Fadeev's biography is briefly the most important thing. Public position

Fadeev's biography is briefly the most important thing.  Public position
Fadeev's biography is briefly the most important thing. Public position

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev was born December 11 (24 n.s.) 1901 in the city of Kirma, Tver province, in a family of paramedics, professional revolutionaries. Early childhood spent in Vilna, then in Ufa. Most of childhood and adolescence is associated with the Far East, with the South Ussuriysk Territory, where the parents moved in 1908... Fadeev carried his love for this land through his whole life.

Studied in Vladivostok, at a commercial school, but left without completing eight classes (1912-1919 ). Having become close to the Bolsheviks, he joined in revolutionary activity... Participated in the partisan movement against Kolchak and the troops of the interventionists ( 1919-1920 ), after the defeat of Kolchak - in the ranks of the Red Army, in Transbaikalia - against Ataman Semyonov in winter 1920-1921... Was injured.

In 1921 ended up in Moscow as a delegate to the X All-Russian Party Congress, together with other delegates, suppressing the Kronstadt rebellion, was seriously wounded. He began his studies at the Moscow Mining Academy, but from the second year he was transferred to party work. Already in 1921 Fadeev began to write, to participate in the work of young writers who rallied around the magazines "October" and "Molodaya gvardiya". In the "Young Guard" in 1923 Fadeev's first story "Against the Current" was published.

The novel "Defeat", which was released in 1927, brought the writer the recognition of readers and critics and introduced him to great literature... Life and historical events in the Far East, which he witnessed, attracted him creative imagination. Long years he devoted to the creation of the epic novel The Last of Udege. Despite its incompleteness, the novel took its place not only in the work of A. Fadeev, but also in the historical and literary process 1920-50s... During the war, he was one of the leaders of the Writers' Union, the author a large number journalistic articles, essays. Was on the Leningrad front, spent three months in besieged city, which resulted in the book of essays "Leningrad in the days of the siege" ( 1944 ).

In 1945 the novel "Young Guard" was published, about the heroes of which Fadeev wrote "with great love, gave the novel a lot of blood of his heart. " The first edition of the novel was a well-deserved success, but in 1947 in the newspaper "Pravda" the novel was sharply criticized for the fact that the writer did not show the connection of Krasnodon Komsomol members with the underground communists. In 1951 Fadeev revised the novel, the second edition of which was assessed, for example, by Simonov as "a waste of time."

After the XX Congress of the CPSU, feeling the impossibility of continuing his life, A. Fadeev May 13, 1956 of the year commits suicide.

A medical commission appointed at the time by the government said the tragedy was the result of a disorder nervous system due to chronic alcoholism. Only in 1990 was Fadeev's suicide letter published: “I do not see an opportunity to live on, since the art to which I gave my life has been ruined by the self-confident and ignorant leadership of the party and now can no longer be corrected. The best cadres of literature ... physically exterminated or perished ... the best people literature died at a premature age ... My life as a writer loses all meaning, and with great joy, as deliverance from this vile existence, where meanness, lies and slander fell upon you, I leave this life. "

Fadeev (Bulyga) Alexander Alexandrovich - prose writer, critic, theoretician of literary criticism, public figure... Born on December 24 (10), 1901 in the village of Kimry, Korchevsky district, Tver province. He spent his early childhood in years. Vilno and Ufa. In 1908, the Fadeev family moved to the Far East.

From 1912 to 1919, Alexander Fadeev studied at the Vladivostok Commercial School (he left without completing the 8th grade). Here he became addicted to literature. He read a lot, collaborated in handwritten student journals, placed poems, essays, stories in them.

In years civil war Fadeev took an active part in hostilities in the Far East. In the battle near Spassk he was wounded.

In February 1921, Alexander Fadeev was elected a delegate to the X Congress of the RCP (b). Taking part in the storming of the rebellious Kronstadt, he was wounded again. After recovery and demobilization, he stayed in Moscow to study at the Moscow Mining Academy (left the 2nd year).

Alexander Fadeev wrote his first complete story "Spill" in 1922-23, the story "Against the Stream" - in 1923. In 1925-26, while working on the novel "Defeat", he decided to literary work professionally.

For many years A.A. Fadeev was in the leadership of writers' organizations: in 1926-32. was one of the leaders of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers; since 1934 - deputy chairman of the organizing committee of the Writers 'Union, member of the board and presidium of the USSR Writers' Union; in 1939-44 - Secretary of the Writers' Union; in 1946-54 - General Secretary and Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR; in 1954-56 - Secretary of the Board. He was the editor of a number of newspapers and magazines.

During the Great Patriotic War Fadeev worked as a publicist. As a correspondent for the Pravda newspaper and the Sovinformburo, he traveled around a number of fronts.

In early January 1942, the writer arrived at the Kalinin Front, which "was advancing heavily and violently near Rzhev." Fadeev wanted to get and ended up on the most dangerous area, where the Soviet troops, covering the enemy, were not yet sufficiently entrenched, where the territory was densely shot from both sides. The impressions from this visit to the Kalinin Front were useful to Fadeev not only for writing the next correspondence, but also later when working on the novel "Young Guard".

In another essay - "Fighter" Fadeev described the feat of the Red Army soldier Paderin, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union: "In 1941, in the battles for Kalinin, near the enemy bunker, which did not allow us to advance and took a lot of our people’s lives, Paderin was seriously wounded and, in a fit of great moral upsurge, closed the embrasure of the bunker with his body."

In the fall of 1943, the writer traveled to Krasnodon, liberated from enemies. Subsequently, the material collected there formed the basis of the novel "Young Guard".

Last creative concept Fadeeva - a novel about the present "Ferrous Metallurgy" remained unfinished. On May 13, 1956 in Moscow, in a state of mental depression, the writer committed suicide.

A. Fadeev in different time repeatedly visited the Tver land. On January 6-8, 1937 he came to the city of Rzhev, where he made a report on Soviet literature at the railway club of the Rzhev-2 station and with a report on the work on the novel "Defeat" in the Rzhevsk city party committee.

In June 1941, Alexander Alexandrovich with his mother Antonina Vladimirovna specially arrived in Kimry in order, as he said, to get acquainted with his native city. On that visit, Fadeev visited a pedagogical school, a local local history museum, visited the editorial office of the regional newspaper "Collective Life".

Since 1950, the writer has repeatedly visited the village. Rarekino Konakovskiy region, where he collected material for the novel "Ferrous Metallurgy".

In February 1951, Alexander Fadeev was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in the Bologovsky constituency of the Kalinin region. Arriving in Bologoye, he met with voters in the city House of Culture, with railway workers in the locomotive depot, sent his books to the library, kept in touch with school number 11.

Many times A.A. Fadeev rested and hunted in our forests.

In memory of the famous compatriot named Fadeev, the embankment in Kimry (formerly Proletarskaya St.), a street in Tver (formerly Kholodilnaya), a street in the village. Redkino Konakovskiy district. In Kimry, the name of Fadeev was given to the children's library. On the building of the hotel, where A.A. Fadeev, who came to Kimry in 1941, stayed, a memorial plaque with his bas-relief was opened.

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev is a Soviet actor, the son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. He became famous for his role as a viscount in the film "War and Peace".

It is generally accepted that a person's talent will always help him become successful in life, achieve fame and universal love... But how often this statement turned out to be erroneous. Many truly gifted people have not been able to properly dispose of this gift of fate, have wasted it in vain and have not reached any heights. This fully applies to the actor Alexander Fadeev. Neither his amazing talent nor influential parents helped him in life.

What happened, why did the brilliantly begin creative biography artist faded so quickly and ended episodic roles whose artist name was not even in the credits?

Star parents

Nobody ever knew the name of the real father Alexander Fadeev. This remained a secret, which the actor's mother kept until her death. But everyone knew Sasha's mother very well - this is Angelina Stepanova, one of the cult actresses of the times of the USSR, whose name was on everyone theater posters Moscow Art Theater.

Angelina's husband was the director of the Moscow Art Theater Nikolai Gorchakov, but this marriage cannot be called happy, because the secret passion of the beautiful Angelina was the writer Nikolai Erdman. Their romance lasted for seven whole years, but despite this, Angelina never filed for divorce from her husband and did not connect her life with her beloved. The reason for the banality is simple - she was afraid that this divorce would affect her career, which depended so much on her director husband. And then divorces in the Soviet Union were not encouraged and Stepanova could easily be made restricted to travel abroad, even without taking into account all her merits.

Photo: Alexander Fadeev as a child with his family

A way out of this difficult triangle was provided by fate itself - in 1933, the actress's lover was arrested and exiled. After 2 years, Stepanova and Gorchakov still broke up. AND real reason This gap remained unknown, either the actress ceased to be afraid for her career and broke up with her unloved husband, or Gorchakov himself was afraid for his reputation, which could be spoiled by a marriage with the mistress of a repressed writer.

But Angelina was not alone for long. Touring in Paris with the theater, she meets famous writer- Alexander Fadeev, who was there on official business.

Their romance developed very rapidly, so after returning home, they decided to get married. He was married for twenty years, until the very suicide of Alexander, which he committed in 1956. During this time, a lot happened - both the frequent drinking of her husband and his betrayal, but this beautiful, elegant, intelligent and courageous woman endured everything. Probably because she loved her Sasha very much. Angelina survived her husband for 44 years and asked to bury her next to her beloved. It was in 2000, the actress turned 95 years old.

In July 1936, literally right after the wedding, the young couple had a son, who was named Sasha in honor of his adoptive father. Fadeev adopted the child, gave him not only his last name and patronymic, but also his first name. The son became the full namesake of the adoptive dad, and so that there was no confusion, they began to call him Alexander Fadeev Jr.

early years

Fadeev Sr. was a very famous writer. He wrote The Young Guard, The Defeat, The Last of Udege. These books were read to the holes, they were loved by several generations. Soviet people... He was a deputy awarded the Orders of Lenin and Stalin Prize, stood at the origins of the creation of the Union of Writers of the USSR, the ruling elite reckoned with him.

Angelina Stepanova was a successful, sought-after actress, prima of the Moscow Art Theater. In those years, it was not easy, but the family had a normal income, so in childhood Sasha Fadeev Jr. did not need anything materially.

The couple soon had a joint son, who was named Misha. The boys were very friendly with each other, and tried not to forget their sister - illegitimate daughter father Masha. Despite such a number of children, Sasha was loved more than anyone else.

Choosing a life path

It remained a mystery why Sasha decided to devote his life to the acting profession. Maybe the genes of the mother, or childhood, which passed practically in the theater, affected. Or perhaps his sophisticated nature liked the art of theater more than the writing of his stepfather. The young man made the choice in favor of the theater, and the parents raised all their connections in order to attach their beloved child. And right after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Sasha was accepted into the troupe of the Theater Soviet army where he shone for several years.

Movie debut

The debut of Fadeev Jr. in cinema took place in 1965 - he played the role of the viscount in the filming of the film "War and Peace" based on the novel by L. Tolstoy. The role was not the main one, but Alexander performed just fine. A handsome young man with aristocratic manners and an upright posture - this is how the audience remembered him. It didn't even look like a game, he looked so natural in this role.

The successful debut showed everyone that the young man is undoubtedly very talented and can reach the highest peaks in cinema.

Only one thing oppressed Alexander - his father did not see his success. By this time, Fadeev Sr. committed suicide, he shot himself with a pistol, being left alone in the country.

The wife at this time toured with the theater abroad. It happened tragic event in 1956, after Khrushchev made a revelatory speech against Stalin. The writer was only 54.

This tragedy strongly affected all the children of Fadeev. Years later, daughter Masha would also commit suicide, and Aleksandr Jr.'s family also began to notice a suicidal tendency. But this is in the future, but for now Fadeev Jr.'s career has rapidly surged up after a successful debut role - he is claimed to be the main role in a film about mountain climbers.

The main role in the film "Vertical"

The plot of the film was quite simple, but despite this, "Vertical" was highly appreciated by the audience. The lion's share of the film's success was in the songs that V. Vysotsky wrote especially for him. These songs have become hits, more than one generation of the singer's fans have been listening to them. The success of the film was also brought by the actor Fadeev, who very harmoniously played the main role - Nikitin.

During the filming, a romance broke out between the actor Alexander Fadeev and the actress. Liked nice girl and Vladimir Vysotsky, but his popularity could not be compared with Fadeevskaya, so the preference was given to the handsome Alexander. Moreover, he was a more promising game than the little-known Vladimir. Larisa was already ready to marry Alexander, but stopped in time. The actor drank heavily and a lot, became uncontrollable and impulsive, grabbed a gun to shoot himself and Larisa sometimes had to save him from certain death. This stopped the girl from getting married.

The collapse of a film career

Inspired by the first successes in cinema, the actor soared too much in the heavens and very soon became a victim of a real star fever. He quarrels with the directors, does not come to rehearsals, and appears on the set in a state of severe hangover. He was forgiven a lot and for a long time, maybe because of his talent and charm, or maybe out of a sense of respect for the mother, who asked for her dissolute son. It seemed to everyone that it was temporary, Sasha would come to his senses and start working at full strength. But the actor did not live up to these hopes.

At the end of the 60s, the actor Fadeev practically ceased to be invited to the cinema. After the release of the film "Vertical", he starred in the tapes "One Chance in a Thousand" and "Conscience" - these were serious roles, and after that he was trusted only for episodes. “In one microdistrict”, “Front behind the front line”, “Lonely hostels”, “Accident - the cop's daughter”, “Mother” - in these films he appears exclusively in episodes, his name is not even in the film credits.

Theatrical career

Compared to his film career, the theater career of Alexander Fadeev Jr. was more successful. But this is not thanks to his talent, but rather to the efforts of his mother, who was respected among colleagues. She realized that her son's career in cinema had come to an end, and in the theater he was threatened with dismissal due to unworthy behavior. Therefore, he turns to with a request to accept Alexander at the Moscow Art Theater. Efremov was not delighted with such a proposal, but agreed to the persuasion.

Alexander Fadeev was known for his scandalous antics, but in terms of acting, he was even very useful in the theater. He took part in the productions of Efremov himself, he had a role in the performances "Sleep of Reason" and "Old New Year".

But again feeling permissiveness, Alexander gradually begins to become impudent, to enter into disputes with Oleg Efremov. The conflict was enormous, the Moscow Art Theater was divided into two parts and Fadeev, not wanting to work for Efremov anymore, goes to, and Stepanov remains with Oleg Nikolaevich. In the new theater, Fadeev continued to play until 1993.

Personal life

Alexander Fadeev was very famous for the theatrical beau monde. And it's not only about creativity, which began to decline - he was famous for his love affairs and revelry. Nature endowed Alexander with beauty, but this is not the main thing, he was a very charming and attentive gentleman, he knew how to beautifully look after and interest any lady. He made full use of the connections of his stepfather and the authority of his mother, his life was free and secure, and he himself did not make any efforts for this.

But the time came when Alexander was fed up with novels and realized that he wanted Serious relationships... For the first time, he entered into an official marriage with Lyudmila Gurchenko. Their acquaintance took place at the WTO restaurant. Lyudochka was simply fascinated by the capital's handsome gentleman. They did not meet for long, they soon registered a marriage. But a long and happy personal life did not work out. Too spoiled by fate, Alexander continued to lead his old life - restaurants and funny company, and Lyudmila worked hard. Their marriage lasted only 2 years, after which Gurchenko realized that it was a mistake and divorced her husband.

In the personal life of Alexander Fadeev, there were two more marriages. The artist's second wife was Natella Kandelaki. But this marriage was given a short time, they divorced very quickly.

Fadeev is getting married for the third time. Now this is Nadia Stalin, the granddaughter of Joseph Vissarionovich and the daughter of his son Vasily. It was last wife actor, they lived together until her death. No one knows how happy the spouses were, because Nadia never told anyone about what was happening in the family. But judging by the character of Alexander, there is no doubt that his wife's life was difficult. In this marriage, in 1974, Fadeev had a daughter, Anastasia, who was recorded by the names of her grandfather and father, Stalin. In 1992, Anastasia had a daughter, Galya, whom her mother wrote down to Fadeeva.

Last years

Already in adulthood, the artist never changed his lifestyle. Drinking and partying continued. The artist had alcohol addiction and suicidal tendencies.

Selected filmography

  • 1965 - War and Peace
  • 1966 - Vertical
  • 1968 - One chance in a thousand
  • 1974 - Conscience
  • 1989 - Mother

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FADEEV Alexander Alexandrovich (1901 - 1956), prose writer.

Born on December 11 (24 NS) in the city of Kirma, Tver province, into a family of paramedics, professional revolutionaries. He spent his early childhood in Vilna, then in Ufa. Most of his childhood and adolescence is associated with the Far East, with the South Ussuri region, where his parents moved in 1908. Fadeev carried his love for this region throughout his life.

He studied in Vladivostok, at a commercial school, but left without completing eight classes (1912 - 1919). Having become close to the Bolsheviks, he became involved in revolutionary activities. He participated in the partisan movement against Kolchak and the troops of the interventionists (1919 - 1920), after the defeat of Kolchak - in the ranks of the Red Army, in Transbaikalia - against Ataman Semyonov in the winter of 1920 - 21. He was wounded.

In 1921 he came to Moscow as a delegate to the 10th All-Russian Party Congress, together with other delegates, suppressing the Kronstadt rebellion, he was seriously wounded. He began his studies at the Moscow Mining Academy, but from the second year he was transferred to party work. Already in 1921, Fadeev began to write, to participate in the work of young writers who united around the magazines "October" and "Molodaya gvardiya". In 1923, the Young Guard published Fadeev's first story, Against the Current.

The novel "The Defeat", which was published in 1927, brought the writer recognition of readers and critics and introduced him to great literature. The life and historical events in the Far East, which he witnessed, attracted his creative imagination. He devoted many years to the creation of the epic novel The Last of Udege. Despite its incompleteness, the novel took its place not only in the work of A. Fadeev, but also in the historical and literary process of the 1920s - 50s. During the war years he was one of the leaders of the Writers' Union, the author of a large number of journalistic articles, essays. Was on the Leningrad front, spent three months in the besieged city, which resulted in the book of essays "Leningrad in the days of the blockade" (1944).

In 1945, the novel "Young Guard" was published, about whose heroes Fadeev wrote "with great love, gave the novel a lot of blood of his heart." The first edition of the novel was a well-deserved success, but in 1947 in the newspaper Pravda the novel was sharply criticized for the fact that the writer did not show the connection between the Krasnodon Komsomol members and the underground communists. In 1951, Fadeev revised the novel, the second edition of which was assessed, for example, by Simonov as "a waste of time."

After the XX Congress of the CPSU, feeling the impossibility of continuing his life, A. Fadeev on May 13, 1956 commits suicide. A medical commission appointed by the government at the time said the tragedy was the result of a nervous system disorder due to chronic alcoholism. Only in 1990 was Fadeev's suicide letter published: “I do not see an opportunity to live on, since the art to which I gave my life has been ruined by the self-confident and ignorant leadership of the party and now can no longer be corrected. The best cadres of literature ... physically exterminated or perished ... the best people of literature died at a premature age ... My life as a writer loses all meaning, and with great joy, as deliverance from this vile existence, where meanness, lies and slander fell upon you, I leave this life. "

Brief biography of A.A. Fadeeva - option 2

Fadeev A.A. was born in 1901 in the Tver province in the city of Kimry into a revolutionary family. In 1908, Alexander moved with his family to the South Ussuriysk Territory, where the years of his childhood and youth passed. In 1912 Fadeev entered the Commercial School in Vladivostok. However, in 1918 he decides not to continue this training and thinks about immersion in revolutionary activity. And, in the same year, he becomes a Bolshevik.

From 1919 to 1921 Fadeev actively participates in the settlement of the Kronstadt uprising and fights against the White Guards. Having decided to continue his education, in 1921 he entered the Moscow Mining Academy, which he graduated in 1924. From 1924 to 1926. Alexander Alexandrovich is engaged in party activities in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar, but soon moves to Moscow.

His publications, most of which are devoted to wartime, began to appear in 1923. Alexander Fadeev headed various writers' organizations for many years.

In 1926 he became one of the leaders of the RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers) and worked there until 1932. In 1939 he was the secretary of the USSR Writers 'Union, and in 1946 he became the general secretary and also the chairman of the board of the USSR Writers' Union. And in 1950, Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev became vice-president of the members of the World Council.

After the release of "Young Guard", Fadeev received a demand from the authorities to revise this work. The writer perceived harsh criticism as humiliation and oppression of his personal worldview.

Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich died in 1956 in Moscow, ending his life by suicide.

Biography of A.A. Fadeev |

Soviet literature

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev


FADEEV Alexander Alexandrovich (1901 - 1956), prose writer.

Born on December 11 (24 NS) in the city of Kirma, Tver province, into a family of paramedics, professional revolutionaries. He spent his early childhood in Vilna, then in Ufa. Most of his childhood and adolescence is associated with the Far East, with the South Ussuri region, where his parents moved in 1908. Fadeev carried his love for this region throughout his life.

He studied in Vladivostok, at a commercial school, but left without completing eight classes (1912 - 1919). Having become close to the Bolsheviks, he became involved in revolutionary activities. He participated in the partisan movement against Kolchak and the troops of the interventionists (1919 - 1920), after the defeat of Kolchak - in the ranks of the Red Army, in Transbaikalia - against Ataman Semyonov in the winter of 1920 - 21. He was wounded.

In 1921 he came to Moscow as a delegate to the 10th All-Russian Party Congress, together with other delegates, suppressing the Kronstadt rebellion, he was seriously wounded. He began his studies at the Moscow Mining Academy, but from the second year he was transferred to party work. Already in 1921, Fadeev began to write, to participate in the work of young writers who united around the magazines "October" and "Molodaya gvardiya". In 1923, the Young Guard published Fadeev's first story, Against the Current.

The novel "The Defeat", which was published in 1927, brought the writer recognition of readers and critics and introduced him to great literature. The life and historical events in the Far East, which he witnessed, attracted his creative imagination. He devoted many years to the creation of the epic novel The Last of Udege. Despite its incompleteness, the novel took its place not only in the work of A. Fadeev, but also in the historical and literary process of the 1920s - 50s. During the war years he was one of the leaders of the Writers' Union, the author of a large number of journalistic articles, essays. Was on the Leningrad front, spent three months in the besieged city, which resulted in the book of essays "Leningrad in the days of the blockade" (1944).

In 1945, the novel "Young Guard" was published, about whose heroes Fadeev wrote "with great love, gave the novel a lot of blood of his heart." The first edition of the novel was a well-deserved success, but in 1947 in the newspaper Pravda the novel was sharply criticized for the fact that the writer did not show the connection between the Krasnodon Komsomol members and the underground communists. In 1951, Fadeev revised the novel, the second edition of which was assessed, for example, by Simonov as "a waste of time."

After the XX Congress of the CPSU, feeling the impossibility of continuing his life, A. Fadeev on May 13, 1956 commits suicide. A medical commission appointed by the government at the time said the tragedy was the result of a nervous system disorder due to chronic alcoholism. Only in 1990 was Fadeev's suicide letter published: “I do not see an opportunity to live on, since the art to which I gave my life has been ruined by the self-confident and ignorant leadership of the party and now can no longer be corrected. The best cadres of literature ... physically exterminated or perished ... the best people of literature died at a premature age ... My life as a writer loses all meaning, and with great joy, as deliverance from this vile existence, where meanness, lies and slander fell upon you, I leave this life. "

Fadeev A.A. was born in 1901 in the Tver province in the city of Kimry into a revolutionary family. In 1908, Alexander moved with his family to the South Ussuriysk Territory, where the years of his childhood and youth passed. In 1912 Fadeev entered the Commercial School in Vladivostok. However, in 1918 he decides not to continue this training and thinks about immersion in revolutionary activity. And, in the same year, he becomes a Bolshevik. p> From 1919 to 1921 Fadeev actively participates in the settlement of the Kronstadt uprising and fights against the White Guards. Having decided to continue his education, in 1921 he entered the Moscow Mining Academy, which he graduated in 1924. From 1924 to 1926. Alexander Alexandrovich is engaged in party activities in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar, but soon moves to Moscow. p> His publications, most of which are devoted to wartime, began to appear in 1923. Alexander Fadeev for many years headed various writers' organizations. p> In 1926 he became one of the leaders of the RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers) and worked there until 1932. In 1939 he was the secretary of the USSR Writers 'Union, and in 1946 he became the general secretary and also the chairman of the board of the USSR Writers' Union ... And in 1950, Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev became vice-president of the members of the World Council. p> After the release of "Young Guard", Fadeev received a demand from the authorities to revise this work. The writer perceived harsh criticism as humiliation and oppression of his personal worldview. p> Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich died in 1956 in Moscow, ending his life by suicide. p>