Library work with children in the summer. Summer Readings Report

Library work with children in the summer.  Program report
Library work with children in the summer. Summer Readings Report

"" Summer under a book umbrella "Methodological consultation on organizing the work of libraries with children in summer period Art. Kalininskaya ... "

MKU "Kalinin Intersettlement Library"

Organizational and methodological department

"Summer under a book umbrella"

Methodical consultation on organizing the work of libraries with

children in summer

Art. Kalininskaya

Holidays, vacations ... Children dream about them, they are often and seriously

the adults, whose childhood has already passed away, reflect. And no less this topic worries

librarian, educators, summer camp workers.

Summer is the luxurious days of school holidays, when children discover the world and themselves in this world.

Summer is a time of action, testing and testing of one's strength, a time of mastering and comprehending the world around us. Every day, every hour of summer vacation is amazing and unique. Organizing their lives, their activities, children grow smarter, spiritually richer, and become better.

What to do with the guys during the holidays? How to organize children's leisure time?

Correctly organized walks, excursions, hikes will become an effective means of education only if they are combined with quizzes, games, various contests and competitions. This manual is an irreplaceable assistant in such a matter.

Methodical recommendations The organization of summer vacations for children and adolescents is a traditional area of ​​activity of public libraries. Summer the main task of all libraries is to cover as many schoolchildren as possible with meaningful rest, broaden their horizons, teach the creativity of communication, instill a love of the book, respect to nature.

District libraries cooperate with schools, kindergartens, and holiday camps to organize summer vacations.

How to fill the free time of children and adolescents, how to make them interesting in the summer with a book. Summer programs are aimed at solving these issues.

They include:

Attracting children and adolescents to the library,

The organization of their summer leisure;

The development of the intellect of a student through play and a book;

Joint creativity of children and their parents. Individual events are replaced by comprehensive and specialized summer programs, which reflect the whole variety of thematic areas of work, are compiled taking into account the specifics of various age categories, which increases the interest of children in all activities. Here are examples of summer programs that libraries can run on:

"Amazing Vacation", " Summer kaleidoscope", "Summer. Book. I am friends ”,“ Summer with a book ”,“ A journey through the book universe ”,“ Vacations with a book ”,“ A mystery in a book, a book is a mystery ”.

These programs are aimed at giving children the opportunity to enjoy reading, to experience the joy of acquiring knowledge and works of art. They are interesting because they allow you to combine reading with creative and play activities, discussion of books with screenings of films and cartoons.

In the summer, it is advisable to carry out work using summer travel programs, leisure programs, summer reading programs, environmental programs, creative workshops.

But summer is not just about reading books. This is also a big change that was given to the children to strengthen their health and physical conditioning. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out outdoor games, sports events, Olympiads with them.

Events are held both with organized children (attending summer playgrounds at schools, houses of culture, sports institutions) and with unorganized children - those who, for a number of reasons, did not go on vacation and were left to their own devices.

The library activities during the summer are distinguished by a great thematic variety, covering various fields of knowledge:

literary criticism, ecology, geography, history, local history, etc., since tasks are set here, in addition to filling the leisure time of children and attracting them to reading, also obtaining new knowledge on various topics.

The most popular among children and adolescents are such forms of library work as: theatrical performances, review games, literary cruises, geographic information magazines, and art history investigations. In a word, not only reading is limited to the leisure of children and adolescents in the summer in the library. Some guys strive to show off their erudition, solving crosswords and charades, answering quiz questions. Others prefer to express themselves in literary creation - they write poems, stories, letters to their favorite characters. Still others try themselves as illustrators, embodying the images of book heroes in drawings.

Despite the active summer fun, the children enthusiastically attend the classes of the School of Morality, School of the Young Pedestrian, Magic school courtesy ", which open in the summer at the libraries.

A cycle of computer literacy lessons helps children to communicate with this smart technique on the "you".

Special attention in the library should be paid to exhibitions targeted at a specific readership. Teenagers can be offered a crossword exhibition “Looking for a reading friend”. To solve this crossword puzzle and find the correct answers, they had to read the books presented at the exhibition.

Her goals:

Revitalization of the library to help the humanitarian development of the individual

Strengthening cooperation in the field of book promotion and reading with youth organizations advocacy best works fiction

Attracting adolescents and youth to reading

Formation of a positive attitude towards books and the library For those who like intellectual leisure, a new form of "Erudite-cafe" can be introduced into the work of libraries. This is a cycle of educational activities with children, not only within the walls of the library, but also going beyond it: excursions to local history museum, the central library, to the park of culture and rest. The topics of meetings in the cafe are very diverse: conversations about love and friendship, comradeship, local history quizzes about the native land and famous fellow countrymen, literary contests and intellectual fights.

Many libraries can actively use their technical capabilities to create video salons, organize showing of animated films and slides, karaoke tournaments, chess and checkers tournaments.

An interesting form of work is the organization of a summer reading room. The aim of this work is to promote reading among the villagers by means of periodicals through the reading room in the open air. An important aspect of its functioning is information and educational and leisure activities. Designed for children and adolescents, this work includes fun games, educational quizzes, interesting contests.

Libraries are opening mobile libraries in school day camps. Children who have a rest there are invited to the walls of the "kingdom of books", where they are introduced to novelties in literature, children's newspapers and magazines.

During the summer holidays, many libraries can introduce children to Young Library Activities. You can organize a librarian school ”,“ Book Aybolit Corner ”, book repair circles“ Knizhkina Hospital ”, hold an action“ Live Long, Book! ”, You can even involve children in editing catalogs and card indexes.

Traditionally, all events held during the summer holidays reflect several priority areas:

Environmental education

Local history

Moral and aesthetic education

Instilling interest in reading

Creative development of children This diversity is an undoubted advantage of libraries and the key to the successful implementation of the summer campaign. Let us dwell in more detail on each of the indicated directions.

Environmental education During the summer, libraries great attention paid to environmental activities. Programs and projects of ecological orientation, ecological clubs work in libraries.

The goal is to educate children in environmental literacy through acquaintance with the work of naturalist writers Sladkov, Prishvin, Paustovsky.

The forms of work are very diverse: loud readings, games, intellectual lotto, quizzes and riddles, discussion of works. The children take part with great pleasure in the round table "Earth is our home", they can offer to create their own "Declaration of nature", to take an active part in the creation of an ecological book.

To increase interest in the native land, its nature, to see and try to solve its problems, libraries hold activities with access to nature:

"Living Spring" - an entertaining ecological excursion "We are going on a hike" - an ecological game It is possible to organize an "Ecological landing" to clean up the forest park area from garbage.

The imagination game "Forest Book of Complaints and Suggestions", the Day of Health, on which the "Tree of Healthy Habits" is compiled, an extramural excursion to the forest, for which, according to all the rules, it is necessary to equip an ecological expedition young ethnographers"On forest paths".

The literary and biological KVN in the "Bear Games" forest, which ended with the cleaning of the forest from household garbage and the preparation of treats for forest dwellers, arouses constant interest; gardening action "Blooming Planet of Childhood", in which the most active library readers take part.

Local lore Without this direction of work, it is impossible to imagine the activities of the library today, especially for children. Librarians are constantly looking for the most effective forms work with a local history book, propaganda of local history knowledge.

Summer readings can be held under the motto "Remember: you cannot recognize the world without knowing your edge." The program can be called "My native land - a particle of the big Motherland."

The work of libraries in local history education includes three main areas:

“Our mutual friend is nature” (nature, ecology of the region) - June “Literary Belebey” - July “Along the native land” - August Raising love for the native land - this is the task set by the libraries of the city and district. Librarians offer readers the works of writers of their native land, participation in competitions, quizzes, performing various creative tasks, meeting with interesting people cities and villages.

As part of the summer vacation program, children must be organized various activities:

“How I See My Village” - drawing contest “My native street” - educational hour “Land of Miracles” - local history quiz game “Turning pages of history” - excursion into history “It's better to see once” - local history travel Symbol of the program “My Land dear - a particle of the big Motherland ”- Grandfather-local lore. It is on his behalf that it is necessary to develop a booklet with tasks.

These are the words with which the Grandfather, the local lore, addresses the participants of the readings: “Dear friend! Nice to meet you. I am a grandfather-local lore, I will lead you with the help of maps, books, riddles, competitions in the wonderful world of nature, I will introduce you to the history and literature of the region, I will tell you how to see the unusual in the ordinary. At the end of the summer holidays, it is possible that you will receive one of the prizes in the following nominations: leader of local history reading, reader-artist, reader-writer, reader-dreamer ”.

The results are being summed up at a general library holiday, where the winners of the summer readings will be awarded.

Moral and aesthetic education, instilling interest in reading Organization of children's leisure, attracting them to reading, broadening their horizons and shaping children's aesthetic perception of the world around them have always been priority areas in the work of libraries in the summer.

Beyond the traditional week children's reading, which takes place during spring break, libraries in summer devote a lot of attention to children's reading “off-curriculum”. To attract children to reading, they use playful forms of work, hold contests, create various circles, clubs, associations.

All events are held so that those present are not only spectators, but also full participants in what is happening, for example:

"Tournament of Poets": poetry competition "Journey to Chitai-city": a holiday for fans of the books "Unusual Adventures": literary quiz Traditionally, in many libraries, the campaign for organizing work in the summer period begins with the Pushkin Days. Libraries hold blitz tournaments, literary marathons, and quizzes dedicated to the legacy of great poets and writers.

“Literary pavilion” under this name can be used to organize a summer reading program in the library. Participants in the program have the opportunity to show their literary abilities, develop imagination, and acquire communication skills.

Such events are not just entertainment in nature, but carry rich information, charm with a book, awaken imagination.

The creation of a playful situation removes the painful motive of the “test of abilities” for children, and their inclinations and habits are revealed more fully.

Creative development of children

Libraries contribute to the development of literary and creative abilities by solving the problem of attracting children to reading.

Particularly popular in the summer are drawing contests on the asphalt: “Oh, this is summer!”, “Let there always be sunshine”, “Drawing on the asphalt”.

In the summer, you can organize a creative workshop "Motley Town", on the basis of which children will draw, do plastic, make crafts from natural material... The result of the work of the creative workshop will be an exhibition of children's creativity "Nature and Fantasy" and an exhibition of drawings "Fairy Land".

Libraries can organize an entire city with their own "Entertainment" square, "Hobbies" intersection, "Health" boulevard, "Good Deeds" street, and their own publishing house.

The events held in libraries in the summer are developed taking into account the interests of children and adolescents, their age characteristics and are distinguished by their versatility: these are hours of inventions, puppet shows, theatrical performances, role-playing and literary games, competitions "The book gives inspiration", drawings "My beloved fairy tale ”, compositions“ Favorite book of my family ”.

Summer readings have an impact on the quality of the work of libraries and librarians. They contribute to the comprehensive disclosure of the fund, significantly increase digital indicators and professional interest in work.

The creative and fruitful work of libraries in the summer once again confirms the demand for libraries, increases its prestige in society. We can say with confidence that summer is not a “dead” season in working with readers, but a time of creativity, imagination, activation of all forms of individual and mass work.

Summer Reading Program "Summer on Treasure Island"

Summer is a great time to usefully spend your free time, replenish your knowledge; find an interesting activity; chat with peers;

Take part in competitions and quizzes, holidays and other library events.

The name of the program is "Summer on Treasure Island"

The symbol of the program is Kesha's parrot.

Motto - "Summer is not for boredom, if you take the book in your hands!"

Objectives of the program:

Organization of leisure time for children and adolescents in summer time;

Stimulating children's reading in the summer, broadening their horizons;

Formation in children ecological culture;

Development of children's creative abilities based on the book;

Organization of joint creativity of children and parents;

Providing methodological assistance to other institutions and organizations working with children in the summer.

Stages and terms of implementation:

Summer program "Summer on Treasure Island" is conditionally divided into three blocks:

I block - " Fun trip into the world of nature "(June) II block -" Lovers of riddles and secrets "(July) III block -" To the delight of children and their parents "(August)

Program implementation plan:

Block I "A Merry Journey to the World of Nature"

"Pantry of health" - A trip to the green pharmacy.

"The Riddles of the Forester" - A mysterious excursion to the forest.

"Time of joyful undertakings" - Exhibition-game II block "For lovers of riddles and secrets"

Green Pages: Biological and Ecological Quiz ABC of Health: a travel game.

III block "To the delight of children and their parents"

"Merry Zoo" is an educational and entertaining hour.

Competition of crafts and drawings "Merry Zoo" (Individual preliminary work.)

School of young naturalists: book exhibition-council.

Treasure Island Vegetable Competition (individual preliminary work) Anyone can participate in the summer reading program. An amazing journey through the pages of books, as well as interesting contests await you.

The winner will be the one who successfully completes all tasks. Book exhibitions, reference lists, and librarian advice can help you with this.

Each participant of the program is awarded " Library card", In which the librarian will mark the number of points the participant scored.

The library card is decorated colorfully, with the symbol - the parrot Kesha.

You read the book - you get the Piastra.

On the Treasure Island Let's find a "treasure" with you. And everyone will be glad to this treasure.

Basic conditions for obtaining points:

You read a book - you get piastra. Choose the color of the piastra: copper is a good book, silver is very good, gold is wonderful. The title of the book and the author are written on the piastre. (1 point per book)

Draw an illustration for the book you have read. (5 points)

Draw or make a "surprise shot" or a competition for novice photographers. "How I have a rest in the summer." (5 points)

Grow your own vegetable on Treasure Island and take part in the Vegetable Show in August. (5 points)

Competition "Merry Zoo". Draw or make an animal or bird from any material that you read about in the book. (5 points)

Make a herbarium of a medicinal plant. (5 points)

Competition of fairy tales and poems. Write a poem or story that is not very long and not very boring. It is possible (and even necessary) in difficult situations when creating your work, resort to the help of parents (5 points)

Attendance at the Treasure Island event (10 points) At the end of summer (August 30), Kesha the parrot will name the richest reader of Treasure Island and present him with the "Winner" prize.

The most active ones will be placed on a stand under the palm trees. A pile of piastres will rise above their name, which will allow the children to clearly see which of them has become the richest. The color of the piastres will be used to name the books that received the highest mark "Wonderful book" from the children.

Expected Result:

Involve as many children as possible in reading books and magazines;

Expand the horizons of readers;

To motivate children and parents to participate in all entertaining and educational programs of the library.

Identify the most active library readers and reward them.

"Summer Holidays - Favorite Time"

Entertainment program script for intermediate children school age Objectives: Development of creative thinking, fantasy and imagination of children, encouragement to speech activity, attraction to reading poetry about the summer.

Design: Layout of a book with pictures; Kuzya grasshopper (doll or illustration) Characters: Host, Book, Summer Host: Summer laughs again In the open window, And the sun, and light Full, full!

Again slates and T-shirts Lie on the shore, And the lawns bask In the chamomile snow.

Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you. And not only me, but also our wonderful Book. Do you want to see a Book that will help you remember and tell about the summer? Then smile more cheerfully, because now she will appear in front of you.

Sounds "Song of Summer" from the m / f "Santa Claus and Summer", to the music comes the Book Book: Hello, my long-awaited readers! How I miss you. The whole summer I did not see you, I even got dusty all over. But as soon as I found out that you had come to the library, I immediately shook the dust off myself, straightened the pages - towards you. Did you miss me? Were you friends with books in the summer? Have you read them? Which book you read in the summer do you remember the most?

Guys answer Host: What else did you do in the summer, besides reading books?

Children tell the Book: Why is summer so wonderful?

The guys answer the Host: And it is wonderful because only in the summer there are some extraordinary phenomena. What miracles happen only in summer? I suggest you take part in the "Yes - no" game.

I will call you these miracles, and you loudly say "yes" and raise your hands up if these phenomena occur in the summer, and "no" if they occur at other times of the year.

Haymaking - yes; heat - yes; frost - no; tan - yes; snowfall - no; thunderstorm - yes;

thaw - no; leaf fall - no; rainbow - yes.

Well done boys! Did you know that many poems have been written about summer and summer wonders? Book, are there any such poems on your pages?

Book: Yes, of course there is. Only here's the trouble: my pages are messed up, and all the verses are mixed: about summer and winter, spring and autumn. Help me: choose only those that talk about summer.

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare, From the water fog and dampness.

The quiet sun rolled down with a wheel behind the blue of the mountain.

S. Yesenin "Autumn"

The thunderstorm has passed, and a branch of white roses The aroma breathes in my window.

The grass is still full of transparent tears And thunder in the distance thunders like a roll.

A. Block "Summer"

Wake up, shoulder!

Swing, hand!

You smell in the face Wind since noon! A. Koltsov "Summer"

The snow is already melting, streams are running, Spring has blown through the window ... The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be clothed with foliage!

A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring"

The hotter the day, the sweeter it is in the forest To breathe a dry resinous aroma, And it was fun for me in the morning to Wander through these sunny chambers!

I. Bunin "Summer"

Well done boys! You did an excellent job with this task too. This suggests that you love to read and know these works.

Host: Summer is a time to travel. Where did you go on vacation?

Children answer


I'll ask myself a question:

What is summer?

Could it be thunderstorms?

Maybe a ray of light?

Maybe these are the songs of the rocks?

Maybe a sea of ​​light?

Maybe everything I said.

Is this summer?

Guys, do you know what is wonderful today? I will tell you a secret that today a warm summer, a red summer will come to our holiday.

A melody sounds. Summer comes out.

Summer: Hello friends! Today you are gathered here for my holiday!

For the holiday of the sun! Celebration of light! Sun, sun, hotter gray, the holiday will be more fun.

I am Summer, my warmth has come to warm you all. I have come to you with games, songs, dances. Come on, kids, get up in the circle quickly, more fun, the game begins!

Game "Please!"

The players form a circle. The presenter of the game is inside the circle and invites the children to make certain movements. The players must complete them, but only when the presenter says the word "please" in front of his team. Without this word, the command will not be executed.

That. Whoever is wrong takes one step forward towards the center of the circle. The game is repeated 4-5 times. The guys who made a mistake, at the end of the game, must perform something (sing, dance, speak a tongue twister, etc.) Game "Change of numbers"

The players become in common circle shoulder to shoulder and are calculated in numerical order. Everyone remembers their number. The leader is in the center of the circle. He loudly calls out any two numbers. The called numbers should quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the seats.

The one left without a place becomes the driver. To liven up the game, you can call 3-4 numbers at once.

The game "Polundra"

8 people take part in the game. There are 8 chairs in the center of the hall. The guys run around the chairs to the music. As the music stops playing, they stop and put some piece of their clothing on the chair next to them. This continues 3-4 times. Then the command "Polundra" sounds and the guys must quickly collect and put on their things. Whoever coped with this task first gets a prize.

Leto: Guys, now you have shown us how dexterous, strong and brave you are. While you were frolicking and having fun, the Book prepared the next competition for you - an intellectual one.

Book: Shelves from the roots are colorful, Blue, green rays.

Shelves meet me: “Hello, Get a visa to our kingdom!

Here we have doctors and stars.

Millions of controversies and ideas, Here we have the most complex calculations of The most imprudent people.

This world: harsh and magical, It will bring you good luck ... So, dear guys! I invite you to take part in the quiz "Questions for all occasions"

1. What is the name of a severe storm at sea? (Storm)

2. What is the name of the holiday of the farewell to the Russian winter? (Pancake week)

3. What key will not open the door? (Violin)

5. The most industrious insect. (Ant)

6. What is the second name of the alphabet. (ABC)

7. What metal was the soldier made of in G.Kh. Andersen (Tin)

9. Who makes the furniture? (Joiner)

10. Which animal has a bag? (Kangaroo)

11. What flower is called a sound 7 (Bell)

12. How many vowels in the Russian alphabet 7 (Ten)

13.What instrument can be used to determine the cardinal points? (Compass)

14. Name the seven colors of the rainbow. (Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple)

15.What can be seen from closed eyes? (Dream)

16. Musical group from the fable of grandfather Krylov (Quartet)

17. How many rings are in the Olympic flag? (Five)

18.How can you find out the age of trees? (By the number of rings per cut)

19. Collection of dried plants (Herbarium) Book: What are you guys smart and erudite. I am very pleased to communicate with you, because you know the answer to any question.

Summer is the time when you can read not what was asked by the program, but what you want! As soon as a person masters literacy, he finds himself on the shore of a huge sea of ​​books: fairy tales and detective stories, science fiction and adventure, books about nature, science and technology. What books do you like to read?

(The guys answer in chorus):

A good book - My companion, my friend, With you, leisure is more interesting.

Book: Guys, I think you all love fairy tales.

Now I will conduct a quiz "Visiting a Fairy Tale" with you and see if you can handle my questions:

In what Russian fairy tale was the peasant's son supposed to bathe in three large cauldrons - in milk and in two waters?

(P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

The heroine of what Russian folk tale was an agricultural product?


A stove racer? (Emelya)

Champion for cornering on the spot. (A hut on chicken legs)

In which fairy tale are fruits, vegetables, berries?

(J. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino") Book: Well done, kids! All questions were answered.

Host: And now we are going to compose a story about Lethe. Here's a creative exercise called Writing a Summer Story.

Children come up with stories on their own or according to the pictures suggested by the Leader. Leto evaluates and awards prizes to the best storyteller.

Host: Guys, I think you will agree with me that without the bright warm sun, the summer would not be so long-awaited and joyful. Let's say kind, affectionate words to the sun, and at the same time play a ball, because the ball is like the Sun. I will tell you sentences, and you have to finish them. But continues the one to whom the Book throws the ball. When you finish your sentence, you must return the ball to the Book. Listen carefully.

The sun has rays, so it is ... .. (radiant) The sun is hot, like ... (ball) The sun is good, like ... (mother) The moon is silvery. And the sun ... (golden) The sun shines brightly, like ... (lantern, fire) The sun looks like the hero of a Russian folk tale, whose name is ... (bun) Everyone loves the sun, This is our good ... (friend) Host: Well done, guys! You are true friends of the sun.

And so that the Sun is always friends with you, look at it more often, smile at it and repeat the kind, gentle words:

You are so clean.

Kind, radiant!

If we got you, We would kiss you!

Book: Good Summer! You can jump, run and play! Let's play!

Rhythmic minute "Round dance"

Children get up in a round dance. The book is in the center.

On the lawn in the morning We started a game.

(They jump) You are a chamomile, I am a bindweed (they point to the Book and to themselves) Come into our wreath.

One two three four.

Spread the circle wider.

(Spreading the circle) And now we are streams.

We are running in a race.

(They run on the spot) We are in a hurry to the lake. The lake will become large.

(Hands to the sides) One, two, three, four.

Spread the circle wider!

(Spreading the circle) Stand in the circle again.

Let's play in the sun.

We are cheerful rays, (Raise their hands up) We are fast and hot.

One two three four.

Spread the circle wider!

(Spreading the circle) Host: Guys, what do you think you can say "thank you" for in the summer?

Thank you, thank you, good time!

Thank you for all the flowers, For the bird's whistle in the morning ... And thanks to the grove, And to the ringing water, And more often thanks - There is a jay in the nest ... There is a deaf trail.

There is a squirrel's house, There is a mushroom, There is a hedgehog - A prickly bun ... There is a blue meadow. The sun has found us!

We are very, very sorry that this Passed ... Host: Guys, let's all say Leto together: “Thank you! Thank you, good time! "

Summer: And I promise you a lot of sun, So that you can swim, sunbathe And every day, given to you by me, Would gladly wait again!

Summer is leaving Host: And so that we do not forget this wonderful time of the year, we will draw pictures about summer, which you will look at in winter and remember the cheerful warm days.

So we took the paints in hand - And there was no boredom in the house.

To make it more fun, do not regret the bright paint!

Book: To paint summer, you have to decide what color it is. Verses will help you with this.

So the summer has arrived in time - The strawberries have turned red, Will turn sideways to the sun - The whole will be filled with scarlet juice.

There is a red carnation in the field,

Red clover - take a look:

And wild rose in the summer All sprinkled with red ... Apparently, people are not in vain They call summer red!

M. Ivensen Blue-blue cornflower.

You are my favorite flower!

At the rustling yellow rye You laugh at the border.

And the insects above you Dancing in a joyful crowd.

S. Black All forest edges turn green.

The pond turns green.

And the green frogs are singing a song.

S. Black Presenter: Now take pencils and draw each one your own picture about summer. Then we will put all your page drawings together, and we will have a bright, wonderful book of summer.

Forest of Wonders: Adventure Game

Objectives of the event:

expanding children's horizons;

Acquaintance with the healing properties of forest plants

Fostering a respect for nature

Hall decoration:

On the wall, place a map with the route of travel: stations - "Zagadkino", "Forest edge", "Pharmacy underfoot", "Flower meadow", "Mushroom", "Kingdom of birds and animals".


Leader, readers, Tour guide, Lesovichok, Herbalist A quiet melody sounds, the readers come out

Reader (1):

A very kind, very bright, Golden clear day. We will go to visit the summer. We will go to visit the sun.

Reader (2):

Both the forest and the meadow will meet us with strawberries and flowers, Our songs will be with us Birds will sing around.

Reader (3):

Early in the morning, a bright ray will ring in dense foliage.

The river will teach us to swim, the Wind - to run on the grass.

Host: Hello guys. You probably guessed that today we are going on a journey through the summer. And what is summer?

Summer is a vacation, it is a forest, a river, hikes, sea, mountains, fun games, films and books. Try to explain in a few words what summer means to you. (The guys answer) You can see the route of our imaginary journey on the map (demonstrates), and our location and movement will be designated by the figures of two men. Well, now let's go!

Guide: Our fascinating journey begins from the Zagadkino station. Guys, have you ever wondered why all children love riddles so much. Because riddles reveal secrets to us and make us think and reflect. And now we will check if you know well the riddles, which, of course, are associated with the summer.

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, Golden side.

I dived behind the trees, I fell asleep there.

And in the morning I woke up.

The whole world smiled. (Sunny) Came - knocked on the roof.

He left - no one heard. (Rain) A cloud hid the sun's light, The bridge collapsed, but there are no chips (Rainbow) He stands, pensive, In a yellow crown, Freckles darken On a round face. (Sunflower) Stronger than the sun.

Weaker than the wind.

No legs, but walking.

No eyes, but crying. (Cloud) Warm, warm, long day.

At noon - a tiny shadow.

What month?

Tell me! (June) Hot, sultry, sultry day.

Even chickens are looking for a shadow. The mowing of grain has begun.

Time for berries and mushrooms.

His days are the peak of summer.

What, tell me, is this in a month? (July) Host: Well done, guys! It is immediately evident that you are very fond of and are looking forward to this time of year.

Reader (1): Reader (2):

I asked the field: I asked the forest:

"What is summer?" "What is summer?"

The field told me: The forest answers me:

“Our summer is“ Our summer is mustachioed spikelets. And select mushrooms Fat, vigorous, Full baskets filled with the Sun! " Sugar raspberry "

Guide: Dear guys! Our journey continues, and the next station is "Forest edge".

Forest ... this fairy world good king Berendey. Look closely and listen ... The forest is full of mysteries and mysteries. He sheltered many. Animals and birds, lizards and frogs, beetles and butterflies live here. And how many different berries and mushrooms are in it!

Large and small flowers look at us from the grass. They invite everyone to admire, enjoy the beauty, breathe in the clean and kind forest air.

The forest fairy tale is the most beautiful There is silence, rustle, and peace in it.

The water in the stream is clear and clear And a stump covered with tender foliage.

In it, the sun illuminates childhood with joy, There are so many incomprehensible in it at times, Beckons blueberries with fresh, fresh sweetness.

And the mushroom takes you into the thicket behind it.

There are so many ringing, noisy, joyful trills in it, There is no limit to happiness and goodness in it.

And if you want sweet delights, then go to our forest in the morning.

Host: Guys, who do you think is the most main person in the forest. He keeps order, protects it? That's right - this is a woodsman. Today he came to visit us to help us make a journey through the mysterious forest.

Lesovichok: I am a lesovic! I live in the forest and I know all the trees, all the blades of grass. Many plants began to disappear from the forest, so I protect them. And I allow to pick flowers only those of which there are many.

I like to wander around the Green Country, I really like making friends here.

There are a lot of silent people for surprises And for what they give, they take nothing.

In that country - grace, amazing light.

I wish we could figure out: what is the main secret here?

Look into this glorious life with me And make friends with the Green Country forever!

(E. Serova "Green Country") Let's imagine that we are in the forest, just entered it. What awaits us on the forest path? I invite you to answer the questions of the "Forest catch-up" quiz. You answer the questions asked with a short yes or no.

Does the tree sleep? (No)

Does a squirrel dry mushrooms on branches? (Yes)

Are raspberries an evergreen? (No)

Does a hedgehog sleep in winter? (Yes)

Crossbones love fir cones? (Yes)

A crow lays its eggs in other people's nests? (No)

Amanita is poisonous? (Yes)

Do sparrows come to us only in winter? (No)

Is the rose hip a wild rose? (Yes)

Is a willow tree called a weeping tree? (Yes)

Aspen mushrooms grow on stumps and destroy them? (no) Lesovichok: Well done! The acquaintance with the forest began successfully, and now I will complicate the task for you. Listen to me carefully and answer the questions:

1. About the tincture of this plant in the old days, they said that it "is more expensive to eat dragov's gold and is suitable for all ailments." In the 19th century, scientists studied this plant, and doctors began to use the healing tincture as a medicine for heart disease. You have to remember. However, that plant is poisonous!

2. The honey that bees collect from this plant is better than many others: it is tasty, healthy, and fragrant! The leaves of this plant, and the shoots, and flowers also have healing properties. Well, there is nothing to say about berries: in any form - fresh, boiled, dried - this is both a delicacy and a medicine.

3. It is said that forest gnomes hide their wealth in the thickets of this bush. Indeed, its berries are not only tasty, but also extremely useful. They are especially good for treating eye diseases. (Blueberry)

4. The healing properties of this plant have been known to man since unoccupied times. A tincture of its root is a good sedative. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word "vale" - "bless you".


5. This inconspicuous plant is one of the most fragrant in the world. It is often used in cooking, and its extract is added to many medicines. We can say with confidence that you met with him today - when you were brushing your teeth!

(Mint) Lesovichok: Well done, guys, you made me happy with your answers. But I have to go: I need to have time to get around my possessions. Goodbye friends!

Lesovichok leaves. Host: Our journey continues and the next station "Pharmacy underfoot". Guys, imagine this situation: we went to the forest with an overnight stay, set up tents, made a fire. OK! We sing songs, swim in the river, play. And then suddenly we remember that we forgot the first aid kit. What do we do? There is no reason to be upset, because there are so many herbs in the forest and many of them are healing. And in what cases they are used - you know? The maiden Herbalist will help you to answer these questions.

The herbalist comes out The herbalist: Welcome to our forest kingdom! By answering the questions of the "Forest Doctors" quiz, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the healing properties of the plants that surround us, and then you will not be afraid of any diseases:

What plants can be used to relieve a toothache?

(St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, oak bark)

What is this "herb for 99 diseases"? (St. John's wort)

What plants can be used to make tea?

(Mint, oregano, St. John's wort, raspberries, strawberries, linden, thyme)

This is a remedy for colds, Know everything about that everywhere.

Although this color is inconspicuous, But there is no healthier tea, For sore throats and colds Drink this healing tea (linden blossom)

Who hurt the heels? Plantain will help out. Come on, guys! Plantain will cure!

(Plantain) Host: There are many medicinal plants in the meadow, you can't remember all of them.

But answer me this question: “Who has a hat without a head, but a leg without a boot? Correctly at the mushroom. Imperceptibly we got to the Gribnaya station.

Now we will hold a competition "Mushroom basket".

For the competition, you need two small baskets, drawings or illustrations of mushrooms, which are laid out in an impromptu forest glade.

Game rules: two players collect edible mushrooms in their baskets, the winner is the one who picks up the most mushrooms and names them correctly.

While our players are gathering mushrooms, we will solve mushroom riddles:

Proudly stood on a sturdy leg In an apron and a red cap, Raskarovets daring.

Nice view, evil temperament (Amanita)

This pink girlfriend has a Wonder Wave on top of her head.

For those who like to salt It is customary to praise her (Volnushka)

I do not argue - not white.

I, brothers, are simpler.

I usually grow in a birch grove (boletus)

A man went into a pine forest, Found a white slug.

What kind of guys on the stumps Crowded together in a friendly bunch And hold umbrellas in their hands, Caught up in a cloud? (Honey mushrooms) Host: Guys, pay attention, there is a carpet in front, so colorful, multi-colored. What do you think it is? That's right, this is a flower meadow.

Man on earth is a recent visitor compared to nature. Our gloomy ancestors, unable to understand the beauty of the surrounding nature, were still hiding in caves, and the meadows were already full of flowers!

And you guys know that meadow flowers are the most beautiful. Nature has awarded them with discreet, but harmonious beauty.

When people get tired of the rumble of highways, of the dull monotony of concrete walls and the plastic comfort of apartments, they get out into nature, where trees, birds and flowers heal their mood. Closeness to flowers, contemplation of their unique perfection and subtle beauty softens the soul and reveals the best facets of the human character. You agree with me?

Now you have to guess riddles about flowers. Ready, then we started:

They are apparently invisible, you can't count them!

And who just invented them - funny, blue?

They must have torn off a piece of the sky.

They conjured a little and made a flower.


Sisters stand by the river Yellow eye, white eyelashes.


From under the snow it blooms, First meets the spring.


With a white fluffy ball I flaunt in a clean field.

A light breeze blew And there was a stalk (Dandelion)

White peas on a green leg (Lily of the valley) Host: The world of flowers is mysterious and wonderful. Admire it, study it and protect it!

Guide: Guys, our journey continues and a lot of interesting and unknown things await us. The forest dwellers live and live in the hotel, they do not know grief, but they go to dinner, you will not believe, in the real "Forest dining rooms".

For everyone there is a dining room in the forest, Everything is prepared for us.

The furniture is oak and spruce.

Music? Symphony and jazz!

The Oreshek restaurant is somewhere in the thicket, Belka will take you there.

And in the stall "Chernichny" go more often, Cramped there, but it does not matter. (E. Serova) Host: Guys, come on, and we will look into the forest dining room, for sure, we will meet acquaintances.

Do you want to know what is served to forest dwellers for lunch? Then you will have to answer the questions of the Forest Menu quiz:

Such dainty brothers are crowded in green nests (nuts)

Two sisters are green in summer, by autumn one turns red, the other turns black.


Antoshka stands on one leg, he is small, and the hat is big (mushroom)

Red lamb, white heart (raspberry)

As on a stitch, on the path I see scarlet earrings.

She bent down for one, And came across ten.

I was leaning - I was not lazy, I typed a mug with a top.


What kind of fruit lives before winter?

The oak does not pamper children, dresses without fancy:

Everyone in his family is wearing skullcaps (acorns) Guide: Our journey through the amazing "Green Country" has ended. Love the forest and its inhabitants, take care of them, and if you are unable to do something useful, then at least do not harm!

Reader (1):

We love the forest at any time of the year, We hear slow speech of the rivers.

All this is called nature, let's always take care of it!

Reader (2):

We, as joy, need and understand the noise of forests and streams, busy speech.

So let's take care of our native nature together, guys!

Host: So our journey through the amazing "Green Country" has ended. But the summer goes on. And we still have a lot of travel, games, quizzes ahead of us. And all this gives us summer!

The material was prepared by the organizational and methodological department of the municipal government institution "Kalinin intersettlement library".

Compiled by chief librarian OMO E.V. Necheporenko.

Circulation 20 copies.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

1. Abramovskaya, T.A. Summer with a book / T.A. Abramovskaya // Library. -2004, p. 47-50

2. Akhmataeva, Z.F. There is no vacation in the country of Literature / Z.F. Akhmataeva // Library.-2005.-№6.- P.43-44

3. Akhmataeva, Z. We don't have vacations / Z. Akhmataeva // Library. - 2010.

- No. 8.- P. 39

4. Beluza, L.M. Rest, don't throw the book! /L.M. Beluza // Library. -2005. Pp. 47-48

5. Bogaeva G. "Library under an umbrella": summer version / G. Bogaeva // Bibliopole. - 2010. - No. 5. - P. 34

6. Boeva ​​L. Book on vacation, or Summer library campaign / Boeva ​​L. // Bibliopole. -2010. - No. 6. - P. 20

7. Bondarenko E. Cognition has no vacation / E. Bondarenko // Library.-2011. p.45

8. Burakova E. Summer marathon of the book man / E. Burakova, T. Kruglik // Bibliopole. - 2010. - No. 7. - P.21, No. 8. - P. 21; No. 9. - P.39

9. Krasova T. Ah, summer, summer! Healthy time / T. Krasova // Library. - 2008, p. 4

10.Lyakhova, I.A. "Summer, book, I am friends" / I.А. Lyakhova // New Library, pp. 29-31

11. Nosyrina O. Summer reading is a favorite leisure / O. Nosyrina - // Bibliopole. - 2009. - No. 5. - p. 2

12. Sadovnikova, T. Under the blue skies: on the work of the outdoor reading room during the summer holidays / T. Sadovnikova // Bibliopole.-2007.-№4.-С.38-39

13. Samuseva, G. It's spring in the yard: organization of summer recreation for children / G. Samuseva // Bibliopole. - №3.-С.53-54

14. Taustobova, N. Summer of the red omen - a marathon of intellectuals / N. Taustobova // Library. 2008. - No. 4.- P.73-74.

For those who want to learn English, German, French or Italian language... All camps offer a standard package of daily activities and excursions that ... ”Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy Tula Polunina Lyudmila Nikolayevna Candidate of Pedagogics, Assistant Professor Chair of Foreign Languages ​​Tula ... "



"Summer under a book umbrella"

It has already become a tradition for all libraries in the region to work with books during the summer holidays according to the summer reading programs. After all summer readings they activate children's interest in the book, introduce them to the culture of reading, develop children's imagination and creativity. In addition, summer readings to some extent solve the problems of employment of children and adolescents on vacation days.

This year the libraries of RMBUK "Tatar MPB" worked under the program "Summer under a book umbrella".

The program consisted of:

Regional competition: "Merry Travelers" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M. Zoshchenko;

Regional competition "Library Opening Day" for librarians, which helped to attract readers to the library through the design of original book exhibitions;

Regional competition "Jubilee Opening Day", to popularize children's books - anniversary of 2014;

Mass events.

The purpose of the program: to raise the status of books, reading, the role of the library in organizing the leisure of children and adolescents. To take the book and reading outside the library, to show the society the possibilities of the library in the reading development of children and adolescents.

June - August 2014 libraries visited 21466 children and adolescents. Recorded again - 1114 human. Was issued 42557 copies of literature. Carried out 510 mass events attended by 8679 human. More than 30 book exhibitions and thematic shelves.

To date, the results of the regional competition "Merry Travelers" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M. Zoshchenko have been summed up, in which 89 children.

Ia place:

Readers of the City Children's Library No. 5 - librarian Kamaltynova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Kamaltynov Timur, 10 years old, Tatarsk

Osipov Sasha, 11 years old, Tatarsk

Sergeeva Julia, 10 years old. Tatarsk

Fedotova tatiana, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Golubtsov Maxim, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Kozlyuk Danil, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Kochnevskaya's readers rural library, branch number 13 - librarian Natalya Anatolyevna Gridina

Chernova Valeria, 10 years old, s. Kochnevka

Mullabaeva Alina, 10 years old, s. Kochnevka

Beloslyudtseva Daria, 8 years old, s. Kochnevka

Reader of the Krasnoyarsk rural library, branch number 14 - librarian Natalya Petrovna Semyonova

Guprin Roman, 10 years old. with. Krasnoyarka

IIa place:


Baranova Ksenia, 9 years old, s. Uvalsk

Reader City Children's Library No. 5 - librarian Kamaltynova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Saglaeva Daria, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Readers City library number 2 - librarian Britova Natalia Mikhailovna

Yegorushkina Daria, 10 years old, p. Nalivnaya

Pirogov Vasily, 11 years old, p. Nalivnaya

Sushkova Daria, 8 years old and Dolbina Elena, 7 years old, p. Nalivnaya

Readers Nikolaev rural library, branch number 18 - head of Gromak Natalya Vladimirovna

Shtengauer Alena, 11 years old, s. Nikolaevka

Gritsenko Alena, 10 years old, s. Nikolaevka

Stengauer Victoria, 10 years old, s. Nikolaevka

Readers Sevetotar rural library, branch number 30 - librarian Fisher Lyudmila Viktorovna

Scarf Veronica, 9 years old, s. Severotatarsk

Logunova Elizaveta, 9 years old, p. Severotatarsk

Alexey Kuznetsov, 8 years old, s. Severotatarsk

Fisher Danil, 11 years old, p. Severotatarsk

Radionova Maria, 11 years old, s. Severotatarsk

IIIa place:

Readers Uvalsky rural library, branch number 31 - librarian Laktyushina Elena Viktorovna

Lyshova Daria, 11 years old, s. Uvalsk

Usova Elizaveta, 11 years old, s. Uvalsk

Zinina Maria, 10 years old, p. Uvalsk

Reader Assumption Rural Library, branch number 28 - librarian Svetlana Mikhailovna Kotlyar

Miroshnik Elena, 11 years old with. Uspenka

Reader Kiev rural library, branch number 10 - librarian Sidorova Evgenia Vladimirovna

Gun'kina Anastasia, 10 years old, p. Kievka

Reader Krasnoyarsk rural library, branch number 14 - librarian Natalya Petrovna Semyonova

Yudina Polina, 9 years old, p. Krasnoyarka

Readers Kazatkul rural library, branch number 8 - head of Areshchenko Evdokia Alexandrovna

Karamyshev Vladimir, 9 years old, s. Kazatkul

Baranova Diana, 10 years old, p. Kazatkul

Readers Platonovskaya rural library, branch number 25 - librarian Pauls Marina Anatolyevna

Aleksey Alenich, 11 years old, Platonovka village

Adamson Tatiana, 9 years old, Platonovka village

Vatrushkina Ksenia, 11 years old, Platonovka village

Readers Novopervomaysk rural library, branch number 29 - librarian Azup Ekaterina Igorevna

Abdrakhmanova Alexandra, 11 years old, s. Novopervomayskoe

Sidorova Ksenia, 11 years old, s. Novopervomayskoe

Guryanova Julia, 9 years old, s. Novopervomayskoe

Sayenko Stepan, 9 years old, s. Novopokrovka

The results of the contests: "Library Opening Day" and "Jubilee Opening Day" will be announced after September 10th.

In all libraries, the presentation of the summer program "Summer under a book umbrella" was held on June 1, International Children's Day, during the festive program and campaign in support of reading "Read with us! Read it yourself! ”, How to start working with children in the summer. In the rural libraries of Kazachemyskaya, Kievskaya, Uvalskaya, Novoaleksandrovskaya, Kazatkulskaya, Nikolaevskaya, theatrical programs “This is what summer is”, “Country happy childhood", "Hello summer!".

Novoaleksandrovskaya rural library, branch number 20

Festive theatrical program "Hello, Summer!"

In city libraries No. 5, No. 3, entertainment and game programs "For the sun to shine, so that there is enough for all", "Children are more important than all kings." Children took part in literary, game and music contests and in the summer rainbow of childhood competition of drawings on asphalt. Children received prizes for artistry and originality.

On the International Children's Day, a large festive event was held in the Kochnevsk rural library, together with the club workers "Travel with a flower - Seven-flower", which helped to make a journey to a fairy glade, where miracles and fairy heroes awaited everyone!

At the end of the event, a tea party was organized for children at the festive table. The holiday was bright and colorful, there was an atmosphere of good mood and comfort. The guys got a lot of positive emotions and positive impressions. The event was attended by 23 children, aged 6 to 12 years.

Love for the Motherland ... Today we sometimes hesitate to express this feeling - one of the most noble in a person. You can't make you love your Fatherland. Love must be brought up. This is precisely the goal pursued by the work of libraries in this most important direction. Events held on the occasion of the Day of Russia, the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, the Day of the Russian Flag were held without exception in all libraries.

The events dedicated to the Day of Russia were very interesting and meaningful: thematic lessons "I live in Russia", "Russia begins with you" in the Krasnoyarsk s / b and city library No. 4; literary and poetic composition "Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it!" in the city children's library №5 and Kazatkul s / b. At events, children read poetry, sang songs about Russia.

City Children's Library number 5

Musical and poetic hour "Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it!"

June 22 in our country is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On this day, in many libraries of the region, memory hours were held: "The Unforgettable 41st", "The Saved World Remembers", "Everyone There Was a Hero", dedicated to the courage of those who defended our Motherland in scary days Great Patriotic War.
In the Assumption Rural Library, the librarian told the schoolchildren invited to the event about the first days of the war, about the strength of the enemy and the heroic actions of Soviet people in the rear and at the front. The guys learned about the main battles of the Great Patriotic War, about its tipping points... Poems of frontline poets - K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky sounded at the event. The participants of the event laid flowers at the monument to their fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War and honored their memory with a minute of silence.

Assumption rural library, branch number 28

Lesson in courage "There everyone was a hero ..."

By the 100th anniversary of the First World War, hours of history and information "Another war, another victory" passed in all libraries.

All events were held with the aim of forming a patriotic position among readers, educating the defenders of the fatherland and the fond memory of those who died fighting for the Motherland.

Local lore is one of the most important areas in working with children in the library. In all rural branches passed conversations, quizzes, hours of information, etc.

The virtual excursion "My land, a drop of Russia" in the Uvalskaya s / b was very interesting. Traveling virtually, the librarian showed the richness of the flora and fauna of our region, and the guys enthusiastically shared their impressions of the local places where they visited with their parents and read poetry. Virtual excursion contributed to an increase in interest in the study of his native land.

Love for your small homeland children love to express in drawings, therefore, the Novopokrovskaya, Kozlovskaya, Uskulskaya, Nikolaevskaya rural libraries could not do without the competition "My native village".

Environmental education of children and adolescents is an important area of ​​library activity. What our planet will be like in the future depends on our activities today. To acquaint children with the ecology of our region, and its problems, the ongoing activities on this topic are called upon: the quiz "Earth is our common home" and "Powerful nature is full of wonders" - Uvalskaya s / b, information day "Rare and endangered plants, animals" - city ​​library number 4, competition program "Along the forest paths" - Kazachemyskaya s / b.

Within the framework of regional competition"Let's make the world around us clean and beautiful!" The Uskul Rural Library has done a great job. The librarian compiled and implemented the "Bright Summer" project. The purpose of this project was to form an ecological culture of the younger generation and to draw the attention of adolescents to the problem of environmental pollution with household waste and their disposal. And the result of the project was the design of a fabulous corner on the courtyard territory of the administration from solid household waste.

The project turned out to be fruitful, and my presentation was bright and memorable.

Guys from school camp Secondary school № 4 gladly took part in the game-competition "The sun shines for everyone" - Regional Children's Library.

Conducted a "biological" examination "Whose leaves are these?", Answered the questions "Is it true that ...?" Also, the Regional Children's Library for children from the school camp of secondary school №3 held ecological marathon"Diverse nature", fun and interesting. With the help of multimedia, they guessed the voices of birds, recalled medicinal plants growing in the Tatar region. For the "Fairy Birds" competition, an exhibition of books was arranged, in which a bird was always present, and the children had to find it. This event once again showed the children that our nature must be protected so that we can listen to the singing of birds, admire the beauty of forests, rivers and fields.

Our libraries are constantly conducting propaganda among the younger generation about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. We held a series of events on the theme: "To grow strong for us."

The Day of Health "Hot Day in Sportlandia" was very interesting in the Novoaleksandrovsk rural library. Sports competitions were held on the site at fresh air... In the program - 12 different types competitions. Children left the holiday tired, but very happy!

Also, events were held for anniversaries writers, artists and books.

Within the framework of Pushkin Day in Russia, events were held in all libraries. City Library№ 5, for school № 9 held a KVN game based on the work of A.S. Pushkin "Collecting colorful chapters", a drawing competition based on fairy tales, grades 2-4, 25 people were present.

“We will dedicate our holiday to Pushkin, filling the hall with wonderful verses. We are talking about Pushkin today. Poetry with magic words "- opened with such lines competitive game program“Through the centuries and generations, he will never tire of surprising” in the Kazatkul rural library. Children from the school camp (50 people) made a wonderful journey into the wonderful world of the author's work. Connoisseurs of Pushkin's fairy tales answered the quiz questions, completed the competition tasks "Tell me the words", "From which fairy tales objects were lost", etc. The event was very interesting.

To the 215th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin in the Regional Children's Library was arranged the exhibition-quiz "Through the lines of Pushkin's poems." The exhibition consisted of sections: "The Word about Pushkin", "Let's Read Pushkin" and the quiz "The Scientist's Cat". All those wishing to take part in the quiz based on Pushkin's fairy tales chose a question for themselves and looked for an answer from books and on subjects that were at the exhibition. After answering 3 questions, the reader received a coloring book based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

District Children's Library

Quiz "Through the lines of Pushkin's poems"

Events for other anniversaries were also held: Literary hour "Boys of my childhood" / for the 100th anniversary of Dr. Yu Sotnik, game program "Laughter" / to the 120th anniversary of Dr. M. Zoshchenko - Krasnoyarsk s / b; Anniversary Day "Lermontov for Children", matinee "On the anniversary of the writer" / dedicated to writers Yu Sotnik, E. Veltistov, N. Aseeva, M. Zoshchenko - Novoaleksandrovskaya s / b; quiz based on the works of M. Zoshchenko "We Remember and Laugh" - Uvalskaya s / b, etc.

The formation of a reading person begins in early age, which means that the main process of familiarization with reading is carried out, first of all, in the family and the library. Despite the existing problems in the field of children's reading, we can say with confidence that the BOOK still occupies an important place in the lives of children. This is facilitated by all the daily, creative and truly selfless activities of librarians, who direct their efforts to familiarize children with reading.

So in the Novoaleksandrovskaya s / b at the beginning of summer in the library the action "We have a rest with a book in the summer" was announced. Wednesday - each week was declared Book Reading Day, and Friday - Public Events Day. For the first time, the library organized the Day of Reading Books with the participation of the members of the "Chitay-ka" club. The days of reading were devoted to the following topics: "Our Motherland - Russia"; selection of poems and a competition for expressive reading "Oh, this is summer", Day of Courage, Day of Anniversaries "Books are invited to the anniversary", reading and discussion of the book "Take care of honor from your youth", "Lermontov for children", "Funny and instructive stories of M. Zoshchenko ".

Library activities in the summer were not limited to the walls of the library. To attract readers and increase interest in reading, the librarian of the North Tatar s / b organized a summer area "Library outside the walls", went out with books to the courtyards, to forest glades, where they held various literary games, quizzes and such as a book picnic - "Summer extravaganza"

literary landing - "With a book on the bench"!

Summer vacation is a time of moral hardening of children, their spiritual enrichment, a test of strength in work, time vivid impressions, amateur creativity, active knowledge of the new in nature, comrades and in oneself.
At the same time, summer is a time of exciting games, competitions, and colorful holidays. And the organization of the leisure of our readers in the summer has become an integral part of the work of the Assumption Rural Library. It is the library that transforms summer holidays children on an exciting journey, taking into account the interests of the children, their age characteristics. The library held - 18 events of various topics: ecological expedition "For the purity of the native land", Friends' Day "Long live friendship", folklore holiday"It was passed from mouth to mouth"

entertainment and game program "Breakfast on the grass", etc.

At the beginning of summer, the Assumption Library created its own page on the Odnoklassniki website, where it posted information about the events held and shared its experience. According to the results of work with children in the summer, Kotlyar S.M., the librarian of the Uspenskaya s / b took 1st place.

I would like to note the work of the Novopokrovsk rural library. The librarian conducted the following activities: Summer holiday of umbrellas, folklore holiday "From mouth to mouth", literary hour "Rebellious genius of inspiration" on the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, competition program "Journey to hot-air balloon", a literary tournament" The best reader of the summer "and also a cycle of various thematic exhibitions was organized. The Novopokrovsk rural library presented its report on working with children in the summer in the form of a presentation" Rainbow over the sea of ​​books "(see below)

In the summertime, municipal libraries actively worked under the Summer Readings program, which is part of the Izhevsk Vacation program.

This year 22 libraries took part in the implementation of the program. They offered young residents of Izhevsk up to 14 years old to spend their leisure time with benefit and interest during the summer holidays. The theme in each library was determined in accordance with criteria such as relevance, diversity and relevance.

Due to the fact that 2013 in Russia has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection, many events for children were dedicated to nature and respect for the world around them. Some libraries raised the issue of the ecological state of both the entire planet and, in particular, the city of Izhevsk.

For example, the Central Municipal Children's Library. M. Gorky called her summer program "Library ECOlesitsa".

In the library to them. V. G. Korolenko - "The Sun on the Pages".

Library named after N. A. Ostrovsky - "Ecological primer".

Branch Library No. 18 - "On a visit to the summer with the Green Professor."

Branch Library No. 20 - "Summer in the Book Forest".

Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky - "This is Summer - Ecoleto!"

Library-branch number 19 - "Shine the sun brighter".

Library named after PA Blinova - "Literary-ecological assorted" Lesnaya Gazeta ".

Library named after A. Gagarin - "Summer with a book under an umbrella."

Library named after S. Ya. Marshak - "Forest Robinsons".

Library named after ID Pastukhova - "Summer ecological train".

Branch Library No. 24 entails "The Wind of Wanderings".

In library number 25 Summer Readings were also devoted to the topic of ecology. All events were united by a single program “Library racetrack”, the symbol of which was the horse. This contributed to the upbringing of kindness in children, sensitivity to smaller friends, the development of harmony and inner beauty in them.

In the library to them. NK Krupskaya from the first sunny days began the "Summer hunting season, or Bibliorybalka".

Library named after I. A. Krylovaopened the door for her young readers to the world of magic, kindness, joy, hope. Their summer program was called"The Magic Book".

Library # 23 dedicated its summer program to nature, history and secrets of the native land. Their theme is “Myths of a Big City”.

In the library L. N. Tolstoy the program was called "Craftsmen, play, read - bring joy to your soul."

Library named after V. M. Azinaworked under the program "Young local historian".

Library named after AP Chekhova went with her readers to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Book Galaxy."

Library named after M. Jalilya wandered with the guys “On the book paths of summer”.

In connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization in Udmurtia in bIbliothek them. F.G. Kedrov was truly "Pioneerskoeleto". The children were invited to plunge into the days when their parents and grandparents were pioneers.

« Librarian movement ”was organized by the library named after I.А. Nagovitsyna. Summer pThe guys got acquainted with the history of the pioneer movement, created a "biblion squad" in order to help residents microdistrict.


In the library to them. IA Krylova in the foyer the poster "Pink Elephant" invited guests to spend a "magical" summer in the library. And on the doors of the reading room "blossomed" a magical "seven-color flower", telling about the events held every day in reading room.

In the summer, the entire library to them. Yuri Gagarina was adorned with umbrellas and balloons. They are epic on windows, at exhibitions, on book shelves.

Throughout the summer, between the trees in front of the entrance to library number 20, a banner with the name of the program “Summer in the Book Forest” attracted the attention of passers-by.

In the premises of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, one could clearly see the symbols of the pioneer movement: red ties, flags, posters with pioneer slogans.

Library named after N.K. The Krupskaya thematic composition on the theme of fishing with safes of events and the program of summer readings supplemented the general volumetric composition in the windows of the children's department of the library.

Library exhibitions

There are no libraries without books and library exhibitions! In the summer, as usual, they host the most interesting books and magazines, as well as children's crafts, drawings, games, and quizzes.

For example, in the library to them. V.G. Korolenko in the design of the exhibition of books about nature "Give nature kindness" used fresh flowers, children's crafts, figurines of animals. A game exhibition-quiz "Favorite lines carnival" is decorated in the form of a tree. The trunk and roots of the tree are twisted from brown paper, the leaves are cut from colored paper. In the branches there are birds and animals made of painted cardboard. In such a frame, the poems of F. Tyutchev, A. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin and A. S. Pushkin attracted the attention of many readers.

"Magic Book" "opened" its pages in the reading room at the book exhibition of the library. I.A. Krylova Her unusual design created a fabulous atmosphere. The most "magical" book is "Eragon: A Guide to the Land of Dragons" by Christopher Paolini. Section of the exhibition " Little people", Which presents tales of magical creatures, supplemented by the quiz" Wizards, sorcerers, magicians, sorcerers. " The "Fairyland" section contains wonderful fairy tales about winged sorceresses and the "Magic remedies" quiz. And the heading "Workshop of Danila the Master" is a work made by the hands of readers and books to help them.

The environmental theme of the summer is reflected in library exhibitions. For example, in the library of V. Mayakovsky, a table exhibition is organized "Lawn-read-ka" with quizzes, questions, "Ecological serpentine ".

Library number 18 organizes the exhibitions "Ecological Around the World", "Green Man - Viktor Tuganayev".

Game book exhibition "Forest Robinsons" delighted the children of the library. S.Ya. Marshak. The section "Living Book" presents fiction books by naturalist writers, the section "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" consists of popular science books about animals and plants.

In the library to them. M. Jalil during the summer on the subscription passed a cycle of book exhibitions-quizzes "Academy of Forest Sciences" = "Urman fә nn ә re academia ":" Pevets native nature"(M. Prishvin); "The Amazing World of Birds"; "The Amazing World of Plants"; "In the animal world". The guys were happy to guess riddles, proverbs and sayings about nature, about the inhabitants of the forest, and also invented them themselves. It turned out that young readers know medicinal plants well, and will be able to use them.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky decorated a colorful library exhibition about the animal world"You and I are of the same blood" rubrics: "Neighbors on the planet", "Formula of goodness", "Stories from the furry". The Stories From Furry rubric offered children books about the adventures of animals, told by themselves. For example, M. Samarskiy "Rainbow for a Friend", "Formula of Kindness", Pennac D. "The Dog Dog", the collection "My Dogs Thoughts" and others. In the design of these exhibitions, hoops were used, personifying the Earth. There are toys-animals in a circle: monkeys, tiger, birds, snakes, butterflies. On the ceiling space above the exhibition, butterflies, beetles, ladybug... Were posted addresses of sites of organizations providing assistance to animals, quotes and statements outstanding people about love and mercy for wildlife. On the floor and on the wall there are prints of animal and bird tracks.

Branch Library No. 25 offered its young readers such exhibitions about nature: "Library Hippodrome", "Commonwealth of Books and Nature".

Many exhibitions in libraries were devoted to the work of children's writers on the anniversary, summer fun adventures and vacations.

Library named after F.G. Kedrova chose a different theme: the children's subscription included a book exhibition "Summer in a Pioneer Style", which offered modern children an alternative to the computer: interesting reading, various games, both mobile and erudition, funny songs, etc.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn with the helporiginally designed book exhibitions-quizzes based on the works of Arkady Gaidar and other writers, tried to instill in children a love for their native land, to foster a sense of patriotism and humanism.

Many libraries, with the help of literary quizzes and bibliographic games, make exhibitions playful. Contact games and quizzes can be not only an additional element of the exhibition, but can also have an independent character.

Discount games

Children of the city could come to the library in the summer not only to read a book or take part in a library event, but also to do something they love on their own or just to play.

Didactic (discount) games are games with ready-made rules. This should include such educational games: literary crosswords, correspondence quizzes, bibliographic puzzles, mosaics, loto, dominoes.The development of new bibliographic games (informographic) has become firmly established in the practical activities of libraries.

Library named after Yuri Gagarina prepared discount quizzes for young erudites, to which the guys answered with pleasure: "Around the world in a balloon" (about nature), "The world of animals", "The ABC of nature", "Most-most", "Travel through fairy tales" , "Inhabitants of the Sunny City", "Winnie-the-Pooh and All-All-All", "Fabulous Items", "Hello Mary Poppins", "Fabulous Aeronautics".

Library named after S.Ya. Marshaka supplemented the book exhibition about nature with the following games: "In the kingdom of flora" "Guess the animal", "Bird talk".

In library No. 23, all exhibitions were accompanied by quizzes and discount games. Among the most successful are “Urban Legends”, “Taste of Dumplings”, “Once Upon a Time”, “Mythological Zoo” and “Mythological Puzzles”, etc.

In the Gorky Central Children's Hospital in each department, new thematic discount games are prepared annually by the summer. For example, on a subscription, kids could test their reading and erudition on their own with the help of the following games: Encryption "Funny Journey", the geographic game "Dog Stories", the rebus "Ekoznayka." Cat and mouse ", rebus" Risk version ", eco-rebus" Brainstorm ", fairy quiz"On the Rights of the Child", the encrypted game "Dog's Loyalty" and so on. In the reading room, children and adolescents could independently studythe crossword "Flowers", the lotto "Pearls of the vegetable kingdom", the loto "Happy Summer" (based on the poems of the hero of the anniversary VD Berestov), ​​the quiz "On the seas around the earth" (based on the book of the hero of the day SV Sakharnov); the crossword puzzle "The golden symbol of Udmurtia - italmas" (based on the book of the Udmurt scientist Buzanov VA "Pearls of the vegetable kingdom"); Chaineword "Entertaining Geography" (based on the book by A. Usachev "Geography for Children"); games "Language of Flowers" and "Flower Clock" (based on the books "Amusing Botany for Kids" and "I Know the World: Plants"), etc.

"Catch a book, both big and small ..." such a diary was developed in the library. N. Krupskaya. This is a psychological individual correspondence form of work with children. The diary contains psychological advice, recommendations, exercises, questions and reflections on the works read.


One of the main goals of the Summer Readings program is to organize leisure activities for children of the city during the summer holidays through books, reading and various forms of play. In summer, libraries also cooperate with camps at schools, with children's courtyard clubs and kindergartens, and various social organizations.

In early June, in all libraries serving children, the opening and presentation of the Summer Readings program was held brightly and festively. Usually this holiday coincides with Children's Day.


There are dates that libraries celebrate annually. One of them is the date June 6 - A.S. Day. Pushkin. On this day, libraries organize mini-exhibitions of the great poet's works, conversations and loud readings.

For example, in the library to them. Yuri Gagarin's children answered the questions of the quiz based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. On this day in the library № 25 children also competed in the intellectual quiz "The Pushkin Horseman". The book exhibition “I have long been with Pushkin's sign” helped them to work on the quiz. The great poet is known, remembered and loved.

In the library to them. IA Krylova successfully passed the literary game "At the Lukomorye". Connoisseurs of Pushkin's fairy tales recognized fairytale heroes by their "literary portraits", selected the rhyme for Pushkin's lines, and so on. The expanded colorful exhibition "Lukomorye" on the subscription was supplemented by the quiz "Traces of unseen animals" and was decorated with "A golden chain on that oak ...".

Library named after I.D. Pastukhova went to the pupils of nearby kindergartens. The children learned new biographical facts and interesting stories from the life of the great poet, played a fairy lotto, recited their favorite Pushkin's lines. They also watched a puppet show prepared by the young artists of the library.

In the library to them. M. Jalil on the day of memory of AS Pushkin, conversations, reviews were held at the book exhibition: "Pushkin and Tukai - the sun of Russian poetry and the soul of the Tatar people." Little readers remembered their favorite heroes of the tales of the great poet on the Day of A.S. Pushkin "The Lukomorye has a green oak" in the library. V.G. Korolenko.

In connection with the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Republican ecological readings "In harmony with nature", a number of libraries have hosted events, dedicated t to V.V. Tuganaev.

For example, in librarians. P.A. Blinov, them. N. Ostrovsky, them. V.M. Azina, them. V.G. Korolenko passed cycles of high-profile readings of the book"Green house and its inhabitants" (Tuganaev V.V.)

In the library named after P.A. Blinov, a theatrical presentation of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev's book "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" took place, which the librarian held together with the grasshopper Chick and the butterfly Peadinitsa. This was followed by quizzes, games and art numbers.

The ecological process “We care about it” was repeatedly held in the library. I.A. Krylov. It was a judgment over a civilized Man, over himself. The accusatory material was the books of VV Tuganaev, a biologist, professor, "Green Man of the Year". All those present at the trial had the opportunity to admit their guilt or not. But everyone agrees that Man has created so many things that it will be very difficult or impossible to fix it at all.

In the library to them. A.P. Chekhov's children were present at an informative conversation on Tuganaev's work "I want to know everything."

In the library to them. M. Jalilseveral times a literary and theatrical performance based on the book by V. Tuganaev "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" was held.

In the children's library No. 18, the Department of the Green Professor, which was dedicated to the work of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev, functioned throughout the years.

Forms of work

During the summer, libraries employed various forms of work and library activities, which were varied. For example, traditional library forms include loud readings and thematic conversations for primary school children.

Loud readings

A form such as loud reading has become more actively used in libraries. It is much more interesting and easier for modern children to listen to the reading of a librarian or a peer than to do it at home. During the summer, children listened to loud readings Udmurt tales"With a box-basket, along the forest paths" in the library. V.M. Azina. On Tuesdays in the library. F.G. Kedrov held loud readings with discussion. Books about pioneer heroes found a great response among the children. Many took these books home for independent reading. Great interest was aroused by the works of A. Rybakov "Dagger", "Bronze Bird", A. Gaidar "The Fate of the Drummer", G. Belykh, L. Panteleev "Republic of ShKID" and others.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky throughout the summer, the guys, together with the librarian, read in a circle and discussed the books of such wonderful writers as Vitaly Bianki, Nikolai Sladkov, Eduard Shim, Evgeny Charushin and others.

We read aloud about horses in the library № 25 in the summer. The children got acquainted with V. Astafiev's books "A horse with a pink mane". Shima "How Horses Sleep", V. Bulwanker "Horses on a Pedestal", Y. Korinets Yu. "The Cleverest Horse" and others.

A good tradition of pitching a tent on Fridays in a clearing near the library and arranging loud readings in the fresh air appeared in the library. I.A. Nagovitsyna.


Conversations are a traditional form of library activities. At the present stage, they are often accompanied by an electronic slide show in the program. PowerPoint and supplemented by checking questions to consolidate the material learned. This enhances the cognitive function of the conversation and makes this form modern and relevant.

A cycle of slide talks about the living world was held in the library named after I.A. Krylov. It:

"Crocodile, Zvezdochka and others"; "White-tailed eagle - bird of 2013"; "The Frog Princess, or the Frog Party" and "The Bird Castle, or the Housing Question" about bird nests, etc.

In library No. 20, a cycle of conversations about the correct way of life was very popular among the children: "About the benefits of exercise", "Hygiene is the guarantee of health"; "Oh! Vitamins are a thing! ”; "Health: eight magic letters." All conversations were complemented by moving strengthening games, which greatly delighted the listeners.

Library named after V.G. Korolenko conducted a series of conversations“We are friends with nature”: “Green house and its inhabitants” based on the work of V.V. Tuganaeva; "Pharmacy underfoot"; "About the circus" to the 150th anniversary of the birth of VL Durov; "Korolenkov's Readings": on the 160th anniversary of the birth of the writer, etc.

In the library named after I.D. Pastukhova had an informative conversation "Holland - Traditional and Fashionable". The audience got acquainted with the traditional and modern architecture of this country. The girls were interested in historical, folk and modern costume. Acquaintance with Dutch handicrafts ended with the participation of all those present in the "design" competitions.

The cycle of informative conversations was listened to by the young readers of the library. F.G. Kedrova. Stories about the pioneers, about their friendly public life have always had an ecological bias. Who always collected waste paper, scrap metal? Who helped wounded animals in trouble, looked after them in living corners? Who knew how to go hiking correctly, without prejudice to nature? These are all pioneers! This was discussed at conversations: "A pioneer and an example in ecology", "Green wealth", "Get hardened if you want to be healthy", "Everyone has only one earth", etc.


Keeping children informed and encouraged to read is impossible without traditional thematic literature reviews. Bibliographic literature reviews can be both an independent event and an integral part of a complex event. Often literature reviews are conducted at thematic exhibitions, or at exhibitions of new acquisitions. Reviews can also be accompanied by slideshows.

A review of the Deep Sea Inhabitants of the Whale and Dolphin books was held in Library No. 20. It was accompanied by an impressive video sequence. The guys became interested in the story about the life of fish with the most unusual names: moonfish, swordfish, needle, belt, herring king, sawfish, etc.

The presentation of the library exhibition with a review of the literature on animals "We are of the same blood" was held several times at the TsMDH im. M. Gorky.

In library number 18, reviews of literature on the exhibition "The Green Man - V. Tuganaev" have been repeatedly carried out.

Lessons and hours

Despite the fact that summer is a vacation, children can use the libraries for the benefit of themselves on cognitive lessons and hours.

Library named after S. Ya Marshak invited young readers for an hour of nature based on the works of the remarkable writer V. Bianchi "Into the Forest for Riddles." The guys “visited” the “bird canteen”, learned who eats what, “Whose nose is better” and “Who sings with what”. Then they guessed riddles about birds and read Lesnaya Gazeta. The ecological hour "Look into the Red Book" was held in the same library. Children got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Red Book, read sad stories of how people exterminated animals (about a tour, about wandering pigeons, about a sea cow). Then they showed erudition: according to the description of the animal, it was necessary to determine its name. The ecological hour has ended with the zoological lot "Earth and its inhabitants".

Legal lesson “Environmental protection. Rights and obligations of citizens ”was held in the library. I. D. Pastukhova. The guys got acquainted with Articles No. 42, No. 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the main regulatory legal acts in the field of the environment, presented at the library exhibition "Children's Legal Planet", and also tried their hand at "legal hunting". The purpose of this hunt was to obtain legal knowledge in the field of environmental protection.

In the same library, an educational hour "Ecology and Transport" took place. The children listened attentively to the story about how closely the history of transport development and ecology are connected. The game "Earth, Water, Air, Fire" was devoted to the methods of movement. During the games "On board the ship", "Train" and "Auto racing" children played the role of both "drivers" and "passengers" of vehicles. Splitting into two teams, they answered questions and fantasized about what the transport of the future would be.

At the musical and poetic hour "Valde no kytky - ay, oh, urome!" (“Harness, lads, horses!”) Everyone was invited to the library number 25. Children were happy to read poems and sang songs about faithful and good horses, which have helped people for a long time, both in the household and in battle.

Game forms

Instilling in children a love of reading should not be boring or intrusive. The use of play forms in group and individual work with children draws their attention to the book, turns the process of learning new material into an exciting activity. Games, or playful elements are present in almost every event for children. Young visitors of all libraries take part in intellectual and literary games with pleasure. A feature of this summer is the combination in a number of libraries of intellectual tasks with outdoor games in one event.

In the Central Children's Hospital named after M. Gorky, the children were attracted by the intellectual and sports game "Tricks of Vukuze". The mythological characters Vukuzio and Inmar asked the children about their knowledge of Udmurt mythology, made riddles about animals and birds. Then it was necessary to name familiar objects in Udmurt. In the mobile relay, it was necessary to carry and not splash water through conventional swamps, mountains and ravines. In the end, Wumurt got naughty and tried to drag the players into his pool - whoever he dragged, he himself became Wumurt.

In the same library,logical tournament "Fantasies of a flower country". Teams were guessing color riddlestold legends and fairy tales, remembered songs about them. Then the players showed their practical skills: how to cut flowers for a bouquet correctly, identify a flower by its scent. Questions from other competitions related to the symbolism of flowers, the benefits of medicinal plants and signs associated with flowers. The team play made the guys more active and united.

In the intellectual game "Taiga Robinson" young nature lovers took part in the library. S. I am Marshak. It was a kind of initiation into the Robinsons, a test of knowledge about the forest. It was necessary to name well-known landmarks in the northern forest, list ways to light a fire without matches, make a menu of edible plants in the forest, list medicinal plants to help, learn by folk signs weather. City guys coped with the tasks!

In the library to them. P.A. Blinov, the game "Fairy Tales of the Forest Edge" was held. During the event, the children were asked various questions to Olesya. Then there was a literary show jumping "The most attentive" and a quiz "Medicinal plants".

In the library to them. Yuri Gagarin passed literary games "Have you met with them", "Trap for the bookman", "Literary mess" and sports and environmental: "The sun and I are the best friends", "Big jump ropes".

In the library to them. I.A. Krylov was fascinated by the game "100 to 1" on the ecological and local history theme.

To consolidate the knowledge gained in the library. F.G. Kedrova passed a game like the game "Brain": each field of the drawn square shows how many points can be earned by answering the proposed literary question... If a smiling "smiley" is depicted on the field, then the points are given just like that, if the "smiley" is sad, then you also need to answer an additional question.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna confidently uses this form as a quest game. This summer, too, young friends of the library took part in the Biblionersky Quest with pleasure. They had to look for a magic book hidden by evil spirits, as well as the most important "biblical" attributes. The goal of the game is to collect clues and follow the directions to find the hidden object. During the game, the guys got acquainted with all corners of the library and learned how to use the catalog.

The find of summer in the library number 23 turned out to be "Mythological Quest". Moving through the stations, the participants of the game in the open air solved puzzles, recalled mythological characters, got acquainted with the myths of different countries and the urban mythology of Izhevsk.

In the library to them. V. Mayakovsky, the children themselves invented the search tasks for the opposing teams.

Outdoor games

Summer warm weather and the declared Year of Environmental Protection and Ecology contributed to the fact that not only for the intellectual, but also for physical development children have many outdoor activities.

So, in the library to them. Yuri Gagarin at the beginning of summer there were funny games called "Upside down and back to front", which included the following competitions: "Pulling race", running with tied legs, "Giant steps", the game "How many seconds in a glass of water", competition " Guess the Opponent ", the game" Bumps and Swamp ", running with a balloon, etc.

In the library to them. I.A. Nagovitsychildren also strengthened their health and were engaged in physical development through all kinds of sports competitions and competitions. For example, in July there was a sports and role-playing game « Bibliography games. ”Based on the previously acquired knowledge in the field of life safety and ecology, young bibliioners took part in both mobile sports competitions and intellectual quizzes. Each team had its own route list with tasks.

The game "Forest robbers" was attended by readers of the library. S.Ya. Marshak.

In the library named after F.G. Kedrova, before the next morning library event, the children gathered for morning exercises at 9.30 to strengthen their health and physical development. Readers of the same library took part in the pioneering library game Zarnitsa.

Thematic days and holidays

I would like to note that, especially during the summer holidays, it is advisable to carry out complex thematic events that require thorough preparation and help from the children themselves.

Holidays held within the walls of the library also include complex events. Real holidays are significant events, such as the opening and closing of the Summer Readings program in libraries, thematic days.

At the beginning of summer in the library. V.G. Korolenko held a holiday "The Sun on the Pages". Children took an active part in quizzes about the environment, got acquainted with the main environmental problems, decided how to behave in difficult situations in nature, watched the puppet show "Three Butterflies" about the friendship and interconnection of all living things in nature. Large preview has been arranged new literature for children "Read it first!".

It is not the first year that library No. 25 has been inviting its readers to the Chocolate Festival, which this year was called “Do Horses Eat Chocolate?” On this day, a test was held on the knowledge of facts about chocolate and its properties. Then the participants of the holiday played the show-game "Manege of Miracles" and "Chocolate-candy blind man's buffs". All the guys were pleased with the sweet day.

The chocolate holiday "Medicine for the Sweet Tooth" was also celebrated in the library # 23. With the help of puppet theatricalization, the audience was told the story of a chocolate tree and a drink made from cocoa beans, about the benefits of chocolate and its unconventional use. Young connoisseurs with a sweet tooth took part in fun quizzes.

In the same library, the "Day of Neptune" became traditional and, as always, it brought a lot of positive emotions to the guests. The children remembered books about famous sailors, got acquainted with the nautical terminology, plunged into the abyss of the sea and sang songs pleasant to the ruler of the seas - this is only a small part of what the guests of the holiday did.

Library named after L.N. Tolstoy celebrated the calendar holiday Ivan Kupala Day. On this day, children read N. Gogol's story "The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala", remembered folk customs, made dolls from flowers, herbs, chips, made "suns" from straw, painted herbs and flowers.

At the end of summer, many libraries of the most active participants of the Summer Readings program were invited to fairs, fruit and berry banquets and watermelons (Library No. 20, named after S.Ya. Marshak, named after I.A.Krylov, etc.)


And in the library to them. P.A. Blinov held a competition called "Pets". Children willingly showed their pets, talking about their habits, nutrition and features. A quiz about animals was held, and then a mobile quiz-relay race, in which children were asked to split into two teams, each of which overcame its own stage by guessing the correct answer to a question from the three presented options.

A children's party with the participation of pets was organized in the library. S.Ya. Marshak "Four paws, wet nose." It has been held here for several years already. First, the guys talked about their four-legged friends (competition “visiting card). The next task was training. The dogs showed remarkable performance on basic commands. Then the pet owners competed: who would name more dog breeds and list the professions of dogs, remember works with heroes-dogs, etc. Then everyone listened to a review of Pozharnitskaya's book "Traveling with Pets".

Theatrical events

Holding library events with elements of theatricalization, where librarians or children themselves act as actors, arouses keen interest among readers from preschool age to high school students and contributes to the popularization of reading and literature.

At the presentation of the summer program in early June at the TsMDB im. M. Gorky children were greeted by the forest king Berendey and his assistants Lesovichok and Kikimora. The Experienced Traveler told the children about the upcoming summer. Carefree Butterflies played several games. The roles were played by both librarians themselves and child activists.

And at the end of the summer in the library. A.P. Chekhov was shown the ecological fairy tale "The Gray Hat and the Wolf", which was prepared by the children themselves.

An initiative group of readers gathered in the children's library No. 18, together with which several small performances and scenes were staged. Not a single event took place without theatricalization. The children themselves prepared costumes and make-up, learned songs and put on dances. The actors were of different ages: from grades 1 to 10. By participating in the Summer Readings, children not only overcame shyness and revealed their talents, but also made new friends.

The puppet theater acts as a play form of library work, uniting theater - puppet - book. Experience has shown that puppet theaters created on their own at libraries attract young readers, arouse their genuine interest in art, theater and literature.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky continued its activity the theater of the book "Golden Key. In the summer, children-actors for unorganized readers showed the following puppet shows: "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" for Pushkin's Day; local history and ecological performances "The Rooster and the Fox", "The Old Man and the Birch", "Kotofey Ivanovich"; ecological performances "Curious Hare", "The Hunter and the Snake", "Once in the Forest", "Hedgehog in the Fog", "Bunny" and others.

In the library to them. N.K. Krupskaya in the summer saw puppet shows: “Po pike command"," The Tale of the Fisherman and the Dragon ", etc.

In the library to them. M. Jalil from June 1, the puppet theater "Ә kiyat "-" Fairy tale ". Fairy tales were shown to children: "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Goat and Ram" (G. Tukay). A play was staged based on K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotukha". Amateur theater "Chulpan" showed for children in c the appraisal "About the Grasshopper" according to the book "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" by V.V. Tuganaev.

In the library to them. V.G. Korolenko in the summer on Fridays the children's theater studio "The Tales of the Scientist Cat" was open.

Library number 19 and TsMDB im. M. Gorky on the Day of the city went to the open city area with an ecological mini-performance and a quiz.

Summer, sun, holidays! Some of the activities were not limited to library walls and the proximity of bookshelves and shelves.

In the library to them. Yuri Gagarin librarians and young readers repeatedly left the library premises. For example, they organized an environmental campaign "Spring" to clean up the spring closest to the library. Simultaneously with the action, a conversation was held about the meaning of water in human life “Water, water, water all around”. And a few more times we went out for a walk “With an umbrella and a magnifying glass in a summer meadow”. The children got to know and looked at the plants growing in the surrounding area, guessed quizzes about plants.

Library named after S. I Marshak arranged a walk for my readers in the Cosmonauts Park. There was also a conversation in the open air about medicinal plants, and about plants in meadows and fields. Children got acquainted with legends about flowers, took part in a quiz about flowers, and guessed riddles.

The readers of Library No. 25 were lucky to feel the horse, its soft touch. They visited the "Ksyusha's Stable". The guys got acquainted with the horse Belka, the pony Rute and the camel Liza. We learned their history of appearance in our area. Children came to visit the animals with gifts, treated them. And then we went for a ride from the heart!

Readers of the V. Mayakovsky library went to visit the library number 25 and visited the museum of local lore. N. Ostrovsky with young readers went on a walk in search of medicinal herbs "We are all the more useful from diseases."

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna never ceases to amaze with new ventures. On July 31, this library hosted an action "An anthill of good deeds." The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of residents of the industrial region to the library, books and reading, to make all residents kinder and happier. Library activists and friends came out posting positive flyers. Even young biblioners on this day helped passers-by to carry heavy bags, escorted them home in the rain under a large umbrella and arranged "hugs". In total, 20 biblioners took part in the action, 60 announcements were posted, 40 passers-by were hugged, 30 good deeds were done!


All libraries had a schedule for the week - on certain days, children drew on a given topic, made or composed.

A master class on creating "nature-saving" handicrafts from recycled materials called "Nine Lives of One Thing" was held in library # 20.

All summer in the library to them. Yuri Gagarin acted eco-workshop "100 ideas from unnecessary things." The guys made bulky balls, kusudama flowers from paper, made bookmarks (scrapbooking), made key rings from buttons, made funny clothespins.

Throughout July in the library. L.N. Tolstoy had a puppet workshop, where it was possible to learn how to make dolls and play with them from different materials (clay, candy wrappers, herbs, sticks, fabric). The "Gallery of Children's Drawings" has been designed. By the end of the summer, the library opened the exhibition "Museum of Children's Art".

In the library to them. I. D. Pastukhov's classes in the creative workshop were devoted to the reuse of old things: from foam and paper, the guys made trailers for the future train; from plastic bottles and old fabric - toys, old denim and satin ribbons were used to create new handbags and other accessories.

In the library to them. V.M. Azina's children learned to make amulets for happiness.

Throughout the summer, visitors to the children's library. I.A. Krylova pleased art exhibition best children's drawings "Bird of the Year", which was organized as part of an environmental project. Young artists received honorable mentions. And in the library number 24 children drew the library of the future.

In library number 19, children watched a film about how cartoons are created and got acquainted with the work of the writer V. Suteev. Then they tried their hand at creating a cartoon based on the tale of V. Suteev "Apple".

The most important achievement of this summer in Library No. 20 was the creation of the author's cartoon based on "Edible Fairy Tales" by Masha Traub "Kasha Manya". The technical side of the process was provided by a specialist, an employee of the library. And a friendly team of five creative young readers created "cough" heroes from cereals and plasticine, cut out the scenery, discussed the script, laid out individual shots.

Video Views

In libraries, with the availability of technical means, children are invited to video screenings of cartoons and films on certain topics, or film adaptations of literary works with their subsequent discussion.

In the library to them. IA Krylov films and cartoons were shown: "The Secret of Egor, or extraordinary adventures in an ordinary summer." This film is a participant of the Stalker International Human Rights Festival. The Epic cartoon is a fascinating story about the protection of nature, about cunning and honesty, about evil and good. A library summer event at this library is a retro filmstrip viewing of Jack London's artwork "White Fang." For the first time in their lives, modern children watched a film strip. Personal participation in the creation of a miracle: preparation of a darkened hall, artistic reading of the text for frames, rewinding them, left unforgettable experience in children. In the library to them. V.G. Korolenko watched cartoons all summer on Wednesdays. In the library to them. F.G. Kedrov, them. V. Mayakovsky and some other libraries, the screenings of cartoons were accompanied by a discussion.


In summer, children not only relaxed, played and read. Young librarian assistants took part in landscaping flower beds, caring for flowers, repairing dilapidated books, processing new literature, and dusting library funds.

Residents of st. Bummashevskaya were surprised by the young assistants of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, who took patronage over the adjoining flower beds.

In May, the library to them. F.G. Kedrov, with the help of readers, developed an ecological map of the microdistrict, which indicates the places of unauthorized dumps or simply poorly cleaned, ownerless territories. Over the summer, the Environmental Library Troopers have changed the look of this map to the best of their ability, with flowers blooming instead of danger icons.

In library number 25, young assistants took part in a labor landing: repairing children's magazines and books, dusting library funds.


In the library to them. S.Ya. Marshaka reading screen was created - "Gifts of the Forestry". The guys attached the leaves to the birch. On the sheets (in the form of birch leaves) the participant's surname and the points earned were recorded. From these leaves, at the end of summer, a beautiful birch turned out!

In the library to them. I.A. Nagovitsyn, every good deed was rewarded with the library currency - "biblioners", and was taken into account in a special personal file.

At the end of the summer, the Finish auction was held in library No. 25, where the children bought stationery with the money they earned from the library “horseshoe”. Throughout the summer, in the library named after L.N. Tolstoy's children kept travel diaries. In the library to them. V. Mayakovsky's children earned "beacons" - library currency. The number of biblons earned over the summer by the readers of the M. Gorky was a record 16,000 conventional units.

Press. mass media

Information about ongoing library events is brought to the attention of the population different ways: from advertisements in every library and hand-out flyers on the street, to print and electronic media, television and radio communications.

The press release of the coming summer could be read on the website.

City guideprogram "Summer Readings", which includes the activities of the MBU CBS, placedon the website of the Administration of Izhevsk .

About reading and summer activities in municipal libraries Natalya Vladimirovna Krasnopyorova, Deputy Director for Work with Children, MBU TsBS, Izhevsk, told the Persona live broadcast on the State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company “My Udmurtia”.

Throughout the summer, the library to them. I.A. Krylova was visited by the reporter of Radio Russia (Pesochnaya, 13) Dina Sedova and took several interviews, both with children-readers and with librarians, leaders of children's reading. Notes about summer events were repeatedly posted on the portal of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk.

About the work of the library. M. Jalil's program "Summer Readings-2013" was filmed by the branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Udmurtia". Achievements of the library to them. V.G. Korolenko was also covered by local television. Other libraries also provided information to the local press. In summer, libraries cooperate with municipal, social and public children's organizations.

For example, June 1, Children's Day, the library. S.Ya. Marshaka took part in the children's party microdistrict Stolichny together with the Center aesthetic education Industrial area. Games and quizzes were held.

For children from MBU Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Industrial District of Izhevsk "Teplyydom" in the library named after P.A. Blinov held three events during the summer.

In TsMDBim. M. Gorky for disabled children from KTSSO No. 1 slide talks, screenings of feature films and cartoons with quizzes were held.

In June, the children's library. Y. Gagarin held three events for the inmates of the juvenile correctional colony No. 9 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Udmurt Republic.

Library named after I.A. Krylova prepared and conducted summer activities for the children of the Children's Hospital No. 7 (needy children of the Oktyabrsky and Industrial districts).

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna collaborated with the MKU SRTSDN in Izhevsk and the Children's Department of the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Library No. 25 held events with children from the "Family" center, which included children with disabilities and children in difficult life situations.

For children of the children's department of the neuropsychiatric dispensary and the Social and rehabilitation center for minors, the library named after I. D. Pastukhova organized and conducted a number of events. Library named after F.G. Kedrova collaborated with school No. 96 (boarding school) and correctional school No. 23.

In a palace Children's creativity at the presentation of the book "What is Motherland?" I.A. Nagovitsyna with art numbers.

That was such a fascinating and fruitful summer in the municipal libraries of the city of Izhevsk. At the end of the summer, the best participants of the Summer Readings-2013 program of the MBU TsBS were invited to the Cosmonauts Park for the holiday “So the summer is over”. They watched the performance of the High Five Theater of the Children's Art School No. 1,

Department of information and library services.

In the summertime, municipal libraries actively worked under the Summer Readings program, which is part of the Izhevsk Vacation program.

This year 22 libraries took part in the implementation of the program. They offered young residents of Izhevsk up to 14 years old to spend their leisure time with benefit and interest during the summer holidays. The theme in each library was determined in accordance with criteria such as relevance, diversity and relevance.

Due to the fact that 2013 in Russia has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection, many events for children were dedicated to nature and respect for the world around them. Some libraries raised the issue of the ecological state of both the entire planet and, in particular, the city of Izhevsk.

For example, the Central Municipal Children's Library. M. Gorky called her summer program "Library ECOlesitsa".

In the library to them. V. G. Korolenko - "The Sun on the Pages".

Library named after N. A. Ostrovsky - "Ecological primer".

Branch Library No. 18 - "On a visit to the summer with the Green Professor."

Branch Library No. 20 - "Summer in the Book Forest".

Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky - "This is Summer - Ecoleto!"

Library-branch number 19 - "Shine the sun brighter".

Library named after PA Blinova - "Literary-ecological assorted" Lesnaya Gazeta ".

Library named after A. Gagarin - "Summer with a book under an umbrella."

Library named after S. Ya. Marshak - "Forest Robinsons".

Library named after ID Pastukhova - "Summer ecological train".

Branch Library No. 24 entails "The Wind of Wanderings".

In library number 25 Summer Readings were also devoted to the topic of ecology. All events were united by a single program “Library racetrack”, the symbol of which was the horse. This contributed to the upbringing of kindness in children, sensitivity to smaller friends, the development of harmony and inner beauty in them.

In the library to them. NK Krupskaya from the first sunny days began the "Summer hunting season, or Bibliorybalka".

Library named after I. A. Krylovaopened the door for her young readers to the world of magic, kindness, joy, hope. Their summer program was called"The Magic Book".

Library # 23 dedicated its summer program to nature, history and secrets of the native land. Their theme is “Myths of a Big City”.

In the library L. N. Tolstoy the program was called "Craftsmen, play, read - bring joy to your soul."

Library named after V. M. Azinaworked under the program "Young local historian".

Library named after AP Chekhova went with her readers to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Book Galaxy."

Library named after M. Jalilya wandered with the guys “On the book paths of summer”.

In connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization in Udmurtia in bIbliothek them. F.G. Kedrov was truly "Pioneerskoeleto". The children were invited to plunge into the days when their parents and grandparents were pioneers.

« Librarian movement ”was organized by the library named after I.А. Nagovitsyna. Summer pThe guys got acquainted with the history of the pioneer movement, created a "biblion squad" in order to help residents microdistrict.


In the library to them. IA Krylova in the foyer the poster "Pink Elephant" invited guests to spend a "magical" summer in the library. And on the doors of the reading room "blossomed" a magical "seven-color flower", telling about the events held every day in the reading room.

In the summer, the entire library to them. Yuri Gagarina was adorned with umbrellas and balloons. They are epic on windows, at exhibitions, on book shelves.

Throughout the summer, between the trees in front of the entrance to library number 20, a banner with the name of the program “Summer in the Book Forest” attracted the attention of passers-by.

In the premises of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, one could clearly see the symbols of the pioneer movement: red ties, flags, posters with pioneer slogans.

Library named after N.K. The Krupskaya thematic composition on the theme of fishing with safes of events and the program of summer readings supplemented the general volumetric composition in the windows of the children's department of the library.

Library exhibitions

There are no libraries without books and library exhibitions! In the summer, as usual, they host the most interesting books and magazines, as well as children's crafts, drawings, games, and quizzes.

For example, in the library to them. V.G. Korolenko in the design of the exhibition of books about nature "Give nature kindness" used fresh flowers, children's crafts, figurines of animals. A game exhibition-quiz "Favorite lines carnival" is decorated in the form of a tree. The trunk and roots of the tree are twisted from brown paper, the leaves are cut from colored paper. In the branches there are birds and animals made of painted cardboard. In such a frame, the poems of F. Tyutchev, A. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin and A. S. Pushkin attracted the attention of many readers.

"Magic Book" "opened" its pages in the reading room at the book exhibition of the library. I.A. Krylova Her unusual design created a fabulous atmosphere. The most "magical" book is "Eragon: A Guide to the Land of Dragons" by Christopher Paolini. The section of the "Little People" exhibition, in which fairy tales about magical creatures are presented, is supplemented by the quiz "Wizards, sorcerers, magicians, sorcerers". The "Fairyland" section contains wonderful fairy tales about winged sorceresses and the "Magic remedies" quiz. And the heading "Workshop of Danila the Master" is a work made by the hands of readers and books to help them.

The environmental theme of the summer is reflected in library exhibitions. For example, in the library of V. Mayakovsky, a table exhibition is organized "Lawn-read-ka" with quizzes, questions, "Ecological serpentine ".

Library number 18 organizes the exhibitions "Ecological Around the World", "Green Man - Viktor Tuganayev".

Game book exhibition "Forest Robinsons" delighted the children of the library. S.Ya. Marshak. The section "Living Book" presents fiction books by naturalist writers, the section "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" consists of popular science books about animals and plants.

In the library to them. M. Jalil during the summer on the subscription passed a cycle of book exhibitions-quizzes "Academy of Forest Sciences" = "Urman fә nn ә re academia ":" Pethe leader of the native nature ”(M. Prishvin); "The Amazing World of Birds"; "The Amazing World of Plants"; "In the animal world". The guys were happy to guess riddles, proverbs and sayings about nature, about the inhabitants of the forest, and also invented them themselves. It turned out that young readers are well aware of medicinal plants and will be able to use them.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky decorated a colorful library exhibition about the animal world"You and I are of the same blood" rubrics: "Neighbors on the planet", "Formula of goodness", "Stories from the furry". The Stories From Furry rubric offered children books about the adventures of animals, told by themselves. For example, M. Samarskiy "Rainbow for a Friend", "Formula of Kindness", Pennac D. "The Dog Dog", the collection "My Dogs Thoughts" and others. In the design of these exhibitions, hoops were used, personifying the Earth. There are toys-animals in a circle: monkeys, tiger, birds, snakes, butterflies. On the ceiling above the exhibition, butterflies, beetles and a ladybug fluttered. Were posted addresses of sites of organizations providing assistance to animals, quotes and statements of prominent people about love and mercy for wildlife. On the floor and on the wall there are prints of animal and bird tracks.

Branch Library No. 25 offered its young readers such exhibitions about nature: "Library Hippodrome", "Commonwealth of Books and Nature".

Many exhibitions in libraries were devoted to the work of children's writers on the anniversary, summer fun adventures and vacations.

Library named after F.G. Kedrova chose a different theme: the children's subscription included a book exhibition "Summer in a Pioneer Style", which offered modern children an alternative to the computer: interesting reading, various games, both mobile and erudition, funny songs, etc.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn with the helporiginally designed book exhibitions-quizzes based on the works of Arkady Gaidar and other writers, tried to instill in children a love for their native land, to foster a sense of patriotism and humanism.

Many libraries, with the help of literary quizzes and bibliographic games, make exhibitions playful. Contact games and quizzes can be not only an additional element of the exhibition, but can also have an independent character.

Discount games

Children of the city could come to the library in the summer not only to read a book or take part in a library event, but also to do something they love on their own or just to play.

Didactic (discount) games are games with ready-made rules. This should include such educational games: literary crosswords, correspondence quizzes, bibliographic puzzles, mosaics, loto, dominoes.The development of new bibliographic games (informographic) has become firmly established in the practical activities of libraries.

Library named after Yuri Gagarina prepared discount quizzes for young erudites, to which the guys answered with pleasure: "Around the world in a balloon" (about nature), "The world of animals", "The ABC of nature", "Most-most", "Travel through fairy tales" , "Inhabitants of the Sunny City", "Winnie-the-Pooh and All-All-All", "Fabulous Items", "Hello Mary Poppins", "Fabulous Aeronautics".

Library named after S.Ya. Marshaka supplemented the book exhibition about nature with the following games: "In the kingdom of flora" "Guess the animal", "Bird talk".

In library No. 23, all exhibitions were accompanied by quizzes and discount games. Among the most successful are “Urban Legends”, “Taste of Dumplings”, “Once Upon a Time”, “Mythological Zoo” and “Mythological Puzzles”, etc.

In the Gorky Central Children's Hospital in each department, new thematic discount games are prepared annually by the summer. For example, on a subscription, kids could test their reading and erudition on their own with the help of the following games: Encryption "Funny Journey", the geographic game "Dog Stories", the rebus "Ekoznayka." Cats and Mice ”, the“ Risk-version ”rebus, the“ Brainstorm ”eco-rebus, the fairytale quiz“ On the Rights of the Child ”, the encrypted game“ Dog's Loyalty ”and so on. In the reading room, children and adolescents could independently studythe crossword "Flowers", the lotto "Pearls of the vegetable kingdom", the loto "Happy Summer" (based on the poems of the hero of the anniversary VD Berestov), ​​the quiz "On the seas around the earth" (based on the book of the hero of the day SV Sakharnov); the crossword puzzle "The golden symbol of Udmurtia - italmas" (based on the book of the Udmurt scientist Buzanov VA "Pearls of the vegetable kingdom"); Chaineword "Entertaining Geography" (based on the book by A. Usachev "Geography for Children"); games "Language of Flowers" and "Flower Clock" (based on the books "Amusing Botany for Kids" and "I Know the World: Plants"), etc.

"Catch a book, both big and small ..." such a diary was developed in the library. N. Krupskaya. This is a psychological individual correspondence form of work with children. The diary contains psychological advice, recommendations, exercises, questions and reflections on the works read.


One of the main goals of the Summer Readings program is to organize leisure activities for children of the city during the summer holidays through books, reading and various forms of play. In summer, libraries also cooperate with camps at schools, with children's courtyard clubs and kindergartens, and various social organizations.

In early June, in all libraries serving children, the opening and presentation of the Summer Readings program was held brightly and festively. Usually this holiday coincides with Children's Day.


There are dates that libraries celebrate annually. One of them is the date June 6 - A.S. Day. Pushkin. On this day, libraries organize mini-exhibitions of the great poet's works, conversations and loud readings.

For example, in the library to them. Yuri Gagarin's children answered the questions of the quiz based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. On this day in the library № 25 children also competed in the intellectual quiz "The Pushkin Horseman". The book exhibition “I have long been with Pushkin's sign” helped them to work on the quiz. The great poet is known, remembered and loved.

In the library to them. IA Krylova successfully passed the literary game "At the Lukomorye". Connoisseurs of Pushkin's fairy tales recognized fairytale heroes by their "literary portraits", selected the rhyme for Pushkin's lines, and so on. The expanded colorful exhibition "Lukomorye" on the subscription was supplemented by the quiz "Traces of unseen animals" and was decorated with "A golden chain on that oak ...".

Library named after I.D. Pastukhova went to the pupils of nearby kindergartens. The children learned new biographical facts and interesting stories from the life of the great poet, played a fairy lotto, recited their favorite Pushkin's lines. They also watched a puppet show prepared by the young artists of the library.

In the library to them. M. Jalil on the day of memory of AS Pushkin, conversations, reviews were held at the book exhibition: "Pushkin and Tukai - the sun of Russian poetry and the soul of the Tatar people." Little readers remembered their favorite heroes of the tales of the great poet on the Day of A.S. Pushkin "The Lukomorye has a green oak" in the library. V.G. Korolenko.

In connection with the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Republican ecological readings "In harmony with nature", a number of libraries have hosted events, dedicated t to V.V. Tuganaev.

For example, in librarians. P.A. Blinov, them. N. Ostrovsky, them. V.M. Azina, them. V.G. Korolenko passed cycles of high-profile readings of the book"Green house and its inhabitants" (Tuganaev V.V.)

In the library named after P.A. Blinov, a theatrical presentation of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev's book "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" took place, which the librarian held together with the grasshopper Chick and the butterfly Peadinitsa. This was followed by quizzes, games and art numbers.

The ecological process “We care about it” was repeatedly held in the library. I.A. Krylov. It was a judgment over a civilized Man, over himself. The accusatory material was the books of VV Tuganaev, a biologist, professor, "Green Man of the Year". All those present at the trial had the opportunity to admit their guilt or not. But everyone agrees that Man has created so many things that it will be very difficult or impossible to fix it at all.

In the library to them. A.P. Chekhov's children were present at an informative conversation on Tuganaev's work "I want to know everything."

In the library to them. M. Jalilseveral times a literary and theatrical performance based on the book by V. Tuganaev "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" was held.

In the children's library No. 18, the Department of the Green Professor, which was dedicated to the work of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev, functioned throughout the years.

Forms of work

During the summer, libraries employed various forms of work and library activities, which were varied. For example, traditional library forms include loud readings and thematic conversations for primary school children.

Loud readings

A form such as loud reading has become more actively used in libraries. It is much more interesting and easier for modern children to listen to the reading of a librarian or a peer than to do it at home. During the summer, children listened to loud readings of the Udmurt fairy tales "With a box-basket, along forest paths" in the library named after V.M. Azina. On Tuesdays in the library. F.G. Kedrov held loud readings with discussion. Books about pioneer heroes found a great response among the children. Many took these books home for independent reading. Great interest was aroused by the works of A. Rybakov "Dagger", "Bronze Bird", A. Gaidar "The Fate of the Drummer", G. Belykh, L. Panteleev "Republic of ShKID" and others.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky throughout the summer, the guys, together with the librarian, read in a circle and discussed the books of such wonderful writers as Vitaly Bianki, Nikolai Sladkov, Eduard Shim, Evgeny Charushin and others.

We read aloud about horses in the library № 25 in the summer. The children got acquainted with V. Astafiev's books "A horse with a pink mane". Shima "How Horses Sleep", V. Bulwanker "Horses on a Pedestal", Y. Korinets Yu. "The Cleverest Horse" and others.

A good tradition of pitching a tent on Fridays in a clearing near the library and arranging loud readings in the fresh air appeared in the library. I.A. Nagovitsyna.


Conversations are a traditional form of library activities. At the present stage, they are often accompanied by an electronic slide show in the program. PowerPoint and supplemented by checking questions to consolidate the material learned. This enhances the cognitive function of the conversation and makes this form modern and relevant.

A cycle of slide talks about the living world was held in the library named after I.A. Krylov. It:

"Crocodile, Zvezdochka and others"; "White-tailed eagle - bird of 2013"; "The Frog Princess, or the Frog Party" and "The Bird Castle, or the Housing Question" about bird nests, etc.

In library No. 20, a cycle of conversations about the correct way of life was very popular among the children: "About the benefits of exercise", "Hygiene is the guarantee of health"; "Oh! Vitamins are a thing! ”; "Health: eight magic letters." All conversations were complemented by moving strengthening games, which greatly delighted the listeners.

Library named after V.G. Korolenko conducted a series of conversations“We are friends with nature”: “Green house and its inhabitants” based on the work of V.V. Tuganaeva; "Pharmacy underfoot"; "About the circus" to the 150th anniversary of the birth of VL Durov; "Korolenkov's Readings": on the 160th anniversary of the birth of the writer, etc.

In the library named after I.D. Pastukhova had an informative conversation "Holland - Traditional and Fashionable". The audience got acquainted with the traditional and modern architecture of this country. The girls were interested in historical, folk and modern costume. Acquaintance with Dutch handicrafts ended with the participation of all those present in the "design" competitions.

The cycle of informative conversations was listened to by the young readers of the library. F.G. Kedrova. The stories about the pioneers, about their friendly social life, have always had an ecological bias. Who always collected waste paper, scrap metal? Who helped wounded animals in trouble, looked after them in living corners? Who knew how to go hiking correctly, without prejudice to nature? These are all pioneers! This was discussed at conversations: "A pioneer and an example in ecology", "Green wealth", "Get hardened if you want to be healthy", "Everyone has only one earth", etc.


Keeping children informed and encouraged to read is impossible without traditional thematic literature reviews. Bibliographic literature reviews can be both an independent event and an integral part of a complex event. Often literature reviews are conducted at thematic exhibitions, or at exhibitions of new acquisitions. Reviews can also be accompanied by slideshows.

A review of the Deep Sea Inhabitants of the Whale and Dolphin books was held in Library No. 20. It was accompanied by an impressive video sequence. The children became interested in a story about the life of fish with the most unusual names: moonfish, swordfish, needle, belt, herring king, sawfish, etc.

The presentation of the library exhibition with a review of the literature on animals "We are of the same blood" was held several times at the TsMDH im. M. Gorky.

In library number 18, reviews of literature on the exhibition "The Green Man - V. Tuganaev" have been repeatedly carried out.

Lessons and hours

Despite the fact that summer is a vacation, children can use the libraries to benefit from cognitive lessons and hours.

Library named after S. Ya Marshak invited young readers for an hour of nature based on the works of the remarkable writer V. Bianchi "Into the Forest for Riddles." The guys “visited” the “bird canteen”, learned who eats what, “Whose nose is better” and “Who sings with what”. Then they guessed riddles about birds and read Lesnaya Gazeta. The ecological hour "Look into the Red Book" was held in the same library. Children got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Red Book, read sad stories of how people exterminated animals (about a tour, about wandering pigeons, about a sea cow). Then they showed erudition: according to the description of the animal, it was necessary to determine its name. The ecological hour has ended with the zoological lot "Earth and its inhabitants".

Legal lesson “Environmental protection. Rights and obligations of citizens ”was held in the library. I. D. Pastukhova. The guys got acquainted with Articles No. 42, No. 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the main regulatory legal acts in the field of the environment, presented at the library exhibition "Children's Legal Planet", and also tried their hand at "legal hunting". The purpose of this hunt was to obtain legal knowledge in the field of environmental protection.

In the same library, an educational hour "Ecology and Transport" took place. The children listened attentively to the story about how closely the history of transport development and ecology are connected. The game "Earth, Water, Air, Fire" was devoted to the methods of movement. During the games "On board the ship", "Train" and "Auto racing" children played the role of both "drivers" and "passengers" of vehicles. Splitting into two teams, they answered questions and fantasized about what the transport of the future would be.

At the musical and poetic hour "Valde no kytky - ay, oh, urome!" (“Harness, lads, horses!”) Everyone was invited to the library number 25. Children were happy to read poems and sang songs about faithful and good horses, which have helped people for a long time, both in the household and in battle.

Game forms

Instilling in children a love of reading should not be boring or intrusive. The use of play forms in group and individual work with children draws their attention to the book, turns the process of learning new material into an exciting activity. Games, or playful elements are present in almost every event for children. Young visitors of all libraries take part in intellectual and literary games with pleasure. A feature of this summer is the combination in a number of libraries of intellectual tasks with outdoor games in one event.

In the Central Children's Hospital named after M. Gorky, the children were attracted by the intellectual and sports game "Tricks of Vukuze". The mythological characters Vukuzio and Inmar asked the children about their knowledge of Udmurt mythology, made riddles about animals and birds. Then it was necessary to name familiar objects in Udmurt. In the mobile relay, it was necessary to carry and not splash water through conventional swamps, mountains and ravines. In the end, Wumurt got naughty and tried to drag the players into his pool - whoever he dragged, he himself became Wumurt.

In the same library,logical tournament "Fantasies of a flower country". Teams were guessing color riddlestold legends and fairy tales, remembered songs about them. Then the players showed their practical skills: how to cut flowers for a bouquet correctly, identify a flower by its scent. Questions from other competitions related to the symbolism of flowers, the benefits of medicinal plants and signs associated with flowers. The team play made the guys more active and united.

In the intellectual game "Taiga Robinson" young nature lovers took part in the library. S. I am Marshak. It was a kind of initiation into the Robinsons, a test of knowledge about the forest. It was necessary to name well-known landmarks in the northern forest, list ways to light a fire without matches, make a menu of edible plants in the forest, list medicinal plants to help, find out the weather by folk signs.

In the library to them. P.A. Blinov, the game "Fairy Tales of the Forest Edge" was held. During the event, the children were asked various questions to Olesya. Then there was a literary show jumping "The most attentive" and a quiz "Medicinal plants".

In the library to them. Yuri Gagarin passed literary games "Have you met with them", "Trap for the bookman", "Literary mess" and sports and environmental: "The sun and I are the best friends", "Big jump ropes".

In the library to them. I.A. Krylov was fascinated by the game "100 to 1" on the ecological and local history theme.

To consolidate the knowledge gained in the library. F.G. Kedrova played a game similar to the game "Brain": each field of the drawn square shows how many points can be earned by answering the proposed literary question. If a smiling "smiley" is depicted on the field, then the points are given just like that, if the "smiley" is sad, then you also need to answer an additional question.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna confidently uses this form as a quest game. This summer, too, young friends of the library took part in the Biblionersky Quest with pleasure. They had to look for a magic book hidden by evil spirits, as well as the most important "biblical" attributes. The goal of the game is to collect clues and follow the directions to find the hidden object. During the game, the guys got acquainted with all corners of the library and learned how to use the catalog.

The find of summer in the library number 23 turned out to be "Mythological Quest". Moving through the stations, the participants of the game in the open air solved puzzles, recalled mythological characters, got acquainted with the myths of different countries and the urban mythology of Izhevsk.

In the library to them. V. Mayakovsky, the children themselves invented the search tasks for the opposing teams.

Outdoor games

The warm summer weather and the declared Year of Environmental Protection and Ecology contributed to the fact that not only for the intellectual, but also for the physical development of children, many activities were carried out in the fresh air.

So, in the library to them. Yuri Gagarin at the beginning of summer there were funny games called "Upside down and back to front", which included the following competitions: "Pulling race", running with tied legs, "Giant steps", the game "How many seconds in a glass of water", competition " Guess the Opponent ", the game" Bumps and Swamp ", running with a balloon, etc.

In the library to them. I.A. Nagovitsychildren also strengthened their health and were engaged in physical development through all kinds of sports competitions and competitions. For example, in July there was a sports and role-playing game « Bibliography games. ”Based on the previously acquired knowledge in the field of life safety and ecology, young bibliioners took part in both mobile sports competitions and intellectual quizzes. Each team had its own route list with tasks.

The game "Forest robbers" was attended by readers of the library. S.Ya. Marshak.

In the library named after F.G. Kedrova, before the next morning library event, the children gathered for morning exercises at 9.30 to strengthen their health and physical development. Readers of the same library took part in the pioneering library game Zarnitsa.

Thematic days and holidays

I would like to note that, especially during the summer holidays, it is advisable to carry out complex thematic events that require thorough preparation and help from the children themselves.

Holidays held within the walls of the library also include complex events. Real holidays are significant events, such as the opening and closing of the Summer Readings program in libraries, thematic days.

At the beginning of summer in the library. V.G. Korolenko held a holiday "The Sun on the Pages". Children took an active part in quizzes about the environment, got acquainted with the main environmental problems, decided how to behave in difficult situations in nature, watched the puppet show "Three Butterflies" about the friendship and interconnection of all living things in nature. A large screening of new literature for children “Read it first!” Was arranged.

It is not the first year that library No. 25 has been inviting its readers to the Chocolate Festival, which this year was called “Do Horses Eat Chocolate?” On this day, a test was held on the knowledge of facts about chocolate and its properties. Then the participants of the holiday played the show-game "Manege of Miracles" and "Chocolate-candy blind man's buffs". All the guys were pleased with the sweet day.

The chocolate holiday "Medicine for the Sweet Tooth" was also celebrated in the library # 23. With the help of puppet theatricalization, the audience was told the story of a chocolate tree and a drink made from cocoa beans, about the benefits of chocolate and its unconventional use. Young connoisseurs with a sweet tooth took part in fun quizzes.

In the same library, the "Day of Neptune" became traditional and, as always, it brought a lot of positive emotions to the guests. The children remembered books about famous sailors, got acquainted with the nautical terminology, plunged into the abyss of the sea and sang songs pleasant to the ruler of the seas - this is only a small part of what the guests of the holiday did.

Library named after L.N. Tolstoy celebrated the calendar holiday Ivan Kupala Day. On this day, children read N. Gogol's story "The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala", remembered folk customs, made dolls from flowers, herbs, chips, made "suns" from straw, painted herbs and flowers.

At the end of summer, many libraries of the most active participants of the Summer Readings program were invited to fairs, fruit and berry banquets and watermelons (Library No. 20, named after S.Ya. Marshak, named after I.A.Krylov, etc.)


And in the library to them. P.A. Blinov held a competition called "Pets". Children willingly showed their pets, talking about their habits, nutrition and features. A quiz about animals was held, and then a mobile quiz-relay race, in which children were asked to split into two teams, each of which overcame its own stage by guessing the correct answer to a question from the three presented options.

A children's party with the participation of pets was organized in the library. S.Ya. Marshak "Four paws, wet nose." It has been held here for several years already. First, the guys talked about their four-legged friends (competition “visiting card). The next task was training. The dogs showed remarkable performance on basic commands. Then the pet owners competed: who would name more dog breeds and list the professions of dogs, remember works with heroes-dogs, etc. Then everyone listened to a review of Pozharnitskaya's book "Traveling with Pets".

Theatrical events

Holding library events with elements of theatricalization, where librarians or children themselves act as actors, arouses keen interest among readers from preschool age to high school students and contributes to the popularization of reading and literature.

At the presentation of the summer program in early June at the TsMDB im. M. Gorky children were greeted by the forest king Berendey and his assistants Lesovichok and Kikimora. The Experienced Traveler told the children about the upcoming summer. Carefree Butterflies played several games. The roles were played by both librarians themselves and child activists.

And at the end of the summer in the library. A.P. Chekhov was shown the ecological fairy tale "The Gray Hat and the Wolf", which was prepared by the children themselves.

An initiative group of readers gathered in the children's library No. 18, together with which several small performances and scenes were staged. Not a single event took place without theatricalization. The children themselves prepared costumes and make-up, learned songs and put on dances. The actors were of different ages: from grades 1 to 10. By participating in the Summer Readings, children not only overcame shyness and revealed their talents, but also made new friends.

The puppet theater acts as a play form of library work, uniting theater - puppet - book. Experience has shown that puppet theaters created on their own at libraries attract young readers, arouse their genuine interest in art, theater and literature.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky continued its activity the theater of the book "Golden Key. In the summer, children-actors for unorganized readers showed the following puppet shows: "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" for Pushkin's Day; local history and ecological performances "The Rooster and the Fox", "The Old Man and the Birch", "Kotofey Ivanovich"; ecological performances "Curious Hare", "The Hunter and the Snake", "Once in the Forest", "Hedgehog in the Fog", "Bunny" and others.

In the library to them. N.K. Krupskaya in the summer saw puppet shows: "By the Pike's Command", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Dragon", etc.

In the library to them. M. Jalil from June 1, the puppet theater "Ә kiyat "-" Fairy tale ". Fairy tales were shown to children: "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Goat and Ram" (G. Tukay). A play was staged based on K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotukha". Amateur theater "Chulpan" showed for children in c the appraisal "About the Grasshopper" according to the book "The Green House and Its Inhabitants" by V.V. Tuganaev.

In the library to them. V.G. Korolenko in the summer on Fridays the children's theater studio "The Tales of the Scientist Cat" was open.

Library number 19 and TsMDB im. M. Gorky on the Day of the city went to the open city area with an ecological mini-performance and a quiz.

Summer, sun, holidays! Some of the activities were not limited to library walls and the proximity of bookshelves and shelves.

In the library to them. Yuri Gagarin librarians and young readers repeatedly left the library premises. For example, they organized an environmental campaign "Spring" to clean up the spring closest to the library. Simultaneously with the action, a conversation was held about the meaning of water in human life “Water, water, water all around”. And a few more times we went out for a walk “With an umbrella and a magnifying glass in a summer meadow”. The children got to know and looked at the plants growing in the surrounding area, guessed quizzes about plants.

Library named after S. I Marshak arranged a walk for my readers in the Cosmonauts Park. There was also a conversation in the open air about medicinal plants, and about plants in meadows and fields. Children got acquainted with legends about flowers, took part in a quiz about flowers, and guessed riddles.

The readers of Library No. 25 were lucky to feel the horse, its soft touch. They visited the "Ksyusha's Stable". The guys got acquainted with the horse Belka, the pony Rute and the camel Liza. We learned their history of appearance in our area. Children came to visit the animals with gifts, treated them. And then we went for a ride from the heart!

Readers of the V. Mayakovsky library went to visit the library number 25 and visited the museum of local lore. N. Ostrovsky with young readers went on a walk in search of medicinal herbs "We are all the more useful from diseases."

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna never ceases to amaze with new ventures. On July 31, this library hosted an action "An anthill of good deeds." The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of residents of the industrial region to the library, books and reading, to make all residents kinder and happier. Library activists and friends came out posting positive flyers. Even young biblioners on this day helped passers-by to carry heavy bags, escorted them home in the rain under a large umbrella and arranged "hugs". In total, 20 biblioners took part in the action, 60 announcements were posted, 40 passers-by were hugged, 30 good deeds were done!


All libraries had a schedule for the week - on certain days, children drew on a given topic, made or composed.

A master class on creating "nature-saving" handicrafts from recycled materials called "Nine Lives of One Thing" was held in library # 20.

All summer in the library to them. Yuri Gagarin acted eco-workshop "100 ideas from unnecessary things." The guys made bulky balls, kusudama flowers from paper, made bookmarks (scrapbooking), made key rings from buttons, made funny clothespins.

Throughout July in the library. L.N. Tolstoy had a puppet workshop, where it was possible to learn how to make dolls and play with them from different materials (clay, candy wrappers, herbs, sticks, fabric). The "Gallery of Children's Drawings" has been designed. By the end of the summer, the library opened the exhibition "Museum of Children's Art".

In the library to them. I. D. Pastukhov's classes in the creative workshop were devoted to the reuse of old things: from foam and paper, the guys made trailers for the future train; from plastic bottles and old fabric - toys, old denim and satin ribbons were used to create new handbags and other accessories.

In the library to them. V.M. Azina's children learned to make amulets for happiness.

Throughout the summer, visitors to the children's library. I.A. Krylov was pleased with the art exhibition of the best children's drawings "Bird of the Year", which was organized as part of an environmental project. Young artists received honorable mentions. And in the library number 24 children drew the library of the future.

In library number 19, children watched a film about how cartoons are created and got acquainted with the work of the writer V. Suteev. Then they tried their hand at creating a cartoon based on the tale of V. Suteev "Apple".

The most important achievement of this summer in Library No. 20 was the creation of the author's cartoon based on "Edible Fairy Tales" by Masha Traub "Kasha Manya". The technical side of the process was provided by a specialist, an employee of the library. And a friendly team of five creative young readers created "cough" heroes from cereals and plasticine, cut out the scenery, discussed the script, laid out individual shots.

Video Views

In libraries, with the availability of technical means, children are invited to video screenings of cartoons and films on certain topics, or film adaptations of literary works with their subsequent discussion.

In the library to them. IA Krylov films and cartoons were shown: "The Secret of Egor, or extraordinary adventures in an ordinary summer." This film is a participant of the Stalker International Human Rights Festival. The Epic cartoon is a fascinating story about the protection of nature, about cunning and honesty, about evil and good. A library summer event at this library is a retro filmstrip viewing of Jack London's artwork "White Fang." For the first time in their lives, modern children watched a film strip. Personal participation in the creation of a miracle: preparation of a darkened hall, artistic reading of the text for frames, rewinding them, left an unforgettable impression on children. In the library to them. V.G. Korolenko watched cartoons all summer on Wednesdays. In the library to them. F.G. Kedrov, them. V. Mayakovsky and some other libraries, the screenings of cartoons were accompanied by a discussion.


In summer, children not only relaxed, played and read. Young librarian assistants took part in landscaping flower beds, caring for flowers, repairing dilapidated books, processing new literature, and dusting library funds.

Residents of st. Bummashevskaya were surprised by the young assistants of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, who took patronage over the adjoining flower beds.

In May, the library to them. F.G. Kedrov, with the help of readers, developed an ecological map of the microdistrict, which indicates the places of unauthorized dumps or simply poorly cleaned, ownerless territories. Over the summer, the Environmental Library Troopers have changed the look of this map to the best of their ability, with flowers blooming instead of danger icons.

In library number 25, young assistants took part in a labor landing: repairing children's magazines and books, dusting library funds.


In the library to them. S.Ya. Marshaka reading screen was created - "Gifts of the Forestry". The guys attached the leaves to the birch. On the sheets (in the form of birch leaves) the participant's surname and the points earned were recorded. From these leaves, at the end of summer, a beautiful birch turned out!

In the library to them. I.A. Nagovitsyn, every good deed was rewarded with the library currency - "biblioners", and was taken into account in a special personal file.

At the end of the summer, the Finish auction was held in library No. 25, where the children bought stationery with the money they earned from the library “horseshoe”. Throughout the summer, in the library named after L.N. Tolstoy's children kept travel diaries. In the library to them. V. Mayakovsky's children earned "beacons" - library currency. The number of biblons earned over the summer by the readers of the M. Gorky was a record 16,000 conventional units.

Press. mass media

Information about ongoing library events is communicated to the public in various ways: from announcements in each library and hand-out flyers on the street, to print and electronic media, television and radio communications.

The press release of the coming summer could be read on the website.

City guideprogram "Summer Readings", which includes the activities of the MBU CBS, placedon the website of the Administration of Izhevsk .

Natalya Vladimirovna Krasnopyorova, deputy director for work with children at the Izhevsk MBU Central Library System, spoke about reading and summer events in municipal libraries.

Throughout the summer, the library to them. I.A. Krylova was visited by the reporter of Radio Russia (Pesochnaya, 13) Dina Sedova and took several interviews, both with children-readers and with librarians, leaders of children's reading. Notes about summer events were repeatedly posted on the portal of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk.

About the work of the library. M. Jalil's program "Summer Readings-2013" was filmed by the branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Udmurtia". Achievements of the library to them. V.G. Korolenko was also covered by local television. Other libraries also provided information to the local press. In summer, libraries cooperate with municipal, social and public children's organizations.

For example, June 1, Children's Day, the library. S.Ya. Marshaka took part in the children's party microdistrict Stolichny together with the Center for Aesthetic Education of the Industrial District. Games and quizzes were held.

For children from MBU Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Industrial District of Izhevsk "Teplyydom" in the library named after P.A. Blinov held three events during the summer.

In TsMDBim. M. Gorky for disabled children from KTSSO No. 1 slide talks, screenings of feature films and cartoons with quizzes were held.

In June, the children's library. Y. Gagarin held three events for the inmates of the juvenile correctional colony No. 9 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Udmurt Republic.

Library named after I.A. Krylova prepared and conducted summer events for the children of the Children's Hospital No. 7 (children in need of the Oktyabrsky and Industrial districts).

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna collaborated with the MKU SRTSDN in Izhevsk and the Children's Department of the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Library No. 25 held events with children from the "Family" center, which included children with disabilities and children in difficult life situations.

For children of the children's department of the neuropsychiatric dispensary and the Social and rehabilitation center for minors, the library named after I. D. Pastukhova organized and conducted a number of events. Library named after F.G. Kedrova collaborated with school No. 96 (boarding school) and correctional school No. 23.

At the Palace of Children's Creativity at the presentation of the book "What is Motherland?" I.A. Nagovitsyna with art numbers.

That was such a fascinating and fruitful summer in the municipal libraries of the city of Izhevsk. At the end of the summer, the best participants of the Summer Readings-2013 program of the MBU TsBS were invited to the Cosmonauts Park for the holiday “So the summer is over”. They watched the performance of the High Five Theater of the Children's Art School No. 1,

Department of information and library services.


Summer is over. What was it like? What new and interesting things did the libraries offer their young readers? How did the guys make us happy?

Organization of summer vacations for children and adolescents is a traditional area of ​​activity for the libraries of the Tatar region. In summer, the main task of all libraries is to cover as many children as possible with meaningful rest, broaden their horizons, teach creative communication, instill a love for books, respect for their native land, for nature. It is the library that turns children’s summer holidays into an exciting journey. To organize summer vacations, libraries worked closely with schools, kindergartens, recreation camps, and houses of culture.

This year the libraries of the RMBUK "Tatar MPB" worked on program"We want our summer to be warmed by books!" The program consisted of district competition"Summer marathon of anniversaries", dedicated to the Year of Literature, regional competition program summer reading"Door to Summer" within the framework of the Year of Literature “Wonderful books, a magical world!»And entertainment activities that help broaden the horizons of children.

Purpose of the program- to organize summer leisure of children in such a way that it is interesting and useful. And what could be more useful than reading? The summer reading program includes literary and travel games, health and ecology lessons, quizzes and contests, and cheerful bright reading holidays.

June - August 2015 libraries visited 22920 children and adolescents. Recorded again - 1132 human. Was issued 44398 copies of literature. Carried out 495 mass events attended by 8675 human. More than 35 book exhibitions and thematic shelves.

In all libraries, traditionally, the presentation of the summer program was held on June 1, International Children's Day, during holiday programs and promotions in support of reading “Read with us! Read it yourself! " as a start to work with children in the summer. In rural libraries of Kazachemyskaya, Kievskaya, Uvalskaya, Novoaleksandrovskaya, Krasnoyarsk, Nikolaevskaya, Rozhdestvenskaya holiday programs “This is what summer is”, “Golden time”, “Hello summer!”, “Planet of childhood”, “Childhood is laughter and joy”. In libraries number 3, Kazatkulskaya - theatrical programs "And again summer called", "Good summer, be with me." In the Oryol library passed literary holiday "The world of books into the world of childhood." Children took part in literary, game and music competitions and in the summer drawing competition on the asphalt "Rainbow of Childhood".

To help summer reading and for those wishing to participate in district competition "Summer marathon of anniversaries" in the Kiev library was held presentation of books "Hurry up to us soon, the books have ANNIVERSARY today." Framed book exhibition "Each book has its own story", where each copy was accompanied by a booklet or bookmark, they provide brief information about the author and the history of the creation of the work.

Fulfilling one of their priority tasks to popularize the book, the library workers organized and conducted a number of interesting events using computer multimedia discs, films and presentations on various topics. I would like to dwell on more interesting events that were held this summer in libraries.

The patriotic direction in the activities of libraries occupies an important place. Love for the fatherland, the patriotic principle in the minds of the younger generation does not arise by itself, it is instilled and educated. It was to this direction that the events held on the occasion of the Day of Russia, the Day of Remembrance and Mourning and the Day of the Russian Flag were dedicated, which were held without exception in all libraries.

On the occasion of the Independence Day of Russia, various events were held in the district libraries: educational hours, quizzes, competitions Mind games, information hours, conversations. The regional children's library for children of secondary school No. 4 (18 people), held quiz "With pride about Russia"... The quiz tours were dedicated to sights, memorable Russian events, celebrities - what every Russian citizen should know how true patriot of their homeland.

In the Kazachemysk library was held literary and musical composition « Light in Russia from birches "... At the beginning of the event, the guys listened to the anthem Russian Federation... Then the librarian briefly told about the history of the Russian holiday, as well as about state symbols: the flag, coat of arms, anthem. After that, the librarian talked about the birch as also, about the symbol of Russia. They read the parable of the trees, and found out why the birch has become a symbol of Russia. During the event, poems were read about the Motherland, songs about the native land sounded about the Russian birch. The event was attended by 20 people.

Day 22 June forever entered our history as the most tragic, blackest, most terrible day for the Fatherland. On this day, events were held in many libraries of the region. These events were accompanied by exhibitions and reviews. it information days "That very first day of the war"(Uskulskaya, Lopatinskaya s / b); " Day of memory and sorrow "(City library No. 2); hours of courage and memory: "Remembers the world"(Krasnoyarsk s / b, Dmitrievskaya s / b), "The war does not subside in the memory ..."(Kazatkul s / b), etc.

The Novotroitsk Library together with the school held share "Candle of memory". Light a candle, in memory of the monument for the repose of those soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, residents of the village came. Novotroitsk. All those present honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence. 20 people took part in the action.

All libraries on National Flag Day informed their readers with literature by means of design book exhibitions: "The soul of Russia in its symbols"(Uskulskaya s / b), "Russian tricolor"(City Library No. 3), "The Russian flag - the way through the centuries"(Christmas s / b), "History of the Russian flag"(Uspenskaya s / b), "Symbols of Russia"(Novoaleksandrovskaya s / b), which presented books, articles from periodicals about the history of the Russian state flag, its present, about the meaning of colors on the flag.

In the Uval library on August 21 for children primary school was held thematic quiz lesson "Trinity of Russia" on Russian symbols and the Russian flag. The most active participants in the event were awarded prizes.

Local history work remains one of the most important in the summer. The local lore work of the libraries took place under the auspices of the jubilee, within the framework of events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Tatar region. All rural branches hosted conversations, quizzes, information hours, etc. In Dmitrievskaya, Novotroitskaya, Novoaleksandrovskaya libraries information hours "Horizons of the native area", “Our region how it all began”, “Love and know your Tatar region”. City Library No. 2 for its young readers held photo competition "I do not know the edge more beautiful " and share"My courtyard is the most beautiful of all."... Kazatkul Library held local history game "The land where I live and dream", for members of the Pochemuchka club.

All libraries, together with their readers, took an active part in regional competitions dedicated to the anniversary of the region: creative competition "Love and know, your native land", photo contests: "The charm of the native land", "I do not know the land more beautiful" and socially significant project "ABC of a young resident of the Tatar region"... More than 100 people took part in the competitions. The awarding ceremony will take place at solemn event "You bloom and prosper, our dear Tatar region" in the Central Library, where all participants who took part in the competitions will be invited. The winners will be awarded with certificates and mementos.

During the summer period, the district librarians paid great attention to the ecological education of children. To acquaint children with the ecology of our region, and its problems, the ongoing activities on this topic are called : the game "Environmental traffic light"- Kozlovskaya s / b, ecological quiz "In a forest clearing"- city library No. 4. Readers of the Novopervomaysk rural library received practical skills in ecological game "Travel to the natural world"... The guys got acquainted with the rules of behavior in nature, took an active part in games and competitions: "Necessary things on the hike", "Pack a backpack", "Forest cuisine", "Identify a medicinal plant", "Guess the mushroom", by various criteria were determined "What will the weather be like", decided "Environmental objectives".

Recently in libraries such an active form of work with readers as stock. In the regional children's library in the summer there were several actions organized by the children's club "Once upon a time." On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Tatar region and within the framework of the Year of Literature, the Regional Children's Library held share"Literary streets of Tatarsk". The guys traveled through the streets of the city named after writers and poets. The first street of the trip was Ershova Street. Peter Pavlovich Ershov - Russian writer, native of Siberia, author famous fairy tale"The Little Humpbacked Horse". Participants of the action - library readers read this fairy tale once again, made a crossword puzzle based on it and offered to guess it to the residents of the street. Almost everyone who met knew in honor of whom the street and the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" were named. Each participant of the action received a bookmark as a souvenir. A total of 20 people took part in the action. The second street of the trip was Pushkin Street. This action was timed to coincide with the Pushkin Day of Russia. The name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is known to every resident of our city, all the participants were not only able to answer the question "Who is A. Pushkin?", But also read excerpts from his poems. Residents of the street - participants in the action were offered a quiz (the answer to which had to be found in our magic box) and the poll "Green Oak Near Lukomorya" (decorate an oak with acorns with names Pushkin's heroes). Each participant of the action received a bookmark as a souvenir. A total of 30 people took part in the action.

On July 3 and 4, on the eve of the Day of Love, Family and Loyalty, the club members: Polina Shkalberda, Svetlana Kuznetsova and Elizaveta Mitina, held another leisure action "Ah, this wedding on a bright day ....". The organizers of the action walked through the streets of the city of Tatarsk with a sketch of a chamomile, talked about the upcoming holiday and suggested writing wishes to a young family on a chamomile. After that, they congratulated the participants of the action on the upcoming Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, thanked them for their participation and presented them with a postcard. On July 4, at the Tatarstan registry office, the final stage of this action took place, at which the organizers congratulated the newlyweds, after their solemn ceremony, Alexey Potvatchenko and Sania with the creation of new family and presented them with gifts: a chamomile with wishes, a guardian of the family hearth - a Russian folk rag doll "Lovebirds" and a medal in the form of a chamomile.

Events were held on other dates:

June 25 is the International Day of Friendship - one of the youngest international holidays, which was established on May 4, 2011 by the UN General Assembly. On this day, the City Children's Library No. 5 with the children of school No. 9 held game program "Friendship is such a wonderful word." First, the presenter spoke about the International Day of Friendship, and then the children talked about their friends, who they are and why they are friends with them. Then the guys took turns calling proverbs about friendship, listening to songs and singing along. In conclusion, the children played different games, watched a cartoon about the great friendship between the Snowman and the Elk. There were 40 people, 9 school, summer camp.

A cheerful summer holiday Ivan Kupala in the Kiev library was dedicated cultural and leisure program « On this holiday, in the summer heat, I will sprinkle water on everyone. " The story about traditions, about the history of the holiday echoed with contests of riddles, proverbs about summer and water, about flowers and medicinal plants and outdoor games. Teams "Grass-ant" and "Voditsa" competed in erudition and speed. It is believed that on the day of Ivan Kupala, water has healing properties, they remembered fairytale characters, in one way or another, related to water. And, of course, there was a competition: they chose their little mermaid - who has longer hair. After overcoming the impenetrable swamp, both teams had losses. After the competition "Collect a herbarium of medicinal herbs", the team "Voditsa" took the lead. As a result, the Voditsa team won by the number of balls, the participants of the holiday received souvenirs and sweet prizes.

Also, events were held for the anniversaries of writers and books.
Every year on June 6, the birthday of the great poet, Russia celebrates Pushkin Day. This tradition is supported by our libraries, inviting their readers, educators, teachers and parents to visit.

The Pushkin Day was very interesting and eventful in the Kiev rural library. Young readers of different ages gathered on this day to remember the works of the great Russian poet, leaf through volumes of his works, read poetry aloud, and also take a trip through Pushkin's fairy tales ... "Day of the young storyteller" - loud reading fairy tales by roles, where it was necessary not only to read the words with expression, but also to try to convey the image of the hero, many children demonstrated outstanding acting skills. Was held literary competition "Best Image" and was awarded the “Audience Sympathy” prize, which deservedly went to Yakovleva Liza. The program has ended slide quiz “We know Pushkin's tales. We will guess all the questions! " Most of the guys did an excellent job: “Guess the fairy tales from the excerpts”, “Whose words, who said them?”, “What fairy tale are the named objects from?”, “Add a number and name the fairy tale”, “Fairytale crossword puzzle”. Children gladly took part in events dedicated to the Russian classics, plunged into the magical world of his fairy tales.

In the Kochnevskaya library on the Pushkin Day was held KVN - game « Along the paths of the curvature "... The game took place in the form of a journey through the stations: "Biographical", "Crossword", "Literary", "Station literary heroes"," Postal "," Poetic ". During the game, children were interested in solving crosswords, answering questions about the poet's biography, performing literary tests, reciting lines from Pushkin's fairy tales, choosing objects related to certain fairy tales, guessing fairytale heroes who sent them telegrams. 11 people took part, age 8 - 11 years. The library also organized during the summer loud reading cycle dedicated to the summer marathon anniversaries. The children read aloud the excerpts they liked from the works of the heroes of the day, and throughout the summer they worked with readers according to lists of literature for extracurricular reading. Was issued stand"Read in the summer" with recommendatory lists literature. Book exhibitions "On the anniversary of the writer", "Books are invited to visit", "... And the scientist cat tells me his tales ..." and etc.

Uvalskaya library for children held in the summer cycle of events dedicated to writers and books to anniversaries: Literary quiz "Anniversaries of 2015 are on the agenda"... For children of primary school age, together with an assistant from the library activists, she organized a presentation of the books of the anniversary writers. I briefly introduced the children present to the biographical data of the writers. The librarian also prepared and conducted a series of games and quizzes based on the works of these writers: Stage 1: "Guess the riddles"(children write down the answers on pieces of paper, each word they guess is correlated with the works of the writers of the anniversary); Stage 2: "Who loves what"(she offered the participants of the event to choose from the questions of the quiz based on fairy tales and on the stories of the writers of the anniversary in an interactive format); Stage 3: "Troubles from the barrel"(from the barrel, in turn, the children took questions about the writers' work and answered them, earning 1 point for the correct answer); Stage 4: " A dark horse» (according to the description it was necessary to guess the heroes of the works). In conclusion, the results of the quiz were summed up and the winners were awarded with children's books. 9 people attended. Cinema lecture hall "Visiting a fairy tale"(watching films and cartoons based on A. Pushkin's tales) for 6-10 years old, DK, 27 people were present; literary game"Considerations" based on the works of storytellers and writers of the heroes of the day: G. Andersen, J. Grimm, P. Ershov, G. Tsyferov; hour of literary reading"We read the stories of our favorite writers" for 7-10 years, 13 people attended; literary quiz "It's time to go to the gymnasium" to the 105th anniversary of the birth of L. Kassil, for 11-13 years old.

The librarians did not forget to remind the children of the importance of a healthy lifestyle for every person. City Library No. 2 held Information Day "Being healthy is fashionable"... For the World Olympiad Day, the Krasnoyarsk Library organized outdoor games for its readers and held educational quiz "The world needs sport." Novopervomayskaya and Kazachemyskaya libraries held game program "Travel to the country of health", and in the Kozlov library passed Health day "Everyone knows about health." Literary and game program "Health is a very valuable load" held by the Kiev library. The program consisted of three parts. The conversation about health was both fun and serious. The first part began with the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". And on the example of a cartoon, where funny characters pay attention to their health: the children were told about what health is, why at all times all peoples pay great attention to it. The second part was devoted to healthy way human life. As an example, a funny cartoon about Smesharikov "Hedgehog and Health" was shown. The third part touched on bad habits person. With great interest the children watched the cartoon "About the hippo who was afraid of vaccinations."

Summer is a time of exciting games, competitions, colorful holidays. And the organization of leisure time for our readers in the summer has become an integral part of the work of the Novomikhailovskaya rural library. It was the library that turned the summer holidays of the children into an exciting journey, taking into account the interests of the children, their age characteristics. The library held - 20 events of various topics. Game programs: "Hurray, Holidays", "Tsiferlandia in your pocket", "Day of fun ventures", "Match tournament", exhibition overview "Read a book about the war", competitive - game program "Last Hero", intellectual and cognitive game "Erudite-cross", loud readings in a forest clearing, craft competition"By the hands of our readers", fairy tale hour "Magic Chest" competition program "Candy wrapper day" etc.

Summed up district competition "Summer marathon of anniversaries", in which 96 people took part, of which 32 participants were marked with a letter of thanks.

Reader of the District Children's Library

Grebenyuk Anna, 8 years old, Tatarsk

Readers of the City Children's Library No. 5 - librarian Kamaltynova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Orlov Georgy, 8 years old, Tatarsk

Golubtsov Maxim, 10 years old, Tatarsk

Readers of the Kazatkul library - head Areschenko Evdokia Alexandrovna

Machneva Arina, 8 years old, s. Kazatkul

Karamyshev Vladimir, 10 years old, s. Kazatkul

Barkova Snezhana, 10 years old, s. Kazatkul

Abbasov Murad, 10 years old, s. Kazatkul

Pushkareva Alina, 10 years old, s. Kazatkul

Reader of the Kazachemysk library - librarian Androsova Tatiana Vasilievna

Dudanova Polina, 10 years old, p. Cossack Cape

Readers of the Kiev library - head Kirchenko Olga Ivanovna

Zvil Angela, 10 years old, p. Bogdanovka

Gun'kina Anastasia, 11 years old, Kievka

Readers of the Kozlov library - librarian Igumnova Ekaterina Evstafievna

Kuzmina Julia, 10 years old, p. Kozlovka

Platonova Valeria, 11 years old, s. Kozlovka

Saapemets Elena, 8 years old, s. Kozlovka

Martyanova Julia, 11 years old, p. Kozlovka

The reader of the Krasnoyarsk library is a librarian Semyonova Natalia Petrovna

Chuprina Sofia, 9 years old, s. Krasnoyarka

Nikulinskaya library readers - librarian Adamsonova Yulia Sergeevna

Syuta Tatiana, 10 years old, s. Nikulino

Adamsonova Olesya, 9 years old, p. Nikulino

Readers of the Novoaleksandrovsk library - librarian Kovaleva Nina Mikhailovna

Belous Danil, 11 years old, Novoaleksandrovka

Zabetskaya Anastasia, 9 years old. D. Novoaleksandrovka

Reader of the Platonic Library - librarian Pauls Marina Anatolievna

Dubenko Nikolay, 8 years old, Platonovka village

Readers of the Assumption Library - librarian Svetlana Mikhailovna Kotlyar Demyanenko Mikhail, 8 years old, s. Uspenka

Erlenbusch Sophia, 11 years old, s. Uspenka

Vysotskaya Ksenia, 9 years old, s. Lebyazhye

Readers of the Novopervomaisk library - librarian Sumina Natalia Alexandrovna

Volkova Anastasia, 9 years old, s. Novopervomayskoe

Verevkin Igor, 9 years old, s. Novopervomayskoe

Readers of the Uvalskaya library - librarian Laktyushina Elena Viktorovna

Baranova Ksenia, 10 years old, s. Uvalsk

Lyshova Daria, 11 years old, s. Uvalsk

Zinina Maria, 11 years old, p. Uvalsk

In the summer, 28 children's hobby clubs continued to work:

District children's - "Sail", "Spring", "Once upon a time"

City number 2 - "Literary porch"

City number 3 - "Candle"

City number 5 - "Don't be bored", "Why"

Dmitrievskaya number 6 - "Why Much"

Zubovskaya # 7 - "Sun"

Kazatkulskaya # 8 - "Why Much"

Kievskaya # 10 - "Why Much"

Kozlovskaya No. 11 - "Read"

Konstantinovskaya No. 12 - "Sparrow"

Kochnevskaya # 13 - "Funny Men"

Krasnoyarskaya no. 14 - "Seven-flower"

Lopatinskaya No. 15 - "Grandma and I, a friendly family"

Neudachinskaya number 17 - "Fidgets"

Nikolaevskaya No. 18 - "Spring"

Nikulinskaya number 19 - "Green house"

Novomikhaylovskaya # 21 - "Fantasy"

Novopokrovskaya number 22 - "Fidgets"

Orlovskaya number 23 - "Chamomile"

Christmas # 26 - "Yourself with a mustache"

Uskulskaya # 27 - "SМS"

Uspenskaya number 28 - "Little country"

Novopervomayskaya No. 29 - "Blagovest"

North Tatar No. 30 - "Storyteller"

Uvalskaya number 31 - "With friends"

At the end of August, all libraries will host celebrations to mark the closing of the summer program and to summarize the results. The most active readers will be awarded with certificates and prizes.

From year to year, libraries are trying to do everything so that every library event becomes an event, so that children are interested, so that they find answers to all their questions here, gain knowledge, join reading best literature, developed their creative interests, each visitor to the library received a charge of cheerfulness and hope. Thanks to this, the library halls are not empty during the summer months, and the children are really interested and not bored. I would like to end with the words that have become our motto:

“The sun is warm.
The little book is shining
She will tell me
About everything in the world ... ".

N. A. Kuchma, methodologist for working with children

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"Library without walls, without borders"

1.08.2015 g an unusual, interesting event took place in the library, which had the name "Book cafe on the street." The number of children present is 25. The event was unusual, as it took place on the street "No Walls, No Borders". Our book cafe could also be called the "Street Library". Going beyond the library walls, we attracted passers-by with our spontaneity, and everyone could connect to us and become visitors to our cafe, and therefore participants.

"Library without walls, without borders" is a kind of bridge to the big world of books. To achieve our goal, we had to complete some tasks: create a service area where a young person can become a reader without rules and conventions; to present the richness and diversity of the book and magazine fund; give recommendations to books so that visitors would like to read them. Taste new items in the library, putting them on display, thereby reviewing the book. Change in the minds of residents of the stereotyped perception of the library; attract new readers to the walls of the library.