Gleb Ivanovich Asspensky brief biography. Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky

Gleb Ivanovich Asspensky brief biography. Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky

Studied in Tula and Chernihiv gymnasiums; I received first at the University of Petersburg, according to the Law Faculty, then I switched to Moscow, but I could not finish the course on the lack of funds and left the university in 1863. At that time, his father died, and the family remained without any money. Uspensky was forced to act hard to engage in literary work, to which he appealed to his student, cooperating in the journal Koloshin "Spectator", where in 1862 his first story was printed: "Star Eymer". In 1864 - 1865 In the "Russian Word" appeared, signed by Uspensky, several stories from the life of small officials who did not fall into any assembly of his writings; Only a few of them are reprinted in the published V.E. Genkel Book: "On weekdays and a holiday. Moscow morals" (St. Petersburg, 1867). The literary fame of Uspensky begins from 1866, when His essays were in the "contemporary": "Roarseva's Morals". The continuation of these essays was printed in the "women's messenger" of 1867. In the same year, several Essays Assumption appeared in the "case", and since 1868 he began to print his works almost exclusively in the "domestic notes", only occasionally placing small things in Other publications, for example ("St. Petersburg Vedomosti", 1876 - Letters from Serbia, "Russian Vedomosti", 1885 - Letters from the road). After the cessation of "domestic notes", Assumption was an employee first "Northern Messenger", then "Russian Thought". At the beginning of 1893 he suffered a mental illness, which put the end of his literary activities. The last work is a small fairy tale - printed in the "Russian wealth" of the same year. Separately, from the works of Assumptionsky for the first time they were published in the "essays and stories" (St. Petersburg, 1866). This is a publication, with additions, was repeated in 1871. In the same year, the "Run" was "Run", and in the next - "Mrava Roarseva Street". "Observations of one lazy" and "about one old woman" were printed in 1873 in the form of a separate Tomika "Library of Modern Writers". After that, there were still: "Wilderness. Provincial and metropolitan essays" (St. Petersburg, 1875) and "from a memorable book. Essays and stories of Ivanova" (St. Petersburg, 1879). In 1885, the collected works by Assumption in 8 volumes, which soon followed the three editions of Pavlenkov - two first in two, third in three volumes. In this last edition, all printed by Asspensky has been collected from 1866, with the exception of the essays mentioned above, two small stories placed in the "Illustrated newspaper" V. R. Zotova, 1873 (ibid., 1873, No. 1, first printed and portrait of Assumption), the story "Evil News" ("Domestic Notes", 1875, No. 3) and "Memories of Nekrasov" ("Bee" M .O. Mikeshin, 1878, January). The literary activities of the Uspensky can be divided into two periods. In the first - approximately until the end of the 70s - Assumption is preferably a friendly of various small urban people - master, burghers, small officials, etc. "Outdoors", with their daily needs and worries in the struggle for existence and with their vague gusts To a better life. The pictures from the life of the provincial and metropolitan "thinking proletariat" are adjacent here, with his ideal aspirations, hopes and heavy disappointments, and travel essays from Outling's passage trips who visited France (after the commune), then in London and, finally, in Serbia, Together with Russian volunteers of 1876, in the second period of their activities, Assumption is a representative of the so-called "nationality", choosing the subject of its studies and essays with almost extremely different sides of rustic life. The development and content of this activity of Assumption quite answered the nature and interests of Russian society of the 60s and 70s. In the era of reforms, when a young writer first performed on a literary field, the attention of our advanced literature was absorbed by the "differences" of the public environment, by whom they were ordinary than usually and which at this time immediately nominated several major representatives into the literature. Assumption in his respective

Inuration, he himself belonged to this environment, he himself lived her life and since childhood he made all her sorrows and deprivation. Gifted by nature with a responsive heart, he already felt deeply in early adolescence, and often the hopelessness of these dark existences, the depicter of which he appeared in his first works. "All my personal life," he says in his autobiographical note, "the entire situation of my personal life has converted me to the complete eclipse of the mind, the complete destruction, the deepest wildness of concepts, undeveloped, and generally separated from the life of white light on an immeasurable distance. I remember that I cried incessantly, but I did not know why this happens. I do not remember that until 20 years I have a heart ever in place. The beginning of my life began only after oblivion my own biography, and then a personal life, And life literary began to conquer in me simultaneously with their own means. " In the first larger job: "Morals of the Trusheyeva Street" Uspensky was the truthful image of the life of that small gray Luda, to whom he looked at his homeland - his morals and concepts, wild ignorance and bitter drunkenness, insignificance, powerlessness and worship "Kulak" , "What I eurodized us and forced us to hold the hand of the mother of the near and the false one of myself" ... - "That's what faces," says Asspensky, "they stood from our cradle. And after all, such fairies were resolutely over each movement than And anyone would be initiated. It is not wonderful that our children came terrified from our humiliating position that they left us, broke off with us, fathers, any connection ... "from this static image of the Society of Society proceeds to dynamic - to the image of the movement that began at the time of the fracture of Russian life, "when new times appeared in our places" and some began to rise from the bottom up, others, on the contrary, fall from above on the very bottom, since the old one Falling their warehouse of life, has already moved into history, and they were unapt to the new one. This movement of the center of gravity is all in the same public environment that the Uspensky portrayed and earlier - constitutes the content of a number of new essays: "Ripple", "new times - new concerns" and others. After calculating their first works with that "biography", which He needed to forget to start a new life with "own means", Uspensky appealed to this new life. "All that I am accumulated by your own means into the feasible consideration of the past conscience," he says in autobiography, "all this is retold in my books, retreating hastily, as I had to, but all I lived personally. Thus, my whole new biography, after oblivion of the old, retold almost every day in my books. I have no more personal in my life and no. "These words are not more accurate and the attitude of the writer itself to the life depicted by him: it is not a stranger; more or less indifferent observer passing by him phenomena; he is experiencing them on himself. On them to all their own creature, deeply feeling his responsive heart all the tragedy of exciting his provisions, breaking the outside often from under the comic appearance. At the bottom of each of his story, N.K. Mikhailovsky, "Lies a deep drama"; impressions for him The painful, "pour like a liquid from a crowded vessel." Most often life gives him a number of provisions externally comic, under which deep internal tragedy is felt; the impression is enhanced and exacerbated by this opposite of appearance with the internal content of the observed facts. The smallest, casual case, visible, heard or just read out of the newspapers, the case by which the majority passes completely indifferent, nothing I am not noticing anything, without thinking about the Assumption, it gets a serious and general meaning, deeply chosen into his mind and soul and "drill" them until it finds out the outcome in a simple, idle, but imbued with passionate story, Where every word has been experienced by writing it. Talking about how new social movement 60

X GG. He responded to the lower layers of the urban population, which gradually began to penetrate the new, unknown thoughts, corroding the former life of life and apparently firmly established concepts, Assumptionly characterizes this process by the name of "diseases of conscience" or aspiration for the "truth". True, persistently presents its rights among a saturated all kinds of reality: "Never hurt the heart like now," says Asspensky. This disease is observed in them everywhere - and among people of dark, instinctively riveted to comprehend their existence, and among the "intelligent defaulters": everyone is given the same "worm", all "soul is not in place" and anxiously looking for equilibrium, lost integrity. In total, the writer himself was keen more and painful and painful and painful and reflecting this common restless state in his works. In all Russian literature, there was still no other writer, who has a restless quest for the "coming hail" would have affected with such exciting sincerity and with such deep sorrow. The second half of the 70s, when Uspensky returned to Russia from a foreign trip, which also left his mark that he called his "mental pedigree", is characterized in our literature the development of the so-called "nationality" (see XX, 586 and XXVIII, 645). It was a time when for the first time received a clear formulation of the consciousness of the "non-payment debt" of the intelligentsia to the people, the appeals "to the village" were heard and began "walking in the people", which was reflected in the literature, in the first pores, the blooming "man's" fiction. This general imagination of that time could not not seize and Assumption, in whose eyes the man was drawn by the "source" of the desired truth. The incident delivered the opportunity to become an opportunity to become a source in direct relationship: he was invited to be headed by the peasant loan-saving office in one of the counties of the Samara province and, thus, could check out his theoretical ideas about the village. This verification, which was the result of a number of new essays of the village life, made an extremely depressing impression on the Assumption itself: she destroyed those cabinet illusions, which were indulging in the peasant, idealizing a man like a carrier of all sorts of virtues. Rustic life turned to the Assumption of his turnover; He saw in her a dominant desire - "eat", which destroys all moral concepts, taking a lifetime towards the fabrication of methods of mining money and giving the village to the power to "Kulac". This conclusion made by Asspensky with the usual full sincerity for him, for many came unexpected, but almost more than everyone else - for the Assumption itself. "I didn't know any day or night of peace for a year and a half, he wrote." Then they scolded me for the fact that I do not like the people. I wrote about what he he was, because he really did the pretended things .. . "With this irreparable conclusion, he was not able to reconcile. "I needed to know," he says, "the source of all this inaccessible mechanics of the people's life, about which I could not see any simple word and nowhere. And here, from a noisy, semi-man, the depraved village I was climbed into the forest of Novgorod province, in the estate. where only one peasant family lived. In my eyes, the wild place began to come to life under the hijacker, and now I saw one genuine in my life for the first time in my life, an important feature in the life of the Russian people, just - the power of the Earth. " Thus, the search for the ideal in the village led Asspensky to the conclusion that "will, freedom, a slight living, an abundance of money, that is, all that it is necessary for a person in order to settle, the man causes only extreme disorder, before he is doing like a pig "; Save it from this disorder can only "power of the Earth", that is, the complete relationship of the whole building of the peasant life from its main goal - agricultural work, which gives a peasant bread, but for that it creates a strict framework for all its activities. The land is needed by the people not only as ensuring its economic situation, but also as a leader of his moral

"The language chatted liberal phrases, and the hands stretched to rob" (Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky)

Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky is a wonderful Russian writer, the late 19th century. Gleb Uspensky was born in October 1843, in the glorious Russian city of Tula. The Uspensky family was more familiar, the Father worked as the secretary of the state property of state property, took place from the clergy. Mother Nadezhda, was the daughter of the manager of the Chamber, in which the husband worked. Children's years Gleb Uspensky passed in the parent house. Frequently, the boy was sent to Kaluga, to visit my grandfather on the motherboard. Relatives often told the boy various stories from their lives. Often the Wanderers and Badges were in the house of Asspensky, they told Gleb Uspensky fairy tales and folk beliefs, signs. Gleb Ivanovich Ros.

It's time to study. Assumption about recorded in Tula gymnasium. It will take three years and Uspensky will go to study in Chernihiv gymnasium. Here, the future writer will almost forget about study, but with a head of obsolete in the literature, re-read all Russian classics. Glem, Gleb Uspensky, took the most active part in the release of the Gymnasic Journal "Young shoots". In 1861, Gleb Uspensky will move to the capital of the Russian Empire St. Petersburg. The young man will go to the Law Faculty of City University. Three months later, student unrest began in the capital. All freshmen were expelled. It was not a lot of Gleb. Then Uspensky had to move to Moscow, for admission to Moscow University. The money from Gleb Ivanovich was not, he was not dead. But soon, he will be able to get a corrector to the printing house of "Moscow Vedomosti".

In 1862, in the magazine Lion Tolstoy "Clear Polyana" published the first story of Gleb Uspensky "Mikhalych". Two years later, the father of Assumptionsky dies, and all the concerns, to ensure younger brothers and sisters, fall on him. Uspensky managed to receive a guide to raising children. It became easier. Having moved to Chernigov, the writer began to publish one after another his stories. "Morals of the Trusheyeva Street" - Essays Assumptionsky, about the life of the lower layers of society, the picture of poverty and needs. The folk life without embellishment was in the wonder the reader, it became one of the reasons for the popularity of Gleb Uspensky's creativity. In addition to People's Love, Assumptionsky earned flattering reviews from the literary critics of various masters. Goncharov, so at all, called the Assumption heir to Gogol.

Despite the great successes, Gleb Ivanovich lacked money to ensure the family. In St. Petersburg, Asspensky endured the exam on the teacher of the Russian language. Now he was engaged in teaching in his native Tula province. In 1868, the Uspensky began to cooperate with the Journal of Domestic Notes. In the same magazine, Assumption published his new cycle of the ART - "ruin." Tale talked about the degeneration of official families, about social injustices and peasant riots. In 1870, Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky married Alexander Barava teacher. In addition, with the help of Nekrasov, Gleb managed to visit abroad, look at France, Germany and Belgium. The result of traveling in Europe has become new works of Uspensky. Despite the big literary successes, and everyday work, the need did not leave the writer.

Money troubles, debt repayment, chronic fatigue and predisposition to mental disorders caused a spiritual disease in the Assumption. In 1892, Gleb Uspensky was put in a psychiatric hospital in St. Petersburg. Gleb Uspensky died from paralysis of the heart in 1902.

Famous writer. Rod. On November 14, 1840, in Tula, where his father, the son of the village demy, served as secretary of the House of State, died in 1902 he studied in Tula and Chernihiv gymnasiums; He arrived at the University of St. Petersburg ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - , Russian writer. Born in the official of the official. He studied at St. Petersburg (1861) and Moscow (1862√63) universities that did not graduate from for lack of funds. He began to be printed in 1862 (in the journal ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Uspensky, Gleb Ivanovich - Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky. Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich (1843 1902), Russian writer. Realistically showed the life of the urban poor, social contradictions of the flame village (cycles of essays "of the grossing street", 1866, "Razbean", 1869, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - Assumption (Gleb Ivanovich) Famous writer. Born on November 14, 1840 in Tula, where his father, the son of the village dejacial, served as secretary of the House of Public Protection. Studied in Tula and Chernihiv gymnasiums; Received first in St. Petersburg ... ... Biographical Dictionary

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - (1843 1902), Rus. writer. In 700 E GG. Created a kind of social philos. and morals. Concept of nature and agriculture. Labor, I illustrated in the essays "peasant and peasant labor" (1880) compare. Analysis of poetry A. V. Koltsova and ... ... Lermontov encyclopedia

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - (1843 1902) Russian writer. Realistically showed the need and oppression of the urban poor, social contradictions of the Poreframe village (cycles of essays of the Mrava Roaster, 1866; ruin, 1869; power of land, 1883, etc.). Creation… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - (1843 1902), writer. In St. Petersburg from 1861, he studied at the Law Faculty of the University of St. Petersburg, was expelled in connection with the material difficulties in December 1861. He went to Moscow, returned to St. Petersburg in 1863. In 1865 he met N. A ... St. Petersburg (Encyclopedia)

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - (1843 1902), Russian writer. Realistically showed the life of the urban poor, social contradictions of the Poreform village (cycles of essays, leads and stories: "Rasterieva streets", 1866, "Ripple", 1869 83, "Earth Power", 1882, etc.) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - The grave G. I. Uspensky on the literal walkways. The grave of the city of I. Uspensky on the literal walkways. Saint Petersburg. Assumption Gleb Ivanovich (1843-1902), writer. In St. Petersburg from 1861, he studied at the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg"

Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich - Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky Pseudonyms: Glasgin Date of birth: 13 (25) October 1843 Place of birth: Tula Date of death: March 24 (April 6) 1902 Place of death: St. Petersburg ... Wikipedia


  • Collected Works in 9 volumes to buy for 3283 rubles
  • Collected Works (Number of Toms: 9), Assumption Gleb Ivanovich. Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky (1843-1902) is a Russian writer who lived and worked in the turning period of Russian history. Numerous essays and prosumensky stories are dedicated to life of different ...

Russian Writer-Democrat Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky in 1869 more than three months lived in Lipetsk, straightening health at the resort "Lipetsk Mineral Waters". At that time, he was already known as a distinctive realist artist, the author of the books of Essays "Mragi Roarseeva Street", the story "ruin", a number of significant journalistic works.

About the stay of Gleb Uspensky in Lipetsk is evidenced by his correspondence with relatives and friends, which makes it possible to judge the thoughts and feelings of the writer at that time, about what he was doing and how time spent.

In his letters G. I. Uspensky describes Lipetsk the second half of the XIX century. In a letter to the bride, A. V. Baraeva dated June 1, 1869, he wrote: "Lipetsk I like ... a little order, cleanliness, and the main latitude. There is no stone cramped, as in Yelets, who presses from the sides and suffers from the scars of the legs of the legs "1.

The described Lipetsk period was a resort in Russia. G. I. Uspensky, being here, not only corrected his health: he was actively engaged in literary and public activities. It was at this time that the writer works fruitfully over the second part of the trilogy "ruin" - the tast of "quieter of water, below the grass." Work on the story was so captured by G. I. Uspensky, that he decides to linger in Lipetsk. "... I stay in Lipetsk ... until the end of summer. There will be a Mother "2," he writes A. V. Barava.

As a result of the impressions, accumulated during his stay in Lipetsk, the city of I. Uspensky appeared to write to the "Lipetsk Waters" essay for "domestic notes". In the press, the essay did not appear, but about the idea of \u200b\u200bhis writer reported in a letter to N. A. Dolganov on June 26, 1869 3

In the Lipetsk period G. I. Uspensky leads a lively correspondence with one of the editors of "domestic notes" by M. E. Saltykov-generous. Here he met with the poet Ya. Polonsky, also resting at the resort. In a letter to J. Polonsky on July 31, 1869 G. I. Uspensky wrote: "Do not refuse to take part in the literary and music party in favor of the School Lipetsk Library."

A "Lipetsk Summer Listka" No. 3 for 1869 reported: "The most outstanding event in recent days is a literary evening on August 8 in favor of the public library of a county school, which was attended by new faces: Polonsky and Assumption's writers, as described and quite original Readers "4.

The funds collected from the evening were received by the library of the county school, and a week later, the second literary evening was held, the fees from which were transferred to the village of Studenki.

G. I. Uspensky more than once visited and very loved the neighborhood of Lipetsk. He was on a forest farm, where the Hsenther school was located.

"Not far from Lipetsk there is a forest farm, where my brother is learning. There's really good there, and people are excellent there; I recently was there on the hunt. I liked terribly, and I think again go there on Petrov day. The hunt is good that you can walk as much as you like and feel fatigue. "5

In addition to the Lipetsk and its environs, G. I. Uspensky in the summer of 1869, the ancient city of Elets and the village of theological (now Kalinovka of the Beneinsky District), where his bride Alexander Vasilyevna Barataeva was met.

Subsequently, being in different parts of Russia and abroad, Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky in letters to his wife, warmly recalled the Lipetsk places, people and nature of the Black Earth.

1 Uspensky G. I. Full Collected Works: In 14 T. - Mr., 1951. - T. 13. - P. 71, 72.
2 there. - P. 71, 72.
3 Uspensky G. I. Collected Works: In 9 T. - M., 1957. - T. 9. - P. 208.
4 Ogribov K. Gleb Uspensky in the Lipetsk Territory // Interlocutor. - Voronezh: Center. Chernozem. kn. Publishing House, 1976. - P. 240.
5 Assumption G. I. Collected Works: In 9 T. - M., 1957. - T. 9. - P. 207-208.

Works of the city of I. Uspensky, associated with the Lipetsk Territory,

  • Cherry Water, below the grass // Collected Works: In 9 t. - M., 1950. - T. 2. - P. 137.
  • Full composition of writings. - M., 1954. - T. 14. - P. 204, 206, 541: [Stay in Lipetsk].
  • Collected Works: In 9 T. - M., 1957. - T. 9. - P. 204-210: [Stay in Lipetsk].

Literature on the relationships of I. Uspensky with Lipetsk Territory

  • Ogruzkov K. Gleb Uspensky in Lipetsk Territory // Interlocutor. - Voronezh: Center. Chernozem. kn. Publishing House, 1976. - P. 237-243.
  • Kireev R. death I have to be inevitable: [G. Assumption and his wife A. V. Barayev, are mentioned Elets and Lipetsk] // Home Forest. - 1998. - № 2. - P. 178-181.
  • Markov K. Meeting at the resort: [About meetings for Lipets. Resort in the summer of 1869 G. Uspensky and Ya. Polonsky] // Lipetsk Izvestia. - 1998. - 16 Oct. - P. 16.
  • Vetlovsky I. Bride from Kalinovka // Good evening. - 2002. - 20-26 Feb. (No. 8). - S. 17.
  • Medvedev V. Gleb Uspensky about Lipetsk // Lipetskaya Gazeta. - 2010. - 2 Apr. - p. 5.
  • Speehvatova E. For what was angry with the director // Lipetsk newspaper. - 2010. - 16 Nov. - P. 4.

Reference materials

  • Lipetsk encyclopedia. - Lipetsk, 2001. - T. 3. - P. 411-412.
  • Nice names of land Lipetsk: BioGr. Ref. about famous Writers, scientists, enlighteners, artists. - Lipetsk, 2007. - P. 205-206.
  • Russian writers: Bibbibbr. vocabulary. - M., 1990. - T. 2. - P. 333-337.
  • Writers of the Lipetsk region. - Voronezh, 1986. - Vol. 1. - P. 129-132.

Biography of Assumption Gleb Ivanovich

There was from the poor family of the family, he studied in the Tula gymnasium, and then in Chernigov gymnasium. The future writer watched the life of the labor layers of Tula and peasant villages, since childhood he was familiar with the wealth of the folk language and folk art. In the gymnasium under the influence of the magazine "Contemporary" and advanced Russian literature, his literary inclinations were determined.

In 1861, the Uspensky enters the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg University, but soon leaves him due to student unrest. Training at the Moscow University also did not fulfill due to material difficulties.

In 1862, the literary activities of Uspensky began in the journal "Clear Polyana" L.N. Tolstoy. Uspensky gets closer with the circle-Democratic writers (Levitov, Reshetnikov, etc.), leads typical for that time the lifestyle lifestyle lifestyle. He cooperates in different publications, part of his essays and stories is printed in the "spark", "Russian Word", "Contemporary". Assumptionsky comes closer to Nekrasov, which contributed to his exit as a writer on a wide literary road.

The stories and essays of the Uspensky first half of the 60s are numerous and diverse in content. The main circle of his theme is the life and life of the officials ("Guest", "sketches of the blessing life", "winter evening", etc.), small labor and mesh people of the city province and both capitals ("Folk walk in the Allweight", "Star Eater" , "Nearby", "janitor", etc.), then the first works appear on the village themes ("in the village", "Breeding", "rural scenes", etc.).

The first major work of Assumption, summarizing the early experience of the writer and an important stage in his creative development, were essays "Morals of the Trusheyeva Street" (1866), the beginning of which appeared in the "contemporary" shortly before the closure of the magazine. They are written on the material of the observation of Tula. The writer with deep sympathy spoke about the life of the urban poor - artisans, workers; At the same time, the writer continued to sketching the wretched life of officials (the family of Pretroev, the image of Tolokonnikov et al.), Meshchean (essays "Drykin's breastman", "Balkanikha", "Medic Khrushin", etc.). The great achievement of the artist was images small bourgeois predators, deltsov, the skins, who fit on folk need, ignorance, drunkenness; especially brightly outlined the image of Prokhor Porphyrycha which is the plot center of the work. In the "Nravakh ..." there was an essential traction of the Uspensky as a distinctive realista artist - its acute observation, the art of dialogue, narrator, juicy humor, the ability to create generalizing paintings and images.

The largest work of the Uspensky end of the 60s of the 1970s was the cycle of his leader "Ripple" - "Observations of Mikhail Ivanovich" (1869), "Cherry Water, below grass" (1870) and "Observations of one lazy" (1871). For Assumption in this work, it is characterized by an appeal to peasant life, to the problems of the relationship of the advanced dispenser intelligentsia to the people. In the subsequent parts of the "Ripple" characteristic of the increase in the interest of the writer to the peasant life and the problems of the relationship of the advanced dispenser intelligentsia to the people. All this makes the "ruin" by the stage of the writer on the verge of 1860 and the 1870s.

In the work of Assumption, in his worldview in the period of the 60-70s, the position of the people, the peasantry of the Poreframe village was reflected.

Acquaintance with the populist circles contributed to the more aggravated and closing interest of the writer to the peasant life. Abroad, the writer meets Turgenev. Their friendly connections do not stop throughout the life of Assumption.

In the 70s, the writer deeply penetrates the pictures of peasant life. Captured by the problems of people's peasant life, Assumption in the late 70s decides closer to learn the village life. In 1877, he spends all summer in the village of Sopgia, Valdai County, Novgorod province, the spring of the next year it goes to the Samara province and works with the width of the loan-savings partnership to Skolkovo village. The result of observations and study of different sides of the peasant life was the cycle of essays, called the name "from the village diary" (1877-1880). Actual, on their basis, the essays gave a deep summary picture of the life of a tremendous village. Essays caused a big wave of feedback both in criticism and in wide reading circles, first of all, because the writer boldly revealed the contradictions of the village reality, showed the decomposition of the peasant community, to which many hopes were launched by populles, recreated a picture of the tremendous ruin of the village, Malozhel , growing influence of fouls, etc. Essays were a bright work and in artistic attitude: the mastery of a writer was manifested here in the outfit of the lifestyle of the entire social layers, the art of the author's narration in combination with the stories of the heroes themselves. Starting from the essays from the village diary, the peasant theme becomes the main, defining in the work of Assumption.

The main essays and stories of the 70s Assumption united subsequently into the cycle "New Times, new concerns". Under the "New Times", the writer understands the shameful era in Russia, new phenomena in the life of various layers of Russian society, the ruin of the village, and the wider development of capitalism. Pictures of peasant life, penetration into the village wilderness of bourgeois entrepreneurship are drawn in the story of the "book of checks" opening the cycle. Sophisticated issues of people's life are affected in all works of the cycle.. In the works of the Assumption of the 70s, a new creative manner of a writer was fully defined, characteristic and for all subsequent creativity: a combination of an artistic, figurative indication of reality with journalistic reasoning, evidence, comments. Uspensky considers for himself a shy framework of traditional novel, story, story . The sketch, multifaceted cycles of essays and stories becomes a favorite genre of the writer.

The subsequent main cycles of the peasant essays Assumption was "peasant and peasant labor" (1880) and "Power of the Earth" (1882); A number of individual essays and stories are closely adjacent to them: "Lacking links", "Equality" under the window "," Small guys ", cycle" Without certain classes "and etc. In these works, the writer is increasing deeper and diversifying a modern village, the stratification of the peasantry, gives a taking characteristics not only to predatoryness of fists, but also by proper aspirations, individualism of the peasant worker.In the works of this pore and especially in the "power of the Earth", Uspensky seeks to determine the basic patterns of peasant life, life, peasant minorasania. As a result, the writer comes to the conclusion that the conditions of agricultural labor are defining here, the connection with the Earth is "the power of the Earth" in the broad sense of the word. Realistic mastery of Assumption in essays about the village, about the Russian tremendous reality put it in one row with outstanding Russian writers. Essays "Peasant and Peasant Labor", Turgenev wrote that Uspensky is not one knowledge of the village life ... But penetration into its deepest, artistic grasp of the features and types.

Essays "Live figures" (1888) were an important product of the 1880s (1888), in which the images of the villages of the village continuing or cling to their Nishchensky put on Earth, or forced to leave the village to work in the city, in factory and factories, on Railways. Essays were an outstanding achievement of the artistic method of the Assumption - a combination of painstaking research, passionate journalism with a bright imagery, with the wealth of speech characteristics, a subtle humor.

Creativity Assumption: themes, ideas, genres and images.

Special place in the democratic prose occupies the work of G.I. Assumption. Ethnographic trends in Uspensky's fiction were also marked by modern criticism and domestic literary criticism. Gorky among the figures of writers repeating V.I. Daly in Russian literature, called G.I. Assumption. His creativity of the 1860-1870s is close to the sixties on topics, ideological-artistic peculiarity and structure, genres, generality of images of phenomena and heroes. In the early works of G.I. Assumption noticeably influenced by Dalevian traditions, a genuine school, a special attitude towards ethnography and folklore. Uspensky gathers, writes genres of oral folk art, carefully examines the economic and social life of various layers of Russian society, driving around in various provinces of Russia, and comes to the conclusion: "Work for this poor people, to serve him and heart, and even), and If there is no sword, then the mind - here was Niankina a fairy tale, a lullaby song, everything that wearing in the chest is not a brick, and the heart. "

Folk-ethnographic materials are widely included and deeply understood in its works, used in different artistic functions. The study of folklore together with socio-economic conditions of life and ethnography gave an objective representation to the Writer about the life and the life of the people. Without a thorough, comprehensive study of the Russian village and traditional peasant creativity, Assumption would not have come to the main discovery - to explain the worldview of the man, its moral strength, aesthetics and moral obstacles through the natural "power of the Earth", which determines, forms as the entire lifeguard, So and its spiritual culture.

Ethnographic elements are included in the early creativity of the writer: various types of metropolitan poverty, Moscow streets, festive boards are described.. However, here is not only characteristic of ethnographic descriptions, but also special attention to social phenomena. Osspensky's essays are distinguished by the well-known factual style of style, fixing the events in the field of vision, sketches of individual paintings with the inclusion of replicas, fragments of conversations, etc. Genres of essays, according to the definition of the Assumption itself, are close to the ethnographic literature of travel: "On the way (road impressions)", "Walk", "At the Constant Court", "Observations Mikhail Ivanovich", etc. In the sixties, Assumption in relation to the material studied and methods of its coverage was close to the Deliv Ethnographic School, relied on the experience of the essay, the sixteen, was repelled and followed them. They were united by the proximity of the topics, the originality, the principles of the approach to the image, style trends, methods of using folk-ethnographic materials, knowledge and thorough study of various sides of the people's life, as well as a penetrating personal attitude towards the fate of the peasantry. Assumption wrote: "The reality is live, unsightly, clogging, torn, scored, stupid, crying, sweating or in the sweat of the face beating from behind a piece of bread, positively tormented me."