Scenario of the festive program for first-graders "Farewell to the alphabet. Abstract lesson

Scenario of the festive program for first-graders "Farewell to the alphabet. Abstract lesson

Lesson of extracurricular reading

Subject. A. Lindgren "Peppi Longs"

Purpose:expand the literary horizon of children, to continue acquaintance with the work of A. Lindgren; work on expressive reading; learn to analyze the artwork, determine the main idea; Learn to feel the word, humor; give the opportunity to children to show readiness; We instill interest in learning the Russian language.

Results planned:students will learn consciously and expressively read the works; characterize the heroes and their actions; tell the content of the text with the support on the illustration; Participate in the discussion of problem situations.

Form of the lesson:conversation, quiz.


Form of work:collective, individual, group.

Equipment:board, distribution material, drawings of children.

During the classes:

I. Message the topic and lesson goals.

I I. New material.

1. What did you find out about Astrid Lindgren? (children's responses)

August 13, 2005 Residents Stockholm , the capital of Sweden watched an unusual parade . Children of different ages went through the streets, they were all in red wigs with pigtails and with drawn freckles. So Sweden celebrated 60th anniversary Eternally young heroine Astrid Lindgren Peppillotta-Victalins-Rolling-kaldin-long stocking.

It is impossible to imagine that there are children in the world who have never read the books about Peppi Longs.

And this story began so ...

Winter, ice. There is an unknown woman in the city, the secretary-Typewriter by profession ...

Suddenly - boo! Slipped, fell, woke up - Gypsum! I broke the leg. She lay for a long time in bed, and not to miss, took a notebook, a pencil and began to write a fairy tale.

She came up with her before, when she had a daughter and she asked without the end:

Mom, tell me something!

What do you tell?

Tell me about Peppy Longs, "she replied.

She came up with this name at that very moment, and since the name was unusual, Astrid Lindgren, and it was she who also came up with an unusual baby.

And when the most trouble happened to the foot, she decided to write a book - for his birthday.

Then the book was printed, and the whole world found out and loved the writer Astrid Lindgren and an amazing girl Peppi Longs.

True, in Sweden it is called Pippi this is how the name in the native language sounds.

We read the book in Russian. Who helped us do it?

Library component

Structure of book

We repeat once again information about who is:

Translator Specialist in translation from one language to another.

Where can we find the name of the translator of the book? On the title page, on the turnover of the title leaf, in the bibliographic description, in the table of contents (if this is a collection).

Name the surname of the translator.

Our translators decided that in Russian is frantically talking Peppi. . And already several generations of children of our country are so called a red-haired girl.

2. Quiz on the work.

What was sad and boring was in a small Swedish town: Local ladies have drank coffee for a long time and led empty conversations, the School Trustees frokein Rosenblum indulged on all children, the children were sadly with a confectionery store showcase, and Hooligan Labab is unpunished at the fair. But at the same time, all the inhabitants were very pleased with themselves, most cherished silence and rest, they always told the same words and could not tolerate children.

    This town is so small that in it all 3 attractions.What kind? / Local Lore Museum, Kurgan, Villa "Chicken".

    In the garden, the villa wearing so proud The name is the oak. In the yield, you can shoot unusual fruits from it: ..? / Lemonade, chocolates, if it is good to water, then the French bells and calf chops can grow on it.

    Here and settled Peppi. How old is she? / 9 years.

Question for discussion:

Peppy - ordinary girl? Confirm this examples from the text:

    the strongest, most fun, the funniest, most kind and fair;

    fidget, Svarukh, Landca, loves to learn.

    Her hair color carrots, braided in two tight pigtails sticking in different directions. What kind of vegetable look like her nose? / On tiny potatoes .

    And if its nose whites, it can only mean one ...? / Peppy is very angry.

    Everything is unusual in this girl. She even sleeps in his own way. How? / Putting your legs on the pillow, and the head under the blanket.

Question for discussion:

Mom Peppi is an angel in the sky, dad - Negro King on a distant island. Tommy and Annica believe that Peppie alone? Peppi does not agree with this. And you? / Responses of children.

    Remember, Carlson in the house hung a picture "very lonely rooster"? The Peppie's house also has a picture. Who is shown on it? / In a picture drawn right on the wallpaper, a fat lady is depicted in a black hat and a red dress. In one hand, the lady holds a yellow flower, and in the other - the dead rat.

    Peppi had a dream: when will it grow up, will it become ...? / Marine robbery.

    Before staying at the Villa "Chicken", Peppi visited various countries. It was in this country that Peppi learned to sleep, putting his legs on the pillow. ( Guatemala )

    In this country, everyone goes back in advance. ( Egypt )

    There is also no man who would say at least one truthful word. ( Belgian Congo )

    Small residents of this country in school are just doing that they eat candy. ( Argentina )

    And in this country no one will enter the street, without smearing the whole head of the egg. ( Brazil )

    Here, according to Peppi, all children are sitting in puddles. ( America )

    In this country, everyone goes on hand. ( India )

Question for discussion:

Why did the adult town decide that the girl should be sent to the orphanage? Do you agree with their opinion? / "All children should have someone who raises them. All children should go to school and teach multiplication table. "

    By the way, the school in this town, according to Peppi, amazing. The child is crying if he was not allowed to school or the teacher forgot to ask them the challenges. And the teacher itself is a champion. What is the same sport? / Through a triple spit with a jump.

    Peppy spent just one day at this school and managed to meet table multiplication? With the knowledge of the case, she told the inhabitants of the cheerlee, that 7 × 7 \u003d 102. Why? / "Here (in merry) everything is different, and the climate is completely different, and the earth is so fertile that 7 × 7 must be more than here. "

    "It was a loin bandage from the urine, on the head of the golden crown, on the neck of several rows of a large pearl, in one hand he kept a spear, and in the other - a shield. There was nothing more on it, and his thick hairy legs were decorated with gold bracelets at the ankles. " Who is it? / Dad Efroim, Negro King.

    How did he become the king of the island of amateur? / Pope Efroim washed away with his schooner wave, but he did not drown. He was thrown ashore. The locals were going to take him captive, but when he pulled her palm from his bare hands, they changed his mind and even chose him by the king.

    Dad Efroim is very strong and brave. But there is something that he is very afraid. It…? / Tickling.


3. Working with the textbook.

Reading a passage "How Peppi is looking for a Kukarymban" well-trained students in roles.

    Surprises from Peppi. "

I received letters from those who relate to the story "Peppi Longs". Just three letters. And in every letter the question. Now you will work in groups above these questions.

First envelope. Question from friend Peppi Boy Tommy. "Our friend Pppi is an extraordinary girl. She is very kind, she is a big duty, a fideller, it's always interesting with her. But there is a peppy with a quality that would be envied by any boy. What is this quality and when she applies it? " (Big physical strength, applies when it is necessary to protect the weak, restore justice).

Envelope second. Letter from the girl Annici: "As you know, Pppi is a very kind girl. She loves to give children gifts. So with Tommy, she presented a lot of graceful and valuable things. But once and we made a peppy gift with Tommy: on her birthday. "Peppi grabbed the package and feverishly unfolded it. There was a big music box. From the happiness and joy of Peppi hugged Tommy, then Annik, then a musical box, then green wrapping paper. Then she began to twist the handle - the melody was thrustered and the guilty ... "What a melody sounded from the music box? The same melody sounds in one of Andersen fairy tales known to you. Name it . ("Oh, my dear Augustine, Augustine ..." The Fairy Tale of Andersen "Swinserp").

Envelope Third. The question from the Peppi length of the length. Each child thinks about who he will be when he grows. Thought about it more than once and me. Initially, I had two desires - to become a noble lady or a marine robbery, but I chose a marine robbery. But soon I realized that it was best to stay in childhood forever and never become old. With Tommy and Annika, we swallow special pills and sang a spell: "I pill swallowing, I don't want to become old."

What do you think, why did I decide to remain in the country of childhood, why didn't you want to become an adult? ("Adults never happens to truly fun. They are busy with boring work or fashion magazines, spoil their mood with different nonsense, and most importantly - they do not know how to play.")

For the correct answers, the guys are awarded the prizes-souvenirs from Peppi.

    Elena Volokkin
    Scenario of entertainment "Play with Peppi"

    « Playing with Peppy Long Stocking» .

    Children to music enter the hall.

    Vedas Rather, enter, welcome guests,

    All your concerns at the entrance to discard!

    Let the happy faces flashes everywhere!

    Let everyone have fun today!

    Listen, listen, listen to everything!

    Today it is allowed to be curly

    To joke play and tumble!

    Holiday humor sutra -

    I cry all together: (chorus) Haha!

    Vedas Let's say hello to an unusual way. "Back to the back"

    The game"Back to the back". Children are moving to the music. A pause touch each other backs, foreheads, knees ... in the signal.

    Vedas Look, guys, in my opinion, wonders are already beginning.

    Through the whole hall the big steps goes Peppy Long Stocking. In her hands she has a suitcase.

    Peppi.: 64, 65, 66 ... there or there? (Turns.) 67, 68, 69 ... so now 18 chicken chicks are right. (Goes with small chains.) Zakch, Zak, Zakch ... It seems to be lost, I will go back. (Moving forward back, encounters the lead.) Oh hi!

    Vedas Hello, why are you walking back in advance?

    Peppi.: How Why do we live in a free country, right? Not Every person can not walk as he likes?

    Vedas Yes it is.

    Peppi.: Let me introduce myself… Peppillota Rolling rolling rolling stockings. And as I told my dad to Efraim a long stocking, everyone goes as they say necessary, but without causing the inconvenience to others.

    Vedas A W. Peppy in the suitcase

    Five pockets or six.


    Peppi.: I do not know,

    Strap from the tag.

    Switch, lighter,

    It does not work, but sorry.

    Chalk in a box and eraser,

    Bubble and tadpole.

    Pencil, feather, sharpener,

    Here is a hook, magnification.

    In the cellophane piper -

    One puppy of the worst. (Along the way Peppi. Lays objects from the suitcase.)

    Vedas That's what Peppy Our,

    And what is her baggage

    For her and dump truck

    It will obviously be a little.

    It is necessary for her baggage

    Five cars from the garage!

    Dance "All call it Peppi.»

    Vedas We will open a holiday today,

    We are wind and rain not a hindrance.

    After all, we were waiting for, we will not hide

    Funny, fun day laughter!

    Peppi.. I congratulate you,


    Nobody is bored

    Jokes of April 1,

    And soon on the contrary -

    Wake up the people!

    Vedas We celebrate the holiday of laughter,

    Here are fun so fun!

    Like whole white light

    Ate a lamb for lunch!

    Not every day, but every year

    It happens the opposite.

    And the first of April

    We do not believe anyone!

    Peppi.. We live better than everyone

    Because with us laughter!

    I will not part with him anywhere

    Where would we be - laugh!

    Vedas Do not lose a minute,

    Laugh fun, to tears.

    In every joke - the share of jokes

    The rest is seriously!

    Peppi.. (Goes, considering children, winks, lightly loops)

    So, boring back,

    You can get bored at home - free!

    The one who is grew and smiles

    It is not allowed for a holiday!

    Well, adults and kids,

    Let's have fun from the soul.

    All of you without exception

    Waiting for adventures today!

    We will be in the game play,

    We will sing yes dance.

    There will not be no one here

    Neither let's let

    Vedas You make friends -

    Together with us!!

    Dance "Cheerful Elephant"

    Vedas Guys, I will tell you now that I saw in the zoo, and you, if you believe me, then the choir speaks loudly "I saw!". And if you do not believe me, then say: "Nonsense!".

    1 behind the gate at the gate

    Sleeps a huge hippo.

    2 I saw duck and fox,

    What pies baked in the forest.

    3 and spotted hyena

    Sharpening claws about it.

    4 to what fierce and lyut.

    The predatory beast is a big camel.

    5 on the tails hanging monkey,

    Come - Rada kids.

    6 And yesterday - this is the case!

    Khryusha flew across the sky!

    7 ponies, small ponies,

    How beautiful horses are beautiful.

    8 behind the seas, for shares

    Shears chicken with horns.

    9 above spruce and aspen

    Flying suddenly penguins.

    Peppi.. Yes, such attentive guys are difficult to deceive.

    Vedas But my deceptions are not deceptions, but just fictions for funny laughter and for a good mood.

    Peppi.. Such puzzles make only young children!

    I suggest guessing cunning riddles,

    Wins the one who with the attention of everything in order:

    Clear riddles: Who in Malina knows sense?

    Kosolapy brown ... Wolf (bear)

    In more often, turning the head,

    Howres with hunger ... giraffe (wolf)

    Daughters and sons

    Teaches grunt ... ant (pig)

    Who loves to wear on the branches?

    Of course, redhead ... Fox (squirrel)

    Faster everyone from fear

    Rushing ... Turtle (hare)

    On the mountain cooler passed

    Curved wool ... crocodile (ram)

    In a warm pool of his

    Loudly quack ... Sparrow (frog)

    From the palm trees down, on the palm tree again

    Deftly jumps ... cow (a monkey)

    Vedas And now it's time to say

    Yourself in the song Show.

    Song "Superman"

    Peppi.. Sing you master

    And now for you the game.

    Who is play is not happy?

    Games love old and young!

    Want to get sorted with me

    Play and have fun?

    Held the game"If you like".

    Vedas So that you do not interfere,

    It is necessary to decorate the holiday.

    Laugh, dance, boom

    And cheerful, good joke.

    We live better than everyone

    Because with us laughter!

    Peppi.. Laughter-stuncher, laughter laughs,

    Everywhere with us our friend!

    Come out more, people

    Song ringing call!

    Song "Donkey and Monkey"

    Peppi.. Attention! Attention!

    We start funny competitions!

    Competition "Quick handkerchiefs".

    Girls from teams become 2 ranks on the contrary, in the middle lie on the floor handkerchief. Girls dance to music. At the end of the music, you need to quickly grab the handkerchief and faster to tie the handkeys on your head?

    Competition for boys "Is it easy to be a girl?"

    1 pair from the team. 2 stools, on chairs skirt, ribbons hang on the backs. According to the team, 1 boy run to the chair, you wear skirts, sit on the chair, run 2 boys, take the ribbon and tie 1 boys on the head, who is faster? - 2 times.

    Vedas You guys get rid of having fun

    And invitations do not wait.

    Song "Cutlet dream" ("Goat")

    Vedas So that the fervor fun is not ugas,

    So that time went faster

    Again we invite everyone

    Gather in the circle rather!

    Peppi.: Have fun from the soul,

    All dances are good for us!

    Tra-ta, tra-ta

    But the best dance - "Lavata!"

    Dance "Lavata".

    Vedas You feel hot? On the cheeks of the blush?

    You are tired, probably dance!

    Now for rest - the game,

    You have time to relax!

    Let's guess the humorous tasks.

    Listen and count:

    1. On the gland at the river

    Lived may beetles.

    House - Son, Father and Mother.

    2. The grandmother Dasha - the granddaughter of Masha,

    Cat gun, dog friend.

    How many grandchildren have grandchildren? (1, cat and dog is not grandchildren)

    3. Two crocodile flies across the sky.

    One blue, and the other is green.

    What faster will do? (Do not fly)

    Peppi.: Smile: Sasha, Mash, Kolya, Nina and Natasha

    From any corner comes: ha ha!

    Laughter and humor, merry-replace vitamins!

    Vedas We will continue the holiday. And you love play?

    I ask those who love play, clap once in your hands.

    And who loves to watch cartoons, also slap once! (Children perform)

    And who loves to eat cakes, drive once!

    And who loves to swim? (Top)

    And who loves indulge?

    I ask those who love games and jokes, speak loudly - I! So!

    Who loves games?

    Who loves cartoons?

    Chewing gum?

    Eastern gum?


    Cake? Ice cream? Chocolate? Marmalade?

    Treasure? And Podtabatils?

    Who loves sunbathing? Who loves to yell?

    Swim in a dirty puddle? Who is not my ears?

    Sing and dance? And how to fly?

    Vedas There is one more the game,

    Not easy task:

    Move the egg in a spoon

    Show effort.

    The game"Transfer an egg in a spoon"

    Vedas Hey, girls, hands wider,

    We sit on the floor, as in the apartment.

    And then everyone got together,

    Hands to the belt removed.

    Step to everyone right

    Step to all left

    You are today Queen!

    Hey, boys, legs to scrub,

    And we jump in place.

    And hands up and down

    All praise on the bis!

    And then sneeze together

    And now you need to laugh!

    That's it together on the shoulders hands,

    So that there is no longing nor boredom.

    Right forward

    And then the opposite.

    Together they sat down on the floor,

    Twisted, got up, sat down,

    As if we are on the carousel!

    And now the team is listening:

    Grasp your ears

    And outward languages

    And wider than the local

    And so everything is friendly together

    You jump in place!

    Vedas And now, friends -Eld,

    Dance "Bugi-Vuy"!

    Dance Bugi-Vuy "

    Vedas The holiday laughter is nice!

    It's wonderful and funny!

    Very fun with us

    Jokes, songs, bumbled.

    But fun always an hour


    And goodbye to you instruction:

    Always be friends

    In matters try

    Smile more often

    But if for some reason

    Very sad suddenly someone

    And you don't know how to be

    So that to cheer up. Then give council:

    You take a glass of cream,

    Loud laughter of a basket,

    Loose laughter spoon

    And giggling a little.

    Their cheerful stirring

    In the thin humor rolling,

    Obrace everything in the booms,

    Bake hot jokes.

    Who tastes a piece

    I certainly wants!

    Smile, smile,

    Smile in full mouth.

    Smile, do not shy

    And luck will come to you.

    Let you live better than everyone!

    Let them always be laughing!

    Peppi.: Well, that, friends, we will say goodbye.

    Your holiday will not forget for a long time!

    I will wait a new meeting

    I wish you: not to miss!

    Children to music leave the hall.

    " Academy of Fabal Sciences ":

    Library lesson on the book A. Lindgren "Peppi Longs "

    Purpose: Acquaintance with the work of the Swedish writer A. Lindgren

    Direction: Reading promotion

    Equipment:exhibition of Writer Works, Projector, Screen

    Event flow

    Good afternoon to everyone who came to our library! Friends, do you like to travel? And someone from you can tell where you rested (traveled?). And we guys today with you go on a trip to Sweden - Motherland Astrid Lindgren. The full name of this country is the Kingdom of Sweden. Capital city Stockholm. The official language, as it is not difficult to guess - Swedish.
    The main feature of the people of this nation is punctuality. Swedes try to be accurate in everything. And you guys want to be in this country at the time of the holiday?
    So, we go to Sweden! We will make a literary journey and we will visit the Swedish writer and a little bit of the wizard Astrid Lindgren. Her books know all over the world, they are translated into 80 languages \u200b\u200bof the world. She has a very fun Order - the Order of the smile, which is handed to children to the favorite writers. Astrid Lindgren was awarded the main award of fairy tales - Golden Medal H.K. Andersen as one of the best children's writers in the world. In honor of her even named the star in heaven.
    Astrid Lindgren was born on November 14, 1907 in South Sweden, in a small town of Vimmerbu Province of Smoland in a simple peasant family. In 1914, Astrid went to school. She studied well, and especially given a love girl literature. One of its essays was even published in the newspaper of her native town. His childhood Astrid considered unusually happy. The parents of Astrid not only experienced deep attachment to each other and to children, but did not hesitate to show it, which was at the time rare. Already an adult she moved to the capital Stockholm, where for a long time worked as a secular-money engine in the office of her husband. She had two children: son and daughter.

    Once in March 1944, Astrid Lindgren launched his leg, and the doctors told her three weeks not to get up from bed.

    Agree: lying three weeks very boring. Astrid came up with his own occupation. She began to record a fairy tale, which his daughter told. It was a fairy tale - "Peppy Long Stocking". The book lightning has become popular.

    Astrid Lindgrin wrote a lot of children's books. Guys, do you know what a book brought broad fame to the writer? (Children's responses)
    That's right, well done! It was the story-tale of "Peppi Long Stocking" guys, and you remember the names of the main characters? (Children's responses) And the main heroine of the book - Peppi. "... Red-haired cheerful girl with braids sticking. She wears various stockings and huge shoes. She has a whole suitcase of gold coins, and she can buy a hundred kilo lollipops to treat urban guys. She practically does not go to school, but can circle around a finger of any adult ... "
    (Peppi appears).
    Peppy:Here I am! Hello, girls and boys, those who have 100 freckles on the nose, and those who have no one. Hello, those who are with pigtails and bows, hello everything, everything. Did you all recognize me? Well done!
    I'm peppy - a girl like a girl, however, not the most ordinary.
    Librarian:Hello, pepi, we are glad to see you. Guys, not just a girl came to visit us, but a girl, the full name of which consists of six words. Name her full name. (Children's responses)
    And the full name of this girl peppillotte-Victalia-Rolling Rolling-Kruzmünt-EfraimSdotter-long-length. An unusual name, however, guys.

    Peppi, tell us about yourself.
    Peppy:With pleasure. I am 9 years old. I live on my villa, which I want, then I do. My monkey lives with me. Who knows what her name is? (Children's responses). Right, Mr. Nilson, and I also have a horse. Very sorry. That I do not have a mother, but I have a dad - captain, thunderstorm seas. True, his washed with a deck a huge wave. But I'm sure. That my dad would not drowned, but fell to the island and became the Negro king. Guys, do you know that I am the strongest girl in the world? Doubt? But I, joking, threw the thieves on the closet to me. What do I tell you, did you read the book about me? (Children's responses).
    Librarian: But we now check it now. Guys, but be attentive, Peppi is a very mischievous girl and invented such questions ... Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.


    1. Where did the Peppi horse lived?

      in the living room;

      in the stable;

      on the terrace;

    2. What dish did Peppi loved most?

    • rhubarb cream;

      manna porridge;

      vegetable soup

    3. What did the Peppi police officers treat?





    4. Name the money that was in everyday life in the country where Peppi lived.


    5. What game played children on the birthday of Peppi?

    • do not step on the floor;

      no peeking;

    6. Who wanted to become Peppi, when will it grow?


      marine robbery;

      real lady;

    7. How old was Peppi?



    8. Where did the peppy dough rolled the dough?

      on the table;

      on the chest;

      on the floor;

    9. How to sleep Peppi:

      putting your legs on the pillow, and the head is covered with a blanket

      on the floor under the bed

      in the garden in a hammock

    Well done guys you coped with this task.

    Guys, and now we will solve the Crossword "Pepping Trades".

    Who read the book about Peppi Longs, he solves it without difficulty.


      What game did Peppi with policemen started? (Sals.)

      The fish with which Peppi fought (shark.)

      What was a different color in his clothes? (Stockings.)

      Villa Peppi. (" Hen")

      Schuna Father Peppi ("Pumping")

      The country in which Peppi was swaming. (Merry.)

      What did Peppy on his neck hang out in Zveznz? (Snake.)

      What once Peppy put on his head? (Bank.)

      Pompi's mystery: "go, go, will not come off the place." (Clock)


    The word invented pepi ( Kukaryamba)

    Librarian:Peppi, tell us why you brought this suitcase with you.

    Peppy: Do you not like my suitcase? He is so wonderful, it is interesting to play in it!

    Librarian:And how to play it?

    Peppy: Like this! You open, you get what you need, you close again.

    Librarian: And all?

    Peppy: No, then you open, fold everything there and you close.

    Librarian:Well and game! Well, you are!

    Peppy: And in it you can put everything you want: bubbles, boxes, jars, candy. I still have a lot of secrets, but one I will open you. I always take an empty bottle on a journey, because my father taught me not to forget the empty bottle.

    Librarian: Why is it needed?

    Peppy: Did you ever hear about bottle mail? Guys, maybe someone from you heard about bottle mail? When they ask for help, write a note. Seal it in a bottle and throw in the sea. Then she will fall into the hands of who will save you. Like this!

    (Comes to the guys.) Something you sit sad, you probably hurts the stomach. I will help you. I understand very well in all diseases and I think that you need to chew a hot rag - this means will definitely help. I tried many times.

    Librarian: Oh, do not scare the guys with such tips.

    Peppy: I joked it. What am I hand, I always compose something. To attract attention.

    Librarian: And we also know. What is your favorite activity - give gifts.

    Peppy: Yes, right, and for you I have a surprise. I have objects in my suitcases. Which will be useful to you at school, but what, try to guess.

    1. Magic wand

    I have friends

    Storm to this

    I can build me:

    Tower. Plane

    And a great steamer.

    For its manufacture

    Graphite and wood are needed.

    2. This item is a wizard written. (Eraser)

    3. At first it was wax plank, they wrote with steel chopsticks on them, then these were boards on which he wrote to the stylus and washed with a cloth, and now they are made of paper. (Notebook.)

    And the latter, let's guess my most likely riddle:

    4. With legs, but without hands, with back, but without a head. (Chair.)

    Peppy: Kukarymba! What are you smart! That's what to go to school! Well, I'm time on the road. After all, you need to learn a lot and find. I was very interested with you. It is only a pity that not all children are familiar with me. But it is nothing. Waiting for you on the pages of my book. See you.

    Librarian: Goodbye, Peppy! We are waiting for you to visit more than once.

    Quiz according to the story-tale A. Lindgren "Peppi Longs"

    Questions Quiz:

    1. Name the main characters of the fairy tale?

    2. Who is Peppi Longs? How old is she? Who is her parents?

    3. Who are Tommy and Annica? How did Peppi met with them?

    4. How did Peppi looked like?

    5. What took Peppi with him leaving the father's ship?

    6. Who laid Peppi to sleep? And how did she sleep?

    7. What is "Cheese"? And what happened there?

    8. How did Peppy saved children from a burning house?

    9. Why didn't Peppi sailed with his father?

    10. Where did Annik and Tommy go along with Peppi? And why did they let go of Mom?

    11. Why, according to the heroes of the story-fairy tales, bad adults?

    12. We can say from the heroes of the story-tales that he has a "warm heart"? Prove on the examples.

    13. Answer Tommy's question, why Peppi has such hefty shoes.

    14. According to Peppi, "there is no better classes in the world than to be ..." Who?

    15. "She dismissed her hair, and they fluttered in the wind, like a lion mane. She crushed his lips brightly with a red chalk, and his eyebrows smeared the soot so thickly that the appearance of her was just awesome. " Where did Peppi headed in this form?

    16. What did Peppy answered to the question: "Are you still alone here?"

    17. According to Peppi, "if you scatter sawn sugar. There is only one way to get out of the position ... "What?

    18. Where was going to stand Peppi until the pensioner becomes?

    19. "The whole body is Zudit, and the eyes closes themselves when I fall asleep. Sometimes I am Ikai. I understand that. Probably, I have .. "What disease called Peppi?

    1. Peppi, Annik, Tommy, Mr. Nilson, Horse, etc.

    2. Girl. She is 9 years old. Her mother died when she was very small. Dad is a long-range captain. But, one day, during a strong storm, his wave was shoved and he disappeared. She was left alone

    3. They are brother and sister. Lived next to the villa "Chicken" met during a walk

    4. Two pigtails, nose-potatoes, freckles, different in striped stockings, large black shoes
    5. Mr. Nilson, a big suitcase stuck in gold coins

    6. She wanted herself to sleep. She slept: legs on the pillow, and the head where people have
    7. Peppi rake on the horse, walked around the rope, prevented

    8. Nilson helped her bind the rope to the tree and with the help of a rope and the board she saved kids
    9. It was a pity to part with friends, she did not want anyone to cry in the world because of her and felt unhappy
    10. Tommy and Annicon sick, were pale. Therefore, their mother let go to the Negro Island with Peppi and her dad - captain Efroim
    11. Peppi: "Adults never happen to truly fun ..." Annik: "The main thing - they do not know how to play"
    12. Gifts Annice and Tommy, bought all sweets for children in the store, etc.

    13. For convenience: "Clearly, the case is for convenience. And for what else? "- so replied Peppi to this question
    14. "Difter"
    15. On a visit to the mother of Tommy and Annice on a cup of coffee
    16. "Of course not! We live threesome: Mr. Nils, a horse and I. "
    17. It is necessary to scatter sugar. "I ask everyone to pay attention, this time I was not mistaken, scattered sugar sand, and not a lump sugar, it means that I corrected my slip" - So argued Peppi their actions
    18. In Duba
    19. Disease called "Kukaryamba"