Entertainment of secular youth (evening at Dologov) "War and Peace". The critical image of the highest light in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and the World" Golden Youth "without borders

Entertainment of secular youth (evening at Dologov) "War and Peace". The critical image of the highest light in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and the World" Golden Youth "without borders
Questions about the novel "War and Peace" 1. Who is the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" is the carrier of the theory of failure?

2.Who, from the family of growth in the novel "War and the World" wanted to give a submission for the wounded?
3. What compares the author evening in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler in the novel "War and Peace"?
4. What is part of the prince of Vasily Kuragin in the novel "War and Peace"?
5. Moved home from captivity, Prince Andrei comes to the thought that "happiness is only the absence of these two evils." What exactly?

Writing. The image of the war of 1812 in the novel of the war and the world. according to plan type (as critics) 1) Introduction (why

it is called war and the world. Visible Tolstoy about war. (3 presentations approximately)

2) ASN. Sing (depicting. The first 1812 main, thoughts of the heroes, war and nature, participation in the war of the main characters (Rostov, Zuhova, Bolkonsky), the role of commander in the war, as the army behaves.

3) Conclusion, conclusion.

Please help, I just read a long time ago, and now it was not to read. I ask you help

Urgent !!!

If anyone forgot how the synkievine is compiled

1) The title in which the keyword is made

2) 2 adjectives

3) 3 verbs

4) phrase carrying a certain meaning

5) summary


Sinwen all over the novel "War and Peace"


2. Historic, world

3. convinces, teaches, tells

4. Received a lot of lessons (I)

5, encyclopedia of life

Help me please! War and Peace! Answer questions about Shenagraben's battle:

1. Trace the contrast between the behavior of Dologov and Timokhin in battle. What is the difference? (Part 2, Ch.20-21)
2. Tell me about the behavior of the officer of Zherkov in battle? (Ch.19)
3. Tell us about the battery Tushina. What is its role in battle? (Ch.20-21)
4. The name of the heroism is correlated and the name of Prince Andrei. Remember, what thoughts did he go to war? How have they changed? (Part 2, Chapter 3,12,20-21).

1) Do I like L.N. Tolstoy characters presented in Shero's salon?

2) What is the meaning of comparing the salon A.P. Sherler with spinning workshop (ch. 2)? What words would you define the communication of the hostess and its guests? Is it possible to say them: "Are they all different and all the same"? Why?
3) Re-read the portrait characteristic of the Curagin Ippolit (ch. 3). As one of the researchers noticed, "his cretinism in the novel is not accidental" (A.A. Saburov "War and World L. Tolstoy"). What do you think why? What is the meaning of the striking similarity of the Ippolit and Helen?
4) What did Pierre and A. Bolkonsky stand out among guests? Is it possible to say that Pierre's speech in defense of Napoleon and the French Revolution, partly supported by Bolkonsky, creates in the salon A.P. Sherler "grief from the mind" situation (A.A. Saburov)?
5) Episode "Salon A.P. Sherler "" Captured "(using the word of the thick, denoting the internal connection of individual paintings) with the description (ch. 6) of the entertainment of the St. Petersburg" golden "youth. Her "joint rue" - "Salon Chopornia Overall". Do you agree with this assessment?
6) Episode "Salon A.P. Sherler "Coupled in contrast (characteristic compositional reception in the novel) with the episode of" Name Day in Rostova ".
7) and episode "Salon A.P. Shero ", and the episode of" Name Day in Rostov "in turn is adopted with chapters, drawing a family nest of Bolkonsky.
8) Can you call the goals to the salon of different visitors?
9) But at the same time, an alien element is found in the cabin. Someone clearly does not want to be a faceless "spindle"? Who is it?
10) What do we learn about Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolknoe, barely crushing the threshold of the Salon Freillina Her Majesty A.P. Sheher?
11) Are they in the Great Living Room, if you judge only the portraits and the manner of the behavior of the heroes?
12) Match the portrait of Pierre and Prince Vasily and their manner of behavior.
13) Name the items that reveal the spiritual proximity of Pierre Lesukov and Andrei Bolkonsky.

The highest light ... The very meaning of these words implies something better, elite, favorites. Higher position, origin implies higher education and upbringing, the highest degree of development. What represents the top of the Russian society of the first quarter of the nineteenth century, which L. N. Tolstoy, working on the pages of "War and Peace"?

Anna Sherler Salon, living room in the house of growth, the Caboton Caboton, who retired in his bald mountains, the house of the dying Graph of Bezuhova, the bachelor apartment of Dologov, where the feast occurs

"Golden Youth", the reception of the commander-in-chief under Austerlitz, bright images, paintings, situations, like water drops, of which the ocean is developing, characterize the highest light, and most importantly - show us an opinion about him L. N. Tolstoy. Anna Shersher's salon, where close friends of the hostess gathered, the author compares twice with the weaving workshop twice: the hostess follows the "uniform buzzing of machines" - a continuous conversation, organizing guests in the circles near the narrator. Here are the case: Prince Kuragin - find rich brides for your disturbing sons, Anna Mikhailovna - to achieve protection and attach the son's adjutant. Here, the beauty of Helen, without having his opinion, copies the expression of the face of the hostess, as if she puts on a mask, and hears smart; The little princess repeats the memorized phrases and is considered charming; Sincere, the smart arguments of Pierre are accepted by surrounding for a ridiculous legend, and a stupid joke, told by the prince with a bad roller in a bad Russian, causes universal approval; Prince Andrei is so alien here that his closure seems arrogance.

It strikes the atmosphere in the house of the dying graph of the Bezuhova: the conversations of those present on the topic, which of them is closer to the dying, a fight for a portfolio with a will, exaggerated attention to Pierre, which suddenly suddenly became the only heir to the title and state, from an illegal son - a millionaire. The aspiration of Vasily is extremely immoral to marry Pierre on a beautiful, soulless helen, especially the last evening, when the trap slam: Pierre congratulates with the explanation of the love that he did not know that he would not refute these words from innate decency.

And the fun "Golden Youth", perfectly knowing that parents will explore bullying over the quarter. People of this circle are not like familiar with the elementary concepts of honor: share, having received a wound, it boasts it before the bosses, as if did not fulfill his duty in the battle, and tried to return the privileges lost; Anatole Kuragin with a laugh asks his father, with what the shelf it is listed. Moreover, for Dolokhova, there is no sincere friendly attachment, using the money and the location of Pierre, he compromises his wife and tries to behave in Hamski with Pierre himself. Having received the refusal to Sony, he was soulless, the privatically hesitates in the maps of a "happy opponent" Nikolai Rostov, knowing that this loss for that is dispatched.

Staff officers under Austerlitz allow themselves contemptuously laughing at the form of General Mac - the commander of the broken allies army. They put in place only the angry intervention of Prince Andrei: "We or officers who serve their king and the Fatherland and rejoice in shared success, and pepper about the overall failure, or we are a lackey, which are no case to the Lord." During the Shenagraben battle, none of the staff officers could transfer to the captain of Tushina order to retreat, because they were afraid to get to the place of hostilities, preferring to be in front of the commander. Only Andrei Bolkonsky not only handed over the order, but also helped to take the surviving battery guns, and then stood on the military council for the captain, expressing his opinion on the decisive role of Tushina during the battle.

Even marriage for many of them is a step to a career. Boris Drubetskaya, going to marry a rich bride - ugly and unpleasant Julia Karagina - "It's convincing himself that he can always get a job to see her as much as possible." The possibility of wing to lose the "month of melancholic service at Juli" makes it accelerate the events and, finally, to explain. Juli, knowing that she deserves it for her "Nizhny Novgorod estates and Penza Forests", make him pronounce at least insincere, but all the words put on such a case.

One of the most disgusting figures of the highest society recognized beauty helen, soulless, cold, greedy and lying. "Where are you - debauchery there, evil!" - throws her Pierre, defending it no longer (it was easier for him to free himself from her presence, issuing a power of attorney to managing half of estates), and close. With a living husband, it is advised, for whom of the high-ranking nobles she is better to get married, easily changes faith when she needs it.

Even such a nationwide rise of Russia as a domestic war cannot change these low, false, soulless people. The first sense of Boris Drubetsky, accidentally found out the others before the invasion of Napoleon on our territory, is not a perturbation and anger of the patriot, and the joy of consciousness that he can show another, as if he knew more than the rest. Mix the "patriotic" desire for Jules Karagina to speak only in Russian and her full gallicalism letter to a friend, a fine for each French word in the salon Anna Shersher. What irony is mentioned by the lion thick hand, the unisailed rings, which covers the small bunch of korpius - the contribution of a noble lady to help the hospital! As disintended and Narzosostan Berg, which buys during the universal retreat from Moscow on the cheap "Chiffonier and the toilet" and sincerely does not understand why Rostov does not share the joy of his acquisition and do not give him a veil.

With which a bright sense of joy from the fact that there are other representatives of the highest light, the best people of Russia show us a lion of thick her favorite heroes. First, unlike the Moscow and St. Petersburg salons, we hear in their living rooms Russian speech, we see truly Russian desire to help neighbor, pride, dignity, unwillingness to bow the wealth and knowledge of others, self-sufficiency of the soul.

We see the old prince of Bolkonsky, who wished his son began to serve from the lower ranks, who held him at war with a wish to take care of honor more than life. At the invasion of Napoleon in his native edges, it is in no hurry to evacuate, and, putting his general uniform with all the awards, is going to organize a folk militia. The last words of Prince dying from grief, which caused the apoplexic strike: "Soul hurts." The soul hurts for Russia and the Princess Marya. And so she, with anger rejected the proposal of the companion to resort to the patronage of the French, freely offers peasants to open barn with bread. "I am Smolensky" - answers the question of his participation in the retreat and losses that were incurred during him, Prince Andrei, and how these his words are similar to the words of a simple soldier! Bolkonsky, before so much paid to the strategy and tactics, in front of the Borodino battle gives an advantage not to the calculation, but a patriotic feeling of anger, insults, insults, the desire to protect their homeland to the last one, "what is in me, in Timonin, in every Russian soldier."

The soul hurts for the fatherland - in Pierre, he not only has a whole regiment on his funds, but also, deciding that only the "Russian fucking" can save the homeland remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon. It goes to war and dies in the battle of young Peter Rostov. Creates a partisan detachment of Vasily Denisov in the rear of the enemy. With a perturbed cry: "What are we - some kind of Germans?" - Makes parents to download property and submitted by the wounded Natasha Rostov. The point is not in ruin or in the preservation of things is the case in the preservation of the wealth of the soul.

It is before them - the best representatives of the highest light will be the question of transformations of the Russian state, they will not be able to put up with the serfs. Because recently, Fatherland from the general enemy was defended by side with simple peasants. They will be at the origins of the Decembrist Societies of Russia and will oppose the Optota of autocracy and destroying, against Drubetsk and Kuragin, Bergs and Horses - those who have a high position and condition, but low feelings and poor soul.

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An open literature lesson conducted in 1 "b" group

Topic: "Silent aristocracy and advanced nobility. Contrast as the main artistic reception in the Roman-epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" »

Organizing time
You have the right to define your attitude towards what will happen now. You can pretend to be present in the lesson, and you can accept what I would like to participate in his organization. So, following our long-standing tradition, I invite you to dialogue:
- dialogue with me;
- dialogue with himself;
- dialogue with each other
and to the dialogue with Lviv Nikolayevich Tolsty and his heroes, which we will talk about in the lesson.
And now let the question that, at first glance, does not apply to the topic. Is it difficult to be a person? Were you in my life a minute when I wanted to be someone, but not a man?
(Pupil Answers)
But the opinion of one poet on this subject:
(music melody of autumn chopin )

Man does not want to be a flower
Even if a bright bee
From him skillful trull
Sweetness for the coming took.
Spheres Magically pulls the thread,
I hears the wolf all the rustles in the milk
Man does not want to be anyone
Only a man on earth.
Asked flowers and spiders,
Asked animals what:
Which of you, living, ready
In a human skin, our fit.
All shouted heads in a row:
Say, better in the field Ile Hollow.
After all, damn it is difficult, they say
It is called a man on earth.

What is the difficulty of human being?
(Student Answers)

The novel "War and the World" is the anthem of the Russian people, his valor and honor, his selfless perseverance and devotion to the Motherland. For the first time in literature, Tolstoy depicted heroes of thinking, seeking response to the most difficult issues of human existence with high intelligence.
Goaling .

What do you think we will talk about the lesson, based on the above thoughts, from the topic of the lesson? (Answers)

Today, at the lesson, we will talk about human qualities, about how the writer characterizes the life of the highest light and the middle nobility, about the meaning of life, about the main artistic reception, which used Tolstoy in the work - about the contrast as mainly thin. Reception of novel

Speech turns are recorded on the board to help with responses to express their opinions.: (Print)

    I think I think it is noticeable that, probably, from my point of view, I understand that ....

    Due to the fact that ... because ... despite the fact that ... on the one hand ... on the other hand ... so ...

Have you ever been to the cabin? L.N. Tolstoy invites us. We will try to learn the heroes.

Survey-quiz "Whose face is this?"

She rose to the same unchanged smile ..., with which she entered the living room. "


The face was reversed by idiocy and invariably expressed self-confident obese. "


With a grimace, a stretch of his beautiful face, he turned away ... "

(Prince Andrei)

“…light expression of a flat face. "

(Prince Vasily)

A restrained smile, constantly playing on the face ... "

(Anna Pavlovna)

Before us faces or masks? Prove.

Before us masks, because during the evening their expression does not change. L. Tolstoy transfers it using epithets "unchanged", "consistently", "constantly".

You were divided into groups in advance, each member of the group had its homework

1 group . Evening in Shero Salon.

Card number 1 social status

heroes and their attitude towards each other.

Card No. 1b. topics of conversations: how interesting they are talking

View starting movie.

We hear heroes, and they say in French. You do not bother you, what is war with Napoleon, and in St. Petersburg, the highest know in French?

Why L. Tolstoy introduces French speech?

So it was accepted. The knowledge of French was mandatory for nobleman.

So, in front of us formed people. It can be assumed that in French we will hear philosophical thoughts about life, witty comments, interesting conversations

What are we talking about?

Role reading dialogue (in Russian).

This is the birth of gossip about Ippolite-Lovelace, about his connection with the princess of Bolkonskaya, about the unenviable "officerika" of Prince Andrei.

- Some kind of gossip (lie).

-Carnation Andrei later characterizes his wife as a rare woman with which you can be calm for your honor.

"She removed when Ippolit" forgot "to remove his hands, feeding the shawl.

"It sits in a carriage, without giving the values \u200b\u200bto the draws of the IPPOLIT .

Well, education, knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis not always a sign of intelligence, decency, inner culture. Maybe L. Tolstoy introduces French speech to show that an inner emptiness is hidden behind the external gloss of some heroes.

Card number 1A. pierre's behavior and attitude to Him Mistress

Card number 2A. highlight comparisons used by the author, what do they testify about?

We almost do not see sincere, living people. The writer speaks of the lack of spirituality for most guests and at the very mistress. Such is the highest light. And what is the average advanced nobility?

2 Group: (Also on cards) Pierre Duhov Visiting Prince Andrew

Card number 2B Andrei at the evening at Shero. Describe the portrait, the manner to speak and behave in society. What features are expressed in his appearance?

Card number 2V. Lisa Bolkonskaya at the evening at Shero

Card number 3b andrei and Pierre's attitude to each other(Film excerpt)

Card number 4A. monologue Andrei about Bonopart. How did you understand him?

3 Group of entertainment of secular youth:

Dolokhov's behavior

Anatole Kuragin in the characteristic of his father, in behavior in the evening

Fun with a bear and its consequences(Film excerpt)

Attitude towards such pastime Andrei Bolkonsky and Graph Rostov

Would you like to continue communicating with such representatives of the aristocracy as Vasily Kuragin, Polokhov and others? No, why? Then we leave the salon.

4 Group Name day in Rostova

The ratio of the graph and the Countess growth to guests and each other

The behavior and interests of children in the house of growth

The situation during the birthday lunch (the topic of conversations, as far as they are interesting to talking, the total atmosphere)(Film excerpt)

5 A group of events in the house of Crafa

Prince's behavior Vasily Kuragin, his interests

The behavior of Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskoy, his reasons

Boris Drubetskaya and Pierre Duhov in this situation

6 group Family Blocks in Bald Mountains

- past of old prince

- classes and interests of the Location Nobleman

- princess Marya Bolkonskaya

- relationship between Father and Children

Outcome: Roman Postroyen in contrasts. In the considered episodes, the main layers of Russian society are shown, the main storylines, reflecting the complexity and variety of life. The highest light is a hypocritical and tin, the middle nobility is the full opposite: hospitably and welcome, all here sincerely and humane

Outcome (about morality in society)


    what I thought especially seriously, while I worked on episodes ...

    I was surprised ...

    I was especially important to understand ...

Teacher: Yes, for searches for some answers, you may need all life

Creating the image of Pierre Dzuhova, L. N. Tolstoy was repelled from specific vital observations. People like Pierre were often encountered in the Russian life of the time. This is Alexander Muravyov, and Wilhelm Kyhehelbecker, to whom Pierre is close to his eccentricity and scattered and direct. Contemporaries believed that Tolstoy put Pierre and the features of his own personality. One of the features of the image of Pierre in the novel is opposed to his surrounding noble environment. It is not by chance that he is the illegal son of the Count of Nukhova; It is not by chance that it is sharply highlighted on a general background of his bulky, clumsy figure. When Pierre finds himself in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler, he causes her anxiety to the inconsistency of his label of the living room. It is significantly different from all visitors to the cabin and his smart, natural look. The author in contrast sues Pierre's judgments and the spent chatter of the Ippolit. Antiproducing its hero of the environment, Tolstoy reveals his high mental quality: sincerity, immediacy, high conviction and noticeable softness. The evening at Anna Pavlovna ends with the fact that Pierre, to the dissatisfaction of the gathered, protects the ideas of the French revolution, admires Napoleon, as the head of the revolutionary France, defends the ideas of the republic and freedom, showing the independence of their views.

Lion Tolstoy paints the appearance of his hero: this is "a massive, a thick young man, with a cut-off head, in glasses, in light pantals, with high jabs and in a brown chamber." Special attention to the writer turns on a smile Pierre, who makes his face childish, kind, stupid and as if asking for forgiveness. She seems to say: "Opinions are opinions, and you see what kind of good and glorious small."

Pierre is sharply opposed to others surrounding and in the episode of the death of the old man. Here he is not very similar to the careerist Boris Drubetsky, who, for the admission of Mama, leads the game, seeking to get his stability inheritance. Pierre is tested awkwardness and shame for Boris.

And now he is the heir to an immensely rich father. Having received the title of Count, Pierre immediately turns out to be the focus of the secular society, where he pleased, caressed him and, as it seemed to him, loved. And he plunges into the stream of a new life, obeying the atmosphere of great light. So it turns out to be in the company "Golden Youth" - Anatoly Kuragin and Dologov. Under the influence of Anatol, he holds days in the couments, being unable to escape from this cycle. Pierre squanders his vitality, showing challenging characteristic. Prince Andrei tries to convince him that he is not very interested in life. But not so easy to snatch it from this "waters." However, I note that Pierre is immersed in him rather than a soul.

To this regard, the marriage of Pierre on Helen Kuragin. He perfectly understands her nothingness, frank nonsense. "Something nauseous is in that feeling," he thought, "which she opened in me, something forbidden." However, Pierre's feelings are under the influence of its beauty and unconditional female charm, although the Hero of Tolstoy is not experiencing real, deep love. The time will pass, and the "surrounded" Pierre warns helen and all the soul will feel its viciousness.

In this regard, an important point was a duel with Doolohov, which took place after dinner in honor of Bagration, Pierre received an anonymous letter that the wife changes him with his former friend. Pierre does not want to believe in virtue of the purity and nobility of his nature, but at the same time he believes the letter, because Helen knows well and her beloved. The shaking output of the share at the table displays Pierre from equilibrium and leads to a duel. It is quite obvious to him that now he hates helen and is ready to break with her forever, but at the same time break with the world in which she lived.

Different attitude of Dologa and Pierre to the duel. The first goes to a duel with a solid intention to kill, and the second suffers because he needs to shoot a person. In addition, Pierre never held a gun in the hands of the gun and, in order to seek to finish with this vile business, somehow descends the trigger, and when the enemy wounds, barely holding his sobs, rushes to him. "Stupid! .. Death ... Lie ..." - he repeated, walking along the snow into the forest. So a separate episode, a quarrel with Rolokhov becomes for Pierre Rubeze, discovering the world of lies, in which he was destined to be for some time.

The new stage of the spiritual quest of Pierre begins when he is in a state of a deep moral crisis meets on the way from Moscow Mason Basdayev. In an effort to the high meaning of life, believing in the ability to achieve fraternal love, Pierre enters the religious and philosophical society of Masonov. He is looking for spiritual and moral updates here, hopes for the revival of a new life, his personal cultivation is eager. He wants to further correct the imperfection of life, and this case seems not difficult to him. "How easy, as little effort is needed to make so much good," Pierre thought, "and how little we care about it!"

And so, under the influence of Masonic ideas, Pierre decides to free the peasants belonging to him from the serfdom. He goes along the same path for which Onegin was walking, although she makes new steps in this direction. But unlike the Pushkin hero, he possesses huge estates in the Kiev province, which is why he has to act through the main manager.

With children's cleanliness and gullibility, Pierre does not assume that he will have to face the meanness, deception and the devilish dodgy of Deltsov. He takes the construction of schools, hospitals, shelters for the fundamental improvement in the life of the peasants, while all this was a shown and burdensome for them. The initiatives of Pierre not only did not make facilitated the severe fate of the men, but also worsened their position, because the predation of richness from the trading village and the robbery of the peasants hidden from Pierre.

Neither the transformation in the village nor the Freemasonry justified the hopes that Pierre put on them. He is disappointed for the purposes of the Masonic Organization, which is now presented by a false, vicious and hypocritical, where everyone is concerned primarily a quarry. In addition, ritual procedures characteristic of Masons seem to him now ridiculous and funny performance. "Where am I?" He thinks, "what am I doing? Doesn't you laugh at me?" Will I be ashamed to remember it? " Feeling the infertility of Masonic ideas that did not change his own life, Pierre "suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing the previous life."

The Tolstoy Hero passes through a new moral test. They became a real, great love for Natasha Rostova. At first, Pierre did not think about his new feeling, but it grew and became more and more powerful; There was special sensitivity, intensive attention to everything that Natasi concerned. And he leaves for a time from public interest in the world of personal, intimate experiences that Natasha opened for him.

Pierre is convinced that Natasha loves Andrei Bolkonsky. It is only animated because of the prince Andrei, he hears his voice. "Something is very important happens between them," Pierre thinks. Comfortable feeling does not leave him. He carefully and gently loves Natasha, but at the same time true and devotedly friendly with Andrey. Pierre from the soul wishes them to happiness, and at the same time their love becomes big grief for him.

The aggravation of sincere solitude is caught Pierre to the most important issues of modernity. He sees the "confusing, terrible node of life." On the one hand, he reflects, people erected forty-forty churches in Moscow, confessing the Christian law of love and forgiveness, and on the other hand, the soldier and the priest gave him a cross in front of execution. So the crisis is growing in Pierre's soul.

Natasha, refusing to the prince Andrei, showed friendly spiritual sympathy for Pierre. And huge, disinterested happiness swept it. Natasha, covered by grief and repentance, causes Pierra's soul such an outbreak of hot love that he, unexpectedly for himself, makes a kind of recognition to her: "If I were not me, but the most famous, the most famous and the best person in the world ... I would This minute kneel asked your hands and love. " In this new enthusiastic condition, Pierre forgets about public and other matters that it was so worried. Personal happiness and infinite feeling overwhelms him, gradually giving a sense of some income of life, deep and widely understood.

The events of the war of 1812 produce a steep fracture in the Most Piece. They gave the opportunity to get out of the state of egoistic closetness. They begin to master the incomprehensible anxiety for him, and, although he does not know how to figure out the events, it is inevitably incorporated into the flow of reality and thinks about his participation in the fate of the Fatherland. And this is not just reflections. He prepares the militia, and then goes to Mozhaisk, on the field of the Borodino battle, where a new, unfamiliar world of ordinary people opens up before him.

Borodino becomes a new stage in the development of Pierre. Seeing the first time of the militia-militia, dressed in white shirts, Pierre caught the spirit of sputtering patriotism emanating from them, expressed in a clear determination to persist to protect his native land. Pierre realized that this was the power that moves the events - the people. He understood the hidden meaning of the words of a soldier: "All the people walkers want, one word - Moscow."

Pierre is no longer just watching what is happening, but reflects, analyzes. He managed to feel the "hidden warmth of patriotism", which made the Russian people invincible. True, in battle, on the battery of Raevsky, Pierre is experiencing the moment of panic fear, but it is this horror "and allowed him to especially understand the power of people's courage. After all, these artilleryrs all the time, until the very end, were firm and calm, and I want now Pierre to be a soldier, just a soldier to "enter this common life" by the whole being.

Under the influence of people from the People, Pierre decides to participate in the protection of Moscow, for which it is necessary to stay in the city. Wanting to make a feat, he intends to kill Napoleon to deliver the peoples of Europe from the one who brought them so much suffering and evil. Naturally, he dramatically changes his attitude towards Napoleon's personality, the former sympathy is replaced by hatred of the despot. However, many obstacles, as well as a meeting with the French captain Rabelam, change his plans, and he refuses the murder of the French emperor.

A new stage in the quest for Pierre was staying in French captivity, where he falls after a fight with French soldiers. This new period of life Hero becomes a further step towards rapprochement with the people. Here, in captivity, Pierre was able to see the true carriers of the evil, the creators of the new "order", to feel the inhumanity of the morals of Napoleonic France, the relationship built on domination and submission. He saw massive murders and tried to progress before their reasons.

An extraordinary shock is experiencing, attending the execution of people accused of alert. "In his soul, he writes Tolstoy," as if it suddenly pull out the spring, which was all kept. " And only a meeting with Plato Karataev in captivity allowed Pierre to gain a mental balance. Pierre got close to Karataev, fell under his influence and began to look at life as a natural and natural process. Faith arises again in good and truth, internal independence and freedom were born. Under the influence of Karataev, the spiritual revival of Pierre. Like this simple peasant, Pierre begins to love life in all its manifestations, contrary to all the vicissitudes of fate.

Close convergence with the people after liberation from captivity leads Pierre to the Decembris. Tolstoy talks about this in the epilogue of his novel. For seven past years, the long-standing sentiment of passivity, contemplation was replaced by thirst for action and active participation in public life. Now, in 1820, the anger and indignation of Pierre cause social order and political oppression in their native Russia. He says Nicholas Rostov: "In courts theft, in the army one stick, stepish, settlements - the people are tormented, enlightenment. What young, honestly, then lick!"

Pierre is convinced that the duty of all honest people is. To counteract this. It is not by chance that Pierre becomes a participant in the secret organization and even one of the main organizers of the secret political society. The union of "honest people," he believes, should play his prominent role in the elimination of social evil.

Pierre now enters personal happiness. Now he is married to Natasha, is experiencing a deep love for her and his children. Happiness with smooth and calm light illuminates all his life. The main belief that Pierre from long life quest and which is close to the most thickness, is: "While there is life, there is and happiness."

Literature lesson in x class

First Qualification Category Teacher

Mora« Lyceum №36.» Leninsky district of Saratov

Gurova Irina Petrovna

Subject. Young generation in the novel L.N. Tolstoy« War and Peace».

Purpose. Include students in research activities on the main problem of the topic, develop the skills of analyzing the literary and artistic work, prepare students for the writing on this topic.

The structure of the lesson.

    Entrance to the learning situation. Teacher's introductory word.

    Working with the text of the novel by groups.

    Work with information sheets.

    Individual task. Work on diaries L.N. Tolstoy (student literary critic)

    Summarizing. Exit an academic situation. Abstracts for essay.

During the classes.

1. Teacher's introductory word.

Today, at the lesson, we will try to comprehend everything that is associated with the image of the vital ideals of the young heroes of the novel, we will watch their attitude towards people, to the Fatherland, to events that determine not only their fate, but also the fate of the entire generation. We will try to answer important questions for us:

    what heroes appreciate, respects, and what kind of writer Count L. N. Tolstoy is despised?

    how to live? What should man strive for?

Epigraph lesson.

To live honestly, it is necessary to go away, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing and stop and lose and lose and lose, and calm is spiritual meanness.

L.N. Tolstoy.


Literary critic. In the dictionary of Ozhegov read:« Youth is the age between adolescence and maturity, the period of life at that age».

The word of the teacher.

Very stupid comment. But it was during this period that either bad, or a wonderful principle in man, all that will be found in mature years will be found.

All young people, about whom we will talk, belonged to one class, they are educated, very rich or just rich, some poor. In many years there were attempts to resist the blows of fate, do not succumb to injustice. We will observe the death of the soul, the loss of its best qualities and the path of self-improvement.

Teacher. What and how do the heroes of Tolstoy?

The main lesson questions. (Working in groups: Filling information sheets, oral responses).

    Why is B. Drubetskaya and people are not interested in Tolstoy?

    Why Berg, hero, who did not commit a single reprehensible act, causes only contempt?

    What unites Boris Drubetsky with Berg?

    Pierre, kind, delicate man, throws in the face of Helen's angry, full contempt of the word:« Where are you, there are debauchery and evil». What is explained by this attitude to his wife?

Why helen dies?

    What is the true beauty of the ugly heroine of the novel, the princes M. Bolcona, subsequently the Countess Rostova?

    Favorite heroine L.N. Tolstoy - Natasha Rostov. What features make it really valuable and attractive?

    Why Sonya, Girlfriend Natasha Rostova, Tolstoy calls emptyless?

    Do you think Fedor Dologov is a positive character?

    Next to Dolokhov, we often see Anatoly Kuragin. What is dangerous people like this Hero of the novel?

    What is interesting image of Nikolai Rostov?

Generalization. Presentation of students and literary criticism.

So how should I live, according to L.N. Tolstoy? What affects the formation of views and the life position of young heroes?

Position L.N. Tolstoy. From the Diary Tolstoy.

1847 g. (Tolstoy only 19 years).

"17.martha ... I clearly saw that the random life, which most of the secular people takes for a consequence of youth, there is nothing more than a consequence of youth, there is nothing but a consequence of the early debauchery of the soul»

General conclusion.

On the formation of the globility of young heroes affects

- environment

- self-education and self-analysis of behavior and actions

- a family

The word of the teacher.

Now more clearly perceive L.N. Tolstoy:«... calm - spiritual meanness».

Tense internal work is that it is distinguished by any heroes L.N. Tolstoy. The number of honest and kind people, conscientious, obsessed, purposeful, from them on earth purity and faith.

Homework: Write conclusions, prepare for an essay.

1. It is obvious that all the ideas associated with the assessment of the life of the younger generation in the novel "War and Peace" are defined by the views of L.N. Tolstoy, which has developed in a constant search for its appointment in young years. Confirm this writer's diaries. 1847 17mart (Tolstoy only 19 years old) He writes: "I clearly saw that the random life, which most of the secular people takes for a consequence of youth there is nothing but a consequence of the early debauchery of the soul. A month later, no less important recognition appeared: "I would be unhappy about the people, if I would not find the goal for my life - the goals of general and useful."

2. People are all different. One for happiness requires family, children, others need material well-being. Basics of well-being - Career: Position, ranks. In an effort to achieve a career, young people like Boris Drubetsky, will not embarrass their spiritual forces on others. The ideal of their life is well-being based on the calculation, for love and attention only to yourself. Indifferent, they are dangerous that they will never stop in their path to career. Even love, holy feeling, can be neglected in mercenary interests. Juli Kuragin, overcoming disgust, Boris Drubetskaya will tell the words of love, without feeling her in his heart. He will always lie, adapt, cautious, because I am convinced that his ideal of life is undoubtedly faithful, and most importantly, they achieve. Difficulties, deprivation is a great benefit, because they temper and form a character, one-piece, fair, but this does not apply to Boris Drubetsky. Difficulties did not harde it, but crushed. The investigation of this is a persistent desire to live only for himself.

3. Without having a large-scale mind and outstanding abilities, you can live honestly and benefit the state and family. Tolstoy creates an image of an ideal officer, executive, faithful, honest, ready to give life to the Fatherland and Russian Emperor. What is the purpose of man? This question Nicholas Rostov does not ask himself, although Tolstoy approves the need for self-education and self-improvement. He does what the family is waiting for him. The origins of his life behavior - in the family, where care of each other, honesty towards each other - the law of life, brought up by the exceptional love of the graph and the Countess growth.

4. One of the most valuable properties of young people is the ability to internal changes, the desire for self-education, to the moral search. But moral painful questions never embarrassed by Helen's soul. False, which in the family rooted, absorbed and helen. The family has never been discussed that good and that bad. Neither Helen nor her brother understand that, besides their pleasure, there are tranquility of other people. Tolstoy, deliberately emphasizing the beauty of Helen, helps to understand the spiritual ugliness of Helen. Beauty and her youth repels, because This beauty is not seized by any spiritual impulses.

5. Many of the heroes of Tolstoy are characterized by the need for deep self-analysis. This need for young years contributes to rapprochement with people, is the source of joy. Already in a single Maiden's princess, Marya makes the discovery of the imperfection of human nature, so it seeks to find the truth in the relationship of people. Coming out married, she contributes to the existence of the family the refinement, the warmth of trusting communication. It creates a bright atmosphere in the house, moral formation, raising children is completely given. Otherwise, there can be no, because she is from the Bolkonsky family, where everyone lives on conscience, go "dear honor."

6. Tolstoy does not idealize its heroes. On the contrary, he gives them the right to make a mistake. However, she is almost never mistaken. It acts deliberately cruelly: hectes for what is not rich, Mustrate for not being patrons, like many. He chose his own way, but there is no ministry, good and justice on this path. He could choose another way, because the smart, brave, bolders (decent qualities of the officer), but he elected this particular, thereby condemning himself for sincere solitude.