Literature study lesson. Topic: "Family Thought" in the Roman M.Sholokhova "Quiet Don"

Literature study lesson. Topic: "Family Thought" in the Roman M.Sholokhova "Quiet Don"
30.03.2013 55495 0

Lesson 67
"Family thought" in the novel Sholokhov
"Quiet Don." Woman as a keeper
Family heat

Objectives:conduct work on the individual episodes of the first part of the Sholokhov novel, revealing the topic of the family; To identify the value of female images in the disclosure of this topic.

During the classes

... In this world - the history of the Don Cossacks, the Russian peasantry ... The age-old traditions of moral principles and labor skills, which have formed a national character, features of the whole country.

E. A. Kostin

Family at Sholokhov - the pictorial center, through the prism of which is revealed to us "Macrocosm" of national culture.

I. I. Tsychenko

I. Introductory conversation.

M. A. Sholokhov can be called a singer of a quiet don. The artist, more often, harsh and discreet, he, when he speaks about his native land, becomes lyrical and pathetic.

Spring of hidden love for the people of a quiet Don, his customs, songs, games, always flowing in the inner beds of Sholokhov's narration, suddenly breaks out ... These feelings are filled and novel "Silent Don".

Heroes living on the pages of the novel - Don Cossacks.

- What do you know about this estate?

Cossacks - the estate in Russia is special, but there are unshakable values \u200b\u200bin the life of any people, in many ways similar: family, land, morality. I propose to touch on this line of Roman Sholokhov.

Traditions. Origins. Life. A family. National Spirit. Appeal to these concepts is always necessary. After all, in the life of the family, in the fortress of family muses, you can judge the viability of the people.

- Harmony and family. Can we now put a sign of equality between these words?

- What is the meaning of a woman as the keeper of the heat of a family hearth?

Questions are recorded on the board.

In the center of the Sholokhov narration there are several families: Melekhovy, Korchunovy, Moss, Koshevy, Lomatsky. This is not by chance: the patterns of the era are revealed not only in historical events, but also in the facts of privacy, family relationships, where the power of traditions is particularly strong and every breaking of their breaking gives rise sharp, dramatic conflicts.

The board is decorated as a Cossack smoke. Sounds lyrical, singing Cossack song.

II. "Family thought" in the novel Sholokhov.

1. Work with text.

Expressive reading or artistic retelling of a passage from the first part of the I Tom "The History of Melekh family."

Initially, the novel was to start with the description of the rebellion of General Kornilov, but soon the author is recognized: "I felt: I can't do something."

- What is made in the novel by this story?

Start with the family was a new ingenious intuitive find of a young writer. The author answered the question of who such Cossacks, what they had roots, which is the basis of their life, why they behave in a particular situation exactly so, and not otherwise. The family is the carrier of what we call culture. Therefore, the focus of Sholokhov is a different generation of Melekh family.

- What is the story of this family begins?

- Why is Young Turchante dies and what does her death deny her?

The story about the fate of Melekhovsky begins with an acute, dramatic string, with the history of Proophia Melekhova, who struck the farm with his "wonderful act." With the Turkish war, he brought Wound Turkish. She loved her, in the evenings, when Zori "was withering," he wore on his hands on the top of Kurgan, "he sat down next to her, and so they looked at the steppe for a long time." And when the furious crowd approached their home, proofing with a checker stood on defending his beloved wife.

The death of Turkhany approves the greatness and tragedy of true love, love disliked, and therefore annoying. This love was challenged Cossacks, their everyday life, traditions - from here tragedy.

From the first pages there are proud, with an independent character that are capable of a great feeling of people. So from the story of Grandfather Gregory enters the novel "Quiet Don" beautiful and both tragic. And for Gregory, the love of Axier will become a serious test of life.

2. Patriarchalness and tradition In the family of Melekhov.

Individual report student.

... Family - the basis of the foundations of the national life in the world of "quiet don". The life circumstances of the Cossack medium are depicted with such a thoroughness, which allows you to recreate the overall structure of the family of the beginning of the twentieth century. And the age of Hx threatened to be bloody. Therefore, ever more valuable became eternally unshakable: family, land, children.

For the heroes of "Quiet Don", the marital start literally permeates all privacy. Each individual person perceived certainly as part of the common - family, the genus. These relationships were an important part of the people's life. Related became above the partnership, love, business relationship, neighborhood. Moreover, related relationships were taken into account with very great accuracy: "Tringid brother", "cousin aunt", "Welvork" - some words exist in the current everyday life without much "meaning." But during the "quiet dona", the relative proximity was revered very seriously. In the family of Melekhov, the Patriarchal Strength is Vse. Father in the house.

Let the actions are cool, the tone of the older is decisive and adamant (the younger demolish it patiently and restrained, even hot and gusty Gregory), but is it always abuse of Pants Prokofievich with their authority, is there always unnecessarily execution?

Pants Prokofievich Zhrenit Grigory, and he does not argue not only from sons of humility: Grishka disgraced his seven shameless novel with a married neighbor. By the way, the Grishka was submitted not only to the father, but also the mother - it was Ilyinichna who decided to marry Grigory on Natalia and persuaded her husband: "... sharpened it as rusting iron, and at the end he broke his stubbornness." In a word, ordinary tone, rudeness was a lot - but there was never violence in the patriarchal family.

The rudeness was largely due to the influence of the barren army morals, but not a patriarchal. Especially loved the "strong little word" Pants Prokofievich. So, the native wife more than once caught in the words: "Karga Old", "silence, fool", and a wife, loving, devoted, "rushed off her half": "What are you, the hook is old! Srod ugly, and at the old age, Dyuchi shakeped. " She boil in Prokofievich "Turkish Blood", but it was he who was one of the centers that fure the family.

Another center of the patriarchal family was religion, great Christian faith, family image - icon in the red corner.

The keeper of faith performs in the novel of the Cossack family, especially in the face of her senior representatives. The black news came about the death of Grigory, in those mourning days, when "he was old the day of day," when "the memory sheltered and muttered the reason", only the conversation with the father of Vissarion was aroused by the old man: "From this day he reheated himself and spiritually recovered. "

Especially I want to say about divorce. The very concept did not even exist in the Cossack lexicon. The family was blessed by God! The marriage was undisigned, but, as everything, everything was not unshakable. Having met Grigory not far from the berry, where the son went with Axigny, Pants Prokofievich asks: "And God?"Gregory, not so holy believed, in the subconscious still recalls him. It is not by chance that "thoughts on Axier and his wife" unexpectedly flare up in his head during the oath when "approached under the cross."

The crisis of faith had a destructive value for all Russia, especially for the family: ceases to act a "double law of self-preservation", when the family kept faith, and faith defended the unity of the family.

3. Basics of the unity of the family family.

a) At the beginning of the novel, the family of Melekhov is a whole, friendly. The strength of this family was in unity, when all important issues were solved openly, carried out on the family court, directly and thoroughly discussed.

Staging the first Council of the Melekh family.

The life of Grigory and Natalia did not hold down. The beginning put the advice of Pants Prokofievich. All act; Even Dunyasha, teenager. Allowed to the Council, listens carefully. Gregory is ashamed, it is rude. But whatever the meetings ended, no important event passes unnoticed.

- What other advice? (The arrival of red: to retreat or surrender? Dunyushi hearts. 1919 - money Darya.)

Output. In the family of Melekhov - all the Cossacks - responsible and complex cases were solved openly, in direct, sometimes impartial discussion. The extremes were smoothed and leveled, sharp passions were accumulated. That was not a paradise nor idyll, but only a cohesive world of related people, for whom the family was higher than personal aspirations and whims.

b) whispering the corners were considered reprehensible, for the age-old experience suggested: where the secrets begin - the decay and split begin here.

- If suddenly inside the family still penetrated something evil and hostile, how did this problem solved this problem? Were there in the family of secrecy? (In the Melekh family, there were also their secrets, there are three in the novel.)

Checking homework (The work was carried out in groups on the proposed plan):

1. Secret topic.

2. Where the conversation occurs.

3. Results of the "talk of souls".

1st group - the secret of Gregory;

2nd group - the secret of Darya;

The 3rd group is the secret of Natalia.

All these secrets relate to the family.

1. Pants Prokofievich immediately guessed about the connection between Grigory and Aksigni: the Son contacted his wife's wife close to him - a neighbor. The old man realizes that they do not leave the conversation, and early in the morning the conversation starts the conversation with Gregory.

2. Daria and Natalia are secretly segless about Darya Disease. Daria asks to warn the mother: "Let her father do not speak about it, and then the old man will scatter and will drive me out of the house."

3. About Abortion Natalia told only Ilyinichna: "I will live with a grivy Ali not ... But I don't want to give birth to children anymore."

The result of observation.

All three conversations are conducted outside the house, the yard: on the river, garden, steppe road. This is a sign of unwillingness to blur the family, which is natural for any living and healthy body.

Many of you are now thinking about questions: Is it so in my family? When did we all together going to talk about something? Do we always listen to the elders, are Pope and Moms listen to our children's votes? And our secrets? Are they secret?

From Roman Sholokhov, we learned how the Cossacks took care of the integrity, the health of their family.

4. Women's images in the novel of Sholokhov "Silent Don".

1) Work with text.

One of the techniques of Sholokhov in characteristics of heroes is a comparative analysis. Through attitude towards children, many of the main characters of the novel are revealed. Since the carrier of homemade, family heat is a woman, the characteristics of the main characters are particularly interesting.

With support for text, students give the characteristic of women's images of the novel "Quiet Don".

Daria. Nothing is known about her parents, origin. The heroine itself at the end of the novel says: "I have no one behind me, no one in front." Darya was born a child. But what we will find about it - just "child". Or, irritating, on his baby, the mother says: "Tsyzs you, Pogato diet! Neither sleep, nor rest. Many in the novel of coarse words, but no one turns to children. The child died when he was not fulfilled and the year.

Aksinya. She gave birth to a child from Stepan, but also here it is noteworthy brief: "... The child died, not to live and up to the year." From Grigory gave birth to Tanya, it became happy and gained some kind of especially happy posture. But the love of the child was only a continuation of love for Gregory. Be that as it may, the child also dies around one and a half years from the genus. Gregory took children after Natalia's death. "They willingly called her mom," she leaves them and leaves Grigory.

With a special force, maternal love is manifested in the image of Ilinichny. It was she who brought up their children with such as we see them in the novel; She not only took care of them, but also handed them to their peacefulness. Hence the deep affinity of young Melekhov with his mother, and not with his father. Sholokhov himself, bowing to her own mother, repeatedly noted the similarity of her and Ilynichna. They know how to fight for a family, and Natalia becomes a continuing destination.

2) Individual message "Saving a family nest is the idea of \u200b\u200blife of Natalia Melekhova."

Natalia Melekhova in the novel M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don" - the will of the circumstances drawn into a painful rivalry with Axigni, forced to even insult her, calling "walking", is truly enlightened, more likely, the most angelic creature in the novel.

Natalia occurs in the novel as if by chance: as an object of the coming waldness, wedding. "Natalia ... Natalia - a beautiful girl ... Dieuzha is beautiful. I saw her in the church, "says Aksinya. Praise dual, even exaggerated, but says these sheagle words Axigna with dry eyes, and a heavy shadow falls from the shed. And in the window where she looks, - Yellow night smeared.

Sholokhov world and multiple, and multilaterally, and extremely full of complex psychological movements. Sholokhov - the greatest master of a characteristic detail - I picked up almost symbolic epithets, talking about the dangers for Natalia: Dry, without tears of the eye ... These dry eyes suggest that someone in this inevitable struggle does not survive.

Grigory in Natalia gained a sensitive carrier of great responsibility, found a person for whom love does not know, does not want to know the end, even the temporary substitution, treason, any unreliability. There is no disclaimer between consciousness and feeling, there is no empty from love, even joyful. That is why it seems to griegorize cold, difficult. No game feelings, no love-absorption.

Everyone is destroyed for Natalia, even the involuntary treason of Gregory. At the same time, there is no anger, there is no pleasure from someone else's flour. There is a pity ... Salta Daria, in the end, the main offensive blow to her, I will unkind a pione, she does not even despise, but it is removed from it, forgives.

The old men of Melekhov and Korshunov were the first to feel the shy tenderness of the mob of Natalia. Old Korshunov just does not pronounce the word "mock" ("Is it possible so over a living person? .. The heart is something, the heart ... Al he has a wolf?") And Pants Prokofievich - and he is all in these words as the builder of the house ! - Literally shouts from pain and shame: "She is better for us native!"

And here is the stage of construction of the nest. Return of Natalia to Panthery Prokofievich House, to the house where there is no husband! Naive, inexperienced, believing the wedding, oaths in front of the saints, Natalia is aware of the amazement that it is necessary to go through the sorrowful humiliation that love-martyrdom is waiting for it. Sholokhov with epic love draws all the way to return Natalia, its difficult decisions, its appeal to the mother-in-law.

Return to Melekhov's house is awareness of its main power and height: the forces of loyalty, nobility, the strength of humility. Soon she became inseparable from home, from native people, especially since children! All his stay in the family of Melekhov is a hidden straightening and climbing the soul, the movement is not just a victory over Axigny, the birth of true friendship with dunashka and Ilichny. Her prayers saved Grigory from Stepan Astakhov's shots in the back. And as the highest award - two wonderful children.

But the struggle for the house, for the family is still ahead. This is indicative of the Natalia dialogue with Aksinhay (scene in berry). Axigna frankly accuses Natalia: "You want to take your father's child. Besides Grishk, I have no husband. " The whole conversation was built on a sharp difference between the Turkey Axigny and the Maunda Natalia, recognizing: "The longing was firing me" ... Aksinya made a child with the argument of claims to Gregory, "ordered" by the fact that God did not for bargaining ... followed a completely different reversal of events - the disease and death of the girl , Communication with Leatnitsky, Grigor's departure.

Maternity did not become the key to happiness and for Natalia. She remained an unloved wife ... the greater the strength in the wonderful stage of 8 chapters! This is an elegy with some kind of timidity and indecision in gestures, with silence, an elegance of farewell.

The prepared student reads by heart: "She was next to him, his wife and mother of Mishati and Puffles. For him, she enthusiastically and washed her face ... she sat so much miserable, ugly and still beautiful, shining some clean inner beauty. The mighty wave of tenderness flooded the heart of Gregory ... He wanted to tell her something warm, affectionate, but did not find words and, having silently pulling her to him, kissed the white sloped forehead and sorrowful eyes. "

Care from the life of Natalia, even after the peaceful last explanation with Axinhae, did not accidentally put the gloomy shadow and the fate of Grigory and the whole Melekhov house. The Heroes of Sholokhov (and especially Natalia) sometimes do not create a court, but a silence over time, over people crippled.

And Natalia, and Ilinichna pass in front of the reader of "quiet don" as a heroine, to the end of the faithful vocation, the debt of the custodian of the family. Natalia dies at the moment when she did not just refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bmotherhood, but unnaturally for her evil, mergingly trampled, destroyed his idea, stem. The interlocutor Natalia was selected, the witness of her mental crisis: they became Ilyinichna, a man, a deeply related to her, the mother of Gregory, who first did not find words to justify the Son, to refute the rightness of Natalia. Ilyinichna could only convince the daughter-in-law not to curse Gregory, not to wish him death. After the death of Natalia, everyone in the house overturned bitter longing from late understanding of each other, from understanding that the family collapses.

3) conclusion. An interesting parallel is traced in the novel: children become a measure of the vitality of the Heroine themselves. Not having, in essence, children, Daria very quickly dies both as a woman. The absence of children becomes for the heroine "Lord's punishment".

- How does Daria ends? (She quite became the "beast-babooba". The time of the ages of the woman-the Cossack was associated with the concepts of "life", "the continuer of the kind". Daria - the only one of the Russian heroines takes the battle weapons, and then kills unarmed. So the death of Daria in Don Cleaning and terrible.)

- What can be said about other heroes in this regard? (Aksinya dies from the bullet, without leaving anyone else, "Only Black Sun." Natalia leaves the family, cuts himself, curses Grigory, etches the fruit and eventually dies.)

- What conclusion bring us Sholokhov? (The death of a woman is always evil, trouble, this is the death of the family.)

How strong is the maternal love Ilinichny! So great her desire so that everything in the house was peacefully that the mother reconciles even with the fact that the Mishka Kosheysov enters their home owner. She sees how Dunyashka stretches to this man, as Kosheva gently treats her grandchildren, Mishatka. Children should not be orphans! It becomes the main condition for Ilinny and for a new life.

III. The outcome of the lesson.

- What, in your opinion, is the main thing in the sound of the family theme in the novel Sholokhov "Silent Don"?

Family - the stronghold of the power. Family collapses - a peaceful life in the country collapses. Woman is a keeper of family unity.

Children are a symbol of the future. About this and the last pages of the novel.

- What dreams of the sleepless nights of Grigory away from home? How does the novel ends?

Everyone returned to the circles. We are again in front of the house - Cossack Kuren Melekhov. And Grigory stands at the gate of the native house, holding the son's hands. This is all that he has left in his life, which is still relating to him with the Earth and with all this huge shining under the cold sun.


An essay-answer to the questions set at the beginning of the lesson:

- "Harmony" and "Family". Can we now put a sign of equality between these concepts?

- "The roof of your house" - what do these words mean for each of you?

- Woman is a custodian of family heat.

In the novel, "Silent Don" M. Sholokhov showed the tragic moments in revolution and civil war and completely in a new way, relying on historical materials, his own experience, reproduced the true picture of the Don Life, its evolution. "Silent Don" is called the tragedy-epic. And not only because the tragedy in the center was raised - Grigory Melekhov, but also because the novel from the beginning to the end permeate the tragic motives. This is a tragedy and those who have not realized the meaning of the revolution and spoke out against her, and those who succumbed to deception. This is the tragedy of many Cossacks, drawn into a Veshenskoye uprising in 1919, the tragedy of the defenders of the revolution, dares for the national work.

The tragedies of the heroes are unfolding against the backdrop of crucial events for our country - the old world to the foundation is destroyed by the revolution, a new social system is being replaced. All this led to a qualitatively new solution to such "eternal" issues, as a person and history, war and peace, personality and mass. A man for Sholokhov is the most valuable thing on our planet, and the most important thing that helps the formation of a human soul is, first of all, his family, the house in which he was born, grew, where he will always be waiting and loved and where He will definitely return.

"Melekhov's courtyard is on the very edge of the farm," the novel begins, and throughout the narrative Sholokhov talks about representatives of this family. The life of the inhabitants of the house appears from the pages of the epic in the interweaving of the contradictions and struggle. The whole family of Melekhov was at the crossroads of large historical events, bloody clashes. The revolution and civil war make steep changes in the emerging family-household installation of Melekhov: the usual relationships are crumbling, new morality and morality are born. Sholokhov with great skill managed to reveal the inner world of a person from the people, recreate the Russian national nature of the revolutionary time era. Through the courtyard of Melekhov, the line of defense passes, it is occupied by the red, then white, but the father's house forever remains the place where the closest people live, always ready to accept and warm.

At the beginning of the story, the author introduces the reader with the head of the family - Pantelei Prokofievich: "For the sloping year, the Panteliyevich Pantels cluttered: he ran into the width, she sniffed, but still looked oldly folding. There was dry dice, chrome (in his youth at the imperial view on the jumps broke his leg), I wore an earring in the left ear with a silver crescent, to the old age they did not merge the beard, the beard and hair, in anger, reached the wrongness ... "Pants Prokofievich - True Cossack, brought up on the traditions of valor and honor. On the same tradition, he brought up his children, while showing a turn of a steep nature. The head of the family of Melekhov does not tolerate inconsistencies, but in the soul is kind and sensitive. He is a skillful and hardworking owner, he knows how to keep the farm for prettily, it works himself from dawn to dawn. At Him, and even more on his son Grigory, the Santa Prophyya's Sandy and Proud of Santa, who has thrown once a challenge of the patriarchals of the Khututor Tatar.

Despite the intramearial split, Pants Prokofievich tries to combine into one piece of old life, at least for grandchildren and children. More than once, he leaves the front arms or returns home, to his native land, which was the basis of life for him. With the inexplicable force of Manila, she to himself, as Manila and all the Cossacks, tired of the tense and meaningless war. Pantels Prokofievich dies on a foreign land, away from the native house, which he gave all his strength and endless love, and in this the tragedy of a person who has time from the most expensive - family and shelter.

The same all-consuming love for his hometown father handed over to his sons. The eldest, already married son Petro reminded her mother: big, smoky, in the brown overhauls of wheat hair, carbonous, and the younger, Grigory, went to his father - "Grigory was also stunned, like a father, even in a smile had both in both of the total Victory. " Gregory, like his father, loves his house, where Pants Prokofievich forced him to catch a horse, loves his wedge of the earth for a farm, who he smelled with his own hands.

With great skill, M. Sholokhov portrayed the complex character of Grigory Melekhov - a whole, strong and honest person. He never searched for his own benefit, did not succumb to the temptation of the priest and career. Miscending, Grigory a lot of blood sheds those who claimed a new life on Earth. But he realized his guilt, sought to redeem her honest and faithful service of the new government.

The path of the hero to the truth is a thorny and complicated. At the beginning of the epic it is an eighteen-year-old guy - cheerful, strong, beautiful. The author comprehensively reveals the image of the main character - here and the Cossack Cossack Code, and the intense peasant work, and removal in folk playing and festivities, and the admission to the rich Cossack folklore, and the feeling of first love. From generation to generation, brought up courage and courage, nobility and generosity in relation to enemies, contempt for malnormalism and cowardice determined the behavior of Gregory in all life circumstances. In the alarming days of revolutionary events, he makes a lot of mistakes. But on the path of searching for the truth, the Cossack is sometimes unable to comprehend the iron logic of the revolution, its internal laws.

Grigory Melekhov - proud, winsted personality and at the same time a philosopher's challenger. For him, the greatness and inevitability of the revolution must be identified and proved by all subsequent moves of life. Melekhov dreams of such a strict life, in which a person would be rewarded by the measure of his mind, labor and talent.

Melekhov family women - Ilyinichna, Dunyashka, Natalia and Daria are completely different, but they are united by an elevated moral beauty. The image of old Ilinichna personifies the difficult share of women-Cossacks, its high moral qualities. Panthery Melekhova's wife - Vasilisa Ilinichna - the root Cossack of the Verkhnedon region. Failure to fall out of her share. It was she who most suffered from a hot-tempered character of her husband, but patience and excerpt helped her to keep her family. She raised early, suffered from diseases, but despite this remained a caring, energetic mistress.

High lyrity is performed by the image of Natalia - women of high moral purity and feelings. A strong character, Natalia put up for a long time with the position of the unloved wife and was still hoping for the best stake. She curses and loves Grigory infinitely. Let him briefly, she still gained his female happiness. Thanks to patience and faith, Natalia managed to restore the family, return consent and love. She gave birth to twins: Son and Daughter, and turned out to be as loving, loyal and caring mother, what was his wife. This beautiful woman is the embodiment of the dramatic fate of a strong, beautiful, selflessly loving nature, ready for the sake of a high feeling to donate to everyone, even his own life. The power of the Spirit and the conquering moral purity of Natalia with an unprecedented depth reveal in the last days of her life. Despite all the evil, which Gregory caused to her, she finds his strength to forgive him.

A bright family representative is Dunyashka. Nature endowed it with the same hot and firm character, like Gregory. And this was especially clearly manifested in her desire to defend their happiness at any cost. Despite the discontent and threats of loved ones, she defended his right to love with her persistence. Even Ilinichna, for which the Koshevaya Forever remained the "shredder", the killer of her son, understands that nothing will change the relationship of his daughter to Mikhail. And if she loved him, then nothing will take out this feeling from her heart, as nothing could change the feelings of Grigory to Axier.

The last pages of the novel return readers to the fact that the work began - to the "Family Thought". A friendly Melekhov family unexpectedly broke up. Peter's death, Darya's death, the loss of Pantelei Prokofievich of the dominant position in the family, the death of Natalia, the division of dunashki from the family, the destruction of the farm during the occurrence of Krasnogvardeys, the death of the head of the family in the retreat and care of the world of other Ilinichna, the parish of the Polyshye, the death of the pile - All this stages of the collapse of the fact that at the beginning of the novel seemed unshakable. Noteworthy words said once Panels Prokofievich Gregory: "Everyone all collapsed in the same way." And although we are talking only about the fallen pits, these words are gaining more importance. The destruction of the family, which is at home, touched not only Melekhov, is a common tragedy, the fate of the Cossacks. Delicious in the novel by the family of Korshunov, Koshov, Mokhov. Russed the age-old foundations of human life.

The narration in the "quiet don", as in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and the World", is built on the image of family nests. But if the Tolstsky heroes, passing through the harsh tests, come to the creation of the family, the heroes of Sholokhov are painfully experiencing its disintegration, which emphasizes the tragedy of the era shown in the novel. Talking about the decay of the family of Melekhov, Sholokhov puts for us, descendants, the task of the revival of the family and confidently convinces that there is always to start. In the exhausted soul, Gregory, many life values \u200b\u200bhave lost their meaning, and only a sense of family and their homeland remained indestructible. It's not by chance that Sholokhov finishes the narration of the touching meeting of the father with his son. Melekhov family broke up, but Grigory will be able to create a focus, where the light of love, warmth and mutual understanding will always be warm, which never goes out. And despite the tragity of the novel, which reflected the event of one of the most cruel periods in the history of our country, the reader remains to live with the hope of this huge, shining under the cold sun world.

Sections: Literature

"Happy one who is happy at home."
/ Ltolstoy/

Purpose: find out what the family happiness is based on; Continue to form the ability to analyze episodes, choose the main thing in the text; Develop the creative abilities of students, analyze the aesthetic peculiarity of the language and style of the artistic work.

Methodological techniques:teacher's word, research work, analytical conversation, expressive reading passing, analysis of episode, role reading, test work (preparation for the USE).


  1. Portrait of M.Sholokhov;
  2. Illustrations for the novel "Silent Don" artist O.G. Merevsky;
  3. 2 houses are drawn at Watman (modern and smoothie);
  4. Marker;
  5. Computer, projector;
  6. Card for individual work: to analyze the scene "on the Senokos";
  7. Watman, on which the topic of the lesson and the epigraph is written, attached to the board.

During the classes

1. Teacher's word:
2008 in Russia declared the year of the family. Family - the cell of any state, the basis of human life. "Happy one who is happy at home," said L.T. Tolstoy.
I agree with him and MA Sholokhov. In the novel, "Quiet Don" he illuminates the pictures of the happy life of the house and unhappy outside the house. Pay attention to the first drawing of the house, imagine that a modern family lives here.
What do you need a person so that his family is happy?
(Student responses: "Love, peace, health, work, respect, material wealth, etc.")
The construction of any building, including at home, begins with the foundation. So that he was strong and stood for a long time, we will put your answers in it.
(On the foundation of the modern home is recorded)
Teacher: This look at the modern family of students of 11 "D" in 2008. The topic of our lesson sounds like this: "Family thought" in the novel M.Sholokhov "Quiet Don". Today we must figure out how M.Sholokhov shows a family and what is its happiness.

2. Checking homework:
Find and read the happy scene of family life in the novel. (Roman M.A.Sholokhova "Quiet Don". Moscow. Eksmo 2003)
"... The first one was taken away from Sleep Pantels Prokofievich ..." (T.1, 2 ch., P. 9-10)
"Grigory began to wear seven living rooms" (T.1, Ch.5, 13Hl., P.596)
Role reading scene "fishing". (2 ch., P.11)
Teacher: A student ... on the material of the feature film "Quiet Don" conducted research work. She also had to find happy scenes of family life. Let's guys let's see her presentation.
(Presentation: episodes from the film "Happy scenes of family life") *

3. Research problem: What is a family in understanding Sholokhov and what does it mean for heroes?
(Student Answers: Family is a house where you were born, this is the place where you love and are waiting for; family is conscience, responsibility for others; family is wisdom)

Teacher:We enter the house on the shore of a quiet don and see what the happiness of the family of Melekhov is founded on?
(Student responses: work, peace, love, family, home). On the foundation Kurenya is recorded.

4. Analysis of the episode. Pictures of peasant labor in the novel.
The life of the Cossacks is unthinkable without peasant work. Let's remember the scene "on the Senokos". Pupil ... At the beginning of the lesson, a task was given: to analyze this episode. (Student's response):
Icestarius was heard that they went to the pouch with all the farm. Kosos and Grannelists dressed as an annual holiday. It did not make it an exception for Melekhov. Labor united their family. We see how Pants Prokofievich before starting a kita, according to Russian custom, "crossed on a white bell tower." He, as it relies in the family, is first. Behind him, no lagging behind, "Stellet oblique grass" Grigory. Our heroes are happy, because the work gave them joy. After hard work, everyone began to evening. "Pants Prokofievich easto Blezel porridge crush on the teeth abnormal fast. Axigna, without raising her eyes, nothing smiled Darya. "
Teacher: Life what families represents the reader M.Sholokhov?
(Through a description of the life of several pairs: Aksigni and Stepan Astakhov, Daria and Peter Melekhov, Gregory and Natalia Melekhov).
Is it possible to call one of the families happy?
(Darya and Peter, Axigny and Stepan are no spiritual intimacy, there are no love between them, they have no children. The closest to the author's understanding of a full-fledged family is the relationship between Grigory and Natalia: they have 2 children, the genus Melekhov is not interrupted. One of the eternal values is love. It is not by chance also A. Kuprin said that "love is the gift of God, who is given to a person once in his life."
Who loves Grigory Melekhov?
(Student Answers)
Gregory loves both women. Natalia striking him with his "inner" purity, beauty, wisdom, lives on conscience, observing the commandments. Even before dying, she asks her son to kiss her father. Such love could not touch Gregory, and he could not just go out of the house where his parents and children live .. Love Aksinyi is, most likely, the passion that turned out to be stronger than Melekhov. He rushes between two women, but it does not leave the family at all. At the end of the novel, we see Axinhu, raising children Gregory and praying for her beloved. However, this happiness was short-lived: the civil war destroyed the family, took almost everything from Grigory: Axinhu, a house. Her husband's sister becomes a killer brother Mishka Koshevoy.

5. Preparation for the exam. Test work with subsequent mutual test.
(References Ege - 2008 Collection of Examination Tasks. Developed by FII p. 153) (Last scene of the novel: Meeting Gregory with Son)
Test on the novel by M.Solokhova "Silent Don"
In the morning the next day, he approached Don against the Tatar farm. Long looked at the native yard, pale from joyful excitement. Then he removed the rifle and the peat, pulled out of it to the village, hemp flakes, bubble with rifle oil, for some reason recalculated the cartridges. There were twelve for them and twenty-six pieces of sampling.
Pourowara has ice away from the shore. Transparently - green water splashed and climbed a needle iceland of the oxades. Grigory threw a rifle in the water, Nagan, then the cartridges poured out and carefully wiped her hand over the sheal. (...)
It was all that he had left in his life, which was still relating to him with the Earth and with all the huge shining under the cold sun world.

1. The multifaceted picture of the world, the image of historical events and everyday life, the fate of individual personalities and the destinies of the country allow you to determine the genre of "quiet don" as

    1. poem
    2. epopey.
    3. novel
    4. tale

2. This fragment in the work
1) shows unconditional rejection hero of the position of white
2) demonstrates the dryness of the hero's dream
3) opens a new page in the life of the hero
4) proves unconditional acceptance of the hero of the position of red
3. What did the novel be reflected in this fragment?

    1. the topic of the revolution
    2. theme of the family
    3. theme of betrayal
    4. theme of childhood

4. Meeting Hero with Son in the Roman Finals
1) shows that the hero has gained true values
2) Indicates the limited interests of Gregory
3) talks about the possibility of the further development of the hero
4) puts the hero in the situation of moral deadlock
5. What is the name of the reception of opposition, with which the writer transfers the depth of the experiencing of the hero ("Cold Handles of the Son" - "Heavenly burning eyes")?
6. To create a national flavor of Sholokhov, dialectisms use. Write 2 examples of dialectis from the second paragraph (in the nominative case).
Answers: (are shovered on the screen)
12; 2 - 3; 3 - 2; 4 -1; 5 - antithesis or contrast; 6-player, outgrowts

6 . Composition of the novel.
Teacher: Sholokhov uses an annular composition. How does the "Family thought" develop in the novel and why does it begin with the description of the housele house and ends with a description of the house?
(Answers 2 - 3 students)

7. Homework: A written response with a limited volume (5-10) of proposals for this question, and students ... will be a test for text knowledge.

8. Conclusion.
Teacher: Let's guys, let's turn to the drawings of the house and Kureny. Is our idea of \u200b\u200bthe family with Sholokhovsky coincided?
(Student Answers)
Teacher:In today's lesson, we saw a family in the show of Sholokhov and those eternal values \u200b\u200bthat are necessary for her happiness. Family, love, respect, mutual understanding, work - this is what a person needs for complete happiness. Now in Russia there is a wave adoption. Children should not only enter the house, but also stay in it, because the one is happy at home.

9. The results of the lesson.

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"Family thought" in the novel Sholokhov "Quiet Don". Woman as a custodian of family heat

1. MA Sholokhov - Singer of Quiet Don

"In this world, the story of the Don Cossacks, the Russian peasantry ... The age-old traditions of moral principles and labor skills, which have formed a national character, features of the whole country." E.A. Kostin.

"The Family of Sholokhov is a pictorial center, through the prism of which is revealed to us by the Macrocosm of National Culture." I.I. Tsychenko

The artist, more often, harsh and discreet, he, when he speaks about his native land, becomes lyrical and pathetic.

Spring of hidden love for the people of a quiet Don, his customs, songs, games, always flowing in the inner beds of Sholokhov's narration, suddenly breaks out ... These feelings are filled and novel "Silent Don".

Heroes living on the pages of the novel - Don Cossacks.

Cossacks - the estate in Russia is special, but there are unshakable values \u200b\u200bin the life of any people, in many ways similar: family, land, morality. I propose to touch on this line of Roman Sholokhov.

Traditions. Origins. Life. A family. National Spirit. Appeal to these concepts is always necessary. After all, in the life of the family, in the fortress of family muses, you can judge the viability of the people.

In the center of the Sholokhov narration there are several families: Melekhovy, Korchunovy, Moss, Koshevy, Lomatsky. This is not by chance: the patterns of the era are revealed not only in historical events, but also in the facts of privacy, family relationships, where the power of traditions is particularly strong and every breaking of their breaking gives rise sharp, dramatic conflicts.

Start with the family was a new ingenious intuitive find of a young writer. The author answered the question of who such Cossacks, what they had roots, which is the basis of their life, why they behave in a particular situation exactly so, and not otherwise. The family is the carrier of what we call culture. Therefore, the focus of Sholokhov is a different generation of Melekh family.

The story about the fate of Melekhovsky begins with an acute, dramatic string, with the history of Proophia Melekhova, who struck the farm with his "wonderful act." With the Turkish war, he brought Wound Turkish. She loved her, in the evenings, when Zori "was withering," he wore on his hands on the top of Kurgan, "he sat down next to her, and so they looked at the steppe for a long time." And when the furious crowd approached their home, proofing with a checker stood on defending his beloved wife.

The death of Turkhany approves the greatness and tragedy of true love, love disliked, and therefore annoying. This love was challenged Cossacks, their everyday life, traditions - from here tragedy.

From the first pages there are proud, with an independent character that are capable of a great feeling of people. So from the story of Grandfather Gregory enters the novel "Quiet Don" beautiful and both tragic. And for Gregory, the love of Axier will become a serious test of life.

2. Patriarchalness and traditions in the family of Melekhov

Family - the basis of the foundations of the national life in the world of "quiet don". The life circumstances of the Cossack medium are depicted with such a thoroughness, which allows you to recreate the overall structure of the family of the beginning of the twentieth century. And the age of Hx threatened to be bloody. Therefore, ever more valuable became eternally unshakable: family, land, children.

For the heroes of "Quiet Don", the marital start literally permeates all privacy. Each individual person perceived certainly as part of the common - family, the genus. These relationships were an important part of the people's life. Related became above the partnership, love, business relationship, neighborhood. Moreover, related relationships were taken into account with very great accuracy: "Tringid brother", "cousin aunt", "Welvork" - some words exist in the current everyday life without much "meaning." But during the "quiet dona", the relative proximity was revered very seriously. In the family of Melekhov, the Patriarchal Strength is Vse. Father in the house.

Let the actions are cool, the tone of the older is decisive and adamant (the younger demolish it patiently and restrained, even hot and gusty Gregory), but is it always abuse of Pants Prokofievich with their authority, is there always unnecessarily execution?

Pants Prokofievich Zhrenit Grigory, and he does not argue not only from sons of humility: Grishka disgraced his seven shameless novel with a married neighbor. By the way, the Grishka was submitted not only to the father, but also the mother - it was Ilyinichna who decided to marry Grigory on Natalia and persuaded her husband: "... sharpened it as rusting iron, and at the end he broke his stubbornness." In a word, ordinary tone, rudeness was a lot - but there was never violence in the patriarchal family.

The rudeness was largely due to the influence of the barren army morals, but not a patriarchal. Especially loved the "strong little word" Pants Prokofievich. So, the native wife more than once caught in the words: "Karga Old", "silence, fool", and a wife, loving, devoted, "rushed off her half": "What are you, the hook is old! Srod ugly, and at the old age, Dyuchi shakeped. " She boil in Prokofievich "Turkish Blood", but it was he who was one of the centers that fure the family.

Another center of the patriarchal family was religion, great Christian faith, family image - icon in the red corner.

The keeper of faith performs in the novel of the Cossack family, especially in the face of her senior representatives. The black news came about the death of Grigory, in those mourning days, when "he was old the day of day", when "the memory sheltered and muttered the mind", only a conversation with the father of Vissarion entered the old man: "From that day, he reheated himself and spiritually recovered."

Especially I want to say about divorce. The very concept did not even exist in the Cossack lexicon. The family was blessed by God! The marriage was undisigned, but, as everything, everything was not unshakable. Having met Gregory not far from the berry, where the son went with Aksinhay, Pants Prokofievich asks: "And God?" Gregory, not so holy believed, in the subconscious still recalls him. It is not by chance that "thoughts on Axier and his wife" unexpectedly flare up in his head during the oath when "approached under the cross."

The crisis of faith had a destructive value for all Russia, especially for the family: ceases to act a "double law of self-preservation", when the family kept faith, and faith defended the unity of the family.

3. Basics of family unity of Melekhov

a) At the beginning of the novel, the family of Melekhov is a whole, friendly. The strength of this family was in unity, when all important issues were solved openly, carried out on the family court, directly and thoroughly discussed.

The life of Grigory and Natalia did not hold down. The beginning put the advice of Pants Prokofievich. All act; Even Dunyasha, teenager. Allowed to the Council, listens carefully. Gregory is ashamed, it is rude. But whatever the meetings ended, no important event passes unnoticed.

What else were the advice? (The arrival of the red: to retreat or surrender? Dunyshi heart affairs. 1919 - money Darya.)

Output. In the family of Melekhov - all the Cossacks - responsible and complex cases were solved openly, in direct, sometimes impartial discussion. The extremes were smoothed and leveled, sharp passions were accumulated. That was not a paradise nor idyll, but only a cohesive world of related people, for whom the family was higher than personal aspirations and whims.

b) whispering the corners were considered reprehensible, for the age-old experience suggested: where the secrets begin - the decay and split begin here.

If suddenly inside the family still penetrated something evil and hostile, how did this problem solve this problem? Were there in the family of secrecy? (In the family of Melekhov, there were also their secrets, they are three in the novel.)

All these secrets relate to the family.

1. Pants Prokofievich immediately guessed about the connection between Grigory and Aksigni: the Son contacted his wife's wife close to him - a neighbor. The old man realizes that they do not leave the conversation, and early in the morning the conversation starts the conversation with Gregory.

2. Daria and Natalia are secretly segless about Darya Disease. Daria asks to warn the mother: "Let her father do not speak about it, and then the old man will scatter and will drive me out of the house."

3. About Abortion Natalia told only Ilyinichna: "I will live with a grivy Ali not ... But I don't want to give birth to children anymore."

All three conversations are conducted outside the house, the yard: on the river, garden, steppe road. This is a sign of unwillingness to blur the family, which is natural for any living and healthy body.

(This is an argument to another problem - the problem of openness, confidence of relationships between people, family members.) Many of you are now thinking about questions: Is it in my family? When did we all together going to talk about something? Do we always listen to the elders, are Pope and Moms listen to our children's votes? And our secrets? Are they secret?

From Roman Sholokhov, we learned how the Cossacks took care of the integrity, the health of their family.

4. Women's images in the novel Sholokhov "Silent Don"

melekhov family female Sholokhov

One of the techniques of Sholokhov in characteristics of heroes is a comparative analysis. Through attitude towards children, many of the main characters of the novel are revealed. Since the carrier of homemade, family heat is a woman, the characteristics of the main characters are particularly interesting.

Daria. Nothing is known about her parents, origin. The heroine itself at the end of the novel says: "I have no one behind me, no one in front." Darya was born a child. But what we will find about it - just "child". Or, irritating, on his baby, the mother says: "Tsyzs you, Pogato diet! Neither sleep, nor rest. Many in the novel of coarse words, but no one turns to children. The child died when he was not fulfilled and the year.

Aksinya. She gave birth to a child from Stepan, but also here it is noteworthy brief: "... The child died, not to live and up to the year." From Grigory gave birth to Tanya, it became happy and gained some kind of especially happy posture. But the love of the child was only a continuation of love for Gregory. Be that as it may, the child also dies around one and a half years from the genus. Gregory took children after Natalia's death. "They willingly called her mom," she leaves them and leaves Grigory.

With a special force, maternal love is manifested in the image of Ilinichny. It was she who brought up their children with such as we see them in the novel; She not only took care of them, but also handed them to their peacefulness. Hence the deep affinity of young Melekhov with his mother, and not with his father. Sholokhov himself, bowing to her own mother, repeatedly noted the similarity of her and Ilynichna. They know how to fight for a family, and Natalia becomes a continuing destination.

Natalia. Salvation of the family nest is the idea of \u200b\u200blife of Natalia Melekhova. Natalia Melekhova in the novel M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don" - the will of the circumstances drawn into a painful rivalry with Axigni, forced to even insult her, calling "walking", is truly enlightened, more likely, the most angelic creature in the novel.

Natalia occurs in the novel as if by chance: as an object of the coming waldness, wedding. "Natalia ... Natalia - a beautiful girl ... Dieuzha is beautiful. I saw her in the church, "says Aksinya. Praise dual, even exaggerated, but says these sheagle words Axigna with dry eyes, and a heavy shadow falls from the shed. And in the window where she looks, - Yellow night smeared.

Sholokhov world and multiple, and multilaterally, and extremely full of complex psychological movements. Sholokhov - the greatest master of a characteristic detail - I picked up almost symbolic epithets, talking about the dangers for Natalia: Dry, without tears of the eye ... These dry eyes suggest that someone in this inevitable struggle does not survive.

Grigory in Natalia gained a sensitive carrier of great responsibility, found a person for whom love does not know, does not want to know the end, even the temporary substitution, treason, any unreliability. There is no disclaimer between consciousness and feeling, there is no empty from love, even joyful. That is why it seems to griegorize cold, difficult. No game feelings, no love-absorption.

Everyone is destroyed for Natalia, even the involuntary treason of Gregory. At the same time, there is no anger, there is no pleasure from someone else's flour. There is a pity ... Salta Daria, in the end, the main offensive blow to her, I will unkind a pione, she does not even despise, but it is removed from it, forgives.

The old men of Melekhov and Korshunov were the first to feel the shy tenderness of the mob of Natalia. Old Korshunov just does not pronounce the word "mock" ("Is it possible so over a living person? .. The heart is something, the heart ... Al he has a wolf?") And Pants Prokofievich - and he is all in these words as the builder of the house ! - Literally shouts from pain and shame: "She is better for us native!"

And here is the stage of construction of the nest. Return of Natalia to Panthery Prokofievich House, to the house where there is no husband! Naive, inexperienced, believing the wedding, oaths in front of the saints, Natalia is aware of the amazement that it is necessary to go through the sorrowful humiliation that love-martyrdom is waiting for it. Sholokhov with epic love draws all the way to return Natalia, its difficult decisions, its appeal to the mother-in-law.

Return to Melekhov's house is awareness of its main power and height: the forces of loyalty, nobility, the strength of humility. Soon she became inseparable from home, from native people, especially since children! All his stay in the family of Melekhov is a hidden straightening and climbing the soul, the movement is not just a victory over Axigny, the birth of true friendship with dunashka and Ilichny. Her prayers saved Grigory from Stepan Astakhov's shots in the back. And as the highest award - two wonderful children.

But the struggle for the house, for the family is still ahead. This is indicative of the Natalia dialogue with Aksinhay (scene in berry). Axigna frankly accuses Natalia: "You want to take your father's child. Besides Grishk, I have no husband. " The whole conversation was built on a sharp difference between the Turkey Axigny and the Maunda Natalia, recognizing: "The longing was firing me" ... Aksinya made a child with the argument of claims to Gregory, "ordered" by the fact that God did not for bargaining ... followed a completely different reversal of events - the disease and death of the girl , Communication with Leatnitsky, Grigor's departure.

Maternity did not become the key to happiness and for Natalia. She remained an unloved wife ... the greater the strength in the wonderful stage of 8 chapters! This is an elegy with some kind of timidity and indecision in gestures, with silence, an elegance of farewell.

"She was next to him, his wife and mother of Mishati and Puffles. For him, she enthusiastically and washed her face ... she sat so much miserable, ugly and still beautiful, shining some clean inner beauty. The mighty wave of tenderness flooded the heart of Gregory ... He wanted to tell her something warm, affectionate, but did not find words and, having silently pulling her to him, kissed the white sloped forehead and sorrowful eyes. "

Care from the life of Natalia, even after the peaceful last explanation with Axinhae, did not accidentally put the gloomy shadow and the fate of Grigory and the whole Melekhov house. The Heroes of Sholokhov (and especially Natalia) sometimes do not create a court, but a silence over time, over people crippled.

And Natalia, and Ilinichna pass in front of the reader of "quiet don" as a heroine, to the end of the faithful vocation, the debt of the custodian of the family. Natalia dies at the moment when she did not just refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bmotherhood, but unnaturally for her evil, mergingly trampled, destroyed his idea, stem. The interlocutor Natalia was selected, the witness of her mental crisis: they became Ilyinichna, a man, a deeply related to her, the mother of Gregory, who first did not find words to justify the Son, to refute the rightness of Natalia. Ilyinichna could only convince the daughter-in-law not to curse Gregory, not to wish him death. After the death of Natalia, everyone in the house overturned bitter longing from late understanding of each other, from understanding that the family collapses.


An interesting parallel is traced in the novel: children become a measure of the vitality of the Heroine themselves. Not having, in essence, children, Daria very quickly dies both as a woman. The absence of children becomes for the heroine "Lord's punishment".

How does Daria's life ends? (She quite became the "beast-woman." The time of the ages of the woman-the Cossack was associated with the concepts of "life", "the continuer of the kind". Daria is the only of the Russian heroin takes ways to combat weapons, and then kills unarmed. Because And death Darya in Don Cleaning and terrible.)

What can be said about other heroes? (Aksinya dies from bullets, without leaving behind anyone, "Only Black Sun". Natalia leaves the family, curses himself, curses Grigory, etches the fruit and eventually dies.)

What conclusion leads us Sholokhov? (The death of a woman is always evil, trouble, this is the death of the family.)

How strong is the maternal love Ilinichny! So great her desire so that everything in the house was peacefully that the mother reconciles even with the fact that the Mishka Kosheysov enters their home owner. She sees how Dunyashka stretches to this man, as Kosheva gently treats her grandchildren, Mishatka. Children should not be orphans! It becomes the main condition for Ilinny and for a new life.


What is the main thing in the sound of the family theme in the novel Sholokhov "Quiet Don"?

Family - the stronghold of the power. Family collapses - a peaceful life in the country collapses. Woman is a keeper of family unity.

Children are a symbol of the future. About this and the last pages of the novel.

What dreams of sleepless nights of Gregory away from home? How does the novel ends? (episode of the meeting of Gregory and Son)

Everyone returned to the circles. We are again in front of the house - Cossack Kuren Melekhov. And Grigory stands at the gate of the native house, holding the son's hands. This is all that he has left in his life, which is still relating to him with the Earth and with all this huge shining under the cold sun.

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