in sees it should do, and read: "Try!"

The only word is written, - the stupid landowner is polly, - and the golden word is!

And he began to try, and not so that somehow, but all by rule. Lee Peasant's chicken in the Lord oats will credit - now it, according to rule, in the soup; Whether the peasant is a secret in the Lord's forest gather - now these are the most firewood at the Lord, and from the rod, according to rule, fine.

More I now act with these fines on them! - Says the landowner to their neighbors, - because for them it is clearer.

They see men: although they have a stupid landowner, and the mind he is given great. He reduced them so that there is no way of the nose to be launched: where we look - everything can not, but not allowed, but not yours! The cattle on the waterman will be released - the landowner shouts: "My water!", Chicken for the Occolic will decide - the landowner screams: "My Earth!" And the earth, and water, and the air - all it has become! Luchin was not a peasant in the lights to light, the rod did not become what the hut is suitable. So they prayed the peasants with the whole world to the Lord God:

Lord! It is easier for us to disappear and with children with small, rather than life so soas!

Heard the gracious God, the tear prayer orphans, and did not become a man on the entire space of possessions of the stupid landlord. Where did the man, nobody noticed, but only saw people, how suddenly a punchy whirlwind rose and, as if a cloud of black, swept back in the air. The landowner came out to the balcony, pulled his nose and depletely: the air was pure-repurant in all his possessions. Naturally, he was satisfied. Thinks: "Now I will drain my body whites, the body is white, loose, crumbly!"

And he began to live yes, wait and began to think than to console his soul.

"Saved, thinks the theater! I will write to the actor Sadovsky: come, they say, kind friend! And the actor act with you! "

Actor Sadovsky listened to him: he himself arrived and the actor brought. Only sees that the house in the house is empty and put the theater and a curtain to raise some.

Where are you the peasants of their deval? - asks the Sadovsky at the landlord.

But God, on my prayer, all my possessions from the man cleared!

However, brother, stupid you are a landowner! Who is stupid to you, wash it?

Yes, I'm already going how many days I go!

Because of the champignons on the face of Rostyat gathered? Said Sadovsky, and with this word and left himself, and the actor took away.

He remembered the landowner that he had four general of acquaintances nearby; Thinks: "What is this I am all Granpazyanse da Granpasyanse lay out! I will try, I am with the generals of the fillet of the bullet-other play! "

Said - Made: I wrote invitations, I appointed a day and sent letters to the address. The generals were even real, but hungry, and therefore they came very soon. We arrived - and can not put as it was why the landowner had clean air.

And because it is, - the landowner boasts, - that God, on my prayer, all the possessions of my peasant cleaned!

Oh, how good is it! - The generals of the landowner are praised, - it became, now you will not have this hoppy smell?

Not at all, - answers the landowner.

Played a bullet, played another; The generals feel that they came to drink their hour to drink, come into anxiety, look around.

Should you, gentlemen generals, wanted to eat? - asks the landowner.

Not bad, Mr. Lenser!

He got up because of the table, walked over to the closure and takes out from there on the lollipop, but on the printed gingerbread for each person.

What is it? - Ask generals, having staring at him.

But, climb what God sent!

Yes, we would be beef! Beefs would us!

Well, I have no beef about you about you, gentlemen generals, because since I got rid of me from a man, and the stove in the kitchen stands non-well!

The generals were angry at him, so even their teeth were careful.

Why do you feel something yourself? - They pounced on him.

The raw material in some way I eat, yes here the gingerbread is still as long as ...

However, brother, stupid you are a landowner! - said generals and, not finishing the bulk, spread home.

She sees a landowner that he was already a fool as another time, and he wanted to think, but since at this time the deck of cards came across his eyes, he waved at all his hand and began to lay Granpasyan.

Let's see, - says - Lord Liberals, who will overcome whom! I will prove you to make the true hardness of the soul!

He emphasizes the "Ladies' Caprice" and thinks: "If it stops three times, it began to be, it is necessary to disappear." And how it came out how many times it is spread - everything goes out, everything comes out! There is no doubt that there is no doubt.

If, - says, - Fortuna itself indicates, it became necessary to remain hard to the end. And now, as long as, pretty Granpazyans lay out, I will go, wound!

And he walks, walks around the rooms, then he sits and sit down. And everything thinks. Thinks what kind of cars from England will write down, so that everything is ferry, and the Khopovsky Spirit is not at all. Thinks what kind of fruit garden he divorces: "Here there will be pears, plums; Here - Peaches, here - Walnut! " I will look into the window - en there everything, as he conceived, everything is exactly so there is! Break, at a prominent class, under the load of fruit trees, pears, peach, apricot, and he only knows fruit with cars collects yes in his mouth puts! Thinks what kind of cows he collects, that neither skin, no meat, but all one milk, all milk! Thinks what kind of strawberry he is to sleep, all double and triple, five berries per pound, and how much he sells this strawberries in Moscow. Finally I get tired of thinking, go to the mirror to look around - and there are dust on the top of the lounge ...

Senka! "He suddenly shouts, but then she would say and say," well, let yourself stay so much before that time! " And I will prove with these liberals that can make the hardness of the soul!

Women up with such a manner, as long as he smumes, - and sleep!

And in a dream dreams even more cheerful than revealing, dreaming. His dreams that the governor himself learned about such a landlocker inflexibility and asked by Corp. "What kind of solid Kuritsyn son did you have in a county?" Then he dreams that he was made for this very adamance of minister, and he walks in the ribbons, and the circulars write: "To be solid and not to lick!" Then it dreams that he walks on the shores of Euphrates and Tiger ...

Eve, my friend! - He says.

But here everyone revised everyone: you need to get up.

Senka! - He screams again, forgetting, but suddenly remember ... and goes down his head.

What would, however do? - He asks himself, - at least Leshego some hard brought!

And on this, he suddenly arrives the captain-fixer himself. He was delighted to him a stupid landowner in extremely; ran into the ward, took out two printed gingerbread and thinks: "Well, this one seems to be satisfied!"

Tell me, please, master a landowner, what kind of miracle all your temporary obligations suddenly disappeared? - Asks the correctioner.

And so, God, God, according to my prayer, all the possessions of my man from the man completely cleaned!

So-s; Do not you know, Mr. Lenser, who will pay for them for them?

Podachi? .. that's them! This is them yourself! These are their sacred debt and duty!

So-s; And what kind of manner this file can be recovered from them, if they, by your prayer, is scattered on the face of the earth?

IT IT ... I do not know ... I, on my part, I do not agree to pay!

Is it known whether you are known to you, the landowner, that the treasury without filters and duties, and even more so without wine and salt regalia, can not exist?

I am ... I'm ready! Wallpaper vodka ... I'll pay!

Yes, do you know that, by the grace of yours, we can not buy a piece of meat on the bazaar or a pound of bread? Do you know what it smells?

Mill! I, on my part, ready to donate! Here are the whole two gingerbread!

You are stupid, Mr. Dencher! - Milns, turned and left, without looking even on printed gingerbread.

Thought this time the landowner is not a joke. That's the third person honors his fool, the third person will look, look at him, plit and go away. Is it really a fool? Surely, the inflexibility that he had so cherished in his soul, translated into an ordinary language means only nonsense and madness? And Surely, as a result of one of his inflexibility, they stopped and stopped, and regalia, and it was not possible to get a pound flour on the bazaar or a piece of meat?