Cookniks work. Artists-cartoonists Cookryniks

Cookniks work. Artists-cartoonists Cookryniks
Cookniks work. Artists-cartoonists Cookryniks

The Mammoth Gallery shows a unique collection of satirical works of the outstanding Soviet graphs and painters of the 20th century, the masters of political satire, famous for the pseudonym Kukryniks, from the Mammoth family meeting - one of the largest private collections of these artists. About 100 genuine drawings and posters are exhibited, the most vivid and characteristic work of wartime artists: the originals of the posters "TASS windows", caricatures, sketches, sketches made in the Nuremberg process, picturesque etudes. Most of the submitted things are not found in editions dedicated to the work of Kukryniks, and published only in the catalogs of the Mammoth Gallery.

Mammoth Gallery (Lavrushinsky Lane, House 11, Corps 1.)

Mammoth Gallery

The Kukryniksy's legendary pseudonym united three artists - Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov (1903-1991), Porphyria Nikitich Krylova (1902-1990) and Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolova (1903-2000). Their creative union has developed in 1924 - during the years of study in Vhowema. Together they worked more than sixty years, never parting. The name of Kukryniks became not just a collective pseudonym, but a symbol of the genre of an acute political caricature, which brought three artists world fame.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov, Porphyry Nikitich Krylov and Nikolay Alexandrovich Sokolov

Anti-fascist caricatures appear in the 1930s. But only during the war, artists achieve real creative maturity and deservedly occupy one of the central places in the art of the Great Patriotic War. Caricatures and posters of Kukryniks diverged by millions of circulations. They knew them well in the Soviet Union and abroad.

In the evening of June 22, 1941, Kukryniks created a sketch of a poster "mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!", And on June 24, the poster appeared on the streets of Moscow and other cities. All five years of war they worked daily. They did caricatures in the next issue of the Pravda newspaper or the Crocodile magazine, the leaflets were composed for German soldiers (who served them by passing to pass), drawing up packaging for food concentrates, painted posters for the "TASS windows". In a day, these posters appeared on the streets. Filled with caviar, angry sarcasm and bold humor, through the horrors of the war they carried confident in victory over evil. Exhausted pain, grief and fear people waited for them with impatience and hope. Artists worked with amazing dedication. Of course, not all posters became masterpieces, but phrases "did not have time" and "not happened" did not exist. War went ... During air raids, gas masks put on and went down to the yard, or climbed the roof of the house - to stew "lighters". And again to work, as in a hand-to-hand fight with the enemy.

The famous "TASS windows" is the exceptional phenomenon of poster and satirical art. They created different good artists. But the contribution of Kukrynikov is significant. The originals replicated by the screening method of the TASS windows occupy the main place in the collection of works of Kukryniks Mammoth Gallery. Huge, glued from several dense sheets, defiantly bright and colorful, and now already yellowed and dilapidated on the time, satirical posters of Kukryniks for the "windows of the TASS" can be considered an avant-garde of the Soviet visual art of wartime (in the youth, in the era of bold experiments, the Kukryniks managed to work With V. Mayakovsky, V. Meyerhold, S. Eisenstein). Particular attention to the artists paid the decorative side of the image, seeking to make it catchy and clearly distinguishable at a distance. Created in the image of the "windows of growth", opened on the streets of cities, "TASS windows" fought with fascism as a madness, accusing him in inhumanity. The artists themselves considered their creativity "opposition." Penetrated by journalistic pathos, the art of Kukryniks opposed the barbarism and cruelty of fascism. "The art of the exposure metaphor" called Kukrynikov's cartoon, famous critic Alexander Kamensky. It would seem that a funny and despised enemy is not so terrible. But satirical images of the enemy, created by artists, caused by no laughter, but anger, disgust and hatred. The poster satire of Kukryniks is not so funny and definitely not harmless, it is rude and straight, evil and bile. Its emotional characteristics are sincerity and passion. Artistic - virtuoso skill and plastic expression. Its historical meaning is invaluable.

Cookrynikov's creativity belongs to the classical traditions of satirical graphics based on the receptions of visual characteristics, likes, metaphor. Each image "is directed" as a tragicomic miceaccine of cruel and bloody farce. The image of the enemy develops in connection with the change in the course of military events, but it is always cruel, ridiculous and stupid. At the beginning of the war - the ferocious conqueror. With the development of military actions, a loser. At any time of the war, the image of a marionette enemy ("Gustav and Charter", "Puppet Theater", "Circus") appear. Condeming and sickling fascism, the Kukryniks are not afraid of extremes. Often, artists resort to a well-known admission - depict the enemy in a beastly guise, emphasizing the atrocity of fascism ("kill him!", "Dragged"); Visualize the folk sayings and the winged phrases ("Well done among sheep, against a well done - the sheep himself"); Independently inventing words images (for example, "rating" - a creature with a rat of rat and head of a person), use the techniques of folk lubk, combining the hand drawn picture with the text. The language of their caricature is accurate and simple, the details are not much, but each extremely expressive and, which is noteworthy, in contrast to the image, the part can be funny ("bubbles", etc.). Cooknikov's wit is inexhaustible. Fantasia and ingenuity are amazing. Their power is in cohesion. One person would not mascery such creative and emotional tension.

As correspondents of the newspaper "True" with sketches and paints, albums and pencils, Kukryniks "reached Berlin" (May 21, 1945, artists were sent to Berlin to collect materials on the signing of the act on the unconditional surrender of Germany), attended the Nuremberg process. In the collection of the Mammoth Gallery, the famous drawings made by Kukryniki in the courtroom are kept, carturgies on the hess and other process participants, whose faces for many years of war artists managed to study in photographs and newsreel. And again it was necessary to work promptly: the drawings immediately sent the plane to the newspaper's editor. The main objects of Kukryniks Kukrynikov - Hitler, Goering and Goebbels were familiar with their work as well that included artists in the list of potential suicide people who will be publicly executed when taken by the Germans of Moscow. In the Nuremberg process they had to face face to face. War of nerves ... at the sight of artists armed with binoculars and pencils, criminals hid face.

From a trip to Berlin Kukryniksi, each individually, brought many lyrical picturesque etudes - images of the city, turned into ruins (N. Sokolov. "Berlin. Palace of Wilhelm", "Berlin. Monument to Wilhelm I", "Berlin. Alexander-Platts") .

In his free time in Berlin and Nuremberg, Kukryniks make a lot of intensive sketches: the peaceful life of the city - a hurried drawings on the ambulance arm, beyond (N. Sokolov. "On the streets of Nuremberg in December 1945," residents of Nuremberg Berlin "). "Basically women, children, old men. Most of them carry knots, suitcases, almost everyone behind the backpack spins, ... Mother with children, with things ... There are also fashionable ladies, old men in cylinders, hurrying to the funeral "(from the memories of Kukryniks). As always in Kukryniks, these drawings distinguishes the sharpness and accuracy of psychological and plastic characteristics.

Daily work during the war, Kukryniks fought with fascism. Pain and anger poured into caustic, evil, merciless satire. Figures made in Germany, other.

N. Sokolov Residents of Nuremberg, 1945.

Without an extracting enemy, and those who survived the nightmare of war, returning such different people who return to peaceful life. And these peaceful sketches are not worse than posters indicate that the war is nothing justified by the evil, with whom it is necessary to fight. The best reward and consolation than the world is not.

The exhibition will last on July 3 In the Mammoth Gallery
at the address: Lavelushinsky Lane, House 11, Corps 1. Opening hours: with 12:00 — 20:00 , Weekend: Sunday and Monday.

Tribune, 1941.

"Many Nazis, trying to avoid responsibility for their crimes, declare themselves dead, change their names and are sent to Spain and other" neutral "countries" from newspapers.

It is taken on a black chariot
To Spanish, dear border
And he shouts: easier, foolie,
Not that I really have a sauna!
S. Marshak

Photos Tatyana Aleshina

Kukryniks - the creative team of Soviet artists-graphics and painters, which included valid members of the USSR AH (1947), folk artists of the USSR (1958), the heroes of socialist labor Mikhail Kupriyanov (1903—1991), Porphyry Krylov (1902-1990) and Nikolai Sokolov (1903—2000).

Mikhail Kupriyanov Porphiri Krylov Nikolai Sokolov

Pseudonym "Kukryniks" is composed of the first syllables of the names Ku i. Ko lov, as well as the first three letters name and first letter of the name Nick olya FROM okolov.

Three artists worked the method of collective creativity (everyone also worked and individually - over portraits and landscapes). They brought the greatest fame of numerous masterfully filled cartoons and cartoons, as well as book illustrations created in a characteristic caricature style.

The joint work of Kukryniks began in student years in the highest art and technical workshops. In Moscow Vhutemas, artists traveled from different ends of the Soviet Union. Kupriyanov from Kazan, Wings from Tula, Sokolov from Rybinsk. In 1922, Kupriyanov and Krylov got acquainted and began to work together in the wall newspaper of Vhowemas like a dumb and a cride. At this time, Sokolov, still living in Rybinsk, put the signature of Nicks in his drawings. In 1924, he joined Kupriyanov and Kryonov, and in the wall page they worked in three as the Kukryniks.

The group was searching for a new single style that used the skill of each of the authors. The heroes of literary works were the first to feather cartoonists. Later, when the Kukryniks became permanent employees of the True newspaper and the Crocodile magazine, they took advantage of the political caricature.

Power works for Kukryniks were grotesque topical caricatures on the themes of domestic and international life (Series "Transport", 1933-1934, "War Certificates", 1953-1957), agitation, including anti-fascist, posters ("mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy! ", 1941), illustrations to works by Nikolai Gogol, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin (1939), Anton Chekhov (1940-1946), Maxim Gorky (" Life of Klim Samgin "," Foma Gordeev "," Mother ", 1933, 1948-1949 ), Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrova ("Golden Challenge"), Miguel Cervantes ("Don Quixote").

A significant moment in the work was a military poster "mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!". He appeared on the June streets of Moscow, you are one of the first - immediately after the attack of Hitler's Germany in the USSR. The Kukryniks passed the whole war: their leaflets accompanied the Soviet soldiers all military road to Berlin. In addition, the cycle of posters "TASS windows" was very popular.

Kukryniks on the front, 1942

They became classics of the Soviet political caricature, which they understood as an instrument of combating a political enemy, and did not recognize any other trends in art and in caricatures, which were fully primarily in the first place in the new format of the "literary newspaper" (department of humor "Club 12 chairs" ). Their political caricatures, often published in the newspaper "True", belong to the best examples of this genre ("ticks in the ticks", "I lost my ring ...", "Under an eagle, I responded, I responded to Rome," "Wall-haircut", "Lion Share ", series of drawings of" War Maltarians ", etc.). The team belongs to numerous political posters ("Transformation of Fritz", "Peoples are warned", etc.). Kukryniks are also known as painters and masters of a machine drawing. They are the authors of the paintings "Morning", "Tanya", "German escape from Novgorod", "End" (1947-1948), "Old hosts" (1936-1937). They are drawn Pastel's drawings - "I. V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov, "I. V. Stalin in Kureik, "Barricades in Presnya in 1905", "Chkalov on the island of UDD" and others.

About the work of artists Kukryniksi

The famous Soviet poet Alexander Zharov recalls that in 1925, by his editor by the editor of one youth magazine, three artists students somehow came to him and offered their services. "What can you draw?" - asked the heat. Then young people immediately began to work and, in the course of work, transmitting the drawing one another, quickly sketched a few laid cartoons on the writers who were present at the same time than the general admiration caused. Since then, the journal began to regularly appear acute and expressive drawings of young authors, signed by the composite surname Kukryniksi.

It was at the dawn joint creative activity of Talented Soviet artists Mikhail Vasilyevich Kuryovanov, Porphyer Nikitich Krylov and Nikolay Alexandrovich Sokolov.

The work of Kukryniks is striking by its diversity. Thoughtful artists over large picturesque canvases, caricature, poster, book illustration, and even over a sculptural portrait, seeking to see each other form of art high results, are inspired and persistently. The extraordinary relevance of the subject, ideological orientability of the content, originality and laconism of the artistic language - these clearly visible works of Kukryniks make them clear the widest range of Soviet spectators and readers.

Cartoon artists Kukryniksov

Being gifted by painters, Kukryniks, first of all, both more and more - the most prominent masterssociety of political graphics, artistic satire. It is difficult to call at least one significant co-being in international life on-ranking since the 30s and ending today, which would not have caused the corresponding response in their work.

At one time, Cookrynikov's carikatu-ry was mercilessly differently, the conspiracy of the imperialist powers against the Republican-Spain, the preparation of the Second World War (the "Strict Control Scheme of Spanish Borders", "Pro-Rolling of the Last War" and the other). In these, as in all other works, artists will speak expressiveness of the views and interests of our people, who is tirelessly struggling for peace all over the world.

Cooknows in the area household satire. Their strikes are directed against the entire talked, oblique and ugly, which prevents the movement of the Soviet people to an excellent future. From the extensive cycle of the works of Kukrynikov on household topics, a series of "transport", drawings "hopeless days off", "Service note", "Reliable" (about young people, serving in front of a foreigner).

Caricatures of Kukryniks are so peculiar in shape that the viewer immediately recognizes their authors, even without looking at the signature. Inexhaustible in artistic fiction and ingenuity, Kukryniks are able to recreate the appearance of a particular political degenerate with several bold and accurate lines (Stolypin, Kerensky, Wrangel), show typical in the images of a bureaucrat, glasses, Hapugi. The deposit of Kukrynikovskaya graphics is a bright example of a large value of collectivity in creativity: each of the artists offers its decision to the topic, in the process of discussion, all the best is selected, and then all the forces of the team are sent to the finalization of the final version.

War posters in the work of Kukryniks

Still fresh in our memory, many-numeral posters in the "TASS windows", created by the Kukryniks in the harsh years of the fight against fascist invaders: "Ruthlessly once-thunder and destroy the enemy!", "Pre-rotating fretsitz", "Volzhsky Rock", "Cleaning Harvest is a formidant strike on the enemy "and others. Responding to the most pressing tasks of time, extremely expressive, they were a powerful ideological dish, gave even more forces to Soviet soldiers on the front and the labor population in the rear.

On the pages of "Pravda", "Crocodile" and other Soviet editions, the sharp caricatures of Cookniks are invariably appeared, navigate the Cold War Trucks and their accomplices to the shameful post. In 1958-1959, Ka-Ricaturia "Berlinsky Question", "Mitable Parrot" and others were published. In the number 2 of "Crocodile" for 1960, in the sacred memory of A. P. Chekhov, a witty caricature "Attacler on an international scale" is remembered: The Western German Chancellor Adenauer diligently unscrews nuts from rails, which stands the "to peaceful coexistence" pointer.

Pictures of artists Kukryniks

Great Novgorod in January 1944. Against the background of the gloomy sky, the majestic commander of the Sofia Cathedral is minted. From under the snow, fragments of the barbarus destroyed monument "Millennia of Russia" stick out. Near the buildings, Hitler's warriors are fussing with torches. Forced under the mighty blows of the Soviet army shamefully flee from ancient city, they are in powerless angry trying to destroy the priceless treasures of Russian culture.

Such is the content widespread pictures of Kukrynikov "The flight of the fascists from Novgorod." Despite the dramatic straightening of the moment, well-transmitted contrasts of dark and light spots, the picture is imbued with an optimistic mood. The artists managed to show the complete doom of geek, intending to enslave our social-style homeland.

Patriotic feeling is penetrated by chickpeas and other picturesque works of Kukryniks, dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, - Tanya, "True", "End".


"The end"

In the last picture in the images of a large artistic force in Kazan, the inglorious death of Hitle-Rismism, in the defeat of which the Council-Sky Union played a decisive role.

Illustrating the works of Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chekhov and Gorky, artists strive with the maximum fullness to disclose the humanistic oriental focus of the Great Russian literature to the reader. The most successful drawings of the Kukrynikov to Gogol "Sineli", the stories of Chekhov "Tosca" and "I want to sleep".



Basnie "Fox and beaver"

"Tsar Nikolai considers Bloch"

It should be noted that each of the Kukryniks had a bright creative personality and worked a lot on their own. So, M. Kupriyanov was particularly fascinated by the landscapes of the Moscow region and Volga, P. Krylov performed many portraits and perfectly handed over the picturesque peculiarity of Paris, Rome and Venice, and N. Sokolov lovingly portrayed the life of his native Moscow and the touching charm of Russian Nature. Continuously enriching their knowledge and experience, the artists joined them in a general intention, stubbornly achieved in every new product the increasing completion of the plot and his artistic incarnation.

Kukryniks Kukryniksi

(alias on the first syllables of the names), creative team of Soviet graphs and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich (R. 1903), Wings Porfiry Nikitich (r. 1902), Sokolov Nikolai Aleksandrovich (r. 1903). Folk artists of the USSR (1958), real members of the AH USSR (1947), Heroes of Socialist Labor (P. N. Krylov -С 1972, M. V. Kupriyanov and N. A. Sokolov - from 1973). Studied in Moscow Vhutamy-Vhutein (between 1921-29). Working together with 1924, performed in newspapers and magazines ("True", Crocodile, etc.) with a new type of caricature, marked by an acute anger, destroying-ursening theme solutions, a charmitted characteristic characteristic of the characteristics (Series "Transport", Mascara, 1933-34). Caricatures, posters and "TASS windows" were very popular, created by Kukryniki during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 ("mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!", Gouache, 1941; "Ticks in ticks", 1941). Significant political power has the post-war Satyra Kukryniks, the bike of warstores of war, the enemies of the world and socialism ("war of war", mascara, 1953-57). For political caricatures and posters of Kukryniks, the State Prize of the USSR (1942) and the Leninist Prize (1965) were awarded. The range of Cooknikov's creativity in the field of book illustration - from acute graphic grotesque (illustrations for works by I. Ilf and E. Petrova "12 chairs", mascara, 1933 and 1966, and "golden challenge", mascara, watercolor, 1969; to "left-hand "N. S. Leskova, State Prize of the USSR, 1975) to lyric-scenic images (illustrations to the" lady with a dog "and other works by A. P. Chekhov, 1940-46, State Prize of the USSR, 1947; to the novels M. Gorky "Thomas Gordeev", 1948-49, State Prize of the USSR, 1950, and "Mother", 1950, State Prize of the USSR, 1951). In easel painting, Kukryniks, developing the traditions of Russian realistic art and using sometimes the receptions of their satirical graphics, turn to historical plots (the "old owners" series, 1936-37, GTG), are inflating fascism ("end". 1947-48; USSR State Prize , 1949), embody the topic of the heroism of Soviet people (Tanya, 1942-47, GTG). Individually work as portraitists and landscape players.

"I lost the ring? (And in the ring - 22 divisions)." Mascara, gouache. 1943. Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.

Illustration for the story of A. P. Chekhov "Lady with a dog." Black watercolor. 1945 - 1946. Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.
Works: Cathedral Production, vol. 1-2-, M., 1984-. Literature: N. I. Sokolova, Kukryniks, 2 ed., M., 1975.

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Ed. Polevoy VM; M.: Publishing House "Sovetskaya Encyclopedia", 1986.)


(alias on the first syllables of the names), the creative Commonwealth of three artists-cartoonists and illustrators: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1903, Tetyuti, Tataria - 1991, Moscow); Wings Porfiry Nikitich (1902, the village of Schliknovo Tula region - 1990, Moscow); Sokolov Nikolay Aleksandrovich (1903, Moscow - 2000, Ibid). Studied in Moscow Vhutama - Vhutein (1921-29). Actual members of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1947), folk artists of the USSR (1958). I got acquainted during a joint study at the Graphic Faculty of Vhowemas, at the same time they began to work in three, creating the first caricatures for newspapers and magazines. From 1933 he worked in the newspaper "Pravda".
Kukryniks showed themselves in different genres: political poster, caricature, Book illustrations, historical picture. In the caricatures of Kukryniks, there is always a dramatic rich effect, folk humor is widely used, the tragedy and farce, tears and laughter are connected. Their bright posters inspired people during the Great Patriotic War ("mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!", 1941, etc.). Based on personal impressions, a cloth "Fishing Fascists from Novgorod" (1944-46) was created. The painting "End" (1948) is written in the innovative genre of a satirical historical picture. In the 1940-60s. The Kukryniks worked fruitfully in the genre of the book illustration (to the "lady with a dog" A. P. Chekhov, 1945-46; to M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, 1937-39; stylized under lubok 19th century. Illustrations to "Lefthest" n . S. Leskova, to the "Gold Calf" and "12 chairs" I. A. Ilf and E. P. Petrov, 1967-69, etc.). Creating numerous caricatures and cartoons together, artists never stopped working individually: writing picturesque portraits and landscapes.
Kukryniks left a bright and noticeable trace in the history of the Soviet caricature. Virtuoso drawers, darling observers, they possessed an unsurpassed sense of humor and style.

(Source: "Art. Modern illustrated encyclopedia." Ed. Prof. Gorkina A.P.; M.: Rosman; 2007.)

Watch what is "Kukryniks" in other dictionaries:

    Kukryniksi. - Cookniks. I lost my ring ... 1943. Kukryniksi (alias on the first syllables of the names), creative team of Russian graphs and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1903 91), Wings Porphyry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolay ... ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (alias on the first syllables of the names), creative team of Russian graphs and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1903 91), Wings Porfiry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolay Alexandrovich (born in 1903). Topical caricatures on the themes ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Pseudo. According to the first syllables of the names), the creative team of graphics and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1903 91), Wings Porfiry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolai Aleksandrovich (r. 1903). Actual members of the USSR AH (1947), folk ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (alias on the first syllables of the names and the name of the latter), creative team of graphics and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1903 91), Wings Porfiry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolay Aleksandrovich (born 1903). Folk artists of the USSR ... ... Russian history

    Kukryniksi. - Kupriyanov, Wings, Nikolai Sokolov pseudonym the team of Soviet artists of cartoonists of the USSR ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation

    This term has other values, see Cookniks (values). "Ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!", First Military Poster of Kukryniks, 1941 (Hitler Ripped an aggression agreement between Germany ... Wikipedia

    - (pseudonym in the first syllables of the names) Creative team of Soviet graphs and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich [p. 8 (21) .10.1903, Tetyushi, now Tatar ASSR], Wings Porphyry Nikitich [p. 9 (22) .8.1902, Nutkhannovo village, now ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Kukryniksi - Creative team of artists, masters of the Russian caricature of the XX century. The team named after the first letters of his participants (as well as the name of one of the participants), was part of: Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov, Porphyry Nikitich Wings, ... ... Linguistant dictionary

    Kukryniksi. - pseudonym three artists. Kupriyanov Mich. You. (1903 91), Porph Wings. Nikitich (1902 90), falcons nickname. Alt. (1903 2000) Nar. Artists of the USSR (1958), validity. CHL Ah USSR (1947). Studied in Vhutemas Vhutein (Moscow, 1921 29), began joints ... ... ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

Letter S.

These outstanding artists were born at the beginning of the 20th century - Porphyry Nikitich Krylov in 1902, and Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov and Nikolay Alexandrovich Sokolov in 1903.

In 1921, young people met in Vhowema, the highest art and technical workshops. It was a unique, just created educational institution, in which such legendary personalities were taught as Rodchenko, Tatlin, Favorsky ..

It was in Vhutemace that the avant-garde Soviet art was born, and all young artists were constantly experimenting, looking for new visual forms, leaving a trace in world culture.

Sokolov, kuppery and wings were also tried to work in different manners, illustrated artwork. But then more and more often act as caricaturists, and subsequently decided to create together - after they threatened the student wall newspaper. A common pseudonym was invented - Kukryniksi, who was deciphering as follows Ku - Kupriyanov, Kry - Wings, Nicks - Nikolai Sokolov. And the letter, indicated that this is still not one artist, but a few.

The first caricature of Kukryniks was printed in 1926 in the journal "Komsomolia". Each of them continued to create its own artwork, but still remembered all their joint work. The artists themselves said this: "" Our team, in truth, consists of four artists: Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolova and Kukryniksi. To the last we are all three with great care and care ... and what has been created by the team, could not master any of us separately. "


If the Cooknicks first painted innocuous cartoons on writers, poets, artists and literary heroes, then gradually their work became all acute and greasy.

At that time, the theme of political satire was very relevant, and it was in her the Kukryniks became unsurpassed masters. Now they painted not friendly cartoons on writers, but rather caustic caricatures, ridicuing former idols of Tsarist Russia - Kolchak, Denikin, and noticeable "bourgeois" figures.

Soon, the Kukryniks became the most famous and demanded cartoonists in the USSR - their work was printed in the most "main" Soviet newspapers, even in the truth. Their creativity fully responded to the spirit of time and the evil day. Kukryniks went around the country, actively collected the material for their caricatures and were not only artists, but also by the horn of all the ideas of the party and government. Here are some names of the works of Kukryniks, made in the 30s: "Harvesting is a formidable blow to the enemy", "destroy the fist as a class." The so-called ulcers of the Soviet society were not forgotten. The names of these works are spoken for themselves: "" The Gad-bureaucrat climbed the Soviet apparatus, drive him out, working detachment! ".

Some drawings were combined into a series, for example, "Transport" - all caricatures in it were covered by "separate disadvantages" in the railway industry and had such batching names as "Dwuples to the angle, or exchange trains at the Sverdlovsk site stations", "Catastrophic machinist".

Events of foreign policy also necessarily fell on the tips of the pen of artists: "They moved to Lake Hassan, to cross over the Soviet border," "All Europe - Hitler and Ribbentrop".

Laughter by enemy

Meanwhile, the international situation was heated, and the Kukryniks became more and more caricatures, implanting fascism. And in the evening of June 22, 1941, they drew a sketch of a poster "mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!", Which on the other day I called for the feeling of patriotism of Soviet people.

Cookniks spent the whole war, you can say on the front line - they were often at the front, closely in contact with terrible reality ... And their contribution to the victory over the enemy was huge - the cartoonists killed him with their weapons - laughter and satire, who raised the fighting spirit of soldiers ...

At the initiative of Kukryniks, "TASS windows" were created - posters equipped with verses and texts. All famous artists and cartoonists in the "windows" united all their efforts to speak in a single front against fascism. And these posters really acted on the audience - they are not by chance that they are still popular ...

In 1942, Kukryniks received the Stalin Prize - the highest award that could have at that time. Power loved them, because they rightly served her ideals, but also the simple Soviet people also waited with the next caricature of Kukryniks - laughter gave people strength to the further struggle.

Kukryniks painted not only satirical caricatures. After the death of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, they wrote the painting "Tanya", who caused tears from the audience ... Then the cloth of "Fascist Fascists from Novgorod" appeared - in 1944, Kukryniks came to the newly liberated Novgorod, Barbarian destroyed by the Hitler's army - was defeated by a monument "Millennish Russia" , dilapidated Sofia Cathedral. Kukryniksy handed over their experiences in the picture ...

And completely different feelings appeared from the solemn picture of Kukryniks "Signing an act on the unconditional surrender of Germany", written in 1946, and the cloth "End. The last clock at the Hitler's bet ", which reproduce the bomb shelter of Hitler in Berlin and the horror of the Fuhrer before the Soviet troops ... The war ended, and part of the victory in it belonged to the Kukryniks ...

"Crocodile" against the USA

After the war, the artists continued to draw cartoons, sensitive to all events within the country and to the international situation. Now they give imperialists, the colonial policies of the United States, the War in Vietnam and so on. No number of the most popular journal "Crocodile" did not do without the next acute caricature of Kukryniks, who later discussed at work or at home for a long time.

But the Kukryniks not only laughed. They were engaged in serious work on illustrating books. For example, their illustrations for the Chekhov "lady with a dog" are still considered unsurpassed. They so reliably passed all the shades of the feelings of the heroes that the readers seemed that they were watching a full-length feature film. The same applies to the illustrations to the "golden calf" of Ilf and Petrov - the book seemed twice as funnier, equipped with pictures from Kukryniks.

In addition, they illustrated "Foma Gordeyev" and "Mother" of Gorky, "Portrait" of Gogol, Don-Qiheot of Cervantes, "walking on the flour" of Tolstoy, the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Kukryniks received all imaginable and inconceivable premiums, were solved by all authorities. But inexorable death was charged first Porphyria Nikitich Krylov - in 1990, and in a year Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov. Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov survived his comrades - he died in 2000.

However, their names are not forgotten so far. The exhibitions of Kukryniks, and artists of Kupriyanov, Krylova and Sokolov - after all, they painted paintings and separately. And the work of each of them is not so similar to the works of his fellow, surprisingly, the participants of this successful triumvirate managed after so many years of collaboration to preserve such a bright personality ...

In 1932, Muscovites saw posters of the first exhibition of the artist with a strange name - Kukryniksi. But, although the exhibition was the first, many have already knew that Kukryniks are Mikhail Kupriyanov, Porphyry of the Wings and Nikolai Sokolov. Their creative commodity began in the mid-1920s. in the walls of Vhowemas (senior artistic workshops). It began with the student wall newspaper, the exhibition of isopard on the art of those years, and then continued on the pages of newspapers and magazines.

At artists, Maxim Gorky drew attention. In the introductory article to the catalog of the first exhibition Kukryniks, he called them a "unique and inseparable trinity". The sign of the writer's confidence was the instruction of young artists to fulfill illustrations to the novel "Life of Klim Samgin".

Maxim Gorky at the exhibition Kukryniks in 1932

Kukryniks - artists of an extremely wide range, a glass painting, caricature, illustration, poster art, sculpture, design of performances are subject to it. But the greatest popularity is used by satyric graphics of Cookryniks. In the 1930s, their caricatures and humorous cycles "Old Moscow", "household pests", "Transport", "Hot Wash" were extremely popular. Turning to the topical topics, the artists won the love of Soviet citizens.

And yet the main thing in the work of Kukryniks is a political poster and political cartoon.

The journalistic talent of Kukryniks during the Great Patriotic War revealed with extraordinary force. The poster "mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy" appeared on the streets already on June 24, 1941. Their posters and caricatures of the War years are a bright page of Soviet art. They called on the struggle, awakened hatred for the enemy. The drawings were accompanied by concise text or verses. The authors were poets S. Marshak, D. Poor.

The most significant achievements of Kukryniks in the field of thematic painting are associated with the theme of the Great Patriotic War. Having been on the site of the death of Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, artists write a picture of Tanya. The cloth "Fishing Fascists from Novgorod" is also written on the material collected when visiting those places. But the most famous painting was "the end. The last days of Hitler's bets. "

The end. Last days Hitler's rates

After the war, the Kukryniks worked in the field of illustration. For many generations of readers, the images created by them are inseparable from the literary heroes with them of books.

Illustrations for Hogol's Tap

Illustrations for the story "Left -sha