Characteristics of types of catering enterprises. Characteristics of catering

Characteristics of types of catering enterprises. Characteristics of catering

1. Characteristics of catering enterprises

Under the enterprise of public catering is a trade and production unit (dining room, restaurant, cafe, snack bar, bar, etc.), which performs the function to ensure the population of nutrition (production of culinary products, its implementation and organization of consumption in the form of a complete ration of dishes or their species) , as well as leisure activities.

The peculiarity of the activities of public catering enterprises is that the processes of production, implementation and organization of consumption are organically connected and, as a rule, coincide in time. It is in the unity of production and organization of consumption consist of a specific feature of catering, its functional goal.

At the same time, catering enterprises should solve the main task - the most fully satisfy the needs of the population in food in accordance with the requirements of scientifically based balanced nutrition.

The difference between retailers in food and public food is that trade is selling products and goods, and public catering organizes their consumption.

Public catering enterprises due to the specifics of the products being implemented, as a rule, deal with direct consumers (except for certain cases of the sale of dinners at home). Shops (departments) of cooking perform similar functions as trade enterprises.

Functions and features of the production of catering can vary depending on the level of development of the industrial base, including the food industry producing products for the supply of catering enterprises. In this regard, in the future, it is possible to preserve two functions: implementing and organizing consumption. Currently, such functions are inherent in transparent enterprises.

The activities of catering enterprises are characterized by the following conditions:

the range of manufactured and implemented products directly depends on the nature of the demand of consumers, and it has its own specific features at manufacturing enterprises (depending on labor intensity), in educational institutions, recreation institutions, sports and tourism;

the demand for products and catering services and its changes depend on the season, time of the day, days of the week. For example, in the summer, demand for vegetables dishes, cold soups, cool drinks and ice cream increases.

In addition, the demand in cities and towns affects age and demographic composition, regional or national characteristics.

A characteristic feature of products produced in catering establishments are short-term storage time. Therefore, the preparation of finished dishes and culinary products should be made relatively small batches, taking into account the schedules of implementation. When servicing stable contingents (at manufacturing enterprises, institutions, educational institutions, sanatoriums, boarding houses, etc.) Planning of rhythm in the sale of products possible, in all other cases, the organization of rhythmic work is complicated by the fact that consumer flow at catering enterprises is uneven not only Days of the week, but also by hours during the day.

The activities of catering establishments are related to the need for strictly accounting for sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of production and technological processes: compliance with the commercial neighborhood during the storage of products, eliminating the intersection of technological flows of finished products and semi-finished products, clean and used dishes, creating optimal lighting conditions on workplaces, device Effective ventilation systems in rooms and at each workplace. The production and implementation of culinary products consumed by the population requires constant sanitary control over product quality, compliance with each employee of the enterprise of sanitary rules established by the health authorities.

Public catering enterprises in accordance with the target functions performed by the target functions are divided into two main groups: enterprises directly related to the service of the population, which have in their composition halls, and enterprises in centralized production of semi-finished products, culinary, flour and confectionery (enterprises - harvesting) intended To supply this product network of enterprises serving the population.

The variety of catering enterprises gives a presentation to their classification, which is based on the following signs: serviced contingents; Assortment of products sold and types of services for the population; the volume and nature of the services; Comfort level and quality of service; forms of production organization; frequency (timing) of operation during the year; The degree of mobility (place of operation); Method for placing enterprises in buildings.

Depending on the purpose in the service system, the enterprise is divided into enterprises serving organized (stable) contingents (working at industrial enterprises and institutions; students of secondary schools, medium and higher educational institutions; rest in holiday homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums, etc.), and publicly available enterprises serving directly residents and guests of cities and towns during their stay within the availability of the relevant companies. Catering enterprises under urban and village hotels, cultural institutions, sports facilities, leisure centers, etc. are also publicly available.

According to the assortment of culinary products and types of services provided to consumers, universal and specialized enterprises distinguish enterprises.

Universal enterprises carry out the production and sale of a diverse range of dishes, providing a full diet (breakfasts, dinners, dinners) or one of his species, as well as leisure organization in the evening, weekends and holidays (restaurants, cafes, snack bars). Specialized enterprises carry out production and implementation (or only sales) of a homogeneous range of dishes and beverages (snack bars - dumplings, sausage, flour, pancakes, fish; cafes - ice cream, confectionery, etc.) or serve a certain contingent of visitors (cafes - youth, children's, Theatrical, family leisure, etc.).

In accordance with the volume and nature of the services, the level of comfort and quality of service of the enterprise is divided into five-positive categories: Suite, Higher, I, II, III. Enterprises of the Lux Category (usually restaurants) are characterized by a wide selection of customized and corporate preparation dishes, the maximum level of service comfort, a unique architectural and artistic solution of the interior of premises for visitors (Lobby, Avanzal, Hall, Bar). The highest category includes restaurants, cafes, bars, other enterprises, which are characterized by the complexity of the product prepared, high level of organizing visitors' service and archety-art design of the lobby, halls, other service premises. The category I includes restaurants, a pastry shop cafe, a cafe with special programs (youth, theatrical, literary, etc.), specialized snack bars, bars and buffets with leisure centers and cultural and sports facilities (cinemas, theaters, stadiums, etc.). CO category II includes publicly available dining rooms (including dietary), cafes, organized in the evening at the base of canteens, specialized snack bars, stationary buffets. To category III - dining rooms, buffets, cafes, snack bars in manufacturing enterprises, institutions, educational institutions.

On the basis of the frequency (timing) of the functioning during the year, enterprises are divided into constantly (year-round) applicable and seasonal, functioning only within certain periods of the year. Seasonal enterprises are usually organized in resort cities, cities and towns relaxes, on highways. Year-round enterprises can also increase their capacity due to seasonal seats. Seasonal network can create any types of enterprises depending on the specific conditions.

According to the degree of mobility of the catering catering, there may be stationary, associated with a permanent site, and movement - automobiles, autochet, bus cars, restaurant wagons, vessel restaurants.

All public catering companies in the forms of production organization, depending on the type of main source products used for the production of finished dishes and products, are divided into catching, working on high-finished preparedness, handouts, working on finished dishes and products; as well as enterprises operating on raw materials (with the completed production cycle). When forming a network of catering enterprises in cities and towns, all catering enterprises in cities and towns All catering enterprises directly maintenance in the form of the organization's organization should be provided by changing. Transportation enterprises are usually organized to serve small stable contingents in manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. Enterprises with a completed cycle (on raw materials) can be created in cases of the temporary absence of a centralized base base, as well as in hard-to-reach areas, on highways, in countryside of recreation areas, etc.

According to its functional purpose, the types of services provided, the specifics of the forms and methods of service, the composition and area of \u200b\u200bpremises, enterprises are divided into the following types: dining room, restaurant, cafe and diner.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering company in which the organization of food is combined with rest. The restaurant provides consumers a wide range of dishes, beverages, confectionery preparation. The restaurants menu include portion and branded dishes, drinks, confectionery. Branded dishes should reflect the features of national cuisine, the thematic direction of the enterprise. Some of them are filed with waiters with concluding operations on their preparation in the presence of consumers. In the presence of appropriate products, orders are accepted for the manufacture of dishes that are not included in the menu.

For the restaurants of the Luxury and the highest category, dining rooms and devices are mainly individually ordered; Porcelain dishes must have a restaurant emblem. In restaurants, the luxury and high category use metal dishes and stainless steel cutlery of an increased cut group, and in restaurants 1 and 2 categories - stainless steel. When servicing banquets and receptions in the restaurants of the suite and high category, metal dishes and cutlery from Melchior, Crystal dishes are used.

Table underwear (tablecloths, napkins) are used white or color, taking into account the artistic design of tables and interior features of the hall. It is allowed to use various types of manual finish (lace, embroidery). In restaurants 1 and 2 categories instead of tablecloths on the tables with a polyester coating surface when serving can be used individual linen wipes. Luxury restaurant furniture is manufactured by individual orders, and for other enterprises are selected in accordance with the interior of the halls. Two-, four- and six-seater tables with a soft coating (square, rectangular, round or oval shape), soft chairs or chairs, utility tables, Snowers for waiters, etc. Halls should be beautifully decorated, are designed in a certain style, appropriate with the name of the restaurant.

The service is carried out by waiters, metalloes, bartender with special training, and dishes and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. In restaurants serving foreign tourists, employees must have one of the foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the amount necessary to fulfill their duties. The service personnel must have a single form of clothing and shoes.

Restaurants provide consumers, as a rule, dinners and dinners, and when servicing participants in congresses, meetings, conferences - Full diet. In pre-holiday Saturday or Sundays, restaurants are organized by family dinners, tastings of national cuisine dishes, thematic evenings, serving weddings, anniversary celebrations, friendly meetings.

Restaurants and additional services: vacation lunch for scrap, sale of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery, receiving pre-orders for cooking dishes for family celebrations and guests at home, consultation of the population on cooking technology and table service.

In the restaurants of the Lux Category (at hotels), in the re6stores of the highest and 1 categories during the daytime, complex breakfasts are released, lunches. In addition, consumers are provided with a varied range of dishes and snacks of massiforms, not included in these lunches and breakfasts. In the evening, concert-pop views are organized, performing musical ensembles.

Luxury restaurants can be placed in places of the historical and architectural monuments, protected areas, in resorts, administrative and spectacular complexes. Such restaurants are distinguished by a special architecturally planning solution and provide consumers the maximum level of comfort.

The restaurants of the highest category are placed in public and administrative buildings, spectacular complexes, in resorts, in the hotel of the highest category, with airports, and restaurants 1 categories in public, administrative and spectacular complexes, in resorts, in hotels, during railway stations and water marins.

1.4 - 5.4 times less than for similarly non-modulated equipment. 2. The organization of the production and service of the banquet on the occasion of the school graduation unit by the organization of production and service of a banquet on the occasion of the graduation of a fully engaged in a school canteen. According to the ordered menu from parents of graduates, dining room workers themselves organize production products. On their ...

Additional obligations and burden a young enterprise with paper fiber. Thus, the cafe "Cafe" will be equipped with modern equipment in accordance with the norms of equipping catering and sanitary and hygienic requirements. Depreciation Depreciation of computing equipment, furniture, refrigeration and roast cabinet, split system, microwave oven, fryers, ...


Description of the company

1 Characteristics of the company

2 Definition of type, class of enterprise

3 Personnel Management Methods

4 personnel policy

5 hiring and personnel selection

Organizational structure of cafes

Features of the production premises of the restaurant




Among public catering enterprises, restaurants, cafes, bars occupy the main place. They also play a prominent role in organizing rest of the population. Visitors come to the bar or restaurant not only to delicious eat or drink an original cocktail, but in order to spend a business meeting, a pleasant evening in a circle of friends, celebrate any event in your personal life, and finally just relax and throw a worker bustle day.

The level of comfort in restaurants and cafes depends not only on its material and technical base and successful management, but also from professional skills of those who are called upon to create an atmosphere of a welcome and hospitality, primarily from the metals and waiters.

It is welcoming to meet, correctly and beautifully serve guests, quickly and tasty feed, in general, to create all the conditions for a full-fledged rest - there is the main task of workers in these enterprises. To create such an atmosphere for visitors, some maintenance culture is needed.

Service culture is one of the main criteria in assessing the activities of catering workers. The concept of this includes various forms and methods of personnel work, the use of progressive forms of service (Complex dinner leave, service on the principle of "Swedish" table, etc.), a high level of training of all personnel from the kitchen worker to the director, continuous service updating, while without refusing to the end from old.

The professionalism of the kitchen workers, not so visible as well-known (... at the beginning of the twentieth century, cooks knew and respected and respected), should be at the level of the institution and how no less. After all, the quality of dishes is also a determining factor in the evaluation of the work of catering enterprises. From the correctness of the process of preparation, adherence to all sanitary standards and most importantly from the quality of raw materials, the most important human wealth depends - health.

In general, this is a culture of service at catering establishments, and the restaurant is not important or a cafe must be done to organize people and they will definitely be grateful, which is the best reward for workers.

1. Description of the company

LLC "IP Drunknikov I.V." Cafe "Luigi" - a cafe with exclusively homemade kitchen northern Italy, the atmosphere of the place where you want to return with friends and loved ones. In a nutshell about the kitchen: dishes in the menu are prepared almost completely from products of Italian origin. The hereditary pizzaire prepares the pizza of twenty species, fragrant, with a crispy thin crust, which goes on the table, accompanied by the best Italian wines.

The cafe menu there is always a homemade paste, amazing Sicilian olives, traditional Tuscan snacks, cheeses and salads, the gifts of the Mediterranean Sea, freshly baked bread and a variety of diverse desserts.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the ratio of price and quality, and the taste of cooked dishes will not assign even the most exquisite gourmet indifferent. At the same time in the cafe you can spend a business meeting, organize a romantic date and just have a good time in a circle of friends.

1.1 Characteristics of the company

Cafe "Luigi", is located at: Russia, MO, Korolev, ul. Silicate, d.17.

Mode of operation: from 12:00 to 01:00.

Weekends and breaks for lunch.

Cuisine: Italian.

Main tasks: Offer quality products at an affordable price, creating a cozy atmosphere of Italy.

1.2 Definition of type, class of enterprise

The company's class is a combination of distinctive features of enterprises of a certain type characterized by the quality of services provided, level and maintenance conditions (GOST R 50762-2007).

Cafe "Luigi" refers to secondary class catering enterprises, intended for the organization of leisure of the population, specializing in the production and sale of culinary products: providing consumers a wide range of Italian dishes of simple preparation, as well as wine-vodka, and confectionery.

Visitors serve in the restaurant waiters, metallians, bartenders who have passed special training. Dishes and drinks prepare highly qualified cooks. The service personnel in the cafe has shaped clothing and uniform shoes.

Cafe organizes service not only of individual visitors, but also congresses, conferences, official evenings, receptions, family celebrations, banquets, thematic evenings.

1.3 Personnel Management Methods

In the organization LLC "IP Pannikov I.V." Cafe "Luigi" are mainly organized by organizational and administrative methods - methods of direct impact, wearing a directive and mandatory nature. They are based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion, regulatory and documentary functions, the deviation from which is punishable. Partly economic methods are also applicable, because there are material incentives and sanctions.

1.4 Personnel Policy

cafe Personnel Certification Validation

The personnel policy of the enterprise includes the following activities:

Hiring and selection of personnel,


Job descriptions

Personel assessment,

Professional advanced training

Creating a personnel reserve.

1.5 hiring and personnel selection

From personnel who works in a cafe depends on the successful implementation of its activities, and each position contributes to both the functioning of the restaurant and in the perception of the image of the restaurant "Daphne" in the eyes of visitors.

Regarding the sources of search for personnel, the Director-General resorts to the internal search rather rarely, and mainly it concerns displacements on related positions, for example, if a new bartender requires selection among waiters, if a new washer is required, the selection can be carried out among Cleaners. Sometimes, in the absence of one of the subordinates, for example, the executive administrator, the most responsible worker among waiters or swirls can be released on its replacement, since they have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to communicate with the customers of the restaurant, smoothing conflict situations, etc.

Regarding the means of external recruitment, the search is implemented as follows: publishing ads in newspapers and professional journals, publishing ads on Internet sites, search for personnel working in other establishments of this kind, appeal to employment agencies. Also allowed the option, search through already working personnel, with the involvement of their acquaintances.

Reception of candidates:

The primary interview with candidates for a vacant place is carried out by the Cafe Administrator - to determine mutual interests, work experience, workshop checks, identify the potential reception. The definition (based on the staff schedule) of departments and positions on which the applicant could work.

The methodology of the primary interview with the candidate is presented as follows:

) Administrator is aware of the goal of the candidate's stay

) It turns out the place of residence, place of work / former place of work, the amount of wage obtained is still a place of work;

) Clarifies the reason for dismissal from the same place of work;

4) browsing documents - passport, labor book, military ID, diploma; At this stage it is important to pay attention to the frequency of change of work (including for the causes of dismissal);

) Finds out what was done specifically in previous work, which types of work performed;

) Learn from the candidate that he wants from the point of view of work and wages;

) It tells about working conditions and wages, about social benefits and the benefits of working in the restaurant.

After the primary interview, the administrator issues the applicant's applicant and a sample application. Further, the administrator transmits the Candidate's completed questionnaires to the Director-General, also gives his own assessment of the applicant and talks about the results of the primary interview, after which he sends a candidate for an interview with the CEO.

At the secondary interview, the Director-General asks the most interested in his questions, as a rule, they concern experience in the field of service sector and the cause of dismissal from the same place of work. The dominant advantage of a candidate for work in the cafe "Luigi", as the Director General noted, is a friendly attitude, the ability to support the conversation in a positive way. Sometimes questions of an unexpected nature are used to test the stressfulness of the candidate, the conflict situation can also be modeled, the decisions of which will be to offer the applicant.

After conducting a secondary interview with the candidate, a final decision is made on employment, the candidate writes a job application. Inspection of primary documents - passports, labor books, diplomas, other documents (at military-cancer military ticket and assigned certificate). The execution of the employee occurs in accordance with the TC RF. If necessary, on managers and specialists accepted for work related to the material responsibility, a written or oral characteristic is requested from the previous place of work. The draft order of admission is prepared. The applicant puts a signature on the order on the order, the draft employment contract is issued.

After the worker entered the execution of his duties, his adaptation period awaits him. Staff adaptation is an important component of the personnel management system. In order to increase the effectiveness of the employee's adaptation to new conditions for it, the cafe uses such a tool as mentoring.

Mentoring looks like this: a more experienced employee teaches a new employee to know how. Mentoring is aimed at gaining a new employee of knowledge, skills and skills necessary in his future work. By the advice, a personal example or somehow a mentor transmits his own experience. Such an approach is practiced quite a long time in the cafe "Luigi", as he has proven itself very well. Indeed, an experienced employee knows a lot and knows how much, he is known all the subtleties and nuances of the work performed. Of course, it will be just wonderful if he shares his knowledge with a newcomer. When appointing a mentor, not only its professional qualities are required, but also human. The mentor must cause empathy and, in addition, he must be able to be able to work with people himself. The process of mentoring is organized in such a way that the activity of the employee as a mentor does not affect its main work. Otherwise, the adaptation system based on mentoring may not lead to an increase, but to a decrease in productivity as a whole.

Personel assessment:

In solving problems of personnel management of the restaurant, the assessment of the activities of workers, which is expressed in:

assessment of knowledge (certification);

system of control and evaluation of the work of each employee.

In the cafe "Luigi", the certification is a method of assessing and direct impact on each participant, since those who conduct certification, and those who participate in it as examined, have been involved in this process for a long time.

The certification procedure is developed and implemented in the practice of managing staff for a long time. It is carried out in accordance with the norms of labor legislation and includes several stages, which was mentioned above.

Cafe "Luigi" Certification is carried out using the ATP method (attestation written test) and validation.

The ATP method is filling the written test personnel on special testing blanks with closed issues (that is, with answers). Tests have a total of three levels of staff assessment: the necessary knowledge (one star), sufficient knowledge (two stars) and professional knowledge above average (three stars). These levels have a hierarchy, i.e. If the subsequent level is credited, and the previous one is not credited, then the test is considered not credited (for example, for waiters in the necessary knowledge includes the knowledge of the menu, but in sufficient knowledge - knowledge of the maintenance techniques; if the waiter passes sufficient knowledge, but does not give the necessary knowledge - test It is considered not credible). The test is carried out either directly by the Director General or the restaurant administrator.

After the passage of ATP, validation is carried out or the practical assessment of the work of the staff in real time. To do this, the administrator takes the form of the validation sheet, which lists the real moments of work (for waiters it is, for example, table setting, orders, etc.) and tracks certain situations in the employee's work (the forms are filled with each employee), noting in the form, Correctly or incorrectly organized a specific moment of its work this employee. After the validation, each employee is evaluated.

2. Organizational cafe structure

The rights and obligations of the administration of the enterprise are determined by special instructions and internal regulations.

The director entrusted with the responsibility for organizing the entire trade and industrial activity of the enterprise. He implements economic and financial activities, controls the culture of service of visitors in the trading halls of the cafe, the quality of products, the state of accounting, control and safety of material values, the selection and placement of personnel; Compliance with labor legislation, orders and instructions of higher organizations.

In this regard, the director has the right to dispose of material and cash, acquire property and inventory, enter into contracts and agreements, move, dismiss (in accordance with labor law), encourage employees, impose disciplinary recovery.

The director must ensure the fulfillment of a clear supply of the enterprise with raw materials, products, semi-finished products, subject matter of material and technical equipment; create the necessary conditions for the safety of inventive material values; Control the work of all enterprise participants, as well as compliance with sanitation and hygiene rules, safety equipment.

The workshop of production (chef) is fully responsible for the production activities of the enterprise, under the leadership of which monitoring the compliance with the dishes, the technologies of their manufacture, check the finished products, the timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, inventory, etc.

The chef should make a menu daily taking into account the available products and an assortment minimum; To ensure compliance with the production of sanitation and hygiene rules, labor protection and safety, providing reports on the use of commodity values \u200b\u200bin a timely manner.

The head of production is provided with the right: to require workers to strictly comply with the rules for the preparation of culinary products and sanitary rules, to arrange employees in accordance with the requirements of production and their qualifications, if necessary, move workers within production.

The administrator manages all the work of waiters, bartenders, wardrobes, clovers of halls, toilets.

The administrator must: control the staff in compliance with the rules for servicing visitors cafes, internal regulations, personal hygiene, wearing uniforms, etc. The administrator establishes the procedure for obtaining, sharing and passing the waiters of dishes and other service items, ensures the preparation of the hall to open a cafe.

During the day, the administrator must be in the hall, follow the maintenance of cleanliness and order and correctly serving tables. Before opening a cafe, to instruct waiters on the order of work on a given day, check their readiness for service, get acquainted with the menu; Meet guests and help them in choosing places, charging further service to waiters.

At the end of the working day, the administrator is obliged to trace the harvest of halls, surrender by the waiters to the cashier's revenue, delivery of dishes, devices, linen. The administrator organizes the work of the waiters, making their schedule for the employment of the case of violation by the waiters, the Barmenmi rules of service to not allow them to work or remove it, saying the management of the cafe; With incorrect leave or design of a finished dish, return it to production, require replacement, as well, if the visitor did not like the ordered dish, side dish or sauce., As well as a schedule of other employees of the hall and controls its implementation; distributes waiters to individual sites of the hall and enshrines a certain number of tables behind them; Provides a clear connection of the production and trading hall; Watches the correctness of the vacation of finished dishes and their design.

For all cafes staff installed rules of work, job descriptions and labor protection instructions for workers and employees.

Periodically, medical examinations undergoes the entire cafe personnel in strict accordance with the regulatory documents. Personal medical records have all employees.

The main chefs are a chef, then su-chief comes. The schedule of their work 5 after 2, 6 through 1, depending on the day of the week, the coupling loads, ordered banquets. Basically, they work together, sometimes only one, but a prerequisite, so that every day in the kitchen is attended either a chef, or Su-Chef. Then follow certain chefs of each workshop.

Hot workshop: Four cooks (chart 2 after 2; 3 through 2), as well as a chef and su-chef, who are considered employees mostly hot shops. Cold workshop: Four cooks (chart 2 after 2). Cooking workshop: two cooks (chart 2 after 2).

For cooks. Form: pants, shirt, apron, cap and shoes. Stitto to order, from a special material. After each change, the uniforms give up the laundry room, which is located in the basement.

Material responsibility is fixed for each cook in its workshop. That is, all shortage of products according to the results of revisions are deducted from the salary of the chefs of a specific workshop. The same applies to the equipment (vehicle breakdown).

Waiters: 12 people who are clearly divided into two shifts, that is, 5 waiters and one senior waiter in shift (chart 2 after 2). At the beginning of the day, the waiters are assigned to a specific room (based on the schedule in which the queues of the halls are painted, in alternation, for a month). In some room there are two waiters (usually judged by workload). And the senior waiter who is not attributed specifically for some kind of room, but serves tables only as needed (if the waiter does not have time), the same follows the work of all waiters.

One senior manager (chart 5 after 2).

Bartenders: Two people (2 chart 2).

HOSTESS: Three people (chart 2 after 2; 3 after 3).

Waiters: twelve person (chart 2 after 2).

3. Features of the production premises of the restaurant

Cafe as an enterprise producing culinary products has production traits specializing in the processing of a certain type of raw materials and manufactured products: meat, fish, vegetable, hot, cold, confectionery. There are also other services: warehouse and commodity economy.

In this regard, the production premises of the cafe are divided into: harvesting (meat, fish, vegetable goals); doogle (hot, cold cings); specialized (flour products, confectionery shop); Auxiliary - handouts, breads.

In the harvesting shops, the company produces mechanical processing of raw materials - meat, fish, birds, vegetables - and the production of semi-finished products for the supply of touching workshops.

In the changing shops, the technological process of production and the implementation of it in the halls of the restaurant, bars is completed.

When organizing workpieces and catching workshops of any power, compliance with the following conditions: ensuring the production of production and the sequence of technological processes; minimum technological and transport freight traffic; Ensuring the requirements of sanitation and occupational safety and safety activities.

The hot shop is designed at all catering enterprises, where there are rooms for customer service, no exception is also a cafe "Luigi", where there is a hot shop. In the hot shop, various dishes and culinary products prepare for sale in the enterprise hall.

Hot workshop is located at one level with the hall. The workshop has a convenient connection with a cold workshop, as well as with other rooms: dispensing, washing, with meatshore and vegetable shops, with raw storage rooms. The hot workshop has a direct connection with the washing kitchenware. The hot shop in accordance with the first and hot second dishes manufactured by the first and hot second dishes is divided into soup and sauce compartment.

Soup compartment. The technological process of preparing the first dishes in the soup compartment consists of two stages: the preparation of broth (bone, meat, fish, etc.), vegetable, fruit brawls and cooking soups (filling, dairy, sweet).

For portioning meat, poultry, fish to soups on the production table have a cutting board, the scales desktop dial and container for laying the portioned products.

Cafe sells soups in small quantities, therefore napilla boilers are used to make them prepare. On the distribution of the soup branch for the implementation of complexes, mobile boilers KP-60 are installed.

Sauce compartment. This compartment is intended for the preparation of second hot dishes, side dishes, sauces. In the sauception of the canteens, there are three technological lines, on which jobs for frying, cooking, extinguishing, allowing, baking; cooking garnish, sauces and hot drinks; Preparation of culinary products (cheesery, slaughterhouse, vegetable kitlet, etc.).

Cold shops are designed for cooking, portioning and design of cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class.

The 1st-class restaurant in the range of cold dishes should be included daily at least 10 dishes. The range of cold shop products includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, fusey, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sibbuities, kisins, compotes and Dr.), Cold drinks, cold soups.

The production program of the cold workshop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes implemented through the Cafe Hall.

The cold shop is located in one of the brightened premises with windows emerging to the north or northwest. When planning a workshop, a convenient connection with the hot workshop is provided, where heat treatment of products needed to prepare cold dishes, as well as with distribution and washing tableware.

When organizing a cold workshop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the production of the workshop after manufacture and portioning is not subjected to secondary heat treatment, so it is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary rules in organizing the production process, and chefs are the rules of personal hygiene; Cold dishes should be made in such a quantity that can be implemented in a short time.

Given that in the cold shop, products from products that have been thermal treatment are manufactured, and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, fish and meat. In the cafe "Luigi", universal jobs are organized, which consistently prepare cold dishes in accordance with the production program.

In the cold shop, mechanical equipment is used: universal actuators P-and, PC-06 with interchangeable mechanisms (for cutting raw, boiled vegetables, for mixing salads and vinegarets, for whipping mousse, sambuchs, cream, sour cream, for squeezing fruit juices); Machine for cutting boiled vegetables mrops. These machines perform all kinds of operations cut raw and boiled vegetables, stirring salads and winegres (when they are prepared in large quantities), whipped, wipe, squeeze juices. In small shops, these operations are mainly performed manually.

The cold shop is equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment. For storage of products and finished products, refrigeration cabinets are installed (SHX-0.4, SHX-0.8, SHH-1,2), SESM-2 production tables with a cooled cabinet, co-ESM-3 with a cooled cabinet, a slide and capacity For lettuce, low-temperature counter for storing and leave ice cream. Flushing of vegetables, greenery, fruit is made in stationary or mobile baths or for this purpose, a sectional modulated table with a built-in washing and a bathroom of the SBVSM in the restaurant Cold shop has a distributing counter.

Hot shop.

The work is very diverse, there should be a chef of various qualifications. The following ratio of cooks in the hot workshop is recommended: VI discharge - 15-17%, V discharge - 25-27%, IV discharge - 32-34% and III discharge - 24-26%.

In the production team of the hot workshop also includes kitchen dishes, kitchen utility workers.

Chef and Su-Chef are responsible for organizing the technological process in the workshop, quality and observance of dishes. He monitors compliance with the cooking technology and culinary products, prepares portion, branded, banquet meals.

Cook V discharge prepares and draws up dishes that require the most complex culinary processing.

Cook IV discharge prepares the first and second dishes of mass demand, passs vegetables, tomato puree.

Cook III category prepares products (cuts vegetables, cooks, pasta, fries potatoes, products from cutlets, etc.).

The workshop is headed by the workmanship manager.

Cold shop.

The mode of operation of the cold workshop is established depending on the type of enterprise and the mode of its operation. The mode of operation of the cafe "Luigi" 11 or more hours. Work workers work on two-bit or combined graphics. The general management of the workshop is carried out by the chef, or Su-Chef.

It organizes work on the performance of the production program in accordance with the menu plan. From the evening, labor-intensive dishes are prepared: jelly, bay dishes, etc.

The time to prepare work at the beginning of the working day is used to select dishes, inventory, product obtaining in accordance with the production task. With a good organization of production, time to prepare work should be not more than 20 minutes. Cooks get tasks according to their qualifications. The brigadier monitors compliance with the rules of the cooking technology of cold and sweet dishes, their release schedule to eliminate interruptions in the service of visitors.

At the end of the work shift, the cook reported for the work done, and the brigadier or responsible cook constitutes a report on the implementation of dishes per day in the trading room, buffets and branches.

The number of employees in production, in the shops can be determined: according to the time standards (per unit of watch products): according to the standards of development, taking into account the working time fund, one working for a certain period and production program of the workshop for the same period.

4. Menu

A business card of each cafe or restaurant call the menu, i.e. A list of snacks, dishes, beverages (indicating the price, output), commercially available during the entire time of work.

The menu is based on an assortment minimum and the program of the enterprise.

In restaurants, cafes, bars in the menu are indicated by the name of dishes, snacks and other products, exit in grams and price.

Basic menu requirements:

Maximum clarity for the visitor in the names of dishes, beverages, etc., he must know exactly what they offer to him, in what volume is at what value.

All dishes in the menu are listed in a sequence corresponding to the order of food intake. Branded and portion dishes in the general menu are allocated to a special section. The procedure for transferring dishes must correspond to an assortment minimum - a certain number of dishes and beverages that should be on sale daily.

Cold snacks:

Brushetto with tomatoes 150g. 210 rubles.

Assorted Italian cheeses 150g. 410 rub.

Assorted Italian sausages 150g. 390 rub.

Salmon is weakly salted 150g. 310 rub.

Tar-package from salmon 170g. 385 rub.

Antipasti Karna 200g. 540 rub.

Hot appetizers:

Pancakes with caviar 120g. 290 rub.

Pancakes with salmon 120 gr. 240 rubles.

Camembert in Klyar 170 gr. 254 rub.

Burger "Luigi" 350 gr. 275 rub.

Croissant with salmon 130 gr. 180 rubles.

Shrimp with lentils 170 gr. 490 rubles.

Kalmar rings in the battery 170g. 280 rubles.

Shrimps Tiger in Klyar 170 gr. 390 rubles.

Baked eggplants baked 200 gr. 260 rub.

Caesar with chicken 200g. 390 rubles.

Caesar with shrimp 200g. 470 rubles.

Caesar with salmon 200g. 420 rubles.

Salad Nice 200g. 340 rub.

Tomatoes with red bow 200g. 280 rubles.

Salad "Italian" 200g. 365 rub.

Grukl Al Formadzhio 200g. 470 rubles.

Greek 200g. 460 rubles.

Vegetable 200g. 320 rub.

Salad with chicken pastry 200g. 330 rub.

Salad of chicken fillet 200g. 350 rub.

Minestrin 300 gr. 220 rub.

Chicken broth with quail egg 300 gr. 220 rub.

White mushroom soup 250 gr. 270 rub.

Tomato 300 gr. 290 rub.

Gaspachcho 300 gr. 230 rubles.

Hot meat and poultry dishes:

Meat Assorted 250 gr. 470 rubles.

Grilled chicken 350 gr. 430 rub.

Pork baked 200 gr. 410 rub.

Karea lamb 200 gr. 990 rubles.

Chicken kebab 200 gr. 320 rub.

Pork in Italian 180 gr. 380 rub.

Grilled vegetables 200 gr. 230 rubles.

Potato puree 150 gr. 100 rubles.

Roasted potatoes with spices 160 gr. 130 rub.

Pizza with salami 400gr. 350 rub.

Pizza with mushrooms 400 gr. 430 rub.

Pizza Vegetarian 400 gr. 470 rubles.

Pizza with briar 400 gr. 470 rubles.

Pizza "Caesar" 400 gr. 420 rubles.

Pizza with ham and mushrooms 400 gr. 470 rubles.

Pizza "Margarita" 400 gr. 350 rub.

Pizza with spinach and riccot 400 gr. 390 rubles.

Juices in assortment 200 ml. 150 rub.

Coca-Cola 250 ml. 100 rubles.

Fanta 250 ml. 100 rubles.

Sprite 250 ml. 100 rubles.

Desserts and sweets:

Classic cheesecake 150 gr. 283 rub.

Apple strudel 150 gr. 182 rub.

Strudel "Cherry" 150 gr. 182 rub.

Tartlets berry 120 gr. 230 rubles.

Mousse chocolate with berries 150 gr. 250 rubles.

Sugar raspberry with ice cream 200 gr. 320 rub.

Cream-Bruel with Berries 120 gr. 210 rubles.

Cake yoghurt 120 gr. 220 rub.

Ice cream:

Chocolate 60 gr. 80 rubles.

Strawberry 60 gr. 80 rubles.

Creamy 60 gr. 70 rubles


As a result of the passage of introductory work practices in LLC "IP Pannikov I.V." The Cafe "Luigi" was fixed by theoretical knowledge received at the Institute, practical knowledge and skills on "personnel management" were obtained, skills to conduct interviews and selection of personnel. The organization and functions of the Limited Liability Company "Daphne" was studied. Developed recommendations for improving the work of the organization.

During the passage, I managed to attend the interview and conduct an interview, to conduct research and collect information for writing a report.

It was also possible to determine the "weak points" of the organization, to develop recommendations for their exception.

It can be summarized that the staff of the organization and its leadership should always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, deliberately build their behavior and choose the most optimal style of the team management to increase the efficiency of the workflow and profitability of the entire enterprise. And the subordinates sought to innovations and improvements, there was a desire to work and be demanded.


1. Normative documents on restaurant business. Directory. - M.: Publishing House "Restaurant Vedomosti", 2004. - 247 p.

2. Blank I.A. Dictionary of Financial Manager. - K.: "Nika", 2005.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms "Hygienic requirements of safety and food value of food products". SanPine 2.3.21078-2001. M.: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2001.-26 p.

Creinina M.N. Financial management. - M.: "Case and Service", 2006.

Lobanova E.N. Financial management. - M.: "Infra-M", 2005.

Perar O.N. Financial management. - M.: "Finance and Statistics", 2007.

Polovinkin S.A. Financial management of the enterprise. - M.: "FBK-PRESS", 2005.

TWOHOV T.V. Financial management. - M.: GU HSE, 2007.

Trenev N.N. Financial management. - M.: "Finance and Statistics", 2006.

Shokhin E.I. Financial management. - M.: "FBK-PRESS", 2005.

GOST R 50762- 2007 "Catering services. Classification of catering enterprises. "


The work practices of students is an integral part of the educational process and an important stage in the theoretical and professional training of a specialist.

The duration of production practice, according to the report, lasted from December 9, 2013 to December 28, 2013

The purpose of industrial practice at the enterprises of the tourist industry:

· Acquisition of practical skills of independent work on the main positions of employees of public catering enterprises by the profile of the education obtained;

· Formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the restaurant, about the place and role of a graduate in the structure of the object of practice.

· Acquaintance with the official duties of the main categories of workers;

· Mastering the production technology of restaurant services;

· Acquisition of organizational skills of working in a team, taking into account interpersonal communication and professional ethics;

· Study of the management structure in enterprises;

· Performing official functions of the waiter;

· Fastening and improving the knowledge of a foreign language when working with foreign clients.

Achieving the goal provides for the solution of the following tasks:

Obtaining a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of a catering company on the basis of current legislation, regulatory and methodological and other documents

Acquaintance with the structure of the enterprise of the restaurant industry

Study of features and technological processes of its activities

Studying the nature of the interaction of the enterprise with the consumers of services.

General characteristics of the catering company

Public food is one of the main sectors of the sphere of circulation and performs the main socio-economic task of the development of our society - the satisfaction of the material and cultural standard of living of the people. The solution of this main economic and social task is carried out by developing retail turnover. The community turnover is an integral part of the country's retail turnover, and the welfare of the people depends on its development. Many enterprises are unsatisfactoryly used material and technical bases, commodity, labor and financial resources. In this regard, the main task of analyzing the economic activity of nutrition enterprises is to identify, study and mobilize reserves for improving the quality of consumer services, work efficiency by eliminating disadvantages of economic management, improving the use of economic potential, achieving the best results at the lowest labor and funds. [1, c. 35]

The public catering area includes all the organizational forms of mass nutrition (in orphanages, preschool institutions, hospitals, in catering enterprises of various forms of ownership, etc.), the tasks of which are restoration and maintenance of people's health.

Public food can also be considered as a branch, the main purpose of which is the provision of services to the population in the form of publicly organized nutrition in exchange for its cash income. The public catering industry is characterized by the community of material and technical base, trade and technological and organizational and economic structures. According to experts, at home, approximately 83% of food is preparing, at catering enterprises - about 17%.

Socio-economic importance of catering is expressed in the creation of conditions for productivity growth and improvement of the organization of labor due to the provision of full-fledged hot nutrition at the place of work and study of the population; in ensuring savings of social labor and funds; In the creation of prerequisites for increasing the free time of members of society, especially women.

Catering industry has a combination of three functions: the production of finished food; its implementation; Organization of consumption. The initial is the function of production, the cost of labor on which is 70 - 90% of all labor costs in the industry.

In the production process at catering establishments a new product is created. Own public catering products enters the implementation with new consumer properties and additional cost.

Since the economy is based on commodity relations, food enterprises perform the function of implementing products and purchased goods as values.

Food is a consumption form, so an important function of the industry is the organization of consumption. By combining food enterprise functions differ from all industries, in particular, from trade and food industry. Food industry enterprises make food, however, as a rule, they can be used after additional technological processing. Food industry products have a longer storage time. Public food products are not subject to long-term storage and transportation, which requires the organization of consumption in place. Of course, not all products of public catering are consumed in place. In recent years, due to a decrease in the number of consumers at food enterprises as a result of a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, catering enterprises began to actively engage in the release of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, other types of products (pasta, branded bread, smoked, etc.) and the implementation of them in the retail trade network in the order of wholesale vacation. In this case, only two functions are fulfilled: production and sales.

On the combination of functions, social food differs from retailers. Trade enterprises are carried out by buying and selling goods. In the public catering on its own products, the production function is also performed, and on dining - also additionally, the function of organizing consumption.

All catering facilities can be classified on various features:

Property forms (public and private enterprises, including those owned by consumer cooperation, collective, based on mixed property, foreign);

Types of objects (dining room, restaurant, cafe, snack bar, buffet, bar, cooking store, culinary plant, power plant);

Specializations (general-type enterprises and specialized);

Natural categories and service level (objects of the highest, first, second and third category, as well as the category of suite). The third category is assigned to public catering facilities associated with servicing certain contingents of consumers and located at schools, construction projects, industrial enterprises. In this case, education authorities, industrial enterprises, etc. We must provide for free to provide food, equipment, payable utilities;

Organization of the trade and technological process (objects of direct service, centralized production and complex);

Mobility (stationary, mobile, seasonal);

The completion of the production process (enterprises with kitchen and without kitchen - doogle).

The restaurant is the most comfortable food company. This is a catering facility with a wide range of complicated dishes, including custom and branded, wine-vodka, tobacco and confectionery, purchased goods with an increased level of service in combination with the organization of leisure. A customer dish is a dish requiring individual preparation and design after receiving the order from the consumer. Corporate dishes include dishes that are prepared on the basis of a new formulation and technology or a new type of raw materials. These dishes reflect the specifics of this power object. They should be different with original design, successfully combine products on taste properties. Restaurant service is carried out by highly qualified waiters. Restaurants can have a suitable luxury category, the highest, first and second. Depending on the setup category, the requirements for restaurants on material and technical equipment (furniture, dishes, table linen and instruments), interior design of the hall, advertising, assortment (specific weighing of custom and branded dishes in the menu) are established.

The Savoy Fete restaurant is located in the lively area of \u200b\u200bthe city, not far from the embankment - at the very beginning of Arbat. Thus, this place has a very convenient location, as the inhabitants and guests of the city can safely spend time in a comfortable setting of the restaurant and try the exquisite dishes of European, Japanese cuisines and national Russians.

This entity takes his story from the work of the cafe-bar with the intriguing name "Pustota". Previously, this company consisted of only one floor, where there were no units into the smoking and non-smoking zones, and there were only 35 seats.

On December 19, 2012, the overall style and policy of this institution came to fundamental changes with the opening of a new elite catering company with the French name "Savoy FETE". 2 floors were built, one of which became a non-smoking area, where families with children and just people who do not carry the smell of tobacco smoke can also have dinner.

Restaurant "Savoy FETE" works in Lounge style. Lounge style (lounge) got widespread when in the world capitals, such as London, New York and Paris, have a tea and cafe, where people are not just eating and drink, but spend time, relax from the daily race of life. The very concept of "lounge" includes not only and not so much a musical direction, it is a lifestyle. Lounge is a state of mind, a slight attitude towards everything, the view is removed and relaxed.

Lounge is the ease and depth, the denial of any voltage, concentration, zincholes, enveloping comfort.

Active use of the style can be seen now in many institutions. In the interior it is natural colors, futuristic and natural forms, air tissues. The style is difficult to catch, as in music it is rather an atmosphere, which consists of a cube from various elements. Well thought out design - an integral part of the "Lounge" establishment. Cozy and soft chairs with pillows are located to sit and relax. Candles burn in the colors in the colts. The format of the establishment and design create a pleasant atmosphere of comfort and heat. Here you can enjoy hookah, talk to souls with buddies, make new acquaintances, listen to jazz. Here you can spend a business meeting, a family dinner, relax in the break between the affairs.

In the evening, the atmosphere of the restaurant has to informal fun, romantic meetings and relaxation with friends. This is especially facilitated by carefully selected musical design, sets from popular DJs, an extensive bar card and a rich hookah card.

The Savoy FCTE menu contains hits of a wide variety of kitchens, combines their author's approach, freshness and high quality products.

All guests are provided with a dining discount of 20% (from 12.00 to 14.00 on weekdays). In addition, free Wi-Fi is available in the halls. For permanent guests, there is a flexible system of discounts (5%, 10%).

The business card of the restaurant is called its menu, i.e., a list of snacks, dishes, beverages (indicating the price and output) commercially available throughout the time of work. The word menu comes from the French "Menu" and means the schedule of dishes and drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as the enumeration of dishes for receptions and other types of service.

Sequence of the location of snacks, dishes, and beverages in the menu

· Breakfast

· Snacks

· Hot seafood dishes

· Hot fish dishes

· Hot meat dishes

· Garnira

· Japanese page

· Desserts

· Branded chai

· Beverages

· Alcohol.

· Cocktails

All dishes in the menu are listed in a sequence corresponding to the order of food intake. The procedure for transferring dishes must comply with an assortment minimum set for each enterprise - a certain number of dishes and beverages that must be in implementation daily. [9, C.116]

Reducing the number of courses and snacks stipulated by the assortment minimum is not allowed. On the contrary, the range can be expanded due to the inclusion in the seasonal and corporate dishes.

When drawing up the menu, a variety of snacks, dishes, both by types of raw materials (fish, vegetable, meat) and methods of culinary processing (boiled, sweened, fried, stewed, baked), as well as the correct combination of the side dish with the main product.

When drafting the menu, the taste quality of food, external design of dishes. It should also be borne in mind that the dishes should reach the taste of harmony due to the combination of various components with each other.

The following factor taken into account when making a menu is seasonality consumption. It is known that dishes rich in fats and proteins are in great demand in the winter, and in the summer the demand for cold dishes, vegetables and fresh fruits increase.

Many consumers at the lunch watches visit the restaurant daily, so the menu should be diversified not only for the day, but also by days of the week.

When selecting garnish and sauces to dishes, it must be achieved that they match the main product. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be available throughout the day. It should also be borne in mind that the restaurant in the daytime is often visited by consumers with children. Therefore, the menu should provide dishes in the size of semide-proof or special dishes for children.

In the menu, all snacks and dishes are located in the following sequence: from the less sharp to the more acute, from the boiled, fried to stew. The menu types are different from each other by selecting the dishes and price structure.

Characteristics of types of catering

Public Food Enterprise Type- type of enterprise with characteristic features of culinary products and nomenclature of services offered.

Catering services regardless of the type of enterprise must meet the requirements:

· Compliance with intended purpose;

· Accuracy and timeliness of granting;

· Security and environmental friendliness;

· Ergonomics and comfort;

· Aesthetics;

· Service cultures;

· Social targeting;

· Informative.

Factory - procurement- A large mechanized enterprise intended for the production of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery and supplying other catering and retail networks. Its power is determined by tons of raw materials per day. It uses high-performance equipment, mechanized lines.

Combine semi-finished productsit differs from the factory by producing only semi-finished products from meat, birds, fish, potatoes and vegetables and greater power. Power it is designed up to 30 tons of raw material processed per day.

Factory-kitchen- This is a large catering enterprise, intended for the release of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products and the supply of affiliates. It is created on the basis of the factory-preparation or combine P \\ f. In addition to the main workshops, it can be included in the production of non-alcoholic beverages, confectionery products. Power - 10-15 thousand dishes in shift.

Power plant- A large trade and manufacturing association, which includes: factories harvesting or specialized procurement trains and doogle enterprises (canteens, cafes, snack bars). The plant has a single production program, a single administrative management, a total warehouse. It is created on the territory of a large manufacturing enterprise for servicing its contingent and residents of the adjacent area, on the basis of a large university with a total number of students of 5 thousand and more, the school factory facilities are created.

Specialized culinary goalsorganized with meat processing plants, fishers, vegetable stores. Designed for the manufacture of P \\ F of meat, fish and vegetables. Stream lines are used, heavy loading and unloading operations are mechanized.

Dining room- publicly available or serving a certain contingent of consumers Pop, producing or implementing dishes in accordance with a variety of weeks of the week's men's days. Dining rooms distinguish:

· According to the range of products sold - general type and dietary;

· According to the serviced contingent of consumers - school, student, working, etc.;

· At the location - publicly available, at the place of study, work.

Public dining rooms are intended to ensure the products of mass demand in the main population of this area. The method of self-service consumers is applied with subsequent payment.

Cutlery in manufacturing enterprises, educational institutions are placed taking into account the maximum approximation to the serviced contingents. Food is organized by shifting, if necessary, food is delivered to workplaces. The work of the canteens is agreed with the administration of the enterprise.

Dining rooms at schools are created with the number of students at least 320 people. It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for 2 age groups.

Dietary dining rooms specialize in servicing people in need of medical nutrition. Production is equipped with specialized equipment and inventory.

Distribution and mobile tableware are designed to serve small teams of working, usually focused on large territories. These dining rooms do not have a kitchen, and only heating food delivered from other pop in isothermal package. Such dining rooms are provided with unbreakable dishes.

Cutlery must have a sign indicating the organizational and legal form, hours of work. The design of trading halls uses decorative elements that create unity of style, standard furniture of a lightweight design having a hygienic coating. Applied faience utensils, glass from pressed glass. Square must comply with the standard - 1.8 square meters. m per seat.

A restaurant- Public catering company with a wide range of complicated dishes, with an increased level of service in combination with the organization of leisure. Depending on the quality of the services provided, level and maintenance conditions, restaurants are divided into classes: suite, the highest, first. The restaurant's food service is a service for the manufacture, implementation and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex preparation from various types of raw materials, purchased goods, wine-vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of high comfort and logistical equipment in conjunction. from leisure organizations. Some restaurants specialize in the preparation of national dishes and cuisine of foreign countries. In addition to dinners and dinners, restaurants serve conference participants, seminars with the provision of a full diet. The full diet is provided in restaurants during hotels, train station, airports. There is a service of banquets of various species, thematic evenings. Additional services are provided: the service of the waiter at home, the order and delivery of consumers of culinary and confectionery products, reservations in the hall of the restaurant, etc.

Leisure management services include:

· Organization of music services;

· Organization of concerts, program variges;

· Providing newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Consumer service is carried out by metals, waiters. In addition to the usual signage, restaurants must have a sign light with design elements. For the design of rooms and premises for consumers, exquisite and original decorative elements are used. In the commerce hall of the restaurant, the suite and the highest class. The presence of pop and the dance floor must. The trading rates use the air conditioning system with automatic maintenance of optimal temperature and humidity parameters. Furniture in restaurants should be enjoyed comfort, the interior of the room. Used utensils from porcelain, melchior, stainless steel, crystal.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe trading hall with pop and the dance floor must comply with the standard - 2 square meters. m per seat.

Water restaurants- Designed for servicing railway transport passengers on the way. They are included in trains located in the way of following a day. The restaurant has a trading room, a production room, a washing compartment and a buffet. Additional services: selling goods and drinks. Service waiters. In trains located on the path of less than a day, a coupe buffet is organized.

Bar- Public food company with bar counter, realizing mixed drinks, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, desserts, purchased goods. Bars are divided into classes: Suite, Higher, first. Bars distinguish:

· According to the range of products sold and the method of preparation - milk, beer, coffee, grill bar, etc.;

· Through the specifics of consumer service - video bar, variety bar, etc.

Service in bars is carried out by metallies, bartenders, waiters. Bars must have a light signboard with design elements. The microclimate is maintained by air conditioning or supply-exhaust ventilation. The main equipment is a bar rack with a height of 1.2 m and stools with a rotating seat with a height of 0.8 m. The requirements for the dishes are the same as in the restaurant.

Cafe- Public catering enterprise, intended for the organization of recreation consumers. The range of products is limited compared to the restaurant. The dishes are mainly simple preparation, an extended range of hot drinks. Cafe differ:

· Assortment of products sold - ice cream cafe, cafe-confectionery, dairy cafe;

· Under the contingent of consumers - a cafe-youth, cafe-children's;

· According to the self-service method - self-service, service of waiters.

The cafe is designed to rest visitors, so the design of the trading hall, lighting, lighting solution is of great importance. Furniture applies standard, lightweight structures. From the dishes applies: stainless steel, porcelain-faience, varietal glass.

Square rate on one landing place in a cafe 1.6 square meters. m.

Cafeteriait is organized with large shopping centers, designed for sale and consumption on the site of hot drinks, lactic acid products, sandwiches, confectionery and other products of simple preparation. The implementation of alcoholic beverages is not allowed. The facilities of the cafeteria consists of two parts: hall and utility room. Sandwiches and hot drinks are prepared in place, the rest of the products enters the finished form. It is equipped with high quadruple tables, 1-2 quadruple tables are installed for servicing the elderly and children.

Snacking - Public catering company with a limited assortment of dishes of simple preparation for fast consumer services. Snack bars share:

· According to the assortment of the implemented total type products;

· Specialized (sausage, dumplings, pancake, pizzeria, etc.).

The snacks are placed in lively places, on the central streets and in the rest areas. The self-service method is used, there may be several handouts. Trading rooms are equipped with high hygienic coating tables. From the dining room dishes is permissible to use aluminum, faience, extruded glass.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe diner must comply with the standard - 1.6 square meters per seat.

Tea.- Specialized diner, an enterprise intended for preparation and implementation in a wide range of tea and flour confectionery products. The menu also includes hot second dishes from

fish, meat, vegetables, scrambled eggs, etc. In the design of the hall use elements of Russian national style.

Skewed- The menu includes at least 3-4 names of kebabs with various samples and sauces, lyuly-kebab, chahokhbak, chickens, tobacco, Harcho and other national dishes. Service waiters, maybe self-service.

Dumplings- Specialized snack bars, the main products of which are dumplings with various stuffing. Also in the menu include cold snacks of simple cooking, hot and cold drinks. Delmeni can flow as semi-finished products or prepare on the spot.

Pancakes- Specialize in the preparation and sale of products from liquid dough - pancakes, pancakes, pancakes. The flow of these products is diverse with sour cream, caviar, jam, jam, honey, etc.

Pizzeriadesigned for the preparation and sale of pizza with various fillings. When self-service, the distributor prepares pizza in the presence of a visitor using the appropriate equipment. May be service for waiters.

Bistro- Fast service enterprise. A typical bistro is a cross between a small inexpensive restaurant and a cafe in a traditional understanding. The range of dishes is narrow, simple cooking dishes. Service processes can be automatized (used machines for the sale of hot and cold drinks, second dishes).

Enterprises on vacation of finished products to the housedesigned for the preparation and implementation of dining products, culinary and confectionery products, semi-finished products. The company can receive pre-orders. In the range of enterprises - cold dishes, first, second and sweet meals. Service is carried out with a distributor.

Cooking shops- Enterprise implemented by the population Culinary and confectionery, semi-finished products; Receive pre-orders. The trading room is organized by 2, 3, 5 and 8 jobs. Cafeteria can be organized, for which high tables are installed in the hall.

The formation of public catering enterprises is based on the range of products sold, the forms of service, the nature of their trade and production activities. Depending on this, they are divided into dining rooms, restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, buffets, cooking shops, specialized cereals, culinary factories, harvesting factories, etc.

Dining room - public catering plant for servicing a certain consumer contingent with a variety of assortment of products of its own production and purchased goods, in which the food can be provided in the form of compounded nutritional diet. Functions, as a rule, at the place of work of consumers, in educational institutions, military units, medical and health establishments, hospitals, social support institutions of low-income groups of the population, etc. In the dining rooms can function halls of health, medical and medical and preventive purposes. As specialized dining rooms distinguish dietary canteens.

In dining room The range of dishes and culinary products allows you to draw up a breakfast, lunch and dinner menu. Their characteristic feature is the mass preparation of dishes. In these enterprises apply self-service.

Dining rooms serve the population of various age groups and professions. In student, school, working canteens, including workers and employees of the hotels, sell complex types of breakfasts, dinners, dinners, whose menu is compiled taking into account the recommended physiological norms of food consumption approved for relevant professional and age groups of consumers.

Dietary dining rooms, in which the nutrition of workers with various chronic diseases are organized, taking into account the characteristics and scientific and hygienic nutritionals.

At urban highways, in residential areas, publicly available canteens are organized in places of recreation. The most comfortable from them in the evening can work as evening cafes or restaurants.

In publicly available dining rooms, visitors offer free choice of dishes (Appendix 1). Along with this, the implementation of complex breakfasts, dinners or dinners is organized to speed up service. In particular, it can be organized food groups of tourists under reduced and school tours.

In the trading hall of the dining room, a buffet can be installed, the range of which is fruit and mineral waters, juices, tonic and soft drinks, kvass, beer (in a publicly available dining room); tea tables with hot drinks, confectionery, sandwiches, juice, juvenile products; Vitamin tables with natural vegetables, fruits, juices, salads. Public dining rooms refer to the second category, the rest - to the third.

In addition to the listed features, the tables of different categories differ in the level of logistical equipment.

In the dining room of the second category, stainless steel cutlery, porcelain dishes are not lower than the fourth group of art cutting, varietal dishes made of blew, less often tempered glass. In the dining room, the third category uses stainless steel or aluminum devices, a porcelain dishes without art cutting, varietal dishes from tempered and extruded glass.

In the table of the third category, they use predominantly six, eight-bed tables. In the dining room of the second category, the tables are selected in this ratio: the number of places behind double tables should be 5%, quadruple - 80, six-bed - 15.

A restaurant - Public catering company with a variety of assortment of sophisticated food dishes, which includes custom and branded dishes and purchased goods (wine-vodka, tobacco and confectionery), high level of service and comfort in combination with recreation and leisure consumer. "Restaurant" from Franz. "Restaurants" - firming, restoring. By service time, restaurants are divided into: fast maintenance and ordinary; According to service methods - service of waiters and self-service. Distinguished specialized restaurants: Fish Restaurant, National Cuisine Restaurant, etc. (Attachment 1).

Visitors in the restaurant serve waiters. Given that foreign tourists feed in restaurants, the service personnel must know one foreign language within the conversational minimum.

The restaurants are constantly organizing meetings of various holidays, thematic evenings, consultations of the population on the technology of cooking dishes and table setting. In the evening the orchestra performs dance music. Some restaurants organize pop speeches.

Dishes and drinks prepare highly qualified cooks, visitors' service are busy well-prepared waiters.

Comfortable rooms are equipped with comfort.

Restaurants, with the exception of those serving railway passengers, water, air and vehicles, have names, for example, "Figaro", "Moscow", "Savoya", "National" and others. The name usually reflects the specifics of the design of the enterprise's retail premises and Features of the range of dishes and drinks.

Restaurants have a luxury category, the highest, first, second. The luxury category includes modern, thematic and national restaurants located in places of historical and architectural monuments, protected areas, administrative and spectacular complexes, in resorts.

The restaurants of the highest category are placed in public, administrative buildings and spectacular complexes, in resorts, in high-discharge hotels, large airbrokes; The first category is in public, administrative and spectacular complexes, in the resorts, in hotels, at the station and marks. Restaurants The second category create on the basis of the dining room of the second category as an evening restaurant.

Restaurant-bar - A variety of restaurant, which includes a bar, the trading room of which joint with the trading hall of the restaurant or the bar counter is located in the restaurant's trading floor.

Restaurant for special orders(Catering) is a catering company, designed to prepare and supply food and organize it consumption in other places on special orders. Such institutions can serve banquets, branded techniques, business meetings, weddings, anniversaries and other holidays in the halls, offices, in nature, under the awnts, etc.

Bar - Public catering enterprise, which sells alcoholic, non-alcoholic, mixed drinks and dishes to them, and purchased goods through a bar counter. Drinks and snacks are implemented in the bars. They can be general purpose and specialized. Distinguish specialized bars: wine, beer, dairy, vitamin, cocktail bar, etc.

In the Bars of the Lux, Higher and First Visitors in the hall, the waiters are serviced, behind the bar counter - bartenders, self-service is used in the bars of the second category, the bartender is served behind the bar, a buffetber for a buffetter.

In the Bars of the Lux Group, the number of places behind the bar is at least 50% of the number of places behind the tables, the highest category - at least 25, the first category - not less than 20. In the bars of the category of the suite and the highest to each place at the bar counter, not less than 0, 8 m length of the rack, the first and second category - 0.6. The ratio of seats behind various tables in the luxury bars is the same as in the luxury restaurants; in the bars of the highest category,%: for double tables-80; Quadruple - 20; first category - for double - 15 and quadruple - 85; The second category is for double - 10 and quadruple - 90.

Cafe - A variety of restaurant with a limited assortment of sophisticated preparation dishes, with a wide range of dishes of simple preparation, bakery, confectionery and beverages, wine-vodka drinks, fermented products and purchased goods, which use self-serving or waiters service (Appendix 2). Caffers quickly serve visitors. Within an assortment minimum, broths, second dishes of simple preparation, as well as cold and hot snacks are prepared here. Distat specialized cafes: cafe-bakery, cafe-confectionery, ice cream cafe, cafe-dairy, cafe-bar, tea salon, coffee shop, etc.

Most cafes are publicly available enterprises of the second category and work according to the self-service method. Their shopping chairs are equipped with two and four-seater tables, followed by food sitting; or high round, triangular tables, behind which food take standing.

The cafe of the highest and first category, as well as in the evening and youth visitors, are serviced by waiters. Visitors are serviced by waiters. Relevant alcoholic beverages are implemented here.

Increased requirements, the form of waiters should correspond to a common style adopted in a diner if Russian cuisine ("pancake") is represented, respectively, Russian national motives should be used in clothing and interior, if Ukrainian cuisine ("busbins") Ukrainian.

coffee house - A variety of cafes with a variety of coffee assortment.

Cafe-bar - A type of cafe, which includes a bar, the trading room of which joint with the trading hall of the cafe, or the bar counter is posted in the cafe room.

Cafe-bakery - A variety of cafes, a distinctive feature of which is the production and sale of bakery and flour confectionery products in place.

Tea Salon- A kind of cafe with a wide range of tea, where confectionery, bakery and flour culinary products can blow.

Buffet - Public food company with a limited assortment of finished dishes and drinks. Buffets sell mainly cold snacks, sweet dishes, cold and hot drinks, juices, confectionery. They are placed in a specially equipped room where food is consumed, as a rule, standing or sold on removal. In some of them, located in the lobby of theaters, cinemas, places of recreation, realize champagne and grape wines. Buffets can have their kitchen, but mostly they receive products from enterprises whose branches are.

In hotels, there are floor buffets that serve tourists who are servant and others living in them.

Buffets work according to the method of self-service. In the commercial hall of the second category enterprises, tables for receiving food standing, first and third categories are used - sitting.

Night club -this is a type of bar or restaurant, on the basis of which, mainly at night a club, which unites consumers for the interests and features of tastes. There are various spectacular and impaired and dancers with musical accompaniment. Catering enterprises - Clubs: Tea lovers club, beer lovers club, etc. Distinguish specialized nightclubs with leisure services: cabaret, billiards, disco, etc.

Beer gym - A variety of bar or restaurant with a wide range of beer.

Snack bar; tavern, zucchini - Public catering company with self-service with the prevailing assortment of hot and cold snacks, dishes of simple preparation designed to quickly serve consumers. Specialized snacks are distinguished: "Galushechnaya", "Kuleshnaya", "Derunny", "Sausage", "pancake", "pie", "Cheburny", "skewer", "dumpling", "dumplings", "pizzeria", etc. d. Furnaces of different categories are equipped with dishes, furniture, provided by means of advertising just like a cafe. Similarly organized in them and musical service.

Cafeteria - This is a catering company with self-service, with an assortment of dishes and drinks of simple preparation, the trading hall of which is equipped with trade and technological equipment designed to distribute food in educational institutions, institutions, industrial enterprises, retail facilities, etc. In the cafeteria, food consumption is usually through a cafeteria rack.

Cooking shops Implement the population ready-made culinary and confectionery, semi-finished products. They get products mainly from dining rooms, restaurants, cafes. Some of them have their own production.

In cooking stores, you can organize food intake on site for this use machinery for milk leave, broths, hot and cold drinks, confectionery, express coffee makers and other equipment. High tables are installed in the trading hall.

Specialized Come The production of semi-finished products are organized on the basis of fruits and vegetables, near refrigerators, meat processing plants. They are processed from 5 to 25 tons of raw materials per day. Come are equipped with streaming lines for the production of sulfted potatoes, peeled vegetables, boiler, winerets, salads, dumplings and other high-performance equipment.

In specialized workshops, the most severe loading and unloading works are mechanized.

Factory-blank - These are highly mechanized harvesting enterprises, carrying out the mass production of semi-finished products from meat, fish, birds, vegetables and other products and centrally provide them with other catering establishments and retail facilities. At the combine of semi-finished products, not only raw materials are processed, but also its waste. The capacity of these enterprises reaches 15-40 tons of raw materials per day. They provide semi-finished products with semi-finishing products.

Culinary factories - large catering enterprises producing a large amount of semi-finished products, a significant part of which is exposed to thermal processing on site. They provide baffetic, dining and other enterprises with semi-finished products or finished products.

Factory-kitchen - a catering establishment intended for centralized preparation and delivery of ready-to-eat food for appointment (cut-off, handouts, cooking stores, etc.).

House kitchen - The establishment of public catering, intended for the preparation of products of its own production and the implementation of it on the house (works on orders for the population).

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